Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1901, p. 6

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, e f e miknow lsnoh Il. blit'or eag. n Atir&íotb swem d the Jewr. Charles Foster, driver ln ana mine "Why don't 7yo1 ispeak to the pagaome killedl by horsee's kick. Dic?"sai oeuo tee ah rd islnceg. OE R T LNG AT• Bo tuty has been Plaid on l1.000 sparýf cne t te poin,and tell himn that a FULLY RlECORDED, rowmcls, yLgn ony fair damsl in the guise of a Puritan, Ane ermnine, a very, rare ranimal ln tOs yet satill more cunning than fair, while we parts, was recently caught mnela uns1 à Matt. were waiting for the arrivai of the gen- arctropokli Marashal Kill by - Thun ield. Golde teman Who wax to give us directions -EsapsiConvict la caulgiatýýVell- llenry Hleyer. O'Vallon resident. ruen eofIme.- .-as to whiere we should carry hier, stole Known c itizens Chair elk w-tiReinàg overan d kiled by It & 0. trin , uInln "Hle out of the sedanM aiThieve- rsoer scpefotJil. Bil saitli "Frwhich, as I was not there Ra tod il i;No..2 of thle Ilin""Stelthe pli not to be blamied," salid Jeduflthun. 1Cmany at J.,oq tsta t mawth23 ditut She fled lhither," said he whlo hadlbeen Aa, resu,,ltlt of asootmg e n auici m n dielye.ferred t RSm RO iNlaectD iek. naw llooni, o h ou l, Iee itexr e deeiIIýo.Ied to ugte -1 hihIcould not peet"M too iCity Nc ,,l larlsu g iohal i ls 1.:I\r a nd l i. l e ig pr ed "She was seen to enter youer shop." is dend. Nighit Officer MNillas a gedt pyhi rwhtvratm "-It ise as,,y to be amistakien so dark IL ed. and Clem Fegusn the chu grýiIi, Iýl'r homay cost. wtt p lighit as this, but you hbave your eyes, tered alumst ibeyond retilm-io 1.M'hresmanAu iew J laterth pro and cain look where You pleýase.' Fetrguson iand Les Ex J. ,. hl lite r e main It needed only a slight scareb to show knownaicharacersfroml nnudi aUned ellanl g1 r County after ER IIý(CýntitId.) ber arrivat in London, been out cafter that there was no place of concesAIment across the, river., g;iu dinklli h henbng a syu aeeetrie- lino 'ex. 12) wieFlln d llen thus cdark, and as elhe was one momtent borne ln the shop, andanucd their intenction latu an.,titymd, ore t pocreby the amensswiftly along through the anarrow street, "IIere's a doolr," said one, every lmeer1, m Moe iuetro ticCior go ima rony maad, murle gfto procur , msrrepti- the nexit impeded by the passing crowd, "Yes, and we will see what is the oth- call was sent toa olieclobim ' lau ileslong, atilt a or (e'ialm, ormer gitidred IDacre, the with the garing torches borne beforehe, cer side of it,"* said Dick. larsha 'vehadNgh Mhr M crnýiJrIa, 1ki a ter ined by g ar ambling debt, now lighting up a set of rough though "[jaaporpac, ailheJw c ilonrsolndNeglisOn nA ured Mr. andry il ockn • lcelehe rmî, liqudinga the scene of the good-natured features benepath the flat you wil] see no oeethere, s.ave my acIlle promlptly showed ighltmiol ia lghit a rhpneberortheeah i g o hle ndlgig ticapoftheaprenic, nd no thowngservcant, who, having been abroad, re. followed in wichMrhl 'o syear.old son Eacrfo i thtt reredwuitp fling little to the advan- their red ghiare on the smoother or handl- turned somne few minutes before your ar- aihot throu)tghl the. hetadl Ilri, t pocrenwicuN'loft analle he doolr opened and smrtouhnthonester face shaded rival, and was doubtless mistaken by you Tretieieguowhlsalag n tie. oTeire followalnid lft"th • ties, slyveiled, was admitted. Har- by the wvn plume of the courtier, elhe for the damasel you aire in peursuit of." powerfu l man, wats koc-ked oWilam.ile1ad lisCatherfine tin edber a chair which shile ae- experienced a degree of capprehension. On opening the door, they saw, as ther to' jumpa l-ts his fetand crenewit, M-Wiauh lle(r lanvislewe. mr-soe tamnouncting allmait to alarm. This senisa- bhad been told, only ea pour place, as far tack. Tatylor Was not siggre,-. nulied atdin a skIit moredat ir-p.lwanet, te ho I tin yousaid wsheeio w asntdiiihdwe hehadas could be judged by the dits liampeand lhadtalreacdy been subdue b NIaaI oli. whiitrf. iTheylhadtosedthe O believil irih t reain" sid he ar-what passed between Mrs. Elliston's ser- the light of a few half-burnt brands ln croucha before the shootini:1gan- ie oecp h raho h lt"wn. t re owithdraw. ivant and one of the chairmen. ,,the large, open fireplace. Near Jitsat the açBekr =Cpue, rateri, ho flledtbtwras too rie. a \valte "You mustn't torsnlin ttis Street, lMaid servant, employed in repairingsmes lait eler a notucrok, ral Cle Role(ý, ba as twa . ay- ntd not neovenor again speak, till said the Servant.ecoarsle garment. Cb e nd ary eer tris cnow i the arlws EpBinc el al.Iat l. urg n Palet of the bottiwas heardon . We shall turc into whatever Street "Are you satised w vithathe search you Ilaernadai aft rer . avinglovnilought llit a scharge o obtining monjeytundepfase ti of the dooar. She then threw ~we please," was the grog answer- ae ae" puie heJw.tre nai t byh ottleeilof oilli.a pre o.roting i to benragetothey thiek vei, which ad entirely "But iltawlllead un a roundabout way, "No, as you will somte day find to your ti Wintsc toniSeie. ofho m le fporteerchnt' to ernetureutofform, 'er features. besidles taking us into more dangerous sorrowv," replied Skellum. moi and' e bIsrus 'umpting t. houghethe' f o .Y. ttalee,hientofred the ba osible thant 1Isee Mildred and lonely streetsi," remconstrated the &er- After they lhadtwithdrawn, a few, words a thrinlg esraw n o uCengtrltring t sthefaoN. Yat t paAmeicanexpositedion , te, Harleigh. Tant. ln suappresed tonles passied betweenmone tlalna threen molnhs agewatratred ltonbout th )it Knox Colnepstden tsthou Inter fromt the coldi astonfish- w41ta'swhat lit wll," said the other of them and the personnwhohadabeeninies prathreemas atrdt a thad an x a llpai the monteHOla evnethat You consider me in- torch beurer. loitering mnear the door. Shortly carter-lah t ecapenrom Bh oterili fcherokealle, w $aasted tGinll IIiy pa01-wai glt may bie even, bold?" said "rf we are a mind tetoiae the longer ward, Gilbert Falkland entered. A quick, biserif Ifrotmrih f t;lena terlmirke, we nts it Grinnell andarewai toahe caxnli -road,Jit insour k out, n ot yours, eeing almost Imperceptible knitting of thla and S ýhaIndeddiof1alna. tie w s e t. iioyl hasnbeenrel"d ta o hein fth thant You were in Amer- We have the be mto carry. We can browrs, accompanied by a compressionofwan ws asisfted byaidwonihper, dewho grand jury, lis o hld heluth k-fndl the way twcithont the aid of your the lip, equally cslight and transiet, find thins fromhis rist.aHehas Upnd comlait oyhi fiteran-aw, ID the samne vesse that Falk torches, so ,we will part company whena- showed thant either the Jew did not t fiKterorontheroeienso his , He latsltoert Schab waploedundegarest a n d I t h o u g h t t lk e ly t h a t l e e v e r it s u it e a ." ,, t o s e e i , o r th a t s o m e s u s p ic i n t A pper o r l t e r f r ers s o a is b o n e . nt s pb r nt i el d . c h-a r g d I lh t e r r d a n mentioned it." . "And the sooner the better, I s isadatgehdenel.ismn.oe •Appdangierocriminandte hil- fhi1if1nthigto Sp. à se hitinlIl 'lait evemlnt, remarked is compancion. "I avl eioe to aeeyon an 3, an loa ciur ave giu-athe im a tial old WmieaIl hle.itherof S the3dead wnt. t h e r s w e r e p r e s e n t . " W h a t s a y u , B i l? I f 1 t a k e t h e m . s i d F a l k l a n d . .u ith e w ll eo u b ets a te a i u v e dghn t a t i n. a n , l p c 'l im s t o h a v e rf o u n d t h e c e d o d y t t h i n k t h a t y o u m i g h t h a v e t t h e i r w o r d , a n d s h o w l t e mu b y t h e " I a m r a d y t o l i s t e n t o i t . d a l te U nl I ted j t i l l a t l l . ,gati ,nl n.rn m ent f r f ila u h t e o g t lh e f l o o r o t h e dki t h - od a l- ty t inqre for friends light of m tore that I ave a ligt pair ,ither ive me one ludredh armi, y t, dleet,'ritfhereg ena. erhmewtIShabtin you ave tbeenno long ab- of eels, will yo follow me?' aid the o eie pt y rteineyu ar aý>ýrmt Se, attle wh leroute tobiscerneilyib. A phyifiancled by a pi s e r v a n t o f M rm .W a d e@ . l a d y w o in s o m e w e r e c o n c e a e b n e a t h a i e , K r o n d i k e o n t r y - t h e o l d m ane p r o n o unA i t i ýcd h a r t a i l u r e ty a i e not affect to misapparehend your "*Willingly, if it were mot for the young this roof."ndike oftry o.c.eo dah h nershv eneo nquired for no one" lady but I avn't the eart ta desert Ifyou aveIost mwie ora siterande ert a-months-,d aio' toAdta ouae b n er." ItI:cain be proved that she is beneath my JohnBord. a we ed by Sheriff'Lot" M-rs. MartoaàBriz, sier1 othe Adad'inTvi o"WthwI, an morietyon "llihatIlcn ld , tintoleave aroof, ashe @hallnot be withheld fromtalher of Aiton, wiaes arrate yob f Htinein woman arferired a charefmuderin eth esw ht B adyoe n.ufor it: ay est cap balf a yeart'snaturel protector. on a hargeý fbwhIoUrebeenterrrinin the01,2,firsadgreaat ofSchwab. By u tu y u r e p e c t in g A li e D a le ' w a g e s t o e t a b r o k e n e a d m e n d e d , " A n d w h a t if e e e it e r . c ib l ie v e sB o l a r m e r s b t hrr r e a t n - l th i s e IIo b o gu n ty c i r u i t C o u r t a J o h ne out to be tu.Bt aewhich IshaU ataend a good chance of b- -n thant case, even if there were a dam- Americanmiot tei arahes unes $1- mosthextras ordiay lgaCint Vwas de Jthen Cor the purpose of accusing ber.Ing obligedtouhave dont, if I stay here sel het, I wouldn t, against her will, de- gterdygamte othe inrio>es ·eidd.Mrs ItbeIal- Brll ruh n sro re own i 1mut ps k -"A good riddanc," said one of two liver her up. i"M F a we t tel-known attornýey of.sit fo'ar separteatee .Benanceagint traot _ etIit yu.fIsa must spe yo adrufilanly lenMme follcowir, who darted frenme, "Give me the. gold, then. L. Fairmaen, a aelso arrested o the her sadJohmntreanbteJge t riti, gont" ai se,'yu nbeneath A Jlie arch which formed the "I already hold your bond for twice Upper Alton, bo clsG oy. on pn l eniedhr pre.Thbcut dge- rang haea envetaedbyoe etane fanale. h sm o jstnw ,wh be n -psmateet ofnur, ied owve.tht h ws nitedt Jd M'nta lewih u ir of b- At the samemoment, the torch borne I to tell yole what 1t a ihud&Y b w s thedeilia of the ospilrc, eche wo ry in ehubnd's es" "TJud l'faidhe wih a a by MmMrs, 1 a'sservant was struck aseof little value. Who waightenbedad gavle hmslWuadtheawyte.ltouh berrighshad a n- .myI Tonabold avebaien areulfromthislhand and trampled under foot. "A minute since, I gave you your came Stat 'eidncae giving Itelmn l nd t ove fort y y le rs. It ashe ou- tsmp Youshould have0been ce "Yon hadlbetter profit by the example. - coice, either to deliver up the maiden turne h tc' i de frm hnd;-ohta r.Hrelhdfrtwde ie trasted in à mattler ofnoi m ofyour fellow-sernt," said one of the you have conaceledor gre omeneon-r 8fmJosek. a;outre.ager oni badosepbh hr fhrpeen ubnwh ta t ot hv sidli e e uvillains. dred Poundsà. 1give i e un ogr liiiik t-ne onBa >oerAl Irthepofer of a valuableifarm n theud yo aesidiom n Istad et reling, he addressed the for, on second thought, a day or nogame ton andlhis ccom lirsat. i ouir I te ski .rtof Matton. Whraen rthrst tri Words, thten, the plot to ai- ChairnoM ,who badlvery coolly set cdown place her wher ed1 cnight, hc hl heir Way tont Liberty.ishutsband died theland cam e int ai.ohnpet th kngbs li t ght.• the seda",over 1Ibdv thieBtel-g tession, siwhoml the sub,,. utcom t h n c o n s k n r W h n h s e a e t h r e e o f u s , " s a i d 'n e , t a kl e , c a r e s h a n ' t b e a l o s i n g o ne ;J a c e b K o s a k a n p a i n - 1 y d i t i e d lw n dh o nt c l a i m i t, J h n e b e -Wt I assure you that lits e- "are we goeti in g oser ourselves te o betterbtliberlyrewsaded, hihu ca't n iona id stee, ndwiows or iti for iteh,, nowinde non o m fr he topedbyony to? & Dicky• e one Withanmtyap urse. You see, through this made their eslapr.,Th"Iow The St. 'lair Coucnty 'Iar f Snper- ("lnt ft &Bbeprve tatyo ae ui'hoeof'tânt.har-es gres ein-therefore, that I must have the money." nr ecrdteir ltoolin a pcurvisors asppinea pe-ial comm1ittee prou it an e pove tht yu ae sid oneofthe adresindhiscom (T beconinuddmanner. One night a womlan claimuing to to ivsiaeaswa t enational f i 4 it lit My ot e ey t make Ipsionk'-ie istedthojil Se sor o dreictononth prt f heift. thast yolieare not involved in "No,"* was the reply; "and besides, hottwK ks ' e The Mothee-i-IaLa thhand a leaf of beadad.lh iamt is te ara It ht lastthes te lighat by the detection alre we to, d"d ear 11rayin the dark? h ot n useshv fe a a of brpe. Ind he Septebrkhi l cveing .Ia enack-iof "pray7yo utoproed " Alie e ntur- Telei nd e appae ftn a ret l y ,ia t I . lafl hl h o.TmtyMCrh w iimte assmms= wic Iamquteasmuh d o ay "y rindawllster mach Her temper and actions they're thor. bread v t crettda Thiel. ot he so ,rownto the NSta(tt eotryhy: ac t NPe. graIthc as Wkderelative to the amussiaa- anxit on accot of my protracted ab- oughily conseilathe jaail atr.sed o i the pot tachepenth tedte rprioryton-pe, ai h " aII?"gence.",, With fun--driven hels they ve endeavored ebuither afaid tdue it to the au-tbtirletuerned it hou e pourigthemat- more than an innocent plan "We should be glad to oblige you," said to grimaide hlwe h t outl te mteniadoethapo- ht eIturw preumteprintersmad- Ilat for a imnitaneous rising one of thema, "bet Ace think of satopping Down into the depths of the ridicule thorities been de. enhllI" limaverd tite rleformaory utilgmeg and Beotlad," herte a while to regt," and his remark was St.A noet . nPio. Isneiinreetethe facnuto t thene formed ?" chorused by a load laugh fromt the three Teaidao benhttih.h jks Aon RnnolforetMrn y anwel-knwn;thrti tere noe fanothientfthem. fr" efthea Whig leaders, of courge. others, "Stop your noise," said le he w ea a bho've red t hher, farmrofi taoohe oren prt ofn W1aknlo it ishe seit en oleep fow Lord Russell, Sidney, and hadl excited their merrimaccent, -or you will Yuthink hfier te wort '..tefwritneroCou àa' ted aa harg of andaneed ihe pt lo -rine to eam"Go ar friend, John Hamipden, bring the police down opon un, witha e a w, criminallerth arst th wrl t i n the C ui(I, .Iri mr n a indow. hough e-aerJoTi anfortunately for youself, score of grave cilUm Aat the r hee.thtAn ever sawon. hs s etdegnd o enenedtl anindet( em nteCobudbilfrtcnnveyigh-cfem. me e late mofen been seen i coi- It nwiapthAnd atreerr newanasnnary. edtuIs foundc"tin I r.. hncr ighto, who caet nohe the four wrellacing la.concert. Te Thattfmnn rastemter-inCnhet.r raierofulaitchIlild a hswieaddrmbanhe.ti- éaaileen wo etainyclano ppearwt h heerthad tipednr e onit i r a asbaie -non atta ('taritn ict 1 offvrigaysuhetr-n x h ad trse tThe angels would envy her sweet disaposi- o., P nap ng the ehli IIni largd itht , t hoae aused uspicion t ent This ad lmer eit e erattention A t therly Rile ever clings to her .re a . Itaelph lat hc s I rSnt ,the from her, and she determined to try and face' tiât 'f iIw th a thl th-elrunt. anb hchashe neyer revealed to makle her escape. At the very moment She's proud of the dignity of her Posi- Zr,-,il b t e o hit -Ic\,nt, " aingd 1 "1fl ntso dificol n erac mse a ae attetu h ieone the se- Her teper but rarely gets jarred from lit1cIby Fire. h rt . t ho dan. its base. T,, h1,1ea. land YFi-oward, aged r1 t abs), lie "I s eeinrtmefrhi obe She thinks lher dear "son iis a peclieinhM ytt \it ut u f dAy be didficult to prove that h here" sd he and mellow, , ' if1 ndt rhm hit. tllilurt bla& Jure beonin ma Cort.orn di he isanthr tin, toheho knowrs but thant we're made a A pure earthly manget with never a aw, desiltro ye e lr rg ttd ftbefrelea- il rt i tlgant o.mistake in the place where we were to And lnine ltimsnin tenl the affectionate h h t noiy aset , ha . arntt.a-E " n nkonv t w ei it i i'meia aiet tp " said another. fellow lti ralbloycto a l;n ,i cc_, othe .1had prom ise IocIfe just be- p Un gjoav ig we inMria, spet sto..1know," said the brut speaker. "that Ia madly in love Withs his mother-in- ing l - '- tAcfor11l3 Ioeakh: tatte bbtl m1tw -, etgggywourax time n M. Wworth iithe exat pot where le told us to law. ". r O the rof otre, Ant. e bIaknl rmlw , aen· I,i whowa, s sael kow ,0i- wait for lhim. Hist! If there's any de- .1 rnted inof la rn-a n lt , Flr-the rsi tiw nel h ea æG n ba ppoDaeind tois the esortin. There pendence to be ploa nmy cearsi, that lislHer visits are looked on a.sosnny oss n on" ) ic .- lried n ::ere i ýt Vnluha rd t ne tie .th G:o'nu- lto1 Illas age mdsuiigit or ie eelalkland's voice." To gladden the drary old desaert of lifqu mbd, rercveredin h tLfult t res u dpiz tgh. e dX anr. e aner"Falkland, then, was the person they lHer son-hin- alatikve, possisesrare firr h.oha tn sub erd ,hion "t" wir rcion toahe shei ofHe esmanfyth ngr.were waiting for, which, together with grace, ferred bom l recognzaton .thb lgi o topaal,.haza ds the il . -- og»et s.B ours sha wll tbe savye inthe attendinggcircumstances, was to Alice And Iloves her for givingblhcImlsuch a c.11 -imHllier. ett6 yoursfef.aIdwill thfr o myselfaanew Ca une of terror. Favored by the swepet wife, - Tow n-.nS aseond Ti-me.,- bet-ent lálie Mo-k1 of Ut the kinsfen plea fr yo asdarknes,.Rihe succeeded in leaving the The home l is aamiand of loe mwhen For Ithe -il tiý110 isin tcthn l. ··va lung" .leter Jaric b i gom wan pemadred before rdysedan without attracting the attention of she's in it, fmonth, 1;. 1-,of I m oat "w...lagteigh. ec at as emba rass He hardly ~~~those near, and th feet winged with o reze o dscrdblw hilyan sep b ttifc..h r t so -long a, hev efi"dtrm onpssoatli hoht fear, fiew atong the narrow astreet in the raw; stopdlth. hoe ast a ru loftheStat ofIllnoiihe Ill e nRuine. btilthosah mauilae to direction OPPosite to that in which Falke- An hour in it% flight se sa s-a den stree n- -c.dw ihn Ir .,r ize(tghtrIn llitin ise , e2M b sf fom tis ipesin eland, withomne lewith hm, ws a- minute Fmi a uiu aaan hlw w bightill ot th e ti. 'a ee@ Ditforea felig orewlatg - roachling. She turned the'first corner When lit with the smiles of the amoth i h- ."u Th 1 ] mny . f. m i n Ista ,01etit iBe il, ,e*4 ferteforberesein somehatgra ie hecalme t, and saw the door of a build- er-in-law, setin o .npart lo lly ce: byrvt suponlctIw:Ilight, the nter Waeswt a e nifeste i ng open, entered, and stood in the pree-nur"- lTim .tin ti ient to.ri theIb the heard the door open and the vo*eenee of an elderly manwho hadl somle- In scns e oc odlgtfly BitsaeHpen- Tight p -motsulmm Hentlodere llewth'l 49the warden announce that the half thing in bis appearance that inspired her soothing 1maiu nsfrwi fAoleatosm wttr hyto pca , soe ad expired. Mlded'ho hadt with Confidence. ,, Ottmesth ag ftedemon of En toA, t;ilierocInli and le.the loktight wash:elg 0 bmamed to draw lher veil over her face, *"O, air," said she, 'give me shlter- pain; lt.] iderhatsh 9 n tranleg;iram wa receied in Spru inlfwid stopped close toeIIareigh as she left ithhIdeme before they can get herel" Ir ad hn an invalid brow csoftly . ,, I ntoct at itg- A' l:c1i s-,ý]ing that Spe f ressa, and in a suppressed voie, said:i -1 am Sorary thant it has so fallen ont li oot hinez hJe mediation which 1 Ithae offerted toc that you should hie driven to seek safety Cosdw the hot fire of the feverisah mcrea n, Exwas strue arrest in1that ity làtke ln your belfthough niv h ere","aid he; "for thoewho belong to barain. anoi. nmrl atrain ciiand M ltClr latilphlaen, nooretious crookiwhose ý: sileted with cscorn, mnay etre long be ac. the remnent of the despied people o h' eeadsester hr e ebna operaictihaeollxtensd okneal en gpeif not sogh." srel, have little power tu protect cht Sh *ivee isanlcetheew êr rled, Jonanw l h mn d r elu- er tt i tgnssecat "Tm express yourself too satronglIy, selves or others." A tweeter ol angel the world never dra a ig weilSs at Kew ntes aetin ind 'les1. it i.s ln iedtat 161sDacres," herec i d- onot scorn "'Twill lbe only till I1 can tsend to My derhol a I k- ,ine. e asfunlhndet f i"is 'te, Fm eaer, yet having never in thought, friends, when- Thiere. I hear their Adgabsch obtatiarqetl i yo Wla cwet.wod* southern partofillin1sois, Waishinn uI el IM ordeed been gilty of ,what you ay voices. In a minute more they will b n l jeteh m beahi appeue frln ilacS ome i Jwoli,c11 St Cl artoutiIlinoseialyhings uf-t k a,1 M Suspected Of, it Isl, 11y natuerai for here. la there no closet-nio corne-r where W ihte prt okido emther-t-111 hi herl ig a note tt- frdIrm hilprain..,tofhs M t e s u p p o s e i t a t y i n n o v e n e w i l l 1 ci n b e c o n c e a l e d T a i d sc h e . I l o k i n g M i n -l a w .s i r t o i ni o h o h r n t h a h4 t.d o c o C lauc l ei ro iti a e . e n d e N oi ln t o f ng l mybs nms oefu la.wdly round the portent, \hich ine snw fo ,ii lhe niary ana n rte a-dirwom heisflerne throgh reret- h e a e f o n h f ors h re esomne that are thoe.- i 'c·'col ' caul's'e. .ý tiers 1wof ab e ilityto obta pein e n ta - Ig d d made no nswer to this. but houghbredces fterrorthig•aid (illrar. quit 2l. was I<lnd t;e orge Sili ngei otr. th Ie at Alon h ,, lfýb erlips tilIlthe Mbloodcat .Court- tseat e hmore attra tvefo. ei ws o threre xetin evrue; d-oi-alaHudbage party ,i ouhunt- amrwowstheEiand slihri wih n ar o dgniy se 1 d T ey ee n hei sos- n-lwnthing r ut. era ilie i L h me] ithe'yci ornityo ist by ar m l ersmas dohei lnd cto flflt knew how to -fa-sume, she lf Ju6 ,theanwe o r ea fo e in il d l Fa erlrr, e. x"a san, aiin t rtunthe utesofth oyeofta cllctr f h shHght ' An grae thm abut n a lanewithat non. -rh wa ownsip.1earig tht hemay The Lord#ssulpper. 26: 17-30. Mlemory, verses, 26-28, en Text-This do in remlembrance --Luke 22: 19. sat dw with the twelve>;" -e litmnle, oIf cour.e, that this was S sso4(ver Imeail. notwithsxtaninig the W iesé- in Jo1ihgln'aurrative above re- dis to) which soe itrpetas 1requiir- Uti ealtoibe placed on the eeigofr nitg the pat-oer. Edelrheim hbas ch ped té o onnet the g..iw.i runsas the rabibinlie tradlitioins ocrigex1 grmof the pa"ssove'rmalThlt Ju oisof thlat mealere pttrnd e hle first lsovrin Egyit (.e to t 1, buit various addlitions hiad bleen for suchl al. the four v elé asedM thle singillg of thesonle liallel ed s ici3ltélis),et,.. rThefood was Fu ust jlmb, unleaveýlned bread1, hitter ed w %ithi sotme amixture of fruiit foi iers, iand the dirinik %was wine mlix- re( h wte-tre parts of water tou' w ineé, acor ingtooeauthori- eannot Ienter lævreinto thé eleai- conitroveihy regarding theN -- OEu heory" of those who shrîink fromtCe ng that Jesus used intoxicatin2g It is al controversy that belongs to a 1 ýgenerationi. It in genlerally recog A4 thaât mont of the wiines in une 1n) tine were, though fermented, less lunA ting than mnany modern winew;tha in were commonuily used in na iute andii» *he ordinary beverage oet >eople, were relgarded sil cogufee and with ulé; anditat drunkennegss s th h'y 1 n eas nkow,ès bB ndi New Testament.s bear witneSs, 8Z oet a leadting social probiemn. VeR nd plenty of tem'perance eafcb ng l te New Testtamtent, but lit in in thée C ut pr •fls which we nni a h Y neý éI» l.lrouo thi. te-xt, deal. nit th atent possibilitiecS of e"Il I very man's uuture, andotthe depIths l ar - ié, me revenh-d by a sudden 3 ltnating ILb of cnsine. wasétl. he customi-o)rientals-, even t-o- have small ui- for forkèn-to ct off , rslof tment. prasplacéingitilon i or oflthe thin. e-ri'sp breadl, and to e it in the dlish off gravy or sauce, then eying it to the- month. Ont this o- n the-auce was lmrelybitter herbesc negnr This custom in referred to t je pamnages mentioning the "cp" a comarion f Mrk 1-:l:m121 and a1:1-3 we inifer that Judas left ronm liedliately lafter Jesug rmade ni to him iithe blackness oif his town tor heart, and wi as not presetnt atthe tution of the. new rite. Luke's Ar- gemenvi fent ntowve.impflieu 1 a' prene. hi. ins my body ;" this in a symbol of body, broken for you; the saying in a le metaIphor, an ac-ted parable. The ralismi which underlie_ alIl doctrines oft sulbstant int i-.n infat al to a Correict rstanding of scripture. I'h- edé- s reqjuire a atttlptndotis miracle re ed, in, thousands ,.ofrpac lit Iery imuni-on esn The, mirac le moiie without reason, and It would not-- t dien not. in theaverage ite aé 1 tional reverence (Ir san tity mo(. .% t a onet and idrink, think of Lrdi's necae lire and death; sis the profou i Y et .in él I téery lit. .1upper. eou hn huui,, dlominant modof t hi. sour-i huie ms. we ti hkm und g ai rthe word . lirjjjetly fromt the Gree-k word 'aln t ilakuwhcis ui ksed in nmgé inster gave thanks seth e Iein p i,-ll.é n ,Y of hig -h solemn pr e-ild- thank nIil sacilye, sand drink. d askictg ea t air is not the only .ning org hé.tuchariet. There in un.- nn ng o t hé r thoutic of shanbring elire of(hr t-- e offeredI up lift .v raeof teil..ements which bj r. ile J h I a a ee tt a genei(ral refer-e tto dèppr Thi k, of iinl, heetigna jouglt and i- i>orthat vr.y relmr ar ,ue; spreia ý Ili i , "s-a.rmntlgrave' by thoseteehrs dl chuirch-swhchattribite an11in.herenlt jrjtue to the rea ceisl. h tpr Lrsion has ledin too manIIy seto raica 'Y dmn i whih- theoreicéally écling 01.-,,pir-itlal sgitcnc'f the bs spwbyignom h lnn niminmi*contiing lthe ordliinnc thet H "gr and The Illinoi. State llistorical Hociety held its second annutal meoeting bere. In accordance with the rcmeda-osof Recretary F&nrts iB. Greene of the Uni- verity of Illinioi. tthociety adoptedt reso)lutions in which it wax urged that the legislatuire- make, libieral provision for the support of the State historical Il- brary, and that momne organic connection between the society andt the State Hliâ- taricailFMoviety tbe recnize-d by law andt the expenses of the society ihe provided for by appropriation. The -omeer of the wocie.ty, all but une oof whom were re- electedl, are: Pe det-H. W. RI.kiwith, falnIlle. re-tar Tenrr rf. Evarts B. ureene, Univeority of 1luin-ol. D-id ylo 'Ia, nD, Il.tIcu. eréie.- SttYreasurer llliomson hag pre- pared a staitenwint )f the inhleritaneýo tas nat. $ dI-ing in de-tailed lstatemient (ofl ith anuemt4 rýeev. edl fri, the counities which pail this tas. y 3. a. . .d ý ... .A. Ailexaner. . 7,4M.(ci Mar-raIl ... 674.42 caroil .... 14 S.3 NMcHenry .. 1.2M9e ch n t u . 13m)22M1,1 n .. o._ cok ..393,3113 N Morgan 2..,. 2 3 1 273 97,s -n ým.... . 67.5 3 5erLe.721. wn 1.4 3 st n-w , 1 2.467.72 'e t..7 w4 .l . M9.P1 t.a su 3,K127, chgo. ,33M.37 Taall.......,83t.5 Matt.lis. I-l An InteýreStling C'olletion, Thee redout lu ineNvery large ty lanIthe counitry larger and mure lul ,e *ollee-tOns ofr ii-a-brar andit itfutrnitulre ththaattoIlhe found lin le privait, elpatmenýts of IltheLxec- INeil- l anion" , but ilt is ia guetion heh rthere is lu thele ngt119h1 an11)( breadth 11Of thland ant ly othler.hal1f so iuteresting. Lltariy14, of course,. i ii versal chajrnetistle 1 of Ithe artl.sti'e gemns Scattered thilrough thle honw ofthle Presidenlt, bti bIette'r than11tha:t is the' fat thalt lmjost every piecl frauight -ahl mlemlor-ies alnd assoelation thalt m ke Itl i l'z('l po1sseýssion1. (f thle ma oe tlmbller poba l ailireIthe g1fts of kings a:11mlruler -t ei t :Il)- preciaition fromi friendly nlationsi--ant heo renmlindeillr,lhavilug been asinel espieclially for thle White Hlouse. have no( djupliceý1 anyIwhere elseluInlte %vorld. He Lst. The other <Aay il Londoneraid to a coun mt 1i ou anythiing you like you cannot spl lwl hweilsimple voids thit $Tl take 11l:t 0on. Nowv, thlen, whlat aire thy"salthecutya" "Well.1, livre goa" sltlwe Lono Pr, lis lhe pulled ouit h wach " o doni." . "W tch n " l l li wordls yonuga vo me cone[*e 3t. 'Ii e tain Vinm not - ll' -p? the L'ondonerr :a1d1trl umpanty: whydhini't you spJellIthe third wvord - wrn- ,fl rI ch orpIedlo-b)oat AudlnIeulx in thie smallest Ir,one I te , 'It She carries an armnor belt over her ma- Chinery an inchà or so In thickness, proof probably against nything smaller than a sx ound projectile. WWE rhe sixtee ienilreport of the te Board of Charitie s a ow% ready for ributionl. It contains mtuch norma- nrelative tte ebaritable Instituations the State, jails, ,,ouIty almshlouses, dren*8 associations, , w. The trustaes S$3,70(5,500 appropriated for ordinary 1-uiaets for the twoyer beginning on ly 1, 1901. The Boar of ritie -omiend thiat thtis tamon dce $3,47G000. The totalek the requestsI, rspe)cial appropriatioj ns $2.s"-,- .v2. The total re'ductio ,ýýre om netd by the board amonunte 970 - lowinig is a liait of la pproprliations agit- by the State charitaie maintitutions twoa years, together with the antiatnts commended by the board: hrnlumiane Hos-g40. 0$420 stern insata. Hosptal ou ire) 73. ntarai zaane Ho ital4&j. (Pâo 4 pia . ..a. - - .. 2M5 coo '191.000 ylumu forInuae 0,7 ,a... . ... .. 90M,674 e,7 rim mais ...1... i, 4,eOW -77,200 atituion for the De lâtitutioin for thnnia 00 109,I00 ylati [or keei. Minded ......------ r-,954,100 4cg.00 a rie 'and S'akiors ldiers, Orphans'Home m.eo 140.900 .1ldersa' Widows' Hom. loo 7,0U ye an r or nirma y. u300 .0.200 mal@ Ofendr.n- ..... 13n.rd00 asn0 lxony for epileptics .... 3- a5u, Total ........ ...... $-3a nu i4,94,4 The total inmber of inmuati of aime- iose at the variousl dates of inspection as S,989. Of the~ 3.100 we1N insane, 97 iiotle,38 deaf Mules, 113 iund, 3M5 pileptics, 207 children under 1% yeaLrs ,f gte, and 4.7,99 not clasoified. Th-emn- er of Instantement to State hospital- ,r- ng the year waso,7n The total panyb- pxense fer one year was$o 5,28 Following is the speia climats and, rrop builletia of the weather bureau of th United Stateix Depakrtsent of Agri- culture for the $tate ofIlilinois: The verage condition of wheat in favorable nd somne improvement ls apparent. There han been hbut little %isnowPrOe tion, especially in the central and Booth- rn districts, but no.twithstanding this fat there has*been very little damiage by reeing and thawing. It appears to be greatesgt in parte of Loagan and MJason onties. The nomaltlnerenge of wheat inu he northern part of the. Sigte in uniform- ly in exe,-lient condition, but la a few localities it seemm now grenter than when ant reported. ln the soauthern district the ravage. of the fly have been less se-- rious than in the central districts, thougha field@ are badly spotted in somne Woall- tics. $.ome improvement ha-sbaEen mni. fested and the crop is in good condition. 1 - The quanrterly 1Ilmltin of the ltate Board of Charities showIlin;: the condition of tile fifteen l Sta'te ebharitable institu- tionus, han, 1wen ise.It shows the to- tal e-xpen-rse incuirred for the quarter has lIen 5 siand the total payments ". e.941. The ot lnd n idbtedness to meet which the institutions had $137, r.! cash in hand al nd $11S,723 on account of special npp-ropriations) in the state treasury. Thesups for ail the instl- tutions Dcc. i was .,.The lper c.apita cost for alninmte was $45.0-4 the net -ost to the$tate being $42.70. C-ircuit Jmigep Janw% A. Creighton bas ,Iltssolved aun injnnection restrainaing State InsuIranceSprntnetVian Cleave fromt paying $30,(00 taxeýs collectedl on the gros% premliqums (of fire inaurance com- panies intoý the State treasuiry. The comn- pa[nies conte-nded that a gras% premium does not include a premiium on canceled andI udivrdpiie. The court holds thait ithe term] means total premi-. umns receivedreads of what is peai baCk, ho,,lig thlat this act l9 Part Of the contrnact. The decision mea,11ns a saving of $30,000O annuailly to the State. The case will b, appealed to, the Supreme Court. Several changes In 1e Offiee of the gee- retary of Saewere f*cently made. I,éon Rthea ofloomiington, the execvutive elerk, was succeeded by Richard Steele of Princeton, who has been in %e oglee for four, years as assistiant to the chief of thle index dpartment. Steele's old po- sition in Ithe inde mearent int ken by lmer P. ilofDxn atS.P ,l(Ooney, whio has been ar the corporaton department for furyca,INSreda by Hezekiath Williams, who h0 as been a clr.Williams is uceee by Gilhert McC,(oy of G.olcondalý, a son-in-law of the Secretary. In the ,4angamni,iircuit Courtrecent- [y the largest fine eve-r ines mthe couinty w-as paid by James O Leary4 a Chicago bookmaker. wvho was aa icted bil the January grand Jury for el erating a pIooom. -in ail Manry 1:aId Atothl et la,72 fin§e a»d cost. ., ""e- Ti ta lt On hil Bk xl ul or ool or Wi p In. s o w co h w

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