Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1901, p. 4

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q ýe e.owét ibeitllO ~ . ja. a .eoa'-om-ma«e. .» Num» x5V NIeS Ivu on ApPuL au h M u%à$beAngle Bondlof Trade Meta Wbole Cabitag a~ 18100 W* te. Il wmOàI hur7u. t 0a~j10 ihnit clobge huu miasgocOhe. AZer each ma. l evtl jn mlataa ai D. OadWsl'i jPfp Pepalu. -'Dm Vifs mVeoe ufter front oceaipa- W*% e dtpaiOr. hck Readacite ur '80 roublea F. B. LOVWL, làrifl; Guo. C. B80555v.. Ysamoeds; Wtù&KatoGa, Rockefeller; ààail rsll te agfimlion for su lu.- vajligation of te Zion bank, al prl. Vals b»U lauMnois amy bo plw"e MU. tle isupervision. A bllcou- topmiasthe provialona neoeary tor IkU Uep haubeen drawn and intro- Seul66 i . perwaI aambiy. Cader lus Peeffl bukhullavsau ailCl bW*%mà& ai building aud Joaana-o 4êwOwesau neunder auperviaionof theb MM suillO, and lthe lvesltug and teUgOMllaSpublie Ae prolecled ln every io poosble b! hefle, atao 0long Sa *0 lava are euforced. But Shoero la aitooluiell Do check on privale bauk- oom p co nsd AUla a mauter of ~1~g h54 tBh e paut 10 jean tb,10«lofobaak dePuorioan the bav »e beeu almoal euirely fromn tbog Peinate inususiOI. Boeuse o! lt» lookit495@»&B 1mw the leglalaive «mIUMe ppuilIi to 1 Avestigmie Doviea bocik vii doubsIeas be baiked. kTMe ila Bgrave doubs as IteAnor julodieon la theb.mauter, lu lit, f**laemanUI o!1hels tase inaumieum eOxpit etlthe imilure o à prîvase bank ma WesoP ansd many poor people vi lm105e ihr savinga of years. The bu e b u l 0ge as shls veule buahu à$*Uià a.oglmureO l0 Sue lteé bil iala plvale bauka, vbo&ber thej, an-keLabO »ov@ ta ad 10be or o, 10401rOeaMUIro0 tse "a&e the b.ex. tfls. IM U1h.p.Uexyaj haproeced. A. oued Congit MeOkcMe fer cittidra. '4 al - bal a u ommond- JK kJiuUIi W au I UtiS, Vu gAv- e MlO >u lldeu imla ouah, AI aum ava>. 2=1seme by a druggsal :: BUfbt Baby. OU Toc 5B" vAmnuiap. &WbUkWon-rmda' -Op. VI@94 Pm ùMoe ait tiis bi' »%V. 00. 50vMueb «vs *Domebell veigh Um aalaaWa am " hlift buuannp thatfiat UV. u»aeo te 1»aasenlt c*éace d bsa. eorelae-Kee vlz' Wbume àe s odlKas.dont le. Lie' P"*$. osa le. th~eaaa;lIms what's ariiublu. me.' 1.515 00tePor ILUs e toler tg BU Ilbea8god to hlm. vont ve. Liz,? *WF. Don. Fm0o10in'? Wel. goad ulelit. EeRv'a teu doller-4a thàtan ilrict rua Utlale. sui bat abs tW Pretti 800d doctor. mita 1e. Llztw iVmtOdmaglrl. l1 dby îluge EUt1 omu s go ai m11 t astis; Bott um " mmlUne-vont vwe. ii?- Resarkable Cure@ cf IRbeuma-' tlaM. Prom Vmdiator, Rutherf ord ion, N C. The edici af the Vindicator bas hrd aoon lOita test te emcacy cf 41hamâberlaisa lPain Balm tvlcs vi$b th. IMM tenremikable reanietsuAnech Cas. Firsi, vtit riteumaîl au the1 sholdraut lilch hq..alered ex. oifllag pain For_àda days, vhiclt vus relmved vit.4vWO applications of ]POLIRB01M, rnbblng the parlea &flicted AMI realztug Anstant benefil and entie relief iD a veîy short lim.. eeeead, la iheumaiu a t tick joiut, aboomI prosratilg hlm vAlli asysie peila, vitîcitwvusreleveti by Ivo applelioua, rubblug vith thie Unimeut cm relireius at niglit, snd getsuug up Use trou pain. For saie b! F. B. lýovunu, Ltbenlyvtle, OEÂT8LÂKU PBAMAu.a, JORN MILE. IvasiiOe. Cova For sale. New mikera and aprîn2gers always on baud. Lfiwcoo BRes., two miles ati-veat o! Lbertyvitle. 18-3p NightI Walier Terar. -1 vol! cough nmarI> aU night long," vullaXMi. Cita. Applegale, of!Ae, cadetlad., --and caultibardiy gel OUOmeeP. I1bat Onasamptlan bc50 choc U 1 valie! a blocS 1 vomi! congb tigbl!ely asapit blooi, but, vhen AU ater medictnes fafiot, Ibree $100 botlsa c! Dr. KAlaga Nev Diacovery vbelly crat me sud I gained 68 poaoda.*" lb. absolutely gumiaste t t eau Caegha, Coltis, La Gippe, Bru. ehfl M sd ail Tbrcal and buna troublée. Price 5e and 91 00. T1ria Vote, Gaanmu.aKB Pum.mXlex. sa. u. lR.j Allersy. gZ--Pubhile N otit5e t- au boorier, Itz- id Teeta,-eî o! 111KG, ~Louasa lot M. 004 wU1 go te JaUil ather Thtau A.liov»»àam aïeuwtleion. The Dovielavadpgsingcommitte uamed bhi thilinala bonse o re- pnaautltve &0 inqeire Auto teé sfairso01 ite Zoiq bu" beid au In- for" oml usidi Chicao litSalur. dmy moraine sud agre on nome o! Ibe pruliminsry détails. Ou aocouat o! pouding futters 0f Imporance iD lte bouse aM Sprisfeid, COarman Koteins andtubaasCialsbave dectded lu bolti no formai meeting unUlit nxî oudmp or Tuenas3. Thora la a trong bellot on te part of aome members of tbe houa. coin- mtisse, s veltalatisel it e général aaaembly and olier étaseomuilis, Ibat lte viole Invetgsaton As likly 1 fizsalo,but uotvliticlMudug Ibis te Keilertug oommte ta proceedlug ou te teoîy IbaS vhai la aoughit vii! ha found, sud ltat au! obstacles placed lu lbe vay of the comm iltee by Dovie Sud bhiamaociates yull be removed ith. ont question by te machuery of the alate govrumeul. DOWIB DISOUSBSSIBTUATiON. Doilie ldhietaconugrégatiou Sun- day aternoan ueauly four bonis lu annunce Iliat ho bad asaumed the aggrossivo D inte forthoomiug batile beiveen hlm sund the lvesigating ocoummttee ppouled by tle. Hous l"ai vek 10 examine 1510lite condtion of teZMon Ba"A. Ho declarod tha% bis position vas uuasaaiable, sud quoied exlslvély tramt a report made t0 hlm by Atoruey Samuel W. Packard.,vito held tai ual only wu& the purpoueofa!th. comuittes ilegal but tatte memboes>eof it aud Il permous conere naiAsformuatlng tliat commtte or asstating t vould 'bc lable 10 ndcment lu the tedenai court oousplraoy '10 injure, oppresa, tbreaten, on ltimidate a citizen lu th free exrcise sud enjojuteut o!fte rlghsa sud privilegeas mcured to hlm by te constitution o! the United Stalcu." àmaprovitied1lu te fourteenit assementu. Paitent iAs Oed t $5000 fiue sud Imprisoumeut o! not more tlontonles erg. HZ EXPEOTS TRIUMPH. *'Wouldu't il ha fus," shonted Dovîs gleatully, *-if tIbe.moudaclona sud wtoked legicsatora vould have 10 pay a flue ai 35,000 eacb for persecuting me?" Davis reveied In teé anticipation of bhm Irtumpit ove, te légilative coin- mtîtee. The cburcb vu aspcked sc lte dcciisud many people vere turned avmy before te regulur ervces beffsuas13 o'lock. DovAe mnonce! ab te atart Ibat a second meeting vould ha held aetlite clome of the first, vbem 1he leglallve commitlee vouid -ha diacuael. Ire. asnsoualfti sud theot aste Overe qulhkiy setsed by others stand- a Aug. mbcta&ltseauditorium vu u coaded vlieste overseer began bhi r Lak The overeeer apsultva obanrc ;estdtg su exhaustive opinion freos Atorney Packard salivng tha% hoad ZMun vere the objecta Of a vile persecutlon. vIra. WMOOME F1011'? --A ee g," be dsclared,'Iltvas oaly te tro t a àpour flionse ! UeprematelloaIthsvo !aced, but nov vo bave Ilie romltll. The utsiabie ccmmAte, burdened viit tm zeslulons o!fviteremsses, vent la lte repais m@bop bres lime& vîthun lb. voas, sud nov promisa lu vicît the stop agatu beo re th. douboy viii go mbemd. Th. vhole matten la the con- trivance o Saamus sgenté. anti betore Oeniutult 1 stand vtitoublfat. I bave nai ouglil 1h figl; t basbeen farce! upon me. but I'm ual sari> il bas cosse, Il la tibme tu eseit*Oao peuploh. pover o! Zion. Zou bas a ion; baud, sud I it ilescb ou o pA» *.*obtel mabeas vin tuas> lomal expeclt i. DurAug titis veek o! porsecuion an offer la bes maie. b Zion a!fa a sn a! 11,000,000, vhile vIilu ite seven Inleîvenlug daya tberc have beeu depostied lunZMon Bant $40.000. Does Ibat ob asiite, investora sud depositora are araid 10 trusl me?IMy poltcy bas net alteied a vit i Ace at veeb. I1salilimain- tainMy, nghts an! youtr ghtif t Ihave to spout a jear u prison.' RAS 0six EAEIUIB. Dowie remd a long communicationt lteon ram Atorney Packard, vhtch brisileti vit precedeula suslainlugr lb. position o o lvA, sud ilionout- Une hua probable course a! acion. -AAeady I bave six remede o! vbtc I mamy make use ga combat titeeageuts o!flt.e dovIl. If I am arrostet I eau ga vrilla tram egber or bau Ithe tate ant Iofderai courts. sud compel tbsm tla roies me. Then there latahIe vnit o!prohbitilon, almost a toigollen satt, restrminiug the comaitlle front eutorclng ia jutigemeut o!fountemtp upon me. Thoen 1 cau can suit againsi te oMfcer vito arresta me, sud lVil mate il migitîr bot toi hlm,1to. The tedera courte voulti grant me au Aj uneoni restraiuAung lte Aquisitonial oin- mitleo trou depnlvlng me o!f1the îlgbta sud priviioea I enjoy as a cilen o! thie United Siaisan md $heu ta cap t &Il, under the forisentit amenedmet, 1 ean bave every one a! theut nditeti for cousplracy. Thali make tbam lok ieS.And thoeoare ater measurea vhlcb I May take. "Wh a vsiedti Iis invetgationt? Not san n ntrested iluithe baub. Il Vas luslAgsted by tb. diugtata, tbe tioctora. Jean île, an! the poniicmn, but I vilde! estthIem il. for, strong as lhey ae.. Mon ila sbulvart o! datee, and vit il hforo me I am impregnable.. Librs bad dollara, m&U counteifalie o! DeWtt' Wteb Haaei Saj e vort- leu. The orIgnal queily onrea plies. mm M ad &l ku disu . . B LOVmr.,LlbaityvM*.e;J. .S aN, owne. TOn me p â~ "blateandb aumiee ting An 4b ttelcilop ue dePaitmsê09 te W,. O.T. 10. Nzdop evshng, Mamab lot, autte ontregs. tiol o burb, Oryaiak lat tbia date be ne Ampred upon yooe mnd tha$ pressure o! binuu willu ol cause o aoverlook i. The buit talent vM i hapreaaed lut servie sud %bore vilii ha othintielaoppreas yen. outhie onray, vs vi lry te timpresa you vAlu the great écope of te pros. voîk. .1 Our oordtmlity vii l e beuppreaed, a tie vrmt press o! the baud vili prove to jon. Accepi the pressDinl- vitatIon sud be pioni-eut. OUTLII0U 0F PuiEÈBMTING. Sout......- .......................... Prayer-...... ............ ....... - 1ropieoy-........................... Addre» ............................. Paper-"Elatory of the W. C. T.U. Ritolaion sud Souge --.-Bp the Cbiudren Paiier-'-1ov Outr Ftrefstlîers (ot the Nove....>...................... Pater-"Tie Home andital Influence on the Young .................... Psiter-'«TliePies, an an Evangellet . lipecialmie usclimabeen secuned au! iii ail a veny iuteresttug piograin vil! be gven. Puas OomiuI&'E. The Youngr Man's Chances.. «-A Young man of capacily, indnslny and lutegrity bas a field for indviduel effort suclitan ibas neyer before ex. latotA n tiscountny." vrIes Edvard Bekobfo!T'e Times sud h. Young Man," lunte Mardi Ladies Home Journal. -And suces» la nelîlier barder nor caier $han t over vas. Succesa nover jet came goth1e liggard. sud I& nover vili. Lei s young man ha capable: have enterpriee, bc vlltng 10 vorS, sud carry blaself like a mman, sud h. goeawvlere ho viii. 1MIasuccens dependa upon himaeif. No lAmes, no condiltons, no combilus u o capital cau stop a Young man vho lias a determlnation 10 bonorably cucceed, sud vho la willng 10oiS sk ccordilog 10 the very ulmoal o! hie cspaclty and sinsvs o! stnenglt. Thes rosA trouble la qba ihe vrageYoonug init ont vonit. Me bas galilteinsane nolion uto bis ibeond lth&% ncoos coas by ucb: tat mon are made by opprîunules vbti eiher cames te tbem or are thural upon Ibe. And hevmlla for lok or a chiance 10 came aloug sud intA hum.luostesd o! lakiue s saie vtev o! conditlions Btan eoug vilt a deuminiuth&&bas ntrade vidons opponlultea tcrease, lio labos the misaaken nv ib$a&t he icli are getliug rAdher aud 1h poor pooren. Thees are Iîte co.diomut ci md sud lite vhicb mie keeptng thouaands o! Youug men tiovu, sud viilkoep lhemn dovu. The iimes are al igll. 19talete yonug man vito ilds fauli vAlb them vbo As Dot." FOX LAKE. > Te alcb are ait convaleacent nov. lit. D. Rogers lias relurued froin Chicago. Mri. W. White tilletA bts tee coula lest voeb. Mri. 0 Wallis lbas moved 10 S Olvets a a. Sevenal tram Fox Lake veut 10 M. C. Hnmphtey's sale. Mt. C. Mable sud F. lisuer veto Chcago visitoîs liouday. Several tram bore altended Mi,. Traffords tuner.! Moudmy. Mrt. W. liiddell sud !smlly ve gîvon m !areweillreceplian sut1the home o! hrs. E. Brown on Bslniday eveniug, Februmry. 1611. Thon. la always danger lu naiug counterteils o! DeWitt's iiBa.el fSalve. The original s.a cals sud certan cure ton piles. Il te a sootblng aud holng salve for aoresansd al ain diseases. F. B. LOrsun LibentyvAlle, J. R. BRAcaza, (iîînee WADBWORTH.' Pred Dielmoyer'a condition doec ual Amprove very fast. i'hIlip Beanirigor, Our lai coilectar, in makiug hl&a nnual calta. A large crord atteuded the ball lu Bou Han Hall Monday evsutug, Feb. 15111. John Wel ls recelved s dispatli Tues- day aaytng bis eilidren voeequîte stet lu Keoaha. The veather prophète' srond hors piedict sn eau> asprlng. We hope 1he7 are correct Auntem rprophocy. Levi Baiflour, wvbu iabeeu vAaAlAug relatives anti fnientis lu Ilia nelghboi. nood, lias ncturued fa 'bIs home lu Nebrasak. e. The R. N. A. vAîl give a tares in he Ben Hut Hall Frtdmy eveuiug, March 1.t, enlitleti-,The Otti Malta' " Conven- tion." Comle, evenbod> and bave a gond laugh. Reportaecshow a gresalij ncremaed death rase tram lhroal and luug troubles, due 10 lte prevaheofa croup, pueumonis sud grippa. We sdviao the use o! One Id nuie Cough Curo An ail o! thè.se dlfficulie. Il la the only harmte.a ismetil ihaigAnes Ammedjate resuSit. Chîldien lAbo Il. F. B. Loyaux.,Lîberlyiflis; J. I. Bzacuim, Gnuee«. PEOPLES' COLUMN. a Waurfleld tara.Lbrlvh. I. --d W ANTED-IMlddl s mev! voaufor can. orm boceVorl. Api aI8 un tara. 1,1lie oui o! Làberlyvîlo. 21-20 F SR ALE-Have a Quanlty of villecale Ffor cmle fiat ara ood for sed. Wtil Ima »Ill &biout «a aes of goti! lares land, if mu, Wn dogires same. HORîcZSBUUMWri Lberlrclell. 11 il if-d. F R AL-Nov '7 rona boumeslanLiberty- FVIlleO. «aod valer. Clet ru and ail acdern luprovan. Cail or adresa, X, feus- F uSALE-Atev fdne ypeine ironze F toms. Hasar CATRa. 21--. F RSALE-in Lberlynlfic. a nov acticr FsBrooa bouse. Wll be reso, for ceeu- gra1yAprillt. éBec overa. MIcDoNÂLM & £uS vus i OniuUbNi.leI1 .1à»a A" OEU. GRiA - L =UOAL t un I Mis.Iberuo u t .ubrlil r0 »ee W spuoi 64 aveTOluSuStl aa"ordeesfor job voS. Mcmiionberfr tes a TO OHICAGO. 708CR10100. ai:es06a. aw1:0 ms .38 a. m. ..e:.M: :0 0 . a . , 1UD Y I :1 0 p . a . 1 1 8:014 a. M. M. EehkOpt movsd lite famfly 80 Frmnkavtte &i&Ai eek. beveralmn mouvesbmdlY InJurOd et Armeure tue.bouslenIst Mondal. Dr. 'sud Mia. a. N. Beckey eater. taiied sliaIs rlaneuasmicarda l'buwda eventag. Mra. Wn. Edwards enlerlahned ber braille. i. iaherwlok, of BOc" VaLey, lova, thla veek. Mr. Spring lia moved hie fa*nly bare trom valparalo, l. Tliey occupy lte roomsa bOve the mesS marlbes. Mr. sud Ms. Kimbail have moved Ato the bouse belouging go M. itorcher Btadlu u agvmmtd bY Wil Uleakt. Rsv. lStevons open$tesmai eek la Dover, Il. maasilg Mr. Nauce in the revival msuliixgs viicli ars halus beltA st $but place.8 F. HI. Kuebker sold lb. lot sud blacasmitit shop ou the eruor 0o! Wliltney stremtsu d MapAe avenue t10 P. à,. Robinson te pu&aee k. Mrs.. . LWllmoire returned 8bcber1 home lu ouicago recenlly, aleilaon &vu -018i&aspel vie. ber porente, Mnr. and Ira. Page. Mi. Wilmoie .ès &Ibo ou% for a tel dey a. a. Geseki viiacu go %0 Long Grove 10 koep bouesefoirlier motisi wbiie lier parente are abrusci, vwhere thc.y expecî 1lu su s pend te ijummi. lin. Ijiatmi l oubiàune lita voL iSlh Novile ilim. Ed DoonUle regurued tram $ibe L"atesiiuoploatl m$ Indal oveniug. AiLuli s ua&sàmd miauitaiie litas hoi u vi dprived of hIe rigIAS e», eS we bupe litvîWit zeatence nu more brotibie, tuiber dos a sUdlAOipsesY. Tite beet au"o th&&bawu 901bc givt by & mlts aAid Ibis PrAda! uveniiag las osez posiponed JbieS uittus on acouui a01.Inàç Veca"iusln Iltat lie W. . T. U. un dvesidfur ihas i ihl. George Page hlitxsn Uta himmli a vite. ase viaa vidav vAiutone chtitA,md i la àprescen te matai «ou mmce vitleite 0 ga«living vl&i lttePage fsmoiy 1taiaumâmer. i. sud Mrs. Page hava Ithe beab i viste'a!the miy fiada o1te f14=11Y. Mi*. Miiton lloyd sud ehildrait lob fur lier mo&utos na in à iobigan lu$va"&, vitere ale viii pend lt summefr sud peibape mata ber ftur, home. Ir lte âlatter, Mi. . Bopti vi jullywlaser, buitoltelspisent yil roualis baie. iliere buAmg 90 mUob voit haie the cuinig&anmmer. wzt,.Wedge, Si., puroaed lt house sud lu& a! M. cteu M etei- 4Jid lta P emand viii m uvet ilsu miO aOu&nibe latter ce acOsla, -. hu soa vil! vork Us tfam lté 0.155 Yser. Mi. lobe. hau puvcited a lot o1 Kr. Proclc aolat09cOlin0n Wab- bamrua sud vubctld ch M et once. Thé Laiteao! theê AUd SoeelY viH ms% vitt MUe. D._ 0. White Wqdnea day, au"i ah. Tisle viii h ie tunnea l ag vIe« oUeuirot he oming Yen viui h eloled sud com- »lassés appoinleti. AU membera are requaesil toha préeent l I lAAm [pablliy. metinggvlllbefla t2 P. M. The sad nova raached hars Tneaday ailarnoon of the accdental dealt or Jamaisesd an ote Weila lte organ baeiory Oir. a Wankegm. Tbe tomer yoeag lady vas soivit ImSovnuee, barins Pesa an oosional vi« àà m lte <odfsay bome, vhe e er tsmhr spénO aiment a yen voekIug An lbe brles" aMi e yard. Etdelt bau ce- cmaonet mucit sarrov for lboee *vo buev bier.*I The Washingtonsaocill91VOU bY lte Junior Eudéavorers a"1mI eeb rilday vas a prety affae sud nelled lte litle oses aboutl$11. «morga Waington eas there, sud Marlta, 1SS,és. va ilas mmy colonia damaels vitu reoetved tbm guetla, valieti ou taLîeb sud Jooketi very pretty vtlh &bitl llile cap@ansd povdered hait. The progralu vwu &140o etjayed. lir. D. G. Whilte eutarltned &bout lvensy Young p Opie labnehouergMiu MaiW telMr"oyid l maiMendel evea- .lug. À delietous reputl vas eiveci. IlisMurgalropti laeS*dnSedar A. M. fur bei home ln Veeu, WAa. One Uek. vit har the goatA vlitea af bet ma"yfr1.505 baie,a veil os ao.. ibiug more aitbslasslu te.fors o! a vit citoais Uves blierby te friastia4 vWho &pontte evening visb ber amu. day. Kms D. 0. White enlertmiued stue ambera oa! darueta (Ihaptez O. B. S. a! ioù vority Mamnet ber hume laut veek Thcraday eveutig. A m maery c ulat&ste chiot tfuture ut lte eveaings enjoymentl, tu vhtci 0. Rlock roceived lrai, tOsîraag soomnd'md eary Bombati. ocumolak. lia prise. The bousel. ver. a vos- dur Io boitoii. As &bon$ eloeena de. ltlutouppar wvasaerved, 0aI viic S"e ladies ticnodthélites uder! ni cosalona of arl. 1fiwviauaseveanug veiy pleusanly speus. Otrlbe. A Elcis Fand. 11 veastroublie for sevaral y«e viithianrote Indigeston sud nervoua deobltty," wittea 1. J. (Iramu ot Lancea. bei, N. H. --No iemedy itelped me un. lbi I iSbos msg ElecirtoBittera, wviiaitdiù me moreod titan SU lte mediolues I ever ussO. Thor bave &Wa ap* mI vue. laexcellent buallh for y M hMy@ea it s leoiric Blumrauar jUil splendid foirtarnle troublée.; ltas Nlarei a grad Iouteansd levigormlai for veak, iau dovu vomen. No cter madiolusesOa toe. Ie place ln oui tome.y.' TelIUmm. Only 60.osieî.. latioa gtmisite.-d by I. 1B. levuma% Ltlutyvllis, GnarihaKUPuâmnao. We u nqaiy Ame way down in price, but way u nqaiy For evidence rcad followlng prices. 8 weet Tlp Top Tobacco, Se pkge ....... ...... Plovboy Tobacco, 5o pkge .. . ... .... Quart Bolli. BainAg ----............................ . Quart Botile Amonla.... ........... ... Seeded Raits ... .... ............... Mualard Sadiue@s....-................. Corregaied lbova . ....................... ............ Catlle Bomp, per cake......... .......... Cittorula Breakfat Pood, per pbge . .- KenosaaCrackers, per lb ......... .. GlovesMd ud llte» Atm fait i«. Geo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. - - - ILLINOIS. 1 have 5éo samples of the American Wall Paper Cos..AU borders at same price as side wall. Samples may be seen at Heathcs Fueniture Store. F. (G. Farber lmwfo, P. S.-Don't select your wall paper withoutfirat seeing 1my samplffl and getting prieff. Get My estimates. 21-4 gav MM N otice. I bave roted bbceDii! Day MWv Min ent yuil ars op &a.accu asea«ter permuta. Ail thce. vaulAnisains daoue May brtng the&i l00 mandI vl guaranlee .Imust iOS. I, a. Oascif. HallDay. Hameeber Excursion.eavi h adi 10potla e'l Ma icit SSiiu 101h, Apr laSd sud lesb, May 11h sud l1ai,aMi JUne 11h Mnd 11h. 4one tare tor roundittip, plus 1%,goot tor 81 day&- lairfuither inoruaiion appU tu, "icet sg.a0.8f.11&81. P. IEy. 1.1. Uuam4 à 1 £T. A Trhe fotiowlng gôods wiIl-be sold at a--great reduction: d "Oh» WueibumnCrosby Flopr ............... ...... l1i linPur.... .......................... 11hlbBklnIg Pavdeî ........ .............. f 1lb Coldy.................... Papur ln boxes, bine, pAnS, vite, »mol! aI 25, il and 4004 to elosea'l . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Books. 400S 08 Webster l)lctaay, lo and. -...........................l .. làyloffcDlconsry, oulsigeti and revibel 10 "ate. ............. .......... .......... ......... à8 yanzee Prom te Weat.................... .............. 19 Kentucky colonel ......... 9 Arkansas Planter.. ...................................... 17 HavalsuIland t............ 20 Mana Fui Goats. 316 50 ..... ........1400 $20.00 . ..... .... ....8a 00 ....... ........ .. 19 00 Mm'»F!eee Liaed Uedervuar. Woal Fleece sud Wccl Bach .. ... .... 9 Woal Fleoed sud Cotton Bach. go Wlght Undervea ........ .....89 ou IAtdIea .laekete, Collroita, Wocl hltons vo viî gAve a diseount o!...-.ý...... ... .......... Z y Lot of loeus and Boys' cape .... .... la F. Ml. KUEBKE<J, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, GRAM MLAE - - - ILLINOIS. Ican oeil YOIî aîîY 01(ikitid, but have some speciali uducemeîa, fî WIIEELER & WIL.5ON AND "NEW HOME" MAKES. Can make lower prices than others wilI?, quote you. Have just one bicycle left and will. seil it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. Grayslake-- - - - Illinois. We are glad to seil them. You wili be glad to own them. One of our Overcoats for Men and Boys.' 1leavy -Ilîite, Iaîîts, Underwear, Mittens, Blankets, Feit Shoes, Ruhbbers and ail winter go(IAi at a big diéwount to close. 1 have no room for them anîd will se11 tlem at prices to mnit yoii not ni1e-. i gaad Fui CoaBI. viii lose aI ...... .. ....$Io 00 1 Paur gond Horne Bimukets. AprAcail. per lb ........... Apples, I I.................... .... .............. .... ......07 P»ea ll ... .... ....................... 07 oranges. per doz .. .1, 233 Fine Oui Tobaow, îgitI or dail, par lb . .....30 ln 1-ibilUa@33 W. vi inpasado lie hast ve cmafor yon. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE - - - ILLiNOIS ili C. N. DURND, AttNyCOcrSENti M. CàlN OIOlB. XColb-y & o .ý1Ul A N. JRAeeO.P1. Charé trulUut ae y oticXae. m xaotqraoft lestvii su4d4lestament of A. .190,.HriTri 058.0> asd. viii ttend tbe Peler P a. PnVL the nkuoeRli u taaItO I4.Osal t lie CutH uesl nkiiown DOvure. luaO neor,. No. lu. paiu.aAl Mida st si Etae Lmul reud.dome.~ nny~ s ae s ta0 i sou i .ern ndla lo, . r el enoF o!, 11 - t . à ru n u oe « %de8&tKW in myuebenlledn eoflo theleko to adIl on o2. e. ,.mmeudf o mnlaautbeeOfo hauns beeon i lse n !lad<.. Wubauyn ed 5auud r lbarG asidkow1 d O ai o! su> kibm, remomber vs cau gel treitCl t Item fo, you, and tiin Ilcaeiyou I Cit O Tel. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W. MaM13 1 S aa i ad'e.1b1I. - O$a Pm- '10 11514 aI usait Labo O! MOre),. i vileS a~lî 5.1. Ils SI N Cili ULb( 6:10 P. M. . 1

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