Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Jun 1901, p. 1

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%.,. N-.F .i,4vii ~ .4 'i.. JNTY~ INDEPEN»FPNT. îîsj mv ii~% Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Frlday, June 14, 1901. $1.50 a Year in Advance. CIO IF YOUAR.-- El omLOOKI' For the ('lothoi. RIhA it * thene Ii El A tr' prove penionit otiiers anîd St) ElLeaders in Genti' Purnlshit El .SANBORN & CO. Lbertyville - - ETE]El El 1El nEl c NG ebest in ra*Made Y011'11 there-] 10 a prive here aLII our riu L ýylvl Illinois. [ iLnÙD ORs Es FORD GAV IN, s rOt$.oW. ary th caddaeSt LaI- i"cc plul. We c rryli -t ';,m(eo,, cicacu , Norh- ,,' I P mn t of lirsets W.uii tIi lave, fIn SPECIALIST. fetii 52.5i'. Chrai o!frien sud Women. GENERAL SURGERY. W f ...c.. EVE. EAR, NOSE, & THROAT. Speetorle..tdviiv'a i 1. . Geleiinic . sCud..a.e. 1p . ) , W8iatmT QYIWOND & CO." Issuei Interest Bearing Certifi.ý estes Payable ou Demand. Miacliu n cier. a lor. (tbiireii>i scIîioi licti at .... .2-, 8slor Bata tram ......... ...1eop 10(4el. t.aehs Fovr. aighLlysoied, for ... c FOR THESE BARGAINS CALL ON MRS. PROTINE, IUBERTYVIULfl . . . ILUNISoc. Dr. Charles Galloway. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Officoover LoveliI'Drug Store ATTORN EY AT LAW ' LIBCRTYVILL.E - ILLINOIS. Llbetyville. -Illinois :::::. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office ovor TrIggs & Taylor'.. 1i t le16a. m2 itu 4 s"d 4. tu 8). 'M. "Ieae on llroadvay oppoite Park Libertyville, Illinois. -SERS- Tîmothy. Clover, Millet, Hungarian, Red Top, Blue Grass, AND LLL 01505 OFPUNE F- eta as awn urass -5A150- $eel £oru aU lddi For SMI. et snebIs Frics. b CHIARLES STEM~ Long Grove -1 PAUL MacGUI Altorney tmd <onnaelîor NOTARY PUBi flios0'~u ésa00mn RALPH La OARBYI -luNED 0 ..CL..... REG U LAT R: . REPAIREO. Shonloger nd 3chaefger Pianos. Libertyvill - - lîlinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physiclan anti Surgeon. fiRSiflNi E o,'OITZ l1.BURN V OTIL BLDG. Gurnee - -- -------Illinlois. INFANTICIDE IS IIINTED AT. l>ld Miary i<lph'a Mother Strati- ýle lier l>nugrhter's Infant? At Ilillaud Park M onday morulng Mary ElIeu, thse 17 year old daugliter (J Mir. and lIrs. William lalph, gave berîli ta a baby boy, aud Its deatbi wltbîu twe ty miautes afterwords, iidier pecliiar. circnlnstancea, fur- iibed Coroner Tayliv a case, tbe loNt Important and sensaioual ho bas y3it eueoiutered. Dr. Haikinae was ln attendance upou th, unfortunate girl, anîd ciler berth of the l>aLe lie banded ilt t ber faiber, William iialîîb, re- quiitlg thal lie carry lt down stairci t,, bis wife sud that ahe vab l .'l'lie ri, uto,,k the cbild to bis i we oand tiien rtturned witb a piieber of water, agaîu going dovu atairs. f weuty minutes later Dr. Hikiuos went dovu ataîris and euteriug the ludioheulnqnired o!ftir. ilpl bow the baby was gotting aioug. $be ru- plled, -11 sllpped sudd feil witb M in my ara, crushing It to dosti.' Dr..HaakIns aokied.vhat liaitbeau done vigbit, snd lhe said, -"Faîber tookit cdown cellar." The physician rplled, "tirs. Italpi, 1 lear jon bave committed acrime,"ttàereupou ieaviiig tie bus"ai unm u g C oor Taylor. 'Alien the c'orioer arrived lie load the Itaîl' iadilburied tbe Utile one In tbeir garden. Hee immedlately î,rcered that the body be talion up, and ccomcuoned a jury, consistlug o! lieu. B2. Cummings, foreinan; A. E. Dormey, W. C. Action, E. H. Pntdy, Il. hi. lrlcr snd Andrew Book. Evi- S.denice deducted waa lu accordauce willi th Ie ahove fcs lciguatiou prevailed lui tlisetie r ciy, the general opinion being tirs. 1' taiphliabit straagied tie belieas infant. blie 100, badl aüme sympa- thiZOe, it being argued abie vas the h cotber of a family o! moyen amil chilîdren and soon go sgatu beeoue a moiber and tisat te inoarcerate ber lu tbe coanty jail just a1Ibia perlod woald bli luiau, even Il abeclie held gcilty. Wblle the jury were coqaiderlng thse case Coroner 'Taylor tliphoned Judge Joues sud ltatea Attorney Tacou it te attendant cîrcuinatinea. Tisey veul te Highland Park te adie vllb bim. TIhe jury tood three for delanlng tir%. I"aphi gnlty 'o! iulaniloide sud tbrt.e agansî. A Ooîapromlse as tiuiy reeahed, the toielvlngverdict being rendered: 'Au, the jury, ind the Infant in qacaf cou ale to ils deatis from causes uniable t, dcteriniue froin the evidence lipartd* Publliecc iWou walbave ach to do with future proueedure. tirs. Blilpb'a pithiiile pilgit ln ber presenl con- dtiocn appeal8tes1 the sympâthy of mauy concversant with the circnm- atauce'i, aSile allier, declare severe puiiiibnt sbould lie meted oui sud Ui it ilili bu a dicigrace If gise labo'a deatb is not tnîly lavestigalsd. Mr. aud tirs.B".phi stontly maintain their atary lingrue, and Ibaltbtey are not gnulîn ai lie crime biuted ai. A pe clar diicoloratiou about the infaots neek was notlced by lie coanir andi lie calicd tise jiury's at- tenationî tii lt. ron th tu ilaIcinlferred, by saine lie babe vais strangled. '[bu Italptis bavli alwayc beeu con- slidured a imosl respecgable !amily sud in better finucial circuuataucea tissu t»"e average labofrersfsally. 17.15 laitier and motier rut used ta belive tiheir daugiter was about te become a niaIser untîl Mouday, declaring the saffered wlth a tumor. Docnt IVaut Third Terna. i'ueiday Preaideut Mciliey laaaed lbh, followlng sigued alalemeni: -1 regret tint tbe suggestion o! s lbcr<l terni lias been made. 1 doalit wetbier Ioum ciclled upon te give Il notice. bat tbere questions of a!lie gravemt Importance before the admnistrationanad the country sud tbelr jacit cousideratian siiaud nolbe prejldiced ln the public mind by even tise suspicion o! a tiooght o! a third terna. In"l view tiserefore o! the reigeraton of the suggestion o! 1t, 1 vill aay nov, once for al, ezpressing a long settled c'onviction, tint I ual ouly amrn ot sud ,vill nat bu caudidate for a third tarrn, bit vould nat accept a uomiuatlou for ît were iltucndercd nme. "-My ooly ambition la 10 serve tliraugft my :iecoud tarin 101te acapt- anico a!f, my coulitrymen, whose gen- eroIcoîci culience 1 g o eply appreolate suld tbecc aitihuhm do my duty lu the raliks of privale CItiensbid." WVILLIAM M'RINLEY. etLr. Dr. E. H. Smith, Fourtb of july Celebration. eh DENIS. ii 504o dagenaine old situe celobra- Ingly 'Yffice ovor Lake County Bank tian at Dlauuoad Park, Daond Lake, tPLE , Ilifci Iti iia. n. iiid 1 tô e . m. DAILY Juif 4'b, Addresues bY 0. T. Bey. bu I nPLEdedker, of Wsukegaa, lia,. D. (. Dut, addrî LibertYville, Ill. ton, o! Waucouda, a" Beui. Able, of itOU Illinois.___________clbleago, are ou the program. A Wbail 14 p i. . garne and the nua iaaliaithlo DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS contenusil ii tale paoi»ang A W_ ý egs eavete aiuotnce aflerDoon and evqugo . &4: ,band Leoa Itegaeovob aîuolicitl and an orchestrabv . 05 ~FN, tisat ise vili open a Plan te spend yoaer ýr Lay. DENTAL OIFFICE Lake,.ax JIJI'E FIRST IC Ai Llliortyvllic', Bluer@ Block, over 9 g of .14rsu , 'BANK,giitb & Davis' sMore visere hl mY b. sot o oI"ud rsgularly on WediieSs rm ~ .1.. Ili 8*.000.a. n. te0.000 P.M - M.Il~ TO NOMMAE ÀA TREASURER l<cpnlslcan County Con,,vention Called for lune .2Iti. A itepUblicailCOuni! Convention wIl l e bsld à$ the Tovu lall, lunlise village of Lib.rlyUlliO. Lake Couuiy, Ili., ou Frlday, jime 21sf, A. D. 1901, at 2 o'clock P. M., fer the Plrpose a1 namilnatng a Oouty Treaciirer in0 511 vacaucy caumsd by the death o! Couuly Trenaurer J. M. FOOle. SPeclal aima- lon yet tu b. omi]*&. IS baviug beau resolved ai a uissliflg0f tbe ElecutîvO Comunttee o01iSe bonnty ltepubUeau commigee &iait"sa Votlng precînctinl lie couuty b. d.siawd a prlmary dis- iriot, aBd t l rImai!election or eau- cus e o ed »W Msaabof!maidlîprimary districts, it la thaxatOre recommended tbat prtmary elailolis or conses eh called for esoh pglmaîy district lu amid county on Tisuksd0y, June 211b, A. D. 19go, aitishe ususi oux. The reprematIV0 for eaeI prinary district vili be 0»n (1) delegate Wo eacis 27 voles,caumajor tfraction c«M for the. Itipblila ucandidate for Preaident lua15M. The several pri- mary districti VM Mm eabu etililed 10 @end delegatu bl the mald Coanty Convention as 10110v: l'aIMÀaY DîsTUCIcta Vî r I, Dri.. lieuhon ................. 'i 3 Newport..............1-1 7 huInois................ 4 15 Grant.............. ........ I Avon ...................2,M il Warren................ . 2.4 Waukegau, lai dial..... 417 15 2d dm.i.. :12 12 M diat ( 14; 13 49h Mot,. 347 13 ôOdsi . À]; m Shields, lai diit......... . W" 14 1Lîbertyville ............. 13 12 -Fremont ............... . 119 bWauoouds a.............11*1 1Cubea...... ............17 6 Lia.................... P;7 Vernon........ ......... ¶'im WeDerdl ............ i) Deerield, lotdMi..... 2 15 2d diut..........1;j 3d diM .........40 Total ..... .......... 1il lin Chalrusau, Samuel ilialler. se., R. 1). Wjls. David T. Webb. Elimer J. Oman. T. H. tupso, Elecuuive Commillos. o t 4 t R 7 I Annual Isue Meeting ofCornntv Cougregatton a C hurchee. Theo Ilve Cougregatlonal churobes o! L.ake counly, Iîcated aI Ivanboo, toc4efe11er, Millburci. frayslansd Waukfflu, held tueur annuil Joue conuoencou t Ivaciioc Tuenday. Tisa day vas a minit Liiactful une sud the ride ibraugh the Coîuntry %0 Iviubae vas onjoyed bagely by delagates !rom lthe varions churcbeâ. Artlved, tbey were welood vilS tbat cbaracieristlc cordialiiy pou- .med by Ivaubue people sud a& once propared for the '.good ihinga' o! the day. A mong service led by pastor o!fltce Ivauho. cisurcis and devotiosisl ser- vice led by Mir. Criokbite, o!fiRocke- feller, Inauguraied tbe servies. 1(0v. Stevenas poke upou "Tire Churob tu the Commanlty, sud La,. Ander- son, 0f Rockefeiler, 8avu a report o! the tlazcb~iomee"- zs eaeuil heid ai Eklsaburg. Ibeg sud dison- mions inspired by tiein combinaitl maire the nornlng mession helplui sud enjoyabie. 1ev. and tIra. Uleen viib 5e aveet voices inlu ong addod mnch 1temau serviceii oattisedaY. At Doon vas enîayed a 6boUnliful r.' putl in Woomeu Hall, aud bore atgain ivauhoe demonstrated Ils ackuovl- edgsd hespitaliiy. Social Intercourse durtfi the noon [tour vswu uast! a fmea*tsrendlng ta enianoes lie day's 6uJojusunt. The ilternoon sedsiaci vasopeued by a atiing ong service, .0. LPartrldge, Who via cissen ebalrm*», prniudina during remsiuder of tise day. tkirs. honnie Jual read minuteS 0! Meeting o! 1900, held at WaakOgau. Mev. Stvens apoke o! "Slepping SBleé ueî .the Chistian Lîfe.' and ROY. Morley, o! ivauho., upon "'lie Precencesa! jeans o! Naaaretbi." A shotit"i by Arhur C. Logan, abo came over tramn Fox Laits 10 attend tise mehing, vwu Rppreci&ta b ly al, tir. Logm an ithe son o!f1Mr. and tira Logas, iimion- arlea of the A meri1cacu BoUd, sud ex- Pecte la go t (lu ami la the Ladrone Islande 10 do misslouary vOrk. Y. 'W. Moodj pîsctical talk upon the "Nesd o! Sunday oisool Work la the Coauy" wsa a.e&a 5Rev. Leonard. of the hodlitchurc in luWankmga, gave aunual sddress. Ho apoXOIecil lr o! Prablema lise C biricllanohutoh ta mm&ot itise creseut day, a" IbSis sam vas given tise clestall ten- k Whoub.espoke or "What il là 10 ah 5the Gospel." heartyvote of ihauka in 1ev. ard, Mir, Logan sud SU 1from @deunuanationa vbo hal hslp.d .15. mesiung tlb. oasuil va itidered. Tisemestbg olfssd by iiglug 'BloaS lis 5. Ti* Th&% W1.0 - OIS 1qa i, -IO% WAUKEGAN~' Ded.gse thduGaesty te @Mr Readors. Tuenday avoulng ai Jacksonville ai 5 O'clock occurred the marriage o! Mi«s Verue: Hall, dauguter of Prof. F. Hi. HAUl, formerly o! ibis city 10 Barry IL. Duivellor. The vedding vau au OlabOrals one snd vas attended by about soveniy-five guesia.XIt iook plaselu lb. Institution for the bulnd of visich M1r. Haillàlasupetinbendont. The. wsddlug vas au Important one 10 Waukefan beasna eSof thse parties lu 30 Wolf kuowvubhe. The. bride ta a graduaiso 9.thelgh achool aud boa frOqu.utlY visied here Oince moving fron thes u. tMr. and ]gr@. Devoiler loft ai 9:10 for Waukegan where %bey viii rosido fIo% tbesummor sud ln tbe ral VO igo 10 Shserman, Texas, vhere tir. Dosveilar la of tihe faculty o! North Taxes Collage. MMu vho represul the execuglve daparlmont o01Ithe fasent corpota. "Io tu II. o rld 9aocompauied by tailted o00c"aissud mon of national prrmiu.uae, a1l of vbomre r itersaft.d lu Waukefau sntsryriseas Md Who ovu Wguk$fau PropeMl, vere bers Tues- day mornlng continugfroenChicago lu asp.claltrtunover the E. J. & B., snd while lh. objeot or iboir visl tla koPi a prafouud aecret skilluni qusa. hIoua OareulY puS resuiti la the somewhat raluatuadmisson-lo thtie bande of III...giganUte de&are 9Bult giveon 10 anuouuclng their plans hoeIthe Publc-&thtie United BUtle s .l Oorpeatlon18111 mon buiid s large enmellet aohthlflta unorth olpibe B. 4. & E. slip snd t i bai 11 Rglu Jollet sud Butera ralroad comikny la 10 Pot lnumseral slips similar &0 the one on vhieb the Wetern dock la loaai.dounia land vblcb comprises Alargelaaroithh. areage sdJling theaprsat slipon Ithe non. Ooustblsea. Flood ha!]. a Barrov tems e roU meeting asu nexp eclod and ratherunupleasst sort o! dealh Uaturday. Re came noir beiug aniklotad d tabbed 10 death vlth a picbfork s a a pon lunlthe buds of Cbria alutg, the Isète'a vif, alsa bslug lun taDcUas sa reaufS Lcnaug ta nov la Janl 10 vaiS acton of the grand jury. ho belug unable le gce $1,000 bail, tb. charge boing resislng su omfiet. Constable flood vent t0 L.oa'home vent of North Chicago 10 mernt hlm au the . chae rge!dia- orderly conduct. Loaflug upon hoing bld thai he Vas vauted, Mid bo vonld cetiany uat go. The oo ica aisted, but Loafln' vils ahlmed lu th&& site voold hslp Mim sud aeaordtugly rau to, the baru sud got s pitoblork. Uhe isauded it quiokly le ber busbaud sud he t01d lise Constable tgo "ore an, ihai bs'd fii hlm." (Jonalable Flood drev front bla pocket a revalved sud aoou had Cbni Iroa, vuersupon bis beotb al stirtsd 10 uselise pitchlork, but the effloar aon pat s quielua on ber sud took bis man ta tovu. Tbe Board of Education met Satur. day ulig suad madle lthe olloving ai- pointmente: Minas tiriam Besley, Superintend. en$. W. C. 8teblilus, Principal Central lichool. J. E. Baggett, Principal Nortb School. .'.'L.Sayer Principal South Sohoûl. tira. Florence Li. CurtIs, Principal West Scisool. Mines (eorgia Douglas, Draviug. NORTH SCc<aaL. J. E. Baggeit. MisesKiehle. ti"as impeon. mies Halovell. mi"a buaker. Mi"a lrockvay. SOUTH SROOL W. L. Svayer. Lulu E. Kinney. Misa Murphy. Mies Dickinson. Mis Lebeol. Mies Kohoe. Nellie IL. iuney. miss Cooke. Mies Tonuigan. Milmiarker. CzanrilAL stqOOL. W. . Ittelbins, Higb Sebool. Ums Botaford, High Scibool. tirs.Be.rtha Childa, Hlgh Sohool. Mim J.ilb hLyon. 11gh Sehool. mis ieruicie liplogle, Hîgh BSooal. tir@. morey. mi"S mith. mis& Ferry. Mis. Dletmeyer. Mies Hurle. Misea ugohins. (ue leaciser in tise High Sohool sud &ho atudy o! monte vilI h. aboliahed by lte Board, thus reduolug tihe corps ai teachers by Ivo. lu 1h. mattot a! Snobhera' a$Maresa hla undershood lhah nome chauges Win bchodae. Itla tahe ptose intuention of lhe Board 10 con- tinue th. course o! manuealtraining, The Insttuclot bas nul tyet boon on- gaged nor have four grade toucher% sud the tau s a041%ually ap- I Great MatchIess Sboe Sale ()it Satuîrda.y ,Jiiîe I5th we begin 0111'animîal reîîîraîit male of shoes. 'Elleî lot inlfle tiStt' --olîl sizee" and '"broken Iiues" of goodis tlîat lîave been our best sellers. , a grve o ame Idea we quota a f1.w " lot o! Womau'a 1.1 .()q, 8,1oes go nov ai . .... 501p pair " lot o! Wonian'ce $2.85 10 $2.11 Soeg go nov ai.. i 00 par pair A lot of Woman'a $1.75 tu $1.50 Oxfords go nov a& 75 par paix A logoof Boys' $1.75 snd $1I.i Sboe go nov a.... 98 per paâr A lot o! Voutia' lbhoes, izea 1l to 13j, bancbed ab 70 per pair h Those area r bu t iood va priCe When1 Black Convas Touai 5 outhai:sz Boya' izes1 h Mous slzire G.R SWaukegan Cultivators Mowers Mlay Rakes îot "cheap- or "shoddy" ahoegg, Vagues whloh BOld .easlly at taret iUnes and mizes wsro complet*. las Slippers-vilth Zood Rubaur Scies. les lito 2sg , .-43c par pair M 2jt'O 5lat- .... 0C pet pair es ta Ilai .....60c pet liait LYON & C»dO., - - - Illinois. Farm Machin- cry of every description. Have a good assortment of buggies, road wagons and surreys with rubber tires if you want them. .. .. .. . My prices explilî the large number of machines and vehicles seid the luet few weeks. 1 have a good variety from which to select and at prices that are iower thau yen eau. bity saine goeds for eisewhere. .. .. .. . 6 bar 560 round leather Iali net ......... ........8 179, 56 .. ... ... ... 6 76........' 3 m Cotton Shaf Noe........................ .. ..... '73 E ,1by Co ton Kba t f et st , $ 1.00 and .......... ......I- * Celebrated Wagner Team Neo, per pair ............. 375 I.sp Duatmr of all kna-fancy and plain, FIy Horse Covers aud Stable Sheets. Faney Hammock, 2 apreadeus and pillow.......... $13U Have a good Mexican Hammook ai.......... ...... 7 Libertyvilo C. M. KAISER, The 2Oth Century Cash Store Wotid cati your attention this .. , ~week te Shoes. a We bave ivo Viol Rid 14lle' bos- 'l'lie Dutobaend Mada-ltMaxe usd0 for 8ofld Comiori. On. vitS a O0* Sole. Our price le, apar 8. Cali and sue ont (JIolS Top Pluzlbhî Sole) Ladiea' Dreas Shoo, prias . Viol Kid Mliary Beni 82.25 d aa«88. Men'eghoes tuGonodyear Wltefor 82.25,JiZ.7. 3.0,3.5 W3S Mcl<my Seved...... ..................................S... W. have a shoe mode ut Cali 5kmn, oises 8j go 12,11 t 2. 2à tuSi. UMb service oan'i ie bouai. Whou yeu wat a Shoe 15.1 viii sitand the boy*'vaux ual. YOUn.4 FOR CAME, E. W. PARKHURSTS S. a& J. for a Clara rburs. nov C. H. moula; t~ W. t arl Uy, on r,. A. asic b, dry ccp hem ta il acdo makers d oint. [Id &ud N.'d. nat r oilrea mactlou. . Thhs lac. each Ultsunai ATAaaff fimet ai. it' hat Viv loicll vs. alid )nici th vi QUAI, Vol. tie nu. OU. -------- - ---------- va s5eeds 1 1

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