àI lm* p ~55aUnw .frm Start to' Finish. &M «ia v lbe.Light ai Day Under a Dlung oriental @un sud vas Ieuderiî careti for until I became tully dsveloped. Then 1 van coopeti up lu a bag aud put lu tibi bat bold of a nblp bouud for Boutoin visers the efficuies gave me a lit rongt. There toat vas: "Here t, guodoad roffes, drink ber dî,wu. I'v,en3et a wArm.reeeptlou ivr. Wbiie and uo more pisamiiig me thoba a 'lriggs A, 'I'àyl-,r i andi oee me. SU "Seal Brand" rIoU I is1e&Satjni i . 1 Two reaaons why people like tel tiid Xwih ls, repu au. Uo f l IiVu.5, O Làbertyf .. -IlliZnnas.. Now Tî i tsi thm time and i(1 is the paet)h BIC YCLES - at a hargain. I c I l 1 hiave- a 101) rsei -ivi'wî~I 1 wjI ielli Ilas, alstarter for By the' way , vleui 1colne tsitii jk. there i tîjother oîie liere for Cali and inspect my stock before purchasing. Ca R. SHEILRMAN, Libertyville - - - Illinois.1 WALL PAPIBR. s fi ig api oaîi;îhu-. alis pniru-tt;îî l 01 ntl i liii - I tilt-un. If, 1 it Il, it 41 n\ifiIili \44u ittiXe -)I)( (e- uof side w xall findit eil- i fig. fînifgihin îî rice troîîî 5 ti-2. clit'. per frflIl. NN\-4W i the tiîie ti ita ke N 44f i-Ietioiiis, hIifoîi- thîe 444h.vifalc ateil r Loue lit and see Ib,. Smit 6tutri Libertyville m - th -& Davis, DEALERS INI ai fllrcbandise. - - - Illinois. =ý ICEDUPHEEAND THERE. Local Items oflInterest toLlbWertyvilleRPeaders. i C. M. & -ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Effect Sunday, Dec. 23, 1900, St 13:01 à-a.-m. TO CHICAGO. WEEI. lai'., DePart From New Depot. -ii nPins m Ni N,, 4 FROM CHIC AGO. vasa uD", Arrive at New Depot. 9:22 a. ni.1 .4 m0 p..n N.I............. RUND à y S .1....1 a. Mu.i1 No. 137, TO CHICAGO. OaCFKi. 0. Depart From Old Depot. i6:25 a: .:m o 1 - 0.li. - u il1 ND A,, ...........us. FROM Ci-IIAGO. vasa iioi, Arrive ai 040 Depot. 01:4. n. ......... 7:00 .ums No lu ...... .............. 1.. 1: oa. m Sik1, . ni No,. 143 ............ ô 5 P . '.Y IBEIIJT. vAl flhlIniT Devart From Old Deuiot. DePaCt FrOin 010 Deota. No 1,. Est lton.11:-,a. nNo. igi. West BouSad i P. ni. Nos. tin d 192 wili carry passengers between R«m4Ott ad Sol« Mlls. Mrm. C. W. frocior, of Chicago, le vlsltlig wltil I. J. l1rinctor sud family tim veek.é Mai Konuer vau oalled ln Si. Lpuls, Mo., Ibis week by tise destb of au sOnt. lie vas absent four deys. Beglnnlug neîi Sunday the Chrocie vîlI give Instrumental Sheet Music. See sample lu Pont Office. Ml. Freshmsn eold his brood mare sud ivo coltse b R. J. Stone, of Dulutb, Minn.stlds -sek, fr,$31g4. Miss Bueliab Itoue, of iPaxton, ibis siate, vlslted lier frlend lis Blauche Viîlle eeversl days last veek. F. G. Farber la engaged repapering, sud vamusîsleg ihe woodwork lu F. P. Dyioud'e bouse ou Lake etreet, ibis veek. A. L. lirgs moved frono Llbertyviile onis, the AI Dniiry larm uorlb 0of Grayslake Ibie veek. Wayue viiltny bis biaud at farming. l'ax collecirur Meredith expecte 10 close bis bonoks Mouday ulgit. If you bave nt as yei pald yoîîr laxes Monlay yl lie yiutr lutI opportiminty. ftinlerunooredth lat Rd. Madole bas eold is resîdeuce to Mr. John Ballard. It viii be occupied by Mn. Bs.iard's sou. lu lav, Mr. irlpp, of Hlat Day. Attend ithe social at tise Presbyterian cihurcli given by the Ladies AIdl, Mrchi 141h. There will be bomefiade candy ou male, sud ganes for amuisement. The auction sale season la almost et au end,, and h lias been as succesfLI season ioo. Stock aud everyt1hlng tlfered for sale bas brongisi gooti prises suit luiyers have heen snumerous a& ee.ry saile If ynnuî are a cnadidate for any ufith1e iown cOfficîe ai] annoluusement lu the l'.5iEflKt-uOEISTis tie proper vsy lu wlici t) let youîr friunilekuovwbela yo1 ure a!lter. A~ Libetrtyvîfnilui dcunr reeeiveni the followîng caîl over the 'phune, for îîrofueveiousul services: 'Dean loctor: My wîfe m isntiser la iear deaib emiloor. Pluane i-uu' t cune sud sec if yen coui isîl[11ber us rfugliý 'frigge .AiTayloîr receiveul a car bad of spleuid siee s st week, lîurcbased ait 1 mf sou Stockt Yards. 'lbey are prepareul ta furniali their patrons villa prime beef, t3e kiud you seldoin can get excepi ai iheir market. i if P. l'Jas b ave been eubruitted and sunvnyeruade fur a 7SoSi foot addition tri theiMacaroni faciocy. Vork yl luelfi UpiU tise structunre jîssi ae soon as tsemuilber viii permi. fitwill be oif brikslnd ivmn tirîe igli. Mir oaî Mrs. L. H Litchlield' ob- Rervîni tise fili auuîversary of Ibeir marriage lest Mouday and enter. talueil a number of relatives et Iheir hspialile horne. A eumptioous dînnen wae servenid a goou imeuuu enjoyed. 'l'bey receiveti maîny lereseuls su bonor of their -voodeus wedsing. People always rendtise adnertse- meule of the merclianis wbo nalI sîten- tion to iheir varem Ibrougli the coluinas of tise local uewspspe. The min whvo aclvertsoîe liberslly inîeally lias a dlean stock if np tii datu ginuds and la nol oU- liged tii dieplay wares nipou bis counlere lonrg aflter ibey bave gone out of date. Advertillusg for Ulis reason la s beneit to the piîrchaser as weli as 10 ltse advertiîer. A letier froun Wm. Liutiemau, of Grebsonli, Seb. renewlug bis snb. ecripioin lulise 1'. EPIZNDFNT conîsins information usai Augnet Lintîsunan, hisuncloe, who vas reared tu Lake Citintuy, bunifor 31 years bas livet Inl tise vest el, iuw living vîihlm, sud ai bis advanceds ge, f;4 yeare, le able 10 resd the mNuI)flî'EtlF.NT eaeli veek vllb- onti glse8e. Nu don.bi mauy older resideuls of tis Vlclnlty viii eusember tise seulor Lintleman. Whbat has becomne of ihat sauitarlum piroposition? fias It gone the way of s0 13400! wMI ll piiiid but poorly ei- ectied a.hnrms that ai irot promise 10 deveiop lti) enioligrand aoqnlremente for onmt village. The option on Mr. Popes farmi has expired snd it appeara &.3 If ail liopeNi of loatlug sncb an en- terprisu' in Libertyviile bad been given uji. bet's sec, we have a (aitrecol. leoilon of au electric road tbsi went th5e sane wy, to 551y uotbing of several minor prouurctw If Rob Proctor wooid, erect s modlern two siory brick block, witb Ojve etorue below sud offices, balls sud resideuce romoit o the second four, on hIe vacnut property ou Mit- yankee aveue, me would ai least have nue reai suitolsuial roallty, sud vo wouldn't have to buîy It eisber. Do il, Robi. Wm. Atrid"ge isar ucbased of tÉ. W. Perklns is restuarant bumielus. MIik shippers nil l be iteted lu readlng H. B. Eger'& ad lbis veekt. The supervisons meet Monday lu Wankegan. ItlaI.th1e regnian March session. Mia. BIta Euhl la slowly couvaies.- clug. she la nov abi le tci up a Ut- Sie dally. Misa Mary Litchidld, of! Rockefeiîer, has beeu speudlug several day'. vitb Libentyvillis relatives. Bee th$ beautiful I1îîonesou Art Pilurs lu PoUsiOffice, whlcb la free vih ittb eîSauday Intfer <),,,an. M. Onuon vas Iudited by the grand1 jury for allempted trainuvreckiug. Ils'aanotber thlng tu cou vies lin. Examine My elegamnt vall paper samples. Cheapsi Ihan ilssu yean. En. quins ai pont-affIce. 1J-11 sud bang pitper. 22-id L. OORR Scbanck Bros. havi nieureti the agency for the Deering IMachine Co.1 Tbey vîll haudie a&Il eerlng Co&s farin mâcbiuery. socle, et, There vas a meting of tlie conncîl Moutday nigisl. No bsnsuisfailm- portance VIAs up for îouzideration. Pnealdeut Walda vas unahile to attend sud E. L. Duiloise fresled I lus1 stead. Tbe --Colonial" f suppen aud grapho- PhonoeletainMusnt gsreu by the Ladiles Aid Of the M. E. church vas a aucceans, bath soellaaiyçon nancially. The ladies visb tu1 isenaIlWho lu su, va, aided tliem. A farce, "Thbe Mîik hiiad'a Couven- tion" ln lu course f iireparation by ladies of Lakesîde cemetery Assu anti yitl proably Se peeuled flday sud Saarday nighta, Marcb 22d sud 23d. Furîlier notice next week. Wonk, preparatorY 10 begfluning the manufacture of their varions pioducts, in Seing pusbed iv the Batlon Manu. facturlng Comspany. Fifleon tronuiMa- chines, sucis as aises, drlils, slamnp presse, grIndeme, et,_ are ln plae lu thi~r uev tactomy. rfe3e uiaig Je il bUng and lu tact a guneral appearsuce of "Ireadinees" pervaîles th, machine departîment. Il in proposed 10ars active* 0aperationg about May Jet. Iu the meaut.irne condenable expert. mentlug viii be donc il9lias boeu neceespl1tuclose sebhool an nnneasopabiynunien o! limes 131s vînter thiaugis faîlîsmo 0f lis e a beating aparatus bo keep lise varions oome waruu Thsis mnot as t siouid be. OUrTsasillayere invealentia Buf- ticieusl anut lu tht icat ing systean %0 secure a gooti one, sud usat il b.- comnes necesery 10 close edlsool every Ooldshuap lndicat.ea tiere la aomethlng vroug. Rad th5e witiet been olber tbsn mldt Iere 1n no ieliiig il l votild bave beeu possible t.. bold achool as aIl. Bveny nnhool diay representa a consilderable expeuse sud trequons cioalng of lise narlous noome, vbile the empeune giie on Jaesth1e sanie, la extravagant, to Mly uolhiug of the aunoyance t10 eclolara and toamber@. If puttlîîg 'torm vindows" ou the building vili mats it possible tu batd acisool rogu larly, the tax psy- ers wilI Se eavlug uionej to bave it doue; or If the healiug plant la de- fective it sbould be ceïther rectifloti or thravn ont sud as proper isealng &y@- toux lastalied.l.'libu present agte of affaire shouiti neyer be alloveti to exIst, even frono a poouniary stand- point. tleptablicaii 'r»n Catacus. The Republican volers af the tovn- ship of Libertyville vii meel lu caucus at the LIItertYvlhle Town Rail, aI 3 p. mn. Satnrday, Marais 1613 toi tise purpose of pisclng lu nomination candidates for tise follovlug tovu offices: Town Clerli Assesor Collectai Couumifflouer of Hlgbvays Scboal Trustes Tvo Justices 0f tise Poec Tvo Constables and to trausact sucli other business may propenly corne before the caucus. TrOWN OouMîTME. Corre@pondentie Wauted. WInte 10unsIf you vaut go bain ubat lDn. Caldwoli'e flyrup Pepain viii do, on cail at oui tore sud gel a trial bottie. Ten doses 1t0c aI F. B. LOVULL, Libertyrille; 0110. C. Itaman-r, Wancauda, WiL-KNioan, Rockefeller; Gajslak. PzAsxAtIT. At lieet. J. J. Davis, aimer a tedlieus ImIsDO, auccumbsd bc the luevîtable Mouday morning, ai bis homin uLibsityvlle. Hie aflltio, a complication of brlght's diae»aand pleuriay cuiminaied Baur- dey lu s severe hemorrhage to vhicia cause vas due bis deaili, s day or tvo Inter. -Joe" Devin, as hoe vas familiarly kuovu, bad been a reideni of ibis lo- callty for Manly Jeas. He vas of a cheerful diapoaltion, bottest lu bis dealinge, frugal snd unoteetations. By bis Iustry sud frugaiity lie had accumulated a cousiderable fortune. lie bati ual become rlob as bave go many Lake county pitnelera hecans their real satat, holdings, acquireti ai an saly dey, appreciate lu value As the country developes. Mr. Davis vas au extensive money loaner snd il vas isxgely In tibis vay bc becamevealtby. Deceased wvasboaIn luPembroke- sbire, South Walea, June 10, 1833. lu 1853lhe camne go tbis country sud seltled in Penusylvanisansd four yeaxs Inter vas marrIeti $0 MissJane Seiveile, soan aftier comlug ta Lake couu&y sud boasilved sInce lu thse vicinty of Libertyvîlle. Three chil- dreu preceded inhlm 10the grave. A vile and tbree children survive hlm. litr. Lelah Moktee, Mrs. Edltb Warren sud Erneat Davis. Hie isd for tventy-seven years besu a inember of the Methodiat churcli ai Gagea Lake. Roiv. Dix officiated aith1e funeral, vblcb vas ield lu the Lîbertyrille M. E. churcb Wednesday morulug, inter- meut being lu Lakeaide oemetery. SCHOOL NOTES. The lses lu Engllsb are makiug gooti progrua. The lisird îoom vas dlaémlssed Tues. day ou accoant of the cold. The Physînca a hadt@omne internat- lng exprilmeuts with au electrle haitery laut veek. The averages lua1the Oeometry and Algebra totets ene very gooti, a number of linudretis helug madie. il il PICK JPS il je Oh. this world of niueen domnsâ, W" Il seon lave to fade A nkirt-danners* costume of test Ziou lai'. Wblakey sud poker vere ni bhe chief attractions tibis jear vben Goy. Ytez sud bis staff jonrneyed ta Wahington as tb.y mere four jearga go. 'is inaugural ceiremoulen &hon vere ou- inely secoudany. The drink sud gambling rooma e ee more eutlclug. Au EngUab anuthor vho bas been lu- veStlgating the production of butter suddscfern uailconfluies naya that the larges& crsamery lu the vorld lsa e Lincoln, Neh. It bas a capaclty of about 30,000) pouuds of butter per day sud au average daily output of 17,000O pouunds. The edîtor sud bis vife disagres vitb oait aiber very mateially; .he nets tibnga 10 rlgs sud ho vritls thinga 10 set; abe rendis vSaI olisers vIlle sud he vrile. vhat others read; aise keepe tise devîl ont of the bouse « asc unbas poesilie. sud ho retaine hlm sund conld not go 10 prous very veli vithant hlm; s@ne sia kuow more thinga lisan he vritea, sud be vrites more lisings than abc kuove. Lake Countpeople vil remember the famous Mooney trial vicb occunred Inluibis cOuuly neyeraI jeta ago. Rooney, a convict at Joliet fatally stabbed bis oeil mate, Aucernon. Be vas seuteucedto 10 banug but upon second trial vas senl back t0 Joliet for Ilitelie bansialce died. Tise oniy ollier lite case at JOhiet occured Thursday, Feb. 21et. Adam Oujer, sent dovu front Cook canuty for nobbery faalily stabbed William Wood seut front. he saute place for munder. Tbs convicis ver. 11usd up for tbeir marcb 1osnpper vbeu Gayen made the vicions atack ou bis fellov convîci vlh su ugiy knlle, itabblug hlm Ivioe. Tise conviai diedth 1e usît day frora the vounda, sud bis assaassinua iodged lu the sailtary and vIii b. lîled for the crime. No cause la jet kuovu foath &3e atbut l la aupposed suanid 1usd exstaent betveeu the Ivo men or elée tbey nSd qnarreied whîle ai work together 13*1 day. Deueocrutlc Caucus. The Demacratie votera of the town- sblp of! Ubertyville are requestedti 1 meet at the Towu Hall, Saurday, Mmrcb iltth at 2 p. m. for the purpase of placiug lu nomination candidates for the foliowing offices: Town Ci.rk Collector Commissioner of Hlgbvaya BebOOl Trustes Tva Justices of the Peace Twa Constablea sud 10 trausact sncb other business as May coune belons 13e cancus. Tovis COMMITTRP. The subject for neit Suudaysa Tines Wei Weî Won WerE Wern Won Went r Redtuced Prkets it % *Ofelcoats * Q * âe $11.(X) re 104 nov 800 nov 10 30 ....nov 58go .nov 9530 - Wool led Diankef s e ne 13.00. Brs $3.75. ie $6.75.. Bre $4.001 ........nov z243 .o 315 .nov 0 8s .nov.......W333 * * 50d Lonootrs * Were $1.75 Wene 32.0<' Wee $185 .u...... ov 1 43 .o 1 65 S10W 135 % ïMeu's Wltter Lav$ * Were 51le ... Wsne 75c... Were $1.00..... nov 40C nov 60C nov 80C - - Boys' IReeers- Were $2.50.. ........nov a 00 Wre $400 ......... ...... nov 32as Were $3 Ou)..... ...... nov 2 33 Were 33.25.. ...... . nov 2 83 1oe 2.00 .. . ... .nov I 63 Woî. 13.00 ... .... .... nov 345 Were 81.75 . .. . ....nov tos were Si.ý6 ............ .....nov i os Were $ 75 .............nov 63 Reduoed puices ou aIl vInter gonds lu&ail Unes. We dont vsut 10 carry aver a dollars wonth o! vinter gaads sud vs yull make puices inleresiiug for the neit few dayn. r THE FAIR, Libertyvllle - - - Illinois. Per fumes. Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines«. PAINTS AND OILSn A large sud Camplete Stock of SchoolDocks, Taoblets Md School Rom Ncoeiu~te F. e. LOVELL, 1Libertyville Connlerfeita of DeWittla Witch Whéâ Ion a»e bMioume Hassi Malve are fiable te, cana. blood lainons liltIa uifa kuova m polnouiug. Leavabem Moue.. 1rhq LIit ly Uhesa to hru original baa the ene DeWi1" upc. sud Dvels. T% ueeoe the, box aud viapper. It in as VULmLovi, Lbu*ri1; . and iealliug lve for skinallen... G1Une., WI n &mu% * Unsquafled forpilies. 1. B. Lovu. Libertyvife; J. a. BanunGuru«-. Wa.n Kxoaca.Bookeffli. i~ ni, btt Ml. in ie11 it oys. ..ffl 00 06 07 07 k33 30 .33 NOIS set HAVE us BY >Mcea Several dozen Sumple Under Skirts, made from fine Sateen in Black, Blue, Cerise, Lioveuder and Purpie. Good length and extra widt1i; nome mc cordeau pleated, otherni made withi deep ruffles and corded; adjustahie waiuut band. Thse price-. are oia-thjrd lîelow regniar price, fr003 85c to $1.75. I 'I I Sample Under Skirts. "Imm