Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1901, p. 1

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.0~é. *0* 19.1' irtyville. Lake County. 111 'ridayeý Febèuary 8, 1901. $1.60 a Year ivnAdvsa it t - as 88he feels, lit) rieb ~ miuietleshe feels vers cheat> ludeed. Ityedtlga before pli buy, io fti îrd, orIf yoliî boy IL 000-any- wýàgyoumust 1tn y a GOO k1e foi it., iath. is te ho hati. Wp, ,ie ou t11be bedworkxnîsiip, fit. 4tyIe and. value.- Ail tht, ..piiîug gooda Iln for Qvercoats. Siuitm W<40RN & CO., Taller. and Ilaberdashers, LibertyvIlIS - - - Illinois. V AU OU FIEI I*Wihor FOR TE~ v E D new clothes, or the old ones "flIxed 1 bave an excellent line of samplem from which to select and my pricetiare lower than yoîî can buy the sanie goods for la omthlng you ahouliconslder. miEA I4 ET IL ,, NWII PaYs $I25WS Benton Farinera Recel ved Money On Contracte Friday. Agents of Jolh» Alexandeér Dovié tiuiborsectiabout 1125,0<10to Menton farinera Frlday, partil en acoeunt on Zion City Iland contracte vhlch joli due. Tii. paymeute vire lu muios et froint 1,000 lu 80,000, andi voe tilvîdeti among thirty persona. Rirain Ferry's tarte va talonentiré. ne val paiti 800.00 cmhanti gîvén a metlgsge fer 140,000. goeliad recel'vet la oa prévlous ta Viday 120,000. maIng a total of 80,000l recelved by îlot. Re éti11 reteins liie meanti a amailitract 0f landi The paymeàta ayens madie largely at Zien Cty hy l>eaeons Juddt anti glosan. TIéy viré lu Ile oronof cértifieti cheke on Zion City béti. Thiis makes about $M00,000noofer palti for Zion Ciy landi, andth le blanoee, about 850,6000, le te hi paiti hy feu. As unir as eau hécéaue th le pa7- teinte mage Pidayvoeoma. olievi. ilirasu Ferri,............ .....50,000 Tlas. B aker..... ..00l Thon. Crepley ......_......M WUi camméen ....3..... 0..S tira. Jom Dutin ... .....7M Gerge fitekok ...... ...........14l0 Rd. Blanchard ....0........S Lawrence Ferry ......... 2m0 John Baabrougi ...... 0... 0I Coilnm Bull ... ........2ff0 Thos. Ithalén ...... ..... ......ioqe Jus. Wail.......................5000 L. C. Tem................... 3M0 Jas. Cole...................... .1000 Richard Coeé....................1JO0 Mm. JeroeId urphy ... ...... .1009 John Iteadilug .............S Wm. Puddle....................20lm Mno. llaven .......... .........1000 Thon. (lonnelt ..................10a0 Jpa. Gay.......... .......... ...1000 John Slipson. - .... .1m0 B. Ir. Bisrd................... . . S0m Wte. Wilmen .... ........ 0. uni*. dm....a.nén ..... 300 ILILBrgue... ....20.....S age Lonue ...........l Pave Crnec ..................00m Wm. Darmnaablé .................80Sm George Cammentý....... ........ Am0 Hu'ate Vorr' trin ef 80 MM w»va tietioti ta 1. ' a m . , eiay. *e *ieeum bu10 * f .~ -.-. - Or. Charles Gal loway. ,WUON1 O 8AND 4TO 8P.UM. L4beryvile, -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Oifloe over Triggs & Taylors. z -t,és. e 10 t set i. te s P. tM. lteii.effehoù »eadway opposite Park Libertyville. IllInois. or.H.0.B.YOUNG. Phyjiolan and Surgeon. BUIUUO 010811 LS ~N H1EL11l. Office over Lake CountY Bank 8~t td1s.m.a1dto 6p. m. DAILY :Lîbrtyville.liiI. PAUL. MacOUFFIN, AU1FÙ a ti Conuséllot at Law. F':IàOTARY PUBLIC Offlffl v., Lin COTINTY IBANK, M~l . MILLERs Tie ii 4 rNEYAT- rL AW, ~~YVl~est,çILLINOIS. 00 set. '@.uu C. aeNS ~~LeBEAU, IltitCertifi Illinois. lare rs et halSrt vushlp.bp leu Clity promtolre, lIlanu l over lme county wiii récoivé a bu». Po*ie - ~ ~ ~ - palti SM00an ac frto ch m of ethe bAum ~ landi acqutrid by hlm, anI conu. qunently Lake Cnunty land i laoJmadt migbty gooti pnoperly by the numdeu wold. Salti a prominenl Waukegau rosi eOdate dealer in spaaklug ot theé haeft to requit 10 LIe Ceunty roilemcage lu general: "Lanti aUlover thé couutinl goiug ta receive a boom this jear suob auaitLnever experlenceti belote. 18 la flot t10bea aboom of the linti jou réat about. viare tie bottmdrpa eout anti Investors are heavy loger». Tii. tort one farmérs lu Dénton viii have tte gel on, they vIl * havé 10 moure nov - ~ - homes.,notee oLttew vili more avay, othera 'viii come te vanlkogan, but Stqves a.nd Steel Ranges many 01 thenm .111 vautt l cntinue TAE B ST S OVESfaru.lng lu LaeéCeuni,. TH E E ST STOV S ,,This la not ail. i daté sy thé"é la FOR not a roai dtaloe man lu vaukega THELE ST ON . whbu h. fot réceiviti lîtters frein aU THE EAS MO EY. ovet theUnlted 4ti afrote apeona. Mi Stoves Warranted. tors aMkiig about the chancso of bu#. ___________lug firna ln Lake Oonnly. Tiiéy foraée tbe cousequénet anti direct G. H. SCHANCK re-nit 0o!mcli a stupentiou ndet LIOKUTYWILLE -ILLINOIS. IngaH Zion City andvant to gel lu on FORS WANTED Highest Market Prçîceý PDAID FOR ALLKINDS 0F RAW FURS Chas. Stemple, Long Gro ve, 111. L. H-. LITCJIFIELD, Libertyville - Ilinols, American, of Newark, N. 'J. New Hampshire, of Mlanchester, N. Hl. I write good -rkks of overy description. business a speialty. F'arm1 Wreck et Warrenton. A bad vreck occurred i IWarrenton on lie St. Pui 'main lins'« aI.1:30 Bunday nigitt. Fortunately ne livea vire bast anti but oue man, a braite- man, vw u In und, thongh ielm oadileu la not onitical. A frelght train ia1 proceéde.i nntI frotitotdotit te Warréntau, talng lie slding tiere vieré a nantit bondt paasénger passeti il. 1Ilai.snppoaid the nlght eperater aM Warrenton thon reportiti thé lnéight train --ont" anti anothér freigit lu' valing.,an liondant startéti northward. lu any evantthe latter train tan Juoiieuoe ahéad i jt a. It ppuietiont of lie tiing. The engineer of the sécondi train sav lhe danger tan lIMStbut gave a long shill bist of thé .11.11e alter vhleh ha anti hielinetean jumpeti fer tlelr lvea. Thé trainatea lu tie caboos ease Ieard. thé varning anti jumpeti just in lima hoteeMdeti. A moment Iter thé vreok occutreti. Thé angine complutell telesopi dthe caboome vichimiteiaalaey cauglit fine. Thé atiff northhiat Vilannedtheti blase andtihle engiue vau mon au- vetopet ln flamés anti thé ceailulate tender igulteï,th li re lmmedialely apreatintetahéie il oar behindth îe angine. lortunatoly il vawuI&tub 1 anti baun ibut didua éxpisie. The lire rag84 ail nighi andtihîe vrecklng k mv remoeth ie debris te thé diel viereJI va, stiti bumtuia EcndAY C. w-i F.Dctuttfeclarea Pub- illuhe "Îiwknt@ Relative to la boDkea l>etb ai* Vaistee. The. IuNuwuiâb"W la fi, recelpt of a rcenmnicti~*tDmMr. C lia. Bock- vlIb, oet 111*00» L couctid lune -ncertain 1 a i.Boekvlth 1)tisatp141thle accusaton pubisedeti.U>6IIO y unt tea --wookegma 4bý4 lie f urtber de. dlas e. infgtaug Choni voquoeu m a ybg mg&,m~Dyea beggedt u vain tnat a pîjbêlan ho callét, i," aa malons falàler. Hie commulnioa- lion tollaws: I have alvala lasd a ..'rong ballet la huumait-in tlit Uua Itntioni te tell the trnlh. My bbet si itsad 1y ohaken vites l e"i the .050080p*hilseel ln raur lam voem iueant ~5B on clilpedifromte Waukef.n datie UW14 gamerins to Il as tabac "trou'&Wauk OMOY - Th. .ntir atide vas a o@mm 01 a iUfalsehoods and 1Iféel tht ln 1ugliagtoivUsUd famlly 1 "niud mfesvon ute Ptabestht. Partinlioct- motion. Nos. PrIeWas>atrusual h.alth seoftu ééarva ikne uMUtiMe imLarday pmeeduna bar "b. mad &Mfrornhali orni.g unt i e dea"h ridar eeoba& gayvifteand datibter w«teoe etor lOt, vlih àr. That ah. bnod for mad" M ad La a EutlWous faim.- bond. Th"t h. e easdte hmaadoaer ow cmd eau hi p o i the nearqSt usigI. bers. Oh. vau goamuteti r.gartiumgthe .tteruit uh ga. bu on Phsi cmien. Uw caffl Subt Msser!to attend IMn. Do'kuamyia wou vs I. mivo suinauoet hlm and »alhhbai ad o han 1 ln t. IOM ta »Onzea uufloned was vlatln laChisaoaddtatkno ot iste's filasenila"0 g«rb".ta few houri baf. bai déath, and ahi. di. va- unwndmMeus Li, but netat aosartion that 1 aM the I"eau beirejeh auntruth and the Ivmnhou lnormla lié e aulbiy sot off SMi -£taatle 050"8hmm mon0f1h" titvawê and ltUti le a mt la lieu. This ia pritti mioEiass . bat I I4 t ed l mat the ease iqatiase it. Wheà te b. dwe sat ae lm iettled the tom da uMote*,Mirhur other heine have rqseved Iai. alléproperty. iérthtaawsolie ha..ovn their ulttai dsopmi hi their activiti la *ialtiaglé lolaa$bories and hurring to Wakem te bit Bêtepruted Ln the qulukest poWil e .I ha.. onulésAee- Jazz of ptiti ed t Prophecy. -'pountiboa nié ho ove for 0. A. Il. Deth R.ateLr. Adjutant Genera C. A..Perttige, 0 the department of! Lihinot Grand Amy of the ilepublic, in bh report for the year endilng lise. 341, 0,just ismuot, gaaeaof 24,00emi mjsa, lu the departrnont on Dec. 1, 1900& 720 dieti durlng thé year, the largeail dcath rate tu th iilstory of the dOparMimn. Defeat 4"Scbool Trust." Citizeus of Higbwood have tieleateti thé SBvofeéy tamily vWhe for yearr have controlleti échool district number six. A special lection was helti Saturtiay ta determine whether lth eh0ol0 shoulti hé moveti trom isl rent Site to onei ovuetiby 1he SwOMO.y f ill or te one in Pralîn éubdtvlion, andi the v00îgern o! Hlghwood WOU Ont. The votéevwu 24 10 11 andi thé 801h0,0 viii mmeiately ha movetiSu te esite oppomite the réservatioU. whila thé Hvéency fatily ra thie etion, tmerci wa8 no bloodebeti as ibeemon preticted, iu a ct the lection vrai vers quiet. The jutiges of election vit. William Bweeney anti Michael kiveeneY, lb. clérk of elentien, John Sveey. The three challengers vire Ivo of Bveneys le ird men andi theé mina ruttese, Panny ilweeney. Tiie villagera were Ieoklng for ne sistance lroen lb. tieeuey's but everythilng paasad Ot very quiétly. Sunday's Blizzard. A. typteal véstern blimsad vlited La"e eeunty Bunday nigihé. It vas a 'ueorth-éaa" antiinow, driven by a touile gale, tte every crack anti orevioe. .Whou the tannera tarffl yul their iilI te li tionî anti factoriseMon. day tbey enoountered dritm tramX 8 te 10 test high and ln îonug Placés thé roatis vire nearly ImPatsiill. Eveang services vire diapenséti yul ii Mau,,/êbnreb,,5Suntlay,a-ml vas impossibie tor thé plpe te r-chl theur varions places otfvermhp. Anctie» Sale Bina. Iyen conlemplate haring an anc. tie]&maie, lé viii haclt'O ur luherea bu have pour sasle bis pril at hil 02000. Va lnsert a notice 018 Nae, lu. luilng Bat Of article@, la ab. lava- ilouamvrée of charge, a4 becaus eft le large circulation ammag fomer ante ieVary clan Who mie sIM alle ta "andaucliona, that actaca la ta- valuable. (iur rate. areo iwaouble. Baw MliNotice. 1 haveirente th îe Hait Day savinMW EWAUKEGAN. D- t the l.C..ty am t ut lissa Lent veek Mn.'Bradléy, vbo repre. senoth îe financ Ialteresta vnioh are bécktg the Vaukegan, lFoxL..keanti WOsten Eailway, accompanieti by Mess,..R. D. WYnn and Davi Webb tiroe v 0, me route ofthe prepoeet road. lMr Braleye riaila oeeofI Arn partance lu thé building ofth1e lino vhtla le ovPraetioally aaaured. Thé 0ootracthba einlt for a nov pipe organ fer thé rires Mothodist ohurel. coeréofetCla7ton anti Uticà Or" éet. 6.1iii i»lnplace luaitie 01 tiré the latent. Thé ln- etrument viii oot lu thé néigibor. bood eof12000anti viii é e o arangmi état eventually It vii ha mpeti viti vaser power, though at riresitIl iii bc PuLMPed by bad. lé vill ha set op lu Cheme cof, t1h. reétrute. gattrdOW alternoon AId. Wm. Ne- Osmney 'bougâ t ofMr@..Margaret rinan thé propeMl, 105-107 SeuIl Gensese atrée. Thé lot las a Irono. MgOOrS etanfot anti ext«e sback about 115 le e" an au"y. Thé constidéra. tien« unthé neighborhood ct ii 000. Mr. moemnoy's purciaae cote. Prisé" orné0cfthé mou valuabie front- agélulnthé d6,» tovu district. £her. arO tWa veodén structure. ou 11. la;nt;o eCCUPiéti bY tle alder- mm'.buffet; 11* other by Dietmeyer &1 gftr<barber slop. Iu a fé eéka v" augagan viii have vla$ t 1bu..néédo for many yeer- a oltY J.11 and pllce. heiquarters. A l089 oilt vaut va. provitietifer by thé unsaimous vote er the it7 00000. iOMentiaynght, vben, for the maux et18SM Tabl a Jén wui a aartiét the cambrées for building thé Jan, etc. The po01ice léatquartér. and tili are te hi Ocal0~ l lnte émt anti orthle 01117 fir edsrTémmnt building lu thé rooma neo oupied by thé 0117 semae oleandti lre dépatmenst ool-aop. BY the èaii Of ethé connoi làla deti Mme long ceulrovermy 0t buying a piece of landi at a oeostofSavérathenaunt dollar"on vhicl su pus op a City building, chielly fur the purpoe e seouring abe agemmdations Provi tor tu the lauproemént anov ta is modie. arbor. Re maa1-1 unsa. 50 sean a»Mitso tet t aef lie river anti barber bnbri tvhhtanting thé gusilp about Pra.ltW tilvete. 1 utiermtantiMthémen ofathlesae% comte. havine #lis mesat lu charge are mahing satinuteoy progresm vîth iltid lu a shom tinte viii have it réatiy ta report te the lianale. Tbey néauraily vii lI- creame the total aneunt csxrlid b tbe bill, but 1 de net apprehenti tat visu thé mésari reaoles lM P'résident fi.11 ise nolarge as tu dé-mni a vete. Thoeéaise ha. beau soeétait: of offerlng thé Nicaun harbor bill as an 4mendméent ta the river andi herber hill, but s0otlu an 1 eau léaru Ihîré la ne airions thought 01 taking suai action." lupis of thé North shooI have twica turing the pant tva veels béen lu direct contact viti childrnn vI venu comlng tiovu vith scarlét lever. Fortunately nsefuti»ne but ltée tva lu question are Ili. Lut wvelRouy Béncon vas tabeu Blok lu seol. Whatailet i hm vu& not kuovu but hé loft ocheol et noon and lu the aller- noon a doctor prooueed i iacmasa baion eo f scatiét lever. Thé chli ha. aince bien very II anti theugh ho là recnvering movly, lia joints are se s115 that ho a IMuable tacteove vithout asitance. W étini.tay et lait venir Banale Bain, dangitér et J. 1" BMi vwa taken DIi luit alter geing homo train achool. lHers vus aisepro- ucuncetia aeet ofarlet lever anti mIe lastîli siel. The ciâltien ar about ben péars of age andthle boyl u Mima Bimpmena tromvaii II4te Bain .1114 la lu Mia. Brovîvasy~. riftzy igit, lu order Il pomible, anidilU B04100 laIe ta proveut contagion,Ith eaomersi ouspéntiedti o aller chltiren, play- matoueoet lIce adck .111 lie lever, Nelie andirs anti Bell Tréatrail. Neotidy vas at finIt for thIe oxposmr but th&&au n pîiemie ha. nel; rimultéti in a surprise. Cheap Mate te ft. ]Paul. ou pub. 18 anti 19, 1901 excursion ticket@ v9l b. 0014 au Sa. Paul. ia by the 0. lM h4St. P. Baivay Goe, for 811.7 ltoreou'sl Bp, geetitese. auru a ai)?eh b, tIon amcua t ie% »Duoal emntion ofthîe NaMdes Butter Mlakarm Association. 12.7 Raed le Cooquer Or Die.. --I vusjusi about gese." Vrttas'mms lkma meowiàa, et Land lbais. tébout fl oM 1OM Wb Uallie mt m r ISaa otI, but1 Dosetause Dy. &MaW# 1ev Disoevery Mdvu. «"v Md ta yl. Isl véNer, du.asta 11114oa ?5Us UU ada .00 -Tia P. il. LoPktace. Rubbers &D Overshoeso TO FIT ANY ýIO we ave a lage and complef tbeott GOOD RELIABLE RUBBER ýGOO SFleece-lined rubbers. Fleece.Iined overaboes. Hil[h.?op gaiters.1 'l Feit boots4 for men and boys. Germa» socks for men antd boyz Hleavy dock overaboon for Mu6ui t Meti's heavy duck rub4boe bst Rubbeî- boots te fit tDU Leggins for WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TELEPHORN@.40 ar eff.inder Twine... 1Im o taklng orders for binder twhnQ,' beIdelivered next JuIy. payable whew, -you recelve. the twîneê at the following prices: PlySc"utmdard........................ ........ Plygn" thMmm.i................ .......... 1 wiII guarantee the price. lIn other wordsa if you order your twfne ie if twine advancee in price you vil get jour t*tw» eight an4 ton contsaa per contract, . If th pm lower I vil moet the price on any irgt You v1lwM oe that you are ruxining no rluk of assomeof you dldlastBpring. if the puce change or decUnres you viii get the Verybott market At-the lovewt polbie price. if wtt vwblch itla uvery Hkely o do aseRhtAjs, Libertyville Youoe reseetfuly, H. 9. EGER$ ITIME ANDI We bave both, and nov litl ILEATIERI time' and ours the propr hq LEArME lave your order. Herm reasons: WEhave jus% receiveti a large supiply of, leathor andi now iji the l hefore .'the atorm. hI a fort weeks we'll be crowded with orders. if you «Mw' your order now for Mareh or AprIl delivey you il viii your harness when spring work open$ np and t lwiU ê&w made to suit your own notions. AI GM> wev can make sny kind of barnesa you viiao k W. os» n ake them chéap and gooti, also betto« a4 - excellent, then best anti aupérior. We ceau built bff cheaper than you vil buy a poorer harneau eltewlute foi. Our chea» harnesses are gooti. W. guarante. our boa. nesses as to stock and workmanshi> and te b.e juil ta representeti. We are using nbhng but No. 1 eut hatbu o» mil firfit classe harnesses. We nover furnieh oheap wek- manship. That iB of the superior kund on ail gradu, of > harness. Corne iu anti talk it over andi you vii ceTajal hecome satieifieti that vo eau a Sve Von nouey. Remnember, NOW IS THE TOME. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLEV' - - ILL Wants to cSu YOuý tention to their pants. I you need them thlu We have thai n eR0mt. e.. lms ?4edw « t'ae Anmte" is Go.dyear Wa DW loath«er hM, - mi w -w tibertyville 100)> Do W

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