Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Sep 1901, p. 1

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ýJf2 Vol. IX. No. 48. 4 ,ifltlit a-ri- 111) ta) at ait w ill r -~ I ~I i'~*i ~s,1 IL~~' b b b L...... MrM. lollander, of !ivago, liam taken charge i -11-crîr t îîîg di.prtmfeili, :mil w.' au arsure dilof oui .)it uîîroomiers and 011. ro- rti'. neI'w <>fl*A thlat tuie vbelA4 of trelatrneiit wlil be a ,d' thein. We will nvi-1aîy and ail C'ompe- titioîî .1;,,,io)wlltely gîaralit." eati I ti'xbth in fit an'l (îj1i:iity. A ispefdl(flasrt- Iult (,f (jenitm' til-tA>(Ate N-ek- wear and 1?rili gîo iggeîi-ral ly. A WguII ~Dr. E. H. Smith, 1DENTIST. Are thse best and ln tne long run U)ffico ovor LakeC.ouflty Bank thse cheapest. -I 2 . ' 1t-,à , . DAILY Lihertyville. [ILI Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTOQRNEY AT LAW. liepsirlug dolleIn t~ire' tinap-.LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS. * ueuly prepared top Ilr(,,fillig Iil " thatnmales oid wakm ,itarly as gmsal asnew. 2 .c4 &marnprepar1-i t, bli l'Portland cernent eIdewaIk'. ouT r gi tteýTs. LI NCOLN LU SKI Prlces atways Reasonable. AUCTIONEER. Rollins -Illinois. WIV. BELL. W Il.Ii ,.0tlnilatiug uiukiiDg a 8I ROOM 2 îialli armoitu 'r il 1 ms aud 1 wl ilgua Mc BRIDE BLOCK Elginn oui,,- ,ti.facti',u. u--m- i tiit~i~ ai- 5N~ COIJNTY LibertYvile, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, September 6, 1901. ELECTRIC ROÀLD IS ASSIJREDI Itumlenge AisEOdilîsFuir. At a meeting of thse ai.' presîieuts o! tUe Dui'sge Oouty tgrleuittirl Vice l'reesident Fromt Confer' Iîolety, lat ueok 18 vai. icdud toi Witt' 11,11ertyville Bourd. reseud tise action o! a fi.rîner meeting sud not lodt a faif this yîar. A feu Vice residnt Font c the hic o uths go tie ins art l'ail wunstruet àilusuken Eloctrie liailway Comipany ylgiunadbre ttegon, wltU Clvil Engiter Powers confus-ted sud as tUe assocIatIOn is ui,tiot funda wîtbj the Libertyvilie village board it ta bard te concelve %a vt undl means i'ueiay afiernoon wtb a vîew to te previde suitlable blitlil Iîîgs for the îletrmuiniIf a frauchilse woulti e liousýicg of exhîbits graiited tUat comîpany alongilw uiaukee fer'sovfai yuibom ao,!i r t er ouîy Ar,.- fronthe <)borne tfanuoth to o eea yasadI, orol tUe Si. Paul depet lu event they built a 25 cents ou thse dollatriiitid ho paiti M)111 Or extension o! their lake shore OU trieruums. wîistht.. Ituruig of huie te Lîbiertyvîlle. Aftnr the ctou- tUe lueo art ialiSine tIii, amt strsu te ferce t -eamse groenthtaiail iletals break thc carels bock itîl fort'clogure lisd eun satisfuctorllly arrangeti, andi rocoeeîings viii nov ii.îiiîîutedly ne Nir. Frost wlli bave prepsmnd s trou- intituteti abd tise ground-isevert baek ulîlse coverlng the terme suggeNtet to the originil owDU'5. endîl lâtNn ame ut theîneuct botantdery~I Nce meeting. X etyFia u esé îteplying tea jU-smtlou ýM ron, 'hoUe bcHenry oanty Fair, wvici iOtoutUt you are iuforrnnd nu viat ocetîrmet lent wemk, vaa greatsuoeefl. cOnlîtlOuswvu viii grant a frachise, tllituaclaliy as WOUlai fsmoanvnry olluer viii you may ubetlier or net the oati ,tandlmelut. Thse oihibîtm lu ail do- ilîl bu buulit," cie replieid: parimeuts veto tuusetie, the nouai Yenusl, un vili biuldttUe ronit. We sPace aloeiinlu my inIanees belng have for tue years conalderedti Ua tirely inadoqUaééte iil yesm. Tise mattur. Nov un are reaciy te set, races unro exooMblu, but net botter lise grade uill liecenipleteti thihafai tliau these o! thb WOk prontîse te ha sud railse laid sud eperaîlen ceru- et tUe Lake Coulniy fain. meuceti lu lUne te score for us the iot CunsFir buentlit o! ce!! annmers 8trahie' l-. oi..euot testFair Concessions anratestifdtUe vOlagtrare servic.e have boen gTuue yts a franîchilsewitb Do tîru.- limit. the n ýr - - priviege ta ocumisriet and matuitain railroatis for tise Walwarih (Jonn1ty Fair, te lie bselli ai Bîki'tu, Sept. 17- for&be present a stngle ttack rost'2.i, pe rgadl(,clmta 1b aud lter if coodittieus warrant toa '*Tt pe igEn 0el bta add suother fair- lu the cireuit. Exhibitions I The compauy .111 at ail trnes keep escis day by tise lilcktt taulY. Plan h their road lied iii conditionu ttî show cf to go a <ay or tWO. t tearus eronsiug ai MuT point andudnie(I gi-dur ralils. An iourly service loto bc Feed te b isil. providedt i n a car arriving su d The f uture priat e u, (ots, sud leavlug every hour. other amail produlct@iq i.o u an .lrn- As te grade, ituil l bunecessary te portant question for dairy farmens to niodurate eue or tue sharp inclines ou conider. for thse Ume fui eiig thleir Mluaukee avenue but Shoee seno rnlk produit far tielit six mouitlap "eute' or "Iils' of any lmportan3n. ulli won coude. saalnithte prneu of! Qurstiîtnd as te bis abJect lu baili.i- 11k Ou 5)?00ut prleh iOf ProductS ' Iug a spur to Libertyville, Mr. Front wicb average &bout ou@ relit a pounti, nid: it wold cost *bout AS"te produce 1 "Ai proenut unhave no anitabie pic- l1ti pounda of .11k as ih talles oeeandV nie grounddd along unrUe for Chicago one hall pounde of short fend to pro-0 exloursionfitta. We wiii ntabfliai snob tduce onu pound o! me troni the bout ( a grouudB or park prohably along the cews.r batik of the river. Furtiier un are lu- The foiboggwlitgu$m wsli give su ternsted lu sncurlug the locatiou Of a Idea what I vili coatt,, jroduce relit; sanitamrlu t nomen point near thse the oorng g15550». lie, grain market fanions sulphur sîtringa. We botieve bas already beeu bigbnr lis yes tisa» thig; is vibe acconupliuhiet. Thon as a inu 1890vuise» cor» oitifor 60 cente in tender for eut main fiue thîs spur will Augusi, being Jest s bgh tn Januamy iu tme prove a good source of revenue. and gettlug in thin thte neit sprlng. Furti« e vo utlie be bleti bu mecure At thse eti of tise crop year the oit au uuitittnd supply of good grave!lTor situation la like Iie clu ai 55 cents. oui varionus road-beds by coring to At these prions mut wli coet the pro- Libertyville, sud wu111 open gravni ducer $1.85 perthîîtiired pounda whicb Itets ou Out oun landi. lu fact, witb la the lilgiesi ptlîa pald sioce 18w) artiticlal .Ievelopmenut and the natural vUe» nlk seit for $1.80 ai the restources tUbi compauy eau sud wil cmeamerien. To ï,-ii oilk for insu juan kle madt ît aY. O! course lutOe unlfteau lie produced i asiiiprobabiy cause hlopta t extenti Our fine further wesi, a mtik famine, f,r farmers wiii net andmillIiio 5mauttunever we becerne producenmilt at a riva Ex. cuvitieet aîiicieut traffit- eau Ite oh- talUtaI t'. warantIL."tGainie S,aîttl (Spel. I licextensuioîn as alittn by a profle Tise gaule seasoili poneti Suntiay nxLbiite'-.i y Engineer V'ouerâ, staris sud froni noo, agi hîlîl Aprîl linaiers jîlat esntof L! ake Bluff depot, crosses eue bunt ail kî 1 gagne exeltiiug tUe Sortiwestemn tond aud cotinues qui. j.aioug liuefoncen trougli the vootis te iloctlauti rond Thon along nertît Your Subt-îtiiptiofl ide of ltockla aud out tOsborne fat, May lie palul at trhe Fir. 'l'le INDE- tlience tat Milwaukeet Ave ,a Il on privateisîsPENENTuil ciialtilU cadiliarters - ritglt-cf-way. Itfi illieb uecnssatY te on tise gtouutis,i Thursday sud move several builings, eiences anti Frlday aiterneOus m lilibe a geod barngs, faeiug on itoeklaud load te se- epportluulty firr iitîrîril>ergît ta afor cure tis riglbt-of.uay, sud thîs the iheir pape,. colupauly uili of course de aitisheir ovu We have a large i. îiiber o! patron. expeose, beities payînig for the iGO lent Il bas nover ben oiiir pmasure tu nmuet. e! landti tey take, sdjolicg sud er- We vaut to know y.... sud iueldeuialy teudiug &long tUe Iiîghway. vill lie pînasei tý ,liange a recelpt le Members of tUe vilage board senemeti for arnouttcf youir tubecrption se r- ta. cousider Mir. Fsot proposition fav. ceui. P ttabiy andti ere soeem no doubi but aà al anti sec ii. - atitfoet,,ry fraceai wll ho granteti. SEVEI Al N evg Couur specti jgood1 * Wli to-n ig lu the r The broke frorn Th(! trot,c fast i it vil j fi th es la ENTY-FIVE BORSES ENTERED Classem sF111 Excelît Frac- f.îr nil Tu-ot. ver la the iitory of tUe iLake ly Agrlenltu-ui Societty humau tpregrarla attracieti au many ot ai. i ornes as that o! Ibis year. bn theu nnug race ctArles close igUt rWedueaday nigbt i is ekiti- Id 75 herses viti bave liceli ,etecni se varions classes, a Ag lisit. iy are gotul nues toi,. I lie pacluîg trotting tract reerrdm Witti le :eu this ycar, il we arc e tîtîge prndlctleus of! hosaumen. re managenînut viilstiiustîttte ;fer race in plste of the trev for-9su eue -uhiîth Wittli l], sud l ut amu a clas apossible te get cuttries. 111 bn a goed race. nut v thy gooti, auin enpatîiar èe). ery gog antlnsme parpeuiarei ril anti thse attie stalle veil fillet. About tise grounds liqtise nui cu of tumnîtous activity. Fakirs are thee rying ibeir wanes, ail kinvîs of @ands are rnng, anti amaillahoya, to mly notilg o! the freaks anti uarioaities nxiuibiteti. TUe '-barkers' ealing attention toecdi moët wender!») ln lisewvend- ariesity or hou, atit t the genetai din. tuetil Il la impoable te -beat oneseif ihluk." The Blmont siaters. vlio lait year made inchsuaccessfui sacenslouiare tors tisi ysar and nothing Interesa the coaut moreotisan to ulinnas the iuge balloon tise until s more speck lu the beavens st visicb time one et tUe sie- grs decentsin l a parachute. Tis tarlng test aiwaya tlirilii a crtivd-lt *"nme lIte coungdeath. Thnrsday and Friday tprsomise t'.bc, ecord breakers, ln then ay o! attend- suce, it beiug freeiy predieteti 10,000S people wl viiiit tUe loir thour tue day. WieednaCo ait Arek Chide!Mu uspeoray oy ati CityChei i iabe, or GobicandeCiynemi 9 an Dis lils, os-Chicagallons, shipp19iosri 01hisgo ovr t8hogalons Cpen ta moiagd Bve thcaWaconsîin er Urosit maent ona ti unteifovr utemaiulnteen lount ite fo aordin te tUe sfulysi ouie sollih. heaayteo h Tie Insvm hipt oc ets farherana wbrsa agbol ataciti te nahi, uas-ed -"eontined." Wab»nwomee alit wvascotudemned anti number o! cous ecihbatil returueti vers- J. H. Wirtz, lRockefeller, Ill., Olve. Cooicy, Wheelig, I., livut. M. Webb, Lake Villa, Mi., tUs-ce., W', H. Heinseni, Prairie t'icu. lii H. Soehimming, Hnim, Ill., tbrue A. Quederfeîti, Lake Villa, MI., oine. The tlinory o! mut being diliuted lin transitafitr eiiiui iantities bave been rmroveti frein severai (canaslias often been advaucedi by formera, anti uhetem the seeueatî,îî18 larssrauteti la isard te tietermiue. lu auY even'., the shilpuma lun quesition sioutîY tmain- tain tUe miUt coudemnetisas neot duluteti by tien anti vas the pute Whfle il u possiblente arin if raillâtisadîlutet i utis uter, the pro- censa IR ncusr ,,y a iodions une. sud that thuee 19 cea. ere labledtiueu atet se hety a test la a matter et citieism by the ahippers affecteti. -Waternti rnik la sornetblug 11et to bu telerateti, but before ther produet la coudemundtihte farinera are en- titiedti t a moat tliorougb sud cars-fi iiiviitigation. Dr. Charles Galloway. OfE D i trie rouir wil do mure to develop Tire liena n puttîîîg chernical o1uRa ltarriugtou wwu visited by a wiud Offceoer oviliDrU Sorû~ AL H . U ifllu Libertyvilin iban auY of the coller pro- wart wbenu vryiî'ijy knows that the aud tain storm T'hursoday nigluttest PIANOS 0O10ANS jectitealiznd or autiipated. Iltassures selentille way tu r, nî.,)vO Watts a 10to wnwlbddc ltbedmg HOVU8IPUOX 1 T03t ANI, T-. lOU. TUNED As. CLIEA NEO a suocensaful future for OurttOWfl. îouch theni witil tiue gizzard of a Fences were blown dowu, treesi up- Lieryvle. - lln is EGULATEO * REPAINEO 'llie mahagtatedou ltecil.uof o!chicken and tien i. irothe ebieken ai roated sud oui buildings uuroofed. tUe ilwakeeElt-t.rc *rad i lhe laI band eoa-r , the grave of a Lilhtig at miiduigbt truck. tie .AGENTIFOR ...Cheago line, thus affordiug facilitin eiiiin aîg *îk oepie sto hMt oriti<oPaiCUethe Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Shoninger and Schaefer Pianos. for goba round tue s'p wili tUe» corneitre; ialo lit. aud datrouyMe ttetprtiopa ubov tU Offceovr Tigs Tylo' . ibetYilEt - - Illinois. neua siemactîî-l ,Iltertyvillfi as the beîîry. l'lie hit tore through tthe O-Ic oerTH115&Tylrs lake shocre tî,wil. Vlen It becomnes Doe are to b, , L,, lieid as lagguge ceiiiug o1 the IOLAhY nu the north midle, to1 a i 2tl4 n . . l .possIil to taloe au electrie car ou tUe 0On the western t,ii, r ada aith isu me ewcruh uid RIRc iidence onu roalwaày ,O,it,ilai licgOune o Lbrtvlî,88aeas.cyî"' g interbIr thimhliug lu the lower assembiy Libertyville, Illinois. villa~ge ita newth motrop<litati Instuctionîs tU. i..), f-rt vere gîvenroauadi Il nioiucit L ery lleIl oi. WRIGHT DYMONO & 6CO- , îrîîîysut this timi, lirdiy couctivabie.tesat week by Vtilt-iltive commitie ag pnnml eea !,û.I LibertyVille, Illinlois. May nothiiilterven tadistîlpi of the Western i ia.î."gerIsS0CilitIOU te P A U L M ac OU F F IN , -.o alm tiiepl ace s tu it lOW prom ise tue ntri.i-the ge n ra l ltagagg. ignu s of ail linon, atihe utc tîit c rer of li u i riu mth AttirDy aund Couuall<ér ut Law. liioncs Itterest learing (jurtifi- Oite seu(ititictorily tu, Lilîertyvile ubho have Item iwingilafor severai h otrnaoidtelulu aci whi, icb ,îs1 e, o icb for eut day. or otthet' l . . f adabogit lifleluer onhogLte NOTARY PUBLIC cates a 1yable on Deoeand. fî»me eaî'd a îî.îga Il" loor tu e lilîrlîvoi adjoinug the Ov'iaR OvPRa Laur COt\vNs~, ---_ ut .fri ilsrgrig11919. cbtîrel parier, and ont ai the ide of Li ertvile. Ilinos.DR.AM)s . ICH SA fariner of oîifloliniui, ?,llh., the n-ar e.iiiuey. Lieryvll. llnos.DR AOS tiCJ NCHO S pjci,îl Trainî Service. waa drivIug aloug t1wrio roadwitb a la([ Fortuiîutely in lis circuit the ('ec- 0F CIIICA(lOFuir olllit, iishve atrceedeti lu 0f1isay, uhen Uce miîiid smoke. Turni- trioenctrent iguitd cI lae.i bus ojî.îîed a obiauiug lspecial trai service during ing aroutlie dix....OirClthies mat ilre damnage la stimatedl ut aunît $.100, Dr. H. 0. B. YOILING. DENTAL OFFICE the fuir over tii , EJ . *B.raiiroad bc. Ou the test caîl Ile bil t t mie to the loss fuiiy coveteti by finsurance. Physcla an Sureon IlLileriyvilll-, lIiîilt'a Blotk, îr ween Ubetyv~ ic eand Htarringiun and uubitc bibs tüealun t, bu wagon aud ail Physiclan and Surgoori. th i& Davis stître wbiere lie may be wutîkegau. 'rhe-followiiig sehedule ila oollapaed intoa ii !absad B- Wl"Ir... 125i u t îi Ill". l'Ii -.t.tîîiîî DIEIDNCU aopPO-oITU LCUUA-4 SOTEL 131.11. ond regullv on Wednes3daysq, from t u vaer1tus tfatlte@ eane eifttiDWtuWti i."tturin a81t a. rdu tei e p0 r t be lu vogue, Sept. iti and 6b twisted troin. i efotet î. rîati , i .-. î,Itý Iîir. r Ournee i i>twceoiiarrugteu nti Lfusiyllle: baisay preosrd ithe rack agaînst worîiloiss. Fer sa1r. 'y FB.L ot aî.î. Libert y- iiinok. Liii-' lîiîBrriliCion ............. ...i arM. one of ths a leI asu rcinvle Ssiiiiicr C.aiiliiut. -Lu . iii..... .... ......1:1î. M. which la couIuectiîîu with tbneraeACruuCuefriysutC - îî-..... .. ..............As:, . eto isAun ud oibsio.and irfrocu. er If tl itai etoîuh andti iOwels are fre intî.Offtl It..... eil n. hsito hefln» irlo DR. E. FORD GAVIN In 1 "Ilotit mnt liAlîtou,î.aî.....t......... .......a. . ",Myasar , Ji at l 1L*1Z"1,,Ithbt#rgfayu ittar........... ......QAÙa. nM. - an'tasuoiW~ irVtf tlcadudtîlte u. t.riea 1t.s~Ot t r r.n-.î ,. '.... lit........t.e...ated..ooti lcuttiOa.. mt.itti.i tnuklug iff.timtakiatir I..' ray ilîru.ýS. AIdrIWit' o, t igli tebeFd1. il. 'la y lr. of Nei lay. ' , r Sure ,i ) (,, ii Nrtiu W. ic i l t. Ot tt'itttiki-5 1r C lle ~ Arrii i Liiert Y, r1Pl................ is. u. . E. B- Mandlat a au t (f Htnriotft.. Tex.. Cciiity. a' . tv-I a ti too ,î,i deuiywitt W,,iîiieittll. -rtifî îîtn crreetéit aschtrubles BETCu9aNWAI. fFioSAND> LIIIERTIVtLLE cnuesfooleti a gir,.iiO.iRaya: "My dlarrtoti and sas atbout t,, ls i ut tti trie. l'otprir waxîverî w tu abarial lever wh(iI -dtor Ward. f th, tLaletiltMras k io - inihe vuî Intu e o ac rt -- rk- iafld 'r e service ietwVen W ank gau sd M r B t r u< fo as 84:19 M UGI in'o Co IIiý. C ititira sd D iarrhoea 1itm ury. CrncDSPECA LISTf . yad ome. ible.i t eoittieucl t nr GE~A UGR. order. F. Ir 1,.rte,îatiisk iF.B.1LOVYILLle wvl bc ncuis-eti. Ibattirt.,.ru n i l îtrblo a ttl sd eueou thodesouei GEtiEertvVtrR, OYe.C. tiOBRIVtis.Wan- days. Sept. 4ib, ith and (19b. hon.0il."1Tamsredyxloo ts.mdrfhet diueen. niastite route-au EVE, CAR, NOSE, & TI4ROAT. fitli;titb Etooioeeeue;I~AveWa,îkegau .. liia.. adi4 . M. k geranaiv prifis ts lood 1:ailtet. -in lut failfir I vas aimnt bîpertegansadEr lii'itteîi, RAYSLAiI E lIAIRMAIJY. .(bluago nt 0. te..~ . egniatri ivkldrAneyaomlujlet dunvt a îto k e Oftce 0 abls wutgaa n. tRÂT TU TDEESIKST I LUDBArrive lÀ illei...I«du a. in;file f9. me. pfety liatS .ii ""orUL iertil iou-l t an1. - îini 7Spn. TU£j- t.IN.DYL Ueryvlii UIBAK SAatCYaHEUInsIrIv ~ ji-4 S DItO-i1. IU4 ri;. 9 %, ~-i.;i- $1.50 a Vear in Advance. The Foot, and Knê-e', IT iýr lý.r -- zz u ýL îles-tues si. rbtg liey are absolnteiy Isat bbsk-in ril,hmei or 11,,e iiîîeîi. Very elastie and isevy. Rocous- uc,îitioiltii iîutiurr',as ,tUe besi Scheel Rase. Hercules School tlo.e iii two grade-petl pair 25c sud 160. fIIl tie of 1iosIerv l4 itou reiidy for your inspection bIts by farthetii iniex. ttoslit aisortmeut of Hoslery over atteuupted or exhltited ini ti i-ity. The stock comprises evemy deairable kibnta boe iii w,îol, cashmere, rilibeti cotton anti iteece lineti for someon, uilsem, chiltiren, boys anti men. lrlces range up f rom cotton specilaese tc par pair, Witls strong sellersant sçc and s3c To ieutilul sud lainons grades et 33c and 3oc a pair. Iiivlry iteî,arnent lu the new bulltinly- Genenan Btsest. ttcivitei yout Inspection sud comparison. N o trouble te show gootis. i i m'au Milo*. E zŽ~-. Morse Furnishings Can be Purchased of me at a . Iower figure than a like quality is sold for in Chicago. it is i îtt with harneises. My $10 single hIarnes is i a Iturrmer. 1 have 0tlî.-rs for moreînoney that are botter but not hetttir bargains. Corne iu and talk I ariiesm 1IWfortl pircliain g. 1"ariiierri wilI want onie of those 60 venit hiuder whips. Yotu eau reach the loretwitlî tlern. C. Ml. KAISER, r THF20Mh CIEUR C18H S opeiis witli an uumnatchablÎiw ,u pulay of htighi grade clothing. Everythlng way up but the price. Clothea wlth Style, Quailty and Prios te Mlit Uood ail wooi Nuits, Brown and Gray zaft $ .5 0 anud . ........... ............... $ 7.» Faucy wcrsteda siiiare and round froil%0 $ '45 o tu ... ..................... . .. Ai liaclitCisys $111.00 ansd ..................S$2.0 lieni* fine shoes, Velour sud BoxCeau 000e vear Welis witb emeuffion DWOies2.28, $Z.30, and..... ................... i1WWA Ladies , Misses and Chidren ahoa RO5 0 .83 S5A , itlmember yom boy needs a b~ ter .-j thnjndo, vo have Ithn ora li $.33, 81.4, 81"s.78 and................... SNegligee Shirts. Néeckit Collars and Cuffts1ý Derby and Fedora I4.t# a good assortment. E. W.- PAR> WIJfI, 5cACfM K $em uw 4- 4 it - - INDEPEND--- ET fair Ptlme Fair r andif t-ini !>0 00> --0 1 fair. i and f rom 4t. P. le for page. r the- miles J ,riK0à aukegan - - lItL STOVE'S - I . 1 If y uarethin liiIng of>Ieuyiimg t StoVe I" fLItI ) iii ttier it will bc motîty in your pooket to look i\t'r îiry toek Iefore ttiuying. I bave miade arniuieuiit itwli icriIbbeîî & Sexton, of Chicago, to hiatîltltiteir v'nirc-lineo f UniversasiStoveâ atnti Ranîgesa. ï1l lu iversasi Steel Range heada the list of Stii itiigc'-; -i of the finest finish aud heaviest stul, By Itnying s large quantity 1 got a special h.'w prit,- whjch wil nîîble me te oeil these sp1lenid ,loves at about the samo price you wutîhîi Iiiive to psy for chespet goode. 1 1 1 1 - maked A tile village Être lý d d >r [y Pt liarrington in StorsuPs l'ath. 1 1 H.I1 Libertyville B.flER,9

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