Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Sep 1901, p. 3

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etiit te dnmas 0Mflu î budh os" te r. ~ vrai eadved l1e et vl au, r ef WU preiM ta the tî-@k . W"h sImpies raid St Wistho -4 saise ord la- 0er thé pet' dm- CeAu siflé el Lu r LU ot7.14 tLU M p jshptlc- 0 be (u r assé- tut s b. andh mo- i lot' pie'- fou' type- fentât, s n tact. t ursent ithe ffl upeite- i pe ri ite fore at 7et 'rt'sUiued tisaI fruti iii b. m-e -te it vIIE aStis tu& atkarty in u,- rasera- rcssh 00 r a b -ors à are, la .-Ibs cassa abie pout resenl e& ag 2LU1 a er thp.- i s ever re- lJauag tâts en à dedi' r P"ia lhosas- e ta.; Ia 5 cets, ha f Car 21L71 f cors der- ees rece.m e la th ;IseraI. Tbé or niMba,, ue ad de - g app»s ukuely laý hé enesi te by as tber am ipeetha;s, At ceat deal jtt te reniadg rie laid ort' nf thét cuit1 itI a 'Otitie ücal jirSNDt tS l'eitri 2't lii -FOR 5E t .- i eS s da, »ýeé 8mennt, sa mocb nete PLOOD AT C i V E LAN D andl plned lto he i i t91rom i AGE FROM FIERCE STORM. . crown wornby ber .. îîed lii.513 tmeet. lIotd I.~Ilrnd n toofe w Vi.À :as Queen Edgibf' i-i fî.-r te audl t. isil.l13k, < 15. I d wife of EdwaYd ti sth, ut H.netd I t1 i. lolorrr'tst tl , ie rt for Cati-i . .-î,,sort of Cp..tnlNees'ArV .-.i(u. tIi ottSREW L EA ,ird NX11., bis cofla' I, spokm nof Wiilî the .1 i.or ' i Iuy t lltin~î i , o11ersatlflandl ý-1 ,-,n niilgh..,o iut i" h. o'e ati, asa QItetn ÂI rai luire 1to o.k teo iiO~ li iI ifo fro 1 laylx- e onfu scai -'iv,, 1letllea the Momentous Occasion. rII,,I:t t ,gi ,,ri, ine-ifflt a l engtli. i o ,111, i P ieil ti tire ta-t,, o etr t.îo i i ! t tit -lo hi, trîit a r deIlit, a caillion iii iouion l iiiio î, ian -lirhi îîîioi d" wbicbh l t log, uîethyst, m:(, t r i $t.4Ilml .' i I II an vMW@,, fep inb.the ICSeri"Ct"ly »ý and a cross of jew- lie qieeus s1'%'ro îttmi ,ttUsi'd Y'. . o 1H nerbed-Csowel.« th QUOM cnsor like thte klng'5.but - ir 'ie scep- ia terrifiei. iii Iliol ot .tel'I l ii -jhe Arehbiebop o et ebiry Ad- ter la placed in th, osrigiti hondl _ t'rl' k tiii oa aîler ,ori lustrlu h Othth Ot-Th.e during corofl8llof, ,in its îio1.11band fIccir -Iliiol ii. ls, ail. hon,,,r rI tIrti minusteinaChessmpl"?hEOui lSSsil eilbolds the golder --. ter rod. tlpped .. i anIiiilon .t îî,Iilîit i,ti,i l a D o a b t- A B i U IA UT sB - 1d l , .a i sitit a d o te . T h e ,,îu c o n 8o r t s, isJ e g r e a t f- I - l ' , t i- a iii i t 'I .. k , l I i , nive Scece. i,îîlar, but of Ivor ws t, a- iiji - - iir .11 amlt ODBMobN'a'OF CRO\VNINGi TUE KING. t-in. r . B r etshg i z. irsIote he rona ,rCleent liiii, ale.tiitititiridlitrytohitîti The Ciorinatio Of i ng dS Fltti II. ____-________________ainn aB r !mc.Ot IIi hlti s ie gov)rartîi.ii Arri ntit n ,,fry tIi, w-tII not take place ntil inext .1 tue, but or the iew occupesnts Of aIbrone tVhIO irue jr or.'itt' le Go5tpel' a 0îI t'le îo Zad etwri -n I'. l il ie 3at et ,,o- i oohnglotanItgr s.cUve prepamtlOD.Iare nirt-]i.IY LbeIRS IIIatthpjgr<irnation reel' te dsa-rabarProcrtiesteantten Tht ii.ii--iîeî,d1religionog-i,îr tes msaefor thte e-enI. Tie tUic lahnonecred onction. n le tmost temoly ilsited hy law? iAnd wili 'oO u aitoit tedioitIe on "-iU Iisasf tey, borne aesira.t liii esuta,,. ot -f ri lite ols- I i tue long says the LOndoti iiily Mid, on who receives bis rottu kneeliug. asud preserve lus iolably te settleitteulnt ed bet W, h (ikflMercyorneofpe rinc ip l e-t lt i t.,ilo! il- ritofrse oh a for tbe enorM» omss Ifrîîork 0i hAIIhplc' po i îrwb be0 ie ul, (ltritn iadadSIriateric te lk:': ulThe wit toficpl eiîlics-tIfolh.Ct aecO , dh o. n lory.b oasI:t il e 14(8cas-cburb-iii the persîtu of theielîef blair- Ireinnd, ami the doctrine. woriitlitus- a40-ncit bIs-e, amn i..' word of tbe The oirgiiîg nater. -1ereailt,,er attut-c thpmsidfOlof',îmigcr'op present. lFront titafaime of NaIsoleon Itipline and gtîseruntent t ef sa iy ltlstice of 'remporp it sharp. but loeg ind tfie- tîlind iiy oigh ilesIiteami montes. Loodon next iiiii.'e will e he tebe leesOf te great tmilittory tuar- law estailiblie. wllhin Engîatîd aud lndad frotu W',and iltt-ialhui as',Tis ampota seme of sncb magi Iit Page""t7chaies have preferre t 0takre their Irl nd sili-te errîtorles liierelinto estnCt-i nl, iii,, tIi iilssIv aile ore tai and reprsentation le.rpo ler sud mlght crlytns mloto I own ltands. aud per- lelonging? Alil wili youu Ire-ters toEs st aoao hc, at ld-fr h as wii eclpn te oriof te Jubi- tormn ite actual corouation for ie i te bishops ian( ceg>o Elea.l ni ~son avenuie. a il n le cfri~lOl5n 'is7su 107 sdseves. The Englisît sovereign ai lite Irl anud t10Ile citurcie-es lure rom-- ~Torr-ents Ruth IlwS trtret. thal w-tIiprovde for ali I ie tbave the pri'î' moment of coroiltation assumes a pos- ithd Iothol-ir bairge, ail sucit iglîla d 01. Great voiiui.- o fwait-r îokired 'et' pes -lure of ittinilly, congelons of te great aud priig-s ea, d(. or stm11 aptertain - rneIo u iiuî- ract lis elas,1 oquaw inlareit tIlrfiies. trust comulltted teiis charge-a trust unlotem, or stty of thum"n' Qic teebapdVe iasrcta No doubit it iolsîbl. elWvie. wIlltconerrdnol for litsi pergonal giorfla- "Ail tiis 1Imitrte 1(Io"rushtedtiorer Ceilar avenue. hock over on S oi sousm es-if r lieste discontin- lion, but for the welfare of i pe1ole- ' The sot ereign t Ien goes to ite ita.r race dovtt tcn aveus- 0eî,-ikeaid a hute uUieeof-,tutcutost. ncbaslie trstfo lteduepefomaceof andi, laylng is itandl upen te Gospels,-nune, andti 1-ttuon t) ;tii VPtrk piai-e proceslslu.t-;uat baffquet, lnvested td whIe ble ecof"esesIlinself 10 be se-'late.s the' folowing ostit "Tise Ilg br oss e. nl'îîtt'lu ioit lt vsner ai ntqnty. But as they have eu,înttble. Tie King wiiil kneel Io re- wiit'h ibav-e herelofore promised i - - - bti tu-riliiiiihic îiti reatîtc sas do,'ti'tra , ailnIt it ril e da", stuitý alekiieen pet *&%de. in 1831 snd 18M8, celte bis crotru. ln aeknowiedgmeuî t will 1îirforirn andl keeçt. go heip me aj ove a ccsore,,f iiiiesitiîti Andctt te .- iitîLnully balsbeesabroken, sud itlte îrsteprit ilege o! kinirsitiîîlies Goti'vralrIsaeo hsexlsv ein Il aail lb. diffeacace ln lhe wrld lu the mnrivaleil rOliltutrl l lConfera The -Klug liion tisses i tebook ant idc terri o-.tocsinhe nller.tit fouaune grassI betteen te survivat oi anclent usage-s of servlng te alate. winose visible bead aigu, Illtu ~ti. lise Cath btas nol yet terri e i rertin, ettie ntine hîîu wblch liait peutansd present and their ite là. beain altered lu suit te disestablish-bto iget ne lot-n Ions, tanuleforanoushkot, revival aliter a long IntervaL Quaint sud curions are sorte uoftlb.tmeut of te Irish carurela.brde r ttiIonadfrllrs nw The Ubrilatnation wuuld never saure-tîttetons upon elhlie Chlesusrm notiting st-nid caplable of stettimit5g te itgr in&yirpsi sc staI made Il 'mission e.lli have 10 decide. Il wîîî have loubt as.toia sTille. dtde oft destruction.t Butt William IV. te omt Or curtai ltee OrO.-to dea.i wlth sucb points am te prîvi Thte corunniion of a sovereigu la net îngwhoients iiiî owfrui perlth ,01ist- imti niaton service wvliis ottn hropîr tleles o! tise Duke of Newcasthe, as ncs dooetbib i ttorta ns. itît alite hatont idptifon5in ehbei POMP and circumâtauces. as Il bas csLo-ird of!flie Manor of Worksbi. oo 1tite oalh of asse'ion lasstîflIcleul.dostithe.bu.,pvK tflyincea dwbiteuboe rdt ofaTiterp la sorte douîtatu th ie tille itadequale, aud i oas -itOn foniineces' !son1 do-nbylieunroeutrdllus0faPreslent te IKing htto pairs of sary 10 go 10 the extraoiciinary precan-il' ltht lhezand yetrs, sud te decsion corne glores, sud aise te support lbis siajes which Etitard VIL tili be crow-ned. thon o! catlitg n Iliele ss ttrew '10 q lou te .subWet servt'e 0llusrate the trs ,-gt or scepler arm; or, again, te Thtequestion ts receltiug serions con- - frontte river, etîis'taînce o!fat-ten tuiles. Cartes w-tilan of King Edwsrd andi is Ielusrelat-ive precedence. n ics bas variedderto.a h eatosoth o pe fer devlsiug realiy effectiv'e, iecause ai different coronalions, of te Duke o! er country sith tite colonies bave Resc.ed bat Life'SssIlir- lites entIrely açproprlale. alate pageants. Norfolk as Earl Marsisai of England. cbnnged since Vctor~a azended te Thte torrent "urgeiî n itit atsful force fr ou If there le te be ri y revival of diss d te Earh of Errait as lord bigla con trone. There seem s le b. a w e-dec -r n D rnge ctfotFariin ie u.ed paealtlry, te royal cavalcade stbe of Seiland, fb.d objection to te tille of empecor îl tesbowereapedelandîe r ata(Il f taiti su ihrougb te streels of te capital, origi Thte Lord Mayor of London tili ij,'anad a stroug sentiment In favor of tise TH£s COSONÂ]i 't TtlitOltR. ins er el iand siketleatsraiclou mai17 dlsconlluued ot iti ccunt ef thse cle! cupbearel, lu rellarn for thIcitof- i-lle " of Dominion of Canada,Commun- othertise stutilar iiiel ttllertwo. The rountiing tieir hontes.AîlIb is pontte anti tiseasi- nssauitary tCondiltin of London, lice te wiih recelve as a fee a goid Clip ntesiti of Alîsîrsîts, Federaled Satet king's and quemeusrît o- te great gold-ti if-at'ng eresv ts orieti, oand.,sîsisteti hy thon w-olIt gise te grealeat penastre toetise anti coser Tise Lord Mayor bas fieldi o! Southit Aria, Lord Hîgit Proteclor" en spore, sud te ii-uc lets, aîso play aqusul afi itremen anti policemen. inalîrloisly )oysl sub>ecsl of te Klug. who woul d lts ole CsItnce thse Il of Richard eic. an Important pat îIoroilation cere- 9itcc,'îded in landiOl te terror-atrtekeX Jtý lima has e thier art luîuiaimig bis IhI sIte ord Mayor Saw erome 'lie cleltruiteilStone of D in 3udel .Ini .I.,pilei lpa es ofitftt Tise fesrt witssot foertformeondis lDestlny ce.greatly ettisneilin te nî,mi'tltary x-hi forai uly o hs getî ititrlitne. a service for te Klug titicit earned titiiEdwsard 1. brougitl from aScot- The sovereilei - -f mt Isbtte pectation thaet thu-grt'ot Shakt-r lietîlits bis Thse '-onsetiralion of ts' kng"' 10bhua retsard andi ealabliolbed an office, aud, lJe1.011 Intu te coronallon ehair proclamation as t I"" ' -aieuf bis crO dam toulti bru- oli-'andull iifrth fr nation and citler -ttiutars. Queen terbedsrît.not Victoria lssued tsi- - ilite secondi of Sisortly iteforlinoon tht' torrent sac- n igl whicit sbedlePeltrI ithiltite Iroces- ceedeti in unuictfaiiîg a -score o! gratves As sio n , a n ti t Il t h ,Ii - i cu-ts a n ti a t e nd i nb tise S . J o sep ht I -t iie e t t hti e tc 'r- tise r-t ,tt sunce of ail persti i o It y isucent (osns er o! East NMadiisontsatl oodiiindsantih- tom or usage, orsur a'gtrd oîf titelr leu- tise bodies tere toon ltg issed abtoutt tai aires o! ans' n i- tJouetsd, or ollier in the tters- or.ii,'ct iî - bereditattteltr . them ai r lon -ucu.'i c, s -tCiti ii'ru te te do andilinr i"ty sersvires at te Eterv sîcam iroi tîl-ut'tirig tect gels lime of he ci-lýantn.rit1e str,,t rtulis ;s utferuil greal t tInte ! lit n-i l t tlIOn.lunts. Bittheli te i-iaî tnt 'if datntgeî' a Eariy lit ilie it11ulug of lite day' v id lîpon t tuhitiii idiî-tii uîl'ise ith i 'rl'Th, for lieh e nu- tt te Ili nil('r îîit et ulu le gi-i r-ti a tuc el, ie -- t ah i ttr" t- -tking Ilite shirt îpto- ta uettitoru.1 ii - et,îî til th, nrst r hors ~-~ï- -s' lareitifor th ii , i iittiîg, tleiii'itok atîtî <,r ieor, Ir î' end hnu' iait armsa ledl t t'tl'ititt. lite k iig intg lut)îufruni t ' l it -i antiPoaris g lu a,, -- robed lus ti i - i 1iIligît (*I tatjliin In fron t tte iut-t, -a mn iitg ci tr thing seci and tbe ClitîiI,, --1 qaof Ille' Ittu o i t a meîJni, II, alii iur i tlit ti n l M r' lTe sut iert19,- ilhgos-s t) W u-'tiii I uin s' i-u ii-- i i- il iru-k' n re-il-ts triec, w oriti-r t. p-li-irs. sirit bi tlti-redIt uasi i i i t iti n oiîitr tii, t tentporai, i-- --. un1,,-A u[trio î guru'lit(,'torr:in o t t ali i te ilr: formed i lil, i- 11.ssii- r.' tie i, ' zg s 'îtaitilutg tt liu lr u -i. îîthe sealton i-I . - liîui' %%ilhf li-t iîk, wn'âta leltîg dtU-t-- te, Iliilstuîiie týr., THIRTY-SlX ARE OLAD. i f i or lise dtnIitiii tif"IJ-nlt-i lt-t if I 1%salriit*'t . G(rel North-r intile-, tttt -- ti isr-ite olr. t) liiig Lin- t nntai. tt a over te lîi iii-ti 'iit 1itu utttîaiuîrl iji a rl-ii.'0.1'orf ti t tili- of la brotaglit Io il tieforu- iii,'kingt. ,i l -, a -k in Ili, Nr-u t itleru tu-t wiso tiese-- rl haIlut lut-gi-i-atr o-n i- î î,,:I3 l i i- ak. tiuie ls îiic î tofîl hi emshctu liait -. - lii litt-itIl il l'lie,- iii iloutit t ir Ji, Tht t, t o un. ty diure l. SI aniii Iiilitn îî-rn Il tI lle rh- îtîîu f iui-îigoI-\j. Nit-ofrIle a sser.uolri stî uîi h thatthe ai- -i id f i, Ilpro el n Io l -i1.)tme 'iIlotis 'J", Id- s t ioli t!' titiIta. in, 1 bytiiît orJ Ili, ii ri it i. - jo i i nillttrî n l - tîîittt Iun tug ti frtheunt%\,o r e ii,- httin tolit ttale- r], il il i li len a uîids 1 1 i, - ic tri-k ,ît -ti,- mi iliiii S Ar e s1itogrIlttI, tl y utci il ucr , ut- ' , 1,iii - iii l t , aîi't l. r i l ut Is uaoi.i,-i uei pî.it s ut - I-'l- rit tl* i.i th', tetl.i o! e- tty tht-i i itingi l'I- 'PltArulinil.i -- oiniuiThet 119iti'gttittte i i-mu'i) tr-idieîtuleta alrli c t iti iîi tt. ,l tphelbr b' i1,c0 - ILl- r o f Il l e l tur litLý li nst- sil i 1 '.,~i l -i,, î- A i s esh o i rt i i- n r i s s onlt u i - u i i o i t1. l i i i l - i i i - iu i li S t b tlotard Ile i i gntssp ot b iit ii f ii ]iti litillI, jl htIIi l'elta whieops, iludi, t' - t a ndot o! guile - i,airn i to i e - ý ,i.- oil e, i tti-nI2 i gTd. n lJj, k o nelor nd aflr r iles i -3ufsotti' i 'li te).]unî io laiteye. a ere putlîtcSqhe pa ean t'uînl'l ilapuseo-lt Ibs ~ ~ tere" %jti. an-îlareoîîguuîIliJ.nil, lu toti'fî îun tun service but goutiti. Is tie anti In- Afei r lii s , lut t t emniis sie at. neli t îonî. f ii rlltci-.II audemuell ~racIu'l nt cmmn-ca ptmcten s-hu it sa. sroisttdtas'Itrîinlie otrtlg f in E- b.aninIlle.-gus.FîsIlie otr trnci.Tu p'.aug ttî I sa littii sens lrnsaclou Tuetite o!coue- tla iuiielytuaIEdoard nu epsr îsarîlt. lTeln cril-il, r lit mandlleosuds lt u o-Iii lsitOî ttcI- ruiasIancîtf ery deali o!lise btîcy ereutny, Tu Itrîcul cool5fllon oels Wtb'5 he lautiril tiae huiInsu t-ho ave it115 cair aletiîi -h ruseorColîci alanus drîts ti t ahav- f rif. l titiis. udeei, bars sîtikin cearn h staote tu tt- eiguof Wihîittt nu talyl.olîtfu:1,lirdsoie,! antln; an beooreihl ama Te Den ofd tsu orf Mio.- ote blancs10 lie ser ice or lut couscra Mry. iior lutisaI- lim liteootht îu-nrnuiin'ruei1,isiIatilîoneiln'asudealitelr aI luislit sposnt Aiit-iti- e orI. 1,0 tOIr. Tirseiii master oftlopinvae C rr"li IhrerIa eplon y &a it title, lu-ct lattolitIu b as rs-i atKug thîd ltabi 0 uof lite cthesOfleOIthesas ts er fut-tt jdbtvenls nti tt gif ilettuuasiut lher parahe i titeoi ,'rtnrtatv+ou'lientus ihillfeCevcebutasri rou resteIl lutsheati turiang mtussln.lonasoers it n iidrs1sd11s-11u. nlhtiliiîire if t 25 iii h mri forelite cormaerlion o! aa bisbop4t,ea utima.o!u glNnt.aonier lthe oaut,rt ili lit.aitthe arles tiat tiltisTie *polce Rt. Ji apreit"is , n ddiei ili jaîui-th i.-r. - itrcha. i hm' rie-tih lis e otlet 10 os ru ttcorsdiugO1 _ a'lupee ma uîa le!ie ral 1 redtkt-,patn te roigofulKheur lakes h e ottn ttOli i l ins. iîutelsve- toylii iTi-re.ut hsiitriaicc in filyt coarc poudae10 i.Te ttlop' onti o!c ir a. Tise Aruu iltt ,edada."Suepr laStetVItia ui uiclnt,1e Te -lu- uuettr tlitteamgîuli uti nil, t iand kim'ks'b enionasoervie to lustimelopoillafI oiMaelouln1taelit the' îau nw ii tti aon s etsiot e l is~r sieth îe gorlden sur- c'lise t eatis on Com unon 0 ott s rslies re lit Lt- tuti Otlit R ng iott-t-elu , ar t'II. r1 î The if he (-a lîl o r eut I l e ciait, t tol e n lhi,- e thel nia n ati T e Mir s -dtut et roif. t hi-s rn mav e fe . Fetiom erly tistolt s ereaniotaîc T hetlu i rti' n l naii-g, h W"iug a cop a ndt.-u Iti -ti i IltcIr ish u ogov ld. If& ochair sl î,îîîîjeî- r ose, wi'si lc t andsbu l It ilau lt vîmfiii Il i tlîr ilscîtll titis oI, as tise atCt a sw Iil be etieune. - ii ttInfote. ign fl d e o!lite camiru lc iii'tutxt lt oirîuto t u-o!f ie iîîu 'u- r tr aud in boIt c ses hu tieliery o! titj înt itu ute tise Ii at", bond ,osuathe ittetiis, Th-tt uteantaettW est-ln la.liefsot rei, Noteu. il ; tiristit astav hy bis one. u cuplitY tnbîtteri. l t in otittul if ite feIt or-e or et en tht' reuonfitii)n titihle ilutte nrouI. Jaî-ob aIt liistimt-at ni moin-as fuir fruintitbei v, hat te id cuill a gntiiy nioaf Jebos ah he w as lthe Coulahothi% father tand rasîlfatiter blad faiîlfulhy torhupeti. thaI tle sacrehname meant hlit 10t ia atots's h ie gubianese tilithwi otithat naime t0 cover tle miserahie ting o! an nId tnan by girîlte lit ren- inaîîîuaetuîred ont o! a goal: ("flot in aI thouhastfot t llthe venison- nlickly, my son? Anti be said. lBe- e tle Lord lIly Cati sent me goot (l," 27:2Wiu.,kAiman wh o uId tdrag sacre i ne ino a lie like IbsI WB@ vrca ferac ancedtinluthe spiritual l It lat neceaatuîy ta0 remne.tber ibisT 1 itring il ontin tteaching lthe s- ,becanse il mole oflthe dream s gra' se promise ilia si'rved as a waruing s reproadl lu a sinfui mun; rallier t s svision o of loy one aireatiy üols ;ourney front Beershblaonltae hemn border nf Canaun 10 Haran leut noser the anceml route travesesiiY granilfaliser long isefore. AI Betisel. rt o! Jertitalet, near thie site o!one Aliraitorna sitars, Ile psnseal for a t. A atone served i hm for a pillot. le blayt tiere ndetihelb.solenîn sky. etdeep silence o! tise Iigit all&round n, lit seemuedtiuta imt tat be set a arease siopios îup tle plain. 115h' titan tise motunlaîn topa, liighert' tso estars, Up ltalte gales o! heavlen. An- ts ocre lthere, passiof seto-eett eartit h lheaven. Wlat a sigli! Itearen ansd tels li b ail îiî ugit lile o! iil erlo, by liait hall far lesa inleetfuir hlm f an a aiîarp hargain andt a promise n îtog b-n t rataigei, fruîunaIsitn'ilIif er. But nfot -ctiî. ohere Se luties, i, heat en, n-lero the atigelt are, are ,e toulie vern I.-tuot tgi-titer. 'lThe ilur grilla er l it-t i g.- .1 mtaliait. hA vîtiu Jehomi ih tio litîl uoe the us-titio! le Itairi-ast', titi lttêrn-I igret-al ordlthe ie a! niu oi tt tsia leu hatll te irtil Lue- 's1 I tptlsi ilti n r orils itlI ioe initit iiui-u'utthu tBevrr-ilt- je ss rils of tlhin.-g i , Uit niis,. sutittit 1Alirîlui ai le ti fit -tri-tusin Ieuc lu-s. lil . ,Iîiîu i ithei- Iutt f hni,ttii t.1 a tn . mantîtt l i s- Pointg ta tha u ui-r tflisdthelieiîug t.- .g tof lits an, tor, Vient, th,' land tu altt gît en tlIi,.outb-itstuuiit, lreat ng ut tIi uitreti uuuu1 r, tuIt lii' 'ut-ato the I r lu u ti m ii t t lo n tiiu t u b !il. tll l , Il, I-Iý ntiti, iul i -tic lit ul rtilý- u utiuriil . i t, ii ut u11thl'i rînlt lii of th.-i,t ut hi l l btu it Ilut-t t he rit it-nJ ttiii t h Ii,iiil t 1hiet sr uî i, i I(,[tjn tras- un basIr ii tih.fnIingulot, Ilkeexl t raus it l' i 11 atpStrluto I uoiýbehah prd o e logeifa'oc...i. Ta gti îneesseil ont1! i, Ifitu-it cuîietp i ta e jl luesat, iutl,0fthuat îtIdeissu- iaen huit , feru l ast k-ttg ia Isrrilita ac li l ur ais'îît i ln i n i inte citi i'e'ii ti o ifîî-nll i land Ja-s tIl ,tinnuu hi tillilr ilsng.a aIl pto e- .1r atorli ss as. a f ratî. hh- atiî.u-r i, fn']l titss has gr entN't'tîlt ue-uair liaI Goifcolil h- iru Atiti Sa, I' tiiv t iîel ortl in t i'ls, tun luu-x l iii t alie uses aefront îuîd ii cuit I ' liii ut ~th t latts i ii(i v t oit-g t irtlu o tu ens'oat anut bisîl ciie. - i-r ii a ua nul owstu irc l iingila ra il tu lii titI d ilc n u-u lit lhîîî faili.i-r u fue i iluul N sîturlu . li.uliet (uid truc i nta l tii- i ut i t it toit al lluuu. stIIhin ii iiin.uuîr luea lu ftriIL t il Doti.ociun tuf Iiuî u;tu u du. îttuupesstis iajtlitii, ii-iiiti pier. ni t . 'uts- i tt",iltu>- , nit oti,-r rt lathera stii tutIl, I l1pesce-at - sutiis if l ,l , hlII re ieily a a wt'pt toc it Id,,lire , U adte is bileaIlthlesisono- JcI h, e PrsIcehl'l lk sed."-G, a82 1-32. v i-- ~ ~ I lu -IS I - - t - i i tutil. ir' i It't ' - 0 -i i l ilih 'S tnt-ut Il 1 .t* h-i'ti ii iol lttu Iaui uni-. i.'-tiliti-I tgat lis' fro t î'i i It u.f h g, uf le -ite sNlIt ,' lh. i tu1 t thh.- , ,îs.tii.i -u -:,a tî'iiv i. tliiii tture t-111 î.- l tgtorrteriitvhu .uer ilu 1,i ilsh r -he a all-i. 9t -ite li ini a~lttc l, i- lit- brll'er.t Iie3 ~ ~ 11In 10,- ,uîe lie orgi- silO f lI,laî-iI, itie mr ila ilt- toîIl nuth IuiI-i lt roule on gu vvns that m eg l a lesM- tI nn0 marr us'n ofulenaunste au-i tertitre hu-la.- gsent ta aneS n i ousg (l on, tiftisCu-siseeBc autt e îhe rtei tîuigave iii tt py ie, Ito niatucng-* eî.mlogtYlitt o! eo- mastige tir te frfil.'ad ult oflirs- tao tite anîh to 1 0,-i strh îee; Ihîtu mae tesI lle ul itt-inîl of bya tn th"î, abiht o ti 55C îlt. bro- Thou Des... sI ishln. 1 h -uri atei run Imitodgae as tii, lii Jt pi is.that juic Ihaim. 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