Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1901, p. 5

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w. Should III < ÉAT ' naîy of the fim411p'uiît Plud sold now.a4dayus at low p jritit.-are to Prove Our Claims By Muans of an iîardly Worthi carryintg li<>iii. No oiie knows isMbetter thaîî tlit. îoiekeeper wlio preI)arei4 tieni fo tuie taile. We seil groveries îîî eat and at inuichl ower prices tua o ,the sanie tqitaiit\v cau hbe blngit for' 4.ewbere. Ni-arly ail titi earefiil bhuyers ,of Quaiitv andiii uî'ie hriig lils liir [njuir iggs &Taylor FOUNDO fIa( F t ir-r i tse i i ir e I fi fi t olt is P I t i ln, limi Nt th u i l ut < ul'wit ii C. R. SHERMAN, LOCAL YWATCH iNSPECTOR FOR The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Mailway. Uibertyville - . - - - Illnois. Wall Paper, Carpets. No -tw tm-t lc t w ll j j ilnd S llti 11 j H y ?ji 1 1 î'i so tit-.\' iaX u i ji rui ae' -t4tlo f' <4Xê'f'7m4) jpatternls (11001 (i leigîî- direct finî theti.fai't4ory anid iot as j,, uîîsttimary, froi thi. fatiN til til ma,'iobus f'oîsi tdu book, ttL- t gilt 4\jt4'i se. tIiltt4 0111, \\;lii il ] t ai I i l-I ipatronsli. it itii 1, t 'Liiî<i ti o ' t't41 tilt'. : IiiiI1 t1 itw im t je iia 14 ta pi'j'4- tIliat ttill rit (J t t ls i'i4tip4tiiig t\\itii til't- iealvi , i'X 14 lîys in large (j i1aiititjt'5 <iii'ei'tf rîîîîî mailiiai'tiirrti. an t l (ii i s ('it' '11 ii. 't' t'i'i 411 t t t'> ittit-e.t) iii O6 <'tl it plipehs' AItIJpriI ist >Ixmlxsttrs, W' '>'illi1la ve the .W Mfoquette$, Rio'ilaî'ui.iî (41 t vî ' 'itire UeIve:s, ill t' of i'aî'îet 't ilples. W\v, Bodty Brusstls, t>ili Illoiite y<ili whioiesaeives capestry w w iil - cen u'ît fvidt.d.i. Voi lirussels îîav î'aii and select ;iiîyîatterri ' aIn .4fi . l ir e r a IYti > 111 il ____ J \e <tliail N il; a 1hl Smithi & Davis, DEALERS IN Gencral Merchandise. Libertyville - - - Illinois. 4PICKED Up HERE AND THERE.* I4Local Items oflInteresttoLbertyvlle Readers. - ----------------------Ai N.P .~U'*~**~e~e*ee**** C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Ettect Sunde>', Dec. 23, 1900, at 12:01Ils. M. TO CHIGAISO WiEilciCr. DepraciFrom New Depot. No. iii. i St, 1N,. ý s, t t 15~ N. tsi vi voxi'. FROM CHICAGO. vZIsa 110- ArriVe et New Depot. N? , t, . 1i.NIs. TO CHICAGO. uses ciAo'. Depart Frcm 010 Deimt. t- 25 a. nm. 7 s, .2 'Je ,it ni. a.m m l 1, ult. 1 muAiVitREImIIT. Deoart Feom 010 Deput. N . ý - t .m ' , m î i titi i . a . n FROM CHICAGO. p:1 r. ni. vauX numý ArrIve t 01(1 Demot, No .. ...... ... .:. a .. LW f .............. 6: p45 . M. 141l ...... ....751P. M. so UNDo t Net. IW§..... ...........lyse.10 .4 & n NOi..l3...... ......... .... S:6P. M. va! raîjýI. Il Doepart Prom Oic Deimot. No. 10. West Beunti ..... 1:a00. nM. Nos. 191 and Ici wil carry passengers botween Rondfft and Soloni ililis. Are ytu a Bluffalo? Mlr. and Kra. (lau. W>irît visited Nlfro. LenitLyon 18 convaIeaclng iArtioch friends Snnday. froin lier rec,'nt 'itvere îlinesm. Mayor Wido bau t' , jr recovered tir# a ti>cliii, tf Prairie %Xlew, wu-as ito bc able 10 get flut jtown tim the gueit(,flMrs. lJthn ilarliaur iaut eek. SUUnIly. lMr. and Kira. Samunel Irice, uf Chi- Hal Foliett, who la attendîng col- MVg, viit.d ovU sanidayvlth James lege at Evaneton, was borne lutI veek Pri1cI and fainly. onuaccoutut oflinesa%. fo jire. Fred. Ozoker entertaineti ber Abert Litchielti ieftt ednesday timther, lire. J. H. Biatherwick, sand uoirth-eastern Nebraska, where le ex- brother Alez, of Bock t alley, lows, pectm tb work ai bis trade. the lirai oft he.veut. Chas. Sluhger and son Frank have Acoording 10 the calejolar 3yesterday renitet the -Philip Davis" farm of M@. vaS the lirai day of apring but lndging i'rîtiî,e and i wîî occupy samne ai once. frum prevaiiing veatht'r condition@ A, W. rIpp, of lHaitDay, viii move viter baasfDot yet desertet u,. 11>0>i) he bouge recently purchased ot Walter Bond expertenceti a sndden Ed bMadole by John halard, uezt ilinensa londal nigbt whîici tor a tume weck. was quite seriona. Hit achool dullea Now'it th(- urne wc baru topai n sd other mental vork overtied hlm fîreciate. gravel roaîla. A three or four and remnfted in bis ilinegs. lie la milidrive îurondit bbdeeî, tends to siowiy Improvlng. denatntrate the adivîtabllity of!--more Neyer lu the hsstory of Liberlyville gravtl. ' have tenanta experitieei Nucb diffi- Ar-,' yoii a Buffalo' Ail>'of the cuity lu securtng Louves. fIt l lm- *'itttyt" min iitiate yto fohilcens, Possible tu secnre boives, intfact there anti (inre a Buffalo y ou wtii lie viser, are none vacant, and renta vere neyer Donit bacome one nuleas you are lefttSas uigh iu the village as now. hianded, iS to expenaîve. Den»ia Llmberry vilii e an inde- Libertyville reui estate la In god pendent cancdte for reimnitabte. Re deniandt isa spring,aR a nesideut froni ancOeeded ilu crlng a large number the n orerons tcaaforâ 0uthîe pust Of namnes b hlae petition for a place On !ew weeks andi several "-deals' ut con. the ticket and tho.. algning lnvaraibly hiderabie magnitude are now pending. expresseti their Intention of voting tor A1I n 0;' lx of laboring menlaIsnoticed ifn tbhvM e( k oming iu the resumptionuof The La*ke Oonnty Telephone Com- v.ork abong the Si-Paul coud beiveen paBy la havlng a rocomfil lied np over Fox Lakte andi Jane8ville. Tbey are Loveli's drug store tor a central office. making for the various camups vi Their lncreaaing businiess demanda Liiterfyv 11e. more roum than la avaibie in their Vi îrk nutiihe new lit. Vaul grade bas Preslent crampeti quartera, Lence the tut-n resuimeti. Roadmater Burkt uLcusaLge. a guîmg if75 men ja workiug ini the The IL. N. of A. ,ibhre Party and viol'itoft t Solmo Huisà anti Spring dance at the tuvibaall Friay ntght ticuve. andi tLe work ls belug pushiet proveti a great snccesa and gras weil ai- fi> m'mtîci..vitlh ail possible dis- tanded. Misa Linna Weilla and James parcùi. Clark capturedtit tprizea and Mise At t,- dnce ive by he YnngCarnie Hernunàgton andiChas, Lyon con- At th' da C lugienb luthe onga lation prizea ini lhe card games. The ien', i îi' txélnclubas Muda lgedance vas on frn 1 h outil 4 o'ciock ah mbt ati atedaivasli ot aslrgeandi the entice occasion proveti une ot crumatl 'tîirned tnt "[The date ot the uuulejyet nex (lncehah1j" ahyetbeen de- 'Boon Cumpunimtnv îa î le teitle uOf ciet ian.ohi tta e beatillni phoî et"ilng to be gtven t'iriA vllbnext Suntsy's Timas-Berald. A stries t,! revival meetinigs viii be t3amplinupuet-otie lti In the P reab yterian cburcin every night for oue veek, commneualng Mfon- da>. hlart'b 25tln. hubjects for the Vaille evenînige vilii 0ethe iast ix sermons ou Pilgrim s ,Progneas, each sermion betng illustrateid by thcce ilaintînga of large mi ze. Services 'v ilIc,,omenie t 7,30i p. ni. Al In- y lt-ml. ilito rt ait,, peopleiî' iatroulze mail miriceime in abecaumeat'he>' believe tliey get iiîuer pricea on the saane cass of Rgouda titan the>' cani vecure ai home. Th<e remedin i for thc bomnue merchant tiitocin the peopleu by ativertiiing tOit lie cau anti dues nîeet Ibearu prices onm cashlîaie anti sane kiuds utgouda. 'bm, mail vrmer bonneacbas stolen the traile atia>' rai the country merchant b>' persistent advertiing. Antither Tonuesou art pialure wîtbi tiext Suiduys Inter Oceau. Order ut mmcv vmealer anud avuiti diappoinimetil. salil n iotoice. This wt'ek Geo. Bloehm bouglil uf W. C. '[riggs bis store building anti pruperu>' on Sprague street. J ust vOmt ir. IBelima purpuse la vwe are îîot iiiformed, but it la reporleti & mîhat Beeiiis gouti anlhority that ha lu- tenmlv rentlng the- building for saloon pamrpses. Mr. Boehm viii not con- muct a saloon biniseit, bui bas an ap- plication foîr the building troni a local part>' wbmlmcires tu open a saloon lier, 'i'lie Ainecicai> Macaroni Comnpany la iiiutitilitctllring the plroduat lîdîlcateti <mv the- title but ouI>' ià amail quantities te, met. A large amouni ut muaciuîery inv yt t tittcput ili place ms of wt bloh arrîveI'm iis eeek. A force ut about a miîzen mnin eulîployeti whlcb yllut mouritt le inti'remsi'tasmsmna saltive imîeraiolin arceliegu 'ho large Ivu 4'torvlbrickm audition vbicb it is pro. potmeti to cunmtrîlc i viibcecommeuci wtLlu a !ew meeta. ttîeîimultmîragea ln the viciil>' 0f Hall fia>' .acob Hoisibast une son anti two Amlers are seriously alat. Frank Mitchîell anti bis tisughier are jîiht roevt-rîng funi a bard siege uf that dîsease. Ih vasdeemed sdvisabia tiI close the achuimi laitOe Cuon district, tamglt b>' Misasfrable Ellils tu prevent anoy iosiibilil>' of tLe diseaeebecom- lng î,rîvaleîît. ltbysiciaus invsisbly sgree thaât pneuuîuniu la contagions aud tte several cases amnng anholars lu niasaElhîs' aceuti sRubstantiate that holinig, Il la impossible ttm î,ubliah t&his waek a program utf the propcued -Miik Mais Convention:" BIU yuil fie isaneti giving lu detail the partlcnlars. The farce la a take-off ou the typloe.l dairymense convention sud le brum ful nilufn from start to finish. At tnion churaL Matcb 29th sud 3th. Dont miss ht. Evecythlng ut Internet tu dairymen wi le discusseti. You viii leanu Iront tue mIk malis a&Il about the beat breedo ut cova and lîov lW pruperly conduct a dairy. There ismornie agitation among Mathodisas relative tu removing their chnroh lu a site adjoihng 1te parsn' age ou dhurch street. Mauy belleve that location superior Ilu many vaya to the preseuit one. It lsaorguei the present ite wouil seil for much mute thaii enoogb lu îîa>-ail expause oftce- muval uf the âaiiotune, as it vouiti make au admirable location for a bhat neas block. u0t course nu detinite an- tion ha been irolosed as yet, but, as eiateti, there 18, couitierabie"aik &long that Iune. Samuel J. Reeei . imesident outhîe American Macaroni Co., whose large factory ln locatedtibere, dieti at Canal Doyen, Ohio, March luth. Hievas but 30 years of age anti leaves a vldow aud tinree abittren anti a boat ut friands andti cquaintancea wio regret bie un- timely end. Beaties hie connection vlth the company rieutioneti deceaaeti vas president oif the Dover Construc- lion Co. andtihte Ieeves M"g. Co., bulL af Canai Doven. He vas ut a ce- tiring anti mudeat tdisposition andt e- markabie foc bis busineuss apaciky and abiiity. A weil meanunig c'ommtunicative citi- zen la s boon tu tine nevapaper reporter, and itusa notable lact ibat many gooti items areloi to the nevaipaper eveny veek by the nodeety ut people vbo heaitatetluteli tht edutor of'maltens con- aarning tbemaelve8. The right tbing tu do la tu concteonsiy stop the neya- paper man ou the ireet or auy ther place yuîi happen to meet hlm andtell01 bum youuhave cntertained tientis. have beau ou a vîsît, or anythlng that la a malter ut neya. If yon have doune anythiug mean keep that lu yonrsoif for he already kuowa that. There are others Wbo make il their business tus tail that. AdItiensI Liraism -flselsiPare.. *09 398 189 s .10 31 9 s 8 23 lnery iarge Mr. Gage Writem. Prom J. A. Gage, Who until snime tvu yeara ago vas a ceaident ut Liber- tyvilie, va renelvadth îe foUavwing communication, vhîcii vlliiintenait aJ veny large nuniber ut friands anti an- quainlances a! lie tamlly in Ibis lu- calit>' ONTRuIO, CAi.. Mac. 1l.,1l01. Enroua lI'ti)NinT: When I left Libai-tyville i lulîr Intendeti te write sevecailttera for publication, but Ininediateiy on arrning bers 1 engagea with Mn. R. E. Blackburn as suîterltandent ot is addition to Ontarie. an or3hard tract o! over i.i55iacres, anti I have beau se busc sinmon that i coutId net get timna to vrit,'a lat- ter tiat vouiti do justice te the dellglmtfîîi eonutry ant i mata. Wistevsr 1 touiigay wouil m'unie me fan short o! the csality that lie rentier woulti hava no tînti ef an Ides et vhat it la lite It munet te vaien anti eriteienuied tatoeasp- preciateti. It la vithout quesation ticei.,snd e! sunsiintt. fruit anti lowera-the itay et Amarica. f vili îlot aitonlidto gle ysa. «encrai description atiprenant, but somes liim1wUIl trr ta irive yen as «antwrite-up o! Che coeuntry. sutInce ta ingay e ot regret our nieansd iav,, ne disposiation ta re- trcte Our stope. As yen wl reniemie e c uaebers pri- nisnily on acttounl e! healili. andtihtu 'hange hma wrougbt ail va coud have hopeti for. Ws Laits net been dIssppnlnted luaa flnancisi va)'. as va ,ave tound iftenty et wort at tairiy renuinerative vasas, ln tuba ceunir)' a ian can vert as inany tiys and nights In a near as hie alrenith yltiermiL. We virtualiy hava no vilttr andte itrane ara ot cuutinuouv enoungh te «lite a in ua resu. Yen net-lOntheeltate io rasmemnot is lanallty as a hoalth rescrt. anti s man vho Las moes) or heaitb andi s disposition ta labor will ied ne dilffenlly un inkin bils wai. VAn truiyrot'ura, J. A. Gang. lm Pure AT~ Drugs. . . .ore Perfumes. Toilet Articles. Patent Medicineg. PAINTS AND OILS. A large snd Conngete Stock of School Booka. Tableetand School Room Neces"ie Libe rtyvi lle Connierteits 0f DeWitt'a Wltch Heip FurnisissiPeson RasmilSalve are liable to cause biood polaoning. LeaveMinm&aoue. The w ban You need a tara bond «e I original ham the name DeWIti's upon er ut auy kinti, rem.mb.r W the box snd wrappen. i8 ln a harmissa Che=n for yen, and il va nim and huslcg salve for 5km disee. ndts D llnsquaflu for ple.y. B. LOYaL.L. AhNk iâberIqffle; J.L acEaA, Gumnees; OL i-O.u ' t.- J cme(s Our nS wWall' Papr Il-t airîxed. The patteris are the ch i cst aud iv~nes the iowesit in town. %e are aiways i eadqnliarters for Wall Papex'. i oni't huiy iiîttil yoii see onrN. imL-l MîiE IN1WST lm CAUCIS5 Republicann aud l)cniiocratu - Nonjînate Cousutlates. Saturday uccurreti the Itepublican oaucus 10place lu nomination candi- dates for the comiug elaction. luterest vas lai sud offices in nome cases vent beggina. There vas a disposition te noîiiinata vbho.ver vas usmati andthIe ouly important eontest vau for Assesaun. L. Bond, the prasant incunibent ra- celved 38 sud itudolpb Epkar 22 votas ou the Informai ballot aud a motion vas lmmediateiy carriad deciarlng tLe informai ballot formai. Of course thana vene other offices vhsre mors than tvu candidates vare propcsad, but It vwu doueci4n s hait heartai vay thal aeemed te ludicata nsareiy a desire te propoe somabody. lesriy Ihere vere nu --derricks nlgged rip." Xverytblug -"met happeneti" anti une or tva nominations vere come- ploe surprises, aven ta the unces prop-sd. The ticket as nominateti toliova- Town Clan,................... Fred Croker Assessor..... .... ..........L.Baud Ooieetr............ Wilbur Mecadlth Coin, of Higmyy. (se. tilt.) Barry Bouse cntral dist.) John Ballardi Scbeel Truetue . . ....aGrbard Bchreck Justices o!fLitheP-mas..... O..Wiener .O9. Chiurcill Constales iWalter Authen Cantais - 1i0e. Davison l'rsk Praline, Chas. Stlzman and R. B. Eîger vare appoînteti tovu coni- mtte. for the ensuing yaar. DUEMOCSATa fSOMINATE. Batana the republican nanans lu basement outIhe hall had astjourneti, the damocrais convaned orp stairs aud halti une of 1h.e'hammontous acnes" for vhlch they have attaineti such an enviable reputation. As uauel, thair main audeavor vas diracted lu pro- posiug men for affina vbo voulti --stick" sud an, onevWho vonid ."stick' aouid be uumlnated. Theevas nu contruversy, nul aven et the gooti natuied kInti. Thair ticket vas named yiu aniio onsnat lu muet eveny instance. Blieail le. TovnuClient..... ........-ourdon lchanek Asessr ...... .......... Henry J. Cater Collactor........ ........ John Lawrence Coin, of Higivays. (eo. mlst mJohn Limberry t'3entrai diali) John Wsiuh Bohool Trustee,-............... Thos. Drev Justices of the Pea .'. ea Lynch Co nstabile 8 J. T. Lynch Wm. Royer John Bnadley, Ed. Wellsansd H. J. Caler ver. retainais tovun con- initie.. On. Justice ofth11e Pesce vas loft 1o b. placsd un the ticket by the îoWt oaninteea LiUT SERVICE IS REUME Unoder Conditions Whlch Anoure Ita Unlnterrupted Con- tinuance. This veek saoher englue sud dy- naine vau lail.d aet1the iglil plans. dupUicale. of Ibonsenov lu service, and stier belng carefnlly sud tboroughly teslti vers prunouned perfect lu eveny respect. A nav cross boand vas aiso put lu the engine vbicb vas temponaiiy put out ot service luti veek becanse ut breaksge ot that pur- lion of the machine anti nov ail in lu the Lest possible vorkiug order. Wedneaday niglit the regular streel anti commarciai liglit service vas ne- sumedti lbjnst double the capa3iiy for tunnishing paver sud currant for- mari>' avaliable. The cumpany bas apareti nu axpense ta rnuden the ser- vice efficient lu evan>' particular anti becansa of their duplicate ontifit an- tialpete no future shut-dovus. Onceounr peupla andenatoudth îe exact situation anti cause at discun- tinuing service tha>' vere landabiy indulgent anti dispiayed a uni- vernal villinguem e tobear wyuL the aumpan>' until tbey couiti gel thair plant lu proper vorklng omntia, for vhlcb Mr. Freeman bas exprassed iei gratitude. Be tidti nsuinuuabregret tLe axpenalve break-down as ha duO the tact Ibal is patrons vomîti be In- ounvenieuceti ant ihable tu censura Lis endeavans belt ehLebLad a reasouabie npporluuity taetiamonstrate bis aaru- estuesautfpurpose, snd bacauseasuch bas nul been the case Le natnraîlly fadlb ankfui. &et led tilif remablo 'table ta STlies HAVE BY Oniy 8 plecas, but thay are beanties. As lin as siik, lu very pretty and deicate coloringu, %bey gruse the admiration ut every lady who looka at theni. Tbey cume in the foilovlng paUlen: ,cluater of narrov plnk. stripea un vhite backgrotnd, sane pattern in bine @tripes; vider stripes la pink, bine andi black; smail broken plaid lu bine and wite; vide atnipes lu bine andi vhite, pink and white and lavender sud white, uvercasi vith minait fUsures. NothIng prattier or botter suited lot Shirt Waiats, Chîlda' Dresses and Mens& Fine NegligeeObuifrts on the market. ltegular pnice tor these goods, 2Mc; ur prices ony hait. i :a'.C. TH-E FAIR, Libertyville - - - Illinois. DRI 58 i i. "n F. B. LOVELL, - - - - - 1111 see them is to .50 ventus to $1.0 theni. -1 m buy. takes New patternîs iii Lauies' Wrappers a t 7 .5c to 1.1) eAsk tai se u oui' No. L 6 Ladies' tSlioe, $2.25 New, stylisli and iii) t44 date. Ouîr lhe of Meîîts Fancy Shirts is the rnohbieust ini towîî. To If your ('hildreî%i ShIoes do not wffar well tmy fHendersoîXe Red School- liotme Shoe. Youti an find nto better ones-they are not made. They give the best of satisfactionî and every pair jus guaranteed. q

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