Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Jun 1901, p. 6

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:eeio 1-z- a'ae- tbose about Ali. Ho orsu Anoble thon 1lu.i. ie vas-'e ' of la thie iniiaet h er venus, STORY and econfuselsi ber Dora nain»a OF saore." sai] the marquis. kindly; 'filse THE û nsun vas, iudeed. isotethicg more 'be1 a ge ~ a Bthan those vhom one Aà aeccetomed in, * m ~~ L ukffI~fI1 soUTH nîcet n that cos* te which lhe vas allieI. * t U~I contens that jour prefevenco for, hlm ad LE U aU 1iIOFI la ne mytery te me, and 1 de net ai ail tii. ~ w u . Fit-ANCE disappteve et t." 1 "Ah. bon' good yen are. monieur ' New uttered tise jeunz gAr, grtefullY. lut aise presaed i bond te bier lips. àtM "Iftlas n errit to meItesé, hatmfi CHAPTER IIXIi. -i.0 flitacsisedd net sep, Ils exlreion. own jonest convictions force me te se- vt a yquoingln tise lofty and i cle1:1 l.dd Coi sPek; but the baud rtnt gkuowiedge bi% superiority, and the g00d laïusâ liburyrioftthe marqis,.thse ami- uon Ie thie a awitbdrswu i Oin '* seae yen ihave ispiayed n yeur cholce. luphned aîtb a Roft. sebdticd ment and t tcembled. And now," be adalsal. orbl the 014 blending their uounight radiance i.ouis. 1 have hurt-voue-led Yen; I iaughing glance ahone n bis oyea. 'i dore th eprand waariner tinge ('agt b, bave been tee bareh! Wiii yeunont fer- say yen are djiag vth curiesity te knev Weod lire upon the broad beartb give met"hue said, gentiy. and n a holy r came Ato posseasion et ail thAs iemagnifi' et apartint. with iti toue tisat qivered witb agitation. lAbo knoeiTdue." m assive, ant ique furulture. ite dreor near te hAta. and laid ber band ii- "Indeed, sir. F in à matter ef corleatl bigbi Wall$,. mcd Wth cotly soif ploringly upen is arre. "Yen cati but te me"'@sie answered. frankly. '~etaiaivolme, fe cîmau rapr-see that m promise mont lho kept. ans At What. then. vI Yu youasi f Isa =ds4t lta dep Windows. and the poIiýhed paiened me that yen ahonid urge me te yeu tbat Robin human te M. th fe 1 ifiour fit hane and rBtctd bock break t. Ah, it insaacred, Louis! heip greater part et t ail. and that 1 i dvlned ,- me»iow warumth lu ripplint inesOfe me te keep t no., oniy a vecy lftle bt-eh. Rose?" he est- Theresvasneorepi!. But lbe îurned cd. X»ietde a table etfmurenel r l oak. towards ber; hee bld eut is arma; h lie.Iobin. air? ais. then y0e have seau 'pW"le. l streor, with rare and anient gathereal ber te hii breat and beld bier hlm:" said Rose. catis bardiy snppreaaed 'Vaaesanod tise wriing urpleinttaofthere, chuie hie lpa vere presed calais . ebe marquis, aud wbicis ocuples tihe Ccen ilentir. tenderly te bers. Then reeasing 'I bave seen hlm. mi chiid." tug ot the fler. aibgster. Ae ia leau-ber, lhe cent out freinlber presence. The 'And latelyr?"he egfoward open Iis table, ber face hAd- deer cieaed bhind bi. A SteP ia heard iQuits ialely." bo retnrned, plateit nd fui 0 4aa in ber foided arme-tbese tair. scuip- cithout-tisat ot the marquis. amused e t ber innocent htrayal et de- lie a Iterl armas chose anowy oriteneas -"Weui, my Roese, yon are waiting fer îîgbt. thé ,i&lms andly tbrough the vei of tallAntg me" ie sai. cheerily,,aoslhe approached Na orwelf u oser" A ,aiase. Her racetul terni la attlred n ber; "sud have been vaitî.ng nome ltîme. "IlMa astorben At vas, monsi eu lng *robe of sining tabrie. ta peari-hued I am afraid. teo. Wbat abali i.1 tm A vs etedî;ny-fhvere ln *ft1de aoreping the Bor about ber and myseif, eh?" and lie seated hilmse $be- himn altely aas to-da." does "laai. Sgltteriug aottyinAue:Belclow ide lber. "Bat, chat alla jeu.imy chidt "To-day? ah. then. he la very near!" reaci jyat ahbel ail around ber. BAe dora net bie addnd. vAtAi evident conceca; "Yeu a re, abe aad, in a subdued yet joytnl ton, andj %,me"; h e l ient-anotioles; sbe bard- illi" anul vth ber ejes bent te tAiefOer. as bride Aýsemste brooathe even. Bo quiet la "No-ne! 1 am net iii, ir; but i ami un- ln meditation. Suddeli raiing 11610. «OBI asbsse ereclinea thun, oitb ber.face happy," retumned Rose. litting lber beau- abe aked: "Wbere wan t. molàeurr modE1i led, fiat yen migt thin ber sieeP- titul oese, swummAng vith tours. te hia "Tee miny questions. Roae," lbogheI a hau earnet face. tise marquis-"ieo mani queýtiOna. i1 de-Cb % tn ant sepn.H" rad 1Uuhappy? yon are yenng for thot. muai keep bis ohreeahoutsal at ncter Of crffl 1*ig ofe tee painful a nature fer fthnt. Rose. Boine girlieh vhim te As,54'Il war-: secec for a abot tnte." ip. n tfilswselling silenice. aise calta; rani me-nothîni more. and jeu are mat- "Ah, monsieur" said Rooe, gentilaad d latning foc an spproacbing foot- lsg yourseit etremeiî miserabie about vltb a pretty air ef deprecatien. h~feuboo passes la deep &ul serrcor la" And lie stroked ber brigt bair gent- "Indeéd. my dear cAid. IL vilI de jeu *1roere. Foc Rose bosa odti. tee Av. as lie spekie these orordlin an emur- ne hmo. Wat tili to.mrrov. onuy te- long defetTe, te perfenni te-nlght. and ening toue. morruar, and 1 il tell yen orbere he la; ab Conséqucences May lihoeuiî tee bitter "t lAsne chim, ir" oncered Rose, nal. more-yen shalls.Bon ui. Yen *fil J-Alter te bier inasanneb as they sffec sadly. "Al have been doing wreug ail this grant me until then?" ho O.bAe does net fear fie perforla gn- A.cndpeoe efrhr "Willlul;y." s eeftfiis lti hecause asie arints toc bier teara. "o e a siiti o use irons fnABhAling ber trut-frein teins "b)oing wrqng, peor litte meuse? and atishe obi 'eet et jour errsnd thither te- t, P lighted word; but tise picturea te te moke a confession?" smiled the god igt." .- thBtfe disappelstment asie mai hoe old man. jkindly. .Why, Rose, 1 flink, "$lace Robin tel jeu ail about tAla." 411"t te folieton othera. A muai granut absolution hefece- ahe salit. vith asaligAt anal carminu 'Aditant dber unciosea, bat seo.efth band, and refus. te lsten te rieur ter>'. blusa. "yen mut bave LiedLittle Iifliculty ia eesig et cioi fiai ne sonnd tel- 1A oe't bear auay taie. againt MY ittle ln diviiln mwnre e b ,at on It la a genteenaobeenters; lhe girl." 1queatlonlng ibis mornlns. 1 acknowledged a oMoment; bis glancé takes la the "Ah. monsieur, Yen front t ightiYl Yen fiat t vas te aey te you someflins lmn- Mdud odedpieclor 4 et ens donet knor.boy--boy---"nindteli onéecteni viftniyslf tant A Ib;but I as accutonsl te tbct, "1 do't mev I supposeaYuion rold desired te met Yeu bere." if l eAh.trotee iewhoi- say, bey mertons aun oSair At A-As fiatt, "Ezaetiy. Rose," soid the maxquis, Ah.100boul fiat.efthfejoUnis guilutile Rose, eh?' gAl. "Weli, mi dariing, ore bave mads hi the tabie. A shadoo, a blond- "Tes,. moeaen," apsvored fie Young our conteson-bave ore nt? aud fiej M «ofetaorrov adperpiexit>'. girl. vero net auch terile 'onfessé5i a tter 0Allw bis fin. broe. Thone clong "Exactl>'. Well the, suppose 1 iry &ILa RobAn, 1 Aonetly déclare te ion.fil ho advances. anI tands beaide te guesa?" Alie. and aminofe. 1 have inyted "Iton conl nt guefs! Monsienr, Yen iliahers to-morrow. Bnut Roec" and bo CoiSioéti. mu«t «ad tii." And .bo'doa freinlber tenir ber band n i, "Yeu muai net ex- refend ber bead. peeoet a etio. vbicb ah.wv about te pert te hoed tf ieAme blouseansd set- isr mae wi viauongveý-bla. bt ha putItA ai. azuhligli. viceable germent* n w chsYe ve __ "I tbongît pou veto vit], bis boul. prohably vont te mee hlm. Robin laine n- uà, eI tallow ume te gnet, Bose? longer a gardoner. and tiseretoce, ion «iÛ%et ouhotus, Rose- th,,l1 Ivi LIou ayenur aetter. A am miuet anticipate qulte' an atératien in is / lx:oae, "a." hader tissioos. Uv bled, Amidnow. personol appearonce." »4 lMdae? W. >Ueo., tdo'iintenuptme, for, a» A toid *'Hec?-nolAnger a gardener. mnou- a t*sta sprenfnces.every loiey . , 1mcmiite gSu; and M i ager a sieur?" itarateil Rose, Annsaine surprise. -u '5-a oreddn Itens @hollifAtle, petite?" "No longer. îî ciid; be wcso oered 'iisbBiRose! To-nAgt, Yen Hlâ geo-naturol, comîcal gianuer and an employmnent et an entîrely différent M. pu bave an Iervew vifi lirely tone. together vifi o certain aig- chacacter, wlilrhha immedltili accopt- -55 canoMlaten te tus. 1 niBicance vbiehblie tfroc buitnbisfast ed: t Woa, mach more congenili te bs tai- 45IbILItervIew; mj oncle tol verda consel her first te ouile, and then - ents and copabllities, asvel, aa te hiuarll illéfite. ina 10c o, bal A te blua. duepito hqr' orrev and agita- tetaesand desires. Hoi latatirlai; nglutle t ICItien. Ho waited BauIntant, and fien the vorl.Rose :",ouI tAe goeemarqui vii la a subued, but agitate vent un: amileil. "Ab'. ho viii hoe a gretmon, niol UO4Mto011buaieber, "Wbat±-Wencé? then Yen conent, nseédey! Yee would scarcely recognias Ti abso, forvard ou fie lubie, Boe?-wel. a vedllng dreas it &hall ho.,bAu nov, l'I warrant. Wby. cilid. fla is t. batd& elaalug brs. as h. t- then. As 1 aaid, 1 viii oager a oréldiug rontdc lover of yenre ias greet a Son- t Ams iplering worda. Iresa. lace3, jevela and al." tieimmu as there 4-La A France thia day.ah veuild preveut A14 Loui!-by? "1 sh. 1oant neéther lace uer jewela, The ibrone l stalleés OPUp bi!" the bld Me ase9*tie fuillileut m "erq." sid Ros, aif sadlj. "Ele saad s." said Rose, musngy- Bew ablto teloft. dldye?" mD ntuteua'Pt me, MY child' i"be aaid so-didlihe not? thai Aie aboul rt *'euam ahat:te oeal jeur Agmak t-etmeae*-magcinst a pair oet rsé te bhor sud pretermentsansd Von mm mm% 1eue mot.IAech Yeu; dameelbuctie. Yen e I mean te veaitb? Yet bey litA. I1 imogine fiaI a" Alce. Break iis Iéa bonloge; mate jeu par' veil. It&s-thet 1 sisalA it vouihe o oni"fIo ouIdtPg«t ie.vovo fiai are gSuess rigtli." "Wei, Yen tee. iboire von mi lia- -et bluilg. D Do t brng tuila 'i do net underataul Yeu. monsieur," mends, Ros," lie sud. iaagbiugiî. "YenAtil ýjwiW btemi uncis, vho lovres Yeou saAb the yenng girl. venleming, perpAciedehLItaîl gie theta te me on yenr veddinS blac Umt break nP flia appy bouse- an direrted>t bis maîner. dey. And nov, my darilut let ut loin Min k*iidu h. un. more happy. vheu "Tou dont? orbat a piti!" There van Our friends. TAeî viii ho raitinsigoteai 1 taectieol yott"ef-orben Yeu miscief in bis ee. that brougbî the us&" cur the e tb iadet As 0011 bigt aMle te berm."Wblat a p911" lbe repeat- Anid Rosé vent oi hbin. amenst n àa hlm presoas, te bld jeurneLt Lan c. "Weîi e ail events, Ioicota- state et hoidernient. ktiovig ft sheb*vn meace, and prohably, by fieetfinie 1 aboli bal net said baif &lie vAaAel te sami. îét o wesoore filiing bier soceet erres; baye Bulael, Yeu viii compreeal Miunonable te recail If, or te fhint mytbins oea e" U oivuetugging for utterance meanlng more tuli. lu fie firat place, but thîs sudden reveintion ofthfe mar a base; but theie ncel Ar club ai. th o bre la a certain young girl-jeu <quis.pi effort- Se as oielber m m entuwioànonenames.ltese--a certain <oh onlnt ra, tw W& yenng girl, 1 ay, cho bas o loyer. Tou ' or ave4are, tien, Louisi, ef the are liteuîug. 1 preaume, mi child7" A Stries'f' et ut. ese. et tii.Alot"eyer Amuilittlmg mnlecw'Mva sngle brun coul aciieve cie -to ve-imonea anbeoavred; "Good! This jonng gAr, then, la bie- fluee etraorlli'y verts la a in7B lot - I-eo fiat It uqet comes, sooner trethed. Vecy oeil; tbmtinA net au aIL te tn>'. Ile A deepeael t»' tise nact that on- ' aie"o jen adhere te the décision hoe vondered ai. aauieoung girla rnry fre- tise inventer cjoyed o very teweor rtl-lu magi. Bqt agin 1&at jeu- quntAy ufitseiSves ntfils position ainlavnae.Eio a i revoi is secret te my oncle." $Bbc An htrothel te a poutyjung m cýatoaaluag. ionve a l *4 et mien.eniy promis. te Robin oortin; ce wcAlA amy he l- gaudener. poor boy, and aitishe age oft toeive h- I u i" 1regard, loui%.'"Weil, theso two-ibe girlond lber lver- Ca ntrnwby ute Ial mn q«To woul ami fiai jeu love hute cannet marri jet, hecanse they are by rool rbnulug Into Détruit. Yet even lun r grtiSlt hur~, n e n u ecrcumatances; tor fiese laia tise terrifiehItellectuel Oc- e The. teare Vel trotn ber eje;a o hahsiseLe quteé as por aie. Ah, tbey tivlty et bisa chrcter vas mle mani- liu staea te ber talc cheét; ber heol cae muâi ho content te witir' test. At oue titue eLiedn a s"Indl an.W] tr»od sle. Ha pansel, and regarded ber ifi n bontory In the baggage car; ohere hé doi e111 ne-no! leotDt Bay it, Rose!"'ho curions salle. She lootel op, ber eyes trieni ciemnicai. expérimenta. When Aie Ts Ciel. srrecruili. spscklAug cltb treais treaming tesa. "Lousa-Lenîs. thîs t nt kiln-it le "Ah. monsieur: yen are teîîîng me vos a télégraphie operaor hoi levo-eenPo fet Its ian!" msail tise yonng girl n, mi~-," ail et bis leisure tulme and muiyhbeaw bg ta hlm ogsin. "TYeu knev 1 cannot Tise goed marquis kissel her. whicb aboul bave been giron te sileer branoi my promise. Do net add te tise "I amn tnlilng jeu about tce people 1te tise 1er eioing otfIens vhlcb vite9 eorrov I1 lealY feel. I muet tee jour choin t once knew. My chiA. A1oui pro- te bocouse great Inventions. noria: 1 munt scknocledge iny hetrotlil ceed. Our young garletier, ve vii sami.Atter hoe bail grovu ramna and opa- te Robitn." gom awaay; and the girl, cho meeta cit leant, ho diIInet yiel te the temptatiln . - AmI renIer bit unbappy. rait Helen soine aligisi change ut cAcumtances dur- te take lAte eaaj, but on the comu Motaubon te tbe very heart. ceave me ing hi* absenuce, continues te remeèbser re melwt gae ars,! Rose, imten te hit. But for some resort, vhAcb in, iro imi lhgetrere ;; p.~.J' oubtiesa. luibis casé. au exicemel net-néesa Inte tiseisard liber et his calIlut. Loles sent. 1 entreat!" lie nt- ural eue, &lie neglets te infecta a certain Ho. te begrudged tiseLime consumed In $«4 vtflrairint her band frein bis. trieum, or trieuda, of bers. that she ba eatlng, dressing andu ndruisnAf, aieep- 'e.' ale fiee cîzsen glev et cencloesaspromsel te marry tissyeuiig mon.Fer mng ouISeing fro- nhis e rtsoi te - Ma timiity suf uede ber countenonico. tis neglect aise pcesently begins te te- bis hom ait Meule Park. thiat h. paced *bu" Vliti on me!"'- preacis herseit. Nov. lsten again. Rou;" a bie ond dinlng table An bis worktop, "eSm. one Instant. Let tue apeak for sud lhe grec quite seclous; -fib is Young hocud tanse vlb t te lie oaî re mie. a tnetiseboru pensant,. o beialt ne desîrea, no au. portant expriment-Frant 1Lesles wo coau 1beor teameyen-yen, Pirations, aboya is condition; At yen bal Aopriar IMontbly. 0.Wom benl more among tise higis- beme the brieetfsncb a one, and fer- A"en'tfe noest etFrance, enied ouI aLienus uI ndOui- loveand aulce toc ion. A Leigai Expectation. - hi su visehonlbave ai ater ice bave ail heen so bappy bra te- AnIllinuoisasttorney orgueil te tAe a the ptio n - ne I c uee ht ae m l hs ue emond lto tiseo cohe ur o he anye t CFTii ocre or la egoit, @"s ne mecutfor ofoo e aii syone lotie oowis Ua Wv use, attbitg and band trimmint deofBot « W&Y te Itmoo Flugs Meteuisiesolte haOon tAie anf, lndeed. An the ModloLctune fo i.hesetmore elaborat. taller abAts tbey are ené9 910704 illa trlkins freeden. soins la U al ahA are atitced tihait way te, the kes, wAille oheto show noir a few rova et thie VYork 0015a* hemn. The atitchlul la uasolA @pif col- RIDAT, cotumes ored, although nom@, gowas are stitcbed thua season are An white. Bepi trunflhila 1pot on lai larger range et matin. velvet, taffeta aad LouialuS aliks, zuaterlal thannla duck. Uipe or of the dene aitmterlal. umual. The cou- Many eloth skirta are Alased villa dock Tet)tional, sei'e- an d liRon banda. tfie su aalIY bains of iy made white white. Thor are sîitched An owbite. black matin gown la le- or Moora. One bandsome examPi wvu iug taver, and net dart bAu. cpaoviot, with a Spanisk done@ chiffon, siik crepo. aiitcbed An owhite snd headed with a baud de ciie. mousse- et plaid sllk. The boiero wis stttedf Umne de sole, aiO and triuimed witb plaid banda. Penais mouil 'and China of plaid and etciped milite appitr ho slautoare tUkiilg quoittl>', nouelly nt the sades. Sedimo '.ils place. (iowi»th ie goffo bas a front panel of contrent- 7 made of tueo. bItAi colored eloth appliqued euth band nisterials are cen- of cloth stltcbod lanvwhite. Tbree Mloutra- midered more he- tdons or tht uses et thes» trimmfingsap- carne than la pen r la tAie encludlag Picture. lri thoro the satin. and An Io a sOya et tusah clth; the skirt bas- pot o feor cases Anlaitapanel etofrwite aipaca trintàed vtih Se Y.- 'v. te tise bride s yomth- bandae o the goodu. More banda and, Rppearace. Ibis Jue's bride mai blise and white reivot triuimed tAie bo. se Buffy aà oh.o, isties t.) be, aitheugh lero. Next thAs As a gowuoef brillai rd simple gowé,snms to old favor. cashmere. Tho skirt* s pauimhB fonne are made bIianockedan ad with vamp wa& siitcbod la orite and outlined wltb gtrains. TAie fashiot iu tisareapect a toid of vAilte inien. snd toideo f ibm afBot gse te chaez. TAie veials in e tiched in ted trImmed the jacket eh the enà et the train@ at the hbockJ48t: ocn« ta iseniîcloth viii sit" arA ia doet Orbwite tuile. Unies@ the panel% and triinniaet Bfgured groom a" a-te-be baplpema ta bc fortuliate whiite siik. aIl tisaontlined by stitchel gyko ore a point lace freint grand- foids of the gonds. dfl tro.*0eu. Pactured beiow la Bashea are agsla te hé o o. The old- andsaino bybe gorn e orbite crepe- time Roman striped &far wonu frinie rIiAn.ÇU pi-pinaces. and trmnmed oihonde vwii hoa e.n oriib he ol-white mas. n lA&.hb40t. White chAffon gawoàaliAn dreseo. Ai the delietcaoon an tuchél yoko, aul the teD vas vhAte seen An assise anal thé nibben bue flo e. Accorlom pleoteni chAffon gono ih Insertions oft Arejand ecou ne«rc te oip ver>' hadsoennoy. Mise seasens taroïaseola yelahetf- A. t Incldistwaor thncé bonîsemie sisg gecua made lao uet mad of sem moteris Appiquad vtb nome et Dbanîsonin laces. T'l'ontem. evertl wrréilabona, bimitica mud id lks for tarnoon ormar. TAos. niai hé mals up ry Bunifihi.asd are trimnued vitilares 4 ribbodîs. Orten tie> sre Binieet o aloat vits haulsoineli colonel Aies. OInnofficin a Ishovnla fie An. al Illustration. This oaa a figureI Z ~ ud orite atin foulard. ls jtrlt- 'Ra ere bondasetorbwité mcll inched top onI bottei n a ppAlqued An tAis mer oritAi "ru lac* anelahiiensand àek velvet ribison. Coller, johe anl nt vere turiel muIll. onriornmng tise ouseesu iluIoes tAie shirt caai suit !iinen, dock, chambrai or mdras, aev- -ai ueparste shirts ofet cutéserge, ai- Re onrlgisivelght brondebothald u- -crous fancy orbite shAnt omises. For .veliug tfire lAsa suit et arh cloti mIde citA irmt sud b101cmoand a long, ose raglan et black tatfeta or graus foh it à adouble mlioulîer cape. Theoe la cioats are tatini fie place efthtAe rée poplAr golf cape. Some are moIe cee-quarter leagth of sli poplin pipeil i plaidlssut. Brideamaida' Irmesasre maIe up Au sil se sher abrice, altiough lettel Scias mmed itus Ioicate ceAnred rlbbons eema the m,îst pupular moterlal. Thea ampie put in the cehiteOf ethiis Orsi arge pletore oaa white 511k mualin. bhite sl mAl umîsilu mbreAléred viih ii isu appeamed in bolice sudaudersimeve. spanesesut bande cAli huhte lace oepelf ont fi-cm theie tri aibelo, ond bite alt rcoi-I anI s lace collacveri Khem featîtres. Tho moAidetfisonor, as a soit, sailngà"nls ralulpastel lait sec- soie h.oi> lyifféeruce ieg tfi ahf ades amrefethte soni coler. Thés. abslé foutaiu s àtight resette mitie bath &W 1 bang n long suds reachli stotel r hein. Soin. ere ringél, otheresare baen- silteAed, sud ithe ends of sou. areiris- med cii Aace and lusrtlen. BroaI-diapél colera are ver-n ciii man>' fin gevuis. Vany chic are tAie bisc salit shIrt valots loA4in tm ue and ml titched viii orite. Dotted @semei£ain toe cule>'a vogue. TAere hos neyer-béesu feunda a latt. tory sustitut@tafer WtAl lghtf ni mote- rial. A paie faon cashmere ha. thé bellec laeil acres vus paie 'biné ribbon sud th.ewchte fichu tastenel citAi a bouaoe forget-me--nota. L'Aiglon setîukigs are thé Icieut. Butk stochings, et cour-se. vitb yeluew engies inlun urnuung op 05cr tise iustep,- sud ou elibersaledetftisetaviolets. e Gsy i tiele Aocshons have ted Aces. tise trent part et tise shoa, in oribicstise eyelet bols et tAielacinge are set. being raI o nd fie iscings Agis dab sik. Red parasols ongsncb Sa ag not aloug th isebgiway-and byOays et imei mer reseta flot ibiti are choeu b>' 3man>' becaLuséeoft ieir decerative pessl- ebilittea. t plaid caisteoatsarae ver-y titbioliablé cito llor-made suis et pece-dyrd tex- tles; Ise large. Areular checks. Tbny aare made ois poltel fronts and lotk dlseat wcAnautcn thfe cr0ss. le For- à sommer sensation ve are prum- i laenI mutain gowna Painted n frsma TIIU LiaTUBT USES FOUt FOLDS AND) STITCHINU. tale, weara ai1 white. lier gowEn mai*"modern art style." Soft pastel shadai or May nôt Mtc th bridemaido' are tused An these pçlntings and me tallig dromes ln material. a ie chooeee.tiutn. recalling the pottery de Jean. The. bride', mouler aena lte hold to One ofthtAe fashion !a noncktie. tha back gowns or te th. bllck asud whltO should appeai te ail businss vemenL &M1k that nes, ara as, stylisAi. Thie for- that made ef the valet material eut oi mer mal be mad. orfSay orethte transpar- the. blaa. the edge belng Binished wltb ent dlotAi, and gemralli show a te cord of oWhite. Theso are eapeciaily prot whjto front and saboypaa p u. d8me- t>' tuchambrai. tâtions or appliques et 0cum aT.'eicFow rumen are put on stralght aront, priou contrlbtea modlof back SOR- te1 tAirt. TAie linola.broken by pointsa tm o dota . ma&dtbom d f rent curveaor-a' gracef ni gradationi. Wbil valu An hem &a *0* o! tai*,-40SWStihe M811lin. ot tiim*g te anad aill R uk1h Ma sla on. flot dpanda fbt *at" fièk th. Mbmmgtan ronit Re anetil tu eetrno t Mtlla*Po un o. hW*11- I lg Imr committ4 uk«iode fé Ofer daty atbel borni o AnaiyivantL aBie va, on. of the most notel tomae ehKrjýCto,o .1 the CMVI Wgar, au»the PttobUre Dis- pbtcb. Wouflded 0000 la battle, ahe was honored la mrany waya for cou. apictiona bfOvut7. gSIO cmIitted oui, cide evideftli tt'Ofuila wbitmp.jol my years tAe aged womau hm hbem an lavaild. and lately va. a great eouf. fores f rom rheumatiliul and a rebel bul- let whieh she saill, carriod lanbertorti acki. he vas 67 îeorso 0,1 Misé. AMI LKet5AUD. - reh Mary gSained ber sebriqail 'roux bat e in n hat.of Prainoe. Hcr tathea.Elfeive lestbu8%a.Vge. revolution. 8h. lune marriel ai ithe ige eofiM.and ecme' te tAlaooutry wlti ber Aiuand sI boutyti> oot'thé ,ntbe'eah et tho Civil War, Tise hus, tond joiued on@ of tise zouave nogA- nenta. BAie oca.onues. m i aon- lier. uI ndmle cenuilérabie moiuuy. (harles IL T. Hollis et Philadelphie en. guged ber support lu organulig Ibo. Oue Hunlnol ouI Fonntaentb Peaij- venin volontéers. Uhe: «» peemitiel to eulinsa aprivai.. a" , seolbrave- il. An tAie eecond lay's. Bîhini al I'roerickeburg aisé vos vounded. Rer bushanl Bed liter, ui bctbeome tise vat ws over mise vas veidel te RAchatS Leonard. a unember of ber eva regit- mient and a Pitmbuore. Bbc orormel tAie bennia of beronid mirales et the One Hundred sud iFourteelatlàb>' appeurlng amoul ihein ai thé anuIversary of ite battis 01- Frelertetabung lu PhtLadeApisia ou Dar. 13. IS13. The pbetegraph boee re ducel va, shokýn ou the tic. Thé crdui sboon ou breautioe oe thtie "Alear- ney croates" prefunitefr broyer>' bj A]en. PhisA Keorne>' bAnself. Tisekg% la tise oee a cumlAn tise var. bs hait o paper aignel b>' PreoAdent Lin- coin atteating te ber braveri. Wl>' Negro«e DiaYoung. The American Minlenari Aaso4CIA- tien mates publie a repert frota oe ef lia repreeentatlies lu NmabvMle. Tenu».> coucerning tise leatis rote ameng tise nlege ofettise SoutAi. Thé report statuestisai An ien represwntative Sosithera cAtIes for the pontiovBye an tise deatl raie of tisevAits bas been 20 la 1,000', tbaof e the coorae eOPAs. 32 lnIn ,00 The Seuil la ail ne ta bave shevn uecb concerc &bout lb. rapidluensofethtie negro, ince tise coupus of 1900 maIe At sppear tisai lu tise ton îcots previeus tise black race ineresaed' 12,24 Per cent and vhite 23.01 per cent The . brote eft tAi negro la gretet noter tise age et 1M auIdlouai settise bigiser age@. Tise race lae mubjoci teuoaiîgber decil raie tisa, the visites frein tise tolovlug di. 1. Consomption nt âOlAA 5e, bot eispe ciahAy betveon tise age* et A5 and 45. 2. Ail digses oretinfmnts. Tise color el mother tee otten does net tnev boa te tche cure of hem Aufant. 3. Pueumenia nailAites. 4. scrofule und contagieus lîmease 50cm aso on thiscluronso. Preooret@*voire Languagé. Oin eanb t ftise war An Sentis AfrIie ,Fct boomtuntise study of tAie nu gos fttise niant etiltnen aeng Youxng Eni 4 Ilsisuen. lvieui iy many of ibet expoct te go oit te tisé cape a oo as tise pro ent dilscusli I erer. Cubai- chIm Ceditions a dI atl8 as van;ms. croateil fer tendi erg vise are te taIt aud teacis tise ae ens native o tues. One efthtie1bP' kuownof et eteacisers laMiss We uer. woe ccuples tisé chair ot BOUl AfrAcan louguageon otAie tacit'It>' Klng'é College, London. Bsehebege tis tudy efthtie Zîmin lingliage fro booksa anumbor et jears , age, ib, round tisai aise conld nt mate mua progresa orithout beaging k sjutttn. A eorlingli aise vent oui te Seuth Af c'A 'andlapent neyerai yearo amongthtie n tivue, living for menthiaeta a titne f froint civlizatien nduid vusOnu a ai gAG comrOde. Au tiss wiaisge lecrnu te apeathtie four principal native la guogea olts fluene>'. Drons WMAPeor UsuAblol. An a recent issusetortisa Tilning 01 munI, o leallng paper ot NorNyll, a pors tise foileoing dilamatit idnittels tfist muy Intiicate usai SiuaBpentr Il been greatli everestimaitedln lu euh patt etortise orlb. "Tise travelliteticul ceaPanY preset t isitling tisAs tevil gave 1a nigis t art.presentiOOfetasplay sKtyl 'Tise Marri Wlves etf Windsor,' b>' persen coul Biasarte. Tise play ail to ho a comedy. but la territ a nenteneus An ils ff et, especllj t le toetirat acts. 'Anu ncots udbel lit tel cavalier vise finis oeil speene vi s b ov y o e e m im o td i e n s. b u t v i s e I ai comas a rAciuxte ienasr Ol tignes-stiib la tieseona total et i aplot, We cu n i>' soi tsmuci a PI poer tare te invite an educaied pt lie te. At cas a relief wohetithe cuit Ia dropped, sud we bal o opportnty or AIatenlog teusaselecien et iumori kleaio ___________ la es ao LOctpleg od' ta mot rie alt. b Joba Bul-The more A Uckt fiai ellloW tise verse A rosi. MANY MEN PEMS81. YotuiEitla eoru moplOlOU#A. a iisU«Yaoiisé e. Bi an explosion la Ne. 2 minse ot lbe Plttaburg ('<(,ol Company ai Port Bryl eoiaiSa upeintenleat AlcOflO, med 'W. P.A'.lliionorbe eniered tAie iboft viti à ceai U, trti, ocre- enteinhol. iai eofthtie minera ossped. but report siated thai ii amnsd AliAcn. oibh ifteen Miner%, wacre hond racet frue' cue. Willon i onm cas sailperlien- dent of tho Port lîoyli dut-lOt, Cffl- pt'ioing lite mines iliaw'vaalarge stock- boider An thé PItti,ýirgCoal comptai. ouI bie famîl>' lIves n.a lîoudsome frem- donc. Au WOat NPwt,,n Wnîit jiAi- aou oms a soeulcousis ît Président lie. Kni. Thé explosion tutis ie about fô 'clocb. TAicre cas a low rmsluîling seul. tolioved by a rot r. visils s.iindedlilke a cyclone. thon iisree .abrisuj bert M. porta. Thé peuple rushed tI tise met of tAie mine aud lunnielmy a'aabt te resto. tAienfontuecte MoUL.. tost. a temtsuta re-.ue vere male. but th., ~ré. aulteni in tsAlure. Mlise Superlténlent MeCutie enierd. tbe sbarti at ibmbeesd eta partI. aj one" reaftter twon explosions cet- bt-crI. it 005 suppoaclasu bal been kild. but later tAie nmm roistuel.ith th.' .-Zeeption etNI'cCune and Atilsen. anîi repartel that blaî't dmmp made for' thar scotch impossible. WANTS NO THIRD TEAM. ampeatienaieseot le leornalbp P"&- TAie toilovmnt etateSot wvxsiveai ont Tue-samjsitishe White Renne n Wa&h I regret ibse the suggestion et a thAr-b terni bas becn made. A doubt w-hether A am talles1 upon ie gire t autice. Rut there are nov questions et the gravent importance hotoro fie saminsration anuIhc r>'. snd tisir just eeuoilerstio*ameld not Ais prejudiredliu tAie pubie mind hbjes« the suspicion ot the ihougit et s thlcîi terui. "An view, tiorefure. of tAiereiera- tietute.sggestion et t. t cl MY nov, once toe- ail. ropressinga ln settied convicilotithot A net nlY ami Dot anId wli not ho o candidate toc a tbir-d terni. luit a o.iiDnt aca'ePt s nomination fur t if t cocu tender-e Mea. "MY only ambition le te serve tbrousbi, second terasta t tu.. sc- cepisaire et MY counhi7men. a h is genéreus cOufLýIenro A se deepli ap- preslaie. sud theu vith thon te -4e MY lety lu the muta of privata ciii- WILLIAM M'KINLEY. QUILTYYOFf OONSPIRACV. *cbla urage mai CoDr.niUnner &Md v. . y%*um te". e Dr. Augue M3. Ungen and P. Wclsuid aBroca. orbe unlaorfully conspire1 cti -marin A. t>eteubacb te detraul lueur- suce 'onpmni"s on policles issocil upen tise lite et Missal>eteubacb. vere tonnl - guuîtî lu Chicago Ilouilay atterneen and their puelismeut vas iel hi the JurY ntml an inloteruuluato terni ot troin Où@ te v Bace yenorlinbe pentetlari. Thé Jury wasxuanlioun on tis, question et guilt sud ouI>' twe ballots ci-ce tati-n. eue for linger and ibmeéther for Brown. Oni>' flfty- Bye minute* orere oeccupied hî the juy n Au trmalii,'s atter Ih bal retired after bearing tise intructionsaet thé court, sud, sacrridingts tansme oe ta msm- bers, arguameut vas unuerenssary, as the -torelve mien bais made op their minds be- Itfr quittiug the vonrrcoin. "HAts te euias hli tille of au at- tractive llittie pamphlst isued hy the Nortiscesteru roatd. Oflicèrs efthtie roea Iotioîîd front Chicago bavc sg-e-dA 1011tu cmnider acte- mobIles ns battage. A reaîjuatmeut ut cagna ut lnecisonioe lin the abopa et tIhe Chs-sgîs aumi Eastern Illnois systeu basa heemeffmcted. Durlng ApriA 21,083 nmaie rmiletqgt boots coi-o sold by tise eai.t-hounîl roas tban durtug ApriA ut asat icai-. Tise Michigan 1.egimlature bas ia'sed a bAu îaxlng tise Pullîmnu Cempany 3 pSr cent on its gi-os& a taimgsn Michigan, Tise Michigan Central bas jut put lu service ivo unusisalli large locoimetive&. Theze, orth jeu otisero that wdît he reali. Osto ehousel exclutsively ton pamsteugar service oud cati mate sevPuty milies a&. heur villA'a heavi- train. Tises, englue. ceAgis elgitj-eight toux oacis Notice im givn'nlisthe'Lauke Sucre mos- agemecot tisai tise mles etftes-c on isle mu tisat eperale tisi-imgîs Ni<iigsua wI isere- atter ho 2 centns-r mile. .Tbis appilie te ail classes oetitckets ili tise Order la lu lUnoe vihthlie recont t-oui-t leciaioeno tise valîdti-oftheb 2-cenit rate etaîntc. (Iriser roasav se given %aislar ntices. One efthtAe lever heekîcîs of tise ses- son lu tise siuinier touîrie atphlet et tise Wabaeiii-estd.' lu 4m are gircu rate$ ad arrangements forui-uarIy 3W0 liBer- eut tourso e tisatou. Tise ibrocagisluee-png car ami-nil-enuthi Missouri, Kansas and Titras fri-etBt Louis te $an Anteulo, Texas, limas ho. extended te sla- theAieserpers te be rua. tbrough te tise City oet !ilxîo ltisout change. Orlons have heu tgiien tise superAu. tendenît oaA siosepa etise NabaeAi roal te ruab untOu i0-e cars £nd n repabe - etoled one&. Tise empon>'las prepari«' for a hW sauorhaiealu014,~ ai a 4m iboe" ha'mmu bouele a tde it., SPORT italie té Nie Ney Tishene i lise tari Western * ouaI a, visere. mu erfeci ai -TheeAl sqaw a ai tininit. tuS, for t on ft fDt tise year trimungles ah>' mil ru mol yen tiare on lut lité to thé n are nearA min colo lstise dis enuxup, hi oft cirili,. berbod j drive ci] an sd tis brisât yei ishe ordlj tribe tise fat. bogg Iiie tci the suri Ioý,n Wh dsy you tic icrairi iý,m Bep n.I)nOv a ry oft$il Particu tise lands hiad trou, t.overun Imari eia r- tuer' s TYes; t rcîmlied h ruins jon and salI avake ai, dini. At tisiag. Il cotee, je temme. snt ho toli shbout % 1 drink for jour grec Film-I Ease, a. 1 tigbi on Ceron.. Bt stores, 2: Ires, Ail. BShe-W He-He Biaititer. Tise m( theo origi am oaa TAios. R( N. T., Fe ifIr lin i'ý oiselle lu 1nua Ceea Is M slit Yoen M et lva.

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