Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1901, p. 6

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«.Xe muai sud it ehacahere. tite." ?ede'> mil" ~Eir dMy you?" yen semember Ihal opal t senibei-e *w dai *go'," n do.",1 Oithaa a buory wvite1mas> ca use YOu î*r ywý mmdi" "IWIitdêe-eitknov saot itt "1it lanwvu aold ta Lunganu the gatd- iM hi q Je. who, as ite-bas miace- W 5001m te abe-ien', came loyItdi- ýWa t me of imy ttbrev betiren Ébem gM8ly of a duahonast deaýd. am êe -k mioable for it?" lit werae--ble for yoar own mis- n l i you who sotd ilta to ir." 411%1 us fmi b. peove-d.- 4%eerdeess.1Ishal neulelPOU have lm, p canda." ~~~~t ~ ~ l Iftparin iici dirtakre ho ae tLw--, dsslth'e s uiecee -n ." 0ft& it prove t Iat >00 niole that à& 11« evile lal clolhes yoa have Slih'èl for the laI ivelve Yeirl gri-crm te junishmen wiLch l I ave lhe moine ut disîro,- au net, afraid of that. Yot.a iti see *#%la, willds lwealy-four heurs, bo 7en ýmy not b. quite aue resohlue Ïrjrdenide unan uave-r teIbis, a Wle of coalcuapt. la vhlei W gqporno bitternein. pased cver I4etPce aFlkland vlihdrew. 1APTBR XrV. PAloe a=9 ito~ the dretlonaris-en rib 3M , huechîci il the door at MM1à etheIaspnage. Aller a wu pashad open,and site i la a lcial. atanding face onem. as the Jev ladl il asYoung andi as fair at VM t* t e kuocl at tiisdo,." aiid elderly mm 1 imw la I*. tVà randfat! o t.UVyU. .incempcebensihle te Ale., *0tikem elie.the bockof a trucetd elmel, vactmade tI> vide fer ingreu s mb ittad op La a style et m tIat Il remtmded ber et bloe* e.huardld cf an tilA the masive doori-ani 'VII 1 m udravu bask ' A& U -)Nd #@port-itrtte te .*@ esgamal appetice e -Wba « V abte asldseateal 'et fcuiloni mt bermaie bar eye, thongh ahadeti bleveeegr-ay, Vth & aoft andi brhhlat bà*l, restrainoti front falllng demedite the ensilons v-hon- th-le fev ornaments abe- vore cm. vhlu"nduev lheattentiona 'wtM ail 011.1'!. t Via te pl Jiand vbh ab&Wgecâlleti yul eie'effl lad told ber, il aI once -te ber thml Il migît have be et Aile wv-n fasteacti upan it. - y present." aasid aie. "a"d 1 Kvalue verse hhWe i aig«oua Z 7 F lk"ds h e o s r v d t a montllb. a very dcii- friend, dearesI- 1 have la the vorî." «ahe Valebd bi eu- asi aesaad ibis, bat wu eme tei-ffig ef île voie., mer 01 41c f etainoirue colon w-bld dspu-e Whileetof ier fair anti rfelddticheels. Unisuspiemons of vupasing lu the mnd af Alice. Fo'uIm net tell me your namer ttà mi lkasehiAhI.Rou i <ld Iarn thal p b heI i-etlsein! You ecu- t thik bo lan am." ÈfuE >11aumot r tur eilrr' -ber h! ave I." t yci. cannot be so lonel> ar amn, wl oe ebut Aenatbha oapeali tg, el- iMy gu'ndratber, andt ha bas lîtlI wich be au b. paied front hi, dsily Ste devote ho me." 'ËOaa Il b. necessai-y for liai in the auaig of is daya la attend sa aiicti> III diii> ta?" said Alice. s'e au-, as >ou donbltes Laow, or - asti jesPised People, and btWrcOe iaxu-i, asti evea Wtg. onduer *,show ni w-ieelednam, plth pri-lces ad nobles or ti-eIlad 40U ipeedil> fiadt ota pi-tolltoe west rp ai ui-w ay I >ve, for ince rta=dmdul a sear go. 1 lave lad ne .1 te look te fan protection encept ni> Ibt eYe* O Atici- a-ci-coflea dirai-lad as the> 5ut cbattitug logether, W1Ahter s-bat Abihi bd tld ber, abe il. themust b. unhtiken&astg taIs WUa * o. husiicitiad been icen ber tb laur 5c.convinea'd di sIc eecce St IlW&O teRmre. lieverail imes *IgaL h*Point Of lelliaAbi vlat Of I, bat fiuait> eoueladed Il its hister>'. as tar oui sitebe-oeIl iacemerneti, 10 remaîn tndiwliiised, obe nulgît litinîltht sh ite lal-atl qiiftoredte t ber. Thte fair Ahbi, loy- Ifg. eca t cbe-tp noiiag a-it wbal = e rIci-garded if. though ahi- mis- CIla ause. 8h.e imaginedt hat it w-au 84W*bm*utr blàl iInialad beritlen. bW M a tnelsped thîe golI cl.n *Wbaiel us as appended. anti banda ita Tarke t," SaitI sie. o%<itaItua e au bO eter examine il. Tînse lest skilied 91"1géde *tome& pcaaauae. ilta las f imeotlsa ma indti-y bai-e-ever bncntotbeiag euai taoIt In it t>, or campaiina .111 il in fini pliy oI colora" Y PrÉeet. Yen sîid" ce- *Ale. bopsai lisah@lewauld bI 0* acselingamore-o0f ilý Wlal i-ode., u tre sacrêd dièaz. it once helengedtita my - imber being abent ttc doy 703»a aId. mY grantifather - v- lb aleuuamg. Jutiga 411srées. when tlceu-y" Irat l i 9s hein. ba i il," K'W Ies Wvma sap aul bcp of cvv-eiceoveing i. facwe ttued tii no ise ahroad the oa ot u.a jIýiUtetsu gem.a, henIt. a fi-w ev ri shn-e,. sotie otne- rame 1othe abop and affettdi t fac .ale. ..Whto olteri-d il? Lid your gî;tnIfitiii t"I thikho dîd, titougît be dîda'tIriil me. Hi- -as gtad 10 git it boack agaimn. far more- Ibm two- birdsoaIlils fatls ai-e, w-ihoui miiung n> quesioans." l' be itctwiy retunalltuahi ffdghngs, fel at a tlas w-altat " Si-ai-cet> a day îiaased, lut that l,-e- les-l> coatrated atime de-bt, wthlbat the meana af payia; for il, anad iovvth, Jeduthuin, lbe Jea-. ad refo.icil te auI vuace bina the hundred potinals for alit-ht bc had mpplii-d. bis last expedicait for smi iafylng thte mosi clanuorous ef busi edilt- ors, was eut off. A tbougbt trîtek bttî as he itisce- th ie- le> in te IceLof thei doolr whit apcaed Juta bis roana. ie topped, ri-fli'ted a nmoment. and uhecu retnmeed his seps. Titere was a tract a! land atillinlu bl Possession, beogiag ta te stauhe lt b> bis faîher, whitic yie-tded liiant> lya trillinglautonteHe w-auîl uor ibthe-uv a mortgage of titis lansd, if, iaulead of teone unî*-ed h. bad oülii-tlforu, he voulut givo bim tuvo bunilecd. ic fa,înd the- Jevv- prep4aring ta clati- lbe>p Ai aurino«a more coneihhtaey air thon a-hi-n he parted vrilla im, hi- made lownate reasan of is re-tra. Ilia preposat usas ar'î-pted, andte- folloiuia mornitta wai appetst.d for the- traaction'cf ihe- bul Whon. at lait, le- f«Und hinltf ini b- avn apartirent, lh a uv-an Stinaîîîg near the hable. uho, ai tbaus as tuu llght excepîtal vias iffar duilb> a lire near>lo ainIout, ho îuppoued ta be bis valet. "WIay ai- o u bieic ooae. ladding?" silt he. 'I gave you hi-ave b as> aya>a tiTI uorniaz.", ",You miiftonk me fan lIaI rascaîl> valet of youu-, eh?" said the mon. niaing aaf iwtulis lua'ard. '&-,ft >nuÏeW Coi-le? 14ew dud >aa Ilia tbh-4ea0 vian'Ilockel. such an expédent lie$ unnecesgaey., "Thon I muat bave fongotýen ro hock LIe door viten I reluraed ab hou- aga. Ait Retidiag bas a masuter l,1 suppoueti il waa he.".1 valet on rci. Isuspect." "No, I don'l trust hlm etaI aU laan> if- tircf Importance. and thatlaisw by I aeMt hlm ava> loay." "There la littie need or ycur lrustiug hlm, for bis curAcaîl> la sncb that hi- findi Ibiagi ont vitbout b.lng truîted.' "What do joai maaulîî -'Tbat he ovenlrba ltev-hale of w-bar you tahd me, the other evening. about aI- tering the date of the wiii olt Biurlingtan made In favor of bis nieca" "HEov- came yoa ho lnovr" *,No malter boy. as lou as a-ha 1 teu Ycu lu truo." "mot ao' ba ias thît. As yot, bc bas bld onî> one persan." "Who, of conurse. thon, muat bce tl. "Wetl, ta ccnfess the Inut it îw-ms," "I didn't suspect lIaI yoau were oit imch ondienliaîterms." "ne baal- éinA hclihatilon tauhI-uew hie confidence on tmc. yoitma> hec "rtatn. îWbea, on titi- igbt in quesitIon h let leu, 1 opened lte don itither snddealy, when sorne one darled aa-ay frorn beiud Il aI such haste ne 10 miLe me suspect it W&B u»me one vlo lad been lItteaiag. I uba aged 10 oventale bina, and 1> dm1t of par- imasion and lhreata, iuecceeded lutmaking hlma contfes lahi- bcad heacu l att had smid. 1 didn't part campan> wlth bina, hoever, tilt 1 iaidexhortait s prom- lae ftramhlm nat ta mention n bat hliel àleard ta an> peu-son living -" *'A promisevitîcb he wilI he sire to break, as bholais ssmuch rîsca la talla- tus-emesa as enriooity." "'res, andl Vve-becs llîinkuug ut vIi iieeti a sharp argume-n to0 ecp hua tangue tram wgging" "Bul w bei-e ail se findtoni- a ho -viii tb. wilIing to mmlii-ose ot sucb an argu- ment?' "Leave Ibat ta me. Bat then thuere mujt b. lime and oppartunit>. "To-meertua- cvenlag 1 i w-îtt d nome pretexttanorsenîîlng hlm ta the sbop of Iedthun, the dc-" "A vat bouc ' "*Ten voutd ueie te llcr tii-. "'*Y". but thIho ip aii leb cloued beinri- theua" "Ninîr letitilbe, ien. t ceniemltfra' aire, sanîg place iclb> lthe Jeus.tom- hibe-doava domicile. whbere be whli latg hc iempluyi-d co rnceal bitai-If." MO l et hlm b. auire net le part Minau pan> wlith hlm titI hab astost ail pauser of tllting tales." - "Yaa uci-ulai cautoiîn n-on ibal "*And te-l lina if titi affalr otcasion ynoise or oiitcC' - lic w-ill' be la nu a Intg of hi-na ýuriietsed. as lth er.Iîuw ho tire dthe sole inhuhitanta of that quartîer, are r.mach Ilie thi- mmii. vhhch. mi the ii- lematian of danger. deas itlse-i fturtbeî ta la ia i heil, 'le-hlut. utbermane, ýrthat be mi> counit oui a gi.od round auum, edif ail la perfaemed us b ithsiand dix- "That lie-s hi-la-enhimnu.tru-.I w-ill gttake ce-aut i, andtI uiulloak ta >00 fou ýothc pg>." ifJît titan marne oe knoekeýd ai lihe 1,doner, loth atarteal. ns ruiliv petite N, itl to "Go, Falkland,and olien tthe dtoora v- 1 eill," atd Corlile. t He oheyed, thîongi t lotiutîti'nit i-musgiî-ings. A lad off lui etee uti or iti etn is putalo sedinote inta bis liarnd. mut n-îlihotil apelaig. wibdr-w. Plie 1w taha bmdhe-n sittigbha e etni ftueil, ai it If flicett ildnt v toula.I.iLii ilu otther ta te l i 'toenolue îtoti 1,,t coulhim in - bIutîtîl us-. ligt-d ta lîgbta A haiti a l Fot adyuh or oett. at. et C'urkic. a u ,e naotknos I, the adoi re of mui. 'iuis ut«?" me Iâdt tuv Mi1dreald urs "A butetaoux, then. I suppose?" -1 1 "'aiuilirg (tuthîe kînd.",saud -aIlland be notiter itha-tut> The no"' eontasine-d ais lytefollowlai Td hiicI>w-reil re-iutal rcatber tou Dy muait: "Carneta sact,, larmomningais r te-n. wllhout wii.", M. "It la elletduila'" sslit hI ' st la tial0 -for ne jte ga* Niai- a'Ctoelto mear'v eesta lu le bouc F "Yoo'l &Bd mme bfei-eaen" et 'u î»eak ltes Iiro»ugî the lej "WU setba ogt vet."l rt *'And na IPv. îlrexe cargead n, md that jour dccr is ,faut." CHAPTER XV. Satin aler Falkand departur thie second ime. the Jew. castng aride bis enorrse aberdine, wheh concealed a rich and lteîomiîîg dre-aa.joind the fair Ahi and their etîîînllvfait-e and tiorapee-i cd VuraI. Alirer boad niecdy commuai- caîte-d t. Ahi iii thatthae lhcraeit knew of ivbat "le bailtiostcd t, lie a ii n for lber alialleijon, lîh ,i,- 0w r, ltted ta irot 'id hav-e Yonilali îit-r Wh w lawa the emîployer oft he tinti felloiva?" he ailird. "*I have," thp rofiie-d. "Ilii rame-.Ott I have Tessoni te bette-e, l -aks n. -You ire îigbî. îhpi-r con la t o doubt. I have had dealitgs uthli hua." "f have lîcen tliîaklng otiy finda." aid Aller'. atter a few tmoments ilenace. Thyw il uffee match anuiety on my a tiolnnî, adl ait tet tue ni know. as etiret, a tOa lt iit ktn ahnds I bave "I wottttt talin reiteve voltr nnietY toa' night" 'aid the jei-. bat thela inMYk be-eiverlit tnfortttnately absenitad it l-h hîi- hi'iîidly prudenît foi-me ta cou- sey iittigenceet 3.0111. welfare- myaelf. Sottî Mie lit tiïlltt le tiîrklng near wha , ouhiti eeogtiiae nie. sieb w, ld be 11--- 1i'v te catI toe a stt ahîongee suspicionl ai i 3oit i liilît Itle.As there will ho expîlantiitili. t. it ILe a îil directions ta gise. tîle rnesage licIter lie A written ane,. Whleh AuIieti. Om-ieniid. shah] carry tm i air frienda eaely lan the moralaf." -Anid itîtat heLie itira to-night",'said Alice. Ean-iy la the mori nîg lia the Je-w had picatisedî, lia gavre Antn-tbhie note-, sith the we-essary directionts wbcrl, toa crrY it. Bît when she liait lftI wbat Oras uailed the Jewe' quarter ell ecame bie- wiiLdored, and loat ber way. There were as yel few people îtirrinlg. but thooft whom the lnqulred the wav taete- treetq bite wes la porsint of, aaawcrcd lber OnlYF with gibes or a îneering iaugb. 8h, Oaa flot aware Ibat, during ailtitisua tinte, a mati Oaa talluta ng lier. A t liai., obea the tecet pslîailges began ta mul-F tiply, and site. hee-omnîg tili mare per-1 ple-ned. veaîire-d once niaie ta inquire the. us iîy, he i c î.îil ulic tkty foi-ward. 1 **Wiat place do yoitî wîishta llnd. myg cood witmat" raid he.1 -A bouse in Chanci astreet, wsieret dwella the widlow Ehiton.- the replieti. i '*'lortunately." nid lbe, *-1 live an à bouae Dem! lieman ad cashow Yen tbe way. Follow me and yoia wil souai b. there" fTo be eontinued.) CHANGE IN LEADING MEN. The Lady a.tti.d the Qucustion, i.0 Who Wise the Cad. l Tliey bail been engaged fer n., whole weak. and met at tbe s"me social flanc- tion. Atter ha bail mlaaad lber for an Itour lhaexplored tbe congervstory. and was mean enough to lîsten 1e a conver- sation thal ahe was bavlag wllb at yong mon whom sbh all rejected thâtil she mlgbt accept lbhenvendrojiper.i *'Bclee me," the dicarded one ws sajing, "It siijeyu every liappinesi. 1 thougbt ail the lime that you were o gond for nie, and 1 thitli tat lie willit malie jeu the beat of husauds. It lar .even-thlng tuaniethat 300 are content.t It wilI proliabty aaîer conte; but abould1 you lever need a loyal frlend rend fori me. wherever 1 may h."11 "Pardon me for lnterruptlng so hnppy an Interebange ot contideneea.," aneered the jealous clalmant. w-ho suddeanly ap- peared la front of tbem, "but tbey are waltlng fer you to ring. and ttaturaliy wondered is-ere you were lilden" Re lad ber aisny, but It w-anfrte the hall. "Sec here," he began. *"Ilt1%blgb lIme Ibai votand 1 ondaratatud ecd otbcr. t foi-bld jeu runnlng afler jour aId daines, and Inrtculariy tuat end jou bave Juat left. We're the samne ai mariled, anîd Ibere w-an a rog in tat chapa toile Ihat 1 dontIlîke andTwon't bave." "And herens a ning that 1 don't Ilîle and isotit have'" Ote snivtt ticîement and ha usuattîne lmîkiîîg althne parli- llng solitailre'Inbils band. Mlle cîlled at once onlier "loyal frlend' tIo tee ber haime, antd there h;i notthIe ilightetea chance thaitue relrail ni the casri %vill iehaiong the ii-ddlng Cuesta jual atter Eister. lietrottt rac Press. Tihe Wiasl. I am thLe Wîil. Jîîai plain, tîediineyWind- 1 bave plenty of ,illîe Dames. The sat-(ieîorter Calii me *tNd Bltiîa W~hea 1 w aletz tliîgl thee tilles 1 am the ...tîght1ag w îîîl -- W'hcn i 1agtlieîî l,(,îtes n-.iil 1 am tfeic "rentti- 7erhir" ~Vî-tI c-olioff th,- -hirtw9isiaro 1 ar tbe '*wt-tcoiue- heri-zc.: Wh'en 1 pick iti lt ilatiKIansas And di'î tlîeiîîlinlheieuî eotlniy 1 am te "hto li[îg e> tionci 1'i'en l' ntp-.t the pteisuare yaebt 1 amn the- "t-ei-bernîîa. (-happy w-lad." NVhea Inmakei, hc ikîipera C_1aue tfor .liiîi 1 noi iltî- "gti- of geint -ttiî' Ai]t lic ' ai]).- titi- naie luW'lnî. AndtitiCoît iti fi-el thii. I i itiiai'fi. s ci. iaîî-th, - NVîy. whlai w olilîl taîemon Ainaut lit t lîhouît nme* t Mosl t lite long ît 1a> i-Ca 11tltte syangîtgîii. 'teeî-h" 1 f It iva ilttfotrail? r C-id yîid>'îîîtml) i)i' sotie tire, L Iieutai ai ruhhe.i', oitutme'? a I1donttiîul. I toui ini flic istock 0 f aitlthe -'iata. 1. îlhetPrehleut.t 1,And toverîîor-': e_ Likewsin oagi-esmpn. A I'. Mmbre-. otr iaiiby I 1waii icideni, -thia fait 'rFrom té ire tar.i AI..o fi-rn the lpiatfarm. BRIEF COMPILATION 0F AU. NOS NEWS. AIterd Bis Clotti, Vrand-WldoW Gis-eu Vaînable Island huma petit Pl. S.. iivine warninug Y.uaa Buas- baud tRsas Atuli. 'a.t ist- îtlî-ged tlu ha,.-b lt it $lii.tsh (a ll t It- -tinlîtia 'ais 1 h gi gît ,t-t it i nli itt tgill tbnîînglu i1t i l- t ta f ai i-e plult ut -.tlt ttc ti-. lu-" , o iti "uttî l-irt N 1-tt 1t. a., ttigiit E. V'. Brttownt f Ni-a Itt 1iI, he iet i l ta ca telt---os îoîtîî'ttî$ tituht sien- tuti hael it? )yBrui ut il OttItiAe antir Ward ('aiilto-t-tt i utiin'of ('hilaitu Lait .1.ctî W.-'tt Iaus eii ofr Ditlîta Ill., poi-îlat- a-t- l ltiti, lieti Icafl e iutfri t i', it t li lituik i utpanut lr t-i<l> 'The 4i tîta 4 s i.eeniorigiug.-d- i III,-l Avsc butnk ftte $10,000,. atti -tt-iieu ut shippi-itotaLa Cr 1it. lii. f,%,t ieekI liîg'tihe i îîîlîntuîisiveni-ahuiuîu'dtihu ('hi- i-ar artaket and ld'ial uttîîtîî thIi Alhexanîder SiVurd ttttutit ttta1, andti luticusncbe-cu la -i If îtauitl ici. Iia in a atid tutbu, have ti't e fri-tis liiuie ntoDalla-,und tit'he ast1a batik ita .iiiiit hla-il-,i,Ilts. Sit, usl tIIhI,- luiT din oihî-î i'l et.- u inan i iel li( t--ao - some oatIu- o o tua I- u-ti'in der tita fltartgogi-.- Wida.' i . - n I..ia d. s-ot tts-i'ne îolaîiui.-. b.iI 'tif',lvu Fi-stoIluîhbl-, utrieh iltiow iti ICtll kaki-, .it iikn- Iaand. ini the KuikakI hu rils i-tait ailjalaing 'le I îltfarati nibove Mite S. -natke' huanuil. alieuti tit i-ce rs la i-en. ho an eu--cinely vs- nomble pi-ce of propertu saitîceotîitl uf titu tone quîîtr> miait tel (il u - 'titi t-'.. oi f oeiutDentier iîî vuý-ti tuiîti, le)unait lennît tl iil't h. pi-' i tu1,y -- a.iimg up lte i iailînatit t-l.tto aît-eiaielui prahteri> "bîiiTnîht-lIfi l%- litget tutuiliti e' il itiu s IIt-lut-t tii-iîî lit-] on isho iurthIt istie Isatl ueo lutîs igaItIýin ta8l54). su unilIt,-g.îs îrtuaîepl oiaoa' f ttlthe lndrutiotiiuiîî luaaNt-'Irs. lolîtît a lu oIi teci Ibuit Itie orîli ehîannîil Ias 'Itîose t î.nav igation i18310. Woutd'be 5iarde"-esuid Suiide. W. , i..'tiei, a y t; itg nat of skatosvillp, lu chargeil w-mb assoîlting bia %vfl' and liber mottle-r wii a kaîfe-and aisse-mpîiag la comiit suicide. M'pot- nledgs, w-ho bast bec-n manritI oui> a short limre. wear home le-o uit a rere-nt night ntoicated, lit As llet:ui. and Whec-ue bis tarife and lber mather reftiuedta admît bint ta titi-house. asaumltetil>I)tivoaiien, lbit oni> aut'eeeded in curling tii-r aru-e- He thea drew bshiite serona hi- Ibroar, lnflicting en ugi>. batîMoit dongerous, la- juite![le vas take-a tt jutl. 'l'ie follow- ing morning ie'troîpeîîl ita u td titI lb. bloond loweîl treehe Ie s ns eize-ti ond s phyicia siminoutI tIIId-tuhie- irury Ilisie aslo na hd. ('onaterneton bas beenviaca at h te sillagt, of Diona b> w-bot i leciareul ta bu' the unaccoantahie ampierani'e acit mori-hum of a great erucifîunî aaloai) o the- usails of the Cie-tr Craclk churi-i. ' ar"said ti1»-ilteces or hîlld- lagaMerae-aIi-w-icb il couti be i(Met. Foi- %alslime-uitRevýr. Ie Vihi aof trishurg lias heen holhding revival servicentint the thiticit, andt t l- enrieîetne.sofai» P X- liortutions ti- uppprnac of thie usdlowv la attribnuledl-nomne sceilginl a adivine us-rnin. cailiers. simply the chiikeniar uit lte imagbnatii'a- of lhe niiaiuilers ht-ar eru. At aiytiîe couerat-unu bau, ta ,rer!i dinnîîte. 1 &IwODia .owew. talit 75'5Z. 3fitlt'flVc people .'eeently tlf: Decalsir for Loolabian teluengageaJO the culture ot George a. Coi-non of [llinois bas been appointaditnldion agent ut étant CarIes. NIra. F-rannk E. chlianheîrhli. a Weil- know-n aux-ivtyivoirnenî aJoliet, bas filed a tbill tor ivorce. 'lh.etitunengar tlepo~t Of tIblliinotis Cen- tral andti hit-agoa. l fl th'ev andîiSt. Loittîti rttirah. t:Ifi titiî iltu gî gtitîtIby 3h i. S:irtbA. T'l eti o lirla, riýt-tcl hstti-rt-at-il. las lti tt s iilbiltwathinig $-12J") toi. ilititI i l-uf lt IîrAI- itîti. T'.i- îîtt-ol i t e ut-d it.. lsditaS The' tuial. rtg,f lîigt lt.f troî liilîl ?lt t ii- i'îîîl îîîîîtioliviing.' iit or Mlttltiti. loi', i.î uh t.i-e-nitel l îoth ht'tb 'Vtielit etogitîtta.îalit bis hi teiîi-ti tite hie -ta -i ut.Ilîîgcoue lu hi-w tottît il t rei' l.' %%as -u -tik by a hîeonclîa and(lied frîthe t îîtîl- I liery %V. lieunidt, atarnedtlof the IltttliniSuiiben a hiiiia,. andîlIhi. 10-yea r-old Kun, liii ce>. 5-tii ta ii-ilta- ge'tîer I tl î le Bei-hie (omt Itati , Knîgitî "-iuihu i itong i bien- oftf he fanerai. ItlstIis sttl tiun t th,- onîtluil tif î.ion îîfronît î-nnî't a'eft irid t he fa tit-r îic'l tf tlhi-okiti heu-t. tFai-the tnird tinte ClianiIl. IVieeier. tanthî'i horie lth-t. tha, siiî-ue-tl tin tiitling hia 'aoe Ii'e ct-iiiîcil ram Malrttin(iittity ji. nlit tt11iii. Si us--t-lit- hiti lîcînfint-lfuriii tirai i onrh tîi. l'or s-iirîttl faivs ht i- îîthrîfîtacî ltoe-lt and tëeete talin a adyiiig eondhltita 'Th,- îîîber nîlgiihta îtag- in hasanie titknossn w tî> t. brî-ak jal. The Ilinois Itailcoa uti 'Varehotîs, Cotîmision lias deî-lorî'îlthelitate liaw troiîsiig feroi- Rat' eima 1.i ab.a titi lt-tii-r tir titi- e-olnasn hat noîîrovia- iotià lialuci-na idefor nthi' payaient of iteli fi il ia. 'The rîîllng ismodiaitnl i tii aiiiautiinofthfle ,Antirianililiag ti .înii)zît ostf <'bi-raoftiteit-appointaent ofat îgîî 1.iç1a8tîc a li cmîtiaw aplant. 'tiriai îleait-y of I hîcaga anti M>iîe L.Noth.iof li-ikfoaid. us ri' maitiet i- t'tarsagarabut. oîshbtlui'exteption of lts'ic liai-ent,ia.un' ie-ne.T the secret util the other ulay, su-heu Mer. Atealey usent to nouani hi0 îî i-e. The mari-ilge suaslthe onîgnost tuo ianmaUUile ita- nifair wbu-b hi-tung îniu us tue NMcle-aiey a-as attendiag Itoliegi'. Afler a bnief i-oanliiip titeyvient taelioit. îs.anîd ocre iariiîl. Thî'y iie-liIed teke-ep the affali- a secret t ilthb itîegruont wos eahits elta liitiîacain Th'e intense exuitement ai Altian in re- gard ta thei-iuiii r îfthe -Invinible tthlececont ,atinu-'.lJobn Iliebsierone' or the lbru'îe-aeI taiamei-. s&YsKIlial Boaisand'I"airathe ti-mealimier ai- resut, i-une ta ii home hi-tare ho recels'- eu t he ltîr sigai-il Iaiaeihlc 'l'ie-ses' anti i-epri'acatu l tetese-4i- asmoney roanei-a antI]viantedinaknoiw iflho baill any la loan. He lîîlld îbernthat bheboid if the lîrottai- ,iirit> cauil l b ivra b11.. Thi' farnîi. î-îî-r suas lac-eil tilion Hliiero a-ellsails> or ta-o Iler. Rab- ci-t Kelse>, s ai-omer living ne-ar Be-thol- te, it in aow hescued.,,ie u1$1,000 on ne-ciipt af a intilar lb-e-atc-ning leutîn. Leaders iflitthe -midlei of tbe raid" suing f rthe eoltea pnrty la llîîîtia met ini Springieldt andul trnniitateîl pilisfuir thie eorganiastiti ti îf lit prty. 'li.- plan vt-uiuplate. th e res-telultoftueolul I"iiriuecr' Mutilai Be-nijIAsutîchaii n- îliem a ena- uue sud oli ta u'îîîîaitîîhiti broitglil cio-n 0te iste. A o-îmnîîtt"'eof pie%(in w-us appoint-ile laa'ecta mime tar the liesa' rganiaion. 'The eotamitt'e usa-,i lamtenipovvcreut Itusna caundliate for i 'îîntgreaa (n Iývery ullatriu-t. l'iteyi- euieîj lth-e oming municipal i-anupaiga la Chicago. but on the adsii-e oft(lairuuun Boy FhiIs uasai, 16'It. Ilut st e in a ta> uon t fthe înîo>orah- Aflen a iglit i s 1h saI ot i-u us h b te t> Ligies antd suppotrt ib-ni li u ant i- au pangi of Itiits i i iti tîte ii> ity hia tuto lic Gali-sbtrg. l-ceu ?ue-alo.w a reut14 Atrira u-theao for t e aundl uene, lu year, muuîicui-lc.inlukilling lue aimtaul t fi-av seuka tînt' tîtuna ilit a lîîauîg vith a s2ieaierifle mnd lita log. Tite i' nt.-i A parI> maas lîcîg gis iutei a boy %,*:e hmuitttug oparrci- 'lTe M t iuui .-ruthl,- m orI -autte junuior Otnite )it if .t-inliell kiýl ittaitîtfo tlh '.utaI-. utthe achat> Tiea-ioir,î tient s lad ih suh ti toten boa hit wao-I iett noliiltiltoii theite tî ýjnsî ttu tiest- iit a hluit feu ui he ri-fl'.,tî to- wolftendl ti- rty, ietihtiti' Suiti atus tat tua-i niaikiatu tiat-otuilv:isnec îilitith,Ii'l C t.-d i iii i h" tiglit u, siteiii- hicuîmiulue bo h ,ui l uItg ltub ahanu liit i a autubuI lu. toiuura-u - itloits. el t iitht- nay>- the u toif u-i tcîu itIi-n t-ia' tutu te I'lia -i' uf net-taettent'm-t tltv- ln th lic beailaid., eantts-i el froteI.. .tumlonti,mnandt ul-119g1-11 usat>'Y lu1sevanuiuîru lu a voaint CHah ith..l 1. Bursid. lt. letthie mlti ssallu-setit ilut higitl A' bie'otfttu lisi iitO omîpietu-IttIti, lu1it siou lth,- - uruma' a-ui L' oltt st-ou-iltuit- il iehlanil uigiit a. l ait ituti octi>l uT.-ia ndl tîtul ouî-n mu brireulsomuiu tui)tory buihling. stîit igithili-%noîa iui fmite ilut 1fii sevni-liel hausneuuînî. ut iut Inai $iL>t4 iftem,,- îl,.îittl iit ttttilaltul un oun i mutce uls instnuicttef *3(T5. heu iue tuti t 1,i>v îtîlîo , lu ,tîîuu' ot mua tutu 1lu hoolisa nid lii ies oîîrty. acre , succ iiI-pî t,-Itehultoii t I tueib'otuivle. lnutied '[lu i t.-wax-auiuina for nearIa hmlIn t iti the cwagou n t i-u ith ne içi-n ut, bic l.eforu- ut w-ms uiseoii-i-i't, aitun f lîauingno (etmua illusii,,fititil utie husthe le t,iitiaenitarrise-il t elna ,p atli-o i ong oauîtlit ila I t il voulil.tttt.rioue- adjuuunhna uctu t1h ptriioetiut -tut ii-o rt-i t-at lî cul> ',Ti- luit,;t-g lit i- c eplive.-tt. i "bt o -rt aliît teltîn mii-.ttuo tt-f ittife'-. tii-avil> y w ir. ltitihti ,,itt.kîuîua l.ihe. link"Ioîl dit, '.ilil$1,(X)o fflara toil it, Thee- suv5 aluh tti iu'itil tiou h - ibs t - hisut oi il(au toitotue '1ii Ihtniersa. t. uutuanc- i miuaîî-î toe'lut-ltIt, ; i)uîaîah i aan, t s i eaandtia hua-dona islI rcuk> oi huieluit Ml-ta- ut 'liatli, nihhier> :Eti-r.',li si-t lu. theit li rthf eli'.iialenuruî' & Rra- i - . eslap;Itîi.>- bakicelaulrtruusmtt ie i-. - tht- distainceio & Rggiiý s-.10p; ba - h> eted 'Tevi-, si,,fitu-,lias oid -ind the pltti-e. lit I ',iistuiu ut>ltti-iltutu iuî il tic t ,uti, a ub liaist-elis' ia ls-tt u.ut i f us unlieN lre 11tî fittue t o-tt.liit ut b-li. iitit ci- lok. uh ilsîuîeu to ermitnu-a (ii- oflheur iitloui t, i i-ci- e- l ulI i -ltn lmr h t--of i' t fe iatla'tem hitie iet t iuati ag. utuot. oui Is uitthci iaitiaUru-Ahblu-c 11u-iI' iareoeii lt . tu ri n iînti utitu liaie t i o0 lta igitt i-s e- de-nb> uit bentti.,cose a feuv hititrl f1- Ietreo*ra, tethIb- sttue ft et tcharneier. lessraing of itle d'IttliofTh'omas DohIlabe'tvi lhire ai- e stvurattIt-i b rgi- lImatitbera. lu> drownuing tuti -to-nFala. Iuaho.Tu 'h-huitsi Laeil-c lhait t' huit lt-uaanu-l. huso me'a u-',' tuimmare Ttstil1.i "-eu m]tt. litsaisitu K t-tt uf i-hi-tiieu uvs-lierusliiuh ienlil ce tiltluhîlil taiit. liii John Tintpes-iu'*v, geul15 i i.-eauotf 0e-is uere coiztrant I tliah uta exi- .Sîenardaîîîuusut lis luen dIvn ia e noîtîu t lut a li bi l Oul>a test laya.'Plite-> at r."eIt tutte x - esss'e- t(of cigariettes.suieeof auidak iiri mlit car.Ti.t"l ske-hi île0svn.a .1 loi ge. iu'tt coneti ttl lit>. tutofIiut eui-ld ihut nitlus e-ni fuundl Thei- taeio rtutuihhy rohbeu lles of a!ls ine-octié tiu'urau'or te cavi-, piesintua miental facultiu--i, uou la-day lbe ':a hhys hi>el tait tiff h,îîuu or iauh'a iue a hunt cal wrer k nitnewtiet art ut tif , u'St ite. Ta-ai-lt Iiiccrii of "Tomas Ilttier, ru- lita(',ili-nil- Roy' ii saeul -animu NIie- id ing noe e-oriiuuie cic lutileul'ii tiioui l îit aeben irm re-alcîlfuir, tejut- de-t h '[hite ha Ce-tmleft hotuîe- lui gut ta lu-g i-m u ier tut NI ru C si. - si. h îi Thebhu [ui ihiidnmîuitu>id vithîir,'-, itane.toli tiîntiiwth th-e> o ansd ithe boita>'siIti rai-u.and the- ciarr-d t uta- i udsi-ciiu'tuiha ahot hxlisi. A re-maises tf theic tie anea s-i-e fotuutl aesciai gi-andtIulite> b i-ta iti-u. am,,tutihu'e rlu Ninualr île-orge A. ltiuutle, of Iet-atur, CraliTnýiiMim el th sli in(le a-receul da hletcr frotnuutetutu--i But rote, ui- tio oînf thte N oct lu ut tem Hil ii-au littl- s te ecrchtaryif ,'ttit Cei rruîitegl', ail> or l'ire-tstuvtimis aIntiite-ant irotinah1) lng luewa a utitoiioauitoi ts> Ibat if the orklt hu buiii mig. Effots i,-i tut Itu-luCilti f De-catuir iii un uvlle saile onu te- morni'>v laut,- ste- fuîtlsad il piire-aci-e tut tpend aut le:Ias timu $C>,)Ni vie'r ettnou-c'uib> i th'exoazluti.i ba sud tbre-î-fote ibeuiatenance 'i aeiti-ar>"Mi-. utt-ulutiIues bat failei ta maîke C'reigie- i-l uu ite- $601,(W0Ifuî-t'hle' tunad Oilyiit>i cu--ta ng ut a librory. T'he cia usilisai-ce-pt utne -. thitlipo of th u l itAu-ar tu lstlcgle irli-ul t a liry off lte ti- Coutrt uf IIin. i i ' itaIHIII.huoi-o. Fliuie yeiur-olhum> if John Btiulio-,livuiangi lu-li liii i l ei]itifor aerOIatuitl. hIllitois ot-isiteNIont' anduitloit a îu l t-ut .bein -tuiputcttl i i-nuit eili aivn nlte tii-i hui>tug w-hotu uit- humus, tii-km-ilb> hli tarT he it, thur Iluiarnu .tttlt-ni'eite- Lias offeceil $15000f luet,,,-tuIla 'nu-a mutinulndratfni tra hi,- liîuse the p ublhieî libruir>- y0f (entrailsl letse-Iantuienu't lthe- bileloff. 'Theî-boy saasad- fur te uni-uiuoitîof a building. iCi th-ilu- crato.edi'aouththt'foe suandeyu'a tbu- iiý i ienu.1a usite anduil iuucsmlu--$2- ,I a eae n iett-elo.obe W), si >iitr fuie' ils minitence. î("lie etlia itutied ofu th alesilu ua htii prgp>tini uiela eceptuut aiones-, uî litl-ts>orthei'r sftt' ua l i-og anin- u Biurgliý n-ss'îîri tle hadi se t'taggoa- :eir;;ofui- eite Paoir tele, o ser..So uteo -er and hlu'w' m e-n lb, sub te iîb a ly--of thbe bttei- atilmleraiwlie-ie-amie-p cern.. lent Ihe- l e-ai-y -i5iot.malened est as; bavi-lia enl reecive(l in Iad corai- maal> clîlsentaiof thb. tissIant îe rob' lion ail the offce. Méce-irt service men sZe sti ve. l-mîolled lu flSeiasfoi-e repottaîle ha a-ikng un thc case, but boit an opportirnîy 'to «ea th lâ tmd. tIllaf4i- lava tall a 1Oni a scewet N - EDWA*b , la îo sF Raprementaitve- MOrIeetcfClorffl Put. . ý * .8 M PERSON Anu 47 111 cm Wý,say Whlh .i et 4T THE OREMONY. tbe ld'imers auy ila a"goqd hing.1" It Pennlta calldatirn et t» or Mm oi. Uoaas'cb an& Calwcrî Ride ln the tStatta OIScorporationa.îttîîl leagîlkaîconsoulde CW"Per o5Cla.Parade froni,.thlb. cs% In lallinois. Villiam Sulltitvn of Chi- t Paelac l 10 mî.îleorl ctî inutraduced îîiilsvhleh uasttievery Lot" Ta Tbronged. MaufctlCurer att -2I tili-ottil omltanylie th-' State, for t t-1r,,1nlte %aope oftitre "taiow-aîrenî"tt i i-Iimailies omplc- The §rat Parilameat Of th,- rtik, f crs litîls-for ihîtittlatt1010 on employor. ,King Edîvard Vil. w-ii otI ln aLo'n- wlt-er lîy lefeet ,[ iliichiner3t negli- don Tbur-uîlay aflentttia 1) li, lIe- Klg n geai-e af îemploiyer tt i 'ltrIury i*gli- par'ain. Ili-9mi, nuajat w t silltîtal-.i giice it i ,litit-ttlt- tlit prsehieally by Qiî.,in Alexandra. lite haLe tif yacLik hiLe pbalac, ofritlit wiw5-svtnt acte and Corna .1and tite- I itil -'orfCon- ui li lIrit itn tC t-anarded hy crier-' Daabt and IUmYO the, a!ofthe royal fait- ti>i-tintta tor sove-nti -.-iOio f the Lag- iîy. Waltitre. î'îitîilntîalit tt.of the UIntir The Ipet Otite ie-CetttaitY Or thé lîiad ('anlîîiltee iaon tlrt-,.,etîiOleedlon lai- tcok place la 18511, ahi-a lJtien IViltl tl t ,:if tiici". ît oI tare-hoase cent- oioeil Parlament. tllîlaii.lby the missionîî aiîiî saichit,-- ttth'Rithie Prie- prince (oaoit, and aîtîî-î-,ti'-de-tir or tire 5iott o I Iutti-iti t OblCh îîsakes lattuernathIng etînîliu)tîbinsty'a op it i t- rie-é fortei a seaný-i-nAU te1 I-i-lDs bai beau iitnessed ini Londoîn i î-anee. ~griaitrfilleiro rlin t ,iin-,e Unti er- litra wltb tire cpeniîg ofIflite lî'gîla toi-e-,titti î ait-itgilitaxi t ga initearr- Not aites tbe we-dding of thet iben Prince lt'î'îî caîtîî'eîl'dy the- s!t:te grain; riesa cf Walus andl Princvasa Ait-udsiia llithe tiri.Thisa1,111i ewi-i- t .,f ihe Lloyd J. gorgeons ilote -«e(-hio'î-tt sreun lahlb. Nîatib il% )- j jî Brown Intro- stricts of the capitl. Ili titis coach on uîî..ielitit,'e iltîîtK is, - h(omînUI@io 'Ihtsrsàay lhe King and Juee-n and Pi--Jtettit. î.î a e sectile - tret lcarii- la ceas Vietoria rode fromta -tîeinghîtIn Wtlri ug i featn aaid ti'A. A Palae thlbpalace ai Westtminster. The ri-.Ii5ititlabhîîîeainaWi-~itIt aishg route 0f lte royal pariy. us-icb lar Mis.N alita i t, 1îîiîtrt-ao lte i tairaI As- ltroagà the Mail11lte homiegtiirdsi' Pa-- sl)'tiy eaîtwt îî,i-î'iii t,îgîr AnI i-ade, 5.Vlite Hall &iii larliniaeat urreel. hy i.oi ay "e -Or,tttîit'L- iera wai gmrd(ed by 5,000 aoiîiieri. 'rhou- ret'rrîil et t,, th, ule întiillr inaieof I.cmdoaers apieke-ti8t. Jamesatffttii-i. . orirtreeniilây aient of t he-é et "~, f thé luisarisi curei' scia sent ltuie il ttj ~Th,irsdîY b> i tîit Yt. lI Iltc î"r, L. E'vans- Coiunîy: ThîîiniaAtt .1's it - t>-. Thonmas A» . . ..ter-ia 'onatyl -lamne, tW. T>itti-.,-.I is-. î'ouît - IVuiiliaus B. Brintua. l»ti a - laetI; W'llihaut A. Ilitad 't,,- (t)inti .1 VStatttn, Si î.hi- t(ouary; 'lnrtiA. Ileiii tiii ot.,lrii-- otty. 'he- tiott. r iiut ti ti ci'îilînt, i-a-tl luch aîlilt ot* ,, . tthe nte-nae,'.of tee 1inaîi..S,1-.1411,31 motîtt i Iat lte rultiti. a- otsti --' t anti that titi- Ss'ste- geîntte a'as-tiî' - if,..nîlr titi- alotitinitti-nl litt linttiof DeLai' l. i"'n> tt> .t " mub' et bua trl-sne îshl,-b-re-. L. e~îta it **i- nup-ui ln ii stto ottii h-il I -i an's îuWÀkî iît'.imotion lrsgo iî. sa2Zîs I. andl the- psham-ao rei-isiiirmeil parti. bhaidredthél, iont tite-haflb.prOsr' ,i tihaout oaîtit. alonan d filiiid winows. wamatiandtIooie. T'eite sant -îttt i o-, lote k FiiT 'lhepagleaont wa. short. but sPectacIlat. rnwiti-nîg w loie tur tt-n,îa'rs iceneait aid Tbe lirocesi otrspol-iîly îrtuvei-seod tbhe-moine-il ina, ptlis tuîtliut es. shartiriote la an seeomlupaatnieml ofaois eaor Fouler wusaul-,îîîhîreim and abouts and i-âeilerte royal en- Iraný e,iitheétiai-se of iS'e-t.nliti'1' ilýri-rg iterd cii nîîî ,tih a eîaffltinFan- nesth tire Victoria toisr n t the aippoînte theili-i-hii-g fthé.thia- , iiebiit.a d limue, tourne-il tsli ,. tîe iiiii&tsey afitr- Royal fta.t5ard nIcaned. trton. Me. r;tttniarttiire-t'ai tirelb When ti- gi-est gilhtortalecoach rame lhons uaiiite sisît-if $ji-iiki r iber- ln sigbl ut the o,eri'r l e-ailailse-r lthettti. î"Il.i, ... eatie-ilte. Llltitanît lyhe h royal standard us-sa hoîotî'd 10 litétort. îîîu-,îetfa aii liht>iusCeînîiieur The ilale- coacit and IbisreIlOWIagC. iétol-euia-i Mr.i Vo I t)l~ ltl'r(iuidlug tain ing it-he-jér antîthé ii.besof Corn-late,înis >al-tii 'te to.itlu weiiand othe-rsif te royal taminl 05noth it alo 'i.ri).c a i îre of id tbraugh te- gréi-st galte-annîr heîri e'ictliei' iî.ît, t tr . J.hii-oif i laia towir. 1Tire soieettiamatudte- Qui'en li.iiî.iiît--s u-ta îîii i iThe blli antd suite pasaed ter-ec nu the rubiuag i-i ilîtiititttig I-i iitg 'lh. roorn. . ~. îIlin.- aiîjourirtl mitind :il'tibis if- deont ut the Coîîaeul, aed i-ltht' rona. The cap ot maintenance %usa. borni-be- fore King Lilvard an lthe rîght haw4 ai the sa-ard a! state Lard Salisbury walkeI inrthe pioci'-ionauns Lord outheb Pim> eal, as.tti' oifouitprime minis- ler isnaDt yer. accnuding tua )taltoi quelle, recogned. King Edoarils robes vicetnfe ctitson ai ce-Ivet, aulg-u viith rasas outgolul lace andt powi-ule-e-thceaune. Tite robeas of Qacea Alexandras Oecé we tuorial slmimc lu that outhlie robes of the u. bal tito deshgna uso anoiew-huat ilhi'iinl. InathIe- Iho f Lori-d ,e-cerlthe ey. rested its gale there w-as lthe pomp cf state 0e-eis n-I ltirfi-ita. -cielyrcb,le gtood in thin pîtgtes. 'bhe gallernu- ve flled sitit dipunom t tr ilenuantries re-p- rescîtcda t Stnut.asuni] thiîr w tees andl ento~uirage. Il w-ai a acenue t saien- iu etulor aidtlinsesamuibas ua' an hop* 10 sc lut uîn'e-im)ta lutî-tîaîuu SiVîem lthe httg andt Quieeuhaut meithed tbemselvca -un thte i-rnethe Ring on'- dercult t- Iliîek MlA lusomatuon he ,Gommions- On thte aririval of îloe men- b.n'a ofltheHose tuf Communs lainh. Rlougseof b ,'ruî ie II trend'alhia.uî-- TlIe opeaisua ofthtIclit I'rliamunet of the nea- nt-iga ,vil aussed lthe iit-ial eu-. petitIonun a Itue tuarc ,tît f a r tuflie Iîuuiofi iiitu t l.iuiCi- cetli.,At 10:34) oc atl, Mactîhinent of yeomen of the gutrd tnum lIe tou-c inl the-ir quanini neai iitiifuueu anduli-arr> ita thall berîs. arci vu-t andI -onIiiii-il lthe vcîmaî. ai-y seai-b of ti- vaulta tir inîuagioary ronajuirattr.m, itli he i'tisutih iau l GUNBOAT TO VENEZUELA. UnlOsa luISt., 5,de-. the lîeorpiou ic La Gutr. A Waaitingta eai-reoioîtdi.ntlgascs itu the- gîtboui t-rpion lhas- 'iniondecedtiet La I tirtu the' oreur eniu>huutszntibm,-fuuîr of ite St. Iq.te uoiuueîu nil Nor> lic pliarinunt tîut titere- nilie hi enioutuiru bie- in Ve'eulat. ntwtaihaîtunditig al ithie priotet'atiounsu e- th it'tigamit nottitoin-lm panies thui ta-he sstte-o w-ii be-met itu lin ordpri> mstnî-r. Tthelreseeforte Scortîlon in 'tenentiuon atera asuliritue lthe- United t Sates-ia tsutconta la cill u put lu case of tIti-Lanrate-r in absent oni> tî-uouarcîy ot lattais l cia andl the fDixie ilaonithtitiusa> ram that placctela .aili. 'tN'tale tIe departinicats sre nat saiting te explttin the reit reimaun ofthîles hae- Maoge of oaahups off Venezuls, t is ais clis titlte>are- te li-used tut lire- vent fiiliuaternua a-upiioîvs, autet as have been reporttIl, lu tuehei-esi ut île aptaitIrunt. The Scorpion buts been on sarve-yittg dut- t>. îvbiei utsua hei en fiitheu, aintiud around tht' Ornot- river. andtiber sulden move-menltaeVenezuelta con lhacoîune-cl oui> sitI the- betiu' lu offiia i-cii'listhaI s large Ar-itîcn torce insoihseîlcy nec- essai-y off Vîenezua. l0bysical intrvention b> tle Unitedi Statesinl cerlaimii ta talepliai-e If the-re I a coufllIet bt--uiîi te cnployeuofithlit New York and B}ernutuie-s Compatnyanad lte ailitîn tof Bermatdez Province, ia w-hicb thec osphit tterrihor> lie-s, FILIPINOS PLEDQE FIDELITY. AIPMais Meuraiusnz Iînle .Give At' lergls'ce luamseiýeo. Mlaniba advie-s ,ey a mta-tmeetimng w-as beld St Banigtt-dahuicit w-n-i alenduul lu> 5Md resîdenîs af that hplace antI other boi-- rios of NIsnita Rusoliîtitîns uer, sdtip- e-u pledgiog ltegiance aui idehiyte tohIe Unitedt Sttes sud stpaeulingtet the peo pieetaithe provinnetaei-ose i-e-uisfahtcuata the Americans, Simihoir action bas hienu taLa-n ai-a>. Ai t ariqtilii ithe-re ban becn s meeting of M) 0pirions, w-bit-h won organiaeul lu a Committee of tte Feaiul part>', uti of w-ritur are over îlot> >eitis of agi-. and al lalutenlial samong lher natives. Titi-speakt- ers i'epreientes the pi-ogre-«sof the part" - . xesmlln thelias Imor t he monau-m un"a ut'miiIY tulaii!, ta lauoiie. itIIeu dutim ui -t nlta c f-uîn . t lis.ii, tues-- ti- ita reotului luin ii eht' li-tl.-i itc- ft ihlht. . ue a-m- irt ,- ttia.his nut -uI> ta il f-cfl eh. -utu La nîhtioniu u I.-,us il -,-, îîui-itt (utuit luî-. t'. iii-ilu. t'ut-tu-1.î ,Cot os f -'ýk ttt N-tuv..'t l.- m uînîut t uns. bis-er. b.utitILramileuil i-arti-ler. tlr(:% Irlithe HI-lats. il 'rtIuos .ht - . 1 t-. mif .in - l uual -tiualâîui il lu . inth or f i'btu-aî-ltiti . gel- unlnl tutz f'-- iuu !,df utl", tut-a, 5i taia 'i t~t ic ctlujilt;.rt- t i i 'i tiie C;- ii ilu. o aie'- re e.eiha* ini il ut. ii lbt i t- lu-o--a lit, uIt-t i- - mi tut lit -ru tutu a -t..a u a.ti tis utiSý 'leu urs. Il doîîtila the akime> 00 Paidi lteé,laismal' o , lu istit Ili..iuti'î Lît iîî ou $2.(mi I10 centa lier etltle- fisu tii--ss i ntrisi-i te t-lin; frutîtu imiîuul l-î itiulur t.. u-ý iî. *., r.., tut tut.-, - il l, ..f t o-nliipt-. utu t. eiiitut - a 1 mi t d~b. f, taiîilnt . iii'd Itp iaie 'h f- iliu e. îi' iî hut u t lu i uiu. il 1 , - tiiulmt 1. lg - i. iutiit b i i i,il... Inu ulu i -tiii-ý. tilal 0n--'t uli il- ukuril utîuuîîuu u, uupfflt inti'otteiu .Ii euta iiIt ututlut iid .-îti u - iivz tut fIi. i a-huui.î-uilleîiu uilu ruh.tuiis f, ýIittu ittîtitut f Enitunt 1- .""',e ahit-ilitîta lIe .,Iloet, iii- -un. int lm -ii IItl. ,lkiti 1l-t-i thluse- tu mli rond.i li itui llîîoacî'u,-uuuiu-,u-îvoted lu, apî,îuruuîuit- .taJi it-llut>mut-LB et illit-ilt-utJtii l nytu-C.' slo 0iOlier eli-ulle,' taiilîtititi i oitîla titîn ia tanIutar> 191m)i. toI îeutlu. Ii u ot tlots 1ai thi lai a fauit> - Oneuttl.i u'ledt Si-a fUttiti tut-a if1h tua l:-tuti I cuî nmeuiî-ridelilcutea tIt-t-iil on' aftheu it u utig fi enlst i' tif uuLeryîftuui ,usoltni iiiliii lieti-e tutu or itît u o ny I-ttît o iglVti ie iuti>'ttr'. Sis u eitt a*1u'ft ta ir- Ftiituri i ftî O 't'hhuiii ti'-i,tiu tttz lu t tu-lu- ago (ti lit"a ýi-lt-Il tt i-ii Cuiu t Xhuti. i e'ai, isitni'h' hltlu-t ayaing fuir tIti- ]tutaus-itîonliliM t-ilu-îM'as00dii-tat t it ask tuf t> ittolult- -c. Wi. h-4. lia n-la, tii, tinitIa 5i-r, %ren died lteé,alieertigit. %isnu' oftufhe Umoul picturesiltn'figriesulu inti-e el> rnercaîî- tue- lite ut Chticago. Hi- sa ai re la CuôlcoitlO, Catnada, An 1841. baltsInceil eIWbtuiOth yemr *ad Ma4v Chactgc fr te 4 ita et git Ps i lv cab Ib, Il b g Il e t n r e. U, id vo as er lis or kd. ng La-

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