Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 May 1901, p. 2

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ltE INDEPENDENT FRANKIl . JUST, Editor. LIBMRTYVILLE. . LLINOI&. ACCUSEI) 0F MURDER OLO MAN AND HIS SON TAKEN INTro IusTODY. Killiog of . Clrîda . i M ian, WhoaeBody 1linF.noiiina tam L ai lor-BroukiY- Car Bar-. Ba-ad. Dr. J. 1, Gustrit, .071 ulsnu d as bis on. W. 1Gaitiil. iuealssl5 sKaatat Cty. ansI Ors' nt ipsIlcu eauln qaartersi pv'tding nus utigutli u of tie imurder ivît).D. l-.ilntgsnno- aClortui innlafng malins ilstuusuIl ua-,sinfounul1 la Muihusrri rens- h idn usn susrtt andi Milu, Mo. lIons gan lt i Vcor. Coio., for Kansas ('l 'tssut, isnel1., aving Om0. ha Kisuitu i 't> Ilut isulîgl tolean ef Lorewandans nugon ainsi olictissi10 drive 10 Oklahotmu a fi iitsIts'fsioitiCî le oaghi the tuto ul is Ien lie se out of ltonocre thu tus' iatit lte police ta>. 'The- ins> s!'II.usnor ii ral W din oilelori, oins totîindiu the'-deep wvaters of Multieru>' reul, luulsneen Ni- banad Amoreit. Theubody il> ld ien ln the, saler 100 ue rcr- e neha, lot ws tatilyientifiesi. 'fle Gorte'l-s si e ar- ested ai once. P*ROGRESS OF TEE RACE. tanding aof Leegue Cubs lu Conteat for the PeneCt Plolowing la îhe taading of tle luba la tht National t5eague:. NW. L. ft. Louia...5 3SBoton . 1 3 Cincinnati . 4 3 phi4dseipiia.. 4 4 Braoklyn ... i 3 NewvYoch, . 2 3 Plttahorg.. 3 3 Chicago . 3 Il Standiungs lu the Anenlean îceaguie are1 afollowss W'. I..N. il. iWasingltn.4 I Clevelandl . 2 4 Detroit ..... 5 1 Phtlndelstuutu 1 3 Chcago .... 4 -2 Boison .... i 1 i Baltimorei , 2 2 Nilwnasle .. WILL GET g6,OC000 0 ACE.. laiLEnHtate of 520,000,000 ta Be DItd- s ait Aaaonog T'hee Chidrei. The Caifornf ula Stpe .Ctnnrt i l'pu-. dered a decimonuiluthlie Faire oui case' The c'h ancteasf an appeal ta te Supreme court of thtFUnitedsi Sues are emali. 'Thte rolag of Judar Stuek ofthîe loster Curt tn upielsi undtthe truast.uluu-es by *a i.. ii of Senalor Fair lasvls. Thilt fleena tut, otler the pnymunt of apecsi .Igacies. lie reuainuler of thceîste ssi b. dvideut tmaig the tuneec hilîlcen- l'berea O-ieriha, t'igialia Vanulrblut aad Chares Fair. As te emaiiduer ut s bC eCiBit. afle-r tLe îsayînint of speiai Sfleaces. la s'aiued ah $20.000.000, eti et the tireshidren oilgui mare Ilan e STABLES ANDI CAIRS URNED. Brooklyn. Rapîi Traunsit, ComaYo Lo... He.eit> liy Fîre Fîre consumei thie car tabtes unit 200 ears of tht. Brookyn tid îllTranit Coti z ' paat ailshaing andi Nostramni uvenuea, Brooklyn, N. Y. A titemelut inauue lu Hopkins itreit, in lue reasur ifte stinhie. ira@ also destnsyies i sIn-scînnifuinilies s who oeeupied it are rnderedi homaeless. The Ioa itassaiouaiy etiioleti, blau coaneeviveltî iaed ai $21«0000. Thon' were no dealîs, bunt seturaIl ireinein sere oTai'Cme b> heal andsmI nî nd Th'omas Maal, a thman, auffeessu a ami whici troke lis s rit. 1poteoe Ber chili andt Herecîf. Mr,. Fannie Fnleberg. sife sf Arthuir lrteberg. a muical tîdent. ommitlcsl suctde ta St. L.ouis by tuknug wskaiis eocita., Alnas, a 5-vt.r-old iaughter. to whonn a almilar doae oas glvin, la deasi Tb» moiher attm-tpei tu gniren'n notîer daugter niasi Emma, 7 yeams or agt', a dot ofthe loit onoult elieramne eus- plelos andi retînseul ta taku if. Mes. Prlabeng Oas jealont of lier liunîand. g' Potinse Charge Girl stiera The American çugar factury in l'ussaie., ..1.-.atnieio s fier a latine of suite wemek, causesi lu>tue satieoe t iiini'uvsu l'ie Polinecu clgedl us,'sîrîkorsi. nil. gethemeil aItise miii 'hi, girl.s r','u tie miugli t lsiset Susivii gi la n sve draggaalong tin t tIreta lu> f lis' i it and theu ui nslnc a lfloguiniieï-s."ii by tihe sluuu liti Nidoappe'a Offer ta tittairo NIoey. Anafagent sutt lie kldiiuilmiuusluit' nînnuua propoitnis t l, Edwürdi A. CIa'îlin sut Omahalit tuseciiuit $!>i.(KKs.lir hitallit Pelaid tue hi,-s ainsi raso .elnutunsitîîîluri t "'tsiu n ititIa, i fthue $5iii s swardIendlo s-' itisuf ttues van luil la ttintg tus -lu .It Ms! .'u u disniilri l fumes. Fui-U raAid la R.bInere. At Aetmngtsutu Ni'. ite îaansiieu eeu utsthc- mutlu. f illii tilu uit. a111 'chuel ue ttilit uts utf ii.' is55si ,he policte isss i-es itus ltsittrg loutiseh blIazee sui,,- itisrcui ic, ittîs' tut , 1000 i lrkisuloeinlt2<. Buffalo ;aalta l Eta Tlhe l'an Aiturînuati stutiti . si ltete fît ,cr>y ltue au nd uisitîl, 'Bac aine-uif At S30 sus htik 'V' ols Fineîestotclhit a 1ih"u'h stmiuil1 linge atet B's.îuîner.l'a ,.uatmunîg a s t S845,0W.1 Cotrada lut. ae e ine. Gor. lînian m(,f iir,1lis iitoltîei- bill r-tu.cing eîaiit.1 nuîssît usi Come t taw wssittislIsilJus itnatuirs. 111-q-uaio BYe the Le'-anu1 L0. Thse final îtep in tiers shcuetof ,ut te ronaoli,îalmin st sorti, ut h. hrgg-st traîni .Atuanti iatrtllipig lti usolti le 8O Iînt N,)rgain & Co. of illu lI, sui lu tp tunee-A ueplsust "os'1.i ir.h moof. las, lueit 1aisi. si. Pe--llsan.. Dielu 1Fiee IantHoustont, 'fexasaatiee, ouru , h deuture suitis se-uulas er. vi nI ý1il tatîs st - lsuos i lii. BltackiJoukIt lcnupiiatd T'hunis E. Ketcuin, alla,'l!.î jack.- it u hous nIoutaw 'sVI",muuî teorrnu culhtise io'ue osuthlino uttnas' ffi . tht'at ifthos-i >oer. as ltmîeli ,'Ilistf-n, N.NIM. 10e traminruli-c 'idu bita had Oit ies ed ruorm the bodys'y tihemupo ai If b> a guillotine. S1hclt e lb. hrifmnittîEa.p. ThpodOre Ioore, blidona icharge of buegamy ini tht.e olIitntl jait A leilin Nobji.@hot Berif RBiebarde asIauosi Ma utemple, The. ahae ichases i hma Noek m»d timel fe ron cziauehon and limietblond,. ShffltiebtcArde la in avegeglnu endtlom - I. le -71 TRADE IJNH17'RT lOY FLOD& ~ fr'1, ~ 'p~~ PLANS FOR1 BERNIERl's. VESSEL. Outy* EaserneiîRetaitea tiffer tay floes- h~ls/I.5 ,ISI1l Pecattar Steamer ira V.hircL B. 'Ai Ë saut B.dWe.ther. ,i u U"- 'Seek North Pote. R. G. Dontt& i i tne ju'or traite 'Plane are cîoiedted for the 'nls- tayas'tnin scnttniiî'svue,'huis1for Chicago""", tien Of the vestel Io hoaIlut a aUna- the' CA0-n i no L .fi,'cof utslneielshus 30ta $555; hogi, slitplinfl grisiet. ver, B. C.,for CaptainaJoseph Bernier.V ns fc in".Imitnîgitsu sennrsl leiai$2100 l e $11.0,; hi-up.'air tnt uitiet' $ 11 si ,o lneass tlating nu na ocii jpolar ex- tatiîin Chier of t the ela tt iiods i te $4.q0; wlioai. NO. 2ru'1. 72î0 o73c; pedition, teIlie alitent flre >ean'a. Tlhe mmii> direcltint s 1iiila la-etinii'rfei'd corn. No. 2, 4-ie lae48c: ois, No. 2, Z;e vesislwil, Cuit $840000' . J. B.ryrrel. stitis aitciît its and mitiits'lWpiCil to 27c; re e.No. 2, l50e te 51c; butter, n Canadian pplorer, nsilm areompnny Ber-r une dsteributinîuftinehniise, sind thue isîll u ucaols'r> 17e ho 18,;e. eg. fnir, uLe. Thie Lnusvesiei ss'il haunique inie nssalirr aillit, ithe lias iîu di ls'ta 12e, potutes, 234e 1e 42c 1,er some respects. 1Ifstîli hauteoa[erpen- verese ilisna iiisiui se o s t ciilt t ia'îl. M ineti b 1.0101 si ie ar t[]enfile' teutpot usiser ta per- tnfnns oraîin' iiinsient liibais'ar- IdiailimnCattie. stripping, e.00 t0 luit Off uthil.iig the rndser or propeliert gausilng tise iiini'ît'sellatiÎ10 $28.. 1.75;. bug. ehoire ihtll,$4.00 te s$t.tJi; i aay tfini,. She sill iset hane a flashc Yul tise s ii'igc la ual . t.îsnk ci lugt ilisheels, omn olaprieiat, $2100 te $4.75; devin. se a i tiavnnlsmfreiînent feiri;oft rei-eit int'esoio in sî'îseq it pglut Raiilau ws'heat, No. 2, 72c le .3c; crnm, Ni,. Lthe torssard de,ï. She nsill have tire bille ts. Attuî pla gis isrsui.of ssait- white,44e to 45c. oats, No. 2 white, niats. With a mail ires of 7000 aquarete sns fosu sefini s- cvssp newi the srusil mar- 28ete la2e. fel, lier in i(i ueniiiaa lit thaattirets' kets linilinît ans 'o ts te Ossîssa. tînity. St. Lous-Cttie. $325 te $5.;hui. ""euteri loptoil schioner. Th'e ma st iti Machs of the inreaaed tr'ading andîl aris $300 10 $5.1110; seeup. $3 .0 1 $4.,-- iecabout 100 reet lIi, tint tie ipmutit asisauce in prises ri"niitusifruont etever ss'ieah, No. 2, 73ectsi 74e; cocia. No. 2. are masietî to ke dIowa, resiiiuig the i îmanipultatioîn îy a sigle mit 'îi'iisputn 43c ta 44c; onte, No. 2. 27c 10 28C 5e, >.engtlita ittî tewthen neosiesi. Tie0 lator. seho connhsutteithte short contingent lNo. 2, ti3c ua 54e, vessel ssiliib, i plus isioniesifor a tirs' yesr' I t0 over NIay cornc oisraclo uttriset(gh- Cineinnauti Catti.$3100tlu$5.25; Is su. iot'agets ':1i netw s of lorIteut. isl-0 Ot peries vf the sesisn. W hic Iliere O $3.0 3oS.05; aieep, $3 00 lu $4 35.; inga a arves- u, se.uronomer. geo-oiait i- wsaun elemnt out nîrî n uthe i-porta wheui. No, 2, 76ce lis 77o; cira, Sus 2 olograîihisî, 'sciat. phiotagrapiher ansi due- l of laIe platîng. sto'ini i'u'ent of uns mii. ,46e lu 47c; nain , .2 nnlneii, 25e 10.k olI rop liels grs-tec influence, as stocks ta 29c; rye, No. 2, 55c tte6. NLARLI SLAIN BY A SWAN. available for delîvery sere hault. Wheah Itetroit-Cattle, $250 10 $4 R5; hig.- lias risen t'harîsl>, purlty ina s> nîpatliy PA00 to $5.910; aIes-p. 5$2.50 t 1 0 ;, Foao- Teî.-lid ByCms1 .tf siti corn, hbntthere wns h adl nuseare- sîhust. Na. 2, 75e te 76c; comn. SNo. '.'nn1.Boy la-. Gife garding the Germoai Croit îaloi siedamre- is. eu 3;oaa o ht. A remark stle baufle % i liiialmnoîl e- age occîîreîmnt the wsuttaNîsl s fairiy 29, lu 30c; rye, 54o' lu 55c. tulteil un oagelîywa$ rouigt ai 1or aheuut> aolf Ibis lis the bel ireinltabe1, l'.lesia"-NNha, ot.S. 2 oi'it,. 73vî'o mg Fuirn,. Ilus inca luslais-hiiitîelieýr> suuti.iinue.corni, Nu. 2 inwxeii, 44e ho 4(W; OurtsCuasna sft c tîghitng %virhlasi au, wua AMERICAN '~" k L ECULTE». Na.'2' mi1.27c e 102Se, ryeNo. 2, ic uiei' i .,,('yefots0 AMEI IN iantN1 s 1 . onlyit.v ieticyefrso - ~to,53c; lover seul, prime, Sua.70. tslsiu. hîuhsii sueus anfe4 tiare NI. i ns atnhee-f fige, a us. 2 n icI iii-thun. or' Otiliea, a Hetbei Leader, leported Io 7tus1 2e alnNo. 3.44e te;ae en is n s it.iersut Haverprts ro anaN. ne i_.telf; , oI s ltciot, then sitisîll ticBuk, ss hein sud- Bas-e leeiated 30tt; rtf ,iNo.tr1, 52e liliy thetr, u.'et ssoorutiiei ufa su5l reu'ei generil, Gailles, o iîhe.preydS e, ighoSO, suhn's iadinsi oitt o iirage', usanlu a dni Anteican prgenrsta b sht tlt, ajj,ý ess.i1432.ans1 aieu tîusin n bis s tmg Ieti. TIsee .ay nuei Piavînera dm lin ttîsiBiffuto'Cstie, ettuice ihips1ing se s. elsîitaruggil or]fs an instanit. loit îte da u shilil iunennoltu neti $3.01)ta $511); hogu. fir ta prime,.$3,K) 1îuge lird osisOste îîls wstni n the Ciil. Sanst <us' sune f lis 0ola n îta ,fficers, $61; teeli. faim lus uhouce. $23.',o tae tr hsî o pOttlns t oe ladre~,e~s ~5n 2.ll 'i n $475; Jambe, commun taetra, $4.345ta à ansI t seu o irt ndsorstrestlsIln' iogs i ta silutino tut 1t1111 îne isotrtetuhso-arîl th stîgen fail Snes ecaiei Tu iNew York-Cattie. $3,75 ta $5.75; ifgs,:center of luis' ike. etre utif oheu to tlis eran lie trtuil ansi unen intuiereul. $300 to $6.45; thucp, $3.00 1tu $4,80 ,oii'ýttise iaIuthes uhîl ls d îts iuly Gaillet, Wh'otneInoli-ngîunanthurt- w1sleatl, No. 2 red. Sire 10 SIC; com, Nus 2,:ue sroweneit. One oftîeLet n nuhre htes "tf Inbayasi province. Ltzuun. piro- 52c e 10 euts.No. 2 milite, 32, 1t;u3; juimpiIlOtmistéise us ser and i nsii thet' (-aime himînact dictater andsIllii' ucceg- butter. rnanery. 19L etau _'w;-egnis. stn-te>atra n n' îutglu. @or of Aguinaldo ansiaanaiuiuesbilut vire, 13e to 14,. b) ltrasýr ti lenltion ta conilnue na war of extermna-n FUGiTIVE :BURtiLA It OIttlaaNi;D.I tioin. It Ja saisi lot Gnnlls-n oas srin ui COURlT OrDERS BET p Tu ENEit. Poncnîte ae> n iisuier bsuag n - Man TtaoniahluonBe Z. C. Wartey Cittietsj Frechuinsu ii uîstersi li Ifi. lMa- Who Wagarrrcd 083S, BytrgiaElet'. Iunt.billion"Rive1r. is aise sertes tuat lue tormerty regit tiao. Récive- Judg.ernni. ladiiv'.n1>Ileeenshll~ leresilita Frlenc ubatjecti n Manilsu. îe Adiiiis s lihiritsehoytsutnn.ti.u t uituZCon ttaa idl,a la n lypien i guermilla leader, cruel. able. n o walge lurines ont th. resu ifs of cu uusns itiis fle N tl stnsusittl'cloton. rankiessi, sud uareleintiag.Aguinldone- tieouaos alndi-ildto'un whemire I,'iruni ut 'is , ns tt'iahs n nîsuuisins u noances hfi , dinlaiming rCssiinoi liIity Ci t st I0sn N ,. îiu lanJ;s nn t f lii ts oliu t sli u l a for fthseî leousa nîrisitises ofr uiiltus, ansid iut' hELnîitiuds tilniiiIetrfiemer bliii utnse îsuun tih.'luisgin's uecla rus ihat bL eyer ilaîed rtelus cou' iitus s t ur î t lr u Wi. Il. Sinsufitlu r ilo,îl 'f hntiruss' Lis n in isa bitl, iii!fui rtisa ir& ary hltenaies of star. W, 3bel on tint' unît natioîna o sOnt 'fus'e ngila a quai if mcii ta> aouinitslieut, ELF.PHANT EILLS IISMSTER. nupiot sili[e iipeiluýi t10au iîghei 1 snueprising thtliiucf lie fuigitss n nainnie .A Sminthnbei $S7 tuat ttrvaa siauls i( us- nu 111,1 ialuh fuît,, sntasloui s.usa, .. lirreenlutes uiniîoîîsthiai e i1,1n te tIhe i vir li ns i' i li isuigsd1 Brae fe TenGiven Strychnine and ists;,miii e lii.I 'sc iîirts n 'reu.uîiîsi'i u ut Shortla t. eallu. 1Staloi is nl nhie - IP ,pi- tit the n -i 'bsucs-inmeu s,> lsuisilst offîti uhs ieury Hllmanu, eleplant lutnncf Ben - rla.wiIlf l hailli' lie hC t.,ahi undslp utainntaaallacet cirea.. tva. hilI.-dliy Caon e cnthet' su unuf suris s et fotcsîu ierI e'u ruent wisloieiti.tissu!>y luite "Ularliir."a uonstur t usit lelinaint - ansi uI na t'allu nberulnufaitýsti,, gir t lii l hin u", tin. ssihre t soNsu, ncrn fevti th o unor iillClui ol fssgît fie în'l In tnsrul d Albookin ture tLe leat wtt filea îloteuodruth. Huit! oi h %in. ,at,, man u l ia Lien haîsiail the leeihits casena i reosce ut i nu' iai1',, nuit inuit if>bfrsutie'utaurerZu>G. ln tLe NînsinssinessuIhiveut esecun u fle ui eoeri i osnt ))iyil 4 es. tinee mlues vismtVerni lad.. lu stakslolier bfrutheficnîst l0h0 o uisit i waeie, stien *"Ciarliei' afuoeil uff itre bt nistae s-sts sissi. s NNEII Si.EKS Dit 1 VOR E. marn. tIrew hoim lathe air and filera buit-il hitaîn oser lis tii-hi and fuel tuDEMAINDS tiOLttu YS GitaEN LE t rD. Miau Wh- eAdsin't.oeît Admirai sonmatra Otpiaei le. . orot. midair.aa. Anunîspis- tliles i sth stryci eser o! ora Thbrae.tiitag î.L îr e hu-sIN.igunilugouttes' us iss p a ine wsnagivn nuthe ciephosit. ansi lie wu§ plery Cptrei.tsusînussn or ausolniisln 1tise fni> uhîseul uver aaeeounsing ftuasIftlb tasrcn vt nu',ature,]O. s. osfun ssulrsis i isrAulnîrtlSnlsn Lithei'st1h a NN'îinest'r.Atter itn en lissit i. i - flt h t> îloist ieanimai diesl, sCiarlie kuied sptitersurheîcillerbAnal t te liesuiesmt' ssi r-e inns lu in s'iiLapearla tus'. in tînt. ilrk fronta acorntbli tlu gtla tp- oRhdIl f-, louseul vait lie îpackage lfinsua st ild-1euîtise"g it'""i lutssfntut. tS i 'itu Ii.tiitran tal. Prodacu Sehed. Plaiice bySamnul aiu ,,,an.suus'lihy ites sin Eune. l'a . andsi, us unnîll tureitiim 'fie ntive hplantiosuthle Lookosît I ati-enMprris, tus. faiern,' tA ui lns, salutstvr.Tr ,n,ý,Lu tillina Comapany ai Chiattanoouga, 'I'cnn,,1- j shîglîckal.A e ai,,t ces's uteonierfsuLsec us i u g.îir i.ehý istîn .ii uarruja tut s î3 baieNr. IUoluernuau receil eian aton3iîîîuî,s li fr I togufl Rvniurletr - isrsthîsh>tifli idnt epb uieosu ii hu aedcsfnuisrr. i su u tlie lin > srdeisi frein rt le N'iîiu ii, ir $GIi o in,'cashh io a crtusi nisot in air su'ni 'ui thîîrnîîca. Shon ai u ki& t 's .nttor, thle u ue tstu ul Ib> 12 .uuius1, n ai lun,>s îso ru'nsîuîî> s bernuî 1ier ldvs. tilir formuter vctuu'tue o -id tîhul îs' ,tant le lg utsfIi aia oidng i i, ttfis- lqnt lous' l ,lu ,,sr. uî',' Apil 1, -t, 5 ,e ,suis s i ulisîîlîututs o se îîîîîîîeîînutt i buscztie i- ff Iigu... n..t e l is uit h uis us1 ;- l'us for ,i ak gs t muin.rushgasiisf ihonst j. ls 111"s,,,,nu'r o tisu i hulie deuiefotiaoiof Stli u ,,sietnun si i.- lleentor i. Borner]. fIs. Jatiguit tIific suit tu-îtait suslu A s sl snI('il,,s su. luusis 'i u ftour ,tuytu i ilsil mu esu'. r ib tnt Ii'ltte isun tnitle T,, ' l'us i tftac the u-sr s i ns lustuul%%a huit' iu ehe a ut iusst eser uif t lis . 'i ln! tats uss itisr tish lse uus ssois t555 nuue lsoIs tsrîh af Ii tn l u sroa Nîlhitin t is'f5. lii tti. 'e Il u> forts-J tus raid],.bless t , ':Il lui.. to. ILsi t su- s titus. ' li.' 's',. 'sud 5 te l 15 C hutif t, Ii .t' .f .1. io , liis uultu ii uritica. .iL te raui'si i l,, c ,ns-. 5i Iilu it ti, T ntu is lse trit, - -litIfsi 't,11 LtON I. CAUSES t.GLY hiLXTH. i. -1;sn'e se1,îi ilisikrfo i sf0 ise ilsînîs h. 'l'oo psrsons n'uee hiesi niit -<n ,' atitao atln ,a I, lis I "'i i t'-' 1uitt 'Hfsliii ' li al .,t lis. îu i u i li4iis'i umî. T hls s i i li un rs' -si o ste îoun'i . l', fhe i,-s t', t i'P t utgethou 'Ic-ggng lm sur ositun tatauii I l, ',k1Us il î'1 s ri- fi 'l t a1, Ii 11, t' f L " ' lie-hec Ms-lionsung tU tnteM.. A fis lue fuidr si-, icnia indt attis'- clii,- lus ýlisseit b> thie aulnsi- boates 'ua' hssil'. i In,. 'lt inth ruonuf usîsuctet ishu liii st" u asises i niluin i inil lus Cattetian 1. Actquitte,#. ifCi..-iii,îisoO Ui uiusttusi at ilýi iu.srîtus mtin r t he ('ialy khuma> nir 'lule ju rois nert' gis'sn il bittles' s i munlir frunnitise i us i. iOne mss'n ul is i'.t i us'Inn tsa 'lu 5 a.,ipm sstise us -Mni f A u estuud -d eka d 1.s leLiOff. Su fin*Itasîkîtîn, O aus. lil l indseiii S hs fuie lo yunt )t i tii- m ia, s'. ltate. ta'. NN'usui.sut itutmin It.usu i , . W . 'Ja si 55'Csiu the boy,'.-nim*v ti-ast wmi!lu cu-it if ndM mitronublesi ti!I eister." Ja 010 i lic id lunoboul> n ni. tuiundl tia vtise.. aku i'iighne Trath 1.ilcaii i. ep ,r,,.nî ,..n i.uist'f tr. li fs In .1.~~~~~ ~ htuluui ttis ii laii'. 'l 1,11, s-asN%'.S. I'tsiunss orsu an lu' v.. 4 t 01,' ru surI tliiut ai'lts ii eu 5.ih> ti t ,ie. .1t .ShoreiiCtroîko.. Thmi-lsv'utsI Oiii I iUSt llit îi GWil 'I'. Nunar dimot;ance a oi jn'le lttz sn Ilui lu s h'il lini ' hue tîsîn nthts'- stnusut n vIk .elt ncons tise ailiandsta trusts sesu-reilgr- I umft, a-mstssmams ut tronu t le bu>,[,. i), is. oft slk s li ofn s utt ' 8-tii, iot EpeeCarlau1. lei. siunifor the' eua.tussî sut il St s la 'Jlieexessecar of tue Cenfral tut itons i rtg iud Geosmasiliilta> sets, nunlil i>tsi. ary.ne8ln nîeno-ho huanmieul the train eti Nioom ~Mî1cutîgon ltanln1. itotilei. T lieY aient tîrongtaheic naettege'o hm, ael tnlco G.J. Cvins _ fa. i vgeo ansi ocuesunsiabout $3150,. toit s fi a hviuun idi-oas enfs'reu ilstmese $1,oo f1puag-iîng ni th e floor. 'aI, 13uinamiteil tiese .ne ni anùu ecs F;otia Quit. U.itsd tate, u-i, 'l th.000' o nîumn D u nth s e Tise Sultant of furkey bas made rs' iitn sxisu l'îajhu i - moto, 'rof thelttn. i thym pnOnnW utc la the lcUiid t, lise daim et $100.000(sli thtisnutloin 'Thoopeoin 1,s fiide i iitior lia huls ininat hinu, for ma> iCili liiiA ut. I fiaýiu ~ofrît i lit ogmi lo unusi so luiu t0 o onesitons li itearrs>' s tluel est itîtuos! lime Surf insi's'siru l,1itla a teceina of ditpltomativ e ttuis.I'unumnAdilsocate littht' Book Co('uumn il- 11iltke. Abandon n-lut.. iii-coeu Ktileul nt Lootvitit.. 'ritue îireot-edes trike uitthe lrokemena h re uetroye thtie plant of île EcInis, lt.s i umolutonsusth, Itleteesport ('un- suis tr onurks ahLonisvitle atinsi Oasit- j-iii stutliiailmrosntas i.'uîa1tlinloneul ssii i us. tut- reaptin ibtIe for un accident n ae,sîîîuî t fthy refrisil utGratuitSucre- Ililsh a. efleennin logitbilt[Ilfe ansi rhree. tus us tata, -ust tire S, it lunon' ,No nlaisr,' iajmuresU 'Tie Iota un thefIre ns sn- Utuiut nt uts a seitt>sî O. in. t-ti !20,0115. RI-eet. toIule chin..IrMm NastinRavea to.Ju. 'il, itnnur.ouhi. ugefesrirgtah ti iil ut ttis'ila, Kaln .Stru. Cirie- inb- utmssr-u n a. nd i sshing t t. us agit as ng tîuatle fuse suticl r in'fîtsis iihalourleEu ssts L tI luili-t' fit possusiand fti-is'n' i iho- îi~~' 1-i -,i I mi m t ,f u ni. si tun incil i vsiounbtî' us l uisiýtt ,. irt' ls utssr hie arf.rirs stflcthe Inn i mi lin 11, oo-.Ys -h, i nu i 11,t'h -n z, 1 t Ithat hlu e I irt. o t euh mut bue. A t M NS eIl..oo1He KilIatt. t.i. i lipinno. t IeteYietst l-t las'u-1tutiseou.aliît biture hi' 550C it. s uit sof A5t>rns'cusi itivttvla t,. urus e ues nn uunried 10NîîtAitsoin s i1. I . I t5 tler.sndstu i 131 il - b mis e. ý taaîlon l . Bu-nuls-r.ut1StLuisi . lesIsuusscuntsleeol u i o t sut f.' mt.hi.rsltliss" Sot Iy l rn' suh--es st-ru'ovees-aBe ins i uit' ils"lt, î -ti n , ni> nmrsrt- an est senun n - î asls, . t ouf frut in a buiuimî.i' 543 l'en :li sun oîssnimuainsdcbînsu Ita Su liii utt'hu'îîgm. AlfItLut iuis n iiiee in tIelue ittnhvina i eh'tro-clthnlniha uf neensv ring piuinem. ns'rkt. tns'.teslnear Frlunkfori, Germalîr. Ternei 2bLeraKiltii M... Fsn o1. B;ed a -lerait. la Fon riuberi attempleul toeLsld up the- Frauuiî I). hard, tie uaiinoairc horqan town of Queea UCity, TeiCt. The> er w in r tslsl islhome ett akewoosi N itriven off tier a hard fight, leas-ung s , .1 ai. -, rdnett înement an operila C au. deail. fer alleusilcîtima O es dey ego. Dalîlas Opera Honte Born.. ltu DuIlas, 'texas, fine ulesiresysrthe Itihias. GOperau Housse. 'Tie lus- tIn the i 1i .1,ui Ite ul n' isttifts nsil ru uni tiutsx.Th, 0urigin ut tlefins'usrot itai.pire u at iclisgaultsy. tl I tus ni teluigt a CilyTriiiL, di'-rtnitol ins iggoodg alun' sutf.h h1. Friedman, s' a r 1r.i ,8 i oa f $l.10 'uns.-t ,k 1.1 t' ni sibitlitIt, oliisu! hi> Mls 'lt 'S ialaTown aPinily'Iiio i 'iiniew. rl -li-us,' .îlar t t i -iili'aO acCont ofuIsut tins" il iddiln A. 'F. Doreotua r-I. F.lul-aun uu,,1,oraa[, llsstu t- rthe (l'isugý,is nun> sthoe-. tntItifer e. t hm iisa..n uge1 su tutil> i- ti5lu' li n en t'1uusut rotueustosir, astint i caini ot lîîs scollin proctedinga. l(.eplO* LoaaMi. Life. ýjone manwaa khiled andi two lfall> in- .i nueIi lite peanaaylvaulft Bridge suorin t nt Iluaver Faie b>the faliîug of a &58e ton steel ginilti. O.a~ Ssel, ha ~Voie COinltC-' te a ion is! er' t a .oîo.(bohdnl- WEThe hieRfLEAUcrop di YAG- IsionH .oCn thr13i e State ls' IIW@-dlîssî'sit'î ia. w.ahr IUreiT URAL REPORT.k rea t wc're a.wit lits,. loir ittore hine nec- orabmorlsali col 51eslinl os r O hia lTeMnisterîîin'n iiîi '41 ' .gile il son tli e trai althe annnle C uinthy- ai.. sll sa iw :ho r l Ie i i Lnd oît b. hl Statu. a f l l nea -Plu[ntig l lo.»oisoaahiiye il Il'a o isenuw ii lt po ti n or tii A ia l e ut a a si g if Io lî t iiis in 'the p a t o i ~ ithe l ' , l iii fr e di etricts o th e i' usinîliva is eh t t'iisiofif Ntt ierthtt tor iithe rîsd hIho i'ot ii nt r tat as'bureasu , ini ing l, eut erate 't9lsC iit' i'tie i iilii.litilu fre . itsi germinhatii s ansthe ron th a ti-ltue ie' liîstiI'lttîa itîohtssa iiul"tiî.îîiTî N ie t y t ,eLii e nea. l thci lîl îcIontyaiur.the'omenth li d iror itti. sf t iti t ,il.t Uil I I liie hlliat. 'iei Lasib 001tu tîîtîr intue ulinc utsir e os r ciesa- îîîî.vu ,r ie ls'îin i, teull iistl' I frot 'ilns iîs. si ' sonen lineentai %u-rulyl u t id So ila B. f. uvî'rtîîc . Iîil-. ani .' o 'r l in a, litîo"ie f i sitia> etIîs ot tolnOhiooît ltt.ali- e the gseau r ln oIli île îlle a [u lie - niliii ing t nI r'iv iî'h'. n.1îs ls cortionnofheatktrs u the itandv Moia oni ltit L'iion ltatis rlsiltter lt.nos' tît, bo l 0 " rictte n tuîî n l- i dnstaictus. Teirs e ulions heîucnuy (iiak îts u îlîlît "s rîs'inî(rIs'llîîîîî th8asuîl n st 'i ht, i 'uui' very ufavorable nor e rnt rai Louk ussstsiîs'î'aîr l i t' si u ii e s Ins..trit N I lsa si'i'it ge lownatonrahan g ua mh aind 'th coro WtNiisaseiirtI-ieI lnNI r li'ttîin le is' ls~ ie ep r o pain nae isulnaa l stu cîlted non h a it Oaa t il O rI li al l sit-ls Ba t T r ioiIir okd ore tneo riv erasiys t'ithiv e pliaIo ehl1ukn. ilIr ,f nd e rats sîlloFinisili si n I sI t'r Ei, ,s the Iocky oIiiiiiins W hil the ea8nu If.l e M 'iIcîotiîî on ale.ii1r , s îî (lîle 01.nai n,(, h - cin ueîl se acnue i n te l arge prti lln tds l i. n ttrfttpiil I lfrt lita i ssuit sh,. i tain@ s înthurcin Statîs, Stahes' tt'grow h hut lt's'o niri si iis tii lits Iil j ai.t ,l i ilf I. cI sfna stisasirs cculi. s ar- efsefie Utn DIIan the plat ne p srt orte reekesw iinaPr. A 'i-nt,îs.t"l' ni t îîiliry %%lie fi a ,i v7er the rb li ohe cnitraisIal lii <lievl tîîiii ts'r si is l in . onisg ne-sîsiI. at"i no!itsi 1 Sleeow a iiily elle tu s N btmale i th ora' nt sss)lly îsîh îii l%'îeu Istîl ti te nd lilis alîa tn t prs L icie isytreirtip in dniaorth asti wut sie rfiigl s tir ..Isrnsu-î ts. i - cotlvnof theO i t isr andîitieîn.é elant0k i 'îî p'.ii ut i.iîil ltn 1'i t't '. -'I lahsmg i 'in-xesa, Lu' -r i clag aret ili-ThIse lt iils sutn sis in ii ti's tfl'as Il" e . ofthei Saîsiith er lîSate nng. On tn' tiîi siît tlit".tiî I hall I t îi.r lotid rtii' tts o~ f he uo as itus' s isii.l lîsît ot si te aN I in ns tila î î'î'nîn ts iii i cin' stiiret, h, ~ 2 M 'b l e t hs i ro u t l ia 'o î'f s t t nite b ea t a s ' is i i ' flOt*. f i Ir lI i t i l il suhtî lu n m a e ia l po îs n t arisîfîsi . w t ui -list te laide ni lîa .it3 sîr ti or lls ei'l s r cs's' ýl , ' a tu rit sind i as tut ot e tissu ni s I n 55 t liri I I s î i iitit Ii'dl e î r nî iî'au , r l t" i Iîi.'t' s n l >ah o t a , a n siT e xsiniit a ss'îis Z hu sme ta a s'.- lin ', oisf ti' h a ' .-iu s i tr 11in'iItilt a I!îiî- ns'- ' I, a lt Eilsn l.g ei onsut u d'uii.ia. On Irî iIsrs t si'..i 5h1 r ii,'r t p i5 0ii el. I 'icii ti s t' t iil ist c o ii o n o fsî i' inç , sl l s l l Iiisu dii Il utusIi i. uslt'y sfor ire ,f i l ' . f f 1i w a silig iî i'i î îa l i ns r i'i i th e Ii t lin i f- isliO a Ili.)Ns îî 5 soft - %V a , s . la il av Ots'iolîessn n li' i t ltt l the1 M OVES o ofMAN hURCiA. pr nii'o r as. in. tîi is rit lett. it%: N% tîsu iss u silsi'l in o ii IacnaN Eç ni,, raie. h- h insiptatisonorîli Xts iti'S.l'n u tsm ft'Iîrl Bnt s u bI L l t l ' h - 8 I n c ai flrg Iii k it s vîi t. " i in hin,'i ,- 10 lIsIi' l 'l ' î î f î s ' r lu t ' fian oa lt. ciinuI llIslnoia as le ht tsinslnttsrf as.-îata siy e l gu;al'sii-IiNi s -s- us. t a %i, St l re 10't i i tisu îlnta,. i'thitesN t'a ' ha. mont- dl e Usatt- as t l t'fo ut bai1 msit,.i 'ikîsi'iîîî'l('îîntatr p tmon Itiinslig iiu i iîg' î n ir ate o%. sîîniIiist'N I'îu'aN Hre o rînt ih et,îîaîîl infi I l's al, 's Ilti dir el (ý a tsure his h ý it rrt'ssnl g il j,.' gînna w lin C.a î.11- 1 nosenti ~ rh. u i> ila îc -rs aol,. 'cr tin n i .ti oIL i fronk t . MuI lor gea. hi, ae t.- ', Oh 10o si a t îsl o gunua, > an'! inn'at . at.iir il. 'i l'-' 1 tati issl n e t le as,' i ii.'(s fa a ble, 'i l eit iiti' llils'lnui en d ofli'x hlîI, IL' Iv itslis i Iitita t i ity in s's" or e tis essî han bin piîniniucin. s i'c i fr îîî. e gi s Il rîo 'ftIoe 't ' to lnig il lare art o Ille se a t"n ' Iid fis.', - ss cf nIre igi . iat u ert tiisti ti'. 4%,ýatup ton bl l id ts'itsv iin fle ssit'li a' mi lot tai ' ItOi iinnîn l i'in t,,Ihlun c'tare i i lins' il t î i. ýi liontri dtsa I its,iiI ret r tiret w i m n .mi it ,. pr Il neiil'ilitesi Fli 'tLIi.liia rl1. oieisiT',i h e Leu T l-u--si ts I , f lti rt teaisi e sad s 6 ralaeh. u-]il)riiTexsîn.i ie nl- l. nia- l"l ad is, i a cs" ltgus anai ,' a ussi . n sow- gi-fîs ' , .I ualit:,. u.' , tntIl ;. T, 'nI.e tI si' s' 'i'nl . byîI I I otne ît si ,îîî' t~.sia iste ii plk.i .'iî s- u ' t, esc is. it DI i sfinî oressn (sl'ii.( b s il la t . tiispnî g, ra' ft' f IsîIi fi- "il. f a t'I.s'î"i oftui thaeI.' n tI ji Srsi l i t . li10.1v t'saiu upiii nkisils I î ,' iit" a. gltst il'. lalrd lriptiss eultlti trst . th' is" "ii-, Ille. Ils i a h li 1; I l ti -n.1i Cuil attlst i la 'isii' t îk l.YI, <' u fs , i.itiîigifAii si. sissfa.isiî ' iîrty t - t . s li eunlarsi IlsNIheoVe tin I o- lad elki ts n n--sait t nsiII'i '.s l tr1 usi Oa îi a i -l lîîls l us '.nI tt. ît si. t '- " it lc ' In ii îiaua u a luit, fe i ll it l.kts " sI îsent i tti i. ' au nn-:I ,asa itstî .s'ls ît proil t.i i,. - - dl- l L - i 1îîîîlo ti- tinutis 1 1 .1igIl iti t'he aIlsss' î eli so n. i aîs iiia'n tia fiL'- l ur ' lî".'-i' i0 et IlhlCituiil , 5I.j' 1 I 1 tut0 -Is'Iiii ,ý:2,t' uni sîseet.. -sl 'us; iliu' l e t11- i 555ti5 ii. l I.i ;I l , In fnit nisît itlluiîiiy us'r'isnd' ft t î_'0iru MAN PE IS N IX LOIN. z f c frutoi,-ce itis ,>tii lr sot' ,,',w i;e' airuisi m l l .,. IIro hie ly is h't or e si.tts u .Iy, Int l lîa tr h li r 0 ac i i.'t iî 1 jsirin. 1I. îs ,i. ir" ssiii il Iîea lip andils1- 1 alîî.îolii îtl.t I. if:ariult. .lii ius u s . i .1 ii w-ttht> st l iinîlî :oIItii.nsiig Ili,',.l'tiD'A l.s,.î l it.. ls s tit tî isu g , i 'Ii' . tt1>iii ,"u I sf n ls su' î'jiiîf'i .ei Iltl,'art 'i îî. li r' 5s ti. i,.tul Cs i.îe trur.îîîls 1. F.Ctiieist1.Il, grîiiiriaii- iii ti.i. ' it, 11 thoryi in aii4s tths mn.%rlil'i s c t.11i 1 'i : I i t cin 241 ii.l 1' 1- ti I ls'l , i iii f0 -A 'i . si fis , tl sn l s ' tltti 'e .îi"s f its- li i lii'i- h ' 'N.s tî 1,-ru îlui si , itiil- 1' is'Islclsi .ii i i. ui. ot t,'t 2- i s i i . l'unst. îusî,'i ii; ir' i".i't viistig hi I '. .tt.îii.t.c'' nui ii'- 5150 iA t1 t eîl ii liie i. 'h utitst at Eh ii'f.tvI ttriislitn'o Outs 111 hiis.i t.\i .I',t . Ilt.'ss Iliiti, lsif .i'tiii' su oîsîtf f i 'h' l - I,'w Iti i ltiil> si s 'n 1 ' . 1 NsIIIti- t Si .r' ft t g.1 itir- n ' îuîsi hs' tiii i ii-rea f ln . f . ît î nuis s' C t'- Or tîs il i ,I .to t tififi l 1Ni .1'..'. fliIi i île lt-e "'.'o, I-i s ti!,s'- f 'III10 tus-i. . iltin(esut issyin ' l i "t Ilu tIle' su luoti cit ata u'i i l'iîî 11,'f mus I l u ,uL.'oIut- h il t1 5ii uh a t1, irs ' v.II 1 ' fis.l ucfit Ou lîu e s "i l u- t fit " f.up t ' lCi rages, tus issue> tirs' i-I' s T, ffins' tatant afis ru'. S , f. i ii l t -'n tt sint ,e tin iî tts ist 1l .>' a1issusl tIssu ki tir"ils'i1netuunu st tirs' su-'- h ,sali l .t , to iiik i 'isîu'mugs l' lu o slct t luito. uni'lu is1.l-', tiil"iiii'il Iltnrsesfng tss iia 'ev sf1anu'uui uts oPris viiItussuare ils i iililuti,- be-t s(iusgo ut alIqit 350.04M) of gimts ut urit orufis lo. Tisvsas la unît uts hiu.hust tutu' 1Iluhs tmp, însiils îîiîasiuIl uni itrl llit- enei ln' ts'îtus'u sis is'iifî ta le't ilhumus4 ttosru hum'St. lus lus s.snulsîn At Mn-ss treui lile. Iu'ouf ins', grinui s n Ikon lN otisur mut ult. usl i ti- st.'lins-r aleut for l'ise utunsul î in ii m iil daîga 'l'h' s- suI sta& SieliliIsslu Luiverpoomll in issenty uts> S atftu e lesi ing Cliuago. tata'htlnir ls ssusitug loindtîîiîg scharges iSsill offse ti'issu .ulmî'm's'oiin urs- In lue navigaionosuit sut ise ucua Clte tus'the seesu is lîssi Net lnssi Tolid i.arnFesu'Lino-a Standard 0il i ioseare goubbitug the oh llad Iirite si tiol doit tS s toct'cs"l a l'uînss u stuusu11 îsott aie$2'0000 fuse tins"St. l'oiui, tsu iim l11inalmiiitef"rtE~usiIcloue Inul cannIo n-lesi'g.uhlt sJas.a1ss bing Su-a fon t uinsofm;inittt i tue Lîsu s anuics',, alsoi s,1u -ctis e fuas oura oe,' liunit tukvit Il i. 'fîîos. inuitsie'tire socrfus' glitshalls'i!etiu k Ilohdnin Nesi' orkus jj, Iiluntotal tpoputlatioun if 8,500,000.,ci peuh s Ii posli", 's-li e' lane more Ihut .O.5i) nnuiiis l. ' 'es-ni itc ioosid ""s"sln a "'s ""Ioa \lBdig 'e . ino ton f l iiicauspre cnt Aguinelit. TIs e r teooit ls ta 311. Thet. int Unitedtten.nasal eoalag statton te blus atab tlihed n forelgomoti] biasJuit lucen complete it aIPiehelînquli aIt te extreme iower end Of LOwer Cali' forne. Muzico, l'uve tocel ahiýsnu'ts into Chicago rn the NYcat aee iglit. An"usclet fusor ilnsel>net locomotme Lias bsllu gs'nînlu>tle Soutiern Paciic 'Fis"tistrlingtun linsu caileinils s sept ofr ti rves uses sui slu usi h s'n-u ifng aO Uneto îsusestuii ternsit, NoIr, ansi Salt Durngthg Ifue ut seels sNtîîtt infpoit floarnsipiiprsy hulialuis-il d:1.14)() ismrnsle of fluretus Southî'sAfriunu 'al vthlim n-ssimme i a InI 10 bave en i,.uatr:it esi Thc mteuunîsfîip eiuufpanis-îtopeuatn. frntnutise Chiciagis surf aceu- ilnansimng btienr piitfi siunflicenteis ansi rolititii:ugofutthelie aasts'tit runsa n uirina thic it>'. Khasiîîa îsithv put lire vuessnsusmntv Prutestrtmt iaoti'rthtii'propouusitihnu'l'thflue rui" i- tus iiro u'- . -s tisuuu cur rt- fi osii-i :tlîiliiisodse iot ut minoul uttilci. ' 'Ils'.i-lu of(1-li otfirs' lsifiv c'nt, parti utlir1rî fui ilmfusios s.'îtlusîî('il- r'uni sr utiivh,'soîotffitir tirs ' ý"i ufiihii or il,, '..!'ii iilu'i sir ' lîhiiiiutctulsil to tu fi ui-siutrfin11 utslue. fai tan sifflceurrtf tue lllt,15ijtiu,.Ccir Riapidssiad Nuis ii n stiisaya thot cuill pans-milh bu vileratilsoteu InstoaNitîne apuhis, Stitn lis' Aict, taN selon fisc lino s liiing pisliedI tis sni"ia Agents of ail ronds opratinf ents!or Chicago have acrees tpoatmae@ ans iran rangementfor t.e tale of esîneoitlickiete for Decoratloit la>,n h t ltors- eet of Chicago ansd St. Iaonie ansi stet0o Pittebamg ansd Buffalo the raIe sulu e on.i and one-Ihîrdfoare for tht round trip for dWtance of bot more lia. i1W miles. l'u Ilt î uu ti,- s in t îI nîisul I t- i C'lttru i , X cn : l it rns i . li , I li - l 1 tusI ,.*. I -is u.. - tI n I o r iirtuhu i01i i i ilI aal' o 1-, IeU li.t us o its I la livu in sut . N geri a Gmn.t"ifLo'st"u f' tl'I ii l.asIl . 'i l l, s , \l Tur~ oin lttm l sitir irs' tsu .îus - Ti>l I'el i lt'itrnge Si rut', îisl ;. 'lu t biail not k~ i ýIl i t iut iliI he Nas arn bu 18 4 i,; ýllv- il- i e thecoret d u l s i ilt i su tne~s taufliii' h .1; .. t ail ui ot 1l'il au iut t-AI n mnti aI i aril 1h. -ai finit or s o- e aIl .ii gt uni ut tan, i or an lo" Au i in, li. fischi fut sit lit il ti.. tn, a-ns r --.iîi-i-t.~jtui.~s1~...~j .~ ~

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