mws. Farm Machinmr 0f All Kinds. W. 'ifl b. prepared to show the best stock of farm machinery and farin tools ever ex.hited in IAbertyville, this year. Will be headquarters for ail kindis of fari maechinery. Cail and let us talk it over-NOW'S THE TIME. We ame prepared to do al kinde of tin, aheet iran, plumbillg, steam fitting and windmill work. (bcd work a a fair price. Our shop is always open. SPRING WORK ..... Amc you prepared for It? W. are ready to sel yon reliable machinery, in faet th best, and at right prices. See us bef ore buyxng. The. Lake County Telephone Corpany .... CONNECTS WITH,... -The Chilcago Telephone Company. Have you a 'Phone in your residence or place of business? If you want to b. up wlth the tlnes you should have. The expense ls nominal, only a few cents a day. F'or Ifflormation, rates, etc., write-- CONTIACT DEPARTMVENT, Lake County Telephone Company, LbertyvllWleilnols. 0F SAUERS' YshNy qOwRo~te Qood Rio Coffee, 13e a lb, 2 lbo for..- .-'$.25 Good Santos Coffee, 18Se a lb, 6 lb. for. . i10 F].ncy Santos Coffee, 20e a lb, bi lb. for . 1.00 Famny Peab.rry Coffee, 22e a lb, 5 lb. for. 1.00o Fany Maracaibo Coffee, 2bca lb 41 lb... 1.00 Faney Java and Mocha (Joffee, 25e a lb. 41 Ibofor ................1.00 Granalated Sugar, 18 lbe for .. .... .0 Yeaat Foam, per package.,........... .03 *ood Prunes, 6c a lb, 6 lb. for ....... .25 Best large size Prunes, 9o a lb, 8 lbs for. .25 A complete line of good groceries always on hand. GIVE US A CALL. V. SAUER & SON, succcesôÔraO V. SAUER & BRO. Loag Grevq - - immole. If you burn coal just cali around and order your gupply of us. We handIe the famous WRIGHT BROSBI - - Illinole. ~t Jiepeietlcads ail others--- moem e v ohms.Lt a bppel a urlo.d ef live tO* laa* tioday. Joa a Mg musaton Agent At Stevens' Poat vie,, thia woek. $eV"almare fermera oteniplate ahipping milk bct h.elty herenter. tira. E. J. Wlley vii returu te ber bou. a Basobel, Wln., not tionday. Buainea u nlockefeller la golng te boom h. Jyear aà It bon dans belore. Earry ramer and Myran Weila ver. absent tram scool Ibis week on aceount oai me. tira. Lang, 0f Chicago. Ba ster ai Uira. Peter Liohtteld ie vinitiug stt1h. LiohttId hame at prenons. The fieI thinga Ihat aught to b. attendod ta iis îiprlng are the aide- vaika, crosîluge and ronds ai the village. Mir. Grlhy, of the fdrm of Uridley tiaxon & Ca., of South Water Street, Chicago, vasâ lu lavu at Tuenday laoklug aler buisnesasinterests. Al that resîde tu thua village try what you eau do te help l aloug. If yau @aLuot do auything es. apsak a gaod word for iB. Il thoreare axeiuIt lu it do what you ean, emedy them. do nos mun it down, let some ans ataid: do tht. la regard ta a town hall would It nat lie a gaod ide& ta take sous action looking tavard tht eud. iiackeleiher would b. a goal place tu whlcb ta hald so*ty meetinga and gathernugs oi an, kind. Lot ail that are lipioroted in the question take hald. Laat londay w.. the auniveraary ai the birth ai il. W. Cook, and tMr. and tir. J. M. Wheaton, QI Chicago, lira Jesaje Druxy and son Leuansd John Cook, of Diamand Lake, aud tUr. and Rra. E. Cook, of!(limer, apoul the day st his homo. A royal gond time w.. enjoyod hy ail sud we wlsh Ur. Cook mauy happy raturu» ai th day. ÀAcseool otertalumeut will ho given j hy home talent as the achool hanne Pnlday eveniug, 44arch lI, aI 8 o'oluck. The apeclalfeaaures are goad music, bath vocal and instrument&], sud aJ play entted, -«Uucle Jaok." Admis- aion, 20e; achool ehildxsu 100. Pro. ceoda wlll ho ussd in purehaalng anollior met af Illinois Pupila' Roadlng CirclISBookae. This la the lime af the yeax whsn the people move. oipeclally lu tise ooutry. Rockefeller sud vcinity wiii s. quit. à liltie aifl this ipring. Ar.ady thore la sýymptona aofl. E. J. Butterfiuld liai move<* mb 0eue of the vacant honues thia week and Frank Kulgge sud ianlly ara once mors roideuts of Our village. We hein tram a worthy source that R. A. BIlai snd famtly will Join us Booe. tir, sud aire. jauaom sund ira. Lousie Raudy conteuplate takiug up their abode in aur village. lindoubtedly there wihI b. Do empty houbsain this lown twa nontha hoes. A Horrible Outbreak --Of large sores an my ligttI daugita eribd developed inoa socae of ical hesI" vnites 0. D. labill, ai Mrganton, Tenu., but Bucklenm &anc& Salve conplsteîy cured ber. Ia a guarsteed cure for Besema, Tetter, Sai lisun, implea, bores, Ulcers sud Piles.(Only 26 contea t F. B. Lvm.a, Lihrtyvîlle, GRIBYaLàxz PRUàiusos. Thoughta on Pelât and Preneesi The fllawing linos are respectfully dodicated ta Ivanbae: 0. Ivaulso,,! . Ivanusce! thon once illu.strons bave:w la eholaralslp and Industry thon did bavei snob renown; Tho nhurcbsnd ail tepeopl i,,dithe weeooue baud extend Ta aIl the hsarb.alek plgriï. Who te thee theirwvsy dld ,nd. The nbueh. tien reunneand lourlshing, on liru foundaion aLood; ls faunders ver,, Its pllars Lhon, Lt-se men nrus and goad. Thb5y ovdel blsîrasebroved Lbrlr ohurohb vwlS bearbs unted strong They, alusd te spread the gospel aud to pusl thevorka&loua. 0 . Ivaubos! 0. IvaLnhoe! wvbeare Lbose nt. erans nov, > Whotoneuto, al tIe meetings amue blreist raineor olet or 50w; Whold ofiailblhir bieseia in la s andu R6 veetsgoDe by. SAnd beftd0a i mnupon the blrono hc hsiken lto ler r? ME*Sê,1. hfozme aofhmbis Set quise bbgar eomlng rou Wu« lut1 vet. B. Z. Joes and tanfily vini remcove 10 1h01? 011 hone lu wausau, Wis.. ln a tew Ows. Oou5ilerable maviug vili b. Ione by au* 0f Onrt esnthé latter part of tbis wMak. tira Funk Notinghaminu dIdaugli- ter. 0f Ouylg,. vre lieras undayvl. iug villi lire. Balati.. Wm. Gager aud vii., oaimpîcg, viitel 'kt Dr. Young'& sud allier rae- tives mltentr part ai lut veeol. J. lie0ormick alarted for OaiUtornis th. IaiM Of tbe woek. fie wt, lia beau Ihffe son. lime, on aoount of lier healal. E1MUMatF arrell wus home froin chii- -ag0 the ltter part aofhat veelt.He. wonu&aIifehich wu. rafffed by Jamnte Slrong Pridao niglit. Enî1pl Dady, wlia lwa been vory idk, la nuproving sud bopea te iaan return la the Oily, vler o lebia a gaod pool. lion as stenotrapher. WARREN. Painera are buay replenlnhing th. Wood plile. Evierrane sems ta ho ujoying ti aleighing.- Mi" aLra Oyveter ia lerking iD liliy's Departuent StoeoIluWauke- gan. Oha. Tueker shlpped a carload of aheep la the Chicago marketl n- coutil. Surprise parties.seon ta ob. lhe or- der af tht dey. The firai ai the seao vasi qu Mr, sud ira. Chas. Wilbnr a ev weekaego. vheu forty or lily ai thoir tiuds called uuexpeeledly ma&-, thse surprise vau complote. But lbey versutile quite volcans sud a grand, groal lime vas the reanit. Othor par- ttmp wers. bold ai J. J. Fsse'@, John Beok's, lied Wlbaris, L. lintave, Gieo. Broglen'a, &ail vilthelb.mme re- suIt-a goad altendance and a grand. gond lime. tioviug seema la b. theie ashon, sveril changea baviug been made. tire. Shipson, of Lake Vll, la mavlng auto the James Wilbur farce and a&t renta J. L. Swayera properly, Abner taylor liasronted Chas. Wlbur's tam aud la moving thora Ihis veok. tir. wilbur la lrtvsling for the J. W. Bar- veil Pure Animal Food Watts, Wanke- gan. Ne la varklng et prosenti In. diansaud Chia. Samuel etoadmau lias renteI the Walter Dunlap £tam sud VIII movs Ibere lu a fev da"a. Wm. Odll in moving ante lieetira. Baekua faim. BO585 NOTasR. Chas. Wilbur ba soslI hi@ bey mare Florf la Walter Beak. Wm. Duna anhmaspurehaaed a fine driver af a Waukegsn man. Chas. Tueker ill hae three-year.ald roa mare, eonsidsnaiiou $100. SAUGATUCK. Fred Van Zant leaves for thie vont lu a few deys. Everett tiamlieuteriaiued li% s alter Luthse, oi Evanten, over Sunday. Heiry Taylor lias hgun ta nove hae goods iron Barringlan ta hiie fathi 15cm bere, Mta Viola Edie enterlainel thoeB. L. memberis for a business meeting Thuraday night. liaAne Adams lias isbnruolbt lirhm.She cannaI ho about. hov. or, as ler Umb la ual alrong ouough t-e . E. R. liore brouglit a shig lo al -i youag ladios fron Gages lAke to bliermauua Corner@a Ssuday mos-ing snd Iandgd tliem oves- ta B. E. lisrsl sud J. P. Sherman, vha Iaok tImIoi l tle Orpisanago il Lie Bluff. Wlil. lteeIhe gentlemen «Chdi oak Ivo haads af the Utiebiplans for a5.1.1gb ride, vhiah vu 1h. tires1 OntiI tba ehidren bol enjaped Ibis vinte.. Thora vera 79 orphaui lu the Home. PRAIRIE VIEW. Maou Colby tranmoted busineass in Chicago tiandny. tira. 0. . Gidlly vs. lu Chicago on buolu..Manday....... Ahl mnurnov niave tonnd aweet reol. sud ile Chilcago Wednosday. housabb the sad; Unsen 150, vainS bbhoîr brotbren as aione Mir. Bryautis shipplug a catload af t5ey onvard plod1; food ta Chicago libis vesk. Tboir beartnare llied witbaeorrow for belov C. F. and W. J. Wells sud tir. ted0 cier nov aec oinou Fremin"lia old and lovelemae non ta cnut-a tra. J. b. Gridley wsre Waukegan baveo ecome. vWstor. Wodueaday.1 Thabe is en ong folk$ vslkinut.notinthat M. H.Ummsonta lkshy te bathe rural gsd aIpth ofionId, mmii1 carrier on route No. 1, O. 1.1 But lu divorce sud verld] y' va», 001 Christ., Luce havlug reslgned. tins brave sud bold; Sains bornai 1 tollicw DOvIs. wbo.'neith Wlhi Johnison, vbo lias beau sielit piona cuver works. for a long lt, vu takon &0 a hoepl- Concesau deibîr frem in bisot t10Éland i lu inChiasSe Stunday. tUsainee Ilin lurki.Qjeanlb ioubr "ne Soins fanr a »tesebogs. or as iludenla 'ui nali rmboealne boesbelov; lb. enlertiilfSet a the Grtdley7 loueef1lbo fairoat are lu graves. vbereon Soboul L li*FnlIy eening. irerasullevers grov. Ahi veul IbatthIbsi vrs bore le-dat. le aId Vhs approprialI,11111for free ruralImail usas w. tri delivory ro100sW itaflgiaul the1 To tutugai vanirers t hat houe lu rmesincountry, le N "N ibser5i. beaud the akylSm Wilcca,'w Suilile, Waab, vl Oh. camsenv al eolee 00.0de. pe people 011 ushe li fily faim forI. Msd lie vbo ot lite at home romain. ivhose bouts E ' rlec ilio l oie vith grief are 51005. . Caine out tuaail bihe meeting@ enou oe ont oun eoaipo* ror valttng there AD 55 e l0"" urersnoni er cul be no lehenîlonram Yorxon te Christ ares avolsud wo. S.. D. a&#ed the laUgUflhia et Washington __________ 1ni e t.k ButterworthB Hot Drapa Twewiy childmnengtiered lit th* Gîre qtitairelief l u mlioue fetop m b ome of Oharlsy Kiegn sMd sur- pains la the slamaeb f rau vttvt *;Pn5d hlm lust SaîtIsi eOvenng.AIl vasi, chilIs, colds, etc. No hasilp reporiel a goe i e. esuafford tu b.auliont tIis altile m.medp. If yaii cane lu vewth rt -i eaocussasd prostratoný .011 fel, eýiMUnt isershle, taie.8 tto ioviwug grippe Ibsa.ein tihillg @0 10 drope iu a 11111e van culter. Ilpro Mptsd efective as OneU unle unhkes, ou ti&Mbette nigit oIL Prise Cugl 0 Cen. Tii. prpartmonla Sof, 000 n l tAà pour druigial or h*glp edohail as su sailing Ir., If h. bflos alkesp is, seel dirse keeaedy forai»t Ilrmat sud, long trouible.l loua iueoiig roillnteamilia e , tertï%u» p 80e,M 811U MT.&,relosto Johnsion'§ home 1hmsly. A "legli IA ofai len viaited Lake lira. J. W. Torrence la speuding s tev"r aluChimpg. . Ob". Lamphère, o 0 teliuri, Iwas on ont itetes recently. tir. Torreno. andIion Olyde wero Vinkegan calera lionday. A. J. Rafond and John (Golding verseloiy *4tore TuesIay. tir. Wetvorti, aiflNe Heury, vis. lid lir. the fireI of the veet. Bon, tutir. tandtirs.George Hiphe, Fob. 25, a teD poad baby girl. Il la roporied IlialR. O. ta iaso 8014 lies hou.. aud lot la Jay Cooki. HarryFuler eutlerlmined hie brother ftrmEranaton the Irai af ihe week. P. 1. Maman, of Waukegn, ade Wsuoonda relatives a short riait &un- day and Manlay. The Wacanda loe.Consumera Ca. i111the lbbg l0. bousm iu thli6enson building Ihis veeli. L. 0. Pue & Sou have rented th, liarble building where thoy wlIl ex- bit Plana mnohnery, Oison Hulberd, Barry Graba andI Elmet Golding, ai Chicago, ipeni a few daysalest week villi relatatives Auz-oi, Là., Oct. 17, 182. PPrsIN STRIait, ti onîlella, 111. Usiir:-l haro uaed Dr. Caldvoh"ls dyrup P.ýpiluvilliuaMed auscisa. i unhestalghy ,eOoaatgdgIl1&bth.@ sUfleuIng eh Blouai Trouble or Ooutipatioc. ilsaoeainly a ie& Iug to hnmmiiy. Ton are as liberty ta0ue y testimonial. Very trl0 y P. B. LO?5LL. Lbertyvillo; Uaq Wnue. auds; WML lINO 05 sIkeelex; UZirLAKS Ppà5MAIgO. LONG OROVE. tir. sud Mis. Wsflln viîted in ibis vlcinity lui Saturday. Jake Heclietaweiler iook s pite af lira. Scier tel family lui v.ek. 1 Nov nmu" do pou charge for an aunoe.ohf ont baket parfum», Luella. lilas Sshmlll, dangbler aiflier. schmidt, bas gos. te Wisconsin 10 Jake Etsleir liasrecorerel sut- floioully la ouille hlm la do cmu vorki gii Ge.veiler. vbo bas beeunvrili- lag U Whoeslng, returnol home re- ouily. A aumber ofthlb youug people ai- tended trie.Woodmn en otataamuent et Palatine lait veet Thursay .veuiug. Wbhm s porion liasatip.oves-vith a a bob sied, lie brlghtot Idesa la inatlp il riglit aide up again. ln thai na anu, Meeers. S. sud tM. Inedier? A crawl ai young people gatherl5 lbe home aiftir. sud tira. H=est voiler and surpnlseil Jae..Ne n tends te leave houe and set up4 snsil ait gillery ai A. tieperas. A Most enjoyalle ereniug vas speut by &I AithUtugthle vOaiher vU very cold sud e shece lishd Irileddurng lh. day, quit. a housef ni vas lu atend- sue. aIltse entertinment of tlb. <id- loy achOOl. Enongli money wu Test- ised go purehase i goal bookse sud sdd s fov book@ ta th.elbrary. Saiurday aud fimulay sreniug, liurobhId Radl 1, ai the Ersugolical Lushetan aurai, thora yl b. a kiuesope represenlatian ai Use vorld-renovu Passion Play, amooni psied by s goal solalst. Aeerding to the circulais, Ih promIses la ho a rare trust. Admimsion: Adlia, 25%, chiliren, 10c. 8"i.-Ilive Devez ovol betare. Nes.-And vbp my preciaus? Sursly iberé are alliera as vartlip as I. She.-That vasut it. IliaI Indu. gestiounonubmd 1 nevsr ooll endure %haït praille. but I ta àboleof Dr. Caldvell% Syrup Pepain sud DewrbeanRauy sigu aift §ino@ G.t t aifP. B. LovunL, Liberlyville; 03a. C. lassIs, 4Wancondn; WnaL Extoos. BRockeeler; Orayalake Pu.A.xAT. LEITIITON. tir. Shawvlis lb. nov car Inspector. Bob Libby bas be.n vorking for WI11 moeyena. Win. Cooper vus a Chicago vîmitei T!ausly. WilIliMeyer& neturuel rou Minus. sota Prlday. Arthur Enuekmunuhiasbeen sicà witli Use snip. E. P. ButterfielI mavsd te Roake tlIer thiî vsek. 1yle Andrews basbau vlaitlng ros tirensat Wankegen. MilIda Krnekunu visitel iriend ab Des Plaliût Ove? Suadsy. Robert Nikcley oxpeete to builî uev heiuneDot sprlng, 32x48, vit] basenient. Mta pSuait Erou lias iturnsd to be homte lu Austin, Ill., aller visitini bloendaes-omseverali dys tiemberietfths Kighlsaiofthe <1101 ven.tlsap5iOint.d lrlly oeoing lx sase b. ermly of heb.veaher pri rmelsI heir Btleudlng ithebauquest Liberlyrille. IL.COU misel iie Wisoousin cas trai milli train Tuuxsds. Ton kno, Remy does Dotlike t gSM lef 14 &0 b drof tu ouloct, by vay otfLibort vile. sud book Bau E. J. ARB. train 1 Waukegiu; there ho tooli s Morti western train ta Ohuigo andi vmsgel ig butternandIchasse on Southi Wst street heforo the Wlacanain Centh nilli train vu due. Fiemout Tax Notice. Hnry Lueibéex oocetor If Prestout Touihp yulhb.nt i Ivauhoq p= .t ,T"- iy sud, 5 Mrdayof echveek vbqb Fouam Pl *11[ I the wuaps M&deto look 11k. Ivory Soapam but ms good. With cipetizice awil kw that tliey lack the. remarkabk quallue ci tii. gSenze. Ivoey Soae-e91». per cent. pcwe HALF DAY Suipes-lor Enterîalmet. Boa, Feb cary 16th lti r. sud tirs.. From te 1h.&OOI 1Bu. in publiched tilîlican, a baby boy. st Waukefan, la takertés lb. olvîg tir. M. Shuler bu bean u lsrID reference. tise entertasiunois ahein, villi a i&ver* attack of tumusita. giren by Rockefeller sebool llasLiat. toven. o- ý eqp à a til sut 09thé carrent t ra recellyupen s ev lya l hane. readlng for the Pupilé' Rendis1 Circe tirs. F. B. Trip la entertaising aB tvsuy book,-bes beau P%~ fiend, lira. DeGravie, of Nunla, III.I for thé Rockefelier achool UN~ The lita..Buate UmasndelDora procoeeliof an enlerlaiumeut îî Voote are rialing 0. loole tM Elgin. givmi. Anolier entertiale u he l tir. and tira. James MoLoughliu ars sIili? S-ature v the happy parents af another baby Pricipal Hodge procureal- boy. osétfor h... 'spécial thua A family trou DesplaInes hbesrillertDffbig a ppîs of1hb".=iSasd moved Inte the Knsap hlm a« et0f dits.trationtron regular uselio on Hait Day. smaeueceosaay lu lbe praparaton ai spécial pragrams. Mire. J. T. Aysrs lias beanuriauting Th. enterttainmenî raerreqi ta la th P ber ni aer, Mins. Oo 94lam a Iving Park 1hé posé three voaha, above chppng lU v iieb. girn iu There are more loe lthe aw.mIliRocekefeller Dy $1h. achool hiday eo ta lie sved Ilut Is at n d mare ing, liaoli lae.sunId b. zia cominieV07 Cday. tiature wvi buhoa drontaisWo ejaek. tir.sud Mtrs.Ofto Joinsiof rai rys- The moveusul la 10g5o l5the tie reO5nly iWetod teir parents, rai ng cf good books by l.pop,,, tir. sud Znr. Chus. lis Slins peers, ai Chi,.as Bt1h.e vbt he ebammeff ufoheh reeently apeiti a fev laya viMteng chilI la fotDig. Only 1the ubooks grindparmnti, tir. sud Mtia. Baser. honl b.eplacelinluhlb iads cdthe A î1.1gb lad 0f Royal NIgbors Young. ted purcbaslug .on" booka trams Prairie Vlev Camp, vi"Sita should lb. eneaersged. Aàa«*col vhich Llbertyville Camp hastTh=-alay are- isomasgel in &Is spirit la Msrete lirs..Mtinn uffored vllh an atackIiie of the grip lai vek, and lier 11111e Corn.eponîeuta Wanted. daughl.r Laura liad au attaek oi Write la unsilIf onvautlateleur*O ýronahutis. vhat lIn. Cldvsll'a Syrup Pepsin viii Uuliafydia (leboon Inlends gaing do, or Cnali aur istan&d gel a tini te Michbigan to a mli ber future battis- Tma doues 10o si F. B. Lov*ra, home vitber ai""e. Ber o11 home Libeatïyrihis; Ga0. C. Bamira, vM ie b. fqior i<nfld. WSucoda, Wn.L KNxoas, Bockeeller; 'The mabqrslé Idme. given by the GrayaWakePztaEMAcT. I ndbeys StiMlaY .evaning, Fe. - 16&h Vas largoly attende&. andl à" AUCT ION SALES. a pissantl tins. Porty-elglil tickets TeUl5ge o .a h.l Lvere sold.Th nesgecebl oj t tira.Cavanaugli relurnel ta l ierct oss tram Duraiail bisstock ai ce gouasvIIl la luWaueaCH4 SUmday home at Branaton after ipenling asîternoon sud eveuing, Mtia 2 , .1001., »fev deys vîlhli er brothera P. anudL. hb inhe 0ai Inn maobluery, astriaes, Moverablie..Ber neice Mise ll@t.wagon sutd In rm ases e*4veoias s tiavers accompilliear houe. quaniy ai houéehold goode and 1 Lest Thursday oeenng tva slelgb pianos, WoodlMt rou pompe, Mdl bas laid. surpriiel tir, aud tims. red deilol ta perchaeumoireveOry day Schrooe etBtIheir home narlli ai IavD. neceeitie. ta luelde lu stock nov cri A ifl t ensvry pleaseni evenibg man baud of yeukteenotion@ for 1h. parpoýe vownt avay pronouueing tir, sud tire, of glviug luibargaina. sn ueplug unp àSebrooder model outes-lainera. au inelcrosud ai course siihlg Surprise parties seoin ta diveri the auytemnliaU. caine oui and ges usalaeaifyoung andIaid lately. Ou bargaeqeaus ny did can Pebruary 1Wadnesday ovenlg, February 131h a 101h. P.@a: This saM la14 take liae Party ai Jolly people surpriael lin splace or one proulsed an neiltiMarkd Aignes Morse aud iook possession of daysas T. V. S. muat go soull i v* iheir apaclous bon. until the ainll muy ailiers ou aur régal«a ra~5losaa houri of mors'. I *as. a jaily goal date ili la Tueedsy Mach S, 1901. uatured eîowd snd ail sjayel Ilion. T. V. Sxomai slves immensely. Dancing vu as-n A rare chance ta s»cure eqeson long dulgel tu ands ulp er rv 5e andsiime, itbiio ntnereai. Baviug de- aail wentaway freng as Ihaugli Ibey iS 9v% librd of h lh.onghi. vauld lite tesurpriesUm iýj%« IffTlfae qipoli sc e fann omatim. lu the future, lion My peeneulbord ai choie. mlii cava, ail huayvill i ut ty ,7faniane DIAMOND LAKE. lIed Pehiel bul, at my ts.on* mile The ladies aifIthe Dianansd Lake soulli of Lihertyvilla, Tnssay, liarcs 12.1901, commenclng as 1 O'eIook P. C.metery Association ylhal a meet-M,éo. lng et tirs. H. P. Brtletta Tburaday Tuaiop At St: A crédit of elght aiteruoau, liareli 7, 1901, si tva o nitha yullieugises vithout intert ocIack. Everybody invited te attend. NO a* muaileb" tbe.NtoasL be removed uulil setileil lor. il £. lisons-,Prop. VeronTuxCoIlietor'i Notice, W. N. APPLus?, Aue&. 0. J. oara1 11.1.i1coll or li e Belng about 10 nove autoeanémail )rTawn af Vernon viii hoe at lth oilolatin, I vill se11 as public auo. 0on Ing places sncb veeli an daya these O(rldley fairaiSi jilea Mar1b mentoued whee Vrnontir eper vet ai Prairie Viev, friday match M. 8- mntined whté ernn t paers1901. comanicng at 10:00 ;oclsk&. n, eau liquidais iboin indeedneas: the fahlowlng gonds, ris: 29 béoul of à Tliureay moaing, Apatisia; Tinta- .Obole. itoli cave, 6 villi cÈiru1)y deyaltrnonBufWala Uove; Fr1 sidad, Il hetvy apringersil givlng day attenon, ~MMll, ta m sre li-, ha bll O8amenths »- manning, Prairie Vlew; Fîlday &fier- n i, y ho«s 12 yanre aid, l faon, Hait Day; Bturday, Long Grave. Clyde coht, 4 yra. al; &bout Ioima o)f ___________ 18-4. a plan iby. Tiger solder, uqu Dov; s. 3-secion lever dis«, iding ouliralor, PIALATIN E. diamonul bath cultîvalr, hernée.ho., la lils Blanc li cbierdilDg vas 1h. guet boy rack, bay carrier, hlispatpe, sud ai MiessThompsons andeua Salt- pulîcys, carns market«IMd MM],miner articles BQ&i mentionel. Regular terni. a day. C. M. WILCOO, Pro. th tir. sud lira Oea. Bermerdinger, af W. H. APPLIET, Auet. P Oary, &peit Sondsy vitb fionda lu Baving îented nmy inrinfor s terni of ®rPalatine. Yeats, I vilI ssi ai publieauuO io o the promises aoemils sough.voet of ig lir.sudlitire. çauus Clay vire Irauhos, Tburtdny, liarcli 7, 1901, visiig relatives and 'frienda iD cormeneala 1eclockp. mtlfol- bePalatie ovr Sunday. lawing goods, vlz: 2 chLoie. ftsuily covfi, DOv fellahi, one. vhel smtbp alde; A- Afev, af liryonng fieuda aur. 2 batoirs, 11,0k Mre?7 Ira.011, 2 Sd e- priiedltiabel Lewis sud vere roalhy Ia plg, au-11 PIg, 75 choie. Plymouths ai etertin" Uurdy niht.Rock Iavis, Pli? ligbl bob., cuiter, Bt eutrtatue Baturay DiEil. bey reine,'derrick,ra.sdufe, The WooImer.*a Irans anl dance Caîdron tlsgudaoe, - S Pleo nB came off villigrai#eoist, nul a Snd hsy ln laiu, 200 bu. km? con laotit vI ou d F nifht, l.b. Und. 100 ihoets corn tulisera., stick e0 so teaks, isasehol articles, bar. tY if 3lenose aller s veryaitons fil-. aller vinegar, asdudnouerons sls ta B0 tde the t ilikîlltrenîtmont oetiocla, pana, croce, etc. .s th' Ibr.tiortt bas recoverol iud la able ternn. Jasas VAN PLsw, Prop. eu- AiDEnnW WÀulia. Auct. anr ta go out.ILi fat litavs Clara Tises and Anus Meyer, Worl4pg 24 Houri a Day. oh Arlingtan tieigbté, vere rory Theres tac rotifor iliase lirele6s veoonie ailler& on lira. BastingsUstile workera-Dî. hUugOK 1 ew Lfe Baturdy odknom.Pilla. MBillions are alvapa buay, cor- Sntîda aferooi. Igtoild LivOr, Jeaundice, Bilionb. or tir,-sMd lirs a. 0510v&Bd thé Misses s, ever'sud Agise. Tii.7 banleli à* Leois Ot»Iv aI Jeunie Wrahtma, mli Beadstele, drive onttiann 4W 1 trou Evausionacrae*ouitaoaten r x4* or weakeu. Sqîsllî, *la Mr te Wodmml sittaùmot aielo, Zvo ndlos. Tmp lieu. ,25, 119804 Vigluem'alleu*estiilea ii e, U Vu. it den~riait-Qnay Vol.I, Work Liberi Dr. C Officeg soul Liberi Dr Office 7 to 1 Dr.I1 Ph: Gurne Office liouri: F Atte JIbe; BE(f LISE &CIsA j , o Lib -tyvlile. IL