Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1901, p. 10

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W* e fee orry for euyoige Whoi ahamet of tue tovu lu WIich t hi.- ide.. -' Thé irait tiugs lu thé village te ho attetnde aare thé aidevellce and S crownugs. Joveti Bairatav, thé granite and -a Ible dealer, o! Waukeguu, van lu towu luât Frlday. MIeis Batilé (rtiey, Who leachea lu Evaneton, spent lher vacation with ber pareutt imveék. John Aîbright rétuiuc-dta tol@etay, Milun.,gotalle i- '-arge (o! a eieamery ibis oeil, lraviiig tle; irelmiter vih Ifis lparent'. lien t 1,is 1. 'liite-i.-k ut pie-Seut. ';jr. T'i', i ua ir e in atten"dait(-. te-lai ne, I.Oi, ni ati to t yphlrid fr-ver. Berit Suau ar rectum ,itfiontLibrer- tyvillo, Ueerig sue-it tlar, lilstoev k. e-e t,, i 1l ilats '. r'e xî' ata jWoi k fo:r filv 'C. A kLA t.P. ly (t0. lné A Thing or Two About Machinery J iè Kuug'roit ee tutareîthîlto Whén you bny a plécé o! macbinéry gel eomtbing made by nome jas itîgbt opicrtor. 'bIis biesfeirté OU4 reHiable manufacturer. Gootte tha& havéei rledand attond thé hé a perîmanenut position, foi -be le e gond operator Qini thé Companry a baI aensd made annear bomne at possible. avreo!thetfctt *W. bondie tonte made by John Deere, i<éystane, Biradley. Prairie Robert Bouse, operi tie store ré. Otîè,i P1b Bron, Deerlug, etc., sud leep repaira for thent. Macblnery centl1' r-imudreed by F. L. Wes-terin, lui vj havée otd for yéars sud kuov tient they are thé béatt ient lest 'se-mk, uîrdl ooîvfflier for maie amy-1 811,067cm uy.thirg foîrnd unri eirsi clans giae-ery. MOéy AU bty. le- lit ls a ille ment urarkeat in cou- l BulIt right.,work right, stay right, sold right p Mie C. . l.viise uiklrîg bard 1cr YTU feas glmachinefor a dollar or two lee,but yoenusd11 bavé ieu 'Rticalr9il l nIoyal Seigbhor cauta dobilant vorth o! trouble vîlU llrén, aud if yorî happén ta break a Ivunhoes. Site- las iruccui cieccesfilino et ceaing end te Nevw1York ,jf1-er hi and van a veet for ita oconme, fai lu lher endeanireîrl v e feelatI el eha11ky regaing lîi.tfimre-hainicruiù D»1 getimmonew.évmakee xîerimént vîtU. Let tire otheir fellav do .sayiraout a 'salralt ibelng aine i lénat eisi you vîlI navé mouéoy. ta tee-p asecceet. U yion vaut thé boit milIt cann eold lu tire couunty caméleré affer IL lis ta be bopeîl tOut ibis vîlIliée lIé,. The price le rlgbt. théhauier year foirlRockfelerilJo ail that teîîdR ta her umlfure, iuoieliy, SCHA CK B A HE Si ochlîly asud )il 1buelunnsenterpristi. SCIIA CK BR Ti R Witlut]t-e-m e i héât spriug Riven us vé hople tune thé business Ille o! thé ~%Jw1~vIfe - - - illli s. village taire a frenb nitait sud grov tal anchi au exteut tiraitibIs yearas total msy hé a record breaker. c r ~ éDont failta oattend tUe Ire-e stereop. Cl 1 V ou 'ceailze. . tîcan lecture, ai the sebiiol bocnine - t é S 5 j lbt. The lecturer 'suIlepeut aboute 'the advautaigé a tléphonie would be? You clin trîlk i'.'tli the lanads oîf Nortierîr \VJioReisJ[ ncbet tite naurenre ii îe soir.l, limat.", the foilowîng aubseribera, îtnd new 'phones are being put in CYopesurndinirstrle- t iti hrtlhc-, .* daily. t co-ta but a few cente a day. Be-ides we can courîy leNiesi adaplm'd. 'ri rirrîher * give mii aur subécrihers direct cannectioiu with the Ciicagoeb ow viral stunîîanîdplortunrltieff Telephone Company. exieit tIre, about 20it tere-upticen e viée8 iii c Ire n. Ait intéréntlnug Toil stations. evening le praciseed t aail aind w,, feel 3] MIIET1IILLE GRAYSLAKE IROCKEFELLER teand. 'sl leacp* Ilpi, a t ý,ýDAOND LAKE PRAIRIE VIEW HALF DAY tend. adbieete eegto GLÉRG7EBUELOAKERVEgreeted tMr. lPond lasi Weduesday ne LONG ROVE hen lhé camée ta diseus e tréad. w LJoryieExchsange. A tc til,.Pis ..usi'ey (rd11 vieatllty a! lucreaeiug thé train sér-E e»t J ,dn, 1 iC ier IVIJ, " viecriutIre Wiscansinr Central. ttanyb »N. kAéIn acarni C. Fs1noîi linRay'. Oea,(.Mlenrd i..aet iarrin wighiy retenons r ce udnanc-ed show- l el; t~i I E W.Itenideece li. Staffrrd 'lR Wll-,ll',a' I i "liv Ale ui irarr tion n m 'uir id lieuetiil u 1,, ~~~ J F ~~I 5 Trtier. <'han iInraIl aaa i i. dinbatth crrtar-i ind fi lrc-rai roaricoin- », 1,M f ' taTrI, I- i&uais i,,e.e.O c ik paîiv, nId Inarligro rcani'helrfere-et I 1'Néél.,int BtIidgluecter Fat.r3i. Taylor. irs'J tL leidcý,,, reilspa e tir hinît iMr. t'ond vas C ! ~ P, Reeidence ia91iriga,,, J -fvrb E.rsedsdwl uealB H . Hardy-are & Tin Stop 21 W&'rrond n etMariifvral mr-sel and wlll se ail 5 De.C. R Residenc 125 Wells ]lttiroec t etnebteracute Dr v t ffc 21 ' efedjH dation for patrons o! this rond. bI 8. Loan lt Real Estate Orayatake Exchange. IOunr fhardwmare dealer, Thon ticHride,~ Farna e dmuéold Perey (crimie- lest 'seet aarge Reience r rnoCueirr A ('r, ltoud Iaae)lcr'i lt- "h,.~- 1bill o!frrlati n lnbery and Icol !for Bak .F.Wih. I Shernan. Eil lle"cieec-e- ilee ou th,- lrndle-v larin at IPrairie- HlrH.A Puiw.r 4 . Wibur Lumber C. laminer &innnorders eer eoldidnlu e-tein Lake fi Rockefeller Exchahige. ______. t 31, Re leece 3l 't M",i krief PRAIRIE VIEW. W.F.(eage laile-i 32, HIe, Ilinel f Mis. 'oss le an tic sick luelý 04r formation, rates, etc., write- . j LMi. Ciua. Siurm baasJis iUMber for CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, - li awlarr mtligln lIou,- bandci iit i d t5 I, m eig l. LoveI's Drug Store, 'I ieslay cvening. Libetyvile. llinis.Eddlie ilrlt sncb Mi.Spiagtirehave ré overed !ram their se-vire- liisi.e Chas, Sturm shrppe.-rIlni vaelsi cf! et lea u i'nrî ' ,,sltn Mritre tcyi'r iLo lii airaelNtj lug l it-rfietreon lvrnalmir('he ast tir ie-ýé ? te ii-fmrn 'tInnlir ltae lu Clo agi, Nb i'ritrc ' V~ .j Iii Freti lur! leinnîr iram esr, .froint CENI Rne-r Foli-Nt, ann Lot larei--un<eatil e- ton fi no t'UIa.-agri, Vlnt, 8 r ana!M :8:3 IW. i tt li (vrier Siuan'. ou iii ia~t,,' flmc'il ',omîtrj' in cure ugietmr icle'lnt by A hotie for llood's Sarsaparilla. savjtTotu alse rF«etihe next 3o dqys we wiiI sel loModes almay'î ue-ed îiie-nty(rtfgondcifooi prapcriy clgexeed. Elrlii s'ipepelaR SarsparlUa at 83 cents. Cure le thé rusui of Ye-ars o! erienutitie iegearch fe u iarn- t uit wcînld etcbu d vervhat iidmmAndit.F l. .rieflone rmaî........... .......... W L..rer00 t'm$i00. ! . I i non mml'.(itîruce- 111" .............-- ......' .'. ..... t.$1 50 ta $10 O00'%V 1~ nni.mim'. I- s«'Kaon Faute--------- -------------------2Sc ta $SI0 OU Eveythhug la Clothl.g for fIen and Boys. GAGES CORNERS, W MIss Rifle Maison entertalil lufrs. J. Uns HKmv BolaluGrain Lether, Rang. Caîf J i-Y..î alam. brcf tUe Buffaloi or- 4"eattueIacaiî . sî23 tu $2 2 V a îîrî' tar rar rii7-.ln ,IL" *$ pi» Ge ho tuI Satin 0 a!, Bo x Ca f, Vi el 'ith Kld, Enselan Colt Stîn, etc.... SI 50 ta $3 O hc nnlif r- 5t',ilie-I rt tire Boya' Shoos in Grain Leaiber, Rang. Caîf, Satin . Ihm ! c.tiDtr-rlrucîriamt j <ai and Box Cal!------------------. 98c tert 1 73 i ica Ank lis Ses oui ilen'a and Boys' SeamIcin Shoce. n irs Ineîeiirie-tirtien borené 'uday Womn. and Childrén'é Shoé. in ail abieand prices. * romu t iLe itY, wlireruei.î'rLam elin W.O c"" *Othe liresetstea. la Lit..k.Cane1-. vreting relatîseN. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. -Th',lai tiilliî nertioin r thei- mmî W uniold alk It, bl l l rg butînrl h ieasid l'ut- V. SAUER & SON no' :r~.î! ¶ '~r'N argua ol DEALERS IN W spring. * Q euerl lf d~4dIseArr Epumortla l.î-tiýsoîîceial mess be-id aitIréebrime of Mr. ard tire. Jus. liUer.- I.MX GoîeIlino. jr niia a!Sangatuck, lest Frîdayeen- ing. Ne-vgarni-e 'sere introcicîc eil é r-shmeîis servuai sn]sagenr-ril om tinnc- an eirjiyecl uv ail, ghie tritirt ________________arrange-ment ot iîmitrl' I iraogrisiaîg 5,-e-uns h, bave hé- Mi j ie-aaitadin tibis vlcuuliy. lieverat Young men have ,-Smeiae novw sud are re iaking everythlng lu igut, liam Hen- ison e freak eéalf ta thé pretilest girl tlulb I Fr M acbinery. Wo zG, telr aPuce, no girls, rsqyrgle treuisicnsdlire-t, anIdlbe sure anrd or frnitoos WeoarOD . lo iite swtuelien yu g g e t t N g o lN r e. n i a ti e s UO n t i r i v . t r i mn 1t a n i r s f m r l s Muio Pqn S.onjAoy a eek vacation Yllitug ab home. C. . Lpoulet vau Blok with a ver: bard cold i fév <laya recoutly. Caii DStfer vwn Blok vitb tounliti thé llret fév <laye o!ibe week. Leo F. Jeauniene wa Chicago vie Itor leut Frlitay and Saturday. Joseph Buauett, (,! Lakte Forent, i visiting aId friende lu ibis VICIultY. Henry Enebker violted et hume9 !e~w daye the latter part of lant veeél Mis. H. D. Wells spént a fev deyl rc~euntly y!ltig relatives et HelIn dvre. Arthuîr Payue snd Engoee Silti werre Wauîkega N, itors lest veel %%'edîres0a1ev Last week Thursday 11ev. T. WV. lois and lfauily leait for tOc-Jr fnture borne, Iwvo hivers. Win. Emneet Béckwîtî i ii lmrne froir wibeatouIb illa ét Uc le Ilenjoving 8 few daya ,vacation. I'reparstious are becbg malefot Easter Axerclees to bu belliat the ourcb Esater Sunda. Josephi Darfer arrivédbhorne from Chicago lent voek Tilésday. ne le suiferlug wltb ail sttack o! tonelîtleaia j'roeet. Messie. Oscar and Fred lisure or- ruived home freonM ~ichiganlest meeât. 1 scar le going 10 work for F. S. Dolph ,liei eomiug senson. Lad. Hunday rnoruing the pulpît vau c'cupled by a Rev. lîoîp, of Chicago. The atieuctanue vah, eniali ou accounft of thé Inclémnent weatilér aud bad rondea, but those preseni eujoyéd bie eunarke very mnil Ibère vOe n o service@ in the evening. S5<IUOOL NOTES. TUier.- van no schiool last Frilay, It belug Vloittug Day. Rutb Wells han liceu ont Beyerai iAays >n eccounit of sicluées. The elgbth grade hasneelected orange , piait:and dark biffé as their class color. Laut Wednenday and'Thnirnday vére examinatîuu day;. fome of thé grades did ot finish utIl Monday. ickets for the taeit enterialumeut way hé pnrchssed of thée ctiooilebil- rieu. Adulte, 25c; cbildrén 15c. Harry Cale bas rnoved wlthbhie par- ents, t Tvo Hivers, Wle., where hé hae entered echool. Harry vîlI hé mielé lu the sizth grade. He va. one of thé' best and mnet energéile mnembere. The pupîle vha vere nelther absent nor tardy for rntb ending Mar. 1991h. wère: Suele Payne, Dalsy Van Plew, Etta Orabb-, iRaymiond Payne, Audîev Docker, Morie Fastet, Emma Chain. berlaîn, Dora Darfler. Boet Chember- inu a fot absent but tardy. The entertalumieut, vhlcb van to ave been gîven bv Prof. Dickeon, of Chicago.undér thé auspices of tbe rliool, Tneeday eveulng. Msrcb 201h. as been poetpoued on secouai o! the bad condition of thé roade. Thé date Iwhll ho given vlll bé announeed lu te oextIssenof the !NDEVESDniF.NT. CARI O0F THANKS. We di-ire to éxteud oui héart-feli reante to oui uèlgbbore and friands fr their Mione and eympathy ex. tuded lu un during théellUesau d eui of aur belaved hiueband and liber. MRS, tM. Wîsîi Aso FAMXLY. 1Whv. 'r. it,, ln a fionnVIllage,. 1ar hrin y nai. 're arn'i Young a -Wol mardi-r. Or0ff tn~ - latjy fram,- l'ire, iltilip. flb ail tri-.l il irasli. G-14 on,-I r',," hlm lu. tt L, 'w.a. e e. 'Liasv-n y Plalie, jIlet u',Va, iiN .trio. F- ila" .r lai', z rn a' *I-'otam]ntiiiiiuantwayî Lt," u']!nn. 'tr, lu,'gai'.. it i, ii-t' "- .I a rmnigpe' W ti l ii , hnlr îoiu.n« gai. fil- i-n i lt n'" tnr, . Aînd llîs'rs, -luiply out if sigit. 8,un-tIme- 1,-- -ars on,,. suowy w1irt,'. A elLn-, 'rnae.sfraucrant iin k; Wli he , t -. i lw1neIy weîds lis way Tri n'fi ,", , Snainday nIit 'irs- a i'nil,.nr"s D e upisrle sayi. wî,i,i -,o.nîr' tIfils riait. Buin, ow iil fok no longer tait 0f MailreSusO as thèse; If nos aIiotjld 5auntilth hlmioa l t ii. A.k J- -l lYolennpeae. 1"liai,'il tell ouen e iv,'l y i. Na' i r, n oia want Iito now;- Amin, gIso' -thle r(aaou 'sîr Il,, likîl itlon' sielat rides so. For sî'l r,' lp tint' ilket sert.e 'Tee -. ewci ',ooe: tlîeY iaY flkirle-ai was restluou luonlier' i d i l t, k nr,, e m ,ae,,l W .,, ,,îrowani ll.i .1,,.I --Y',' '.rirgii,'. hleeed 1Il e Yos ajst mi)oaiîh et t wiu -- Qi nVINlg. FOX LAKE. ir. Pert Willey iii workiug lIn.rWau- kegani. Mir. A. 'Iweedl vimitéd iVarcouda Ionday. Mir. A. 'Iwed.(l uvan a Cicago vIsItai 2cently. Mir. Tyler Githerte cblldren have beén very 81,-k, ,rhe Fleli wardene are arautud lok. ig for sorietthlug to do. Mr. J. Airnéil sud vife vere Wau- kegan visitais Snnday.1 E- F. Galîger and telain are ern. Mr. andU ia. D. nîtzenthater vwffl et aIj.P. fltzeuthialér'e lest Saturday. la Prparatary confirmation .-xercisee ver.eld at the Evaurgelîcal Lîithî'ru cburah lait ttnnday. Mr. Luet, Iroin Iteke-foller, bleziît la umber of fat béeven lront tua. lghbortiood lant veek. a Jaki e - eketoweiler toîk eaîlaiter of thé floral décorations aetOihe funeral o! thé deceased lMr». Meahler. It le iuiored tuai (Charle Elepper aud hie vîfe luténd ta inove 1<î Laie Zurich. G. Elepper liasniireci Joiriî H olet for thé comîng nuasun. Tié foirtir and Iart aîarteily niet- Ingof thé présent canfýeénce yeux ai iEva gellcai Ansoiatlon churchirvas blsdID théalîove-churcîr lait Sunday. l'hée approacbiug élection piaimîsés ta tbe a lively aire. Atougb ve doe flot présume ta dictaie~, yet evey citzen bas a rlahittnexpress Ie cou-. r viciIons, il hécao nuîlbtautlate tbem. B W. do Dot dIsicrédIt runung by pétition, but vé tilleve when mon h ave beeunuomlnnted by 6 canins fully ,repieéntln)g thé entire election tprééluce, the straighîtticket ought ta go lu hy a bandsoeonrénsorlty. Thé persans naminated are ail Dieu o! abîllfty sud véil qiîaliIied for the varions offices for vlbi they liane laeen uourinatéd. Albert Raaier strsrted foi Englewoori luit Ittrday expscting ta spend Sunday ibère sud ta tart onautre followîng da, for Mnnuesoas y tite tIme lhé W111 be viniluîg ies înany relatives la ibal smats. '.Véknow fitle dlncourteoues ad perbapn cowardly ta Bay nomethîug about s pérson, vbeu hé le% abesnt aud cannai pîéiéot hIe offle, buit v tallé thé liberty ta eey this:U»Il ther Sivuai etLong Grave a Y01109 Mau vhowvas kind, accommodai- Iug, caurtéoue and gentléuianly aud watbY of théenrmulatIon o! évery ather Young Meau, It vui Abert Mener. Wanld Ithuvs bad a surplus lusteadc af a acaraity ofa scbyonng men. 1-1 havé been troubled! vltb indign.f tMon for ten yearn, have trled mauy tihga aud spént uruch mrney tai no purpose nutil Ii rléfi Rodol Dyspepsea Cure. 1 have taken twa bottins and gotten mure relief fromib ent than ail othér mudiclués talion. 1 loci moreà like a boy iban f bavé feitin tvènty .véari." Anderson Rlggo, of Bînuyt Lace, Tex. Thouiande have tentifiedu ase dl.!tMr. lilggs. F. B. LOVEtLL, Lîibertyville: J. R, BRA.ctés, GuiDée; WfLL KNîaoE, Rockefeller. t DIAMOND LAKE. f Mies Mabel lionulvelIlta on thé sP-k lât. tire. eOnt Ile uiirove-d ai îreent1 writlng.0 Mr. sud Mieý Tattiler wc-îc Watîkegane vIsitais Fridsy.b M. Andrewe and !arlly have move-dE auto hie moliera farim. Wé arc glad ta report tIrs. Alualeini u thé gain, ualter a vee ro! se-ver.- Il]-I- Mie. H. Skiuhl sud nous aie tayingv et Mirs. Mtchell's durlog théilImes o! i ber moiber, Min. Ont.P The ladieo! théct>iamond Lake 11 Cémeteîy Association wil hold a meeting at MrIil. CcîeThtîmadaya afteruooo, April 4th, ait'2 a'clock, Everybody coîdlslly luvIted to attend. Von cannai eujOY Perfect bealth. roay checks and sparkliug eyegiIf your livér le elugglanlad yaur bave-la clogged. DeWtta Little Early iaèserj cicuse thé whole- sysieur. TUe-y neyer gripe., F. B. LoVFLî,, Lîberiy ville; J. iR. fliA'unn, (minee-; W[i. Xrriîay, lRockefeller. APTAKISIC. Niet Buschn, Si., le laid ni) mn ilir the grlp. Bert '.Vlkeiehielm is voikiiag for j. Oisi. Missben Nodie sud Nlde Wrolf, of Chîcago. vere home oser sunday. Little Elsié Wachsnlng bas beén (lutte sck vitir tung févér, but la eau- val"~Ing, noder Dr. Mol! et*m care. Aug. Piper le happy ove-i thé ai. rival of a yonuger brother f rouitl'rux- nia, vhoni hé vent taMeeut in Chicago Suudsy maming. Thé latter bad a pleaant voyage o! twolve days' dura. tion. Théunupléasant weath"-r ruade thé atiéndance ait Mrs. Habéne mehoat éen- tértalumeut vcîy ernaîl, whilb la un- frrtiinsté, as thée prograin vas excel- lent. Théebhldréur rendered mcli thé parts aieiguéd thémi. Il vas hoped thé entertalument would bu re-peated, bunt w.- arc doomed to disaîlîl.ont rueut. WAUCONDA. Village, caucnthîs veet. Thé Ieu la golng ont of thé luke rani. tirs. Andrèv Cook Ir re-prted faîl- Ing. Carpeta andri wldov shlades at Hughes. Narnisu orauger vas a Wairtegan vbstar recuntly. J. Hlrornlmus vîlI vark thélilendler fanm tUbs year.. Dr. Davis, a! Wsconsin, le here ui preseut vritlug. L. Forbea vas a ciiy visitai ihurs- day of lest ve. tir. Smith, o! Libertyville-, vas au our stréets Tueseiay. tir.sud tirs. Hélmîlli vere Lake Zurich vtnflors Suuday. L. C. Pruce & Son are receivIng s hué o! !arnrnachtnery. Um. Edilh Turuhull epent thé tirât o! the veek bu Wankegan. Bonds lu ttebisvcîniy are lu bad condition, mmd uéaily bub-deep. Harry Enlier la entertaluiug bis broiher froui Evanston ai présent vuIing. T. V. Stocum muovéd tumber froni thle place and a building at McHenry ta Elgin lait ve. Itlah répartedib atI11.C. Bill, a! Wantegan, formerly o! Ibis placé vîlI mathire bliore né uIowa. Quite a number a! llah hane liéen caugbt lu this vilulnny réce-utly. A fév ton pounudérebavé beucaughi. Spriug conghe are opecîslly danger- ns and unies cnred ai once, serion resulta often folov. One Minute Cougli Cure acte lite magie. hI flot a commnnMlXt9Lbut le a hulgh grade nésnédy. F. B. Lvéli. Libertyfflie; J. &. Bnacoe, Ouoea; WILu Kmexoou, Rockefeler. j t, GUBMTON. * doca nat have guiptjon tfl aone las bemn propes'Iy cheated." Perama of gumption are Usn varY S.a, Wofflen wlo have tructed themsdelvc too near the precIpce of fLse« 1cnormy .and wba can now appreciate the truc econo- my in a soap made ai pure vegetable oIz and other 4lh -cda" IgreM "ta, butnmade ln such quantity as ta bring the pice w "tif the reach of the very poorcat family. Indeed it Is the very poor who n-,ost need it, for they can luast afiard dhe extravagance Of conmon soap. HALF DAY Ichiarel. The collect,r have Dot M. mnoore le recoverlng train b< ire vUltted aiH the famiîlias l i n i laly cent Illnea. SKa yet, bOt vill do an bli those Mir- SPrmRue, Sr., le cOiivmlceclng iftot lîve hore vIl! ldonl'ak~ e -n from bissiclkne. jîta con- hégodwok Joseph Churchill in suuleving Witth rbéuu. a hegow orkhR, oq. au attack 01 lumbago. at the Town Hall reaulted lnb i,.o arFrank Mitchell and daugliter Tlulle lovbng nominations: Townî Cleirk are eloly reçaverlng from pneumon)ie: C. GJerbert; COMMrntouer, P. Hall* ase . Charlié Holi. Anéessor, J. P. 1ltaunthaier; Coleto= A gentleman tran (bicagn os ont F. Weland; Jueicea et the Peace, (Jeo. the tiireo l the veek purclîaslng val- iQuentin and W L, Tripp; conatal>lé« nuttres of different pereous lintt, p .IOaepb Churchill and Henry Wehrait vîCInlty. herg -Mebuol Truite.Joeph iUlcbarda. A. W. Tripp and farnîly bave uoied E. WUlcoz V(iiI run ou pétitIon jar An- to Lîbertyville, and Mir. Srnitb adeRssor au d T. Birowni for Collectai. farnlly have rnoved on Mir. Trippe E lectinn wilha benday, April lied. faipma D)ont forget tO coule and voa.Tl vagir choIe.- "to ride ln the baud ThéelRockefeller correspondent le'"Wagon" or go afoot. qlite an agltetor for gond sîdevalka., we hope the people lu oui lîttIé towvu aztweek Tbnroday iu'rulng tht. wil lit@k the hînt aud try and keep rWumuitv vae greeîlýv enrprned ta oui sîdowalke In botter repaîr. léaru o<f lbhe death of tire. Lester Thé upevlene sd ton. nte- Iowers. She bad been auflering wlth ested ln the building of the uew steel rng Whbu athonget ta .re bridge acro.. the rIver user thé nid coivéedr g ouhlétbeayBae nI Déat milI met lat Saturday atternoon for icalledbr hoc. . 1 Uad i axt r O thé purpose of making estîrnates of' é.6 15 n a are ta Lester Nowera lu 1179. $he leaven material, etc. :10 mouru i bée I&, ah nobmnd and four Sluce yé correspondent lent sent ln danghtere. ber aged Parent$', four aie- Items, parties bave »Ur>ri&ed W. Well@. ter.and n umerous other relatIves 81u4 Mir. and Mie. L. Ohnletr and Mis, AI- frienue Bile van àa ember of thé vous Hoeltrnann. Déltgbtfnl @eutluge Half Day cburcb aud bail beau a voe spent at each plane and ail en- Jte«cher lu thé Suudsly echool sud i- joyed tbémaélvée very mnch. The 1vays belped lu ubaléver way eth@ people ID IbIs vicinlty- e snob royai, could. Bér life work laended aud clip entertainena that a rrlp atéiee m han reoelved ber reward. Thé funeral ta be the only amusement. van held ai the cburcb BIttrday aller- A business meeting wîlI be called noon. itev. Dflx, <f Llîe@rtyvllle. ifý soo for the purpane of elertlug <of- del'atiDgug The renialus e ye- laid to licers tao take charge of repalriug thé I mast ln Veruon cometery. NEW GROCERY AT ROCKEFELLER. Fresh, New and ULneofGoeis Aîîd will opeilIlipttîe . 'le'delîartîîînt * ()iIusistîiit vitlg4ou<i<t giecd-. <fliaîîkiîîg yoiî ftor faor-.-îii î< --o l ieitiîîg yoltî* patroîîage. I1;îlîî. I. R. F. ROUSE, Rockefeller - - Illinois From Factory to You. ARTISTIC WALLPAPERS AT I1ANUFACTURER'S PRICES. 1 I1atiu represethqg the American Wallpaper 'Co. tliis year .111(leau guaraîttet to yoi î the <Itaest a ne i Iwst hîw <of goods ever offered tote îhl. My borders seil for the same price, per roll as sidewalls-an immense reduction from ý..current prices- 1 cati proue to yaeotitilit it i., cieaper toir m prîper tlîja yéar tlîan ta clean y(lti ill ot lmvi' suclî an opportunity agair. limé styles a r- strictiy uip-to.dIaté randlincinde rBrocades. Damnasks, SiIks Embossed Giits, Flats Flower Papers, etc., etc. mt tIhe gréatest variety, ove-r 14( coloilga. I -,iitll he ,'glad ta o ull air yau at anr carly date andî exlichit My Une. K.. G. Farber, Libertyville - - Illinols. -lr Y Spr Moi Libe Dr. LibE ~tr- el-t .Dr - t: - acami i-e BE LIE 'w

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