i1 uDouglas Sid baey 1k d4tf.dthtecarge, snd oqd adtht Il* riva kaw lua lIc e Wa% gains 1tas«Y. II, îlîed ja p il coula torsteil witb h, Il re sisal that ow u eîi inca b tOU. ed ie argumeuf t, .nuit his %wkSIon hiesa; me4"w.sl. naig a tierce-c aliltifat iiom- Disass, 0, a!ed. oies wliere fthr ui t vat'uy 402herd Who W , 5eticd uu .il'br.bt so.fiseraraidîîîeiP. souilleraiaw blition aud IE*fliDhll,. yen: Ij Ïwt e ienI tanding i11 .îrey dusan ad-finie eijssaeug the Immorel t*luf. ura" bAttteorbis W&1110,Whig." bc aleth up 1 the OU li Wouid aië euABE LINCOLN INN i$ lHOME. Coasanadn rsa8wl of orHlil, 1jirt servante TllIsSouse 1l ie tas tt* iNi,.i c lnage About DEm. ,,erin~ h. sudd o. 10U#...ilheL.I, Ini l i.nChcago gOttage iseP s ta uwfi Iayea JThtdes, I;; in,,iîan àweherwomaO. aibo in mt'.iaighy str,;,auIris!rît"facftt sile W&s a dotuestic 'i i ii-i asi olcd whiie threnia rty r 0f ortnebass"tbol lrr Trî à vettiruggliig lawycr the a ai oe f aId. 5a T~P hsgba~esequtols It S, ,gdl. a. G;augban tele saine asfor., sleteware: n îirflug t4unge about Linuclus bhome Oiet bis.. i. .iopio vas vers regular lu bis a7tlly 'a ere e oc i let dmmys. "lie iras s greaf rend- lb. ------ t: feld 1tii seep. cr sud jould ho e cmilîrfound ai hoine Th . Md O e~st wthout iL'oaa. nigboe4th hie book-asnd palier@. He T :veel~ oiea etagma nii used ta UlSe munsie, toi),,sud wosa eynfond ~au &thWq ofteset iltemiuS ta bis wife obile sise piayed E. isltoe. rese, 'the piao The fuily nias poputar wits 0" eP,*515tin. skiiied inf. r ail dess of -p4ople. WViea the CatS- lbn a, nw4t.îbePrUIil ,olk* e vasetryiug ta rai" fiode ta build 81114l3pl. kIiIiman, tiaichurcis nt Springfie'ldlie. TLncoln : ÇAU6=*.U s1hi bakpsla cake. whieb irougit $5 ai a ~nn- ~ "'" ehu'es fair. Bile wu& a fanions Cook. and i-n. eusa'.woId prefer Io prciare lier own pfstry ES 1 N VEi.i IR ENjiTjj wi rtier bsu n atronize bteis i . * Mr. Lincolu te isa1ud ta everybody. Joit the ululer aftîr i election ta tise LqttÏU io" Oo 1u ii iido i.e4lSg Presidency sud lefîre Ili% inauguratIon ta .1> t1.o-lUtle 1"".ni.niasthse «SY via be uned ta keep a cor. In tise oxtremely bid e ÎD prlail r,a inter. Asu eo. s e cod vei e s u.ed 10 inisi on milklng 10 We i alleti , i i lie hed ISeffl put in thse animal intuseif, hecause bho 4W mot a lors. gb*r us N. îî il'u roooed bile think T oogt ta expose myseif. Hie. '8844rdieri iii i front o th window. wute, boweter, ssci] tao oject te i doing Letik dld t t îîîîîw this littie bay: tisaI the iilkint. She wusaIa gîod wODI5I. tfi0 fa «» offi- " as of city H11e. bt at --a esoarer sviran Iban lbe irasa oman. kbb e' i, niighbora..-a tory Ibard vsy. She voulu offien belp ome wssh, iron or tas or 10v - n.a. vo mien tise Oid balle, sa tisat I culud gel off sud psay Wlfh ffiende rthes ead home, and long for 11111e Tnd. lie uses] f0 love ta pey blind tuoNds i ympatbl &M ia fti'ialy caxi matis huff, sud lMr. Lineolu offeu sbared won, i,, thon. Thé slght of tise boy'@ io the Kemp. We usci] ta le a bandher' f81n. Pale face touchaid Lottie's loi ing chief around i oyez. Mauy a Itie obilo hou f Wheu the, nov vas on the grouind b, vax playlng bhlnd man lie would loin- >1, 1= frenleta o lberMeoesa chair lu orier to giva Tadu Js~ eev uo vhrs th lIt 11f0wav pportunity in e"cpe capture. lJ"*.et t1lr vark front i vin- *'When Mr. Lileolu veut to Washint- STb@" e.emesr oidytmh u]t îwiehc ta lIre. Dr. ~ lo berTod. hi vies aite, fo bot I Iva& REMEMBHREBD DY ST. VLeNirNE. 4- 9-8 lon* $- mwe lms t 4 but euait- wuw- na ofl ainbe. te te it a. madg Re,. Jain.e R. M Ii.l,, D. 0. Bi' thonîuiaitfulinotaatti li at ndI T ili gisu- fhîu aiuitnot li'. lu-. il . 10. INo lîlgler prian i.Cati lue,- u n-r tiauo lirethIns lai uy t bas b-e, sfsiiil No anec ouilltiis' tfi- ail iul-ttritsiih fhuuu this leg 'ot.t. 'Il,- ou. fat.ulfui :- Tis ioili b- hue ntuîu-n luuîîru gienuin thse greot finîalia«îrrrutaî .thunei' aho haeumuadue tise iuiuf t orieir taloulsu -'rio.afhau-i-on fnuf lu fi îtitîtuîluu-ss shotili. t lui-e.irti Ibe -hea mu iiuail olîr living. Jeasts uad ot Mary'. nstle ber si-fof love. wben ta-sn uriîuur-d ut lîcr. 'Sisu bath uiîne waui '.hui- 'W'hat hall' &ho doue? Ni-tv littie. wse sotîlî ail. fSe luvrilJesus-i tidhf anduh 1-pi;. Tison eie lriiugis ai it af îî o reîiaîîa tintotent ast ielloe tue flamk. ouring tire sacre] nard pou lir l.uril',i ireul teef, fuoaie fot Oitai o, i si a fuiisusite-d ta thse cross.l'Ibat sans nii-uetflue as alaie an] honor o cri- sn in thoua ta.. Whsf gnud id l uduo'? 'l'lat s-astise questiounflace isuipîrses kcti. Wcknow if vouderfsiis ciiatortcfii tlicSas-ors sortovfuliseurt. Amid aimnot unversaa hatreal, ibere nssonr of bis fricots Who believeci in hit u stul. Amit otnddiug en- uity hure s's a,-isu ai-holoe] in. IViile other lisudsmer,- acai inc a crovu of thora for bis faunia. ta ho put ou hlm fise tisys bî'uu-. aud otiseres tili vers fonginit eruiri nais 1taimite tlrougis bis foo.t, Mary* bands o'rc pouring oint- muentfon is Ieauo suit bsthing bla fool with lise Dort]. W'itc inany ocre de- setlug him. hu-re woanesyho vas falth- fui. 5sW'hooi as; tiat ?uiry'a anetd no auod? NVe i-nuot kaw o bSet avoot. pure, toyal laves blesse] that boly lfre in lifs suguuish. It %eeotod a littie tlg. but. littie thooghi t vas. it gave tise heurt ot Jestis a tbriil of joy tbst mate hm stroîgi-r fur al the tirS, fer- rible daya fisat foioet. sud for that blakest. monot terrible day of ail, vises h bang opon fthe cross. Cal uotbing liffle micb givesraoac- tort, tregila, iourage or cisor te a bu- man heart. A lindi; iasake Whon despair iras mrspplug a sont lu toite of giootumilnddri,,log itaii asduesa. save] s lite tram suicide. A sympithebic vord visen one vas aboltta1 yil ta to emp- lotion vhicis souid baye leftt hame. dis- halironor suin. rencuei s seul aud save] it for purt. husuy sud ieaven. We do Dot Snoo- viat lis tile. Wbsf seemnuo oataf ue as fa0hoaiattinigulfi- 5150f, tBio;have lfitite sot eternul icou- sequences vbcn ail ifsiaricit of resolfs le gathereal op in the Jutgmreîît. This divine isu us' fsitisfiuosapplies ta ail callilugslu lfe andtatoeven; blut et vox-h. Sonne peuple try fa tuake s soparafion betiveon 8asreti and socular maltera as if religion applie] oly to part of e mans lite. But there la a moral qualif y in evctytiig tisat a moral belng tacs. Tise judgteiit 0f (lot vîli teilanet onlv îpecificslly religons acts. but asail thît beongt in nes business or trate, Wo ots> appilb,-hetrufis f0 the mark of cacismon andî inien. (hue yacks lu a fi-tony, one n aiumahlinec sbop. one In en office, oay in as subie, one in a %Chanot. One man le a ais> siicln. one a oyer, one iàotercbati.onresaotechanle, oueaa miulusten. Wbate'.'r ourî calîing in, avo Cannet ho wholi; fifuloîta (otl unies vi do oureirk amseml su îe eau. To allr if in ta do tiod's murk bati;. To neglleef if into ruila Coul'The mork 0f tise utierae la flot quit@ comPlefe wutS- ouf our part ofut s mork We'il doule. boy- oser amui]îlithapart nia; ho. Tise tsitisftilneas shicis ('bnt reqires muni reai-is tiieli,hus;tiseCillugete bis lessuins aud rtu(irtinsthoa: 1ath-!s'a> tise treenaaer andl the Isilor sexv Ibeir 8e-, alo: tohie Oay tlie lickauitb vlts tise itou nuirltiiu-i thi- boreta 0tise us; tisebarpenter buil.lis hanap;c ta tise vay tfisc cerk repru-seilatise gtoda and meiasut-s sud oeigbs thertu. '-Be ioi fsiltfii' rings train Ilueie noet cr. lucvr es-nSiea t fiieeouit ork me are toinug. Ituoftir antp uflitantftte lesson in ta Promaisen. Th luerareMe puî-îeulemlii nake lucutniuun b tecis . but au eai-ssi;rail f0 lues- lctut lbur'iy wo tghut lui keelu aeduioîus a ulu-l oer nirnelvi>-n luthtk regardl. One ifthl'salais g;ivua, au a mark it a gunrul rman, Itafailetiho sairn- eti , cii-o ii lis on uicl. he rhaugeth nt. "I euhtt 'vfurgotitnlu pîrîunli.' "one sa;n. nu if tuirgtfing tl suri- niuihng s an sthois nill'tfuI ckîig if. Wu' bave no riglutf i ing& ail profmise se otalle tuuanrflie. Ifl i a nobille tbiag fo fiud sac shliuuar - cna fbgoutii' lefis'u an, shosi- îiruiii'( o lou-eas sure of lis iretire oruthefisu' cîs ofu t iheumi, , iome inipeît sn unI a es eod suutn soi. s ho tioco jut wa ai- eCatih li l i(l ant tise momentie ta>he a3.iiidoi.ut LN TWO CFE\TUlil-5S. Dr. Jihe Oflt'd "'Lo, f anu îî 1h %i oit siaa; cien unuta the end oifthic- aiu.rri."NNbt the couruins century has i t nsu se,-tlias tlhe fore- slgist fu aui Iuking taik ovrthr ie tiltetes Ot h ut iiic? -3Christ t'. speeihto cecntral fo il; uuîler hbuiga sacre lu if- art, litea tiiru. et lu Lu.cii tirs science; bat If yoî gaofi hi cru-srah anul tomituating fart, it i- ru.'The' Christ çuf ailuthue sges slain ibisig'. 'ruts'Mnifstbtfation ot t'isr n stuhe ni 'tentb euturri yen thie ist tuoplae-a as lui bis manifestation lu te iseiii IcItbi'itl ilr; Specechs ho- cornes bur-knî-yruh, asut o hnckneycul speechis'5 lî'c th ie velisitie of tise dl. vine. Cod gut i.r]tof ohsuete tangthage, obsolete i rtels. and,1 olilte expresgionia. lie ima s -uusuuniuug ire,anduthfle hiîatriiu meuls fUi ban' danecliir si'rk arc isuruf îîi) tutIlîuuî anthaf therut nus; tsi roosi tutrs-usIV îuuî-u luasd new Modesiaor tisooght. t(tii-ru.tucetlitlofutChisrlt ocre ptogru-aive..IJohnliNI'isey os,tiselinsu gnratan of t Lt- Ll-tîuorfChristut t hi'i- ter of flue isid ul manss. %Villiani ('ure; luter ii'i iilicii'nauguratot of tChrist ef flue iii',ruîrt-rnec of laffluonit37.If ;oa att innla, inyfiing sortis biiig, on do au> finul aierun lounr. ;-otuoati ane Jestim Clu, i-t aý tuuur Suuiour uand lrtrini TUE FATAL. NIIIHT. Rer. M. C fard, D. D Itifu'i l asi utr ei ions ara uiot aricutul a. They are rînîîuulu trivu,'ob utfnever ap- peu. Tht- bigihiring of a Christian lifre cari usiisly lc tritce tuf a religion avakeniug tisut agibtat] and blesse-il a COMMunit;. Aftatelstinte auxet;, spirit, luteresf. neas uelisoteantinltenuse aarnafaesare erlued.rayerful B oule bmeunetnrdenot for the unsasse]. The uqScnvertet recogrd» 1fht ltea pivotai bae f ta isUn. t "eh ttimte t1 i#et RELIGION IN ITS l'A CE. Praf a&esDamsOad. Keep rel igion i n in place and it iili take yoîi straigli hr lu-gh ir îe sud itrsight tb 3nr r inir rr ni beuven uhen life in over. RLclîg iii. ufor its place in a hunn lirnthea l.' rt iiserable fhing in the norlîl. 'ri'r, îý is thing fInit rî- quires 8 au uh tfiý , p in flits place an religion, amiitu lb'. nu' 'i oat? Second? Third? '*'îr.ý'ul ils t the kiiugdom or God! Ilake î nt h1i if iili be nattirai i, you tii lhiil, ii t t bat the vcrt lîrat bhing. Religious New adNotes The I,. EF. iR i . D. J, of i. Firai fethodL.t ln rriChîitib. Oak- land. <la i., ilhýa t aforEuropec fnr a short trip. The Itev. W. F:.l1:,.n. D..1h. hD., of the (Clntral Ni iii 1sf Lpiscopai Churcli, Sfîîîktouî. Cal . lina bes'u ciected Clialaaluoftthe (iýrîni Seuate. The Res. W. W~. 4 ai', 1). D., presidias eider ofthie ifari VIa, i'inidiafrict,. Mdli odlt Epiaî'oîîaiCino bas started on a four mouili.' t-,in Ithi,'Holy Land. The ceeeration o f 1i, fort ieth anuiver- sary of the lilirii hailmSynagogue, Newark, N. J.., an af.'afure8of the ser- vice@ la.t Siiîiilîi Thei 1ev. Bernard Clueck, jastnr uoftEi, n3agogue, nmade thse principîal ail,! Tise Broadwayse 'ilnn icle nt Broail- way and Thirty? fînnîii tre'et, New York, celehrated the sxttir rîîîîiversary of ts foundiug lant niîk iany proînincut renidenta of New Y, kVurtEiieicipatcd in tisa ceremonies. wisb snii it of niterestiig eiractor rbrotiîgbnîn The Bei'. Rohiri W'lsce ha', re- signod thse paatiîr-iiti' rfthfie Frranklinr Street flongregatinîr I Chusrcb, Soies- ville, mass. His 1irtr of resigaatian wss a stirpriai' tuiir.i rongregation and for a time nu riaiir nîld be assigned f'or the action. It iiiti.'i-ti larned, biaw' cicr. thaf hfli uriwmi -nition of tira churerwa h asauît 31h -îi' r. Walace to give op ithe ln" rati.The iii rcis waorgnni-cîlInilur.asnd is 1h' parcirt Cch f f i c f ot ilii i a ii o-tou andîlSorni-illî- At Ris-eridi'.e, DîiIatavile. l'a.. on the oortiî ri,îrr f t i-.'Snstaiiiinia rier, resilîlîs tl , l r.i i idon Il. I ayý, ftic oldeet Iilri 'r>ii jter in i'eiîu- mylvaii. and wiirij, frî'iiaetfly referrî*d tii as "Th'e Vu t lie . -f fitChter'îi,' NMr. Day aras bon,îi i lMaryland oit May 16, 1814,, aud clîte'r ithe i nistry la 1840. [ecbas oeeiiiiî'v pulpilte ln Waah- iugton, Baltimiore sari other large iles, besuden thomeo f îiîiiny susaller citios sud towras. He bas delivertd au high as thir- t, sermons lu four ireok. ansd bas con- ducted tun4robi and solemitsed marrlaseg tiom i thout rnuxuber. ouf Jribauiiea tLE Earor or Etisiopla. Ther' îuitlîiinsitiutions of the counry ar.- essential feudualandt reseustle ibose of Euruîuebu iscthe cuieval ages. Thc --îuuî.re t' s diuh lala tise klngîiuss of in. Tise aria u i.olit Sli umnre aidili n theI pfoulationifabolit 3.1041,- (MM). Tise r-uîia arsuy consisaot 150,- f(X) uin. alunisup nntieiunteillu>- îiulia andi alu-crutttri aliirgaii.uaît. 'ri--,î ruîîuî are. armîuu-%iun tis outi r nu-s, liaxiiîn gunllu.an are staluoiacd liu garrisotua ovr the nouutry. GRAND ARMY DEATHS GBOW. 31embre, Sblred by Tables Sismatagr 1- ... esd Mortaiti kits. Gra nd Atout of tiseIfepublic circles hauve hi. ui stirteni oser reports issoued b; sîuîluucrite pousta intise Eaet giitlg Statenstif îuuu-uuubraof flue organisation diu n the liii su t pein. Eseis0f thi' hst tffi-en yu-sc hliisîldedtu 0tis e rietage uif mortalityian thi-.(Grand Arua of te htupuisli'. l"ieuei-r 19W 0 aomna the greîîf estna îîrîîiîîy lise perceutagi- leiug 3.50, or mare t hll uT.10M)dcntat isu nt atthe rt- fî ott00i) a .uuonfh. Tua! i'nber uf deuu dus turctheau' 15sfdtcu'tî su-itiatnudthi- rat.- otf prte gart aa in s tfli oi- lurriug taî1, le iit :tneii ut-03h1 mli-.-r7,. *S3 1r uit 1,1n7 Ii.Aflitt OiC, 185.. .. .7.368 U3ut tan'. 44M 1 i-'. 1 W 41W....7.-M 2i21 tilii N dît tlm t897.. -7.Nli, tm ) iIi N II li O 144r. . 7,.'it-4 2 asttt 1- 1ni5 141i 8 1). .. ,14 2 'liit, ttrul nlt>eur'liiuf lise Grandi Aum uno ftleise cîuui iuîs soi s s'sfiuh-u ei Morei . tuiu mubers orfthehî.- grîîîerutrîuî uid tuîruug tise paît triar îluuuî cru-r blurtinluthe luttir; of tiiieîlîepaît nienît, tht- desliîs uuiuetln, moure lîîuu 3 liui-it ofthetiseueulbearlip. Soulaktaiat'. Pr.uti.5... Theti-iuini iamatle for Sonuthu Daktat luatitlu lias for tise tisir coii.ecuul iti' yent piouluicedimore iuerilthlieIîr baiit titan an; other Stato lu the Union, titi total for file year 1I00 Ieing $106.i00,- 000. 0f fiis nomt 827,0W0,000 tonmes from tise stocku, $18,000.000 tramt corn, $15.- 000,000 trous uheal and il,000J00fron niftrais CIALI tise oppeas et gnace redis e lise proba'. biliiy of belugseved. A tî'w days vuire 1 e ~ii.1 aI inUlaiithe tliriiug'.of Chlcsgg. To ci' r lers âge ie stiluns crowded iic rtlîce eige ui th fic ulpit. I apiieait.ri t, i laowibh aLi oyu> ert 10 yield soni] tifchrist. Mty wcn Boit]l feU thof r i a.a avital liaur. I left hlm sud ci ý aîîci-k tfiie> C'onvictiion as deep nair! inuriiindlng. Ille tace iwas as white as thilrtal aboya hlm. Iifi wiife gibet hlm f-rr inclng or thiuklng ot goiag t tise uai-r Ilis cour ace wsslui tsuperior t.,te.,licr. f rom lthâ baîîr the bands turuci trarkwayd on thie dial of hielfe. Irrt tnue slipped ouf et his hands. luti'gritî rii'itis boIt. She who utoppeýl hurt in. bis 100(1 purpose diet uithout hi. iîrr'c. ]le o no wandera fIheserithhopucI.-.iandunsaved. LaId; lie ssid f0oime: -li uimau@ot fatal tagt." No scrlrpiiîrî' a îMore comn- otsnîing or troc thon *'NS ýithefse.c cepieil tirne" 'eileve if NlM'rcy là at baud. But it imuet lie i aLi nsd ro- ceivail. lTE SAVIOUR'S ItNOXil. ReR. Rsph Agilaeee. "Ttehoid. I tand et tise arr nd 'ock. if suy mtan heur my voii- i'idrr openth ie chior, I ml corneloto hini :inn slip vils hiîansd ho vilsme"-tirii,. 20. To tire carl>' Christan ciiriecame thix rail of God. Ta tise chiric e# of aur tiloe likewise das it coine. Ours will lic t0 prs'seut thsee al et fLnintivldual ratisor thon ta lhe cisorr-h 't'le Speaker le Christ. Reie snde tnot a iiiputy, but rames Himsolf. No wrondec fti' Behold! of tise toit. Thînis of your.,cIf hy nature and vonder tisat tise holy anti oighty one ahould'stand et yoor ie andi ploati for admisasion. Tise posture, "I tend." sair rt'Hi@ In- tense tosire for tise soins i-fire. His great comapassion antd0f,-if-, ii indite patieni'e. How long lias i Lîit beeu pleadiug uifli you? Dnes trl lent tai- day? Houeser tise iifitii-l. if Christ. it mal vel l afirm tise carelein Iltenduti. Hie toe o 00fitt.Hebas wtt îîade film- self nouforfable; outalde lise loit of your life Ho stands: beware, oneui' iiihi mos.. ment sud He* gos.. H'. uîay Lnoét to-ulay for the Isat floue. Tise action, "I stand eftlthe' ot sund knock.' Kuocktng, indication of corhnent seekisig Stf. 7: 7, B.) He bas s perfect rlght to enter our lite, for Il' mode us sud redeemet tne. By one Wluiet could break dowu the lits, but tî,înnfot Hi# wsay. lHe knockeansd begu trucdisilon. The proposItIon. *"I wyul riti to hlm; I wül sup witin hlm and lie ais me." What blessed felavship! Nuivesrt lie- couses a banuaetisg hone. N'u fiai lisif0 hase Ifluntise heart? 1 canait say. The Quees of Wi.b. wvishl ar iad secu sud eujoyed fh. glorios of Sîol,,rîio erlcid, "The haif hasnover been irrirl Ses tise extent of this p "uraIf any maim! Notice thse conditionn 4 tflic tit. "If any nan." The wsole 1lnio.tion of My salvation resta on oMy msii]. '*f'"tov cosy; 10 bosaved. "Open fis-, dr.' AMEItICA FOR, CHRIST. Da id On«g.O D W. ousait Ainerica tir Christ for Amerlca's sake. Wc knoîî uhat Christ toes for an ludiituat selien he ylelda hisitelf op f0 hlm: lise lii hinu vifS bis oua lite sud makes bini li-i of the luani- ourles of tise vorlît. W lff,;tise apoîf les ont of tise llahiug boa. nad places f hevu upon tise thrones utîhîrnngit aud which rule tiseogre;, lie mail,-u Paul a leader or mankiaud; he raelieLther s reformer cf a irisai. kingtiou. We know sviat i the resuit of ires- son to Christ, Thseluriaiof Judas showsi us thîs. Cotrat Jiriritansd John, Judas sn tiPeter, Joleilol îîrJaunes.Contras; I Christlesanems wsifstht iuiffulues. Tise d iffereure befiveen itluiatise differeuce belveen day sud uigit. ietween aucceas a nd fellure. Rio FÂLL OF SNLW. WHITE MANTLE IS SPREAD OVER MANY .9TATES. $tores Urgisated lu Soathem tCati. lerni.,suad in Saine Stions ut thse Countr-y Wan fhe warat l in ecenl Yer.-Wentber Net CAl . Ouc or thse ooa liiore l uit lats isltcd Chilsgoin ourevnt 3î-liii dit ovor thec niîy Sarilay. Accnoipain'il b; bîutis o itids.the sniw tfel tar f -i;ar en hoîîî s ai iflouta lbreak,. ulusail à(%i crsgi- depli hini fih, heurt ai flic hîui. distrtict uf 1cveii ivliem. The' lînî .hvila gavei Chicago ils tceky ai bit i wu - tii gave tflin ate treitinf iitithc griat e, part if tflic citi al %Vet. m. i, àM a sîouri anidEIlirîanoi re ail in thr e terri- toiry sucre if nmas exeriiig iit ljvelîî--a ti'Torls, tiut lCiitî-.a und Nebraskai tu lie iveaf. 11(1i2i îîliaîî, Ohiii audii i'Niew York siand .îîiy taiîi 0thi-e asf %rne ail affiuntî-nl y if Il weaîîîîf ilium i-cir; i eeliîi to4eve, ohirl tise sîîîrîîîbuogll. Iii onlvîi-Places there Woas tain. wi le ina,iaîiIli i lir there vcrc ci ii îlîîîîîlcr .,Iîriiit. lii ci sud inoisy etiîiigli tun grnîîîî-lhotiiia in tise aino ertitli. Au lmaglia tylitie îrlî un o ttî i iit. Louis thiongi SligieiLl. lii.. andîl'la- fayette, Imd., ncoîl l liii inirkîtliînlua rougis iay flie separa nilîîîîlitwi eu lti rais aud suoîv îerrîtîîî les T'l'oe lb,ton sund wst the tfî'nîîeîtîîir asxhi-lia32 snd anoir tell. -'ott o u tîîîliand ei.5 tise telliperafure îî to liglii'anlOthars wse rain ail day sa n as au is e ecir iug. lAoirllle. Ky., l4 one of ihe illics wiiib cboil the peculiat espeticuace of b fhuudersformu as a resuit of a winfe blizzard. Tise thuder undl lighttîing caltas lu the middle of the îlsy.'Iepi> Vicksburg, Naahville. i'ort Stiifir. Ark., and Oklahoma C'ty ail bald thidc.r storms lu the cari; nioroinit îîîrs or during tise tigis; latoeta Viday and tSaturday. Came firomsCeliforals. The alterna scas t like the cild maves and i 0st of the bliizzardso hicis conte developed lunflic fur Nortisîest. tise Medi- cine lHat reglon. If cme ititeati froua tise sontheru Calitortala couti. Chicagoa mas rigbt in thec i-cter of tise région of hjeas> isuomfîll. Dui'cnliort. Iuwa. re- porteiluie luches of shiow. but toivua as far aieay eveu ais llwii,îke hlld ot more tfiss four luches. wile duiat goro vas about tise average lu the oatlyiug regione 0f tiseattirai. Tis ea0sf ru part of Kansas teîîorted a fali of tour lucise but Inot of that bil fellen turing SaturdaY nigii. Eastfern Nebraska recelves] ahout tise saine subount of snow. Omnaha. for instatnce, getting user flinsir iuchpe, of miicli ont huit su loch f1telîring the dayfluae. lu Nebraka the 800w extended as fsr west as N'ortir PIaffe. Over the grestcr Part of Ioua il asa about tour luches des-p. The average range of femperattre asa troin 20 te 30 degreeq lu the anoir re- gions. AI Mlilwaulee il iras 28 degrees. lFrther nortis. bowever. the raid was in- tense. A peculiar cireumotauce ivss tisat viscresu tise counfry bast uorth of the Unite] tates borderlhad meaf ber 2) sud 30 degrees beloir zero the country tartber nortis. as, for instance, ucar Eidmonton. sair fhecmerrury tise op te 12 and 15 degtees shore zero. KING MENELEX. AT WAR. flate in Ab>eeffssin teWlt" 7,000 . Are BIais. A dispatch froot Cuire says severe figting is reporte] lu Âbysinla. Tise caNîîalties are salidtouunoîbor 7,000. l is sutpposerd thse chlefs rebellet turIng flie aece ot King Meuelik, wooheus gouie fo tise Slgy-tiau troutier. lu cournese- taoii, flic thedeilmitatioa of fhe Egypto- Abyssinfan fronfler. King fulnetlk Il. surceped e 0tise Ibrone of Abysalula in 1W8 on tise destis Cisicig- Turc utSu unggi'atiotu of dlu- tinsin gc-lneri tIfaie u-Iruanîtiacttrint lines to e ttiîrlil,,tir- hi, ato clearinlg toiiauaerelpiritif.r li n t lhc'largeat ecit '.istt rii l 'i l, i nu îîtnîtiî in the his- lto'ritoflith ilt liiýi r , ni i-iag ore $M9,291i51. au iin,.:t 'r f$tr'3. a, i otuihii nu O Lt L t rIc n f -poutiing rilonthi iafst n aîui $4At 1 in iexcas ui thfli 1ui-.t liuiir -it i.t uir u iiin D )- ie b r uiii-1891,. i 1, tut lu, îii'îtf time thei- haie ticlh îli flciinii fnýnh lu iviinitisu Ciciagoi lntl-ingn liuueî- ev-eat cd a totail of $'iIiSritr' u- re lteci-mis'n, 180fi. $614,6L 1,10;il(S tuer. Iwo,$1j73.EtI.ar.artit iol $619,MÇ2,91 1. lReporitsufrrî hl(u fi i nfry ai large iruiiiatî au n lit-an.,us tise vol- timei'ortIraîl dte w ig utun aillpouint f0 s steadlyi;groing sifl. fi ilin unth est oeil. The Irian Iraîle is ti i -s furn rg. The istribuion of uicy gonds la salit ltlili iri-r anuicollctions un ail lUnes ase c icelliit. 'Th ise fîuk market ibis meel. ban again biscnharacterizeil it; a airi.ng fon@. Duiîî thle seek tandg-cuts tisit; ,-iiutsiftized the business in fu- tures ef grain snd provisiou@. Alîhougs ivain".n terded gu'ncraity in fayeot hose aviso espus'ed fishslortf side oftishe mar- kets dtines iin pinci ivero net otatkct. Tise hear iipertsii ecpd n tiotidit; lu selling shirt. orlula-livlualed but lifle confidence lu fbcur csîire-ised opiuions. They had lu thcuir fsnnr receipts of whist, cornansd oatmlit atfie priotar>' Western markets fit eomipareii tavor- all in tiseir voltîue wiîis tiose et the corresponding perioul of fthe previous yeer. Tise situation of the îvient markiet judgod isy tise ordinary standalrd deis nfloeor higiser priees. Whîle the sup- plies lu slght are generols. wifhoîîl pros- eut prospect ortfheir lioomiug ofiseravae lu the near fuinre. tise exporta continue on sîîch a scolie of liberality tisat lu fhe osent of an> Ibreafelled damage Io lre ululer uheaf Ibere wun ite untousteilly a quick aiftlng of the profeaslotai shorts fe tise other aide for a tIoe. Before tiret rouît ise tolly iccumplimhed tise erdor of tise bhusleproliabii mrottit oNtinlua nias no rapît thatnoufotyofcise ofhev-pftny wuuld base an oppor-tuuiiy tu tors valiâ sumelcent celerlty to gave Iheorsoîses fr001 lIs.& That. isowever, la dealing vlhan eventuality that may never irise and, meanin.m. tise suriouadlnge ofthe b. at market are isearish. Tire strongesf fea-_ tore of tis peculative 'position la crn le tise scurcty ofthtie contract grade. The recelptsaire libera[, 'bath literally sud coiepasaflely. atd vilslargo veeki, ad- dîtions ta tise visible supply if vli n'- quire a regtilmr continuatrce for soin.e ine ta cocue ut tise pre*ent ponr grading of tise reelpfa fa keep tise pries frointsa- ging. SERUM DEFUES PNEUMONIA. ToirrsltyFatal DIese Cas Nov Eu . s-.*dIyrtotse Puneumonla, the fatal attendant of grip. uhicis le fililng tise hospifala sud riaine tise conntr'a eats rate,lth nov nild te lie as e"sly cuirable aasà colt la tise beat. Âecorting te a repart miade ta tise New Yook Acadenu; of Medicinse bitDrt. Anflo ua Fanonl. s an l-pneumosLa serti s abasei dlscoered viicila s etain cuisfer 1Ue dius. 1'10 edis- cever et thse mmv s»mm Je ]Prof. Parau of tise ayai luuivqsulty of Napls. lti unDov taulE tiat paierniselala oaed h lnfech"hiy a microbe s bsafflius.Tisse, hIÇL wvesklng la tis. blond sud tissu..i, pfflsS certain poleeme vlilciscusa thse récognlmable teatuues o1 tise dIlsae. Pisysiciana nay that If the microbe,*r Co iedeetroyed tisa disam utU tilsappear. Tise soron i tscosred hy Prof. Pa>'e la inje-etesi eltiser mîust dr ftheskis et dreper lanotise ieScf tise pneumonie patient. If Ia ef once fakeu up bit the circulation anti begip ta vag i v itâvIf tise pueumoalsmicrobeo. Accortingtat thse report ouf tise physicina visa hase trie] IL. fiscseront cases aulbut tises artnaliw athel dtatsagonies Prof. Payne protucea Ia serons by la. jertlaig ueekenied pneumnie germa ilatC ose of tise larger auttnal»--a horse a rai or dankey. Oradnîlly sf ranges doses are glven util theo animai no long- er "cateise" flue dfises. Wisou tis stage la reiched soote of tise nmlainebl ala drai n d iliowedte stand. Th~e blooui sepiraten Itacîf luteatira parts, the ci and a cleur. yeliow liqulîl. s-slo] the seront. If lanflicsenum, wbich la the cura- tive agent. ARREST A MUSSIONARY. Altent ofthe Atalrica. BoirdI luChi.& Taken la Custodî. Asa moult of tise mlsahunaries' sy@ trmotfo!colleciiatluetunlties lodepeur deutl>' for fiscir Chines,- rouverts tise Rot. W. S. Ameuf. an agetf the Amrician Congregatiuuai Board îîf Mis- sins, han beeu srre'aud b; tise Vrenchb sufisorltles sfe-lrung t2iow, a large city tisirf; otile" froot l'kirî. charget i aiif collecfiug exorbitfaut ludemiiîs. Re mililie lctaiueul pending the iutaisa' tien, obiris in nou ie rorieeditig. anuil isc viii proissbly deanriiiu but wml tisou light open the extraorslnary systenu wonklng wisoily ooliie lise forelgn puer-' ers' agree-nthii ri Chîia, tiougis tis agreeoteut iss luaappnoved isy tisafor- elga mnliaters. Tise Rot. Mr. Amont tendes he urne trylug to cxfot uoney tam the Chinese, asd ba.s iku'ui Miulsfer Conter f0 sendi trouapu f0 reletuse hâtm. Coutat von VsI- dernes iu couisitiering the case.- TO OWN TELEGRAPH LUNES. Cenacti% Gaverumeuf Proposeo fn Pus- Cha." Dominiao ysteas. tloveruotent ovnerssip of tetegrapb sysfeus tbrottghoit Canada andti ieir et, eraflion lu connef Ion iiti tise Postofic Departruentini part of tise prograus of tise Dominion goverumnuut. A siîuuilar i-ourse mey ho falloo-ed lu regardît lithse telephone a;îtems of ftie tDomniîoni. 'lie qutestion of tise absioilfenioral of the Canaiean telegtspiicserait-e ha., long fIccu dlisued. but nti ut uil tiie-pre'sit liberat goverialilnt coîue iiitu.office.bas it licn ous..sible ttarlk plic hase NN'ith s~~~~~~~~L suralsrlouuu i-î $itifl - C 0 7,- Pays.. The AIni t Dollar lavsIume u It Pays to Use t iot- we dm;às.prp do all kinds of fiik Printhtgl on short notic eÀ*,d most reasonable eki&j A T'rial Orderï Bill tleadso Letter H ciads Cfrculars, programmes, Invitations, Sale Bills, Posters, AND ALL SORTS OU Job Work..0 CA" &ai .5*THIS 01 -Douait F.sePrrose. ____ __ pl>'out-of-dors, tison abe souit Soiet uorking, Ibal sioce lie lbat een aI tise b.r pet Pigeas op to thisess uhre the Capital lbe mas ont sablef0aisase isltenu- Utile by coul] sec If. $liSe wiishod mauày dry vark toue au neti> as Mary useo ta frIme. she kuev tht ltie boy sait ber ta I. andthie cook atIhe White House aseuma kuev lis mamans; selleuuld lke uwas fer tiltereuf froot Mary, and he dit te land élir ber pcture books. Do enja> fthe lattera& tannera as much an leuttie lbat mmai.nons>'given her forlire faimons ine Us tIMary usetotapro- vaiemtiue,. $lie vas a grot favorite witis Pare" lier yonmg fl-essasnd ihethought ta dl- twýIàoîu'.IsusllyCbaraof0r. Yi&de 1. moaci loto Suos thst viIt Tiseaoliser dey Mr. Grov redte] s - bgy a salenflue for six of ber 11051551 str; &bout Lincoln unieS illontraed Ivo trlents."If Wa masuehloselyfun taf0 Sel tPhases of tise martyr Preeldent'. cisarac- vaj.utineo." ah.l sais. andt sti mare fun tor. M. Grov, tison Speaker of tbe t. am be oasirreeelved Ibenu guesetng lIons,.iedai gne ttoIse Prosident ta &ait aud gueong igalinosesnt thein. the OPlaolntmnit of a frienti as a Jutgo - Tiseday beforo Vaenttue'a Day lottie lnuone of the terrtories. Tise Preaident ghood la the tore seleeias ler vilentines, mado a note of fise reqibet. A feu, deys suedlas osis looke over tlicniailsellv asxIer. viseui 3In. trow iale] t tise getractatdainane-bich vas a baudaomer Wite Itouse.ot aboulit e jntgesisip, lish»a ibai] ever accu lu hr it.. butf jpon sot ma tuter,.lit. Lincoln if MO Ofeb dita priCeoe il foireltbtl u ice begaî tabspoltigisre. "Ir. Speaker." voulit* .ai$ tbe money'*bceliead Iu ber sitibel,-'1rnliant ta appoint ;aur frieut Bide Porisc, oh if ube ere ouieil!cht10 liat Judaitehip, bt a wmuon came lu 0"a tkaagt. ,ju gret many people aier hr j hnnemil hlde n n th»Latiebav wdxý jut n ac i.>1aithfie bru-at, audipliatedthfielrest ait vb etcy have een tingts e; minfeti 1.i titdbestii-1 meou ouîf il.", ?«7 mucb andld at ufs-nits5 mme; f0 t -'Theu'femilyte labMrLinc. oln reý Eit vonld ocisba avel; tslenliae te) ru troaieir homle au the i(oth lie-aau- sau tt as tlte boy aurosa tise wsu; mliii tt thitiUnion senuftimuntas,anot fisnmni- ba] ieen lu the bouseal s'minter an(] huuI dent Illlatrates tise îinuily hrarer ut eittisa cuttoor' sinter tuon But if le inrol's Iarf. IViile wr mi-re tslkiîîg. =oogh , lier aotler fricuda ibé i , ,ot oev-i-.?Mr. Lin-olun ai thuillie ii'uiid 1tsuyvalentiucsi troui er. shiu' tolird till atteindllui ni;niattîr. sud aarlet ~iking ifil lever lu be i-r hala1 ltnuan'teluiput dos-snu; frinî's amaei. hli-si rPbile ceee ill maSoe tist i-k buiy; er tel Nhe hat. ahich %va- fill i it apes >Jiappy."aise tsoighi, "n is, thecler gins îsud etter ru-luarkiuîg tisslie liait a qlîs'sr sud]boys vîli haroes&omu. valrnfiiaeusi-nt %%av ut duirug lbnge. ls'izufi uîhul an- Ibsin. 1 sol sure. Buuî he".. tie1an 1ttii i le tiunel a bluisussec. i li lise Weiliandi bave lots uf funru u-y uly. ahnd I'uesudut flua t i ils bat -boulet liliumoff <ho> renl dont nb'il a alu-îulies. Tisat ra lot of stalle su-irets ouli Ilu..snsîtu-cu'i. ,.Itfi sicS boy duoa necu l iltarge,. prKtyî;butt hi-01,iy suiliet, s tlot i utht- îa.uuî o«. ta cheen itai)i, anssiehi.tcssot sud aiti tuluu liratil, ksesais i-ret uifini litaieme asdut l eluder nl-nssliisest il:I t s sclI-t ielut,îuci',iiditis tus mtier ton for me. lIt tale fisis une." I.uafier____ Llu'l' nisr misuit.ac e coo uot aililber rtiiney Au aufograph' loter tbl.t Is oiulle Mie skippet aui] hiuiuîu'ni l.rig ttis uomow %as sisosi uea u est uhaîs ugi). strfft on bhbousemn ia ut il'1. lhatppy "A. I.incutiaiusiboldi> sigried aIt the elîtron oten do. But s biuusuerc 'uicl et lot if. and ts isidoli mas toIsr, boume crememtuuci.ulit sisi' dt l tist hdinIi Ws: D otwr evs, t nau the ittle ho?, nainue. îlots',."a"'ahtiuel thslure. "Du naot sur shoullah attinesit? Sosebiuis olere "ya; our luaers. *ThistL uifyouîc thora la a viii Ibere l ilulao-%Sa s a os. sit "'Be if'aliteounto >11 italusr Whit- miictaîke thfle milluiler our aiitis* ec vur udigestion gol Screlear maUjmeabcie tllier 1tastidres', iflu f -toeuM"*Ee,,,"-(, o tbm& ardi: "Fr theboy ho 1 uIll ess." "Ma;bc- fbcre are ailler things a] t4ke If ovr sftur ulsnk tiu nigisf le' that vuur apecial case reqîircs a tmna fw* or Valenfites De). ring tise bel, youappyhut, nu; frîcaul. these. I rock- set bave Il rlgt on tisetant tefurs- tise ~on.uI giih 700 a goil liti."-New York deai. This Lttie îiî. ruiulut- rlon tise Times. eftep unasatnais e coule] fîrt pfliitg tfe.bl. A itacielor'. Valentitte. ýTýeiest dnî misaf w - i -îilia ~~f 1 irues ;ufger, lIse Jasie me #e arg chir raw te) 1(4oe t NVuald noasangayly nSuai ue. aiet.le lrga chir rsou lii ui-uit tieOf If aise dua l' iake it pain ilove. tellelittle luvalill nu itmlu bis aste inaul liaituo wtiut nie. bandetisé valeutinc. lir lrak ut ont of soie u1ltLlpof leusy vaetsls P7rfftb. tIein alta are pentf; ise- «e--lope and lookot i atif fatrutlong l'il testai-e tailse wmosithe iale this tissa hie toiler cause nut lesuet if I acre usea sud tyt. ,weor tise bock of the chair anti looke t a lyfairer gat(ror li t. . Tii.; ssileaand fsiki.îuaboutfif, A 8i-or ýe tuulaatemr r but etcourtise Iottîe coolti Dut lucr s'hat Asd esrry one ouils oret ber; lb.> ial. bu ais kne b; lo oks. lBat liea. of courue. t tarriet th"set ib ut lerov ky niipeasu-uî isiis Titi Asti and11lou and si Oae. tos, .14*bat matie-tise Chili vu-nyhappuy. tlroppod s- lins.lisesi,I.t,je;k,, A'Ïev da>s aftersard Lottie salis a Car Tie; ius au;siere taudtae. -RIapastanding In front of the, liatie, andi Bnbta Il lath iseWdo Bie, »MsAi genteman came ulicu thei stops Tisais lisensi..bas susse reason. vilS lhe littie boy saiv rappeil niin tors Asnd kfliisnulisi ne,litre frsittonat aci-i la Id$aarrme. The; gel la thesi-lu-arlsgT~ u ott If 0. otseason. IIlglTlier 1-11 nda blletdoux sud lisen a lady came ton 1flues Adst sie nu fortune eearly- vlS bas, and bondIes': aise gst lu. toan, aine tnousanrsla til adt tf oun uail ft. driver tarte]ihibornes and off Asdti se I111love lae uIerl t1.Y vet ot of aîgiI. Tiseranoviag 1Ns.Fods. WXOPk Ir and moes carnet ouf ail the >zbltul-.. Tisehunse wuos ut tap after Jt ae tise sign. "Tu Itent," mas tsot 0 2e 8dnar. U iKte neer kneu tise ittie boys Damte, ( -. 9fas peakti of 'dm ns bhi-.No mime necçiSbo" and iopes soe fle oue to biensiomemisere lu Ibis great norlîl sotd V fally acquainted mîth ia u. She 19 - 41vI ointe like astaon;bukI doeil.-Tbe Diangelit, lflofigthse reminlscencs of Ilite ln Doucla'debats l laoe leu. is C.ari sforment; utiniater tal Den- It ' h enspis tire oonuîerfuuî tact * c Mr- U.LAtcilGeai- Csrr sait: O '>E ë DolasSai the opeÏduian sd boa Vteoý. Qicui t ,01 bt touniMr. "Toti prolulacti ta bt oMy Valentino, ;ou s1 loina1 "lt«m but your viienfinO culuse ivt la l nduel 9e8t tt. tame.' r, n Corn snd s. mm wowk u"do*~F tax ,lR tyl-a k&A KA fbat judiciomsa mg a&ira"agmP. ciafly u.wupà vewuing. In'Yom nyoss md L n üWm papeyom' bia will gxow, b.e>mu.11 pie willetbatyte .,live, u=d *they:wï Wter deai wfth lk 1 mnan tha a ocopm y0u adv.rUaé la 1 tha; il - us