Prlday. SepUenm l, 1901. 5850319 WEEKLT. 'Entereil t thespost-oflto t Li-rt Ysji. Illinois.a s feencl'taaa nutt.-r. tê)VBtIBO BATLS MAEfENKOWN ON AsPLI- ClTIeS. Ta Subscribers. leepresnttives of tire If<)pItNDICNT bayefreo ltime t0 Urne laiton arsera fWt cer papera andi magazines, orj 1*9Ilsad premloms lu sons Iln a.1 Thee ordera bave itow aU beau banded la ta ne andi atteuide . If anY ant)- scriberas order bas boirn neglected let1 unltirear tram you anti we will lm- madintely sectirat the matter la a- touded to. It ia our deaire t0 faitin- tslly f ulfill svery oblIation aur agents1 contract lu our bobalt. FRANK H. Jo RT, EDITOR. Thne Scley case sctane ta bc et a standstill at present. Captain1 Foraytin bia bs.n forgiveu for bis reporteti expression or: opinion tu tavor of Admirai Schley. It etiei YE neft talking for publication. Numez, the Spanisinpilot wbo bronglit Cervera ont of Santiago, ls ta bie stnamoneti BS one ot the wtneaseo. Il bas now reaclhedth e point tirat mention o au soi of the admnistration appearing lnuthîe Chicago trust press Isoncludes: "Tins Cbicago papera bave Iaken sîdea against Yale@ Iu tiis mat- ter." Il these "ispeciala" are net writ- ton tu theo Chcago offices, wblch la probable, tbe reporters are dotobtesas aAUtnder Instrutsions tu mare i9 quita apparent tbat "ithe Chcago ps- pera have taken ide» agalust ates."1 They look ides aginat f1dm before is nomination, gave but feeibleSuîpport te I@ election, aud atterward, began tu try andi curry tavar wth blm. Failiug la contrai bis policy, tbe Chicago daily papers, wtb one exception. "Itook aides againat lateq." Thne people of Sbe alats are nlt ta bc misled by tbe biuast opinions ufthtie discotenied andi diacredîtei Chicago papers. Tbey will jndge of Vates snd fblm administration on Its mrits. Intelligence of the attempted amsîn- ation of Preaident McKinley vas announned tramt tins jndges stand ]ast Fritiay atternou.ait tbe fait. Tbere vas a moment of breatîleas suspenser ad thon ail over tbe crowdeti ampi- Abealtre were hsard subtiast murmiur- juge 0f coutompi for theo wolld be siabasin andi bopes tinat tbeir bion ored and beloveti Chiet Magistrate wonld recover. Thene ews quiokly epreati about the gronde, Il vas the ue toplc of counversation andi On everY baud, te- gaatIWm o<f prlitioaî faitlinvas beard blue nadeirs expreuseti, su eatuesi «BtppicatIonlibialthtieIlite of Mie objet acecutive migit be spared. Net ans discordant note waas oundeti. ail were -aioe.mnd. Coupletiwitb thes appeals fme retoration of the Prosident u4MabterdennnLciation of bis cowardiy â«Mli u d at Ibo@e Who revule at law i M-g*"urage auch atrociaus cans. àU May nov reounably bape for Preideul Mcl<Iuley s rscovery. 'lino crisasbas been passiet. A feeling 0f relief supplanta Ibat of auxions solicitutis. Lake (janIy rejolces wilt lhe country at large vitin ecab sun- onrsng report froto lresideut Me- **sIara badaide. PAUL. I1ACOUFFIN. Ati.aryt L-m Chancery Notice. aue of Illinois . W eConnt id, .ztCU of bat., Courti. ( ob-r i'VAlaur J. Putusu.andet ,noh IM. Choam- barnevs. <.Frank Wirî. Lolhiroseiu fard. Lvnde E. F..nâw,,rîlnau.] EitnEE Parvortln. is wlle, Mos.eFrotnt and Helen liarnworth. tif iswle..JIte.'. B Paruaworth BsuifAime J i nnmu-idh, vite.ounukuowru lueira or f-te,%,,. -of itît il Il W daok. .toxasei sad .cutuowînun-r pId Faukinansor, -the Trost..,s, or llî-iolm 16 4.I. 10 la Lake ouuty D terwisid ktoussas Truste.,.. (il Biools of Townsiril.No forty-ur tw., Rage N. toc rutnilIn Lak counnuY. iîl1 l, John Marris. (touta, Harris. *"Joeetri.C O lton and Ln.otl& 1P. Smioth..-exlutîr. I laWiIi and T,.tannetit or Thoron Parker. IM iEtRaine CUunty. WltC.dnn.-a*un kuavla beirs or d.,iets of uThoron Parke.r, dieeasi. sundukuossuowntrs, Amlhroqe1 t. (breter anduneknown own,.r,.ni and Perauletsrstd le realiottatt d,.suriid luI the bili u ofmplaitt lu haoiety. L 61119ffalori, aflldait that tire dfsodonts1 Lutiera Sanforît. John MHarris, Gnons. BourrIs ide"osiîi . CBrttou and Lîu-la P. aultin. EX.sutord outhe 90ande-tTors ment f Tht-rite Srt-r. lto î,f llsite Coeuts,. Wiaouinc IDavidi Fautliist-r anfi At,lr.,, S. arrnur. tttnî,wn lt,-iraor îisu, ,,. of olnera uni .ttk.nwn l-r. ,,r dvi,.,em OtTireront Frter. i d.d. sdit out,own Lrt les lct-.,.t,.dleth't't ei,,d'.td ca te Bill of Complalnt- 11,le in al 'ou,. Slnd tUniLt .fttOii ritîtu E uie Worth andtil -i'ri u oîttt. iri ils jf,. r. e'fottsents of't t t, itsti Ill ni. nu ttt , t.rî, ',I.',or t tp -m n ,. - riiu i.seers.d r tii lim,ttiofrîLtin. îul Court. L tut .th--tt I ..1, t ,, iiti..t'rp-Ilrt tc uri-.. utuflin ,. X,î Ly. Wime ouu. tilFtuthatsr.iAi.,, g? t. ' 'tîl.uuwnt oir, or I-tido-lî,.. Ovucasl ti k .i-aown t.lre i i"l.c aicpi=rn;i,'or.-. - tes..iu nîtowu owmeransd *'ti,.' i. îîtcrtss n ,e-ro'f ani a te Bll r crils. .- ut.. eE. Fores- wort %PdElle - karn,.wortî. lit, wl!,.. Stases atrusworlh au-i litienn irieworth. bis vite. mhat thes abovs,,. netcouolftinoct heretotors Sflned tieir billutUf.tioliet lu 011 -11S f lugte 1.aca genrahiY mekes up iiy gIVlng n-more viest. If leua bonntifui vîtinpeachea abs la unually mors generous vitb appies. Tins climatta conditions ara sucd tbat a scarolly lu ans crop means a plentiful burvent lu anotiner. Thes kinti o! v..tber tltta tsdely for omne vegetables causes otiners ta tînîve. Tatlng ail sections of tins contry ta- getiter a unîversal fallnre off onopa bas never yet been seen aud pnobabiy neyer vil) be. Luet la aivaya againet a man vina depenti. on lu. White ons is tantiiug araunti vatiug fan lîuck to bring hlm sometlaing, lb. la vltbouit oubt lstting lia opportunities pasa ntaval leti. Most lucty men mats thisr net. Garfieldi sali. "-A pountiaofmet is a ortb a tan af motk." 'Diligence Jetshlnsmotter of iuct. Tins u-aly iocty man leslbe vIa vitbrs vitin sartestuesasanti faitifly ail vinat camles ta bis baud ta do. -What seems gooti luct ofttr proves ta be a miafottune Insteati. We are apt ta thint a man iocty vinallas a fortune left ta hlm. It Io tao offten lis minu. A fortune acquinsti by bus ovn effort viii do blu. tvice tins gooti tiongl haIt aa lange. Tins beat luct fiiat; can iappen t a sman tla tai icincornes ta bim virile vortlug ton soine vorthy hmrpose. Bride up. Do uat vait fut ,«uck.' Watcb yaur opportoutities. Go ta on antimate your loci. Yen toeu tuos viaitaedo vitI It. REtAL ESTATE TRANSFERti. Furnialeti by Lake Caunty Titis & Trust Co. Abstracto ai TItIs. TîtîesaGuananloed. Masanlu Temple Bldg. Wankegan, 111. Louis J. GuRNua,. Secy. J J Page & ssr te J F Powve.latîntt u &t 2 bit s Mîkîntu thn t ctro Wqt it-gan IE. o R w ..i.t . ..... 18meion. J F Powell & wf 1iioWîîî Hut-lutiitrt Pat-t ltast & 2 btilt s liiasitti un Wauingau E îtf B111 ..... ..- igia ne Mat-y E Sîrat-ot, 0uitirjin DBt-twns loIt à ltit48 ion i itîrti Lu. aket BluffT wd...... . .. M o0 Lnt.ra D Bronusu FiiI-oit W Corteti tut 7 tilt 28 lot Il i lt4i, lti tift t-Ii4. cou-t aidn e llu uftutt, Btit . i tice 0 J M Hotî1t w& altii Fret' .W'Coti-iih lots tii 2 lote lit t9ati2t ii. t hit 1& 2 t .5 u-i uiat' ii liuaiTwd u9 JnOiA Brwt-e t.Ail.,,.Conditw 1ua, fihI bt13 butk' Bluff ssii----------- 2a, o Jtnmîe clr.trt & oittij SM(iu-iuI.y îmrlot :utut --itiîottiitl-s i-0 olu-- 1-44-1 l Oil .ý... - 1 ý - ..... N ., tut Saut- ot-acue ntii Jînut'w c I& tort ltI4stil liMu lut ay2d I u i te Wtk,gan ouI....i....1 0 ttlo L lutrie & tînt to ri-itiik 1, DaIns ot IrA a uit i t'rt -. itait,,ti Grint-ilat., Wssii ... >.a.>r s ,2 et0 C 1i0 lttt-,ilictt 't utt te Emtma , Cii It & i. A lui InuitTî-lI lttoni wWe.i J--l,rîoît Ai- St. tuit-ginu ou... .....- - iMel)s di ..--------------... Ettit Cututii& sal tii I-i-tiiI -tAi-itrc, xet ir m 'n . t-o s, a -ustSeý-4- oIl w ii ..... uc..tu.t.i Cnuity Cer-t,Il C l -tr' ikr i .tli au tilt 6 liii. Su.0.4 tt tilt Ctt-î7 t Spiut-mBLittttaieo unt.r- es'lt't-- 14.40,-t, ue1O l'il 20fut. 4 lut" B fît i ta. ildt'el - M À A luin&tîto to -iGt tt.ticl- osa(Iruicirt i':i.4 Ilit i-e eI - (it4, 0o L, W 0GSuI-liOrshi't t&w! t itiiri.- K-iiitîirtlots5& E 1)u t!, t-,v (lu-'-rs SOIt Of trI'.47 & dm(:,,t t t alue in -,Wtukittn sut I iv s o 5.-r-y f t,(Ir -C'u22-4e-ta2mi Jîuu.î-E Ct-urC IltJiti- t.'l w 1tt eroi.rýllt ttu 6,trio. uSrl'IIIe 110o4m ilt t8 ttu 1to l tbit i At-ni- r"'uaillutu Waukt'ncatî q .I 1tot ClAeEo.nt&&vlso C &N W Iliy Cii ian lt 7 tII auauutegan t 2ti l, n * M WhIto a esubdivst'ion o! ht'onw a 44 itlî lottutous ou ub ut iipu t- 2-4 - ifi W . .î .... - .. -...... rie,( V tifutli & slr Jtti itîtîitiltiS . i. tlt .trI a no uu l, 4 ari tr .-l! 2- c-9'wo.t---------......-........- W9090 ?iaîrati J I-Cl-t t ýhutît ItltloIl 111IiW rL711- l 'I , ttIl J U - l I i fi Lnkt' Iitf tI.. Ie e o j Il lîtte AW! il) '11F îiW-- mi ft Pt 14ihlk -32 tiirtt i lut, n1 . ti BltaI! s ,t ..... .. ..... t 1 J Ç Billti.îî. w &Mel t, Il t. Strhi lttim dLtuot 1t t it t lil .-- onnu su bltntUtirys a tul Ito %u- tegan d ..a .. .......- _.... .. 4 8-i ou Thos Eis & w! Lu Imbu Els tIII. EsII l sis1au& 2n-44-11t o ...t -.. t90640 t' W Curinîrtu t& wf tu J Il Mlt-, kilt ô 1.k46 corutidi îtte Lii. Blîtîl .............. r 0s00 011 foie te Oblidren, -Give them oil-cod-liver oi. It's curjous to sec the resuit. Gix'c it to the piuevish, fret. [uIl child, and lie lauglis. Give it to the pale, ana'rnic child, and bis face becorner, rosy and fu of heaith. TaL-e a fiat. chested child, or a chld that bas stopped growing, "ive him the oil, and he mwIll grot.w big and strorig like thie rest. This is flot a ncxv sfiheme. It has been donc for N'Ctars. 0f course you musrt usC the~ right oil. Scott's Emrulslutu is the one. Scott's Emulsion neliht'u loks for tastcs like oil beca.ubc w-e are 50 careful in makin g it plcasant to take. Scnd for free sample. SCOTT & IOWNIE Cbeuà.,n 1 PMuSI.l.. 59< Bai ai. qgjus Bey, anti linse. C. M. Bartinolder lait Salurday aternoon for Toledo, tineir future borne. Tins paster performesi B vedding cereuiony about tinte. 'eîock, a fittlng close ta bis lîsatotate boe. Apprebondet inlutbe &et o! Illegal sslllng ,of iutoxlcating liquon on Sun- day laat, ans af tbe drnggîate ai tis City fel fiebthe Clîttobes af tins Iav Monday anti vas tlned. The ins anti cosaggregated $3t5.70i Tbe incident may bave a saltttary et! eét as au olject 1essan. Monday u.arning a delegation ai Wantegao CG. A. B. lofttCticago far Cleveland, Ohio, minute tins annual O. A. IL. national encamprnt la ta taire place. Those lu tins party voe as foilos C. A. Partritige, W. M. Rtei, G. I. Lyon, il. L. Flagg, R. Alden, J. fi. Btraschner antIH. B. Barnumt. Lats Camp Fonesten team ai Wattke- gan van tino $25 banner l insheidill of Waodmsu teamauat tins tait ou Friday. Tbe team vas led by tiet ness captalu, W. 0. Sampson anti marcbuti ta vletory. 'The ancuese ut tbe Wantegan team vas a surpris as tbsy have been under tins direction uf tir. Samson only tva veeks, ine baving iesu ot of commanti fon over a year. Tbey ouly inat fout nîginta practice leforc gaing ta bîbentyvIlie. J. happes, an Aunstnian. vas killet Sunday nil b ile valking on tins cleetric roati tracks just nontin o! Lats Fort. happe vas scou caming up tins tnack, .tins mantarmnaît everqeni, rang the bt-Il anti ysllsd, but tins car vas galng dasan grade andtie tinsan vas @truck before it coulti bc stappeti. le dieti vitinin a fess minutes. <mu occident ocetitreilabout 93 SIo"o. tuappu llouves a vile andti tiresasil chilîtren aitu13Maket street, tmIs tY. Ou bis persan vas tonttia battis o!flquor ndut inlapensuniesi he vas lutaxicatet. Tins Wautegau Waman's Chrnistian Tempenance Union belti lis aunual business meeting Frlday. 'he re- porta of tins offlcera ai tins union, vers very sucoonagitag, shossng tnai ueth practîi a okbat been tome alautg ail fines. iTle foloving otilers vers electeil Mrs. Helen DiJver. IPreideut Ht-s. Celestia Thampon, Vice prpsi- '1deut lins. Jenie Just, Cor, ant iltec. Sec. Mra. E. C. Yager, Finaucial Sec. Mu-a NS A. GriliUn, Trt'asnnr. Mrns W. 1P. l-igiey snt Mu-s, CT Heydoeker, Trusicet, fîr S yearm. Wiiasm ttartes vina vent abot thie stu-esis otlay trou-ily ptaclamm- îngbevasglad Mceiuîe11y vashot anti tinat lu cors-et im riglit. ant islto iter. Watt vicilîtly e,iet aun cfirtict-t ea atuaguedt utt ittico Weittu.' cutirIt es- day ctargttu isîtin Ltîng ticuni snd disordety Sutu-to- ioticcaleoont o! is jing. He va, bîmqeli viti tinse o- cePtion Ofai auctii.iitiseatkoye, the resoîlt o!flîumpiug juta, Ast. Ciief 'lyrsil's tist. le lîtoieti tins penit3tnt vletder wvinu alule i mia coutr HeM as ittet Siti anti casta. lu iteat i tic paymenti e vas Ilacet l tieno tret gang (t Watt it ont. Staikish' tanntnuà 1> tt prove a very dear one toi iim. (tne linodreti tollars anti caste, Ilu aI it $1n3 ees a jaIl ser- vice fto vabiutreti day-i or frntm uDow outilthLe middlce! ofnxt ltnrni. At lts regnianr meeting blli luot ulghtLabue Camp, M. W. A adoptet smentistory by-iava vhlcin ocavay îeth a long tandlng teatitre, tins payment af lot bettelits tu sncb mem- bers ofthtin camp as vire cantrîbuntors toa efîti molrntalned fan lIai ptîu-pase. Th ins ou-ititl eatore bas neyer insen auts' lant rf the orntoaitins Mttternî tVtot ut, îoiy st asfot- s L as aliosad 13tahl ort-ten thtIiot -aI camps conîti ait telt- titii tt uaitaîn 8soi-hlil festore. Ih not bictg t'bligatory lîpon tins rucobers orfelt'b camps@;0 cati- tribtttieu-tI,. E-o-y tuluits blstary balle Celu.i)tadopte,> Lia.. Iatutre anti a lange percc-uiuge oftlits uiutiets vers PanticimuatoraILu If. At tins meeting ai tins Head d(amp Inciq t'anl lt JuDte sOption of sstabllsiug slck fonds by ltocal camps vas witO'lttavn, it lavlng been sinosan Inîmicai ta tins besi fntereata t-f t.Vodcuaft. lu s file dosa the loaln camp volet almosgt unatlmolustv ta ltoliilnibis testons vinicin bas losen openative tà tomen years or more. It la relatedti iat a batsCoaty Young 1lîdy sho teaches a cas lu in-n day scinool matles a practice of nelating sacinh sctia 'v some incident tinat bus oceured dtiruntlins eet Buns- Lttsstitg lber piîula ogîve Borne scriptttral qntatin tiat vil appi, 10 fi. (Jus Sonrtay flet iauter nelateti tatailse ta-i seeso a uitile boy cîti a cats tailtutff sud a>tied bier eiass foràa quotatîono Otat, uLle MIss promtp y respondtli vlh-"Wbat Goti atJoinedt tageller let notiMau puit asîitkder.' A sentimt os fast gtoving over tins country Insu prîvate tanemals are titae acceptable anti lu iarrny alt snucb uadi occasions tinan a pubicilo uril. Tinleuestiotttîbas lîsen angitetipro anti con for l'are, but it bas bien noLîceable faIste tiniltinse sarrove of deatît bave been coilitd ta tins homo. Ont- (if tinsse tisys Ilu intfuture a sinon thomo service sili bc bhuit sud lin.-DRiU Witttîr t ]Wî liRseOlUptinied ta tins t7emetery lty oitly theins itieo tamilYlu ho sutinoctiy pspets tinuse tiays mrret of tins tiat notices sud vitilî lin.- -'lait'ralI ftirate' H., t i' A tri-tm ,rittinu and healiln remeie et-eh .ki ut.-rtiiite Aocuet nui the Fsîtit-1 r ait, hIuy F . B. 'la m ire.Sasusan 1s autlmrbedta iteravaleolgbpoànsadventthaants ai <triera ut lob v e Caul for ra tasaiomeBet fsilstlatioiu, E .Sherzna ae. - - - - - il,. W. C. Tlsne Table, Ormyabe. NO-,. B B mtOî TnfBI niato. sga & e.asep.m-.....Dallr ezeept Bunday 8. s.1t:8 . i. -10. 72ILB.rnmoday.s and m4 713 . .....- ................Dalir No.5.1p . -m....... oi eu. Su. -9. dan P. _-'Frility mandl Baturdayo tly ta. 6:08 P. M....---..---........-.. alî lMT, antiâtrs. E. B Sherman afpent last Sunday ln Winrclnng. Two dauginâters ai Chao. Tonlea are dowu vilin typhoiti lever. lit. O. Rail left Monday on a trip ta the Pan ArenuExposition. Misa Ariette Morrili vlsited sitb au antnl Prairie Vissa ibis veek. The Wilkinsotn fmlly la nu beotaiR pre-ent vritiug. i bers la sitill mlcin danger. Mir. anti lra. L. A Bonge rtturneti Monday frouna atinritho visit lu New York state. Mir. andi lra. Briginan, of Chicago, apent Saturday anti sanday boesand st Rtoulati Lake. Orayalake people receivedti Ibir sarae c taans ai tins Liberiynllle Pair, sant iey vers, as usual, vel represeuteti. Mir. Peck, a resident nifiRockefeller, in now section toreman boes taking thes place o1 Ottls Johnsan. lins. Wedge aut ber mamanr, trs. Wrighnt, lait Tusâay for a vfiait vitin relatives andi fric-nds in Elgin. WANTE.D-Ml ansd vifs ta coot andi manage kftabeuà. Aboutt 39) boardera. Adtiieas P. E. Fui.tttso, Orayalake, Frank Davis bas punchaseti the Murris property on Park Ave., anti wiii take possson ibis fait. Cou- sidenation $2500. lira, W. Etivards, tirs. H. Etivarda anti lra. D. Wlgbtwnîa departed Mion- day for a pleasurs trip ta thes Ezpoel. tion t Buffalo. Meadames W. Edwards, Wlgltmaaa anti DnnnlofIti Monday for Buffalo anti Niagara Falla. Tiney liii be goue about ton tisys. Tha littie boy vIn inainsen iboard- Ing at A. M. Wiites tins put year dieti laut Satunday. ot typinoitilever. Tins body vas taten ta Chicago for ouril. FABE Fou SALE. SMall frM Of 36 acrea. <ooti buildings. Withiu 44) roda of tva stores anud poat-oflice. Addrns W. B. PAuRR, G(rayalake, 111. Mlra. Chas. Hall, (). P. anti Et. Barrau left Mouday for Clevelandt, Ohia, ta attend thb,. GA. IR.sncamp. ment sud aise tins ilîtiaoExposition. t. be gans at toast an veat Ail tbiosc hing rZ epair vont at E. Bl. Siermans8 store yull please cal for Rame belore tine 25th, as be expecta te be gaus from tinat date util <tel. 5 Tins store viii be ohittut. oweer, durng bis absence. Mt. andt lra Johnson, tif Spning- fleit, Wlm, vestins guesta of thisr sou, B. F. Johnson, anti tainily tant of ibis week. Tiney also visiLd t l Wli Merrict anti fatlly. ni bake Villa, sevenal tisys. Came ta tins lroii>tittutpecite lraturday, te 1ittbThere viii b4 goosi speaklutg, sud tins lenoley týOBn. tette vili ing. Tbis abuse la a big drawing card, an tbey bave bec oe iefars anti are always enlayable. Mn. C. 0. Sithti anti bis brother, W. H. Simithn anu bis saOt Dell, siarteti Wednssday for aoutberu Kansas. Tbey vili visit tineir br,,ther, S. L-.. tmitig, of Antbany andti rom thterrt take a trip ta Oklahaoma, S. L. Smtithn leiutg one of tins pt-Ire tinners luatselandl roulnts ai El Rteno. Martin Docker, principal tri aur scinîtîl. and bia bride ut a veek have taken possession ai thne kchafer cottage, and are Co)zlly tiomicileni therein. Mt. amti Mrs. Decker are saarraiy vslcomed ta aur mîdat anti vs extenti to thoraotr very beat Elainsa for ibeir ftutre lappinsa. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGs. iOAYSLALa, ILL., SKI'T. 2, 19)1. Village board met lu regular session vîtin president Sinrmau n l tsechair. Trustees preaent at roîl calvers: Bnesl, Marron, battus, WiIbur, tibafier. Minutes of last regulsn meeting reati anti appraveti as coracteti. Ilecommendeti by Bushl anti Wlbnr of tin sSever committees tthîe vil- lage of Grayqlake douais $75 ()tilot>ard opsulng main dtlla as fat sontin as vil- lage sever autlet. Motion by Shafier anti t report of Neyer commuttes be accepteti. Motiona carrieti. itesalution offereti by Trustes tibsifer tinat tins village ai Grayalake douate $75.0)tavard opauing main titcb. Motion by Loftts anti Barron ta dapt reuttîton otereti iy Trustee Sinaffer. Motion carnissi. Coamîtieson Electiîcat Contrai Win. Han. labcr-----------------...... 30 Wrn. Wedge, Sr.. laitor ...... ......."u Jno. lan, laiton----------------....... Ms Jna. Willilams. laitor--------------E....20 ' 0. Wisemuan. lahor---------------ut..... ta Gi. Kiminai, lainer-----------------.......t su 0. Kappol, LIstia ........................ as H. B. WOOIlsr & SonIlginte for Augutat.. 27 2M ltesoiution offatai by Trustee Willinr ta taise Si1009) for tteai anti bridge pur. Pose@. Motion by Slaflar anti Wilbur ta adopt resoîntion -as Olireti. Aya- Itueîl, Loftns, RSisfer, Wlbnr. Nays- Itarron. Motion carrieti. Motion by Spialfer anti huell Ibasthîe Village Oet draft au ordinance, sain tas tins Ornapcescilla for. noian carrieti. Ortiluance No. 38 wvasgivan a secound teaiig. A1yea Huell, battus,. BbBfer, Wlbnr. Maya liaron. Oarrl.d. Motion by Lottus anti Buail toaBd- Jotîru. Motion carîsti. D. G. WHITE, Village Clent. H AIN ES VILLE- Nev ideaaî. inso. 1D. frIaI p"ut Satuttiay anti Tuesday lu Chicago. S. F. Clevelandi anti farnltly ave move tlatinir nev hame at Atilngton Heigints. C. C. Monrilîl, A. D. RIcin anti Sher- mnan Davis vers Chicago vîesotrs Saturday. li. Ehijainh Bieattison basabeen vîtiluf trelative@ lu Wautegan for sevetai veets. Thomas Garman moveti bis bouse liant gaverai feet tram the streai, anti viil vIL tosaenaneetietirepaIrs. Misa Aima Menti, begou ber school dtiiesatai Oayalaai ouday. S ebas charge of tins Intermadiate toom. Tins Wilkinson farnîhy araeflot lrn- pnovlng veny tapldly. Oue Bon Clarence, la very loy Bt preaant vrl.- Iug. lins. Smnith, au aid lady about eigbly yeara of âge, lad th ins lstnne ta tait anti lDure lber hp. Où@Ielivenvitin ber grand-sou, Wlbur Smithn. Haîneavilis vas eli reptementati Bt ils fair. Everyoue vas luterasteti lu tins bail game. tira. C. C. Morrili acuoreti about a dozan bine rinIons ou ttoyers. Thomas Fleming. of lova, us calling on olti friands lu tIi. vieinity. ItlaS about lveniy-flve yearsmse h viitai boe, andi doabiles l»s aid home anti frientis ans conaiderably clangeti iy Lime. A. 1). icie anti D. Fritsch viaiet Lats Viiia Camp M. W. A. Tuestiay evsung. 'te correspondent vas mixai on dates lami veet vlen aunoonclng lins Invitation, bot trust no ansevW" lu- canveulencet by tins error. «'l n tIn wgvi too e r liai a sîîtnfti o!rv ulvwiii go frtht-r than a galionî of viet-goir - Tut, sou..,mat te aald ofc'l. drën. Tut-n' us uothiîeg s goofi for chlldir.e as tih..otd-fasinod -aster on. Howvvr tuttîttt',y eY ,n]Yabior I, it la thisr tes medîlat, tut-rtlIsonIrs tortithetwv.'inl Lii.' muro, seere cassaofni dlrnho,,a atît rlyssatery. iowv-.,CiaitehertaJ' Colla. Cint-ra set! DiazrhosB iemefirainasîfte; 1ie- tti tl ite al neratos anti a îutoc ui-o lesor umtfulov. Forstle lin y. B. bavEzL.. Lih.'rtrs-lio; G5Â!LAKIaPHasMACI; JOHuN XImE,.. bachot-. I[AYLO)R GROVE. We are nov eniayiug cool vestiner. Tbls viclulty vas wvttlsprusentiedt a tins tain lasi vweet. ScinOOl beganuth ie 2md lt. Misse Vida Taylot leattsntiing acscio ai (donnes. Philo Amea anti farnliy starteti fat Colarado Spnlngs test Tesaday. Alleu Stants new bougse 11 aimast compisitd. Theins nsofaiMisa Ina iHansen miii bce plasto bo at ginal; st e s ili p- yard strivlug as ine tas tatonuop vont ninnshe euoabia Higin Scbool. Miss Inas graduated tram Oatm actool lent aprng, anti as aine lsaagooti vanter vs ans tle aure ai ber acesas. Wt. M. Broee la selling a great tisai ut maeiinery tmia seasan. Otaries Brevet vas taten by sttrprime On tins evenung ai tins liai vien about thInrty oa is insacalledt lacelebtate iIs.igb@eutbitttiay. A nicesauppan vas servetiantialsnj>yed a pleaaant urne. RUSSELL. W. H. Siver spent Suntiay ln Rus- Boll. Chas. Atidie la siqlering frum ase. vers colt. We are pleaset a se Dr. Lewin ga Improveti lu lealt. P. E. Parr, of Chicago, vas a pies- Bu% calier.lasi Sunday. R. E. Levin apeut Satuttiay vîth inIts parents t tiisplace. Misa Dora Diron la tine gtusst af ber alitet, lira. C. Wiult. Fi'aat licNamara la nov empinysci lu tins Russell laminer yard. John Heathn, o! Loyal, Win , vialteti bia &intera, Mesdamea Parr anti Levin. ~i~et I ». s es -M oa y vs.wu la thàe City *la Arthau Dowayc tins11.sou ot John Dove, la quit. @tek. PaAM veaY la atending 11gb asciool ai Oak Pari tls year. Milie HOga, 0i W41uegau. visileti liaainFox aver Bundsy. Miss Mary Docker, ofivianinoe, wva Vola vialor Wstinosday. Veoavas veli representeintBthtin Libartyvîlla Fuir hast veet. Mr. anti lra. Chlsa Paker visitai relatives ai IvaaneBoSunday. Perry Wallon, te tIc111e Bon ai italpin Wallon, ls quîte @ltk. TIers vwu a dance lu Sitdtt.,îni5 Mail Netneetiay evenlng. Sept. il. li"asAuna Millet, of Froentaulcon- ter, vîsiteti ban mollet bere Sunda.y. Mna.. . C. Caf penter. ai Elgin, visiteti nt A. J. htaymxonti's atnrday. A. J. Raymandi la lu Wautegau ta at- tend the meeting o! tins board ai aupervlors ibis veot. John Noble, a former restideni et Ibis vlcinity, nov o! Oregon, la viait- lng relatives anti ftlends boe. Eiarn Conversa relurnedt li borne lu Chicago Thnrsday eveulng, alt .pending bis vacatin one.anutali Fort EH.l S. J. Rtueli's side8ttiaugintar, Litia, is quit. ilI et tins bomea aiber grand- parents, Mt. anti lra. Sîmeon itussl, lu Wautegan. Th. napper t Hangli brottera' Tuesnday eventng for thes benefil tinsth M. E. churcI vas ànauce ael'lly anti fiiuaucally. Proceetis, Sis. Mn. andi lra. Chérile@ Ranght asnd vu 5.00 loti true 181. Good Values'at "Way Down" We htave a goatl stock ai Meus klausO ut $1.1 I ... ...$ 3 00 Ladisa' Shoet eai90octo....... ...... ....- 2 75 .. Blîppens, ta close, at BIc ta ................ . 1 0 Cliltirena 5Sinces ai 20c ta ...I......... 163 ans lot taose30 (lutta tinsu bah pnice. Ladies' 31.00 W atiate at ... . .. .... ........... 73 n.. ti00 ut . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 40 Hsome t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Ladies' Drese. a goati assoitmant cua) MienaSuItp, $3.00 to ............ ......... .. 1)z00 liena% Ligint Suifa, al vool, rndetietto--------------------.. 8o0 Boys' Suise, up tram-------------------------------------.....75 Boys' Sbinta, a gooti assortimeut at medlum p i-i Mena 5 IVaimts, a fev loft. Meus Strass Hais at your on rt-t" A fulIl stock aif<inoceriea. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. W. W. EDWARDS, Grayslake - - - - Illinois. bava bd=s iwlag se o Z vt tisai danghle,M». Simone, làEigtej vettuiletatthair bomne lu Vola liY deay.- 1 gaverai Vole peoples veut on an cursion &thîe oly HIilWin., Sain day anti returtieti ontiay. Amog &bose vinaveut wvers: lssa Acule Wagner, Anlne anti Este Pignon, lit. anti lit. S.'Weiugart, Ht. anti lra. John Braun, Mesdames itaseo, John Moidors andi John ILoeing. You Have Sean Sncb Cases. l'h 'insGeneva Itepublican says thut il "naoteti lately Bt leant tan tans of vsny ul(te brigitnt e trav Juslt trenLeti vîlIe tins Ovuer, a forumer teantBu, bati allovsd tW pile lnuan Irrogular beap tram tins machine go tinat tle rail raina4 vould spoiliIl aIl. This trav vas vonîl ai leasi P011 ad Il been veil stacteni. ThiIsaime man wvîlibe giv. ing a cinatt.1 rotgsgs next vinter to get mnonoy ta puy bis taxensouanta grocery biV.- Walworth Couniy Fair. ltffllucetirtle@ anti Speclal traint set vice have becu graulei l y the tailtats for lins Walvonllu County Fair, tehbefinelti Bt Eliboru, tSept. 17- 20>. Tin sapsat pragtam excaela tinat ei auy fair lu tins circnit. Exhibitions saab day iay the Itîctt famlly. Plan ga gosa day or ivo. A Comuncation. MIL. KittTOISAtit.v mtt a f words lu fasi,,r,ciîanl.elau's - 'iný t Heudy.I Sntl' r tht-se rearo Stim tinu brotehil,. tt ý*tit -rî t .1co daer, nut elsits . valtrieol mnVrai iîti-.andivarions pCart tuedl .dgueî ti1tt4iî uthing La a:r relief a til M y Wt. a tOttt o t i tiatb, M,,.etîî ii.,ttrimn-Vi . . , mu.liint, i. Thisart-,e, t- tî- 1iii. i>F.B. Luîsg.a LIb.,rti,11.: GAavI.oAut 'nii*txg4,.y jolm ci Ha wII Pianos, LIBEF - Ail Ki Lower than the Lowest. fê XXXX coiee ........- ................------------..oS 0 <~ 1 ba4ie Cat.up .... ...... .. ......... 0 2 mOdAb on....... - - - ' » 15 4 fê 3 Ibo.goond Japon Te&s.......... ...... N 1 1.00 01ev.. ....- - - - - - - - - --............ 7 Lot of Ladiees'76o anîna . ats ........ 139 Ilie Dr... Good------------------------------.....10 . * Lot ai NO. 5 anti 9Iibinon ......... ......0 AIl Woal Dr... Flannel---------------------------.... ... 3 Whaejusl recelveti a lot ai Latiles'a'nd Mignes J&ckets anti WbaaCapes anti Boas, torne ln Bansethem ' Olu Sept. 15th evs Il bave a fllIl lne f ai u-4 SI titiSkirita, 4 ptlca $ . 00 t3 10.00. 4 F. IM KUEBKER,+ G* RAYSLAKFE DEPARTMENT ST OR.E, Graysiake. Illinois. Have tbsm up ....... $35. Crescent Bicycles. I dau ell yatu a tetten saluel ior Ieoh matney thny Can boy elovwtere. 'tati vîl1 i tiît tila aartItn tr If sou investigateo CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL NEW 1NOME WILSON twng Machine'% W ILSO Sè i PriCes and Terme to Suit You. E. B. SM E MAN, IT IS At tilic duc jdes Thust't thePo 1 1 1