Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1901, p. 6

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A ah beau! of this revalut'- , vuh.longea T JE ta @st bar athar, end confide to hhul j TRUE the trouble ab@ hall go iatair eudured- STORY ail that had been ou ber mindi conacerutlif 0 F Robin; but, wtb further thought, $lie decided that it was better tu relaie ber 11E vexation and trouble wthla ber 0511 SOInH breastutil elle had eoufelled al to the 1111 ~tI marqef~or o llae resolved tu deliiy OFtÇ!that cneso olonger. LVfV's u r FR NCE And Do Jacques o-ent. and Rose 0017 gave hlm a thousanit loeiu1g messages for t lier fatirer, and badlefim tell or ber ard- venture, aud ber fluai safety, anit of the CHAPEIt\ a s dstace houg sofuitly hat11edeath or the vjlain Gasparde. Nothing TER II (Conilild i at disanc, thughdo finty tht h orail ber sorrore did elle deâire ber father The brigand- _-h lug l ney e- a 'ed ta fici sehe hr ha were Out de- t oi E.H uttîko e >l rostlafrtoGt,,are. cd. No!falot y til, but suffIcientiy îpy ùPYadcOmteri. usddeod (1, nl coui i eOti erceptible uot ta0lbe mistaken, the echo Thbe nut dey Ibere was a gthering Of &&ce of hi, i nn aul onnîn r-Iti tg of thos voectesame tu hia car on the tout sud aturdy men trom tair and nea!, cas h. lu" ýf ini.c rise h liii 1hiight till. clear air ut the morning, and 1the arnucd o 1hserviceable weapoual and th@a go $ase, iii tjdI,,i.e'sl t n te isnfe aound came trom the direction in wbicb forest voaas sarched, and the robbere ;oDn, Te i dncng or i ,f fagota lie wau going. Ha could scarcely doubt caveeiiscovered -a'place neyer known till clowed redlv in ii-e coter >f i e anu tbW tbey proceeded from 1parties i) iheu by the dwellers la that regiou. But Si resting a rid h nýght rîpon cih f thuse searcb uf hlm. the brigands bad fied-their chief no long- dark swrtbt inhmu' lnîuics, Bot st that eery moment, as 1e waa er with them: sud 1the caveru wss enspty 5 grim sud fieri iuthat lutireii about it. hastenug forward, 1e aiso beard nuada -descrted. The robbera neyer returnei Righer aud igher licd the diames, andt frons the opposite dîtection-s couaed ta il. It id iprobable tilet1the horde broke 1ý More noie, r fr itue erriit uf the mluging of mens@ voiies, witb harab. i- op, sud the mens went in various dlrec- Meguîds, tuf. flinaliy, theo -(nie i l lîl cordant ahoots, and the crashînisud thons lu gain an unlauvtul living oese- là 11thelil errîou f uirh.Ouieiy teariug of turest branches. Oould it 1e whare; but they never were heard ot euoe grere less clsmorouiii, uiioly droies that bis captura bad aroosed frons tbelr again. Ralmonda o-cnt ta ltaly, aond r lmess isercame nieil, snd uiortly every torpid elumber, iiscovered bis escapie sud thieucefortb waa unheard tram. mon lj sarn-nheu iiumo the hiatus t were prsu lhilm? He paused tutolook (To 1e contInuait.) akîns that covered tbe Ca' ru fluor, ia back. a torpor. eeu ru Gastiarde hiirisief. Even as bis glances perceit the inter- YOUNG lNVfNTORS. Witb cat-iLe aution, a lige tresîl de- stices of those ieefy ahadows bebind 1e seudeit the roug-bc'vu telus. a dark ditinguaîsheit àI coniderabia distance, Uteful DIcaveri« as detobj Chilitren * foru sas visible b>- the red logînof thei the figurea ut men wbum 11e coulat not tus Tiair Play. suusîdringemebrs; lowly undt esrefuily mitake-tbose wiiit-looking formae whlch Many cases ara reported wbere mer. dowo fruns the mouth it camne,1ausing 1e hait su lateil beheali lying about the cblidren have madu dîscoveries lu ttseir et each srep.sand Palmmoes euex glane- smoldering embers t the caveru fire. youtbftsl diversions wbielchbave ex- tit tront face ru face uf tmude sicepers. Thraa r tour wara In sight but one vaa erted a woudlertul Influence on lus- He bha bees wachlng ever since this forrer the theral, andt dagbing fur- portant Industries lu tiseir delevop- molsy rayaI commenced. sudnonw wes the yard vls msd spendt. Il vas Gaspardel meut. Thse chilitren of a Dutcb spec.- time cue wben. witboul guarit or watcb- withbis unsboru baîr atreaning wlly tacle maker bappened ta10b. piaying ar, tisa vay was lt clear for lm. about bis face, suit a longs snd glittering wîtb oec hi ahr.gassl Stciius noiaelessly ilu.lbe scattereil up- koifa brandisbad lu hia baud. fron R'111e shop door. Plaiug Ilo «n the dying embers. froin a aruali par- With suditen and Ofrle resoltiill, Loji rn fteso do.PaigIO cd lau bis baud, a fine powder that cau@- tomait, unarmeit as lie vas, ave w itb of 1the giassea together tbey peepeit et s ight crackliug saunda a it ifell diastick vhlch bhadserved Ibua far ta tbrough theinsand uere excoedingly nanceg thens, andtaimat immediately a ciaar Mas path. and prepared toabeet hlm. astoulabed t10@se. the weatherce oru cloud uft ibm white vapor arase, spreadlug With s londer yeli of triumph t e- a neighbosrlng steeple brougbl. aeem- suit etreing tluI t! filleit the enire cav- holding is aticipateit victilo su Oca, lngly. wthlu, a short distance ofthIeir :Ï , aiessd s couil e olr.faint. ïet ovar- the briganud muSait ou. ees. Tbey vere very aatueaiyiypuai powering, vas perceptlbly puediug "I hae you shouaeur" 1e rcIrcîl.itb ldai aldtei hrt e h troua it. Raimonde, holding a bdaikr a fienda laugh-"I bave'you! Who wilii -,adrlldterfthrt c h chiotta lis face, waited aum ieo e n WinRose ouwr' strauge lght. Ho vas nu lessur- finintes. tises, spproschlng the meses Nul youu. vilîsîn!" answered Louis, prlaed tban the cblîdren huad been. He tom ofu Caaparîie. dexteroual>- removeit sternly. And meeting the assassin, ti bis conceivcd 11e Ides 11151 1e might utll. Iros1the leathern bell abot is wvut mad crner ho truck down, vlth is this strange fenture la 1the construction the ponierous keys that belongedlrtaise stick thea upltteit knite that vas ready of a curions toy o-hlch would tonu pro- ta s.10drinlk bia hrt'a Wod.ductlu-e ofbatb vunder sud amuse- "Baie enough uov. monsieur le capi- "Ah!" hounted Gasparde. rsging sud meut smong his frIenda. He did su, ttina. l'il warrant!" 1e uuttereit. with Uaabing 1k a wild beat, as lie snatcb-su sie.erng tthsoyba a low ehuekie. *You ahonid 1e a litile aint aifrons hie bet; "I wU know-an liebangothsoyht laes. csreiess. Ail peupla are not as bon- 1 vili knuw Who la tu vin' Come un. my w55sali tat make distant thinga appear 49t an yeurei!' meuh trlk-stab--eloy!" Aud, 11usd close ait iandt, saw at once what a belp avity asud quietly lha traversaid the it voulit be ta the tuity ut the heaveos. '»alWleiading lu the celse ad opouit ' . £ds This was thaedroit Inception ut bIs telle- the btretdoor. It chanceit to 1e theon unspe ils Wh the count vaa confinait. Louis .-W'ben1the pour Genevt mecbanie Ar- #Mtd the heavy key turnlng lu the "~~ gsud Invented ie bibrner. atter secur- wstbs; ha lookoi ta u&en Gasparde. But \ leis aitequate snd cotroliable flow êt vas à aretul bandt thalunulosei thdie t harl 1e Intertur. making what lia saitsiintlymb he eil tepeittermeit a "dtoule current" hurner, long - ~' ~ '~» quiet, monsieur te compter' edaoc 0dvs oemasb a.'Ihsgd s Lousda.redogisng hlm. " wbich the carrent suppiied t0a1the outer enof surprise; *,do naît trengtbeoed sud regusited. aud is ~ aecomn a 10 r1V5 70jour5>, efforts might have been longer de- mx,'éUOE, ~tmoedl Wheo ae .- layeit hadit il 00been for 1the tbougbt- 1111%bWeleslads? Wbeie la Gasparder" legsaJuvenile experimnets ot bis 1111e M390usd asieep, monsieur; eoit I bavae braither. One day, whlle Argandit as OM o uleaunta believe tbey vont vaka buay lu is workroom aud sitting be- A aitur. 1 bave iven tilleul somerbing fore the burniug iamp, the boy, was te bolp. Here-I viii take off theme jew- amustug inseit hy placlng s buttera- * !yours; 1 dare say yo0 vont ha les glss flssk over different articles. 0611élfte h.iedt f tm." And touplng ' s ' Suddieul i1e placelit it ver11e fdans. d ~.o"a. ho unlockeit soitknoukeit off da --the "' o ts am.vlc'utat.1btu * *I*sf etfthe caot. Lrs ofttf S LPÂD. the lng. irciiruck untate faat vi c 1 "ras thouniitthaiiks. Rainsonde!' as- teln.crWrDc ftefakw L n~ e ntous, varnsiy. "But boy did with rage.,1e desi t it s aitversary. increaseit brIiliaucy. Argaisitwtt nt ff kovw e ba been retaken?" 1 ~ W r,*:r ta e thse rteoruteui? the man ta lt auch a suggestive occur- 141 od etunedte he avea tegetThee vrt ourta ne!But theeaother rene escape bien. Thun 1the Idea outh11e gametbing wbicb 1IbhatletI hoire.mon, three. teariig torvar talutdiaasssistance lamp chimueyvras hum. suitin aabout déir, sud vas gains away arain, when et their mnter. suitieniy isarseit, sotnid perfecteit snd patented-.Weekly Ci y rthe Meueois bock vidi Fou thdeu hastlly turneit andt liedt. Nelîer dn ses& You vere in a avoon,I Louis nor (asparita, however, saw dsu- Bouquet. .4ps for ltotak IWO or three lu carry thiug beonit esci other; wiie the young TieCa htbTari, 34loi.W. hait "me ido tu get onut oCat, witb firu courage. grappila it vilsCagt y %iei tb.ow ay-Michel andt I-wltbout ieiug tise brigandchieandsitwrencbing the dis- The pickpocket Who u Ieita u *pincb" - ese.1I atcheit, atteewaria, wviole tbey chargeit weapon f romt tis grasp. cast hlm sllkeiy looking msres pocketbouk soit ~. WM esuousing aroundt the #re. auitallais ai fulicngth upun 1the turf. rouud is fiugers lu the graap oftwov lm. 'fty are quiet enough nov. cunte. Andt 00w aid a set basnd; for lhe anappiug turties vas a Japanese. A iModeur; bt stop à mument. I a" yo Marquis ut Motauban suit Francia Eg- native traveler lu Japan huit buught WM,êA@d sometblng more thau vbat 700 ertOn. tolioveit 1y two or dire. of lbe the turties, sund, belog strald t bsI Le n VoP now. 1 viii couse back lu a mu- Viliagers, dashie in the dia tile gîsite.tau vuld 1e chargeat heavUy for their V. thescene uouhDmat. With exclamations transportation au lîve animaIs ou tira EeCli:theb cel, and directly returueui, ut JOY. Louis sud bisonocle tbrew tbens- eébisga bondie of garments very mucb selves inoaeacb thera arma; whiIe iFran- train, hc placed il tera lu a Binaitlpor- Iwo St lis. oi cacsuet uva is Egertun vaveit hi* capeUy in luthe table trunk whlcb he, carrieit. Wben hIeexcursions about the country. The air, tsteppeit ligtii forktard tu greel he got osnthse train 1e beid thre trnuk go ;- ..t an othe De t ime lu assuming Louis, calliais, "Found-fuunit! my der- carefully under is arm that a tbiet 1the "Ilt itb isco- dear fellovr' snud 1e claspei thde young viro wass lu the crowd vas sure dia Mfw bis heurt leapeit! Wbat mou lu s cordial sud iaugblng embrace; man hait sometbing valuaible lu thse box. a *dlil raen îhougbhMiasu1e tet Ibat bt bis handsonse. deep bIse eyes apar- So lie guI Intu 1e danme car anditanok V 2 nemoea iery ldviitas an adjoining seat. Taking 11e first op- ýWluondeaDt atep vas ta liberate Bat tlieir attention vas attracied insau- portunlty lie eut as mail boie lun1the Jogqaa. The pour teilow wasadamost other direction; for Gasparde hall riaen banian d e sItitb joy, and yth' 1e sb- lu bis teet. and i cr7outrage sud de- trunk with a sharp kife sud lippeit 60e1ilteneeit o silence kept bie fçom gîv- spair rang tbr1ljsgh 1the foreat. Duisrteit lu is baud. t"Unhomnieit-ea-ppeeion ta bis uleigt bY 19 comiasàous. vwho bhat fln, ws. it- About tIns ime the toanIlèsconduit- s vpin antious al>- ng the eztenit- cusins the numbers of the spproacbing dit tIaItibrea as 'sonsethiug doiag' e4 torus of the irugged siomberers. dis Party,. and destitute of veapons, be tao- sud t4cY took brouitof bis ingera lu s tirea rapidly ascended t u 11enctratuce. c d wtoas bouniing aw4y, when a sbot bearty onu>. Gri-tting bis teelli. the apean out aimpentise oreat l, iul and s-ped frùun une ofth11e s nlagers @truck is. thie triled tal wtbdraw bis banul. but raesly and iletly awa>' ini the esrîy Witb une horrible cr7 1e apraug ibru the ecodt.T n1eiowea9 tu s dawu. Cool ansit resh the inoring iî air amil tbcu fell heavily t0a1the eartb. ln'.Te lehweda) h ecaDel the- broies o these muen, go IIl The lie was a convulsive movcmneuofuthIe uwuer ofuth1e trtsnk seized bhlm anà prisoners, sud ilt sa like the lucuu'uiirou huîîsbs. s contraction, a suuden açasu, tusnnud bilaovii r to tlne train people, * or au angul. Fur sonie ditaisce 111e>-an the truralvas stretcbed ont iu m- i%%iho t theo next station gave binai le a puraned t bir 007 together. andi ihen tîuuues silence. isoparde was dead' policeman. The Incident, iiowever, Ralmoude puiued. There vas a dume of silence, and theu oasn't clomueît until 1the traveler oai "Nov, monsieur le compte. I vilhIcaese Franci claspeit the baud ot Louis and punlinheu for violation of the rallway you. as1 I s h ru înii.c off ru the nigisî drew iis getly away tram the seenë. egltos here. shuoie teu hbvec J.a o -It lu ton horrible!" lhe uttcreui, wîn __________ wils me.- ahuditer. *'Cume, liear Louis, ta obere Greatest Book Thef or Ai. "Weil oc!f. Iien I hi uitmnadien' ne altaler siglisnallaita you; let us go aud I'robalily the muatInanacionsaWa tomaidth11e cuit, vamuly. grasping bisi et Rode, oui aleet i 1111e blossous, who succesatul bsook thiet tiraI ever lîveI baud; 'suit I truove shaail îne1 agin. ose% tu min lier safety!'ua on îriu lrne h wben 1 ma>- offer ynua s ie aequtne 1e .il sate, then!" sait Louis 'uith 'a on ir fFOrne h rearantfor four service's thin oIun e nuimatrion;. 'ah. thut repayatuse for al!' cmnigrating ta Franoe. became W n1842 ceiveit Ist uîghn 1 îhaink f-iIa- .. A>--aae! We founitber l inte vouit SecrtsrY Of a goverumnent cumnaissl waanittimes, ii> nieil., u uîur or tw ien and sitvthorît vait ta examine anudtcatalogue the books u Andithtisesuparateit taîni-h ad ing longer than to fleu-t he an sd assuire anuscrlpts lun1the many communs Jacques akinug a right hauudlim,1i1rihi-r 'If 11r aatety. tbe luar girl inasitteil libraries ofth11e country. Avalqug bin suitLous kepig th pah a'i r 1 un guidiag 0us inîfanîtl lu tise direction self ot Iiis opportunittes. utfelle cari tenu, ,f utie cave in which sellebad beau con- lessnes ansuI gnorance ufth11e cuatoi Suitieul>- s ne ite vnueI cî-i iuue 0,, i du W wc, m edllgr. rit, ittiseuansd a consummate knowieitgea lapon the groun t urnai led is attenion-oh. lb iz n ilalà amd hRs Pickles un op, lbe fouudil turoie a bile n e s i.lut51cursmanui. ouheu se per- lthe treasaresunuveilei ta10hil.1e quil esî.d cur fort- andl hat of your as- Iy nub lelsturely despoilei th1e librarie tio-alepper rvea ,ni- ut"'il es jei lohutan iuîe umsRoeu u undreds of thelr cholcest snaux n aipecuLe a i t foriaumîment aseit 1'uiu it 111he Cunt de (arnse! cripts asui t aIpreclons beràoomi utterable eouîind nithenmlue, o.ud-c 111te beutiruif Rose, paie, esrefuiiy oblIteratIng stîerwarit a ,tliîLni: Wh(,,usadauuiag hghtly in lier t.sIgnaianite Tise b.ttlabip Oiîo. recentl> lind i8aI Banflic, 19lthenael t"prldauOfthlis Aueriràn uavy." Bise là fofty tant lougoi thtan 'the Oreguon andt 2.000 tous mrater i l lacemnt. Sh81e la tvent>' fet longer titsun1the lovaand 1,060 tons retér lnb itisîlsceenat dian tisaI ahlp. Hrmlargest ridle viilb. Ivelva loches. lar setoudar>- ballery' yul contain alîteen &Ilnch rifles. The Ohi'a idimensions ara: Length un the lalter line. 888 tact; vidtt, 72 feet 5 iucheb; seau drsught 28 fetc6 fluches; maximum draught. P5 etct 8 lches; disllacasueut, 12.500 tous-, @pend., 18 knots; maximum borne tpovrer. 18.000; ttal cuai suppi>. ,000 ltoum. Site viiicarry onaef§sg o0em, one Comnsandiug cac. sigleen varduoons oSl- cers. ivebve junior ouirersansui five yarrant o0cars. in man>' vapats thse Ohio vii b h@.h@amtent of ail marine fighting machin«a. The wrkorf u the sip viilbe uofthti mont approveit kiud. lier engins rgou viii resaemble a tirent vorksbois, fitted it ilthéOufisatlausthat ceaa b.esuait..The sblp herseeit, itb ber viniige and Ifls"vsya.ber broutddcks sait buodreits of spartinens, i.yl b. likea s aail City' bbilitvsautof teel. Ob. viliihave ber taiephone sysîcu. hemr lighting plant suit ber van cm vorba. lithisa teei-gimt Cily>- v>ie b.neari>' 1,000 inenitesewt lampe soit telephous commuanies- lions btycon l parts. The fillng of one vatsr'sight compartmaett srt a>ime neait bo ne cause for aiarm. The tuuch ot s burtton lun1the î-unrsi station silI close aver>' vater-Iight dour blastell ime tIbm vnait takre lu givesthe oriter. lier compleors'51 vililue- ablitusl110men. SIXTY THOUSAND A VEAR. Sabin reurnèd tlu Sn Francisco, andt ieesI, but Ibat of a splendid uniasuei tortesevemal yesrs was an uperator lu liger. 'vhhi>ayaletp upou lb. floor. Chicago U>sta.s lias Lartient Salariait lb. empioy ofth11e Weseru Union.bc- Tisa fierce animai ivoke sud fixait hie Taeueboue Osgclaisinlathe Cuntry. ng statinoeet aI Rai Lke. Helena ana eyos upon tisa mun. vho caimi>' pro- John L Sabin, prasideut ut the Pa- ollrar places. ince tieu ha bas grait- ceeded te10 et bis large aponge. and. cifie SIau e Tlegmapiranit Telepboneuo usu>'iaou lu bis preseol position. unteurlficit 10pprusels tise tiger. Compuany', bs.entemeit upen bis doll le aSt ubeen hie principla lu iuaka 1the At Ibis momenmt pexon gvithal s« lu a latger fiald ot actbvlty as the man- telaphone popniarsudni profitable b>' going on. and vas etruck wilh homuor. ager of thse Chicaos Ystem orutlele- sakbng It ao cheap as oluiha vitl Any uymnuitor motion on bIs part vonlit phonu. Tisare hava been promotions tisa ree.c1 ut ail. H. bas achieve t tiis bacresa 1h. danger of ties ituation b> ai laong 11e Psî-itectoast une lu 111i resaist by ettabliishig varions classes rousing lb.ebaeurt1tu ry'; su ha quietl> the vl"4*lOtde vais t b>'thee traatr ot seàviesmnflg la pruee ftrrm Iifi0l> v&,tM1ti ei aottais use ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t $5eI IosSn 'acid)sd uO onîsby. Au a resuit outliaispol- ltisheman%a asisipuca. Spokane lu Chicago. tir. Sabin e- ey 111cm. ara about rive tises as soany The moujik, spumgeainbaud. ap« caliventa a 5a>orut$35.000luer annuso telephoues.ounlise sparaeby atlaiPAu- pro&cheit11 nmi ai etcl from thb. Chicago ecusupn>'- Hoe lorfersa s11,.ar n all>ttor th roeaneimlruts ber dowa ruaitisathepretease> uofthtie Paclilt cpopulasb d iia lWest. 1ihaatban£orsuadg Statue Company, receiving trom tire iat- maIfhe tige. atbone rt deig Compensation le. tisroef. 60.00 & Tise explanuallous anme sutburs are h plcaine od aerle JoaaI. Sbnas 151l e otcompellei tolumake lu rentera ut literai over OU lils ack. stretceeitontlits pavaii Joh 1.Sabn w@ brn n Nw Triror Immature mind-vhen lise>'ara purr'd. sud oSferait ever>' part outs Oct. 8. 1347. W1eu 15 yearm of age b. obligiug enough 10 mik'tham et ail- boiyt>' ltlb moujik. wbo waabeit bin loft tisa publicesciroola of Brooklyns Iu are otten se goud itetralara asu1the es comaplsenti>' as a mutiar baîbes enter tis ensoenger service ofthte.Il- passage vbieb cillai t tie forth. Elas- ber Infant. beth Cat>' Stanun sasys, ln ber "Elgisly Then ha ieft 1h. cage, suit vuni bave ears ou More." that siteonce. voute rePeaidth11e hasardons caperimoni Dr. bluet, at dia request ut a Young lupon another savage tros the iteseri nephw ofher lutoask an Important hai t nlPezon witb iifficuit>' triv question. DIAthtie ditolr resu>' hava a bisa off. servant h lotlnhdimettHai@OteGA deats. ne describei T heHeigbI ut Ail 111e cals&habita show 1110 Ire bj thre Ridicuiona?" Dr. Hommnes repliait;naure as slisary anmali. Eu-eu in earij 1 wtsh yuu woild 10 youm lire. when tamily lien brissg out tlb littla nephev that the @tom>'outh11e puer Instinct of assuciation, Ibis us apparais talis boaimusl diei lsugbing vas It 700 compare thse pis>' utpuppli a kinit ot treasu of mine, sui t l atn ivîtitaI t kittenat7055 viii fini ttia thIslg Ibal bappenet. sus>'mure tisas lu une case cuspauloiship ut suo tisaI an oit vuman livedin l a shue, ssdit ld la esaentlal, for If s puppy basn n - hait su man>' chilitren sire iidn'I kuow pînysale ut bis owu speclea ire vilI Irj visaI lu du. or 1ha1 Jack ebimbe th11e lu moike Us. ufth1e nesteel biped beauotalisoit round thdiagiant vho vhereas a curk ou a bit ut tring. loaia livei at tdiatop ofIL flitha snaceszary t lustaftisaherequine You cao axplain tuoilm vbat là meula ut tb. kitten. The vs> b ilehi-I measu b>' ImaginatinanutIhon tumu 111e rat takes lis fouitlesaaisgui that il ns'y yuttui rhymes loto a lexI for a îs.s naîun a tî iflelaDnt lu tîs bâtit _ JOIE 1-&KIRN.tiscluille worlby outh11e Concumord ofauciuluoig vbtb greeit> coupsuios depedentTeleraphCompny o New subol of Phibosopby. t havae unet >' 1%Vben tiven sumethn insuot il fit, York.AzsdeTeaurapis CnsIsus>'uoftivev poemu b>' m». butl1I memehr lbs caretuuiy suseile tise marnai. then take Toit. Atter a snt appret>aBap otidV -The Helgbt outh11e Ridieuloss' cuit it îînla sdalinsrate soit giogeri>' va>'uas N. J.. to open an cilie sas perator on wt hsvre lidw ofns ta esr.Te the nev lina Iben lbuilding halveen Ton dits'andt igbts. vltb leplesa aes i.lmnone out t Insclnatbon trianatl New York soit Pbil5aephiia He re- 1 vatchoitdtseretcheit man. basîil>y n>'DYtuod iselit batura lil vbci nrained but tbrea moths a IDths. And ince. i neyer dsre to.write we observe bu well-i-aîed duogg, no tion. being transtarrai toluWhite Plainae u d oroeua anutntc> ouda luestseeu lace visra 1te @o auit trunstirea luNew Yok.wisehaaBout tIl au' usspa issubecauen'tes in o mrai lnohe onlatemwe w1111111e- becase ulghl oerator on dia WeternaotI m oet" eae eIgrvl ano nufr ihte prese lnes outhlb.Unitedt Statai %elae- go berefooit.asditehait agles bave ouanuIneed. nougrealer contrant lîr nature grapb Company. ubgisIe5P5. tibia saunera cain e ubserveiauni S nlu 1864Sabiu cntered 1the armsa aiiu ud'tgrhiere tIbm when ove- tfreinu Il Milar>' telagrapis uparator. soit vas A stomy copiait tram "La Franc. du bannaI our1the pigsand so t wul'th stallonad it ilselb adqnamter uofthtisaNord' blUntraltes tisa iangtha lu whlcb tains>' va>' luvhir a cal talles il lFirth ArIn> Corpse ai Fort Petavsbsyg. perfect tearlisaneas mi>' carry a mn. mealat. That aracallowte ppluesi Va. Ha servai thIrougis the wsm. and The tasous lion-lamer Peaun bired it 1pro'uf lt' ile I l ln te-eding vilhisu vhe thue stmtggia aisit eithasattieai 1 -soscow s pour Cumack. wbo vas aushooel0wng jeaus>'proues IbsI il do r Raleigh, N. . Tira Young operatur vas restlesu. aundItgnorant ot the Frenchr langusaga as ut Dot attributa lo u imanlelîsgsi ik . avlun1te West tisa oportuoty for tenir. tao ean lise cages ut isis vîbitantse§u vltb lils ovu -ild Traits11 .ads'anceme-nt wbIcb the Fast seamai tetu asas. TaSue Animnais. Ldan>' iris. Ha loidthtie Coulina over- lusîruclbons vare givecu l tpue sun Mnt-. -landt telegitaph .xpeittlo. formait for iu>'mosus ut getres and ditsn¶nshow, Jameselnsail Lor h sl Ald 2the punuuuse o uilinlg a lune uneria ansd apparaul>'bce lloruuugly miter- Jusae guit, ol tirAere- are ud t rous SaunFranciscotluthue mositi r ut ao<o vial ho vas expecscd te do. estons.r" ani tt n ee ale-J tim tire Amîsur river ln Siberîs. le vas The néxt morolng lie lue-gn 2bis% nw use are o" ad It lu ohie anleuies Il statI*mfeit aIPloyver EBay lu Siharla (or drilles b>' enternna vîthIs icke't, sPuoge men nver sa>'e-u. la tIse full ut18617 tir. suitbroum, nul lue cage or a lame tiielia.acodnluIrp e_____-_____Bazarvas;nuotou>' tire rit-be-st man tLORD IUOI, TH-E HOPE OF THE CECILS. is village. but the stinget as vu Nt g somali ue o rtbenlng t es Fe nt by ai et - bIl lo e- ny uth o- vk. a li ns e ' leI rlu. l u onu' uav lue'asud averal of lits nelgis- bo s!sIait tueeuli cofer'srce wiIiî a mlansnmactsrr " viso s'nemllseit estai)- iiashnug n miil tIs-tusutn. The- Confer- ee ens11eluillnt'e(ne alune oruth1e villoge. asu i t ail ow;'tise uiauutur- Cm atelluu- itoalshaliosetîu'onfolnuug Cigars. and sit: If tact' a cigar. gu-oliu'nn." Al tIse-filon sele-cIe-sIa t911r exi-epI Stqîuire llsk. lie itidint siiuoke. Tisee- fore lie suit; miTiauk yuu, ar, but 1 dont aflake; but us ltse cigurfs are a Itioniaffleve-. I' lako a diue'a o-otiro'musatrard ut you Of course tise sstusiîed gentleman '*siitl su" asoithlie eqîrre Ocot Imm juisîlantl ver "s hîsîl hait pounit o' mus- tarditlIaI neye-r cual tue a re-d cent." TuuIhe bas aseofet. Ierigatu bîs- als o er iedfamoes ig-tosa fu Saiýlp Mark.tSoe earosprilng sre-a boint-luaitîSom ne lsin-asutrklil boys tnu Iro initsmadlena bruissoUplu cont. luhe-ird limaIhe u pi-u nn e-url unis ed unitthe pigevuns ted no Ir pulilît- nir Ili'l'u ecaun i >1 a w ru-o. ytIre cil>- :uolntl'sPazzaralsnMaieu t ir 1e pigeonrs usure tii" ogrilofthlie utsi e-- itubtlu. and itli-cýerc thue tsnu'unt lnnitmuîtrhplitt, a vlew tlisst tins doîte-i luy the c-ourt. Iurd uîHgb Cecil, s-ho t s recent ilsb demoslrtion in 1the ,us'ut ('Ouro- mrens. idvucatéd the imprisoumnt ut rebellilons members of Pmiuu i tise "riaiug hope" ut Lord Suliabury's "fe-stive rircie," asntLordt Iturce> rm-î-lîly csiî-d 1the Prime Minitel's fusil>' Lurd Saisbur>-s etlesieours i nt lomteit upura as a Ilkal>' auccesur to the poitiesipositio of hus futbnr. andit utis Lord Hngb. the youunget, vho lu viewet as t11e cuolong man ufth11e cecihs. He lu 1the ouly uruaarrie son,.eund bas livai ilbs ie lb i fîer, sybono diuîe h. la. le la the oui>'Cecil sho ralaea an>- enthuiasn, or vbo ieants t e curbu-n miatie.'ru is. las in bisltîbr, Poliina lse useelapart ut religion,.suit b. speaka lu the Housof Commune s auIf ho vera preachlof frus ibulrther's pulpil at ala esmicat anougb te revoit f romx parîyliesnvircu the>' isterfera vlth treedonsuof! îhought unit conviction, sud inteuse enough to. proposa a re-volutogloia paulmailenaty procaitssne vbch no ethet momaber of lise Houte date edpport. ne la 81lt@oid. Ail effort la binsg mode to e'tafulhsh Inu onue ofthlie Sell unîlverslties n chir for 111e- slnd>'uttire Seoteb Isngnage andilite-ature. UpeouteitTreea 85115 LSve. The- "lire tree" ut Jamaicu gnowgs soi tirrives form months atter belng nîrrooloit ant exposed t luthe sun. It lu au uttar lspossiilil>'for a short mes lu tail ln love vlth a tait vuman. Re sîmpl>' bas tu climis for IL. lian tc*9tI498a--48 ad th» t il sada hlm afomui tPapa Is eàe ifbhoPUO "Sfuddenu>-ly hi'ru'oum. rm 1e-aveu a great liglst ;' simus- Ilii- 1mcliiltth,- mii day so.,s, thel il suî.has- o Iren ubas slling Iuceei. Tho1191, iî'um iIslible tus Paula m pausIos Asmu -a It stil ciould fho trae Ixre-i-Silmu- - u liliiual hallucilnatiorn of hi.,. Il ao,mibis thuât temporart>- blunda ionhl. lu imili' ha,@ î.unjeetorei tIhat eu e>"-e-iîs-s iuss,u therer>-ma>- have beau t1 11 nb--cru t[hu Oils" ut vblçls 1hesufferma Scbh--isseâr retre. ",Saut. Knut, vby persecelet thurunu The m,îst seareisaqusilon thaenuul1- 1Ssibl>' bsve iléeonaseilm.otifor il passei byondithe11quesîlos ut tact t ina it et motiveucasd sus)in the muner sprsogs -ut charaeler. Tb. snsver vouW £t onu 5 reveai Sîsui's attitude lmsvsrd Christ. **Who art tison. Lýord'!" A queson nu dea>th1e meal nver, for 1the salousabri1 seul kaev Kt us,'e vho" 1the voie muest ha. Wbe eu s.'swser nase. '-Jeu ut Nazareth. whu.s thu tiermume l,"I sas o uets'uac IbsIrcoutil b. onftre'm. Thai perseculur sioi slfi asndn.lsulCOui onir agik, *'Wlsaînextas?" 'INbat oabsill h lu.,iri't iure apesl. lise msonof au in, lufmi-NI 111te le-s;, of rboughl frInuu 'tiu art Ibsu" lu "II'haî siait h lus. - 'i,'n lu ..sîe lois lnesitaby nu thc in'rh..Ibu- seut sMuu'e ssicanesf s,tii. be .gli,usu e-r. l'bat 1iillu. 15.1 ais-s isîulaIlýu tàru15 bsif-hesrt'tl and.I ulîuI-d f,-.'l:ngs ut sause su-bis sop... lui ulens us lu c t"îinz C'hrist.lPaiul use-nt ilutu Ilsunitss 11 thil bis îsslgisl.anl noie Iritlil. lising ligil trosoheen andulii v hle ,l ahusu hîruhbis itl>- lIdnuit bo tat' usargusa a uth hbiait f . W ms tlisaf Irortsion soin, huit uove.i aI one to lu ution. 't, inlb the>' lii hie chars.- er soi bis of -l Ilta. Nutlle-e ubsIPauliwvas 'ia-utasumc toit s-bal 1e asîli do. Tise direc-tion sute go lu Damasi-os ansitavait uaswae messaihave bea ubIilng let bis priole an-d gailing ru his suspatuesu c. but hoa ubmmr tld ilh à rI-azisst bat must hase um tisishesi b shi. uu sml '-'be (Chi iruiturrfaisers hbthMultei th.. Iat thon ahofuleaf knuv hss -1m1 anuit-se(al is usiue, -araul mioii-- u ise un i-- t smuulà.b" 50e-h o mes moldin îok -opic'v li, t1heuert s' l'oi,.h m sil'.lire andrai nuIin m I:! flited isonuil)aisures-iar.- anitunlertau t lise îi's i t f a ll5 su-ini. I'reu iily tl, e iai t iminughi1t ha I hi-ot il wosnul )P.--rm q nu-tii.the Chnuuînssssu. Nuw isle suamlut tbok u Sul luind.ii titr'assul uu, , -y l,e' 1 mÂl u a tSimili suai îu u' -idlm ni-l uitI. The iîîmî-1matI-nuli - o lntueus uth't tmulblmOuili l iti îuik Ouuu i foliuu5 i-,g GMiaIil-i-uruiriîguylu.- ii cull ,edCd .0 sUli-aiuusluis liîs o> ur- and iu m inleiu ar. s-i wisshl atsmu,.trih imu'- .5 ti t ruaiun taupmnm t ,i n ~î liumn-. u uto ii t n tuiiiunisuns ma-5, Oa-5 insh"n lu> sIs-a l'iller-î 5. uufu ie ,-:u-n i - ..t l DSuiu, i f-iai,'Ir'".unihulini1,i r. IlunliIoi.' accItt il.. tm8IIar unt li ii ui-u imO iami]lîtte fuir I t i i .. Ilm ii.,siuliiilti ,-..ssî h-I rn'eu lua nmm u1mt.- Ilmitmu1a s-use the jtut itmi mi n --s i feuunu oIlnua kgu nu ,1bi-o m j--m:I, rs-.-î. amnd fruit- fuil. TO Sa lassa Our ligia'Priastlae isavan. Acta 22: (i-tIi. 3emom> Vaeret 8" Guildera Tex-i su-a nut iobeuilcut .auohbe hi-set-ni>- vIion.-Acta W:19. Thse slsu cf iiese lesaoumna utludes 1the aPisearasisx-e f ittheaceuddit hmlt ti PsulolnsitJohn, lrobabi>- luiensphseice th1e ruali>' of bis liesu ni>- istersie. Pansius raa isvma.ailois r u ipesîui'.s li bis fricouis tse fâi-t digitsth. Isaparlic Ssthe rou(]ta tu lîa-O soo uI s 1 n r-al a sn> otuSs pes îîuant.ut or('bniKt. Thuq 11e îuîinr'atî-4 Ilamount;rhe itîer% o> vmtlug lu tue (,uiiîiusandsui s-o.ri tim..s îurgeus It iosupport ut bis rigbt tu th1e unt' *aiuotlu-,, ba.d urssbavisîg si'-a th1e Loird. The Icat-her iil rt-i-al l in the claoî tisa riruisentu-î.sofuitIiuil'm u-îlier 111f ur>-, bis rrainaing. bis fmsîîtii-si su-ai agilust Ibis Christiaus,hi t t lit rhe' uiartyrdu uf sl(ieîun, bis systunsatiu- <ampaiil agslnsî 1the hstd se t 'ee "ait imsportant asne rulis bis- îuwunlîkely s minhae am toha1ve a sîîu'-.' iîiiugluati'- visioni, o uslgiiss ln hb is wu 5 iilOu. ii th1e 4lesslsb J'nul vas thee ast lino 1a b. thus deoilycî. kil% pciieeriuus vere ékil on the usher %ide. tCýmu'mber that l4e vas iSm a jouri# t0 perxecute Chrits disicIples nt Ibis very rime. Fur comîment» un 1'auifs aliuitui h î dition ai the limte of bis e-inoseraioîs sund the natrer,. trhe change Shut sas vruugbt ln kliu ne' ahuuiit smuiy bis (u epidlee. pimi-sayrose sustheso in- sous aou tii.aa. le 1nsiyait bhip , saae ut ilinî asandsa whuasliec buS eouspietIYlind--rthe luminance of s l.w ehle'h u'uuiîrîîuuu-.llu n s-hile il falliel ru enable him law i a- nuiSergbeousue#à. ani, 11ev the euinsuiis-i.)t ('rist camse tus hum, as a t-ail lu liuî~ The Wram Wa>-. %'uî imîmnt r.ak yoîîr atiier, s>'de-sm. If y-tr(rairihaleu'a5u beus-dresm." '-Bot do IonuliinkthtlIR sWise. 111 tiioruglut 1i uviîlit orr t it ."- l.-f e. Alumiînnim soas for Hornes. ttîsslin bs tIleulexuxriiiaenlu with ab- urililint hlsIic for cavuin>' iorses. A feue ioracu un Ihe FI-'lanîulDragouns ve-ne smiroî l oîll00e sussîuhuin shabu. andsi innu'ctrouinnusoo inrîstIse-form)er îieing (' tllu.'forne tout Ins omit' casen. nat nd uterlînd fotîmuInru timu. The ex'-.n r'nît Iatu'î six a u-î nit niullt-i rut sîme suunîIII umuII)Ilub1or-s nateul ronîger n u uni tru-atunut tt lii liîette-r thlilitt'e lu-un om CriSme lu Ne-v York. A ii mnletu ratfue- New 'surklie-rald tluu'art'i lie-Il212 Srmuresi1,1()o as- suils nunit I..r< tumgfnie-oanud rob.- li-islàu N-us hYonk Nliut-u' iVlliamoS. lues -nylier-o Sii' -I f rît Ilte lu lma>' Fbaena uegn Traie. TIsefor.'lgn trnaite lun, Mp'Icu. ioti iSniort assdtexistnosw ri5iousStzte an auiiosi Value' oft$1401O.00.0o.Neiri> use-tourtli ut Mexicu's forelgo traite th sdedth'iib ie port et jrun- pclatyeir. listai Advi WV. L ca pacî tboes The siui ai 555 si. b. Inil. the Pli factum> 'ddtil or the si tit.i Th'.a or llf( sietiy Ai,ei uit à. Mauir 1> ra moiies .'Q'iu tnln IV heu ih i Li RaiMid lwis -Tie Aýt& and i ifor y 'i'ibs the iclu Th.u lbei. nliii 'rie ten'd1 be tri -M.ulu vinte-I th . 1. tak A e- e; 111 )u Ln le ls-

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