WU * Ohiql VW*S There viii O MkàW 154 ca«e social on Wiilsm a~uwalate ili *ssk Syall e aetaining Frida! *VeIWSg I OI 0' c m aboci611. IIk. chritisai Rue l À g A 00<1ploOus WoIs bs bcs peniii abau b"Dprepured. and a nimber 01 «M b h in lumobg a e n otures ta tiie lne of amusement af od ewn in Michi aJn iii b. given, o0e01 ! vich VIii ho te ,usoM biohmi.a e ait imgumvuS tcertain porions areby *PN»d bie lea geaslm-thir Infat P&hotsh. uppor sud L eitrtaiieftl 50 Erjone OOrdialy -ý,IqlU10number from liere tOOk tbe ivtd ~i et zamtation et Libertyvulle A,the? social event te b. reorded "ýima, ofEvmotil s iuccese. Luti Tuesday evening aboUt S"a veek with friendsansd tony yonng people egathered AS the la thu ace.5 home o!flMr. snd lMr . Henry rabbe ' o uUSof the Lake ouftl Fair and spentt he îvenl gIn Phl * m0m dning the tiret veŽk of vxions gamecunz bu mdlh 4~Il.êSbOSbau been tiiougbt boat viion retroohmýefta ers served cou- ~Open mebool until the !ofloing swsing 01 lesc rcani and cake. Thiun ~ Sq' ebr lii. again cr ou at ansd bol 5iPrOvGd n<s om.5ai neBO tpefor tiieleta1ho royal entorialnera. Iondai svenlng viii b. Dail in ulai weck's iaancthere appoared al IWiUMae it the alais1oa*number of!Items ln this cOlUmn 10 toPrai Every Day" Mievtiioli ver. personal driveS, On. Or ý1 tBrainerd, leader. Ivo o01lbeapselcaubing vsr3 ~*tWedneoda aternO At ithi"batrd focuigaando!cuive li ucor th brde oeccurd the yod- te Uic regniar correspondenit. The 1j4 of KissKatherifle Decke? 1teir. Iesaconoerflifg thecamsipera vere Çbirbes Parker. o! Volo..liearty con- sapsolal! aggreiSiYs asn Do sl- p»alationi are e tended. 1aingi ers stertainje. l tvas parnei iecamping expedition l rvda111 atro eliyulcus ~in lat aîudaYevuifg.Tiie tlime qaslonable Item$ste ho wrlten. bom aut atdae nl h eW.hope Ihas the offended parti« vill vuabot iwenty.elghl, each on. de« place the blamte vhere fi belongia claiiigtha itvasthemos enoyaisth. regfllar correspondent la PerfectlY eviat tbey bld taken Part in for aà t se>~ o Uit hemd n~ nimber oi yesxs. TheY are already nothlig abouaidIes m1king o! vhen and whiere 1he7 Witt Are YOD runnin' for officethigisyear? g0 mXi ommmc?. No, yoti durem001ol'm runnin' th on acecontS o!tethreateniflg F. B. LoVELLiberYle;G110 vee«Il vhieh prevaled ast Sunda R okeeler; aeofLda WILL KARMeo cacinithe t'echo meeting'"vanoitifo ote!s ofDrGCaTldell'& SYru «VeU& ttended as vould have beenfoaboteoDr adslBY> blathUicconditions been lavoriable, Pepatin te Offc thla Indigestion-. Cross Ceeek Lehigh Coal. Worth ten per cent. more than any other hard coal. GomneÉO H WOEValley AND 1ndian lock. »r'9 ScAuCYl E5.rA B Cs «ERS IDS OF IkWAR. GOMBINE CAPAGIT' 10,000 PAIRS DAI] THIS PICTURE SHows RAILRoAD FAcîLîTIEs FoR'SI-iPPING DIRECT FRom FACTORY TO CUSTOMER. le W HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMEYNT 0F I- [NDERSON'S SliOES AT ROCK BOITOM PRICES. Uns li hocu ...................... 81.50, $2,00. 82.50, $2.73 anti $3 l ait. les ........... ........... $ .35, 8. $. 1.50, $1.85 anti $2 Oxsitas O ....d.......................... $ .90, $1.10, $1.33 and $1 SMv and Little (Genta ....................................81.00 go $1 ......s................................... ....... ..... $.35 t0a$1 A fulliline of Childrens' Red School Hou Shoes in Dongola and Box Caif V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - COA De Le & W. is the Best. We lîaîile the hest liraîtî ever iitrodlced ini Lihertyville, vi',: tht- 1). L. & W. Branîd. Order yotîr winter's supply of us low. The lic ucHwill surely advance aâ winter draws near. WRIGHT BROS09 yvilleIlios Illin 01 àUe8Q*V»çaa homne lm #à.ilI <Jr~..ncsO Wauigau, 'lUS ~cn " aa. BInmiuak matde a uaines p i Mr. roer.set cfOregon, la apfeL Igtendlga pI~ r atteWevloin1t7 b Clti>140 Mondai. fev dm a 51111place. luaelb*. lg i Èa oi o h Q ô Okcye snieraie rlt à. E. Olyflch, o! Chicago, spont a The d%à"ce'a telondsPark liturday omOlaoveBuaY î 0v <ay a brs r.csntiy. aigbt Was Vl atiended andi a pieutant Mils Bila Zoilweg, o! Chicago, 'Pen' l r iead lira. Wynkoop viii soon Umne WU hq.. Bnnday viit fIrian"aboe. movc bock ta0 <auconda, Unr. X, Zimmer and son, of Mlwau- Bath games O! bail acediihid for hasi lit.Litblildo! Lhoryvlloitde kos, have biSaitUicguesttao!fira. B. T. Bunley vere ihclared v'ltii 5coott Vancouda a ahort vieil; -iaitveekl. F00 u!aiiltePSve. >îrn B. B. Hammonad, o! Chicago, vas a&11ev. Jackson, of Diaindt Lake, vililTe Misses Kater, of itiLttiýgO, ire Wauconda visitelr unday and Monday preacb ai the Ralit! 0ev ciurct next spoudîug s 10w weel iotwl thütttlLtV. Prcd Haviey, o! Brrington, canghl lbod4y fdilRlDfli 11(10a.cole. Eey teiv a 14J pouati picierai the ilirai o! the bd odsi uvtd1 Oi.Miss;Anus Weber, O! Chicago' 18 Veni. MT. Be5êi andi fantthy expiit 10 apeudling flitc teek wltti lier unciit, lir. A (i lbyes ati on otwan nove taDliclned titis ful were [bey Johin Maisetaider. Mirs A.0. lavns nd onof an-have rcnted a trni.We aresorr<tOiT 10 lIace Uos eutertiiltiher cO011till, tic<anl, vara Waaconda visitonts lent bave theni Icave lia, hbut wfsh tuent Aguets Meirbtit, front 1iligîtant ItaIX aek ucceasilu their ne t om.Satunday anti hnday. lira. C. B. Wel5 la visiting Dr. and tMr.and 11,s. B. L. Tripli and Mtr. and Mtrs. flcrgert and dauglitel, lira. L. E. ilughsaaet Dizon t prenant dagtten vttued home latThuraday Corn, of Chicago, %vore tue guthtH u1 vrila. trainihir vieil vital J. .Richards Mr. and trs.fil. Futtiti. Nov la the lime te have yourpitttre !amliy ah icir stiulmerhume at Laie i galon. Spacial picea On Cabinets IKagous&, Win., aud relatives ln Jates-r Alitert Wulftbas a severe nltack o! rnenion veei. WAIICOND STUDIO. ville. rtntlitt tandti lat.'ttiiied ilu th y lerembortShc Boldicnars"dBallots' The ice creani social tat vas given bouse moitI0o!tuc tinte. à uanion vhicit viii h. beltibo. etrecenly ai Mrtels ari for te [os.e- mirssEmiln Weber of lDataion, W18.. 0veek. Prooinent speakers bave been lit o!fte churcb vas a tîtecesa aocially and Stellta Irut.geîiiaitii.Oft! ltit!g(t, aeugaged fur the. occuseoti. The tic- and I lasuctity. i'iwenty dollars vas spent i few dtisttemJoui V'e'k villi Her Hou nd hu i viiiuraftuk tmusic. takten lunltai&cveuing tandifourteen titeir couint, à.'alelilettvir. Meua. amth and Havicy andi dollars cieatred. The Misses-.(;race Wash sud Rose lunUiles, a! Barrlngioh, vho have beeu Thte comniuie bave iten u iîîy aI Qntliy, 0< tcap. h at , <ce j aeuding aanmher o! veeosaitTvin vork lotrte pliiie to h' gvert ln vigittg aIt Ni. Carey'mthlto ,st[t Laurel raturmaithome theo liraS a! ibis RertelaPark <tbim, Frldt'y [<Y enIl veka, returueti home 8inudîy; bavin g r eai. Camp M. W. A. Nuti.:1, Everyone la ad a mofit dtelitgutui tinut> viilo l ' ro. p ThelM. W. A. pieutc vas aitended invite ta h coma and cîjoy teitcseiVes, Thte bail gants"o ei!îrnn u' hy the largest crovdeveir in tht. Place. afteracOn1 andi eveuàiitg. 04&Y arc: itliî<lm Brick Co. vsabassu- Bonalor Motiouand the Waulkegau ChamberlainsCoi navî.li , toi Oar-cdaies, l'rom (tCLC890tandt Shei.rmer. oquarett varaprenant and entertalbieti rhoe'&tloitdt ha% i a IsîI vi lo ,îtlatiutvilles vsalHighlantd l'arks.Vil;. gaules lb. audience.or1liv.cDrnaonIsud tir. faits sudj'< 'i ' un te tome groiîttis. aittsafe te laie. Fo, ,-1. 1 P . Bovrii.. Orvis alto 100k part ln the prognani. Ltcertrvilie-. GaAxsî Att.i'tt1AiiILAtY: J(ts tr. i atit!('i'tfl.ckn 'The Wauconda M. W. A. &ureli Nii liuistI viW. t est aud qIltie&Uilit rom et toi it'y t ty, everything la hein paver ta make ltse puretiaseti an serti o! land frotnt L. Volii1'. p> plieueaanid aicoeS aud ve arc sure PRAIRIE VIEW. tueur &ue înstltutinandi has e.rcttdla tbey esuocded. oon't !arget tte Woodmeîi pienute10tautinti' cottage titereti vtich tsiti' te belidi Hertelsml'art, Friay, Auig. ntonds lu malie lberfuture tonte. A Cure for Ch ierIfantat. î3rmi. lu ihonorerf MIssMarte lSet tumactet', -LasI My'gay srMmia'Cam#§s Baker. o! John, looi out for <bit becs vite n 01 o!Vaiparai, Um.,it).Oela veiim Boklwalter. 0hio *an infant ehid e! Our go bue uituinguatit for lices bave !icuds irtr.(tî.ltikgv nolghhor's vas suf!rina rnm choiera huran- ladon i 'dc lue iua tain. Ttc doctor tadj ivea un ahi topes e!i tingers. haîam i mic lue tits trelever?. tLtnon a tbolle e! Chamberlain.' Conradtisater, of Chic'ag,rame ont evcnlug, Anguit 1141, fle rotut e l' CuIe Choiera snd Daurhoea Red at etht apndv prpetitcei Att eltie dectîrateti for,?te oteai- houas. tell[" temnt 1eil aura It WeuîId 10Bntitc edàmekwt eltvsaloi jhoeY aOtwre r n .outftin ac ceording todlr.,titîa. live suad friande bere. Mr$u. Magns ytreai' isswes fr.ald lay' tinet lb elitd aifui1>' roeverel. anti r@ Mn. to Cicg. nxPu- c iaria leitr, oM ise latti ....~h ara? hec avieras ira. Mj.gl lb !ie ato. ispc. ict. 'l rsMohiot! iiiog0 hi gil.1have rteemmeultd titis Igaveliltielhigte.tr .ilhda I)icîk, IMesitra. Eugt'ite ' oi rametir freutnthy av< 1-)cneyer kauva O.Richards ant fi amly.i. atU'.Dekauîlhur Itte fati lunraIs s1le In ?o..Vr sale hl F. B. Los La. Lit'tdle RSyi4L iselaiCaille (intzier. o! Northi Northt- intreati. P'AsauACT: JOHNs MUXI nube'. ufid, hmbasen vlsitîtg lter iter, Mrp. Telime to tt'hie Si, rierviI' volh M. Kuedici the pamt veek. uleer tire îit'partmt at ,îlSatroriY LAKE ZURICH. lit. Bariieti, o! Autitchu. l4 engaguti vas a grand tccs, aud tltîtugt tte Ctnrch piaule nemi liatnrday. ta leach aur situifor tut' ttuittig veatiter swa$very Ihrt'atltg i tg il d tee reai ad cndis a E.Fraka.terni. lichool vili i>,'gin tpteubs'r tnot ici te trovd away aud no'tttîtî laceninBandlu odeu a busriness î2nd.thoulgitî O!going torut, uti lite vie HerSrlp o C ig Wdmadea. lifé r. andi lra. J. ichards enlertained tflliul heurs o!fnoruuttg. r'h, te puati tripgo Cicao Wenesdytira. Carpenter adittir. antd lira.luinte a!tettooii as vi'ry tiiriitlg lilas P0g01s, O! Chicago, la visihing Bidennairtanudson Kari snd danglitter aud filwaaindeeti a ery stiking vitit li.,and tiir. Oto nige. Alice on linaday. aIl o! Pariklitige. appearauce' tiat tuet' ttyt proertei Frani iloney shippeti a calosti of iteAiirliytitt -m thvît teir [lue 'shirtsa li rtîhaallit stock trainibore Weindal. fotnue ta bave hbi ug toc on Ilus rîgit thcaps s fnt ted a ou t-v e etit Joa Wilinor sud friend. o! Chica.go, foot terrlbly crusted b[y standlug on Ulsarn alia.iîfit u 1 e voire vsiting vitit frientia boesoierte rear cund o! a bicycle, is toc beingItm Bundai. caugiti lathe etain. Docltr allovay wiltmmgitlbave nî'sulisl<Zlitusaeionst If in neeti of a phov euton1Henni va sosnt lot, sud Artur tanow geltiug accidenltitappeulti ais (-ttit! tgiti. Htiman. lis sella te Doure tov, the along as vsii SAseaulite exelet. ta M't. Erueger ant fi auily, 4 Iigtt- test ou thc maket. uinsofa couet ior -rouptî, iN'. t1ii' ittie land Park. ie vas abottt"forntut matie a ee()ne Minute (jtttli Cu-. Thii , it <or a 09 eonlng rtu tt-e optjogite Wm. Bicinaso and liet Seip m s asti lave neo!î'ar. Th- ,ii i ii lteaildirection, jîîtst O fiole tlg Ibrtdge trip ta Buffalo Grave anti Diamond rlgtthuaiitthe vhli'. in','fIi'Ii.aa&ta tsî lc hretern nvr Laie WedaëesdY. ta taie, awaa satf' ,îeur titi host lu- lu ov iace wtercthe brtotofsflic stantaeuountu ff-ct or -t,tl'yF. B. tlgt,tcdiane1ltebtntt!ie A gondi many o! our people altended LovELL. Litiestrviilt-. Ilichi on citten aide tiing about tll ltse Lake Count! M. W. A. pientc ai lest. Mn. Kruger Dot tmiDg avare al Wancoada tst wvec Tiursday. Thcy DIAMOND LAKE. ttc fiel tarneet IalutIle 10 fkr and ail report a gond lime. Rev M. E. Dix, o! LibertyviUe, vîilIt belug vcry dlan tuctttrmO. ai-o vas Wmn. Hognanvent ta Joiet Tueaday, prnacta& Diainonti Laie(. Sintay aI minabîle 10 sec te dongf-r aitd jlonuge 1 iooking for mca for ttc Conunmer'a 2:30. Aften tbe service lMr. Dvim i belidhotg the tcstecht inclinei, te [ce Co. Thinleen meuvwent unas tîrke performiltebaptismal tervice UItte buggy !ttloviug anti ail ilte'ccunt, t tte tce bouse Mioude'. laie. five lu nntlientrovul onI. l'bt ne- The Lake Zurich S. Petrns Coupre- Thes ladies of lhe iiîamnî Laie One vas ilihetila miracuhita. tir. gallon viliigive Ils irgt picute t aikDai metery An<>dfaiouu viii itîtdîtiim Keut-gi', vho vas tiiug fell nudet Park, Lake Zurich, Battrday, Aig. 2itit. Dt meeting viti lira. il. A. Ililia, ti' ambnggi ite ti la ir s tug - Everybodi conte andi belp maie thit m Tturaday, Ang. 29th, ut 2 p. in. Thiim i a ibyhr iI(evsoi grand satetsa. meeting yl (tecitelti a week carier ROiu'o e ytndttuug ladis ant tali than usD5 asu te tirat Iiursday lu o fteyuglde utle LONG GROVE. heptexsber faits on fair day. wspra it shnider li' litat cthora Somthing Dcv lte ains eoming. iteen a railiug ttr lamp po4t lucre,thilsa tir.Houe ts hal nc r Io cvs.PALATIN E. e'ldcut wî,îîlî netthavé oco' cd, christ G(tcz tasreuted tthfisas Wc arc venv sonry to say Mirn. Ah. lhiteri'poait tlmi'-ett' afgîate a Beese larin. saillilies ai ttc Point o!ftralt. (darit. es1îociaily «frrtmîvotit ssii,,io t lir. Qauetin tain te City nndengohtg tir. satt lins, Latter and -11, ito! acliîtaiti vitî lte road. medicail rearutt. Elgin, are si.itiug te? taureitm, lit. andti irott oýi.tI ' tts. ~' -cal 1 .-.tf ti rs, sllitetertaineti Compauy lira. C. Pl 'or.i.titis wt.K. iiîi' î .tbl'yv'1 i ry traintChicago SuitdaY. lIlas May hwain, Witivihiî,d iter' tj Oto Crîl ihiii l WalaceeRtizentbaier la poing vltcnîiMs i teîitig n'unColo t~' '2Wtt F ',r -, t> FIl. J. ltempelR tlresiiing machine, bier tome iii i(Iicago Siiuthay cvt.uiitg. Lsi.tleîvI' Ttc ttrestiug samon le atout ovor. tirs. Fay, ofililn, a formter eîdent I Compared viit otte? places agIs have of Palatite ied reeently. Qer ne-U.RI.L yieldeti a tainr<rop lttis nvitlinity. mains vere irittt heu fr ittritti, Miss e iuti' i ttr je.t siiîn Bide ~sîday Aug1it 18,1. Chictgo. 11 eMrý. 8. Il. Allip tofniJohtoi- Itt , ' , 0ur itl-i' guiLv.,st crangi-dt t',lii itit lira. ilitffy sas t i,îiîtg in Cticatht vihi te eceiveti for a remedy tuaI iJecroui'. Ti. tors Raidi slt"tl' 11%-i 'titis vecit. equal 10 Dr. Cadwvell's yrnp Pept-iti.Mu it ,tthjure tte stI'1-Y F.'. rs. C. t' lliiimb ît ltîltrtn For partlcuhars «i F. B. utEL ORL Llrtvlea Franits, iii. Lîbertyvîlie; UGo. C. RoBEnTs, Wan- M'a C. J. HobvasU4a Chicago si'itor couda; WLL KNIieeE, Rockcfeiier; GLENVIEW Ivo tisys tant veci. OSATSLAKE PHARMsACv. lir. N. ILL,îîPlla hulditig a îev tins. Landiau and i tîgtter i'i,t ve granari. gotue 10 Madison, Wtis- EV E R ET. Wi art' gladt heuitr fiitI ra. Neyent.of I r o! YOuîtg p o'1.' at tîtittit Born, to lir. andi tra. Joe. îîausoni, Wiiiam in la iititg. ituNapterv lAitcampttmetinîg sîtuisy. 1.00 a mon. 11~iev. 8amnel NiepIitrti, 0 itMri,îh i. adlti tra M. hiei grhave 3.005 Son. Oomyl ilig IîuIsowa, apentîa fev tours vistiiîg triuda gene ta BitYLLo [<y vayofl hie gr t 2.5 in Cony nviitngfransanti relatives httr enet yak. laites' J.s abou ercîl. e o i.L Ln Abert Weitrs anti Louisblieyer itave lin. Bolw ucshieru a8 asitîli liete h 7 BnEro npeo! il. k Lîntbain',returnedte utthiinhbmes alter atend- Thirmday a!leniioon ait,! ev. l'taisteil '.00 viiisailifor Erp nStra. ing sevenîi eeksa u tche BtaitEx- oftet. lilas torchta Kennedy, o! Chicago, positiont Mrn. ttitteliiton'g ist ier, lira. F. ,Se ta vlitiag ber saut, tirs. OConnor. Laot wvicitFriiay sa ttîtily front Peterson. o!ofrt. Loutislm a eta. liitig lilasJulia Loonici anti Donald Chicagoinioveti It thtc lrht fliaItoft! iis vec. Me Donald are viatin g ai Davnson'a. Bortardla itousoe. Wotinis9 Toti'!lusfltc tti1t1Y WS. IRei, sbrother o!flira, G. Ttc bridige nearintii' erman posseamor otf a lion t$3500lt (ritacent Huanilorti, Ia very 111 aet is home lu Ltterai t ci tcb tas nccctly hecu bicycle PitrehIlacil tofC. IL Steliian coitivaten, Muet. nepaireti. Il tas long been ucede ilu, îts a dandy. and vas nuss!e in ils conditiont. F. C. Biederstedi t and faîitiy vitre Rd. Tare la napitiui recoverlag runt J. K. flood andti vIe came 1, o theasantly aurprîsiet ,tttirdtty ulhitl aiS v aore atie 10ofte sounfoad. Clou atnrday, anti returnedti 10Ch- bY aviait front ibtAn Cousins o!ftîolt- OIS ili cton haablete h &rond. enga uldy, taklag their etiidlren, cru Illuols. lin, andi trs. Creigitoananti bithie ho tave Iteau esaiug viitt tem Misa Kutiai itortatuml b er Satjat - Mise rAghton andtinUsDaiyBradlhey, oncle, C. Bleet. home wlh thIem. ctuol obusal uta avu Party lasI i ridai o! Chicago, speai Bandai vith Mri. Fanera mueIt le CareIfil o! tuair venIug. A mont seul'abli lime 18 andi trs. M. Tare, torses. Ncarhy every torse arounti"roriti.Mias Ida Enai rendeneti a Aboult orty a! aur young people te country ins aci. Vegehta gare faiv aclectIous on uie piano. * aiuierod at the, home o!flir, andi lra. tnlnglng a gondi price îtow lute ciîy Hotue O!ftic muitI po1ilttnr yoliug * Davion, liond.iy eoelng. Munie andi market, tut ntsny farniens arc nusale ladies itf otîlbu attendet ic ie utI gae gu w ero latiatged la iiiMmIbeves t0 haut tuait vegetabic@awaay, bieausi t3Sienruorvifle at aurday itigit. Ail * am'boute..Whou, aller rc!rcuimenla, o! the dusease amuong thei torses, vent veil untilti tey starleil home, NUdepariei for tea hoUUi, aller vhcn titeir nag gave out andt iey bai LAURA JANE JEEXIN . torses ta vauder too, near a titet, o.0 . 0 iw l i ,l re,, A rt . ': I Mc 8 anti@Laste vagon ipped ovmr Louis eoi," iit tnttion t ttili 1 ,,it WHEELING. tellh naetio ee n d rttc lftjlti oeuttreiy oe" f ttni, l v-,in- J. ritch as eauentrtataig m a ear ttc lbov. His art la e at tint. i r..enimntlthot. 14 tl 't F.BI. Cop. luhtste nmranigprellentinlua bati Condition; but ve ahi LOvzLi. Litent>' siii'. Biedlagn &Pre ve. hts.tla luhope I i itcoaoont &al ttght. tIts vclnîy iti vci.TheCanegal0l5lBDn5y ctotiAPmIrAKtISzIC OF THE LAKE UOUNIY AGRICULTURAL SCFY SPt. 3= 4=5=6 19010 IT WIL BE T-HE Girea test- Granides t A -Best Pair ever held in Lake County. EXHIBITS ili excel ini ev'<ry l-1iirtiniti ~ElU55~5U~this year itiflesta it 1>.- iii agri- c utlt uiral prod uicts, as roiàseq uiellt up ot i t e rt-cent drouglt this departneîît nay iiot lit- juite iii) to the îtsual lîigh étaîidard, bit yet liotîll le goo<l. More stalis for exhibition i înrlîuses ave lîceli eigage-d to date, tlian ev'îr litfor.- at sti early a l)eriixI, and tiue live, stock exihbits wilI tw sleîîdîd, as ini fat w-I ail exIii)jtm witli the possible exce-ptioniî îoted. 1>0:5 I.Special Ueature.s.* OnWedlies<lay, 'lî;îrsiay atel lriiîlay :itt- I o s îi îî' c ira ha ll o i su t"e îi îi Ind îiara ciîllte 4 ruî1. NMis~s ('be eliiouisttt i-ienaf<it e- gagefl ;îidî lier f<o.Its of la.4 x ei :Ir - -ic'es.fîil A P o>îlo l 'oiîy lZ avie lî\ îiê'i lî'î - <if t h e O nli- w e îît .ia (C l u b. îf, L .k e 1<îr-vst. %, ill ta k t îPla c'e , priIîally ont 'I'liiirsil;ty aitui'ioiilî Th'iêre ill lic a tlirvoe iijelvictycleirace for a1 $17) gold Ul tiiaI <lin 1<>ail îiders. A piirse f ý75 wilIl h.- awariletue hohase-baill imies wiilg ov'er ail cmnujtitors at the- fair Eîitry fee of $5 tÀ)Ii)b ad<h-d tii the lPir i. 'rse- tii 1iW ivdu 40 andil o. Thlrt-e goiî<I lra.ss biandts lia', e lieeiî 'îî aged- tie Li1ertyv'il1e, lliglwoiîîl andi Barriîîgtoîî. -.Speed Proglramnme.. Tlh e s p e-it p iog i di i sii vu t ejt t-ver arraiigegIi and i n îg to t fli tuit Lake Coiiimty is tlis year ini tlht' Itter-State Fair Circuit, tlhe races will 'fil)" witli a lietter anîd speedier c'lams of liorses tliaîî have ever started ini titis roiuiîty.0 Wednesday, September 4. No. I :5Clamé;'1Trotting ............e2 ) 0 No. -1-3:00 Class Trotting ............1200 00 No. 3 -2:20> lss Paciig ............. 250 00 Thursdas'. September 5. No. 4 -2:30 ) Claks "rottiîîg ............ $225 (00 No. r-Free-Fir-AII Paciîg ........... . 0 (> No. 'i ()î- afmile Ruiuîiîg 2 in: .i . r 1 0 0 No. l :<>"rot, for Lake Coîtuîty offly 100 00 Friday, September 6. No. s :5Clams PIae .............. 1.225 00. No. i)-Free-For-A ll Trottinig......... '300 (>0 No. 1(-1-:4>)Class Trottitig ............ .20 00 No. li Thnee-qtuartei' mile ilash....... 1 ()() o Ail ini ail It's going to bc a grand fair.' .Special train servie from Waukegan and Barrington on the E. J. & E and from Walworth, Wis., on the C. Il. & St. p. h.,s been atraiiged for. Time table wil be published next week. A rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip ta ail points withln ioo milles wIll be gîven Vol r 'i IL