Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1901, p. 2

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'UlswDtaltof MdE. Opanal i'. l o s SuaiieIaValey, anAil ffese iail lesa et Ausisbois. Io the Editor: 1».r 8ir-The pat tht-e. or toui loua bave demonsrt'ii te a largi Illber of Anterleansthelii'vaine ot thi #"i-grclng aitd rnntg landae o 'WÇbtssn Canada. 'rens et thoutandi 11av* taken @Alvantage of the offer madg ii the Canadien tioVertîment as Weil M airthle exceedingl>' 0w i-teesatk't IU«lande by te railisa>, colonizatiot MUn other compantes. The experience « tliose whe bave ht-en ettied Iber- tor nome littie ime le orà i hghiy giatt- tuig'character. Se mmiii se that the Canadien tJovernment. who bas con- * trot et the Immigration JuteW'etern Canada. bas decideci to opetn np soe Dew districts titis >ear lunLthe wel t known Sakatchewain Valuey and aise la the fertile plaints of Assintboia. Tbeie districts sare pitlbithle meut Productve la tiie entire West, and ln close tout-b te lai-gel>' aettied communi- ties sa weJI as betng stuateil on aoma Of te mot Impor'tantt Unes of raiway. They are wthin easy reach ofmar-- kets, achoola. charches and oiJler sot-lai advantages. la some ef these dstricts 1&0& may b bomcsteaded as well au puircbased outrIgiit at ver>' unw price., Nov sai le int con b. doue on tbese hands. Thi. evidence et lbe settiers ln the. nelgbbonbood of the. lands now about te b. opeaed for settiement (momns oft tem being locat'd la one otftiie bet Initian reservationa) gees te show that the. very bet remitse - bave fulowed eveu mont Indifferent methoda. Cases sire glven vhere taermers having gens 111e1M vlth met Iimited mens, banely Mkéaghite erect a saui bous. andi 1119.k Op a lttle land, bave ln thnee or 1Mu yeêns lime become prosperous, q3 debta p@ld and money lu the bank. Tbe i n thie districts mentloned, Au- alibota and Saskatchewan, ta a rich hlaek loant, fit toen luches luelbi-ee til deep. As a gettler maya, l'it:ppeir à» thlie accumulation of decayed t-cge- tation and ashes for centuries (te aab- "a lia atlfif, putty Clay')." on thii MU iIt lu possible te raise trot orty til*fl buabela otfviient Lte e.acre, --MUieventy-lftve le one iinadred bush- blé. a&Uof whlchbrbng geod pritca aet tis local market. For mixed farmieg thM sner dstricts are probabi>' amog -'Ie lest in Western Canada. Stock fllatten enuly on the. wild grasses, Ha>' le. plmlful, and prit-eu splendid. An- ea o etie r wntge a frlend la 1OWa44mJ'u: "The limat. leaail Luit «ld b. deiaeti, ptenty ot raintalin auMuie, vith nc bot dry wlnds. On th 21» ofi etSeptemben I samyprairie levai la full blom, aweeL Coi-e, I- tag. and tomate vines that bai net 111118 teOcbid a partiecle wi trust, andi tha winte are mIldet- than these ha -tie State front whlci I came. Atter :*s bOUda>'.the wlnter seLs lu clear ffiAe ol& iWtiipleut>' ut anow for good * ibtgg; no bîgi wlnds or blizzards a kunôwm Honaca Ileout al violer - a pl*k their own living, wie cattie RlUl vter in open shedsa and oUl teha>' nlcks. MWleat. ual. ff ultis>unrstheprincipal gfain crupa. etaalêas&M Kailotier ret-eLsandi vege- bd**Nu do wel. the. yieid beiag sar- MbWrne «acempared te tbeue la the Stt .Wlld truits. sncb astrawher- 4 0M lramPbsrrleai, raberries, tgoncs- a 10MO aU varictte of utcrrant. e tuabundanee As a reader cf UluaWs td«iepapr for a aumber et wýg -I&t* dl t»ba bould iminteraityen ëtWs 11adadvancemnt beieg 0*0 U Câaf wiblntbepasfew -ial 90 a the. Inducements andad *&haomtlat il fllcv seuliement lu Ca&"na Th"a odeire 191ntion can do as 1 tili. sud ai fblvia.. Dmame I se. appe lnrad t- - «UMentsappearlng laewiere la tecellmmna cf yonr paper, and viien -W tUUg ak particalariy about tue Sas- Iekbvan Valley' on Aosetabola Dis- bi ea ous trul>'. - . oTJ> BRADER. F>eedon. MoUve yen matie amy plaons for the MM- à arsaked theIiinterviewer. «OWY >' l aid tht- young physician IUSebladconte lto an Iniieritance trom & tOrMtteu anche. 'itut e uspend 010 â= t15 cets &othei noney Il arm- Utg tIcss.ite-vbilskers cii01)1ed off!"' IblhhanPohi Pt-ess. A sale job. 300u.-If yonn boy %wou'i aLoi>, vhy dme'ttfu seuid hua eut te work?~ -PIaliman-I valu t (e kt-p huletat bouse «' long as possiblte. lin fruil cf Ile beeomîing fai Z<se-lf Yeuare aOtiulti atit. w-ti ,0ot tartIlm ont as a utlelg-r bo-i?' PbUadelpbia Pt-mis. G et ilng Et-. tIskitte round outITuat is atitience Ilem unr boardiing itou-e ma-ru't uni- Vermly deplored." "Hev dII tit a fletii tut-' "Iecame but-k" Cliiititi tlt-ord- NEARLY GONE. lieu.Juia A. Mattahgn of o.-.a, - MIe, Baa 1'er, Narrew Escap- TIrI. Dotr Had Y ittle Hope. Oveo, Mlcb.. liai-cIi 25.(Spe- claL)-Elite Reiiekoh Loiige, No. 2, . 0.0O.O,f t tititua n.rreamver>' atar- 9 gteir etteemed and capable - b - Na.Iliaia caught a severe col lmaI icIer. and lite man>' others. fait- ad ato recognize the da ugt'rouu, pussublil- U« Ouneti It hoti etiled ln beri-kidneys, "d- lo Ift ber wlLh ver set--e e Panng- 4Mcw pains anti almoat constant back- àole. Lt amorltan-led ht-n off. Mrs. M Iilii te1.liete sien>' ihis va>': ' naugt a cold hat winter. which I OIc u ltîil a ettled tl n>' idneys, «vers beari-owýn pains anti cosat bat-hache-, My h-athi > p ««tnly bIlnse goud ihai 1 paid attentiona te these sytuptoms, un- M i.dIl a d gone seoataiita>' TRUST IN JURNITURER 'Ur COMBINE WITH H-EAVY CAPITAL h. IS NEARING COMPLETION. là Mest of the Lut-zest Fit-ma On Grand * Ri~de. Mich.,As-etta HieNtetged-Seaa nation Caiaed by Sit Agraini Cotam- hba Baket-' . Eoate. 5 Aunouncemnent inadtilhat organiza ion ut tht turnituneitut, apitalicd ea le $6,0M'000 or $,XOlt.wili be Cota. plited about Ma>' i. Thetruîst will tahu inl the iendîng GrndtiRlapids inantifactun ler-sCharles I. F-'itîtfutNewnYork li 1-condueting tht- neguîiiîtions. The mon 0agi-n ot the ni-w roitpan>' and mont oi L te dlî'ctuurs wii he tGraud IRapids inen ItThe coiutîaiiea iluat u-il go Iloethe cnt bine tire: Bei-hiy & Gaoy, SVddicouîh Company., tPhoenix, Sligh, Wiliam A Berkrey Comptany, Johtn Widdicoml Coin pan>'. Oriel.,tiruina Itapids Chair. Miehi- «Rn Chair.,IRoyal Ne'w Englanti, Fancy, Lutc and Nelsorn & Malter eompanics. t WOMAN CLAIMuI BIG ESTATE. i mt AiaatCotn-ubehio, Beaket-'. Execntot-g Caus. Seatbo. rA hidden chapter in the Il t fL'tLe aCane>' B. Paul, ite miliionaine baiier tand capitalilt ut Coltumbus, Ohio, lias tdisciod when Mu-a. Mary Fleming, a 1handaume wîdow ut Indianapolis, oppear- .41 ta Columbus aud placerl ber ciait bfor a portion ufthîe big estaisha inti' rbanda ot local attorneys. lier cdafIn 1agotinatthL.etat, she says, aites fron rbusiness transactions iu which ah. vwas lnterested itith Mni. Paul. Mihe soysabahi latrurted ber fotiLie to ita, amoîînting Lu moi-e titan $50000. Site also claints kte bol notes amntting to $7,000, which ni-main tuipaid, owing to Lb. suddel 1deatit ut M. Paltaî. MIr. Fleming, iL iui @taledi,n-as ingngi'd Lu mah'ry Paol, hut te engagement wns bi-oken jîîst pilot Lu this mariilge lueLite present »tla. iPaul. litra.l'aut wiii fight Mn.. Flemingas ciaita. TO FLOAT BONDS FOR A RANCH. Meney flelea Haiseil <et- a Big Tex*. syndicale. Judge Heury W. Setit. tutment>' ofj Oklahoma, now ut New York, la ln Kan- sas .Ciy arranging thei-final dtiillfon floating $5W,0000 wortb ut bonda tut- une et t.e largest enfile ranch syndicale's in tewtt-Id. The deal lut-oh-es thti syndi- cstiug ut 641,000 acres uf caile ranch1 land iluflie panhfandie ut Texaa and te otganization 0for t-ont-bsyndicaLe wth a capital stock ut $2000000. Tht- princi- pal prupent>' te he absorhed bhi>eit'syn- dicate i intae GuodaighL ranch iun nit- weutern Texas. Fililpion Lay It.u At-m.. ln the prrovince ut Cavite, P. I., futur insurgent offleers and fifty-titree toin. vith fift>-six ritles, have surrenuiened Lu Lientt. Col. Frank 1). Baldwin ul thc Foutti Unitedi States infanti->, nnd une Insurgent offictr and tteve' men, stitti ler utfte Forty-sixth i olticir itfin- Man, Kilteat ln mie Explosion. Tii. fit-t antimint fatal mine explo- usiolu Inte new Klondike region et Fay'- ette Count', lPa., took place the itiler day, On. man vax kiiled lnstantly, ht-e vili die and fi-u ate barned and crasheil go terrihl>' that it la donbttni if the>' wil netct-et-, Tii.caise.oftheiiexplosion wîîu an accumulation oetggsii int.eading rut the (Joies mine, His.]Palace Il. Mined. An attempt bas heen madte blo iu ftit th.etPalace of Empi-nor Nîcholas ai Tzarskoï'-Seia, seveiteien miles souîth ut St, Petersburg. A mini' filieri isiti ex- Piosli-s was necidenîal>' uni-utLed. ITad the mine tueco eoptuted the, palace-i vould havt- Ieen lown Lu îiit-cis andl eeir> boa> lin ifwoîîluihaie îethed, Reporr-, Mi.l s-ile.f At Coltumbuts Ohio, flic'Pi-ess-'ont re-1 porters hnt-etrou tîteir fight in a une-day trihe. Tht-y quit and te toiiowing murat lng Etlil O. Jones, lne ofthtte proprietornu andthe tgenenal manaîger, signe(] the N'wsti-iteru CUniontu aae tor $17 a 'Te Ohio SuPrPeu- 'tuti-t lias deuided m Ihat "etiiti-cM panîns orslotienles anal tîeu,ret- i onnut(0 uoio,in-s ho Ohio. A tllii igt of ru 'intte uns rendeMd.t. 'Three of thti' int- con]iue, are alread>- lu thei- iandls ut receiniars. Iiit a-o.B o l t $SOOO. A il-lieuutuiefront Suin-et, Otîru it.etatu tthat ,ix niauti-rrmtn itad rîidcn liii te crtTy onI ititn the @auti in theclatînt t- twiti $15.000 hn muni->'andi a lr, iuitg-. tîîît ,tri iî l.Tht tobbenu escaited.c Big Faeit-y turneti. The Noui-Knox- 1 ibiciî furnîture fat-- toi-y, Goshen, te re tstcoucera ut il$ kiud iuniaithera l1urlana. was destruyt-d b>' ire.iTheI-ons i. estiTitati'd ai $35 000.e Bilg iredtiion Plant Enrned, Ni-o-sliau rennhed SatanFi', N. M. that tefiue ni-w ni-iîtilun plant of tht- Copper 1hlu i ittng Coimpiaanywa corn pletetY tItuttrî,yci yfn î-bsl about $75000.I Loot VitiAit on B..rd.- 1 Thti' oeriare I rrmiu amei- Briutus. fronScotianul fia- IKi,, bas heen lest1 wtth att on boardl. (onîI llu <don-t DaL. Getorge- J. Goutd ioabout Lueliecomth ie1 hi-ad îf a cunIinatiun ot rtllruais o-lth a napitniizaitti rî $3J0of î0 This1 atep ineeta isilth ie aplîrorai sud bas the t reoperaîlon ut J- i'lOtnMborgan, the ilockclfilli-t and ti- Itai-iman enndî- liii igi' Shu-r, wto ahot andtimuntauti> hîlir-tl ituy Niar.lalaiittuNon-b ait 1ir hauuitit.At-.,jr it1 urtn1fl).utht' juil t>' o tttiu u ar- n ge.i fitu the t iti- yt h)i-tigi- il tafui-c-aNa,,i-tu n-adînce. fi-On tiilt on pesfuola. Mtatuo <ti g-rt -rouituted ut kîlling --r Bepti(rt -tutri awilUowner îinIlunhuto Count , '-ltu2,()891>, --i N i ~ TWO ATTEMPTS TO KILL CZ AR-. MÂDET QUOTATIIJNS. BL'tINESS IS STILL ACTIVE. - eeat Piota b, Assassin. Tiai Were Chcagc'-cattlie, rummon ta prime, Ila Net E tio uysn, How.t-, as ln l'oued b>' Vigila.ce. $3.00 te $5.45; hrîgt, aipptog grades, ela Pott. A St, Pt-tershittg curi-spndent sana 3.00 te $I.15;sh ietîrfoin Lu choit-e, 300 llrailst-eit'svit-us the busine-ss sitea- hobiha, earned ut twu sepanate conspira- tu $4.85; what, Nu. 2 neti te Lu76e; tien thuI:"Tniide taeutilactive. titougit ries Lu assassinats the Czar, The St-at corn, Ne. 2, 39e tu 4(k; onis, No. 2. 2-4c pet-hotus not suoIrîoyant os n ii eeki ptia nttmpt was pianneti ta hi- matie onte te 25c; rie, No. *,, 40e tu 50*1 butter, partI>' owing te t-eînataunl subiîsden.e ut occaaion etfte jmiii, bal et the Naval t-ole ct-ciainy, 2(ter ta 21c; eggs, tresh, the aprnug demnîr at inhoit-sale and part- Cadet Corps, whii-h tht- Czar Itatipt-ut- Ille te 12c; pouatoeI, '39e Lt- 1c pr 1>' bucîtuse of the intrrption tu dernand i-edtiatattend, Hamiajesty tvts neati>'buabel, and ahiputients h> auow amndain stot-mé te tant and watist-alting bi% t-at-t-lge Inili0nipoiiaCattic, alipptng, $3.00 Le lu the nuntiteut lia It af tht- cotuntry., Frutiu wheo (ion-muer t-net-aI Kleigelea arived $5,50;hote, chire liagit, $4.00 to $6.05; te South lte tnt t dhtiiîtl>' utfavoralle at the palace andtiiformi-d hum tat hi' .beep, commue t ie, $3.O0 Lu $3.75; advices net-i-ireIur oine îlt aîe conme us a mitiDot go, si-net-ahsuspicions pet-autos uat, No. 2 2. r Lu 7(1,; coi-n. No. 2 ne1tîl t thu'ubeau ahi-iiituued deuline lelonging LueLite revotutlunan>' part>' hanviiwite,,40ectLu41,;-oints, No. 2 whitie. faIn ,1 olipt-tee ut rttun. Trouandnisteel str ing bei-n arrested ai Lthe Niclai bridgi- 27e tu 28c. front, and t-n i uiru nt. Chicago andi viith at-maanti turged pspurts. He ln- St. , Luus-cattti'. $325 Lu$5.85; hors. ltititut-gdispIIa>' gru-tt animaotioni andt funmt-d bis majesi>'finaI the prisners $300 te $595r; atîeep, $3.00 Lu $5.25; centrailovestern tiitli tire ciiod-d tilti ver. prubabi>' emisaoies outhLei ceairai whest, No. 2, 72ie tu 73c: coi-n. No. 2, ut-uer,. Wtltit itc-d soin,' short Nihilint comtaittte at Zut-tii, Tii.viat it 38ete 39c; Dos, No. 2, 25e tu 21c; riy, covinign titît, andri liaur saîn-gtitened aceot-tinlegy was abandoutil. The second Nu. 2, Sic ta 52r. on het-ler dltemantt, lit itilt reports a ent- affaît- oet-rned inLte middle of Jaututtr>'. Cincinnati--Catti', $3.00 ta $4.90; hog. ithUt.main tavrtahie. 'heiîîsti-enth nf vheia the Czar, accompanli-ti h i>'si$300 to S5.95; shîep, $300 tae -.-t0; lîug prodartsunjouibigler iltfor titre imilier, viited tte t-etamie i-xbhiit, wbeat, No. 2, 78c tut 79c; coi-o, No. 2 iîîgm lias ,nsIltui n Il ofu a roi-tuer ie-- Wheni-tt-ringonei-futhLe i-toms ti- mhxed, 4le Le 42c.;uaî, No, 2 mised, 27cîuîg tnor ted ay in tuiaî'n t (Chicago. members outhUt.commuttêerwho wt-ri-ei-.te 28c; rie, Nu. 2-_rta,4 W. le-ai-t urina n'tire i rciinrei-iifui' curing t-eImpet-tai part>' noticeti an un- Detroit-Cattie, $2.50 etu$475; hogi, >eanu liai4t. Si -tiiilitidiiog fori, hiju- iknuvn tain burriedl>' approacblug the 13-00 te $5.90; steep, $250 ta $425; mi-îîs ter tht- ai-e aggnî-gaîe 3,256,444d Czar, A.stse public huat been excîil vîcat, Ne, 2, 7tu ~79c; cura, No. 2 buaheta, against4 li,;p iohela las! andt île.anîborizeil te attendIlailenyeiiotv, iteLu4'-); ots, Nu. 2 white, , et-h uîîd 2L51,l5iueu nlt -tie carefuil>' silecteil te preaence utfte 28e tu 20c; trie, 53' ta 54c. tpunding i'eek ut 1900, ('ai-utexporta etraniget- exctled suspicion. Set-i-tai uf Toledo--Wheat, No. 2 mizeti, 77e ta aggregale 2,601,084 lituaheus, niaanst Sl, the Czar&liari-t'bastenedte Lu titelm78c; curn, Ne. 2 lmu etOcLu41c; usta, 246,575 iast ieki, sud 3,123,818 a te lent] bita awsy. Thi-reupon te man No. 2 etil. 27e to Il ytNu. 2, Sleil ago an1spiclol> ttranL bis bandti tc a pot-k- t te3; t-lurer seeti, prime, $6.50 Lu $6.115. et H. va. iusîaetly aiized. Wbe-n ii Milwaikee-îV'hentNo. 2 northi-ra. NEWYOHK NitAN OULT *21,000. wos nearchted a humba-as fount IDtabis 71' te 72c; corn, No. 3, te 3Lac; mâs, tintk-t. No. 2 white, 271, tu 28c; I-l- No. 1, 5te &aasle Rither Lest Lutt-rom Pacet or 7Plt1IPPINL iKAuDE INcREA8ES. ta 54-c; bat-le>', No. 2, 56ce Lu 57c; port. h W.. stuielm. mesâ, 1$16.10. Pautt C. Schulîtz, .i hile un titi WetTt-e- ltmpce r.-<rom itet @Ilteashow Big Buffalo-Cattui-, coir' slipping at-en. ci-nil>',loit $21,0aU) un raît bt-tongiug Lu GaIin ,ing tshortPet-oti. $300 e $5.60; iogrt, fourLu pri-me, ." 0 the-NewtYrk on missîuion lirii-tuiof ie Thr imports loto Liie-Philippine lisandstes u$1.35; sai fu tinrt ocitoiee, $3.90 t it- er& Si-ultt. ioti th ie liai-mena iva Sn',t in Harki-usantk, N. J., intere hey ara front the Unitedl States turing te i-st 15.25; Iatabe, Comn pro rxtra, 14.50tapromini-ut. î1,11eeit-n theiurson outei-- eight mantit ofut1900 show on imeremue $5.85. ut 72 pi-r cent ut-et the ameait for tse New otk-Cattle, $175 ta - - Juttge Jeongi- WNhelet ut tit place saine pt-t-bd bu 1899, acanrding Lu a sixte- 13.00 tu $6.40; att-ep, $3.00 ta $510; anitula bohes ut a cude f on>'ncicha. ment utfte commerce tar the archipi-lago vheat, No. 2 trd, 79c ta 80c; cern, No. Z Shtca mpuLis aly n a onei b>' Lhe tivrision utfisular affaira 48etate49c; cita. No. 2 white, 32e Le We intee l t tesortsaoutiletounOit>'. uf t.e Vai-DePantment, hFor tepet-ltbutter. creante->, 21c te 22t-; eggs, went. e1 nme o h *-e- stateti ut 1899 teimporta frotthe UniL- et-n. 12e te e,3c.iii-eltain anti la.!t-aen ie ii-n gid te i-i States amuntutlin t-aiue Lu $780,739., local basehaîl t-ani. IMn. Suitîz seond antiât eigiiî monthts utat year FIIDS IRACE tOF TRLE FLOOL>. ng tethe Il , fi-ta cgtigedi i aetlibg Lu $1,.340,717, TIti total vains ut mer - the uffoins, tvcnt on a buiness trip te t-bondis., rui anti ilven, impai-teit t-Ober-la CoUerge Proteait- Ieturn Lhei-We-st a ti-i titehkasgu Lu lin>'a lot tae aloats isrtm Janitart-> ht-ougiiAu- <s-i'iauinOriental Scieritifie Tan. t-, outfrîten teulryfront a rocher ln Iow-a, guaL of 1900-tiipet-led oetfLime Toviiicî Prof, Geerget Frederint IWright takishîg wit humite21.000 in caah te rhume the statemenL rilate-vwas $11856b4 Obi-rlin Courege, Ohio, inho bas heen iab- the dei, He cairlridthe moues'lu a Tiie exput-tsa n-evoueti ai $17,808,2 ai entrt-utathiicouatry>'mince L'e!,,27 ut latret-ut-lope fltbis itule iaieoatr aloi io s blaau u Lt-di-la at-u-1-utest veat on an extensivte ,cientifle tourt-peck-t, IVhile on n slingiucitrihietweeit thr aretipelagu. Tii-se figures as eutaî- thi-ougi Japun, Chiuna, Sibe-ria, AralaChicago and Lat'aes lî- anys tiii cuti-l-1 i-i wîitheicsaune pet-tes ot 1M9, aie-w Palestine uti Etr-pt. airit-ed train Eu- upe n-asxctiter let or n nastai-uom-n au nlcre-s, ut 34 pern tit Importeandttitnoe tiie otier do>' un tite' teamship bisipoctet, 28 pet- cent lu exporta, The i-xporta Le Penoayivania. At Kit-ff, Rasusi. tIt ie-o IE HO'HSAN>li. the- United States show n decrease, $1.-fesse-rhiarnt-il hat itou. impiements a E L 954,531 n-orth heilngtai-ut iLs coliti'Ins oit-h av , enufouta in tiucountry'. SpeeaeofSt. Louis Woma Rutatainte ln 1900, os ogainst $ 2,547,739 i-in ,wendng ttp tram hitnatit the black te ,Puolc.. 18P> altBfitty-two te tlow the auurface. . die>' ortiti- J. W1dr Kr (UTS 11ERSELF TO PIECES. Ti ia-l acnuoof tIe -ihi tSt.i mni, lait etlud'tti- plride ftuti-n of te vanisIti-il@an. Thc pi-feuor tinhvsiainbi-ts hmWtwIIiti ta! tts tiiatot-i-iy houa eounectiun vith thestigai bîtei hoi-thertc n-a d Insane Wamsn flashes Face sud tinuly the' itebl au luin hiotae ofetuetefllod. te Fr1 ahtfuh Mutltion. TewmnIa eoe a« rvt WiLhbehir tues, coat-santi nu.. cnt off YTED FOIRGFR <PUT IN JAIL hooapttai, Thr e ltitut.i' huîtiag di audhi-n thtet, surnai sasttigiittuh>'"m- -nuL r-ad Lthe polire, lIititril n-a t-I tilatril, Mrs. Gi-urge Bt-unacheItide-r, 50 George Bat-ton. Wanted lMnliy Citre, Pd lteItealqnariers, Hi' exî,laîns Liiot ho yean, lti, vas fourni byb>' hIusani utt Arristei laleColuihua. Ohio, ant ishiawifr yee- aigolioti for pussses. tit honte le Toledlo, Ohio. The. watfzae George Eonten, allasILR G. Watie, a ihun et a revoIvernd fîiit it coplodeil ae-f saudlt abâhti Indictes] alIl injuries îi ti ottitit-her-k forger, wantedi n Detroit, citientaliy. tht- ballet entet-ui i-,br cIek. s paît-ut scisura, antiexpiaini-tithiL Ift LGrand Itapida. Milwaukee anti oiIttet-Sh iiiiahlihely trt ir, tîîîîgh serioust> ahi- i-imuni-ilhir lues, ihen hi-t- cn, anti Western ctie-s, tvas ailseillit Cluon-@aoi, aliter cipplng an inch off bier nos. brgan bus, Ohio, on suspicion. Piuîied in Lhe HUI) CARR I ER SlIb(TU 2,010 000. un hi-t-a-sFroua the leti furri-i-t-m a.aeatbux, Sîde conneast-d i' Oas ,nant- ri-muretinearialy f>ing 'ar, -d honIDetroit andtihie îiithittic ufthtia nelIHenn"-.y. Wh.u.-sanLite Ln- titi muscle-i. Nthiug tvas kaowe uf the ctlt' are ntifitetiDetetite Sadier ut Iy, Beesme a (Os-t 5i Ildýr. offtitr utif hi-t-hushanti, ishu vas aIent fet-oit Oa ,'l anti look S'udi hart. lie Danhel Hei-ues.i>, nIluibegan hi. career duting the oigitL, retunneti houmi-anti pemtdafui-gi-ilcheckt tor$11826(Sîit us ahod cariici-lu1840, anti aîr-ar'îm fouati ber in ted in a senti-censcioa, t-on-i- eDu tnuit l'entrai SonîngaIBoule., diatiu$2000,1). luaueati liewau, lotra iu dîitin. Ilet-ni-icurer>' sla btful. 'Tii- un ti- FiuttiniNatioanal hBanku ut Grand Nt..Munran181,(ouii.tu etS't woman ainsuane on accoa!t fdoinrtit- Iatid'1île iin9gt o $50 citec-t eohu-tiun 18-40li- fenci haieto taixn itîrtair troubles, antalpd At -10 hi- biir-itei nuit a, a bîutt.iiil t-. i Aff.Ilet. PARLINS CONVI'CT FiaRtLe)YAI.TY routruti ureriarf lIta-ka Oitiitt-i At ti- cunterence lenCCi-velandi hetiVet-n -I- ta ,tte ouI gi-iw ricirt-ltyCrokiiti' te 'L.ogstorenttn'tUnion andthte dockGoennofotKansaFree Ni-ut-o W ho nefi-ainetifi-ont r nîtugu'irttattiiis fort mnagers Lie tioag.horetaen redtsIed tinipi-tQuei'MiaLn.titi ' hepurlinof tlits l"fthavnerei- l , fi-ont, tLir tiimanda for 14 ci-utsa a on'Fuyt (Staleyof a ni-satbas t, o ahi outt outiterl udii>.s île dî d ut ipa- . for unloadlug uranti cumpromî,ed ctnÉodGaliiangocnit, 13d etuntepoet.fiedclo pi cents. I wasdecitietithat tn-elve .t iouîs etiW't n t 'the ten itilnir- Iltt lis' aitoulti coutîtate a tioy's vont outil Sept. t11,ani- ltuit a iii' rdnatoîirîr cria 15, anti trontfiLitatetioutil ther cIo- or tlorsea-ut. ut tenuott. Afintefilemine- ITlI-;j-IlECt)IY navigation elen eburso. i--i anIdr iuit itaul i-en ini tir ,e utti' t-iao n . aTIa. J.h1 Contmea.h nue ait u>is licolrawitout too,CI 'rta eit ntaS.. Ati lAd tor ti thesnlr.. tirt liii arlinitheil 4(X) tee!tI[, til ti rr At Dallas.'exsi. Steiff Johnso made. Gut- Dat-bm uof Indiana lha, tula t 8 saft uitl t îurornilratet aaistri'out te Itasi.tatci-netit: 'IL.C. ili-ouerson tas pi-eclamnation Lt ti-peuple outhLe '4ttit- teuhi-taatig ai- Liiecoitr,uon arrotint tat eontemed Itu nueanud Cooltu>'Attornney' aakiug for nidi for the di-tituut f51t- aotvat,il. W'nndi-n 'rutîaîon tuoait-uiSIrtii, ia eti n tteCli> phis. Tn-o hundird peoplle wver, t'di-i- alitage ilf theiinformuatioau ndaufi> a rita,- ltaue, -ia cunfi-sston %vas mttu ol-o eti bomeli-st anti testitute on uccoun-ti utqui-lil titr iuulirts. tiaiiuy, Hie aattut lint!lte han îtan - te fine, iltbuoltifift> St-e Ilai.. Iill BulatBix Lttiita-t, i-eutiandti uud itIi udigtroint Omîa Thi- appt-aI in tut-cloting, tfeod andTi t ixIIn-uncetlt>' tthe KanosassCI>ityturut tof the- uutiite'g--I ns firis gliri-t mni" _____anti AtiatIatRati i'Compay, wtithe tii- ttinîg jorlahi-Loi-- 1 ut-nioti-ul bi lllI.-s Si. ChOitrn. on-na îhe aur umpieti bridige acmonsthte un tts cît>' as oaiusprct earty ino l-ebnn- Be-eoning viol-nil>'Insanne whiteber Missourti-ut or ai Kauisas City,'flai tti- at->' hashand wtas an-alLizute Naratoor', bidtige ailhe finish-il ai once, Ita cota Cinctuatln nwr-ttile. t ileof Front Nat-amare, muti-rdr hi-br pletion a il. iL in ataledi, gintht- Balti- 'A denal aien tîadie 'ahon-t>'E. O.t six chiltiren witlh azanti club, andl rii-timot-e andOihio anti Chicago anti Northt- Ratili>'bas torugt tortit e autokhal'id ta kluI bei-ai-f, t their hume un Liie Bal- western -urunda i entrance tu Kansua ings ut James Uaff. Stetutîn Wiiler, J.. i rck: rfam.about au iigitLhouta miii tront City. Nu t-- - -- - - Colti Bi-olkSpings,Ma, wouds vhaiiS se l . Thtomasaauoe', a ceuttracLot- undi t{gh 814ey, a dentuat, quitri-i-d in Stdi-'&~ of- fce ot Att-tison, Kan., anti lowa ver, exciiongeti. Lane finali> att-ut-k Biey n-ith unanilut eil, cruahing lias suol anti inhlietitug o futal wouad, Wumn Fihb a Htghwaymun. ?-Ir. E. T. Bt-eeiling toungit a Miut-t battie wvhi a bigh lwayman Ila St. Louis, anti captunet i hm. Tht-Monli ad suatteeti er put-me, cuuLining $5. He Lldthe L.police bchiw'otd hile tSi go teute peuiLetihar>' Lu be cureti ut aleuitolianu. Dt-iven 5e SuIcide b>' fi-t. Juin R. Au-e, pi-i-ident efthte Tonk Cotton talle. cointitteti suicide at 'York- ville, 8. C., b>' tittowhug hîmaiif Ibto a vell. It In hellevedth le deeti va. cota- mniLtetibtcause utfh. frelure to caneel a tieb onubils MtatImuunlIngte o$30,CS.j CusS:et- etUra otnarî- ('ahiter Frank iL. Stevens funet Pîanlîîuîua.S. 1t., bnt n-ho ha brais lunhihug for nearnt> oi-ar and s baif. bas» releti home Ili@ eoming i. votuutar>'. IL, O. readtitastand t-li anti tale Lie conaequners. Paderewskt'. WS-sue Di. PadeteistheLii plant, t-it-tlied a tel,- gran t aiBlîba. $Paina nouunring tle duatit of hhs son. Hippoluyte. lie, an- uoiinced tat bha -otld go totu mouunlng ton a year anti wouuudeut apper einb-t lie. Loti- Livra tna]3at-niaz Houa.. T-o thietn-et-,but-nedtho death anti nsix out- rmemli-, o e titaîll>' iiutij le' jut-dythe> Li bumulng efthîe honte or .uhe Holunti mt Milan,111. The Ofinetarteti front a difective due. iOi'. faa4 Bodir Vouud. Tiie lotiy'ot Mao Couiatock et Ilinea Harbor-, Mit-h.. a vielle itudeut Who. ba h"i muiag ts rent Obcap. forrlv.laga. W- ou"cala the lake off Jackaum Plut.ý Fit-nisuagea à Big Fat-ton>'. Fi-e otuit si-Lred lu t he sat--e son> ta'-iory orf VoIt. Stiyt. & Hi-lier, Way- man sîntr îuuîd titi North%%etern Rail- W&a> trrs 't Cicago, for a tint' thi-enten- cd tii- enti-'pilant. 14>'harti vont the iantes -i- t Utinet-t t te tit-tetpper huai-s, o ldet c-the. ratiunated at $35.. Big Fis-e ln Chtt-îgn. Flames iluat cousad a spietacular mcetne gittuedthLe five-ator>' building Occuplei b>' R. Wiiliiirsou & Ce.,, yîlesaie deali-ra Int gas aid eî-ieBitu iires ai 205 Ran- dtoilab lect. (Chicago. anti causi-ila joug esthmati-d ai $65.000. t-aaut Tuth Ih Ctvm,-tid. Front Trout. a 17-yi-ar-olt i tatit ho>' ncultiing near >agnetic Spirinigs,()hi, vaburuet-Ludeati. lits trotber anti Rider, abo orore taking cari-out itit.lot- e th ~e b.> in iiiebusne ant i met to town Le do Rome shopping. Fntau (erta Train Wr-t-l. A fteiîtîtrain on t.eColumbtus anti Roume tuîr-it utthi- CentrailIttitrooti ,.»a wnectu-d on a troti- ni-ar Chilt.y, cUn, Euni-i-SV.tA. WrightL ant i Frentan je- sepit Keytee-e kilei. Gi... dItiWarahlp 1, sate. AudmitiiF-arquara, t-utanitt-n-n îtef et iti- North tit lantic aquatiton, bas te gt-apheîii heonay Deparmiet troin Pi'n set-ôia as tuuiiottr: "Mtassachiui-tts lina bei-n hoiti-t. AIuprenrly net lainag-i-, HOa lobiebrs P rivabteneti Awa>' Tie Firat Nationail Bantkuti oyill, 01110, van enicret b>' bot-gla, but hetng titscorered tc>' eacapitiitTire, utftti-m wer. captreaesi Wuti-nord anti impria- on" t ariea-itte. Britias tip 'ta>'sials. The teamerCheumnitzioethLie Ger-raf AutrailuinSteumaiip Cempan>' andtihLb Eritislt steamer TaRI coillid ttiie lllebing reiuhtend. The Ta>' maul md tbrt..a ,tiiczev puretuud Mi. Glennn ud Attorni-3 o Il. jP. toeiîel li andi Bettînger in thei Cinacitnati Couturer- cdat Tribune. The total par valuet of the ti g1tocli purchaged-,500 osbares-tos $5-5. t To Pltant M.rmn, la NMe.1co.j Drn. H, . F. ri-o>'utLu, Angeles, Ciil a.. rt.tturtu.ti....t.......~*'-t** ha. parcbaaied 5,000,000 adcsutfagricul- lfaI-d , o ittutiiluit oiteSti Atuu-or ~ ru~ad.ail tut-aI landes hn Mexicouadtitiihas ottatetd ni -t9giiItt' ii eul lt a> ~ fiIitt5 î t-qa. S s aconceasiun fron thnie Mexicain guin- -iiinit,-e vtreui lureport tiionuhttibti'aâ P-1aju-uo -h.auses.îssai b-9 î ment tut- the establishtment et a tittbet- Stiuilhuh lidpuling thelu' ii-iti i4t- 'i'ti tio t-. -li i.ittit tsa . 1. ut Mou-mon colonies Lhei-eun, 1)r- (ra>'leiu t ut u rî-u'îauîîog iii'i(- hii.( Cslit 1a, île asd,ýrnalfard. u fu mi>as aayd hie whil Lahe 11000 Mormons toMex- "îîtuiiu'iutotiadretti iui'rihatai li-jttogutit.-te. fi-ai-t 1. Baitu- u lt-e within Lb. nexi hi-w montLus. utetîru-l tuititnt' te i>iiiiitLu', andi te gaspeutIslEzcutao10 àla t-erD Canada dur. P.altlag tW ailtBorts Fire-sen. iruidut iiiraiiiýtrti eiut. <se tiati-landAiut During n i-en-bit-h tat-ted te l ie I-- 1iF.. .rp i-ny ahle et C. T. Hayman & Co. ou 1ri i- -ale Mtet1roiewits. b WVest Set'entI att-iet. Cincinati, ahst- ie- imtiuiea he uleît n>le D men ver. hurt, twu b>' talling latiders us-dytuh ie ritY.5 " andi te olters bib>'rilt-h rena a tlings lns. Fi-aklKthun atitracta ini lt-r f Wall. flnt st Tiiirty-sbxlb ut;,'et anti Indiutaatuc t Ppncacul,- tut-uo Fi-.. avenute ot a burgirî ir-ito hbaitaul i- t- Cures a Cough or Cold et omes. /3, S. rFord. Jouson & Co.'@ creti stur ri slabnult> t ua- akugobi ozusCnUpm. Viia--a le au"ettta tuniure warelot.uŽin Indiana avenue, anti coekinga auti.Dr m' c" aik111,10111a brtw-ien lOthBatt-iet andtiheiAit- Lino L'ranktrBriîu-tetn, i'ugiueui-for Liii tracta ta Chicago, tvas totail> destt-oyrd tînidingetriiieulb> is olue iea., )k b>' fit-e îlotwroughî idamage in Ltie atma i-sot, woua steibbi-lL Italt'JonI ut ui-g-ut, woa as bis asitat. tOnue WLI. Oue ut $175000. hiiot'fi-ont a tutti-hir kute inthu-tet ac Pt-iditusTrulspu.fot-Husasia. ororînutwulve Intittu loniuitgta ii-nael's * B. W. Snoui, Chit-ttgo's expert drap riteat. lie utter tlie itiitini tati- nat tht- statitiieln, peeduîtstai ln et-en! t ofruîltniioapitail. Br-un-utu-itu Onu2l yean DrugLuaiNe60CIa. .e Auglu-Rusahn an ot-Chicago'@ Baloti f oui. Rire is, 25 ei'i5oli. Titi-negt-o A I. -"s as ..i Trati, vouitilie iL, chu-f acene, anti Rus- eca-îpî'î. L Au.v suV nia voulti trhumph b>' goliblini- Amerî- DaviduiLuson. an unmatre 11112 ca'a sappi>' ut briadatoffa and tri angrearu oi, ma totnti utatin e.i ltuàLc ont Engianti. mo____nulitaî iten îrerruîuue b at>' cm pok i Fatal Dynamiteo Raploeon. esi-al)iiti-routi a ntsatovn e ro An atîempt tLuoeru o ftty-pouiticasa W. C. SainyturotutNi-w uirt, a grueut I sltdsielhmail'n I ef dynamiti- wiLh a iaiamtet iKukumo, oftheiWel'lintgiton lotet for sîtînal a, îa. usa.I l IjSI II~îae lad., reaultin u anexplosien n-bicIthi-lw monthu, o'as fitnil ulemît lubis roni. Mn.siler'Tsrtoaauvuu - . t .iuar William Stemm tiiifragments andtaitsîl' amnt-r oa a nmanihitt-eu 50 anti 60 513bu:àftss.B. Wnz Fraultrsintl%vs mi. lnjut-id 1haut-Marlowi-. un vios. ttari t-S iioui. W NE!~~'latFaÇts ta.r, &temaps were Seing lhateil. The expiel neoti-i-tsîîîutu uit u i'- sibt.. il.tat 5KM-eI.L.LZ&M sien tiamageti bouaes ftetlles aroanti. o luin ni-at-thec iik Ilandtiltrot-ha. S. . U. No t13umoi ______arciartts. AItte Englen-outiUnion 1huaîitit Lb, & n0 aBsa laeCe. man reguilut-ilcoaitcioussanialidtibis - B>' ivote et 72 Le 30 the iene9aanami- wa, Josepi Mi-yer@andtihia , -- - Huiese paiued te Seuate bill probiiitng livei-in lu Taio. RH.Saüldlle lad it1 n-2. --1 thia =iaanacturt, mal or la aa>et vallttug ietiihle (racka anti huilbeop--- elgarettum. ut b>' s north-beund ttelbt train. -L , MDei or thie tint. in the. Bouae W.d. Bik 1 ý=W ,Uit wour àj- nendaYim ung w. tires in tte h.ght. gin s êt*9ilajgi0 vrer the bi h Wbct relate#i tn the dis and le halutbtui l. nrleking and appe- eennuectiOcof tterritory from éciLles and t rtg.Ilbas»nensfet he b.d efects et vllages. Ail oethL. m""Y amenilment. efe71i ujila iiitg t offt-red by thi, pp,,,,î,t fthe bill wei-etatCte ndt vrh Mi@ pr7prpr~On toted ilowuit nith, billwatt dviîird t t o it, frouat h.eaillntcoftni. col. third readIttg. Th, ptrpone of the bihlitle bout 14 as mach, rt la a healtbtel tabl, Io ivedlatrtionary pwrt dact rink for the cildren and adulte, &si& To tte po Vl., uw er th aelty y. Ourgrurter for Grain-O. 15 and 25e. iititOf utterritory. lu th, toiPie oft egela, Annlyeray. th i llebte tit(' intaiîn tten rt initale that han->- <fIl.taile thutîga go Iiterally, ii.-s the t,111 Ptiss'eîl everati tItinitrei 7 0 l'o%%,. îLtel a iin %v~iii b in tpierl of Fred -A. for exampie? litti-t-ratiiun herme o trtet-rlit 111- liurry- live years agit, rtven my uis- titi- UCuirtiecialil lvhih it taiter was 25, i wisiied ber many lhappy wtt," 1 t-aa iirtorifutPrtittrt>. oitnetS lit.- returnis. Altoi. If YOU'l beileve Ill, ber ti îrrît for iitiixe afltit,0 ut tht-jr trop- eii> fiont ailtigae IL tt t fle Iti tnllitrv twenty iftii iirtiiday returne regular ,iity if tit) i-vltgp honni tii ti.ueou net 17 every yeair. Boston Trncnlpt. gui,-lt tr-rritory. ilchnei Kely of 4hl- 50 .d 10 î-agt lt riritt'l a ilt ~ iti t-tiit- iru 'r. n- ou f t iia xi.r WlHl bu puas4 a id itiigTlt tin nn titio il' oii Snlung rouai l"aMthal thar, t et lu:,1. dteid.ddli. aito pei'ti.i iîi it'ty t cujrtit)rut,n u tihst sielnce u lera ahI. te auto in i titin stui ro, i rd .,t'îilio ta f ttiitvrirtira.ý '"ii 111 itiI.'ual l. ital o - tue a tjh, l tta 'it rartitri' if tthe Kelly btîî.i est r&hhrdlîî. catarth bnî a ittt-orlîtrtitîîi ttiof titi'Nouie etîrtitîratlion dise4u Ciii, rS ta ni trutaient Hana ctartiteuw l attite ruInat b rt - i.t i t it i &'îîO h re e ytiip n t lb. ita d 8a 14 M uennu e M " thenbc ilotei il a gaalso The Iolie olda ilatiJeeRewllo Outh0eTt.e., and gtttitî plutetdaijieo 'rît itrs'iy. Mitiorithtiie ttint, %vWtt tten ,în tplnuloîe neiti~ilgl lit) h thtif tthe blîllin l ln pthe isl. ttî p,in am &«aIi tro dai t w. tThe POlir ibis cagu tutti passatîgwtaym o it'r or 1111414-r PIbilii al- dd'ilu yj,Il i-lt r tlàt00..O Tleds. aO teys amti ,otirît-. "lie jttîtîî-jry î'îînînî. db> trgi.i tc te, matie aitlit'ua,ërter-port on tite i'll. ~(>Wnffl b>' John Bull. M'thtltiottnuiititt vote th. setoate Th it'tritimli governmieni la the owner l~iir th, fohi n-rîrlibrar>' titliliiitto- uo Vir cili in tht' nitthuti tif infiltng li' tthelien S- Tiie rt'arti tin0e dut>' dole cla the ilii> lu hIllaiantia>Lie eultttttitlt'î,l foi power tii tulili another.-43eorge Elle-t lthe liignttln .smnouai-. Leigititit' enti. _ ttith titi t-tetri- chair Ina ebaogtng. The. i litiiti juii try î'îîîîmItt-eeVt-tiiet iimake A 801w a favora bit- r epotr titi D en ts E. Sitilva nu i inîrialinltittibs insure bIlteetuitrty part of thei'se'ssiont fi-tv nieiters th ie i t io-ne are' a ltit,i'r tif htisi- itteriuierq EUe ushi t i ligi tii toit arîl tit- bt-lit-f lit tiingiîtg le a nt' iof itorbtrixiui. oîi titat th- rip-Tolonte itithia if oreeutii crim- Cenuine tis isnttim u a r u l ea ittî'trr carent. thonîati tîîîrîîn tvas prveet in tht-e Ilia' oit ndSi-nu te Ertît y inaitg. 1ala rte ynt 10 l'4t. lier atItali or box. a atiitieule L v r> J . .hea-1i a50>cenit. litr bltii.anti uni- muet ser signature tttg tiit noito Tii eyiid *25 lier eot luIn e iti-8â otf trrent priiem for foiiaoll - etitrgeil. No i-lar-ge ilu tla'etmaderfor lîtaîittg.or ilaiing otir ltt-rrig. Fir- mn-uhian-'tlîtts t irepreseittit Iitîn Iii lie tiijt-'rntrii ainaîîeî. A lirI-oiurance Sus Pui.b Wrapp ggu Ds aa'ti-tit itti lu CVii'go in îtreptariîtg a bill tr-ttitiithofice ut SIa-tri ntirtibomhl. Yser gazon«" ne « paîoltiti i, u tth i- i.lianti st'iaî-te mght le EMM takit, ittuubilt antI Ioto . ifr fle it.i i r,--', in atitti. îtrtvid-s ltha t the-V S IE S Sitteire itirmhal sa l ivant *eputy'FSMSOES Sitti' lire liani-ha i anaitttorîneîîy iin t-- hP hM ce>' itilitit y.( 'lttlsrîi it] 24)1 joli. 5 ft ji il, liii'-iIlltioi-r cil ]tut. 'lhe sttile'lire'p jSL S U iiir,tial, titi-orditc lIo thet- ti-n, if ltse bll, w uIt\ (il Ib- rî-îîtir-l ti t it liKate tIrai' tires tt iohi- sbtitrant e î'îrpanîîî-V utl tllhavi- ri-ltimon iiibilli-tehai1wt e11r-W ittirte-i >l ttiitiitrî'u lie alOltultdtI CURE siCK HEADACHE. lie rt-fiiir-iilafi) i-i-p a km-n i-ne un lire- itriteatt To-rt-t lita Iey- ti-r- ai'rt antt I I t 1.a ju- it aI itrlîeo- litotex whv hbaeuni' t t' lire nia mlire in tt ratt' . t',liaitet-tu , rî'îdn-il rt-r-r î-îî-imt on quesittion ifti-,i ii lii pliî-t- ->'ilt tîpont l trai rtu i-îlwa - l li -i- I li-i littii t it Ii-t bonit irî-f i i~ lat btii-ll -it- i n-i- t lt- riln. li bii. rîilt-titi-aý-t-ii lai Aor si. s Sspl. *, iis Gd aua tai ii adu1".d ataW. lieaa t- I i iti -titî-- ltutmtoi. iala -' t d Tht ii - oftikTila t- ilil la fiWi l airon h oi uti-i t-- ai- atitkitifttit« oi « heeiren e4 ale A .to- 1 lotu i, i igI o.Th hecr* d".soelt akrsgr? ttientljset, 2tcntsand90e'li- t t'il] r- i . i-i t tili ti- i l -i -~ îi tfi f)' I,'lîtti I-ti -lt- t It ii- li't I it-io li t ,T E--t t li- îtiira-, li li i lo ii r-t liti i- ::1, P1 AOOtRi M 2i li it-r- l'ii ti-iti i ii-' i tltu I K.,l1 Wtl PL IN fLaAREFNTOU otff t tr- 1ii '. r i l t i li i .tirrt ilî-t tat LittTi ttl'nr,-iio -hhh~ EXCURSION RATES i-. ttTh'.aIlit-ttlt- ro x- La.,» i ti ill io ei-itg the n nb r o a t tint th . t. ig jo tîrtîi hi a ~~ .mth. a.m. whi Lot Ion. thet HP fit-t- igi Mik sto, tit ai. tliý wIli thi i weT tht WEI Ht se- Dita nui uPr ,u fiaiý agi W a bt hui an aur 'et , mr eu ami lu8 ail pt 1 yo vi a m e ha au i aD IA fa wl Ili pi lit lil lu pi hni ju th Lt h. l ci fi et i

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