Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Jul 1901, p. 8

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I t FOUR LEAO1N ODRANDS. SDeering, PIymnduth,_McCormick, EIk. Prices a.s Iow as anybody's. LibertyvllleIlios For a, telephone' ln your place of business or . resldence. ... )u get the inereamed and growing service o~f the Lake Suty Telephone Companîy anîd -oîneetIon with the flkago Telephone Company. r information, rates, etc.,wrt. . CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LovelI's Drug Store, ~. ~............... ... ~EkBder Twine .~We sell the'celebrated Plymouth Twine. S No botter twlne -made. If you buy your- twine of us you get what you buy. If you buy, Manilla you get Manilla..... If you buy Sisal you get Sisal. We SjdoutssIlyou amixed twine and call it TMAoU1. Our priées are right, quality oàii 11"a T-. - __fi~- - A la M ab JlrofItoos8gbla@sen Bort *UOÎs b ,hasuvait lôvutéw. Se expecès 80 buM Ia house hme »seI ýýI me. Evereté Wells sud Anna Dorfier Cook a pfessurA trip t! Chicago tale week.. IlIr. Ilir cbberger and daughterCors, have bof* rpendiug tii, week with Wilixxîigge. 11lmer Mldaraî,,d Albeit.Kulgge bave béen spendlng titeir manual vacation vltb WI;l Kaigge. "illg .ioe' hats are very".mach la evtdeuce. Tbey vould go weil vith the harselcas Crage. WilI Parteaus' barn bas Jil treceived a cost oniPpintIwhieh <resU! Impravren lb. elook@aofaieIpromise.. W. ver. very highly lionorel by a Suaday c al - r -mhejunior putIner ai th commission ftrm, OridIy liaman Co. lira. Eininger and farelly have înaved from bhare ta Llbertyflile. Durlng Choir shiort stay boie.tbey oade many finda who regret their àeparture. A carload of tdlephono pales can. aigned ta the LaIe oaunty Tlephase 00. arrived heme ibis vool. IHumer hie IltChat tbey are ta build a lice from hure tQ Ivanhae. FouxD- A amai gnld locket, &p. parautly a lady'.,eatalning tiio millaturusansd attaëlhed ta a chais. Owser ZmaY rec4«Wseaine by luquirng et the HardwareStore. Oapt. Fred lltuckel'a honte la raptdly nearing completlon. h la rumored &hat be ul move the park down for a front yard, but vu would adliee that th aig pole b. sltaghteuod tires m the gtky raps lowered. MyronuWells, vhS vaas tsnud hia tai tramn a borse Baome ime &ga la la Chicago uudqr medice] treaiment. as audervent an oporation duulug whioh the tractred portion oa ietsîhi van remavld. lHe la getting oilt rapidly aud tbe docors have hayes for hie ultimaga recovery lu th. sean future. Leat Tflesday Mr. M. a. DoolittIe oelebrnatd the sixey.flfh auniverary a1 hie blrthday. A goudly company1 of fianeiand relative gatherol Bnd spesl a very enjayable day. Among thons presont vere: Prank Thom"a sud lamily, ai1lRockefeller; I. J. BoyI, ai Libertyvtlto; lira. Thomas, Mr. and grn. O.-B. Yafgor and âtre. A. O. Berry, ai Wankega; lira. Frank Hulburd af Chicago, sud lMr. and lins M. L. Woodworth, of New York. IVANHOE. A. A. Payse wàa a Chicago viàitoi tait Wedueody. Miles Florence itryat vas a clty vialtor a t,,w day. reeuutly. Our achout bouse lintaolie repapered snd painted during the vacation. COUurnaj,,rcu nv bave no lire or uatu- : M. (idemeitger bas beus ieltlng aged stock Ours is ail '1hi4 years vighli s dauglitar and intil thIe pnt twie t: A JuiorChristiau Endenvor ha. Goad 4ta Ouraete10 Ibn fan.... 1.0beau organized lore and te graving Goal S"t«cOnanes, par Iliî. .. Jans sud Moha Cffte., par lb ....s.30Mr. Docker liai beau treatUng thefr Ianol'lilxedTom, par n .... .35 - haie tu a coatiof inthu, vhlcb laià Tes Dust, Un ica lb, 2 Ib onr . .25 great improvemntu. Quite a sumiber front hure atteudol &ho esterbalumunt aI Llhortyville, Va Sauer & Son, eeug.Tynoatals 4ong Grove - llinoîS. etBndymr n e.Sloaonis ....... ......... ............................. . . W .e joyed lici. StaVona reUmakea vry ................... ......................... m ach. .. .. . .... .... . ......... .. .. . ................ ....... .. ........... Asyase viîing le. cream may ................................ .........abtaiusaime Bat Lrdiy evenlug eathIe _______________________________________________ POaPle'astore."-It isla i le qualty ai vas olservodl laI itntrdaj. We undenîtaît t.bat F. B. Dolpl vWin coearmljug thla tell. le bas pur- ý1 BDAbaied Mr. Lieckwltb'a i.hreshiug outils fun and .111 operatu sanie hsestaion. WR\IGIT BRmTIàERI D uu urget the Bunday actaaI Ooimittee bast nu& leclded vbere Il viiiho e Pt, bat willt report Dnt Sun. ms, Bggie Lumv ~ , day. msBugie 11114« Thepilies tht ao niiny IounviItb. quilkty amI pornmaaeatjy lbeuanîi Fouausene Wits Vehicles of mittrigsa Lîazî"v.Bllr rWrh 0 oanternita. F. B.Loyi.lbertrvilllu. Inds. Th. nemarl wuimode a dey oanos I5arflhr«0. mo ht vait dàavol mon nav. W. _____________dont cire anytblug &bonsl lh.moan - ~jat at proeut. 1% hi a ves eartb thet Lime tts calit aie, ms y are lmersaicl lu havng nov. 40: pI Y u r 1 Iboe , a, Iat vbat 1 board sud Cemest, sait, ffl4 * tolu aregard ta lMms. Milile n $ 0*a; ha scpomltvey uhes vthr ng aud QI. ee lit reamme. egar 80it lu erery ay5*1I ________________________ betieve ber.' AulEN B. PAiih. Mosans. L. F. Juasmen, sud 5 W. Beach are oollectsg sud .mollet 'fa *6 ts Iu» XiT ln t 1 irl làth -eInty. They aller anme "-i pre. ~WRIGH1T BROTHIERSMtm# e usres.Duo fatîslm ta isey09hnber. D o cre* evem"g aaocdtsg ftr to __________part ai aur vllage. Luit Tussday -i&bon$lsi:21p. m,a Une bal"* v" liedO le m it aCngbCua--------------------- mmSiStarie. tram Mr. Dolpbhs yard V .IlaeA Ou IL Us. For Bok t - il iseannemily rbquoitel ihal cvery- GNM" #mmonth at eau vîli attend the soolal at C.a'~s OI Gnl ke Otala Faîdsy veulug. Au tir ________________ 84a.Our payer auuothug hoins lu lb. vaY Yellwstne Prk. is.ca1Scoued. In .Moley ma ie . iii 'i ettoatone1r111117 hubil OhWmeinftlg t 7p. m.,, snd Eît, etuy ft"uer"ry IétOnt enTyIF 0meo gtve aa b e »ta tul lon uc "«ia u thl.Park. Irilvid0 go. Wu cestilny augh ta go ma. ve cc4he.. for ercltaive imi, onita' Iisue. s. Pu'llinnual.iîi nd Cliug nom :are ludeblel ta Craylake ta Ikie Eei Iiiel laIt tii uîîmber sgf. aet or a,î.hs es aulallo. Dos a UptuIL (baseril as. A 5Pour MUtosaire le osr, t42I Marquete BrMI410ug, Clh. tlai ls o %Id" ne ho' Id e1 «ag6. Colorado sel AI"*stoursalme. bisu y =f lrieqiDr. b' <tuta ucutte u.e s eeoeî -a~d hioo--y~ 0sbr. Train bes qClIaO*Uris ou5. mowo tir î 3 FrIxe iBattoir Conteui. *.Tbey boalau eatlug ciuteil the «Bon Spluttes-ie aLi. ine bond of ,,.ga il tmoae hlm iek,, *"Na. Ho jus souka a îîoodtal of Dr. Oaldellî BSyrup Pepsîn. Tht pre- méentloméatraubleofut sy knnd, they aMy." Boaela y F. B. LOVEt.i, WAUCON DA. (leu. and John Ladd venu home Buday. J. HiM asabeeu on thBi c sbt thea peut fus Isys. Y. A. Harrison sud Misa L. A. Harrison speut unday bore. Cap Donsany. of Chicago, As visting Waucnauasa prientnlttng. lira. . L. Pratt, aiChticago, la apeudlng a ftev lyaluthie place. lin. a" dlia. L. U loiMrne, ai Liberty- rvio, voeaWat.onls coller@ Tneay. lir. 8. A. Ford andUlis. E. Onk@, ai Chica.go, sme apending a tew lays hure. 3. L.EHainmsudc. P. Pratt, oai Chicago, Mre pbuding their vacation hous. lirt. Y. Benet, ai Maywood, viited ber àlat.n, lira. M. W. Hughies lutl week. Mir. aud Mua. E. Uudouwood, of Lake Zurich, venu ple»aent eaýîten lhnnday. Mus. UGeo. liuoterlav, of Chicago. vuaa aWaucauds visiter Satundayud Sundsy. lin. and lins. B. 8. Hamusond, of Chicago, are Waucauda visîios at proenteal ving. Mitsealurt lue,. vand thand ta getheînd City are vîmâinlg rol4ives lher@ets preacut vrling. W. ire iatormned tîsO lb. Boldierii sud Bafilqua Rension vili bhlad ere tis jean. Patlcularataner. lB..Fi- nad bat stade arrange-1 meute ta bulla ou hie pnapenty ne-q cenlly purçbàad tram Je& i. iian. 1 Waucasda vas orerrns vtb eity people Baturday aundtlunday. Tîîey knav vhere ta came for finit clos Étahlng. The ladiea of the M. E. dburcI vîli bal an ice unoam social on the achooat grosuli iabnnday eveuiug, July 27. Everjane Jeiinvitul. Mien Mattie Cbsrlesvarît. vIa lbas beau spendlsg the pontt ev veols vltb ber atelier, aira. M. W. Hughes, ne. tunnaelt onerhome la th. city Suuday. The Lake Couuty M. W. A. plenle wutî ho belfi bers, Obuayear. No pain& vil heospsred ta moaetg a grand suocosi. Sonalor bmaoneai ousented te ho preicut on Ibis occmaiou. We have a gonlisale on Dr. cald- vuls BSyrup Pepsln becauso 'voj «tuaantae lb sud refund jour mouoy I Il doasDualdlajuat ave reprenent 1t. Cali for a hoochet that tilts you al about IL. F. B. LaLiL, Libertyvnlie tA bad complexion Conerunuiy re.oits iroin I nUve lîver and boWels. lu aitl miCl"i,, De v hîýeLitiMle y R lirsmproîtue.. grtif y- Iua venu Its r B Lvat.. IhurtYvill,. 1 PRAIRIE VgEW. Mia Meyen vîiated it Palatino ne. oentty. 'lhe Mlle..Loomaia have lieou uimt- Iug it homte. Mauy attenlol the fîuerai ot L. Bohueler ilunday. lins. M. linedin vasliitrecently, but in btter igain. B. Aneller andlefmily visued et Lang Grave Bundày. G. Wobenb.rg bhm purclaiel lMn. Hlies tart, vbcre Mr. Hofmeyer1 Sualsy scholanwva omltled lait Bau. dsy an aoccunt af th. funeral. lien- dayabot fDoit BSndsy et 10 o'cluck, on, nouai. Parentei, tend yonr chîl. dres. "DeWtt'a Wteh aet Salve saold te ProiPI ptl edied go euto., buresa ad sealds. It 00olanud ,iuîkly huaIs thec taumdî Pintm. Eluvramcie wrth lesss îentericlt,.e Sure tago.t DMWît'a. Fer Bal. ,y .I. Jitoano lua)., Aug. 10, 1891). parais 8SRUrp Ca. Dou Binsj: For the putt Ion jeuns I vas troubled i yulmy stoatau. Abou tfour Vears age ywai likao a vith i leumtiîm, vii Dot uable tc do a laa ork ton thruo jeans. Al mellelue seemel aifuanoneli taunme. A yen ago.-va. alviiel&0 a he Dr. CatdvslqsSynap Pepsin. ~i raly heonove 1 vonl have led, but for lhie Medicine. Ny nh.uotl M ate rir g01101Md Miy esboonao t u gPoti cas. 111105. it bau savtd' My liteéaMI h cxausalrecomm"ssdIl IgJdgty. Tours iDOWt SOIE by P, B,.e~i uaïtls , CIThore WisM 3tt.t pectand aIl au- The tm«Lake labaslilu bais vii eia! 5aIMi the Crackerjmak SOit Iuid Ayansty'î. ibId. Thls lattioOsMa dleuder tue )uew captalu "ôd *MI 2 tif a MWune. ýTho Ep#osULague flold listiret Unestlaglent Uuuday nîglit iluthe 9. abw" hs .Oeurb wi,'e enoeu sud tii. t>.asslca,îtto ure tbin forta bn sd 'v hop all x yul ursast siIliep it aloug'. Te .ttent *»W- ou Johie AYzSIeyI lava lait ir di ght wasnualmai vei 11= au V'a hoped Il ,oul a bbinabon orebr, reclîsa byMIs Lisuleatirsblieter and rice tShrov. Flou àv"W 'O ILEaltRIOxaIrI. MOI, dry sand dusty. Ï3. W. f3bddîle Called ou frientls hfto Uatey. HsyDin i. riand larveatlug' l H. BmithI« 01tlotir laugaitront the heal teeently, Ad&s lU nt« cled a wiadmulîl on h. Hiodgkinftom tais vouA. A larg «Ohi otyouugtiteki ttendol Oh. acll etliti Ajsîlaned report a goaldlUme. Thure vI iho asnie cream suad cake sIociblOetath ehuncli. Tbiaday eren- bl uJly 258h.. Au Epvoeth Leque smervie yUl be Tos are lvited ta conte. PALATIN E.. Mesa. Hntehlnsou -nlaltcd Ion motIon tu Arilugton Holghtg Tueslay. lins. V. Hauros, oi Long Gnoe,, vieitoyd relatives tn Palatine 1!nlday. MieaS larah Elles, of Long Grave, esliol ou Iiends In Palatine ilsîurday. lin. and lir. J. H. Mobierdlug ou- tertalued fiendi iront Aunona, Mou. day. lins. IPAttI, ofChligo, vii a gnu ai Mrnsd lins. Ronsitaun aven ltin- desy. lira. T. CatIov, Milas Heu rietta, sud Mis. Cliai. Smihb, oi Chicago, viailed iiends lu Patinle aven uaudsy. lins.IlopItiui liai 109ber gueffs tieI souk Mli nsd Mua.-Taylor. af A anars, aud lire. Gresn, aiLake Forest, lien fileter. Mri. sud lir. J. Il.-llcbiendhng. lias ilcblordlng, linse. Haplini, Miss Cottn sud lir. Gresn, of Lake Forest, and Mn. sud aira. Taylor, of Annota, spenl s very ptoasut day lu Late Zurich Balurday. Andependence of Fariers. The tailsen doein't bare la saltoît patronage inom auju. lHe doea't bave taeuter inla oispetlon and strige vlth suy ai bis uelgbona 111e a merebsut; bu daut have ta vnsngle toiy& living fllke a lavyur; l b osu't bave tq depend au coUgons n- lnctentiy dbled aoitau edîtora la; hn tact e bu ho lie Me 1ot lulepuedenàl mas os God's grýnoeuerth If ho manages bisaffaisre lu a luainosalIte di f~ ebai mare lighe sud equsi oppartanitlies ion impravîng bis stlud, h. be» i livir lufoeienlefor '*rrPt- log bis marals, sud bis ocupatilon in more canducivè ta tle hîgluil devebop- meut aibils plysucat poser thoin any ailier. Tltte Soute.01d tory. J. A. Kelly relatas an Olexunuc sinullar taO tiat v hleb li1As8 hîî,uuaod la aimait oveni auoabb" al ith itnd Ststes sud ha,, boeen o;Id and ne-told iii thousandaai athena. lie ssii; "Las iemmmen Iliad au ettsetOf dyseuteni. and punithomasl ottltu aiChams- Celeas ole. Cholem. sud lilainliçu lmodiy th t 1usai amoadlng te dhece- ninIîI& etitl, itef"ory resait,, trubev r ,3tt.d mach 4liuhker feme a le hteu I Used allen rein- pou Vyo knovitizoa r 0 er .uu mv X'ea 4o;Joi WMnmemaAx rr=u& clare sd Catil Mille, oi Chicago, btaudin0¶ the veel ait heir nulesf, Conrad Schmtidt, of Mles Conter, ehipped s carlaad of hoge front porc laàt Wedgeiday. 1 main Fllnt vas <oampetle<I tu Iay off a few days tbis wcek OWIlug tea naiglit injnry ta is lit baud. Mis anlsche Match, noflisuteila. 11, who bas licesviniting tbers- lb. »lait vern, retirued home lait Manday. Chau. Quigley, of Obicaga, Who bas heAu #pouding the pait w,6hiekvtit litie Carey, resurated hosmo Monday. 't atina luin ha rictnity tag g ahci lu toit bistand the craix, alubeuigb ccstparatlvely llght, exceeds eurtier The irtéasieu vhich vas dits et M. '4sephHome 1>7 P. IL Gray, ot iulvach.e, la camplagod. A souci aup!of voter baasesu -rimed et a deph <5ce1350 toot. Thié tenie klait BSnday givea hy the Brik aIui'Alliance s . a.gran useea.Ouso9clyas Veil nes aoally.. Il vwu tas ligect cravd thol attended 4 pioute bote for a long tie. The Sai. W5 lt&"hlhein& îtiuushed by Oid BiU McWIpdie, wba leit hore eleve. years %su for the cicabaw Nat , Ms"d Who gaiued qulte a repîta- "o ireabouta i na voit maber, bat returuel. Aitbolugb aider lu yeurs, lie la the*sao ad Bill aud mauy are 111e iutoresttxig sorlea lho eau relate or lite lu that Vltd country. Lent Wednoadoy oveuliig nt the boume of Use e ilest accuared the mariago ofil Jias J.i0Wallon ta Arthur Lange of Chicago, lIer. Joba Klettying th *Dot 1whiala stde Umein. The veMfe vua spiace affair, nuly lum- medialo"llvmeig proseul. Tiior bat* Our ge<4 *lohes for a brlgbl sud hiappy f agr. vhlo~. fb" enatuire oI a Cloud. burst woa thé beaiviest vofuve boid lu a gaad masy yeBrs, aud crope lu tbis vlcinIty iuffured çpusiderabty, lu many place. caioig vahouti aud tMono wbo vern flo ortusate ta have ait their boy lu Witt have thé pleasure o1 maklug it agal vhe tlwe sans abines. 1 Thé balgstme Buuday reatd luaa1 victory for t.e Edgevalers, by a score ai 17 ta 7. Oar boys hoit ovorylhiu their owu vay op ta the lufth joutas vheu 16 tov yiltheon ovavn the gaine for h visiter». The Ramnsfor seon liunday are, 111. Brick 0o. va iarveils,1 et Chicagoansd Shermerville Juniors vs WhoeUng. TvagRod ganes are looked for. QUENTINS CORNERS. The huer wagon flOUS 80 do land oSic. bsatuseeIbs. vrra lava. 1 H. L. Bookolam and fa"ly vere lu Lilieryffle viaitlng Mnonde reoently. JsabStosrm, Jr., took a land of parkeri ta Prairie ,Viv lait Batur- day. Win. Hoeit basboad bis building@ on tbe aid bomentoad repaireit and painlol. Chai. Proellcb, Bermau Landwher aud Jua. Witt visiited Mnedin lunt- loy lent; Buuday. MiasCCara Kulgge la îpending a iev daji et AnUangtantielgîsti vieailg lier brotheri and mouds. lira. Chris. Sehumaker la sillicted wltb a caucerous tîtuier and proupecta of ber recovery ire doubtlf i. Chril. PlIngoten, af BartleIt, Ili., vas bOre tti eek ounlbusinessud csllg au nid finda sud relatives. Wm. Batimain white et Wbeoling ru- fflutiy, nuad the miitsie ta have a nunavay,h)adly smaibiug his buggy. Cliri. Bebumaker ha, inveate in lua ne, liconmtck larvester Augnît Grever gaI a Champion, and Irel Grever au Oâbrnue. Hermon Junker had thA misfortane to laie six ai bie dairy cova vuthn ton deys. The dises». la called anthrax aud ini very danserous sud contagion,. Sevenal other covi are mfi cted. VERY4.UM a*n declrea that ft udt on- amy to pick up-0n; dti lis lawoeth o t1aiePfin.m larY it . not ttue e«n- cSy to do vit lt voeY Soap; your health du -the40ylv wnovald.he bodiy xcretbun TinsUI7th e pores ofthe s i limethy nad kg oenand they uhdUb. opW d ay wth a poue son. IVOY 8OÀP-wm>& PUR. CENT. PURE. Every, rera soacdier lu Lake Coaty bua nuopportnnlly te axate$200,mye Justict Shativullt, asOklahomna home- eteasd. AUlthaltiaueoeoisay talle a pover at attorey vlth Shstsvsl. «0 vîi tuniah h. blaka,. lir. l8h88»vu1 mesth&# 1h. rîgilI eau thon b. uid for etIeiat $800. Aitlufarmation can b. bal et Sbat.vella. The sov home- aleada as Oklahoma seem t0 ho golug At au earty hear Maslay moruing boieuntvoansd taur, white Mr. Drond.1 bear, oue ai tb. propnielons of the Glan restautrant bad stepped ouItfor a tev maments, Fred Emmenasight coût, like loto lbhecash reglilsr asl*I th. oulîre contente vitb vb.ich ho ah. sSuded. Meue. ra.ladbesî etilmageo theln Ioa vili amaunt ta 141.50 5si4 the expeose, of course01t tallavlug up h. abaconler vho bai lof t harlng sa trace beblul hlm, vyulhoemoiileraly marc. Thia la the mont darlug robbety of the kisd th&& bai occurred la Wookegasi ionrs long lIme and tg bai cauaod a great dual ai comument arossd tavu. Tiie local police ver. Husday re- questud te lok ouItfor Mise Floresce EA.yofniEvaustan, vho t h liolioved bas aliducted lhon uophev Frank, the 13 jean aId ss ot ofr. sud lirs. Jamesj C. Rogers, The vomîu u spiasian. ately tond of the boy and tle couple venu narely separated. ltoceutly lir. Rtogers decidoi ta seudi hies»ou svay go schoot and Jileus lellsved ihatis l].1 magum resnlted'.induc- ing tlie boy ta beave home. Misa Ely lis au accomplhsibed, beautial vumas. The ofilcens coutied nou one auswer- tng the pair' scirption among the bundredi ai vialtors that came ta Wsukegan i ront the surotwîtisg towuî Banday. J. M. Douuelly, ot Chicago, proluofle ion Alexander IB. Revel, said ta yeux reporter Baturday: "Boj tar bave mat- tors progreusolOlat h viii aMy poahtiveiy ltat Alexander Ilevl l a etabllah hiW inrultnre iaolory lu the aid Biarcb Wanks Immudlatcly provIdiug tbe elly wlll gîve hMnvater sud rebat. taxes toi a certain perlId." Mr. Reveil, reoagnized as one ni the lilggest fturnl- tare deaiers lu the vorld, bau ion tbe paît 1ev jeans bouglit bis farullune, but lbas doclded il à@ muc omresastis. tactory ta manufacture it bîmacîf. Teoretore lit asie ta eotabllab hbie iactory. AccordIng taehMn. Douueliy, everythiag la conurututed penîtiug the clty doig il&a part. -The lactory viii have toelie exteniiely eularged," ssid Mr. Donuelly, "sud tbut vill ho doue ai lb. auleet. Prom t1,0lbun- lred te tare. humdred ski led vont mes vîhi bc employeld a ait ioga <et te vorklng voîl, lte farce vîli be even increaul above lIai.' LO 1 OROVE bi oe ouatarNebomau le'igitlcg At bteéie.10r egByV wuhave hll lira. F. SI ta a ot lulpnîvlug a. rapidly ai vagi holked. Tho Evaugelcai charviu beil tain- lerly meetinsa Buday. J. llltzentbsler gat 17 loads of loay tram about six *oreat lad. Un. l'abîmas aud tamly. oi ('li- Caa. vitited boe over Sundaf. J. okeowîlter made a trip ta Chi- caga Mauday te parebas nme more pbotographie supplie. your 'correspondent uotlcad ru. cestly s placard soumethug like tltis. -The vatera ai the townsbip of Vernon are aequsted ga met Bt the- lav hall," etc. Nov If jour corresposdsst nbderatnda hie civii govensmenl cor. rectly hoea" ai e.gisne vît h.boya eialesteut. There la no such political division ai the Townsbip of Vero». for towships are alvajus umbe.d, ual named. A township inaismply a rielof ainad six mille.situea, aur- veyed by gorerumeut offciais for the purpon. ai locatlng rosi eouate. li. no ocelors. The achaul township la saine ai he aboride.cried tovship sud la alacnsumberel. but bai omfiurs ta-vit: Three trusoi and a treesurer, fer sohgool purpoesa uiy. A lown May or May uat bu ObeMmAina stovn. ahlp. isalvayis amud and bainltta te, oor. Ho vs have a t' se of Versas. but nos a tav"p.i -The vay tu gain a gc>ed r.-puatton I.. W endeavoe t. Ille vbat )'OU d.lire ta ep..a. Tbt te eily Il, .emiuer lIvn e ch brti.cousi t ni bas gaud lu rîputaion as a cur,. for ,.oia m. 'aMi, eroUI snd hokia.,oh.Eory bottitbet bas even boues put out ly th" macfeeturws b", been luitiuni to tihui, standard i!eg eol. lance uiaimd tfr IL .l'oopie bave fouud that Il eau alvavs e h.dînd upon ton the rO.l. ied dcure or th.-m ,almi-u)t,, and th&& Iv- In pilaenansd male tulak..For mille tbp1.B. LpvauL.. Ubmrtyviil.: OskAr»LAma PHi-à MAcy: J. uMatn.. t-aune.. REAL ÎESTATS TRAN'SPERM. Puruihbetiby Laite Canuty Ttige A Trust Co. Alitracti aiTiti,. TItles0Guranleed. Mamnnie Temple ltldg. Wsslegsu, DL Louiés J. GÙabitm, Baily. Janîe DasI, et jail0,fi 1. Davsin ici a In mW jr - ~7-44-1l1jo.............OJ,% n Jane liaVIt -t al to Luth 8 Warren «Il i I si qo r nec 7 44-I l ie.. ..... à i0 J W Mlller 10 i Il kg ill.r part lot i Iter, 1tel sddn t,, Butler',. nul, lu Lil.irtyvili.' Wd .. . ..... . . Geo H Mi Cruli & wttLO Kit, Mrkoi loi 11. 12. 1:1. Id. Whi I Hait, r,. nul, o bit 4 13jfrUth.-ll MOIi, Il. HialIW voo vi............. .............. veo J a GrIdler & wf t,, Cham , t.îru e.rti %m jr 5wjr,e iti1'. 4-il wd. it 25 J 8 (idIen & wl t,, ithr)N ll,,lfer M rdrs" r W o ) r t.1v jr 0 16 n-4-Wl11 'Il 15 X B F Itoun.,& y! lu J.,, j Iton,, 11, 21 bit luu,2.l.rWl.............100 4 sinen liAit & w!tU, Jiu, hîeu..c-r lot ln ViIIa,. of Walo,uidî îw.MilI SAi qd ............... .... .......... 1, hMr Lancaster 1.0 John Lauoiat,,r ,013 tu Ise, Kt1, R t) 1. , I lie jr e. -l-If,îc.................,W(0 TrHE HOME GOLD CURE An Ingenlaus Treatment by whlch D)runlcarde are Banir Cureci DalIy Inlignpite 01 Themmieiveo. ,N NOlaIOus Doses. No Weakenîns Or the Nervi.. A Pleasînt and Positive Cure for the Lia uor Habit. r L -ji music Sn Ail 1 Dr. C Office Uou Liber D Off icc 7 to Li P. h ttoc ..iber Dr.I Ph Gur 'i, Sur-- Cbnont GE EVE, I Stli- Diary andlStock Men Attentioni It la now genol,t-Ir townanud îenitooi Don'$lolt the fija vanny the fu ont tit drtnkuic e 18 diîfl-a,,,. n ot rosi- nuos. A lady flibl wviiîh o sud noris ni jour cava vIes jn u R nliene eampieteiy nhatî'reîi Iy p.riojugstOfcou. thora of Ibîl terrible tolai. ion i tew staut bneotfiitaitugIlior,,. reîîjo,Ir auaniot aptlleo «i, etrlrinuanît cents a day by aaing Biptuy's hly ý3aM dtimligosuand dcstroytug thi, Bostoner. Youcatt. iefli eol botter eravîtonurltxx "-ütâ.. Sufi,rer May tuas sud gIre imarc mt. Na ijitlnIg Cure themgeivua et bhume witkoiîtpuhl.1în atli ktdkhng shOh Mtng. They WOUderniî "BOXE TOmLD CUBE"iju i1lti k etesd asuBIMI ai lu visIn. Imué fil s bon vuel'alun teman vY"of inig, relief ta nl yawrmlf 99thei ba ig fad lta a owrtata ileblti h raliai cs1 S of gta diretons a iti D-u-l Uh aslbC wthilgiOta vO ondeulenil lonert uînposittvoly gnarut,,ed jour tac.sud oes? It Cas b. appled oartuîstousia ci.i itr An ie mIuti. Brayr m lO un bordadrinker. Our rouard; phots,1h. Rnons, wfor sale byC. G. BStrs, = =l t*P ratO J hU u to Rockefeller. 4q t! PlI Mo. upnight Mern.S su WvinasCUir vOUa ausuBADS 11 I ULnaaif CUBa rOUa PATHaDICSil1Tht. remedy sla I Sur Cue er eavs. no sensne a nostrunu but Is aaspuIL t[o iis Sur Core erHeaea. îtlaiseul. ana goakilitujiy deviseiiin prened tht kItttaroaghln solubeand If Y1aur hanse buathb boves, talre leasut to tihe tam uaI nthat Itnneiv my wrd fr itthatDr.Lsukap'i ,ndRupoîté4eorcuo4O, sithaut h o n my ~ ~ ~ ~ o yadtahtebt r poion taîl u It. iOugandas oi Hueare Cane vitI cure hum If gives ac. Irunkarîts have ettred thuelnu ve llbi m nleie remedy. sud ias Mairn mre liav, corllug 1 to drcecloss. For satu îy 0. ULes oure1 and !ptade lempuere Men b A. APt'Lvr, Lthonly-ille. $1.25 a bot.- sud elRmatives vtemut h ! ov lie. Tva bailles vitI cure tle wvan at ZIndgeIfoffeor ton, and bleve todai. lth ci.ect., 38-Hptifieeyl ,.d drluklng of thoir ovu néo. 3-8 fZ.11. OUTaiWAIT. IDo sot h.deludusi mby spaent and misjeadhag improvemual... ________________ iiifut .h" dise4su"etaioeceand for auj l wlsh te tnathtully statu' to auoand h huxieel«iv BrOE oaedoiUBlaths tuiasljt readeus af thon" few linenthut runr Kâ i vitulu roaciof erybod nstreatimuuî Dy&peîa Cure l vthoat quuentron the hai effliu10tluutheri Ootig 5 #Mta lai. sud 9 uare aIo îtsibMIbvuvndît7nsaoma useh Pontage. Uil1 conte con btan anuasstandsy Visa br kiled pba Ia o RI e-f h rl 0nor. a Là -T ..BAk Vc e.. I ~,. i 1~ t. ""p., '.4-ni.. F..iu.. uad LI ki iI rMalf Sat FATAL ECONOMY. ans

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