Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 May 1901, p. 5

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l)id you EVR gt it?, If you THOUGIT îti. lilî yîîu iot find l oit eveTy tilE' that yoIL wl-leI iîý-î1 NOW, w(-'l ntwjsh ,t,> expose alîy pariil lar sîlietiie, bUt iaY tiis only '11 a geltcI'il <\ý3> a.i% jet you, draw youlr owîîl f.rîie We Miave -5onetliifg to Offer. ~>îetluîi G()<)>,and at a ver.N -î-,îa l ije several îl:iv-i go wf.1 reeivFliil3a (J11'eBig -30 Fieîlr.%v'lii i akffl lWtt'r hî-l'etI 311 liu loaves tiro a ktiîai aliy <tier mi if ' îîrkvt. Biy il i-a-k on în < 111r %vauit llief ITRiGUS & TAYLoRm LibertyviIe, Illinois. Crescelit Sterling eBICYCLES.... LaledeWetmnse )lfl Sh i ,i lia. rîî i lîî. ai, al-.iî ll 11I ' f iii 3lui, -,î îl.v r.< IIlhif Ill, i 11,îIl tir, ilîS roi, r' i il l'% iil, é 3f3 Il kî . i,.' c îi < h a e -Iil 'I I Seul il11l5 -Ad. 1 PIANOS WATCIIES C.R.SH-ERMAN9 <Y * -~ '~. ç 4eelme Don"].u 1etui cf ybe Ch PICICED U HER ANDlri -R ioh b er uephCwv, Cinon O. Webb, 4 LcalIte s o Inerst o Lberyvile oaers Il graduated Tun. Loca Itms o 1 terst t Liertvlll Rei 9 AIl recorda for droulh lu th1e uontil or April for many Y-@rmbave been broken by tb, Pest mouth and noie"n ___________copions raine lai] 1he conueeok C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. grealt danger wiii regult tu 1the agri- I)ec 23,£90, at.2:1 I.ID.cultural interesta of the stage. AI- in Effect Sunday, D 3 90,e 20 -thongh gener&llY uppoed 10 1e a month 0o!train storms, lema than ona- TO CH-ICAGO. FROM CHrICAGO- hall inch of train ban fallen. AprI] WEEK 0565. vI lAsa - aoyer avalled but 11111e 10 briug Deriart Fr00' New 0.001. Arrive at New Oevot. 2 ýl-forth flouera Ibis year. No Vf,.... :x1a i. N . .... ... .......... M*îs . . ayor Fredorick Fluer, of Wauike- le 5' J.tu 1 ..... 9.U .NDÂy . 5 .M gang bus begun bis okfreemn N, i. oc i 'v5'.33 4 'ai.,.m. the town from tbe vide open tenres N, 1 No 117... ... .......... iaP. rM. ubieh bave grovnuUp ID the lust feu NV 14 ...... i.CAoG1O1...F RO M CH IIUA C y55fl. Wadfles"afour ma00o2a vere ,r CICAGO. ss ay, e.d and Iwo policeman vere dis- D.ioat Fr00' Old DePt. Arrive at OId DePOt ted. ocethe aeoeritay.A biselda N,13r,-àa. Mru 1 l ... ........... 0 5p . .uguration on Mondai night be re- 1 14, 6 P. M.fusaied fayor tbe rftimig of the ~ ;~.6.... 2 0 . 41... .. à10 lav&&urye m $400tgo.$A,0414) kY lig all&HT. wAT PRaIGur A pecial train pasmed tbrougb Lib- Deart From Oid DePOt. Oevart From Old Deliot. erlyvufle Wednesdai on board of!hc N î is'13îî, 1 I .No. s*Weut Bound ........ i u . m. ere the president, auperinlendent, generlai uprintaudent, grain mauter, No. soi and 192 wlll carry passengera between Rtoadout sand Solon f1lla. miaut general manager and tramIc manager os the St. Paul rouîd, on a trip o! inspection over th1e uev divisionh. Mi88 May iioyt, Of Chicago, la visât- IeuvFoi Lake Une of the Mil--0Onelsof hie officiels intimatedi tat iligli the bomne of lber fatber yaneelad8S. Paul rond wcIliha for- bntenwdvso aoee o Mrm. Wmn. Warorîd vimited vitb MrM. mally opeued for bnaifl e i.; Sih. buten te nieu divisionis obae $Tor 1,00 Ilifikit i Edgeiîrook last veet. Johni Astini. Br. sta5ted Wednesd*7 service gretly uperior t1 ihat ai- bl ras Loiise jeter lm home from on athreeaveeks' *lit Ivth relatives fardadit lutaum.Mer, vhich ue vere tu- Eý,vilston, citeriig v. 1111the lrrimpe. lu Jefferson Park, BarriDgt0oiis'litChi- ciued te conider 9.good enugh." M. ilauloli and lfendîT mottd l to CR50. thie Wrightbtlouse ou i relberd street Mica Augle fease, of Ar-î,la, III., Oridiey ln Chosen. Iis lweek. returued te hor home TnemîiaY efler a5 (). N. G(iley vas appouted Oo11111 lIns Sevey moherut niSeaeyf ew desviit wl ier belmiter, Mrs, F. Treaurer by lbe Board of Supervimors mîîv e lot Ibe oher rsoffn 6aO,* ilLoveli. at a alpecial meetiug held Thurmday, mto e ltYio thelrcer sreet TorM- W. C. Triggm and mother moved t10lit, the vacancy occsioued by th1e iev Iblineo ocadRtetT es- i.r bousehold affecta Nl;eduemday deatb of j. M. Foute. Witle these- r.Dov.le ban eugaged 11e Audi- into tornemm tbfy Ino OOC it33C(harles lion vas unanime»s, h waa8so bcause Ilrl3uiCicego for rmeetings iîegîn- Taylor's bonne. il wvauenhou u»16»seil uould b. 10 irgiimeuE!ber and listing III May Mrt. B. B. Webb ratiuYflli 1 the Oppose Mr. G.ily u lliuh11 lolin heien emoved f ront Diainond village lasivineis, aller materai mouIlle hlm, thay neverîbaleal exerted .very Lake ito 1tue boue 1ereceutly pur-speut vith tva sona ln Montana. effort 10 get ome one ln the filid Who ehasoîýl of Mrs. J. Sauinier, onl Mit-sou- Mrs. C. Vuille sud iamilly re. vonld mceuftulii opposa hlm. Fait- kee avenuie, 1 uesday. nsoved 1go .Ohifflo him veek ing. thai "gave uP" sud uhan the 5 1' <nemerandvil, ub bae vere Mr. Vaille ia amployed. Mima mattez came Up for decialon Mr. (Grils- rSiîie.d îu e 1ad w1e, ybaenBlanchereaaigned har positîonulun1the leya nDame ivas the ouly one propo&ad. reie nLlhertyville th as eaFair store and scoompaOietliem. It Ja bliaved a apecial eleaction te eIrt Stiuday for Old Wine, la., ubere aentc a Conntî Treunrer for tha unes- tbey ilii maire thair borne witb their The Rrimary rouili luaOur mebool bas plredsuam il b. oaed inJuly. Just SOLI beau elosed this wee5k Owlug t0 Ill- vby it im postpoiied until o lage a date 1Ifie Epwotb ,Lengue vi i gve ,Dnmsof the tenables, Misn ltoblwinsOn,'la nt ar, as it vas ganarally ax- musical test social Friday aveuing (3tu. vho las aufflann<vith Iu sii i.. heeed il vonld be caltaitlun the course nigbt, aith1e Methiodist parauuage. la rapldidli reo"Ovrmg, bowvea. oftrydes Fruit wll be served. Everyboly N. P. Hsstings, 0f1liortou, la, la cume and bave a good time. viting former iake Oaunty relativesm Menace to Dairy bIterest.. The inter (ocen viliigiva anothar and friands ln Ibis lacaiItY lter an Epiiug 10 an iuqnlny ou A. C. - of tibote iln f ounueson Art pîcturea abence of sveal years. Mr. Hatinge S 01nofWauconda, lieprmaeulatlve .liii eil ilîîo's Inir DOre. hSet conuctedl a farn geai Diamoud Lake B. D. Shurtiaif, vrote ast follova: saîuiileni olîtî,ilc.lun1the eariy dais. He le a brthe-lu.--l b ave te Inform yoD 111a1 the Stage 1 i 1e tirât -turibîpaf'il, be ovned by lew o f rm.Samuel Uallocay. Board of LIva Stock Commimalonera ,,îy ofouctizoe areîLe property of are vorkinfi for a stage appropriation G l'orge a""d1 ,r'n Wright. Eacb bave Th ouug Menaà Dancing Club of $75,000 per annu, t10lieused 'for o-,coPleýt, vithi rulientires, etc givea th1e la& of a mrlies of Iheir poilu- ui nlt tey aro sgeili.- Wboii 10110loJar parties in the Town Hall touight. n atwt thepDXoBe eslndlnfdtat. I vît.Lt every lady attending bring au n gae ith e tubercl test. I MîliY nglî thie uew board bottin apron sud nctktie, both o1f the1e ma itstii *Mount, or th1e larger part Ihereof, gondsa, sd bellp 10,maeth 1e avuana lis ir-t iii dinag, ai wicb tme plieni- îl g aces hey vit! tuin tha dairy luteramia of - dot 53 edo ciii 1rîbably aunounce *oin'aceanorthamu Illiflota. Lii,~îi,i iujiO fo'r village manabal lu the arrangement oîf committeesn i as u0poeed tbey are asking and awlitreet cîîmmi.anller end village asun uouuced by Cbsraliu StOvens, Of vorking for thia vith h. fun l kov- tr, ~tirer. the Board of Supeni'isorm, W. E. Mller îadge or Qovamnol' Tatas fùr as yet ha ir. i Ms JbîîMatoCt, ~CbJeismade chairmant of the printing sud bua akenunostep 10stopthomI. The JOL îI] à10Labtsîlle 10 sotatlonery conirnittee and la a moumber la not a practical lire stock breeder a,,îîd îLae cusiner iber11e lat te,'mof the commit4ae on mettiomlaflî vlth opeu Ibis board, asi1t1e lav requirea spontie lrs elcu l eiatter.a the circuit clark and aberl! sund the &Il ahould lb.. I eUlemtli roquant Jon mohrMm HlnPenmn.M.commlttae on châtaiis, t. bave the peuple of îour section, M.cîl e ery ro r i:i bssiers in Iet utthr0f bose irautîfuli photo uWie aud lelegrapb 1te(Jovernor Vatee. cievenEtchinga witb nexit usday's R.cord- 10 stop 1h18 board front asking or ilerald. Boa simple lit poat-Office. securng ug an appropriation for Ibis D)r sui irs. Wi. McQuilg, of Chi- Tbe Ibîrd quarterly confereuc of parpios, Rastg las nonsensical'fad' and rago, came il, Lîbertyvîlie leut Salur- tha Libertiviile church iu thse banda of the preanet board viii day. [lie ioctor relarued 10 11e cty vilii 1e beld utaI Danid Lake Satur- rtun the daryIintereas of our State' Morîdey mintg, but Mrs. McQu&ig day, May tth ai 2 iil' P. m. Il la The aboya latter confirme fur bella! snd son Macolm viii pend 1the emm- .leslrad that reporta ciii hae ready and Eppreaaed editorialîinlu bIisuethat nmer cib ber parents, Mn. and lire. MuaI as many as possible vîli drive go farmarmeboutid seudi s proteat 10o(30v. i. . Curchill. Diamond Lke. Communion service YTls. Lai Ibere b. Do day lu the If one i18111 î îdge iry tie imounî it v iii ha belid the ololuig moring, malter. Every sncb letter t0 the gravrI saiîbis8laily biuhil up the Dr. Mandavilie ofliciotiiig. Th1e Love Goraruor lbas its lufiluanu sud lm- hu, be st. laul comparîy ln cou- Fast vii taie place atil 45. medlate action on part of dairyman eh tilcîîug a a1, rîad bed on Ibeir Carda bave beeu isied bY lMr. aud may hao11e Insane of averting thia l0ev extensiîîii. SigLI sud day long arm. Fletcher Clark auuouncing the proposadtuLlaI legialatIOn- train lîîads paâtbrotîgbi Libertyvilie marriage of tueur dugliter Metie 10 for unecontbe roadbed wSt of Fox Lake. Adolpb IM Ballany 10 lake place ut SCHOOL NOTES. Frank fiiyer'm beerirîg cas again bigh noue, Wednasday, Mtay 11h. Mr. Tbe amtoool odai tant Frlday vas Pohleluoi 1uesday oving 10 liarebal Befani ig a Y011ug9man but 11111e veil appIrecadby ail o! the acholar&.'~ Fre-,îimans'. uability 10 ha present. îî kuowu lu Libertyville, lat hy ailwvbo 1The touchera visiait dYaie and Chi- j ii sîî latted for Stodiinsday, May 611. have made ibis acuiaintaisOe la ighli cago City Normal @cboola last Frlday. j ir. t'rebmaels îiprovlsig rapidy, in eteemed. He traveld for the H. E. MissClarke, atlndergartenl toacher j fît 15 able 10 o eabout theastreeta DrioeaC(ompany, cîger manufacturera, o! Iborpe Sebool, o! Chicago, visitadt agal15, but tLe ridle 10 Wukegau vas of 89. Paul, ilo., bâvilig beau con- Our edhool 1mat Wedadai- .,c.i<cîlt'y bis physicien. uected vils that couvera foreversi 2ulss iraCist, îf avuoleyearmsud bas attaiucd a lucrative Mima Florence Ballard racelved th1e coesClarkW d Las v aîsll Ii eetposition lu Ibeir emiîloY. The yoong bîgbast mark vhicb vas 100on 1the 'p'it fw dyn vaatin hiswek popl mt ayer ao wenho asfinal ttoguinPbysicaî Qeography. iitb Mise Alice Lîcteand other Liber-.peoie"mtbouean go ven le va tyil riendefi. Miss Clarke la a br ou a viil ho bis vîusln, lira. Win. An arithmatihcisbabauoa- YSterenson, 11cmeir î1(uit&uca cul. lzad.1The daIsis lanov truggling kidergartenen ut iiiiuilei ahllity aud mîuatlng haplully as uted. Tbay ex« vll.b probleme taliou from 5New York qu.îliticatiois, and litsabe ln e for- peut 10 spend 1the sîifller menthe Stage teechars ezsmluàtioDl. mer Lbertyvîlia residaut. ber many wt eaie nwttr tgssd Tepori hc a ebv fnliîids bore are pieaeld t0 learu of lbrltvsu etr ltasu 1eporu bc a ohv bier suCCClî5 itu ber chosali cok. ill iebaetIhome t10 ibeir friande AugusI beau renderad 1lut Frida vas da- lut, lu Lihertyvillle, ayed hacausa o! tbe bolidai, and vas lieu. Dliiilon, eiecied constable at A. M. Eutcbliuson, bo <ied atItor given lust Tueod&Yiafternoon. AnaMier the relent toavo election, faled 10 ' l, prl2t o pplx u program, lU ib. givan hi section B quaify vdnl o agfrteiinazI Friday aflernoon, May 101h. officSe. Coiieqeîiitty DannIs Lîmberry brought te LibertyiVifi 3 brle funerai servceswer beli Snda, te lcalViallore invlled. wiii serve until Bsncb lime asilbis euc- srie eabl ud~,11 oa ____ ceesn iseleced lu Other Word@ lodge0f lisons attendiug lu a bod0t. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ -eusviOnllill heofc t"Mri'Ht-isO a v 11Naice tel U$s e Q ~ Q e Celi w i fl B( U I' -eîle of the thîiligs yoil wanit i 145. Dlrilig hoise- îleaîîingiigyîll ieeil some of the foilowiîig. car"et, 011 £Ioths, Lurtailustrtcbes, Rais, Dor Mats, LArm $*mmper, ÇApes Daturs, Lurtaiu Polts aud ylxsurs, Lact Lurtfilts nau4 .to4tse sheets. Wt variety at just theiice yoih waîît te pay. We inivite yelîr eare'fiil ispîect1in.- Set-elir îîew lit-eof Ire-s-s ols for Sprmng anîd Suimmer wear. Sec (111F îîehy lhue of S'i Bonnet$. Almsuse our îîew Sum- mer Hats andu Capst-ihust ini. let lis show you the latest things in I)ress, Medium anmd Work shoesl. The bt-st to he. lîad. Guaranteedi. j' -J SU Boulets t Ladies' Stîn Bonnets, made * THE F Libertyville- - - Illinois.J Best Ice Cream to be had anywhere at any cost .... SLibertyville ~. LOVEIL Milnois. DJDIJATION NOTIOE-PiblS ilotiqe, BENJ. Il. MILLER- Atbeeay ADis herets given that th1e sti5mcrlher. Ad- UIAINNOTCE-Publi rî. ii attend the COUnhY Court o xuoso!1 Lst i iiau: LisCi, ater.m theneof 101bc hoiden 1 J Dvis ofîhe Asa4.v U etthe ou use lu Wiutu gau l ad JG'4iPh Couuty. Oun1the irat Mondar rJiy o u ntr C. . Oh oL0 .itheCor mis. when sud cliva ail pereona h&V r tiino oh oilna 1eOt oiime anst asald satam is otedand Wîtg'. lu îCi5. ou M for aîbau call on. r errc s sn sia m aa l e~ f JOHN L. RODR. Admioierrator. reuoll foudrqatdW W sîîte d a[ , A p n th ine si-il IlC o u ' O s i o rt l i at-5 ' j, Waeculci o! lIprL551*1T. 1901.B Lot. For Sale. of JosephJ3.Devis. ieNWd 11143 eet on Tirai etreet sud Hurlhut WaeutemuL. la..Api .aes Court. Bat teImI. 21-tf-d 1~ a f rom extra heavy fast colored Percale iii Black ani Red, witiî white stitching; well made anîd wci lannudered. This grade iisually retails for 315c; we wilI mtake the specialiy low prive, whlie thislo bt hasts. of moc- We Can Beat Them Ail when it cornes to Cerpets that's why we sell more than the others. Bod.y Br11î--' 954. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .0 lîigrai ns. .. ... . .. . . ... .. . 30C XVr.lî; s r ' îotlîîigin- 'li traw M Nattiiîg- See Our Wall Paper before buying. W î-aî(..[Il e xîi fîoî i 21 to 41) plrc-i . ' ,Snîith & Davis, DEALERS IN Gultral lferbafldiSt. Libertyville - - - Illinois for ist- We icoiigit tiieill mîg it(îîl lit- prives wxil Riirslrirsp . . . . . . . . . Stearns ICE CRÉAM MA. Lovell always has it J ._ hand ln ali popular flavors. iý Ç.O q fè JEWELR' d 2:22. iro fv, W,, Ky. doult. am >Ikrtt.,. fat]- Illinois. Libertyville B. LOVM

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