y.m 'We handie the John Deere and Brad>ley walkiiîg riding plows and fiv'e styles of corîî plaîiters at from i$2000 up. Six styles Of eîltivators f rîcu $12 îp. Steel Lever tlarrows. Scbatick Brotbers, Illinois.1 Do You Ralize Un The advantaRe a telephone would be? You can talk- withî~'~ the folowing subscribers, and new 'phones are being put in 'i daily. t coste but a few cete a day. Besides we cati T Rive ail our subscribers direct connection with the Chicago mi Telephone Compa.ny. eveni Ton laths.addrE I.IBETTVILLE GIIAYSLARE DIAMOliD LARE PIIAIBIE IEW GILM.EM OTRNER LONG GIIOVE oue& ILUe.xhaue e I ,T ldre .I)ll.E . ýResnls- 1 L.. &Reo F.t g, k C.B F e ry Ooos &OLacsles .E.U. HFU CA. ApmeyîiaSup - notCa. R oArne,,P aL, hliR ice * o aeenei asc W TP.(Gagea L.kej ROCKEFELLER IAALF DAY DRUICE LAKE M .aoun. Paul A lI IVt- 26. Minjer. tteaî H 23 St&aord.R a1w.ttr-sId.'ur' i ifmgg ATylor I.mr-oern-uAit M-mIe 27 Trifra.Os 3. T.yio, .J1. lR--ta t9 'lrh . = orlWe Meat Marlet i. Weua's ',%uul.aaïr 121. Weser5ieidJH H "e,--e Oruysake Exchange. 6: Acur A C- (Hluri . liet oc11 O Shrasai. EH lI-u~nîtaj 31 sIen-mriE HBj l'yr S .l .fi .Hlt.trnr 4 Wùlhu Laraeri loiirr u RocitefeilleExehuage. I<alge 5111 M ..age- Eaiang'e 31. Route rlu't Seat àMarkt 32, H-rdeua.(sec Hte *r hiformation, rates, etc., write-.-ý CONTRACI DEPARTMENT, LoveI's Drug Store, Libertyville. Illinois. I.cw Prime arc not Bargains Unkess Qlit is there We combine them. ml syl.-Mens HSock, 7ce b 25c. I~s.SS ZS.51.0. Z.0. lens Fine lIibiasoc0e 10$1.00. Tecks snd Four-la- Mens W,,rk Sirts ....35c 10 83c. ..............Scte (k.Ovemulils............ 50ç 10 $1.00 M. s.?J t- 53.00. Mens msud Boys' nderwesa DO Bhe .......... 98c te $1.73. Xe's Li-en Coihrs 13c 2 fur Z. Md B 1> Ckiz& maag. M en uloÎci Colimas .5 and loc. l~'o e....1.13, 2.0 M. ,33c. L&dir-s Btlts 15, 253,30, soc. ~fldteas Roe 1, 5. s fBlt BnckîenA udj ibbou jes U» 0 11&ub, nd huren«sFsncy Percales.... 8. 10, 12e.yd Jf5f.Calicoet.............. 5 6, 7c à yd. IL cd mourment of Lad-k-' and Ladieés sud Cbildren's Sions. The Db@m*aS .0w liai. rigiat 'tylsà at 11e rlgh: prices. V* afl pdor Sshlausies, Lace Omibàn4, Bugs I v. sau Carpeasby &le andi Bve F«u Mouaj. Waah Mach-ines, b-eviung MahIdnes, Oasp.t Bveepr, Broozas. Paint& sud Oflt, Gardon ant i bt-d beede, Banh 'ire, Poullry S1etbîng, Soven stock Teucing, %14 bcd lierrovs, Punaps, bIsirles sari Bicycle Bondries. V. SAUER &SON, DEALCAS IN Aoc ~ fiwi or'. *IU uI mvauii4 lUloous. 0/7wRIûLlT BROTIERNÇ rffns, Buggies Luber1Dters, âà VehIcles of Ufltril agad kinda I. . . .e. £mmi, sait, a&W 1eed, Wet soukit your pat. rornage a andgri lt «i etit hienCt. tu ru 1, flfIJ -UhIis r,ýr WIGHTli DIOTIIERSwoI au Xmabimuk luployelby Bd. NM[4114a 614.a Cramer ia building aunsaddition UmIssTMie Luebbe lasnoV lu the, dweUlug. smPlDYOyfc EgM eikie. W. L. BAch la having thte Interior Miss Ali SBmilth netsta home test bouse rpapered. SaturdaY SandlSueday. îer set of Puplîs lReading Circle Mr. Neti Mason, of GagiesrLake. Vas hum ieuordersd. un lvaboa calier Sîrriday. su1 Mnm. Irving lPayne are visit- Mr8. F. 8. Dolpb ha@ ireen oun1the tu E. (. Payne tit Wee'k. sick liât for 1the lasut ewdays. L.lote bat mnovrd it,, Lis Mr. H. 0. Payne,of Fort Hill Vwu au .lltiug Ou Itill Ml a ide. Ivau boe r-aller ane day lust wesk. and lb utFraî,k 'lThomas cinler. Mime HattesPayne lias be viaiting relativues fu,0 r 110.50 0r ilu walliregsnla 1eV days rceeuly. y ~John Hirouiraus uant 10ohîsaengo Luik, tIn geuilI crk and 1polît lnt Monday la vieil for s few daye. .erreLary, 01 liaiitloe, Wra i U -1l'1- ev. D. C. Duttîîu, of Wsucouda, .er. 1oau aIvanhos visiter last Moudsy. Chais. Liidr-lnauî,. IO Chicaigo, ' r' lire vcry glatu report lMr. John trou tLil .'u-i loklug aller Meilild as gainlug et prasent vritlng. erým,. - Mr. Soott, of ltse Me Oormiok .IKinrgabison111Ottoî look a SiuarY I11usd lhe pulpit lant Bund-up. c lui t, lkeen u il Messrs. Albers Snyoler and Ray hic sera. ielîs wsrs Wauc,,udri vJsîlors tant J. J. Marsaal, oi Chicago, Vr'5it uy. ilni er1prm iil eek . l c. MitI l idmeister, of Chicago, vau teacrl usr 101 lIetlt. tire- guest cf ber signer andi farnily lest lillie Mitchell, oho liats u fiuay. iuà glas wIIerdrove III)10 ýr grailo muitilerlhuitlItek. Owlng te differeuce of opinion in rgrtefuurse Manage-ment I. C. C. ing of l,apri)ve-Ints the Wr. y ý M basdiabantist .ursy Comupany ldliaviug otîr îilttd 01 laoîirw se ItuV.d. NMre. Averill eîurrîed tfalier home last Saturdap. lrrr mngler encolla- Euruluger and daugitters are palîi'd 11cr for a short visit. r'ct, tue B atel l'y ic. lste tsDocker arrivet bomne lutI beu SîTiiday, afler bavlng speel 1the vAnter Cookloca agnt fr th De r itil bi-r sont An South Evausîn. rv5tistrsuad rouert. td quite hirrd. TbornasVan Horn and daugliter, Liswe.Yuur patrlonagelalm'Palatine, vers guetta of irs . M.D. iiil welek. 1 Wells sud famnily a itru days tast week. uliyiàlbrm lia Mcty- NI. William Ehuluger antifarnlly, r.No \'on ' ls, rlururrd of Waucouda, apenî test Suuday vIsi- hiome Nov yolnl uay k,î,vw Witt) bis nalther aud famlly, of Ihis ltordis ,-cebtfallei,. place. i,,le, (f Paliltine,Whid Mca. Bensitnger, if WadsworU.î, la lie ,Lue01nir1e betit judgea 01 il a ceaident ot Our village. We esiii tu ite eoîînly sas lu nur understanti chat the luatentis 10 open a à eu, thuya tits week. store lu the Bntir futurs. Canlrou, of Chicago, vas th1e 111e olti adage, --Ali thîng@ came to Mrit. J. E. Holcon ltest Tues thexu chat watt" If thep vail long er ilaugiter haratu d frieuti enongb> Is centaîuly very Ire. Mo i sptudluig 1the week with MrIs.about chat- ? b. Titere ba been soins Wsk of lie Rlondeasa uverything in file '&outt bavlug a regular nid fashionati laucy or laffle grocerles gou &YfParty 1the 151h. Thers bus baen every vîrut i lu t litre. Hiâ uutbing of chtIkîni for somes lime, 8 eil eelectea anid nuly lte sud Itlihas tison apoken of by quit. a god- n.1ufscr-t-îlar, unniitier as bsing -just Ihe 11115.' r,, Whitl la tunderstooti of course la chat Lickeelle mchui Wil h esea tactins gel dovn utinhi& pocket andi ,,rkeellr r-1~fl viiiltlt ~try andIlMalté It an avent is&at ibe I i itervice aut1the Ciurcilthe 0otht rogener n. o del nt î,(Jfle Itîi of May . . p hve beruade as jet. il il f LIbertyville, vii dchverlte lueavosblausome air la tusAli t .Mheurilers of 1tue r;. &. it. nmter men t inte u y uvitelli tter J. Brinler. fA'NorthtBrookr, Wiat id ltse ratier vîit Ithe COn- ly luietuffcred oitb uiles Çfor gregalloul ehureh aoclety! We are rar. lie trled many reutedien geîtlug so terribly parîlcuilar chtIil pesutîl ,,until 11e utrd DeWit'é a insus@ Countlenauce tan't hantisomres fazel Salve aud Ihal quickly hae tAs alpy "turned dovu." No mat, niM F. Il. Loveil, Libertyville ter bow goot aispeaker lie rnay lieif lha id nOl rices looklg vs dont Vaut hlm. tl 111 wsut If auytblug 'a f'e liaI iii, accordlng 10 sorne people-@ il leIlfro,il taJ. Il kcrourai-Ides HSomesof us aeern t0 lhink chat O beru y, vatà beyleedf et, re r-au soeurs sortalone vho inb lrtis, coin andi osta. aluî tir1e capable of tirawieg a IVo Ibousaudti tid î,f tlinr.building malel dollar salary ta coine bers Aise, tbey un baud. Everythtng of t11e are mizslaken. It la gettig very jute s dUcy, and prîcea neasonable. ilutheb&ssor) for unstelhe feeling auj p itizeri, aoulti ses cbat lthe longer. Let'e@stgle doVu te butinue»sii sa are lixed ams soon amr possible, and try andi gel soune on@e l cornesud j tuan11 plaît s tfivy are 'uifs ltiilt e plpit perrnuenîly, 9leh aIl ,il %Vînt it re ii' ttgîîing 1,1.do uelesliueds for us 10 be Vastlug lime tIîa4r-l lîrauti, îtîg aud nu suad mouey andi caudidtiug aIl] of the th,' vîli ige I t'a arornd t fune. fiseem se lhough chatclines f tiieir 14 î,ot unruulintireth51moutls ,limae ought tae11e nough fort du. ns t0 select somooecne. 111cer a sîtuere 1,l,W Igo liome 1The folluviughUes are dadisatete t Il1 s oileu ui.mî,Utved Propccty Oflc ae Iienti sud ciien, Mr Petear à nies outitre 1ludotis bu on l'avine er Wî,ck, bctuglug bit dînner lui, sou v .. Cap the ,chiUa ýY d liI,'l-I roilits ouvu, g . aAkt ft] o rislyrr. l th,,, at,, ', o irr orîlu hast ftIn, al i remuants "f ")' ..lu o- " -, n i-,'r 1,, I t h sac .r'elIn,' i T. Li- th) ,,ltoil uerîgay tai iclrlî,' 1 <'t e <uOnttin i., - wJc-t-îr.'Ms vîtiîstIhuarùtý I laI,. al-avî cI atlr'to iloîte --c",uh o's, tr h.,, kn-'s Illit, 't. 1A Xhtihil; gouss i ,- nci tte".r't,...î ruî,nro final i ,st. s 1iron ,rl g I"l- trusar,-, Iallî.j îî-,"i,, lai,-forri Il, lail, ra grrral ,lalietiI îaof a tIarrI-tl dil*1lu, M ccornI ~~ if I l'1r'- ittouid t,,' ron,î, an'd i'1lr-.t,ri t 8',srreut-,0t'rhw Tl,îîo- oi11 od tra,, o l,' 1s'il 010. Ili 1, -Ii1,1 tur,'l Ire Wcx I 0 ll inu, t hon , r ir-cî igi 100ev'uii4- pî~..iîIlitr-u i y' ti frr.at n.d yod.tesky, lt tt, ,itudi 1' tîi uir , . .îrtt Mu1 a I .1I r l 'iî aboî,; iI icgIiâandti lrui tu, iet 'ur I' l-clf. , oai, rt, vtirshi., r, "i, uîrI.l 'lut fýIlacd i ritlknoVit uo Iliglt ,eert~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-1 fug't.rrItttei.'cil" uu't tiretUallandi 0f ci,,,, beei lugete tutil Wî,uld Au IIOttu "a.frornt, heit i. wedl ide& lt have u 8-iâ Srav<ansu is.1i r-li- ,mereborne at th1e e lAluis i-ar u tuî t. ot.tasho ulouru. ay r'vtirtg, Iday ,-ill. flit aidni ,ri ciîZoa 0 bilî~ W i,.ros att, rse bIt biin eaunî carry ,n..t arrangemno-nîu 1--î,e- w,.rs,, 0suRcond ari ki. t I ecîr' 111.5r,-ncvuc kc ruli it."rc uft' Viira> tilta. t e.t'r' t'î Ile,- T ' 'at In , tu l urfr'-t Wsr. -, î I ri, Ia .At!I u. n It,-,ri 1itrouîgh future ceur.. jt' i tlIntoîra ,r It teart. il, ativun: t0rfine plieu-ul , an' c- ou--',ar ourars run. fLockeeolter i. gutug i la ; ,d lu one 0f1ltue gretleat isMý fl " î llsilsrWl Iu reptrltig.mian ,furlirtIh t M. 1.'D. Iatid becs fujr t're lIMe M,,, HCUGOL SNOTS. lmahm acean'y r, ri rne-,l i 1 1 e presetitetirullmens la 29. Ve silesaîka In front oftirslut 1 1 e direr-tora inadia business meet- Y, ta, ithri51Me rutu',r . ingMuudaIY eveurng. tiela il trst 'ad p~ît.-tv Mochie Fîîirtkrlbas nul been absent erab! b rneani VII cakle iu ring 111e itbuol peur, up 10e1the ti of ,Ir village tnenI'ltepeetlte rîcrable Ilu tovu. Mc. Payne peetlm ýalnJ1l t e spînit 0f iMprove- A rni fier of plants have basin added tit bai ,-omms'nr-et i yput 10111e siiools lonral collection. ArnOng r, or'ler alouait bisj î,t- lthe atdiltiod lit a fern. "cher 1l.lprovem.nti lie l'tATite- members tif the elgbtb grade lin ranti gi'acisnd Mc.r.Rietibave dunried Iîsîr coiors. WIuatis 11e clive,] h1 lio rtfbIn sery nater 51111 the '-Seniors?* td attcatie. elillig aud J. Ce.noîderable attention bas beau tub basin mprov-ed Ilelvell- paiti le, latiter vrltlng In the thirti anti sOrmunodiDgia in manp V7575fourtL grades turing 1the paslivto ,Mm' coaMence As surrounded Veek». vý rofevewgreens Vld-1 atit A very useful anti ornemental ad-di- t4 &its-appearaDae of lais borni. lion aW, ltue shool room lea1the pin tchers lu th1e illiage bave crilun bcongbî lu by Etta Grabbe rcontellplale makir..;, rep.aire 1 tVCSk. prpcertp chi* aurmrr«a,,lht us Pfalitcries uniosr village VitI livigul I)olpi th 1e phtilosopher of d,-gone sueb a lrsnsforruallr,n 111l iraI grade. Thias uîhorOughly plhahit ardly kuas Il as ltse dtioiisltlaeil daing 11e iluVer ex- agi- lhtIser lrliout viîh er'taes u lt , rliday. chîî,g -'PicInca sttidy" bas beau Laken up Il ~e ,ee uîtfnngfrit,î.rs- aut openlng exercise for three afler-E ir i re tVterity vsar, sud cooat euig tltdie. p ieetI h on, anI î'bsieiaa 1h artn [reierltio speeutheatron. n LONG GROVE. Wîn. Brueiger sîeceully solti a borase for $10(l. Win. Gecika is slsylrîg aI Corda',, ai proesu. G. Queuba nsutrrlaîusd ronîpany lut suadap. There vil tea anesai iong Orove gaturday nlgbl. 8. Kuetiler anti family vlrrllad ai J. P. aisseutbalera lait Buudap. John Mecktlaeller bus been enter- tiling relatives from Germaup. Misé Erma Bîtzenîhalar ba@ beau ru- tertlining .-Mlr. G;rIppa" for several Jaks Heekelaseller vlaited lbore aver Bnudap, relurcnug to Dosuera Orîve Ikoudsy. At t11e acbooi electlon îin111e Schultz district lthera vas >111115a lvelp ltime, C. Gonswellet sas re- rîseteti as dicector. Meuttaca of 111e Gridley ar-lool anti a '«pua" frorn Long Grove met aI 1the home of H. Weitnenhecg 1,1 practîre for 111e entertalnment, Eightp-ous cents sas pait ai bthe treamery Saturday 111e dividenti woulal have been bigber bitdmot $150 beau expsnded for varions purposas. The Young People'& Alliance bar meetings lu lte Evaugelical ceitic very 8ond-sp eveulngut amr>or-bei - Straugera are sord-îally lus-lIed la aut For tWue-Dpuarnite of 4o> sud 60 per cet. etreulh a& 14 andtIf1 -tapar Pond, réapscllvsîy. Alto fuse Oat ýc a., Long Orove. A dry anti roit April ,axcepliug a fe d-aysî hua matie feed qiite ar-ares. 'armera Who generally bavea a arrplus bave fati 9Il Iheîr aalkliandi empîloti 11.1w hap movs. Your correspondent vas autarîsinei la Baturtlay antiSnday by Mr. sud Ira. 0J. M. Wilco i si heir usV borne sair Lelîbton anti a mont sujoyabla tIre lte hati. Sncb uvllaliotra are &ai ray e Irorne. A serions lire or-cured lutI veek tedueday n the tarin ovuet by Mr. Wlf, oun111e roati lesd-iug fcorn Long Grove teLake isZurich. Ilhacr'ntire barn vitb ils contentastif hap, 1the shedas1111 inoat of ltse implements anthb e cn iba s o 4naumed. No lse stock vas hurueri. l'bcurigîn otflthe oullagration i ta uldsllultly kuowu. Ilthougit suspicion reata ripon Oua ut ithe boys rubo la simple mînderi IRu- toc hat Il litat tha buildings wvetIl- sucad in th1e Ela Fine Inaucanci' f, IIEiDL£Y 5,500k. T11e Botuuy clas hbas audîrd arvecal tlovera, luclud-ig 1the aprng beauly and tiog-tolbviolat. Henry Tonue bos begn10 attend achool. HaIlla Hulîje anti Berltha HolaI are also atteuting. Arbor Day vas cahabrated 1y plant- ulg lun111e sohool yard tan box eider ceans. Meurys. H. Webrenbsrg anti E. Flsol plunttithe green ant baycr- ta11v menH;th11e Ianks of ltaeronIo tand ils patrons.111e 0 W. ('lui) lem- lereti em a vote of Ibsuka foc their &slatance. "Our li111e girl wvauconaclous tram strangulation turing a sutdaen anti terrible attack of croup. I qickly 8curoti a bottle of Oue Minuta Cough Cure, glvlug ber threa doses. Th1e croup vw matereti anti ur 11111e Iarllug apeedlp necoveneti" go vritas A. L. Spaiffrd, Obester, Mîcit. F. Bl Lotvabt., Lîbertyville. HALl' DAY Mca. M.Moore anti daugbler Lilait, of Chicago, are spendlng lthe weett with Mr. Moore itore. Mr. Saegarl recenlly apent sarueek n Minnesota looking 51t arro prîperty rllb a vies af purcba8lug a farcu Our cormnrnuly vas gcisved 10 heur rf th1e deuth o! Ireasurer Foots lu Waukegan, lest Baturday. Mc. Foots ras bort bers sud bis bonts of friands rare maldenedti lathur 0f bis death. The relatives have aur deepesl syru- patby lu Ihair hecavamnnau. Mr. andi Mca. J. A. Hutchiingsansd daugbler Lîllian, Mc. anti Mrs. Juseph Hubobinga anti son Eunl, Mr. anti Mca. W'. 0. Ilutcbtugsansd ebilticen, of Gleuview, Mc. A. C. Richards anti famlly anti B. L. Tiîppa famîly »peut lunday aI Mr. anti Mra. .RIicbards lu bonor of tbsl.r birîtidaya. At th1e Cametery meeting Ssturdap .vsnlug W. J. Wells vas elacted i- eclor anti F. Holsteinlu gelecteti Bex- to. Those degîrons of having Ibsîr uts mosot vilth a lavu moyen, vito do no$ cure t10 do the Von themielves ean seurs the Sealun 10 do 1t1e yack for fifttpconts a lot for ltae seauon. If your lots are mnulalushape lu ha mowed i vth a lavu mover ho vili attendtintah1e von for a ceasonable pris. Lot overpone thal ovus a lot lu the oemetory attendite, this malter ,t anse if thsp vish tb bave lte vont loue tlis ««osn. Th1e number of dîette Ihat bavaeocnnrred lu our tommuniîy Ibis vinter ougbî lu hning this malter forciblp 10 our indr, 10 have a respectableand praity reslîug pace for ou? lavoti ones. ybich eau ha tloua If evarycua vitI belp. lTse lîresturs have soins vont doue but there la not sufficieut mens to ksep he sematerp lootîng as il shoulti, s0 let avarpone @sete fi t iteir lot la atîsudedti l. The lsusîinluqtantity anti mont lu Lqtffl describea DeWII'a Lbite Bly Iisars, lthe fainous pislefor Gommipalic, atiiver qomplalete. F. teIl b' .1 silpb 'Ohttaee asud vite apont Sonder "a" k*valla. bira. Taylor, of Newport, visItait Mrs. Allen Dixon ltut MondAy. ElmrnecMurîs vasnboesfroru fluscil snndap for a tes houcs. P. G. Srnith, of WAutegau, t ian i. Iug a faedava viith frieutis becr,. Emuist Farrell vas horne froin Ubi saga,1the lutter part 0frlasul Veek. A aerles of lectures aîl Iregis aut111e church to-ulgbt by mc. Frost. Ail are inviteti. A basket social welt ho glvîn aI 111e hall Ibis Friday eveuling by ltae Royal Nelgihbors. Rob Tborn'a lesc uiîdulgeti lu a amll ruuasap Tiisrday. But l1111e tiamage rasnlted. If people only kus Vitl vs mos about Kottll tijpepala Cure, il voulti ba uset inu early every itousebold s thora are les people sho do net suifer frein a feeling oIf fulluese aflan eallug, talching, flstuleuse, gour *Somach or valerbrs, carîsot bp IniAgestion or dyspupaia. A prepera- lion aush as Kotiol Iiyspepeia cure. vnicb, vlth no aid frurn the sburnach. 1iii digest jour foodi, certaiuly eau't belp but do yoti good. F. B1. LoVELL, Libenlyville. LEITHTON. R. 11L untut 0Anîboch Muîîdsy. Mr. anti Mrs. C. M. Wllcox saut 1<> Chicago lMondup. day Allînson transaceti bumes, mIn Ciirgo Baîurday. Win. Lempker solti s teain af baraca la R. LIUII llAs vesi. Mcae. W. D. Griffith went shopinlg iu lu Claloogo Monday. Mi"' Id-a Kruckrnau la Impcîîvlug aller ber neige 0it sicknos». Rtobert Nlckoiey lis draaiug lrtnmbec Ibis veek fer bis oas baro. Amil Nikoley, oI Long Gr.tve. la helplag hie brother lRo)dlg ltelusse- ment for hi@ new bouse, A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. BoM.ttrnu New Under Th. Sun." Ail Idonos bare trimat tu"Itr' l'rIS l'yî th1e use oIfIrocdera. muId raser. Inhalent andi diroitlintaste 10cm. Thmir risolera dry iop tirs munuuns ebralsa nassinu Ibým ru crack ouen anti itraî. îTe.nuevarful solda uned la t ht Inhalera traýItnrti-Vlc ail',, -t the saure mebrane#athar Ilîtir matme have alýI tmlluo ur,.. vîlr'ri and l'oitit- ruants onnout rmi ths difteam Auneld anti a1cs-rin nrteîtlsner slu las for rman ysmae luse dsdy sud sfnrulalty outhlb treatulmul 0f CATAM* as. et 51 1a1 ierfolt A treterat yhicit VIin faIîhf,ir andet. nul unir reileusa rtunes, but persiatrentlrtorse iArAsas, b<'r cmovIigti 21theu. aloppleg if 1, tte onî seruiy kuosîrte uî'innoe hat arilially raî-ber tht slf,,ld parts. Tîrla wonderful rieetirla Lnouas lit Nu>rtLa th1e OUAasITamil tÂTAtlo[ruas" andi lamsi at the eatremeîy lus erfire utfaoedollar. mai11 g.ackaigm '-ontalmrlug iitr-rnal sud mternai uitlule auflelint Ior i fuil ,întit'a tri-aI- mant and i verythlnu iuer'sirr OIls terf"t I us. sun-r ulaut- anti t14 i rrttitr.Am fhe oai mamte and tofit or",îr th Ua ailStiittg andi lss<nislag Ioc-.Il Cures' aIl ilittfsati lui tatIranti ,eraituiy anti i e alt o a,îderfulirc '<iil r, r'lr, 'yo t EN rl ru( Inl.D e lnt., OAI, ruATtîsR vIen nigei-t,i iti caris to N euMTsOnnle-s»NU cri ru tutll amu- m if oli,-seIL nt unek. L b, ou îrîllttary istv.cguaraauid tinci 'raa tac fermeor 5otageIf ct-îta"',rtinlrt1hé Do0nt ttetav but 5mai fer 1 In andasi wfr fini prt.tîýlsiit as t,, tl c "uo.ýt,tI ',. Sa.d âou 511rriilV t.nda irluieqr- à] romu th'- d-ustourer»f hIbIs Vuderfttun-acerna. luaiz u" mucns ithîUttat ', y r, îu lieconîl lIa rerular tint of "*'nirîLaa" tleous- Ment preli to asy addinu lci1te lUnitedi SIaIesaor Canada un reosi pt Ir0feadollar àddreas Dep ......Er.vnr JIl.asIP & COM PANY, 2M anti 2m0MarktlStreret. Plîlladm. 1.hia. APTAKisît: lice. barbacit anti sorni.nied a tes daysaait Mc.(il"s' Miea Frîlîman seul teCIra, 1's day viit a borsanti butggy. Mita Wi,'iarsbeirn lé§ Ou lte t Ili Itt ltanotiter alluct 0f lungflu, MIsa Daisy 1Wolf buasgone ltiti'1 r-agi> toc A seek'a vîesud ate10ell> 11r nster move Jakt e lrekir'a houas la seli under vsan uthie ilag Vaites g&Ily tlinlte breere Iltîrcahfor I ut-le Sati. IlIcs. 'n ikurl'it astitianîgiter, licre.C. Rliit, 8111îîlWiISr-ley. of Pullmn. %peut Hiiudty uaI r. britîsy'.a ancrin îityud lte (lance aI Lake Zurîich (atffr' dJay nlgl anrd ltseltsrty ut Mr. WeIaud'as uuday evenlng. Jatte Gies, Who bas beau aulterlug sl its he'gclp"for s nuruber uf pears, leai ahomne convaler-tiug; ltseonly dîffareurre baIssaith11e grip" anti 'grippe' being Ihs former lu 1<5 on murs fat sud lesves the inauey sîitu lte patient. Pr-'ls I.,li. , (ct. 1.,1 , ye Ppsi!, Bait'Cii, oulîicellu, II1. OGnlemen-Our baby Esîbar bah uever Stsdt a drop ut medictue offler titan Dr. Caltivels Hpyrup Il'psln for morets Ian à ear. fIlentîrely etoreil ber of constipations. Sitc in a loveiy silti udualoe I gave fber yoinr mediclue ale Lisa beau îîrfrclly baltitp, lto' @buliaiti nu&l lac,', aeil anti atrong ntif vabegan ccti itl. Ws kuos of otlhara5Who. are tlitg IL vitîb laîulîy goeti renuti. Wimlinîig yon suce-ss. ratefuily joncsm, MA. C. A. 'rT rU KIUif.l Holti by P. Il.LuELL. LiUertyVtlln'. 0)'a. C. ltnaRTSy, Waiîr-î,i,.ift WILL KNitiîî.a Iociefelîer. o.raysîir Tite mraatlCu""a""s:.rrA 1Ili e n in More people .sur Irrcinmatlsut titan franyuj titer ailuisut. 1This la abully iînuecessury ton, for a cure may le tIfecLad tia a very mancli citt. Gl. W. W.'snnob, of Me&dowdaie, N Y , tsya 1 haveie Lialalicaco îIt riteuma. thism toc souls lime and ti waa r-sd- me funeit auitsclag.1 îini clodet ifte tny Citarnerlatn's Pain limanti am pisasedto 10aa that Iil bas t-nred me.' For "ale by F. B. LovULL,. Libartyville; 01RAYSLAt<K PsàAigAîY; J. MEIREL, UaitAND PAINTE US' SUPPLIES 1 wisi to eall yolir attenitionî t< rny it<x-k of liailit ayiu ittr-' I giuar.iti-tt, my \ery Iit-,t nixt-<i pailîts to lhe -qial to aliv >iit mnade. Siîîwrior to whbite Il.ael a îli oil as it ~is made of pire lîwl al zinc groinid iin pure Iiiîseed nil andl prodîîces a liard glossy finiislh irn- possible. to obtaiîî froîîî lead aîîd (>1 1loor Iaiîîts tliat <dry i hn i e îîiglit. t arriage laint. Stai ris, liard (ils and Varuiisli. My stocek of bruslies is very con- jîlete and at prices a,4 bu as 'gond gnods van he sold.s H. B. EGER, Libertyville An OnbrokabloSid Oorset .6e eser S I um1s th t. 25rn À LLP.N.CORSETS HAVE CORKC PROTOCTED CLASPS GOIPU(nlauID ctmwbe us i P. m. t rusi RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEEDr BY M. B. Olby 4 Dr. C Office c sous Libert Dr Lit Dr.l- Phy G ornei cD office Pi -iber BEN5 LIBER ELtEP14C m Tobaees LIBER Vol. Ubertyville - . Illinois 1 1 PART AND PARCEL DAINýTY box', an £ecqu1ajt wrapper, a deli- cate color, anda -dcinglne fragrance-yet al these wilI not ckanse the alUni Has it ever occured to you that you pay big prices for th d hnga ? Do you care to buy f ive articles or do YOU requJre Only anc-a strictly Pure soap.Remernbe yopay for peaue whenever YOU by t mxd~ wit sp. Don't you thin i t la wise, to maire your aknmlctlon of aerume and buy it aeparately? h las Csrtawny the metÇod adopted by most Peras5 <of cuiti- vated taste, those who bathe with pure IVory Sop. WVORY 30"AP-99o' *Wu MCENT. PUR-& N