Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jun 1901, p. 6

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et the opposite etuace. Ilsqird e horis e dresen ~T E and silence la the solitude ot ber ouva l STORY chamber to renforeto Rose snything like STORY ber usuial trauquililty. Thbe exciteuleut et OF f~lait tour-aud-twenty houri had their l efeton ber,an every nerve vas tbril-ii- *4' THE ing to the tension produced by it. Quiet SOUJTH was impossible sa elhe faoteaud her doter. Thea U t !ro0Fand walked tetio o okoff in sois ben l :O nemo l Sec I * FRANGE ho leu bshâd succeeded lu wearyi g nue lam herself wllh the ezercîse ee ot dowii. be retu 0 0 4 ****4 suad ieaing bock among the cushiofli, meswag isugbingiy and resoluteiY shut ber eYes. uf depe wth the détermuination to sleep. This Insuraiv 2 CHAPTER XIV. Qin, ohe tend looked for Robin of tfiwonaa difficuit mtter, ho.vever. Herpoe 0 saoi scRobin Iis imornîng!- %"a d,11 memory, ud lthe change bcwiIder- mnd wsnfDot qite composed yet. Rose., oWi rt toglet ot Rose, as sa piaung cd ber, u.til r colection cime. offtir sbc hadl bathed her face,.tend ber cûionev th oru5 ausdhe er Hr.ideed, vas no turdy igure, la haitrer-arcanged and made nome mtera- ceilita CasIf«er, sud ber cheeks fusbed wit Isteriemblouse. Is hesvY bouts, Dn large tiom n bu er dresud cu dethtdpub cc #MWrd, and ber sweet haut cyan bat. sutil na hadl coversd the gardnu9i saloon.te u bapy ecleutas h bcd. aud kh ded bsfaelre tesu; Louis waa Sono ta the village. The the rev b*Iler ber maroc. The blue-eYed nu peasau's Steb, or pesants@ air; aud marquis aud hie trlmnd, Couat Frederie, facture ~ D~ste vaslu rîlures.yeî-l vis obiu~walkiug logether on the terca#-e, esC bco »M~ee had bardly thought, duriug the -Why doe he not speak?" said the gaged in conversation. Tfie Coettes» The ta. lablocc of Robin. ilthosh îould he sa0ounggirl. îceuabllugly to berself. Marie, lu une corner, rend fguietir troue lic exhi 4t@*> excited by the news or bia autici- Bot sudtlenly ths gentleman ralentdbisil favorite book. Helen Montauban sg ctru ut asbne vsmooer Adbaud, pa»MIf.datccruse is brow, snd hoid vorked et ber embrI4ldery aud drd leemluqueta inlemoen. t i ter. for su instant; theu, laylug solde vor. a brigbter sud botter ples aex- If il >~sfal. l as mpssileforbe tOth vitiug materiais vbicb hi held, preaion than lu the morniug; for Fran- treipti ga;sdthe remirki everywbere made ~ sdavus omtbr cia Egerton won awsy. Sbc be koued t to <uitugthe suddeu ý.mprovemeuf lu À low, gîsd cry ecaped the' liPs of Rose immedlsteîy tu ber Aide.Iec be perance.asueisonbrud Rose on bebolding tien t ace-Robte's "'rruant! where have you been?" thé an des. Md coulradctory lois of appelile. face, sud chen atseseas slent-sbe tuom-sld, millinWy, as allé made the You0ng prloccu tibeeWe the tinge of crimion tent ai- ed paie. Wbat vasntfil change whieh girl ait by ber sud troked ber bright largei naiSenoed i e shgche. oe beheld as be came nearer? wbst cou- hair. J03- i One hin desed fontberothr-lenance vas it? Dld elle iudeed behold **Iu my chamber. Hlen."* answered Jl Wb@e perfect bappnesi. Louistend ex- Robin bMsenelf, or- The cloak dropped Roise.lsying ber pretty bend againît tbhedthcbha enseil himiecf froue sppearing. She had trus bis ahouidera. shouider or ber companion. vitbhippy td her liaclte lisu hmadthe igbt lietOe fcr "ointousbe uttered, quiverluz sud loiiigconfidence. t u basns islibiry oI ien e ad een émotion. "A peusuce ef solitude sud reflecti on eud ,.Lueýtting itb im-pourn WenigstIY quiet. collmoevtning; anlhim -*Well, wbich la it?" Witb thegaime my talc alter? WMat Aile har* 7encoll- u ,f duries the etircvnlgsu b wus absent this moruluf. She iongcd tu light. eamiug. suwniurmile tien shle mitted?'*"cri eiMi-t barhu sea. hî se ad met every day foc dis last two weesbs *'No sin-nu Peiance vas cie. 1 vas crio M* h-vltb the f mienar voiretiudtairo reiftless. 1 veuttle bocome calm sud lions. ' miS~t kov h va nuloffndei wih îlended lu une two characters bithertu quiet." ad bSl for ihe rembered the interview -c t 'beloeen lbem; sud might nul the abrupt- ditinct. he came forvard, aud takiuz bée 'Andl sucreedi. Itfiial. But villt Iflal ua-b ilne. perbspe, of ber mani- bauds lto the gonutee3et Birm, cissp ails you.huos? Wbatlainl yonc cys-oflt 9Wunucouscious tbuugb Il vas. bavs bis uvu. wble bo drew her to bis breaiot 3our face? one elez truiteunderlylus aigalu Wtueded hlmn? Ves; despile the tender- repeted: "Whieh la if, Rose? Doubdu entlsgadein.Yuhveted erse nae f bI uln pctng lovbeand belleing. luo? Tell me my name. good neo.?" wr lase quickensd ilthIe remeniblance of mignonne!", * No-yes! Ah, ellenul sik ma e-st i. tienb oi mbrse' the rouli but sigle. -Ah.,ol oltell me vhat thi, nonow lsughsd the joung girl. "Coma 'i 'si woader At vbst ime 1 @hall secmena!l' Abe cried. iu an imploring loue. tu 017chimber to-nlght-viii you. Helen? At f ]gobe?"solloquzedtheyoon gil. Ilbea jel erloe tnt amLouIs?' or, I vilt came lu >ours; il dues nul mot- a menu Robn"'solloqlae Ib yung irl 1~cu ou ecice hatI S 1eI bc h. tsud Ib eIl, i t eli ouv'l fin î "*Ill monsieur le marquis catI me mb beo nid, laughingly: "but ses-sec boy sau- ter uot-ilarnu the il 3-ounov, bere. lu lb e Ilet ltte llbrary, I wonder? (Or wll the mccl- daclons he bai gruvu!" Àmd the yu t3-0ua081ih, ih yzan a b u bq toile place ber, Among ail thonsepee- man, witb darlua teudernes,pressed b i is abutl ayun. .vlhye esud a adi Wis? Where la Robin?'1 os@ber neltiPiu abd"a. 'Which ls il now, Ruer al about e fae olen*à cahecudit geédeesiuquiry-su inquiry vwel'ersthe "It i>s-Booia-4tla Louis; etter. and bgid't Bbdc laid ber atics aout Her. focheia norea -boudecî1 panlohecearma1aboutebereforrc be erted s rboussud imes, uasn ob anItei s idrdr' Astmule expreasion littsd for a mo- dues mâtier of course, lu valu. ince îbe plérelBle covesed ber face vitIt ber bauds,. met over lhe couteflance ef Mademol- ment1 vinde evening; "aud vhecc la it liaI mon- *ILy Roe-my titie. faitbful. nob-selmoon auban- Il Bulleil ber dark clOs protesa atele le marquis bansie issunbu aftec. t fbearWed drlias"' Louies uurinured, loy-vila ac.oqukan bechgteS, ht~~~r ~Iugiy, sud vill dis sotteteolon in hic g=ceo 1ir udsarhiith va out eosbrie i e aatn."Y mesululi, as the3- rested fixcdly ou Rose. sti queriesever. luîerucpted by oau'tus sb e e 0a55. M u lvisat o lee indmly ta the marquis wnaotec-rv Ruses, vill ye forgive HtlsUnd ber bond &gaiu. sud thuee sweep-stm sTe spactment. long sud beav Yral on have couquer t y?'bsvie veygemo ~Ak. .. bs netsaids wor olu ecd uoily coaquered! Yeu are vciond, ina& jetl ylis eli vc is tbsn uittateibasRose "sa.ut.à wors me.niillv.Lok-'u ic. eme ~- te avakeneil spirt. matIer MqdtaedRoe. netatai me Wttlae.Loo me ndop" t m. etme('Tu hbecontinud.) if lbe à#itt come bock aud apeak-oWly die.esc.,aai tesat.cht Louis bal not tu bate_________destrou 'Vie? Wit hé nul svsu look at me, beart t tRobin von."IT wAs THIE wRONG JESSIE. liroat 1 Jmayanudrstad-thbt 1 mai mev Bballédlook np. The iveeltirae, tingt" The Robin le enculitg seeu' wth reildest blushes. pàrkled wiit bisond Die... of &yang .uM. Who CourteS liecether spukre, tursed lior gave sed lsêsusuad emnfles. *Girllaelg lara aime S iestie. Tel there ivai soe»s- Tondereiveil me, Louis. I sec il nov; Thomas Behureinn, ho Livea Ou aestit.bis évdent car, vbicb be- Isak'etiiailit &Il. But 3on decelil dHeLly avenue, lu West Iudianapolis, à Inlu la his conalcane s iispiatbi useument ecuslyl a"isd . ew eeksaigo, made a bad fosl, and.l av in vit RuselHe veut cont. 'ie "adiinf boe yuvinec, ulieu of the manyel.h waz over- huresu de Clairrille tolkit& adéeWMItb 1190110-s.,ai vMes joyur own. Ah. If 3-un fie.. eeaubaaI dstat ev oy sffeedlas ughl 3ou w hveixued wlth the boaroeras gratitude ment, etcimil ofaiber cuabrodccy. torgive mer' sud a maglclnea.Te rtt Re e"c boes ut aover ber, sud sPokre, A"diRuse ronil hut de on. The perlod thouget chureunalL. vai vithoutPerse- Book ime 10 liime, som. vords, vbirb, if et probation van passed. The unhappi- tical vlue, but the magie tantera Ba -8 halltbien, nolel mgt hv sst hc sb a ensbeli migbî be preeseil mb servie, The ma- Bu" e d ilana, te b. fllioveilai. lse dnation, vassterainteil nov,. chine vas set nUp aud a number ut prl- usebai = =sc atliZo etlo lu the f air Lene d'Artoi bad perfected l bis ochems, leeibîoisergvnttde Ce ~talady, bu tesaeyanssd toilf u][1, t m onsallsac- »«Mdê~ pbMssat, sther. AÂmon the young tien. Thc outwacil charmae ut the vomi. by M. Bcbureioiau. the opecator, areailrt »III luifld wththe gueleslieb. lveil vs?, uohy equsilei by lber Mc. cbureiiial's dog, Bix. etl ~-tia M er -a atangiedags oet gaie-trwtb. be'rumesnges., ber euntae. Neith- AÀalut rperfection van ceacbed lu c-aar ýW * M Usslà1 th. day basket by Heleasor ambitioni, rrpride. soircucpidity. hal lteconcuto mens.ud, dhe ther ulgit, chai aMthn bisSace restes!looulher tesopteil ber, for One Instautta l sve il anumber ut trieuda vece invited 10 te cul h wiii s» expression diaciit te b. de- frunt berailie. albc ted remaiced true Schureuisfl hume to, vitnega the fini Doi *0&lhoqet aI osil vai clsarly on tu tbe humble lover vbo tend von ber Public exhi bition othebmcollectiou oC lusn suapielAdd itsappoinumet. ret affection. lie. nrtuaeyfrhebt.ovne1 O e. alb s be gataened tovirds "Rose. duo3-OU love ue? viliiyou t ael e.let untey orIe oa, a è desiAbme thinm cb-rdjy tank note Louis 50v?"asaked tbe coeunt. vltb v.uhIz lIeti a man uho vas engsged le a iý si*thbuga. BMe goul il uhdinhleudeneai. girl Tle man culd nulappear ou Idan soit *asmmsets.ofRobin, and outheb.auàý-"Huv rau I take Louis? I am trnes ies.but ths girl ob ber chair at the Mar U*Sted mef Seting Bbc a eg-un- Lard tu Robin." reonu ab&. hgeavely. "1 bouc set. The as et b heBide wan ". toc,« tee P.rrsumeemeaployaintm te anther coine boiesta0meet Robin; ho baiuaulsb- servei toc the youug man. p el *Ï tare". vitimUl beiag able te setie cd and yon ire saniwerable foc bis diiap- Haifthei performance vas over when a b atntiona uodividldyapen a"y1l1- peRince. I refusoeilLouis faut icht," cbrean' s sisstant nt tse douornvas P.' d uh &tuemag.BdienlY maitmeune - a "X.y, dieu-i il bécasse a garilser laercuptla luéieobservation outheis P- tale& gentiy: *goût. for yonc sahe, love. 1I viii put enle "R-e, L114ce. ither a mment-um"' rng t'adrence mare and tle jitrsb dSa~~nie tteh-mn 1%e ~ 'eY'en gl advaed tevrarîs tlte iny apade. andt tel l i the garde. fri lattai Young man. "Wbreese Misa Pr. Wb&". suvoing ii aeight. wbite yeu it, ai yon Henstlc sttlngr' b. saked, Tel îer " ushlespende niI-ii . Helen!'ued tloffit, mt by dis cottage doer sud As velI ai dis dsrkneaa vouliaiper- Tl "Ill tuemneorbite 3Yeev .Whàt a Pfft- ml-sud Il migbt bc ed alIt the coom ciel bave bée, teilia Lord Egertes et ty ctage girl yen ver. Rose! 1 beUleve vas ai dark as could be-lte nuster w. fueatebob u bs blkare la lvd e IeBotlim e e" dlrected the new acivail Disheseat ce- srneiTb KademoneeeMon- -Andl Itonugi-" Ir~C aaavesy. lm 3-uhave thé "Ah, vilai, Rose"'o Ro t ep hnr ail tchnl "'halst ySu loveilHelen" the auvvecel. "Recm," ss.ld Mr. ehureman. bcli@g- ,lje vo en omtheir t'i." blading. Ing the piclure luortes, a."vsand testI"uts *Orud Hekur elrmareil Fraucia mg- &"Hrk4a. thou 1111e mouse,. vial put Iapwu-apon za»ulil by conatriwllb iStBo «Oml crpeoifaliry. ie .glanced ai ber titI lought tututly pretty beadlm ths Western world et commerce. fat s 4met tem. efu".terniae aay "il carsgueuee, Louis; I do nul kw fruontiche-" Ç'ot tn. m l,- anwveilulth, eHvel oy. i suspect tic ides vas a very Jual dieu a girl aittiug tires chârs couD *m tome vitiot lifting ber eyse usturai ons. Bbc la so beanifu!"' frottelthe front toit ber baud pinchei. Pel At thal fintanta a ilometi Sateccil.and "My pet. Helen muaI n"eeu ear yeOu sud saw vaguely a Young man take bisp eniug direcly tu BRas. lai rmeilber sckuovledge that ltile Piece of inuocul pleade thal muoiaeur le marquis deied ta sam sudaity. Helen? Ah. &ho voulu «aitsentat a ertîe , bis lmmeiistely n tde libi'ary. witb amusemnent of the moe mention of "Great fBct! âeaile," sai the voie Ci The e ueng irl*s brn ouailcil vielcut- sncb a thimi! Bbc voulil nul marry Me, lu her sac, emerglug frotte the btark- P- iy. Ros. 1Iditukeh ber very deariy. il> oen. "lvs bail a mont drealtul lime rer "Il am ging nov, s he answered, sud 1ks, &à. sqit as veil., I telitr.; find idlle1tsulnluthe Iack Tieat fel- C Fo1 iscpsd. but 1 aboulai ai sotecontemplaIs anu5&Hi-lor ai the doue sald if vas no use;,iethlcent Frunis Eg.-r-o uauceil back et Hel-suie vlth a queeu as vilh ber." pelecmnlaeteog oaiwhr 1. 014 widi aanr, hait of triumph . hastlf t 'ou make me suile, Louis. Hou w pupecunn u asouh o l lir suaroc, vhîu'b id pkaialc.Tf . eet you ame! o uzl t ay fiaitever lhey conl, I1 bld hbien1bail tolu 3-or ukmd stut~elu epe m avîlsHecu ,nit by 3-u nsddial 1irvas going toait u. len Werfl"u. MW117vilI lose persit i 1 mean t,, aay, Rosetient my prend there or break upe lbe meeding. He tx thie couduct--Iis traîm.-nt ut mer" and loyey cousin uill ho contntsu 0re- vauil on, 3youe ses. lies'Oh, Je*sie, mli Mademaoiselle Muntaubunsavtde look. mi ned' i ber dayî cther tssunl"m so glail 1 found yuu. You dont lon a nd eI ileaill; but shle never once veal uinis hmle a persousge as my- kuon- PL çhsnaed couuleusucc, sud her era ver. - elf. ibn a adear cousin, Roem; but 1I "For gencr'itiona tfil mpoiiug lm- lntaudly xed on ber eiubroider, thýinItbtat, secretly. ambition& ato ttegolbsuthi Î' Lord lRgrton lucusil te Ruse: l'rsncl, Eferton loves h*r, 1 au m ; oer litathouasnds of voribipers- "FYou are goîug, mademoiselle?' but do yuu ut sec iethe t sreasU bin Ila-Iodla, the hinuitout ystery, "TqÇ.-ow." ?;he gadieceiý corge oidlp?" I "ie veuid Dot look nia lu bercuoaumos'l -ltbougbt it uas as,.mail Rose, nlu iopan~sd mg -- haai tt oun r face, but hasi ly procedtlumcclthe hait iuusaag toue. ' hdiSerra-metfpruiresburiale! îlIefi marquis. *Audî speaking oftietaim. Francis t-IeLt-Il 1 rancis accompaulid ber asa tir s the.i Egevton, do yon kaor Rose, it,1 came "Tore are net ve&rlu3g my ring? Whal ac .u a lirry o u Helcauu -, iuili ea, being jeas of utbîu u teUicrBt doesathîs meate? Have you talien il off? fie eat d se.ylu el huen. bnd ,e uuuig uif mp vrena-nbitber'iHes vas Have 3-un ceesseil t- c BruatheRfuse eveuofgbte dr ha rei untinually near pou. He ueemed chais- -ab!i'Keep stilI! I vant to listen." IL ~ upa de tstcuug u Ib tou. haI, I ~d t, our ide.'".i,~~~~iori hrsv a fI ral. crcly the courage to pao s heu bc ' le uluaut t lichen, do pou te- -rmteClfri hrsw uen besitaleil and rembled, but fiuuulty. iaug. u eîintr7" arrbly autel ifsc "Probably i'eady disceru the sineke utfcouc greftl un 'lag ai herseif tur a l111e com-ard. ab. the ltte r cacuustace vas theaseut factoriese. We gel a bre'.al ofutIhe P ',ntetly entersd. T!e marquis tuo antheti Ciiherle u rvelsrsa ef5 liasfucite eudut be pau'uiet, n lie ruaitoful jostle OC our et e Ir NEWSTrAMP TAX'LAW. riportaûit Change!§ and Modifications Taking Effect on the isf JutlY. atamp tsi, tu wblu-hhbusiness bas pcepacing for tb. changez vhlch are t0 Suie tfoc more lin-n Issu iau-s. uccar lu dis eamp lav. The geucral w greal>-modhiid L'yIthe nu-W relia public ia mont deeply lutereated uth ank w. Afler July 1îuooumtmîla «iiî i-heck t stmpisuad sîas ioutetepione Qulced on tleuriuh i r îu.lciune anuuitrlu'gripb messages. Thee sail igea, tant riccit,,,rnuscerl ilirat, s ri-îiated. Ahi togrîher. stampa arc t10 uit, tirette, exp cuoo ri-îihts i. if e bc bolihed our tosi-ul-six asilesansd0 uace policiez, Iiuasc-, muirulairc. il lansaliisâtel et the Itrnai revenue1 rof attorney, proniiussrrl lilîs. burauthIal lbe ru-enues witl suifer n r u rders. prutsus, cn m re r edîîîlhun sturregatiat tru i .11 iTheas sre thetc ouI lu-ahe lt u $4.000OO,000.t inhicb bas bccn duu-uu-uY burne by The îaîest ciccuilie issurI hp the bu-r ubii. resîl tocrlthe gaune .ut pu'ruoisInter-1 DY nodihCmllung bave luiesnimadIn. l -ad lu the ceicimplon ut0îstmias stiales t cenue bill subi-b offer-t ille unaul hal the latter yull te rrieued uhen t ar. The lax oui heur. ulgojro. lu- preseute4 inuautîlies ut $2 or mur e a and cigarettes houcheilr- uuu.value. itou1*nu clîlun toc redempîlon dli1 utX un Ibealeru, îuuluuîurl tales, puulî be sîloveo l usntau lesenleil vithin Ivo1 hibitions, hbas liceta lilcd. tut r-c e caatterthe purt-baie ut the uaaltps 1. ro ua the goyetim e ls. C l m % f r the 1 .esîlmaleil Ibat tîîc goccent ci- red enpîlin ft sîuuîs mail vOwil bec elui-cl fuoui $40,01h0.0Mtl in tbe district whi're tch ,,limnt ceaides .000,000 anully b> lime tceiuu f n u d forvordet bp the cuilecLot'ofutIhal i-m ue arl. district lu the internai reva'nue bureau. ik chtecks wlîb 2-cru taump* lra- The commisloner sestes Ibatuder thes mit Ieceon ire beuog reureired Inlu Ivasd regulathens ail stamped lqusr-1 nuibera for i-edempllin a in- ienteansd ai l mprnutmi check@, drafle reeuuebuea.t)u nun:tlthfle sd se torlb, preseuted toc ths redemla-1 1 nu @temips wn-lt teuscsary and thoua uthlb.@tamps theceon must. uben 1 utns. wbicb are losilcol uillisliulp- lie @temps ara redeemeil. t. retîlurd i cita, saeenleovorungte tu gIid f u t he ls aim; Iereture, no inhîî-h l irtlus stock. tlu oit auasif tdccc sîcumeuls can b. retued btutceusuieci be h a deluge outahmpel cecksitithereef." ng lu upon the cevêeurbaeau, bat But dis-e sema tua b. a miuulerisflil- r. vras lu 1883.wheu roomâ and ing &bout the maller and I làleposaible Jors vers filleul ulhthlicu-molli- ubsl the i-heck@ viii b.itre tucued .vbich came ereru day bp expressN eSsiItlutle bankers, lie mahers ut ail, patent meilicinea art ment viidlIjnter- la 3-el undecideci clucîer the ovuier calc lu inte repeni ut the slamp lacst. nimped check* vilI ece-sire îem the tas novr boslg only % ofuta cent for~ kstter hohaîatulrneld tem lu fur cvery 5 rents' verdi et value. lb La ail DpIon, lua1883 the àîamped checks il tbe internai revenue bureau dimt by Puni-bcd tor canureiliun and Ibsu fac ths largeit propoýrtioûof uteaulPed 1bsch lu theîc originalI uvueca, su mediclul a bve separate sIampsa affied, bey coulil b. useui. only about Bfiry arus baving tahen il- tia poentl lme tîbe%"mea 10 be cai u ofthlb.opperlnty provideil ty uderauading teticeen tbc saudilor the lhic ta have ipeelal staupi pr,'psred r treaaucy sud Ibm -omnissioner ut for their hndicidual oas. It bis alrendy lamaia revenue as tu the course lu been decled hy tbe tccaiury ofliciai Ibat rsune, tb. latter helirelul that ths if aàtamp a bs been affIzed tate epro- er bas decidsd îtno heu i itimpel prielsry package, it canne b. roeemeil. khan been submuuued ana vc-er The, vof the bureau yull therefoce b. ai il cammet te cetîucusd. Tis confinei tu lb. re-demptIoa ut inch1m- nut coieide vulh Ihe intormai t ste- printedlalbeis sud sepsal. iltmps as tmade by the aditor, sud I il îthave not beeu placeil upon the pacitmge, bly requit',on offIciai erder trou but even liais cll en tail a very large Scretary outhec Tccmsury lu finaly amount ut extra vont. lb temalter. The remaling litems upu. chbtle - demaul tor the returu ofthIbmnue of t sampsbai bes bolimbad viii sut ped checks la veey etuphathi-, mn Sgive the Internai revenus bure-au mai-b este associationts baviug taken tb. trouble, ai in nearly every a-ose tb. er up lu earneat, sud unasting Ibil elamnpi bise besu sîtached separalely so stiampedeibei-a are cotupietely ail net imprinteil. This la true utrecr- ryci rommercil tbouses yull suffirt' ificatea et ilepumit, leasea, manlftt, huisn. murtgsges. promissaory nots, nmoud or- t Internairevmeuebureau Lu sîready ilers. vîrehense receipîs, etc. - oomT ki iv, WKA REGIO N ngEI.I V RO . 11 Lara aiencd in Oreom saud WieIlml- Apples Dr-op Ulteuiiylg, as ge Yîiele 13Nut aPsOtOS. raina have tahieu îiunlias heueek lu bbe spruug vitî cion, usliicb bas mnifereil tfront proîractleidrxoughit, end the Irugsal cronditions itute lover M.isseuiarhVolley bau-r beri lacgchp rc-tieved, tlbugb pur. tihnof t ilsectir'ricontinueS lu naielmecs ran, Dinaging trosîsecurreil troa Washingtonuand Or-gon esstuvmrd uvet dis norîberu ituaky ?uanlahn disitrictts the upper Mississipialvlley, îbe cesk avecsglng deihuasly tcuooltu the»e dis- brida@, ths laite region sud over dhe nerl- es portions outheiasce'nt'al calley@sumat ite middle Atlsntic Stes. As m choIs tbs -s-elaekbssu germly fsvorable la lb. ihtricta camt ut the IRocky Mou.'- tAina, eieu-ialiy sin tlulb.middle Atlan- tic StItes and Ohio Valley. WbiIee m-wevralbconcittions have beenulIsutarorauie 10 cornu Ibmlu tb' previnu vek. thât ccup coultlunes la miSe slow progs-a u t ho principal sttlse A asiahtnpruviiuenulilquita genersIîy cepoarlesi uer the siauthecu Pur- lieu of the cocu bell, mad general> tbroîhuît the Boutheru BIaIslu ti I>ahuta a nd iuneuita die crup bas bcds serotiilydermagecl by trust, Winîer atasin@expcrieuueil Impruvs' meut lu the States outblaclover Mlisoui Valser, vhu-b woas saffeciug troin aroussiâ lu ttc previos 0ek, oit. aul roia portions cf tb. Oblu aValley udiMichigan sud Nec York len.t avocalule reports asere- cotisa. due pcinclpmlis to lb. ravages ci the EssaIm O>-, Au auuaaîy Be crul il bolusg nrceslel lu Calituruls, isedthIb bnlk of the rup lunhOregon il lu itbe cen' dilien. but lu saàtecu Ore'gonu.Idahu. And pesiîbly lu Washingtonin.lsecte hava i-susd maîsrial daussute. G.-nuraliy ibtD Int inoshbve i-allaiI Ico-irleil hiaproe- ment in aprint cheal Ibtougrbutl be spring vbeal rescufl. The cruupil nov l1 more promialu u-nhtu tinthau atnos Perlim thie sesoon. Cotton bal iuaprov'ui ver tle.wstern porduiotofthe collomi bell. aîadul i 'enne- nte ailportion&acutheb.Carohînsei £hé ve. h beu ihlby tavorable toc Irios plaflîtit and gruvtb outloti-i-., mad thé gn rut ond ition of Ibis i-rap la satiti ta"7. asiîbusgb tbepieule ire et ibaal! in Kentuckty ail Oblu. crop iesports b îtee. Mieaart-L.eal ahowers: rime, belt- *eaduc. pa-tu r plaatensas lgardent. lurovel cerS ool rsias f.ILbut mrel musn=uc; maccO roc eplinleai; ybest Bllng "seecul SettsC tba suepet-tei, bhic Test cemmendIoitn Ruisth. rais COQ ste lu sera sont:; bar csop nci11b. e r, uîgiî-totlaI dos e 6.limalpoor: appls iolcati lan.- - -- ...---- ýImre o AGRiCUITURAL DEPAP&i'MENT 8l MAKINQ FARMERS' GUIOLF ColoreS Chari urthei.Estive Ceuntry -CurefUlg Otsherel luIforematon Ishoce wh&t, firovs Beil end Tellel the Thinga te Avil, Wasington erreependene, The Agrlrutturai dcîartmeol lutaboult la plubtat1st ientap tiahili c'oabl iii1C former, vierever be Iu locai-0, i. dper- moointaut wsaacrupa ai tringtahlmn tli latrgIroirelirus lu munI-y. iltied ln colai, il aili cou vcy informatsiou inluei Olailnx-r tuiigiulte. l'lie mîal.îîla luaurIthelaîci or thlei UnitedIiiîati-o, aalus l he onuu îcb a seisi tliaI i-Ver-r l reuru ialu- ia u ii l repci-mtueul p uar iti o uttui iii O ailuiltu-. lil ia nth torme-r m-lit li. able (0 l>.ic l[ liî tabus ow luuigltiortl 0ti I Iuajzr ti ih, suta t i îe -uaîî arcaits bisgîlmoîî ii uéacur rlînîe ius 1h tutc uIg gmaii a ti-b iî .-ouvausc> . Tlhe usor illa abusai-r luI ,,nipw tî. . httei-ill,- and vil-lî airceluiill> 'u,.. u utortui()i-iu- Hitila-tu i li- huuon-ssuoftrral; li.hîu us-rt lirlur ..a,iîuiî-aitc.hue agi- (ilaiuiils uuu a-l ul>li' s I olu h uu ripa55 cru-i-su for blt i l,1r. and la-h litipluoig , cîi p. Ht-uueforlb tt vitI lie qiut Iuluai& i e h-vuIl aso lp thr govi-onoieul naaulu l i t cuail ,il ltIa auluieý. lail ll -u )ia,- uiml- tieliu iir kîiiivetige, Sa ut-, îu . u u lielie,lr-aI l, hlm la lry lu gi-o lbiîîae su lii tuu abs-ad vltb ,-sruàrî iilulh t i hsf4tilary i'cscitla salI Uap lale iraî10.1d.. In thefraI îalsae, I lu.-oilintua i vi sh ouw n bat tluul f i I u a iad itrp suny glveu lu-suIv s la. îul-uIflar, wetter friiti ciiaini. v erg1u11u1.teuni loIr> unirc. i uilrit t -r- u- u 5 u milice 'l'ar te tmIa- carnier l' i linst. tfur lutso.abtil- j"~.uti sudablait leu sed ti.ulg-u. -r- tisn Iurpoauasinu n aiuc uin li C niari u-îunuhhl un.a r maI lu fotu5-rali saune tr iay ie iIp t.r l ,u - a unhi. bil k A acim a r ri l ruuq , ut ha la . m i, l i- nulotuvec tulur -ueiBec tulles usi Il.scal lon thulAsthaltu- s>amatfrau MIsai,- s ella ta lboinsitia a citina, haîdruîthIe uiu-Ii, dailutea batutsi.,b dri-r, ial buya. Il i. i naturel Irmikt iasle.-lau-siafir the proulion iofutm-ci îg.-.b.-. bîu-h riieso mach aeauner iluabtalriton it laud illatitoudes, uuhng Ilu' ia seic lit flite e9. TIi. Ouart-r the vatinc lb- uclc sh Ibptlant i maI l.aa 4 Alog ubol mîcîlu ruî alueuuufil'.ieIlîiel s. în.ures urîh aui nia -ruagi - it ta,, ALL N A VTSH LLstatiun. ren.1def5li'Offi lceslbcc, w«I een miles a lay Thé-e-u, . or t-u esesmc s Iprosi. cicu oral ta etau'I. a Orcler te preacut the change$ in tdis draula but payihla e of tUnitedlitâtales PelototrustMu nat Ileadsrct.iti aiihl..1au' iuliIi uur ibrietfufrm. the internai revenue 2 c-tat oc eacbh iloe. 8usd7. bat bla e ipreueiloint., .mei6,i iýSut ý PA-Auai pestuces .s81 vedM;lDot ti.el ai Doseb&ran pbsillius ihpun tira bri vi-tlb .u hasprepaceu liche oliovint state- drichee5.$ i .:ne imti ly cehr 5Dotfnallit ver.'iiue; Patate«siPr in elle S.irlb s'litusrigeliu t, bic wil le rundta ýavrat behote f0s -ls..1";frert $b 50, 5-"cents- . ma gce-ieas dales «-il; spplcu t s pg o, Iý WmetII*i-. i(Mauning a riàuv or ifthe - vbcb iiibe uiîul 1 cove3 ahetseaiug $50. laasitin thernsla. 5 ceti.. teingt ll-rfris doatstcup est.! ssary iiurumatiui Sates ut produrîs il cschaaauen- i cenltacfor diaus Coo.l, i r.enetlaui.,[refs; s ifin otiiii.s tofiiu.-aitlit.' toalei'periuai caraent:"eh 100relaissi, .bat sales et merchanduse 55in9 1siacip -lounki p1rit-u. mCh bi: lu ilt,-rff oru i,- iutl.. otrip. and sete: îsrcpslut . i ;;ocrme a louus. tob&ct' busm,'Iuîu uhî.,salruuias tua .k rieens,2 renta, la actliceurse ut tmapootsttlon rempt5d s&dise 1iiruigîuig a-alua plant. s o W el. birIey. cpt.. . ivi ts f isgifoc expori, 10 "resa train tas. maItin, régauituteuct ln umoalbportion;gcîîe.rcs. i ridr uieîul conduitIios. il nor Obligaion hY glunte SmPIii3, Tobicro sDitsvoue. 12 mesper pou"il; chenit Seailed. Miauin«g uil%.aly Spei 12 owevî'r. file ,,î-',îîîîi..5 " b w dic teai tri i e oz:., ai. bai..rid. -ad aii twrg r.n .(f i-tfo siac. di1scentit "eh dtilisecent illoced. c .a i uiui -uu te o l-,lii ucr -lCi rt ilOlusen ut Isaute. 23 ceci.. %0 taxes ire retaineso t i Icevî.10u.13h; 'à,y lflà eavîît g Wil;Fliani. ti- Ge-j urauu ia-îlwifraim oificasetfdu-puaoit. 2 cents.]Bialies,' capital and arplui, $< toc s'.&eu- i..~prl m îîIsiî u fica-canul auhervine "e& lc 10 000and S2 focrecb sldliunAi $11,0. usmagel -Oruoood.uas udlliilule.truslýt 1 iliitrijx leaBods. debeulurcal, certîSesues ut Iodent nithceit otIibi-aussI lilliodanas l llaltee siimuil, I.n l'" i-ua icrter Paruy, $3 te $10. cues,, etu., renta fo eci11t.00w). clvier. geooosse.d51m -d11 si. but sh,usi,,ii-sul ui .,îi~ is atgirnt vin& gnoi. f renta s ch $1. Bonds toc Iademauilp m ocurder ezeaulan ouIl th I 1 ol,.i dPuirfls.rye. iottierp-cîier-s uîiilni rii-- .ur emrtlbruitera.S.rperturrtirairs f dlileof airs 0e ... ga -ia lIproveul .&he;e m nmrili.C.P O ausl f«e hnbudoni Btard file susi f,.crslu.,-liu.- biti. Idgt,2 renta, position. 50 -res. lrisi!s uil ennceil.b i daomBla ly 7t btii. lmile.i..fat l rprcses r ipt csut Bruiter. $110 pîssîrd. tabeacco sstIS geiea Pe agerasri, iuion;p lsaut luiu l-eust, arir Ien etaes-b $100. ma- BeoSt'rs colesel, 10 scse mail- sppics fallait bAl. lslaad,lire. 'ilrente osnc.,i SI.;ssîs ceelfiaitei aoftiroiu.. h cenits for esu'a ilcilgan -Esceptiug tWceilsp a sud ailabulel i leit'arr- ou-ýInl luîbe fd1li&aIgsaul3-,y. 4ceai .. rada $i. $100 Tbarsusy wccri vs z-eptilly--ouI and loiride îbî'ea llîiu,i arcs...l'u Mer. 25 i-rn a IIL une ll5i-il tock. originah isse,5resta.ustîvusabis toc crus growcland-"a e~ rs'-rench ut fruist-s br- s--gtiea i-u bc nattent torc .-stom-bous si Ioi $1 ace, b$10.fixation;coris yeliec sud oveuy bacSisin; rire rtgate or conîspauce lu nit. 2M censs C(ertift« or suocbkeastes, ens t tc nd lise meglacavery protulalul; Su Mc gruiv Il slvnt .- t ili,' 'i "Ilofut hio or bointandu doplao405 c-;oit@ rai n regluo lu'des ouuil-ruit..-.11Id, ul unI. soi $1.500.esli$100. IAOiealcduI 1- iuodenaSies 51ai al.but, cerîIlP he&tby. beau ail buici lit, upMiuag u.l ugslsosl u etuiury aud rosemtu.. 4, cenutuorcaril-e t opai ce5t srlll palra heat b.dapli mu1. lgareties ceigilsa mors, hu astt.teetleeildlitesls n r.a ng;sLda'th. oiues5t. cee ut sîr eacy t@î. 10resm . Poi sPe,1001$3.00 nec 1,000). ie1pitl..dInd,,, sud g...eri prost.l ioiWatl shi avier outattorney. ta selI. m2ess I si lie brSer,,$10 msr. C iest il eV" hsR -wa aA. mi bal m $ aSIOd saIs. Il slail,-.1,su 1,tu .-vu lu lb.lues, b a uile alsor! iiDete,2 res fotjerai-l 100 tntrataten.ubic. tau 2i.naccordbeBOtal urîu-iuu , opeletâtry ecul t ep.cleuai ussc stot medicinsa, , -niitfoc es-h *à loa b0 ee"_ Il cri.-pesess uai vep . s ud.rb le loniuîl u lu-rttruc ig oluuniis. lt.ieeliMs1. bacc. $12. vIen bol-e.C crs ecîlun. ciere deougbt cien recoung sidIbesu- saiylîlax, w utru eur 1,, aoet 2 e.50000 Pouad, sectusa.cocu op. but cesîber taoncOu-l toc '.Ilun is a-t Itulull jralustaSliuscivait ste-et. '-Ii.harta. flii, ore hile ut ocàange. liiad. gravIs. oapesrseil »el' l-c sdud iiaeItihl; sai'eore ruitie m$1ua , o$7,0unOare. eléerpi s.-anges. 12 -arfre- 810.spring griman. fileflp asîl.l mc cheib4t .i1ahcent.mle. Enuter7f otoda aetmaite o m oefor eus anit ysbeadlilig ccl. bhait arac br;toil u- ltloirilil>a tu'v pears agu c ho> ver. 2h51e S151est s.youe- 2cn- frboei eO ttlsa lanp-n'. vgu euaa, Ialîuî'ulit $1 an au ci-.As havi uy the ý $500.Susu unlos .5i.tate $1. crahbecrici cahi l Prvaced asolu tlegouuxi (05 nauu. eîrp thilesVary, arebos... ee-eipta, resta-là iuurp taercluIfhdrasS. 50 restaaition. dfls st eu.'ualtîut Ihe et inio odificaliuss havte bren ..dt as olîsus liru-ight re- dpXs or daine, c uuls0of lirli. mIowaCro ol llosnuiSachspromtb suslilu rsluluidtr'iluast 'Laet* ibi Dtmlth tirs1 resu copions àam 11 catI suiblellshce.w -:coolri , lî'hgbr sud .suadntcal l *seeucs cegissg otoris(SA hus.$44cwather favorabhefoto asîgrainand gras-bu-ilt frceapli îi-[,..he Oiehuiti iuIllo sis pet 1.0W., $1.50 illr 1,000. chanogel t,- t fcaaa us, but relîrlcd geacla t i-oor;i. ,llvle as-I et Dot maieLian 82 perî.000). îIn Slu .1tiullree usu a.."fue,$12 poegoau 1progresi and liiges 8 iilp ries o. sImnd suituulilefor tuî file luanli-st nta f Pcound;îVdeillira eilmurseIh".s82 pcr nsule .1 ~corsqulu ite cen tram effciuiof est jois rught tur rru)wrui lîîig- m.w nn e Pud.Mnufacturera of louuacco,86itnho'24, cere, and more Ibismuait Ceplsisiing not The uîo ss h-Il .alucuîuuîo la ct-r. O. 35 cea-us uer penSai. Oluoc lu."4 -rcern r bairret cntier,;-doser qoite henry, bat lutter atendal -us ubhueoe uc BIII ut e.,houle, foreîgn. 4 cent. for uyocarieuttIls.î2uuhave Il1»bu ehcct. $2Phaest te 2 enp. e ir -oh$1. . 5'cueieuuu uniasuir, pi-c gouIs tsaota-deseratand grneruuîaeaiuih licast tluîuugl uhcuîuuII seiohysia..a iii mci, a $ e *O0pet barrai, ,.a d7% Pegor $250a o.oc mles ci chelfronti1epslse prid geas u luu, ia rriab ul.-aal Mlee l" or mchImrvel;f0, I ia prîv1Fistueinué*îinn - uî.n scuuu.,r roug or ilu ile ars. mny mai, ofe rra. ore.;palm- gar.çccghtng more l iastlre-, porioa Iriebulaintsiecuce. $1,1 îfruei t »a 117 etalcarlti!rjn11 si 10100) lu en pcc 5,0w;.cangeal la $23lir r Proleluesruth-lerpuibluecl tiilons, g ilhit as Uouthrait ado.aulr cîuoiîliluur uugusl.alu om 10tie,, but cail e osbp .,ee Inunerf. Ou e' urpiiedl i) vfei-luocci - on-i u-t siaru-Igi. mo are tlia lthre- îcero i ul-ca scisa portion aPPIproSpect file lu soutbeiat. uuî.,tbir.Is ohitolu As týrca nuoi ci u -mula pee1.p). St lier., ru lii-- eiuoiecI1hihi. t rîbîteaisovees: violer -clleaI &basi, l- tIl, uui-l îruI-sîiilly fuu-soh ta ~ ~ o pe"pInniuolu ul$u.oWise;, ou.twi-u proveul. ouI cansolt uiiy eeoc"ser-trou sis osysysore. 50 ict o -ot¶l.acnt si.uit.or 0eunOe-ivilues, le ult. t1e, a drougl. :ouis Impeored. butal"eelaualy frontth Ie i luiuuuinirfltenioullaesr, [umptý e auîr ~,0 bo 2!O,2 our'la 0 ii.2ua.firreýnlîion:. eacelui toc rn lagrecn on Icithe lulandhy rrugaution ,uIltr,uuu do mts farrais-b ssoo. Tes, csoi luypf 10 resus ur pouuoî ceil *Ialtha belsuca, rcsp gea. Iluaits o l uuîlu rIlî a pet.ii- - lui-ul."eh teae'-. a gsie t -0al. eîhgbuîi, Aill . 1001d'tifr' .nl fouas u luiir. uTnh,o-m-uIotr ccacp y or sucal-tOsal characuer aftuer, lai s . e, î;rta,1. ditio ta i lui-i-i -Iinutuel ueand Ir,,iiimuulruh,, ua-uh 1. 1901 il e, - - .*lalii a . il-c Il ui-t e s r u ul a t. (rds-r uepyi-un Dt4 u t ms? elegaph. Bilel uîle art, os,2 -.tefsr a h o -aeutori te, issId by hP ea- -I$100. 3111P fr Cit.cReina Au IIuti o C ollnli ot, mal >LAN FOR COAL~It4 STATIONS. ILLINOIS BREAKS RECORD. utg n fli. hvo sh-i ml,-rklitr acle g.- ta Ve.lsblieh Naval perliIThe ey5atlip ou Tv-laiAverages h, e.Jso iCli u utlelBat-tuu uee...laain mît as hu.u The BiaseDepartînt abd file Navy Th. trial ut the hatticobip Illins l ooktBaIllt ,e City, CUba.hdla ol. a gurliu40uiii,îc iduub-. oepsrtenalhave farenengage1 tur aine10 place ocer the Cape Aunc-ourse 0- -- Bti-bu rsotconCncIu and lu be i*r ll (IuaIivrufmua us'mitent me in jierparifl tuaccrv-tlut a POhicY dcli, anduur Ibeniw Van-o * Kor h-s iabvl a BtlhmPebtraiCi ,,ài- nh atwro.Btwti i o wbibh bas been o eerconuidi.culou fuir subasiucl specul ut 17.31 noullual mulesa uraputi, il1i %onu egin the î-uoslcactlià Miepiieatlhuims are tfu r Ocfi%,. ulfferrul ouiller ot ysas, but vbii-h wOInulntau boor. This breaks aIl prcviouoi records et a nev *-000curh iuso îi.aleu lu ure-llur, Retively enteceai on out il aflerthe Spano sud proves hatfile illijisla inbte fotsti, Broadway Bapîlal Cburch, Bsy City, lau-tise. SursisfutIhe landul 3-lun .u jar- ub-Americau ver, ut catahlilbiat - a vesîm ot taedcsaen nthe Amen-su uDavy. Micb., basl arcures] ma lia pîslor d'e 1ev. ter of a bie uuf îuonluitue ouce. 'ou,îoe ebain ut United StBàates coaliug stations gThe average spera la hi-tir Itian ias B. H. Trhumas ut Cleerlonul. out ilhait s bah,. toule ot It hue ciliar- roundIth e wrlil. Il la anuertoul that dole y elîher ortiltu etwIo shipg lu Tbe 11ev. W. K. Lloyul ut Paris. T'exai.ferasouta a la ndousouteeut il a l'aleanl egotialionsarin luprugreas for the ar- tcmsaulona. thcAlabam nsimd tbe Wi4s. basceceI a i-ail 10 the ru-I-ocale ut Bt. more. Ileurcui>o ing. tlbîoitilla uiremeiit off mstation lu tbm Azorea froin cousin, the latter li i ndgiren s triai John's Episcopat pacish. Mt. Louuis. rlîccset'0 a psductîmîionort Ot Ia bihe Portuglsiedmni Ciut un othe istau utou onthe Paciflie cousut %trininmg 17.12 lklois. Members ofthIe lu'hst Baplist Cburch ta the acre. Caracos, joant Off ths cuas t.ot Venezuela, îJnnil.Wsh-eetne alt b ptenda rlutv ý.rfa Hîg i 1 1db Rate . lu New lu ln . JnevEe i. b e xrd ui a ialt he baputa liuîut ai5h rdîuctcî- l tu-e-îI u raim Hulisul. he 1Be,. ArîbuirC. Kemplon ot Detroit uv ue su-lia-icucu>h b-t Huv etaches e gollialous bave pro- The blrlh rate lu River. accord- perla ta le a' iliuler c rritiaout intas eeledilàI.imasosible te le&--. &% ths lugtaluthe hbigb.-r than Th Niethodist: Priacbcrs' Ass4oîhiatlun n)tltitouti.lula officiais deellue tu give gay detals. thal t fau>other clipty os er 30.0005 p of utffalo bas ecabithlsei apon-Am nul -el iutruiîu'cul su-b mu- i ega-lila qpmep of Ibe rctiuu, Ihu taruuuî-c oviliOuiuose resls resson lu bellers. 11lao. thot anlati la uhIbmcounutry, beiug 38.75 pe an uqatr s tti pwuebII..lopfth eintefrmrvi k comuniaions iebarsbien ezu-bangld1,000. Hotyote rua raI etwuîb 38.50. The 11ev. NMur>'C. ltiliii,aflrr si.- nîmru luI ri-lululue p ruil lout-ofottoli wib oitller goverume a ta 10secuce avail- There leib tena sdrao lu.t5OinusNew tee.n yesrus as a nisoary frur IlleUnto i wthiogetuiblI. iaoî.înt id i« $1i4) loi ible tuticia sîtrateicall diatriouted, Redford. 30.86 lunVuitrrbîry. Colin . sud versal-ats lu Trxus, bau tell: ulîlug-uta -_i noivraue, Il ulîuîulu-t ftli u-ii wchbete hbe l dby the Ametricau 29.29 in Camobridge. Thu-se lina the tbre ftare s col lu i.,.ihrcin Lissu-iau lor ,jh.nt i. -uluu navy for i-ualildepOsils. The ucmuuiatiuus blîbeat bi11b rates. Becuslacotfurilla,- hi-allbth c. 'thomat 'wo tuous(i,, h i iu-b]'an rur,tvibuhî set ,vieil Eu-uîadoc lookiot 10ta it Iauster utf-bis amil Thit. -A. Huuyl bas ddrolli oru-aigu n osal liuuns IIrir tIiur:llly, Il 111"umiirueuuuuuh-ng the utiapgua Islande lu tbe IUniteud Bostons& fashionabls gel 00v cuill a ut Chamfbers-Wylhrlii-îuîral uesu e iu uIuu«:11uuu l -1lu,.u ud uir uai. Blata-a bars net beun droppel. but saP doues à "band." caSbu b ýllrl'Plu.tru ua--osule uilyir-icr uîlui-ill. ui î,srealpthero bacsl e uaciee- The lime luurners utf Ban Jiuiuutn, Cal., Oaciv e-Dr. IW. NI. Alu 1uusruu pari-u ofutFirol uuuuuu-truîsi li eu asi> iuuuIr t -.0'n chanugia on the subject belveen the twot use craIe oilos fuel la plav wouu sOjlanti Preshu Iccion C1hurch. ala.ers 9 ashuliuuîheeroitc. g.ol î-coîuî-u cecenl3- in.lutt tiiene in- o.accepîrîl a ci-aIlto the pastuilie rtFurul t c ho al)iu nit lu c II u-r o r ltr,lettre- ullui-la i-ms the state Depirti.uin hy aI is - hstoen ppin@ Preshyteclau Ctarrb, Naihu-lle. Tu-uuu. IutIî,-uuuuur n-uv -u-url uî huu lhy euuoîuuvring lu, acquire gauaereiguty Pyoib-itjl usbe priîd ou e hi -bot lorvasm, j11 aau-puuuil ilterl the vllire Siam' miniter e ttaru uar taiteulieBel,.iuul ,Iuutay.r.ID.,of Boluous-lionsliIi-I., over thlîrausdi-elieuLsud nulotc s Ue imoinuSer tirus.antotnia enu- te. James M. Gr e.DIt Bst fti htili Uuîuuit.iosuuîtes. trîn. .lonbertte spiietl nîcîboultu I-.iIowoh-uge boa.etoi-îo the guveru A ar, uinhe or ut ,-lh ece,, muuv. Bible stul3d 0; ietuaiIi liebe b 'it-ii t li-u%%,anr tuluuhIu-ut lreliii meulut y ieiO n sloatter aa a_..lid o toPhlipie, usure luyielýii emorry IlY ut t l iisin Geaut îuîucal Ilrui.uuhlui 'iu)lunlibit lion liîthe Allureaduuil us probaublc(i t xe runuhot ti B o.P riulsi.Avnt, uuuun Chire -oiciiî ýriIlIeP. utluîîsi-ov,eu w-lui thal fi l forts outttc itecd slates tuae tilacCIceul1hst >.lOh)put) lons-nutoEsliofAenuucBuiptat Cbîreb Ifise ilia-ui 'uortugaîluapart Wita a itluar- iliusfruit suulI teslhipprdl fruontCalitor. tandl. baus cuucruî us mulujasorrttc Rer 1i-ka-hsorutAîîuuricm lu-rtIrnuo uthe" hula utr theisla nain biss e btreia-ubuel ulna Ibis Breune.Charles A. Esuon. vtî o buslen tuastol dn of utropuu id gu'iulîuurul iru-,u.huloeut ut uui.utsicoul.MeaovliIo the Ivo de- Tou api 1'uuuay, Arioona, luis ulelled ut Rieur Street lioptiait Cbare. T'rotoet 'ut the aiment .ulîluîourr l,ý ueiîr -unîî-nsehaeren soccesstquîluine-1t asesa%@Scustor Clarits nuppi-r property Canada. sge lu eveîyp îossible IviI the intruaicr curlt in nispluten.itItle tatvo i-al, lelauli ut$6,000,000. Heretutore i tas ot $24.- Oakland, a suhnrb etf PIItîurg.lah Il hilanand spraîlorutuivw c lusatries, îîîci lu toreii ulcle, btlI -viltoul th. 00 a re eiel un the United 5m'rla b. represnned hy anuther lenuminaîloi as. un l"ck groarlng, t clt uîre on lui, iltglo soverelgiî3-.aT e mc lt o- mne on . vînlo utM0.000. Bena- th, Uvnuellal Eugllsh Loîbecan .elh Ipcovedprhnlcipîes. etc.. sud the soli tirai ofetaca deapgmiplteher .Ie em e I 1forClark'@ Arisons Pruperty rnov vll«l i~ped elplansfor lts e reetiou Ibs ers tiescribed bas nu obiavonisadlm.- 1J4ma Ja o- a ana bii P, çm00. tinsleo. e«WUM aa "W cilate Qqculie" ~Lpesrtant bftt>irStipul aU sebpuauua ---- ---- ---- -- - - - -_"-b A' Res- I Id To MR « Di ovan.a from p IiaUnd being à everyth did me te> me faitrù mi - t0 My , Componu tiJ 11 valk bu part of1 fur four the dust. lv,e ytmi Componu - svas e ai du '3,e. 1h yllut. ' riu-iu lieu g i iIs '0' - lîrlua to.kup 1 - i, ut Orle fls d."o l t eryWal - i ev oc -spoiu Cc -roeii ys gunira rt rt. Ie i nu- sli C, eu-c, yA ut 4Iu IuRfl r lu Ifoe 1 yr -Cruice mue te uilg î,breirre ir k. iî m internai reve- 1

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