Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1901, p. 1

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AKxE MLJNTI I'ND-.EPENDENT, Vol. IX. Nô, 20. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 22, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance'4 Do You Owe Yoursell Money? Yeu certainly do il s ou i: t en luyiDg ill fittîng anfiil) tailaret'd c i l o i pltiuilig FFM41jîjh price for thtîîî. IVe will mudse Iet ý t ryu-to your messure-li11lgis e go1od eItst Value througil- out. Ail of our mori, - (Jlie right here il'u our siliop(flot swnt to (i lîrgo ho be mnade by-you don't know whoî, iiiý is covstant1>' tnder the supéIvisiofl of ýi competent tailor who. attend,' tu &laile lit Iftil ris of what made-toorder cIothe.s We Vit n î li etter lit, I*tter eetri. MaIili;Ili -i botter value for your dollars tinîi the i -Ilow"hecause We insl, ,%( ti facilite - m.1a lher know'isdge f 1lv. t doit. C'iir Spring and Summer Goods arc ail in, SANBORN & CO., Taliors and Ilaberdashers, Liberty .ville - - Illinois. Now*,sthe tinie t) tlîiîk about it. offer pl ii( i P) I <li( Colkl (uif. il] me tell you abot thlem. PETIT ANS iRAND JURORS. Men NN'lo Will Limten t, tire Tro btles of their Fellow Men. 1 loire vrire for tire jury ut tire Marcir tertu of cireut la onut und ttie petit pi ry ileUN iollows. J. H. Ferry, Beutoni. E.. S. Adae, Newport. litaretic" wiuter, New port. .1 A Sver, Newport. HermuranSeedschlog, Antiocir. Wallace Rogers, Auinci. F. A. Droîn, Antiecir H, C. Edwards. Avon. John B Wjcta, Avon. Ca.1118s Voolittle, A vii. LII A.. Lake, Warren. Eîiw Spaulding, Wankegau. WL0. Burk. Wauikegan. E. IL Feu île. Waukegan. Jas. M. Crone, Waukeganu. J. LD. Njnu, Waukegau. Cbam. l'rait, Sielsi. John lOisi, Libertyville. iramr Luak, Libertyville. Franki Cooper, Libertyville. IL. W. Blkle>', Libertyville. 'l'Le Grand J ury leot as drawu lasi fatll lm as followa: liBAND jr ucy. Atobr,,.e U ail, lienton. Jothu H. Lui, Newport. Edmnd Wells, Autiocli. 0. J,. Nelson, Antioci Henry Dowe, Girant. H. J. Whesuiock, Avon. aloi jet 1 have -ai excellent it he o>friample. from wlîi-iit4> select anîd îny pries art- iower tlîan youi cai Niy thîe sane goods for eisewliere. 7IIAufr~*hitlais omothlng you should consider. WVUWWOIFIYMINE IS THE BEST. Fred Croker, Libertyville Dr. Charles Galloway. - Officeover Lovl'SD)rug Store HOUZeI MU 1TO 1AND 1TO i iP. IL ,~Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor'$. - iiraou-- rto lua.nm. 2 ,s 4and a. tuom P. M. Nl iioiidence on Broadwvay opposite P'art 1 I litn ct I 0 v ~ fWPATWrwnI bL. . ottar, Waren. E. P. LeWclf, Wsutegan. J. G. Corish, Wantegani. tAm. Hohan, Wvauegan. Elliat Bacon, Wautegau. Cenrati Holistein, Wankegan. Tiras. Materson, Shields. Rtom. iRuasell, Shields. F. Crecker, Libertyville. John Ajusle>' Jr., Fremoat. L. C. Prias, Cuba. Gemre Rager. Cuba. Jahn KoMln, Ela. Austin Tîipp, Vernon. John Caroas, West Deerfleld. F. D. Evreit. Deertield. l. W. Paiaon, Deoldo. Highwood Reideuta Worrylag., Final aidera aboaaing the sonteen ai Fort Sreidan lheve bos.t, saloan-tespers ot llgirvocdare re- joliig. Tira> expeet la receive tire trade ofthtie soldiers.a.umutilng la about $2,5010 a rontir. fiâe metornien "anti conluctors ou tira Chicago and Itliv-ankeaE lectrie railva>', virici -uCOUecte the fort viii Higirvoal, auticipate trouble viren tire soudlers rerelve tireir psy and iregîn visittng tri- Hàgtmvooti saluons. Mayor %V, F. Hogan says htiraiiredees net axpect an>' trouble, but tirai if noeasar> tire 'police force yl ha increaseti han>' itizena tf tire aulurb fear that tire abo01lion . et iacauteonviii do a greai Injary toteratowu. Oua mou aaill IL woulti bacome tire itoir>'oftire nortir 'ahoraý Higirsuodtilasoua mile soutir o! the îManda>' ot bili- ditnf eti- ýber of hi& Thurimay everybol>' ýoded vitir 1 @go. Ste tirat there veek vas ariue f or vere upel rau as>'; iProbabli> botir bonds sti bongs ring o lire lat Pilla> )polIDed tu subie Mn tu bile engine. eommitiee fund. and tees of our an nrliglu. y jlnder »nd inch and a ne la. abouit s tu bo irelt mer we yul swente. of tet pointers &0 hast ad i une pendui oni Bund et bouse filleti e?. greoil>' et, go, ia wpend- Iarens in 'w~iil adent1 lire Illuess of Stire homo o! doustoat are f a daugitr Suyder re- queen Vie. 'lige Antiitor- 158 viola, aise ru. Bruce,f ýind Mis. 7th vas hr dise Bîmiw anir andi Ar a taoucerte Ly ilit, Feu.1 FIE LD. Babert acre bniaining ir iarterly meet- v. Entait last ajW iendd tihe uephave and Welugta o of meri>' rIent>' of lire e3 beaux aiid Wonsling gild FauI gave Hi7, a!Ravinimi, ibalug M1 f tire Ulil )etistod la aur 76ouas Kempef end& baie, ha- S andl uerr>' tim au 55 u, eliper relumn'i weet" bo vîli i cof tira girl lie .>' nd forit L,LlIertyvle; tucanda;, Wi.L] Gt#lyalaku NOTARY PUBLIC 01F14,E OVFIC LAIKE CoVNTYBANK, ..îbertyville, Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L.IBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. 8CIIÂNCK 1BLOCK. A5,50' TttrpwOrtc NO 20. "t MAX LEBEAU, *AWuaUÇCU5R or ...Fine Cigars... rdbW408am mocr'Materlis. Cigare %'holesalc man Retail. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS WR1GHT DYMOND & Co., Libortyvllle. Illinois. IsusInterest I3aaring Cartifi- H îghest M arket Price' ' eveale:umlyes ofthme Chicago and PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF to ble iransfarrna tothie nortir end of tire linae upon tire complation o! tire RA W PUFL R.S lsusotiîa extension. Tire>' teclare tirait tair Jives oili ire lu danger viron BY tie soluiar8 bagin pmtrouîzing tire -. - -Highwuo iotslous. Lfl .as, Stem l e , ili, gîvod -tbairaitî-ree policemen,' euel rude>' diii> andt woatuigirt. Beides Long Urove, 111. DEC 7 tO MAR 8 L. M. LITCtIFIELD, Tire lusurance IAgent, Libertyville -Illinois, REPAuSENTING THE American, of Newark, N. J. New Hlampshire, of tlanchester, N. M. I write goo<I risks of every <eitrii)tiaî. Farm 1 IMU 4,sable 1>11Domand.- 1b1"anem- a specialty. tirase a voîrînteer lire compan>' number- lng thxrty-rive mimy ire calia<l ou fer plice dtin>. Maver Bogan saidtata tiea uoirhiiahi e calieti oui if tire>' vert icietied Alderman M. F. Bigge, Liro wfl5 oua of the saloon@, ad: '.Sure rebidenltu vaut tire police farce irîcreasei, bit I amn not in favor ef âUci a nove, for I do net believe tirai tire aclers vilI givo ns an>' trouole. Our tratie vîlI increase sa a resuli o! tire abohition of the cantoon, but I do ni lok for a returu o! old iondi- Aîîctimu Sale Bilim. If yoin roitempmite iravug anau eu- uin, ale, it viii be te jou iintarest te liîa ve Your sale biseprinleelait tis office. We Insert a notice of!aie, un- cluîlng liai cf article., iu tire fEuE- fPENDENT ires o!fcharge, and beeane o! tire large circulation arnoug firmers 1anti tirever>'clamS vho aieMoslihable la attend anellona, ihat noUtes la tu-. vlunablo. Our rate. ae resaoabig. NEES IIIRIENMILES MORE.ý If Secuîred Fox Lake Electric1 Rond in Autirei. The hamaoralization of t ue Wauegan md Fox LaIselFectrlc raiiway enter-1 prise ail dependa upon thei genorosity 0 of a 1ev land irolers and tireir wvlilg-1 ne a te grau& 13 miles ci tres rigiru-o1 wa>'. May' las viii vlineoo% the ron.d lu@ operation if thions coneessions are granted, se dèeclas 1E D. 'Wyni, manager of the project.t Tunday in Chicago papers ver. signed beveen Bl. D. Wynu and David Webb. of Waukegan, aloi men tram NewYork Whoreare exper'ting te finance thre rosît. it vas practieaRliy a con-t dîlional acceptance 01 tire franchise for thei proposed line,thie condition being that the eatie rigliîiot-way be seeured vltirot an>' experîse to the filnancers. Mr. Wynu iu au Interview said:We bave secured a ties right-of-way evert ail of thie routs but about ihirteen miles. Traie airipi are betveenf (mmnee and Pince'à Lake '5* miles),t Miliburu and Sand Lake 2 mileni and8 Foi Lakes b Channel Lake 5j miles.)E If wa con get a fiee right oC va>' ever0 tuis privais properi>', thre lins la a cartaini>'. The monm in ention sait! if ve could@soeurs h tire>' A ilbe ready to begin work on thre hue, butld and equip a roa 30 mines lorig and tart on l rigiri alter April iâ. We havec ail tire public richi-.waýv va vant, tirs remandez tunat le trivateansd about 50 teet vide." Mr. Wynn beflevesta ta the farmers along tire gaps ia question wiii readily give righi.of.vs.j rathef tiran let tire projecti luthrough. Northeott Wlns Conteot. Thre Lake Couni>'dolegates te tire Modemi Woodmen litote Camp viricirt convened 1lut veek at Peorla report the session one of great lierait and vitbaI a lively men. W. A. Northootvas îudoîsed for berad consul, aud C. W. Haves for bead Clork, ied 0. w hite, ai Pontiac, vas elected date consul; William Orove, of Macopîn ocam>', stâte clerk, and W. F. Alierisen, ait petin, Alogaie-o.large. Mr. Noiihflacos iudorsemeut vau a eleoided, bc, tetmm Party o9 oppoi- #o ad .4bj JudpS obsit M. Lovt, cf Lovet. fininois viii probabl>' controlý thre elleotion ait the comlng national convention. A resoîniion providîng taiamend- mente bc tire ieati camp Constitution ba suirmitted te a vote of the varionsL local camps was adopted. Aresolation vas aise ad<îpted indor&ing union labor. Thie nazi state convention wili bc ireid In Bioemingto. 0f thre Lake c,,int>' delegation Meaurh. %Bm. Boiraii,,of Waukegan, andl J C. James. Jr , of Aniiocir, were chosen te repr.-sent Ibis district ai thre tleud Camup whicli la te hbcIireld at St. Paul inruJumn next. Tiru altaruates are W. H. \% limai, of Wau- tegan, and E. W. Brooks, af Waucouda. Ileatir of John Locke. John bocke vas bora lu Merîimac couuty, New Hampiuire, on thre 11h f htarchIr 151, sud lied Fobý 7, 1901.t Tire f ancrai vas ireid ut his home on Lake Street Sunday. }cb. 1111h ai 1 p. m. Mev. Wma. Caldwvell officlating, He vas buried b> tire ide of!hiistirât vife tu Lakeside cemntery. He vu the second ciiild lu a famlly of ton chillîeu, numuberiiig fOve ens andl tive danghtars, ouly (,of et vhei nov living, tire yoirgeat, George, of eacramento, Cul. Thirrparetitu wertiJohin and Mercy' llanll Locke both or New Hampshire vire they apeut their satire livon.t The>' eucir ived to a goûd olll age and passed awa>' lu tire {raite stale. Mr. Lockeam educationai advatage8 ver nucb as tir, district sehoola afoîllelland la th ir. muai manuer of furmer lads he upent tire days or bis boyirood andl youtir. At the âge of tventy ire beflu litre tor iimaelf. Raving lived in New Hampshire and Massaciretis ountil 1836, ire thon emigrated wetward traveling by 1 stage te Saratoga, N. Y., thance te1 Scirenectady b>' cars drawn b>' horses0 tiren te Detroit ijy boat and treim Detroit te Chicago by stage. fi t six deays te accoml iliutire latpart of the journe>' and lu thre month 0f Jul>' lire arrivet in lu iat 15 00w tire second Ciy of tire Union, bai vu thon aà mois village. la 1840 ire came to Lake Ceuni>' virere hoe puîraaed a claim of Charles Baîtlett, semae two mlles sntirofethtis village. Iu Chicago Decem ber 1837 Mr. Locke msrriod Amande Higgins, of New Yoit, and te tbiemweeboru six1 childten, tOvs (,I wicm are living: Mra. Lucy' Judson, of Watei!oîcl, P&.; Mns. Mary Livepay, of Morenai, itici.; NARBOR APPROPRITION IS CUl. Probahly Lowered $100,O00 b Senate Commerce Couuitce. Information trom Wastiiugion ie, te tire affect tire river andi barbor bill stands s manch botter chance et baing passeti uow tiraitire sonate Com- merce 'Cemmîttea iras arrangeti te greail>' raIuceotire total appropriation b>' a horizontal raductifn lunlire bil of 25 per ceni ln tire cash appropria- tion aud 33.1 par cent lu thre continuing contracta. A cousorvative estimais la tirai tho e t±carried b> tire bill vii ha aboutS,,OC(> or ln tire neigirbor. hoond cf S6,000.000 lags tban tire lieuse bill. Soead.ays ago tire total ameunt- ed te uaearly S80,(8),000, and, as ibefa vus so mach tal about tire falînre cf tire measure to',become a lsw, the cm- miiiee decidej tirai scmething muet haedons ta rodnce tire total. A num- ber aofe«pensive prejects vere eu- tinel>' elimtinatel tram tirs bill. Lake couni>'lais nteronted iu ibis In- formatian, âa ih meana a reduclion in tire Wauèteglan barbai appropriation and soms leu il may bave beau lmi- natel altogetirer. IVe hope tirai Lake county's irarbor l aletIncludedlin the numbor of -sanensive projocta elhtii nated tram tue ll,' and in ail pro b- abilit>' ht innot. If il canmes under tire cirer provi- sion, lirai la, wvreotir ecu& of 26 par cent lu tire cash anll 33A per cent in tirs coniinuing contractasla providsll, the Wauegan appropriation viii be cbauged f ram $100,000 cash and 394,. 000 coutraci, te 375,000 cash andl $163,- 3M5 contract, or a total 01 about 1238,- 335, insisail of $345000, maklng s total cu& e! $107,0K). Trus la netseohall and vould .1111 beave a geadly appropriation for tire Wankegan barber. fIn lact, vitirout the reduction agreed npan tire bill vauld bave bae deteated, su tirai viralever arnuni la aliovell ilI prove al tirai$ mucir mare trtan voulll otirer- visa have been secnred. NÂ"BaGaAPPaoYiOIATIOPi SAPa. A subsequeni dispasoch hum Fred B. Whitney, vire la ln Wahington, goter Wankegan Gazette is 1e ihe sfeci tuât b>' theocul decimisd upon b>' the Rivera and Mirera commuttee Wankeganse cuir appropriation vould ha rediced $25.000 vitile tir e onrat appropriation vould rernain nuchanged inamair as tMe mgnat 4,000la belov tir alon lobes efeesi. Ruile@ for Lent. Lenien regulalions. issuet b>' Arch- bilhop Feoiran, vers reaI Sanda>' trratire puipit ef aer>' Catholic Ohurcir latire Arcilocase, 0f Chricago. Among tire regalalians te ire observell are tire iaolng: Fleshirumsâtmay bieued ai ail tire mbals on Sanda>' andi once each day ai tire principal rusai on Moutiays, Tues- days aud Tiraradays anti on ail Saturdays axcopi ilaturda>' cf Emijer veet anti 1101>'Sainrlay. Flesir andl Car se net allowel aitlire nome meal. Tire following persons are net allowed Lu fast: T ha aidsund tirose ln feeble ijealtir; ven nursiug cilîdren; ail vire araengageti un laorions mand exhaasiiug occupationsi; tirose viro have aei completel iheir 21itiyjeu aud tiose vira have reaciret tire 601h jeu 0of tierirâge. Ail viro ara exempt freur latîug are uked tu performnoscutcier acta of piet>' or ciranty. Hal To Conqner Or M>e. wu asJuat about gene." vîltea Mrs. Ieus Iticiuardbou, o! Laurel Springs, Ný C., 11'Ihall Ceusamptien ao undthutra tire hast dociors saiti 1 coald nes live more than a montir, but I bogan 10uneo Dr. KingaMNew Di)scovarj anll vas virci>'curet b>' neveu bulses and am nev stouît anti velil."Ia Buunrivaleti Ilfa-sever in Ceusumptiln, Pusumonia, baUrippe and Bronchîti.,; Intallible for Ceagia, Celtis, Asthime, Ha>' Foyer, Croup cr Wiroopiug Conghi. Onaran- lead bottlea 50c and $i.00. Trial bottles free ai F. B. LovwULLs, b.ieryville, OAÂvanÂraPzÂBMAoT. AUCTION SALES. Having decided ta quit fsrmiag 1 viii seil ai public anciion ou my tarim, ona-haîf mile nantir of Gilmer cireno fadeor>, Tnesday Fob. 26, 1901, com- monciug ai 10:00 a. lu., the taiboviug goods, vis: 20 ireati o! caille, 18 milIk cova.aome vith oicives, somo springeri, 3-yr-olll bull, 2-ji-old helfer; 9-yr aid mare colt, lumiriwagon, truct vagon, miii vagon, nearl>' nov; S. seatel buggy, baob sisigir, ligiri bab sieigh, nov; Oshoru bnder, rvu maven, irorse rate, corn pianter, 2 suit>' culivators, band cuitivalor, fauuiug milI. 2 sot irarava, double hurnes., set iigirt double llriving hrios,ligiri single irnesai, irarck. gravai plants, coin marter, borr'el caui, cuiter, vaoan box, hog rock. vooll rack, roal cari, 3000 lb vagon apring, 4 mut chippiug cana. 6000-ib aceion, hs.nA plov, flying Duiclinua suit>' plov, sefler, corn iballer, ion ktile, brîffolo robe, lot coin aialks, 600 tn air corn ln crib, about 10 ions millet ira>', oui-hal! dos litchen chairs. keatlng steve, bellaleal, anA man>' etier articles net mentionel. itegularis terme. HzisY gscvaMs, gn., Prop. BINny 8191P, Auctianeen, Saw Mili Notice. f have reuflthue Hal! Da>' av Miin anA yl tari au as0s0oSas vealier permit&. AU those vonsing saavi dans may biring iheir loge and I1*ill guaranloesaotiafmaisu. E. 8. OtmAaos, Hol! Day. 8-Sm-p A Great Stock Nloving ýSale! We are about resdy to moe.pant of Our stock inte car ew buildng- FIRST DOOR NORTH 0F GENKSEE ST.' An archway la nov belng cnt And vo vill be ready te show yen a Large and bountiful lin cf SPRINO G0003 lu a very tew Asys. Befora va moee vo yl mate deep cuis lu man>' 01 OUi daplia U To male Ih a double abject for you to purahase. 35,c ilrality lu. Woen'a Faut Black Hose ................ F' iw 4.5e qualit> ln 'vomeus Cotton Fleeced Undoîvear .... Fer'aM ttOcqiualît>' In Meus sund Womens Whrie Mernue Undervear.Fw 38t. 2-5c (Iralit> lu Chirldren's White Mernue tullerwear.t ., Nsft Apren Chreck Glugirams go uov, pertad......PtS Mareerizeti Black satesu Petticoatg Tires rovs <of raffee anti f ili sîza-regniar $2.00 value, eacir............ For $1.0 Tire farunr--lfes CaIf" Sboaa for Beys-- a $2.00 value...Fer $t18 HOUSE ESTABLISMKD NOV.25 1"43 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TELKPl4ONC NO. 10.0 IFAM MACHINERY _______ NOW IS THIE TIM TO LOOK UP VOUlR SPRINU TOOLS..., I wil l a ndle a Il line of Buckeye Drills and Seeders, Moline and Racine Plows, Lever and Dise Harrows, Moline Corn Plantera, Drills and Check ltowers, Trucks and Wagons. 1 aim tu handi, nothing but the article bouRht of me in warranted to be the very Iest of its kind ai prices as iow or lower than the same goods cari be bought for elsewh!=er il. B. Ili"i. FIT I<ES ~Co matnfact Iarmimes ITIME ANDI We have hoth, and now is the prope ILEATIERI tirne and ours the propeý phaeet leave yotur order. Here are tii -J reasons: Ehave jus% received a large supply of leather and W Enow is the luli hefore the storm. In a lev weeks we'll be crowded witb orders. If you bave your order now for 'Marci or AprIl delivery you will have your harness when spring work opens up and it will b. made to suit your own not2Jps. flGAIN we can tnake any kind of harness you wib. We canuniake theni cheap, and good, also boiter »di excellent, then bemt and auperior. îWe them cheaper than you vili buy a poorer harness elsewhere for,.O Our clîeap harnesses are good. We guarantee our h«n. nemmes as to stock and workrnanshïp and to be juil mu represented. We are tusing nothing but No. 1 oak leathu on ail first chlarnesses. We never furnish cheap work. maneiîip. That is of tha superier kind on al gradu of harness. Corne in and taik it over and you will certainly beceome satistied that we can mave you money. Remember, NOW IS THE TIME. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE, - - ILLINOIIN 99 2011 CefIMIiCtg I Wants tO cali ypur at tention this lweffek to Ua line of fancy shirts, debiol able cuffs, price 85o to S1.Oiè 'isk ho aee the nov Collera th London, the latesi style oui. Why wear a wide, heavy snW tirai makes jour Bhouiem oeae%'M* jon con gel a 901h Oetuym I sanIýe prias? Wo have Mhme 25C Banl SOC. I:vin :oon be i1re I.; *ud~ Bots. We have ilin a hOSgU VOUAS FOR, CAMS E. W. Pata L.IUurL1yvilIll~inis. I, jm -FIL'wr! fort, and t iti gsaoons ara tire ouI enes betveen Chicago anti Bautegan. - ~i~Oe$~7~,.IOt_,Tire Higirvood iuinr deamiers bave Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. 1 n jYtul tire patronage of a amal Physician anti Surgeon. Stoves and Steel Ranges iiroluîrtiuiituttire suitiers irretofore, 1H EBES ST VESIrut nutatiru eer cun uot aiorgit iu aumaa ~ ii'i5HOT. 51D. TH Iniarte , .,rm tire>' xpeci te do an Guree---------lîlnas.FOR anurclous biuiines. AIrcaty tire Gurrie -T--E-L--AIllnois.y. uoldiiiirà 'Airehava moue>' are to ho THE_________ s eau irntire aaioonh.Mont ef tire W) Dr. . H Smth, Ail stoves Warranted. suidiri aitirhe fort nov have beeu Dr. . H Sriith thni nfor Hsealime. I15ey have r reuteliio1 trouble, but man>' tear that DENTIST. G. H. SCHANCK. 'Aii tIle regimaut viîli la nov bing Office over Lake CbunftY Bank LIUERTYVILLE ILLINOIS. icru0itiul arrives timre vl ibc somte Heurs: qte 12 1 m. unrr tit , .n. IAILY x,iteuient. A yas go slliers vreuked tire -alocri of James Hack- Libertyville. MI. tb, glt9bweuminU d tl. ,iliers .ere frerînalît, sud tire FUR WA TEU r.ýî (iet-4 a>' tiat viren a civilian anti PAUL MacGUFFIN, as r igeltoîîîa rîrarrlal tihie Attorney' and îorrsl'rat La- ua mîgirias Weil leave tevu. m: M" 1 1

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