A~Thing or Two About Machiner. Whou yau buy'as-ploceofa! achlnary gai somathiig made hy sanie aid teliabue manufacturer. Gooda thai lava bien tried and slaod lte test, sud umadea as:ar home as possible. W. handle toals made hy Jobu Domo, eayatona, Bradley, Prairie Ciy, PIaI Bras., Diotlug, etc., sud kuap repaire for thain. Msachlnery ibat vol have eoid for yars sud iuav tMat thuey ara thea hata monefly eau huy. Bulit right. work rigrht. stay right, sold right, Tou cSa git machines forsa dollar or tva les@, but you vîli have lau doiiaravano!to trouble villi thora, sud s! you happen tu break a caMaIg oud. ta Nev York mierfit sud vaIt a vani for ilta ocame. Dont gitsomi nav.maii ta axpetiment sith. LaetIbis aImer foll<ivdo th"an sd yau vii 55v. iuney. Il you vaut the hast uilk canasIsi lu the couîîty cornte her after thom. The prie. la ' rght. SCIIANCK BROTHIERS, - - - - Illinlois.1 DoYou Realize... The advantaRe a telephone wou Id N : You caol talk vitlî the foUaowing subscribers, and new 'phones are being put in deiy. It costs but a few cents a day. Besides we can give ail ont subscriberq direct connection with the Chiîcago Telephone Company. Toli Stations. LIBEBTYVILLE (IRAYBLAKE DIÂMOND LAKE PRAIRIE VIEW GILMER i)IIINEE LONG UROVE UL.erlyville Exchage. 134,At'sil J. T. ilese iBAIae.rietaeroni C. Fetr .OauM. B. à Ci. Dy or. &aiueertes <SmnsAcatiai Bideatetr Fans, Risdence linard-&Tin Shap 4,G.ivs. . C. R. Relâdener Ut iba.D.C. R.Oner OMtM ockleFan.. F. B. Mash [,,a & ea la Etate = t iL7muesu FerniReidrace il ei.ais.',Reideare laiabousitBank, . CFFrIght, Callher "" lLi oisyIdepaaadent. P. H . sct il , IOIlC. Por Fane, C.A. Appley. Sept * ~~uJIBoMteli R. A uflontow, np & =Tmr esideser Ee *a,: B -store la iCsseJuan Re'utlrsi ILlsLeeW F (aaie', aSai RIOCKEFELLERI HIALY DAY DIIUCE LAKE Mi, Ma Ptiin 'aAli ,, u i'î rt, L6,.Milter, iiasj.H, 16,. PaGetor. RoaIt . i R-idence i il, Puy. iao. ia..,usil.au Hutet uâ, Stafford, i. W. l(e'ude-s 115, Tattocr. Cha", Dissuud i.aiei Hutet -2.,'riogg. e Tani.' ruceii& utMarkiet rTrIggs, U.., .i. Taylor. D J I. t-id.nenu 19 Trîggîs J.E, -11, Walrund.W.. Meat Market 125. Weti i. n ýWodiiivs S'e 121. W"etlei. J H. ii,.uide' OrsysialueExchange. fi. Aimoar & iCo. itund i.hei ieii1- s 2, Sharasn . EH.ieirc 3. Sherta. E.H J-nars 2Shafer r. E.H ite'ide-c 4. üu F le. Lee, Co- .uianiur & iii, Rockefeler Exchange. 2il. aouse. Reb' s,'u SasI.et 3--, Mrdes nu ii. otel For information, rates, etc., w rte- CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LoveI's Drua Store, Llbertyville. Ililnois. C ENTS CENTS ~t - ForA bottie for tlood"s Sarsaparilla. -Frthe next 30 Il.y& we willI sei iood's Sarsaparilla at 83 cents. mmis sania.................................$4 00 w $1300 liseau a.............. ............. ý..$Si 00 ta $5 00 boy@'Buttae SI..... ..........$50 ta $10 00 Boy; RafiePanta ...........................23C ta $i 00 Ev*rYtbing lu Cothiag for lieu sud Boys. la i. IR Sbme Men'a Resvy B80e. lun(Grain Leatiter. Rang. Cali sud satin C&W ..... ...i$125 ho $2 25 lien'a Fi e os lu Salin Caif, BoaCl(, N icI Kil, Russiau Colt Sii, etc.... . 5.., 1$l50 la $3 00 Bgoye' Shooo lu Grsin Leater, bang. Cali, Satin Caif sud BOX Cali!.................... 98C ta i 75 Aak te Se. aur Maen'sansd Boy' Seasuleas Sigoes. Women'a and ChidlrnnsShoeu In agil izea ana arices. Wa carry -Mas aihl rasai saciaIs hasla Luike Cuaty. OUR PRICES ARE RIONT. V. SAUER & SON DEALERS IN fittieril mrbais L«rg Grove - [>ONT bity nîdliiiiery or farm txolî< lwfore getting our estimat*ii. Let w no. mlliat ouu want and wecacn interest you. W'e landlla the very beSt anîli NtIOWieSt poSiiile priceii. Illmnois.» 'I Waaoiis, BnotiM *WRIGHT BROTHE3RS Want your busineeis-remember that-ai I they have,' the inducexuents yoit want est eeially i 190 farm maehinery and tooh< ------------------ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. DIAMOND LAKE. Il. Biovs is on lte siot lis!. lIai' Hall occuîpit'd the puulpit Sun- day. Mmr. H.Ptiuýw.i M niftf.nriog vilh nerelgia. mase Minule Hokanmeyer iii aaving vith Mir@. G.. Mitchell. lirs. G. Osi. Sr . lai veto ick vlth ln- lanimatory rheumatiuini. N nmcroti loks o! geese ansi docks bave beau trait arofuud thebakaea. D. Ayuahay inovedi ita the bouge recently acctupicd lit Mr. Lempker. tirs. E, Sabin. of Antiacb,Was tia guesi aofH. N. Maithaniand femiy test werti. Mesaimes trickttlandl C. Luri vare lare Mîunday arranglng 10 arganize a Rtoyal Neigibur Camp atI Iauhoa lIn tie uns? faune. SitHOOL NOTES. 'ilose wvo bave rauenibghmst iu their atudios are. A division-WiliI Rhay, tirai; Frasils Tavuar andi flmer Goaaviiien, a lie for secondi place; B division-Laina Tovuer, tinal; Mamie Hoiemayer, second place; secoud year -Gardais Ray, tirai; Rab flouse, second; lirai yaar-Hirani Bertiatt, tirât suil'Ion) Cooper second place. Thban vbo have bisiseauatbher tardy non abîsent tis tIanandl eutitiad la a chance for thie Itali aif11oût ara: Tlle Maie- maya?. Blae Tovun, Wi]ie hRay, Biner Goauvîlier, Roabert Bouse andl Tom Coopert. Tititie Ierdy hu o tua absent ara Marguerite SUtsaans i HraemaBri- Ict PRAIRIE VIEW. Bob Douiey Irsusactpd businesa lu Chicago Tlnnsday. Missalise layer visitysi fiendsata Hiver Vav Stindaty. Chas. shah vWas haaiing casi for Knediar Bros. nacently. tir, sud Bts. C. M. Wilcoz veul 10 C hicagaou11business sctmrday. Citas. Stre shîppasi ibrie catod" or caille and bugs ho hhe Union Stock Yards ibis veet. Lite Oliver Tw it, chlidran sai for mare vlan giman Ona Miauta Cough Cura Mher#hans dorsl i hly fot crajiE t qîicily curas ail congia sud couds sud every tirosi sud long troubla. Il la a bpectlic for grippeansd asilima sud las long beau a vel knonaiutrauedy for vlsaaping cougb. F. B. LovtELL Libarlyvilte, J. B. B&sOuzu, Gurusa; WiLt RNIsOEi, Rocoeller. Sib~bard Âmes bai gona ta MÉouiss ta aipend thb.entmmet. J. a. Crouibie vas lu the *City ou bzusineas lut Tuesdsy. P. L. Westermalu mmmcnd 'iuesday ta settle up saina business liera. Lavadali ing bas isenu aerlously Ill th ia et wvea iit fla 00w mprovlug. A good part of aur Frainout îîopuls- lation atî'uîld î'ancus at Ivanlioa Saturday. Frank hnigge bes îuîîve'lino theIb bouse recî.'îîly vvaîteîtly lBarry Wiullnld. Fred Hîil'bas lather cnlatgad the stock of bi a fnî y tha purchiae orf a ie cuit. ltockefaiic'r lm gottilig to li a sgreas live stock . unai tut iiloada s%,ara tihlped Milnaek. Ouîr section min haive hîcaîskapt luiai si lllîumî'î tntrepuiriug brokeu talegraph i fw Jue. Eing nus ret1irnîsd from Stock- toi,, Win, 10e tli ,iiw a fuliedgnd îîperîîor "Illi a briglit future befora tâta. W. L. hicdi took advautage ai the niea raloy day Txîesday anid veut tn Chicago, tcuving Joe King ln charge af the station. NVll Modge ln agsln uable to ha ouI amoog bis frienda FaW hope fbis la the lust troubla lia wilal experieoca frsm bis trip. WVi IIKnIgge ln doliag a rusblng blisiuesi lrubibar goids.'This in a rubbnry timion01!thbayeur snd if you ueei l aiythliig ln tbat luni, 51iiitan gise yon satisfaction. ou Friday avenng, Match Jlitliera wiii ha a irestereopiiroa' lecture ai the scliaol blousa. The lecture vlilIilh giveuî tuoder th a nagement o! the land dapartmnt o! tha- WV. C. raillsay Co. The vieva isili ha ai land lu nioribarn Wisconsin wlciî ibis coin- pauly offers for sale. Itinl expectad tuai Mr. Pond, tle cousin Central raiiraad viii ha lu toisasnsome limasthie weak ngotate for a new train that vili giva patrons more tisn iu Chicago. W" hople thie euterprise ylic esuccmseful as va are surely in need ai btatiar train service. Durlîîg the paI weckthic wayfarar bas lied 10 conlend 'ith the varyi vortirond@ inovu ta Lake Coninty people. Att ii tuao!the yaar wva expecl ta hava some bad veathar sud1 rongh sud muddy ronds vbichi causa usa ta appraciata flne veethar aud Sanooti hîgivaja leter iu Ihe seasan. 4 Mdayba sameona vili cal] ne a crauk an the subjeci; but va ara gotug ta advacate good raads. flot outy for the1 village but for tie state lu ganerai. 1 Rockefeller in ta hava a Peu-Amer- ican exposition. SVfIl Kolgga lias decided 1 in oid au exhiitiono e 9 store of thc flunI huac0f grocenrins evet iîrought lu lRockefeller. Ilitha el lina J. M. Cronkhite biase good eupply of the blghest grade of feed, meal,1 bran, shorts, coru sd udai@, asofliant1 of beal qualiy. Thos. Mciiride lias nurviveil tbe vintar andi inoving thea testa o! the people bareabauts basi selacteil e new sopply of farinm.le- plemeots of ail kîndoansd fresit palote sud oils. lu sdditiona to the aboya va have a IrgI clans ment marial, bletti. smih sbop, Ivo lbatela sud thbitrinu service la golng to ha Impraveil. Al vo laci nov la volunîners ta rapuair our sidvwatkie sud va vîlI baveaa modal village. The mollo ai aur business man le "Do unto aiarer as va von]d bava thorm do nuno us" and llny lIme up ta il. Prof. Ivison. of Loimcoing, àid., suffnrad tnrribly tram nauralgia of the stamach sud Indigestion fat thînteen yeaasasd siler the doctars faileil ta cure hlm lhey lad fhlm on morphine. A frIand advised lima une of Kodqj Dyspepsie Cura and all1er taklug a fav bottins of It hae aya. "ht bas curad me enliraiy. I cau't sav 100 much for Kaduil Dyspapgis ur 'Il digesta vhiat you et. F. 1,. boyau. Liberty- ville; J. R. BRAcnua, bruce WuLL hvuuR.lockefaller. tt s',a fiinuy timE o n . As tf ostiras cakes sUd hakvsrd. 'G' turnd round mry mach aurprisesi Audu remarkail. - Weil, goodnea me." Ofuiore'GO'atiougbts vers far avaR. onsoauuusoua violao nies; Bunt "(,'roul balleter dream o!-A- On sa rhhlog buts a l o! lift1. "Tiieeti sumesà Limei. soute dey- M. s alît lu a jieissitBons; May tlh,'dar Sse soon. va ailtunosray. Fliet A"and "0«'Il ha ane. Th"n v.,'IiooisrUutusPatiatt 0 0 is sCbals30of gentle -'V Aioou liaI ridY Plisa. "W-11, gooduasMe." J. H. H. F. Fat n WIsote Caibage if Joli vaut te*.19wvaut hurt Yeu. People asai te thini celibage buug heavy lu ibolr uiomacia. Atir osa mes!, Dna natter vhat Yoeu M, "a à laie ai Dr. CahiviFa siroppeleau. Tou viii neyer sufer bram CeMatIpa- tien, Indigestioan.Blok Hialsohe or Biomaci Troublé@$F. B. LOvMr., Libattyville; 020. C. Bossa?;ç, iWsucouda; WnýL Embas. Rockefler. 0GaARxàRsPUsEMAOT. Ml..ab~ 0 las ai. 0 M.jwvadPlew vlaftd v9 elaiVUsAt (loges Laie laSi 8îiday. week. lira. Vlelle bam beeu suffering vigh au actea« 01 tonilis lte laut ev daye. $h. la Improving at promeut. Lait 90turday w hile atteudlug cauea aiu the M. W. A. hall Mrt. Michael Wlrim, Sr. vas trlcken wttik a parl»Ic aroie wbicli paralysed one 09fl li1Mb. and bléi speech; and train whli tiefecla lie dîed ruesday mont- iug a& 9O 'clock. The pfrtV given uzîder the auspices of I. C. C. Y, m. last Fnlday evenlue at the bomne of tir. suit lira. Henry (irabbe vas a great micces luaIlH sanies of the word. There vare about W&117gueula premeut andoasch ue seemed ta eijoy himeell ta the telles& exteut. Gaie af the plesaili featurea a1 tue evenlng Wvea 'toasta" given by memljera of 1. C. c. Y. M., aithougli sauae af the«"asts" or rather,-raat wera pretty verra. Wa vieti no one ta taite exeptions te anything thai mlgbt have hein Sala as evetiing vas mere]3rgotliiu up ta afford nomne litile amusment Ona of thei is- teemad'memborso of our club gave a very goodtoast upon --S. 1. D." and va are aure chat a great many ci thei people, Il Dot (laite ail aofuliam join with l hlan hinking tuai "B. 1. 1)." aughitat change ber licticlaus initiale ta B. D. 1. as vas suggauied by a nimber o! ur friands.- Il ouid Dt bc ueceaiary ta étale wvit montpeople think about 0. D. L as they are ail oai the Same mmnd. Fa bhave ociy ana word to a sy t S. 1. Dl. snd tiat la that asiebail bttar learu te lante af the eale belote abe goes ta wriiugj sometainig uliat la net no, as W" az$ar af ite% poon iliat aie lied publlahedi lait veomi. Everyone cas stand a certain arnouni of "joashlg"me theii expresaion -la, but viien a persani wrltea aomethxug tthésaha mya vOty litile about snd maies Up te resita Sait hersaitias dia Misa- lu lait veeka laine tg la sometbing more thau SUHOOL NOTES. Dean Wells lias iîeen ijuite aloi duriug the pafit week. tîerni-munual counly azamlnatlan W84 héa dou Weduesday sud Tborsday af Ibis week. Quite a number bave beau absent durng the pail week ou eccouut of vaccnation aud alckneai. The outertalument ta have bien given by th. achool on April 5ii bas been postpoued until Aprîl lftit. Ticketa are bing sold for the1 entertalumant tu ba gîven Tuemday eveutng, Madh 2itb. Prof. Henry Dictson, of Chicago, wlll ha tiie principle enterliaier tbat eveulng. He le a watt kuown locutlaulat antd impersouator. Of s récent entertil- meut glven by Mrt. Dicksan, the "D«s Moines. Mail nid "--Mr. Dickson lu the part of liathlas lu Mînry Irvingla great tragedy of-'Tha Balla' dld some vouderfiiacting, holding teIna-j menée audience apelîbaunil vhitî descrlblng bis murder of the Paiabh Jew." Mir. Wsrd. of Chicaga Con- servatory af music will f orniah, the muaical part af the prograin. Tii entertalument yull ha held lu th. M. W. A.EHall. lvit ilundoubtedlybe the boast hua fat givnu. Admision adulte 25c; chlldren 15c. Tickets muerho 1 purcbssed otf cuool children. There1 vi] ba planty ai stable raom for homs. The Party and tihe Shuvi. A"en that Mmeun«%y iîirtY vaut. Affain it at horseman liorsna lent. Again ft.r oîimrs 'it" iuteut. T1ut lartY vent to ride. Tluy t-arn, lon, sAxt. they came ,frouî W.~ They w.iNorth aSouth0dbtii' beýht, Tl'iiy î" u,îcaled t litsfrornthi' e, Ah n... tii'y ue>Or tried. HALF DAY Thoie ou lie ici liati lu iis viciulty are nepothed botter. lira. M. S. Gleeson andIl1111e grand. sou en vatoth iae ty Saturday fan s vicia &My vitihorn on'& famlly. Tisa tunerat aif P.deric' BoIet, tia 18 yeaatoldl.àau of Jacoli Hlai vha dii last Balnrdoy vas beld aitie Hall Day dhurci Tnay ai 2 ochock, Mev. M. E. Dix, oi Libariyville, oMiiat- lug. Internent lu the Vernon cemeiary. Au older brolier la alaIIM vigh tlia me.diais. punmonie. lira.MistyHarris, vbo bas ehelre ine. lieeileatit di bar naîber, lira. Mlasou.rtginu d ta ber liane lu &Mdil4 iîd, lild., lu ait urday, oceonpauIod by hut liter, lias Lydis J. Gieaion vba vilI proceail 10 liutee viens aie vili maie ier home viit ber sisier, lits. Zimmer lu the future. Be. Sual you gai île original De Wit'@ WIJeh Rasi salve vben 700 ai for it. Tia ginuina la a certain cuti ior pàlia s eansd asio dineuaeaY. B. Lovai], Lîbintyville; J.. & M"o331, Guru..; WuLL KatGoa, Rockefeller. .%NZ.M Iey of the ap!lug biuda are bak aian. vhaling ih.i, familiar battni.. Not te have thé whooplug cough Iu the Archer district hlahabcbeblinlitha Umm. Mias lilicel vas unable Io tesci lait vea because oaitha ilînas aofber father sudaliter. C. Klepper was iaarrled ]lest veci 10 lilasdebley. We wiabiitem a moaI hasppy marriail 1f.. Morion Ores., via las accapted a position At Dovuera Grave, vas mai. Ing fareveil viaite bora tibis veek. Littoule ltitizeuliaier haa beau quit. alck vilb pleurlsy. but va are Sied te ha able lo aay tbat she la re- oavetiug under th skillful treatmnent of Dr. Ifeuz. Tueaday aflernoon occurred thie fanerai of SI ra. Biellung'mollet. ÀAf- tir ashaort meeting aithie boune Agi- propriate servicea vare bled ai tu. oburci. The remaina vera lnterrîd lu the. cemetery hy the churcli. She vas au aId reaideut af $bis vlcluity aud reapecteil by AUl ler acquaintauces sunt loved by lier dear oris.. Loug Grava feala lisaIt peculitar honoreit lu tva af lie citigeus balag uantilaneil for tavun osfcars. J. P~. Eltzetbalar vas nomînatait for as- &essor andl F. Weisud for colectar, ai- tbough Che electian ai bath vîli ha cauteateil, tissi oi the former by B.. Willca and the latter by T. Brovu. lit. Hrcher voçld uudonistedly have beeu re-uulluatedl but for the estab- ihabail ruts ta give the collîctorship bsut oua yean otheii.saeapersan. There la no daubi liit Mr. Waiani viii maie as gand a collecter Asassy body aise. lit. Btzenthaler ueeds neltiier an Intraducilan uar a recommadahlon. HoMebioccupleil variona tavu affies sud slvays diachargeil thedutilaeu. enubeut upon i. viii abiltty sud lutegrlty and vitb credit ga himmelf sud bis constituants. OBIDLEY 5C5500L. Notbing iutervsnng. the sobool wvil! baveDInte ietaiumeut frsday aeaing, M=r~ No labor la belng apared lu tskn he pragram n uiuterestlng collection of dialogues, daclamatious, vocal sud Insrumental munie, Incluil- Ing the Prairie Vlev baud. Aithaugli It fa quite probable tualithe entertain- meut viii ha on the above date. yat it may iii paaipoued, vhicb, havaver, vlU ha anaunceil au the bis. LEITHTON. ait. Robert LUIiioa sChicago visiter Mauday. lir. W. D. Griffih tranpartad biîss. lu Chicagaolianday. lit. William Meyer made a busineas trip ta Waoiagau Baturday. lir. Chai. Butterlleld vaut ta Wsu- kegan on busiuess Manday. lir. Robert Niaoley killed thiree vil geai. Mauday. Wlio eauboast tuat? Tii. Leihian achool board lias hîrail Miai Rutb Ray te teacli tie tva sprtng mouthe. Mrt. lirkay Andrevs movad ou bis suauîr'a farmta si of Dlamand Lake Thuraday. lire. A. La Madainue vas cailed ta Wauiegan Tueaday hacauaa of the tlnaus of ler fatber. M. B. Pau1ton, via lias beau dolug u4lht van et Loitano. baaccepseil a position vii tith W. C. railway cani- menclng Mardi 208h. Car insp.dior Shiaw bai accepteil a position yl lite Ban Francisco sud "an Joaquiu Valley tailvey ln Cali- forasand viii0laliai aplace asesaou as relieved ai Leititan. Whau you are billons,noaa tboAa famana litle pilîla icav ai DeWltt's Littla Early Bisera ta cleause tlia liter sud bavais. They uever gripe. F. B. LavIELL, Libertyville; J. R. Baca, <lUrnea; WII.L KNIOiig, lRockefeller. IJEERFIELLO Juno.veltter vas home leuoday. L. Vetter lae sh nuable ta be out. AI Laslcu ls eoffering vith Iyîihoid foyer. E. Il. 'Wilman lmet his horse lest week. M. Horuberger han s tenant ln bis upperfloti. Pater Zlitn bas rer'overed from pneumonie. We. Oit bas completasi bis course ai theaIMtrupolîtan linalueis Collage. Geo. Pottin, Frank Otj sud Mika Oterman ara taamiog for the fi. T. T. Ca. Anolter saloon viii lin opened lu Frautz' old store about the nlddla of April. Jua. Woadmau, vho is amploynd as travelIng Agent by tha Chicago & AI- ton Ca. vialdbis mother han lion- day. Tawn caucuis vas heid Saturday. the quietesi, cancus seau ln ibis tavu lu years, sud taauIted as followe: Towjs Clati, F. M. Meyer; Ausssua, E. A.- Frautz; Cammiselouer of lglways, lit.Gibbons, oa i terait; Justices af the Pesce, J. là. Fritsch sud C. W. Pet- Sils. Tii. tingarlug cangb follaving grippe catis fat Ona minute Caugh Cura. For 411 throat and Iung troubles ti inlaheb.ouly harsaiesi remedy uhai gir.. immediate raulte. Provente conaumption. P. B. LovULL, Liberty- ,ville. J. .9. Bacam, Guruee; WML Kuîiooz, Rockefeller. iisnty ls cupned a4y allait af iie blud aven gitvon liae r'z ren Ver: leodM«C. A. (.aIrIOF Taisge, G. W. Steflana, Y.i ÏmqL: Kuocienensa sud îiuuglter Do Bauoa Chicago: lMr§,a. EMtit, IaYfsr; eaid»xùes 0.U. 1 uockenqiaMandi Henry Maeirbi, Shernirvîlle,. NORTH NORTHFlELb. Mr. Mortou Gresn, of Balf Da), vlsltiug Viii bis sont, Misa L. I. Vl tirs. Menry Wa..Iing ente! tirs. C. iilryier sud dauguter I.ps Master Mari Eutanf, Jr , o a!Np.sn ville, la viing bisaint, tir$. J. C, Weaiiug. tir. J. C. Wensilng viii &pendI Le nazi tva visais lu Ibicago, beiug callid ou jury dnty. 11ev. Pair viliiattendi tha United Evangelical Con ferauco tisa veei vIiel boe u aumaday, Marcb Bathb as Asinava. III TheiB St a@ bas iteslthie lime af Mir. ai nds . d. Pîgansd loft ie a uicel11111egirl, liai liersud daugiter are dolul nieoiy. Mr,. teV&ney'a daugiier las beau very sîci, bail ts ai praent vrthitg are glaU ta uav Ib is. Tiei'Evangelicai Asa'iahisn vilii bol ibeir f ourîli analfelait iuurtanhy meeting luntitis canlarnce year ha-, gilnug ou Tiaursds.Marebiis1t. Roev Weliuen vili ilc rr»Cut. Il vould bhaWvse if cii. Carnie .Nation wauld Sisitlnl ltae surroundiig country sud cao hring lber eznaslaiug crev vlth lier sud isît ceilars sud liltîor rooums ansi ave niu fron galting druni aîîd hanses gettlug drosid, wvieitlatter acaturruil ail tbraasgb s druni. Hov lte meu va tomais a îssyaiery, talisiniseif sud aveny 8he. I have never lavaI bitons. He.--Aisil vy nipreclons? larBiN tbare ara atiarsn as vuyne 1 s . Shaý-That vaunt t . I ledIndi- geationt su bail t navet could ondure lhiitpraltle. but I looka s otu, is lft. Caldwell'# Sirop Pepsin sud ba,' nover seau saay aigu oi it sinca,. GttI h of F. Bl. LOVELL. Libityvilia'. Usa. C. Romarin, Waucanda; WILL KsNugo. Rockefeller; (irayalain **What you can get for a4 <~Little money at Knigge's. + is IboSugar ......si 00 14)bars Lenoi Soap ... ............. 12 Calumet '.... . .... 4 pige RolIed Oats .. 1..-.. ... 8 12 Ibo Uatmaal........................ 23 canaiCoru. . ............. ................ 31qcaaBartiett Pesae.... ........ .... 25 1 gallon eau Bartleti Pes e............... 30 3 aeSalmon.. ý....... .......... .. ....28 + 3 tumblarn Pure Fruit Jelly ............ 23 3 k ëM n eMeat ...... .......... Z 5 b coesCliona rne ..-.... 25 4 2 IoJavanoe eColYna ......... 23 4 lu u ucI à a mlime o1Yruiture for the $prlugCrage. + * Watt Paper and Carpet Samples. + Ji larie stock to select lrom.+ WILL KNIGGE,+ PDROPIRIETOR + Rockefeller Department Store. + Worku SHERMERVILLE. Rave yau beau lultliael lutothie Onden of Buffilo. yet? Ui. Oea. Walter, ai Westau, Ili., la viaitug relatives boe.. Mrt. and Uli. W.. Walter. '(A (lieu-. eoe, vistaI borea lasI Buuday. lira. O.- F. Teille sud dausghter Normae pent Use puat veak ber@ vltb relatives. W. Beidy sud vIle. af Chilcago, @pont laat Bunday at Bachiavu vîi rolattvea. A number ai aur yauug meu aut Io Chîagolat Iunday ta aBe the St. Patici 's Day parade. Lait veoi Tueeday. Match l'lb, c ourrei tle deu ao isBlM. Shermn. lit. Shierman bail not boeauveil for sne tîle. sud s 1ev vouabefoto lia deali contrsoteil a seero coud wvilc resulted su bis <tamise. The inter-1 nmant 100k pai 1riday aflornoon al; Deordilil. lit.gharnan,thireanonm sud a daugitet survive hie. Tlsoy bave the sympathy oai&aIlui heIn Md bi avamenh. Itla is habail va bave nai gai aur lire angine nov, bcathi.firimen coul gel sout. practice lu pulling Ih lirougb tbe mmd; but theu sitar arrivuug 5astête scone.ofatheieIre they voulil uat bava ta looi long for veber, for theeisa v havi boe,. vbch set as aide valia, are veniablo cana, sud ail lhey vonlil have ta do vould ,ho ta put thse hase loto ana afi lise caniais sud hagin apiratiaus. On tbe énnivarsary af lis 2lst birt-i- day, Tiursdsy eaieulg, Match 149ù, Frank Volts vas pleaianty surpriiei by s nuim ber of bis youg Mned. Sa eecretly vote ail arrangement. made1 liai ho lad nDat he louai ihongit oai&i. Theoavening vas epeot iu aiuging sud the PIsYIng af varions gamea, sfter viel ail ast davis ta a isumptuani te- past. The dluîug tons vasdecoratel vithiAmaticami ieauty rivaes. lTben sfitar uany hearty congratuslations lhay saildapartisi. A claring social avent o! thaeass- son, vili lu elaborataneavas an- tirely uninrpaaed, vas a dinuer given hy lira. Henry Gola sun hie suivanmsry oi bar bîitday, Wedneaday, Match 139h. She vaas ssaesi y lira. M. C. Canradl, af Highland Pari.Ui. G(1iai raceivail ler gsaté ilua s lidome Clu- uer govu af lavis doota<beige clatIs, vastng violets, vhlielire Canradl op- peared inluasprattY drus o! hisilh toilette. Misse Aguen Meirbal! andi Helen Ruocieumuai, aasiaed hy Grâce Glas, daughter af the liaitese, prauldeil at the hable sud paurasi hcooite ansi caffea. The bause tirughoui vas liandsomeiy decarate lthi feu, car- nations aud roses. The dinnet vae chanmingiy srrsesged and aarvid in courses, baviug bien proparoil by a Chicago caterer. lu dainlineuan sd Issutes Vol1. Uibertyvllle ffij~ I iii ................... DIRT CLEARANCE ls a good plan for every bather to kw2o som thng cithe wap he un& Thue laa I Iwdl4owided obfectioei to ualng a floar-ean. ing oeup n the human body. Jvory Soap ln the bather'. uaiph It cosa orethan conmon §Ca WÉ bthe .différence in lI tihe ngredients and mIaknt. WhY not treat Yowà eliw a littie repect. h ot thse human afin with its marvelloms dellcay oefldto pure aoap? lvOrY SoaP- it bats. oeil Wit Ji ai, iuit omet. thta iaru y fre With rouir forr-- andi--: w if l u r- nltn !viilhi Tt i,,.or etse.' t oth-r. tu tram.; .uun, itb.vu good vili. 1 l"Uf tsa.u iufhat alanu ati ln lialunloat tn.ut LiertrviilW Tiuei teasted i vîfieacli otier. Thuu horne tard vas lie van they look. Tienouili,d l byvind sud fr0,1 the shook; Tien une bu ound a shsdr uiook Beneatiî the otherssael. Hov Il 'u tf.uMs, snin @as as shi. Ibis lie li dure tie dand ho tr. Elow tii,0ul nier bit fo aigu,. 1- uitrVto al Thîts 1le, s inevithisud Oie tai.. Tics le; os futhintfutti 1hi e .il. Thms Jutit ntiune vîth isutaavait To inul who It sould ha. Who is f iurunffdads e ton lue? Who voninut gansse tvan - - . Wuto lm the, wocîd not sur lit tues If uet,,' Coutlil bet M.ILt). Mieil, Goodne@8 Me. In fIe JUs!t INDPasOasT 0f tino vatega . Tiuie, apnaraad a short runein ou, ir Id, goand Mo. Orfoiu 1.0 amanasraslilsisiofleu- 1; lm wicd ho tumention a use.,; Boit frolni hCva saidl. aitliean guems Ht, a ean o! local fama. Il'- k fot a anuofi grat rdiowu. lue luo'.. net so Inclina; Nu,.ttlu rYunug eau la quite contant MWitii uhinhouai blud the lutns. N u oiut mou tbli kil very straugs- Tha; .usiiin ai>sode: a But t le s omiewile isuling liie H, to',u alinost & loMs. Ai.-t a loadolm e ha droip"ul. dît ibut tîretacas in front. Andl If lu,-lad nt ualoast o as He nover voulsi bava tuppail. Libe rt3 Dr. CF Libertj Dr. >)ffice c sideuce Libi Phye Go rnee Di 1! 'ire: 90l L PA N (Fiyyer. ..ibert BENJ A LIBERI Cigi WRI G Lai