Wk M. JUSTI lbis. YILLE. LL.INOI&. YORK BOY OONE., 87 13 TMOUGHT THAT 1-HE HAS BEEN KIDNAPED. Stai-Ici with 1§14 Ster for Chut-ch, Wmst Daguk for onu Overcoat. and Ha. ee4.1 Sca ,Soea since sohmYîulhs te Les .Ney. Ater riinly rviirîgiiiet Kî i eth ie police haro beo-m ci iivvc-itht i liiii e lcCornaicitJr,,. 1 0) 30o,1 îifIl1,l -bridge. N. Y., liai ohi laetthe sveim t i a iifLiaprog lot,- TWO of the hoius nfis ; neg Mg te î-hoooh t; iihin vl , ho it, leund il ,, tat3teii nvifih,-os, -for bis ot-erooîft.Il ,ra cra 0ilfoie a lew xnoments nthe i,-ssirs ,, rîfberlta- Wftd thse clourcfis, Viliu ie f,îiî-d la r- $oifl tIes on tbui h iflibeilrtîilfyta thes church, harh fs-fvcuîi, intil ther hiid rolurnet] home thai lit- h,, i dci led nrfta go nutIs lIent, Ai a î,attî'r of fact.,lho had slippedoattihv it-rrc,iaitlsu trv -i atler tht-utCatft. li Oîin ii r-rIItig ke caste savd: I1ount hrtîiiv o rnerd liaI the boy has beiti toki t by disigtiiîg personi, andt hut h,- vsbeing fiefdib lient. This boy was ici ir biasea ta lie away fraonnom or nttîlv, is habits waes good satt thero hod loen navhrîg to drilve lins on îyfront battît-, t ii f ihe Opinion Ihat hieî sbcbg boel]hor,- iii N-; èver section of the ity aid all pontts adjatent te il badlbeon tcoured. WiIlie je lie 5son of a ootredflioriot living in1 134bbrldge. Ho bs looeovaltiers, BSOOTSBIS WIFE BEAu. Stanialaus tepenski. Despondeul, En. act»a.suAwful tTragetly. Deetiluteand dspondent, Stin ibais St5Itt5lASibîot lbs ife lhrangh the- hevîr tu tir e qnstid honte in thse rear of 4819) Troop sîreet, Chicago. Thon, acorrd big ta tIse -year-oîd daugloler n-ho enter- ad the bonna ai tIse mother toul ead, Ste- uak I kuelt on thse fluor, kissod bis murî W-fe on the torehoîtiand sata t fronttheseaime revolvorervshint' tâWe.a is uwn botait, Aîolhor batlet be gred imobibs necis sud thon feu naor- togy wouuded aserois the body oftihe - vernl ishadatnoecruefiy alin, Theloo r I vere summnet ly neiglobors n it. -, hard the abats andt]sereittus of tise fitile FARX BOY@ ENLit3T IN NAVY. 0h10 Tontina earu for lAite ou a Shl1P or War. Tie riet the Norfovlk.a, -naeyt put thie ether dîy a large draft o! navalî VOMft Ut reminCncinnati. They at-o fort lie Mot part Ohiuo foonter bayasn-hot rbavaeiantered thse goserument service n th tbi estmre et Is.comiug toamen tndcrIn- ZWMThe landînten null h qurteroti *beerd the receiring ahip Fraubliu aid *-uIM be there trainet] in the dîtios if i mdallis . Neil summer they null lie béamt te ses on a training voyage. - Decationa u BoeeRuianer. " indhns of thse mlitary court oft la. qIuh, wblcb n-estgated the Irealment A Sui ta bave licou iccorde te 10lIselate LO*et L. B0014 a fariner cadet il West Yt Illbtary Acaeitey, have he¶A madei Véeat Washington. The court Odet]1 »Wt b.. detIn ot Cadet Booz was flot Crime of ]Repuiacd wooer.Ne MuM Frank Malareztie, in e Woud loi consent ta an immedu- anaeof bia pretty 14 year-oîd Carmelio, to Jolsomina Fagîto. tiedte lukill the whote Mta-o o ~ <amaly.He wonnded four portons, bia iweetbeart, her parents oit] but ILI NYater-7ta Nlk sDeas h. s, VWlt a bulfet Isole throtigh bis beatof il WugsNichait Zabrisb-ie, 27 yearsabid. 11110b0r Of a dlallgulaheilîld Ne.wYorb *W7. via bud dea it]1ebd vn bis bË11W apaclnouts in that city. T'lo if- S MaSead the coroner agr-e-tis thfI.- POU99 M» flconmttot] stîtodeW hy o end" Ma illfe la a mystery, POO, itewrdusfr Bi. FI.t], 1 Gieoegce . s t - oils lararlr, ~lia up $=,000 in iDoo,eil ho-cur rtienticPlatforna of a t ruet cr..lie gatube tien te10thir 00-ehut rf os O1 the large obiver doflar tro.t Astle dc imn as rewrîrd, Btr-ts Pi- ltt. M"IcHall.tanit-rir oilît.of s' lv. p i e Ne eYrks Telegrotnh, blot rie,]ii k Viant of te BostoniTi rt -o n ove u 1.esRt Piper. nIni! tlliio Ir iî -lst boieithle Publicatianii t a ii,i îuvit «ud Sudiy paiper, Titus a u Gota W.t Pis. TePretivuent ha,, a tvpoinVt-l Cin T. ~'MIus to bota t-tut-t aigo rvvth f lue i ,. -- Utea Miîtary .oeaivv t WciIon Situa ores the fivst -rlifer tI, i, lothe Carter.Harrison se-Eet <Ckàea&o for lthe third line, [iilig' toui %M00talu10,000 nmao r ies vir aveao beau porevously cat-ttforrbut, Ftn,--cter uf Flîipit. Col. Goizales, the insturge-nt g o o- r- sf-M8uhla, nilloton ofileers ani fi-tvtý ii, )IMa bas surrendorod ta Ci fto-annuuî ii Masson. Aguulto Tiakes the t0,th. ý1ifààmaorY of Wai r RootvîutvruîcesrIîhavt a ide lots tabou ithe uath of afine tu lthe Uniîtd Sît-es eIla Mther antd NotIser. rX;lne . Csro"-eaifen nuil,-, fot i', .bJohniailies, ag-ti 32, bih -leehher, sgeul (ifsuud bis t rît i ec 27. Afttr co-onniting the eia e hocoilapnedthIe smavnr e lt-er Iln lis pirititaniid ni ff- î 41'drection 0ftlianIiff, aille Hi.tuht-i i. P, Idek. R stitolivag Tm-mmsa, but iJs brother- la li%, h .1. tviv-v ak u = t lavyco r ftviv bn-31,ol 'W'ontch s sui uvu1- uiril <'vsCorset Sai-aIl- , ir, Dolut steel turneo-tbmo -rut Ini-v irevocu t gkmm Meisuer, olaroi -11,uvult8Y ua*other Wabe-ot he îuuruirtuod i~~tt alai Ier honte. QUT aataent lu Cuinr.d.. ~le ceekgolibin olmdoibt- cel e-a-~ Â prospective ~iei~ieiU tagg d dexcitentest MiIND A BLANK MXANTY EARS. MARIKET QUOTATION5S KAISERt FBAN, iltLUI Allewbesy Men Sudde lI-vRerallmAcAt1- Chicuya_- Cattie, comtuon te prime, Telt- Suldie.-aHe Rliea.oThleA If ide-t a.d Xusn,"e. NaFsMilly- 3ts $3-0) t(Io logs, ahiping gradles, Peuple Recom use ttottrdtntte- A air" ight case utf montai 'olillio 'O-0$3.00 ta $f3.13; lîrol, frir i-toe hoice. $3.00 'ThttKisuler moî, l - oast sensatiionaî evritg a priod of seetott-t lals i itue to $3 .004 nht-at, Nu. '-,red, 75e tu 770-,s-cii l is icidieir ,,'tiocctaitontO f ta ltgltt i Ailegiteny , Se etteicorn~ ,No, 2c t,,ta43r; Gosuto. '21, 2f: i Ieotîotcralion of tiii ,vo iarackmofo 3 êats noa hrles %SVîoli[ltirntvma.s iîflir-ta _tic. rit-, Nua. >, 5il ta 51c; bottter, flic Alexantder rt-giniiiiiilrv, Bln Hill toi GD the Chicago, Itotelz tsi ttlul oiPi- ha,. -.roAuery, Ile ct,, 'Oc; eggs, froolo, tflOesty t-Otlpati -l iic i if ýtfitttiIi ,ilue rond tient Cicg lice "tiftaolie to 1_1c; ptat ieo, 34C ta 37c ti« I lit ite terýa i ,i ii oieiriltfithe con- Alicgheny oftt-r heîg l. irel*f ,. -baîhef. dîtiant ohiel i-,i-It httinA R haOsitai and togaged lu ( tlic 1,.1 i t 1 I-iii Ioli itav atshipping, $3.00 tu -theliC iud bi,l lottr tlic ,,Iiti ii3out ness. He ttaivried an lcfiti iu-ioan. $ bu),hgs.ohom-e ight, $400 10 $610u- lirtiokso0f 18-48, n- lv ;. l ie, of iFrus- ta n-hom lhot îio,,v oi r o[ethi, atIub-u. t- ,-i,IlltuvIlaîro tprime,$3.(X) to $450, iivut lu datnger. liceIla ierthe-to&il- ari the c1>11 île havt l our c-htf i ru.Se 11,, atNu. 2, 74c ta 75c; t-avn, No 2 tilitedi os soltlii-r-r, i,i ,, ; s-Ifr ro - era, nightî ogo uor Mf Wsiîbtvr,uî iioi htl, 41e ta 42e onit-,,No. u, 2while, 1iiltfvon 000-rs, cotîsfrite-rotilttelites as tors dropcîi a luaîtvîtin the romiainAt w iýI, i 2 9'.. Y ii vi îultl cruol ot.ii a tiO T-he Ite was siftitg.Be11, otte ei to- il iti St.tr it tl.$3 25 ta $5.75; hatis. lovîsot has iteon ,ak, . il) rila ,tvilao foll ta the dlar grouiirîv -h. -0v iife 2 iyi S: 3 1, ot--9)$30 5t $I1. itriltl 00-0-Osuce t,, r ,II inii ii Ho n wai pOt t o tai t aris hic a ht t -Noa 2, 72, ta 73c; corn, Na. 2. Railvvi d bis t. 1,i vl"li rr Ud, t dar - hai o-ra-icvIl 41,is ict,, 42, ; vrais,No. , 3eta 11 y, l't irl)ivare-fly iii, - I, i- heiii iifitvii- ttîss Wvts 1Inîli hhurt ltt flic ii~k1 N :2,adi.iui-,iitiot r -Ir -,lrah- ii-ro hi hc.v a rdi il, -bo( ,iluif. i lin,,t.ttCattie. $3,.00 to $» 0;iliogs,(il', iitiîruuîo-s ro.. n. uili init Wrho oui sîi ig au tfie iei, , If ale vo i u$;f outo ,,$13.10:- oltu-, $300 îo $4.50;'1 irtala y. The ToIa- I lori, iii~ i ,,ho hospitrilnis.W h-tsiv, iaigiivg woit. Ne. 2, 79e it,î SOc; corn, No.2 ] ticoIdliorstcicr l i , t Iaf, ,Y toid btttv tht lho nosavitvg and fii tiîo-i42, ta 43c; Gaitn, No. 2 n.iied. 21gil- in f05,thet- tii-i f in Ioii lal Ilit- aile Was bhi t,île h rlr-l lie' fýini., ota '7, -; ni-.No., 25,cetu 5,6c.- ri tîs ii,,etit i vIii f il, , atil thse Ftoo oy8niog: Vaure fofieta ufor tI-u (attle, $230 ta 54.75; itogo, l ais-rgaint tfil.-f .ifJPirsoit ot io it-Te" nghim ait,]eul livis- ntîlî,-îac 1.o t b$ 0;ieep, $250 ta $4 tM.i; t b.iiii tY nr gr - thorîii can for~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o otdîghtoiui istttrosiaiNa2, 7- t iitti-,;-cornu, No. 2 -hIV1,idetrv- i i iid nItiordi Dr. Stanley Smoil mo ha j,aioritiil 3l4et 3e tN,2 ie ielcitee ed wutS nit bhfon d îitiot live eolicil i 8 ta2c rie43-;te t 3e. 2wie, ýtL4Mhi 14 i, II Dr Ewîd , ter, a ipecialiat. The TiiioWhaNo, 2 mvxed, '17c te tthYîicians decided thal aihurtio tut]7-.Se; crn, Na, 2 îtixed, 4le ta 42e;, 0015, ut140000î,lirtn51 l ba t] benaoloti. wfors elo er aNo. 2 nixesl, 27 tu 28c: oye. No. 2, Scth5ea nuet diti ~ ~ ~ _ antdowii rîett cbifiiren tandtu tae33,. orer ot-ed, prime, $6.50 tu $61,70. Tiv, -nfln Da ila Nov- o iiiilies th,- indignantly denied ae-r tmeeting thons He Mi Wallkea- %\'lent, NO. 2 noriheru, flino iîîetfiirs(ii-hott blin h iet] o 2 o t i id toin shItkn ic- oeta 72v; 0-rn, No. 3, 41e ta 42e; Valts, corre-sponde-nt.t: -l i ii,, ,liuitri siof,iul rot. Th le ooorsei tbitsî ,ov vrNo. 2witeî, 27v ta 2&-; oye, No, 1,.M7e tho vcry boot ttlîin -fîtlomark ror Thedocarseaubis afflictio "ai- o ,tec; barriov -No. 2. 56c 10 57e; poris,v cotmiiteiii-fnu ino tYsl, ci, 1533 -the faiirîinîg cliiiifi,,r tire sole of AS SEE1 tY B DSTR E*s;TI S. Bffilo-Coutle, thirce sWoppiug steers, itie I W-t 1Vs Ir-es i$4,0W1,40 $3ý00ltu $5-60,;lbugs, fair ta ptrime ,0 it.ibuc iiilta otu i '-2,' ieipilf This Aprinir u IBe Heu-test Biidrtngla$6l2.71: hee1, fuir ta (oice, $3.9f40 tatîtiitaiude h y i iin ii i- ii dittii Seao. for M.uy Yeu- . $5.25; iattvbs,cmaun 10oextra, $1.50 t to >,Gtiî>b r tauoli riii-Iti lc t nv, ri vt-or s 'os IIrs - ,.ri or u iîol 6,0 or iir ,,, 3. If th, l- r i sfavtorablelota chiortif îrte a sips i-iiiiigcvi-rif Ne-o ork-Cattie, $37510 $3,40; hoo, the United States îli,l i tl iritvfiiiitott truite, antic cvlose of the-tintoir tvirv,-I $3i(i)fi, $41ý33,sheep, $3,00 f0 $5.0,0; tt crMim meditiio i . 'vît01orvis lvricili ot the youtr flud,th, isne- o, rid vîriwhoit ,,No, 2 red, 79c ta r, ;crn, No.,-1, titiîjerti4, ttt no irs ie ,4. Pro- tomploling i total trîde for that 1eriod 4wef 10--au ' 2s il.2e t3e; dvi fteiltdiiii rîvfi vlt vn i003 ycasslunolcessiofaiiipreedrîng bttrcemr3, -,le ta22e, eggo.We- oit ttîIciSitts fre i f îirvy. Ilf s sitpaos- perlis, tehile the fututre, n 11h 'texo- i,1et 3- ,lfii Vsontn,,rila rîis ceptilons, i vos, ou s, th aopî,aronl t h - cclvi ti 3c e bt hoathi otin mflnirlrfv, dence, Biblivng it, b-cotttiog nur,isactive PAYS $3,000,000 FOR PATESNT. e teti adfuilcýlli(i., and Promises Ibis Asîing te ho the hotu N OCKEFELLER BtitYit ORE. est fo mîuy yeirs pust. Itoîco tho luvîv Officiais@sf Standard OUl Company lt, lier trîdes ad ail linos of buitldiiro' iard Invention ta Bury lA. Large Pr.uertiea In Cal f.uut WiAr lB. irore noie continto-t or gronig 0,tivity Fi; e mtîlioan dollars in the prive paiin Fntly teriîd Trhe ilomainlute lattor liseoand] liaîly the Standard il iCanvpony for tfie Frauk Riacefeller andl theStanlard ogrit-ltural implements nt the Westf 10,UnitediStaîtes righî o fa ilpatent rontroll Ori l icol 010 bite --aro-- votirotn on n fact, mnat notable.'oVlet, itvefiilg od 1,3Sa l Lako Ci ty en.uTue eiathliebig deolruîita Of liiutiiii) vttflt0s flair, SiPmPnîî for utie m-oh oggre,-gife OU t-fiscin Neonrok, but private tel-oVB hart of Itiveroi,- Coantv.,('ai, Throo 4,494635 bushels, ogîlntsi3,234,ti44 egrînvo fu aîîtvr,-ofd prions in Sait filrljrin tht , iitv-lio)n Chiof losheitsî su o,ek, 349bushli n Lakbe Cit y na in4the Oet 1,-ab ing ior 0v'la t bits p-a ifti oif ato the correoponîiîng neekbvit if 1(4 3>18,_att.,T-nven itioi îs a tirocs for cotn i, iil, carirn lti oili-Il ion tu fanilibe 238 bushels 40inSOi, tnd 3,550,6364 hîîshl- 5 ot iit'cruitîl h-troliti in f0 gos nhici ht-vu a iun he as til ,ilIlii igîprîooitiont ohs in 189S. h0rom J.ly 1 to date îhvî poodrui., o aliglit more hovlant Iloilotive t, ,uetofers. iThoe re-giiriup îf tireoiy- etison w heat exporta are 151,122.7;3dc -elr nihuto ru nis 3 fn iiitv i.rI -,v rosian bothels, ogainst 147182,(150 lotsheli lai t i, itilIrt-n-fodtiet the ltiroi î mi] ndl tivîrrugll - iicrcîl -(rr.titatîng a îealsrîuand 18-,9W3,740 blbusels in1898-flot ct'se elnventiito or ligtil ot 1- cri-atibodiy of ont;-iiiî re.c- é i.,Poses, lstiiual notîld i ittovlothe le- i the nAaogtitiuns are uriilîla ts Aid ________nuand for ita prAuht. If itnl l ithoeoi a large force n Il i cciibe t3 ttemtii CLAIM TITLE TO $60,000,090. pîrlîtui deosigued fa tlse the gît ai fiel, dýihoooltînent. I osveroo, Tlîvsat to taote anitl'-i PARDON CUMIES AFTER DEATU. Helrsn f Giden Mercer Plan te DisIde toise b it Ia sailllifriction of h laLarige Amnai. cvst of coatil __ PaP-ra b F-c ohbo Penlitentiary Pri exultant people mer ut tIse honte ot T. H. Camopbell in Eail Liverpool, O. TIsoy wt-oO Iseirs of (ideon Mtreer ot Neuw York. TIse prîperty they holle to posss con- sisîis of 212 acres in îlte at NeW York City, vîlued ti i 60,000,000, wirori Walnged 10 Gideon Ilercer. who renle i t on a 90-jear lesse in 177S. Attention waî rîledt] utIse mnatier a fow years ttga oy ontetof tIse Vanderbt, who tteopt-tet &eli Boute of tIse proparty, 10 whii-b tte cIiind 10 bave a elear tille. Tht tithe wii looket] op loy the praspectise Iur- ciaser, who diseoveret] the trie stote of affaira. Vanderbilt toiet] faoutroo bvs clainatau t, atintutn-usfioaffy brnnht beore thse Supretne Court, ihieh rt-ii- t-t a docition to3ivtg thot the Gideon Xferrer hoirs no-re the rightfah uvino-os, Firme- Fluges tht- Trai. Arthur Rech, i formner, mns rusresiet] on a chatrge ofat i -g tics oun Ihe Iéenn- îyfuanîa Railromt]trac b onearf aoîsvile. Ohio.H l fie--i the îoîuentrai, -hluvu 'talp-ti but vossurtitavsniie froun tho obstruction. ltîcb vs suiv Io tavie nalde a cenfo--ian ufihefireoond o-stu- pint*s ,itetrvoTIlii lvoutvu o-1hav, ili tui iîîs-1 asotre a -dt rif.in fluggiu th, oav i timo i ,uteACosme AtLu hi' ti, Va_- lino-de-stra3et] the I. If oîi ot-1, ane rat theo fsft iruen SIl >l, l--il, tho Siate, N, liv,-, o o-n hit bs uit tîvîtiof tht -Is ,shrl tua rnîw -1ili, îrandburt fo t; ere mlli-1ta iv e a,, ,funr ior eoitriiOnie if tiho-gcat la-s vu%%i[o- tht- niase Yifalal,binorbs ýrit r tIlo o-noAvthe structure. FtitteJauit-tifor utt-r- Iou rutorn nurl-- uus nIiTýin-ivile, ((Oli, an ssubivîu rtlvorf gtnf the In Somor.,ol banb Oirt- tflîuvii.nut i airosit-dti iThoonsîlle ,.vui ianlieor clo,o tu the siflage. ohio- tiroro- rght on the Cafaînhai,, Sit-iiut3 andt Irobting llîirrul ho-tnv-un tlirkett t-rossing and fN-n Salcui Statrin ahur futîr, Caft ..ud Saga, - .Off. Thtiuh iteoutl iin thle Sapr.-nti Court of Ohio, io tho nir hotnoon tIse Ar- huoblea andtihie Amu-nican Sîugor ilofiti vaig Campany, hos inul yo boa-n wito Irawnnoniactionailuf ho men, TIse bit- t-o fîchi L-ointhet mvi.tîiatnies utant tir- ors ne of the- muât eonspirougoa of ieiding mon fuir many 3 oinr, bocîtîtî "avvotrtnn Au N-tc out -A Ontusa ttb'en tua the psfrifaor the insane ai Big Vire u uvA R.uS A fine wnichbroke ort il Iîanille, Tnt].ý dit] damage In the lrruibnt-ss dîstint amonnting ta 350.000 .The lhoetiopart- nient and oitiu-ns utorteil for vin hu,î buefoot- the flantts more grut rînîfeýr eorvroi. Tht insuranceis abut $23.000l Neltraca k -nbosEleelti,. ttLintiin. St-b., tht- groat stuvveli bighit hiolo lots been un hIuognooi ru- no-eki min, onded bly tht- ehoctuat of J.Il. ilivit r!vtOmîabrifor the long to-nb iii tIvr. CharlesILH Dietrich for the short AgaluatIe I7. a Pri.oner. Cen, Fuîsloi hian ctptared Aguvinafîlo, and tht- inugeat chiot la nowa. ut-sait-n In Manifu lie mutu tahoennt i iJuvvmg 1place in tht- province ut lttbehî. JJ'la of Linon. lis catpturroin befvetnt] u boung pence nae in the Phloippines. Rend Rel-eA y Deoth. Rolsand Reeautheîot-popular cornedian, dieu et the reiidence of Mos. Rush la New Torks, wvincIh. head long Auiue bts ahomo, He bat] made a borave figIsI tagainal diseasa. but el of? thlIe luIte-- tinta £nally conquered bus RA1LOADSWILLfl~ IERGD. ner Art-cTua Lie. RAILTheDPo,-sLiBEiî granit-t] a pardon toe Michîgan Central Seen lt Aheorlothe He-nry Ibm b, a Lited ihStates prusotier Canada Soatbes'a LIsa.. reuivori ai th. Ohoa juittntiiry froi Iltis poapasot inht efoser relations bc the Induotu rcrrvîary. bot it came toa estîllîbeul hetireen the Michigan Cou itite, Bt-orlv ied an 'lirch 1. Be n-as tral and the Canada Soutitern raid. For oontetived ujt-afuttoon>eans for lni-en-, ft elghio,-n 30-00v or more the litter huis sentence bioiini outsuaiiy se% ore aion -c- booa ohurafeAbly tise Michtgan Contral coutint ftieLo-tothat ho br.bm jaîl bo- as a parn af ils on n systîen its rights,taefitif, hîouerr, noro socutret] utder oa foase A-roud tht- Wari lu. nCanne. Ni biti bas neari. ruun its course, ian! vu At % ctoiirua . I.C., Franb Stxby ta ho,- ti beon veterînuneil by tht- controufîng nit a lange liîi,iai nar coac dot-booer, Itcuhers a! bruis corporations that auuioanvb in evvunînu' n itb one compatnn wli uhouîilut- formoti bobten them o bucut ttenîpi ) inaii ie îlot glotte iuit, t'uine shîtili ho-perm-nntt mandil isîrlul- TIre trot t.Io it orrg rta the Pitcbe Ino lis Canatda Southeon ix ta lue mergtsl itnî herIat-euuirro-a vsery large otnr, sacl us the Michigani Confiai. Bmivsh Coiurirîia ni dians usein tlîr f ravelo vpi i Bio, ,n thecoovi mvi n mliv-n ON FIIRE TEN DAYS AT SèEA. tîroîvîf unr olcoi standti inuosi aiy - k~Lindvf mn cliir, Nitto.Escaja-foSt..eame Mariauue, Jaouot - t. Teaedy. Lade« ssthth4ri-nhr The ftact ha usut be-aune noiwn tuS ai(0 ie t i, mi hat 'is C. the lovg Austorîan steamer MSarianino, Strnîîtî in vutv uo viiles front uriu us ich arri-v cilruSa rînlvoncusco ltiiother fa.ti. -vCal., n luer hi-ri nvîvaiorti u druý frîvîulrvsigboiîg niti o cargo ofvît3t,IO fu1M iv.S.-tirvirr.vitavîvht iuherrrtlilo. tons vot vvlviir, hai oeon on ie vonliii 5v.Sai iIi-oi-l r uuN Ir (-v-alevuv- va.ys lx-fore roocliot port,' lule ~iv i îomplufo- liararvof îtthe co-utiarttit,l, i whleh mas lut lt-tse 5Mttonsvf îîiîuhrr, Min.astiOp-rtursAt--e. gaOh-nitIeseaomer and postuily the lit s; At Sî Oh, io i, îîruî,-v ond i, a ofat aun ovbard. fa vhv er n rîlo grin.'in Te nets s' afchi- -,ntrei lmen-v. TI.t îv- Five Hurt n FrelgI t lreck. îtoriM-rn ve f s nu i n un. ls ii thie srrh- A freigi trait of lte Wis-cnsln Con uni ru-, 1hi n mail changes rotu)res, utit îg trîfais n ro-keoi rndur lIse 'oiisufuvi -dlus cutre in th, uluur atroit lîlîlge ai Stit. aul. Thsetraini fatar. utaiinî ii te brasy gravie tilr1 nu the- urovîe niduheno- a n tflite cinsu ,tgrîo- jitinîv etiI,-trocis. luo ro ocît 000e ijarot] i,tfrbiengin,..on., .,uo nf flue cars o ore otIvlilyworockcd atnt]the olis is edv>- Sultan of tiorcu ieltia. "Moral presstre-bas hati ouicis effoi-t upon the Sultanvif Moooceo an<d Ie ia nom wln-vîg ta duscosstint! atibfy the Aunerioni clulîts vn thtettAtomttry dil- mantie tashion, Ilonce îlte criser New York. wo se presonce et Tîngier bsas ivraught about the surrentier, loan bean oriereti ta pocee-tu0 tàlO t once. New. Cet-eal Orgaization. Great Western Ceot-al Company lois bot-i organitetin 0Chictgonis oen t-ont- paies. tndi miiibho apitahized at $4.500,- 000. 0. C, Barbleschiairman oif thse dl- roclary and Franks T. Sîwyer pcoîbdt]u a! tht concomn. Tolies He,- Ow.Lite. 2dno, Elmvîboto Tiimadge Ta-tit, olfe of thoeîrîîuty coioctar ut iternai rt-ve- nue, committeti suicide iltIber home hn tVamhlniton. She won fouinî in tht bafh tub wito the arteries in ht-r left wrlat ,,atpi-toiy suteereti, Ne- Trial for <.ebeî Sspecta. At Fronknfort, Ky., the Court ut Ap profs granted ne. trials to Cvtlb pow ors and] James ,Howard. sentoet*d tblire itiobonnaent tnt] etitul, reoîuectiv4.hy. bu connutian iith îteohootitit. iiFlra ini3 - 390(, a! Cor, william (ob- Faitl Fire lu Buntlugon. sv-hon, Buake & Sterensoni shii-tls ivrer>- bitnet] st Huntlngton, W.'i Loise $100.000, lnuoret] for $W0000. john0 %\Vritht, iremott. -as billet] ad Wlbh -ionea, fireman, sovooual>-initoreti mlbe fihetit thtefdames.i Seit&- Fe-r for HiI. Lite. 14 it' toa ppot-bensivîna or ittitlus 1,> anîîechiuts upuan the lite of the Suitun, lob mijeily intenufs o t, omptetel elx,-Itde tonnisttifront tht precinunte of the ildia Kiasis. Constantbnople. Fatal FIreelaMlwvaukee. Mtartin Striasinuki.32 latin oId,. oit biselfre in o tellement bouge lire &t 09M Thiot] avenue, MhW&nk@e. Otbii icte, ut tIse bouge naerTowiy efcaped itht tholr lit-ca. China Stf-fosislusin. do nvfu- ilrin-tetîtent forvuSitugarrtni tS , vu-i uir-,t-lIl a f tir-- l - 0,,i--o uns-f ailirIfin eu!through trvr onrrv Yi. (;iv i vint htuns1ui lrîieIoru andi Sapoln îîîcîreîît of Commiine-evif uSe suanîiherî oInun. uolerut the - >unhuiaii O Oeitiu tnt u ho tigUoti leni.u Leadr De-1. luiss tovh-vs.the oel knonn Feý nian ont îe, o0f ftho18416 niuve-u-nf, ulvu- il hi, omatrut liuttati, Irohonil, un the prettfy cottage ,hlr-h mas presont] 1ta loim ly his voutymn lifter lis returs tram eio Plet-ty Heathste Gel Fal Place, Uton i is ts nv nnfrnt Eiuoope t>eroy ITeRthit, t s surf. ojlt ho offert-i the POAtt o! dute of th(. rfi-jartmitnt of Puliity 'Or tite St. irnnnfsexpositiomn. tt s as gestodti tîlth. cîltîr>-i ii ho $10,00 pv-r aut111iot Ne-att- us luIoDeabla. The lutth- gunioat Petrel, une Of DeweY's tatouo finia ha>- rOnouerorT, rvtitght Oe at Cavte, on 5ianiia hay. couainit tht- vionîh or LieutenntlCvium- monder Jeose fîtlitus Ropeo andtihIe pros- tratton of lmenvy-îwo oÊlâcers and men- ,Net n Noteti Forger. By thte hutoro utrest of a man an the vague chaorge of hint'. in polit-t-pirianco. a ,sutgpiciu4t iartirter," îtheOmaohapo- lite-haret- ted Prentice Tiller, alleget] la hIbe eanîhor ut a hait tof crimea ogainit lte gorornment. ]Flis ItRie ot AW.,,inluKansa.. G. L. lutibina AlOI-5 ail Oa is thona- sadaeratonchAtlonîne m0itt-0eoth Ot Caw- lieorcity. Kvan. Intiiestimnsarae goat] for a bugt dam. litutins a is 0>-igta oe tw,-nly-tlve adjace-nt sections for Topeka parties. ____ I-l1g«.loy Tu.. f- ortr- Rico. Antsricîn flagt-nearlY 1.0 tons tOf then-hîre boon constrai-led fur ho Chi- csgo, with "rush oot]era, Iboat On JUl> 4 the red. white ant inble mi> flatter fromt erery ichool bouse lu Porto Rico. - Fassoet. POm'Omted. Preeldasat MeKinîey ignare th Ie jeaI- ans, otr uttIlar aonmy o0fcersandut reward- ait Genl. Ifuatan hy uaking bilt a briga- d]ier gent-rai.1 Filipino Chief Is Captured by Americans ini Luzon. PRISONER AT MANILA. Loag Cbaee Resultzla IthebTrapping of Leader of the Insiurrtlionl. eut-. Fu..tuut Adroit Buse ta IScout thse Wily Native Prove. ta He a Fue- ces-lils Staff le Taken -Ithit Ilu Eet lOflcers Fotud lu Camp Near Cassgnruu,-Ni-e Mil--i flrua 13*er Store ltanse for Brae IKan. EmilfoAglnflf-ir of tht FUI- pinoa artsy taid oir Ji o vl olîoiflr vthe hiiunderî tivcrr ii s Aétîrvoinor in tht- bun ouiîf tii ,- i.ri - -vs lie nia lroîîgbî 10 o ivni lv 1, Gil, Urtnstin, b3- whom ho vsvenfu -irrloiii ris- mnc,, mîvoîti os i vut ir-nu :tý i i ndttrtt front tise eist cîuitt t fLrrzurt , thvfni h vt1tlr Agrîuofa h5vsc:f.frme INIl Sir Ilh 3. i the iriliiitn. i--rn tii-iit rrii. ilîtu-niiît-ti frounnin , .tli, biîfcra vît bws ttaff irore takin rsrrvuenav, t i, orî_ntîvoitu ani st-I1 r irîîiglivt ,vhn ii lta o .iti niî at the- givýiliiîit N 'O iIofiir lvniit o lii -n unir-- rs he epe- dittion Ns. Iivrfc îanfî, v iin h r(iftilrt vif Aguuli 1 d , lv id sth iilr,îilii ýiu ,ittlfy of a"tre , îri tut11.vsu-I.lieCipt John Newnton vif the liiirt t lvirt It unti-or Iîfaniry, Lui-ui ,,tIîv ne utthoeTr-nul- secanrind f Miretleai cfrhi-l ffitthe Fuirtieflo roin fue, ndvfSturgeoun lajrr Haîrris. Tnt- AN Itoiutian ws o vonvoyeti by the gîtiîti)t Nu't buriiine vu utei raier Albantilu a litoini' rieon tho- col coatoffLuon. nanlh of Baler, The ultId lfirriilunlngîplae ns. rt-; oued by a iluvipini,itmt-t- n liatriruni oser t ls -t 'olGe iM t rl a s eîtt-r from AguAinltdo. The leti er virtlredi th- Fulipino cfvfle-r un-I aiher ieade-rs vitthte insurgent toreo ini ornr uzont ta meet loînt 5a desiuuritu-i rt-mîezeiv in h taîbolla prot-ince. Gen. Futnston et once proposedtite t] an expeition tua ttelatirasvince in ai effort te capture Auuol-,Afler mueh dhitscusion Gar (lii, ¶IMacArthusr conset- et] tint]preparîtuolîs n-i-ocbegmn. Funs5ta*s jplan ut opIeraLtiots wa unique. Aftr b, int' lantu1 on tue t-oit coast Funtot u odI l r sur cAmu-nrstil companiant Ou-Oc iitî, 1:ath.- roit-ouf iris- oners in the lunns if tîLo it i-os. n-li were ta retirtott lir-isit s tri Agui- nafdo as loyali I Ni nlvs Vitn tirouglt hi-tare Agrîiauila tht laîfor %vas lntue-w so-lzo- iby IFiti,tun«m ntuti, c trinhiiattd nus-lt- a 10isrunt-n Thue ail;uttuo- utas aspe-rante orne, ts iii auccoissor faifnir- l-i ()lin tht- fi ithfulini-s c'f Datvfi v n ive sînflir-r ll y rt-3 O N Si-a,, iv,- ht-, f-i lia fin3 u trifi. tlo i ted Sviio- fvii f ri lu thîe ula etht Amiel-itrici ifs iîiî-i flioy ocre wstiri licof the- inuit o îu un ttîu-u, a,..vis aL'y tue ue cifîtth, i-nto-olrisc, Funio'us planr- ntousuhrnnugiv . a, -ff os thveî-haivîl luipultsiii-i Agutinaildo ff ui r i ttie t-i f, ho l i madeil a priori r, mvii11usas irarglît t,-. alirila il n gavîtl liutVicu-rug, "I mii r î,vrî-lvrvru off the caot cri t f Luzo~iiin frtiv ur- Irise liiitsr rre 1r3 hUai Cliv- t-ti vi tihe nar- Bot]y of au flait (ruazit ini v ie -autund' ut ithelrkni t fon JerastjCuvy, N. J. tiittthe n-v ,tti . rioninfvt oloi,,n mua u ,vs domînri> id b> bre Lotis, Meîian iroovîns bifle. Rnuvoubr of Yaui ldiaa ndi tîviiak 215h i)riovivrs, n--no $nn Muvrefai Nos,-Raid tilvt home tcpofri, f Bof- glum, asau aiintu-ret in0 0big' guiubfiot boouge at Bouoooelo, Tbueri re 225 ecanrnn.310 montîment- al tubleis anud 0itO utîvuonuvts un Go-tfysa bung national mttitvil3 park. Albert Dalfy, N.ew -Yonis enipple, avIver- lises faora tame mite, tuats a ocnsort thal cun koep âtop miS hlm, King Etimurti bispru--rniet] Sfr Spcn- eor i'anionui tino. o lfieiang ofier of Quoi-n Victoria's hnnî-hvuIv, nito iho t-aoc urliotise Qsuvn tuseti fao lothi- peira. Surroguite Thovuins. Ne-e Yoislîphoît the wilt of Mary Beach Toaty, n-ha lot bser estat of $1,000,000 ta the Protestant Epimeopal Chnr- Rl-ations nill taise the case 10 the Supremte Court. Piourt-en Japonuese nere arroîte]. Setl- tle, WasIs, loy Immoigrationu itîpector Lti- vihn. Th>- nul holefreurîtedt] 1 British Columbia. Firoft Reto ard lo-ttiug off tise lîde of lhaponevie papîn iîbor C, T. Terses. fornuerly rut Cloicago,lhaut lolglol a controlluiginuoreît ln thet ftro- paillon Street lîrtroati, Londoan. le ai- rcaily o%4ns ont- hune flîre, Ht whll equhp the rondsvis n llectrieily B-ouse of 'Mirn>-Mnir.if, caforoti, Ar- isauelphhî. Anis, , naithruo up mith dynamite anti etiii-le a reveori Tluroe negroes versIhowtenlhnough a mmudow, ait more or loti burt. Federal Jîtige Mrteo. Wichita. Kan, maya, for negroes lu defendti ieir race. "if whbte jurists cannaiot rac white affenti- ers," hesaiti. hblo-ismon shaîl notlibe pualohe] by me, if they defen] thons- aelves,' Civil servie commission wili acon hoit] maminations for thcet]opartmntet service lu the Piippin«t. Tranistors, ileuog- raphena. iiapactora lulIste customsa mer- viceD, nanclal agent anmd departmnt as &Wlataiare s wnle4 SEEMS ONLV WAY 814! CAN O11 OONOESBION. China NiR*jt. Trme orfManchurlan covetiaa-japaa lBad xDclcreined O.enWrbua4 eidtismni Switc Aroudo sud No .li laRusai,&Tua. Rîtîtît ha% loen chechusatet] lu les owt tiiiariti gîtne af diplomacy. ,gla Ahi" toyeon iltiu thse Czara rFOleillaOtivrTO rebtetvi tIr' Ilvnthritu conve-ntion 8o long thieur 1 baîi il oumade their gunide UP glial: a liiilf ,,sbeing îtorked nuttilitta- siaiihl ih- orvilitiot iwel inbalrnd. so flrmiy jliaIul tjjjý ofuind oot t1iitîEog- land] h,îl ) i tit lilli rt-iret] fritîît the- feld] divgi rtfiIantid eltA itfulY sat - itifiedtietifIfnili not-"IllvvO i oloîr aa'eep in i. 'Il ian-i onti liîtu, The ,-nevs s ii ia viit1_ rîNl ii liii otn to lI on ntllrm i- lu-î 9v-gtl i 'fi ltlîî It uow ii-us lin I 'îivîtluis t .il ai wiltiM goute.i, ilrusiw'd i tîri support sthen ti i,-vi,, vtr-isWt-ee menat-ing bi- li-c f uîi, iettrinity questin. N lite tht Il.- i IIicility sit- uation ix tonoffl îcîtlti viii îrrîîîît-s dis- posed of Chittiliiilv iti-rii-othiât Rusaii-anahvvoni,)-ii--siira A Londoln cirAtl uvs-or--0 i iethu thhtrcage ulie anftlt,-- rt-,,i t'- f ii îpro- nuauclaietii,. Ittisis cîv,1, k hirliw China var-tni--t-il,-,Jaiirtila iî mlned tri)tih-lvft ir ifs î,,s-ît îri,. çliicb thse 3lgctura rît -fîî o-rivutllY mentit-cii -Tltor-tire IliiKi aliitil hli, t t force Cintvut'ayit'ie î ld e sha i n iimeaA Japigetlttt-rvio ni tin-tir, lluan of thao-ublle. Tt wias aryi n Natittlter that tineert- firme] tî)rîts wýý- eatllitî t,tî ttttriot couolttsiîn ovrt lte t irt-a ty betlit-n Iluaci a ti ('iOA, hîveiv ii rA-ldil 1tglA anati froîtu Jlarri, ani trii-r te ainie statetAlet 15 AAr,! tut tît, tie.- tîto iion îîf Minc-huria loy thse lhisns raine froni Odesa.alui tiiohîiai-iy .viiietle Mtl îh arien NA VIES or TWO NA TIONS. mattiiotfipa, hM'si dits, Datlrihfp-, -,orl nu, Crtvfitri, suu .t Cmo, tira, aller chualca, 20. OAAbatiti IM 'J' t-vuof, .-Il ' 1 Totoaidlit"l"d-a, of t 50.ai S lalcentti~t of 4,laiJ bt'La .Sitfe.ip, i t evtlst.15 Cruive ru. îtved t 7. e Tirtia Itla t. 't S pivieiti vf 149.t44)ittoit cuill;toIs,ttcriming known , tue Jsîv.n- eue gé,rvi- ruinutt r-t runii-u tueit. t rIttu. gia w n l,, ion f ii]iAilin-r-nrAi ien for thle . ii i a,. tit Citrihîtt.on et- n aul Siil Ifr-. roruîmî-îîfeit thît Il wtthiru- os n13linahîtît' an etirpitot- ic t nitrai aglitit thtie setr, I agree-menttt. Tl'on an thec -lufflenît posra réal i ueo Ihît Chbina moi Iltisii er actng lt-e getitor u gout pjraieta s n00 maid- againnite tthé cesin0f lte 'otnnhtrvt prOvtftie Wut jhoît OIMUtttltatîoin of aitlbth pila ors. Ti ,tit s iaamatie întor thItIl rfaimol the igkisI tunegittiate witlo ai>-othor îtî,wu-r itt-hase tîîbuuut contutatin0or notific-ationiAlu o y otoIer goreromet. Titisrt-lly iras stplvvised In have boetn ufrrîted tgalnttEngfmU-lihnt particîttor, ausltaIt-country tclîit-,h ta I hare possTessionivs aiang the lune ot the Tite tuernsnf t he pruaprsui Itums r nn Chiî,t. -sovuvuui-utiion îfuff remîi tu-i ret. llînuîgh if sbioýn athit a tritiofî haitunfrn ni, - -tu inairté tri.-iirigý iitri t.vf Thilli nt uof tht--lirus that Kîi, li..aitd PorInnAt-thuto ii ia-u t hé-s vve toit ao gui urreuit.lreAst-cl iiit i i l tiýi:iit n-sidc, tut:rlt Ilinu éi-v i tl t- thîrîf eltii- il iv ot t--ul t crirrintir r,,tîru viivri ir té,nivsi- lioun -f ieii,-,rvr Thé. - l,-rfi l o. ifv-n r -vin1-- tir-aith .ia,rIl f tr- Kalîgarroohuif licbgtot-Io, lvne but ltî .ti oi i t.fu tniit i, t'uIs fui f tngte a -hoIlio -,ntv-vr iiii..- ii rondering on 'Tle lRce Nir. Stnîvîf o là gaing ta the Pl'hiîoiietiuadri a foie, Itsi-i-ms thuitiho r, bu-se of Mos, May- lunchk ufter ailpIoe I ma colt] brick. Tbehfvv bilalvifuie ttpputg lie tVet miii hol»,rpui t nrbu- lîment rour. Woihf thyrse Chlîîeeprinces plse rgive tbr-c raîi àta prie othul thuey are tionît? Govs Ot-olilits of tîte govcnmont ul vr 110 >0-ors. , fi,3338h, Quie a The quvtotin t miiiosfa mu- the hoa1Irff in C'uhb ral gvcrvtioisus uit open NrIlrev-f- r a io gu n 'o'm-,,i$110, 0(1. Tit ru-lu'vtti-vis t-toal tans tof Ring lRuInai-C'a snr- us ta ho about $2,500,000tOtiao enr, 'his tops oir >oung frionîl Nr.Sul-So ai, ly $1,5000. GreotlBrriuaainiý tfo haemIaue fi-e firot nave for puvoin EiouuibAfrira ouIl @lie teensto avie utothtur ane -oning. Fvorproufîvvng troubvle- oinoheChu-agfi Ntoal ulr nuofouIili rois hlot ilais bus bt-en more vianguna sn the- bau 'llie no ovinait of the Amenicas girl ià bocaminitg - su-i lois tiuiMn, Chlvvnh- lîin là ranîiîg a rfnnîtu ta cîviEîvgish isivilen fr i c the ie The laîi taîngrvssuepprt a illion n-i a liîft, Andi SutrrnatrînCarerhall t,, tub thuiiun-n horimilu, bull ife r- nd ulbar- loir hiis $5000,000 nvr rhrnui ('ai Ru att-r, Mtcbu, , rîs raf a suobvun roTidnlini111 yean"aobi,.SUhon ut suosutî gels bv->urîilouthett-if itî nurhsu,-limau elly bas, it.atiji-vIion to tefiuug lier nuge. Czar Nichoa in turfta bave fouînvi s dynanutetu mnevotîder uts b-c- Ilhi. itvp- pose thIbCznrina rouI- ilsu.ý-oere,! ut whiîe laaking for tIseeruustomîîry '*it5ai At an>- rate. Dr. Tionie hasthesaiis- faction tof inowing tisaIt4tt-other cI- gymens tf Chicago do ual hë tetiui lt-e police lu iseap people away u-um tIAci- service. menàfOtherta ignorance; or nv frOqUOItYfrai. & usothers neglol 1 PrO".r1Y ifltrut t er daught.r I ,,»dlqa s"Y% "WOtflhu muitt l- for." sud Y-ung women are go taught. Thare la ih ruth anod a greatdo" of exaggeratlon in this.ý If , yosung womaa sufeitverely she needa tr sUt.ad her utotlter should moe that @hoe getsI 1. ldanY mtthers hesîtat. to take tirt daughteisto as phy'icî fo zata tion; but no .Other ioner exîamina. Write freely about he0 daughtur 0r herfuîf Vo MMs.Pinkh.ý. sud e,=»r the mobt eilicient advice withul charge. Nmra. PonI<baddreae la Lyna, ia ir.AuXII.ttltfAîrmf, cf Soth IlyraWtturtîer of lthe yuoung lady whosporrar netiere pubfish, viol. Mms Pinhhi,îM uT i , ý",myl hier daugbter lo-i oered for tWo Oregri i .î,ntrtuation - ?ad headache & i- lîve 00and pain la ber aide, fret ssell,jtrî w.,generslly inlserable. Mms îhîaaProinptly replied with idvice. iit]îtd Fdate ni )dmtoI180.the usither t-ut. .<«" tisat Lydis E. Pinkimtu, Vegetabla Comepound cured! ler ili ofm. & U Pain» sud irrevuîarltYý Nothing in the wAFId t-'50u5ira Plnkhauis gr.'at medicîne S intatgwuAans peotilar troubles. 311<t andl Might Ni,(. - Il wascu o-ostlug 10 a weliI kiýMn n-4 End renildpt a shoot ime ago wit-n L. callosi a plyii-ln ti) go tittAt ctitit lon ssiI luif vît-fît tîulIy dîl rî uramti dOISg n-e a i-nse, A hlle Ci i wa.terlousshy fi, tandtiue fvîfhu-r wrnted ev.-oyttalng ul"ltte tuitI ut1 îu, n n olterlu med- Iuvi, A tii-r thlit-.t" rul>lu>ailisbad! Iteit 1 vlu itrttiafuir tullAtefilmete s fuathivr n 'b tsI if tir ,ii -mîuilng phy- NItthî l % blut i'..) thlîtittiit of tthe- i . mctIl' lhn-t ,.11113 s l %lr-r siîvîhaul lu-entui ilîtil, hum utt11i luth foloWeil uni! lit- tIay ,t- t tu flinit it e, ,ald.? cii! the fuilit-r - I nisvi,rt u.lvfia%.- -nl ia mia- ivulivatilt rtl'- -ad aiift?.tht - îtoitit vtuh su iir 1,,l"v -v--an, -Ill a ulliug vii . A iuoîi v,îî-oul hîavetolAvri'rtiîv- ov1,in- unt' m nd] I briuu-srtîi i tttt- v is unî t -lit-r gel t, i-li or lueeItfur,-1mi to-ifor 3 ,ii' N,,vtheirsplus r n iutritoi; thefather to îisy $5 -tiv le.. v f-, 1111,1 lte fuiut-r Kutt-irsf-tiv-eIr nihliv-11,v ivli ri,îtrIlLti,, i-4uotttrri INOIAN MIlSSlON-ARY'S STORY. Te. cetT.1100-0e miiA'y Am-agthe t harta., Lfitle Tank, nd,, Aîîrili2, iSps II Taeyte-years mg-t, tino R-'.C. IL Thou o-t i1ndimm 1s -r:i urne fie Prenîid 1IiuAokanoîs, ifienîs sois tsuti-rng on tthero-gufurtntision. wor ar utaîng ln, fithé. I nl1iii. Ion 11hri -ins .,lefit-of andla,îred nioiutIti, th iffullbireiisof tht- w-tv t-n îtrnîirie-a tîntill n Aplni4. îts>u, bvîrîg lot bisfon i, ih ýlîfi t1-ieurernt von f5lli ie hurt hrea,ieer i f-ttri f v aîincctiîA lnt' înî'rrvar->irk aîîuîg th.e lii.ialus îtfteI saniri urivetsrivt-ros ru, f ne ttivt : 'lt-irro-grîlvîIr s-vrbkîîvàuvoia rom fli-ah oftIravi i (u%(-r ifie 100rt r'01 h ho drvrbfrrg o i hf ur vlbrfîuslin pin-vgliti u on i T ruutl, a, ou 'l v fr tîvhnu.t-otIlvihtif Iittttly, srhf iib.inrliig i5lOi S t- CrobItuuiatsr'tait.,r.aia%%i '1r ritor>, tufh; mai uvnuvlu tIi un i i., v îtîv~ l utiu -lu-,f A (Ifiti u ,yreo- tI -t nmtsiiiiiîts lii affuýr or a ef 0h1 untrui -v .v- ii~Ii ifrti ivre u Oau Irot vt- ofglu u ulr--of liis ren-oh- ,rn Itîsîd tireho O or Ilvii ih vfnrru.lt- irtî nt isv lut-r nvtiu-ltaea bultil t,,nu, aîal ilfit-sîtys: Il4usd eaîu-iuui-uI nul sY divii ;ttrae dntus igt' tva (visuwsluien1I)prefitsf iii; Ail Aftian,îc t-Ilýitig of liii-cun-or 0 I>ibOo -v ilii,- ut',- or it I lii it tii; Kl.s.isc titfin ho- uriNes Ildfil, ýtru-tzigiuanId f rsfrvvu ino vlan- fr iîîtn -e f i oc .il I flu-t, ttl i .-i andiol ias,- ilu,! f liigliriofstivnii u ü i i uaf f uulf, t ii iii 3ers Mi lige. I tefllsne Itou fv of tut 55 vîttufers t unrufl-, Ivlir ils haveufert, fint- î coanunahl Ittilrgei, lvu-tit faiu-l. - itanduvNt--ih fini; fle fr3-vre tili flu ý-( ai inttrvufofur tueur' hIlm-> have cu.-taulily lu-t-n tiGod ocît latuv Ilodd'st iCIvey I 1 litore the tinly Itîitiedti>-i i as et or cuneeh Brigtà hît-itliaiett-s tir tropsy anti tîle>- non-r fall Sha plvi Tfv's i% bittj art tue, S l'appeyt-y SUbts t ni? Sbîa 1010 (Ol, tavivut- lii ae nea-or Satiid to a lae tfigs as the-v 000-i but niwy sî î s lit toi lvs;tht- îshy "dit Sut nia-Tfrvts soi. Isu uvîler is iy II b i thhiae-hhl)iia Prests. Drylng pireparationa îintpiy deo- op dry catarrbt tht-y dry op lhé iecretiona which adhere to the memborane and docoxu, po. uaanar mors serions trouble thon th ntisy on of catarrI. At-oit] aIl dry. ing inhalsauta, fms noe at et and] nos ibal vbicb ciessa, ioothee ted beaa. Elyt. Oraci.B&Int laucha remet]y and] .111ure catarrb or nold in lthébt-ad ensily and ploeantuly. A trial abis yl h. miedl for ho cents. Ail drnggisla oell the 50C. size. Elyfirothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Baim curei without paiu, doea nal ir-italie or canae an.ezlng. lb ipreàdaittieli ct-ar an lirrtatsd and anM ysurfate, reliey. lng imnteiately thse painfol Inflammtatin. With Ety'a Creeu Battus you are assied agauniN ail Oatannh and Hal Foyer. Evul yinur n e SNN I,,urbeu tlful'!' oshotiFaite ouf ltbe- Cvy Ouuît Maidoîs, "Beautblfui, relleolte danitol, "Ah, yolt are O-lot atrnd3," coin- mented Fale teas tee ifila iPackage id coametice.-Bolnoont Atieniciz I1ont mrs PhISoUsCure for tdonumptloq, baved My life riea Jeirs ago-Mrs, ThiLs Robbiza. MapIe sîreet. NOrwIgZ N. Y.._ Feb. 17, 1IWO. La. *,-Mane ai a prive.' Yî,ur fri tiîbhl,hier t he tr eîîo- po.nd%. tihe ']pet, i-tý îhUg Ar a, a higlt- with it,' uvtoke lin e bouse. ,I for- laptOS the Stock. fir thse e( WVol. in turc and wsiit t.i sund whaf I Caftit the mat sel tlrol thse ir Vrrc.' With of Isai otfr No., i nv-,oy t- oui-e, but le4 of Ai mach tltt amunit dieu- il The fil wue Mof after.tt la cart-f the wür la touche, En-tat, tiat in iu the le tir betist. No ait-- ed plae the wtt of ben, first ni dpeut laioug made fr..tn i tht-n i tht-n toit tr let su ry tho liabe SAo let 1 shil nba * thot. thet Lt i ,vhi bort - whî r bea go0 toi. thii rvb 1 1