Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1901, p. 5

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I gaaI the ghs of Day u-d- abuMi 01Mii eoliMJon and as tonddll eatedforntil 1 hommne full, 40 volopai. Thoen 1 vas cOopo~o pltu a bagsud Put finte ha hou 01o a ahip baunti for Boston ,»» Otllieu40rMs gavé me a blot ,out. Thora tÇoai va:. "Hres tVI gocti aid cofea. drink ber davu.' Ivo net ial rs ecption every whaor and no imore pleaiIlg l OU staiTrlggs k Taylor's, sud » 81311 ede4SU1 Brand" Two reffona why people lîke 1ttudt X with us, Y FlueT We 1.-1 ami uat ,i.o., bgONfle 4101 it lu., aithri 60 o flre o laO W U o« tilelliffl ud? ,.tAe wil 911 0 Y-' « h. Trigp & Taylor. Lbertyvilllc - Iiois. i Now____ lm the tuie and lîlre isthe, 1îaîeto t ly -~-BICYCLES- at a hargaiti. 1 have a 19(X) ýreeejît iivle which 1 will Fwll as a starter for By the way. Wlhei 1 -OîIe to thiîuk. there is aîîother one' hera' for $2.OCD Cili and inspect my stock bef ore purchasing. C. R. SHIERMAN, ULbertyville - - - Illinois. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Veil 6001$1 Wiiter Lladerwear, for Lats, Lamb clued Jackets. muil We aret4ternueto mtuetbtm. %Vvare g iviîtg un t;î iper -enît <lsijiîtit n i I Feit a;îl'I Itri-. .iIeîî '. Voîe'îî o anid ( 'ildreîî s Art-tii-s aîolAlatokas. Lini îi liil ie' )îk(.ot1 Hjave, two fil" îot: Ieft. B-il he sold vlîeap. Thiey l)>îît waiit to earry t1e( goI ver iiitil atlotler season, aniid viii vlose tlic'iii ont at cost alid helowx. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN oeutraliflercUidi$e. Libertyville - Illinois. Wc'e -er repieseut ini oîîr adv'ertis- iîig that whivi e ' are no<4 1re1aru( to 511 1~ ___________________ ______M .0. Avarli IPICKED'UP HERE AND TIiERIE. wakifg lg 1nga main etreet In Lo' I~~~~~~~~~~~ Loa tm fneeto letVlê edr ngeles he met )ira. Ida Strong, for- Loca Itms o Ineres to-lbetyvlle eadrs merly otti is place. ie wan but- t ~pulad end deligbted to meet bilaRad ~ .êi44.4.4444*4444*444444M*lt4I4é44~ glad of the appvrionity t0 learu of her Liberty ville fionda. Blie had Just re- covered tram an attack of typhold C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE.levr, bt wuth lna good healtil.a In Effect Sunday, Dec. 23, 1900, ai 12:01 8.-nm- atudents la munie and vas mcceeding _______nicelj. TO CHICAGO. FROM CH4ICAGO. At a crok1nOle party at the home of *WXKK OAT. WZE KPAYS Oea. licilanaltWedunday eveniuz iJePart Fromn New DePot. Arrive at New Devot. about tvenîy-flve Young people con- No. ié .... ......... ...No...... ...... :122il. .graiedte e njoy an eveuing o1 14, 2.p. . 1,_ ........ . *.... * '" "n pleure. Thay played crokinole until RUN1AYM eleven oclock when tiley diti justice N,, i . ....... a.m. No, iý.............. 4 fLto theboautifii0ripast presd bhfare TO CHICAGO PROM CHICAGO tIbm. Prizes verenairdt mollows: ' " F11 DAY WB££ PAYI. Mart, Francea sud Bdon Clu rb; D.oat Fi-arrn 010 D*)t. Arrive t OId Detlot consolationi, Ethel Taylor and Ros N.12 ,25 a. n. Nol: ........... i h 8a a m. Triggs. The latter part ai tbe evrening 14.. 7I*)a. Mi. L . . . ........... 633VP. m. vwu ipant ln tripplogth gt 11h . ......... 4. ...... ............. . "5 P. m- faiatic. To îay the young foika s 0400 O UNOATS. înjoyed tilemielvee te puttingfil * Were Were Were Were ReGuce4 Prkes * ' s O M M $ * *e e % te $11.00 te $10.00..... te$11m4), Be S 7.00 .. re $12.0441... .nov$a go DO0W 8 00 .ow10 50 Dcv 950o - Wool Dt Ihlaukets Weue $3.75. Were 36.75.... Were 34.004. .nov .... . .. . . o 111, but CilX, hn rs wii7 seil it lois. Boys.', 07 07 , 5, 35 30 - 33 LiNOIS a- ED BY t.Mae n. P .N N . . .. . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .i U leld y . Qo l f l Depart ro: 010 Depot. 1). a D P rom Oid Oeoat. ~ COMMlERCIL LIOIITS RE ON. Wre $1.75 ... 00.......uW 1 43 N 1WElt B u . 1 ..0 ..... 1 - - t o nd...... 100P .Were $200 ..........nov 165 No.11adi9 iicrypaaeîahivi odu-mdSlnji. Store@ Again Llglited by Blec- es$ 5 ... ...Dw 5 Nos.igiand192wilicary pseners etwen ondfl ad Slonrliii. tricity-iIgjhtfi are Sitperior. liarcil. ~~The Young Meule Dancing Club yl riday nigbt the commercilai r. -lu ItT£v Colonial aupper lut M. E.. charcîlto give oue a! iheir popular darcen Mon- cti a, ta be t'amati on and i al stores Wr 0 ........ ..o 0 ntght, flarch 184b. cannectoti vith the aystem vwill ba il- nlbt ob t Scotta paront andi is aitéer luminated i vth aboucti ligha, laDy Were 75c ... . . ...... ,nov 60c A baby girl was bora ta Mr. and Mr, KlineviWh aa peut the vinter privai. realdencea are yet W ieu irati, Weme 31.00.................. .. uaow Mt@. Cio. Morris Tueslay maruing. at hie home, returned ta Milwaukee tb-augh iavrii boum ara nov con- Village election la but sixi eeks Thraday. noctoi vith the aysem. diatant, oecuring on April lOthti ui Mn. Chai. kuitn andi ion Edwin, ai Darlng tha puai viek the atreet Jean. Barington, veo agoiita ,! w. C. Uabta have beeu testoti, ihougi regu. lP Refv ltoailmaiter Burkee ba8 rented C. B. Banhoru and viii evral daym lait and lor airvica bam noi basna templieti. It Worî 32.50 ......... . ....Dow 2 0 Appleyg bouse, corner of Fuir strasst ibise.ib.sogeauant eitontr ligittins Ibewere $.0/....Day 3zia and Milwaukee avenue. Keep ln mmmd the Colalm)upper t0<chnearyanaitionamedite w i irait....*.... o 23 There viii be a ipectal meeting of!le givin ai tihe M. E cilorcilto.night.boeui aaund 50 potlimthcao ene thle Court o o! oaTnauday nlght. Grapiaphone ontertaiiimert darin- etout ofmta roviidha oatteu te - Ail ràembers urged to be prenant. ivining. Suppar rnt.m5 tk uigning -ighta ta thae varions la- eeSvu ui A. J. Barber, a brother-ID-liai oflin. I'uru vii haa ipoclal neeting of canltes care itsvalaen to nauerve awn 32........... nvZ8 L. B. Hanby, o! Rocheter, N. Y. madie the Kalghta of the Globe oeil Waduii sllmficieut numbor to anoteut smchinau Wira 3.25.00 ........ . nov I8 a hurte viit t br brneManay. day aigts for the purpame ai baliating eagny on candidate andi oonferlng ranki. At the p arona ietobl uWore 33.00.................... nov 2 45 Mr. Manil, aver o! the Grattan b«eplaint u wt te mtranebai Ware 11.75. ..... ....nov 1 58 Stock Farm, sbut ail la, hnopurluJmperfect vareaingorarderflWere $175 .............. nov 6 5 ciamed Coeclin, a trotter, record ai Sunday te ipenti a veek vt nnwi efc okn re eeS7.............ýnw 6 2:22. The price paitiwu $3400. ,Jlmmle" via a a s, tiiotgh ie 'o go. and trainnov an regular service ila s-- ing ta a quier place ta gel Ht. Bot ueti. C. H. Avertitdonneti hiuno smites, ponhapi ha vanta a large memurre r l adsitmatinvt Thurmday andi la igain piancbiig ai funnhovu ituanud thereî t,0141e15 aiqualiy of Ught furnihad-tile hpro- tickts, ollctln Tar, m lovlng t l Cihgu.noncatiby &Ulmasauperla? tn evary aucktsfo t m ae and coior at Ci cava Wy, lalhougi lt lacontende4à by oine outforthesaftYandcomortof The Young Mens& Dancing C Iiibviii tisa It vaulti have glven more geoeral pâ.mengers o i ri.give sanotier one oi thairsmcalidancim ,atudaqtlou tahava dimpeusmuti iti Fred Croker will do jury service in in the Taon aU to-ulght. They the mirnt arc lghtsanmd umiti the Waugegamnetoeil vRe.le laon the ilvaya have gootimusan d i quiet, Incandeseunt ln thair eiteii. This la Grand Jnry. John Bus, rim Loak, ? pau= b rod., thoneby galanfg puraly i masse, af opinion, a majorigy Butinoit pricas on &Il vinte? FrakCooper and 1. W- ilikii eY forthe=iarc ,areputastian envieiti hy maeng to layon thé arc ughta. goode tu ail"n.a lha petit JurosinTa tth owngilip othar orgmnimaloOf ltm uini.An idduiinal dynamo andi angine, W otvn acryoe glaii ear. Max Kahner hbm rinted thl igley a duplcata of tisat nov ln placa, vwu.. dollars vorth of vinter gonds asud Dont fail to examine imy excellent bouge an Orchard esroct, now tccu. ahippeti from Buffaotilla vsik anti la* vo ili maepricai intere.tiflg n1e o! vatt pape? ballots bnying aime- Pied by Raadrnaiir Burke. 01 course expocieti ta arrrive in Libotyvillefoth vhere. Attpatterai ew n d up ta ihenainral preaumptilan ouid b ha t aturday. l -viii haeat up imo- date ai ram 5o pinraIol up. L. Max h"t decitie t 1ri mafimauy, dlately. Eitis6 engina anti dynama la NLT:SSES, agenUt. 6481mam1plata elect bot muchinla ot thse case. An ageti of auf2ileni capaciy ta carry the lad train. 2 &ond mt ili keeP lbon"i for hlm andi Mx requiredti 10 urnish ligbt for both counia ilimmef itilt ou teîle i.aide.mesttanti commercial sarvice. XItbai ilicilt arîltenîhfnDiamand Lake, Otlclhrshanrr hv ainbcomi the cussitni lniBmodern eo- vbom it i liedpa ent at C. H. aOvn? al 1 h r Unîeeghiintrie llght plants to assit ail adouble ________________ hale'sbugeau Mlwvaukee avenue iiatg !tinco iOuigigouttil.' This imunes consttonudat d ppiys etLbetvll n ta oget tagetier ucciionallY. Cou- negolar »serviceant in amideclded fin- - 'sud val a a Li tA bertyvfa itb lie ticr Kingsley and Landlord Pontov provemilat ovîr aId moihada. lu thua eprngla tîl iAseacil0f salal pîd theimpacers Suuday and t lvsriewuietvle afnnae residence. Il ins ald le mîy tout Bd rnîp andt tck. Tbev oere flioveti by repec ___________l___tunte Appley's bouse, nov occnpied by H J*B. Pp.Bo eriianiBrtHl Eger. Who came &long el a clip sufficient to John Lawrence Injureti. M. B. Clby, viTe sud daugîter keep the leaders in ight. Lait Fflday morning lir. Joh-nKN L P I I . Editil returiaed Itonday !rom an i Sinyeex- o ac rym-Lavrence, viii kuovu throtighout tise N E P TS teudcd aoutheru trip, and their miny tomneti Wednesday from a tour days cauntl, had itslm lii arm t.rribly frieoîis vere grieved go lento Milen viols vîih friandsi n sottiler Wicou- ouglo inl a corn mhnidder vilich hoM ch W a o Lite ony Edlbglibealti vas nt mproved b in. At Waukemlia lbey vieseacorted vas ."feing.' uh W a o iteM ny thle chlangeaf chisaie. NIe B"el tinugb ties tage neforut schaol ant intu hiaithappaoed an auddenly Mr. veaker than viien tbey lei Liberty- Milwaukeewvile ai an eoiuriainmeuî Lawrenceinl unable taîxplalo luit loy ville. vere introducetoa"Boi, Vitzalmmono, hile ilnt vas caught. Belao tth lte ýWm. Caldwell vas unable to via gave tbem a fev Pointors, B@0îî ma"hine could be staodhlmtshandi à purobaae ai 150 pair Baya Kuai Paulntai0oc an accupy the Preilyteriau utl ut it Uviiibhinait ta ve lbem a vide hrti and arm ta the elbav vas groundt tthîe dollar onabloau to »Ill you nov 2 pair of Wéar- Sunaybavng n atac ofthegirpiihefuture if you are looking for fragmenti Befaro he o oilming Knao Pente ait&ho agnat puice or aoepair. aundahie lacvt atak o! ii gey. rouble. e.ed h vwu aeceasry ta reverse tisa The maJarity af thor a re large aime. For boys 14 anti le plae vasably lilet by By. iruble.machine vien b-e vas wimati lu at 5yama gvaaaouf cbr aSv Williainm, of Chicago. via delivireti WiiI lolletta tsonna ran avay Wednea- drving is armoui. Hi vm a tokn b u 5y taïgwoaeuuly abr o64 tira excellent germons. The eventng day morntng, tearing dovu Mlwaukee Dr. Taiors otfievisime thi an vwu cau mb-av mare thon a donn dieent styles anti dliacourse was eepressly for young peu-. Avenue et a llvely clip. Tioy became smputaid, tâtes iaches abovi île patterns. pie adwsgroatty appnteeWui. t4jsqldu cueo!ru in mia elbav. Re vitisatondth e miock viii Tisa 26%e, 6.anti 40a gradu aie t 19c anti 25 A librd n oilwsejydbuaili aietesmol In b itmneu m maiaable lortitude andila nov ru-70ani. ~o O A sth e Libr tid e ti o ri vas enjaye conter o ! t avn an d w ere t pp oti ith cov îrnî n icoly. 7 0 & d B r d §. . . . . . . . . . . . .IO busy ig t.tytFeou rigî le*50Utiol trouble. Mr. Folle«liaiti cou. Mn. Lavrence vas once belora lu- $1.26 grades..........................6 anti 73e Tum esy ni t o ur amiedLg ia, ted ta Edde Pelton drvng fr hm jured in îe iMme machine andtinl Thr M br e en t to i.N . agn i tai e â , andti ia'i the cause o ! is tr uble. In ltka m anne , aving bhsl lii b aond trwu e .nd oin. H. ion ahome for turnng brnpy vile tbe horem badly out. AthasUre a lever vwu thie guesti About thirty ram tual estotgtergw ios lh nàrnegilh ol h h setinweealoprantad h c-tisetenisilnaled. machine out a! gent, vblcilho idt,TH A R casion proved s moat deligittul one. On sangtier pige appeaus an adi far svingisabhnd. Sinci ihes tisa lever ietveMsa. Schanck Broa., auccess ora a0. H. lied hacomi brokin or vu deticleti. Town caticusea wilUnacecur tluta csac o. i i îcomposatiant iebissecond eipueiice proveti of tIis nionti, the exact date ta ie an- a! L. H. and Gardon Scbîlsck. lu umum the mare serions ln ctoIiilence. uouuced 1ater by tie tovu cOmmtieei. Ing control ai the business go long and It. w Buikiey, F. Pratite anti Ru- succasifully aonducted byiiseir fater Wouîd flubar Coburn. dolpb Epker contituto lie Bepol- the youug mon are forglnase becaumo .au .a u omittea, and Henry Cater, af provieus training anti canuecthin J utge Henry Cobur, of Lake Forest, Bd Wella anti dJO hn Bradley the Demo- iti the varlaue intenit' tisey nov chairman o! the Democratio Laie o Nosprvsrdoia.,at recrai amananCauniy central commise, ta lnserions _________________ crtb c t Imnt..trouble. le a0h e dcttism ean, W. E. Miller tisa envible prestige acquied by 0.G oodaefr h ibreto isving erveti but 0ne of tbe tva H. Scilanck bli e humines vand. PoedniîrîedJamn iPure ier on ovicliie vas lut elected. o .Sema a bo yu.10 hiai Chicago attorneym have Seau LovoII5s C.Rearaaucl'shw Sia101bgunabelote the Stase Supreme CouI TiolIertahalectoshogrsest are ugsooe eî d tt la a beanîy. Tise îîcy- on tha relation of Charlems8. Dotaion, Drugs.... rgSo oitectarace h truati, tva Juatclosdam b-la yar vli aveage lu priai Sttem Attarney ai Cook Coanty. one ________________ to liestacle butghvay cuiimiia.trinm$25 ta 3$35. iou calsSuy sa 00dotio!the threa lavyere la Henry M. f ta on a re san i ;ovn clark. L - If n t a b aler vbel thiti ea n or $26 C ou m, 79 D earborn s mino. layette Bo~nd iprsnaseo nt ian you vaititi lave paiti $36 far lait Mm. Coburuvas a candidate fon îhe Perfu mfes. tebetien or ual ha viii agaa bcas can-.miaian. A$356 vheel om 111 ho - gaod ooie oS Circuit Court Jutige in 1897'. ditdate ve ihave not leained. Wlbir ma 350 vheeî in 1900. Tise average Tii Infarmation against Ur. Coaurn Tollet Articles. Patent M edicine$ Meredih iî conceietig ctahaeiinaturel prica o! chain vheela viii hi 355, but ietaila charge. a of xiarlng imoaey anti rapublican candadate for colleciar, sailsore viii, o! course, be btter gradea utteming a forged deeti. itIta cutomany ta give the cllecoaa s m igianas$50. Chainlemm vhaila vii_____ tva terme, sud M. Mredith lias average tramn $50 or $6. Xi viii hus PAl NTS AND O ILS. proven capable and uiilacloiy lhoha&seon glat bicycles are bacoming W. C. T. U. Notes.____________ eveJ vay. (lerilard Scisteck 'athe muaciseapen. There vnri oive mimbiru ati one ichool trusteea gb-ae ternmiexpires ti is rssse teltW. o. T. 1U. A Lae andi Compete Stock ci Seh oo ks Teib Md year. DornmiLimberry anti Waler Amorîcan Garision, Knlgbim of tise vhmitodani u ai tise A tait RuW ocen Neeuuii Acion have bth serveti thair ftUi Globe. bîllietanuel banquet hidal ain iiDi ator oI terni as contable. Mr. Llmbery ulght ot the Tovn Hall. Anexcellent tion, aing th"ai6"i*modo îExPac __________ vll ian bacaniat.Mn. Acien musical progrn enstertanei lthe aDyhaprenco Smant ud b vua m iUe ba ltJt declnt himielf. John Kulgila and tileir friande unitiebail thefima iu ~lU L~m V m L m Limberlfi ferTnhighviy comms- banquet, eti vilciC. M. Durantipre- tie.o! - -. - - - - - Il~ alurl n uApril, anti isher hoi sdedetasmumater. Tiser. voe e. ntemuru-lf«wi rdM ibryi W,,, ry aga la nos inovia. Fred aponseis y Dr. Chai. GaUovaJ, Paulmcheoidbyl. Orokewviiagain Se candidate Sor MioGuMui, Dr. B B.H. asiR, W. 1. Thei OoUMI7 OcafiroissWi b. h«M o tovo cliii. . E. Churchill anud. L. IDevia anti W. E. MUillilU 09 viicilu thse MauisoflmicisIsOb nlires7114SCHOOL.NOTES. 50 0O «lisser Berghorn mare oproet ust m»dmat iO tu 1a baPPY valote, Mdonluie mruini m4ati aiOaCE. n" tluit Tise prograi lait Fritiay ateruioca Tiraineov eepice whîther ornus.otthey domine ta igala be b mounis. A mcciiidanse P - ing pcpam vii h.givi. AneuSaitvu. very lutemeiin. AOR*@ihiDMuin electioncocurs tise Oral Tuud$rla1 alulaelu*.nJeM by MM j«%« M oritmm enton si Reprt0a30,viregivd oallé«d Apeil viheb oet eaou th 0 400=uu4i r 4m'Do1%i aàa O R S35U.Ailcdi boom ai 1:30. nus. CUiIBoEXLL, Tisse ale Plisaalm a Patiem, par eet* ams.. I ,Pieu Supi.tae 5.14hme". Thé pauodu» Wt L-- 41 il iibstantiate.

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