Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1901, p. 5

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-NOM %idrtet iih I$* «v the Light of Day under, & humilaioriental sucansd vas tsêdwou aed for util 1 became tnill developed. Thon 1 vam cocped up lu a bag and put lu 11 bot liold oni a hlp bound for Itoatol ube Ilthe epicures gave me a lot mrta. iiere toast vas "Heren t, gand nId cofise, drink lier down,. J'va met a 'warm recaeptIonu e%,rv- Villrs aud Do ;rnore pîesing ilie ttan a$ 'lriggs & 'I ayl.îr,'..(ail aud eme me. itlno "aIBrand" Two relmom hypepe, 10e trame w « Ursor ila our mPat qusliIY Ou picem and Libertye lld u. Y--inh. Now BICI1'CLES ;ît a 1argaiii. 1 liavi' a 19041 Cro'i.i'o't Bir.vtlp wIhî('h 1 wil i-Il tr a starte~r for 4 li Il' wav . vwheu i 1 i-lie to tIluiîîk. ther.' ho ariother onee here for $22-0 Cali and inspect my stock before purchasing- C.R.SHIERMAN, L ibe rty ville - ~I - linois.1 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON VIi Boots, fur Loats, We art dterulued ta înoe tNm. We are. giviîîg an> a'tual 25> per t' ~' li-woiit îîiî îlIl Felt :andl (vers. A îvtii' ;îîl and~ îk;s l'llib h iI I id I )Iîî'k - ;t 1j\ý t%\,ifiîr i'oato left. N i I pt i ' t> l <lî c .';i j Thex Diku't walit t<i varr< t <'~~<r<îîî l. <t' I îîtil anîotlîei' Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN 6ieneral Mercbandi$t. Libertyvihle - Illinois. Wmneiever re1resent itiomir advertis- iîîg titt îvli iv.' are not prej>ared to subsrtai;itc't. Local Items oflInterest toLbl'tyvillO Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Effect Sunday. Dec. 23j, 1900, Mt 12:01 9.-iM. TO CHICAGO. WE1lO 1125.. Dopart Fr00' New Depot. N o. 138 ... N ....... ... i < M:.1, TO CHICAGO. Depart mFroRm Old Depot. <4 Ils FROM CHIICAGO. ArriVO at New Deijot. BUNDAT. i0a. m. No 100 itiain. - 1.35 12 20 p n. - 141 1 I 'IA Y5. 2 7 5j a. nm 5 K) p. nM. No. 133 No. 141 M:0n I. M010i.. FROM CHiCAGO. vEMX AYfOi Arriveata Old Depot. .. .. ..... ..... . ... ..... ... . 7:" P . M . BUNDAYS2T . .... ...... .04: . M . 152V IREXOOT. WIT YEZXI.iiJ Depart From Old DOPOt. Oepart From 010 DepI.0t-00pta 'No 192, gEt B... io .îîi . i.No. 191, West Baunnî 00p Nos. *gi snd t92 wiii carry pasemg5ers betwen Roudolt and Solon ilUm. c. c. Bulkley snl¶ered wltb an~ îtaî'k of the grippe ibis urek. Mr. anid Mr&. Ferdinand Mehiring. o! Chicago. vere gemt% of H. Pl. F4ger Buuday. Warren Moore, of liepablic, Waâb. Ington. le viniting LîbertYvîlle sud La&ke (ounly relatives. (;en. Blattierwîck, ni Rock ValleY, la., vlalted vîth Mr. and Mn. ked CrokerItie lirmI of Ibis veek. Thbie bas been anoîber ueek of spleuld slelgblug. We eau stand s couple more of thue sanie tind. Mis Ana Treptnu returned la Chicago SMonday. ailes' livlug sPent a feu days with luer parents lu Liberty- ville. A card part, vas beld st the borne of Mr. sud Mrs. Erneal Brown Mnndsy evening. Au enjoyable lime vas the result. Ilemember 1the colonial supper to hi given ai M. E. church next Priday uight. Graphaplione eîîter.alnifeiit durlng entire eveniug. A "colonial" sopper wul hoe given by the Ladies Aid of the M. E. churcb, Frlday, Mardi lI. Supper from 5 tu 9. Graphaphone enteriaininent dur-, ing tlie evenIng. Everybady iuvited. Thiâ ueek the Interlor of Snxltb & Davis' store radivas painted-oeil- lng, vaflesud alielviug. The vooduoni vas "-grounded" by A. B. Levis, sud Addas greally tu the appearairce of tbe store. lct)ouaid & boyso advertise îhe nov honne 1h07 are erectlng ou the Syndicale for sale. Tliey put il up vîtb tleienttention of sellng. UntI the7 advertlaed it for sale il va generslly belleved Mir. F>rank Dymond vas osuer (if th1e bouse. seison Colo, forinerîy of Bouton, ifnu who recently sold 10 Dr. Dovle severit bundred acres of sund lu Ibat towsheip, vas the guefit o! Jumes Me- (iregor andl vile the tirst of tI issâte. Mrn. C'oIevill leave for Utab MOU, uluere lue vilI make bIis future beome. isitore ai the electrie liglt plant are min.' Mr. CarPeDler. vhlà ail charge, la genial and corteanu sud villing o aexplain tu visîlors ail about il. Hovever, ount1l lie bas bai0lUime tu arrange tiblgs go li sa«tiaacton and partienlar about "sluowlng off" the plant. prlday ngbt aI tbe Lîbertyvillo Tovn Hall ulî occur the ilftb sunual banquet of Amnerleaos urrison, Kntghts of th lo(Ibe. A musIia u lterary prograni l ho render0d. aterer Perkins vîlI inrnish the banquetsud aoume iuteretig tosat are prnmîsod. A social dance yl conclude the oven- loge ounjojinu Invetigation bas denonstraled it "Iii le uecessary tb mate saune clisugos in the location o! Streot lighta and Ibere are one or tvo localties vhere ligbln wviihave 10 o, eplaced tb luEurs the »est possible service. The malIens vili iglit tieusselves but It viii teks asime lîbîle tume beXore Ibey .ait sil lue attended go. Neil rice ban purcbasied of Wilder liolerfielO 2194 fot cf land lrontiug ou ScliolAtreet, adjolniag aud Jus& osel .f Mir. interileld's brick bouse. lix. trices wil erect bvo brick cottages on lus litsiluthue sprlug. An iudication if the seucil! ofbouses msY Oh ba i tront the fact tht lie bas alroady bai au opportliltY go rouI bolb reaidencres lmmedligely rîpon Ibeir complelon. The dance giveu by membore aif the Cake Connty Dancing Club Tuosday rigbt proved as siceese lu overy vay. Abolitl1< couple partilcPated. Caterai I'urktuti served asuppor lu banemeut 0c tlue baIl, sud music vas f urniabied by i Clicago orchestra. T bore veena dtisputes or bolsbions actions tu inu the o! the eveniag. Ib vAsaE orderly, ol coducted dance, and re. Tvao pleassnb social eveute lu lbo naure of card parties vers a«ffar4e the linonda nifMr. aud Mr@. lic DouaI sud Eldon MillAr Sud ater. Balardal eveuIng et lie Miller home vois non gregstest a «hounfull" o ngeau lsu Ibey voie eutortained 8pIýIdidly.1 vga prononced onue of the Pleaaanltul gaîbenîngge ts vintar hy Il farlunai euou«g o e pelsat. Tuesday nîgi Mrnsdlira. -Me Donald gave a parI te tboin finonda, sud il *»a a vslry e joyable ailir. 0f1eahnsetliey Wv .'l,.duickla lu s sa e porlaz feailiye, Oepeelllg uwbo by »ftIlc. veilivermei la u qlt" Ott 85 Ift How do ynu lîke the elr:Itriv ligbt4%. Misa >""il ou I"u b laltng Giuy Eaublard hmas1-goro bAntrr,1 elbere ho busa eeaRred a position. à A baby girl vas hem 56 l111r.and ira. Wm. Wheeler Wouiîenday MOru- BmIbh & Davis placed a nev 10-foot coanler and shov case Il, their store Ibis veek. ,J. JDavis' qondition show8 Do lin- provement and ha r-overY la de- apaired of. A. W. Waldo Je considerably im- proved sud able 10 be ip aud about the bouse. Mr. and lira. Ch"a. Wllams- liOns vas glsddened last urek hY the as'- rival oi a girl baby. Paul miluma n sertaitied a formor collegse lam-mete, A. H, C 1ver, an Jei r l vil le or I. s.'l T I ai r ti bW3 il Syâtean lu Perfect Worklnir Con- dition-A lear in l>erknema. Il vas ju ne yes.r ego tnolay, Fnb. 2,19M0, th: Libertyville elertrtc ligbt plant vwu t<staly doetruyed by tire. LTnUl Tueéday nlgbt our atreets have beau lu darkses duriug tie nigbts of that year, and Ilion, ba een mneh gFumbling by nur citisens sud no end of censure ni the village board. wblcb has been aecuaed of belng dillatory in irranging for another Ilgbi plant. Bavever thai rnay be, thie board va» oertululy fortunate, aller mnoulhe of ceaelesu endeavor, inu dnally gelîluz Mr. Ernest Freeman. of Chicago, tos- cept a franchise. Fortuuate because of the splendid equlpinu le buIaslu stalled vIth whicli Sn reuder llgbl service. Il li te beu$ lu Lake coanty. Xverytblng la mev, bulItunder con- tract for Ibis partîculai plant. A large 100-homu power baller and tva 35-boise pover hlgb speed en- gins@ caustItute the sieam plant. The enginée are conu.cted direct wlth dy- aMOeU, there Dlot belng a beit lu tbe vbole plant. A nesI one-atory brick building housse lbe plant. Coucrete toanda- Sions vers hut for aIl the inachlnery and a cernent fluor put In. ln iact, il Ila àcomplete systemIn uevery parlcu- lai. Whlle but ne englue la-'cau- nected up' jet, ln a few daya the ollier viii be in place. and ma but fev <con- necliona on the pommereas systein bave been mode, ne englune vill carry the laad for the present. 17 twelve bundisd candIs pover arc and 35 lhirty-tvo candle paver Incan- descent Holtte coustitute the stree Ughliug sysim. As t i leiiency, ail may judge. We believe Liberty- ville la nov« the hesl lighlsd village lu nortberu Illinois. We bave a liglhing sysisus ni vhlch vs misy veil feel prond-modern and Iup-to-date i every particiilar, and havlng demonatrated liea deSerlpu4. lion la supply satlsfactory liglit, Kr. Frecîm a buld b. accorded th. en. operation and support ni aur viligera. When a&l la complets, the plaint represenia au expeuditure of about Mir@. Fergilsait sud 2Misses Elale and * P ia unie Ferguao, of Wauiosgan, vWtiad It appeaus Ibat the tueutieth ceutury 11h is. Jamais MeOregor fthe irat of girls bave truckIthe "y' fad. laYa, au jea veet. ezebtange. They no longer vrite il jane, but Jaue. ns Marne, but mal- lir. Helen Pouin uho basbeaul me; ual Alluas.but Adaijue; net filing bier daughter, Mrs. John Mal- Caroline but Oera3Yne; steo., adgaaun. >cit, lu Chicago for se serai veeka, la WOUl thysM rayi vy se asOveitas ev gan et lier home iu this village, but sith ey ar nryed a fev jours Tax Collecer Meredith expecta t0ansd get settlsd dovu ta dysh-vaahing, euru hits bocks somelirne belveen and yroniug dyrnytys %bey vylI iynd ie 51h sud 101h nf Marri>. Dont put but lyttle tyrne te devots ta lbe fad of it! seeing bliiu unlil Ilth 90Io laIe. hychlyug tayla ta tbeyr'"'. Begfinntng Suuday, Feb. 24, lhe W. alvaya Dite ta ses a fermer or esse-Herald vîlI gise a beaultiful horseman dA've np ta a hltcbîug post lioto-etchiug *ith the ilunday papier. Ubene vialter daya, lump out ai bis rlg, hit sabject for neit sunday vill ho anfnld s big varrn blaukel sud cares- -Oxen Plovlug." sesempiliangng fuily caver bis faîthin boise. There i pasi-oflico. 2-inlasbig isart linliat fman; bell do In ie tu. Heienlathinking of somthiug Write. kroiîi Florida. bestide hbmloî and he takes sas muai Anoher lIter f rota J. B. Alîsusoli, pleuare caring for hie borsease for whtn le vilbng finnde n lu Vida, vas himali. Ounbthe other baud, il makes reeeved by the edîtot Iise eek. Mir. us and tu 8me a great big min, varrniy mil Mira. Allansun feasbed au sîrsu- olad i rom brast ta foot, drive a aveat- errios sud oranges lm$t veek, uhile lng, etieamrng borne tDp ta the rack, beir Lake county finonda anjoyod 1h.he tIely Mie hlm, leave hlm shlvening, eaI alelghing aiordu'd lu Years. flore and liasten ta the nenreet slave. There sn hie lelter: la aomelhlng vwrong about Ibis felîov. CLEÂ5W.OTEO. FLA-.. FBO. I2u.1901- e May ho asnuce mnt Maynual waen, tOniTOR i5DEPENi<.I esnoile nor have auj b.d babils, butI li You wili notioe rom i .'sding of lhii letter la not a mnuly mlan, be sa.ured of that. bat w. an,- .11 lis florIda. Theliher- mometer to(,d 5si o' e at 7 02100k Ibis A residont of the village ubo maktes uiorning. thoîîgh It s a lmot <own to0 à t requent visita ta lbe big ity came few daysaand nsecvsi;id aflito ho 011-ou- nte7:5teohr vun.S lortable. Mn. las aid tIis riing oio h :5Ii lireeîg N 1 ba"e fot yet vorr, a wrap to chumii. did au Arlugton Haigbts dainsel. uhih seois -n" At servioies th The Barrngtanian had sevéral par- Windows msd doors r. ait oien ndOWonsan Cela. Sc dld tbe faironue froin the orensed lu whit %t- î wtb fane In their o nifcut loiivrand bains made bands. We sar- sutli ea&tnlurnoranges, plus se- vine. riese peuple, Ihougb sîtraugera, rues. gtrsyherrirs. ovîo tatoes and inlutooupled the samte seo"; their f5at tind8 «f -V5,ttoO5.partiels reposesd luthe smine rack. xasry uoruing I1ew, W tie pot-Ouiea .Art- - n H -. - s!I" ruraitdthe mile distant.. ou a wvIol, for mi, Inter Oooen. sud genernls mcet a 1cOir fran saine of oui anuc-Ilie lady grab edailisht carn dom Llbertyviiîl"n s.Lator lu the du brandy a" fieu ltheusclh. Thomaman vo 9o frsa ionsor sail-. ACMEin o g0fiailu train Barilgton srrlved home, put or to0-t"su Iland."îwo miles aai. audth ueantetbladprodd aUber eheII8. i hoiind«e iroin ho unan- Ii acl uIi al u rcss lily of sheila Mirs. Allboionn 15 Oluulatiiig te do justice ta a genernus suppeir site intends s tortinic;,o urio store. Whou Itie partuer of bis joya m an srava skie arrive. lu Libet Ysili0 ouviii îrOl,5bly bail prepared for lin. The vie- ioaru of ber luteution. tutateIsicofbr»-- We attended tire o ultir faim at St. Pmt8e- u teheisncnilrsz-- bnrg sud tlieresasoi s g dieplas, of fruit aud gan ta revlev the purebsue. The a5goma0 insu 401, t sat s les, bamoug thon a tiratpackage ahe npeuod wva srevel- bible 160 Y"ars 01,1 &Monu and caused ber benrt ta j amp, SaturOns vire se: s. 1 o ride overiand sud ber temper 56 risse lite a vlpro- sens lolîls of olriow b.rrIoS aud large orange groves. WmBIBl,,n nînI asaegar, plantation pareid batcb of buokwheat. The and wvtnfld su c marnieutact<ire trous contente vere 1 corset cuver; I15se cane. W" erteofi-, -I wiltil a tess O hle cenalotsrobe. lattice vork iDnIthe ap- Ay.brongb s goloin. liiublli en wrout per tory; 14 yards bine baby rlbbou; eontaluina great vai,es of slnffed bîrdaS 1 eau talounm pouder; 1 plat lafelta sud animal. is. ais <si, nt ueresosglht. iicoller; a pair 0a i lck oue vill Land heri'rsborits' >- siontis ,overed wltil red, bIne sud orange sîripes decoràst- timuber. SoomOa, tr-'S hbin«the lagest 1 ig te et e rpe Otn evoruBw. One oit m..Savonys tarmi Iseetin e exene ppr sco. tbrouah. thlis soe<ring oser 1on leet of "Wiial lusay dos eme t rape barlong arbund. Plnen grow very taIt, sud painettom ta?" tbe abofld ta lber liusbaiid. Ho n dense nothing -<n ieneîritte tIem. vas aluuned. Upon f urther Investi- There are oarge risini lers of nortberu Peo- gatlon il vswuud Ibat six yards ni ple bers nov. moono fîninIllinois, nuetly old people. i amn vie on] y YonngminuIl the lot. mullin eud à package of ahredded Boue lock nert s roi' ndliokiy. others crns- cod fii vas mlaang. Thon the trutb pied. sîl bers for t hr hetth. We are vîl. dawned aud pucs e as roaoresi. The and have not bad ais <4hoor 1tain Inces vo kge o lid oal r leit boue. for vhî'i, nos am r Irnr iankfi t. pcae o ie.Mrl rd Bhall romain lier' , I vweeka longer aud ai hoainad avoid rr ora.-Barrielton then roture to dear old Libertyville. Rene. J. B. ALLÂ,ON. __________ W. C. T. U. Notes. SCHOOL NOTES. Th loa Uno me i Ms The ail GenerRilHIstory hid o' Churchill, Tesuday, thie 133h. Af best Monday on the ireI part o rangements voe made for the conitl Meiiaeval IisIory. tconferences ta ha held la Lihertyviltu Misse Mary Ltilsoeid, LlUie Morse Mrch 7tli. and Ana CronkbtSq vere pieauttI u declded ta Bnd a box al canlera lu& wednesday. "-coinforte" ta the Tempuene licepi A aleigh ride sud S visîl 10 the tal la Chicago. Anyaus vbn vauR a raysilake school vas fuuJoyed bY lbt ie lsta coutribate can do anc by lenving %iHi l latst Fridiy asltuoa- hatever they have ta give viîb Mrz r The average atteildailceofithe iret Usybolir. I. room la 36; total malolament, 39; as- Our next meetinq vill lie uli tirs e tndance cf second boons, 48; e or- Barbart, Taesdoy, Yeb. 26t1h. W mut, 48; Attendano! ofthird routa , Mins. CaCRIeLu, PFrisaSupt. a t enotiel, 37; allealuae oafi.bil Lro<m. 39; eniellma"; 4; alladaue nf IWP1l r D 100 SeOol, 33 ; m.ucmtei, S3& % Retd dPrkest$k * * % OMOUafs %eil % IVere $110 Were $160. W ere 313. (K) Were $370. Were 312.K1.. .....nov $Sà8go n .ov 800 ...nov 1Io" ....nov 80 1..ýnov 9 go 1,WooI B.d Badfs * Were $3.4w)l ... ....... now Were$3. 75 . ... ....nov 1 Were $6.75.. ...nnv 5ses Were $4.0f4....... n. ovw *. QB.d V»eortuts* « Were $1.751 Wore $1 85 .EflMO's Were 50a ... Were 75c...., Were 11.00 ... . ........nov 1 48 ........nov 1 69 ....nov lUes . nov 40C nov 60C nov ac * % §fop IeeIers % * Were $250 ......' ... .. nov 2 00 Were $400......... ...... ......Ov a29 were13.006..... ........nov 2 35 Were I32.0..... nov I 63 Wers 3.00 .. ....... . nov-248 Woe $1.75 ..................ov i U8 WSee$125............. ........ov I os Wese 175.................... ov 63 ged We dollars for the educed prias on U al inier lu aIl lins. se don't usut ta cary OVera re uorlh ai vinter goode and wiII ma"e 1 puces lntereting he.uext leudffl. 2a5C Silk Ties 10O OO=.- Previous ta receivnglaur lino of Spring Neckwear-snd uci vilhave "an exceHolea linu-e-w ant ta, close out our present stock of Tien. To effect s -quick clesriuglwe have marked our '25e Teck licarfs aud'Four in Hand, botlî ini tark aud ight colors,'down to 10 cents. AIKout one dozeu Silk Band Bows, the usual 25e kind!at 5 CENTS. TH-E FAIR9 LibertY ville - . - Itllois. Pure Dru.... r St.u Per fumes. Toilet Articles. Patent Medicino PAINTS AND OILS. A Wan sd compleft.Stock ci Seholdoo, Tés mi School Room Neoemulias F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - - Unclaimed Le$tera. iVOIIowiuaiei5I<of letteirs Afhl crs 1 m etl LiliertYvîle ISI.. tioelOM"e. Feb. i.115.b $ tà 'e When oalling for these loUeras my "adver- . ~ U-O.' MmIth Mr. P-. W&aaaxm. L uai.,Peaiusw. ~1S ýAR. Wear Il1 te> INOI S Mu HAVE dm me La D BY leaent. Cointr. Ia Bei oi tiiý ;lra. wifasn Ib*lo. hclrs D.5.» Il er stie, niai. vit m. pese i "b tbat th' b' îî 14H if4C

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