Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1901, p. 1

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ýJAKE COUNTY INDýEPENDE-NT,, Vol. IX. No. 19. Libert.vville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 15, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance, fiDollar H" o14 it.1 11iru I erntÎ4a ndi<h ail of thii to be workiîîg for the( wl fthe dolliar Il f yo i i t tili'fl 'v j S hnorn & ('. in liii I use j,ýmof au vrot. Su1it ,i pir of TI ails' ma t,fi ýoiir mn iie lrailnd .IîiLî tu-'l lit. SANBORN & CO., Tallors and liaberdashers, No's thie timeîto s tliîîk abliît il. 1 ian <,ffer yo u sinif' ihweineîitvt. ( 'ilinîu j anîîd 1jt me te-ll volt abolit theîîi. 1 have an excel lenît i us of saîîîle from wlichlx)to melect anîd îiîy fprivesare 1014-r thaîî yout -anl bu y thie sane goohss foi- elmewhere. A~f18 somethieS you shouid consîder. __________ MINE IS THE BEST. Fred Croker, Libertyville - - Dr..Charles Galloway. OffIcoovor Love ll'sD)rug Store B5001FK15 780 I NI GTO 1P. M. Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Tr.ggs & Taylor's. itemidence on lro,.ilway opp,,hite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. 5ItICS5vC8 OPPOP.rrg P- IN B dA OTI, BIDO. Curnee- -- -------llinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTI ST. 0ffice -over Lake County Bank Bosîrs: ý tOJ2 a. in. and 1 to à P. in. DAILY Libertyville, MI. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Attorney mnd Couuîel"r ut NOTARV PUBLIC OFFIca Ovin tLAitE COTy A, Libertyville, Ilinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. TSIctplUONr NO 20 ,,,.i55h i MAX LEBEAU, ...Fine Cigars... Ciake o. Bean ktil !WRIGHT DYMONO & Co. Lbe3rtyvilie. Illinols. Igsues [nterest Iearing Certifi- ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION.1 LAKE TO SE IN TENTN DISTIFALLS DEAI> IN MIS STABLE. Fiirliît t Be Made to, Ikfcat1 Cook and Lake Cousiem WilIl Noîrf b coit. fis'ho l nroix *Il,îvc ntioin of tiie Modern Woodmen î,f Arnerica met lu annmal session et i'eorla oin Weciinesday of this week. fisere vili bCi ltereat- lng developmentiae fîre tflic onveîi. tiosi adiou rrs. A iglit le directeti agiilnit Lieut. CIv, W. A. orthcott, iead consul of the Wooduieu order, and flot loi., againut hlm lit agsiust tise ead iffcerB amociatcd witis hlm and tise iremenat (on Idit l,iof .ifl.sal iaffaire geiîeraliy. 'f îdge U,,lert H. Loi tt. orPora whý,, î' promineut in ttio Woodmau worid, le lcadiug the iiglst against Northî'o(tt sudlul au active candidate for that gentlesuanm office. Tisefgist againgt lMr. Nortiscott la alleclared ulgbt "again8t b hgsalaries aud mis- Management. ",fI la cited tisat, tisougbi recejiîg tise lissdgome salary of $00a year for oiiciating mas ead consul, M.r. Nortficott fairly drains thse tremsury of tise order vîtis bis bis for "ulfice eapensem- and otiser -inci- de ritals, lhe total expeuse of the bcad osusofIMce for liecember, 19010. was l'i.',the tised clerk's offices of tise orler $6,311 i;1; for the setié. Eacli memuter oif the bsoard of directors for siervices lu paselug upon tise Lecemiser his d rets froini$211.&0to $4319.5, or a total of$1,.725.o4.Tise edîtor of tise officiai organ of tise order draws $2,84m)per annum. vus otaber extensive emolumeuts. It lis baid et tihe présent rata tise annuel expeusesl 01 tise order viii reacis nearly 3600,0(50. Tise Lake County delegates as- Semn bled at the Brevort Houa.', Chicago, Tucsiiay aftcruoonu, Ieaving lu a body for i'eorla at 3 o dock p. m. 'lILie delegates anu latuer nates an, A1'rniîteî J. C. Juin,. <eo, Slve,c W. H. Wiinot, Tbos. Stcang. Win. folian. Cý C. iswalu. 1'-,. }Lyrch. Wa.- iHarver. J,,5 , O 9ulJ A. Hathorne. E W Br,, k-. Friink Mitchell. il. T bon. i. Fr',d ',- O>ur 'searly Appeai. f ise tiret of every year IL bae been Ooff usoato e"Bd, Iodeltnqum me>- scribers a statement of their acount. we -re delayed thin year. becanise o; Illinois. o"îr'il t to secure caliler tise lreujuîm a-fdeaire d tuofufer for 100f, This vcek Wl, sesnt to ail subscrisers suoru-'tasilue1, ear l rrain ta - - nmcnt, nequesting prompt rensittance, %% c trust f you, dear rouler, have re- ceivesi such a notice ysiu vilii eed Our We c ilieveu 01wîflconcede v., are îillimiîsîîg tise beNt weekly la Lake e ,iîsty, touau wiicis It takeu money. .lîît ut thistîie ve arc particnisrly sunced o! tisat visicis is dise us. Cir- cuotances are muchuelSse vli be obligea 'î l e te luinst 1sîpoui psuilit of every bill sent onit lu mobt every instance non- Pa3 ment la merely a matter o! neg- ~lcci, anîd therefore we trust tise re- mind'r smeni yysi (if yoîî reeelvod one) ~ vili neaulijin caliing yonr attention tu - ~ - 3'isr ,'relesste§sssud lu oîsr necoiviug s prompt nemttauce. Stoves and Steel Ranges Ci(rumauces permlttiug, ve vould 1H E BEST STOVySmgai at 30Dur ,wn times'in tise mat- tan, tilt tbit we pu@ialfvely dc-11ot do FOR witisut greatiy cmbanraaaisîg olr 000 THE LEAST MONEY. inlterest.. iulos't put tise matter oti, attend to it AUl Stoves Warranted.. 'soin isouIl Js i 4'r'Lîton. G. H. SCHANCK, I'selle 1B. Sbunan. LIBERTYVILLE - LLINOIS. tIrs hl,e1le B. Shermns, 'sueHax- toit. dis-ilvery unexpectcdly 51 ber homec su Wîrrenton, Feis 5, E1901. ce aednlslure s inudee, Scot- IAIIIITEfl if2, 1144, and marrled tsi FUISI NANTIIIU l,;, 4S.icrmu.n Nov. 13, 10, visa usoýi ecrai yearma go. ligisi chi- dren nere tom to tisem, of viîcisfour are living. Lena, James, Ada, Engee ýHig est arke Prie 1asti Ors. Ada la marrled and resides PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF ifs Chicago and James le msrried sud Ilv on tisefarn. RAW / FIJRS mMrs.itSherman tbas lived lu i8cm BY hen cheer!îîl and il epf nIChristian Ilite mae bocta o!f nind. She vas a C has Sternple, scemiber o!fishe Metisodiat clans at iugatack isool Souae, asud wben tise Long Grove, 111. ,li(tercnt <lsses wene snited ut Gages suEI 7 te MAR a Cornera If, ycîîfs ugo mise uuited tisere. ______________________________ fanrai mervices vere hil alt tise 4e ia~, nd aere coudueted isy 1ev. C. E.Chapler, pastor o! tile churcis. Thse L. Ml. LITCHIFIELD, bodsîy Oas laid Sy tisat o! bier buabanil fiu tht' Lilertyville cemetery. 'rhe Tire Iusurauce JIOeut, 8ynîpatisy of tise vuols, communîty l unteilc iii ltistheesved !amîly. Libertyville - Illinois REPRESENTING THE American, of Newark, N. J. New IHampshire, of Ilanchester, N. Hl. I write good riski of every <description. -farni business a specialty. Have Ten Cousremmnen. 0 An apporioument 1f Coîok aud Lake IConU]tes mb ],ton Uîîsigrenssonai dis- ytricts, tisree o! theni I)emoogatie sud noeneuRPublican, vas sgreed on Tues. day bY thse suboomnalttee of the Iepus- hiae Cook Couty cuimmlttee, viic bas iaidtishe matter lu charge. Tise ,fplan vas prououuced matisfactory to ,al thse varions intercala iuIvoived sud anoue of tise proient Cougremmen la eiikeiy to fiit dIfuit vltlîfi. 8Tise plan, isovever,iiîu one difficuliy, visicis viii arouse, opposition ln Springfield amoug tise memniers of tise Legisiature froin outai(le Cook Couuty. fTisai trouble la tisstfi demanda ten edistricts for Cook uni Lake Counties t itisout Inciuding IVili Tise plan on 1visici tise leisiative subcommittees 1On apportionmeni bas lîcen working Js 2to Jota Cook, Wiii sud Lake Counnues 1and give thom ton ilîstricta among thlimant.Tise onutry members ssy eChicago muet takte cane ofiWli Conty Orbho :contutad vitllis ule districts, vhiie tise ommittosfil Cicagoska for ten districts lidfeps-ndeut of Wili. Tise later county meetin to be a politîcai Orpisan ifsi lDow, ueltier tise clty noir tise country vanitlng it. Congresaman Lorimer, whio devised tise thicago Plan sgrci to Tnesday, la Of tise opinion that tise country viii consent W to ansd providje for Wiii Connty ontaide o! Cook and Lake, rgiving tise latter tise ten districts tlsey rare aéking for. It i, possible, bow- tever, tilait ho May be ltaken lu bis 8calculation. sud tise crmmittee visicis coutpleted Ira vork Fiîesday may be comnpelled to do it ail over again wita au RIIOWsfsCe illade for Witt Cofînty as su adJuist to Cook and Lake. Tise tentis, or Cougresaman Foiu' district le compqsed of tise Twonsy. fourtis Ward, tise Tvenîty-tbird vent of Haisbed mteet, tise Tventy-îbt uorth of Gracelaud avenue, tise Towns of Usuover, Schaumberg, liarrington, Palatine, Whelng, Eik Grave, Nilea, Nortield, New Trier, lait Elanston, sud Lake Connty. Popuiation-178,938. itepabica plnrality-6,975. Thse Uguig on papulalion given Statea tise paty plumsItien from tise ist Presid(întial election. Thsis ls tise Chsicago plan as jld ont by tse committee t,, bo pre8euted tb tise legisiatîr.. coomilleees un ap- portiounsent, unli t romains tii ho seen if it 'goes ()Ur I nstituios .are Splendid. i TheIllinois huarl of Commîssioners of fPubic Charitis. haà conspilesi lu ailteu bicuilal rl iport. <'oucernug Lake Couuity'a Juil fn Waukle6rs tise report sauf: Lake-Ailtisccoditon iere are 1encehient. I lhec, 'eeme tsi benotis- Sinig iscklng. of tise condlitionsiaethtie ('ouuty j?arnn at Libs'rtyvlle tise commis- sionera report lm as !oliown: Lake ise hbuildings are amply1 large snd lu fîîirly gond condition. Tise grounds are ocli kept and pro- sent a Dn ansd I h oeltke appearance. 1Tise Insates sre weili ton cure oi, s u far as lnuflu the powier osf tise Sup- 3erintendetit. 'flic cufuijsment lu the 1umaini lm poor. tuî- furuiture Seing old sud worthliemm. Iran beateadas shiould ccrtainly le substltutodl for ttise vooden unestbey nov bave. Tise bediiteauja îow ianue are aI ive wîts bugs. The - aipriutsudent saya ise la constantiy alto, Iisem but eau Dot extnsuate tiscu. Tise superlu- tendent isu ten lu charge for s number o! yeax,, sud secms to bc s rval îssble masi Auctioui Sale Bil. If yî,îu contesoflate isaviug asilauc- tinsale, St oill be to Jotur luterest to have Your suie bille priuted autbtais office. We insert a notice of sale, lu- cIudIug libt of articles, lu tise INDE« PENfDENT free cuf charge, sud isecauje 01 tise large circulation smoug farmer@ ail tise very clans viso are mont fhable to attend alidtions, tisai notice ls lu- valuable. OSur rates are reasonabie. t WittRepsent Dance. Tise Lake Coîsnity Dancing Club wan unfortunate lu s.etting date for tiseir firat dance Frlday iigist lait, as a bliz- zard raged tisaI night. Consequeutly tbey viii repeat tise dance Mooday ulgisi, ieb. 189h, Prof Greshoiffs ahi. 05<0 Orchestra viii furnisi. rousie. Supper served lu bfaseusent ai hall. Ail invitel. La Gipp QucklyCurd. eceni experiment. show tsat ail h.u snlsîs Qucki Cued. classeso! foodB a xn e completly lu tise oluter o! 1898 sud 1899 t va digesteil by s propealan caileil tats'ss ,fuwn viti a severe sttack of Rodoi Dyspepala Cure, viicis sh- Sa lit lm called La Grippe" sasysF. L. sointely digests visat yen est. As It Hewett, a prominent druggist of!la the onty combluation of Sa htie Wsileld, Ill. -,The iouly medicine I nstnrai ilIgestauts ever devised theo n sud %as.two botties o!f Ciamberlanilemaul for itban ieome enormons. CoughitemKly.It boke p th col 1lias neyer falled le cure lise very sud stopped tise cougblug like magic wrtcm 1Idgsinad anS hae nversine bsu roule* alwsys gives Instant relief. F. B. vus Grippe." Chamberlinu'sCough (lune.Leryîe .l.Baxs lteueily cao always bc lopeuilei upon Grs. to break Up a severe coland yard off any threaieuel attack o! pueumeuw ta.FW-ae it fplasdaasut totake, tee, ubJoeCoaFr ae makes I h ie uometdesirablo andi ou. of New miier, Sud 13091109s. aiusY. thse atI uiais, preparadienala F. F.ted.r~ .= u u ý a, Lypn n oe., "Me lie IV sbe a iwu« A«f» Coroner Holds Inquest Over lie. mains of Ferdinanî it Early Friday morniog of ]est veek Ferdinand Witt, of Hall Day, fell dead vile lu bis cov stable watcblng bis 16-year-old sou mlik, probably frons beart disease. Witt bad gene to tise @table et 4 0'ciock ta care for a slck cov snd later etood watdlîing bis son Carl miik, cisattlug vilShliim tise meauhle. Carl uotlced fil@ fatiser roes up te grs.sp a rope hangiug just above iss heail, tison reel aud full. Ho apraug tu bis assistance andl vas iorritied tt nd hilm dead. HsSsisng ta tise bouse Carl luformed bis uxtier and otiser mesubers of visai issi bappened. Tisoy iurried te thse stable, Dot noeug able to crei h ie terrible uews. Eutering tisey bebeld tise p rte forsu of isusisud sud fatiser rlgid lu deatls. Tbey vere bar- rifleil aud aimost pbatrated by tbi suilden bereavement, Nelgisoors arrlved sud snmmouod Coroner Taylor. visa bell an Inqufet Frilay mornîng. Tise Jury vas noms- poseil of P. Moyens. foreman, E. Chsurchill, H. Gileason, J. Hertel, P. Cooper sud L. Bobuler. Tiseir verdict vas deats froux natural causes, prob- abiy beart failure. Deceased isad llved for elgisteen years au a tan acre tarin near Hiait Day sud vas a man uuIvermally le- spectedl. Cuil ltant Chriltmas lie vw« lu gond bealtis, but @Ince tisat time bs« Complaîneil Of net feeling as vehi as usual, tisongis ho lieaduet been aick. À wife sud four eblidren survive. Tissuka, Brotheri Criticisin from Ctsesolu a position batte jidge la tise muet valuabie, hounne vison a publication han sufficieut merlt go varrant expressions o! approval sncbsas appearedi lulat veeks Sheridan Road News. Le ler,&tise criticieil msy jnstly feel pleaseil. To knov one'& efforts are appreciatei laisa stimulus te groater ezertion snd public expression o! sncb appreation, by an voriti soen brigister. We aUt like te bo patteil on tise back andilai er. doluz splendidly. snd Wa too oten tise ciao ediore do AUl the patting. In IL. Thsks brothleri floresthse pu.: 0f ai tise brigisi andl Devey ex. changes Chtisinorne ta Our sanctunm tise Lake Cous!v Indepesdemi, o1 Libertyviile, lantisu leader, We bave bad tise pltiaoure 0f meeting Editor Jung lus& Once, sud aur experienced oye reognised ChtisM r. Jung vas Saif tise man visa oould edit s paper, evon ta tise ad&. Tise people af!Chtia bnrg are lucky lu hsviug a paper o! Just sencb quslity. Sonncesato tise Magion Wili Figist it. Senator Muson proposes ke make a lilit agalusi tise clauae lu tise bil aodifying tise postal iavs, vsicis pro- vents veekiy nevapapers froux mail- ing tiseir publications ai &se ponnd rate lisen luteudeil for delvery lu tise City lunvisici tise paper in puis- l"ansd reqnlring a one cent stamp be sflied tooicis piper lu question. Iundes tise present lav tisee eealies eau mail tiseir publications for de11v- ery iu tise îtY luavisicis tbey are printel sud to ail otiser sections of tise conutys veili itisoni any cisarge visere tisore in uo Carrier de- livery. lu discnsaing tise question Seustor blason sald: 1"f iseClas il peausedtise House la death te every couuty uevspspeî. fi requires a ont) cent stamp afixieiltk eàcis nevapaper for dellvery lu thse place visere Itla publisised. Tis maae aaceot& 01l5icents a Jear for ecdi weekly paper, visicis lumont cabssd Laeaiy ihslf tise subseription price. "lise peopi.! have enjoyed tise preseut privilege for s quarter of a century sud tise nov aubacriptions are oused utise aId postage rate,.bU der tise preont practIce tise bandlfng of tise couuiy papers la but a smnall ex. pense te tise gaverumeut. Wbeu tise bil vbicS bas penaed tise Bouse roachea tise Benale 1 shalh do ail lu my power t oenet tise provision lu question." Ciseap Rate to St. Pauni. Ou Feis. 18 sud 19, 1%)l excursion tickets vilii hosold tk St. Paul, Minu. by tise C. M. &t St. P. Railway Co. for $f1.37 for tise round trip, g001 to i.. titr unotil Fois. 25iis, ou accoait of tise &annual convention o! tise Nation& Butter Matera' Association. 12.7 lied To Conquer Or Die. «,I vas Insi about gone."* write. lMra. Rosa itctarsion, o! Laurel Springs, N. C., -I isad Conuumplton s0 bailtisai tise buit doctor. ..ld 1 conli nat live more &hsan a moutis, but 1 began k use Dr. Ktng's Nev Dlséovery sud vau visolu y oureil by neveu bottlos sud am uoatsoutand voll." It'.aununrivaed lite-saver la Consumption, I>nennsaula, L&Grîppe aMdl rouchitis; lu!alliblo for Cougae, 001.10.Asthsme, Hay lever, Croup or Wbeoping Congis. Onaran- t004 bottles 5Me aud 01.00. Trial botties Ire. as P. IB. Loyr.'a, Ubsr~vli~ Gmyif x PN àMAI. RubbersAN Overshoes TO FIT ANY F001 r W e have a large and complet. lino 01 GOOD RELIABLE RUBBER ô"t Fleece-lined rulsbers. G Q Fleece-lisued overs1îo(,. ILh',top gaiters. Flt bouts for men and boys. German socks for muen and boys. t lestvy dock oversboes for men sud o Men's heavy duck rubber boots. Rtu ber boots te fit »iY oot. Leggins for Cbildrn.. NOUSE ESTABLISI4ED NOV. 26. 1848 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TLPOEO~ FARM NOW IS THE Ti TO LOOK UP YOtJ1,ý SPRING TOOLS... I will hanuile a fullb une of Buckeye Drille and Seeder.s, Moline and Racine Phows, Lever' and Disc I-Iarrows, Moine Corn Plantera, DrIlla andi Check ttowers, Trucks and Wagons. I a6 s tn: houàËd;iiâht gbut the, very best in the market, and every article bouglît Of me is warranted to be thîe very beat of ita kind at pnices as loy or lover than the sane goods Cati be bouglit for elsevhsere. M.0 B. Libertyvl Iliinois. jIT TAEY] Co mni«r au ITIME ANDI We have both, and now la the rp ILEATHERI time and ours the proper Place leave your order. Here aret reasons: WE bave1ýust received a large supply of leathe.,&Mm nov is the lull before the storrn. In a f.w weeks we'U be crowded witb orders. If you bogi your order nov for Marcb or Aprll delivery you viii bayo your harnems when spring work openm Up and it iMi b.- mnade to suit your own notions. AI GAIN we can make any kind of hnrness yon vWU&. W/e can make thora cheap and good, also botter U4 Às excellent, thon best and superior. We cari bufid thom cheaper than you will buy a poorer harnes elslevhere fer. Our cheap harnemses are good. We guarantee our ha,. neomes as to stock and workrnanship and to be jat asm represented. We are using nothing but No. 1 oak nthsr on ail fir4t class hamnesses. We neyer furnish cheap voit. manship. That is of tho superior kind on &al rib of harness. Corne in and talk it over and you viii certainly hecome satisfied that we can save vou xnoney. Remnember, NOW IS THE TIME. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLINQ IN 201h1 oIrC Wanto to cail youi'. teution to their pants. yoiu need tbem titis .4 W e h a v e t h e m V e i l m a d e f o . . .S ail voot *' I lu IRecffl eb * *el AncUser rnvoaoe 01 Milwaukee foot tom Goodyear Welt Dod leather linedi prie. E8 W. $1.60 a Year in Advance,

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