Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1901, p. 5

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i'he dy of large profits k îast. ,ýXodenit methiodt4 mean fmo't- îîod.' erte inargis. Thlictr'îlî tif this affertioîi applies îî4olti' , tiithe retailer hbut t41the joilwîi' utaid îmanuî- fai'tiîer as weli. Wr tuiki advan- tage of iconditiuns î til inîîuke our îiurî-Iiames m) ftiuî -' - .uîi xet ail conipetitors. (onîpar-e îîîîî'ii'.. itli those mlîîle by tiîîw î tÀ) 4res-it w-ill 1 . t itmlafivali tige to (le) Triggs & Taylor, GROCERS, Libertyville - - Illinois. Now___ 1.s thei- tinie aîîd liere ik the jdt to bil at a liargairi. 1 lhVfivt I 901) C( rescnti Bu w'- l.iîi-h i will Pt-Il fis astarter fuir By tti- wayî', it 1 mle ot hiilik. titert s k fliothe iie lé-e fo $U2.00 Cali and inspect my stock before purchasing. C. R. SIiIERMAN, Libertyville - - Illinois. PER CENT DISCOUNTI ON I 2 5 TllitBoots, Winter Uuderwear, I 1:11P iliu*e fu NgisKII, Camb Limed 3ackes. -'j. ~, We art determined to Inove tbem. W -are h. Iiitg 11funi t îîui -5 p r j tu iiît diseie tlitit tton ill i lt f"titi (Ais M lenî,-.. anmdteî - fîl h lit Arct-tu-et ttil îi.t- l.fiîllbl iu'io i lc>îuk ( mîut... Ila- t'e t wu ) î1 ilî1. uits 1 ( ft. I )îî't 'txai varry thet'-' ttm<l. lltC1 îtjl uam seasoil, uîid \\ii cloise ttii ttt ouit uu and heiit't Smith & Davis,' DEALERS IN Ototral Mercbandise. -Libertyville - Illinois. 4 We îîever rpe4-ent iti îtr ail xertis- j iîîg t t whil it weilt' I ut trep ared to drifel -i Tltey lit tut iotter PiKDUP HERE AND THERE. LLocal Items of lnterest to L[bertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, Dec. 23, 1900, r1201 a. m. Nu. ttc f tii TO CHICAGO. smr£Ex A oYs.. Dopai-h From New Depot. - .. C 'b t.. nI NLA,i 1N,. 1 N,' t [O CHICAGO, uENx 1155 ýD.pat FrontOid Depot. Il à I ,t' .. ti SýI tAtN. FROM CHICAG.O. vîsK A na Arrive et New Depot. N..--------------------.....m 1,7 ý.... ..... .... .... 4:35 1, .. a uvua T e 1o t7....-..t......ic m m1 FROM CHIUAG.. vola nans Arrive ah Old Dî,poti . . . .. i.. . . . - ~ ~~ ..i...........Si. f. 501 FRtfItttT. Deparht Froru OId Depot. 1:45 &a. .8 iô p. nm. Denýart FIl.OtO Depol. Ns. l91,i. Wi-cBouu-i t'et-M. that marks our jîries 'not Mightier the S WORD that ruts them. l-v da.y viti t teir iparents itere. Frank V. agiter, tif ls'shoe. recelved a tiinabttililaim '.f $1001 receuty froin te $lysic Worker orgaiir.ioia. Thre claisim was paid w vihn in,.days fruc it,, m-oflits beiiig properly lled. %Vrn.GeHingaehiîi-rned iii Liberty- vitle 'ruesaly, sîher a yeek in the 're.1tyherisn Hospital ai Chitcago, vhei-c lie uttervent a strgiosî opera- tiont lie is greaiiy împroved and bas resut muel i lv itle ti ii mitlit A]Davis' A nîigit load of yionrg people sharied for Dîanaond Lake tant Friday evenitug, h5. attend tite donation pary anteha held ah <letrge lîsy's. The blizzard provad hoo mtî,.-i for theit, itowever, snd after goîug a aitorth distance titey retnrned and et.î.yed u oysher napper aht the borne of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Walrond. The donation party vas postponed un- Lit Mntrlîy evening. viien a itumber fromîtitîre shlended. i t..- filtowîug la going thte ruttnda of thtu- .Ltty press, eu(th ciitor liaert- ilig namutof howu vitare bisupaper la puftlisbied forthitat o!thue tovu appear- itmg In the paper lrom iticlitlhe clips thm Itemý We do IIkevîseý A Liberty- ville yoting lady vi-ote ho a Chicagfo tî1rtu.etî(i-oslng 2i cents fur a recIpie --w.rraoited ho keep te banda white," aodrreived thte folloviuig replyr -'i"ik seell tri dînsvwaler tbree times a îtaY wiîe yoitr mother reta:" Site liee t'mt a fat,, at leat s ie ibas iiJtrry ('aHer look a tona o! is fri!t-ms t, Diamouil Lake Mondsy iiglitl fîm a sleIgit ride and ho taàka lu uin oui ime "donation' ah the home o! t,,.,Ray, simd stch s time as hhey report. "t)td limet' expresses It and its charseher licenéed hhoie sihendlng 10 Euijîty atl the lreedom cutsiary ai dtonthionstf tite old sort. As a ra- milft ut-arty $100 vas donad ln uclitatige for tite rousing good une aultrdai. Titose atheuding from jLitiertyvîf le wüet, Mr. and lins. Wm. %% nîronil, Misses Smit, Morse, (Jater, tfayitard and Robinson; Meurs. 'Trigem. i ruter, Davis, Met;iifin sud Ca tv-r I1'm hart,' Ae menan that engina for tute eleu.'hiic plant, as l also onue o! the dyîtammmes. ti course aitothar englue attd dyttamît îlîîolicshes o! titose nov ln pIace, trc yet 10 tome and should ar- rise ilu a day omi two, but Mr. Freeman vîlI ,.harh op jifst as soon as the hvo machine,. nîwtitere Can ba connactad up sud lie te t-ad lhIyl ha glesm- iuig iy thie la8I 0f 1eXt vaak. Wling for- te tri-ch ligbis in completed sud at]t hht remain,. ho ha doue in ho ai- tai-h tite lampgt Ona arc la nov np, ah corner uit1 Milnaokee va .eau ('Itmrî'h treet, aud ,.ixteein more of ltk,' pattern siti b8 lu place vîthin a dlay ioi- hym. It wilIi heas malter of 1 ,.maftitmoment ho attacb the Inean- .len-Ceitt globtesa nd titan ailvili ho in rt-a- ,itus. l'le marhinery recalved la ( tfhte very latent pattern and a astis facory sud 'sunpanior light viii ce:- lauli, e furalsbed. ho Libertyville ln the mpriug. They now reaide ln Chicagoi. Henry Cater sold a tfi,,aelen-year. oid draft horese hBiryaiti 1 (riflln, of Lake Forest, tii week We tinter- stand the orice pati vas 154f. itndoiph Epker bas. atînched fothh into the anctioneerttu.iness, hie tret sale heiug for W. P Sttîrpson, of oorth- eaut Libertyville. ss,îi. isin tooccor Feb. 111h. Upon rehurulug frît,, the card psrty ah E. W. 3itottertleld>'n1f oesdaLy night, Mr. and Mrs. J. ki. hrorne fonnd upon their hed a vax dolf . l'inuad io ils dreas vas a note s,.itt- read, "l'lease alopt me.*'i hey dîi il A letter froma JîIti Aibrigbt, of Biacsy, Min., reuewiuig hiesusohcrip- tien, in conciuded tIita "Pleassamail me the Feb. fat tîrîmbar of the INDEPZENDENT. For nome reason 1h failed ho reach me. 1 sonld net iss a number for te prive of one year'a sobscrlption" Shah, .iohni! 'ou are s man afher our twn ht-art. Fred Clemeuls aud family have moved foram i teciii age recentiy purnhased by Ed. Mcbonald, on Mil. wankee Ave. adjoinittg F. C. Smlitha property, ho Mrc. Peihou's second fli on Orchard sireel. Mr McDouald wIl occopy bis house snd F. G. Bos vill occupy thte Dymood pliace on Lake sireet wbere Mir. Mc-lu,,ald novIlives. Last Mondsy eveniîîg Ivo slaighiloads Of Young people, hvcuhty-iiil n numbar, enjoyed aslelgbride h.. Wankegan and took ln the social dance ln llldinger's Hall suter vhich th,'yv repaired ho the Glen reahurant, andf îariook of an cyster stev before string on their hnmeward jonrnev. [lie êeeing vas ides.> aud, as yon may gnoeu, the Young people more than eunjoyed themseivea. Dr. Enlvards, of Chicago, a special- lot, vaas caîed in consultation over Mir&. Rita Billes. Ber feart à@ln l a very weak condiionthe rehu l of a renent St- tack of typhoid fever. Deapite ihe emi. neut physician's failfîreth old forth the hopes of recovery thai hadl been anticipaied ha mighh, ber mauy friands halieve abce yul uihiiîtateiy regain ber bealtb. The Fox Lake if egion Plsh and game association met ah the Sherman Bouse, Chicago. Sshîiiay, sud aler disensiug ameudmetH> ho the prenn fsh and game lava, deided to advo- este the follovlng changes lu thse stata lava: Thse lorhiddiug of open-waier sbootlug; the forhldding of set and trout iina fishing; lte lorbid<flng of mlnnov flshing vitit nets. 1h9vas a "splendid trne" lira. E. W. Baterllald and lits J. B. Morse af- fordad iheir gueala ai tbe formers home Tuesday nighh. Another oua of those popular card parties aud fully up to tîte standard. F. P. Dymond and Mrs. Geo. Wrighth captured irai prises, and Dr. Gallîtvay and lira. F. Prohine the consolation prises. There vas a dainty lunch a.nd ive nream and then à social dance. i AdiltiacL.ets -MdIttIulPa laneurnonia Can be Prevented. iise disease alvays realt. fr'om a cold or an attack of tIse grtp and may be preveuted by the tlmely ose o! Chamberlain& Cough Bamedy. Thai remedy vas extensive>y used durlng the apidemica of La Grippa of the pasi fev yeaa, and not a siugle case lbas aven beaunreporteaitisai dld no& recover or tltt esalted lu pneumonia, vhich shtova 1h to ha a certain pi-e- vanlive of tlaat dangeroua dîsee. Chaberlaiu'a Couih Eemady bas galued a vorld vide repntatiou for lia curas of colds Md grlp. For ale by F. IB. Lovm.L. Lltaettyville Oais- LAKU PHARMÂCT; 4. lUMKun lVAmNHOM. $tort LM 1 ý, . 1. 1 1-1, Il, 1 Sgti H ave hope.. Il tg not 'ail off" yet, as regards the location of the proposed bealth resort lu Lihertyviile, ah teastino0 hoat, ho have luterested ibemaeivea tuihe mat. ter hope. At a meeting hald lu lien Miller& omhca Baiurday nighi, the commithee on soicitaiion reporhed their progrens and asked go be dincharged, vhich waa done. Aiment a tbousaud dollars liadt beau pledged and 1h vas the tpinion of thoe presant another $500i could ba A latter ho $hat effeci vas sent the pnoject.orsansd thay are "oonsidering the malter. Tierea vwhere the hope cornes lu. Il ihey vilI Accept lsIIl eau undonbhadly ho raised, bot not more than iflat. Whah Ibeir final action ylalta s mahier of mncb con. Jectire, bol il lastholha hoped they wyul accepi the "band;w vausdo' lu lien of vhst ihey ssked of our people sud lat il go ai thai. If net, vhy va cani sen- compilah it ai slaslmply s phiysical lm- posillity, and there yo0 are. C. H. Avertit laIomre. Monday va received ourt tnal romn- mnnication lrom C. H. Avertit, vho has vrIhten 5@o Interestlngly of hi. trip thronghi southeru California. Mir. Averlîl sud vile arved iu LIlhertyviita bestoirehis leiter, looking hale and beariy. Thay aujoyed thair trip to tha fulleai allaent aud thlnk (Jalifornis la one of thea grandeai shahes la the union, We ara sorry ihey have te- turued, for one ressort, and ihatinl our rendors vilI ha deprived 0of bis veekly acoonuta o! bis jonrnay, vhieb have proven very entertaiuing. Hia latter follova. Lo,. Angeles. Feh. 8. Eni-roit aNEIpRXitKiT- We have uîtat r.turnedî froin a Oise dayse niait ai oeo e pn us ptitt it,. homes and orange gi-oves lu south.,rn Califorula. A icousin of tirs. Averit,. came here tour- teen roars smo frointMassachuaetts. lHs pui-ehased teon acres nof.tony land, payiug $200 au acre for it. To-daylho hma s piendid homo and orange grose. soi-tiss1000au mies HI,. neareet neIghhoi- mat rofumed tentas for lyse acresaof tIi-e. tai- old hi-e.Myli friand sudiad hths cimats and becarne Sathisded Ibm-s vouid t4 nfront ai th11 partittular point. hig conclusion proving orrect. Nov every une lm auxlous 10 me. cure land ini ibis locallly. Hia laud laysata the uouth of a canyon sudlho ha..n.,ner experiened saftrust Frîday nIigt sas nue of tae coldeat nights ther hase lhaitlheifor Yeat-s, buhta@tipt.oit,.mile wtde ai moutit, of the cauyon ho tht.,,'mmle. vide. tite wash <hicit me"therSanta Ana rîver encapend lbhe fiost.The vtsh let-,Io mile,. vile aitd full of boulders. At tîntes tere lm watt-r runninia tharmin..ý Thora han ison mure' talu berv.'lte î.vt two veeks than fer lt-sa maras prestloue,.aîd ac'srboue uvnJliand tg a ipy. althouit my friand, tieonuse of a aysiem 0of irrigation, la neyer vorriad .y ltreahened drouiha. If aur of my Lais Couuly friands veto hem they voutd coma lu helievo ttat vaier rus.. up hîlIlu thîs couîntirandtdlitinl drîvîna ut. s canyon tg top of a moutain the rond ahoad anas dovu hiti. Thoramai-outom Pocaiar demphlous heroahouhe. ira. Avertili i.ouid n itieet.niale sfor lestthie mouniain vould hnmhle ovar onuso.. We havaeuînoyedd letparleuoad about ail lthe piméturmeixlsting or characteiaie of tis tountry. ezcephîug peritssan earlh fiuake sud hher do ni occur lu damp vinather. san v iebc- ho get siong vithoni W", sie thitingu ofn sîsiting for home,. s,lopplug On lte van pi-ohshiy. othiisla titi' ast Ton vîlltiehat Iront me. sithou ah atsoute futtrehit- 1 May wvii.upt.rrip In Louerai. tat lm if teaditor duo,..nol thrsateu hteint mn fur botheilg hlm. y51lite vautst, oh., carefutl. as 1 have hm'n eatlng ftoelr o[ orangs aud ittot-,fruit sudtee]-i lke a fîij- 'et-iyunir mura. C. HE AvEaieLi, Bouquet For Egrer. Oui pushing hardware dealer, H. B. Eger, vhoise recent full double columu ,,&dadin the INDItPENDUNT attracted Mocit attention because of their original construction, this veek i-e. oalved the lolloving latter from Hib- bard, Spencer, Bartlail A Co., thse big vholesale hardware lttra f Chicago. CCAàoO. pFe.i, lt. H. If. EEu.. Liî DiàâS.,it.' Our i- Mi. iudd genti t,,.an ami- vertif.inent a fvv days aMO titat wvasIasu.d hy ynu. ln regard ho catalogue short- atmtn' iton. We. hiought inluMaur vara h va., an admirable piano, of lowi.,foi- s business ad- vartîemauln. and vo *ean0 ploaaad vîit l ltai va have seutrai 0band! Ilte o 1SOu of lte asocIaI, adîhors uof Thetou Âge, it,- tieýnseg chat Il would iv inlerestlug mahhot for ihm hopuhllsh. sud Ihal Iha publication cOîttd uQI hai t. tlhmo f greal good ho the grmat majrir of the vestern hardvare mat,. We would fit,.- moso f theas entprl,.iitg ltstdwae tpeopte 10 bave a chance to loot il Wcluhe have aL icotu vu-i-y unit plested vîtilte raîîîd piogreen rou hava made mince mn hbave àtoo ite tusi,.ness. sud wvtih te gi-tat secenn ltaI hmn so algy ahleud"d you. tuaIti ta8unherenuit of lIntelligent thiongithand amotinta avtdenaed hy your advartlsi-mantn. Conugiatmlating ynî, sî,ttisi tt thntttg i-linfur tmhe usineas on have lven Un lit Oie paut audîî viitng rus avenurgi-tlai,-nt cen, lu tht- future,. vesre Yuttrs vory truir. C. H. CoNOvas, Svorvtary. SC;HOOL NOTES. The (leomairy clans i nisbed Book 111 thla veek. In the second roota thara are s number of ind psinhtings by Frank Eger. Miss Florence tialard got tha hlighesî averaga, 98t, lu thhePhysica lait luti -..h. We are îîakiîîg a tipecial effort t() close onit al winter g<odsu. I)on't youî îîeed rtomething along that line? Here's yolir chianee t> to ave some dollars. New Embroideries. About 104W) yda Swila, Nainsook sud CambulcEmbroideriea. Insertions and AIl Overa , the choice patterns from su Importera lino of Bampi a e Lagta. OuIy 4ý ho t yards of each pattern vhlch givas each costomer su almoat exclusive deaign. Thaso anbroiderlea ara ln every respect auperior ho anyihiug va bava herohofore shovu, and our stock lu ibai lina iîvaja comparad favorahly wvlhtIsai of auj other store lu tovu. TIse pries 1a 331Io50 Per centi. belov actmaI valua on accouni of the short lengiha of the placea-fuli placesa mn alîoît 23 ho 27 yards. The Pair, Libertyville - - Illinois. Pure LoveI's Drugs. . .. Drug Store. Perfu mes. Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines.ýý PAl NTS AND GILS. A large end Cotnplete Stock of School Books, TaWb m na School Rocm Necesaltes F. B. LOVELL, Lîbe rtyvm île Ciard of Thaukm. Saw MiII Notice. 4Ve wish 10 exteud thanks ho the 1 have rauted the Bau Day MO choir and ayrnpatlaing friands bin ur aud Vi t UI " p aM »M M receut bereavement. dOer e U toewln» nsa. LIV SAI guarran e à i ALleNLOCI E. . Gru* "a GUUTIIDU Liua.vv"YSm"* Nos. loi mand loi wil carry passengers between Rondout and Solon Ilual. lloth Sideis. Wni. Cater ahlpped iii, Ittînhbels of A mie.n u l-. 'tu, tati. . riinu oiunt. tats ho Chicago this veek. A I.îîy ut. 50 t'it. hi,. i.- Ielhemi>er the oyster wi,,îer at the 1,. h, anik1ai i n i.', 1. ,kpi.d kIdn n . E. church Friday nigit lonighkî. A wi),gil saw >î.tstol on fI,.,,h ., s). The Young Men'a Dancing Club plte.d. gives a dance ai the iswu liall ho- The "ýarriatri, a,.. i:,,uAj. l. . ye-d; n ight. AmI ..ii . . , worh -'i thie 589awol,!,a lir, -1 vti 1W- 'i1i a-1, .î. rmi.Johin Jamison and vife are antertain- Ti,. nai. tIitt- taieL r.nmakd to ie ts n i ti n MissMary Young, of P'allie Creek, -teî. tî,iu 1Iw,tiît 6.i., Il 1'Outl Mich. IiIa,,. lie.h. a.lti, li.mi.mT.ith This bas been a fnll) w..k of good Or t .. m ,t br .t r.g w.a.njzthv Wo,. . leigbing, and it watt , , î'îyed by A i r' iti t",, n mai-. itvla hbondie ,, ofmit. rveryhmody. Wtîs.t"-a.1t,, Onifl. 'V.ail, A. W. Waldo, whose otj' Jsies W .,.'t. týI, î.î 1, a it il a a mi"' unit Iu Kt -?n ýVb,lto.mmttu a ins*. rttathit.g ai,. w,.noted last veek, is, vo' Sti. pieased 8h., lokt. I On 1h'iîarl ue 1hw ad visashW o report, much improved Arrhy.mîl ID a,îîaae.isa,,fin,, .C. H. Averti]and wtt, returned And sali tlu a vti.în-. "t vit,tî romm Sunday froua their tril, tlirougit Tii,., tti.n tItant', wî.rmmt n' onctheru California. Th.' lady motet tout -i tI, i,. tld stti, Itît sort. J. J. Davis Who for t,,.,..y toonths S,. l, lut,.tr 7alit:, i,,,bas been aufferiug vitit i r i...v i% dally An,! ati. 'ifritttt ,,,ltuant .1naliL growing veaker and ah thiý trILing 1La Htf-r le-at'>y anîf yî,ttt t., î.î,nes.- very low. rî1 ,11qil . Il t1 l , r-I'l' wlta.n--r ,ar lt. OlIr mInJmd 'u, Ue.O..- 'mifr Dani Lee stl.endpti a ale oi, f short ln ltngirtg anl -tgltng (l..r viaîw. mt.,,, caitle ai the lUion ýtiî-k yards i ,, tgt.iili-ihat tWe tiiYTuesday. and purchased t-,fead of .Nrm. L. B. Mor8e sat! Miss., Lute registered cattle. visltt-trefatîveut thIavelusvooilast J_ H. Bradley aold tiv orsevn ahtté Frîîlay. iorsa sale ID the etty lasi steak For A. M. italfany, of St. Paut, Mnu., rDeck Robin ha recelved 1-'itsud fer was gai theguet ofLibrtyvlleRobin McOregor $7o. triends ti, week. Chatlie Smiglh purchatici a driving H-aver ho PaltYourrtaxe,. yetTax mare' Aiphington, by A'.Iî.ngton, CAIlictor bMrredlth cat. bu lound at E. 2 0tl t hthe horge sale ltri (icago tast W. l'arkhurot'n store. Wek.DaLm by Sphinx. Arthtur snd (lave Ptrive returnad to. James Carpeuter, engIir ret the Monay aterfiviR @en alight plant, axpects ho move-lti@ famlly lThat î'tîts ioff so mnany 'enîe ts 5(1 soniany things tlîuît yNi«ti VI oo1sax'ed .t dollarî. Weare surle no on~e ije ativerse t'. saviîîg dol- lars. 'l'lie mttrali k ,obvtions. Amnoskeag iingiani...........06e Faîwy Prints .................. 05e New Wrapî>er .od.... S. 10, 124c New Savoys........ .......... 18e Nive patterns in ('lid(reii s i're-s.s Gîaids. . . . . . . .I -ami p. --- 1 will bf. rzold qh-ÊpltllmleA e "»ýý war lancmama , rqwwj noumunop-

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