Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1901, p. 4

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iL pWT. Eier. *4 te 90t-se et Ubertrtle ~*U~WDEKiIOWN ON SPPLI.1 MW* Butter Market. »ua b~ ermarket vas llrm p*bSà*oL5OO Ibo ald. Sales Me "4fedesin ladplomatie bbwe. aoc.ntuated by 1he ,* Obta . lte ther povers te 1tu retUslng te put Imb affect = l*ltreaty lbIiimnegotiated 1.Ths dupliclty appeara ~ Uitptmdaurgovernmett, l~SUl17r.faedho assltaucê e ýE. le taaicreprementa- a &à» Uter pavers lu Washlng- bul e Ule and abrulg teir «B viien m.ked their opinion. 1 Uuj a »uXçprlaed. On the 'yà Cftucllptotrtacy. sflnlalve Babock, of Wla- vI'wo0ta nov Au Wahlngtan. alidoe usy ldorsementa of in,la~odGO just before the WmgfladJOuned, prov1ilAng *oü 01te artil! on manu- aOI! and Itrou, as a eu*b on e*ual t t hh buectdel! tu c#flmp f the billand! make 1wu14. efor the repeal 0!1 tle M un ' plate and plate glas. = bilbl, Mr. Jlabcook aaid: .IIDg as heAt rpta Mane. oerand s«Y t& lta fay ln- gàs eabiel!, bhrongh the, hlgh MIý0 Ew ftu lmpceeextortlanate Mumon of the whie àgoa, as It May do, I cepnos me bs hum lU reauli. W. ougt , p te Dlngley bU Uke a li l, n methlng te be tod and neyer alered. Coudi- âava obangeA very materlally ai bil waa .nated." AL siUTATE TRANSFERb. Spae .the-BIrds. M.ny cieni are oomplalnAng ta maranal Fr"mtsan o! tite tegdeucy among boys via possfes aIrgns or suali rifle., t10 luI brda of every description, under preteuse cf ltnntîng sparrova. O! laie yesratse somîgbirds ama beoomlng mirer and it aoe'n a pity they sitouldha killied an- drîvemi avsy, lnîtead o! enconraged lis builsi tlein nauts vithi thelitvltage. Mir. Freehmau li forms unslie proposes ta sitsictly euforce the village on -l nauce vhleh applies lu thîs case, suid uniesa baya vho are Au the lhabit o! rabbing nets, desitroylug eggm sud killllng hîrds vithin t he î'unpîîate limite cesse tireir deprociatioua8 they wîll lnd themialves meliimitirs- sells o! the lav. 'l'lie s.sdiauc-lis snluetlionsi reada: Bac. Il. No perion sareut a ay tume vîbirn tiecocrporale tîmit of said vIlage kll or attempit tn ap, net, enar., datroy or kilI aRoy robin, buie- brd, sallov, matin, moîsîreiito-iavk, ip-poor-wvlt, cucaoo. - vooripeclier, catblrd, brov-tiresher, edblrd, hangingbltd, sparrov, wne, bummlnig- bird, <ova, goiduluets, mtsekluguninsl blaejiy, lilch, tOnnai, lark, cherry- bird, yellovblrd, oncle, or botiolluli. non- @hall ilha lawfi Ito robt on detroy the nessof sncb birdo oso niisy un- atier af tiem.- A pcnlaty ia providesi whilih cales fora sfiue o!hot legs thauntIres- cît more tbau tvo hundret dorm inu evet il cosnvction. SCHOOL NOTES. The Geometry Clansa luislied ibook IV thils vck. Thre pupUls are sttliug dovu tri lard vork this veek, part o! tant mrek lie- lstg eugaged It prcparat<iu for lut. rous' DRY. Tihentertainument unsPatrons:lînsy vas weil attenîled, over une liuundned belug preaeut. tIse-erstne rtîy di!- feront kinda o!fsxibIL8einual the rooms, as tud.lcaled lu lasi veeka au- nouncemant. tlie progran bing as toi- t F If -S, t Il Il Pnuilltedb, iOoÉl Ville &Trnt Ce. acf iti.. TItllesuarateed. %MbBldg. Wausbejn, 111. , leis J euxm% ecy. D A 3 PartlIdga deed te i;, . DM CoasàAAverti de la necor V ltnw x Saeo ge6d........................l00 bnters à y! ta Wsa F rahlom14lac&partw -dawd................ M 0e D bItt à bua te Wcuzel "M,W l ne U--44 ....d 4« 0u wf te h"3aPres. rt,4*Wwoil d itus. 110us »Raada 0 Tt- wmdsry" a srAs- usfi t à9ýqIt10« &adj wd... bsausoù lSUmY àal toAdalimezanr a *MkS &w! teDavidMI btbikU»Hihland Pari tPuWwvakIte James C MfIt 0 bik s Wmhibun-s bt5ajarke 2Sacs 1un 'ra ûlot8 i hk ta Sla Ohancany to AI- 6eM se m se SI-M-le WwUre Se Bth D Turner -ai OU r*44-05...............lac us X A viO te Isahs'lia kAilbl& à 0 F Wrght" ,1.Umole wd ... ..d... l5r us 1A i ut ta Vu enkcnmtsis- akiPralist lierknldnssir 19 Narbot & Dock (00ta A L *8t& teMobil 2lots îî IL .ub o! lot t Winthriîr Ulpbway Notice. le isSling ai contract: OJ 10 lrreby given th"t Ploposai s 0eeiveul y he bBridge Cam- SAi l! ai, Lake Cuunty, . Aprll9. 190J. at 1 P. m. for co ael bridge on the Luther MêhIIIIIIIts saMne *111be lot hy Sby public Ietttng ta tihe gaesble biddula t th, Bal! eon date. 6qsAbridge ta ta ha one ïluulPeg ad 18 fet vide and in bMR over lie Oplaln river qot Vernon, La"e OoUnty, f ,=t on esI endl go be - ae ide at bopoM and - I top; emalenda butmnt 4t.Me htgb, 5 feel;vide et M4 & W Ite t top. wng OU aeut aete 10 toc) face, andi on 10 foo l «-e, 3 feet vide 'a% 9 10e et aha. Tte maiAn anA shah Mb. 38 Maet long ai botton anda fet as top. .aIouneffl eMd shah ha and 20 teet et top, 5 aL-* boéola anA mollas top. - wld 'p unhtplaina sd IW 61116VOrk. Euh tbld MuYsMd ail bld. uslt file heu Internteat ote qal~soa nlaregard to tae m~*ulmes muld b, ad- paO. O. Ger ert lark Ofce ,MMouD4. btInois p., sal. 1001 ?elad Chia boira and "1e 4 talle naig. Tle are ,-à lad rgi. t av ai Barr dPet etUs ouhr hlu.e c 254-P. Mother Natuesi Festi a] .............. ......... ...b-hrtrsrRrom l0n- Exerolse lnîihysicai Trasining-.. ..... tecitation ............ ......Chrrir Airer.. Vocal .oo ............... Frssnot Clrsr kr Dillouue-,TbeStoitin Trt,.s*...... Frank Eger.'.Neille Butiner, liirrie Pester. Duardiliorlite, Len1i.,Mrrlier teltaton-..................... Otis 'Smithr Two Bongs....... S 'hotus, i.xrn Ttror Dialogue-................ ....... Floreurhenasn.Huzel liutier.D)orotr ijîx. Wilma Gray, Henry:MrGregor Leslie Wet>h. leclatcit... .......... Milile Van !,ost ........ ....Holen Wright >.,bte-i.uestlon: "Resoi',ed that thre Amerrlean ItePubgllaMoréPower- fui titan Anclr'nt Rome ..... Afftlrflýtle- Nlgnlse- hluby Glemson C laire Kilm 1,al11 Martin Melloy Ethel WImiser WillWright p.oitation-. ................. .... ee lr( )ialoge .......Ma-- Pesttr. Ursor K s,o Nlght Was Ber Terroir. -I vould cougli nearly &Il niglit loiig," weItes lira. Chas. Applogate, of Alex- andria, Ind.. --and could bardly get any sleep. 1 had consuimptlors so bail that if 1 walked a block 1 would cough 'rightfuhly and spit blood, but, wbeu all other medicînes falied, triree $1,00 bottlea of Dr. Eluga8 New Dlacovery wholly cnred me andI 1 galied 58 jounds." Itsabsolutely guarlinteed to cure Conglîs, Colds. La Grippe. bronu luitis and a&H Throat andi Long Troubles. l'rice 501e and $1 011. 'Trial bottles fre et F. B. LovELýL'rs, Liberty- rile, GRAYSLAKZ PEAXIMAC X DON'T BE DECEIVED By mmal (l'plets vlio nlain tiey nait nudermell u ir s WAL.L PAPER. 600 lteét style asmple-s ltse- lect froso, direct froto tIse tauufactiiren-. 1 have no rent or oxltOr' ,t, edd ltripricir ! of y pspen-, ort eu nitdesell snyonue. Inquire si Post Glice. L. SLUSSER, Libertyvîlle. Mar Ur 225 PEOPLES' COLUMN. ORSALE-Have a QJuanitn- of crhIts st- aFor "le th nt ate goosd for - d. Wi I st Seli aboutt acfres 0! gool fur nd. Ifs 1!su one dAIe, a n i-,asilbiZAEu ULssLs-' Lltsertn-eutie, . il tf-i. ORALE-Bus!! li orî rh Bo.',t.rn-l" F .I î fs fo tr o-Oftis. S. i.10-E lbertyvild. S -r Fteý lnLbrC drmaLOR SALir-Houwasr t or, nitCisurr:i, Oures. Lihty vihe.lerrt WANTED-Goosl wsap.sisens 1r usnsA N.fart ira uood niikur. Airslytns I E I ?AciguS, Liheatvui, . 111. ti-tI. F OR SALF-Lyon & Ficaîn Ornu. gorttas We. Aso work beanses- asti gorl tara mare. Ciahi or addrem. . N lsntpssior Lbertytile-. tii. Fo BALE-t hcru's ui d',n.t inbrruy- F1 I Al- asus ssmntir'0( cr-su Ont . r reslietto .cunf omor sn, s-mitotrfsiieuh IE. J. POCnoa,55-tI d SO ALE-lus Litie,slte. wsoudern - as roomoutse. WiliI i ,rossi- irocus patysriltast. S- rs, cra. Si Dotsu r0n5O.Y 2u-f-d luteresting Â&ount lwritteu byl alk.t. a. u*Uau*<Lem MW wtîsus rae onivn-e rlîug the uay.' lin-orit yorI i8ilrte othie colopliuts of yuîur chilsdrs'nîabsout tIC fltudidleaa ,s8of tise teacminor anîd get aIl wcrked trp sud excited îrvcr if, It le betteS to releet a llttiîr. fenren.sber thlat you n oron liai! a dozne 'ien-ibas drive vuu crazy about bal lthe tAmie, and hear - itil the teucher whru is îuakîug for yen Au- PEPS-as-eSYsRUs-Co., lioutmceliî,, lii. ouirromiig ni ternaase yuru ivre .GEaT:-I bava nsad Dr. CaldseVis tweuty years go. Rem ember that Syrnp Pepsîn vti mankesi iucoes. issides vNour ovu boy, Whao!fcourse, t ttftheitatngly recommel A t ti tlioae aufteing vlth tomach ,,rouble or every body kuowt; la aiu engel, aIe lbas Cocnstipaion. Its cersaluly a hles- 10 cortend cith tliat usfui boy of lug to u iunaty. Yeu )hibenty yonn- nssi.thltîr, sud youî know fuil vell ta uise My testimonial. Very respectfultv. vliRt a terror li '.. F. M. IV iuîo.ONr ' 1 'llise uns nd le t ursin ls I n -ri t i l ity F. . Lovan..Llhaertyvilie. CiGE(). C. rn-inise nt Lmsurx He atteutlîd a social toRaB's. Wsauooîsdso; WILL RlN1ttt.t, a Rockiefeler; GRAYBLAKS PP~ARMArv. sud duuinsg tise rveumug tite ladieilu- augtîrate.l a hutgguug lice, the proceeda Strtkeis A Rich Fitd. 10 go trt a Ssîulisy-sdliootl. Prines yen-e m-I vas troubled for seveaa yeas grudeul air'orritsg te thertin-ats belug vtIt eranie Indignation sud nenvolia îugged. Fon- instance, for lirsggiug a debilty, cwrîtes F. J. Green, o! Lancas- ouiepruedgltebdr ter, N. H. --No remedy helpel! me ,un- ouisue-ece il I ii tiI I hegan nslng Electrle Btters,'liadi to give uP ten rcenta, msarricd vItAcItditu e mare gocnd tAan ailthtie vomcn lrorigliu I ftee,îiceua nt a mufelcte ver n ueu. Tiay havealaisowidov a quartsr. Watt,lie vas hli- kept Mxy if, Iu excellant beaitir for odadgvi ptcffencne jears. iea Ys lectrie Btte!. arcleri u sis pt lto et jusl splendid for fetuale troubflas; Utat e aald h10 oruid taklela marrlel! f~ veut, rua doVa vomen. No other cent' voti tbe bandage vus retuovel! Seletla amn tare itlace' ln <0 from lils&yes, Sud I n eodh ~asm.acai î m iovu wu. va. lngi i. vile. Then be tîcteA PAUXA .and vauted bisa flteen conts, miter. l Fo-tisents and os-deseflas WC Should, fi fg m p A t t t *Mev Shermnan la authokrizes IotareceeO ubsciptioitD, 54ve Prof. John Hodge. Principal of!theie> job work. Caul on her for ratesf Rlockefeller school recently entertaiited i brOther William for a f ,w days. The latter lias just returned from iMra. Qias. iorvar, of Wankegau, in fures Marille, adwai persaded ta write the gueet aoflber nabler. eih1 fortih, IiiI)PENOItNT Of M1inl slie 1 lir. Warren Moore has returined t1i Iîi fortd ILIlis(ýoimnncatiu f llos is home lu Wahngto n ar several tl 871ý found i. Hie îmrnilniatlon f iir, ohebaspeut vîth is parents boe. otgt luon w1s r 1t.rît Ilu ssrni. tle'titi 0f o John Ilîary han roturued traor 111 nlia iu lsrer'tIrn-t5f 5sreFrankaville Wls.. He recelved $3(0 MelAnt .Co tflf c rorildt O f tIL tirst. t 1 %it] front the Mytla Workers Society lbe- A sottwo plao t orielit iO cifi o-r., rr,-it v eut ta ll.r, lratiort Mariîu iý t, land It, ,,wil c ause 0f Salioken arm farm lu t wih mili&it. ni liorn-y fii- kri r îri-. Edward Hendee bs purchased a 150 ded Fl eaîrc,'luiy for tlo. srîirlrrnn t[Il.ftLlot next 10 the %addeu BlId'g ofcanePo~ W . ' r c r i . i g i to r i oni s -l , n t h e' J l l u a F r a u k e l a n d c o t e m p la t e s b u il - v e a t , P o etiilta r.ttonr, dt î.îrs,r crics' tit rrr P..A. IRobinson lhas purchasod of liai aett Abotrorit fIs..îeof .fnrsrsru n rol. rve snsre Chas Kuelikerbils property Sot of a mente voiytbr"-. Is re r,'.rrrsrtr-urt1 lat Coulwill have it airveyed and sub-dlvlded. backktoi Wrsiic't' iorrokýI 1111-ri n r ,,,r o- (in M fl lr. aud lMr@. Davle. the latter a Ill., vIl tihe Lrrr"frs fr .rrs î-sri driiig tin dauglter of lMr. aud Mlra. tiprllg, have Marob I titusr we istorrtr' rir i - nottri located boe,, avlug moved into one failing a vrrole îlthrMrrsof L. A. Hurges cottages on Pan-k ave- inel! ta Thorrrri.tIriz -brr ,,,..riters.r i- nuedays and! eXer-tir~th Mr rtr, riis rri- i, n ad lira. Bucnn, n.sdlrsidered s. iiatris rrtrt.r itor,,X 5,frrftint trtO rs B eku ainSr, aasr. u ear trIff! ir::rrnrr r.. a., rsrnrsn snd Ms ukim, Jr , ud daughter 'Ir ýomare agatin vlhting wth the famil! of very qule rrir,'r . 'i,,r. 1 r4 ,,M srrti. 1 'r. PA. Roinlson. Tbey expeet to Io-totarefit Io ito r1I ,, i r, r . 1 'n -- ,rri ,, ' trsr t,.-. - tlyFrlday to k orufirr .L ritts rnice trIrr-y nrî a rae%-r,11-unetlservices 1 t.îs,,,iir i, ut -lu r t irrorr .1ggailtI !sl eutrs. Dombski, Higiey, ISherman shreh a Wolrrsolkrrarrsk. s od irialtf 'ttireo.irrru nr i ook wont 10 Waokegan lent Shertueri ctlirIs. Errer t)girrSi ., -rnil.t,[rsrri'. evenlug by way of Chîcago. biflnIaura yon unrd.'rmtfnsrrri t rf sr'rrrr r, litrlitrrrEa J. oek took his last degn-ee ini the jeaketeun qurandr Y. ri, r soir R oyati l A cli rOl'ter he cri folowed 1 LiE,. 0kIis rrrrs, orsifr' ,, .trrued home deliglited eîi th eir trip. ,hI. humk si] tire, rrlititi' Ii,1 r t ,-I r uk, . At tise village carur'rteThureday parents ai Vi- s, s unrts,. i rrrîirss', "fth.,. L-rritas rftsruoou E. B. Sliertninvitas nommna- devoted t t, iinsg rirr- irrirrrr, i. ttirtrrrted for rPreident aud D.).(G. White for vîfe, foug rtrr-trrs' il,, lr t Irro _e , , urs ,Cieurk. VThe foliowing trustes vre mourn or ssi iiisrif. rîrrr litsn ki-r i oi- .. o nîr iated: B. J. LoIt us, A. D. Buell precced turi-rut.arrourt it,.mîru brrruinuo,ru tirist Ire aud G. E. Strang. Tise village com- af111ct.d irtuoo tirt rtrrirrs r r i moitt si'rt., aloi mlttee aeolted for the ensulufi year a1lfries. rorrtton rtr -t. ,, srrO-tri. - rrrartwas E. F. Shaffer,- E. Il N eville and or e -iri i riirr. tf0ro,'s O rrsdy.C.-B. Harvey. eo1 brrt 11p,.- ne.- 'iy ii ru tireor, Mr. andlir@. Bmlh, fof Waupaca Co., 0 restrr itrots ao, rrti.- - ir s srrkt uaitr'. 21rs1911t Xi.are vstiug lira. D. Wlghtmau Gi lle.. iiti tr t- i, r nh d others n Avon. lir@. Smithis an W or kers î.airrgs- rr.e. iurn' ,rrr .,il a vkern old scliool-nnate of lira. Wightmau and îowîug r«. Irg-t ekJsis r,.fti ar it--ir- k.rr, i t-ti.'rivt, many years ago made lier home vi e ir-. triir r. rr'irrti-srr .rt,si tut's,,tii r, ia.WsVghtman's parents, tMr, sud WHERBAI 'rtst.,i totrimi.. rsnrrr r r u'. r, n-r lisMra. lzatch, vio thon lived virere lir. wq wuirr' f55 $rreo, ýlrtr sn".- .1.îs'ar ti.r . on ,rtCarîil iwlovilvels. AfLer au ah- esteienedv rîy',rr-.r,rî r, irir s irstu r.,, urrgfseuce of more than forty YeRr ear e , I 5.itOl. aitu, soti o rrittolisoi smen. Il )r. ocoriel; ack to flud mauy changea. Divine IPrc tir-te snrsy ilto rIrIii ue trl'ut t1lirt At lhe W. .T. U. Medal Content lu dent, frotta r-nn,,rrrr sirîrrrt tsia,rt Iryt IfiscAiicrie churcblenlat Frlday eveuing IRuth mianitsr witro. ll titr,tfrtat.'r trr sss.,. sirt"rcrf in Harvey vas the happy renipieut of the iaoweth l tiro teem,. itstmi. t ttts frtor i lver mollat. But al theHUIlens ire cailed; , 'tiro-.r, ur:,Irrirrs' toirtis otr fats y tirîi tir-jyid so nicely that It was a bard mat- Itesolvfdt arn Iiu o atrs ss' Elilorad sr ltrn irt ,rr. ten- ludecu to decide. 'lieo program no! a worthi juktoi mar, trrt fi kr. Attîrst.r. sthnouglout vas very gOOd Bealdesanrargs tfrr cuoit'-at.rrrt-tid ;tri'.*r Vlaissi talent, lMr@. COConnor, of Fondtonan essairtc.. e kh 1sot'.irs 5 t't7rsi. Une du Lac, assiated vlth a rectatlon aud leolrl io,',t. tu iir,, a rsirlrrti-tetr,i i,-'. trrseven-al Bouge. Another conteat will u l gi hee, irirg grirs'rrr i&laryss , 5-., rry- hli &I uaout ires weeks.lire dralred tltig ntisrtsr 1. - l.rtisg r ci r i'.tre mntor . a1 tILuslIsuýfilisIll l imillply Nit Tîîeslay, April 2md, 1heauelaI îîeaotedi rie' 50 or, 50Ir rtr .str.ltt. oOrriitownship electlon viii hie heldid leu a o M tor ur, r t ied tts'tr srirort rrsrtVillage Hall. The followiug e the sent tireh sO,snt a rrit, i.rrrwi t.rî'rs,5s rt 5,kicandidate :Supervisrsr, B. L.eCar- andsmIferu , rise nrdgtrs ors, rrrirtt.,: it - ooeutleld; Clerk, Emory Ailesa Collector, tRoe.1 _Itýlodi kg inluitl> ot".oo[John F. Christian; Asesstor, Edward P. ho "snt to sui mouluiroir t1irri,'..Y-5.t, Ca,tiy t, att . ItDodgc; Itoad Com., (Ino. HippIe; Jus.- bal irap-- trtssiir irs gossr , st-nrs. - tri srtices, Erneat Moore andl Alexander ft5,,se ,taritirsf Tweed; Constables, Frank Fritaci and Manita Lrone, ucsrrit.oOttn H. J. Mrrie; Schaol Truste,, A. D. minurit irtst 55 t.Vit'. a tri -u ,uir. t-Rîcl. Henry Rulvarda vilii nnu Ide- tou (isr.t îr,5 r trlotia , i5.55A ut niOre". rpendent for Aoisensor. rsi t.i5f tir , 5. 1":i sss i e ' I f 'Ilic 2ibth Century Club lu v iii ve s Marsissinrs. j. ri.. î'loi t.0ttCanletron etertanmeuit lu the Wood- tnîrosoi Crrtn'i. s Ir . . . ta fs r i u5metu Hall next Mouday eveulnig, Aprîl At Gar ersoi -,ati c r-r'iror iscAu.,,rrr. 1st, but lit vîli ha by no mlai an Bell et P 'l'ie An rortas' rrr.rn'irrris.ftar Aprîl Foot entartaihument. Follovîng li5ci 30 tira 'a s ioo, sit"n'ilsu, LIC'r.trr-t fi s r athe prograum: borns, Miatita ttie s s uirts i. n r,od fr rrrtf o su titiLt rtriVrfIli ,rsfrn . ork; ai 1r ieoîi ' ra, i .1'ikiumi volr y fot - to. ..,-f_ .... tysaddie lh I d'. atir isc Sîr i a,'-. srrî iio. ir ' irsrr'trn- St...r '<ru'With a a udssss- 1 IRIsi inr,. murlrtrit 0%va' . 55,5rflm,,tily bsfau 'srt rrfoiis' r ,*,...'tsr ..e ....t-r ...' - D r'itiiiass . 11 O, ku. Wonrls byCi1-t, o rs n rc \-- r s\it a is, wirlils. - srrrrugi, ir rrs'casli Oftni ILar m i e st'd is Ord.a ti ir.ifirg lrftrnr o 't rr ..t- "j r tie ut.... -. r bt .'.t o n ,i t h - i cr, t rrkrrr.. rrj rrrî. 11, 1 Il tI ktir oiti kim 'u -r , , t(1tr , r is p, lus", 'rs it, r ltitr r rrs' C,, U i. 'tr i isit, ti i - ra 5f r-rs u t rs i ý,ri ftt rsrrl la'.- Otr11'tl tifk-tr.f It l ,ii i., ,s r.r yfr I is r iau-I.r îd IMarie 1't', the oid at r rrr trr, ,,,,Ci.., ti rri . s, tr '.iirfr~ .s igflic ( dFlir'Isin pre tasitif , u- n ' f-si'.. . fr. 55 rrit r t s iri'-, l ar e r"rI5 ri,,, 5i55 i. .5 i. .'irsadmslsionuviiili e chargea. per ence 1 i-r-tiC,,i ,.. k, r, 5 i Tsihri lle many frîr-udl bere o! Miss Edna -aatislai'tio: koI r 1- ilsr -, i i st;. O ' a' rr..n 5e Cormv,-r@ere- n on- csrked sud grieveu t., -reritso-rrr rgvriiir rseflrentsod' o. Linr - uiden doath ut Evanston rN lOi' r, A r5,iriirsri .1 r'..,,sstesî t Moindarsv. lier parents kuew nOth rn t.rri.- r.r rtir, , ~ iig offits- iliisstri itjl ttbelote @he r -- irls, is,, iri tt, isdand befirre tbey could get oItrh H n r.r55555 5~,5 nfr! 55,, niua vuas the dnead disease vIlcb car. Crayolakt tir,,retsti rrrC.ried lisen-avay. she vas laid ta list i5Sri> ,in the Grasnt Cemetery Thur:day, i rU i l. tiantU attenhirrg nu acconut 0f thc terri- -r~PIC tiS btii condition o! the roadas, yeta large A1109 PIC LIS ii istiiber o! fi-eiriisatteuded the lest aad 09 ui ti Èrîs kt f .iisnp'ou is', 4rean, i rteMn s syp . Cofv6titiîave t If P muult- s srr' is' irsj, tsircîatGrayalake Inondsansebave &aco Mr. antdi L Ili eitit-l),troiigt ofaiy nMirs.ty Ciorsehmathny . 0 ben-irsoe lie lias itrv sed lits r'upiis nd Mn-s .Bro w n sud Compton, gnundpar. aridestr tht . -oral1re'lth of the e s'of thes-deceased. iocslity lu mhirh lire Is lor'ted. Evsry Obllunry.ç dollar tit asi lr'r i Ii'ti sst a l n.kretîsst MIn. Siellovley Sherman vas bortu A coiuîinttsity poitrrrr. .-lune s, IsCis t East Nrtheld, 111. PIdTRr Ais ex'ir-anrgei' ire ti irsti'rgîtte HoeBi-nt ti', oyooad day. on bis ut ts lea radvm -f w wre u u-fathers farnur dru-mg the years vien Wlou ut tsrisarn-ariuv 'I cr cs-e ti o-the country waa ncv, sud Aomes vere nsrrrnur' that ,'trr cu 'ftil get itit alier fev asud fer between. At tic age of 18 and A tlrly sîsym firs'tise priceut ftlire, iseera, lhe veRi qtîlkeed vîti lie Spirit of ilimitec s--rnydes-rrr'stîr AlarsWîtitlkîîvstrart idaccsinpalsrd hy oueor tvo .100 o! hieofr'onuradi-akhowva ed1 tint Ive nb altf5rcernts. uiil W50liglit for bis eorutry, elisttng l C.Speaki we-r,- tir ny tlist lit wtitild holien-t tisnee G. lReg. lth Illinois Iufaitry, asae nuthe forthe tiseec a grn',peil hmul prîvate, rnîm wircihe was houorably Abook, liaitîf !thien woîîid not know dlachargid aitiihe close of the ver F. .. . ~ ___ Sept. 16, 1865. He retunud home, and Orayalakiý For Tovu Oin, FRED CROKER. For Aammm, O LAFAYETTE BOND. For Cafleetor Q3- WiLBUfl MEREDITH. For cmui"asocf Elgbways. (nomDimi.) 1: HARRY ROUSE. For csumlasloSRciai Higvapa (CestralDia&.To « iVau&"o.) [J JOHN BALLARD. For 11.1001Truste., Ù <ERHARD SCHRECK. For Jeaus c f Sb* pa. Q GEORGE WISN ER. 0O. E. CHURCHILL. Por Comaablel., Q WALTER ACHEN. Q GEORGE DAVISON. E Fr Town Mort. Fr seW H. J. CATER. Fmr colleetr [] JOHN LAWVRrNCE. Poru aombmet cf lhvaia,. - «hD«> E E JOHN LIMDERRY (Ceawm iDIi. To au vaeei i J. F. WELCH. For S$Co" ruewe JOHN DREW. Vr halle.. lof lite Pr««, C. H. SMITH. lor OowàMbles, WM. HOYER. J. T. LYNCH. OFFICIAL BALLOT. The. followlng la the . Oicel Ballot ot the town of Vernon to b. voted April 2d, 1901. C. C. GERBERT, Town Clerk. Q nousFlu' E. Fur Town Clark E]CHARLIE C. GERBERT. Q m iclmi. 'Flie votsed AU o (BT PETITION.î For Aseeear, Fru Assm. C QJAKE P. RITZENTHALER. Qj ELLSWORTH WILOX 1 oi OcaibgadN, Il Battershall's---------.You Bargain- -- -----in re Prices - ist Cran-led Java Ooffee, par lb . ....... .. 100( Il Wire Cahle lolies Line .............. 75's.. . ....... Papen- Cnrtius----------------------------.. Thumbl Latn-hes, par set...... ieurt Hlickon-y Hammer Haitdlea ............. A gnon Curn-y iomh ......... ........ ........" Larsge- ii irnellas... ... . ..... . 2 lb) box Pouitn-y Pisydan.. - - - ..ý...... Sewlog Macine Needles, t for............ 120 sireets Irish Lînen Nota Piper........ I3 abeslut Note Piper .............. ... ... .. se iSiugle Harnem, $10.(00, I12.00 aud-. j.. Gfood Hiorse Collera, eactl----------- White Vegoelahia aea, each.- ........ Sheet Wadding, WIteansd Dai, seý...... Water preoflilacking, per box................. ...... . Try our Porclin Waah-boid, eau neyer vear ont, oacI ..... get Whiffletreen and Neck Yoka ..................... Geo. BqttershaII, FRANK WEIAND. ANTON BROWN. pot ouutedbs h' ci 940bvapa [J FRANK C,. HABEN. For Consale, O JOSEPH CHURCHILL. IJHEltIRY WEHRENBERG. UGEORGE QUEN TIN. O SYLVESTER TRIPP. Fmowamoe%~se O JOSEPH RICHARDS. 'i PFECTY SAFE, FULLV GUARANTEED, Endorsed and teatod by many p-romninený farmers. REFEREN.CES: FOR OR THIOMAS GREENI, Lake Bluff. Agrculturist. WILLIAM ANDREW, flosr. MceaumIçI Ferma, Lake Bluff. PREAU AND PARTuCULARS ADORESS ALB. M. REUPKE,- Lake Bluff, 111, -TO-- FRIDAVO MARCH 21 OFFICIAL BALLOT. The ftoilowimf i i heOSfciai BOM o f the, TownM of b6wtyvllle to b. voted A FRED CI QRPUUAN Q DEMO¶jWflC Q1

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