Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1901, p. 8

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Praire Ctyand John De«m an MIoosier Sçeders. Bradley Plows. LFarm Machinery 0f Ail Kinds. We will Ibe prepared to show the boat stock of farm maehinery and faim tools ever exhibited in -Libertyville, this year. Will b. headquarters for ail kindis of farîn machinery. Cail and let us talk it over-NOW'S THE TIME. We are prepsred to do ail kinds of tin, shoot iron, plumbing, steam fitting and windmill work. Good work et a fair price. Our shop je always open. SPRING WORK .... Are you prepared for It? We are ready to oeil you reliable machiuery, in fact the beat, and at right prices. See us before buyins. DoYou Realize. The adysittaae a telephone wonid be ? Von ean talk with the following subscribors, and new 'phones~ are being put in daily. It costt but a few cents a day. Besides we can aite ail our subscuibers direct connection with the Chicago Tlephone Company. ILSEETYVILLI GRAYBLARE DIAMO» LARE PRIRIE VIEW GILMEN GURNEE LONG OROVE Leatyilb Ecisaus. MnM&anflut Pa. 26, Millet, Ben. Il. l à , à a . J . T . t e i d n e " ' P r o b " mmaitCa.. Faotory 10: RaY. ea (Diaz r. W. RemMdenai 23, Stafford. . W. r id :lit.TeIler Chas. IL lt. àCo. ry Gods aroe s . Telgg% GTm, i 14etaAusn imlgmcsle Fient . Ta i1,Dr J.l .. stP ieMienne i1,Trrl J W B. flarivae a ia tlapSI.Wa nd, Wm. y.~Dr. C. R. Ruihdince lt.Wells Bris. C . OPL (M. ' 1Weterflld.. b tock Faim. F. F Manue Loin & Rai elate (Irayab Brâm Feint ReiS ino i.Retaence 6C Arouer & Ce. i~ Ounî isi. . F rlntu. Cashier-!,Sitemns, E. B te R F. H. î .Stri.E F.C.A Attler. utI7, Sitffet, D0 .E M te 7 <APatov P 1. 4Wiliiur Lumbe, Rockel .tr ILOOKEPELLER HALl DAY DRUCF. LAKE A.1 A> erre officfe i J lte.idence laiond Litme) Hotel W. fle-MienCe .(Diamtn ite) Hotel ce r,,errîes & Ment> Meriet i. tidence *Ment Markiet r ti ~~flelin "aeExchange. (Retînt Laie> lt-e li',u.e H. 1, estlence :t C'o. Licher a 1Cm; felet Exchange. Mient %art 1. lfte; #P9r Information, rate$, etc., write- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, Loveli's Drug Store, #UBftEII j BOOTS Stout'a Patent Snaggf Proof Rabber Boots .. . . 3 50 Bo*ton Firsi Quaity.................. .. 3 25 Bal Band Firi Qality ......... ........ 3 25 Boy' Baagg Proof .............3 00 Boys' Boston..... ..... 2 50 Children's,.@iizeB Il to 2............i40 Cildmg'a, izes 8 to 10j...........I15 Vo carry a complote Hmusocf rubber foalvoaret lowest pnicms quaity cou- aidesr ei iik we m S ave you snooy on &ùl your Iootwear GIVE US A TRIAL. V. SAUER & SON, DEALERS IN * -lufaiflvla4s. Long (Irve- - Fmn Minwuy. D)ONT buy rnachinery or farn tools before getting our estiinates. Let us noiuw wat yau vwant and voe au intereet you. W. handie the ver best and ut lowest possible Ilinlois. iiiidt a WRIGHiT BROTIIERS ýWant your business-remember that-and tbey have the ihtdnoements you waîît especially ini 1901 farm machluery and tools.........................- - - UBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. f Thte echool ,-ntertmlument last 7Friday riight ws wesoli palraulzed and t$17.46 vas cleared. Ail foulures veto bartily applanded. Iun the play. "Uncle Jack," rien. Swaun Wosoe1 tahly acted the raie aoflthe Irish ] servant, Nancy Maitaucy. proved bien-1 suif ho hoa vety gond acht, aud ail lthe pupls dia eredit ho thiéelvei by acting their harl8 e .iWel. Mise Tillie Rouie, of Diamotid Lakte, gave tva tecitatîns wiîcit eto ap. pre2ited. The Lakesiuie Orchestra ai IVaucanda diii ot appear on lthe icone sud Mr. W. J. Hagan arriveai juil iu timta t liton late. Ve vieh tu itcarhiiy titaut those ho 50 viii- tugly aided un ta maielti entertalu- ment a sacciii as vwo fnilly apprecito sach loyal suppoart. A rate ciomoe ta secure cava au long lime, without Intenest. Havlng de- aidudt10acqilre a hbord a Ibîongh- bred nathie, I viii Bell ut public anc- lion my prisent boerd ai chitaco mil navi, ait heavyvilth al ta my famous lRed Potled bull, at my fartm, ono mile iouh of Libortyvlle, Tuesday. liarcit 12, 190)1, coaluemoiug aI iit'clock p. a , sharp. Ti'Eams 0" SALw A credit ni elgit anuItaviil o gîven vitbout intetest >Notes musît be baulablo. No gonds la be rosuoved mitl ettled for E. BECHT,I'rop. > W, Il. Aii'LKY, AucI. LEITHTON. * Macs Poulton le viltiug with his *ncle, O O0. Paullan. lir&. T. Davtiou itas beem viîiting villi ber inotbi r, lira F Mainu il >Libtyville. A ploagaut surprise aijt4tid n lMr. andi lis. J. Ailaîtaîtu Fniiay eveniug. Aiceporlei a good limen A. Lamideitue movod auto E. F. Buhtetfialcl'a luru t lursday. Chai. >.ktutl«eld J l oiug a rusblug business Ibis viol, draîvlug vaod. Amona liane vhn vislted Ciiago Ibis veek are lthe toltiwlng: Jay Altnin, ioryKano, George lain, Tom Davison, Jobn Eruckman. Like Oliver Tyist, oblîdren ail for mari vbîu givin One Minute Caugh Ont. boliers endurs littgbty fat croup. It quially curas aIl caugins m ad oida aid oeit htaat sud long ptrouble. lusla aspocilin tôt grippe aud alamaindbai long bNon a vel k»avu rarnedy for vhooplng cangt. mIF. B. Lovant. Libantyvile, J. B. BaÂcxu. GuiDa; WILL ]KNIaOE, Rockefeller. PRAIRIE VIEW. Mis& Mie Meyer transached butsiness iii Chîcaga lturday. Wiil gociler veut ta Chicagot an business Tuenday. On Balurday oveuing, Match 2d. a nrovd ai yanng pople urprlmed Ortie Meyer sud tank possessiton ai tieir aitons homo unlil lite amli hauts ai moru. Refrcshmeuls sud supper vire served andi anu ni yaicie hime vas bl. They &tU vent borne vatiug Orlua a royal entittainer. Prof. Ivison, of Lonaconing, Md., aUffetsd tettibly froni nearalgia ai the etomiehiand Indigestion Stoitirleen years and afuir lthe doctnrs failedti t cure hlm tiey lied him on morphine. A friand advsed the use orf1< doi Dymppala Cur.aud &fier talng a fev bothiesaiiltho sayi, «-It baicurotime euhirely. I caut siy 100 munit fat Kodai Dyspupala Cure"- Il digests viat you oat. F. Dl. Lavel. Libety- ville; J. B. Baeatu, Ournou; Wr.z KNirF, Rocefller. A Horrible Osalhteak -Of large @orea on my litlî daugîters'aitemS deviloped Jutea acase ficald head" writes C. D. laili, ai borgalulon, t Tenu., but Bualun'a jAtuina Balve cau.pleholy cnted lber. D'a a guaateei cure for Beoinas, Taller, Slth una, Pîmplia, Bores, Uleere and Piles. Oaiy 26 cents et IF. B. LOTVu.r, £b Oyv n. GaàK ý 1 sr t o xn A tp 0 ulune. a. W. 15gools. of Wauouda W&@ lu boiralaut saturday. Omtie sud bogs veto sbipped froat tbis Ipoint by thte nov irai Kdigge& Lul. Mir. J. B. Cronkittosud daugitter, Mine Anna wote Chicago visitots lait baturday. Arîbur Brglioru aud Ita Doolittie apent Salurday and Bunday vith patente heru. Mir. and lira. Deo Aimes are eu- tertainlng lire. Amos' aiteir, of lichbigan, vito lias ipent lte vinter in Oaifrnls. Selen, the littho daughter of Mir. and lira. John Wells la daugetouuîy 111 at ibis writing. Dr. Taylor. ai Liberty- ville, la lu:attendance. lits. E. J. Wiiley returfled te ber home at Iioecobel, WnYI., laat lianday. lits. liolcomb aud lits. Cronkhit accampanied lier ai far as Waukeibi. lit. and lits. Irving Payne have rîturned ta tbeir Chicago horne, baving spent tse paît iev menthes vitit relatives lu lowa and lit. Payne'@ parents lu this village. sane aoflte people of titis vicinity contemplâte maviug titis spring. It la taeNbe opea ttSlte tomalning îuov viii soon be movixîg ont and that îaprlug veatior vilI move lu. Oue tbuî>g vo vint titis yoîr leatite busines oi Rockefellte amaya as It bai nover doue before. la tant vo vînt it te hum. Ifyau vonld 11e ta hear it bnp fnrnish the musîn. AUl teabetisud tbaîe prepariug ta teaci are luvlted ta attend a meeting of the Lake Couuty section of thte Illinois Teachera iteanug Cirelo ta bu held aI lioekefelioi' Salurday, Matait Otb, ai il0 o'aiock a. m. Tapies for discussion, Curtis' United States ad Fareign Pawers, paires 197 la 239; Bliadaie'ti Teachiug thte Language Arta, 147 ta 170. Coneuit outtîne lu -Schoel News" for Match. Ws bave qute a lttile ta learn yet abont the building aud maintaluanco ai good rands. The lRomaus vere grost raid builderisud ual only lu tbitir avuland but Inlu and&whiclt lhey cnquered are ta ho fonnd rads bnill hy thitm whicb ta-day are lu good candition. Good roade are evideuce of civiizatlou, pragrese and enterprise ai a people. By ail mens let ne bave thoitn îLake Ca;înty. 'IýHOaL NOTES. We are lndebted ta lMt.andaiIra. WnV. Hiks fotrî'atrtbutiug a dallar ta lte Pupils lteadiug Circle fund. Those vita bave received dipiomai for Pupila iReadiug C01mb varia are: Pred Buenchtug, Raipli Bouie, Ftauk Vickery, Paul Rtay, Emma Moyer, John Bouie, Justin Bitînili, Auna Bidet, Charles l'toctor, Edwin Cook, Emma Volket and Madge itrachor. Mare books iviil bc parchaeed acon. , the moue- b. hiplihi Nov te se Industriona taas rentda tait. And tiare'in the future viil etlnld ter tiont One thing uic dimilkem. IL porteoitolene gond. Ttc steofthlihon" a i.not lit a teck iteM! 8ic htte >hlane sultan. the ftboberti Titi' vita l o mmmther folks busies. yeu Tint aàk atout Irouaus. lIer oat aout Thar vosdar hec long oeatle union 'twili te. 'Tis er collnctlng ftr hiat tino minai. The varie() productions ai nueilo aid thromi: Front tartt-tsund plls. tate eltîeii ase To uover tose- mmcli.datli. Trliitî-Ilka foot. 8tush vas Lhe oouplm vhaont ridtnaywent. Dlssaisnd tIsesubjeatu Vltb mnas so latent. Thîr neyer uoteed bac fast tiet ime fi. But thie ccl i istnak tino athe naof the ride. Tien au te pontr «G. te bell litle bsrd. Hfi. duibe folat lIn hatiai Au yar d. Nov vitlcol i lble thatta "G» d>1 befail'> on bit van tont etem atsii it il ail. You vonder vhstaver eould flmtsr hlm se. That lu- no far vîiont otialn oeuid gri; The remi00hl plain. 'lis plain as cm ha. Vou v-anîle est to c lose-&«ty G." 8.1.0O Misseliabel baiulle ta Juit recover- log from au atcI a1 pheuMonia. e Mr. Oea. Vetter, Oea. Buyýlet and Jna. Vettor vune DeerfiolS viaitors Suudsy. Mrt. Petet Zaitu ta sniteriug vilb pieumonla. Dr. Baudets, ai ieuvlev, empioyed. Mr. Hulcitinson bai teoveai hl@ liaroous sop tabils teaidience corner Park Ave. andtihle boulevard. Gîte bit a Cali. lit. Citai. Ssii5vis Unitedinluholy vedionk Ttitrsday, Feb. luI ta Miss Arune Ott. Congfratulallona ramnt em mény fionde. The yauug people bave organized a Self-culbute Club. Tventy menuets aro enrollod' about asnan»y mute are neetied. Olîlalu partIculars tram lis sush Pettim. Sammy te it-balredan sd bIne. eyed politîclon vas not aS &Ili rusa by lia deteat aIttie republican conven- tion by J litge Raaeay anti bas nov annoucerd hl@ intention ai runuing fotr Mayar of West Chicmgo. Bave you signeS lte petitian for lte Maving af the Deorfisîtisationt. Il la ta Ne Igu noaititra vayata bavetie deoaImoveS, 10W iset sontit, luit vbene il la, nemovud ta ttie craaing enithei HighblaundPark roadt. BignIt ilhle.rigiti val and havi Il moveai tu lie coaing on thei Highlandi Park road vtere yon vaut have ta vide ln lte muid ta yonr stgek t e gita oIt. DIAMOND LAKE. lit. G. Ray la quite sik itit tausilitua. Luray Ont ia abltoa hionut &gala aller au Illness af three veels. li"sViolet Blt. ai oftondoul, la visitlng si Wn. Rouies. lit. H. P. Bartlettini saviwy recaver- lng itoni an attalaiuttie grippe. Rudoipit Latrantz, ai Cauncli Bluif@, Iowa, la viiting aid irieuda bore. MisaAndrevwshla "itacon u aur streeta aller sevîrsi t, îîs' ilinesa. A laid roni bere attendeS lte ajtlrduuauut ab Rocleteller Frldaèy evening. Mrt. R. Poniton, aifliorgantavu, I ., vialtei friondi aud relatives bore receutly. Gardon Ray le convalescent ngalu ater itaviug ia0me i tbacl af touallitua. lit.and lits C. Whitneuy havQ maveti inta titi bouse çacently Dose"PIudiy lins. LUnkér. On Titaraday ulgit Wiliie Limker vax happliy aurpriseai by liii Young fiands. A very pleaismnt imo vas upeul if tir WiDL isUPPar vea arved. Ail depatteai ha lieir homes mgrating ltat Willilà8ta11onulaeave boeeana nake lit ome at Leliton. The yonnagPeople &gain unjoyed a aleigit ride lait veek Tbursay ovon- ing The boys a ut as uccoeudlui 'tlppiug avet" lie losd. Wili vun Ual uzantly ealisfled s50 nuded îlot &gainut atm pltcb hle.' This viliiho remimberid for i long lime. Laîl Wedneday eveuing te home oi lit, sud Mr@, R. Blova vas the anme ai a happy gatitortug. Tite nid ciai club vas entîrlalueti. A veny Plisaat tino vus apent by ail prisent. lit. Decker vas ivarded firut ladies' priai aud lit. H. Oit lireI gentlemen's, chie lits. B. Ontansd lit. inanan vere avardeti consoilion prizia. Au ologaut aupper vi@sesrvid by lte hostes, if ltvici thlie guuats de- parted viabiug tihe club maay mare hasppy meeting,. Charles ban sont for a cook. Our sahool itan closedsaiansi dut- log lte naiS suap. Frank laind sud salter Juclsa catieS on the Young mîrrieti couple a, veil aga Bunday. lira. Frilau vont la Chicago at Thutsday tu visit bier danglitar, lita. Rob WelanS. Mg. anti lr@. Cha. Biicibingir, ar Long Grave, visited at Mile Wicler- ablta aiat lianday. lira. Wllii Weidner anud sister, Rigina Bniilb, vlslted aI Oea. Wîld- nou'a lait wyul Tburday. Fred Scbley and ES Gis@ vint ta Chicago tscently for a vool among relatives anti for slgit-seoug. Tii Tripp anbool la pracliclng fait- tully for ils sutettainmn et ot Stur- day îveaing. An tle previani efforts ai lite nature praviti very sucauaetui va expeai ta N very plecianiiy tnter. laumef asttis. JillIl" if~ 1~ 4 Oui 8.11h vaion tti heId veek, but Ub no» abeitoe tament ai Riockefeler lis evening. lias Wtauoia Bryat spel daya recntiy viiiting vllthi Lae Forist and eleebu. The M. W, A. bave elecWe bNulir; Adami Titua nov fillea Wvilcit li. van Puy reiignid Wî ae gviatiy indebted Orgiard for bis ktadnias la la Young people for go itaiiy Èai Royv. W. B. D. Gray, et15h ni ai Wyamng, via vitbuslut lit. Graywvu tormneriy àarte Mr ~Ir. mpaon llpped andj litliepilei af ici oui day la Wî havieflot hiard boy seric vas iujured. ýThelM. W. W. tinimaking tiona for an entettainnent ta Tburaday eveniug, lurcb 21l per viii uacNbcairved. The uénil churcb airviaisv lait Bunday, botb niornlng ai log. Tii pulpit vas lllid i Itin iChicago. AUl PT Joyod bu-sermons very innch. liondiy îveuiug lie Young leudetid Mg.and lira. Fid9 surprise party, and to 'ay M vire auyprtied voutd bN putl a mlld forai. Tiose vbo aller a voty fBue tue iaudeed. Lait Priday eveniug a fe, Yuung talla eajoyed a alelgit par&Y il the home oaiMrli Harry lPayne. ou accoun tbrsateulng veaibet ua i ai expectid; bavever lbe did go spetat a very deligilful 19 la neidiesi ta ay Ibat ii young people are looklng f plijceviture lbîy are suri to flu im tue iaICioverdale la place ta N considored. OCROOL NOTES. M". trip 10tu ha la soheool Il larumored that Kise. P. Ebsen- ltaimayM"nia,. la NapierviUle la tite es enter- iihfiig* et rtday 15 in runiared glitaIl;it. Stespel'a ritta I = ai& bistougbti inaLtrimnonlslly rrndilu The papIls of the Loung Orove @shbool went ont for a aleigb ride lait Friday il a aev iftetnoou. the office The Yonng People'@ Allianc enItadis mnaily businesi meeting lait yul. Sc John Tberce nev aembon viere admlted. tking lie Lait veel lit. lergitoruandlis .gh rides. Erneting veto united tu niarriage. liianiy Tbe IliisPUtDIST exteuda congratula.- tBnnday. lions. sident ai Tbe Passion Play exhiblted slte Lutherin obnrclt vu quise a auccetsa. bul on Titi pilurea vote od sud tlu- ont veel. sttnctie. uniiy i Ai beantigul a iyacintlbuain la doni @sein vai pennatlng every rncé; and 1prepati carnet ai Biniera store viti lnIswaeet N b givin ,per urne Ibis viol. lot. SnP. A numbir af the Yauug fola@ aI- teaded lte surprise party ast H. wire itold Smiitb Jlsit yu. Sanie of te party end aven. teturuiag home met vitb quite a sur- by a gin- prisi vbîu tbey werî duapad Insua 'ueint en- anov bans. We gu, Auëtin, yau amet bave bhil your thougita ou saine- gS people tiuf(or somebady elae titan d-riv- Otabbi a ing. bat thity O5IDLET iCHOOL. ting It ln Stula. sud Chester Wliiob ave been inded lad absent from icbaol because oaicmb- v iîePal. ridf e Unieitof lte timeofa te O. W Club au lia meeting lait Friday vax taion up by td o rI u adçllug vatcit. any vint The scitool bai decided ta givo an- oai vho ather enlortalumieut. Titisttue bas evening. ual Noen declded upan, but viii whbn the prabably bi about thiesîtof Aprîl or fr nomte a fev days preceding. Anunuce- ao bave a meula vwil bumade lu due stno. the firei The lingeinntcougit toliavlng grippa calta fot Oui minute Cougit Cure. Pot aIl tbroat and unag trouble& Ib buctis lanlte anly naamluaremedy ibiS ii ingives immnediabe reauli. Proveuts cnuuptlon. F. B. LOVMLL, Liberty- iternoon. Ville; J. 9. BRACHE14 Gnruee; WILL KNiaaî, Itackefeller. ehd rîad- eStand- HALF D)AY plites A. W. TrIpp la ai Wanlegau Ibis te Pest yusaijurygnain. Tite Oratlan farce buildings viii amînation soautbe lit vltb etectnicîty. Atunlit. rrive very Clemetsn buildings. Dbigsd te Titi large uîv barn at ite Grattan, il au @c. faraila ïabout canipteted uasn lac othe su. nev bouse for tle Mou. id otitera given by Lait Priday afturnoan theti bchot, Si Priay J. C. Sabroodor, tualetiti aciotoa for a pragraut. asigit ride and vîiled tle Everest nair tatdy acbool. ye Drie, Tbe Royal Neiglitors Invited saine aberlain. ai hbîtr W oOdmn ionda sund sent but aurpiod liraî.PF R. Trlpp lits 0, liorlie Wedueaday ovîulug. A pleausntevon- ýrt Chant- Kuebker. Iitg voa apeut. s0 Cicago J. T. Ayers aud iamily expeet soon Munie aud tW ove ou ta Iheir farci as Liberty- id by the ville. We are iorry ta loie thîni tram t. iiiO u il tender aucceas lu thoir nov hume. .arn. The Laut Wbdniidiy eveniug a large nieyo-part" af lisDota Footea frienda gave bier a plauint surprise. The evening y 0.11 va»sapant very pleiatly and aIl ent out for pronaunoed Mlra. Fonte and faiy 5id. royal entartainera. A Civil Gavirunieut clami h arganized. Literary prognan Friday aV Visotors volconie. Titeelogitth graeubas finish lag -Thte Coîirtihlp oa i li ileh." A large numbet of Petty have bean monued durlug1 week. Thte somi-anunual county eor questions are expected ta art acon. Borne of the puplisvie ot be absent duning titi pust wvi count ai1itaving banvaccinali A nuibet aiflthe pupila and atteuded tle intertaiuimeul the Rockefeller ichooat iii nighl mad report au excellent1 The pupils neititor absentn ilurlug titi paît mouth vit Van PIew, Etta Grabbe, Tou, Ray moud Payne, Rloy Citan Lola Smith. Thaie nutal i tardy vers. l&nîoePaya, Fosket, Rudoipit Dorfier, Bur borlalu, Data Dorfior, Emai Prof. Roui y Dinlian, of lth A udilorlutn (onsetvatory a1 M DramaliaArt, lbai Noen Sica? scitol for ils nezt entraluai viii bi acomapanued by lit. the sanie luatitution, Who vil lie musical part ai thei progra dats bas not yet bien dsfli rmnged. She Sut Too Close, "BR Tva nouna folks one evenia w, a ride; $ho U1e a etinnusa u CO"asbrhig Theyttked amd ibey plannuai foi tinte slead. Wion lter ivo perchance vouldb we. Da§edg*te Cropsertai aaioo Nori Cicao. ob for<mn1 binhein siaa. Il ba.0i N r ne s Johnn ibShi caabd titicharal bougt r î oielt othsaloon Nord Ibi edat Jeohesony taugr Wudkg lu a nacbo ea expe4 d106ltayed forlir. e u oand in lt thuit lonsit 1c. It aiat lita, Wes ta Oedd ttthoh*va «Ilirsi bo1r0r0naigta hon bingNortlarge but tnvs liatheabythîMt ttai arde hmnl a unjuftexpliet"n a vieoeating th i $ anlit6.u Il do &noail bom ut u hitbin Wotrlou dblitene A& ctary vlu I&g anir Ite liU rat liguiat befa euis vire alg lb.M guteivalu md thram <tut Aai bt aiestiationlhoslaitie Wau andate oue lu capactinyt lit e nu Pthcat l ia bured v h Allen Bpalding died Ml lte homne af blis grand neine. Frances Ferguson. Tueaday momuing at U '.1oco, aSter a long tIiniai due ta a genermi btualiug davuoccnuinol tbi, advauced mge. The tlonea e a ne vthet iet selliers nf Lmke cormttt Bora lu Oneida cauuty, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1807. Ho came ta ttuts couuty lu 1839 anti purcitia te frre ai 140 acres on the Milwaukeue rasai,fontralie tram lovu, vhiahbehiovniS il ime ofaitadiat. Hie parcaaedti hla lrecty ira lte Govurnient anS tiveai ou il uearly &Il te tieuntil *bout itain yian agat. DeWtIt pauldlug, à brote f theIsde- ceaiod, lsa'it ouiy survivlng relative of theigi nla mmy. Be la about 90 years of mgo mnd very feible nov, Tite tunermi via bilai Tiuraday. T" Citly Botltproperty viti N renavated, rnodeledan d lmpraved et s cost of $3000. Contracta havi bien .lot by R. Dady viaOovni lte fflace ha CChicago parties sud titi vork viii bu-glu ah once. Thebhane wiii hi titoroughly touavatedan sd tle interlar enlIrely rtmodulai; tle fanudatious, etc., viii iii tpaireti; the itarna viiili e raisoulanti put lu gond condition and lu short te mte place viii be titroughiy avitbaield sud relitti throagioîl. Whie a yet lte placaslaibuau heinuteil ltote i ua doubt titl vi these repaira ars miadeu lii desirable praperty fat hotu or boardtng bouse purpaies vili land easy reniai. The stand isalue ai historie Interest ta vikuhegan. 'bi --City Hatla , tneofaitis aolated- marks sud in madetisizug lte plais Mrt. Dady idds anathin val nable praperty ita large ettte. Titetanaci coutriîsthe slllîsîta Thome vio are beatty sudttisraug are ltaosa vioauenest sud digest piouîy ai f ond. ROdai DyspePRIa Cuti digests vitlyen est sud aliavi yoîi tu oit al the god foad you vaut. If you uhîffîr frotuladigestian, beartiluru, belahiug or any aller stornaci trouble, titis prepairation canul belp but do yoîî gond. The tuait senstive shoînanh. cau hakeIL. F B LavraL, Liberty. Ville; J. Ih. BisîCntmi.OUriiee WILu l<stî,Rockefeller. Workinu 24 Houris aDay. Thuru'a no reat for titase tilias litt1e enrkets-DI). Ring., New Life Plle. lillions are îlvîys bousy eut. lugi 'nrpld Livîr, Jeundice, Bhliaitu. niai Poer sud Ague. 'riley banîitb ilcltioadaclo, drive ont malaria. Nover gripe. or veilen. immallisate niai, vork voutiir. Try tient 250 Al P. B LovELL. Libeiyvihle; Gray. lale PKsARXAMy Ilargutu lu Cordwooda. 10tOO carda nit11eoask for sale aI $200 par nord. Fonai pasti,8@Ceuita aacb. A. 4IANOLIPP,, Hait Day. SISd Vol 1 l'abri( ,tuîh4t fai. a Libq Dr Offi F~i- I 111111 THE TRICL TRICK may Involve decelt or ft may bc a lbplay of peculiar akil. Th=r leadectit in some aoapsbut th=rela none ln Ivory Soap; it ls a display of pecu- liar skii.It wMmadany test andcan bc relled upon to do all that la clalnud for it. 1VORY SOAP IS o9.4ePM R ýfTPURL QUENTINS CORNERS. Oea Bilker toaI a lamA ai pigeons ta marketlenat Satntday.1 L. Kniggs end viii. af i Umur. caltit au fionda bite lait Frldsav H. L. Bankelmen and viii tranustea business lu Barrlngton Bîturdîy. Botu, taotMr. sud lira. Fred Kline- achnidt, Fehtnary '25tb, a daugitter. Fred Wîusîi, vih bàbeeu sutieting vith an atlack ai the gnlp. le noms- vlat ou the gain, Benry Low and vif e wve calliug ou relatives bits esltITlmrsday. City Ilite seome ta vearwviii vttb Betty. At a meeting oiflte Ela. Creamety Amsialaian MarcI 4tith îe olliets, bav-j lng 51 vin sncbgoas satisfaction dnrlng lte pasitysar, vote Inni'aihd fat mnoter yuar. On Wedneaday, Fibruary 279ht, oc- nnrred thbmnarriage oft Wa. Bergitar te lias Lizzle Eruallng, Rev. lcbmidt. of Long tOrve, offIciablug. They viii mmli Ibeir itome near Lkes» Cornera, bavlng taliou posossion o.lte Peter Stben termi. May lteir future be al joy, la lte vini of theit many fiindi lieu titSyan geo&te original tDe Witt'@ Withehniaet alve viteu you sail for it. The geuninle isaa cirtau cure for piles, saris sud skia diseases F. B. Luvol. Libenlyviule; J1. R. BBACXXX, G11111,e0 WILL RNICUE3, Rockofeller. PAL.ATINE. Mrt. lchrooder ls ounlte aid liaI. LitItle Edwin Clay la under lte Dr'& Came. Mrt. Henry Thies, of Pinmb Gravi, ta quite filaI el prinant. Mies Winulm Bavyet enlerlalned thte QuenEstber club Saturdiy. Mise Augusta Bliese la vialIng frieais ilte Country titis veol lira. John Titios, af Plumb Grae causai ou friands lu Palatine Sabnrday. lit. V. Samir, ai Lang Grave, vus lu Palatine enroati for Chticago Thura- day. Misa Mary Popp, otfiHighland Gtovo, vii calngwon inonde la Pilatite Wedneaday. MUn. Muaditanko spent a uv adeys oi titi past voeiswilli frienaislu Righlaund Grave. Mrt. Kanatien bu tIiebalery aid restaurant oubîneai, fitheti ap ao nlcely Iths t invites patronage of mît. Mrt. Chartes Rannacl vwu vury agreembly sarpriseai by is Arlinglan Relgita frimnda Frldsy, 19 hîlug nia birtitday. The MieaeAmendeansd àlinule Renniel, of Arlington fleigits, voe1 very volconie caltera on Mira. Hailinga Pttdiy îvîang.1 Their proapties and luoit plessaut affecte mule DeWitt'a Little Raniy airmailostppular litho pilla vitre- i vertbey are Inovu. Titîyare îiapiy pedct for livit and bovel troubles. Y.B. Lovant., Libertyvife . . a MuemaS. Gurna; WIiiL Rusîoa, Eocaefeler. NORTH NORTHFIELD. 1 .vialn BarringloQ aOn Ed Plagga bai purcbaeed a flue nîv cutter. ista a 'bute." Btey. C. Notin and vite vere Chi- falo vîsitora last yul. lir@. L. Weusiing rfoently visited ber aiter, lira. F. Entart, ai Naper- ville, Ill. Bey. Pîlir bai bien confined to the hanse for som. limie vitb tbe grip, being unable to liithe pulpit tinnday. LLiatenthettivedding bella, vbicb viii chme very Sean, vitîn four1 maidits vili bicorne hippy bridez. The United Evangelioat ohrch viii hold its quarteriy meeting beginniug Marchi15th and eantinang over Bunday. Mir. and lit@. P. Wolf vere cailed ta Chîcago la attend tteueraI of lira. Woir's brother-i-l-uv. Mr. M. Layatan, lait ffiday. If certain Young min viii stndy human nature before cromilng thei body of vater so olten. tbey rnay sciai a "Igravier." WbeuYounug men taie ladies ont saigli riding they iaald flot surprise Ilium by surning then tatag the $Dov batiks; bnt the giant Young mon coolniot elp Il lime and proved thenisulvezaequal ta ttiecciion. Mir. and lir. Henry Wealing cela- brated tueir thirtletit veddlng aiii- vercary Match 2ad. Those prisent vere: oan. sand Mesdames Oea. Brand, 8. Brand, Ânson Brand. I. Weasing and lits. Brand, amli of f8gh. landi Park. A inniptuoni repasvwu served and ai vire glad gta N permit- tad ta eujay the boapltaiity of hoa and boitei.

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