Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1901, p. 2

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THB Ie NDbPI3NNT FRArK a. JUS?, fimtoe. IUIPRTYVILLIE. . LLINOI&. TRY TO DIE TOG ETH ER MiAN AND WOMAN ATTEMPT SUI- CIDE IN HOTEL. 39Mju Mfl W.Ik-r Fourn Deui, but lier Companlon Wili Recover-Ter- r ibia Mne 1i.a.te,- ut Iron ?d.ou. tain, Iilh. >Men Kilird. JAII*nt Bllkî, ci tir ni VhO.-il l gunini hund miloInnlig aoelety s rn in oann d "Ir'.MablIl. ,Walki-r lund iri uin B liiC., -n u t the l.indlii lîntel. n, i.N l u ian effort rto Üi oni'in 'in h hlýnnnuul lit ',ocb. s-h iu thn Uar!]nng theininla n tva s &ditrink nii ni a ,in w ai rtu oe andj n OtIn-in f l rthne Inint. rTh, body onf lira V ni,ontasti-o hum, <MeLie1ndrell Il ot"-I" 'h ' mo unnî.. fier ling house.Itrnik .nnn- nii,'Iivni i îmn tend hînuimef -nî i fn n flnintiteioh ehalIiîgenll b iii to r, In ,i tll litr, andt tli tobn iinni ina'Ini'l tnnlaluni - bol. ,dr, . IVaihîr tntas n nnlt and en u-cted. litritln unni- îrian i1'i itiutke,. anditis ti1Il nnnni- il t, ntn,f issanints In Lincoîlnt-nng Inisl, - , irli aîndl nocett ttirli. PROGItESS 0F THE RACE. Ugtandlg of Le.uutClub. l. Contnt Fol-lg l9 thé. standifig of the clubs tu the National Ieigte: W. il., - W.. L New York..1M 9 Brnioklvn ..15 17 Cincinnati .18 14 st. lotuis.... .15 19 Vlttohitrg -. 19 13 $notiî 1 G1 ahludelpn a18 15 tilîlcugo -__13 î*- Standings in tht. Americuni 1.-agin- mm r Chicago ....25 12 PIlilijiii. 16 iS Wasbington. 17 12 Boston . .. 13 I; Detroit-..21 15 Mtilunke 14 20 Baltimuore .. .-15 13 CIevelund - 9 24 BRUTE ATTACE S AUED) WOMAN. tVlti, Hoiding flaby lu Arme, Ia Fa- talir BHurt by Negro Thief. Mmn Mary Sciauler. 70 yeta old, white iocMtng a baby lu ber bouse t Kansas Olti, won strnck down wiîh ni htchqt 1-Y a Dagro. The ahocklugly brutal crime W-1114 opumtted to clear the "uy for the. ýhaft o aàteW trinkeýs anà b-ta o? ;alîer tbat Lay about the humble homne, of wIhîuh the wosnaà and cbld were the oly eu Pàu*aUris. Sciulertsla ,ul us frac- tured anti ahe canuot live. £Tour I lEN KILLEZ) IN MINE. enpiIainlu&boit Rundera Maeiy Chldreu Fatheries. Elt men vert. killeti ut the.ieleuth kevel 01 the Ludlugton shaft, choptîi Mina, ITOn Motutain, Mlch, tny an ex- lilo" and auffocaîlon froun the fumes Otbüurann powder. Ai! the men n liat Vert of tht. mine are deati, 50 the exact '«asaeof the burnlug or the pownler ean- zae mt b. deterunineti. Ail the meun lbut one gart marrieti. Bada Wise Ou Standard 011. The a Orka of Scofielti, Shurmer & ?aagilu laClevelandi have pased i mbtht. aoata.i of the. Standard Oil Company. Wth Iht property there was ao turnesi *ver the Itt.restu of the Cleveland Itehu on A9 OeMpauy, owned princîpalilis S co- laid, lburiner & Teugle. The SciloRt.- bing ,CwnpaUY vus Ituafedi oî-sr tutht. 81aadard a few days ugo. The. allout laVOIla I tht. deal la about $1OiJooOij. Illrte nder Commuit, murder. Âadeew Tapper, a bartender, ntidmýrtîl Mina Roaa Mil x arv-er, Mn ucl! blnOd. cnttlng Ib trout. 51w" us201 Piazau OH andllired t Monmtgouery. Logmte un.a rohmsei ,onbugt vis-e mUihn d f ako. Mt-ua anil.t M ay ille Bni the oîîguoaalu inîr alterandkar h' h-r olîji'g,- I'is 1117,m. , atteîniauh wnitîgabht-rn Wl<snana Whetheeponte-nd pJ,-.ntî. Repa alort f rii,î nl Iini j fIi-nie tnul. lieThetlittlens In-an n ii ii nîn in- Mau-ofhli--nnilirti 'l'Io- trenil lr Metryiii tia ltheof wonnlint il mut A uL Watht w Th ratie rt-il nnt hi-or-n aa ottnt io nnt hi nli lie- peiadfor )ohnim lisobti» De. Ih e tîunst'u, 1minifns-mu t iînfmimîu &IL the -lb uîlas tainns neanla t, bus been îturt, t htîtmuI ee tg p snc d r-sln . Daniel C' (ili.i niu. ui rearignutitn ltaseffecn nt lthu MIss Merths Ilic-bloru, d.nughnnu-u mi ]LIeue A(i mirai Illnbieîn. s uns oint min Jame. ('. I-ti lits. >iu-it s'unt mmii I Bite Statut statusî.In, 1tnt' i-'tl mu. r ot bur parensinu 'a'shinngî(,nn Frnif. Ilerrmnu las lmS't.u founud giltyltyu Congri-gtiouo i cmnîîuil nilrinneli h1Ouu anod h fruutt uri-Yaleple * hu.Bi ueî es. John Stewuart, s heuimmuiucrî-ppin--unu 'Sbhltotu uork. dtienebise tua ceci ttht. boule of Liike FaI-innnnln-. ftour mutilems iiot 0fNsb le en n alil l'nnnnlluem ta ~.agate mnIsut himun j -âmil Ii ul.'], been had Mlit.... d 'tm -a tilint n.nufli ummt Thre" Kiliesi. i let .,ut. A pahaetrt rîan rni hm i, i int. Southern Itniwanun' u-, ii m in mî b>ia n atiteh t-uine ts i ,uiv. mi At isatis hop.u. Tbueee ninulîleni rab Wtiv njuredt. Thret flan flmo«nesi Weighiet b; Iheir leun>- rlahin sud rubher boeis. three laborers on thelr w-s> home frot uusrl vent. drausuetinlutht Calumnet muer lu Chicago. With teve obh- ers tht-y vert. in s -toi bottormed scot. vhicl was cuipsizeti b; tht. ssweil cîsseti hi tht. passage of a steamfer. 014 Raitroati ta BseIffac.d. [t je annuneeti thot tht. consolidin 1 of lu the KansîaswOIty. Fort SSut aiph n d lhe 'Pri"ce aliays ut= pheta effacement of lbe *ammar nd. The unitaireot tht new prop- m" v i t Làa«Id. b. alylet ha &t. LA140&AER UELLG *Ott,, O1'g 9 lgib sttfara 13, à detisîtti or tht. Minnesotu an- Pltvole Court Ruagfeli Suge cames lot poa-' session of ubout 30000 acres or land1 lu Stearna County, andtiu.tle ru inînînhure residenl ou tht. lund troai tmsentulî tttCf t.'5v Isefte. iii hure 10 taranet.nibtiy th-esud, which lie.liecotînt. t trn itals bIt. Tht. suit usas brougbt by liant Cruts- ieY auj othar savaler, agtatthe. daIm of Rusisell Sage te tit. bt tht. protierty aa augnet. in trust of tht. lands uf tht. Hast- ilegsanti Dakota Railwuy. The tran- übise of tht. rallrond w-ns fîrfrltel] hy n jUdgtot.nt or the. Suprilie Court. .The. scterg onderstoonl anti wvnrt.adn Iseil tlut the. forfeitinre uf franchise nmli enla for- feture of tht. utirt. land grant, bunt frim tht. raing made by Juisticet. ,t.-is oit ap- peara thut s80rnchn-bof tht.lnatm s the road had attuailis rarrinI Ieinit.ita liroi- erty, uhlch wast etIn ransftrreil 0 tnîRus sel] Sage, inutrust frrrheb ttnikliolices oh the. roud. ,nni.if mon ani njînu t> nf the Retîlers. aie in con-ohnrtablt'iic i i ta nies auI haine ttrniigbt thlir traionu i ner a biglin onnte uofîulnivtin. -Th (y havé ni-nir pi rfor t he laildnir îpnil latxes. Ilt n ail tît NIr. Sagei nsil tnt!, ste'pq ntu n lri.t-sthnŽm, munItht. stttien a (ninit h,) i-s s icarrY tht. caseIlu tht >Su- preinitIrtnit if tht. tîiti'ilstaîtc. onutht. contet'ionn llat tht c-nnnnplelon nf tint rn a t. Dot.narî nifilliiiient of ils ideilg-s; thînt ilivai , tlgaîn irhei mît.anr1thiit mni-utîthle original tockholi(lemu Cir lien-b nid. YOULNG liEIRESS us IN FERIL. BIid E.tortlne -s Theuteo Maoryn Shu ut Duveuport, Io-.s. Mac' shant-. gialdaaghter nif tht. att. George S. Shaw,. nolliouire Iiniibernia ul Cloiîuet.Wis., enis to inn, 1ergecnteti bY extortlonens wrhoj are detcmmlinenl-10 stetire aIporionuor bet- runar. 11ev lth' er, E. A. Shanw, receuîîy remoye tg)ta Das'enport froru Atlantic, lowa, anti the duughter lias licen aîîennling a boarnin.- school. Soinnlifte urriviug &ht. receireti a letter tiemandng that uhe procure front hier fther n soiltinou-y, giviug direc- tlla sfor tiepoitiug inivreî'tht. veiter cotl4,glt. 'The pen'alty eofafillira tva, to lie an attack npoa ber tuorrieti ululer, NrI". . VMNiaînu otAtlauntic.t. hit woiiln deprive heut f lier <'tesiglît. Tht. girl uosved the letter tu ber father auj of coturse nn respanse w as il. A few nighîî ugo, as she urus w allasg near lier brtme, a man aepîned fronn a Place Of roucesîment near the. vslk and muade a iresb demaudti Iat ube procure tht. tont.y and meet hlmnaI a place lie aPPointeti. Tht. police vert. notitieti. The girl kept bier tryst. but tht. liabes tiere 8o full of citizen@ anti policemen that the rablier Irobabl>' toswarang and ien). HOPE POU SUNNY SKIE-. ReluIt Tradera Diarouragetiby Recent Unaeauouabte Weather. Baadtreets asays: Unuenuonable wenth- et bas lheen tht. bey of tht. general situa- lion Ibis ti-el.dscouraging as il las heen fo retnil trsde inuthelieties oui colnu try distrîn-tilallke andi retarding tht. geowth nofinuit crîrînabut 1irtnv-larly corna uni! nui utbe nrtberu liaitnil the country aurd îotton n thte.Souith. hith- al, houeset.. there inn a feeliing iirev ilent that a feur weeks of wan. sonny ivealin er. a deeienilark of whicb bas aouInar been notedt Iis sprnîg. wioulidiio much 10 place tWàntters, commnercial anti agricinl tural, in as gonit or lieter coninutinatithi a yeur ugo. Tht. usel. uu ncwuibhont mttt'h change, elicp! that a ratber beiner spirit bas laesn tisible inutht. nutrial situation auj thut anme progrssasu been ruade toit uniaeseulemuent of exiting labor troubles. ma, Kacans liath Pealnty. Tht. prosenutlug attorney of King County. Wash., hius discovened a defect iu the nuw law pauoed hy the lual Legis- latître rguetilng the. execnînon or crîru mals s-hici itlai believeti invuidates il as ta1 ail pt.rsans Dow nîrîjer sentence nf tietb or isho ruay be seulenced before Junne 14, uben the laîr goesa mb effect. Hall of F.e le Denllraed. Tint.Iltaîl aI Fume onU tniversity Heiglts. N tw York, for wlinîe fouilua lion M N He% len iiould s redîtet i wth huving coutribnîtet $100,OÙ0. usas formai- linli hrîn opnin t h plie, auj it, tsienty-aine bronzne .-m.,~mtlelI lets nnctimi rîii ilrtssa vet'ewionis s Cbaun-y NI. ietieurw-us t eoator. Fîftten lMe. Losil;dSe. leifti'-n iahi'cmcn nre unipaeenl 10 batve bc'.inrovued lu a w id sînînl offiCharles- ton. .. ., w bile tIlt' 'tnu..inIato llet. t n fishinugbotsas a offclrrnd 5tht -asot nUn ptches' The- 1gbî minta ut thet nnîî nv eue acu ttreti to tînt.fouilr wintanui ail sai, three are uècuniit-d tînt.. At ('ovintgi n, Ky.,- Srs. Kalic Henlcr, îged 12.o ft. r a qurrv-I thlblierlbus- blandl. ingtnl42,. s innit u i klitd Ii, su %veli is. thedc 3-yvna r mInI ilintter. TVt-o abemîtitnt.e rn-t inîttnu bnr onnîil inn-unI,01 biew ount bt-n in int. Il i it kuOWL w liati in.-tt.enanse oaI tht. nîtarrei. ililed lu.HBatl poio 'Ihe ol mni i(temrge S.IRo-t, m-net-nIy th,, Il'ttshntii ate IcGlasg Coîmanyp, nuit dl-tti iii lu> n unîlueuonu ncmtTiireu-îin, Paî. i mtinu u-Ivw ho niuuîiiiit o n-e. was ,mrn-l lreîîun-unnir oheui.-i-vn useme linaybluut -Il Tht.( muse nf thie-' plosm ion unt knusu, Lahorema' WV.Ue imeuel tile It-pnilnic il'on allai Stî'eilnrmnnu«u vouinuami> itiii nI dthse agua of miii thet n mnmnnnnnn IA.nihi-ms atirutsBrou onliiiti stîti halley>plIants n bYoutgitsn u% (h in. l) Cents P'r lu;. IheiatmSnie affecta SUnç uen',a su!lu ife, inn, e a t (,ute. ReiutosNul A-el. iov oirSuurtt m Souith Cncmliaiu las ejeeteulith'esigniuatinuua mlS-natals 'l'lliiin anut filanl urin o gta th ibm-n tr tri cnnsder thint-mmmlion, il,- tehîni' hi-mn in n s -er ihut tlin-n ihould ttoltulimec for s-rionscostn DemIlso,.tht.Trolley Cari, 'Inteu- linati>3 . tin-i Ittrllu'> Itint. Iii the- nnw -muln le.i St rn-t Italyinu>-lu'i minuginl. m l-mnint S> wýiiIegol, douru n i s teinn h i hilin n.', n tal u; nîmnnmg mui )rtli marti înug tutu t> fine nilI,, r mtnt,, or les-tSu mmni Negri lutnel ,lthýt. tke. FritulI1îIrîî.1leî, S ,nngIn 3 tara lt nnbo mu it N-t ir,. l, mii 'ragg.u i.a pmntimui w-litei idnmn arutlowtv.Fia, oh a g reai iliruung. Thii ntgns numui tht' scu-tn- f th,, ngun i cri.,. 1inne n th futur iory linîiiiinutt 41:1 l'y tih ustrn Storets (m demami almn-mens un nie> gooti, t u rtislu mas utti1ilinuions. ta osel a I)ns-i nf $itii . n ttmm I w-hlch W-s nut1wueiilning. Faal l xl"u, uaua' Amitaln in u.u n tnt he 'nemil mine ahnt euiuunti. .C-mIn, -l> n l'y tuo Mu-en mreinsaati ' vkîlleIlnI amui gilt oth- eu-s iluureti. It la blieliicnhi-nilue csn vas cauaed b>'(tu accumuuluaionIrgin, pleft.nre Excumelsusini s Fa rteliy. Deunul cummiugaWilliam Goriffth of Flselîevllle, N. Y.. anti Otto Adam@s ot 0Mb Marbor, Ohio, tartet accouatht bka ýt Johaâonn ail irant rm SgdnaWi 0amnmjn a sonauli aslbboat .AÀtomlucaria Up ad lWtht. roraigthaîr bot camae soaire cmpelzt.ti.with saullaset lad rmd- der gone, It lanî'ousldr'ed certain tuât all threew'trt.dnow'uet. PREACIIES M- EH IN 5PRISON. Mlnimter Accueti of (onUbuu-feiOlng oItia evIv in luthe, Joli. Rltv. SWilliamu 'aanît.,whIo l ut njolilut Indianapoliis on the charge ofriakiug e ounutérlt.t maun'y andi or barhag tilunbis pnistssi.u. lias heenu mevotîng bis timue t refonrmiîng bis feîinnnn nnrs. nult bas sbe-lttliiil eauntelI tb,ît the prison ntln say le ui 'n-caurou 1lithedmure gond djutr' inuslOthenv iveelis ho liai. hueein n jal tînniii a illieern-i te of thle ieacluimt of lndiatalim nd muifmltht. tons t irnnshion' aret, Ier. hý'adn- hmnîji eulaI oeel' laiug et> u'y veninug nnnnl exhonrts ta liecunan, lt-t.tîr i nuisten is a Rau- t ist. andI!lmni hotun n chiaruse of severul utru in mmiltkt. ('miinty. Sitn e be-c Iranlhisnn ril cuiitrhci t colishave a aîem.mni,!tt.e sîcrt 'tsemn it. mensus- p'cted thte int ht-r nof lassilusthenn. 'Vbi'> delhitt lut hr n't avmilile andI omi tîufci iaolty w4[s lnui lnntrlemhin the "ctIhur. TRtAIN Rt:NS FRO.M ROBBERS. Au Eugi.seer ou tht. Rurlluglton Spoils l'n.,eeugqrsunin ng nt St. ouI niaulIn' Buncininstini lniin'nImita m ni-g rport au nttt'nînîmadeoabh' onîutiin îrlgbîta roi) thet.rtn n à lnuin nioafIrolhiero lT.e trairn wsîn mnnnmîmungnt an ot-iiiarynat. 0of ,,pee'nIjasI ount mif Saon n.l. I, iN hi n dIinglînùtriic nd lîîrreIsoatî-j flue et trl14-tlroe. 'J'lie ilgn t i ronlinîtl ti> rt Off th'e eqand muIiciilrnidInu liringinis nie train tii a top w btn fiv lntin-i olnr.iu fromnu the noîttisu n ,] n Iniaîîne for tht train. The uuginni'-m ulldlue timnnttle w-ie ýopen oandl amînenlthetrtainS -nnqnnnn ]y tiantnne of tht.uoseiiiitd bnghîna> tu ,uilil ulinîh uhsinrd. FURNITURE IIEAL 18 FAILURE. Grand Rapid. Facto.-tes Wili Not Forta s Big Cuoldttn Tht. consolidautinnrifthe Ieaming (;rend Rapîis. Nlich . fînitumne facîmîn e. wlnîcb Charles IL Flinat i.hNew York bas Ineeà liraninling.a. upractuiim-aly faut-s Urongh. Optmins on gunit plntnîs, wns hb eret hart. formie(]tht'nnlemîs nul the combint., t'uîinetl rt'n-ntiye wlitn aslnets n, grmt urss îrsî-ntî-d ta she manuactnnnî-s. lha,- ns utiexuhange onIstockilas in basîs. A ruujonnty of tht. men baie nînur mecideti ugaluat Ibis proposition.t Dr-- ed ilnicht of Short.. Three tnknnauil ysung ruen, prenumubl>- Clevelauders. vert. dentsnem inlu Rrur iv e while fis hung lu a ovianat off Clin- tnnPlark pier. Tht. bnatl untdeal>-turne,! uie lu ighlof suvemal 'peeittriion te shore. sud Irfure elp cuultue givt.u the Ibret. founud aner>'graves. Fatal Roatiesa Accident. A rouboat, coutaiuhng a mn.rmy partp of elght yonug pt-rsons, uras snsept nier FIat Rockl dam lu tht. Scîimm-kniIi rer andl sei-eu oh theun fire girls unîl tnt-o boys-- nure droit at.. Tht. uictime uent plI Ph ini ilethia us. French Expicrer, Kitteti. A t'legruun triai Cuzco anouinucesthat the F'rench exlîniers NMN. Ieveux onud Le 'tonier bave e lten asess.natt.dl bv un ltalian nunitb ilaanie. itht. Valey ol Convencinn.liera, (lianintw us aft.r waid blllud b> savage lInans. caban Cns.tlbtlou.Rujecteti. Tht. Unitedi States goveruimcnî bas rt.- jecteti tht. consttmtion stimitteti by tht. Cubans auj wnil not vilhnlruu r leps nu- tl futnure reltons uîlhth t. Islandtiare set iluane(tîsvocaî lanuage. 1. Lout Éth AU looad. 1.iug urateroggu« and)boaatonpthe Ibrei maeil tchoouu-r Itoni of Racine w-us foîun) inLuake Min'bigiin ten minles nomîessi nf Milwsaukee. Tht. crs orf tbmn'e menaund a sornnu n e soppoacdt 1 beltsbt.1 Double Murder Sînti Fendi. News ashnurtachet Wi-atlierford. (lb - of a idouble llinu at Berlin. (thon Charf fia shat andi lilleul Dre.hM iiit. ftur w bin he ci.unnittéj suicinle I- Mmi- .ubail uburgen! ibafin ilh Bii.4 soutle hint-e fond ChaflInm'as inulîctenî Fi- e. enAre Lynebîrt. Fine nien suspectet by tlnenr neighors of iutnimtralnle noffenses ntirpt> îlîî,erry weue 1> mînîetial Lînokîut. t'il.The. vivc tia lu weire(Calin oHil l. 70 s 'ya r' ad.hi@ u rt, hoîf ut iem! sus.n ! [l an atis. Junte. A. Renne O1.Itea. Jaines A.Hetrnie, tn te-eu lnosnuuor tnl lah1Ywtrîglî, l. iediut hho Imnein aNi-v Yor of unImnui-tebonclutin mii Ii înnnnn mttir anuiliin'ss ohfnititeîn insu teuînnntlis. ili a, -j e N uInitîe. Quce a Il uliul.oI talaibas gin -îî in ii a mliinglinnr. Tht' voutg luin nnuess il! ecem tc itiame eL4's'mnalida Mhbnieb ria. urrS Psbnmîu 10nFrance, M.Ovsu-mO-niffliiediitth ailtt.endemtada aI1-tantie iiin -gartiitm I lie A geriltu- \ltirn-i-nfruntier drloînnînd multht. ont- raigun iitli tn'd ounnn n suilujus Cblcago-CfiCtle. commun ta prirue. $3010 to $570; baga, shlpphug grade*,, $3K tita1 $5.95S; sbt.sp, fir ta cboice, $3.0 ou $3115; alcot, No. 2 ced. 74ve10to 75, coen, Ne. 2, 42c t0 43c; oats. No. 2. 'Z'e t0 ýJ; mu-, No. , 2.fie ta 52c; btter. chm-rruue aiennuey, 17e ta 18c; egîsfreth, 10s' to lic; pntaoes. 42vc10u151vper luoshle. Itnianpoli-Cattie. shipping. 83.00 10 $5 h0 ogug, choice ligbt, $400 10 $5 85; smeep. comimunntmmprime, 83.00 ta $400; vheat. No. 2, i3r 10 74v; cocu, No, R wtrîe, 44evt 45-c; ons, No. 2 w-ita, 30et 1Ic, Ki. Lotiis-Caînle. $327,lau $6.00. boss, $3) tii)10$5.80; uhu'ep, $300 lu $4.55; ,i usiuat. No. 2, -Île tu 72e; corn. Na, 2, j40, ta 41c; nuls, No 2,.'-'Se1tu29c; ryt., No. 2. .e1,30to56Ce, lin itiat-Cute, 83.0010 $550; hogiq, $3.001 t $590; sheep, $3.110 lu $3,15; ushuni No. 2. 74c to 75v cornNo 2Z .ium'nl, 43ec 1044c: ots. Na. 2 mhxeti, 21)c tn :lu; r>-.. No. 2, Ne, 10 59c. I1li-min--CatiIe. $2-W t. $525; boss. $3.00to n.$5.75; seteîn.$2.50 la $400; îrtu.No. :4 75vinn 76c; cocu.,'.-No. 2 eho.42cr 10 43v; Oats. No, 2 uWhite. 30v, to io; r> e. 55e t. 5(;C. ' N o. *-uileil. 73c ta 7U;c, sonnu.No. 2 mîxeti, 43c t0 44c; oats. No. 2 îîan,2&v tri 20c; re. No, 2. 52c 10 Mtc; iii er seeni. primeu. $G.50. MiInt un îhît.W'bnt. No. 2 noriheru. 73e 10 74v; corn, No. 3. 4lc la 42e; ouls. No. 2 wiînt-. 2i),etuo On. rye, No. 1. 53e tu 54c'; arles . Na,>, 54e10 to Mc; pork. mess 4.u Buiffho ('ititît., cholce hpphng teers. $3.00 ta $5.9i0; boss, fuir tu prime, $300 1u $610,;helf ale to shoive. $3.50 10 $4.501; lamlis, catumon ta extra, $450 tri $565. Nu-us- orI ('allie. $3,75 10 $6.10: bois. $3.010 81$.25; sbt"p, $100 ta8.50; whet, Nu. 2 md, S0,c to hIe; cura. No,.2t 49e tu 50c; Oats. No. 2 us-It@ e, tu 0Sb!; buitter, carmry. 18e t10 111eg giL, va«t cm 12c te lac. VOTES TO AqCEPT THE PLAT-r AMEN DMEN r. Agrrea.s that lit. Prurialous Phaii Be lucumporata 1I ttuthe lalanti Coust. tuttus-Radîrala Maire Bitter Pintait -Parooaài Fight. Narru.eir Avertasl. B>' a aarr'ow njort>' of ont. vote the. Cuhan constitioiilcots t uion lu aa vana'agreed 10 the uajorilty e- port of the cumnîmttete on reations, sshich ecorurendu tht' acetance oh tht. l'lat atuedment, Thinnembu-us of tht. CUunu convention bavei evîdnti> souie tu the. conclusion thut if tt.>- ceumot get ail Iheyy vant ft itN,11leie ey wuslue fate ubat tht.>.ecun gît. With tbis 5ctm ru the. efformt lownimii a final ltîleruen tt.eue)bnllatiOns aud thet.vhdtrauruî et Ati-,rîu truopu lut hroUgbt murh mintrrtu Iroition. Rame- lbiug remulus tmt. bedue iutht. st-ut o t.xamuining tht. j mn on ostitutlion wth a viete 10 maniung sure Ibat its adopntionu mfflI But lusui, tint.Unitedi Statea la Boine uf tht. flnîn -mmmhtroubles usith usbich lb, yonng repînn nu mop seelu to a suile itselt. Apant tmînno tlat auud the adjst- ruent of possile u etuis tht-ne lu uppar- entlyi>-01tt<n ob, drimn. Ih may lie assura- ed that tht. tin,,,n-ini tnnarditant m'ben tht. lent Amruem -ii -rier usil! have de- parle<I frum Cinn il ni!unt he Cubains uil l e left to Iii r )Wnun devicea. Il reste viIh Cuba onh.i 1,r iubail male t. lef Ont. of the ivon Id, gcn t ifle republirs. hoîling asun-b nt, asiis inuntreruail> patin) tO SWurlîMîni, sn, Or W's IIalou Internai disse nin itu bn-s-uit.a bltgbt upon ils notiimil itnuce. Tht. report ai rinti8pla inluthet. ortu o! au Ippendia tri the- constitution. It hegina b>. qutang nhe joint resoînîlun of Cougresarelaîinr to tht. indtependenct. ut Cuba anti tht. mire rticle or tht. treat>. of Paria, aivee tînt' jetails of tht. aentillg oh the Platt a unenct to the couven- tion. andi quot, i i tînt oeituent itue!!. lieference la mîîretrithe vnuit of tht. Caban commlosirii Iiitht. Uited ti ates anti tht. aplamii ofnulthe. meaning of tht. clanl oh ieVilatt auetioîeut b>- Secrelar>' HOM. The report on-o quirtins tht. tetter front GuOY. Wood, t,ýranismninig tht. letter tioru lb, Secretar, if War ou tht. sait. ant- ject. au bavluin the value of au officiaI document, anîl Iben @tares lu rer>' cltar tennis, article tnp article, tht.cinivention% T. ""m'ADA l'ALIA, tai to ha taied ftuPesîdeel 0f th. (Zohst luberprutuii . -Aiîlieee mtters bave a been tinonuseti antirmncsh stress w-au laid C ou tht. pet.rsenesa ,s-îh vhlch tht. Cubau inieeprKton is formulateti. Tht. flua! article lu tht. appendu sina I pletige tbat the repablic oI Cola uI! pro- pose a reciprocit>- treaty. Commerciah 1 luicresîs ase.hlghly gratlfiedti hat this plu-ngoi' n uorppeubt.tinlto île accept-I au-e nf tht. Plaît umeudmeut.h Resuit Ileer lunIouht. I Wuîlî nhe exception tut a leur Amerinssi anni i uhua nerepupur umen aund hîtf a d.oes înrniidua ,natbmulpluit tIne dei.. gaies necre preaeulta h ear the resunîtnun- nolunei.Itl a Consitiered b>nme ibut thet. nîng van practicallp aresuget bie- folrei nd unlthet if Ilere han! lieu-n as> tonnht ns ni. tht. resuit moreothte dnlei ganus istrlti have volet)ins favor oI thet e poret Th,. esmîeals matie a baerdfishi ai thee ast, unr! Iorînuondo Gomeu ont Tinno n liltemî>- arruignet the crumsuriais et' Tamnn su'ý as laurtivnlumi>- vinulietiv n dt. al 8 des lamei ibet ever>'biusl>w-ho vomul in flu vr o otht. l.lstamendreni urusa o iutar te lins t ont>. Tht.conuvention cnnnieli e,! ii Inn ccîmoact this stanementt (ui-sen eralfinrcnlmitus peruonua! si-m- et! inIiininui. Conmuc spole for more Ihan au boum. sun! his speech undoubtedihesuwmni nier1 Canitnn, IRuban anti Manduiley. tils' oî I pa'ed tn tht. patrlotism oni nbî'lsat'uni1 ehenirsi-ilie ongutflg't foc iadmîndn-ce,t tienatnt-ng as peru-rrers ailh! bhe 1ltt aruenmmt. on the grînunti that they bail surorn to drawuup a constitution for au iudcpeudent reptmlic. Senerai cou- aeratives rose sud asketi (hanuttauru- tract, lut beoalisolnteiy rehuet. Tht. fniuow-lug telegutes votitn gatint the majorit>' report: Gorues. Gt.nîr, Ptor- tunuio, Lagret. Muntinle>.. Cieneros. Fer- rer. Forttu, Robao. E. Taruao, Silva, Castro, Zayes anti Alernan, Rivîea anti Bravo vert. absenat. RIVER BtOA-r BLOWN UP. sîraer ýlaurîna WIreclad hy Gasin- lineand Dynunste. Tht .aninle. a 14-Ion freight bonit pI>' iug liet-n Boonevilî,. Mo.,,sud IRoche-' port ou tht. Missoui lriver for tht. uev1 rulroani, tisablow-n 10 stoems by-expio' ais-es sînireti on hourd, sud tus-a lorers are blnIeredtu,10have heen klied, Cou- shuerabie dausatte anjoii peupert>- resnlleti roni the. explosion. thal w-as reli for miles. Tho Laurine was peopeilei b>- a gaso- Une n'tginue,and w-heu e match Vuas ap- pluledto i tht. generator, tht. gusomîne ex- phlentd. T1he ctuptaln anti crployes of tht. bot isnnn-niatelY vucateti, The fine spmeud raîidîytut the, ,upply tanks wilh gaeoîiue.i nut a secondt explosion occurmen), lu the. mu-ar enidoh tht. vesse! vam 9oîmeti2,100 ionuls 0f dynamite, about 100 kegs of Ionruler. eght cases ut fuse, and 1.000 )de- tsatnung tops. When thet ime reachien tht. punt-r mn nd dynamite. tht. batihun trîs blonnîn niatome. sn! wnînîn-thonî uis nI dlns soth of Propnt.iu the cil>- ti-ns dihnmyc H- No Use fonr 3 Bill. AlbuinssluBeanîunt.tht. t-nter of te int mi reglous in Texas, w-er, for- tlutin art' uieig madetienl a dey>, lx arrien -nu on a caeh basis. writes a crrespon- deunt. Ever>. oth.r rMan Yon mneet bas a ronllof luandretis or thousaund dollar hil: lu his porlet. I sav ont. man roontina off a nuuuber rit these four-figureti notes la settliig noie transacton w-heu ho came serns a 85 billsunon libella. With an exclamation ofanuoyance he thrt.w- l loto the t.srtet. There w-ais no bragga- docto about tll; the man aimpil 'eaa"l't ho bothereul vith uneh suasitblle.Tl ha looketi tha palastakins type of hui-! meuama wh. ptHaattly 'vqhtd mt pffl anca jla in<h. te th. firaI hait 0f téfiaaaarepffl" on Populatioa. mbowlng Inheatugregata populationl of the. United Statea b>' States snd terrlîoriea, thaetienait>' of population, the couler of population luinlts medinum point. tht. population of Alaska anti of tht. Huvallau Ialand@s, the. nituher ot Jtepresentetiven lppo'tionelunder the recent act of Congre»su ad aise tht. popu- lation of the Statea andi territorles b>' ruluor civil ivisilons, the. population of cities baviug 25.,000 lubabîtants or more lu 1900. the. increa,, ut population lu the. anie, and tht. population ot Incorporate) cities, tows,s.villages aud horongha lu tht. year 1900. This report le laluetiinlbtheformi of a ruouograpb auj comprises about 5W0 pagea. Tht. other portion of the final re- port on population w-il!l be issued dturlug tht. ear!>' el], pnttlhg lb, entîre uvolume lu tht. hantieof tht. publie et leust four yea In adrance of an>' prevîous censua, Mont of thet. entures of the volume have recelveti attention trou the press hereto- fore. It shows that excludiug tha Dli. trîcl of Coinlumba, îrhlcb la lu elteet a Mu. niclpulity: RIhode Isalund. wlth 407 Iuhab- liant, tu tht. squîart.mlle lu 1900, in the Most settieti Stute lu the. Union, while Maasaehusetts, cornes uniatW" not quite 349 luhablîsuts te tbe square mile New Jqiey, u-lth a littIe fmore than 250 inbabitaiits lu tht. square mile. 19 the thîrd' State lu point of tientalty of popiîultinu, urblt.Connuectieut wlthnonme- w-laI moret.han 187 luhabltauls te tht. square nmit., oconipies fottrth place. Pour other States bail mort. thaitone httunlred inhabitanîs t0 the sqîuare mile lun1900, uumely. New York, îcîtb 152.6 ilailt' unIs, Penn~.suais.,u-th 140.1 mohàbit- utle Mary-laudtit ih 120.5 inhabitauts, and Ohio, usitli 102 lubabitanta to the sqatlre mile. Alaska bas, ou the average. but ont- tentb ot une persan totbe square mlle, anti Nevatia bus ouly four-tentha of ont. person te the sqnure- tule. %Wyouming hias nît sînite ont.lIhabitueltetathe, square mile, wblle Arizons. New., exiro, blou- tana anti Idaho bave les@ than IWo per- sous ta tht. square tuile. The nu-wl>' an-iireti terrîtor>' of Hawai! ohoirs an sveragie dt'usity of popuiatlon of ui tlte 2-4 persons. runklng lu thîs respect betWeen Mnitît, îslth M3.2 per. sons, auj Arkansas. urith 24.7 persans te tht. square rmile. FIVE MEN LYNCHED. Californiae Mh Raigs VPalier, Tisme liou.and a Cunspsuion. Flve men were Iynched ai Lookout M.otioc Cont>', Cet, en>' Frida>' ura- Ing The lynt-hei were Caîli Hall. 72 Yt.ura of sgt.; hie three hait-hrtt.tisons F'rank, James auj Msrtn, agent resper- tire>' 26 19J andîl i, anl B. 1). Tantis. agt.d 27. Tht. rme l.un-cn hbâti heen stîspeubeti of pett>' stesjing for nmelime,. rhey wert. arresteî for aîealiug bsrh usm ir.pieces nir hitreuss adti ne hnny f.resaud taLen te .inwamt uhere thi'y ut-rt. Ining heIn) au itins t.uatinutlon aund trial. Trhe charges agains tht. eider Hllit as petlp laccent. fui e .lîng tht.lorks, heurt. lie w-us Alloti citii go ou big Sun recog' tnnut.. Tht. charge agaiumI the. others nnus hurglarp. They vert. helInlcas- to!>',as îhey ver. unnihie tefuruiah bail of $300. 1'endnlig Iheir eaamiuuîlon lhey on-rt. heing gînamiledinluthe'I.anLoout hatl lny a constable. Frilay nornlng ut 2 o'clock sàrush eomposed of tltirty or fiait>'persons smîti len> Matie ils uppearaucre et the hotel. anti. poluting their guna at tht. tvao ui- cers on guaril. cormautietitheru ot oh- mert. silence. Tht. fi., îrisoners w-ena rapturei, ree places arounti their neres, unid the>' vert. trugged towurd the. aritige whit.h crosses tht. Pitt river. Frank Hll manie. urin snrong resistunce thut the nioh haugeti himliefore it put te tht. main, bîridge. Tht. others vert. taken te tht. main britige auj CalvinuHll, the. fsther, uas bangeti ou tht. nnrth midel. uni Yuntts andi tbe other Hall boys arere bauge.] n lh, sniutlî %ide ohtht. bridge. WON'T LEl'T IEM RESION. Soth Tîlîsu.ansd I.Lebsuabluet SOay lu th., sanate. (loy. Mc8weeuey ut SoauthuCarolina hias refusenl lu accept tht. remignutloas of Senalors Tilimun anad McLaunin, bultnid' ulîcti theru te thial h otrer ralrulp undises ichether they reul>' vante to rmsigu. The action of (lu., MSueeney unîsîta tht. caicululiosiniof tht. Senaura for a %en- atorisi Cnuipiigfl. t ion. 1Mn Sscue>' *nlid:"Theste geutte- nien, 'l set. listhtensiuin.are unablu ni ogret. nîlon the. ternis of the resigua- ti n.~. Ons suis a rampiga lu Augnîst indt tht. othi r thut the. rnnvaes onuhibc licen! before thet. Sh matScptei'nî Ier. 'The pnoeulu tht. SIate have apt- t.ealt.d ta mue t0retarn tht. mesgusîlons. tnd t bave douecuni. If th.>- apt te re- t.ngnthe offnes let btin uaa so ond!muake the. reainattons effective immedtily>. 1 troulti appoint thecir snuccesirs in lt.s& titan tu-o mimnutes antia u hit." NMefaurin alile usoulti withdraw hi% resngnation if it %vas the. Covt.rnor'u de- sire, hecana. e lieît'w that MuRvweeney> n'as nictîmaît liy patraotic motives and lie ti-nmît help hlm shielil the. peoînle front strnfe andi hilternees. Stinator Tilîruan sait: "Unies, t uni mistuken, tht. (ot.- etîdr'm fonction lunsudca eses is simply to uîîtify tht. 1rt.sidnlt of the Senate on oint. banni anti tht. Stute Legisatinre on tht. oller tbut a roac-pexists. Ht. cun nîrise withtiruwal of reuiguations but nthing more," Ne.rly Forty Million Doiti.- Andrew Curliegit., Inibeut gift of $7.' 500,000ta estuhliab fret.etiacatlun in four Scotch universitles brîngs tht. total osf bis gifîs 10 $38.464.552. Of Ibis suin $11.7g99.100 goem for libraries lu Ibis country, $17,270.952 for other Ameriunn institutions, $1.154.000 for librariea abroati anti $8.240,5W for other foreîgu institutionsî. Teieograpuic Brevitlcs. Cthicugo rua> hart. a jubutet. epostia.s capitaliste ay -eutalsit a nuw tk0W T'EMPgp.A-unqg AS INJU- MlOUS IEFFEOTr. Uppar Luxea Nala.end thse Uppar XiniousIValey visntiad isî iaavy Frost-Souîî Atlantic District Sut- fer ram- Tem amuais iatura lu neari>. ai] district% stasiof the Bock>' Mountains the veel hba battuabunormalîy cool, wltb exessivere rins t rom Ithe south Atlantic auala itI uit cuesta forth- ward 0tht.llelover laits region anti a contination of trougbt conditions ln por- tions ot tht. Mismourl, central and lower .Miasisaîppi i-aile>.., anti portions cd Tt.xas. A large aununt ut damage has bi'n donc hy freshets In h'îrgiuia, tha Curoiluos, (ieirgla sud Tenneseme F"ronts usent.of general oturrence tbronglinottht. IIicky ulountuin tdistrict% andtilu,thuetitluler-Missouri vslleY anti Up- pet lale resîunîn. eau#nzugslght daînage iu inosItuof îu-dijstric-ts. Ou tht. l'ac.iti coluet tht. uncl uis-augenéraîl>' favorahle,, excent in Cuhîîoniîa, ushere ilusuna, aaainsahly unînul anîl muins autaedmerlette lnu or-inn bap an! fruit.- cor ine Malluae Blow gowtb lu tht.ten- tri! Sîn.issippi autti tiin, salle-s. bt inn tht. Souillera States a gi-teraIlumprus'e- Mc-utisarporleti. lit lots a unîtNebraska tht. standlu are goonl, and ctivation ls iu pragrees. i'Iinulng là geuu'nullpfinish eti, eet. ouircmthet. urtt'ilunri on o! tht. middle Atlmantic States anti Ntv Eag- launb. uvbîre dt.îsworl habe-nu moeb Wiuîîem ushi-ut cntinues luneti ri!ralu lu tînt. nirer Sîiimi andl cent raI] ,3 aissiîph nil lu'ss.but bas expeiioeti for- the" impîiovemelîit lu tht. central sud up- per portions of the. Ohio vul)e>',Vhs hiessiau Myin' us slg damuage In portions of Kansas,. Mîssusi,Ililinois anti Michi- gan. end tht' crop bas ounsaineti consiti etrulle ibjar>'am a resuît ort heuvy> raine lu Mtarylamund, h'heginulanti NoineînCarîo- lima. IlaIonstinus conmliueýiml'n'elles ml huehit nan int.lletaat golif Siates lu Calrfîniti t, hieit IOudlook la excellent, exi-ep' nu the' cunuthein psrt 0f the State. bîut tri Oregonil ni slu-suprommm.iig than prevnnnnnuly relini mi'!oviulg to ruvs or u Sî,,nnuohs bet là racitnlunuen'jof relu oser (le western portinuouftht. spring svhîî'inl mglns.b1ti nser tht. Peutera por- Ivtnhîe condition o! the cropiluintromis- Iug. The. out erop hsr improvet Inlutlb ripper tio vlhît.>tlle ru-gian îud pot' ionna of the uluper Missisippi sud Mis- souri vuble-s, bunt onu-r the greater part of tht. tus-ni st-numeni istructa i n i nu laet!iofutrains. ltarestling la lugeueral progresa lua tht.Southeru States. A ver>' general îuîpruîn-men inu the con- diltion nI cou tuani iiillm-teui. TIhe growib of tht. cruîp otver tite northu-mn pormtion o! tne ce-nitrul nutî ri eturu districts, boer- aner, has@l low't.sinus nIlarge ureas in the CamnuiItnns binse beunsuîtte.rge. As a ssbrnm-, tt- ronrut oitlnntk I i-stt ]y' as pmoliilsnsg a eSu i unlunatu-nI flsecîsmml' nnjuiring uno!neardli Kaî eundliinnsi un t.j sroppun Ig tulîlîlel lis rxmnn i'murn t-nI, aitlitnng lu,- îlri perla I-ne ibis i n-p inu Ntew ur otiare,»nm tanorunblit. ltWa]w State Croru Bulletins. cisnr utun,! eanmnuii utendry. -rîl gsod .inu , mifeu- ninCrîio.,.î-n couethestl.: cies mitlinu1,,t tnul tires.. mach teplnuilaa ut, eut> - tîu diiul sueli. wsts slî tu ai, trir uTdb>'denugit Ins agf m> t ia.oi ndh . i. tea Il>. wonus detslhamlag st.c ds lu cetti sud noithesaettîs 1il;a=. ('ou] iset s! neeS: sofcieti nt m la mutun. nealtle.Omîb til11dry Is.uthe.. pour, thie.sud o p er Inn til pact. 1 letprrnapI'e tie deierlruilug beesuse oh lp estde> elier;. geIb f ohursne- turteti b>'cîui , -l-uj.,yistal' tiwriais evi.average finit li r,opnslpt £0, unm Indinuns ion,!, n -udfmenthe, rott gruelli a1teui,.b 1-nl a lua tlus trmnr arts, nt!m luail m r aaur tt aunt. nai nra-IlÀis nt.i ennk nui e - s-init.ttiti mît ur - m po' "anulin. g5ma.1.ý:l, ; t.5 trappi mi uTîn euqnliurn sud tutrt nhlerSCltet resmli . resl r-ineiriagi ly ao ununi pliaioig n aninsilg aud nîh .tg du-naet t ut u ; pemrinr i jnttt- nd gartieus gt.n us ima lnrn l - n.ucnnuctitlie'l go. ne bshel.tinrt b5sd telhaiug nietoss oînîu-ij - anuhýu arutiresa".,d u ittirtet g mii ,f n -'nlnisu id ung-r1-t teut m . ne. vIî-ctrlatnu esi, ryt., ontdnssuntpnuuîn umsaund gIrm a us n - ýfuît .[nl l 1y d dage yb> bIe aet,;ntsin,.,-snt ut.pttia ue lu dnîiiiei mue r àui-t. ii,.i' . , ,î 5nk n--i asil l t.e y i. 111 Ita 1init . S-mt Liii i u 1 mtn nnne 1î~lmii . n i i pi amr ,t. ,! îu.- itaine. 11n cri>u esîte-îumî- ut nnnng tneralpiri- Ileiitul AhI4s-k, -menu linamîux. 9uniuîts il- -1n.1 t' î ni.Yr re uh.,t: usoe 1b tu at.tîi,'nit l, wtutulainntlnmnms whm, .1m- di,Idit.,t npriti. i-t lcn tle s a sit ots viii aret-nrnrneutl. aIl t i t motlure ilsan neîs troaiuoebflnnatu,-,-Idsec i at wnems. nu,, mtoitst. r-in Ietfsn. Sounlthata n-.ilitiîlttnl nloenm ra Ies 1Ineee!i uts-i muhti: breinsu e st ePortiomi nus 25u0imnnînranuinîret atiu sud pIs mu.; e.neeslly siieet.ugmbout. rire. ocut. andti rni-p ltmy f.(ennec sîl a-let. bat 1 nu trnn, e,!flu,, alIce nue . ruts 51 soon untnlen tl!- nisnnusr-tlnfai:ne.uts en erallin giont.hanlirosîneul gusd; ilater rye les dis g Neltro.-tîi '01. , 1 tfeu ti at ul reek dohug iennui ulaine; eriiluin.steee mosr tieter u lient, me nuit! asti gtst!tîg fshrt> wnli, lut In l rina tnplaie-su nînne- rae bu un ild e la etca .utuie rcunm tnilg tnp nIrni;-1 tt-nuno îonmnnd CHRIISTIAN SCIENCE TRIAL. Lîbel FPnlt or Mm,. W'oilhury Bel- lu Boulon. A tina!Ihut tpromisesta10 irour strong light on tht. teau-bimîgu oh Christian sul' ence opt.ued ln Boston Wtdetitsnay, Mn,. Jusephune C n r tils aV6ootiue>', et ont. ligune ont. if tht mtasJt a tiMailt e feienls and enîbu- siustic workters 'wlnb Mers, Manry Baker Eddyi>. Il a Matad Adtor Pa~asAwar After 7?w, - mfflln'Illnama Jaa*a A. line. the actor ad playr wrtgbt, diati Suntiay auterooU Itl I, New York home. The cause of dpathi Wl, pneumonie. Ht. hati teen 111 &bout twu munthe, anti vas tboaght taolbe on tht. wl> toward recovaur> when a relIapse rame. It vas wblle pl'uylng lu "Sa g Harbue' Il ('lucago that Mr. Hern, vas takeail. H- 1 [ihYsîclanes asii hstan auattark nif gqr ni anti the>' atised conîplete reat. sui bts, c-turu to bis home lu New York lVi ri nihe urru-is-.l there pneumnieula .1cm OPen. undIL a esv seeth a 1<0bis frieudn tIioliltthe end iWBI neur. Ie rollied. bo a tr nd ti Iwon opeti thut bis vigile- ons8 i nntitutlou oultiparti hlm throug. Batomi-n the. relapse raquneit tound blini -%venk ;- nilhe saul nîpiîlly. MNr. Il,»rue hati a beaulfrili home t.a Nt.w 'a nk City,. analwua, ai-coblin wtellin tht.nebonIy wiii he creun)atoi. Joure- HIernie w, u» m a t Wewî Troy. N .luIMO54. lie rc'utalitt. rt în i- n iin y life, lieing liirgely q8.1i t ut arn bit orv IiiDjý ie vre ina n in ner>' ' e wbt or a t"i " tdey.Jas luso Kt.tBemnarul dotg% , 1. t 'ses Trop lm pliay "'The. Ptug or" The seter a-ho aboulul havpie îiss..tht part if hlan-airf' taîim'.l ta ait,-arnuM leueneut 0f tht. neemirf tht. ài f,,,irt aumn t a aînd n ii i t--nm.lie n.,nnuis1 mîlinol break îdoma, but usent liirotngl the ma]isit-,'sonretîtainiy ihat h. wss, - euggei tu0nonînnue inuit. Thot %sex us rbeginning. li,'mue uwasxI Suna en rniocnn ltht. lte '70'% andi us'nieii a niay for biniseif. uî nt cîsmlm i tINt.etule I ).intnl Ba.lsst. si: Irestm.] ihat hr.-usiteii.'i niit .sIl ielanuoýir]ciiiIl. sesrmt. iut" xsua:t leun. lierues ni-at play'w s "-1 e. Ami'It untu trim.nIn I l ti utr rami' r.M'mamtlIî,ii-u-'. iI tlbm- rein_ misafini lots nnmmh tni- SONi11lhml-nr,~ SAVS HE IS ELIJAH. I>e Prcîis.Hi--sIf ateucmu Ilion ufthe Irtht 'lin -lirunint, li-iimin ne I rt-ai s' binîs-If tri ii', Iun'>e-ini.muttilnf in- "I Mu îu-rtt uIn în. frtest an. I1.î ijai IlhiîntI. u- Ir i I .1 a tht.e ntnn Yoi nuIlu., n-, 'r tht.e te -r-tami tinuit' , Ii- iýr-A tu an atmdnnn-t. lus tht' r z Auit ltne. "Eliîohalies a 1irh.i- l ýInn vas t pmeache. lisut I nîon hi u ic-n n, sit I lu- attriute"iiof trli r.ii aI mulet osrer rut-o insot..nn-smu. tu-n. Icm1 ithutt hur unt- nh. u,-m .,ft ue-n-t-s ga- 'sati . ii, mut-n - aagi-ts itîni ý f tlint- 1rlti1i I., lIai a. tht. il g ii' n.ainl ! t m-itililittnt if Elîîain n n'i i ny. -u inn earllî a tine tittîn- li4 h.. r nîn lsy %îniuIli. hl'y t, i>lIn) 8-u. in s lp l't-manI. 3.t9X)t enri nntnr.Inn h ils aan elt u lt nslii I -.i 1 Tlîu'u tismn rIîle n ll-i ni1 n - tri n bailr]nnusnbc,! aitn t-le rrnmnnauu huneY tlri.s t ;ýi ,, s lu .. -v - i t I l1, tutian I a ti tmi- 'f iii - ,-t t aju. .l t l 'w.ln- n ri .I tihil i . , n il,. megtai l- ir l in il ir;-.niu g r niîr'inn-, i-i tt iru- h .nti ' 5ý ignust. tiuitiri ,- un- -nf tîtir , ,, ('aiholie thîtnh anul lis h Annnnnnun ;z iitanies tîn tht-,» uint- t ttinf n-i hausiand b lui ie . ti i lI irtînt- Nu-n Ili-'a u, ntraai-n-r. . lI i nIu ta ld rmtu- isu i r.> nn alndonele'rum1,, tnt, I. 'B ltt i rrit g- nu-rh, "un- --ihe i u-i unfii un . ni .r.i, runo tttm- lta' n- 1, nuttt ii - ti otn inn-i nimîlInn-niti 1, ,-rn-ntIir. SNimilg uînumnn tf , .i --,r,,hu ri *'Ihtntaîku- uicas Irijinli l, l--pro, anun- Ahi putii ut crhiluit. li n, s mi ,îf t n- mm . ilinnnught 1 snunllisan1u a s nu ns i mnt. ut t am nOmt. 1 ai l,:ijaii uini tus cenoutail Slaun>pi-s IvrtîtlIn,' ul i a eun-cru ing tt ni htagii luihut, sna, ins that lions ut.%va-mitnsanei. BrsfNe- t l,. lo-us ronti tc inlnum-nr'stîl nt Ellini manId 'ai.ti u Neaniy 49i01l mi] tt c l -n i s nan héen nhactenu, inlu teisîsin t astt lime. n-inibuh. Sin- 'tht.e lunmnunmi'in i ni, ler for Ca rhsînnn, Gi lti ni n, il I n !,-,r i r mu-iiel thlt ihe la. ui tiining mn nI, li ci's dis- easge. A vttru nîornî iii,- rstfn-- trihe at- titrity ortuf min nunnuncu I. , n i- t minr tigtntioni . oh a î-'u ui( -hs, n i t. i .titn yït-nrs. Tu-xs insunît tan e l in 1--l ,îr s ittînî nilsîn allituitus Ymn iii,- i..u niEa Tht. prî-sunîtatiin nIf gruircilsta Greant Bn talu*s n(croit lins ,n i iunîornt beang (,i oilninnininninu, mt it ih tliatniatioun. sut -i t-SetîutunmrtState John W,.lin-r. AtAi .lttnnPa.. 'neluli ilia12- yeur-oh1 gît.l, teini maisir,-n 1,ryw-ho. w-bile îiliipiug milong tînt- i ttI lu- b igh rirer batik. fel lu. Sine j i liiriout on a log enti managee] lin Ii'u- l tii1,,nn> aloi-. water until mncuarcived i ul,,trîgt bhllm 10 shore. ItIw-as abril ut tht. Stane l)e'nartmsentL la Wasahngton, thut lîat deiartuent *'bas grounti for tht. bellef uhn.î the fer- man govemn-tties u'lot conte nplata the acquisition Of ail>. laanti -nuthe- v- *s"ean Colt, nor oft8 arber or colas aalalsthm '4. !'oty..l ICot noth in hi EuIlpelL @al.utu t thaveapi rt i s i tht. ILL tofunî IL elima, I., Wbat a thnsb. au do an;t have tua n n anuther bave tht 15.e as thusu-wl lion nie are rinin take, r asteu his aunetahet uf uni ti tant a. wh!lm-inu Indu, iL1 lu lu thîs u talent..ii ah in. C aoiber n. l'h. 1in on -Cucu umînt uth tr emur-i nor insth ~tha hi- ose pbn-n the 1lima lim ht It nrul fi ptunr!f tit ,L,, ! luiti l of t' nus u.,lubut mea t I PreeInnn wh t1 1 rmni, citrutâi 'liotnr e. io1tA n whoninn Ire-tn si t lu- su ltil r i at ii unit1. -r-I, :- ni i 0f inirumi

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