Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Sep 1901, p. 8

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e "ai DlIii. eodibg m eundhmtmipegm aslu e borne cf " ~om ntIàea, lent liii mamlie.WtfoguieTueoday evmaiu. John Drby, of ry@iai'Lahe. bai SepO. 10. Loadi, plai bring caftes boi M W ng vIfth Mr@. A. DarbY the ad CocUle.. !U[iOti Colby bau renteil a farm iear HuyOit a b lfruot Ivanto. &and contemplâtes xoving lose Ba31100 Co luit SundayBnglâit. Umet. ~from nt turiA.Tfhi terrible dilion golf. J. '. Jackson wîtt latte a vaCK- colllt long« thee% ,?,weep onia.~ tiondnring the next two woek8 anid an p ie dem nmi dcr vii ~nsin tlhiî,. ing titeir bonea a&U ovr te couutY. Wiii rockmiau iia bai oâseven flead We bave beeoit nformed Ifiai a number of catle from athirai. fie lied eight 0f ct la I&ia veoparti! burned moto slck btit seven have irecoverod. and the etotf he carcasses left on Xrs. LydIa M Richards, wfio bai the ground vitoro tfey taY. bem Vlslting relatives ni ibis vielnlty, bui returned to lier home in Kirwifl, Liai Sunday ev. J. M. Viteatin 00- Kano. cupied the pulpil flore in plm of Dr. DiaondLate shoo mama iii C. E. Mandevilllo.andte riteof fiap. Dsoond uLaiss R'OO aya lto'ktel m Veeadmlnislted 1tourtobit- "OurbcMis 1118Sh ayn t A1gakl ad ton and iv. youug lsdiea. The Sun- ]oMise odgis ni utPAlt&ki. nddey prevîious saLiltian Aynsloy MiseHodglnm eli l'aatii. ad Rutht Ray vere buptitod in the Nexi suni.Y c ejeîîng the Eîîwortlt lato. and Tille Rouie and Maie League service wilI be led by MIiU& Hodghine et lie chutait lut SundaY. 0311e litzeutlialer: aijecol . "Havoniy Ulmi Âynaley and lir@. D. Eiiaentialer lielpers.' Cimse anîd cnjoY lte mieetvoe taken in full Coeictiônto 1 ing lte cituroit and thflonet on probation. .IF YOU WANT A WALKER, RIDER OR GANG -trv A- BRADLEY OR DEERE AND HAVE THE DEST MADE. BUILT RIGHT, WORRK RIGHT, STAY RIGHT. WAGONS. Wtt HAVE THE OLD RELIBLE FISH BROS. THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. GIVE US A CALL. SCHANCK BROS., LibertyvIlle, Illinois. OND$ OF f0WWEAR. MMBINED GAPAGITY PAIRS DAILY- THIS PICTURE SHOWS RArLROAD FACILITIES FOR SHIPPING DIRECT FROM FACTORV.TO CUSTOMER_WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F 1iENDERSO N'sS SIOES AT ROCK BOJTOM PRICES, MeaSl.......... I...... $ 0, 82.00, 8Z-50, $Z.74 and 8$3.00 81110« hOo......................81.35, $1.43, $1.90, sL85 and 82.25 LBsiewi Oxtods. ...................... .....8$.90, $j.10, $1.39 and $1.30 B*8 andi Little Gesta.....................1.00 te $1.78 intacte.......................................... Î.33 S. $1.» A fulllline of Childrens' Red Sohool House Shoes in Dongola and Box Caif V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove - - - Illinois.1 L COL L2AL Bst DL. & W. iste B WV Inle tliti' 1 »e4 lîraîî<1 ev'er iitrodlîted ii,i lihîrtys'ille, viz: the 1D. L & W Brand. Order your winter's supply of US îtow. Th'ritlAce will stirely advalice ar' draws near. 801004 bogai- àton1a7 0. P. ôrogear4 la quito ll Corano.sting bdt comtàoo&id JO" Qrgard ti.00ou te o MMence abipping WMit. Heay¶iPle'ihouse bai luit r.- coemà anov 0ma$ el peins. lilas AlcePayne fias reiutued 1tefer iclc inlo.en rABoeel, lad. Tbreo Vii hobea iPeOOLla 14Peopl'î servie nezS Snnday mornlng. citarle Otégard en.ntined a friand from CIîaoNMt Page vOeok. Lait Monday evenlng ont Young -people onjoyeta amooulgitidrive tu unalabe. one of Sfie lai. soial venis wua plealant Pariyaitlite homo o! Mita iknuloe Âmes. MUolti 01e Colo, ofTwIO lOvera, Win., bu beau viating fiaonda$fhors urog Ovlnggo10hSfi lemeoy Of lte vealier lte ra.ttnlou o01Sfiecampera fias bean potpeid. Fred Beach, wvfin lalthfioemptoy ai tfie Vasibunn voeu MIg. <c., la at fiome fot a shorti vacaion durlasg Fait Marion andiSun Payne loti on Tueiday for Mailon, lIn., vfiere ltoey will attend Normal echool crlng lte comina er. Thie -farewlt" service for Sioee vfio are no imon te depart Item amen« ni, 3014 aetlte home ot Mes. A. D. Wella, vai weli attendei. Thtee10eoram miaigiven under Sfio auapionis0foite 0. E. aiulte borneoi W. Ji.aSkiner vii veU ationded. Ail repenS an enjoyafilo evonlng. A liumber of Ont Young pooplo spot a vety osjoyeblo ovening as 1the borne o!flira. Parker, one of our oiviy Veit, estimable Young vomen, Dow te- siing ieto. Vo sympathisze vilfi Mr. and Mro. Wilt Vtckery ItuSfio deatb of hefr father,- wio dled Tnoiday. Funorai sorvicea viU fie itld Tiureday aitO oclock et lte bouge. Thero vote no preacfiing aervices ou lia Buday evening Ovlng go lte tact litSthfio0. E. Society aitended servicos a& Liborsyvîlte. lThre vau aller- noon proeacfilg service sud union cou- tecration meeting of Stie Junior snd Senior 0. E. miooios. On Tuesday rveuiug At lthe borne o1 Mn. Heniry Vau Ptew utauy pasao lte1 hours pteaanuly tul ting 10 selec- lion& item te gramophotne. Aitte close a01Sfio program a&Il voe eboul- futly iorved te tee cnem. ibrougi thle genera.llt fJohn Orgiard. Dacim -BRAvsN UPniÂn. Ou Monday Septomber 2ûd a$ ivo oceloci aetltebomne eofte bride c- curned te martigo o! tueOof lte Mosl populat neteeomed yobng people of lvanitoe. A vide ditroe ef friands And9 relatives aisemhlsd le vlnoa lte ceremony. Thie bride beauttnlly alllned lunwvitle cartYlng bridai roses; Sfio groom. in convonUonat blacks marchite à &Ma ieclon ftom Leongrin. voe unitud in hioty inaSnlmony by Roy. BalsaY. Morley. The oevly married pair voelte reipiani of Many coati! gtli As an expression o! Sfio hîgit regards a it ietc Ifop vetoil. Amoul tthuge Prometi verthie bride'a miater and ituabani, lit. adlitre Vlafb and Athur Blater, of Lake Forait;j lit. and litse. B. N. liaxitainand dangittet. Estelle, lit.and tMes. Julins Chiamberlain. lir. Edvard Ration. aud dangitiet. Lotte, LottIe Cote. Mine1 Smith aud Mise Joues, of Chicago; lit. and Mns. Anlon Palmer, lMr. and tir@. Langlît.linM. and lin.. amvay, of Evanaton: Arthur Simpson. o! Northt Chictago; Mr. Ifiompion, of Evaniion, lir.sud lita. Ftank Dolpit, lra, a. D Wolle, lire Dean. Misses Ailce and Lillian Payne. Martin Docker le voîl kuovu lit educational cteo- s aa enceosaul teeciter, Itavtngpuraned ponttio fl ila olege <ourse tnlte Nantiwetetn, Prnnecton sud Chicago Uutveraities. lie la a man 0f nipo acbojxltsip and of abilily. Dürng lte eomtug ê-ar lir. Decker fias the supervision of the (irayslake subool@, vitere ite bad pros toumiy iven engaged. Ens D.,ker, ner Mises Bryant vito ciao cocipleted ber course ai thte Nntweetenu fhasfor yeurs beon oneon i te Mo" prominentin s ocil asdcitnrch clreles, actng for some lime ainoflurefi choîralen, sud an eh- engetlleand euifuaisagllcvonker lu Citristian Endeavor. Bp fier quit, unnsuming sud eympatitetic nature ine bai von a lising place luthtit ietsniof AU,. vile bar loving as vîniome vaye bave maie bor a place la te commuulhy Sial cannol vel bo filled. Vo bespuai for fier a boit of friende Ili té ommuniy inviticit î the shal iteside. Thte happy souplo deputhei on lthe eveuiug train amidal iboeeeof of rie, 015 eboseiAnd Cou- gratnlations. Titey vote accompanffl ne fan as Chicago by aboutwSenty ai te i ntereehed youung friends, vito mont soliiciouily teuded tem e very Wang. Prof. aidlit@. Docker yl be at home afler Sept. Ot at hirmrasildonc. lu Oalale. IIALF DAY lir. Hertel, B.; vitod Ofibcago lutS Evetyone of course viii attend lte fairthiIs vook. NMlabel Miaounbasreiurned bnom iter vIiâtEn Kaai liUlmiayjuis KUelvisitei! relatives et Fox Labo taiS veeS. Julien Ruefîmanu a Inudet Dr. Tayto% cars et promunt. lies. Sofroodet, Bt., buaiuenIll aud uiSer Dr. Toyiori cee. lita. Mary Bituler j9ntenliiued com- pomy from Obhicago lut S unday. Scitoot oommneldtiSMoniay vltfi Mr. Bamtî, of Autioct, aigo tobr. Mn. and Mes. V. B. Manenierlilned couains fnom Minunesota, over sbnday. Mrn. M» ir. M. B. Olooea are viaiing rotatives t Cicago and Elgin. Tt Vomen 1.1ko01a-8udonn Thaanghgti. Titeit dancai 'e 1ai ruclan. l111its isDixonbf iaseent th. puts IvO *VOeu vîit blierdaugitteta , RAmeeUw1vbave bien alcb. A'àiîben onturYoung people bobk adyltalage e!9ithe citaup excursion rate to IJOvilslLobe talt eek Titney. * lra. 0. J. ormahy venà 10leiB. Paul lai4 tuaîUiy. Sfio vilI iis relatives tete mailit Minneapolis Bvotai vooki. Bflool begau tait lioniay maruing. lin, Md lit. F. N. (iagliavi charge. A nolsber of &eh satite rm amy i l1 Miàe IF. C. Ells, of New York 0111. ticenS i vsled fier cousin, Dr. Young, and ltamliy. Mie Ellieis prnipal ef 880110o1laInBrooklyn. Dont watt <setil rou l-corne hrmnbsîtit fntet bi t ae IsWbll's LitSe Matit ilUmnw and tCon, tibyiavli kesv your tiuersud ievels iun Wobod rler. EMy te tai.Sespilla. For sa>IbY F. B. Let. FOX LAKE. Lee Tweed le at home agalu. HeorbetSNelson ua aide le hc shoot iaan. Fredt Galigen la aaiiating lit. H. DbfleY, ef Ournee, vlfihbie fotsnvoris. lits. Vin. Poiler anditiclidren, sie M luCors Rentier visîled aSl;Ui. E. Brown'& Tituts<ay. liu O. Noloon fiain reurned. te A.tioait, iier ltres veeka vlait vils lir*. Vu. Neisou. A numbet fron thIiteplace attended lb. SldIers' Renon and i&cReouy (Jenty PiMr liii vei. Te lepal Nelgihot loi.orsai soial bold aI Lake Villa liesPniay éealgVas qule e succees, ailtenugi tbe oeoning as rallier cool. Henry Braydon, Barits. N.(0.. sats: -1 took msdkbtue 2i y anrisfer aétina but oe bottie et One MKincile Cougit <ure did me rteeSltItan auytblcg clac Surina taI tin. Bot <oîîgi Cur. Fer sale On F. B. t4vL. bltrtyvliia. RUSSELL. Dr,Lovbn ta etil ounte icistiaI. B. E. Levin spent unuday at homo. lits. <i. A. Siver vlsbledl Milwauke lest veek. Bqoioepoued tfouda.y viitMiii Brevet ai bichon. lis Hethergen, of Vaukegen, la rbitlag as C. F. Diveres. li. LIitber, of Kanoia, lauIthe guaih et lier noeli re. J. A. Beivesl. UMes allie Crawford la vialtlng the mimaea Rejiecsenlu Veukeganu. Dr. Molanaltan reiutnod Monday Blter au absence of aeveral veeka. MNiBIla Fart relurnen lienday aler e veek's visil vîit fIrbande aBS <iaylake. Tfe peacit social nitlthe chutaiswuas watt attendeit and e gond smm o! monoy rallieSd. George BAvarda anS fauily rturnod1 go titeit home n Chicago Bler a veebis 11,1 ii lthC. A. Edwarde.1 Tise SBnndey Sciool Convention of thit ownship vas iteldie. undiy. A latgeambet mtudei. lit. and lire. JuiS, lin. and lite. GlseanSdlMts. CoVeland. of Chicago, verthie gns of R. F. Siven aven Suuday. "in cel.iDug vitit mie. reuember that e sîooinfal ot ou it ii au further!titan a llon of vie . The jane e saiS o bclii dren. lite -an sai c wgedfoJtidren ai &heoldtashtonesd cstsor oU. Sowver mueh tiey mi y blier BIt.Inithoir biet mdbslue for dIsordena orthlie bfeolé. lu the more fsevere aisesoet larritomansd d ssbry. liowvrer. Ofambernlua <olIe. (ioea aidDiarrboem Esauedy aboutit »e given sft..r iliecoiOpralea. sudsa quici cote la aure to follew. oersaile b y F. B. Levant.. Librtyvdll,; Oaavsi.ÂKî PuÂamàcy; JOUN Matra,.. tvsuboe. Mrn.ud lira. J. L. Xtler enter- iained visitera froini Chicigo tant week. Then. Kîiai fias gens e lBIuffalo. Dr. Rus a ill 11 lurlng bu the voiS; hoe ls nov lu Oklahioma. Mise Voiler his reiutned front fer trip tiingithletasoultet pert of lte Uinited States. Site reporta a mont on- joyable lime. The Chrisian Endeavor tietfor Sunday eveanig wyl bc "beavonly Blper;' 2d Kinge, 6: 16-17, W. E. BranS, leader. P. E. Mayer and famlly are leaving ont tevu &bis voiS. lir. aid Mn. and lira. Mayer are bot diligent ohurob vonkets, lit. Mayor belug te super- Intendent of lite Evangelical tiuday secool. We kno ltee clhool Viii iis Deleader. On Wedlneiay evonbng occarred lte dsai f o lre. 0. Millet. Sr., anniod niaSdent of ont tovu. Sfei bhean Iu Chicago tsking treaimout for a cancer vison %ho vii eudieuly ticken i iih poplexy. lTelfumerai vii bolS lu DeetIteld Batutiey afternoon, 1ev. Refe olatlng.4 PRAIRIE VIEW. Miii@lMableliason fias retnnned from ber trip 1t Kas«». Citante Alisighti pressai a stick of bay ior lMt. Kruger on Mouday. lir. V. H. Stanalif la eulertaining tome lndices md gentlemen fron Citi- Cago. lire. Nelle ScnItuet entenlained ix vomon ai a quilting fiee on Weduesday of lait veek. ibo talteiad cosnpiiay fere le mail- bIngeamilgit Ilptovomonl by ezlendlug lte. out ivilct. Qulle a gnumbet tnom flore venIo1 Citicagolais vieS 10 aeliseAdam Fotepaufit and Betla brotot. citons. Dr. aidlinre. KeniootuSdlir. and lite. John Rettfing, of aLiteviev, allontS unday astlUr. and lir. J. Richtards. lin. and lirs. Joisn Me Langblt mand SUUMI-y llitii City. li@tqà ,uwmotchiencit, choirt uelg îOoea Vesle tor Prousiae. J. Zimîner baipurcitaisi noms nov &ta«k l« aiu.wvgon ebop. Ouf. Qui*" telaetihfee egiau an al couia 61-9% iry nlcely. lThe fairt, !ooin, Bilnacted Ste antlcrovd Ircftibib 10c61i17. lin. Enatis enietatusd à boiS o!cota- pny teom the dlsyon Laiton Day. Mra. Veinen la baving bui tone a% Buffalo Gravienlarged and nomodoeod. lien EdSe Maar andiUma.latutu Behlman visted la tSheo cIl!ovor Bua- day. lierman Kruegeti citili naquise ali laciteSe, bla le tly lmprove1 nov. 0J. Meyer la gaing te boia00i. Kloppens house luitaieZunlt a re long.- Titensa look t aI e Hilcketaweloa'i pictures oxiiseei StMuteristore. kits guaransees stlatiction. liasFlaSh, of Wankegabai feou engages &0 genou lIe l.idloy sonnaiL Jitu aclicel )>oir open» Moniy Site. liany lftoiiting fmobli ionbve au. lobitdlteeaiouL.i vWot. Ai agro liatai bu fiasufoin fIisitrva vesbor bla many yeana. Tout correspondent Iblonds en .totS ior Northtw a collae, Napenvillo, it.. netM oncay aud bide ait a ]Sind lateveli. A PTA KIS mc. li. n. Mr@it. Veiduer vent 10 Ci- cage, luesay. Mes.Wolt la astniung relatives tritou incinnaltl.* lit. and lin.uMireBute, et Kanka. isie arespeniing ibe voiS as (lai Ruie e s5tisai Ste Olco nu fias beau moli go a Prairbe VI.v Paty. Meuirs Cfhu. and Andy Raila, and WIII Scitiey, 0f Pullman, voteathuniay violeurs bore. lies. Btatm aid uloce, et Chticage, vetoenui.edtg a loirla47 o! ibis voeb .ileu old friande.bote. Joab stltafer. ut Loogoctee. bcd.. Ilaa peer mai. but ho aseacho youkS net lewltb- out Chanmerlalu' i; lnesain If It oust Ove dollars a ho kie.for lesavod fi. freint bélnq a cipie. ieternil application tu equal te titi. 1ilient foe 51f aid avolen jotuti. ceutraeld musces. su éiff eck. »e'raine a rhucumalle aid mueour pena. Itbhae actS nmern. ase upatial abala tg la for saisD y. I. Le Littrtyvîl-. GxiwAaPââAeacv: vmbttce G LEN VI EW À niumber 0f out people ittondal Ste Latte Cauy Fait. Jin Long sipped a canîcad o! ortioui le lie clIty Ili vieS. UmiJuaste liseS le vislllng rela- ivlva Rockofeller. Sfioe &saopen$ à dey ab the Pait. Titi Pouléry Farm fias j nst recoinSd ivo carioaS.of boxai. lfioy aro SeIng a nutling bustise. lit. Spencer, paiter of ltae M. E. oflunoi, la nov abentlon a lecture bont. Hia friands viait fim alsec-. Mar. Cnngglm, pester of1lthe Cou- geogatienal citurci, la nov onboyiug e mont&'@ ratoI om fia laboni et Sfio Chticago IUniversity. Au tee crant aiad puncit social vii bh l ulti tte flome of C. Il. lIgen Friday evoniug of tllei veek. Evety- ose la coialby buvIted. Afier &poing a dotigittlul emtaone vith bis grand-patenla. Fraukie lIngea la &gain ai home.Ellesaui. miai Niz, rateei itbfim. Wori ounSfio lange trou bridge orer the nortit braicit bai, commenceS. lThe Stueola not Jat dietaut wbeu Ste olleiHt yullexteni nol outy te Gtolf but te Giquylev. Ont ecitool rooma are mgain itied vilit bnigt, fhappy faces. Wilh H. V. Meait, o! 4vaultoe,a i nipal, and mise Betry, of Ermîlton, as asaau, the jean promises 1%> ho a very plaes- mut and prou table ou. The Oongregmlionsi ehinreitsieds. bamve been couptled. Couaidenabie SUlng litmuet ctîli hodoue, fiovever, belote Ifop vill ho readp for une. Nov lae Situe te sitow maguauimity f7 fieullug a fov tonds of greai. lir. 0ille Rosi,&Bier haing for weois ln tbe aof S nadiance of ltomt aenaof tire, fiainetuned te bicsfhome ln Chicago. Sncf a deep Impression fi as oo arnted inte fia ilud,litov- evor, litai il la ltarea ometime muet elapse are fie ecutdo fait justice te bis wciool vonis. PALATIN E. Mn. Dantetion liaitoSte aieSlisI. Palatine vaswvol ropreened et lthe tain lu Woodatocth is poix. MIss Anale flarmoui4ig vas coltina ou inns lu Palatline FrlSey. Mes, kt. kicitierding nebunnet îrom hanr vIilelu Evanîlon fthunsday. Ur. and lire. Ptotlhorg eutontaiesed frtands fnom e aldistnncetecenily. Mise Aima Vouis pendtitg bortwov veeka vacation vight nfrian uCicago.. lTue Misses Blcinaie oenrtuode them utecos train Chieago ithe paiS Mise Lydla Bleasteis&poung Stue woveka îlt flot brotiter lu Plombt Onove. Mr. aitd lin. Sysîn, of Chicago, veeovlasiig nelatives lu and îanound Palatine neceiiSly. Um S ophie liatin9nng viti @pend teenuin aid vinter vîlihbon friond, lits. Crox, lu Chticago. mes. mriern ramer, of Velcoïne, mlnutoea, in vlalhins frianda luaun &renS PaleSite aS prenn. lir.aid lis. Cita. Stebbluge, of' Park Ridge, vire gausés oftli n d lins. J. H. Sciioding: Toa". lin. B. 0. Plagge and iri. R.Mlyon aImeOialm mime Page, of Barrnugleu ve.guet& a& J.iB. Scierdlta'a Bull., day. C and Priday ARIE THE___ ATTI Owing to improved -train service immensq crowds wiII be there on those days, and of. course the speed pro- gram is best the* Iast two days. There is a' rurining,À race each day besides trots' and pacing races. EXIIIBITS t::' exel Iiii very department cultural productfr as couts-qîîen ilpin the recent drought this department may not be <juite up to the ugual higli standard, but yet shiîld be gnou). More stalis for exibitin puî;rînsts have been engaged t4) date, titan ever before at so early a period, and thîe live- stwck exliihits wili be oplendid, au in fact wilI ail exiîibits with the possible exception îîoted. 7..Special leatures:: On Wednewday, TIhursday andu FridLay atter- itoons will ocelîr a hailooîî asceîtsioîî and lparachte4 drop.' Miss (loe Belînoîît is the at'rorniit en-. gaged anîd lier feuts of la.4 year assure saîccvssfîî ascen4ions. A lPolo I>oîy Rave' hy îîenthers of the On1- wentsiaCh(21,f Lake Forest, will take platce, probahly on 'I'plîîay afterîîooîî. Timere will 1w a titree mile bicycle rage for a $Ir ol îd imeutal- openti o al]riderri. A purse of *7!> will l>e awarîled the base baill tînties wiittîiigo%,tr ai i comp~ etitors at the fair Eîttry tee <of $5 tÀi Iii. aslle<lt f itere ><. iirse to be diij<e<I4o andul o. A sîtitahie prize i offerrîl hy the siwiety for the best drilledl Woodnieîî team of L.ake Cs>uuty that shlall drill hefore tut' grantd stanîd Friday aft erxîoî. rthree good brass bands have beenetieîgagedl the Li berty ville, Hligiîwood and U1arrinîgtoit. -.-.Speed Programme.,,, Tite speed prograîn îi jositiveiy te est ever arraDged anîd owiîg to tliti fait Lake County is titis year ini the lîtter-State Fair Circuit, the rares will 'il"witlî a better and speedfier clams of horses than have e'.er starte<I in this coulnty. Every race hart filled witii exceptiont of the free-for.a11 trot ont Friday anîd Irobably a mixed free-for-all wifl be siibstittitedi.' IV will be a good race, iln aty evexît. Thursday. Septemnber 5. No. 4-12:30('latus Trotting..........*2 < No. r-Free-For-AlI aig......ioo0oo No. Ci1-Otte-hialf mile Runniiîg --ii 3.. .ri o >0 No. 7-2:5>0 Trot, for Lake Comnty oîîly 10()(0) Friday, Septemnber 6. No. 8~-2:85 Clatus Pace............... $25o0 No. 9)-Free-For-Al Trotting ......... :wo oo<1 1 No. 10--2 :40 Claffl Trotting ............ 2o<) (>0 No. 11-Three-quarter miledash..... ) oý [DON'T MISS-ma- De East Days --onu- HE'ETHE BEST.,. Vol. 'b e L AspSsil C.p.altl M Cees, Are lite Feit ihal ma Prîce Dr.< Off ici ge Libe Offlc 7 ti ilusîde L Att. Sra Chroi EYE Sye goum10 %,un"a WVRIGHT BROS., LJlbertyville - - - Illinois.

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