Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 May 1901, p. 4

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fcmy.MT 1. pree n tise oati cium maUsevrk o all amaceilil s pel tb! abetld i aflyfarens lu Iti*tvjPara goermeatintbe lu ias f ariea. Telullu mu for an alétt r oro? wil sm taIsblil ask"@ln li maraiIo njut r6purp. ofveu-f. vs blybflev tv"e toh'es vIl O P Mmetgn so a meaite visiis yu clieOf lu nrerfi linols, tefarier tuy In .lblnoisourceao! incoineu kse f tw, i euvo 90 sudealisandg uisl os Wh" oder 1 k ou$"& teis ill e0! lIafarner paronV »wmnd aleter a lt Governor aite etin tis m to eto bill a tseindthe' amvauc of Bc muet 1te. epei X EDITORIAL MUSINGS X~ Cm nual th trusta vicisare maklng .~ wj vi ndlvidual infant i ndustiesa, b ystpscuted under the altitea Psnitig kidnapping> WU~ agrosPoos, Hungarlans, -4h05.Frults.germtnilapan"li. anti je teujInlugans<, aler nationalleb aMoli ur. ve cati stand on. amlI Tis*OtCas» are coming on. lRe- '-...sIY tise . a. a iot saI Sanhilgo aose factian triedto ta rveul - acili!otn eglater lug. s viiteUe uhans il boieup ~j~a~5MiBlevei. r hb" b - -r?1llhphyalciiis baiseut lu 11909W0 fur allediuee an a en; tfar aev Muthe. No t eMed o hism a lg as jasas voul4 bave semeti ela.- Mdsthob.chargetiaccordlugly. -io sonoe people realise tisaI aMolesin laconvuntd tisai eo lvnet maataifevet la or uoitalous but ltcin r-~tdsolehj by Moquitos, lise *q«W thsse ettjy wlblueina fair ý'aV tea baiiah tisese diseaisa alto. New hvtiaIboPUited States eau ~aIfo utelny sorts a! gooti t"hl ausy other country cati, au o lesd for a tarif! an ihe t"Rpiabltmunparli roalizes Ibis, AMon It, veli anti gooti; if it mao&t, nmsm.othet Party vil ltakî ap b w iii. Seliug goots a' 4ý àao* mare Shan tisey eau b.eex- PlMad sait for abroat, viii not &W >g ety long lu Ibis country. cri The Band-MloWuIYGo., e9 Obteago, hU s l.ued a PaC4$ 1-P 0ai ii &tete, couninfg the afielU figures of the Ceusu& 0!1900O, tocehhat Vitha vast &Mountl of other Informationl. A OîpUltbary cOPY hn been re- celved by the editor and it contains aa fund of informnation inta b. most pos- ible compct form. According 10 the ceusus reurna, Lake county bua populationu of 34,50~4 and contails 490 square miles of land. Here are the Varions cliles, villages and towus with Population Of! fech54 Hi«gllautiPart-...... Lakte Foeai.....1 1 Barrîttitori..... N.rtliChJIîaKo lbertYvillld .... Antiochi . ... Lake Bluff....... rayslake ..... Waueonia ..... Deerfili ....... Lake Villa .... Lakte Zurluil............. Gombo......... . Half Div..- Rockefeler....... *Wadavorth. .- Ivanboe....... Prairie Viw milbum ... Loua Grow .. Ravinla... Russel ...- . Bondent ..... Leltht o..... Deaglton. ......... Dlarnend Lakte Foi Lakte.. Freinent Center, La"igenheini Hicukory- WarrntoliîGreva... Wntlrop iHarbor Loon Lake..- FortHill ..... 1150 et :197 as 2le 21t 210 174 150 15 43 30s Dairy FarmniugNOt n SUaP. Botter uhfléem flba 5Md . thé o 7 - TIt L fl L NU Bigla Doad i fTruide Manday a drop ofI bc. Salnbofthe we.k, 623, 400 Ibo. < a . .m mn mu.sdaa. W A U C O N EA 4 M r $ S ierm al, la uior zd te ee.4v5 a riptioess adv rt W* e ts an dI orderi fo t . t Ironpume an tuing t Hughe.' ob)work. Cal on ber for rates. D. Brown la building an addition toliI é bIs flouse. Hloward Higley ta nigbi operstor et paased aiffl. lanv e.?' ago lira Chas Sei]?, Of ('itn. ti otr: WarrentOfl, and hoards in Rituell. F ishser joiusdl the Di.cjpis church ai sîreels Tueaday. l'b Ladies Aid met WedeoU tîya Fort Bill, tsmaifilg 7member shoe Thos. (ICary la ti>rted voNtIll i the home of lin. N. Smithh vlth a iulil lb. flayed te Vale, when present writiug. large atendaace. aBilenir0 a letter ta e e lohtdist fsasscFox, of Lake Zturi7l', vas On Misa Nolilie daviu ban recaveed hurOi atthat place and aietwards te our streela liondity. rous an ilineu of several veeks. Elh. the Capqaiiansi chirch at <rays- Thelages itok o hmincIq tla ooar<iiug with lirs. N. Smith. flie. Ohe vua aChristian ofo!nu- Twetlrgcea utocu ifghes'. k utdaunted courage andi greslt ortitude. lowst rins t ughs.Miss £mm& ObtIaliau, vbO isineazl- Althangh s ai imes ber suffetinga vere F. Kuukuk sud lMr. aud lir. Fiedler iug dreasaiktf il Lakte Forent, ipeflI Intense, yet abs neyer oamplalned and were Waueonda tallera receetlY. a ev daya ofthIis vsk ait homne. bore il al i i.hbheoric endurance. R. C.,iKent, of Chicaigola a Wail Mr. walker, the. mllk agent for the Site chose the tit tram vhich ber couda vitator aI thu promeut writing. S t. Pauil tafiroad va. lu lowu Tuesdai funeral sermon wu. le be pteached, Mima %lc(inltl. tf!Chicago, la speuti- lookiug aler thaqt part of the bnue". picked ouItihe hymus, bade farewell icg a few dayb with lits. M. P. Glyncb. Misa Dee Smth sPeut Ibis we.k'. la ber loved ane. and thoen prayed Misa Luey Spencer, lIra. C. Kirwlu vacation viIh ber parents. She vilii thasmighl bo called Item above. and lMay Spencer, of Chucago, are returu ta the City udt Mondai te She vas conàelnOiames& 10 the lait. home for a short viat. resunie ber sudies. lich au ezample of loyaiy1teher Fisbing l18 nSl tht. lelîy A The St. Pauil Rallay Companly in.hita at ebr ofn n party caughi aevýityttO black basa vorkillg their gravel trains nlghi aud gondi one te 10110v. BShe vas laid t0 rest beide the huaband Inlu rane one day tbis veek in Bauge Lake. day 10 get ready for the îtouigh t0 Cemetery, Rev. Stevens otllîiating Kt lir. IR. Harrison and Misa Lora, wimo lune Ville traiel. the Obsequies. fil. leave tourc elîdren bave heeu speuding lbhe,,lrter lun tMr. Whitney, from the> liCormicIt su follova: lits. .lcena Blîdwin, Chicago, retoirnedti 10titeir bus1e lu ThbeulOgicâtil bminery Of Chicago, (irayalake; Ira Fiaher, South Dakota; Wauconda Ibis veek. Occnîieu.lthe uplin luheb.Congre- Ramler Fisher, Waucanda and lira. Theus ollowing toachefs hîêe8 been gations1 cburcb Buudsy evening. Abbie filuz, Orayalake. Tisere are engaed o taciltheWauond selool Mr. I)Bal4on ofoak ark lat la i wety gradchildrtn andi four euggedt> eso te Wucoduaacuol tis lonîttOno! akPar, i tie reat grandebildren. lier beneliciai the cuming year. tMr. Audrewa, prin- guemt of ber moîher. lira. Doualtison fnfluence vil ho toit for msuy genara- : ipai; lilas -Jenule ireeti, Iuternsed late and i alter lira. Stevens Ibis veek. tions. l ilas E. ciruce, rluaf y. tMr. Doualdsou yl corne Saurdaj tiEROLUTIOOI>0F NYMPATHNV. 3 DeWitt'â Littlo Early iseras ercb sudi accompany hie vîfe home. WHtiBS aÂ,Il ha. been $bel vîli af Ibe remotial part. o1 the bowela andTi he District Chriatians Endeavot aur Divine anti blemd tiMater te close ,reosothie inspurities 5peetilly with .velovlb.etin1h a-h.ariY carseor ofOurt beioved no diComifort. They are fanionsafor £0iîightlor, lt ereB.e~tsrb 2tueir elfiese!. Easy to takre, nover gregatonil chnrcob Sturday liaillà* begliunuf hi.elisuvelj andi eterual grîpaeý . B. LOVELL Lbertyvile. A good pragttin la lu preparaîlen. Ail carer, whicis vo muetaaI laIe; tsore- Chniat-ianitpeopse areoi In explaînîng te ftarltY 1ri'uurliitret tr, 1ihutu, soitiChausîerîtilus Colle, miuIt tey consumn e i t rrotiir'ii ud Choiera ant i Darrhoe'a it3tneti>'for delisuirau. a OCisîriO Iiapeitt? ý,yeana, anti voulti ratiuer be OIut O -Tiera liltir romancelln re millu truitti",cotise atîri suigar thau t1h IsOd tîvu' Titeauthor-peet Whs vrote theuii cuelitn- bottIns ni it aeal.erday tr i Ireabiera dent Lifaet a Famer' vase t a Inlkin. taI culti go ne farîhen, andt tey are Thei man vhe milte the cote. tIre mnu hout vork &gain Ibis morulufi.-EL Il drives the tesson te the daitet. tisa men vhe pSggtpi, Plymnouth, Okliahoma. ýs yl bcad 1. tisa mon viso iantie it ln the crs. ho.seen by lthe above the tbreabers ndte min vIte tistnibate 1h ho the SOit, ers able ta keep on11villi their vork sunsens ail have te vorkl.ud vorl liard- villiauSl eang a Sinigle diys ltms. even tlieminu vitecoleet the irlla-soie- yen aoulti keep a bothie ut thia imai'- rernedyinl your b'orne. For sais by The many reaiera r! tise lwtssEEsnrNT F. B. LovELL, Libertyville, GIIÀTI§LAKE vlie amelea aposition 10 indus roin as- PHAItMACY, ,Itil' IsIIIE,- VaDhoe- periente viii agree tht tise al)ose la trua, and lNnY e! our ali, rendi liin:a dtiry fariner hlia snap' vo stisat tliey "tolete A Goot StalIon. nsu-f!ora day. If thy dent nut eli that Herse, No. 468, R. A. P. R.. Mtne nuIt iniimilsOur«usess. record 2:14, yl tand ah Libertyville. on a muI lares milk Ile sil-aissorilgne li a fine, hilg boras. Cal andi se feahure. "Alking hune" àJa a hctling i hl. Terras t insîf iive colt, $1». 1eried overy minaini and nîict tor in. Ovned hy C. A. At'tLBY. 28-4-p. voinanditboY. 1h la a.ierted b> .varions leae lse ari" laItishe cboluse dut <.dota a Of inh" o WS tuvahyCO a dat drives mone lad. fron taescenea et chlltheodtbali ail Otiser "pitimes' o1 tarin put toet.ier. -'lilklng OUme" Iegins at.3 e CILeIrli morulni. or ls guagot aecusrdnu tu nueuter oet iilccois sud oy fr te basilte ha careed te catchl the train. A "eilker" eaun inik te. cova an heurà pvi tiseeualves ara trakjtaie. Ai farmesria mau'a capahiiea are ratios 6*b lthle repuitalion hlia lliasa meiler, - a tenter in the Boston lpeau. Thomn masorminu the aregsu expertiand rutir tey eu atmulIt ty cov-u tutoie ut sIli la iîlh tiarts. But tir' gn,'rrtj age I.sbrkult ta onr A got "milIter-la asi)ulu(r 1ir-ry iei get every drop et mîltu frOîtr a '"rWrie î norder ttut ai!) rtis tiuui ceteitails a itigis "inliltter -lacer t .'Ow'is tutreti Showsa il lu varioce tforusa. tise ISo liuilOn-" a kîlînittid"t1nirtu mt"tr'latter sxpnt'culotr eetulaltii usvpoweter te reia luti3,011k. REAL ES1'ATE TRANSFER'i Furniabot by Lakte Couunly Title A Trust C( Abtract. a! Tille, Tities Outrail liasonle Temple Bldg. Wankegît LOUIS J. GURtteE. Stý Slaitidra t H. Put. DM Et-Aite & veto Jane il Brut abddrsA H@ as. die' elti 100 tIlotit l'li -J'2Hguluiu -q routi] nov ils horror," smye mai Park vd.ý , - . i nbdeg UrDet ian. ,0o!LevaUnna,0-1D ai Ereiîte vt he sB Hr- oig ltee yeara o! snleriiig ram kit- tie lot 4 bîl a iihianis Pach tl.. U« y'muble. I Vas hardjever Ires A H 8 Bu wa & w totJicilu sFratîLe[ #KM dlacsoa or alsute paies lu M lote btrl 'Il Lakesîde rîr l-riu mieL To aboop or lift mail sek pame p ain'1 1.11 ire<i. vomu out, ted abet »,%ti 0gis up, visen I began leiu ioeuru.kSt-Io Jfltr' jl0 MSe Eicetie ilts. ubut ix bottes Fra.eli1uie1 it. 1 it<,'tri tople&ely cureti me anti inade me feel BIentotr:rl,.- .... anvmati." Tieyreunivaet J SMIPnii & wtelteTrustee-us HIlrt :1. t aeuaetomacis, liven, kldneya t4-2 otstius2 a 3,14 t IJ ilj MPruLile lad bavels. Perfect satîisacion Ft Sieridae suis td-----------.. gMr»ateed by P. B. LoTElll Lberty- Hsirae! Lymnan Wii5ot cu to8vu Il !,q1 QEÂXàBLAIE PHRSAcT. OnlY 0 &DI' PWllnot o-  nue MÂ& t, 500. etexM ut % u&t92511 te 5-uv M li 'Career of Abraham> Lanucolo. Ie - 343-2tut H-Ire et Lymsan Wilmo.1tut Mar-y W An adoresa s y Joseph Choute, Am-. Benuiuehhe su ne bM uic5j % éu-r. 2tIi- bassador ta (reat Brtain, ounlise 1,2seoss '- .d.... olreet anti eharacler of Abraham CC cMras lu tel&& ailtUt H-rry Dii> Lincoîn i. oarly tife-isieariy rJ7, 80 ft ite th reusM,"5 s >!4er- truggess ils Ibe vori-bîs character tucorruiti asd.veilopeti ilise jeara o bis lita ant iebisadministratien, vhicb Tho.a Meade lu tette Hurt Bart pleti iseueehgis onulise vorîtia etriP30 I tst r. -, a-u' 1 & roll a! hpoer antifaane, bas bain tiiu 30fth vide lirro vw .ir M .' publihet bus lhe Chiscago, Mlauakee f04 i orsa rour.d & St. Paul RALilvay ant may be bl>b>' SE K &-uller u tM W tKnsutli mailing six i6) centa tu postage to t tf actd n lwa-O-s il ti -:1il P. A. huer, tleneral Passenger Agent, "îd-..-........... Olage, 111. Win H ester & nt to Jas. A lui" __________________________________ lt eIiir Vîllattu'oft liaisî vu) leire of LymuanuWihinot ri,'ciitir l.ti E Kitteittewu ne 5jnw tIiecôu- -Jan P Suuinelrlr l tr-i et tLal üA Itchîtrat & J:4, ru,- lot 6",l'I, r- fielut l'tirtL lu I A-ouiur., ir " r Mary E F ier n ' u ' SJBtiiaA fto inious ili prepel-t>' efWin H iiug luNViîruut. of Autlouh d. - ý ..... JaRner tu Mary J % ait l'ulLeuu-' 055- uttI dte Attlior- tar CJJtetoeo- MNeetue rud'.rl ~~r lot seounCrooleui Lak itsrun $3.o Hlats. i stlu. rinKelyIi- kruto >C j tri 4 se,.' -9& âd v M»b a i lliuery, Dry <3<od, SBiso, tta«dWeaanti Chiltreni Furnîshinga o v« e .ore aI lovait primea. %'. make a ipecialy o! ....IFNE DRESSMAKING.. COUME AND SEE US. MRS. PROTINE, participate. Lamt Baturdai evenitlg (GrayblARt C;amp ut Modern wootmen entertailset visitors from Lake 'ilii.t'O the oumbet io!. abutl IlIeen. Work on tise Int tiegres vas givOn', tbe Forester fron> Lakte Villa, dolng tise voek- t Ahoula dazen a ittlovaftOmhOme- attendethe .USnd anniveraaiy exercisea tu thie Christian ciurcli aI Anliocil. Speakera tritemWlscOn8 anud Chlga« v ers preleul andi dellvered atidreSe. The churcil Vas cravdeti. The floal tiecoratnllSebeautiiu. Tva m"e' quatemiesf uruaheti the msic . A Bnumber of the breibren tram be. ver. acouspaniet by their vives. The exorcise. ve@OuJoYabie. Montiay motulisg lu Waikegfl occurredt he marniage utflira.AUnle boy ta lise ine the uavlng COat visaieve a ig *Wb, But il fnrther Res& eireItabelgisior iiei'5a place lu Urayalake Camp, No. 1341, oannoI esiiy b. OUed, for ho va. ever Ialb!nld and grue, alwaja villing vhon- eer ýosmle %0 b..? issoreOfo l burden o! the. camp vork. ho il or Reeelred, TisaI acopj o!theereo- jasons ho sent 10 lise boreavetvitiote. a oopy b. publiabeti anti a caçuy ho aprelti upontheis camp records. A. W. RAIVIET, We l»h Sc10 lank li tise nelghbora anti fiens vbo mc kiudîy amsiaetiusç turing lise illno suantideali of otur dear huab..nd anti father. Mast. 0a0. BassaL ANI) CHILDRIVs. ItF of It Saved Hl@ Leg. Andersontu0]Ait. Clarence tsst..J ___ ylbas P. A.' Daforîli. o! LaGrauge, Ga. Botb Of lthe coutraclîtig partO ilere Ot llr'Epeec. shi uffered for six montifa wtb a frlght- veli andifvrbl 1v br h t thet fol ainngsure on(ts eg ut' te- lM M. Autin, a civil vil velerim, af that Buckli's Arnica Salve wholygro anglviinLi egbr nhstj Id wto .My If I the ui rediinti v~ e- hi;iFg r bt wies ot i i He n h rie vw unai ogtm i pt fg 0 vh ounda piles, it'î the beai salve lunlthe been bêe.for tile paitl Ove yeata. doctorsa treatment, but vas wboUjy s 'l venord. Cure guarauteed 0ulIY 25e Tbey wil malle iheux home for the cnred bj Dr. Klng'* New Lille Pilla, 900dSold leY . B. LOVELL, rLbenîyvîlle; pesIyî ln niars atvn bieh Vorketi venders for ber health." Il teGA aePRAIAC'r. poatwt dnadM adi-Tbey aivays do. Try thom. Ouly 251c (Irajiake theYlive 9aJ19119andi hAppy lite atF. B. ILI ,Liberlyvlle, GRAvS- nad -_------ -l ogeihet cati noibul b. tise viss o! îii LAKE PUERMÂcTr. e re PEOPLES' COLUMN. -ho k--ov Ilnme td i 0 -iilEHo." utn')1lt bel.iul tu H. OtBITU'ARY THE HOME GOLD CURE. e , .1' FWR 101,. iriturl,r fitl t 47.1.r BiLrOdli ,urtafr-raI Airreeut luiatil Mrijl,ltiLarty tirs. Sarab Fisher wvas hem lu Erie ruOr-vile. e-l. Co., Newi ork gliale, near B affala, Oct. An lnsnlous Triairrent by whlCb FURi SALE o1 itI N'i--n rî> h ' ari>3Drunkarda are Bains Cureu Daily o ~ In,) ,'.,.f t-r..l tir II,'ItiS.At the ago of seven lâse nSteoThm iv. .url"krieitiah ~rittE50',TOlî9' '2, ccompaniefl ber parents ta tise fruit- -,tiou. PO(ILTIIY BrIS lîi>ytitIir i' rtfui anti rolbing prairies af nortberu No NaxiauS o. o oknn 1.fine 13 for fil cti.A 1,-w jI't- tri) ,rr'î,.rNew ake ert'h$.tC lr. ard. Illnis, setling in thse lovu o!f au- of the Nerva&. A Plniaînt anci Arrit . t Je,-Oti. ilî.,- do..~ cuda Stc lvei mch ! îe lme Positive Cure for lhe r- OR SALI-I rLii't 11.r lt rd', gtî irmrig ullimn uLquoir Habit. tm rlr,Irr lirI..' l iiIh .' fin"ulir m rrl.iir,'c mo'.ll 'sut' liil'u.i.,'--twifer'-,ML),.uIr & 1e5 'M ils Sarah ParkerWvasUnuitedt e ii tr iuriylueua)rt) .trr or SE. b f- .1 io eleal in n tir. Josephi Flabter, the youug couple that druitîeunsmaiia dla,,ase andI sot weal r~1îil.l SiI.>> ire rte ir\..wl.-rrt usasA tbody Illiedtiisulon ilan î'e s,~ ~ ~ ý il'- l-a-liate ic-11 rmîlu fouudluig a bore neOa fai near avise.emltt ateati «jby proiruor eun-1 I h telle .1 Mrr.Fr.'ir'>i -'r. Lt,..îtVillI.*.1ler parente lîvetl. Truuaunuion wv a tni uee neisii îurr.îuri 25 i . itan antidote instable et neutraliz'ius snd Al_ blessiiil> .'isix .LL"trI611,ltW-.Of irr-irr'ir.atAI- .hisIlon anti detret lu Ite ntü 'Il z11Lb-I"""'rlî ede th otir oorvngfr n s etstt,,ff--m-t mas ulw preceed te niaiierlathe btter sun- tbainelveil ah hume' wtiilitt cuiklty 1 îrlandI. After 18> years of ,narried Ille, or le0t4etftIns renbîauaelu r.,îî u ur- ilrrtutlrrhetur ue i usbanti vas oalled avay, leaving beon terfeueti alter 0>507 saurdot dirS r,'u11r" --.. ...rWl'>,'> -.tîd y and tramaintfIinbriateo. Tac 3 l'au TO i. thei stii youtlitul vliow t0alIght lifes taitistul use aceerdinfi te direstierna et thl lu ;batlisaloune uduprotecteti, sv veywnderful dacover? 8 tosltiveiy guaran>ueti r0 1Li'L- , lr-rl'.irrlitsv jtoouerath e muobt0ligatsta sesDne atte? [cl,. yFrliriu i I.. irs0 MasIb9te comiort anti eîp o!Lier chilâren, bei lard adrinker. Our reordi show Ohe ~~ ~'~'>~-A - 1. i.' ttfg5t a.bt2 marsaoestranaferin of etthouaaudset t-'~tttheS io lurîrri e 'ut lIruiu'butîi2îuOn'drunkarda mie smoher. indatrieus aîad r .,.. ~ 111>,~, -J9 -l - tdii. Bravely a'nd yWe i i abe ear uprîgbt minu. ber littie lied ta grov up anti tauhbci-ususE r ATaISe I Titis rSiuiMd a li tciatic ileiîîlltisCureti After Uselul ant ichored nietbers a fo atat etttibtl ît'fertII-i societY. Wilîen ber jonngesi ciild pI rpârad tisat Itla tiseorecivl? IubItteaurd F ourt:e" en'ars of Sufinu. Iamwattotheti5te se that it'ait li gian ru, e,' wîb trs. Minz, vas fmarrled and veut satîu et tes or uoese vîthoutth" i iuov. -ýi1.v ben ltilctd wth elaie mdafothe 1trseti takinuit h. lOuatniaetf have u a iiulfirluted ttîasi5tlc"y&Vola ta lIse, tihe moller t el ilsber drukard8 have sursul thsaneivvîWit thiâ s roe,ala Ilre d u nia Dnmore lies Jiob Edgar, ot1(jermautovu, Cal. -l sud remaieui vlih ber visilo aelleen rd anu ai tneaeis i tON~ vs tlletu li- ir'uihrî nI opalnl ved, andi dnring aIl tboae i5 jean, havingst ' u- eltepoadlryM _ng iiîffetcd. 1,l t vri 'bhtgd oudmotier anti d.ughter vere ntfriands andt relatives villieut ituelr.lue.- heartifsuriai ruet t g uatod l hot letge I lte s (I r tes, anti believe tuid yati ia lin fsiltlttwmtebc îddseeaei îr utenu f ie atla bontinued dirlnugoettleir ow :l'hainbei laina Palu Bainti, i tee"lfr&ylngi ftm.t'he,yl flO OT WAIT. 1DBIL et ,dollcdoi 4-~ Ciauî sime inuetuely rilieveti ant inlua lho farmer a wat and affcds vere fry apparant ant i eteadiuîg "lus-îroinent'* shuort hume rureil, sud Isus bspîYtv 10aivays gladly udministerei l t tseDrive oct tlie tIsassie St sit ,- souditrr ail OYth int. Thea urM5 eot..u as' la soidth Ie as>thtuas.. nut mince rt.rutd.'Whydasugliter. Tise las& fev yeara lir&. extreinaly 1ev tunce oeedollar. tisuplacliiug iî1t1 lx, ot usethis Ilusent anti get l' iiIl ilrvsiny pss baî ui itnuanr,ssh ofeveryhotyi a treatimnttMorne lfor sala bisherF hiinLoeE pourLleerty- un i efeuIatta heirs cesting $28 teulW. Full y F.liB.u Decemor ofibetrty-r l dretions et(YOmsatiesdistiiukaSe- viell yiae i"utAitD61tAtri ouJ. MEof1-9 Eear tiedWeb? allieti tualcitasse rauteueiteti -ts l ltn u aelbe. àY J EILcûlisaetinluà thxaat trouble frouf vithout extra cl4rga. Sent Pmlul t u part et ths e r i on rellt îuen"dollar ibid se nevet reoveroal. but IAdtrega dept.-_EDWIN B. bitai graduaiy gra veak t nli an Tues- ICompÂSy.xt2M5antiU32iiMarket ftretit. Pla- ADJiUDICATIO.', 'tOTICE-i'Uu I, 'uli> day evejnîng A t 6&,delpie. AîI, te, ~glot iuut tir.- cuirir ,rI11 ieqityJAil isrrespendene trictiti confidentîi. lo, x o rrurranti T,.tuemelIutrt_____________________________________________ Joli. L'rrk. i- Mrer il îtattunI ti,'-Cousit> Court oftùLke Cîrulti naia 1,rm t tutru-utti hi,lulr'n rt thue Cr-i ),ct l it. In uilug W0 Iliîri - , Cr try on thi.. lirt RouriatiO et oi ..n-tt. ail. Who'rendul ite?., ailt Iereetui bat. uuand r r--tu t e turu'eiut ute t i d eeur t O îule lru i irl SLIi. tus7--4 Albus In 'Mid-Oceau . Is here and with it cornes rI-un the trin utIh oues.. r vilo hyOur cilcetles, jon are aubJect some more of Battershali's te tilsagreeshie resulis f rom irregular 1 un excessive diel. Dr. Caldwell% Low - S ~tvup Pepsin otfres postîveli 0cou- b lipaiti, Indigestion, alck iseadacse "ttui alomauih troiule. Solti by F. B. ertLovELun, Llberlyvillu;o. C. IloBBaTaleýHmuSas e oz ........... il Wtuconda, WILL KssiCuîa. Rockefeller; ~ Iuiilana upprdz.'g~ GracauOou......................... 4 5 10 b s Top NoreS....e...1..l.......................... linlsr u ca lltrI irVi lot.( utloelu iii. Ciii ii Jue Muri.e.iu llu Daï ut. 1" . tut- jo lut8iArusuitu'd'e ..Iu le. ' Pure breti Polauti China boira anti itr 5-i2teri - -- - oui tisuvao!fltfails caising. They are breti rigli tided rlght Aisa have Cure for Heavea. eggu for selings u0 Barreul Plymouths Rlock chickeps for sale. Rave a. fine A sure cure for ',beave" bhansesa flock as their ia lu lise deuuty ieadet tii a a French remedy sue iailby ltée f[ue exhIlttion irtia. £gga Wvisa "ymail in. WfilI cure any cs 1100 pet setlng o! 15. of ieavM il dîrseticua are follavt C. G. EMALL. For este by C. A. Ai;LZlbe ; lil. Pi fc-okflo.II SBrtukeis Ulet Cautiy. per lb .......... - $1,75 Ulite, al Fur.. . .. .. ... .. . . . à AIl eat Cakes ... ..... . . . .. . . . . .. (fnou Sets, per qh ... .. . . .. .. .. GeorgeBattershall, H" .inlii os liere iiîd i.ll esf ail the~1)11 lar styles of the geamolî togitlor withL înany, advaîîccstyl., 1)\W slîowîî for the first tiuw: ,ian aissoltillellt -' > J)lIrellelîHjvt. am t4> gratify nearly evel.,a4 at very Inodsfrate U)rie*tý Ican mpll yoil aîîy olîl k-iiIptt have some special. îîdîîeenem, WHEELER & WILSON AND "NEW HOME" MAKES. Can make Iower 'prices than others wiII iin..%* *flVA[]-I~ 5J4 lave just one bicycle Ieft and will seil it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. Grayslake - - - - - Illinois. Soue CIupYom fleed for Sprluo...** I bars Lenox SoaP for 1....... ..... 25c 12 . I " As2ad mascat ....5c ta' Mapie City ......-... 5 mt Lghtbiouft 25e 1t cana Sveeui Corn varranteti........ 25ý. z c si Iao c itie , t'ru in . .. . .. . .. .. . .2 C Cb<île.- Apricoth.. ... . .. . .. 8 Canned Goada of ait Kai",. Try our Shoes. We have a goood stock-good wearers and good style. Also a good stock of Clothmng- Hats and Caps, Underwear, Overails, Ladies' and Children's Dresses, etc. X Ail Goada SoId at a Soeal Profit A e Satisfaem ou uratied % * e W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake - - Illinois. -ROYAL ROBIN, 34320. Sîret Iltobil. mun ot Aitil: 2-YotI-Oiti ir'Ortl2:-8a Axtaîl. 'record 2-hi; irs ut EIIurss. C'2 tr l tr,,y'lIl ou..' r.,.i 2-- iI:124 Margut-ite A.. 2Euhý; Axinre.:iii; Axtulstl..215Â. As u,trr>- tiy.d. AO 't. :181;Er lul-i. 2:1eM; Acta Teil. 2:16ti; ut ethera lit 2:'40 it dain. NeokiauSeb#' Prncseps.eiaiMr;ir.,tuMrm of' er'r ,t".il'ritue-s. 2;i5io buelpIt.215M1 Star Priureffl. 2:6Ut; Goearu. :17'-j; 4 lu rît1t t', .3-r tiidIr.s',etMit.rinrrlî. u, 2-us; Prince Berolel. 2:13: haihiaitrl.2:13,4, --tt.. .', 2d dam. HumnnnBird. algter teJliuh.'Ci.>y Gi'ti"Vitut-,,i. 19.'!rrr2:22. 'rir of H a r t W i ik e s . 2 : 1 ; a t t dt 8u s o t i t r , i n (tÀr 2 a n tî u g - i u r uS i th: 1 . ru t r, -r i iiîr 'u t ROYAL ROBIN. foalat >1@9.lma a anule-ostirrr vhr-l ilr. i trtrçou ict ttr I -et iluui. Ilîr stands tu-s3landa bigli ant i vllvt'Igit ieuilsai r- uur ?i.SVtî,u t stiiie Ris botd iînos armetfteeht-chas vii ha sssu rutctfim îti'ut tuatoiîgti-u,. FIaI h.' ilil beget Barseti.elitales eait sut andgrantdilroi utultes. tie- noru i tt. as ha net oui>' Initeits bai peistisses th8titai. tiltîtu au u ulltr Ail mares ruaihunit frai until Jîtîti i. A001utusutaoressuiu titua ul. tthieîu lin tu attend regîttar. mevinitte!olte utry. or otiî'piti6crut[ uari îrutf.'IIýýi'r i&true. Rol iRobin won bitte rîblion ah Lake Coîtaty Autniitturtil idiu lac. TERMS: lia.oo ta tuture. J. M. BRADLEY, Rondout «- -Illinois. On 0. M. & et. P. Ry., 32 mllea train hicao. Êatin rigisi ai alalln I)id yo Now,, let yol We L La i 1 lý ýf ýN,, Loms Time.

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