Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1901, p. 7

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r '~t Tlctsiothns ïO bmd for a coUgb s COUe- . Ery coug ý your throst more raw -;'Irritable. Every cough coOt the lin- ling membrane ci ~Ur lungs. Cese tearing your hroat and IuWi in this way. Take Fromn the first dose the quiet and rest begin; the tickling in die îhroat ces; the cough disappears. There's nothing ao good for £cough as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. 'ftf5g las : k.. SIî.M. JWYM&ngghasmiiair 5as *y-r"'da"me dator s , w 5ae55'a A "£b .ataes WM& LKzzF Yeu 1a 'iT Aw 1us-rvi. f mac CAaXIOuE. SimIamm UNEi.Ls09aGOA4NtDH^ia IAS A.JTWiCo. B4os.,^a.s 'MI* Laid at onces Bratittuitig. reittuis. ipstlm sepaimaite. ttr~ordlesnIIY good 'tatnIt~tmrsilersd satali eriainre as. Itonts 551 kmsi'1t55 Nm..aa ai.. Esc Yosa. sird lima 8 Mental c bhelil I oitrers let lis be me la ut t3, blo sa ratdr oconnesît rut hed the pas- ag tif the eas goda rit 14; 1. ok h ps that the ere "the the Pen- tlaphuts." te jsîs. dl Dot b. aeve, be, i roda of id resint dîîgi sud y and su L. There- csl svben ta (lte bi'uý anti Jesus la fotibtiena liuaglent r In golîl ;,,nted tae ekoa tapçflran qtnameni-- esc farm. ant of lhe g. 'rboss ýaria'. arc from the o-nedy la iîh la tii. i.t relis- " a table. gfes front m &va.i th1e Nec 0.19>5 "M.Less- bld me lhti¶Ie %oas a Yale tmou. Do you Inca' istiraaa ii w-a g raduateitfrom! "Fronith11e sopbomove cita'."- liar lent Uic. a anies. C. "Il's no ise; Cbumpleigh nieyer 'hill have sense" "Nhy«? Whai bas he doue uo'?" ",Pin nie $10 1e osmed niere ight L frunt of my tllor." PU .A I PDELESS DYE9 du not irtain t1e handa or spot the ketile, s lathe Originall Boive of Imafflonsi IE~I~~W EK Ail EXPENSES MADE Bthie MAGIC LAMPI %- A«UkES ITS OWN OAS let f c oat f a cent for 8hours Of Perfout Ucbt. ".YPA FRu TIEMSELVU£ * ~Used b peUt.e Stbeu elir Bocey advocated the 4oti otf annihla 1 Ion-goo>lsoul he tboMbt it better titan lellig bumfld in bell Wthout. refornnstory purJioEO. at ay rate. Ou. dayiieerçe were mouh vlaittmait the bookstrîr ' 8, 1olteBch- erg, mliulters taurithrri.Md amans thent Dr. Hotehklss"rf ltre Washing- ton street Bnptlsta i iU 'h. Thè gub- ject of the taik uiirs -annihilation." The doctor Bsolîl î-an flot bear to think of Il, titi 1. wbo have lived .sbould flot iiiý ,, Sitting in the store waa anit h l ii fLjm Black Itoi'k naed i lo ddressed thte doctor thug: "I'lerù %i,, l ime when you diii fot exils. (l0, t,,r is'ie tlacre flt' 'f oi- - rertainly there waoa,' e jlfidi1lu I lý or. WriI rrwled Mr. Stuli, 'or yoti par i rular tuucottlble ln t iat i'was a panus-sud therp t11e tl1k r'îîtled, neiiter Stili nor ilite loritîr - i r g tifothier word. Here irid(il hi i r' 'i -ontin the bookltore. rDeaiiag wttb Cinte. ln Canada. îïrm th Chiciga Tlises-IIcr.idr- J..,il. The cititenA OF the Dominion or Catte ada have 5iut t'ange 10 ie prenud of tlirir record au law abding people. Jiti' an- outi repuort of the rinîinal maallaîs rus the Dominion, wbi('1 bar a pirpulalîou Of Over tilNXl,tOO. shouîs Ihat there were only 1i5eflîy lire indictmerls for mortier In INli9. ofrlîi,. on' lwo were lue fi 'I thoul ini laIliote. Elesen of tilose lndilir'îi wi're liilem. ine ac- quiIlcrl tnd Ilirée r'oniedasa Insane. C'8aariali a c'ountry of veut propor- tion-, ls peolel. art. allî.red oser a wlule ,rlrelr'11 of lerriîorvy makIug police "11riellia)lire Pal I rrriarly difficuit aud lu rîrnîîly dimlrirîs ilikesihle Id ta îity lise NSî'w lorI.or liir oalone furlîirhes a far greali*r riiilniua] liaI ct'ýr> yearn i rathie 5 ois'vas tri,'rili'iî of lîrrllorY frontr Qu1Ne' tlu aniruver. l'lie ('anailan, s,,ri'nlheheir imînui alisfrontrîr iure lIohe profîpî)nes, a 1h o i r i sh aina lms iiiteii ont t0 of- fr'niirs. %%"ieuî a flan lm a augll red- iuri'ilu the e al Of robbuig.anot irer ire 1 not re'ased on alrnw bail hy Solliejusrtice of theire ltve fron tele glisîro ugo out sud repeant1the ofense. Shaîrrpi and sure Jualie i. meted out 10 4-'iî'l onais of ail kirîdg. the recluit leiug lth %iien the gtarillana of the pulilli' îre:îî'e uceeed ln briniging a thrug lu 1the ltur tiîey are aelom calledi upon 10 joitilteint aaseonîl lime. i"rirlertuore. there are fesv courtr de- laya iu Canada wben a crminsi ln lro ught tir book. T11cy bave no I)ri er 1 cases os'er Ibere. Thîre are niçîh. odt. o iereliy Canaitian crialasa ra hai s'lir linrreinaslayed froin 111%îrl h Ioi liollîli andi front Year lu i'enr or u1 ter Pc Ii g coltv iî'd, aplien] Ilfon one iuurîr tri anober ontil wllnî gsac dle' of inn tge or oîrlorlunilies for (or- Irutîl irîrun e rfunr, Nov does thiua lift mrhd of real Ing a ii wrolg ilies In <anarta ]eave t e innocent iiauiie l. pro1erly dî'fend thýiieIvëg. 'Meic>have aIl the oupor- tliie'sasd îrivilegv% Ihal oDur 0551 taame end to<i 0 lcp.The calent to aiielîl the goulty lalutnkiug-Ibul la ajil 'Thi altose taken trou'thle clitoriai coliu of te Tîmea Herald gives aome dca of 1the imuniuty front crime Ihai lu Caiada. anî tli1 la one or the mauy Indoi'nienla beid out for Ameni- cana lu sellie ln 1the district known as Westlern Canada. %iThe sesson ofr11101 at'li set? a fev' uew secions of the coun- tr>' opened up for setIllement. Titey art attractive ln every respect. Itlul under- sluod Ihal one of the beat Indlan re- serses lu the femouts vaiiey of the S'askali'bew'au wlll lie OPened op Ihi' yeitr. sud an Invitation lt î'xlended ta thlinsse seirng lbonnes ilnia le lnlutiriea. The pire of th(i- landilm aaid làiLe none unal. Itesîdea heqe lanuds,. the riverai railwa *ay 'ompanlea have lands ho seIl alaothie governmenl. For iîartii'lllarîs ssrlle 10 the agent of the gosernient, whomé advertiaement uppeurs elme L e The Grieais. tr a. Invention. Thei'hitti eiie 4a îh.irgi' - B. i>'i' u. I. . A . tm î'rerlliii Ir 'tiar" iv:gzlî sith i li îg îiiiii e iiititti tiltilit iy eurg a rî ieIniit thle aiIl iiig f cielns 11110 liii irail iîloîîg t11wiusor r-ti shoîre'b3ilosig thlîrr ahilir.rîand 'r' Ing ltihessîîîîr frotteî liteilie et n ui sani fina it ggîeti to Lienîth.ii'use o f te isalbr jc t aun a:îlie J aiikiig piles lut sand. At ony ratelaus lig rîgi as lS.'2 o water jet 'an3»titairIbt'y Ietril Iiil' ltts rî iti'. îîîîîrr l)iii n iik's fro r it f aito t ti'eht'ir ttl nIer was firr"î'l tîrrîîglietI rîririiirîN' ruIlier h~,oire s'lh ra ilis'aof ut l oniii' i th(- endilfor et no'tzie' 'luis oasII ilose 10 the jpile 011 thie lotitoi.thei'jr'l f No it.ý e rii'îtil th le sariiol O riyfri r the pilhe anîd maki îg a Lroe. leiluir thlil 1e salli-,trildly. RAIDER IS SHOT DOWN. lladly W onded IWhiste Sissainuo it -ta tPeka J. W. Adltînt-, ruts iuiniy î iunlu'rI dur- ingu id on theiii'('urati inble'aaIe ltqnor litu- nis'o'lrn'Kit an . A 'arlorid ut i nir i icuiiffloauni' uniliuig te day andri ni,ri hit audi mioss it ,]dges uni rat uluena bliuc openite ilium sud auntshusi tiieî-ase'. Adiulmaas 1e ias stC o tu apulàirmrinî 'te lw es . F. W', Emersonu%%us rsalsulititn, bit nul asiouuly. 'The' Iolice aprîrareri spon the seene afler Iait a carload if beer 1usd been de- atro3tni, saliiirr a figbl 1insshch lhlrly shulu sieur' lýire-i art estes the 1cr. 1F. 'W. Ennensal, patîr f 1the Final Christian Chnînn'h, am leadu-r, nd ailt ite raiders, a ho ireemsen. Dr. '. IL. Mitliueii, ex- city physipian, waa arreted aus a nuem- ber ufth11e toh. The place raides] was a aholeirale atîppi> bouse, alîcre Kausas Cit> Irteîseriea keep fromntssu lu tree cariniada of keg sud boîlle heer wiîh ahi h lu suppniy joint traitelun1the ity, I, Bî . ss, aions man- ager on hnr reni lecture tour. Notes of Carrnt I Eents. Mes . tin> VinWod. 103, Phiiadetphiu. hurnîur'r Indi,îlh. Was lryiug ho light lien pipers. IMoui rmked ail 11er lite, snd iras i grosi vlîlit. Cbieiig.sot " riiway company bas la- sses] ordres îîg9nînîst cundiletuna eWLing ,)nionsî. If te nndrutsladetan'led oui their areath Ir h,-l'iichan'gert. Cill s iiinga b'nilrfiS'hrnîn'> ybeain a modernrrpnriii'lnit bouuse huis been accrei pliîerl inn ('iiagîr. fine elulenrw'un i n- dis inuai Ias tîutuinthalt th ec incelus jg UalNs bru'.> surnn ai> lentai nila homon inhue'tiri fluor as in a buirîrs tre lu in 'the nii Rer. F. NV. iimntsatItls. Cii"gu.% hnrougitt ita brkofi uptodme. A moi)rg *heuu areeingit frcrieri> acriileiil toEu- ge e hiu! 'ini' irrearier sa)>amie irnte and irise their'îimFholdu'id Alr"-s'plan bas becs. proposeut for ai-, Imiig ci'"fureal reaervalious that 'eau' s ylsan a a;benoacuuiiig of lbIcyeuri. Itbysunlanm are urging thul places of atiel' ter lie ermnteui in 1the moutnioass lanss wbere putimonary invalide, ton poor tu go, treguan aunilarla, muy-at litth oiCou getthe. haneft of pore air ad outdoair WOU OF CONGRESS. REVIEW 0F IMPORTANT LEGIS.' LATION ENACTED. Apouroprlgtiaas lHench au 1. aatiaaly Igrie Fgs.-, Agitr.gsli.u f- th.s TtesisaApp-ozi-atet-y $1,4517,- 20>9,457- aîport-il 311re..a.e. I'amad. Asîrle frirur irt lîrtoiaîndarrIla- Walloan arts tIti l'flsilîi trogesalas Il .fi iali ra u'î"tiriut I Lg I militen t gril ' it of aurrîrît $1l.t,OKsl. 000I, lfi ig 14,te rîltii br. cii tttld andî sii 'i r i 'i r, iti tig lhei' lirhiîg toi th1e Iritkii;t;,î'n otrf ItI' I r'rsi I'3. or go ni5ing n'e IILîLEriSîriis ainîy ail a barri,'i f lil xi îo( rî e rtrîrî'îî Ilng le ,rî n i i liirr t îî Cougri".s )il thle ir5s 0f hn tr%éitIt i rtiîs girlig 'free r irjî it the inrli.nandfs s: roirlîg LoI h ; il un i ; ri'r il' i tint irea t lir" ilîr'a'il sithourîin hal tiln un the 'i,i.r.lgtian cr ialti bi, iii' sl iitl §II liii,iy n1,411, he 1>Iîr'îf'ini tia e illî and liii îir'iiîî i irir l itl. alii lu r rrtiiflnsr'nr'ltan rinimually large fgi' raig ofIrrthet.. Issuies- ls about1i,1t (lelis lth lthe aggre- gale' aplIrIq,lli raIrrîtsof ltîe Croen-n(r gris., hîi, if tr.'î n ii, 1iriod of tIhe Siiiisliti i lieu lthe aprorlia- lirrîroanrin hI I i'y rar riptri o$81e,231, 6115. 'Thr'trIa le frî iîr h I atI IsVsessin%,ita asah îiîirrizeil hp l'liîruuau('ationrîtof lthe îrrs'îriilits' rît atprorpriationst, i) lsl frrllriis: Aproprîriatirons. lirsi -s 1 sirîri.,iirli i king foînd. $710,.0),i cliuiling iikilitifrînî, $4, 85> Trhe rait rerrrg.rnîzîng th1e srmîy and plaing th1e îîuiliry emttublinhmitt ou a pî'rîîatî'at baums jrnrlaily intah1e mont im- ponr tntîtece ortgi-Ilra i leirtalaltinrit aî'led i îtiin Ile r Iiti,1 ustesil of 1planning for ao llrirl'y extrusion of L tvlii'e-ir s;air.teSe-r relary itoot de- viseriil i il le lét in ,fIira'tiitlete nerîrgan izirtuon orth11e urmrî rit îrierîî niililry file".nili IL a niîsiruul ree îr loll men l oi utl rîîîîîîîîr 'i of iin îl 13.40W)<. Au iinai.sorrîrrllth' arîti tbil rus ides a slsitdîng airuîy LIi,'rîsttof filteeti regi Ilîetrulof rasaîrý. ,îIirrps of aîlillry, lhrrtyrrgilul lita. 'filtfîIlrii ui'eiietefl' brigaîdi'eg r ilandiihe ua1 ataff incris.ITli' inn regiotenlal rîrgallilation of ,lhe ,, 1rIlîryi. onîri iiîîtrier . Arrîlur- ity langîr enth 1e presirleul liiEn'liai on- Ithe P hîilipintes, wheuneýesally regiirca i. , unI lî 'Or î.'ri1,LM51 iar. A provsialnaIi r'gimiettof Porrtrr Ittof liala 0 a4irrosîrteri A eteaîîîcf the e t is 1the yrohi lutjoli oftIlle m alenrf liter, amitle or any i11itor'-;ti luCliqrnriin nitii>puni. ex- change. irtlil urt- . lari' l'e ire Iîtîlr i l l ii lru heen ut tînrisîiail ipoirtance'i. and hits irirtrîsou n r hestrttote 1lîiristahe ln% v euîaishing nIth.' gnrid sandard, r riig frr r 'îîî rî alîrl i .sl' of liii ialrrst- t'arrîtig bouoiel llig ori itie0f Uicnited Sttes. î'trlii-h'r a arni onogoîdri e- Etir'e,îof $ ,î.5 (St'gillut i a Itinl ho îks uni atîakiîtg nlrrosjrusîsiona treslieeting cîrî'îlatron said1the ta'.onrr- ecolatiu. Titis uiea.sure was tafted 11> dleadersnof larI b lonîuesrrrtu lthe mItet- '-ing rof oagrîsaA aur Irisante a caîtns n teasore. Atler ils pasage soinequcs- lion aone as lu 1the îtîunrîielauce ofth11e pau'ty of t111e tils nîtier t hertba ut th1e bill. Btilal. ii reiitigbitfnature hase lebeen repainted, sieifically reqiring t11e Ilexclhange of gîrîrifor tiiIilard ailser dol- laisam No action hbsheen lakeaiou tiem, bowescn. T~he reventie legislaltian of th1e Congresa bas9han ern eonied tu an effort tirredîte th1e taxation îtaposed vwhiu the amar a th Sptint iegau. r- he1et ai pprupriating lu the ME-erii MStates thi'ir ceîiresittioin ît he lion"a uf tt'ireranlltsa oluîe as a ue.ult of the lii clfth ('4,11.41'r he isusils dis- elost'd varionrs itrni'ses intIh,' States, 01* ' a îr iîcss Iirasaor relîreseol aI iil wsax prepreilba.e o te, -haigd voudîlion of triaerpopuselatin. Ari s tfin 1 liOrtdte tol . rr ls 'i tlEs itr a l.:U(it i e th ru hé-,aiî ori alliut'.hal n h e- a27tiig il ViWastlPinat rceneulalleun rin,%irhilie lrnislicr I hlla roug re- sirirls' igalîîin i Eil be 'nîteil. The Si liî' alirireri itîti-ii tî,îg rrigabus in lii' îniiitrtiar aaeti aîuprrinriiîu bill brubil ILitroaioed frctIhi'ist dutVAof the, tui'rio iailtlnrine îrsl st hat reatrie 19 huas onr hriitg are. Ir) rI, itoiséd. [I 13i'"ilr" Ii'rlle t ino rn I bill, iased by 't- telii ita'nulit otur , 'Il tirîrul lithe t Sa r .Il r'aîiriiri îiîinnug rnUstitU- i rîr I -)ttii'tn iti t g ýtr iz 1 - dlign a ii il, theii rrr s'rli Il .r'ina-si us efeâaled lu the iirirurh lîr'tre il Irirtgtrrrd nas "Y hît ufflîri;tihi' urusiril iii a ndtn ltiIiîîri. Ilit' it orir tir if thetfeierai '00 i Ii a le Its i, ,. A London paper annow, t;es hiat the' Bishop or Liverpool iî., requested girls wlto ara candidat-" for confir mallon Lot 10 vear hainji, mas 1.1ey prhs'k hia hands lun the àa tof layilug theitu 01). M'ben Doctor Creiglîtîr , hue late Blsbop of London. was aked aoîîî- tinte ugo howv ie olved r.auiurproir lent, 1e repied: -I confii'm ailth11e Irr rsonaly andritransfer Ibose Yoliig lînrcuplnea t0 loy suffragan. who Is . r id vitrait> rarsnian, wilh the csî i-i lîsuda of a iriakgmlt." Cannesas.i( -a b= ~ applcatios. sa tlty C--uaIeaecîthe, dportion nt te -1ar'Il-i.i1.Isnly ns ca l ayt rs DcaSassa. as nr ha s by coutta. g.onsi reittedlca.Delàitems la.n ,î-"dily as lu- ^ ga OmI t.tiCo f te tairlnia a01thet EoalaehtuTusW lienChkis Ir egxtalaineitM tihavea r flltitI otri o i roenft'. l. adti c tg ILtg MnU 1 eh1. " f et..l 11eresaIt. alm unisasthe'b. OItut11,rîrrînau cab.i tahen sut mud thii tbe riSsu'. t is lanantiai condition. bIîl il] ha ilc-.1d freer. cne Cassati t SSIiare w-isi lv caarrhr chicit la mOtItlgIU&ba Mta -edrodigos uf the MU.oaaIrt.. We cii pilaOn. luitdncst inilefoc au,! c&aeOft tDmtueau estistl ý t-h n tirat eaant betcle etrtiIy BaH a C-au U . irlforecie F. J. CFRME & Co., Th.da. o. iWSoiti ly DSlifite. 7lC. Womaen on Ruisian IlsiWays. Accordiog 10 a Ruasia nr'rrrepoui dent the -bief of 111e lffiri t vral rail- wa>lias aaked permiasi. i frointhlie muniser of commuriaili atir permit Ihose womnuwito hasi' i i îîpassed b> 1the railwuy scitool fi a .rnalf to be eîtpln>'etlon te ailwn ay . s starion- maslera and ubslatlirîrî. "eva, log- gage lnaiieu'ors and te1li'ii'h'n ii5lpe'ihl leodeols, atîuce ln 1ha51,t.[' f tuSSIR there lma agrent liof1ii;inntetl tand reIi*hle muei. Tbhe oIt- nnf uin muuig'olir,îîlias approîrri 'f the ne- iluest. If Cufs. iOlto,. iY. cmnnavoir digestionu,maliresarmanprvous sud talla.. comuplexiti-Ini ikeepa 705u awake tîrgitîs and selsaf. 'i our &ys [eiutgeuenali>. tny Grain-(t), '!l nesi' fod dîiIt usmade or ituce '. r'eed grais sud is healthfai. nouruir r g ï,aundappe- i'aflee, yeI il im j usIt a un "tisa I 1the Isate, suit aheu propîni î irepefesi cunu e.c bold tnom the fittucioffees. Coitîa ,iatt % as much. h ns a healtIifnilubie drîlian trte 'hîhd,'s ssiiaduls, Au. ruar grocer for Grata O. 15 and 25c. Relguauret tiin.It owba u n io r'îin t oi d ' a st ed te youug nîîîltornif Titie booklmain "WN'el. judgiug frýi nu sîbth11e phl ebasers '4Yit is la rnguarse1" t luasCubaI tit unt Chappie ilaei ImtIyou lbink sur ciely lu an iliuîty ~g MIýs Flîlier 1i1i it there are lt cf eupî> Ihinngs ni "i nty--Sma.rt Sel. Comgiiug Lesto Cosuaptio. Kempa* Boasm relUmTp te rugit at once. Go tInn ti iciîgugn-t to-day snd gel s matmple botLliefiee S' iiiin 25 gîti 50- tent bottles. Go auttntr.delsys are dao- Settilug ot un i iii ".il'e pilgrIluinige, nliite lui tb% .selif ns l'l i '.nI ts thou t'a usi Kitow Weil tiîut nahlil 1n i rd hoiy tleu es of Meeca' lhaven in ithe valtue uita lat mamered the Cs'owd. The iuwycr wiso evldently consiera lite ouaeituge. couitnuous jote entered th1e eterk' a office uith11e city hall yeter day wit asu expresaloîî of extremae ra- diance oserapreatilng big countenance. The lents tand othors basing businessl TRAIN. The Empire OfaS. Yutiwea-Whettlit Do«s Dal end 130_ It Doe. lit. *i'11ere hIo oly ou@ train ln 1the 000f. try tbat-exceedu flfty miles anu h uI gpeed for 100 milest run. anId111,1laq111e Emîpire ltate Expresir lPublic Ladg- er. lbiliadeipbla. Trhe Ledger nuiglt havé sdfled that Ibis great train average'. tifîy-tbrea' sud one4t11rd miles pi n i ov for 1the cutire dîsîae from Nri,') 01k 1 Bof- falo, 440 miles, lnrluirig four stops and twenîy.elght aIea rira îr: Ihotl il do"a Ibis cacit business (laiof the yesr. Tiîe attention w111e11lir(-Eti lre State Express bas attracli'il n 'r 'r s%,ountry of the world bas lîros iii olte of te greoteat advertlaemenls t'"' Alnerlcan inaebioery sud ..errar i'lo a ta bas ever been i1it forlîr r rutttlIballt New York Central sud l1irliirfiItls'îr Rulroad Comptny l i t ied 10 111e thunke ot uot only 111enrir e Stale ouf New York, bot of evenr .eî'aon in 1the U'nited Staleg from one ci) i of the lano 1.0 the 111r for plac'rîg iefore the world au object lemmon ,n thout an equal. -Frotuth11e Syrarus' l'ost-Stand- ard.1 Prepare-d tirCarse, TIhe mtuist ru mans djuil îg 'as t1 the fatîily for 1h.' iraI tlime begsu teecoli % i'rsation. reporîed by tie lPhila- "Vi'asti'itu it e jinner4rehi that Just rîîîg'" te straliger asheit "-s"reîrtIe'u the oij frieîîd of th1e fainit>. "'1'iiîn iseres the bost going? I ju a sui tmplias dowuthue hall withî bic overn ot ." -'rit an'u' an oerolt: Il was a mackintosh. IVu'are golîîg 1e have roasaI iu'k.- Wh.t Do tise Cbilnir. Driuh? Dont ise them test ar coffee. Have yen triedti he nec fouit drinrkcalieri OEA 15 O' Il is deIiliürals aut soucisin lsg aud laIes the pace of cofee. The more tlîmiît O Yoitgise the cblidren the mlore halh )ortut tnt i i ule 111roîghth111rs a> teetu. traiu O lanmade of pare grains. endt aheu pt'oieriy prepareti tastes ie the ehoîce grades of eoltee, bat resoa about t4 as uacb, Al gracens ellIli. 15c andi 25c.î "Id lite te have my hîîstand go htintng." "Vioes 1e bit anythingi" "I dont 11111k se;lbitl as 1 neyer osk any questIonts about thue gante 1e bringu. inine lte always itîys nue a tandsonte îîreseat of omue tiud," Detroil l"ree l'ruutt, Waaington Excamion. Aeotînt the Inaîugurtion.1the lBig l'uri.iteaiieaime andt>OhioIRoute 11the Rite, Alirs andi listu leit Ii iteiss' hili Sil, rus auit.' e faie'nu' t o isitia ripci. iNlarvlt 1, 2, 3, guud tir cave W'ashintlon tutil Mah tS. Ahie 3 . C. ', .heu. Nu.. Agi. '-34 Clark sîne, Arnerkcan ltsmlrtad Lasl yniir tue î'îtlouds oethe1enoun- lry enrntiai$1:nn.S.ianud neieîi TO CURE A COt.D IN ONE DAY Take Laxative tBromo Quinine Tabieta. Ali drugîlatsretond tire noney If t t ailla tecur. It.ý s.(ttaiignaure ait.iach box,.l26a. lmtii iui AIlhinius the 'fontiîiîît of h 'mu nirdîî l tssiIi er inîiiblrii itî, if I(tit0u1i Niuli g. iarcsaAuvllus, 0 -' .u- - - - - ' , ýae's Fsmnlly SMedicine heur-O ur --Mor"es 1ebosela escb uay. In onde, I uti sut-n'li i P ii- rnsîruarîîtî inn In 1eh uaý-li t i is i., ltre asay. Ar ta sas eti ni , tIir î' nrsa agir. iruge'aiy oa the livur uidkihiis'3. Cure* 'lhoa. Itubbinsi- Iple ,nreet., uss id, bnk eadacbe. Price '25 sud S5ic. s,1.Feu. 17, Ilsi 'ilhtiir'yliiivniii uutu' tiu Th Du Le of V irgrtwas blessrn t m 'unp it u iniiiîî' MaIlhao itooiutinn' of generonsIt s lhqtnaîi'i, o iiiesîbr i >liatit s it propîortions. a tlilou. OF:R iTH E l Regard Peruna as Their Shield AanVa~. Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrhal Diséias. ti y ti Il ti ta Ilueae patiemt$, '] eai YOD àl't maia.' Titey will generatly tapiy,, 1 ese hadsi asceitMy nmass$14p e.,. a 0aDU lrestit la sot tha . ' -1 i &mnDoautIrsblet cllh rauxitima or sp1thlDlngO St 5 orter dîsagrei - .ymplta sor ra tarrit.' But. My dcnt, nadat. leu mal base ce tarrh 211 the ama..eC- larrit la t aï- W."naliauslu l lteitead. Tais otay bhase smrit of te vluaga, or stomaceit.orlilver. or kldneym. ad espectliy luJays :,.ilr. C., luss eu<rt arritof et! reto te pelvis arasas" y.*I laite ct*ute .551 !na... LauMy onsaay. -I blussefote pus lies a prearltint ene leda tis dOclre f oc ongity eusals te lsI t orty Il 1 * eSeWO% yen. but tere' remedy.-' -ob are aTat uati- 5~ tude et "~a .ita iaveeneser hearat It let. C" sattmasy orana et teludy. Wei especially lhalte te ratarrit et tiN ogs.Titera are os. bat*ritq Slntof te psile e *to tarrh te e hd. H629.Iê'x cnae they bave. s a aIs efta they haye sot catarrés st ait. ThIa I sti.bahe, and a thl.causaet1 M siacu S&Bddett." If leu do sot derive prompt «u tactory rebelte trou lte Donae write et une* teDr, Haras.. ais statemataofror case adbe le gISayooleu is ailute gratin. Atidrees Dr. Hfaptatan. Pred«i Harta ganstte#a. Coosit. « âmiL asmlg55test b -ttii.'n am une,,N TE& mRKYWN.IU -ea-a- a-sa -is- - -ts -i-ai -S - -Da -a-a. - - TUE TABLET ln the office utait e timîe n'ea"sVd'îipir several ipuraullA. Ex îri'riencep brait tangîit II tî In hat lthe s fol iairi la ss yer o'ouid Ray soîoeîhiîtg o ut enter- tainlng charocler. "lGnt1er 'rouîil(, boys", -lit- sai] ".I ha-aaîl or Yon iîla norrugIl's 111e best .o fr flth erî,,,rliti 'lie speaker îraumeî'l.'Ilr' thiîr asi 1, 1u1I11)sal ted for sihal s'.as roîr lnrgý "N ss' aen rtn r1 .'rn'sîîiî'ri l th' Ita ver,.'îtiililite i'he icaiity of Iti' ii hîilinbeîss'ell Itle I lre sertlots of I iis littie teonuruiuu liere Itlal -If the p[ira nîaltet' iîrioiîd slat the zoo andriss ui' tiere hlic enl ly the a ldi oit mal. ,ii l sst IOr'ilo'ould i t ie?" 'ltrlr a noltar îpaumae.Finaill tli- r ierl, ti r'iirgs' of 1the doct@a eLi I u ,, 1r itl-rrî "Ile '11'ouid be ail day s ýlh iti' 11051 uuaster." "Vnrtît nrîîirîivssrolig," commnent- cd lue lais y,,r 'I diriul ask w-bat lime,;I1ttskt'rlsi laI o 'lo'k %ouod lt ire."- A tirdnriirse Titen h> getieral con- menît Iuthiisu 'r o as renînested. The latwsyer go >iy nr iiournc'id "AIe, P.' Before liai'glitiriirg han ner'oscer,l thei'liawy'r hîdtd itiled front th1e roont ond 'isas hietded for 1the court of op- irealn 10 Ir> 1the potiîiasti'r zo-o'iid tanmais î'oîîudrîuîîî oîr lihi' igiier tri- buirul -Walhigluîi Stan. A Remedy roc the Grip. l'hy.iciana ritcommnieui iENIVi'S BAL. SA-Ni for pttlenîs aliuir led s a ,iteh-glui. s. il s eaîîet'iîîly tvd ar'ifor lthe 111rua, suri ilns. Dorut %ssii Ifour1thetrl>t r p- roua.,iîît gel a bouîle lui rly atr and c-1)il ir an tr nfor tige the moîtocul t isi.neerleil. If uegleetlrth1e grîp linitiga on pnieîuniu niîrî. KEh PIUSBALSAM li reslens lIns lîr keepitîg Il, cosgb l ande sth1e langa trr- fiomuitiiaiomali"it. Ail deggiats, , 25, and 50c. remOrt of nleSd thet s viàtli tua aituttàil "ihe Sas- i d-V~iisd i terni ut ehi lu the imaii'Sti liltnk of s nn other hber ut a d'le Kase. .ni titi di- lent'. 'Cte I lu bars tilacl pies, ring111sf laitIrophe. lhe cieve» iîlîl of n t'ns libi' ire- mi fen' miii, ste ut un a iuug thora- lunrate de- oîîid liave rOttesieuî'e bingu fut 'ruîn On t. Neyer' na a Cccr eIeh"5 lui- t. It aa il., hit Ir t'ter'ff lite, Sand sor- qtle. T~he a courage tir or 1550 net] gil generatiy -n'a oif lia- rinierdiue- traulur'# rinl heli's lung lu lthe iniîtg re- I nî horri' Ilartpt te 'rtîon. but unth11e ex- l tie bis .uresl andl muid leaul th1e Mes. aldasu% a if sucih au ins' detal r'ofniinenl ceu ragfe finra 11e un sislitl of yru. 'allad you ta ssas a 1u'W't are Ies . TPetton, Mn,. T. Pelts, 562 SBt. AuItOny asnuse, Si. Psî, Mina *ries: "['crns.i miasoecooderi for me. Ittuas caced i ny hemdaceansd palpitation tfthe tesit: ita* b.11t:up MI chole symIen, i eteea'futty recammues P ranstaeauIlsufer- eri afficleti cîit catarrit, tMy fotter ls sesar cithoul Perusa, Whea ose Iv tre ad geuerslly aut of murha, If Peina s lmltes Itl imaeltste!y ecuoves th.t I.retifeein. ['c.rmas cres estarritbbreaeisg thc casse. iusemsea Muncuas Deatls D)r. Itartaatlthe compoubadcrfPermba, sace malti.eta l ecture le cumear "A'zgremt noma1-r ut conscsatm .""ry yem r. , often ha. occasio a s Sour Stomach ? C_'. L:',) a sever, and you poion the whole nngh11rhood. Ciog up liver tond bowets, and your stomach Ix buLl of undlgcnicd food, wtich sonnsa tnd fermeJntstIke garbage ln a swill-barvel. Th1at's the f Irai aîap 10 untld miary-indlgeation, fout gases. headache. furred longue, bad bveath, yeIi a akIn, menalatfeara, everylhnng Ihat la horrible tnd nauseatung. CASCARETS qietiy. positivety stop fermentation unl. stomach, mine 1the liver llvehy. lone up the boeucs, set 1the whole machin"r going and keep il ln order. Don't heaitate Takc CASCARETS to-day and bc aaved fuom suffeislnft I à Af0ler 1 wea edsmos edlb 0.8 & - .ich My a sams us~ WiM bulswwwimesa. lie remtitssse fS MWecusA" hes. JO*. KuanaBe, -dlmi Cogrm st .. t. L u s Pe! BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. tc.O NEVER SOLDWIBL. DRUGGISTS MAS. SELVA A LOCKWUO) L TE CANDIOATE FOR 1111 PRISIE9Y., MIr#. Beiva Locwod, teý erInnt haisirter, af Wuhgtou, D. C lu h 1e a chu ha% 55cr blieca rsulrhae for te lreaIdeacy of te Umie ttt ta kauca cuBs la Anerica As.teae er uther ses ia. the1 1.uutlphtmm gstiteres fane ardfotunae.,Ila sleller luThe Perana Med luleCompsy, gls fe 1 have used yoar Peraa both for myseli Mard' <owk M rs. Hfanah J. Bennett, now ln hcr SSth ycar, Mad 1NMW Il 4W Invalabfle reincdy for cold, catarrh, boy lever and Uadrud dIi.. eases; also a good tanlc for leeble and old people, or tOa*W down, and wlth ncrves unstrung. "1-Belva A. Lockvoodd. ýi

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