Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1901, p. 7

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r e-énr" illémWise cou- wonïe&d.But lie vas com- M*e.d brtii. tact that aloe vas wltii bie mother. Ho vrote lier an affection- &te le.tbter sud told her te lie sure and" ? W ta~ ~~bI. et lmluknow I ille grew vorse. The ou cU* «p ~I i1) an ti"e. 'tisaI elle van a 1111e vorse, tiougli the $a doctor sald il vas nothlng serlous. But he waa wornled a greal deal. IýW cougsh t 4W M ideep betftr, -- m - Yesterday af lernoon a Western Union ;, Tii.otlw 'rr tmgwbail h. saInniboy sauntered l mob igIoffice witl lhe ýà4 by 5#tO t thiSt tiillé liers ut ilebmrîînt ~g"buÈd .t tetii nual nonchalance of a mnessenger boy y nproveci White a covoin *-uo ,mesae n yte the Jiri î,raisAll eOne tii oi'thea"uh" msag lr 1aio, r iri *11cr av ert i hoved 1the bock tunder itubbys Dose. _A&Aitin Irîr rl ia. ljg0f1 t li.mad "eIs sMr. Iiiank?' askei tire boy. porti,, iglala bjàtl-be, peuple wbo "Ye.," asped hubby, cold cbllls chtas- pa-sa!i: b. resPa<od lotoiaccopli- lng nu) and dowa lits spîne. meltrrri,se.sUajD the. appear-- Nlensage f'r you. Sign ber.. Do n grr fieroaeeOhl tu0fohdpi g charges la W 0cents." r! . ra jr«c p gtiie.n dut aiv Hobby grabbed lthe fateful manîla oilIle îéMoçrocould mokae soci a en..eloIe sud isastlly toroe topn i mhu d l s.by0fcagiage herses. A res- Wiat b11e uffered virile tremblIngiy un- ,1 urrnu t- l4lw oght ta la' otrodured foldlng the bit ut yellow paperdrau be ~ueIt 4mj s, day cough s, t 2i, Us uje.Erery mena- lmaglnf.d, but not descrIbeil, lHe vas bzj ler oUaba ain loWed 5 a irlgeaimont afrald lu roadIIl, but finally ho ai) uda ~~cughs. Hep and a pair or boraes, and the.- hrnres are -evdilsi o 1eIoa.Tsl £ Jttie and sec iwhaî t uniy'stfas ' ,îk t iîe rend- hi a hor. r aderlas rntà-onedtis,'-'V"Traofflire waler a.nd don'lt orget ,h. ro$> Jdle borne ter aer abrr- dth 40. rIO.I. steamnstaio.bgIse rire bIrd plenty of aeed."- ____________4 _______Omagla World-llergild. Th. slappilng of a yotftîg o,îm face mmt P,.. . ,$* hitb. treet by a Ul' ted $Sures scoialor PRESIDENT 0F PRESIDENTS. r z, d lreb aascandai that lias atlrred oflâciai exp'r.. lfire. Washingtun as deeffly ast the Br.ckln lesihdLdded .Na à ge .1Av s C CoIL Mens. sndg.-Pollard affair ofragéerai yesrt ago. Mary' X. Poole, et Whiting, led. Wlsateves- symnlahhy l'a felt for lienabor Whltlng, lad, Poli. 4. 1901.-(Spe-- k .a., .Y ..William V. Snlllruuof %îig#isuiîîpI u-nIai.> 'Lh. presdente of tise Ladies of ýQ«jvy..-Wbat kti:, J a al ltdd 70 eanie cf the. lreîrih frpiuisc nit tihe Grand Army of thse Republlc have M tjb. lycur j,,. 'r- r taylng outn oselaant lonby is lur-y Leelon, bigan association compcaed exclun.lvely cf 1W iîgîît former sotenograplrer, lias been dissilat- te preridenta of the. different State r~f~'.Ulrr havs.e Col make a to «I by bis angalanot crînduct oW.ard ber. associations. Tll Pregidente' Associa- ét Bile r'adjusitgot la tro the*MisaeILepton and Se-sal..r Sullivan met ticachoose a aprealident, and to Ibis on Cie atllent Saturday cvening, and, si- Very bîgis andi dlablngulsbed, position Ciri"'iîldy md bUtli ebr a lieated arguiment. the. Sanatur slap- Mr@. Mary E. Poole of iMi place bas t.deck i,, lirce oum ilW5 lit he lied lier for-e. Ili#. versnon of 1h.1 affair been elocted. Mrm. Poole la tiiorougii- _«0$rc-rIil1IWasi't &t home.- ie liat lhe vrnman irad been wrltiiig bhlm ly deserving of thblagreat boeor. lier ~>iSVr \ *lellers asking frr mr.or-y. w~hcn tirey devollon l0e111e Interests cf lthe associe- Cbronlc 1 Oa~nbpoisonsmet iry at'rilr-t h-, uud bhlmautil lir tti la lé'y marked. andl ber expert- à tachroie N MS atdirh pw" ax besîde inîif it ii.ragf- and #truckj ecuce wlit theeaoidsoldiera utfte G. A ,W b à @âualiais e. R1 I à. lirs . w kwaau Cs wIde. Mrs. Poule la never low emeituibom &0" ste bae avantage ut anythhng titat -Ü'yo I1he.- ut 1.o:n earsah1 nited Stntca May blit ell tcveterana, and bler goal all(M lbbP"i ba 11rl as lnerreasc'dil s .vealîh $!Otib0OlO as resultidlunmachs that le gond te ?Ç~ wi,-h makeca'he wviti of the. nation thes. grand aoi mern. $lite rlî,s ot ber ..i ~ W l'hi. .u.iios.& $iO %j Tsgives an average cxperenes:'Hionor te o ho iionor E~ àe mmdanufaalmpy psr -siniîa weith of 5.11.ThisDont i dne, snd liavlng seen the. numnerous hheAo theacngsmet great a perrapitala sstli as Great cure@ effected tlirough un. use of a and italusm. fer lier figures are $1,3W0 for Dodt'a Kidncy Pilla, i gladly endlorme ~ fmumeesvoutrolal-rpar-tuibitîsot. But lieragregate thent as bcbg partlculonly effective to W~B 5f~yot etl.fhA<d sealîloio alu laotire background before cure liat dreadcd odîsease cf su mony ~hIunim~aos 121, Contat I..auri,.for ait. lias only W,'00,000,000 of our nid seldiers. RIgt'. Digese,, ~ aU u"a. M&Wgubeoid ifà aginst our SUl,(JOO.O0000. Her inerease and Kiduey Diaorders cf different ~~dhyfa oeilyadpesmntin.luwcalll inbten yeAr s la19ILOOOt0.00 Inda. Kidney Diseuse "on poisons il ijOest. r t wJ16. s gaialourS2ll~0.MiO0l0. ir lu te entîre systeni. and ma a requit th. 56W«mgoS&N.Y. recse in m-eaitb ln Ibis contry linIlie vital ergans are attacked, and 1 ba,, laNt len Yeasahasl ber-n SLiTfor est-il la- touind tisat noremedy se aurely, coin- A usalan euglucer. lPrince A. 1T. : : ati ieand uIl as i dsthdey w Ihlveloff iras lavuei l au ciectrleal (Jrn. Shermains family ba lcprsitldl It & "Iave usei tieni myllelf In lîglit .qpflastun mauiluettî.d frront te stage tie National itumh ie vaIr-b, ail otf tak tbloeeu didgaIn Che bsteer by wiîr-litailue toucli. ail bis ommilsioux fronît tie dipiomna lic rt'- and osually lIndt laI froint tire, tu dom sand exila are openeil tovard tire reireni a-lie .gradouttev i aItic nilitary four uilsdoe ie vonk." OUI~~~~Id. a~~~caîl-niy aud his. nonision amsea 'nt nbeiec roiald f Secreîrory rf War ourler ther-Johnso ad- muei hlsItlc o ntexperladncefslo Cbs4iWDSLeeds te Ooamturpîîoi,. muîtlsratlrn.'l'br->cuver aluroat evcry mc litnto n xelic bui Baisani l atop ltse couicbet rack su the 2smo> 'Ëey have aise de- convine', sny nufferer from aKiducy Use.. ta0yuur druggiat lu-day and gptPl istcdl ita ,ol-tirn,unf s..ordK, seven Tirul taI neyer tala. IS ibx a8 aaupeboulle free. 8odila 25 sud 50- lunnober. ou@.(tf tItitir alg prescnted lemlx boxees f S2.lO.Buy 1cmfruo est bottiea. (Gu at once; delaysaxae dan- tb utbio by Coîngrres%, anrd te uiformetnsiboefr$25. uy mfon BaOa tbab he ¶vire trous tireltme tiraI lie war your local drugglst If you clin. If bce houi v %uas ilsiiapy 0,~a second lieutîenantouotil Ire Waule a OBt aupPly Yen, send I'b lite Doddls The -crsare more apy n tian lieutenant generai. a rtra aMdicie (o., uffl.N. Y. Iithe e dd ith r t'n -G'd Adchiiert Haoy, cnu t"rtral H'o you reject me!"tire youug lavyer - - Wt______ crminc horne, and tise etier day a Sent- saiti, raillier bIttlny. -I vouder If il UneS. AmasAime Cor renaàarked ta bis falicr. Seci'etan3' wold do any good ta appeal lie came têt -mlb sI et cvenycbiea. Wàkeh1.Hay Chbat b. anppowed lise Younog Maun oyu fte 1141 neau am :4elsait5. go basqesliait not beien aile toma?.e sh e t bs S10 otcher bnd Uhata £0~~~~~' alary unsacoeuit: fthse igislvn x leaolbriod ffypotityiethe neefflary barden ci pensam isers.- ac01c sasirrr 1bCOl emreifrmnydca repled he Scretrylangingy. ion," sie repiled.. "I arn vial you cal - - me 'nel] 1yen somcthlng. 1 vas couating the court cf lant resort.* lapttheisotier dmy.anti 1 tound ltmalit I a -But1 Icamnet giveuaitirhe cane lu lIE min 0 MIfl~J3 requireti exactiy hua aalary sud mine ta tlus wayý'" e exclaimed. -keep bbc Young man ea ishapunai ut duty." 'le dathse Sandtiih itire point of Wbstremute 'ise ourm :_co >' ler parasol. WM suffersng frequently eut Thcmite appinteti by thre Poot- "Mr. Braxton," RieRaid. auttly.i AmOb etgotiieralignorance; or mort ma-t- er(.uer-ai te examine lie Imemat ".migltit ucti 015k for a new triai?"- dgsim.*ty fuum a mther'a neglect ta le tube service uftheb.coutntry ita cuom- hcgoTiue peo5-ly nstrnet er ~angiler plemed tri vork anti suirmitte tonIlsreport CregiTIue Ptooiy natrctbe dngte 1 ta theieparimeul. Tiéc ommirtlce ba. ARenied, for th.e Grippe. TradIio lya "vwom aiut lin- mailinvestigations in tlimpoit, 1 cIr pliarosreomn hfiiPSB ler. mmdyomg vonenare e tugil 1e. utticcuuntrysud iasr-r.,eutA-dvs! S x. saaremcdy for patients afilicteit Tm la a 111.tle tist andi a great demi oabde data. The- report rEýtorneun, 50au ,1ih lbe gripl. am It is eapecialiy atiapled et exaggeo'atlin in thia. If a yotng appropriation ut $500.00W, andl loêtstm- for bheirat antd luuig. Do net wutt g 1er (serorai Smithi ban forwrrided arre-> forr ire iraI a.vmplomm ut the. dieas.., but1 voMma enfer. aeverly éaie needs tiniste tu Congres fur lire appîrori.ationl geltaboaile to-ay atndlkeett il un baud tr*.u.atibrmlenaiut s.-.-foi, u..e themomnît it. in neeed. If neg- Us4 Dýa ndbr ohe gl esaILlretrîl the gripl im l t ntrecy te bring o il"aba gl&iLAccording lu the. popularisiipe"rfin nii ou orrnonfil. KEN I8 BAI.SAM pre-1 _ agy gotisers heatate te teks thir thereil, bitter war beseen Serruburs i-nnt irmli y ieeplutr tir,- î'ogi orne anti daugbserutar a Pbyiai for examina, Hanna andi Pettigrew. Probasily froni itiiuiiuulaton. Ail ti; tne mother iaeeti ieatate t0u nwspaper reilers votidnul bclta itI rugrulnta seili KElNI'S BALSAM mt 2k Ur.ioO &eey bout ber daugisten or .orpriseo~luerenso temomorriag if a duel andil 51lr.__ tbuaasl tefiacinkam ane wti sur between Ithe state,.m>en front 0 lindn 'onpreumcd Air isplsuisrg Mulea.L Xm .uO P ficint a'advjces in lSeti Dakota. A4 n malter rof fart. nrlrnne I I.nnphuig tr *hg. Ms lkatsairs aMetrs. Ilsnoatnd Il'clgrr-w artie orrssdar ssipinin h very gueiltenn-. They iaurglranrd jolocmule inl tti minesIn Wisc-onsiu. lugitehiscansd have, ceeu ber-rt tar-n l.rg Lanes 'a ily Medicine Itluir-heon ai tire sActe tile outhelie ir-ite Moves lie bowech.. cdiday. In eider ret-.aurant upon the moaI aurir-irle t(erti.. te b. îeaîthy thuis ltncecary. Acte - . geuîly on tire hiver and kidnrr->. Cures By ther- ilvtn-e u of li di iinr. tii. airk headacire. Prir 25 ad 5c. l'reaident bl ima ecidleit. iiabanrdrrn.ail1 ----- -- evn-ing recer-tiuus for lire wiîter. n-lin-jrpostage tifalmpa. ia a great disaipponttuenhtri theetoial Tireri, are 1.ltOO mdistinct %'rli-es ot pputlation îret"ritlingtn . Nîitb,' r ite-postage - Oautia. I'recidc,bnu ir 'Mrs. M..1rinley , s.filv ios(uei iebs rer(-n-front the grip. Whlitîelt-he re- e, _ndcn r idontis trintating i] nKexar-rublc "0. d for ait affectionsouthtitretIa lt,în~.ire ju sîlli weak and il rli-5xrcsui-rI0.lad Fr-lu Il). 100. ontin is îlysiciao innsi t t sIrehal ot _____________10,__11_. cxpoe. hmocîlf or b. tbjectr-ul tuo 000c ibuisaan Exiles lu siher-ba. easary fatigue ,înlii lic ia tully ietiore'r. Neirly 4f) per centof etIe population cf Siberia are Itutsfan exiles. Tii.- ruîy rcorgmnitariuntt iilhm.. bc- lîgut Pialzgraf, cf Suit im ene a law andi une ufthle irst thigs PUTNANI FADELESS DYHII do net W.. niothrof the. yonng lady lu beulune seul lie an order Iotri m nt-n-$pot. tresir or alvec yur goutta an un- t we bers publiait,. vote mandera hhroughout tic Unitedl States eveeuy dycd uppearînn-e. ln January, 18q»1. ..aylug tueîroiitit lb. sale utrmen sud alur-. laS sufferei for hivo in thec tanteena. Thre readin co.nns niti Self-r ec>t islutiretorner Stone of ail Ir wt lr lar nme-ntrruain- aucneentlhalls viii lie rettîjueul for the tîrtue-Sir Join Hieros-hel. - - a t. linte. andtiin lu beneltt thcsaldiers, lurt uolbing but ~ ~ u.arsao-. auvseli. and was generally soft drinks ja ill b.oti, andi eeu that FITS ~a.mrca lire. Puka Y ponp i a- ie lett discretionary- to the -pos.t or ja sflireetlsto.m wthaàIùe, andinunter data of egilienal ommader. 50onta-IPOd.5h a 1 U, tiemohr arites agaîn rgrl't5 ofmOOS o tIds ýýK UE.PakbamVgtb Sevretar> ltirte Prcidoint George B. ttsaa.sar.ldot. esalla oüm.d hber daughter ofa 1Cortilyou ...orkarder anti longer honr, -______ _______ r a.5ulalîy .Il j.. uuinî. tutuuy aliter employe ttr la tise vorîti e.uals 1Mn,.gvrieiecp h rtdeo b qra sdcne for ne nv-nttit x the W ie adentli- y el.lie i.a -WieHu. hI 'eS voan echur met y a. n. orks litiîl cvening, andt len ---~-a tise e irnrn imi.if. Evt'ry night ami a M t: toi __ BLAcA... ~r.a ~TU~IDG~ WDLL Suaatrnsrg - Vasa Caga&*eaa. 8~an Fasu. Lssa e. C.A**sBNT8 AIftAYA. AJ.TOwffftCo. Sema... Nasa, SkiDTOIIUFOi RST EVER, KNOWN w PMItsIEVERYUO-U UNE aW! BREAME. l1THE VIEN UE DMI. IM 1NE FOUI WE EAT. of ahEp. Hundroeaof carloads of P.runa are shlpped in ail directions toaineet the extraordinary demanda or the grip .pidemlc. 10 £i'erybody layinglnaéokf Z.o this valuable remedy in lime ta meet -' the terrible enemy. the Grip. The extensive facilities of the. ej manufaeturet'r axed tu their ut- U mont ta lieel the urgent demaud for Peruua. Aimoet everybody lias fhe grip. Almoal everybody must have Pe- rima. T&ken At lth appearaneof tiie first symptoms of the grip, not only le Peruna a prompt cure for the grlp but it preveora thoae disasatrous àiguý.6.-0Umm@. a fter effectasoe, hurateri.ti, .0f hua ~iU ,6aoot . d rend disease. Peruna net oniY uer. thie griv, but preveuts it. Taken la time thrroanda of lives wîilb. aaved in Ibis present epidemlc. Every famiiy ahotild vake the precaution to secure a supply ot Perona at once, for the. retiiand wloesaae stock of'tii. rerurdy msy b.e ehausted by the. «srmons deir.rrd for it. Il in windom t0ah, r Peruna in tihe boume aven before the. grip attacka the. houahoid. lit lima been as,-ertiined by a reporter tiat tie following peuple of national reputation hr..c given publie indorsement and testimonuiale ta Peruna as B remedy fr la grippe: Congresa ianoiviri of Alabama says: "f have taken J'eruna for tbe grip and reeommend r: as. an excellcnt remedy lu ahl feilow-auficrers." Congreumat Whnt.- of North Carolina soya: "I find Peruna ta b. an excellent remedy for irc grip. 1 ha .'e uaed lt in my family and t.hey ail juin me in aconandlng r:. 3ia1»Nraace M. Anderson of Wnsbington, D. C.. daughber of .udge Anderson of Virgiori. maya: *1 wns taken very iii wilh tbe grip. 1 tank Peruna and vas sutc ,,r rave my br-d in a week." NMra. Harrette A. S. Mrsb, Premideut of the MWomnan's Benevolent Azso- ciation of Chicago, wa 'r' "I sufferc-d with trip seven weeks. Nothing helped me. Tri.d Peimn driwithin tire. veeka 1 aas fully ratored. Shal neyer b. vithoul ir rrr:rrn." At the. appearanre f the. first sy:nptoma of gTip people sbould tay in- doori and tair. Perrirr in amaîl dorex (teaspoonful every hour> until the. aysnptoma dieupprsr'l'bisiii prer eut a long, disastrous sckneaa sand penbapa fatal resol!,. Ina WarmBl And a single aoilgwt CUTI4 pues of emomients and gretatofukfi Ths sthe pwrest, uveet9iuot, atswd manent, and economical treatomt for tçw d6fguring, itchlng, bwnlnge b= , crated, and phnplysi tduap rashes, kdWons, and ~g w hafr, ofhinfants ad cMdrenam i aucoeed whie alal other remedisa1h11 Millios of Mhers Usa Cum THE SETIIOI 5 ft "00 FARMS ffl SALE. 12. Wea FOR 1- -é ,m ~ c ls s a i î À. . oe a .5elsigFnePs5~~L~I Pi. ittaa sa N .SlAfa~faia. For the FamiIy. All ages hall with delight the comirlg of the most wonderful, meritortous preparation that will lghten the SIl* of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purgea, inconvenlent liquida, and pilla that leu, your lide out. Slmply because un CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will flnd juat what you want, convenient In Iorm, plcasant of taste (just llke candy> and of neyer-failing remnedial action. They -have found a place I infillon& of homes, and are the fqorite medicîne of the whole family, from baby to good oid grandpa. O>nt baé faoled wi vlth Et.-sbttuten for CASCAReTS1 lent araia-Cio..a nurr ti. Te 1 tins. i au". nt sa-g miea relu te BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. Ppa~ Ioc - 25c. 50c. NEYER .$OLD MINBULL DRUGGISTS THE TABLET I raP j And Rest for Tirsi Mithers -f - ' ý Il., KN 's lu fer Metoi-m. Seuntering lm lier àa plece In die paprer vol ave mure mets de front overeatn' danu trour îileta. Tiued Treudwcll i;r-r' Ve got lu le more caretul about onrseves, Dis ing of catîn' elghl nacuils a rlay juat becatra. yen aln'b t alul dtrio utfer 'ena lnaa babit duit lte ilanurgeinrs blet groin.-on yeu-'Cr.ago Trri.Ileralti. Tiscala more catarh lnta il s eela of tW Mont% 1!tban suail1otite, .a et ill lgallier. sa,. tulil 1h9a utas e ae a a eand eS 1 l.- curable. PaFo rar nrrlity' ymSbden.elor r. nuSued Il a locaIl"""r- =an rmabd aa reruedies. and hbronyrirlà ailIgt.cir = ii Wo,-aitreattent. prrniurrril Il 5isirairse. Ielesos bus provea catarrin trrlu»'&eOMttiionai dis- eau., andt hereore rer-,,re-..coetigotlooai res. aient. Hall's Ctartr ch iafcue oP lerually lu dosil- D-our r ri 10jte lesa ubL itr-act ect ytm re on tl rnd eus bau,. dollars for son -roc rl o e ure. Senti lr Circlars Ld l.lnrr . Adtirma. F .1 i tin-\t<f & 00, Toedo. 0. JW'Sutd by 771iglu. îsv Ntf n'?Power. Dîrri og tIt i -t r --r eorly 5,(000< Ions iI'it )1lianr- -, rlsaved b> Ilarge raanutarttî,-r.. 11J i rrg vater powrr. TO CURSE A (111.11IN ONK DAY Taire Laxative B-ronirînine Tableta. Ail tiugglsaarefundtitire rrrnrn' Ififailj r ue Net le retrîtu :rIl,- ,idclc o chber I la 0iui 111:1ur tu oreloro evîl fori good la djOtolrrrtl, Srica.

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