FRANOK n. JUSt, Edftor. u Ma ILLE. . L.LINOIS. PARTNER IS ACCUSED !DAHO BUSINESS MAN HELO ON MURDER CHARChE. Mrother or Mn.hSllhad lu ISOla Cause the Assasi of Hi. Assoiat i Trade -A iMichigan Attorney Msrheri for Lire by su.Losuai King.a uhru n taluisrul lii l.i'Ohag- au..,Teuli>evt.sîl, lrt- n ifN K ing. , cLl i i ilan is's ilLLL*rîl. tan nt t sihb-ilr-nanihuil-a n lîiu oun the nu.d.t ca! Jii> l,. llihiSsiuig'a etatetiiehi i at I lie a oit- <iuri N.Wasd 10 tht-effe,t iantrt- tsii lîked ul uIetnter- cd the Ltone nol sutri ulhrîui , bautta cf ol hent iluleurief.i,- ln ther bai>'.hilu-yau.rl citzen LarIdhtt-ir-rdYla nilciuîoieuiturl attention, .irtei..1f1 $101hariur breeu ffcnl.,j fuî.t he i t--tI !tht ,Liir- dener. 'l'le oniauiurirIl nos au heu waa santeni IL iuouu tioniai lIlnrr) Thatcher,r.a g. i iii -, of ritclini I a brother tuithi nu'r.l e niai,. ITle State o, iii a lt I. l, li ifie lia i lnug and Thatchern u1arrlu-ui8aiiiIhn ingf tî,ek tsveu rea l-1o t r r,,,, the 1luih il i lîoih men itaNu liii aildtiie l luilîr f <u, cao h lt. Ttia chers lb-13. > la il<ii u maniager or a large huirm illiuug uirî Lewitsn and abr r.îrhîî'.a oore t-u PROOREStS OFc THERACE. Igtendi.gro! LesgsîeClablu incontent for th. Pannat FnIlonIg s the standin g (rutihe tlilu'. ln thie Nstuaiuat eagîîe - W . Oh I Cincinnati -.-.14 IS la10 Niew York.. .11 7St. triais- 10 13 Pttahurg .. 12 10 Bnooklyau Il t1- Iphhlidehîîb.a 13 Il ('hucagur- I17 Standings sn the Amerilen 1eagoe at-e au follors: W-. i.. W'. L Detroif-...17 7 Bosiuat. . - - - S 1 ' Chicago -...16 7 Mlonsthet .- 8 S15 Baltimore ..11 6 Philadelt.hin..Il14 Washington. 12 7 Chacltaud 6 IS VITRIOL FOR ENEMT. Attorney etarkwnaahcr ! ofRléom, Ich., Vieins of PhysicieastsFr. Dr. Charles A. Spencer Ibrews'tht con- tans o! a viat o! il o!rvitriol ho th, face et Attorney J. L. Stankoneathen ai Re- mec, Mch.. au Os c-utened the depot on Ide W&j an Mount Clemensa 10attend eouit. Spencer had openly declarcd that ha won!d mark Starkweaiber for lite. the trouble beiweeu the iso men bavnui growu ot of a suit fan divorce pendrlln; b4tween Speu.eer and lais sife. !luiWhicha Otarkweather wa sîtorn.ey fuit-'.%Ira. ilpeacer. TOhestid bauhîr trneri 1he ragO sde o! Stankweaîhe'a face andu To Fauad a Wo-.u. collage. John Siuatons, a wast.hy Boston mer- «bhatdied twenty-ni11e year Logoa sut ht in ubi. wil a suai ahirh 55as iiise- cumlat nil i ireached $50010,iXN het litwas f0 bc use o efouud s Colege foi C Women la Bostoin. TOc futtid lias juait - lacheit the reqolred înoportioias antI plan are uder cocusiuenatiuîn frr the toudng o! the "Simulonsi. Irenulle Cont k , Ftal Explatostio f ireworks. P oubysanre dnowne Lansur ie ot »Là nevea men w:re everei tf not ltally bomaicd noa 5retait oetîh,.xiro- gtamner Shadoor at Bernidi ir.fianTlOi faicwsLa w;ene duslalyed nt theconuuclu- Motorcfthe telebratilea o!NorwasY. udt- pandence dfi),inythg jýonts giana roîdeuir e! that pirt o!ihe Stata. Cadet@ Are Throý.u Ont. pive cadets disoisatrtighi. six olO- en arsuspende or fan --us rnryiig loconul Mag tu the ariaisneas e! tOei-r fnseq and aa nuaitro!f<thera I,1ilel ri- suandei-t his aieti 'utiiiruc Lu tlie <i's ton teachedi. ty StarîilRrh t nt th conclusion o! a ibrer- lhur,-un,.i ufereile wth Supernilte-ni Oilla ut ithOrs" Pont imilita t> aeauloîîîy - a 5Sd cý"à f Koarra. Âccordung tirouI'. <-s ftu tthei l Oteau governair-uul iin 430 nseset su]ad to,, t. nLa <I srîhruînon mitlMa San l'ho. 1he' land, ounui wae forer-r> rusi ru>lv-laourîih > Il u el a. ____ Jiliid Bey Bang. Ubosseif. Scotti Bell sK-ued I.u-,tnuruî<-1 tii,i ai Brazil. laiu it ut l ulur.uu(1 ,o. .u in- h etreethesnt jiicuh hîîîîî L.t-oo s maiior Phan auoasd m- ti i ir .1,'vJ-lin Stiuîluîiîîi Hia ueal11lui- 1lu wi fuýillLli ýlu.ii ng t the enmd eof arît,- iniNfuI. Sulmib.larn Chicaus Patoar ,. a.Ne., Yorh. lthe 1ev. Et-tM.uIStima usilic, Orace Eî,iua.iiii liih (l, itrl roule the o tu-i i-t ut 'Si L h.ii laiti. I New York. Fus.-John Frter taist. Gena. Fit,..John, Po. , ieil l,îi ,la Mo Poriti, N. N J.. fnuiýnu r ,uiu <lu Odtes-. litsr, si u-r."mI DYNAMITER@ WIOECi HOU SE.- 7f'J . TRAOEDY ANOI) ilEhPMYSTERY. Ilicry Picof lu nomse Of ' r..[~[~jIj) Wotaascommit. Mu der sud fissv- Offie, Bruuer et Ahio Deaolshed pers..ou Ire Eseap. The houae o! Peiceulisu William James I. Ayrea ru l'art Athur, MIch, Bruet At AkrounOiu, Nasawreeked hy Chucago-Csitie. common 11ta prIme.waa fanad deud.l bs routau at a haotel ho an eploion ouf dynamite, but he and ihe311.00 toe 115; Waohlngto. lithiallî heun balun lae- other maembens rittiue tsuuîuiy escapu'd in- $300 ta $5.1I7: shue. afur ta eholce. $300 ernisplacea , aboutethohri ouy an.l the politc jury, altholugh everytbung in the bouse ta $450, wheai, Sao. nid. 71c te 72e. chai ho awss ,uusn by a woman. waa demoiisht-ui. Thedîeed, itla beliered. crnm, No. 2,50Oc ta 51c;oanta. 'No. 2- 2tCc Ayres Wou 21 orîuîa ur, lubohoged to a .waa prooupted liv nuvege. sund a dozen ta 80e; rye. Na. 2. SIc toe5cb uilerNeii to-do faaihly i ran-îd IRapids, Mich.. men nîtboyua re auet oatndy oi n us.-bire restuery,.lic tua Ile;eggs. fr'.h. audJ ara sclerC in the cosas bureau. plciou and thc police ihihk thu-y bare thel10C tu lie; potatlac. 34le ta 48e per Cati-,urenNeiti auîiuet he body and gttity one@a anng thé oumhe.'fhtey bbuseilr.hided frotu tIioureio! ihe rounuha are sospecl of . beuag ia-rrai r', nuipolis Cathite aipping .07f10 ain lbe Cg adili ilitthe shocita asy orhouî 1)cr Brnier has bu-rn active il $5.W0; haga. clicîliibt. $400 ta $572. lhavre beenline aue(, uohben pe-rmon hafla tnyiug to catareno The du iiti.hit,- lit rmilp.colulioan 0puiaie.$300 ta $4.00; thue Iris tlîî. Ew, a ulatosfautaI os I biserau lacel ogaluat the int u(ift he bouse sbaes, No. 2 72c ta 73c; crn, Sa. 2 tht- fins escape lu in i futihe boul buiil Vot exthbcoumira.luwhi, hlfur. and Mrwhite, 44e ta 45c; naal,.No. 2swhte, isg and a ueighl. u(n iluailhuabave mac Brunen 01-ii p.Thtenroui ,, us nivedui.2-to 30e. a Isanuan deseel.,.thoeIsciuee mmedi- but fuîtuuualoi n.Bnrtir '.0re uot in- St. Lois CatîhIe $325 b to$5 511; boga.tehy after tilthei'.haut becuiheiut. Jsred, lîb ughu thuir elt,1 a. enered $300 ie $575. steel .$3;t 01) lui . Sereama o buo it--nu- healierd abolit 2 withhueur .Thti -un Y>-ao ailbalu> -vi eal. Nia. 2. 70 c latu1;cor -n. Su,. 2, oh inL theti ilaighy une o! lb@. wihhr, s sleeping ui -iàautall lied,.aas 42c ta 43c;oenta. Sa. 2 29Jc ta 30c;. tye, ronnens. bat ilu . s1. <outitl 8 0ocok ir niýnig s'nlen t-r.Br.ui-r ruid outt i,,Nu. , 6Stc ta 57c. I bat uy uopiort i ,r , o.iii aCheil toC finitil. "ie thilu liaoofuril iitthe thtbr ',nciuîaati Ciet$.00 10 $5.15; haga.ihteai ad a poi(-iiaaN atiaumo1d. end o! thuerouiunuler ais uit a n nrk $300sita $570; sherp.$300 10 $4.5; ILD age,uh.unl.srhîle thc idbabýlut îîI huibo i ahaNo .7c ta 76c; tornu, Sa. 2KHLE~YliR Fed0Ol,aIATE-- ed out inothe ryaro,. nîuaed. 45e t,, 46ic; ot. No. 2mixed. 21ie lHarbor Beach, 51 ch., fa stired bhia s ta 31c; r>c. N. 2, 5feIoc 59cr.e! Ainailirn CERBAL (ROP lis PalOMISING. )elrojt-Catie, $150 ta $5.15; hag%, BlnchfedRy iuhîl ii'h ilir.1 tB r -$300 te $5.72; aheep, $2.50d teo$ " 5'honBeach, ill.rsltorain e Brad.treet'a Weekly ReportOliss<èood osheat.Na. 2. 7j5e us 71c; t-orn.. ot . *Mn ete.sî !a n Outlock for produire. yho.4e1 I<let.N.2~btjury in her opinte.lObe trotanqwyhaid yT yellw, 5c e 41,;oats No 2 hi .srhooloates on ut o'. a>ltri au ahnl t hi Braubtrecî's asa 'Amide front a cqite 30e ta 33e; rye. 5-,e teaS5(k. 7c î' harged, andpod ihlcub He percet-rili o'reaieof <thie spirit cf tn- Toledr-Wheal. No. 2 nhxed. W73.' ta J oihr i vvianih ioah - Uler.f realt il lan sînnîna here are te-., 74c;t-ornu, Nn. 2 nijil. 43e ta 44; on$.ala. - ariiit-l1,i iie r changes tiruurrlnlulte gen..ltaeo o.2mxd clu yroo2,53 st iharged s, th luohuilIeraamali. luItr duatriiii sitation. iiru nIuiraaai pro-au-i le hIc; rioven aeeu, prie,.50 tefnb fiOaret auhr rrii.Fcln the coaitryo unr r s o<tiaseas-iaale rear Mlwaikee-Wheil. SNu. '2 uont IF nteue oten l(.ic .uleg<hiýi imiht <uni thue der charicot-i ,Inorhu-aer udry'72c le 73c; corn, -No, 3, 43e ta 44c.i onaIRsgla( h ai. t h lorlidl1 geerb, , lonlan d uuiia in ma.but the Sa. 2 white, 30o toaibe: ye7.qo fsi . . n tebal5.i. <utOIcuu reoaue<f busine-ss latain fur tue fsens-n ta 54c; bariey, No. 2,fi5e tauSkie - 1irL - iuuîîuicated havec hiun cil runrî 'lb lnuitcolectiohns are reooneutd kus T.'he mress.$14.uile bteyahIs gm Iil hu i anriS <u basilt- acts îulryng thue sitution i<I-1Baffalo CaIlle, chaire stirppiîig arera ultat failîa uiilb--iluefnlot'. in tinmte haiiel uif a a a n a biecoharacter.1 $3.()0 ta $5.75; linge. faij îru rmee 3îs uaurlr siihli r oIhe lii' .l iiiIlh Nota hie iu tiiaruspocttathecrtop situas te $5.95; sheep. fairuna 0 die-e. $1î s<îliasoeoway IB a ia.'r u ntu ht- lionu.u,nîuu-îuhuîlrl> tor the ceIs, 511hi h$4.Li); lambaitioin toexetra, $450 o "<ld sfethelde roni-sa htanle lsia i .gh <lugi-e îromtsng. The baehu--u $040desietllerprnsthnaeso s'.arul stin nduiuIlau et ains in. -onmc S.q PvwTnrk-CiitP.773)iita $5.7.7choga, tht tilîdren wbn hli,! sa.îltt-dlber. sectiouns huave nil.înîeul agîast tic, $300 10 $6.15; obeep, $31.0lui $4.75; POUR DUR '1 ) TO IlRATà grot-aho <f u-uuîîn. lit uu.urru'.emeut las heal. No. 2 ted. 78t, ta 710c crn, Neo.,A aoted ueeulp iis eeect.The ululas 48e ta 41; cois o. S.2 white., 3od-la34c;Seae jusrto .Dsrnela -rul cie. butter.crnesaers. 18e ta 1c;lis nf.wet- 1Csaiotin a, .1 TRACIKDY ON AN IOWA I rnFAet ac heseme.vvisbrn oI-tI iiurulby the Crunî it(ual Tirians- - MYSTERY IN SHOOTING TIIAlEiY. pot1e ouau i R no 1,.Iul 1John ubMo.teth Kilts iHi. VUsceeFil usas bunned tunhe litei- n .îîeur it('ai-lAi more Gisdeon Near Lovlis. Sraoger FSupposed un Be John Flynn beu., Ky. on o recell u.gluý I. mutrlu John Monteih. living wst o! Locvlia. . Kill s etChîlltiethe, Ohm. icas act'ee tit.Thue bli<t <r'.as ,ithiout àIowa, shot sud iustau.ily klied bis unehe. Sbartly hoaie *1 'chock olin a-iceit a nairbiman ansiI luiueul «p ai Caihoan. Fillmnore (lladson. The trouhle anose 0,1e muinlufpistaI abrita oere bear.h lun i îire roke ont ahour il.lui.i an-i pread a ratIer ss-i<-lu nssin la uael au.nfMon- îouae at hifibouîd Auîga airet'.. l wrîithgetrpdt.(,ati,1at teths fanm. Mn. hlagu. breke openl rothe. Ohi.ouannioment Istern'ua nd '. tb ge naRobinsonatauflEasima ta loch aur! .tarhed te emva the roiler, solt te le uaneu l Ohaer lisai i~1t- as h ,,,.w3,Engcer lthsaoi c r. 'vlho viheti M rs M ntieth pnuasti r-rhnud G(hS frtna nw itîdo u ndî,1 -sci A ono'.O ,o i... nnao ro31st u iii i 0cr r î a. Tnd rson siruck ber oith is Esai kcinit ber n,îabedul atht- hc.uss'.RamIir ou e ta.ronf iingmnen.sauu,-if r-n.huuv a.t ;dos, . Mnr. fonieth tane up and (iha-ue 1of <rIlle moinasaahn i rli> la eadl Unughmabnb<uwr uha le.oit gtthher 1sou. struck iai with aa sugtetro-e. %on- lii, ibrîat o'.rîncuti troiart ticar. tio tel 1h soucul o nid one satballt heasacere n the bl.krtli-of ho uri lneii uth u ro u at lilauharn and kilhbini - fioute th anîd hli îrd n-nacnatiîeul.'Acaît'. was tihdt h oiti la ltlo n gaehasel 1at ieotn-n eu 0foutul in thie puaiket ,r,îlîtire raîil' John tal et.Thelt oia acomupleefusa., and years c! sgt and bas been a î.rried ans 1Flynsu w ien onilu. 'Tie strîhnge su-hn iavledi I , year. IBaud lied laen utinnug tago'thrir fic sev-' MOii THEA1I N * A KIIINAPEif. DIS O AV HIDRN etrai rînys. Liatuil ana a îu n nthe DIE T SAE HILIBN. Spaniih aaar The (angae af thetiragerir 1,Farmer. Attempt to Lynch a Tramtp s asim>-aieny andt land baasliai been Wh. lHe. Three-Y..e'Old Tt-Y. Bmcriftce Lille lu Trylog te l escus eTois ,,tà Bias uhaltr -pa-)dsno a fr00lPerth o! Eniglue. arae.teuoeh a 1eSpu rdai i r Mn.. Rosa Fet.luau.. aged 169er Mo- SEOT WHILK COUNTINO CASH. Aliandien Gibbs of Oliustiarhtoirisiaip ýKeesport. Psa.,sans kilciedIy an exprness-O(hioain lus posaession two uile'. frtont itraiu. ahile ir> ing to avne ber grinulrbil- Paying Tller o!f NesOrt'eiso.Bauk the boyo boue,.lit]unknan îîlautp nos dren, RousaasoiIsiian, agiul(;band 4 rt- Seenc. taBe 18,0î00tt Shrt. raggel i-rthe 11- eaurîh'. li l ri ,1ii<O ot spectirel They îoluled <nthie iracta Philip Sci.tsarhner, payhug teler a! the angny tanmnon oajlgiuit- in serruh anaîtBrakernati Ta>yor rail anid s oi TertonujBank, New 'OVleuins, nas shuit et tht- l> Exîrîniung bi, iari-iii of thleul. BeHosa ninj.îred lu. the nîîo'nupt. in 1he cal! a! the lr'g nIle t Na 0k ia the iruir.the tlnmpsai<hbchoiuîll humi Thewoionnus cries aîînrîec thetrman-tht batik ceu.îng 1he cahou usua l r'.'ao<eii.ngaouil ouI the- na.lruauuhin mens attentian, hLut sht-dii Ot Hle to. meetinagof the finaucico niutt- tOur erh l'his mli-las Dot1 halit-i <iî <m-ilîle t kanttif. 1.1- tî'irng. O'înaossalolaac crne hu.-farniaslarted ohrontht- wonu a il.01 Ii n-ns iung <us tbe lion, btlu.uhllriiiaed. ai ttaiuui, ith t he inntionuto îîî lu sc * ii uLokOt sbset 1<, imtlriuar 0b11iniofl ucuey attefredulàouiiou & iiridîih;pe i, l-luuu - 'o. arîr 20.000I hrukîn>ero ru tlleit ithe fleur. Au eaainatiio et tll- bank,',and tlu î..<mp ,a a'.releulsu-u. viii, lui r r à- phay ut ceut ranIt-r'. luicmareiti-ii,irs it books i a o tu l pfoui la a a huri igeo f e ui. g tui ii d telie tgh bao aaod11h u irlti t the filasnand onl 1iii.lo-n'Ari,, iiiihi - 18.000. Alhocilgbtht- orr aoit 'aufN Po.<h1ytovrnr ahavc boer, locukî'uot ti Nu-w Youn0 Pt-auTcIer Schuimaher la urt uhrngeroli,'à..N Oc fr- ho ovrn (lent (lito, fuIH.Eilit ofri tt-e a-nabnm uohrîsoIiatrauud E. F - nuey ot Clir Iao h Oaa unni- aliBtiulIrr'Aoaiuei uti <n euuîri Uucthe ula piattof!bting n Ilaçke d. toielcfit liii enorr rb> ihceu-i. lm ,,lit soas plirmai> nîuau-uh li, lIe ,ies-it- S ;. c cl. cuiu. Tho lth ,i u.rîur iEn hu -i.tofthtelu et lui>ers' 'olialu, ril. i, F itE OhA NDA SHE laTO It AT H. nore ortL.iu-eunau tnt i uitn<uiIl lia lI-th iloing iîg ui! li iirtiuul r'on ,li- Oîuî u.. i utnuji. Supni-ti- , I ci-gl. Mhal, ýqta-e(, uruîrca dulurlumu hirr f i io.- 1- Fals la ixtyFeet fronts BuildlngVahiie hnl Nu.lh f,u.Aii',i...o.... i;,i i:" i- .it he o a isonfufultouii huIvFihtin ir Ph le- oshI.'r r auuuuNo. luhr 0r ho l ta limiii,n 9________ ,lriîii iii tathefitn- aniliutl,cuull m Johi, ru n liNt-ilStIriul hO- -e Pans fr r1 nîert ahe Globe.n trim . i luti.i 1115Olive în-.tSt. Ic-bll. Toit,-ld. ttit.iuntuuuisi-t-i . DIra L l il (ierti, uaisîmîîîî trc.i-niuaui i la e,13 t ru rreb1, - ýgloiril e a riedrtterl f, iSiocrier la Susperteiiki,, t.l lu l'r-s.iltJiiir'..1. 11<11 o! the Great .a1liti,- iflbuat u.of -n marc u lu hoinira lu - Nuîb-ruand J. L'îrpnîat Molrgan etocefnioul ci l*> Irnuubiî,ltu oi.lJ- ,, uSmrunriil.Si un ur ol Nus'.York,. Il i'. taled ithtiitliiir à is ; ,aa dihei I>t ir h o n t he,- tauci îO- ii i ci <r'. îsîti rt I -'. lauti S. tu t , h a i s alu, kihîf auîl (tb befurn.' -l,1,, f t ;a r,] h i l a Mur.fîîî ,ji n î ri o mri Rtope l i n(llýitli > ty lti icItuila. A iiiiiur li art,- i lull i i I. 3rtih~;uim h.Ii be r', 1 fel to hi (1-lth ý,u o h'.. fl. ol,« r ci l <.b',hi, euc i à't bat 1î l riIl ,ririe he lu Onu linuit fi-iln hu l ia uhu- lu a m i'. o a, îî ru .11 iu nt-î Moiflrrgan îiîn ier-i - l aiiiiuîi-it _________coi,îgîîî iiit il ofli i-,tt. i hu - jin ul l - l , tl sîuuko iii tiie - i i .1 a NlVtutihO Iinnhan af Chicago, main rIiýyvli,âýI1 .3 rictrrîfthluiShee En(iango building has Ia.uch Blc W.r.hit. t-rua r'..> ulapard.ito ou il ph i n uug s'.lioh lie luugl t . a .0 iiilthe b' liii, ing ifthe h,'Iil gons l ii tyîa ii lot for rs le . e sI,i, f h, <uili od ffu-i, as aiize-d fur ir mi t iit a arolljih,. the.'sht-luk a!of ut au.îurls rf o liil e ao h aîn 1I <nu hàuut bini $15. in- <oai ait-.ndufltie i heraiii if , hNMltiri-u u uîîuaîîua tft- ithii l, iirc ,-chuilif Alfnred Chtain, a New I'ork t-opiertiihe .ht.shOihiolookh.u h li-ilu ruul iil..îuuaî,,îî flite I. crinii.,tryi> t ici a éeline liabeira and fil)lu lau i lu sta Ot Ssitiiuuii. fI i rnîuuuu Shunt tlîiu T hl , i-e lui Sun il Baiar$berI. lt- aut. i uieeo ritf s-. h,1. I> i.'a î-un- i iii<h lî tu'ic .,ruerrl. ni n. n rsuts .'u ,.,. o 1 thi' loiii on it re-hraseuhit,- liig lrhhii 1 i u lit î,dte att-nd. amuI Ma-nTlclîtu leablr e!1.uargu t.i à Fti,-n.iafeu r 10h t rvi ili. <ru ,p resn-s iIe ehero hog l Idn fte i S à, tt li the Den, w hting macinle iis naiune. io-. in luS..lia- i, hu.rh coeicl li onrs.,bo iluil ail 1'.rnle Kan»asNee. 20,000 H s rves Buds. lire lStI Uic Coimpany i r ci n t nu P-rI* ntir iii tltai le bast-uni mitei-ru sit-ie. L.D. BMaine, a oheat gratrer o a '.t t igtosnigo h ri rih tâ fiel-tCn ohortly Octane tOhe unk Cauîy uhcareîî ilat Kanss iîss'rîîd rftSinlige!ti-trîrf. -uOu lIn'lt-i (aiui<uetS. 1). Eoing in tlîe Sanriru r Toturrfi failin-riosteutniily fiathtecpurpeatetfgiag Ifi, servit-es rt 210fl ni-nà traîuîailier fn-unr N ii iln eni,îee-i a- lauîr. t.uuîataprcure tuancil al ad. s hi t à i l i aar 11fthe hbig 10 kemt fleP i.e Iss aali tu taheiaCcrrigau i -et ttcShîpe., uaSPsyTsI trip. Bloine blli la couferec i'e'0trail- og o- I rt.I.nFipelle ut WiP.7 iu.ex sris.officils, sholagireul to naile n sil- Chia loisuis rr1. u sugîu-he 10e ttbll hid1impospetslntas iaI rate uo hanaost handsain tOhe mide Il is o.ri-red Inlu.lontou tirbut a1l'hîîuse t. . touerla. reu. utli~oltatiO-ot- Uo f rt-ehao..Iiiriu-O'ot. loi< îor 400XoO, wth Ra n iulî-nuuli-ll ForaienCiongr,aoiaan t'l,îiies AUr.nutf! he Sîsit. flic bilraffecs tue Dieu la o! abePour. Wta iffuhun tîrll ia-h'aîA->lîuîî ( lheîrs anul oipîîursa alnot ex- I.asouaged ber-ase oetihue et warn-ebî - Os, tlac%.,% -bu wonsou nain ther a ihi and.Jasd aiiaery prevsilininluNew VYrk, es- lyil iiose o aiiîu.cahhr aaieng the chihdrn u a haulusihe slip on 14-k U...7se teth.asdvtdyrsolirifNe.Eti Daniel Il lIitlnirkh agei l 213 nin, ti-t reh io sFee. luiserdens o! thenpolite, f iftedj in Cleaul-hfturnî t raluiu ultu- 1,Luulgu l-. t-'alis- lt-in rc.tehby the ot-aumer Trms redo îeuorau hl causd b>a aiu< îuî tr nict.Mîuriofuthewrui toone,!hie Anie*caniviitutur, sent a ballet îhronugb ter bena MIsaI,îie.a n th,- U-i.Ibmlac , iuc huruh-ot o!Ta<o.""ainte etsudso brsnrh o! the University Packsge cf Mouey Moli. hoo rn pafrSIeo no ~ pckgt-r-iiiulnio $.lrI n re hatîeit -t a,uten tol>t'Oa Milets frouuu Kilt. Denver Water Proecet. &enpacoknagicul or u gnon,4Kineario î>Nonatren. eî0CultueouîAi lianîrisaene Thilu.'lnuect for s ciy 55ien plant la th a îuah uutrt ii lIt r * la 1 i. 1 iafor arbchi a bondul bue ouf$ th ainls Bak mlIi tofu uuu 150iîit o un n I - i<oiom- o KU MI iîruil Iben athorizul sflen a nu'! enii City t oL u n- .1o aiKlld. ri.euun uosute, ns, (nookei(outil lu>tlb bas disairpeancil ni <ot- in -- wrue0 Thb eiiiul sec-ui<tioiraf U niriru 'on Cul, lueucil. 'hhe cnatta' Oi-uh bol tug on t Or thimiit->lit t l -, ... l i laileitîilui. N iIlnu1u1r-cboul ruoinaii ith'00Ei'tet-n hauukenta lfut a postalilerk.ith-rermil- uiai t fSlu iii n. lp1<ing f a liau Bodi ound n s Sierer Tht -ig1nt-niri ,lhutuieirua. Wl-e tulrul buyF.. -t o-trac ot- rt litrut of uxý fti ter 1Iwonri. aind., I. Scorched. The 1IdnofuAilu,") uiruso ioui.. iii la Ireu ashed ut.«<alndiithe - goi tr. ul , leu ,,o i. lad.,vnos lsistedl t.>a fuma tarai. - r ernWOhurni.u.iII. iora t un h ir'.acura s -ni onr nu embarunlumuitn. ohmuuonu,î.îol tht- Jackson launiuan desîl ini u at-l tlom h d a,«ii . ý< ýI fuminzta Iîlîiany>lange Mture anuit soi toto nlaua a Ii tC h i ifi nila <Iri a -u >sch 1hroueCon OiCeri. r eutr<i.r h er-huundiae. 5 .-the fit <un VatiNos,îr.u s ufuoiîuul , llieuuur ii the case o! Jacob ufu'in,. ulu la on uatosuit tre'. ait(hMaina Duul1.hOsîsuil. Reparte,% Our. Iola I. ligi a 0l,,î,.0 larîue n] sai 10.-jr iica. lit i reuoted frein Capeuhmg<-n ihat btiiiiglin usa orîrie egcilty o! limader agntiîtiunns Itave hocuonrîudîrd mtb lu.nlths-o îîîuhree. - 1I rad.hl ri InAbany. tOe Uniteil ltali-a lu> shir the latter NUIitil. i Alluny li d on n MOI)luof acquîmes bbeIlaish OWest luidies. l'ho Dltoean p feton elr. s o uuul aatipatbiuersA merc'nnbi porcbase prIce.agrerd open is $4.,OO. At a negtro ancehin Eat Sotidait. orîa llied ifrant et bis store, suothen 7%e Danes will traite unden the same tam- P r. Oilimnurie hot and killeul Ely Cieîînîudmuma nom-union mmli fatally IR mu@ the Amerisus. Shela-n fluTe ,losd ias wa. cannjed oui sro.uudeJanad satrmai othena mors on cegs iutpithe Yard tri Ici the dance pnoceed hart. TeaLi EdtoraLDoble Crime. Il'uor made bis escae.-Cutetu 'as rs. ,&t ZAredo, Texas, Maj. J. S.,lPeau, -oltretn iai nPio »upgtt et thie Dally Mles, mortally Roîthem . Crrî Off $3,000. Secret service aiea dscvered-à coatu- , o W. IL. pmcc. vis@-pr«aident W At Muinfordvihle, Ky., oeti entered ter!rtogitipant lu the Moyameasing peul. RtaiesalaeAisocladn. - a go. Hart County Depoait Bank anud 1mai teotiamY. lu Pensyleanla, ohorea purions k9 Wi ii.He. was ildutUb Company'» building aud stol. $8.000 la $20 bilse were Wohg printed and pa»ed W liboti ndir a St of grrs m. ney andt possaly mor e. T. iit was out t0 cou. edeaes who put tillot.W wrecked vîtO ultrogriL. ihto. tabe lsiei as sooSuas liui allfait lu Ch itua acitIe doavu F,rshquaka FettIn isOhio. 1h. i t-Osüo o-aîuuuulir-e n- th,, irht arngit uninmurtnhoi. u 'haîan, iithii' (i t ira cuiras, bout iii. dîîm e so 'oourSeoteO-Irl tîle. 1 iulge Il uek.,nt Bull htvlîl, e.Tinnsu-r truuruul hhly l.osr0 tsi otif-r til.,'-Iai hiuuh<h, rrutuu-12. I,oo'.< osvacrus, u e-i jft i. .iuiugitl>oi9mturM tups.îl Sea-o ltiuned tn 1 is5h n1. orithoîî. In ao ht-r- ,hich ulctrrr>-l tht ýorl hiala ut i ttus!ffrd,<IEîigmituOeaen t t uleit.- g' uute tl ult licesOve, Nîssra Fait.. futura -.I0s curs o of urr <-' ti Oh ullu ii rI huhue of Oiuin.uuuîu 1ou1 1,yu e e teuîîrlîg li,, u ý rIt l fil ila ) rnrao-nce a! bondreda ut i lauhu. tO .ie n lReporta i lited. Ou xoiorîlu.un ocounreri nt 1th eorgi ('ti-ok (iii and Iran CaîuIliuuuu".shiafi l-nri ncî <ii 0W..VOn Nine ntoua re i ptromîilkied. (Ies .Bck lushea O'liîoe. hhoýuat o!the lioruses a! the village Arereuza, Itaîly, Os,. been sptaws hy the faih of an immense roc-k. TO% fat fiftoe hodies hava beau eecovemed. P"oasheut t 1tgaa uM... 11e. 1 Edwin F. Uhl. former imbassader Oarmauy, disi t aisI.coantny homecnet Gasad Bapidi. Mfch., miter long Uluea l h .k t10 ol ]n eai M& 1ttITUiifStIv A S y j~j~ 'j1~~A VTHÉ ~TISt*mAY StiOd CLOSE 0F THE ILLINOIS G. A. R PUSf4FMAY lui ENCAMPMENT. iris.RoI i, i hien. sapisi. N. B. Thi.tle.ool of Cairo la Acle 2:i 1-11. orjrvergs,1- Ki'e.ted, Th. Sens of! Golden Text-Xý lien lie, the Spirit1 or Veteane Choose Frank A. Reidtfor tir tilà,iinroule, b 10 il l ie 30U11110 ail Coloel-Ohee ocicles ieci\~We have uow enlîlcî ilé, earthiy lîfe of Chirist, a sirîdy Vsi,h fins oci-î ed us liq Hîtudreda of delighted reir-rana Thurs- for liore then a year. Trhe reinliining les- lay uliglit depurti-ld triontPeori a for thoir so , É fi. le quarte r rrc- si-h clîina fr0,11 iammntaithe ilose of th i- tiis accessfil i li' Ni-s lîtaîiiî-uii regirîlinile eiirîy elicampîîient in thae 1,i oir.> fi l'i-(' chil h. îîui-ti-iar> i are- sI h iwtory or the 1111- g;j I ('i.rias* lii la loiry Iirîu To- 10 nuisiiilon G. X ld r .a' - oniiila t Iila-gi iu o f a 11-W a.i H. O'. 1r 1,100 del- i-i-a. iu-uiîiing Viti) the 141iiirit-filid antis- tel 1-gites aitenîed thîs îîy (if uipn 0,cr ug an iiiohjaIle , .îr,l je-.t o-nneelilîan alone, ,'.il,, Th'le-impo.îrtanche orit lî--atory i. hill:ilîcre 555 cf1a hor î i la fn-lt 3 it lia roIifi uiaite grenier rep)reseftL-lfinss aîieIinies icehi-on iuitî-rîîîete, hy iiuon!orthe 8()1a.4 o ibis.- %%fi-, Ilar- le ie luriîiir- ii l e i 0o N'terias sud other iltijil I auiî îiîîîî -tit hatc rlîîî , Pli cii11eLutlono titan Uiitir ,lia i- ,-î 5'.IiulIrsilIci-ur. tii ever before. Thora- (,dil)r, î l,,l t,,, î,-tosi n ii, h or it î,irîy id) bsilleis, ail]the or-lers electing offlceli, linayai an, îîîîii-r î-rîfl nuielilru,- and in the .îfî.-rnoon more titan 1,0OW si fri-l ,.,'...i .,. i fSuupiritor Godl'y the visitons enja> -Ja îa rt rnde oun the imorie y oiîiîllo ,uiiig ilîir hi-aria la ake. ji il llgL t e a e o As ex peclei, I ' pti n N.- B.Thiatle- r-îîî nr i- ,rcdilli ii loi- ,ng l,t, * good majoril> IF. Mi. B,,er s'ithdrew lthil tr ciIl- 11 ,iIik* and Captain lîIiotlewooil was enoîly Lil s-id 1'I I-'ii-Iî iIi li lceal er elected over J iîrge 1niuuhle. Rock Isand V c illlor-t t ,îi(ni fi.- tNe5 hi, wa aise an easy mna nt-r fir the next (rr igla o%%Ii lit]> (lirioîilili 'i1lllIor convention. ,l-lt if hi uior . -i f l ia: o,îih a l>crnet lof Officiai Corps. ,ituiatioin h'.slt i li gnrth, iîinlathe ai ('omîiihIer rh iitliniou atnounced the iL[i îiuî-r nu,- iiiiîî l l r a ni 1,-ttr tIelii- O-nu ,ti.i n I -esppiiul ent of I .A. l<artridge as as- îî'. hý -r .'îîtcu in biiw i-ti bit listant adiîîîauîgcuer.l anul .'u Il. Rose i-î îaIfri I .. h i-w invr i-illr- i rI ila qiiarterinasler gînierai iThe usueil coi,- i, fit ilu-ri tir lrî-giiiaiiirl,' Ie ail- iv resoluiina w ere p-i'sed sand the oMeegi<. rtn.k Liîî îqîuoi tili l.>,1-r,- hi Iljecied were insta lIed. Tlîî-y fillon - aititle l,-g i.lni.. f Lfit h ug.. ihull, oly ki Deparimeat antima rider- Ca plats N. B. Spiiit, e tein,îlkrltril1of v1-0<11-and ili Thi.tieaood. Ctira. lIii îg î hif-arllinisi,îf tu niu11kinli leior Vice cloiiander George W. C. iigteOl etmn-)ýL1 do fitaser, Ch icag..<ii i i lI T s ci u-.iI I r Janlar Vi"c timnaarler 1 B. i - 11, Rock- . ut.I, , rut, Iras. iiii-ori-il' Il leii lia- il Assiisant Aduant GUiaer:il C.A. iar- li-aif , as nii,-l-l Ii- vohIf f;:-st-s l i (jîrrteroiasler Geneireal w il.iRolle, (hi- 1.7,1. S'i.. niiiialr. if the spirit telle sj 1.~O .1 . î-,lr-l sali -oî a osna tili wîtb (Il listasi t.tfn d tr I~ ~ ~ T, jiiuI fAliNasrIiîof 'a,. the ii nlli ou lýjii r îîî, - a Rci IleoCla -rA i. ForgbiaW irdimod tB bd îîî be 1 Ilre . tlti rigtor. ljaiaiouc, i li- ti os- ai' ili tiI . -li ,ii îî i I l iol, I 1'. Ciiîî,îî- iî .. ta chr eiailor the oc-- Ilî iiil t Dlezigl ntLarge ii Siiiloisi Fncsmp- i asa ri]« libc a oîîî.îr tir, P.h.. nr.n.uo hi, i clirnaia I n1a-1cJa. n s tilia'aaeIi (hiIl elCh rhna ilr' .<. ii n--f-t j. a. -ull u e Il i <E,-cle I R Itoc Ihîai L i). ot nt -s i l ..I tIie- Fiîher -iirking un tb-' RI tILi. i h Oiago ,Z IL Oîiisîi. i go. Ilnaria i.f îîî-î, iiLu, 1. ut-i ,cl ri fiîî ,I llet Charo- fi, iiIin -I ilelf.; NIA. LoBay, ,.gnnnI, i Chi-g -,J.sia Ie iibîî'.,,; i E. g.i--fla l (Lia th.. Sun endlSa- Aili.. iiîagi. uIl. f ifioulaAl; uraai.-a, i--ol c nîIý I ILliît iin <l, il-ah. so, e iiiaelib I, ly'.iye, *iire-atu.; liri fhronica. oriîîilî,lin1-- i tiii-,h- ý r11 il, i l- w aiair.lie Lon. o b iiîaoa.n , ierluîsa -11fi -ir' 1. ,-V.. ii.,- -. Ilat a i .,ri I. WSioria J.liel - i . i iai II-l- M IlLg-,o - il. H, irii l 'soins: .E K. O,Sî i1,r-a iI- c. bg lu t l hut -îîilt -i tue a. a.1 lloih.eIi. J h 5aN.i. -aiIu i,mI.iid-j L,., ýL- iii. O1-,c ~n - W. t- iiil AiI.nil: a 05,1,. A ituuascy. îi h.î eilîrc- l, rn' I lleii,- th-rr(ri. ai 111ulii J,1 i.-S ,a,îr. <<ui-t - W. POI eIdrl,-ii. Ni-c. ia.,. Lo.îîîa Ke,Lg . . ,h i i.Iil . i. iîi. < iill i rîliiiliii 1 ,Ille; I'harIes l f i. r . i si i 1< F i-aa .is, at tIi lit ,i- li-.l ai h liu t il-ii, sun ta i C.0 J )laîîlî,.uii s- i il <Tn,; Catesspn nC.Il tlipe.i -n 0 lie lu-l it . C. dute îai' ,1 ai-f- îîîilo ,- l«s c hrffy. Otiliiii -r. îî-îî-î tîîlla lme. s, ,1< ,tItoca-. 10-htf a }liiilie Son. of 'set er... til.-L I - îî .. Il, t orl iral., C.A.I 11,11 or I- irili o,, u-r -l a ii..... f r.i-i h Sli ..- --î< tu 0a Iiîîî lîîii c jiil -t ir t 1 îîfî, i tîtI l i c-lil-I flon, a jltiii-a -i ofJ il,,I1 iite.o s itr. o eli a t- o a l'lîieîr cielJ t. iid tai.îx., I.ili ili iiiicd tat l. lit.s i. i _r. K ii a ie W - L h î i - " . . . , < t I l l i a - 0 i l . e, i vil, i l < , l s t Ilh n t e e g i i , i i L < ig , (ire:IV, i i i- .1 'lihi. t -- l-S',-lte Fera Mteac i Lu.e J-y lV.iaîI G a 'jiiiîat i i% i iNtl,, re.nn i a , -l I i ilîiî- staih,..ia. iaIsi if, ti.uiia osuit- hI i ,i.îI ,if iii- liliI-n ,niîî W .în.Relier (cep, <îfiic.r. thIan ,î inîi.-if it i otIi--Sji nS]i The W l Ia ti li,! iriselected te i](i'bai# S ii. .il fîîlluîî, ing riic thoîgh fNirg. Baitr, il.V tiii ~ l t.. ' aId-,lin ibîi lil lil toS i iit] nl u iaa0 l" . the or-iiiri-aiir - i i , I.r lli> 1ri.t l Oua. MarilînK.iate.Slî,"lL - <i,<-. I- -.ili ' -f <ie'Si-i lotol lini ',"'g"""-" S tiIl . li-af --luIl r- 1-;. ait.ii -- JîI ,,,îr ie ir-U i I L.s iii elI. a .sa------- , .,-L w ,,. i ll i<e.ig.alIi-Ot, t -NI, g -e uj, - .- - - of nes a d iiir ofa!G. A. . h h iii iC il,, --i dil i'i1il fil ol, IliýI.i ala td .. i. If - - - "'i l "- i , i:, il o. a Il,. 1 port i l tri i aL e l, 1it.t ie.l 1 1 IL i1, i. i1- -r I- u - I f'.11- l 111.I1uut li i <h 105 , . , n h . - i1I. l e - o ia rI pol Oti l t - Il'r M ' NI '.Ll oP :1'-l ti I',A irii-sicer tr ftay (r A 'La Ma li.i - - iIi i,-ii IL hi a.f O-- tiaa Oe, M to iîî lai o (.1 i i il . ., - i- -i i 1h c, N -.-----------rryui T. î 0,,ti G I g - t ii n g ic i o a - i ii a ii an i a ti - ii--i i 'uIl, iii ,ui- i . I head at the ladia ilSo ii> <i oi- - -il i -i r-',, gii,:-- lia iii.-i.i-I.-i.lIil ,,Ili, IL ttyi Be 130 awlNo ('11nefi u ,,1 < ,1. fiv Ica t oaf 1te s tiw Sie ty. t o , ii- ail-I., <. ~ - ~ ar r-al> lriuî claol. . uîîd N arc ulot _ _', ilI i i-1. ii . i.îl.- i î .,îh c0 a-i aier b h>o re li a 'ins luîpu lia liiuu i l. i-t foi abI. oluiîui. o" thiig 1,- Lwa ch ultiixi-t te pr tp t 11 i 1 11 L-it. lula .,i c Lii> - ii har i uîtt t'ra it--k oîînd lîltrlat îiliiu IliL la ii i ni iiid - i ri , S ii, Iaril sitrîlca t.tNiiiy ofiont rîuimsii oni- i crol im-1 - ýf I îcu gr1t.Itiilv <ua1 n1 huide r eclllca l ue 11o-is n ie le e! gla îipibli1- trc lu 1',rî rut - i-Irr uni ai Lienngssted b W-o aigners10 Euroipe ah i, of lia l.ii. iL -L li oint un- w-eeksli age o ecocr roukickailrero nor - re iaI li i, llel il 1< .iu1- ex- and phnîcalexhaushen, aused iîiri i'aa t- li.-.;i l Ytlitionill -a-re Vpolua tiecui11111uniles ubtili., c Iioi- f -ii i ort r by oJ8lerw islo f adlerrol aad ths alurL r .îî.î.u ,-îiuI po- ril Anb Artanilia BstnbefisIp forntadhu dc nt pakhu-aiiii iioue.iL.lut-iru iN n wordn on fil sureiiho cr.n-1 haelthe- î.î.a nlt- Il ,l.îî,.i i i. l <-rt th.tIo Iisa, ho becaIl atr le sont '. Ille a sn e-f ru-irur-.,ai auit ,til a ii r 1 a l'f ýIIIil fi- solon flo t o Ucdonc font o? a penny' tht i, uI .i t t i r.. d lueil . c, <u<aw.i itn-s.-iee u Eîrip. 'îI-Iluaslu a c uW .iil tiit in1-zu- i l , oîe l la islhi ceeddoverouiily le aall îlot hla fanî theaie uira.lit luae ili. IL, lii ilr theî ibe iltl be<orîtand lIeiides floinpea i, ruluira if a wod nchor Geriinl evei-iei i,-,1t , luat th sli e th e'e tulturo! naend', <1,... u, <w.ja i- î,,t- 11 LtI ohL ii- a aîoîliend. toE uoe. Swilîeîn Pr i. )3li u, t 'ii uu -I, <il I Ic artiiit ii, îr itac cf hua lct-hp, : vaîîdfot humi nau ls n l hl ia, ua -Ilio t -iarr Ifthe ddy oî us - y e ta e th o t hii ilie u u rtlilri ii i uiI i osu for lonie lieIîsdnothuug e ic! me ifî g ch .i -I II upa'- u-. i .e o 1 ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pis. Must Bear Signature of 6w. FàSII-SlniWr"pr se ~w. te ta" asi ~r C0 FOINEAACHE. CARTERS FUanDIZZINLS3. FOR E IUGUSIIESS. L.V. F OR TORPII LUVUR. IL TON EI 1CONSTIPATIOI. Foc SALLOW Kim. feuTOMP1ItCUI~ Were i aiyeut me.I $Pnea. ort of a ha nuîg gainu r- an a.a watt-dru cd s, "i hengtb. adapte gise nu or h,,, fact. b '. a Tfinl- ta th,-, tht-ni work baoe 1 took ou tbcy f she laid Oc jet," i utas a himn fon 'ie sa ouulu break sh.' tes ns, in tir, die. li 4 Shc witiiar i«.pmeabI1tyb Dwuavtnmg.a Lu extfflive ownet of City rui fikt. ai callad upc. St hI, office on@mm.. vi by a stranger, who asked hlm:; "l thie.hlir. Phîlpot'.' 'Yes, sir," he repliesl. *Yuuj own the propcrty at 575 Buro iIelIor;a* avenue, I tacera -e "I ai iiild >ou are trylng ta selll IL" -- 111C,' '1rI)ould lie ta uy t, if 3your price reRonatule î-tuough'" "1Mn% 1 aik s'.hocon airp?" -l nui Profe.aor Goixlklnd, of lii' uni- 'ralt ' I haie tiought the place nei 0No. 7,7 n the -luth, for a re,1denve. mid t(, 1,- frauk, 1 don't île th in. ld of nants -i relit 3 our ho aseI 0 1 I Wlli o luy il i il I-l et,t ny (.0n j.l glilors.' "N,mil. -(ns,' i->a lieowîlcr of 0:v, rojierly, lia its 1,,a i 1,n-lu nl-a in te n iýr. I .l.itt i-:lre tr FI -e i b ni ep nais 1 olial i hcol) il, lîî,l Ali.e e ron'a it. c grolinltuaI the nuo-:glî îniiiiîl 1 l; inulrig An --Ni.1).V' O<pen i eitter. lienton, 111 , May 20. IR. Il. lloat a-. Ni.1).,f ihls plae. ln u anopenl i i i-r il a keos i le follosvlug stan lb g9 Iýn ladlîjl,-tç>m wtth ail Ita worst nihi,îs Il .p1lîIed erery ro'itidy ill0 t ho- il am001 vel01111as e' Py I-r.-, p ýî,,uggestcýd ID our iooks. li ipiîte of ail. 1 was dylug. and 1knes'. î, -Ama 15l:,.îreeiort Ril wtth 51'SrcCh:V 'DY fait " 1 1c er hrltnei-ed ltit- Ig Dodd îa -.îii,-- g1. nlu <e week lind tlil it-l,, i1w-ut lnda-a elI. '11,1.lail-oniuîîiha ago, Il I 1,i1e [lot lili., r til,. i'of Lan, are lea oa" iai. "As alli-a ui . aI. ian rlth yenr" nf PepIc. 1 i , ai v-rasert. '(lit I ldil's Klidn- tIiiîarc tîle last in.-dl,-lue In11jil. l ci , fuir 15< et ica or a v it lier Il . .v IlS-il ve Sli-. iîsna iller], IlIi i l,r I1 î. 11>. u~îInIo iii1t3 <i 0*$l iii an ,i le IIevor fsll ait) iliakîiig Itiq Mla, f Aa prf-ajî,nalIli-n, aller îl lut I %la(Ile a iot t lî.roi gbI.te1st îof I IdI Ml 'Illean îd heo-tiie 1 fiel IlI - the puillii- and,! b Inaytrîîa.n brettîrlu.IlTho triilhI-an 111-i -t- nso. aid s.1!;liai I have a.aid ts th% atîsolute truth. -IC Il I IrNANAY. M. PIl It lm no s'.ri(îîcrt iliai t ie pulile tire tîittlîs1.i c rîter illsnes nedlî,n.-. ,n orir 1lein g Phlîyiiaun th--loii -Ieslre ieîing -Irtiver bta ulstie (urfoulm leilhîlurna- Ille alta lndil 1,. ort rh-i herlI- aritiii i Lo- îvotrd le lu tie Egyptîlin atîsetiiili, lt i iroI, It i oflts n rvssm us.a.îliîls. w reîali ant hou- qtie-xt.f fil,,sra nill tatieli frotthe an- ânîplsI,ý -iuic i -. IlIent onIitionl. No-irly ail i0- u Lsîa-lois- ii dt Ild. u- i,. . rs i <î(