Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Mar 1901, p. 5

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PI4CKED UP HEi :'G rOCM &Local Items ofilnteresi - -f. ilm fuud Uulîl FRIDAVO MARCH 29. 1901. df LlbMwyvllle to be voted April 2d, 1901. ïo FRED CROKER, Town Clork' r CIAI 0 INDEPENDENT ~ç. (9 TICKET. O (By ITITION.> mélo C.Mî &ST, BALLOr.' 0sisl Balot ofthue Teva iU0ipVbg, Tovu I(jerk. H. C. W. MEVýeR. Ftle TwaORIt. Q FRANK DOLPI4. Fer Asessn, 1:Q W. H. SKINNER. 'Ne, Coiae, Q HEN4RY LUEBIBE. For Oomismmme auElltvys (M dwi.> o O O Q Q Q M. C. WIRTZ. vor Jfflsflq01the Pasce. E. G. PAYNE. C. P. THOMAS. PM Cembsisisa AÀSA JOICE. GRANT LUSK. le SoaeItotTnse. Hý. C. W. MEYER. II H. C. W. MEYER. OFFICIAL BALLOT. Vernon r, Town Clerk. au lcll HWILCOX.Q BROWN. ,rite following is the Official Ballot of the Town of Wbet Deerlleld to be voted April 2d, 1901. F. H. MEYER, Tewn Clerk. ()0 INTITaeT0(15) I luCil. For Tovn Chat, Q F. H. MEYER. For Aisuo, E. A. FRANTZ. Fo Coliselon, FRED SELIG. Fon Oommltoiehof igtwua.a O DENNIS E. GIBBONS. Non Jas fMe e li s s, O~C. W. PETTIS. Q JAS. K. FRITSCH. for coagéabi@1. Q FRANK OTT. Q JAMESJHSN Q: For imuk t ut" Pesos, GEORGàE CHASE. DEALERS IN ,LbertMIIe - - - Illinois. surpriseul marin'- wen h ,e sncbta e ti» cse.The d town oimta did nol cou luefore placiug b'is name ou f ,nliey 1robaiîly uoncinded tia tb lx!uefîcaiiîasmseli ai auy0 tIkim artioîî. on" u rnîsl bignea1 ta fate ta ha a thoc Libectyvilll deLUocret. myeu tItan muel.T>otOl7 toÉ A Ï Libertyvile«M»gpolbhei 1ge ltm »Icgtoeffa the Pooples' and Citizen REao ANDTH Ru ooses Man aYeOt0uie t toLibrtyvlleReade rS. for tmuoeaibave aven beenugefo Eger, C. H. Averill sudi Dr. E. 6**44**44*4,4*~i~44< H. Sm 8ith are &II mentionad as posaible off fe au a~ Ciandidatea for preaident of the hourd~ C. H. Smith and W. C. Skaboru are Hý;arvd h atrs r h >. TIME TABLE. botb talked of as candidates for villageas ared Te ar.ire th"' clerk.stHondvercthereela jettUil, for 43, 1900, at 12»01 a. M. a apirîted content. Atorney Ben hietald~ne teI e. n tw 1. - Miller b aaboesa auggeted a a candi-W FROM CHICAGO. date for Preideft of the board on the We are- alwavs lieadqîîiartt'rs tor Wall WEEK DÂTS. Citizena' ticket as bai aiea F. Il. Arrive at New Deoot. Dymond sud F. C. Wright. Paper. I)oct hiy ouiitil you see ours. No . ......... i n à. M.. îHighland Cattie" le the aubject u1 a 1 17' .......... . .beautif nI Photo Etching 10 be given s a anppiemeftlu i neit Sundays No'i-i .. . . . ... ...... .. .. lip-t . )ierald. iBo e sa iple in pont off ce. l.i14 ............ 1. ni. By a rearrangenlent of te fiturei, FROM CHICAGO. WglDmond & Co. have greatly WEK 051. improved thie Inerlot appearafiCe 0f New patternls in L'adies' Arriv et ld DPot, the Lake Conty Bank. The large ArrvO t ld eijt sale fi% to bc moved te front of th Wrapîpere at 7 5(-tii 1. 004 139 6 l p. M. ooma near a vindov and a conctee 1 1* .... >........... -7 55 P. t. founldatlon ba; beeu, built te aupportiAsk fi) see (>lit' No. sosIe il t, 50 gthas tu case of lire it would not Nlein ..................... ,a a. m fal itroitgh tuge te baitement. The 306 Ladies' Slioe, $2.25 W AY rZZînur. . ardvood partition villa teUaer'a snd Depart Fr001 010 DePot. <clnîers windows iberelu nov extends New, syii $0. ivi ..Kt B onnet ........ 10Ji.M.direily front front of the room bc ____reer, lesa apace for patrons, anîd up tÀ> s-between Pondout an4 salon misa. but mote for office recom. The walla and celliage have beeon -refrestied îate Wl lleo ________________________and voodvork varniabed. In ail mak- Jenry Elfring la drilig for Dr. ing an appreciable tmprovemeiit. Fie r ioy.Mis Clama Bolea entertained bout C. 1R. Sherman tn to be conratulated fryo e ou fi aa r-Shirts i,; the ipon fis splendid wtndow display. gresaive cinch sud crokinole party L. Hl. Litcbfleld and fanilv occnpy lutI Wedneeday evenlng sund a royal nohbiest li towîî. To Ibo zooms adjoining W. C. Sanborna gfood fiimevai enjoyed. Thte prize, .qIlence. vinnere ln cincb voee afollova: set' ther ils to bty. Nrs. Cramer hmaibeen quite Ill for Menit prisa, Mieas Laurs Cleveland "we lime ad ber condition ta and Chi. ferringlon; consolationl 50 vents to $1 .00 takes Mi acseions. prizea, Mias Jennie Vuille and Worden Well&. The lue»y onea In crokinole tei lire. W. 0. Mthîzar aud son Lester, veetMn piesnisiioec itWaukelara a isiin br aterBlallard and Julins Treptov; Conaola-_______________ *rs.Claa Oilige.tion prizes Mise Maud Whoeler and Mrs. F. Protine bas been bin icago Est, Dymond. At about 1i30 a ibis veek tndying apring ulllneny boutitifilreputl waaapread andfil la otyles and fashiona. noeedlesa tea"ayt.he guesti did ample The lAdies AId Society '411 ineet justice to the dellcacies. Prom in tlve If yonr (1lt]Ihreîî't4 lîoes (Io îîot .ith Mrs. C. C. Bnckley, rhursday 10 Ivo the yonng people tripped lte pnril 4. Work wyUl b. funnî4bed. lUght tanltic lat music f urniabed by Wear well Woy Heîîdlersoli's Red Sehlool- .. '11ext veek MUiS. PRoTNnE vili have R Ralpb Darby alter vil _tbey dis- *W fine of gingbains, rinta asud persedl tenderlng Misa Boies a vote of holîse Siiot'. oit vanl fiîîd îîo better opmer dresa goodi.Lail and ses sincere tiienks. o m e .b y c l n o . W n e s t l î e y a r e f o t mn a d e . T h e y g i v e undandbonptis ed by (h c. W00 Tuesday morning Walter Bond wui the' hest of satisfaction and every p)air P 1 ad ocupld by('hý. Wol-takren go te Elgin Asylum for grat- metadtbouigb bis fazily and sga nte. %.L. DuBoii baiscecured a position friendi fonl confident bc e v iiivih ~ itte vire worka at Waukegan and proper caveregain bfil son et ie *Wednesday to aisumnia i uev avetsaddenied gibal bts yonng lies mien. should b. no enddenly blighted. ý very apring the complaint laitbe Walter bâdti en teacling achoolaet *dasvere neyer no bad,- atid so il in Haineevilie and wui a relentie»sastu- We a pring. l seeme tbey îoiild net denit. Seldom did he retire befote 41any vorse. ,aldnlgbt, so persistant vas he lu se- dtizena Party canula at lown Hall îjuiring a broader edacation. This arday ntght atsanie Lotir as ivtb bisscljoel dulies overiaied hie ,People&cnce. one»ni)stairs flb»istrenib, and an alter9blofi fe fiad ioîber dowu. vîlh lite father of ooDe of bis scbotas Ed Macli»sud tamtly ruoved Mon. vate otimax Liaubrouiht &boutI bilas ay imolbhereidence lie recenily mental derangement. ,urcbiased îof Levis Litcblleld on filwua aItirai boped a ev daysa lorth avenue. quiet wonld restore lils reastandid e Mrs.EttaElli, wh&v rcentIl as taken u the D eention H oaili, rs. roicE l us, haeecelutins Chicago, for treatment. Doctors there ~ cbr nlcle lu bese advWin& t h t h e l ntaen Elgin, e- *eatly lmproved, in fat bhi reninredipMigteale icnhei i ________________________ pI dora055011 li lv oCaal~a. wonld in a short li me recover is nus- "Violets- le the title of the beantllul tomavy mental and plial trengib, jnag 10 hgiven freer iil exi SUn- 25 l s w C '/romicie set. ,ampl lu pont and lu Ibis hope aI lis@ Lîbertyville ~ic.ac1ntaintauces loin.Ai Miss Editb Colby ubo vîith ber I__________Party_______ îareuta receutly returnîrd from ian ex- lCEpNTS' l10tyCEuNuS nded souffleru tnp lakten te- bopes There wili be a caucus o0#lte beneiltiog ber bîealtb laolu mucb Peuples' Party af lb» village of Twenty dozen of pure Crystal Glassware ini fi»esm condition as viten alle ar- Lîbertyville ai the Town Hall, Sat- the lates t and most brillha.nt eut glass pattern; %ived home, Her relatives inci eu- day night, Match 30,. 19011 at 8 o'clock you would consider each article cheap at 29) and 'Aburagment iu tbe tacilo abis~holding tu place in nomination candidates for ~ c $et ov.' tbe folloving vllage offices. The assortulient consis aof the following ,..Reinhard litzen, lo, ai depicled President articles :, flb» mcoout o f a sliooting affray on Clenk 9-incli Large Footed Fruit Bowis, rut page of tbls issu1e, wrested from Tbree TIrustees 8.jnch extra heavy Oblong Dihbes prnenbly esle alr b nd1 ransact sncb aotber busines a ai -inch handie Olive or Jelly Dîslîes, $an iacibat a liegro, shoved good wa prolSeTîl collne before lte caucus. U-inch fancy Cake Stands, lresu is condlîct sbonld place COIUTT. 61.inch high Celery Holders m l lcef c and"tlli Hre i-inch extra large Celery lriuys ene sanolier Lilîerty ville boy shows Lîtieus, Caucase. o -inchi roundý Deep Bovi. lasciflo be of lb» right eluf. Thene viii be a Otizens Caucua of7Y5j deep Oblonîg )isher, A resi etate deal- lnvoling the the legal votera of file village of Sugar Bowls, Butter Disleea l vert pcoperty fronting on Milvan. Liberlyville, nil., beld in thse Townt Cresam Pitchers, Spoon Hloldens Avenue andi Lake atteint la belng Hall Saturday evenling, Mav3h 30, 1901 and over a dozen other styles of letly negotiat»îi by local parties.etai 8clock for the purpose of placing fancy dishes, your choice of anbiher the deal îîîaieriaitze luinoa 1la nominatin prsona for ihe 1011ov- for iiy remaînes ta lie seon. LATB- ang offices; te b» voted for ai the AT underoland the tisaI lu question Comin< village electioii. been loaed. Tbat portion of the PreaidentTH A R operiy fronting on Mlwaukee Ave- Clerk e wiii beàdivided juta businessalots Three Trusteles Lbertyville Illinois. - eorg Davisn md amlly iiiand 10 transact sucb otiter businessais ________________________ np outas avec Lovelîsa drng storemay properiy corne belore thse canons d jooining fle» oew central station heÀ. wSîiHîd ce of the Lake ouuty Telephone cormîîtee - J.'W. UII(ýT -Mia, Jessie Davison vili attend W. M. HZAÀH e "excitange' ight8 a nd Snndays, i a t r D n e un aff orclug paîrana 0of tb» Company Mse ac.__________________ utinnal service Thbis la a future A dance vili ha gîven by Excelioti bihwlbcgreatly aippreciated by camp, R. N. of A. in Libertyvilie Pure ose havlng telephallea andi enhancea Town Hall, Monday nigiti, April 8. LvI' e valu. af tb» service. oood music. Snpper served lu base- -Spectli asten exerciies viii ha held ment of hall. Everybody la going, Drug. ss. gStweà~ lte Mthodiat cburcb Bnnday rr- are yori' g. Apil 7tîb. 'fli follovlng com- Itis 1e» l care rrageens ienurulle urs f heusna- e fu n s kT ER. lm , . ARENCE. .IERRY ELCH. REW. iMITH. OER. YNCH. Vo Comalbla, DDENNIS LWMBERRY.

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