lVý ,«, ci*'Ulltobn, wua on Weuemda was veli repraseuted aI te 100Oonty Pair. KjrneDelea, of Bringtoa, va. on our treeita Tuesday. Ur. and lira. C. L. Pratt, of Chicago, «0e apedng a ev days fbore. Ur. sud lira. Wyukoop arc enter- bdailng relatives a% premout writing. Will Hpencer viliimove frein ('iii eqo tbis weait. Ho wii work for is ltin tuh1e iii. J. B. Glyncb liamso ii ls grorery baeeolu the cdlv sud t' sî,etding a iev days haro. Fred roveuor and îwo gentleman trianda. of Chicago, are 'uniing on Ooolksshore eujng a efiw dayl" The ramainR or Jatues Garland, wvbo dIed ln Chicago laI.tàoiday, vere brouglât bure 1i'e'.day. Tho limerai vau Raid Tbursday. Josephi Eboder, of Chicago, ila bere. Heinl prepared te do ail ktuds of op- soir Imm tue mit à uneeSu Md au Mr. Vàor #4 M. W. Hughes'Hard- ware and turigtn StoS1re. Election Notice. The Stockboider, of the W aukagafl and Wahngton Xining and Smeiting Comnpany are hereby nofiied that the. annel meeting vii ha ba ld at the company's office, Btliosabnrg, Stevea Conu, Wahngton, on the ltb day of (ichabar, 19(01, for the purpose of eiecting ab osrd of seven directors, a8 follows: Afred£E. étripe, Charle A. laught, James Moud, Igai Petre, Arthur E. 8tirpe, Richard Kennedy, of Lake, Foreet, Iluad Wrn. (0Waler, of Ht. Paul, ilin; and for the trausaot- log 0f snob other busiiness as May ho lawfnily brought before said meeting. CmAs. A. 16tàtHiT, Pres. R. H. STRIPESec. sud Troas. 49-3d Wnukegau, lii bois, Aug. 26, 1901. Workin11 Niglit and Day. Tbhe huilot and rnightI-oet littho IIîn thUt vor va'. ni. i O. ig' N Li strenatn.i. Il4loi$ies.Into 'flore. hrin-fi.g inm rntaI jîow-,r. Tieyre w.ndoýrful lIi building ni tht' l 0111y le25 cP"I l1. Boid by F. 1B. Lovrnn.. Libry'.ili,; OuAI'a. LAErARMACT. 4e '5 KER S MAM OF ALL ÉII<DS 0F ÉOOTIWEAR. Llbertyvllle - Illinois. G0MBINED CAPAGITY 10000 PAIRS DAIIV THIS PICTURE SHOWVS RAILROAO FAILITIES fOR SHIPPING DiRECT FROM FACTORY.TO ÇusToMER,, WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F IiENDERSON'sSJIHOES AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Meu'ssShoes'..... ..........$15, $.00, $2.30, $Z.75 and $3.00 ladimee oe m ......S.......$.35, $145, $1.50, $1.83 aud $2.25 Ladies Oxfords .......................... 5 .90, $1.10, $1.35 andl $1.30 Boysansd Little Cents .. .................................. $.00 t0 $1.75 laBita ............. .............. . 5 .35 (o $1.00 A fui[iline of Childrens' Red School House Shoes in Dongola and Box Caif V. Sauer & Son, Long Grove Illinois.1 vp Kra. Harden spant the daiy in Chi- cago Tuesday. W. E. Anderson atopped ut hie brothera, J. R. Anderson@, 1the 2d of sept. Geo. Wara, of Gieuvlav, vas la tOvn fast Friday vlting at 1ev. F. B. Andersona. Mise Jesaie Eeod, of lnvlev, vlslted with ber sistes, lira. F. I. Auderson, durlng far veak. Milas Elfle Berghorn, vho La vith bar grand-motber sud uncle lu the city, came borne for th1e fait. Knigge & Lusit are fait hacoaiing capitalisîs owiug te a ruslng pickla businessi. '1 ey employed elevan pictars somo day. lest veek. The funeral of Mir. Vlckory, an old nasidoult living northvest of itoolo- felles, ocnurred 'Jhursday, Sept. àthb lUtOrmlent vas ut Lihertyville. 1ev. firs.?Morley, of Ivanboe, took the moraiag service et IRockefeller, Sept. laI. A good sermou and In- itruetive service vas enioyed by tibeo piesent. Arthur Bergborn took a vacation durlng fais veet. Vacations apparent. l y do not sgroe vilbhlm for ho tout an suforced holiday Monday owlng to Miss LottUe Mei Bride bas gona to Chicago Heigbta Io teacb. Aitbougbi the acbool building vas not ilulle ready for ocnupancy, ber preseure at ber achool Vus necessay. Tha social coumltae. of the (Jrislian Endeavor met vitb 1the obairman, Misa Cronkblta, Tuesday evauiug and de- ciled ou a social t.) be giren to-ight ut the home of lMr. J. Cruattuite. We are making np a parti for a fa11 tour in the U.nited States, and vebonld lite the plc'asnre of nnmberiug Jon arnongîbe totiujats. It viii ho erfectly a il e for you 10 corne ,ioue, as 'se shali ou baud. i'lie expiense vwiii be sligbit, the cars ai., se5i igbleil. evefla iîeaîed by fîîrasce, and Ihauit for ti9(l. I1lbe traiu %iii tart Inoni MF. Johi ctuk- bite'. Friday oenaing, Sept. 13, e& Yý45i p. m. àleals are Iacluded. The trip 1 tIncindes stops at most o1 the leadlng Nu s 'i p 'i ed i Mia iimora ing vîti. a gooiy ii1uniiýr.f pIi i)-ii roiiesi. Aila-.fil- ~1,' Lri, k, st"r il . L. tbtîisil' h a iiîl 1 J Heonry i sfrntoiu petît Sîitîieay vîll bia fuinily et lb.. baie o! %I r St son. Wm. isueelkr i.t-be nevly iîstslled janitor et the cburcb., experienee no very 11.4 edéele.. Mmr. E.y. Harden la emaiting ber goodu preparatorî In theit reuoyai 10 Chicago. Duing bar iojoiitu bue abce lae aylul vith R. R. Doolitîle. The Rockefeller Cucumber CO. là dolug s ruebilng busineas.. *Wash le begiuulng t1 vasr a self satilled maile tisoause e!the vealth thal ivaite hlm. Prof. Hodge carne hank from Nev York lut Bturdev 10o recommence hi. voit an principal of thfif ichool. fie describes 5the Expositioa as iousethlug wonderful. t. 0. Payne is laklng a mucb needed rst alter hie exertion during th1e fait. 'E 'lunceh stands vase no fake con. cern. a ail those vbo partoot Of bie bountîful repsoîs vll vouchaafa. Manus are lîusy planterlng Fred 8tuckel*a aev residence ounl'arla Ave.,' vbicbi'vben coniîdeted l)roiees go be a "satuuusr.' k red ia agood bard worting feiiow ai.nd uulversîliy se. specled and hap'py ads-ad viii ha th. ouewLO tbolafrtunsie enough 10 have hlmu for a lite parduer. 6£1100L NOT719, 11ev. D. C. Dullean, of Waucouda, viii daliver a lecture Friday evenlng, Sept. 27tb, auljeet -,A oys Seat Friand.' Tuitlou mnuetlie pald by non- reasdeate lu adailnco 10 Ithe lrk of the Board and a rocelpt for mme pire. iauted to the temebiers. A dipioma viii be grautedl tho.. vbose vorik, deporîmeut and ai- tendauce have been of sucb a nature as 10 warrant the glving of a dipioma. Tha granting of the diploma resta vith thue tambers.audthie board. 'l'bis ymar a Iiigh achool pouraa la atternptad. Thie vert Je doue by alter. nation as fat aàs îmasiiîle. Nlis grade vort Inllnias gelleral bietory, algebra, literature, botany suid bootkaaeping. Tcntb yearinioeaganeral bla10ry coaliued,) algvise contiuuedj z,,logv, phîslci.l gengraphy, au lu- troslîîtory courhe lu lîhytIcs and a revtew of 1the conirnou branohes for tbase vlioovisb 10 prepare for county îilpertulep*tept's exarnînation for teacbar'a s rllag etties and pointa of iatarest la tise The actioo] board blleves lna dvance- Unitedates. i:ot, tbrefore It etrivas tu suppIy Cordistiy Fours, tend tavard tha puplîs educatlon. social Committea, c'. E. Erary 'lai la proof for the tatement (NeTHE ORPNE NT.)aispooivrl; ve are vat out suiroundinga mate "s, Wet, tbougbtfnl pupileare Wonder if --Bill" vent to iMilwaukee More likely tu comas nom a Dms$, eli. Ileadaj. fnrnimbed sclooi-room &ban froi n s Mr@. lticb bas be£n llgbîly JII but uuidy Poorly f urnibhed oaa. The aducateon of out boy@ansd girl@ la loo la improving. important 10 seLd them ta à pooriy Mss. LouIs SpeebI le agala stayipg a ppoinled Sooia foi saven bouis a day, withWil huige.or ballelr titan u "auarter of thaîr viîb III Elgga.yoetbtiîiparlod. i ltazlng tissud lias Elia Btterlield la St presant beiievlug &bat Il tg dolug vhat the staylng vitb bier ncle lu Libestyvilia. commuulty at large voukd do verat baller acquainted vllb 1the condition Bert Tarpeaeng sud family, of Edge- of outseacool -iooms, tbe board bas vatas, are 'iëitiag .1411 Mr. and mrss. male varlous Improvameuts lu bolb tbotse. roomus duriug vacation. (Va are gruge- fui for Ibaeiinprovement, sud haliava Mir. Groniar njoved bis 1maI 1usd 0id1the papils vîhi shov thels atspraciatiou farui ttîre WhI tbertyvîlie hionday. by &nais effort* ta aap 1the torone neat Joah Wasfhafer. of Mis a 1eBergboru retunend 10 0Chi- pOOTriasu. buth-ira.eha w-s I'. t a. tt eag Baurdy uoa fie ouoyig te h Chrlalu's Pain Sais. if t yist Ifoc cagoSususda uuma aleraajoiagthadollaiS s b'îttle. for il aavod lim front b.Ins plea1reof the fair. a5 ipis Neo xternaI apatittiis,n s î,'iuai te tIbis iJnInent for stlff and swnlt'jnlts clbtis lzapkdbbai joinod tisa(j.îV, iJ '*nstract,.Imns-km, sif ne.veraisud t)iîî'tinatl,' andl museular paina i t lias aiso H-1 Kas Initlated kami; SatuniieY but 'ure-d ouiurous cases eh partial 1halyaisas bemide a gi'.lt rin la bitir"F.eBJLovm5t. LihsrtyvtIie;, bs-sis' silbl sia n bi ban ha0'rsoj.U g u.s.pbgACF: J. REsu ait leùho. t t *~~liê~p Beâuit (iilr e oit eet. Ibhero vili ho etother vacanrt iliirj Dean W îi arttîrn"-t u tifrorn Ilieigan sut it e, vb e là"uasIeen aimit inug bis au tnIdMssAvenuf liespite the incieeecy of the, veatis- .'r, the nid 1jieoplt'.'s service laut Saday moî)niîng vas veli attended. iPreparationea re iselng made for 111e orectionuof a coqtiy mon umnnila air ktè»**0 11 il ý-- A tovu leaai present occupiad. 8ed. Mitchelîs friande viii ha glasi ta tbear IRaI ha lo nov slovly recovariug f rom typholsi fever.Hla isstili lu th1e bospital et Flttiburg lu vbicb City ha vas amployesi lathe elactrîcal busineai. licurY Brardin, Har la. N. C.. sars:-" D ~ ~ ier fQteo n"Müt or stîmabitn a NiantsCougd Cumrsdi.] M. ihurs on thn a1'hing ahi.' durinu (bat lm.tstCn g F tsoFr sais lîy Y. B. Lovmn.. lbertrvilia. DIAMOND LAKE. sualysacool 4t one ooct shlarp adI Suudal. The Fromihît Townsbip Huaday sobool convention viii ba beld at lb, 1chureh bere nezt Saaday alleinoon at (vuo 'ciock. Heveral promineul speaklers expect 10 ho prasent, sîmo!o vhom arae11ev. pfauastell, Majoîr Veil *e-i Jige Bernest,0f lHighland lPart, aud liar. 1Moriey, of ;vqabo. isOit AIOTHZS CO5flEa5O5nmsT. C('uacutting bus begua. lias luth Ray starlad taaeblug. at 11ockefollet lut Moaday. cenieosy 0 111 momry 0<M 1. It lie nnderslood that 1the grouad bus The C. E. Society viii holî t i,îîsiMeyer. nes Meeting Wednosuiev evening atlar A nurtmin oui ladies expecî 1e tha negnier psayer meeting., attend the W. C. TF. t'. meeting at The freont Townaship sunîiay Weukegan sud Fiiday of Achoot Conventioanvli hac held next Ibis vas-k. Sunday afterniooa et Diemoad Lake. Mise Fanny Bryant du'parted Met- Heuday, Sept. fst, ev. lMr Ander- ttrday fer Marlon Indigna. vbera .@be sou, of Rockefelier, exehangeil pulpîls i ilpursue s normai course durlug the vith 1ev. M. F. Morley. These vase coming yens. four additions l thie churet, lm eo0n- 111a fesred our postal service vili feselon of failli. Le overcrovded oa accouaI o!f111e de- The Oid lPoopi's Service tast Sun- parture oS many of oas mo8t nopular day mosuiug vas qulle Weil atlauded, Young ladies. coouidering the veathas. 1I&vau 1he Lut Tunaday &venong Mu L. F. lateullon 10 bava ail vbo vasa for -1laanene moved fracs Mr Bs-es ands marlycomueeted vîta tha chuscb iM nov iocsted etthIe borge o! Mr. preîleul test Suuday. Mr. IM. L. Esîl A. Titus, ou Payne aliadî. vas ont trans Waukeau. nlin the 'Ie funaral of Mr Will S'iokery'a onl lvIn ieiheroSIR COnnule*'fatheir beld at tha home ibursday thal servedaut1t1e Ibuiding of (bis mornlng ve aswlJ atanded. The se. church. 11ev. lMorlay delivcsed a Tri mains vere Int.errod aet Lihartyvfila. Uine sermon, eaPocilly tos tLe aider MisenDetrcoilned is peopie.LilliaPayne tauhicaga PrIduy, froin lÂNTOgl eaai5soeitt I vhaee Mies Payne 5'tihuad Maurday loin the Aiurni. la ber sehool aItl'erose Vbesase vas Fairnoving bas liagun. Feugagent lidutg 1te put year. Wbat's ibe malles vitb T. M. A. I? Mr MarI, of Waukegan, Ihe auly r@- 1ev. iR. F. Mourley la nov lsoeîilng malulng member oE the building eau.- vitb lins. Jacoby. mitteao 01Ibis ebUrch vliied frianda ai" aryDeckr wll tten SceelSaturday sud Sonday, %bus beuoiie ue isse ahrhy atr.v tadeholvth ie ispresenos aS the speciai mainu. ar. DeMartiis itîatrd119service. Mi. MsartiuDae snd if atnn At Ihals recent meeting the Board of Wetd tahevanuS. Cneto imanagars of 111e Ivaubes Alumni as- Dattend Lae H Ha. Cas-îoaa ocîaîou, .aiecled PtldaY eveiag, Dlansud Lt. Suda1 Decamber 2711, s the date of th. W At th11e raenut MoWng o!the grasssuua aquet. Other naceaary -Ur coenery la again tlu e eaxLmi. aranemetsvere madsead n- herembr te Pohiitin Foni a&mli$tees àpp Dlnted. Ttinitill doubtiais iteenber11e PohbllonPiete54b. 1t11ebanner social avant aof1the Wlcks groe, Grayalaka, Boxt Smetday. ] holidaya. Wa uitcei omr aarglloJautar~4100 .ene. evauo mieL.. vntes: We 110tied otireriergeteyJanpsIs ..3ur Kdla 111te boat Mr. Ruetîker n.p.urlng the bell W.ud- . isusedyfor Cstie eh ïdaiSb .ou11ie unsay morernlog.thal asarused lusrases tauFre Uô»o 'lispapsia aI Ilunsaeolnieiing m» ta ste? On accOnuaI o! ii bealth Mi Fred In Lied snÏcàusi a told alot. s Gomuiteii aureu1'Vj'kcuioi Depas Beachbanbsee.n muablc (o retura 0 t lo seo , enln laIuiada &leaRa hig duties luu'('sik[egsn. lfer'! mini1 o ed Wo &user MriJ. B. Van pievW vinireturu 1as lertedL0lor beau staka4 ot Fo a saluaà. The huuting ssoQ hqa opancil sud titha Iguna begin t10 gel ipsisiaroua the lake. Tisa peacb social ai W..flouse'. 1489 Tueslay alght vas a eena, Dot- 9 litbstandiug the cool ve*lher. UeoO. M. Rli a .building a nev cbictan yard feuce.Hefa I.ta bulidea 1unon bain (bia fail andl mmka varions .other Improvaments. r Il la thoughl by aome of the people Rrasud ber. th&I if nome of11the ols grouchea aif1the Fair Associationwvas Ibrova ont snd sconmodmtiug par- sans ha put in as oflcars il voulil ha 1IX44 eu~-er. 9 The Diemoad Lake basa hail team rvili Play aStfLake urlcb nazi Hnuday ut a Rarveat pieute. They play agaas tha L*a 0o»auty Stari. This Ieam plaedaIt the Lake County fs$r sud put o. a gsDat garne. van, lesaIJ.US ffl nov I'vln ,ouît tat U As thalet L tion tuer Ma 1 rite hlieumeLu 8tuea On@ P r'ation Itail an i Iltharafor cres iadmesoaqosud dysvppia noauael valte e eFlor Sei, P. .LovnL. Lertrv ie ZERETT. Ms. J. W. CooneF open$ Fîlday vlstng fieads around Es-erett. iorne very 1154h noeded Iinproye- menta are boalagmade lu out cemetery. lise Anna Tare left last Thuraday for Vaipario. visere ah. lntends 10 take a course of atedy lun5the Normai achool. 3 is Mary Davson ban rsmed touching aI Pannock, but la boardlng LI uthome as long as tb. veather vîi permnit. Mr. sud Mia@. (. guuniford bave returaed fro ouipua, ybere Sbay tvenst Attend Ste flaunarai0ar. Huanulord'a brother. W*. 8.14. "Ile ssaau 'uw 0q110i, j JO beoi a rtietissa Ysar tuaJ r séonfler. a liée evru day.- D Bey. Voegoleiu, front Kankaka., vitt preabastthe Evangelîcal chutait nezi 9Oudsy. Mir. sud Mia B. Wehfenberg vlalted 1their dangier, Mmr. Plocher, ln the eity roeantly. John Meyer sud bib vif. living at present la Ariaene ver. expected thls vek ilandlug t(oiilhia mother sud brother. Win. Schaeffer sud M. Stephans took a trip 10 lovawatsyack, the former on a vieil and the latter to aec about buylug aome land. The openlug of th1e fait Yer f the (idlaî echool vas postpouedtom the 9&h toth 1e 151h of September. Parents viii please ttajenouice of thia change. Attention! A desertar froni the Tanks of th1e Sud I11. Xnov Notblng Infantry b hy 1e name of àMike (John.) Pleasa look et lits bat vben cvers hie ourly pète. Nis Emma ltitsoutbaier Jefé on Mondai for Northvesterq College, Ifaper vi île, 111. Ahluk tenda 50 take somae praparat-cry stitdîca preliluary go leaching. FOREN lu.T-The farm kuova aas(lie D. F. Iruegaer fan conslstlug o!1(i acre. of land lying betveen Long Grave aud Falslield. For furtbor lu. formation consulS Chus. Stempel, Lo ng (irove, or lira. Krueger. Prairie Vie. Corn cating bas begnu uarneht tatin 5101cltY. Itle a Rach better crop, Ihan was expected, although lé see= that tilàlabelng sornevhs$ lD, jnred, as praeogt, by th~e drylug up o# the laes, vllgre $ho 94ar la nos yet maturedl. Don't vaj itil ît ou hocoMa 'hroniaaJts aontîpteu bu tke De Witt's littie EKiy If l s ' nu."dt thlson. Ttmsr viii keav our i 10 ~dbuel lna aod ordor. Rus te tate. Bai l. lFor saki bY P. IBLOVELL. PRAIRIE VIEW. Mir. L. ICrueger lost a cov, ofi mut fever lut veek. Ori, Moyera la boni. sud vary @tck vil typboid fevçr. Mir. lrank Poote puncbsaad a new corn binder lant Fsidsy. Mir. J. Holtz has hired Fred Prueve 10 voit for hi. by5the anonth. lira. J. a. Orldley la on 1the a@tkl]tu sud undpr Dr. Lockîeî rsu. 0-r BundaRY Debout Superintendent, Mr. Oies. busleft sa, attend the Nosr. vestern Collage at Naperville. W. are ail sorry t10olai bia a l i vih hîi oucoueaInluhie itudies. Rumor "stir. J. H. Orldiey intends to bulda nev bouae opposite 1the stock yards. We hopie the report la trua #or &bat le wvhat va uaad; every bouse lu GLENVIEW 'armer. ama liaY eelting thair Corn utitis vloinity. Oeviev vas veli repreaauted ai tb. Libertîville fair. Mr. sud lira. 0. B. Rieni d dIamly visited relative.sant leerfloisi lut Sun. dey. l'ha Ladies Aid of the M. E. cburcb viii meet vlb mys. Il, niey tMIN eet Priday, Sept 139b1. To bave the Preaidauts'a 1ipîreil, and jet 10 leaîn th1 l M'aosEntlesson that anarehi mut go, voWtd ha à great g*4u. litas Maud £eed bas begun her aeeond yea in 111gb school at Mai fair. That'e rlgbt aud, perneverance de. ierve. Mouss.. lira. Joseph Hutehingi, vbo heu beau 0044ned t( oberil. for the last tvo veeba, vus taen suddenly vorse lent Sund"ay igbt. The social, beld at C. lingena lut flday uight vwu veil atteuddan sd everyone thora veut home feeling that they bail a gond lima. 11ev. E. W. Spencer, paa10r of th1e M. Z. cburclé hugone to Ioutb.easîara Kania, 1 vi4it bit parents aud friande. The puipît of th. M. E. obaru'h wau supplied lent Saday rnornlug. sept. 8111 hi Bey. Frank Anderson, of U1len Ellyn, and nazI iindsy, Sept. 151h, It yull ha supplted hy 11ev. S. F Fiahet. of IEvanston. 11ev. Spencer viii ralun (o cienviav. Sept. 21t tasd vill preach Sonday, Sept. lild ut i10 a SHERMERVILLE. Emil Sohuettiol "ud Leua liak-b visite-J friands liti "11-90gounday. Misa (ilace (iloa l1.i eiu afa. veeke vith relatives§ ut ilighbiand Park. thoir yard basa for t.., veaktu leumat repaire. Mise Luiîî MaiachaiuJr enterlaîues bar fîieud, Mise Ams R ophier, tron Chicago Nuuuiay. Mr sud tirs. Rd,. lAudwebr are Ibe prîînd parcute of a baby lioi, loin tij tbeni Sept. 3rd. Sehlool openadlenlat Tueaday vith J. W. lirodia siprincipansd àNias Kahn masiaistaut. Abert Wolit, vhobai beutvortiug foi Thou. Botte, bas re.igued bts posl- Si- asud baim oved tu Glenvlev. Mi".Cara La*i, i ,0fCbieeg.j vWho bas been spandlug a fev veets vils ber brother toe retisned home Nmou. dey. Tbe festival a& Si. Josephas home a yack ago Hunday viax largely Bîteusies. About iRail people froinChicago vera tbere. The btintlng t.eaon lei at baud sud judglug fron thOceroit o f ihnnting a lîersoa bosae, it vooid Je"s on.. 10 b-ils-va tbera reali vas W>me game bereahoutn. Th1e aeve of 1the ditardly Attemps upon tle Illfe cf Presîdeni Melic iei ai Bufifalo vas secelvad nase viib ns , andi Sunday eveniag, Sept. 22d t antItie Suuiisy service offerad îîrayers 7:45 ha vili givea alecture on 1the iels- for s i utio .and mp... reov&r lion of fraternel orders 10 the cbnrrb. Suhieci --MY Obligatin." Evaryb-osy cordialiy invled lu coule AU41 bear MMii.F. Koitia vlaifed filepcilsat Lake )kilts (ts veut. BI Lien, formarly vltb bis brotber, J. C. Lies, bas toft for bis borna. H. N. Cook vas sca bore recently. Ha vu onbL a vy 10 lempmis, Teun Thea--Clan' ss'ams b m isa île»sn. mer boardoes, especialiy thea asistanat miitnsah. Mis i« dîlitl 4olisab*e retuinesi fronslbar vication il Lake >Jilla. bile le nov buzy vith lbes achool voit. G. W. Stictan bas beau sent t10 Si. Paul ta vwork for tiha C. M. A St. lu. railsosil compani. IWi1aa 111e harveel jays are ovor vo viii rast" Vise aase vitb people tu Gienviav Wednaeadàî. Tiha ý'OIen 'cin&ma 10be gething îîp in the vorld, tha lacomlag mail la oui village beiug large enough go de. mand au agIra mail (reun, wvbàlcboavea for Chicago aI 5:24. Itl ha a ovalty tu bave neye .iîinad lu a barry. If yon ara saea oa a trala et mldnlgbt bound for home il viii ha kuovu lualiorton Grava by ire a. m, who ywu vho and vbara hae os abaor they had lbeau. Aien't tIR aitif? Nranis Aurasr. North tratrord. N. H.,: *"I pusehamesi a bottie oaiOnCuisMnute Sjouaiî Cure vIda aufferiiag yuL a auugb ileetors tld me. aswueurable. Ona bottis soilavei me. the iecond sud third almost end. Tii. da; I aimalalman." l'os sale.lusF. B. Lovant,. Libertsviiia. ppulcla apxp irAluericassle ce= ani i~rpgugsd vLile tlaJis probaly dci gotie etcll-eupne sud vorry of A;pericmp businessafle, tia mare Ofton 'l8reptiy Irsasul tso constipation. Appeudlcitia la cauu4 ii extraraoa ustéeg entlenig tha verrmi- foru appaipli; sud tyot by &lb. swBlbow- lug of candi. If $b. digest Ive organa are tept lu poet o ond*ion en the food la doly eaatulaffldandthe hoyea more geatll, at jeut once a dey, appendieitlaviliinevardeveiop. Donte lake chaes. liegular dosas of Dr, OaIdvele tSîrup pepein befura meala wl streuigiben511e organ. ai digestion. your appetite vili bagopd, eonstIpa. lion disappear.sud you fieflballarinl every vay. Dr.Cldvela Syrup Pepsin 'oea ual relax the bowal. by Iritîation, but by eeing Indigestion, the ceusa of constipaiou. P. B. Lovax.r,, Llb- artyvîie; Gao. 0. Rosaire., Wais. couds; Wîi Ksiaez, Rookefelie-r; GRATOAyaxÂgPHAEIIAcy osali Inlu600 and $1.00) hoties. undai s positive goitreuse. Wrile for book of teati- mouilist a Pein syrup Co., Dept. 5. Montlcalio, lit. ffl qmsaisnNT AND ET»tiSOCEAS on A. îîrtr o! y )iig Ipeople pleasnlly rsutrprlaî-îi ir. aud itirs Wm.'Trus, lame Sstulday evcnîng at thoir haine, Thaereening vaa opent ia playltng Mgarnos, alulurin, ail laIes îu dacing vsas eeorted to, aller shicb (bey ail mat diva tu a very dalnty taucheon or fruilt, cite and iie .-reaw, Rvciyboîiy reporte a mniot enhiiyabla lige. 011 larti g, l'ts ls a-i11h. '.,rtHaro la ho l" bt iwVii's Luit b, riy ier- a-r fa t el t -i s.t til i lei ,vo i.i Tfisl e. y yi NORTH NORITHIiELD. I -brembiug is elrnîît iiaisbed bar,. Henry Huebilm uîsv bouse in airnoqt lilabeii. Foîrmats ara buey ctILtIng cua at prasen t. c Qîuiie a nIus-h. r 5ttf0iiil 114o F air isst vis-t, Johna Renilutr and %onîîî Harve-y&Trau file siot liat. Sebol cernhtien.-.lasI vos-t Witte a goeid attendance. ie. liorman visiteil il isse Wi. liaga recehilli. 1lise. Edvard Pisgge atîll nei.e er 1Chicago visitons Sltrîlay. D The Misses Wâltesliiv s 1%iv frisaij .are vlsitlgagiethbîir i th 1e Mis. George l'lagge suit daagbter Flossie slartosi 'ltirmilay foîr Mituona ta vieil ber tbroter, ltîv iliiîz. Ni. sud Ms. Riglt rî'tîîrued 5a thaer borne lu cbicago hiouîiey. Misa Mary foot Intî'ids e l (!IuuIl t bor 1 lu tbis vIûIcýLJY i'tiîs.liîy l.ii'( 9 for bila ata ;'errier. It la e a Iàitp vitte atilaekt:I:it itjiu 14a book, l'indes isîrîse iliti fy oui.. or 11ev. iimetlin, of, illiaîu 111e plilpît o!f111e Erangellosl cbfl5b SUU. 4day evau$ug anudleola,, sjeel. lent sermuou. MeXl Suiday eveing ]$av. Voegaelui, n9 Chicago, vii A Certain Cure for lhaeaîtery and Diarrboeu. "sono- Y-as. ago 1 vas 0f . a rts tluat lnteniîdmakies a. jlma blasaio, lip,'uys le. L. Taelrls. otr N AiA Couds p s "i 'isa AI "Y. railfurd diarbusa sudvisa a n dil W itte dIarhoý. ad wa abut aiulveiop lii. trip- vhou editor Wsri. nf t-bs Laeelia Messan mrmu - htitatas dogae o Chs.halà J * e, Choisirasuid Diarbnr ause I îiurahsaîîde bott le aud tokt Io dosesone* beinre atartlenaAndlouioahs@ madlsthe tit."sful Bail Ie v.rosIs. I,, 111effct dmie lt sfaufl wCase ata liiaffct Agrua l5st suitue as abNL el drieuters. 1 bnîlir-î sboe o t l, rsaadsaudbleilzsone d~4 la.' o0r £ie, blP. B. 1ljv re a aà. smiev 4lt OF YOU WANT A WALKER, RIDER OR GANG -BUY A- BRADLE'Y OR DEERE AND HAVE THE BEsT MADE. BUIIT RIGHT, WORK RIGHT, STAY RIGHT, WAGONS. WIE HAVE TUE OLD RELIBLE FISH BROS. THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. GIVE US A CALL. SCHANCK BROS., Libertyvlle, Illinois. Jvanhoe Items. Voli. ~wil THE TRICK. TR may involve decelt or ht may be a dlsplay of pecliar "ki. The la deccit in âmie soaps, but there la moaelavoay SoaP; it f8 a display of pecu- liarak"l. hItwfstnd teand t4 b relld upon to do ail that is claimned for it. IVORY SOAP IS904r. ER pcfflpURF Iw" r I Bindin~ Twine, 1tVC have a iqiLaltity îof STANDARD AND SISAL Bindiîîg Twiie w't bu we are, selling at the' low lîrice of 7 ce'ntst a pouud. It itu ail riglît too. C'aII anti set it. WRIGHIT BROTIIERSO, Lib Libe Are 1tI/ be Feit grî anteed ilopatlng novly Pis cameut aide Prices al .c BINDE si Dr. Chi Office ov Libertyi ,Dr., Office 0v t te o sl. ii.esldendte c Libe PAL A ttornaj oî.ricx O Liberty Dr. H. Physi Gurne.. us rEs'n s'1 SChlariic Di g:EEEAI kuali- - M"M.JCD=z - Lu 1