Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1901, p. 5

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But", Grocers' BCT GROCERS. T IIERE are other men of more aility in -thiat hune tlua» we eauti oakqt of, w lii> do thse ~Ireat-iiiig. ()îîr businessis to seli G R( ( ' ESIElS. on the sîbject of wercre.,lîw-'-.vs could preach yîsu a pretty good sermoni. ()ne reason for this is that thse kiîîd of Crî-c-eisc we sell will bs-ar preachiîîg abo)ut. Butt ws- are nof go- iîîg to serm(>fize. We j'imt ;iiit to talk plain, liard I)isiiiesli. Ini thii's cîuirt-tjoiiwill say tlitt we are ini a poiitioli to se-rvs you exception- ally weil iii thse mattWr -of (Groceriem, as oir yeuiîs of experierice liav'e gi\vii iis anadvantage ovs-î sompetitrors iii thse imitt--î of buying and tlie fit-ni that buys biist î-«;ii aiways seli best. WH- havis bffdi llitailsIltsiniake lower prices lîîîîî otliers for tus ile îjtim-qality of go"d-arîd tuie oilyquaiity wuHs limigiîieusthse VEI'Y BESTI. Wo'iid be pleauss- Io bravtre a j)4rtonal interview witli YOU. Our Clerks Are At Your Service Cecn tring I Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville .Stearns .CLOSING OUT.. Lac ead] Westminster 0 NLY Fouîîr (sitm' lici s - rr.rIft wlîii-lî1 'Ywill .sell :t i<>r't Noî's'j- yoîîr -lalic"- tsi hîy a rle-- tt all-B rgilî. tlî;i irthe whlefl le i risf-s. I i l ina ndltr y t . PIANOS WATCIIES1 JEWELRY C. R. 4SHERMAN, i~~ su Lîheryvill ~iI ;0 5. 1 G ents-î- Stili, ledoras and Crash Mats - IN-, Moderg Spimo Styles. 25c TO $2.75. I Iwrne lm tira ilis'tiori bst ltiret IraIl 'c i'iinitry Fsoilj preoea choiera. Il ketcirs yîîîr clikcin igoosi conditrîin tfs. WE SELL IT. Smith & Davis, DL-ES ~INED a Oestral Libertyvil 1le 'Local l"tmB of Interest ti C. M. & -ST. P. In Ellect Monday, June TO CHIUAGO. OsatFnom New Depot, N e . . . . . . .. . . . . . iii7 Z7 i. iu 13m,......... ... 7 'isru. ri4, ....h ~ r 142 . .... .... Ni. cî. .... ...............7, 1, . 1r2......... .................. 1:24 N ;rs arlN. 144 vii nut -i.i.'r TO) CHSCAGO:. D arFrom Oid Depot. o15.............. ......7 35. ii ...r.... . ...12vii.'m.. N.In...... .. .................. 551 Wm. Bulock sndIl. J. Dourglas, of WaUkegan, vere Cahleo t tie IN riE- iFNDN 1-tnloffice Mouday. John McCormlck soini u lîy dir- lng team go Liverynran lisArtfirîrof Waukegau, iralrday. Conxsiicratisis $300. James Pntney, former landioril if tire Librtlyviiie Botel, sud vite, were guesta of Mr. andi Uts. Johin Mc('orurlck iSunday. The -Epvorîb i.eagno viii give s Purlir Concsert nt tire rosisdenceo uf kits. C . W. laylîî r, onTuosslay ove- mng Janse Isti. Join Lynchr ibis veek putciraied ai Wma. Miler a irai! interest ln iis bar- ber sirop andi bostneme. lohn proposes ta learu tire trade. Libertyville le iarolug pretty vel polillcaliy. We nov have tire Counly Coroner andi a membur of lire Board of ltevIev tn ont cresiii. Mfisa Katirtyn Arlin, of Chicago, spent a fev days tire latter part of lait ve-k and trsi of tins veek vitir Mr. sud M rs. Y. G. Cleveland andi family. llatiirsay E. W. Duiebettv solsi iis driving herse te Wm. Wairond lot $840 and Zslinday Mir. Walrond trsded tire lirse for PatilkIacUtiffing bay driver. A marriage loense vas iued tris weurk tii O F. Butterlleli, of Cieago rîliI bailesLottie Cbard, sf (irsysake. 1Do ' intterfield'a mauy Libettyvilie Ifrienîl e etelid sogratirîatians. At thi-r lant meeting tire Graysl ake village board mavresi 10porcirase liîusrtyvillie grmvel te place on tbei tteetm. 'lire rrperiarity <f Liberty- ille- geavel ln recouizesi oveyviree Hurîrahr for tire- igir ilsiool hall alie' ln a gainie Salurday therolscal nis- dested O(rsysiake by a score of 37 tir)l. Tire batteries vote Butter- flicis ansi Wortzman, Oleson anc Muloteb-Toesday, Joue INtî, tirey vii play nt Waucousla. Tire street committue bave t tiri disposai 1,00 yards of gravel vltl wbicir te repaît lire village treets. Nov If yoo bave lu min morne bad places lu tir.rondlse au tieir attention f0 tifein. 1T. Corlettimlecirirman of tire c om u i tee. A nomirer of yoong mou about town -u4rirpped lu" sud purcirasee Mai LeBeauso comubination pool andi billiard table Ibis veek. W. under. stand tisit porpose Is 10 organize i ,-club' and tiraItirey are nogoiatIni for asromunluHorace Bulkley's pro- poqesi nev building. Ut. Bulkley tlke of briding forrr stores of listee tire fourtir one beiug tiraI viici tire îîluir" in questian desites. At tirir meeting Monday ulgiritirh village board adoplaci by ordinanei lire plans ansi specilicatlons recenti: srruvufot a sevor sud valet vorks sytem, tireby emtsbliiig asnul- torm tteel grade. iProm Ibis Il iroilr nul be Inierod Il is proposedesi ai t lime t10 inaugurale tir-systema. The Ides Is primatiliy tae tabilea et arees grade aud secondiy tirai vralever nover improvement Re imode may cunfom 1tire general plan. tlespIle tire provallng impression tira turvlev aftlire expression seirured ley Prenlleut %Wsldo relative tu village marchai andi virlebwuvasirgety i favor of bi. itreasiman, tire presectitu rmirett retlixing iis position, Mr, Waido voulsi Mnuduy ulablt e-appist him, ire faliesi 10 do s, namiug Tesl Fenctitiet ns iis cire. M. Fencuttoi vasnt coulrmesi iy lire boardlaau Mr. Waldo annurnel Ibatutil hi- sRuccelqsor wos ap)pointesiMarsiri Piesirman vould coitinne lnluir proseut capaclty. A ttemor became entrent albou o 10 lbis voek tu tir effect Horace Boikiey basi doctdesi 10 gîve up buildinga brick store block corner of Milwaukee Ave. and Soboui Street. Mr. BIkie] vouisi batdly bave dravri brick aud Randi for tire structurte irasi ie ntln tensiesitu uid. Wiie ire tlias fuiiy siecidesi mat tire natUreof ai propased buidlg-vbethe ire vil huolisitva aotes o 0one andivbethes ire viii consîruet a block o! suinceei limensinus tb show Ivo orfour stari noom s, tiraI ire yul baiud is certain. flow to Àvoid Trouble. .ALLU leIMtlnr-tirto r tsi eînyourseif sav fautle' ittir a;ssttle of Ciamierians sil asaA~,.sà (Cholema ans i Darioea Reieilr1%, 2 oandsIif erosirresi ne, 5 se-je n j7 ois mus 1 tevon lu the Dtigit or n yotr busle no n. It ts everrvursre asimled ta beU Illinois. mnoa oeesful Medicine In Une for how ffl, o dre aa ads Beviews are 10llu laorder. ME AND TII1ERE. t Examinsatious vlIiicommenpe in :o Libertyville Rea ders. og il grades D"I' Friday. i A 5.union service viii re fireld in is B4~4 4444 4*éé *~ u:non rîreb nexitSuilday .vening at 73,ut e mclii1Rev. M. EKlDix wîli - ~preacir a bacclaureasec5rfliil tri lie TIME TABLE. gradulatlng clans. 'l'irelisase hail gaule, 'cîrei rtriol 3, loci,.e ai1201à. iset Saturday ati Grayslake l e- tween tire Libertyvilllo andi Ursyclst1 FROM CHICALU0 scirool tealOl. vam a decrded victory vUES D- for tue Lîbertyvilie lie. 1 irsy ie.. N Arr1.1. ..IvLt N ew I i'1ot, porteait îtit a acore of :37 1 12, Tire N . . . . . . .boys daim tiraItire sfelling rmatcb Io 1 5 ... ........ 1 . ' .Il ' nov avenged. 1'i,. .......... I '. rI Tire commencement exorcises will ...... c p i. lieirld inuftle Union churcir Irrisay N. 147............ 4 1 I.1n. evening, Jue 141h. The exercices No0 â .. .......... 346 l,1M.vilii constat of essaya by 1the gradates, 143 .. .......... . M. music by a cirorue vhich la beiug N.lU CTUOAI o trainred for tire occraion, sud the pro- Ne. i'J .....a.d.lU*rai « r Lut2' 1 l-.sentaion of dipiomas te lhe graduat- .o. 1i5 ru ntoJam8esrl. ng clans of 1the 11gb Schooi mant Nu. 137 asind 1srun ',r-I 754. 5 the memilera of 1the dasgraduatlng from .tire elghth grade. fi la telire FROM CI11AC0. boped that irer. villbui a large at- Arrive et010 d [,Io tendance on th1e part of th1e people 0f No. 10........... sa .Littyville. 141 ........... . . .e 6 . p______ 146 ........7:55 .iC. T. U. Notes. No. 133..... ................ 10ei. or AI the W. C. T. lV. meeting field ai Mrs. Samuel MooillaiTueaiMes- dames Moore, Dymond sud Giessen veto appointed lan delegales 1teh P. J. Bockelmnb u- iIjIIoyedi au Convention t10lbe held aiOunue.,June asmitant ln bis barber c.,11411. A mobetsa meeting vili ire field ai Mien Ells Stapies lma iirkiug aIt1the thebirnomfn Mre. M. E. Dix Tuesday, Marcy Home in Chil'u .wiîre sireJoune viii iead. lIas a position saasistui,ît otroli, Sbject --The Mother'a Dufy. %ligit rattrchaient» viii lie sezved. Ali ladies, A number trom Lilîertyi75lle took in eapecialiy young motbere, invifed. Pavuee. isilPa Wiid West sow rat Wau- gan Decoration Day. and IL t aH good. Unelaiuned Lettera. Ai bef let Metig joi em f fle Foiiowlu la a list o! letters remainîfgln At IeirlaitWaeirîgisîiers0f ireLIljrtyvIII- Il. eoei.oiý-e. .une 1. loir lakesido Ceuelery Aii' talion moved Wuerr allng for tiens. etirrayruî a vote o! Ibaika t4) fle ill age board lr. for $2175 recontiy dorart ilem BronMr'.Nrlb So GiiUo. Colri Mrs. Elisir ICa Kutt W. M. Beverai florses are Il, raining et Br-in Mn M. E. Taylfor lire. 0. B. two the fait grounda. 1Ili.ratton and JolrncoriseLeana Vemuttor £va Iri Dickisn stock garne is rît 1 bave WARBEM18 M.8. a" JPsas. er soime lwonty-ti've trer i,'r tralilog AaIM.HT. ntse. wiîbmn avweek. COU NCIL PROCEEDINGS. A roan mare belongîrig te C. W. LiBBEETTviI.LI, June 3, 1901. Lindberg. of Waukegri, ýtrayed from rThe Village Boazd mt -In regular lis patnra last veek anil rame te H. session. Proctor andi Juil absent. J. aters farni ortir 1 tîo. lMr. Minutes of regular meeting of May Catr ntiod a a(v,.t,4ýmelt or tir and ispecil lmeeting oi May 11111 Cale noioedailailv rtsemel lt v rosiradand on motion of Kaiser the bora. and notilled tii' ownet The and Corlett vere approuaged. animal vas raised by Mr.(Iluler aud Bond of W. C. Sauborn, village clerk, lestcam "hoe" n ~ ii as presented and on motion of jut ameý-hMe" n aý lIl.Grabre anrd Corlet vs aceepted and Grouud wua broken ttmre vcirfor a piaced On file mode je zom hucetiilieeroîed Village treasurers report for monli modrnitie runt ougeilbe.eretedofMay vas read aud upon th1e approval by B. 9.1MIller on hic property on Park of file finance committe as on Ave. The etuctoure b til, Ie If rrp-to. motion oi Corlett and Kaiser, acceptesd date archtecture and 1arui rn ailie suri piaced on file. fThe report esbowe' rconveniencea possible lr,der proserit sefuliose: Oun band laut report $3,17 lRerceiveel Ie-$51 Dbua condition nf ont vllagp jcbrý-Vmte.rn il ii e rîrîi léiu ran- sud conlrering n water o rtem leii $2,M57 83. ivogue. Bowevoe tir t1ir, *lcno'rs. fle rîllowirrg billa vere preseuted veydistant wben 1I iiri'rtyville rtsi. arrd rosi, ansi on a favorable report cf CO~tire finance coormiîlesvaeon01motlon a fonce@ May bave tbii -înuectil,nc of (iraibe and Col-lett, alinved and l'ie ire 10cr nuIrier rif fine rosi- warrants orderee idraiuailivoting douces ls asure indivatiri roaurpeopliea: vii ee ongdeani treiutalatonFreeman Power Nupply C .... $116 67 wilaeln aa h ntlainM. Fresiman .... .6.... 5iO of sever aud water wî rk mystenme. Lake Co. Indepeendent........3( Doeorallon i>sv S1%rîr Nîîydamnerosi-m B. H. Millet à acceeplanse ofai ppoint ment ai village attorney vasri adr douce vest a0 tir7, asStotaliy ries- plaard on fIle. troyed by ir-e i iii. terri i ttire Jusl came iu sud teon isieat. limie baving lft i ire in a Mition Tlhe iolloviiig petition tramn B. iý Mller vas resd.*' -Yont honorable d at eIlIl ill ,se li klu body in respectiuliy petitioned fi cocoue vay Igurîsi palirrnear tire ioer. permission te coutruest li.dri Wheu h tire i-4 . li8coverel tire éalag norlir aide af Park Avs.frin mhie kitcein a uni,-rof ilames ansi oniy lot veel of sud asjoluiug E. W. Park. rafrior ri[l-wr ae.Mm irursîs lot 1te ire cerner ai said Part a lmorati, sud Milwaukee Ave, lu sLi Suydaur aucci Iirr reliacbiug a ranînr village andi agrees te leave lire saigi on tire secîrnd 11liir ait geltiug $Il')in istreet lu as goad condition and Tepai eurrency. j irei use$siîiiinsurance ou afier tire construction of saidi drair, a the building. .'arrni' i ru tire Uillburreai lîla 1Dow." 'eîltion vas grantnd ail voting aye, )fcompany. 'llire i-i1a sserions une 10 ou motion of Corletsud rairbe. them asulMr. anrîl ir, . uydama are well Application and bond ni F. Enderlim n aloug in yeurg alii, ll li at!îsrd to for saloon licence wvasradt sud re. 1 loge ifloirborneierred t1lilconcec®rouilers, viraer t los Iber irîrnopurted favorable on came. l Tire village liru ilulos 10 sel on F. A partition praying tirai aloon -En2derîrus ialîplrii n for a saloon Il- licience lbe refuseai E. EnderlIn vai cense onsiayreasi. Movesi by Kaiser sud (JorleM Il ang Miidy iirit1, ansi mandamus filat prayer ai petîItioners bie grantai 9proceedingm wvIi lioiirttOted tsi coin- Ayeal-Coriett, (Irabire, Kaiser. Na3l >pel tire boardi ti i < rt S lîceaa Mr. Jrrt, Shrermn. Motion prevaiîed. m Enderlil deelarii u f reporter ire hall Plat of John M. Otidley's subdivi aloi lebeen advised liv gîîîîîlegal aulisorîty vspeene1011ebad Lir aes -rl 'rtrî icilao t vas moved by Grairbe and Coli thebogrd oud irýttiiii dicriin tirttaI it of- (iridleys sub-diviaiou i Il things eloUg ransd feels cor- acceplesi viren street libereinl des se tainlire viliisecur' u decision 1u is" cribesilis graded, laid gradIng t10bi favr bfur tie 'rrce AtorreyB. uder supervision oi street commttee ly a. Miler l l îr i' t abosutlire Mailter, 'Tire flloving communication irou sA îieleving firnt If il eal ire estaliaisesi President Waldo vas reasi. I bergi 1- th1e ptoposed ii ai 'mreil a resideucee appoint Theodore Fenoutter vilisi miarchrai and &trat comissionet fi I distIrict or (in IL' cdge of tire rast. tire ensuîng yoar.', sa doenne district, and tirsrby a nuisance, Movesi iy Corletaud Kaiser tbs le the board May rofiine a licensge. ýitirathtie appointament bue conlerred ln 0l question la, isureir, a malter of fart ye-C3orlett, Kaiser. Nays-Graib su ad Muet irer"îd by lire jury. lsiiIsdSrra.Motionlot. 111Appication filraIf . A. Pontov fi ky olirer vorîls, ilr i rY becoinms uIrripooitaîile license vas roierred t vinosiue. ii i . îîîiîîîug e lr iceIîririe comniltee sud on mtion0 n ledrce. diter ri .î rIIilmue8rirc ireil.Kaiser adSheisrnsthe pplicatJo rd luge viii Dot1 sui Ir,012ifatir,()itirOr finis licenie comfultteem. Ayos- go hall(], lire jury ,,l 1, tire bltding lm inr (ralîlîui rrt, 1Kaiser, Sirerman. Na; in1te boririe8 dihr-un ialiloonse 'ciii ir ý-Corlott. O1d5 e 1, 1,-vu t iilLx i îiiiiirer No. 135 relative t ssrtoei I rurs Ii i iusrit, InI 5 r rili suCsbrdivision vas tead Il v pense of lrtrg ' ' 1,-111ucsîss"rllrY tocri l y 1Junt sud Shrermaan that samr lthavosta eixuit i ' ilii'village.-,I 'Wir lîr' gi 'l.alvoteaiaye. ,T. pronrinsînt v g il, 'attrirn-'Y,4 ul I'liloviilà adiscussion of thre levait civissi s ms-Cri r 1I ti"bioard te, tire i)rblein Iil vs moved iry Siermi It aisîndliraibe liraI @trect commissions ,dseam et ")].Y !i i î'li Y cri- leh'sagit- iactrrrted to dispose of sevage es grine tfi iAtri, iy NMillet as tri fhs' Broadway lit oncle. ilvillages 1pusirrîl. i roue o iiitgrirl, Amueldei by Kaiser sud (irabb, i Tluit'the-- uly kind S-h>es that ale maie r ~ ~ ~ t - \ ~ tfit lil foot. 'J Sloes that dqîî i't iî-s-d hreaking inî. , Siiocritlîat ket-p tîe-iî shape îîîîtil whsrik suit. Don't you want that' kind? We have them at prices to fit your We inivite al Uie ladies t) itîspect our iew iîp-to-date lins' sof Wrappers aîd Shirt Wairsts; airso olîr lîew itm- mer Dress Goodir and Novelties. Stylish Designs Superb Colorings Matchless Bargains Ait excesllenît hue of llmhreIa.s ....fsor we~t lays. A iiobby line of Sitn Boinsit -...for Hsunny ones. -..-Ail the latest effsscts- -- .. in I)ress anîd Negligee. ---Shirts for thse Mi.. 7 ()0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t t 4 il Col rne& Cavas, NigisI Gavus, Under birts ansi Mualin Dravers, made froue fine MuAin trimmed itviirEmbroidery, Linen or Valencleunee ace, veil soeesansd fluiabesi, tise smple lino of tire BAK£R UNDERWEAR CO., OF PEEKSKILL, N. Y. viU be saisi 40% 1010v regular prie«, ciseaper Iran you cau Mrae tirem yuur. soif. A great variety of styles. 25 styles Corsets Covers sI 23c es"i. 20 styles Meuallu Drawers aI 35,siSoc 10 stylea Under Skimis. Dont wat ton long; tise.gonds are seiling rapldly. THE PAIR, Libertyvle - - - Illinois. hand-ln ail popular flavors. Best [ce Cream to be had anywhere at any cost .... F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - Illintois. UDICATIsJN NiJTiCE-PUbui~ Stessiy Girl Wauted. A DJUDIrcray arv..uNîuuîîiEaaira' » SevetaI yTonus rnuuiompniniinlat tlury Execinor u"f Irr- Lai-t iiisud have un.0 ts.. - I t s ma tirIeetDo a of srirJ. ilovuirisi. (1000 A.W sonner Set isiitatud siwith irir.Etirbairit tend tire CouhteCourt 0f Lme, hîave tise tireatre iciriurisail irnustt. wviruntat stons tir,'r-ol n rebo4 thbsri -in(ianf go irrraius, ire bumse Pik tiîsr Court lieus-'la WaukesB5 làbesome.*' Corny on tien firet MOndAY~ Dr. Caldveii'ur Syr'ruirsiru r-n unesail formsinerurl, ieîi. vien and wviere aiU e ep ut sfoiimsrir tr-iiuflil sds ireda.iie. ingcdaims suainst salil Esale es a Oins-A uthretire ia"et'..and reiiuetst oPreseit ams=0 sBN Your frieure. 'ferr s.uduiatIofl. F. B. Lor îLe. LllertyvtIie; (Ian. C. lîWaaIr ,Famnu C. RowLIMe. 111» i Waaeufdfi; Wrr.r.KNInea. liirfirr Waukeicanu. May in. l901.U (IASuvs.ssa PHîRMAscti. B F Mouset srussîst at > r àvsrri'a------,_ _Rem este "Irhav--tslest sale on D, C&aislu'i u 8yrpIlev*ln o! suy article lnni>' tom'.' RIAulTHE ur4IIEPEiEDVT. IV MM .o irs. . L'Le Librtsvl., Oao. .j Ro""s WuFe A14L sUrK ieree~I OTBUB.5 feiler; UUÂtSYLÂxz PIusrlscv. It ures con-i .Ètliatton. Insfiitstiour. ao e railsir.r and _ aloirauinir oub -$i ileHmP en, oulé - "'i'7 - 'f i-u'~ 7r. ~ '.5'..e tactCgunarns. \'u'havlia itew xtra ive pi-es fo tsi- ciiî'taisij ranig ginî îrice ft'sîîî tu i:".)4. li-r yrad. Se-e thjiqir. I lî vi ,ý ýisil wenli theî laies' iitaii i- we. are uîîîtfaiI triujîî '~ ts t ;lierxlîîeriif ,ihlî exauîlîsti t- $siil Shirt Waist Silks. A g îî s'iiîi-i îî tw'iîpautternrs aliki-. .Jîir-t s'iirl in i as-h 1i.eve-for. a wai. thlîs HIîSuiîII-Ii ii. îi--.iuîs-liîgdiffereult. ' at froîi . tiîî ti 7. i-i r ya d e 1- a l, ;î. i iiLls îî'r't îpatte'rnîs for Iii t ' -il-1- iiiil îî's ilili i sIgiîlais j11'7î i~i-'I i' ti'vrlîs-s usl.î 152:iti4. r,, i:'rksteii, i'nlircss. Ildli 501 Si ur-clirsil. tuii'uînii 1:45. dr '525, bru,,. iii il t. Miser Wr, i(r ru i irrrîit. ire l',srtlirc fusil l'h i llrcnur;sin.-r-. hinus. LWwvv, mmmn"!!W" ýffl

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