Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1901, p. 2

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dia iOS~c FIMT DIE IN A MINE. =«SATROUS FIRE IN A WYOM- ING COLLIERY. w4n Peuvent Remisý,a.asd but Oue 11e. eof ti. uaf .îe Haote aploie. MUKium a Maile Hi.s E raîe-P'ov- 1< i esty Lois la Eaoraouus A dicefstrous fireinlu )jatii,,uîli le 0sait mne, 'No. 1, nier Keiuriri-c, W'> os, ils -.. ttemdesd iîh iserion o. iof cc'liteauit &Imft destruction uofîrîîîcirt y. I'ic.'cc wet Borne.' t I>iuinc'rc-ans i bteic-o icrsc's Itombed. lict cne iîrcislc Oic l s Suaee, bosiver, b> Jochn Andercscon. oho wss working fleur the tyutih cf IlIale lel w'ben Le recliac'stheb' îuue oils on i re. Wflluch dilfeclI>' lie irearclic te luicl ilead, and b>' îhrowircg a lic-ils> sct over is Lend anct shoîildero e i uiheit bis n'a>' tbrîcagbtheIdames înd îeached thse main sbaft conîîleîîeb eaubted ad terribi>' burned, but suIt recoîi'r. lie' cvas tallen ouI b>' lris'Ode. AUeffort'c Icisuc- e«' tlaue farîher ba, i'cileîi, as the. Oaes da'uye bbc roeliers bock. The amear roîîud lb.' mine wn-ehuartrencl isg. boîbere, vivee î anudsîmer)ist irept sud tore heir liait. T'l-sscîof proIerty salîl rea'nraueneicriouliIgurei. TU semine n'es plugged ut Ille 'sililesc-I. iLbout Ivo mili's troîntn cIoîclll. TWO WOMEN PElRIAli IN FIRE. * %r Ykv 1 Otll Injun-ed in BIaeWhlel Umtins Wauke an (Org e atoco'. jll*$14.LAldena stop organu ataroeta 'W'ekin, Ill., eesited lu the ilc'th uf iftio uug worncu emîchayes, the îcîîîaui lis.'> of seeeral othere andîl ai -ss f 815,00. The dead: Mlica Gertrude ll'WiIs, mn 2 eare; Micas jeunie %*rII'c. cgcd >'era 'b.'fine urlgiijnbed l othiii'sec- «IIIfluor uf the main u Lildiiîîlc oo sdytrm tructuîre. Roy Scison daopdalisisted maIn islcî cacîicI ef eeDlaoid icrapel, wieu tebbc iirreî blei op and ltce room becamie ileitclàcîl anes limedhately. There sic-c eein'girls il) the ouaim. the Missesellcîs nd IMies Kendall. The>' ruebed for thi' stai-s. îb eMcPe that wcIY sies already rut off b>' thesalmes. Auit n'as unI>' £ticen fuet te tbe anow-covcred ground, 'Mias Kc- dU1 rataed a wi-ndow nd audtlled for Ille. ulxh 10 Jump lwllb ber. Thes' wcre *&Md acnd ivere couic awalloîsed iii tiie lâas of the. burning route. BURN PtOSTAL CARO&. 'Wmbimurton Authonalaea »caaoy 54,- 000 Boeteaias ta Hawnalt -'Wmesdcy moniug the Postoffiî'e De- Pàtbmnt in Washington declroyc'd about c-"Ugjts1 carda whlch belumged lu the' o~ui~ f Hawaii. There were about ~ t~il .-Mnt anal25,000 2-ceut àrards bwhke& This lait remantc of Hawas'ui POStAI servicen'a, ptiioed inbibg ftr- Hace especiait>' Cunucted b>' the il' 4WdaUM uedivision for the pupoîiclîs'of clu' OtWeIng the potage tampe eudl postai lsest* m0f Hawvai'@ repubiean gilseru- 'MaMLTw ~no veeks ago ailiut tLe Itoua- ..a *pOBmedeipostage tauîps cbtainai bIila Wëis barned. Their fsi'.'value unas abo il 08,00, but If the departmnent bad bailthe powver tu sel ll.iaa, aI i'est e *%l» wnosld have been glî.'n for thein bd gtupsi lcetors. -'w, BsaraeBoDdy Fouaod la Box. 4 bevycak. bx cn tatnl'ag the de- 4 z4~tmtebak0cmawasund ona 1110001. Tise body n'aa ricbl>' lad. The 401"«n'a. notlffleofuthle diicoery and Ç**VU§M~dm l1ud tisat ufteial bic tLe eÏmclunthat uîurder hbail lCi"oiiiir s Aapsicsus OBeY CeaanLand. Xt la epouted ln Havana that (;en,1 lb*Cb t1e ha, accepted the preuIden- 1VOt L hig land cyndicate. Thi' tmîuoui, 11%sUd t, have obtaied loptions opon ait tIbeo dsacrouud Cabanas ha rbor n'et or BKVaa"and at RaLiaI Houcain luPinar 4d Z10, an'eil asalong the ic- cof tI' Xtrlel Mlajara mililar>' trocho. Fitt>'Lentinlaa Mlise. À disastrona fine in Dianuondi ilt.' oaI uta. No. 1, et Keniuie'ti-t. W w aa 6tSWded Vitia cearunashisor! hf.'anci mtdestruction ut propttl. 'Fberc' 10crie Me fitty minu'rs and Iiiccu ota-. hlnmbed. bat one minecutoci s 'capebci' sl made bosserer, b>' Johan Afier.voal. Ultîlalge Oa (hare's Ol, ~ ~~avu eûtered the tloyakli Ilmon Oat.itc <'Lunch of Mt. JohtheI.' an- gifal i en' Haveni, Pa.. sudsl îcilail tise cacred iesccsls andl Nîr'u iloi beantiul goldenu iuigi-sor sîcuto iv -ru, liant K. Sallbir -. ('it>' Attorcney' ic irsad Rapidsehb.. n'as idite'db> th, 00&k Count>' grandcjurin hiii(aiugo foi' tise aileged ar-ca> f $5.ll.llll s-ngiug1 te (GUY'C. Bacton, the t>iîaiic iapictaist. »Ill is son. K. C. Bacîcîn. P-litlcen'cMo.,asSuicide. Fred Ki'cn. a son of Johno W, Kîrn f Inîdiena.s-umiîî'd mui(iicle ulil i tc Iin Wasaigton, 1). C'.lcy ubcuîîîcg îiliiîsc'lf thmraoghtheLeurt-.î l' mas 281 p ars, uf sne and Ofimacied. -a fa Ne.r od..- George Wncd. ,' be-necrc îlîsIîlledIic. < MIlIselsteln st Tercr'eile b. nci. sx mrrO$ted. lakeai frolu je liancd h'olin &bsot. bang.d andl bis body bucuc-d. Acideal o i. Wsba. Fait traicou W'nbeuti ent oî cci bonIkmenàt i'on BinIou. mcl. I'orls cii. ugers injar.'d. Six of iîuoccd nia) ci. Tmou.n ao ScheCoacusolca lewis Pacnisb andt li-uc>'Lwus sî, w'e"u-kownumen ur gîîî,cIfuiiicismet lu a bMiiard roomut bZo'c Ie o. oancd tagad In a quaccel ceril t ioua: lslcni 014Parniih ntlnhs-i l.awsou Isibli a IMI1e, eulting hilm feuuu fullY îu the ic-c,-k, Tise Nieariigcii a cîu:ît o.'îhitiiîis iave- ' Iss etùavl>'trnnfernc'îl tIcWalgcu su i.lbaasfi r Cbci.itc- i.. îîct iiuîcili.ri'c Io " l n'tL thi'ue .5issof thI'.c- îit Dies ta AidIli. sWle.. At Ledviîle, Colo, tiorri- SîýlIso ria W«asfound denîl. Fro uîxi thit cao Ici' kLeraed of the.'cal. le ic irî. iîlcieîî'î ~iîiJ1u~r. n il.,. i w - BUILDING IIATS-R'ALIN D1931AND AMAREET QUOTATIONS. PIN» FATALITY IN THIRTBEN. Actve Poepiratioîi for Mneh Buita- Ohcago-Cattie, commun ta prime. » lait Overtake Si. Louis An5 lbe .' touaîng Sri.. 83.00 1ta88305; hogii, ablppiug grades. Coterie Laid 1. 016 Supermttio. Il. (G. lieui& (c,'s webl>' riheu'of!$8.60 to $5.110; sneep. fuir ho cholce. 8$3.00> Wha seue tc-ouIe consider teulbe anoth- Inode sas c.. 1iiIîin uthe.'Etiit andted u94.50; n'beat, No. 2 rad. Trac tlu TO; c.' lIntance cof thi' fiiiflutence ut the tarticuiilîs' liig liii' norttb Atlantic corn, No. 2, 3&e tu 30ce;ont&, No. I. 2c imlber 13 a, ou loiitudestin>'lasroundd la 1cuaRt. bas lcc'-îî cidiing tip wilh the lu 25c; ry'., No. 2, 48e te 411e; butter, theicecidental decIL of Itobert S. Coul- rest of tihi'clcîlinr.% o lth' thils sic-cl.bu ehi-bcicocrýRein>. 21s, t, 22e: .'ggc. fni'sl ter of St. Lccîîs. (roui mîorpbine tîlcu fur Vit inthe b f- fnc ics.. ' hc-tec- ouilalut 15c te 17c; potctoes, 30c 10 43e per insoaunia. Wiitsi ils'.' othere h.e enlet- Lit e tcen liii'iItsilt>'of icibe the 1lou eîbel. cd lu rtei.'iruiy.tluihit Spcaini Sept. 13. biactbes-o bitli't. Thiîs loulo ironttLe liatnapolis-Cattle, aiipplng, $300 800I . T'Fbtrî-îii diys etclihed hîtone the> îîatking off out (tilatstuc-bessbhich on n-es89:50; Loge, choies lgLt, $400 lu $5.37.;lvei'ecent i-iîy lu a train of thîrteen fectesl sssiildl iîaitc- tii hi- cattii' cver lin- sL.'.p. comnteluprime, $3.00 te$4.00. dira. Tbîrî,cn ilarci wcaserefflirecl tu tlnt c-ac.tcon. lsblItirs' thardwiiare' iivbi-at, No. 21 4c ta 75c; coru, No. "reach ILcir ctrstiuîatiau at Nui't. the bui ut bcîs lcr îtaîct>' Iett. Rosi nWhite ' Ill e lu40c; unIs. No. 2 nwhite,. Cuba. Il look Ibinien lays tu reacb the distribuiain ilu- gnîlcet> jbîlg27,'to2 Sc. Porto IPrincipe, ia tht statue o! whicb tilili'bis beî'îî pc-ii aC rîoiceleii tiai- i . Lous-Calîle, 83.25 te 85.65: hoge. Ihere are tbirtec-o h-tiens. The>' tongbt obis'. EHinlthetîgg.înî dry gouda mer-, $.00 t0 85.40; shcep, 83.00 te $4.40; tin thicteen îengageaaents. alleniteilthir' liet lias Nc.îiciiuiiluoocl bllcasite uofli n' wet. No. 2, 72e tu 'd&; cura. Noc. z. teen danc-e@ a1oc re ordered home on pros'iîit tboîgb uin cotîcon gonds thece 38e te 39c; onais, No. 2, 25c t 16c;20e; c th', 3t otbici' î' îunti. 0f lbhe Ibirleen la stutî hii ci la Ie ieciri-il No diinu,,No. 2, 5filu 52c. Youîng buimetsn'Io enlisted, ail suîffered lion appearis in the movement of icôla and Clneluat-CaîîIe, $3.00 to 84.85; ho"s. comne uîîsrîccî' uto fatilil'. IRobert steel proilocts. .ileore tuabed si-bIb$3.00 tlU.$37: abeep, 82.00 te $4.10; Burns eonsamitidsuicide ln Cuba. l"rank ordi-co andl nes'contrhcts 'are talen etin'heiit.No. 2Z 78e tu 79c; corn. No. 2 Smthlîaund ..I'ci'n5.cyDicna ieu-orne in- fci]] priveîs. Luiher oui nicterlaus are mixed, 41c te 42c; unis, No. 2 mixed 26ce catie, W'iiIiaicu Simon wntbliflc, WiI- lu good dî'ucand oiisi ta e1 ixtcnsive pri'p- tu 2ir; r>'., No. 2, 56c ta 57c. laîn De lTck dii'd lu Cuba. J. Kobiuab acatiobis ton spring buiilding, abid nt Bot-Detrit-Caîtlie,$8.50 lu $460o; Lotss vas criaîuled b>' cbeumiatimin. Charles talc thene iî sperial orivil>' on x-cout $3.(K) ta $5.40; ebeep. $2.50 te $375; Amabedieappenrest frona hoame.Cuaee of bitels and ailler soroks ii cnuîction n'hent, No. 2, 78e te 79c; corni, No. 2 Johnsaon muiciecl on bis reltanufromt the with the exposition. Faituines for the yetian'. 39e tu 40c; aumt, No. 2 wi-it.', 29c- nat, Altri'd W'crd lias shol n action. n'eek n'en.'2581 lu the Unit-ed States, tu 30c; ry s& teSte4. Hicrmnmolratlr ulcseted ftroinbis regi' ageisut 201 hanst rear, and 39 iu Canada, Toedo-Wbeat, No. 2 mtxed. 77c ta ment. Robent S. Cuulter (ied accidenta»>' againiX 33 letsyear." 79c; corn, No. 2 mixei, 40c ta 41c; o9ta' and Fraak Burt- la loeked up oic a charge D»RUUCTIVR FIEE -AT URBANA. Nu. 2rlied. 26c le 2-4c; nye, No. 2, lec o! tbeft. te 52c: choyer seeci, prime. $6,75 te $6.955 WII(ELiISS bssacclbAOl SENT FAR. Seven B-ees Houaca Consurried, En-. ?liiiinukibe-Whbet. No. 2 nothern. tlliag O.of00. i ~ 2c e o73c; corn, No. 3, 37e tu 38c; oCta. K. W. Sho,-naaaTell. uf Coverlng Die- Sesen threi--stony brie). buiings flteNo n'hite, 2-d tii 28e: rye, Ne. 1, 52c- lance of Thitia-es lle.. buisinessieter ut Urhlua. Ohio, wi'ne to 53c-; hart.'>, No. 2. 57c te 58c-; pork. The steamatcuj Georgic-, n'hie arlvedl totalI>' de.troy>c'cl s ire, iutailiingCahis mles. 813.5010a $13.80. lu New' York from L.iverpool,.lLad on of $100,00W. The' bloxe terted in Ibe Bffao-Cîîtle. uhoire chlpptng sileec. board ai a piisurqgc-r K. %V' Shormnn Boston Cheap clore, l'unitu> Loiuis l'i'ir $3.00 toe8M.50; bougo, talr te prime. 8.00 WiLolicd chaurge tr ie sxpeiiu.'nt n'iti leso!fClev-eland, andI 1h lookeclfor alm a$5.7; luimba. cirtscu lu er. 8.00 tar Brolsv H eap n.tuothe Ganraibe seft as thougb scycral blocke lilullcbei tm n- $ 5;10.abu'consultats1techoir.'. 83.50 lu icreos ieg Nrih cci bbcjsalitcosen bcîeiesteCea lr,,teTro - 0messages tuc Brou Ileail front e distance buti Tis-lcictizenCplaptws toti t e- c ewYonk-Caitte, $3.25 ta $5.35; boga. of uver tliurt.'.'atmiles and recelred ne' sîrouveet;Siao the store aof¶'hicuuus Berr'y, e.00ote8$.85.;iibe.p, $.00 lu $4.iiýs, ples, but coîîld uut celi-ive messiagesforfa- siboltacale groceules; J. B. îîitt & Co"n'h.'xl.Nu. 2 red, 78e ta 79c; corn, No. 2, ther thoni thxt owiOn tIi.e filet that the wholssile obaco' nd igas; . k 4;c tu 47c; nets. No. 2 nwhite, 32c te 33c: rofting' of the sbip seîmewbit disanrangu-d Hogo', qeensare uduttesr, s creamner>', 21c to 23e; eggi iWeat- his Intrumnns. Iil oeflot use the Hgiuens. alI re ~n s biei.W 8.ern. 17e t0 18C. Marconi, bal a systeu na av.'aidby ('ai. J.KauetaTeaer;Rwln rn. Heur' Montagnîe lsli'. eeretiIry o! J. . heehen, akr>' Iesslu Pnnt DESPERADO HOLDS UP A BANK. Llioyds, L.ondon, aud Nevil hîa.kehyace ut lu: Compauy. The orit-m of the lirelain lb.'Egyptiîn lhaut. lirc-alilly. Landis. îulknuu'o. 'Fo-tbirds of the.'loss ie cor- Gela 01,020 ut Poli O~f PIstol feua- The instrument îon lb.' ueset nas atbîurb- ered b>' luouniinr.. Ficher, IIL, HOua.,eu et nt l b. dl urthe ebil, and coniceld IMPOTANTRULNG O TRUTS. A daylhght baulu hod-up, remonkeble sith iyirec n'bic- were abînce eil1 fore IMPRTNT ULNG N RUSS.for the boldness itwtt hich ItI s,car- mci att sîo>a iof th@ cbeiiiaer. iDcnî yjau mt f icnaired out, fuol place at Ficher, lIt. Ar-___ Decsla.s y whiesky LtC-i.seiOtthur Ityor, _n years obi,. ctereil tLe pcb OHI0 STUDENT SHOT IN THE LEG. Judge uvua . W hisyo bne. prÎrvote booik o!f'. B. Nennurnaborti> be- JoudgtuiueC Bci rnidlb 0f dth eior fore nocnesn-i-ut tu tLe dccl of the cash- Beeclea a Wound lu a Fraternity'Non. Coat u Cucnutideiimre bueor le.' Ernest N.'nnen nandcoi-eing liaI Frîternill o w o. de>' a demîalo,, that la regardeil as im- offlce.' niîb s revolv-er, urder.'d bhli ta The.'noir belu'een lhe "fret" sud "non- portntn flulic eecînt- onustsîb. EIiCshband oer lthe cash Le lhed ic front of fret" men at Wittencberg Collet-e. Sprng' BlomI & Sons, Ke'ntucky distiltle.'@aut bila.Mn. Ventins,. to auoniseeita10 e- field, Ohio, bruie oîut ugaiu tLe ther Dpt the i skyatrusctoay wud e ot-c trisnte', pucbcd out the piles of corren- nigbl. reeulig lu G. Il. Myers beiag n'ih hewhskytruî b' 'hib hela Ic>' and gohd. lu ail $1,620, eudlteyouug iabot in.îLhett,,leg. A croird o! itudeatta ter agrecd t0 turutsb Block & Sous ail man, n'lt bhis tact baud, gathered il op ticiuing Ihat George E. lMcCurd ut No- thoir gonds and ta ie'theau $1.000 a mouth meen'hite leeplng au i-y.'on the caghier kicil, I.. neatrndiug a lecture, vis- bu addition. Thb. trust hecaren.'1 defautî Iand the tier persona ln the place. Ilyer lie.d bis ruenm, Nu. 59, un n itîle "stock- for $10,000 entder tuis contreet and suit backed ou t lIce dour aud tarîcci on lng"' matin.'e. The>' hored a bolie In the asshnought ta reeni-er. The. whisky trust tLe rîu tfon the Ilinlois Centrat yard@. do, linbelr endeavore lu enter the rutila filed a demunrer, chteging that the run- 'Fbec. Le boardod en englue o! a f reighl ichen ail o! a cudd.'n MeCord blsaed tract n'a. Illegal. 'lh. demurrer in oser- train Ibatn'aa Pohlini; lin utonn d ce.nwa nay n'iîh is revotver tbrougb the.' on'.'. taoled. the court holding Ihat n'hen a con- peîîed the engineer te pe'rmit bhlmtaluaonPanet. hltling lfeYerx. tract. aprentIy IlegCt. la ont> su flue' the train througb n'lthoul topping. At WAtTRI RLNO A , dheulthe Bntno onrsm wl standmh alal,-tics dopot ton'nspeople caugicl the ce- cbu l. f-t otnc wh sad sa i-bouse, lnformed lthe train cren'a and Hyer Tima4i>,D ssitoelivresr 01S%,000 Ont W- s ocaptured. Ho as'as tntaenhoii st ainAtleuglssa*r, Ps.. Concsrai, ]Parents Sterve tas Destih. trbana. AlnM> sc~Depusitoni lu the German National portant 10 the Miwaukee police b>' Agent thati nstitution. lien'.'re celles] t0 Frelîson of lice AssocetdCharitlos. Mr. MmB,'. W..lle MRAokgep* eep the people In in.'. A t.ady treala and lirs. John Hoeter led aaid mont of lion on uier Gronmad. poured into tice baick sud d'en' oubaev- tbehr foreaiture for a amali aura, n'itic Mccý. George W. Allen of Si. Louis bas ings Of renrs. Oser $81,000 uns peid n'hich IL.>' purcbaied food sud fuel fut mode a smove n'bieb i-eme 1t0 ndate lteiem . h anikkept open an Lour lber tceincelves sud tn'o chilciren. WLen thot ber mbsauc'e furmier gastrouomic tian thIe natal lIme ta uc>' off timici de- mon t o tfood Lad beau eiteis iltinseap.reste NvilI Ploa apartinluthe divorce suit poaiîîsrs Rutimurs liatthe hisaulitwis pucedib e parents deprîved tiemielves in wbic-blie Las filed un the ground uto ha' îbaiy dcme trot a n'agglsb reiiari order te Rave tLe cildren,. and, hbitngton bîlual intoxication. itle possible bluet aboit s non ou tho huuik rouf b1s n lele- Preund t0 beg. ltlrahi>' tarveci 10 deails. asicwil ct cait the countcncherge, c-mm -grapb inemanu ouun fiia ires- Finir iMliiconibtose. firg ilieb.'le e habituel 0>5,1er ealc-r. TAI CL IE Thirty floiing mille,. loealed principel- allersnu aafin o op fa RI IL IE îy n Pi'unslvanaandf iMaryltand and aciterorv sucii hlappr si-ic- bisîhed si oc k ien Caustil ouBridge et Sharon, haiga cait>' output o! 10000 barcets. . ses cmi 3 cars egtth îe etteetlitat P. ac'oudt D bei- eocncIutoa mmbinîl reuin. llen on a siat-cc bad .'aîi'o 108 labie i.ssu Oradlatl. wiha ne Ino a e osieu ilo hisîcpoints l ioe Sitting- andl tnelve doze t Fv se eecuh ntepasl willex n Cu a thep a st e'inmern oiln u and -.'lh'oor n'cics hliil tuatVai-na taiuss'evbridge et Sharon, l'a.. onotlie. Th stry ecits tat te ftasncbkili'l '.'Thedeuidar,' Zinc-actooea. PhiledeCophansyc.' Netoun J htkon ofotjiuîceite and caîcarit>' bo lu sitai-eI51 . Phildelpia n etthebeadof he cin atis'a, n te (sîlis ofcctiincil-Partago,(Cosiiiraio Siic-a. bine, wosh lieodc-uarti-rs lutict it i. kt'auS. l bc îseure aiofrtreusicII-Zim oic,, Zappl and Pasini-iala Zappu. The 'cutIiii c-en arIcimen iverlu' aling on sice truc-k oni Ibemr Trains Colilde Near Trenuton, N. J. allil si'.li ne ayu tcork aiethue Shauron forbiick ouI Thirteen wenc kilîcîl octrighl iunlbhe TO FIOIT SAN JOSE SCALIC. is ci' iuuiig th , secîcîiluluicunîl ri'î-gbt most serionse acciett 55 iii b bas eer -train. l'h.'> nnee lioiski'ub îs oguciaci happi'uçd un tht Cavaluersandi Ambo>' di- Ohio Peatia Drowem sFeaiasOrniza' unu]cr tihe' she.'Is and tliiribly ouaugied. vision ofthle IPennsylvanie I(airond. Tht lion t, itraituate lb. l'est. Fv resÏ-ra " 'areêkil .0'laee shdhit tlu'umileo heton' SuI>' Icaci groivers of Vstiinba li- 'Flc' ýle o! Gecorge' foicii". toulr ticItî Trenton,'S. J. A singleitr uc a on a-ansi. bo, bave formel a combinnîlon la frnt r-ail-.Iîcd.. tcui'cI andi Jeiiii' fusion o! orders a n'n rstcouibl t e. figlul bthe-Sun Jose seuIe, ubicb Les been Rosi hua tour an eugbbstr cleeburnucI 10 cieaîrccc-iug peacbPt.rbiruls hatiths country.deils.i Mrs. .iuuî-s ancd aootlicý- dcaîcgîuîer EA teaueutFtall . Theasu. 'F.'assoiatiion uil spray tuje tr"ss nit AtFega Fit.NŽiiiun.. CelîbelaR. I cL d oI.xtshey l atgbcudm v-re îi-îlfrohu borne. 'M-l.îuî. gsi loi-mos a det ofeni' fcie '. oi oStated liat thie remedy is mure effee,- up. îtict toire andl ienback tIo bed. Tie toni!i 05C eeuil f 'xctemntin ane lise bInL.'edestructioni uf the Pest Ihan slave tutu oset anci Setthui icrîet ai'.'. asitn a sobuicl t-acier tic temove fo nt hn le.Toum ao i bv .ni si c luorint, tne iWoole boali-eNoas bi'r i'cohian iiîiuly 13 smur calboy na In n gle îocrlaoo i ein int- e mpiswowl rbl bc-cn poirbhaceilfer tht porpose.- - gtted iueorl"ucras a w iluit.pu ii'Tries ta Telle Bis Lite. go 1 îL reoroîforn a a n'sulî.Bcd Fine klOibo Towan. Tliomua IL .MiLeunibi. gc'timanlalger Rocklefeller'. C [ea.Poinhu r uanu Flire lt liiug Son. Ohio, îssicbstafli'd of the'lîcc'Tra1nicc iCbah1cliy unuctont 'ri. 'ac suc' inckJuidngeD~1. K. ltcrrison'o teird aloi'., destî'oyeol oft uhei-st kuown Stre'et nulleo>' îinlu Th M ei" set. yrckvelnu!. ng i56-6Joh bt tore, together witb M.'.. Rsll'&chc ti-ercutry,.made 'an ellempt CI Toledo, D. Rtockefeller tarlod in tLe ai[ huai- mlie> trlcvleecuclebslua-Ohio.,1taciibic lite b> curling bis irnt. nesI u'a etr td yre. In'as oceu- ber and the Colombie Club, and badly Mr Mc- l1,'uaIn bac been iI l b'alh tfor desdbbs'ed b>'ant dilmag.d the Cbonch o! God. tLe ceai- uuîîus pied b>' îLe Miiucnacîiiers' Ot andou-dencec of L. C. W~indelsud '*manluel ( 'cern ia. n ' uc Th.ra o hetonal 10D e>, lie O dd Felio ns' H all, po tolIlice B rialal Ne wS tir. iatauae - aCe Ie 000, parîl>' insured. thet a nc-î star. obe§ervedt rer>' ret, Thirleen iiegro uinera ueroeuînomhcd trn It nFmut . cn tuis. Il inou.edicostelaiontr n tie mai mine of the Store insane acy A d(lacet Gfrott hiheuautexi cnentorils i ul. oittainPr um, about 1110suites u romaiTuacaloua.oiptt ru hhaa .I-,cn.I ., of the fia-t msgnitude soid in Aie., b>'si flood of uster froa-u ain&*as- culat îGrantGilteti. the Kansas cal- lhre days lins emercdfront total inviot- doi'îl allait wbîinc cîhed tiis ijon theLematuii inluo fied tu Mexico lsou eara afin bl>'. mnn. smoct withocln'arniug. ficiing the bu escaipe the irali ut creditons front muina 10 the dc-îtb of le'u feet whîcîî ti asasildib.'secureul nemi>' $1,- Mai>' Lives Are La.t _______ (Ofl, ll iIImn relornuto Kansas City' 'The stamer Itlo de Janeiro, Ceplatu Claad.'e.' eu Whi- Ubtn andilguv i c lhoamgb accolîutiofhbcelt. Word, frnt thce Orient sud Honouuo. 'urdi'rr1tosstyn Fenrel nt Columnbîta. ilettil in 5aid,.ls nown' iltea.. cîniiel ou a rock luttisde tLe Golden Ohio. svnntc 1 te edi'ss.'d licbleck and Cole entreuce te Sun Frrancisco harbour lai nchau epurple-cerd cnabel. He aiso StoP. Grai lain ls. and al luintn'etY lmtuutcs. A large csiePd liati&Ligr-ave ln Union celrna.'r At thei instance o!tlice United Statesafnumber uf people in'ire dron-neci. a i S îc b e ii i led o i l p it h b ric k g o ver tim e nt th e P o iers b a r. s cce e p t .d th e and seaCcledwltb iinlul, club. Hi" priiripet iat nu furiher Individus] c-un- Kîchel *suit Eto mic Nec. nisben ubît lie granleul. -qions oftlernlltry ini China eshil lbe AlignâtlKoersv ta. na(htî-uanortannr souîght or obtalueul by anu>'ou. puow-r livIng not ut alesir, NeL.. brotie bis Rcbhe- rs elMarh »o..,. ithout international sissent. necl syhile liclint- et a viceouxa dot-. Thbe Itobctrc bîctlcrcd doîvru th' outside --ground wn c u'>. sud Koea'witsa lipped doona and bieen ei l,,i' saiifn IthoSt. Flou.' Blla Comnbine. andl telI bac-buard, breoiing bis neci. fHe Abns. W. 'V'uc. ln,io. 'ccîrnnt- a rgc Thirti l>' lccing nils. tocated principal- dieul lustentu>'. ___ sciaiof mone'>. 'li'> e oîci ua lian]ît vhiun leusylvanla and Maryland. aund carfo th'e miesnui tiontol otis-liavi ng a aut>' outpto f 10,1.0W barreta. Negro LynticOed for 'Agauit. manuhtaunis. havc- lii'ru' I ubo il comlinaîloa éwhieh ThcomnasVital, n uegro nWho assaitlted s-11cith- buIiws tii l-Eate'rîînilinq and Ncra, lice 13yetr'old doubler ai' Esties'e Disoan tieser of D- Eî;stoc-t C.ompanyii. Miller, . nasaiaon fronti is boneneseu lIn Minni'opcciiFtank il. Homsitton Foulon, La., b>' a moi and l.vnc-bes. Sain- was decle-iid guilîl'of manslîcîghîc . va Biak et Lacygne Ka.., Faliu. îliMnddcx, Whou ttemnptcd la dut.ud Purs n'ic- luud cuiuu'rtc-i t at> Tho,, 'iii 'îucs' Bank ut Lcuc-gue. Kan-. Vital, nas shôt toadaath. o-r c-nebm i-stiiuon on cxmuîuîîg ii.' îthe iro,. u s(-aib> Bank 5Examine.r W'aler- ui-I o!fI .u'cciui ccl i n lahL.'blliarcd rotc in u . is uab Ci-Oc-luirgc'.Theucaptal Pekinle aias LefI "Q" 1i' t_ ic-l 1__ - ;'c.No. 2t15s2uh clo;it.S,.'I',î.... .-i-ruuc bil cib Chr., E en 1..t esgec 1 Li $RgHZIIED $4dozigu STORT At-rliseWho Kilied NqM, in ikolmtsI 'takea itrvams ai t ai rrre Haute, XU Swuug trott a Brida., end Luter la- w in.eoteà ta Oit Gjeorger Wuid. Ile qI-t-ici llhic, îuunitu'ni'u Misasla i "ikeltcîîli, tfieciuhol tc-iî' neer 'Terre Huite. luit., suastilc ciis Juil et Il i'îlc>jck '1'ii-alas îîi'îîaing, il îd chai-Il>' lui-tut' (I ck vives Ilibe out lu> a moiu. dccuggî'clfui-e tosn i u tht as anla o!tlis WV.'luiis, .Isly hi-cisquares Cisc>', iti the iogu,îbridge uethebisfont ot tih lala nîeel îof ther rit>', bouce tu ctlbe dren. nuil liîaccc'd fnom a eniiusumre- ie ad tilais uîiv . 'lii-nbas bodyt>' s cul iloîvuandîl l, oîhiicil ! ioff ,' lîridge on lie )rweit Isaak of ih' cirer cuit a lir' bîilt, ton ihici Lie nuis luarîîeu. 'or 1110 bau-o the croustd cu-uîtînuitîd sciaIlu thouâtuils, uyws, si u-lhi crudrei gialierei c-lose 'ta aîte tirearne ii'ui' d itas IL uieut uhonu i-îthîitand s-ua fnuîuoiu anaîî--u poultry bouse. 'lhe baut s%%ii tiuxe.'i rund ev. orsai tnfoi-îc liou." u lii'uy it. Muni, ut thbridcîge' veaitilier- cou 'dit- nus toril off tîîrtfue'l. Nuo effort-tvus îiiaile t.> he auu- uIboritiestIcitnI),siLe lIuhtiiiuiî i s'uuitu, a il Oic fer ais n) u tinO-x welic l h nus imilP>'a bAt-Loualàit.. s'lruehiulcb> a itgreel nîuiber uioîc'ic'fl. Th'F lc u-,ïsc nI-ne nuit ticguisc'cb. W~heu'sitearo nîsiuc-m tIir tc-c' dtl't u nensi it emier le, 'i iiî hiil 5 suihi b liait tileticb a'sles-t sver- niaI Iinodu. IlSoute une c-II.'d aîîtîff'r ifrilîolar for u n.' ut thebu,.aînlia hicy qîuibI> hucul, e utl is loufe u aidt ,'cîcil!a lice. 'T'he' cffi-r t, %sstoltosij cIby' îthîer. ,îîi i bt-éhorrile -iraille %visé1-1,01iuuîed. >'.uîtlihualinîg ui) ytues and at§kiaîg toc Liii,. a t'ard'ssacre-t wax bruisbihout b>' hi, nt'lgbbor, îslo. hiug rut- n'achluinthe'morts- bng iluac-r of tLe iiiiiicclu'cîî ti i F'iukel- ctelîî sud bicovviuîg tntodho i all btics Lunlin-, ilcfoihadstlueîuiî'e. NW'rdnui a utay laicuner ut bhi, c -cii I cutsuii ihiere tblie aivu'foîcîîîîhliin. ]- leduleul n 'u'erytbissiz,.cind toiî l'i l unoryuit Us libîer- aboula Moniha itenîisau. tus tucnul oas à unît t> cul. lie' usid t lin ucucunci n »an îlle 1 I inul- îijkt)iiix lia 'bIos L ci 1,' filai c'. At îpu. S ic i bi'aîuatrs hic'nus i'i i'itandt ea f.sîiudollar. fcîîîîîlinuhuis lpotbc'ic. 'Th.' i.trsit xom> bîccI %%as tht liib u'lu îîctrcuhci iecwaxfouîud wnire bt'e airiggu' Isasilup'. 1 la tie n oustel,'aîost iftelit'yî. aicuxit- e i el ath.' sauk. frtu,ier i' ouitiry>o-bonI. .Aften a tint' ut bhotiiiic-lts ýWiic-ui o tfssut to Sierlif Anlt le usict 'I n'uwas ouiIl hutîîliau unthi lk. ing junt norîl th irli-t-ugof grouacî o liiia yocing lady. I oN'as sialliiîg labind I ir 1n'hen .site tbri-sttunic' soitcl liIlle n, itu walk bkîa i er. lutiltu ci iiil, frontl ut ber. I rep'i.'î. AIl rit-lit. hlady', aut uarted tun slk aroîîtintîl'r. %V'bcn 1 sas issout es eu n'iblierai'le urti-u to nit' and ceilîrd lia-ile'ciitt- igg-t' alit,]unuk lie. I huOlleil uîliti> uî i allai ui-hir. 1 siaw iaxabu't'es it u sai' ruîîî lier îand ,b.' teillouis-erfcfe. I uîîiec ,d l i »y rImite we ailetucn'as oubier baiki'inui]t i b er thi-cal. i Iben gt culhiuiclnu wlkbu-c bctiI b bte c-r uiaîdramie ilst., lui;tIlscil uh-ne I guI off." MANY HURT IN TRAIN WRECK. isse Patal>' and Tuai eSeerelo' lu- Jia'ed ci aah àEsti Tce'Wes-counl Wabash limblteil froîn Deatroit tu Chicago jumupeil tLe truck a utilie sud a haIt n'est of Miltershocg, luil.. pluaint-over ca20-font embaulmîr'nt sth foit-three îîssumger, millard. ai] o! n'bom n'ere injurellu mioue client, Ibre tall>'. l'h.'traits Ladsjit iesa,-ii cisc.'r a lgh treatti-, ruuîaing itify uitee utirs cîîc lu, ladale up loatslime. A defei-biîe rail nîîîîe ed the n nec-b. Itlucauxhtthb,' u cuag'ur, siibhfi Ithe bri.-b u ii.- cli, îcc andl lu'îîlcelo-rms. lI.- cut'. toitiou' us .r aud ov'eris bhieirtiernutlt- h,'i-n. Eu'c iMil- exlitditti' luit lu-' îr hîucltii .lccsaI it seu-iîucclai.sif sihi, ere'tîcîitho i t iuli i inIco. qiutin rcîcîiiluiof ilii ts r. îî 1It it ala' kilt' i i. SFew-LIne interviews. Cil> cutMcitLi-u lil. .in ii l cucluliad.rnictsi. u1 uli « u l ing'r risît b> lia- >Mornîuîiii. 'a liuîuctuuîcs ic 1 uii'li i. i t -l lis. -flstic, ss t1eXtiOct ii VIih. I'heu iccg' ghurcuc huis-luit pilut-c,.r s.c hua i b 1 ci> fuir tvI ciii Iicucu uie. Iciieilas .1lb but tbî'iî l'uublirs il,,.lu Sit 1 l.i.i('b> 4 so i(,'er 4.,uclir,'crntcfr th.> us of! thc'Mor'iilocti îîlîloirsut ou u, r iiuîu'l iiIll îs'c'î'îî 70 iuil 7., cli ccc ii c lite peuiluh-. 'rhuc,ysui ullîs ci l, Istute 1i luaaunî.ciidccc l icug orc îLoht ctuutci. 'ris ,iucis. ilici have til ir ewl'.e. lin dlffc'ceîîh foin s. ulcu u> iciI i' aliari. 'Fit ni-,, iluuuîî ici.mii poo hi>' do nul. ki-îc loihrc' liii rsloni.r resiili'. IL B. ItîickuX if O(lii uslu.Kan. As long as thei- g oî'î'u -îî lcîui iiiis'li cu' cîuhe iu' ut liquuin1 ltuai' b t.t.55 luil la luit lguI. Bol,,icimle la tbink if il. t lui-eru' ny15 n custitul ioîmil itOcel dca iis cIis i-cn llîit it ai>-lueieiiîýionecl iviie c-trciboncîîfer the geneil hgoc-uruuuttuhas the' rigbî ru 1recuit-ileeia. l4gi, n truli, la oai 4iii. si-Li-h îLot Stuc scuy. so l tcgui. Seauir e-t Jicii IL. Burston inu sec-l a la mil-r uici'irlebutIiIci- pie o! Kansas ILel su îîn iîîîiu'oticisîîuhd to -Cannie Natioiia l>'ite Fasteursîîuuîîrs Rhe's l msolel ii inKansas. Cui a towi-c- lut- p.ak iu Nisîr York. IV.' bus, puil lb.' badge ut iltejzisltly ounîltheuciiiu.un 1iiii- cas, ond Ishe lb.'theueule. c-t tirî'ct cr b asîntlnu lb,>' iaiti 5-i- ths' it, ih. Cýongrt'ssnin,'tieli cf Moi ne- Cuba ila aforcîtn 'cutny and lauisunh we n'have ao rit-ht bu îrescriie Iilîîutaîiccue tla drafhbut-ltse constitution. Legau>-, I do nl.ce __ it('iiigI ... - aey.îc 'Y )t it te t, 74 y a 91 ti The Senate apeut Wednesacy ou the. Deatoffic appropriation bill. Tfie accnend- Mient Of Mr. Butler proposing a redluctlon of about 9 per cent ln the pa>' for ratlwa>' Postal service waa defeted-18 tia 31- atter a debote ini whlch Mr. l>epew an- avej.d Mr. Butter'$ crîitiauens on the. large ProGUS taidb>' Aniericen ronde. Lai. lto' d q w lap iOUWfUVl 4 th.eut"hstc ube. qlestioli- n'. reipt. tated by auc amendment offered by Mrl. MaRIRuextandlng hbat lnrvioe taChicago and aoeb>' Uri. Vestoïebaalig b tota n Lscin. 31r. 11.1, ,,,erely aritlclîed thune promttn the SsteMo, reterring lua a"Job 1 ad lobby." *lien bu nmadec a point et bOrdler that a cautîtoi ha4 Dot Pasaed on the ammedmeict the advtIcates Of the extension qlcM d eelate'J a cati for a meeting Of the i'Oaamittov an tomfees, aad the ssion closedii-ttbh î. M, vt' hnmoroti cuauouliceulenî ufthîe ecollait- tee meietling in reetioua th, 'inàt,,rcîlve dem1ands ronite on hM. The HOUNie pres- ad the auuédry tiiiil apipropriation bill ad fttered upon ronsideration ortheli general teticieneY-the iliaî of the gaunerai pr .pitaion billa. On Thorsae>'the enaite conqiîed POOatoffic pprOPrieiibili. Aliîexd,ut pros'idiflg for ifleumatie tute' ervire kllI ad. The 'old l outroi-ery luve-rthie ctl-s appropriationifufotctniait servie u- gagett-i uiocb attention. lt nars decided ta beglu holdilngiigbt sessions Fidu> niglit. The.Hilasi' pansesdefiiiency sPý ProPrintion billafler day otfî'xcibint de- bote. The MenaI, 1o0 1rlclay passettwo of the gyý'et etippi>'blla-his lislofile.'and thse diptomaîi'- andi conatituîr approprie' tion. Durficg bbe grenier liart uf the ses- *Ion n propoaltion tu dicuntinteie tc p- S Paoriationn for font mailt ta.'lities rom 2en' York lu New' Orleans viai Atlanta and front KansaCity, Mo., ta New'ton, Kan., wîa taider îisoslcn. a> de- efisive vote the 'apipropcriations were ron' tinueit. An ,'tfcirt watthuIlae bta tablitian approprhiain t siniuii th. e rniatlc tube serv 1', ii N'a' York, 1,Ili, nand Pbltodî'lpbuîî tbut ilt ai ledt AI, a rund- ment nwax ogri-ciltu fnlborlzingthie Pont. mateer rcenîrai bil) the l I'qui- tion ut ealablibg s tiofiaQt lteii'griipb fflttiandcl if)aîrepo.rt lia iîîciiîgc. lutbe DclCougress. Aler a epirîted debate lb. conterene report on thce laInda -mPriatioilîl1111 as i"'Ji'-ted suit "nt bïck ta îOnferenee. Early in (bie day, Wasthiugticnea fareweil adtrem., lu accord' anc.- a ith aeuî-cîom utof I the -niite on i4'atiiiigton's bîrthdiai-. nwes rend.t.b rentier buing senatlor liac-îcîiour ,,_rgia. The Ilb.:-,' divoled uli toIiunitlaîinus consenlt legiéatalon lid ti, heucr* anîl a hslf eeeh lua1he paseenge )rf privait.' daine, bilhl and tîrivate Piension bil. Ni., iilts w.'.'.' îesîîtlis inaluraoîc cnnt and ln'enty uin.e chitnill. 11 ml 130 twPnsion bilts wve.'tiicit. Aniccng îthe latter ena tbhe seosti bill 10l asitoheupwideofu the laite (hi-fi. tiar> w. Ijîsvto. ho wia. killtil in lithe îllî1leA . thelill 111 Picenetl the MenaI.' t carîcît 810 ca nionth. The flouaci' ,"lit th-. anaoinîiow tsi $50 upoin Ithe' ceîcrtc-iale i,,nbat M re. Liciwlun enjciyeilîîcoui fortae t. iîouîe. 'Tbe 9e'nit.'on Sellîrîa>' paisd S lt. Ii-i exl t!bOn n îîîroiiatiîn bill. wltb aniendientc fur Sonde>' .'floing sud eau sîîîi,iation ofr $2ho.000 tor the Cherteaton exposiition nellIi"'ilr l0îa*dforliietlun sPProPriatlon bcil. The tHiae nd.pojîad reioiî t n luues- ligîte th.e>' uor t ilsemîatoyei. The bill te bucrea.'te le etlcieiiîy uf the revenue cutter service n'ai îlt-lteci for tivo houms. but nu action vse atakeci. Sereral of t1h. appropriatlion bills vwere Sent to cuonr 1 euce. The eeed amêmenteta1 the ari- culturel bill was agraestatI. At 4 o'ciodl Publie buieie #wec uîen tea0Permit thL.' ltt houi'hpi>' tcibtie I the memanles ef the lte iReprece'nrîative.î ('brie or New Hnnîpslire aut i saw ut New' York. "lh.'Sénat. devmiid Monda>' ici1tiate0 un tbh' l'iliiîlplie îiii-llîî- t he aîîîritctaproptriationill i.'l'liît-Jiiîu dîle viit tli l a report..c I,, cî crilon -icr.'l lu ine îîiit, ît't bo VSli Icti ni ng out lccî caIii r i ieî u bt- tlehisinsit crui'm-r. niii iiii'iit il)ii l'li1111,îfî'sl. .îr tic i ny> îîl.îcrciai li 1,ill wiis : ror-ili g irciss 1,1, c- lv l iblic. l î 'I r gan.lins îî-cif il o îîîîi ai c gcoiliug ut frcî. iîhssîîîlî,ins,101 uldhiiî's lMi l 1crturc . lo. c, ci c'ci lit 'cîliiiob lî Il.. îî cîî ibi iiiliiianîn (iiîii--sc 4 Il'ciilig Il Il lcic fIic,- n c yI if tar 1 ucrc .i portill ifIi flouil rrtcncsicjcîi r a ibi l l lioic r lci, l cil, . l,i ic Pbs r. ici uîci lîstccIl-t'iîiib îiou e 'la 1 PaIcll i t Sîl Il on i ur proîcnîatiou bill, unIdmentIbill bat k to .1-i feceine ci.'ft-itecl lui. tc-4)o liii' iuiI cii ciac-cu c'lcl cccfing aisslistant c its iliNus, I lciti.Iilt. Acljccri lîcî-lît îîckeu ii in I ' unIicici..c'ls- greoîiîiii lt.i'li. Uch or,îlîn ac il)htllcirs tc'i1ccc lsc 'y Ic'Nî. lcl bc'I' o tlllti'ificîci iwc ciirrcoscii: tcco, cii aicccccîir cf l. e tii c' e Odda sud lEd- lc> r. Tl'accu'>', go mli'r il <icat mteîuie'rs. u-l of lia'eiojcliîne haîbit ln New Yocrk. lu ai lI]bolise et (Cmdijil, N. J Woin. Dacvis founîd eelr.ii tliociiilan or dollars biddeu nwciy.Au Otl nliser. itît- oha MeChesiey, forunicri> lived in th. 1ouse. Arknsias legialore culd flot 0je~ ibether th.' tailetiousseilould b.' an atîple blobsoni ur tpassic io dc'n. and r.'- ferred lb.' motter 1tuCie oîimtuno edlucatlon. The average cuet or jalci l uiîbr Gernian>' ouitiitli' for totiecco culoure la $12i.50 a Ilccîian luorgen. wblrh la equat Iu lbrî'e-qcîrteî'c af an American aoi'e. 'lh.' total costof oPrcoductilo la A îcror-es4 of cxtrncting riticer fronti the ii.' Plant has bhein disorcred. This Plati lemi.a Ric'c-legut eiîgebruth, wltb .soleili leaves, whirh Lgrowc îco ctieîht ut SECURIIYo Cenuino Carter' s Little Liver PUis. nuit Boer Bignatureof Ses OR14Mi eheDlw S Fun CREAI IM. prdo~a eau Mi Ao.u n*ssetd c8.11.11 nDAwe ,4be ma ptdWNguq h *'iba e U~Jhour boi~l tbt Vger o.eet4 q1 Odear, Do,, fittered MWU *I n aMiter. lttait Ir" the Plu p cr -b'seh~Bulletin *11 lieard a jolie aithél thloter la, '4Ôh. i eall't "embé. buit It wa, eorker. 1 have 10 1811gb eY17l ime think ot it."-Iolundi,5. Ohio, sutt Journal. A WISE OftUGGl8?n F~ or000lie U0 u tea Kanasu (1ty, Mo.. Yeb. a ,1'l (spec'taiJ îtIll(s Itwo loirs a o~ drugglaî îgaged lu a traaaacî,ccd, wblIi, wniiii ls detala sobwbar rte- markable. 1c le vsit b7 M~jlin.%n. fna Il. !il iv llo hll a d(ol ire. scription foc i fitawhic Ii@i druggis aî Wiillîîg. la thei. ourse or conve.r.uition liii goud JBd5, %nid: 111 wolild gîv teiiîîudred dollas toget [vle nml." ýYrpid:1Gv-m flve dlirm atill 1 wll zuarantieo l uire yoîî." ie a~ greil. aiffllie' Atonce ltanded lir a Inca or Ibo1,1u Kldney Pilla. sa>'- 11iig 'ilic>' iareîîca box., Two boxes 'liey 111,you. lit I1islb quit, sbire that MIs, 1101. tî I b ts e tc u osfol- ale g cc,,liKidrîî-y Pila are l'erit- abl ii~. . ~.c'l'e 1 Iwaa troulled-. boutv1 a irçwith rheunultion, i. tha e !Tii'. ry rlght crin s4'lîu p 1 ee CI iîould oui>' walk w1 dlmcll. iîîiid flot go out of domt' If the air 'e:s 'lmp or cold. 1 îook »" inueb medlelîîî- it 1 hlîîk ml s>'atens n'a îileoed t1Or thn belpeaL' One la>' wheu iii' îr0 was plbttiDg Dp a Praecripîtion f- 1".. 1remarked te hlma t t 1scoli t' one bundred. dolinreq for a reîîiy ly ýtwudmk me lietter. tr o~ .t uk ,*,(;ve m riv d mlad i will, guarnreile Wcure 70W h iald. 1 rendlly iigree'il.and lie Ilieè me a box or l)odd'a 0Kldue >' 114uyîng, Tlaey are 50£c a box. Two l.-âma cure you. but 1iAU) sure that Ileft mfI>' ire<-,riiiIlonac ctead. book Ilieci' PIlla. vert Il~ them. a% 1 aald before, tob<,yrlisi lite preser-era. Before 1 bad Bfnlched lb.' second box 1 bcd w'my lira erfect ight's rest lit yeurs. 1 gradunl'lyin- proved. 1Ibti! del-rmned to us e ten 4oxee liefore 1 would give ni,. lut Imalginle myI- urprise to flnd ltlt eore lîif thai qibifibIlvs euaed i Wax i cit- plc.îI.y tirvd. T'Flsa stwo yearc and Iliasve faI liedaitstwlage aiacc.'l tîili Nicliole l1 Vice-Oraud Ehas, ofte ii.tikuowîî and umont bighly r.. .pîs'ted l.idien ln KnuxsCityI>, antd lier expe'iefli'e iill lit'racd wltli lltpret b>' lier min frienlci Doide t Kidney l'Ill% never fait tu cure Rlîeuiiîabisîo 'Ilue>' are flecaa box six boxes for $.'i.Buy theni troinî your local dealer if >ou cabI. If bee cou flot suppl>' >ou. seuil tb lbe Dodds Medicine o '.,Buffalo. N. Y. "Wbatlxi. our dellulloa of aat!re'?" *'$atlre." ,unid 111s Cayemme, 'la aoînetbix t t'ompels lonts latugb against your wlllta Id cer toi let It a:- pear tIbM you are flot ailgi."-Waab' Inton tiStar. v~N titis dis Chbristian reu'ards. 1- 1 bear il Laord Jeas." We beer un vlrtenls-s. but sluu'>'oo!sean ahIle. Therc people besriu. wnt m t I n'unsted. andl hure e salcri coul. Tt cal leai of thuale ruuaeeratedI Who wi-c.' o La'.',,regener. svlîat Ibe>' o -rniciâtloaa. untda>'laà ileled physia cicue of te] rassa renln TFier have 1 la saine twl, t1 amedet muet perpet ceira, deeps Bal Paiui ovcation 'ahi aid acjt'aic- his saursk c- slnd>' citd lhe ait-utc wrec c * lare 'Lbec 'a hti hase aeplrte L.%i- b"esari icone been fi d'cfti ot o 'i WilI te -veUSpoalttl ubai nlth ai e1.'beiieveds i toa. i Men arce hati.' for ai miarnaame dud yoî t-et isetd?" and tront à cahe >00 sl sou homle >'oir ris tu sa>' ' l .i-"he La awer, "-1uet Buat I-remit as lllustriaii yeat, *go 0 su-itieultl. boru.'>'gene }'biladelphia lm"irtalll il e.ilie aide angry andi reu t> bilid aresi fsu,'.. than an>' h of whuai I1 guaieft ic ,sben i1esc wch My ua gulisbed i [Il>'colin tus idenll 4 O'ciocl il cc'ugoing ruas.'encu> r c -reaIt sîcicl Ihata roý gi-e ahI cbal a ru hc- uid lice a îuutelIgbl b-'anul 1il usis aehx But Whb tlcou, nbeî memunies stances ji arigict for hi>' ofrc-L sias a mi ftu-othb. coulcialb et dîsorde plaint$ IL 'Fie>' misa lilh dinar~ moîberilu î'bitdreu lie sauie a long ws lier aLoi osme for c-it nce'mc grave iu bîcarlngi otien bea r ~ sadi 't ar is hi ldren wnhirh IL ciu4rnat the.'lent ho fer e Fine The akin odflastiefttibs ths 6u ah f . soIt g=s be Stiffness frinml

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