îakèENfoWU on Allai *0 mlgan oed 0! Trais gg SSc as o the C -à$ Amy B' Ee -tigiu5ton beffle a'lav ainiday, the glu have the appointie tms1lm0 olicrs, soeaf 9 muetlpromnoions, of holding commission@.E p O1,M k eiil novu vbe1ker ~1EaSuiW vÎ,be eni to tbe 1% *Udotermitiai upon,* or C:l*ieluidant vi nt until du tulu e t lu ut Conce. hinla iÀlilatukcigb aoieranaoineu- *glflg60theoie Scate as MOUnas bs, *ebOdy baumy doubi ikat t& IgIW gI hbenai dfor Lieu- W~Iek hintlm iere leaon bth jb oqtcat ovar aie Ship lI a the Banal., muet 4 «Wi a f w a'Wys o! tnatica.Aze ae atter c. »rlgcmniutiae of. hm uedeoded that Ihm d"4 ti akeilhakapbefare the s I vote a e n. The èfiremdi mmmiugat i 10CIO ,.q1%, sndnOtice hbas bain ~*5t mglu.n< Ska ve iugbt viii ha helu, 0tire ont the SThe opponente of the ~~~lthey ltni te f Uj debatt '<rSkrththalheZ intand ta 9.:»quorm $ 0 amy on the floi nu ojka ctab" tm iavbiia, lLà" ppMrgi*atoul bille ae LI a=j-ctSaga"e,%ud avery day ImSubiiy III ade te tbm Pe"uitaUasoUa ofthm a iiwlv.ob inu pertilciiianiions e,1 Si lulteoaime iSbthalr lnefor the apring and i I I sega pmovde a ]mm» v'e*& su ucor «AuMO mil fl se ,.satiâ ne SkiéCOliagagrogaltu ithe anlettéred apprealice «à a" 'Île uale W ta the nuqa gh tics. lolIn- portant vor t t ae àooaapllahlg la 0., Uat ef draving ail 1kM cvangci@ai Ne more poverfuni infueuce for cI.nrcb ~ nity lea a vork Io-day thauÇLle cieed- Im an d uudaUoI-latOpl aooety,p wbclinkms tog"eai&il thé evaueo0,o lenominatiOU8 ln Englibh-epeakhu<$1 lands. $0 Thue Obristla Endeevor socleti atnude for at lesett iree typicuey modern phases Of religionse thonght- a intreeimplicity 0f creati, diareardy ,f cante anduj lidliinctions, cutd the paramoilat Importance of practîcal and maeriai bely for feflov ME n sd women. Theie epreeeut thealivtng eence of C3kztLenity as the modern would undereUnlds ht. fie vonderful 3 grovt thebachrist"anEndeavort mociaty indicatai vliere iha greaie elgor o! belle! cenyesiluthese tunes. The movenent l one o! the mont reaesuitng fad uts a th wale religions t ontiook. jubiiec Begahl Sunday.i Roman Catholie ohurclues a&l overt the vorîti bagan u Snday the aix montha' jubilai vick occurs but Once OV0t tenty-Iivcylems. This Jubilee ig a sort o! revival, and ih vanid ns e e caMai by the Protestent churobea, but tbe Cetholie obuzob dose Dot permît the nse o!auy snob expression. TJhe purpOse of tis jubiles le qulte elmilar te th&% of the i'raieetant revIval in ibat thecohurch deairea tbrougb thia inetrume"Utiy&o eveken lucraeaed religions zeal lu the churclu membera. 0 entaichrletinas day Pope Leu XIII Isanci a latter or edici for thie j ubilea te the vorîi aud grantlng ta &hoe Wko properly ofiervadi ltustruiona s teoprayars a plenazy indulgence ai for- [giveusesof ajns. Osiholles are dl- reatai, &0 gain ti l idulgence, 10 pay slty visIte tgosiahollo churchea on lifien onesontive or lnterrupted daya dozlug the six monibe Of the J ubîlee. There norvIma muetan tha ien dnyt rMeM nxiy laci mu te .li o notys &ftty vishelin«lagreq aIrain aU casas exccpiing vbeethe mainbers puy viellaun --Kif. u.. - t. The Bpvcrtb e ague Chicaaho iai, having nudergona a aurgicel parattoilearly Mka wyk. Hia% condi- on le not seriona milb.ha 1 eeote te hohome by the Ilut o1 îhe vaek- PhiIandet Duseuberry, an olti a"d 'eil known realdaut of Libertyville, la again in tiis village star about thie.l mears apent ai verloua places ln ihe outb aud West. There vlU bc a meeting of &base in- breaied la the *'heslth reaort" pro- eçi et Ben Miler'@ office Satnrday Dight. ih la deoired ibat ail wbo enu, ttend, as delluite and final action toait ea taken. Taxes are lower tbis eear thenlet There la a difference oft about 11010 in ha tovuablp betweeu tue aeeemeni Z '99 andi 1900. WlIbut Meredith, fax collecter,enu b. toud et E. W. Park- hurat'a etore when flot oui looklng up) tax payera. P. C. Sith Deglecteti to tile bis corn white on an erraud ai the St. Paul frelght depot llonday snd hocora- .jug frigbtended they rau up fiprague etreee sad ioftoa atelegrapb pole et iead o! etreet where they Etoppeti. Littly damage reatulteti. lu avent the achool trustees ahould require ait achalara te be vacciueted L. B. îanby aud Wm. Walrond tbreaien ta teke ibelr oblîdrea out of echool. Bnch action upon the part 01! Mesa. tauhy cuti Walioiid waiil< be de- plored, althohil the varîoué clases vould hardly be depletedti iereby. Mayor A. W. Waldo la lu e serions condition, snffering vitb rbeumatiam, and no Improvemnit aInce luti week la reporitin lutact ho e, a, nythlug, de- clinlng, anti at one time tiais eek 'Il va. laared tbe dicease mlght taite an upvsrd courae sud, reachiug Lite heurt, prove fatal. A daughitcr f romn Boaton nue beau aummonedti tabie badaide. Il l iin sitioday a alight improva. ment le noticable. 11:23 a.a 4:39 '. M.. 9:04,a. n. ameme te iw - >eb v*~ ~ ITASL%. PROU iiBIOAOOi ia:U e, m. 5:01 9,U, lia v. un. SUNDATS. 5 :ie . . 1 mmr. pet" ]ladkuste e utc*t»alfll ber maother, Ml. angq. of Chicigo. Mr. Tottmu la the pharmaciSl lai Druca sding -store. Lat eek th@m Darne was mlsvritten. Teh4e V WAUd Socety vau enter-1 taled by Is Preeldant, tirs. W. ]B.& fligley, lut Wodusday.1 George 'auftel purchaed, of WM.1 Boyes hie tarun or 120 *ore, atuated noth-waat of is village. thte wmek. The lire&1"'mbell bea affived ad vili bc placed on the Vilnage Eal l a a belfry. If velgba 640 panade, trame and ial,.buea agond aonnd and vill veli angver a&l purposre. Mr. Gale put tu a veil thia week for Dr. Shaffer oni the lot ha recently pur-' hioecd of A. J. Leonard. Stone for the foundelion ha been hauled and building il &con begin. ThnrstieyPasesed off very qnietly anti plaaaanily, anti h ls sali 185 vu learei. This la a natsi ain ith vhlob te atart thaîr traasnry. 9 ce aitiRoundi Lake la nov ivalva luchas th"c, and they ara vorking a night anti day Korce ta get tbe large Ice bouse MImd. ih vil probably ra- quire ten days or tva veau mare, Il the veather ecoinif avorable. Mir. lance flnuhati hie von bae liai Suutay ulgbt anti le! iMonday for sevrtal maI lovua lnu ile tata b.. fore golng 4ontb. Lev. lirokeneltire, of Grsce Congreagtonal cburcb, Chf- iga, vau bare Tbursdey anti fflday avaningeansd auselinlutae services. At the meeting ai the ttkCentury club vii lire. God!ray leet fouday ihere va. a large aticatisue sud a gooti prograin. Aler ibm literarY Pro- grain ligbi refreshiase vresemrved i m d am Tb*.oeêuiMêl*g ' r a b , 0 % Iww b e b o x I * X u i m r a usuerfl uigevini mot la ité àe, but emach mcmliii wtalharequeemd 10 ln ome way, by hie ostuome, Z*premmut thé nJaacf a bock, vhic he i.othere vini ha rsqulrmd to sua"e. . Bekln's Arnica Salve auea l.vidm fen» f or m6rvellona cues. It rwoasse y otiier sulve, 10110e, on isut or bain fôt outs, camne, lurneBotte, Soies. lelons, Uleere, T~'uerliait »Suu, lea s Cappea penae, skia Brulone InUallhe sor]tPles. rfIeaqflfmd. 0513 nec et P, B. LovEra a, L in- vile, GasreLÂEa PRAUAIa. Look et Your Label. Xi la vcrY Important tha" cvry euh- acether szemnui 1km label on hie papar thie vmk. Tha les usbea orrcctad 10 iuolîudeMIUpaymemalleup 10 leu. 195k sud thera vira so mmy changeaS ti ve ay bs ave made son.Meistakea. Look et yoqr label, sud Ilfitgla not cormet, uotlty use bO0ce. Worklug Oveetinue. tbome tireet, tele vorkete-Dr. Ktiu* ewmvLite Pilas. flliUe aie l<et aivok, Ulgbt sud day. cUnlng Mi kHedacha aU[ mu LI;ri andI ovel troabli EasUy plassanS4 misers u. Oniy 250 ais1Y. i Lovuaxt., Libertyville; <*tYslKm, PHu*AIMcT. Peumonla Cn ie Prveuted. This diéemsalvaYs erainte ftrat a coli o au ataci e! the grip snd unay b. pavetedby tha tlmely ueo Cbaibalal'eCougb Eemmdy. That rmmdy vwu ateivmly uad durlng ibm epinllca e! La -9riffl 09i14POUt vje sransd noe a uege se bu evertombe porlmd Mt ai dino$ racoveror iluat imaulte l u pmeumSoia. vkieh abowe It 10 Le a cartaie pre- ventiva o!filuat dangerouadie«»s. Chambrlale's ough Reluctir ba qaiumi a vorld vida isputatiou for I s ri oolde and <rIp. For sale hy V. B. Lovunr., Liheryvllla GBAva- LA" Pu.Amu.cr; J. xWim l vaxno]. vrilaiMtEIe 8=&a 6«9WTe1 shole theauthlo f aie oburches. la the cuefsa i!cb a C. E. Sherman put lu e telegraph la me a dimttf@u of ver visuiS Ilequele ibrea viit%&Matie lina from bis store ta the Isi. Paul dteria 1Yis fPUp-tP0 udivieally. passeugor mition. tileveai. Mr. 09 *a theUniii Sallt 0 EpMainig J usat hJt itaileleralàa lUbermmu vsraeutlY eppolutatixloî H o ld 'T h e lF o rt 17vumiatYOr cOmtriOt v Catkolic primat eae: 'Tbis jubtlea la vetoti inspecter for thle St. Paul raond for th. purpomeO raukanauextaemu ote o n e na aitiandt tey require hlm ta racelva thee -*$2.50 Tan Shoes $1.25 b" la halthet Prerideni, lestjeur ln Rome. Ofcoçursa coin- correcttilme by ielegrapb every inoru- l,40 Vice sud 0-8mulo! the peraslveiy ew Catholic e veaable ta lug atslu0ao'lock andt ta eep bu regu. *3.60 Ladies Shoes 17 1101*11% vn semnun it ei homoie andi salsapartlun1the J utilse lasar exactly rlght. To do tâte lha put Red Schoolheuse ShotiaNo.s 1 and 2 K)0 emeic fIuelatll51W tets s 1m ot ov e eji hre e u ha une vre' Nv lla 0<1No. 3 Ladies Phos, »Crue of thern French- Ï404MP àà lS &Ufoemieuokpersoie. There fa noth- Sharingivea You the tilie yoaun.5 - ihri t bit a .bo.ut the jubibma vbiah raquire a ract nitaethe traction ot a second. Kid, per pair .25 a!Si gvaunu My eabeort exepisuation. The Mfr. Join. locas i ai billborne Soda Crackere, per lb .08 uap *mv 0! Sb* rmambere f eo! l m b sirc imply pay ou Lake atreet eaaly Thurady nm-a.Best Nuitmeg, per oz .05 by ~ e)t*, 5.Ovaieo theeee frBlapurpOse ug a! r a lingeriag huais. Daccased Ut aeaIicut boîte, e! proyers. Wkeihm or net public bas for sevaral yeuea beau lu pour Bfflt Pepper, per Ilb .20 t"- layi à109t fr CaiWae,6jubglseproaoe ebal Utaie place 5hcslihoving chteily te hie edvancd Uoffee (Jups, each .01 vetday vhmVlsther thé vin hé a imattet la the determinaion ae. Liaevwu couspicuone in the. aily -.0 - prOvilmi bY th c mat t thc!e mprIiseof the verions parlabai. days, being ldentitild viib the gravih Slcr 0 'lubi»e 0Cabean couveâtifou an________sd Intereste of LlberiyvllIle. fRa va. aa eIgvinl b. tlaatoy, Be ln style. in it if yex, the oldet rouiion ln Giving away earthen pie plates with each ni %4 lma I értthe Piesident ta hslclt.Amn tseln a lb.. ultary auboity'O! the Dont$ Iangb et fion.iisoclt.Anao!arigque- ite Cba Ta ref-Dont disconrae ambitiob. tie, and wha by bis iutiusîry anti fru- Pound of Coffee. M a l=laiCuai Th nerb utbluff ier rograa. galît accumulated a coalderabl for- 1 USki onhn consttution te Lok on the bright sid. an eha in nos imihiI t. s't le ha hppy. S etra veilg faurteen inambara ? ie01 k e Mla cie£.uv Enjo y Ile, of Lberty ville badge No. 492, A ..&___t___ 4n "aimete a le shattai Keep lbaealthy, ýîapiset seion sud dooe vhich yen cen do by uelng Dr. A* I. went ta Wheellng ai tbe ivia tull Uhigi If ght thal. the Cldwella synnp Popuio ecoorduug t t îoTso! Vtrivlus Lotiga No. 8i te e . B t e r h l1 lb. reeler sessin in on ostpasioni, Indigestion, Stomach up,,,u il.A. Perîlut. A banquet lollovati D-Tiroubles ant i SîciHeedace. F. B. ette1scg as ui b uaaH iE VL E - - -IL NOS t1h la tarin &0mas that lha Lovunu. Lihartyville, Gzo.C. RoaxreS, n h hcg os n h ol AN S IL .1U O -ué#Id hâdIoi cl au extra Waineonda. WILLuIMOGE, Rockefeller; vere apleuididly euteî minet. Thoua P m, tsAys4&KU PABUCY.oomprliug tise vsiting delegation Wma*n ogreave Il dâte vsion Ide i,> m AUPpuAcfroni Libertyvilla ,,re: .Dr. Sih jse iani legililon conïeslraialMaGiU, rni plyWre ~isIa. Tatleat thon s»Y A Yonug lady aiicndlug churofi anc Hctb, Fred Croker. Fred Suydam te haes lc o[Miaoue vitb the Prealdient am evaning reccntly, ut dijreclly bebluti Eritet Broscu, Tom RioeaU. Mat10teC aes Plc 158$meet li havn t pr9nsI. e hedonaly irmaieci strclger wiL s Penster, Aucun WIieeter, A. B. Levin, to buy Grocerles ....- ià ilmutsicrsansdRe.prosentative place of tbreai hanging over bis coller. WlIbur Meredith, Chari. Kaiser sud L. ps, v1tkin eteéllut îev da, cauceaBelug ana of ibose generouo-besrtc'h, 1IlRauby.----- ha rlf isîabai maie for îaav- vbole-sonlad frIands, vbo grow up il) Report coume ram Janeavîlla, Wle- 18 1bo BSugar .......................... .. .............. $1 00 * Wddngtou eirly la Mahick v lié mb~ioiharly friands ta everybody lu cousin, that the town 0o! Mulion, aigLI 12 bans calumeit SoaP ...... ..... ........ ........ ........2 Om er staesasion quie plauly. tavu, @she tbaught iîov glsd ehe mlles norisest of tirat ciy, ha. beau 10 Lanal ".. .. ...... .............. 25 c vonî hafe lti-haarted girl vould dîscovered to be e hùtbed o! amrali- fi ' IVOr! . .. .......25 do se mucb for ber brother If lhe came par, cud i tepa bave been takan te sbut 3 pkg uie re Omis.......... ................ .. ........ 28S *A rower For Gourd. go chnreb vlth a thresti hanglug tiowu It off frram the tout of tha vontd. Savon 3 piige Perfectliuon ase...................... ......... Zî > Tveaty years ago let Saiurday the i book. S0e vise i audience *rose virulent cases vere loant anti Do 3 pkgsm onarch mince Meat ...... ............... ..... 25 **e Toung Peolas ocietY o! for prayarea abs cucludai btepiotk the aitempt ;cd beau mate ta proteci the 2Ilb. MoLangbllllC XXXX CoUac........ .... ....25 'iglian Enievor vas farmeti lu ibread off. Caret lly raieîng lier baud restfie h lubasts irou contagion. 2 piga Javanoem ee ..................... ................. .2 Petisai Me. île constitution vua$aba gave It a littile ivitch, but ihera Six veeke ago a yonng man amai 3 cane Dienonti brniSalmon........ .. ........ .. .... 2 ' eSeSety h ad on s heccgraph pai vas more then sha auppoaed acutiàcGreen,, tteudiug the Mltan collage, Sodand cutiOer Craokers, per t .l ....... .OS....0 lai 1130181 tditribution. rain tbe fot or tva more eppearci. Smting wa8ataken viib thea srellpar. lHa va. yeass Iaam, par pig ................. ...................O3 oftttae. Oburck the Ideisowon apreat ber testât she gave fitsuother pull utae slit nisxyngmn Mgl a................. .......3 c5shhrlg bu in ortaarnId and about a yardofth e bmbrridt traa tiveu oati bea d ix ompn nr. arni ult . Sod.. .... .............................0 ~ lalea. LIne thon 20.000,000 Lnng tiown bis hack. Thie vagmt- test vee isaen davn vitb the disees et tête constitution asti 100,00- tîng ambarraeelng, but robe doermluedinluils muet virulent form. Ail Of!Ibis. coit a ie icgehveben a tv henteryek.Sh dtialut Bundey anti have beau coutenily W ILL N G E la. at ie$ afty diffrant anud discoverati ahe vas nnravollng bis lu anti out of public places, se thet * . Thay bave beau translatiti ndaraiirt. lI4er embarraaameflt vas practically the vbole towu tovn u bspRQPtieTrOIq en el lnageof Europe. tnta se paitl#t chioroforincld ot tbeau arpoiei tRoktlerD prmetSoe mua, of Enis Brinais l, bae ber aufferîug netra Forty mambaesoftha LlhertyvilaeR kfllrDeatn n t oP tât l.ikeberons ton a# i9 îz ~biddten ber hînaeeasEctern Star took avtatge o! thm #uOh Stos.,anti tata the trmt e~~.tucman surireitwth au no mcleigiug ant Inl a bodyy <Ivo MiSe NorîL American lindaa. lniqutÏlng lok ta men whct wamtilckltng aleiil loads) vent to H. P. BartlaWre ~.m.ut bu ria ! teetib arkhbie ueck. home t Dîamonti Lake, Watineetisy NFVlI tW U IU '.BAIRS@UO WV ose o!the poani faces ugbt, thaîr purposa hclng irai 10 Idu l*IVM 7V,5 me tonitherisposrnt forcésud futherMANUFACTURER 0F tils Ute vorid. *-~~~~'.urpris"Mg aUt n ute »1. . Utraude E. Ciark, PLOPLES'CO UWN uti more Iprat o«o h ---M rl ýjW,»gdmt 0o!the UniitiM M E! TO rLOAN54 on ruitaraeme- cordilil bospltailiy uvysW& eta A cm odations M 'I et Ogls*an Eicavr, bialy curty. huinreoBeni.H. Il r.Libsry etigbflscryo bieamrbeftyville, Phon. M eti. estire Battlett bomne. Tbey wveant Eeyh.gna n wla1 âtel nunartcf Ue F0 "a.7s"eoa ld. UnH.'..'. i aappointeti in eiher respect and Ee3tigna n FIRooRIT wl.Orbard ccl idi ity o la *4rlgues. lur ofthonho". ApIy or acddre,, J. T. came home lauding la blgbesl terme and alean.Gant fie »y$ the activaeDAvis. Ivachoe.. 111, 16-t-iltheir hact. Of course -'HI" anjoyetirait et thes cibm vhe crlti SANTED-A eraon haud. Mi t ntiudif thara via anything cant theMeusta Lake it millir. fitrez L&vscau I et Mo. presant moment leie rMi I. 18-2 proe ires saoltdaita the tiellgkt a! ... Rates arm Rmaoi1ab1C.. 5,0,0,Md thc organisation hie guemîts ibey coi have it for the sleêdll ai têis rtiso 2,000 A Puremau'm Close Caîl. sekitg. Iilg lutarmadti hat nt BIT Y - ~%m ai o0,00 membureevcty "Ieck te my englua, cîthougli anaugh miii vas (in baud to fally SpeeJai iflsitse ctioau%'a t«W ~WORK fi hm irs 4ut nUy 10o,oeveny joint ced aianti averY serve vas satlcfy every vent ha burriadtetatheou va blog ;ýtheMeait i vtbpain,"' vnites 0. W. baru sud mlked at Il ocloci, nainu- Stelemy, e locomotive ireannof la ibm leré fitu lovIoa., . -l uveak 'and IDEug yuL abrinmiug Pail, te the ------ VR g&a, ao! I hres, o! course, pale, withaut a»y appatise anti al ruil delight o! Il. But tlien. yan've ai R. A. PONTOW, Prop.. ecItln in" cotyise olhrlame dova bks iva about t ie np, i berdabout'"Hi" and the grest bg von. Tble éaoieby hm sus a botle of Elecisin illitera es leutie aot l hchl ait« asklng hi. fatit se veil cs h ver Ier acrinaot uwihl 111438911inlIU10 ...OtRtu ~i. my fe."' Weak, elekîr. ruu varm place for hie leglon of frente. Lke liai douai#, aIluutfmiu of uaeesa Ob#obrchee liaetlbave le*ge dovipeople alvays gain uaw If e, hIt ta uongb saSaey"-suppei va. atniDeWtt' Vtai fàleei ave ctevl~. *0 hec tem et.ai.simn a ivigor r oin tîr lus. turing the avernîug. 16-à.'qnaiylm. The original lky ue am ytS«otewoo easl'sS*am Me cquisoj'54 (i. Q àne rio oihuiat, vWhou fatekuovu out. fout'&" 8004 vuem euperlisned. Gous m al*bf E 3 Ibn 5Liltuaeftu................................ solmat Soaraciere ............................ .... 107 CxX oyon rO ackera ................................. et XXIx coffe .......................... .................ié 1 lb »aifllulit ..................... i lb Ceanai Ourrnta . ................. 0 Arm "d sfammer Soda ..... ........ .... Gocd 5fOc luasont Tobco ..*... ..3... Ail i0on1lanuelettea .................. .....*... Gond shensl ................. .. ... .............. lans WkhieShirts, tour ply benti................... limne Wool Sweater, 100 &nd $1.25, lu 32 go 31J et ... ... GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STO-RE, GQRAYSLAKE 'mcn seli you any old kîîîdj, but have sorne epecial induement, in WI-EELER & WILSON AND '6NEW HOME" _ JES Can make lower prices than oth Wl Have u~t ~ quote you. Havejustonebicycle left and will soli It B.B SIIERMAN, J £WE L ER Clearng Sale_____ ,sýWINTER UNDERWEAR. Now iii a good tirne to invest ini beavy winter Wear La I amn selling at a big redtictioiî to eloffl it ail tu make room for Spring goods. Menaà Overcooit-l bave aaveral good ornai loft yes, soima .cheap on«e. mon,$ a" Boya' buteaud WooI Pmni Mdens SButte, a gond etiroug onec..............$.00 up. Boye'Suite, .1 . .*.1............. ... 1.3 UP. aý- Ladies' FeaitShoeit,350 go .. ...-,. 1....1.19 Laditee Overehoca, Areinco, aies 4 to 14.......... ....... 7 sturm Aleke, a 1ev aai s... ...........65 Bergaina in Boys', Mhem' aud Chldren'a ArcUes. Meons Cape ........ ... ..................... ....... . 1 up. . OROCERIES. Dried Pema*e, gooti ornai......... ............. .... .. 07 18 lbo Sugar .... ........... ........... 1.00 Excellent Fine Out Tohieoo, par lb, 30c; iu 2 lb UIns 33 Try our Tai and Coffees; they are ail rlght. W. W. EDWARDS, *M « RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEED BY M.B. Coby & Co. e14 tas s lk.. Ch ls; leil. ni our ftz. outy.aei XC-9 p»M. a chuF '. . liai hi% Help Faralahed prie e- i W b.n YO n nait a fatan hant or labor - lb ar of auj mmild, nemember ve au en gsi 1r $hem for _ YOD, sBd it vil Ooct ;ou ca nit nommela. APAB A-U %xo c, le~ Td.IRS Maa 4 11 ne Canal et, ,le. 'J 1( ILLINOIS.' cheap. Graysiake Illinois. ILLI-NOI 8 GRAYSLAKE