W#e ithébmpOst-effieetm lbertyvîll," ý4a@ n asoatti-cianier. A Nation Meurna. vas a WU day of Mourniig 115h Preaidentl iooaeveit'a. h~o iresvas a pructical et business, people as-. aa liait respective placea et jWotShlp viore the! bowei .51qa submisslan to the vili et pwhl "a, and te PsY eut et fu listbi omageofe love and rayer- ,ý tia greit i>td gead preidont 6b ieath ha. niten tia nation itag iet. slbla o ciniey- grêi, tha noble, lie truc; solier, enSoâ, prasidout, ve o mn; Tia l'mouluas aionl éb at May *. eomioled. ih la boeaib> a iv> se terrible as ta shocSkthe bMUlm sbeyonal a power afliée ;liaitiMon. Theo asis personai *e> paorlot In lie land and Ihe ai biov ha. breught a direct men- o einldividual homo. grcisy! Whah a terrible meanlng "a forced ie othat terribla e r' wdàrth mâtch mains -"dealli te Wee$itianand lhe uha ptofeséesit R bis hurt aircady cenimitted the > o pzoigoez and the more protas- m4 punlaiment. This ta a gre b7, bat noti counntry lu vilci "B. tasplned by priesIessoste »lu fl t eatb, "sha ha iti free III pioeda. As the nation asc, the vrath Oftute people la ÏC ii the near oi ai angry aea, nus vmeliaze.. Crlgesal Whst a te hala! Mut taevrati of the 4 vUii Dot bet Isseil ont vltbimi- et tory agaant hie prison bia. tu die. tliàotin vi»ich lnaplred hlm mé bo killai upon lia elactrocu- imir. Anircli>'as a docrlu e wparcIetsasnls derotees-this la xBue aid thosare the crlmilials; 0 tise amngo dowuon coui utt *0!y have beau ulteri! desttoyed te ted. a rapîbliun Party it u power, Wkt". let l a i l lisandesuan due toe.ct sui meainras la vWiU drive earn! ollover o in o t h. ea. f taepar- itbts groit duiy datait. the Utepona, botter thIt l holi -M » beSiihonhi Uive an* aleot tc« dea"i. Car <tait trea aunnollong vihauanithb Ïm~raiPtleu" efthe anarchiai il iii' inl n ourp -, nsi bmr.s toppeda ni ti qafqr.aii touiied mt bch Voué M&i branch and uttati>' o "e Ibi iteai leasi tha MMU cusé une longer bhaa 1L» ob auni>'kept bilant 409ADg tha lait ag- aSalle t tthe Ille ai thoir OP.Whoun Intelligence ibît lèsE bld eu vas ela ïwsneMv ne cemoingipraad »VeW r t h cnAt>. Mllge SaInn"as oetpublic aid ýprtMobuildingsanad tha nuion- ààm,-Ped ln mournig decorated ~ieeAU tise glemai here lires for bfer ii ho bas aer been 01 the people lai lits. Ji l ea eder as theu sarrau d.0. nd i ir voies minglea lè0 manirmu prayeaibat aie Muay bwowstwd ta ber affiction. MotW !t&C4RWMi. AttaMetua sw. 2Chancer, Notice. of Laku (ounot. O.tob'* Pe» dNn MlàChasm- E.Farnavo h niud BIou E. b~.jis viteesbi Y stbra <a nsvrtk bis vife. Jmues B. MAbsJ Farawos-uiebi vunboira or deviseca of au taI. 4P«dand unkuonuownera-" n.,"' Truýsiausf4 oehoola In lu Lsketouaty< Roosevelt lu niaito0lut# kuevu Per- sanally, sawu Mmwy. hoaisa national ligure uni mveryona la familier vihis h vauulcarean. As the mnt caretul observr@soa public affaira sgraeeIt lh net possible ta tortail vih e n 'certabnity uhat ha vitt do in the naxt thraa pears. Hia oecupancy oetheb. "me ticket viti Preeident Mokinlay ha unother proot eft haoh maxium iStpelitios miSe straige bedtIeve, toierthore nover ware tue mon more uilke. Courions- ly anoogh, howvrr, tiiey beld muub thé Mame vi eus on Moai publie ql osa- tions. McKinley siunvisa, sagacionte. thonghtiui; b. îvolded mainig enemies uheraver Possible, RIoosevelt la en- tirai>'acines..on thie point, aud mauy of bis onemias have beau mide, net se mueis by bis peiicy a. by bis vay 01 camring it ont. HoLeIais otten appairai, ta seek dramatie ettoct, sisplybacause houvanot uhinking about cilloet of îny Slnd and did fnot îaiod miislug ene. lie le tbe yonngeâb mase, b>' live yeara, vbo even hae he affc.eto President, being net'yet torty- tran; and uhen Il ln raniemboed itas lie vas prominont lu st. and even lu national Polltiesnai au &go wben Mosi men ara acsrcely baginunns heir cineers, neme et tha popiiU.r imprea. siens eft1h18 ob arsster mi>'lie botter underatood. The greai re9ponalbil- Isles new liàd upen hlm ara sure te test ils qnaiilaun as a dministratot, and tha connîry wyul certiniy know bleu ftibotter a yes.n fromn ov iban sh dom tSoda>'. He la nos a man te ho guid*i. He viiido wlaab hae tluka ha haut aid àt roaines ta liesean ubethar thae tu ast partles uhe vlsh te oppose hlm vili bc able ta do se Elgin Butter Market. Butter Market on ithe Elgin ioard of Trade lionday wavas it ai 20e; no sales honda>'; sales oet tbx,week, 4608,250I1Ibu, 6 AUCTION SALES. Hiving decldcd to quit fiàriiug, 1 '.111 oeil as publie aucion o i y lunta, sitnated onu-hait mile weof B lond. ont sation sud iwo snd nue-iaitf miles amui of Liberiyrllo, on the Lake luff raid, Thuraday, Oct. 4à, cenimaucing ai 10 o'cleck a. mi. sharp, the ioiieving propert>', vîthont rasenve: tTitrteen yenng ceva, ibrea uith calves by their aide, ona apringen, balance glving milis; seven iwo.year. ol niifera eoming in hbveen nov aud sprlng, tvo-year-old steer, ive- year-oid bull, yearling bull, nine yearling betters, eleren caires, @Pau of mares 9 yrs. olO, ut. 1300 Ibo. Oaci, bath lu cai; mare 9 yrs. aid, ut. 1400 Ib..tlu bal; wvans mite 10 yrs. nid, r1200Ibo. ; mare, ut. 1000 iba * lu toal by Royal Robin; mate 3-year-old, slrad by Midnlghb; yearling colt, bye suck- lng colta, alred by fnl.blooded Clydedîle; sucking colt, sired by Royai Robin; tva broad sowx, oes vtit pig; 12 abouts, 22 tona saame bay, stock at sbrav, qnantlty ot cern, 200 bu. wvite catse, !lch. tire wagon. uairreu tire wagon, hel3oriulckmnwer, r, by ras, ha>' rack, harrov, Johin Deer splav, netdouble harnes, ustsingle harane, tue saules, single buggy, lvo.ated buggy, bobhsalgh, uster. log tnengh, tvo log chaîna and min>' alliher articles ton numerona le meu- ion. legular ternis of sale. Lunch Served ai faon. JAMES injrI, Prop. W. Hl. APPLEY, Auctieneer. Haling rantid my tanni fer a terni ni yours, I vii »eIl tpublie suction on lite premisea nue le South-Wes5t.o Ivaniee, Thurada>', Sept. 26, 1911, commeucing ai 1:30> aclock p. ni, the bolleving gooda, vIn: Tw.bL, aioo t amily cous, comung lu in Noveauber; h otter. coming la sau: serrei bense, 7 &bouts, 25 ehoice Pyluuouih Rock 1fovia, pair iigit bobs, cPuiter, ligbi v 'en op bug gy, 2 lig lt barne aea, deriktpoaid pulicys, (!aldron koitlý, grîcisen W ood inrulug latha wich circular sav and eînery wbeei aitictiment, ceaS store, cbunk ainve, i8 tont iadder. ha>' and millet lu barn, NO< bu. ait&, 200 @bocks ceru. 10 bu. air corn ln erlb, 20 galln çock and numerous saiibtols. Roguhîar ternis. JAMES VANPLRW, Prep. AtcNisv WAGNER, Auc. The underaigna i iiiSoli il publie Auciieon u te preniles, ioeited ou l« wauisee avenne, north ni Bt. Pul de- pot, ,In LIbertyville, Saturdi>', Sept. 284, contmonclng Ai 1:30 O'ciock P. ni., the foiinvlug preperi!: r Jersey ce. ulth naît, ivo single buggIes, tve-aeated carriage, caidron Settle, lot oet iboda, iwo bateida, s lot et chairs, ive band culivaiers, grîndastone, soiemali boolus undau aaccumulation of articles LoRumner- 0118 te mention. Rlegular terme of Baie. lins. J. Bl. Avais, prop. W. Hl. APPLEY, Aucîloneer. ne an ti.,Ï., For TIger,» WHIland 3.-t .No) use 10 hunt tîgelit witb r r suaiý Abofe bîrd-shot. I doesnt hurt the1 1, ar unlonu -,r aoi u.ýnenu titrer anv anîd it's amfullv nskv ' ow-so n for you.a .0,w .t,nlt ed ,d n id UM Cons umption is a tiger anuot 1- among discases. It is stcalthy M ritale E- aF. s eoth, tatal., -but once startC(l it tapidlyà ný,f lie Stae ats up the flesh and destroys1 sualunus aIan- ný antlta<n hasîni the ife.Nouse t ob utn thc Clark cf sio onuîn alv.n ta tesRald it with ordinary food and med- 'uS%<&7e M'tli1 icin, Thats only bird-shot. ad Teatimo.aeof le Ceembu'. Wis. It still advances, Good heavy aid A0mbrol Il 1and unknown ch 'gs of Scott's Euso ~~ wilI stop the ad vance, The bet~asiad disease feels that. t nu VamBw Scott's Emulsion makes the t. e3erpiai"t'a body strong to resîst. It pou t6aýeu ofno soothes and toughc ns the lungs d of te ierià and sustains the strength untii iir't à.,iu4 the disease wears itself out. [au. < Send fer fresanmple. N I.PuitBC0T-r &t aWt Chm ilàZ -I . N lt lm offtimsa*I li WIstsr ~w~~'dw ýTha total oflimint ot popils ta tb. pul iechools CI the Ciy la 1469. Tha aniellment of tihe lai week ot Bep- tambor 1900 vs 149,4. Itlah probabla thatthaie viichartuber aditions ta $big yegrs ennoilment vhlcb vili miS. lte number et pupila equ that ai lasI jean. Wiile hontIug lu Company' wlthhis brotber Sunday Richard Johnsen. ai North Chicigo vas accidentally @bot andl logs aua arm lu eoaeq¶seuce. The tovlng piece earnled b! Johnson vas iccldentaliy dîschargai, tha e I"laS- lng affect lu eue oet ils anis, lie aibe balng completll> shablerai. le la. sixbeen jean etfage. The fuanai etftirs. John Tutlle, viese body uabrougbb boere <tamu Dakota, vas hold ai 9 o'clock *honda>' mmnlg il tbe Mebiedlat ohurci, inria) as il LiSkeuond Cameler>'. lira. Tuible vas for mai>' jeuana resîdont et Waukàgin, bau pon tha deati ni har inabani ian. anme jat ago aha vent ta Dakota bo mak. bar bornea vlbi s daughter. lianda>' ground vas broken fer a tvo-etory addidien te the nortiveat corneraIf W. P. Rgbeys store.lb vIll bcs abent 40x15O1fot, ot brl<sk, ani the, nov building, ubici yl bc madeaa pari eftihe presout big store, yl ha ntllized probably fothe iadry geada dopargmout. Numarena changes lu the arrangement nf stock vîli tia puace af er the addition la Ilulabed. A deep basergeut la aise te bc maie. Weor is I o be vtombai. Thc Baphtiqt chra uilli begîn a sert oft evingolîsîle meetings Octohar6 muder the diroction et Evangalist C. Hut t o linupolit. bv. Imut iavye3r snd lu oea ai the bosi Suci sudO abloat evangelihs in thec ceunI He leasa prosent in Pantucea i, Island,and la baing great suce uberever hahobldosmeeigs. ahnncb nia>' heu hie meetinlgsin large lent aid havaeue, capable setlng 1000 people, lu vieu. Ti bovovar depauda largel>' on liahe s et and viiinet bo deiediuaionc The meetings viii continue tbr uoeku. Thora Ioa sfamineo f buntlug WaukAgan ans aresuit et tue blgi mani for thie article ta o o sait drapiug morning lu hoor oet lita prealdant. Tie ci>' niaurus bo outwaîdiy aud Iluthieheurts et people. The court beucs, cit> hal lire ioparhment and numerens bmaine houss ara draped extLeneivel>'. Basid a large number et reideuces hau drapor>' dlsplayed te aanbil axti Plage are ait ah hait muet, min>'b lng thumai ultb black bunbin Munirais et picbures et theala president Livî>'drapai ara displaym about theoCity sud ail la ail Waukuga feeling of s50mev la lmpresalvei>' show Cance E. Smith, presîdeni t Peoplea Bank, ton years onue el leadl ut ailtaate menonb tuaCity, the rîclînt ta Cnpida vwiles sudh bride l iseua hlnie Rogers dinght oftM li..Elizabeth Rogers ot 1205 ha; Wood avenue, Chicago. '«heîr marria teok place Th rada> afttarnoon l CI cago,l';ev. H. W. Tioinisofthe Ileepi cittreb, a lite-long tieud oethtle brla tanili>, part onming the cereoe n>'v uas aver>' quietoee, tr, sud Mi Smith lit Inimediatel>' iot a tue o. trip lu the East. On thaîr returu tù uilil resîde at 416 South SheridanîBR viata lit. Smthllbai made bis hi fer jeans aid ubero bis trieuda pecbed tease. hlm end ieis Oys contantea ldouBachIlnstead et s nie berof thie matnimouial cimes. le Judge Joncs' court Ineuda> aft4 beon Chartles H. Nordsbron et il Cil>' vas tiicalfon luaanity. lb se« that lir. Nordstrem, uho la au0 ploya. oftheibo rling milii, bas b sobjacl t te il1etmental absrrait during wbici lie threatened te violence tehilmaceli. The mi reached a a itinah4undu> vian maie uattempt utaiseit-dastructi badiy gashing hi&le hua vîtia kSu Hievite, ta uiltenihbubas been nr ried but about a yean, struggî iuricsly te uroat thiekSuisfa t jtim. but unable te cape iii superler treagtb abera ton b h vbich came tee lite in provenu stelf injur>'. Since thon Nordttoni1 beau closel>' vatched. lie funl> re Iîed bils meutl condition andg Ipresoed awvllingueasate bu sentt beapitai fer treBhnicnb. Stevenuson SiuccedoqSaniori W. C. banbonuWho bas ton 5evq Yeara conductoil a tailorng huaI; ln Libetiveilo andl Wbo iutough liberai aivenhlsluug flai verSait up extensive patronage lu central weernuLaS. Canot>', titis W trinsterroal ils business and geai ta William iSteveuson, Who tor years ab adalcharge of the niachat eo etri. Ssnbon'sbusiness. A couple oet vekago Mli t ivei sevoroal île connecbson vltb Rani & Co , sud 'siartA lnlu for hlmm Mn. <antloru vas rather leit in lunch, nitbeing s pmacticaittuiler It self anal ubn en u as ujuable te sec Ssn in oupeStettan pluase île t; ta succeed Mir. Stevenspu ha clud6dino80lloui. lience tMr. Stei 'sen la nov latieS h te oh stand diAng '-ail kluuldmunifbuatineais." i the geunarai n iinu [e iii be ta,. will a alarge ltt,-ntsnýora' at nccea,, v lie nirila No Interrutianulituthehuait eccutreit alndiltt rd-ýar t, sbugta came n(Iflrnlan A Siloeking Cnialuoty LslAnInt1 4I n mn t4roaa ltaboren.' w Dr. A. Ki.1t . «r NW'tltiiord Art. 'Bis vas s.ly arn..t'ut bih-naeaIAi faut for 1nrn.l , 11- i.. ndelait ellune tiens. l'- tien nrlIuinaasunoth i Cure Ru 15,-nnla.SuItld y F. LovU.L. LIýL.tyvitllA; Oà1BAsys pul, Atcy. rien 4th N. zas »de e" Tet l ce. tee lu de- fer 91th Ils 411, les iae ont. be- iOg- laie tuai ,ils mmis b jb' bu for rate$smut e let W. C. Tltam be, Griyeiake. . Î . Itap BundaY nlght On signal 8. &M sP. â .... . noîlY exenit Bndar t S. ii:u 06M........... -- l e. * a. m.Eondys and at airdaysenh,> id : . t.......1...... ......Dal NOîVIt S0UND. No.5. 10:25 a. mý ..Dlir except suaday -7. 3:0 .l.:.... . 0. &2$t p,<n. .Pridyg andl Baturdayacnli l a. ans P-.. ..................fl lira. L. Biscisna peni lionday and Tuaday ln Olitig. Boarn, goa l ii Mra. John llary, a danglîtar, Ptiiy, Slept. 13, 1901. lira. GUlmere And dinguter, liMs L ott;lbave amevai taWaukegau. lits. Emma Harvay vigtici reluate tu Evauston Buadiy mandliondsY. Miesdames B. Morille sud J. Hart and mi"liurgàetrayd were tri Chicago Tuesday. rMesdapias Ei1gley asud Wilbut, lit. sud lirs. BGbineau vete amon Tupa- adal'a risiiots teoChicago. t Mr. and lrits mmena are lu hopea 1ta move tai their nev bouse by tha Blaiot Octber. It la almoat finflbai. George Ptadaricka bansartai bnuidfng a nev banse on bis lot on Wentertiald placn,.lir. Dalley hmi takten the contrant for tbe verk, vhieh v iii be guna abOce. A numbÈr ai people vie hai pl»ina te attend btse Bîkisor fait Thaiiiiy dii nei go ,on acconni ai Mr. liclinley's huriljon biBI di!. liemorlal servicea, veto hald lu ibe eburci bhe. lira. Auna Oialar anal ive chiliren, et Plattsmeuth, Ioui, but tormeni>' aof f.rayalaisa ra vlsiting vibli A. W. Bradvuyss tunii.>' and thier friands. Ireue Briivuy viii romain uili ber gnn-pazents.___ Jackson, the Piatographar, puiled np ieSenan d leftIlait vea. »We preaume liahe Utanremiuded i toc, ,nch atfventer, uhieiha ealways apends lu the seuth. le di a vrt> gead i busness uhîle hers. lira. Feniereon, tvo dinghiena and a sonofet ioboc,,viii join lMr. Fau- darnon t ]Rent akie nezi Monda>' and viii uS. thair homeShorethli coming tallendii ntr. Oie daugbtai aid the son wvi igo ta aeioaetai Lb- arby villa. Chas. Hall returnai hoe Tuaiey îenning. alter a veek isarit Kt Clave- land, Ohio, and BEnfle, Syrtacuseanad ether points ln ev York. Ha bai a deligtul lime, apisl>' vile vieil- lng athbis aid home ta Nev TorS viib relatives and id chooal friands. The ProhibItion Raly,. ublikvas te as, i~usU5ps lad GrImai 'luGe, E. N. Stis50iWy store. -'-i lecture ta PlalmiOIphIe; UvidBI.J thora vwa mothod tu ýt mainus ~t.,ail. gaîve yacht& .tima" " he* R u Us spead? Tihe eh" etftis nid onp de, fonder ta agita matain LAmorica prestige, looks tisat William Widort Asto mter 10111#0th&& h.e lait Amatlis boomse of$le iamuvi. pipera. Thiai», Wlllla, utta$ie flouai compliment ve'le recelmedfor sema trne paat Il Sanstor Wellington Msi vb&$hi la quated a hving Mid, lh. should bc expelled tram Sbthe Bnite; a mm. vho pracicully commando murder bu no plie lu ihil body. (>f couiae. sma anarchiste vould avide any law arcluding tham tramn tbli country, but shoea vho diA so wotili net have t&ho oppertnnity that a&l nov bhi,,of polsoning tall lisi ofi rrespouaibla sinspletui. 5 In &bout i veal, malterss yul cocus toa acriais in Boothi Airi. On Bop- tomber 10, Lord Ilitehunar'a banilttl 1and confistion proclamation tikea a ffect, andIf ie bahu.tha naria te su- tafreil; ha var thare vil] anter on a tstage tha$ vil horrify the. worli. As mattes appar tron thisl distane, thoa.lanoeaxcuise tor tha proclamation; cupaigna are net won by ileqnalliy. IDE the anaur. it looks te e. a. thaugli the Nal DDepialent vara getting tfrgbtaned. Te ,ail ippeirana, tbaesmaiego sga«lt Sllhiy vonbasail an tha por- seai bâtrai et Admirai, Osovinshi.id, Who inducti sacreary Long te laho his viae ft iha cime vthOut propar atudy et tie. hotu. Nov tisati t. h naesury tu mais.good. the. Dapart. màent 'dlooovars tutbaktredi-alone proeas natlug. Working Night andi Dey. The buàbeit andmihi Mlea sgia stre«Lsb. lfstleessSu loto anoegy. braslnt1 te dr&mt&J Power. The6re uondartul bol 8lia neliaheiluli. %ni boL BoldbJV.F. LL i arv .aya. REAL LUTATE TRANBFERU. Purnishai by Lais. Onny Tf ige &Trosé 0o. Abstractosof VTl. Tities Guarst»..i Misae Temple Bldg. Wauissgan1. Louis J. GUZainu. Macy. E W iticinim AiteJnoYannlns lot 14 Powell & ifutchings sub of f ik Isi Watukegin w ........5 s soo Jnc lioliior & Wt et ai te chas MeckenbegnltSwu)>ti lé tsec 4-"6-o 35.54 aS wl................51$lm ce j B Hobbs & vi to lKatharine BendUrson lot 10 bMa 47 nortb salOn -t teLake Blulvd................ 2wc no asu', have beau heu in Wlck's Grave lut C W Kohli&A uteiOhCme Kiepper loi wu. Siturdi>', coudnt lie01 aiho on se- 7(tbl2E BClarkae metahoremub in the cocu etthe nain. fHovevet, the ex- me 205-3-e wv..............._... the erelses vere ield Intahiieburci ittet- A C Payne (m cor) by Oin te E E F.îa lcou and eva;inguand were verygSeui. Smih alerds 6ftesIot e Viam eradvertisai, and itev out a large B B Smiti& Wfte A BTitus undvd pi - ivanboe sud .................. ago lin. anal lra. Yeoman, of Wankegan, 1I i Payue ta A B Titus unalval l n ý,j speut 1eni Bonda>' vltbtMr. andl its. 18 rdasi ôfi lots a & ta Village oi fla Adams. taklug part lu thie unday lvsutloe val.................... sah6 on ol verSaithe -Congegioual N,,itie E Paine te A Bl Titus naus8tala lesh e tt ir.anoM@.GergaWSbr,', 1' e&1Village of lvaiiue ici ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c.r......n..ls..ere liur ...................... grai. et Wankegan, uere *aseproesn. lir@sa. c Sminth A vf taCha S mih loi ioka Wllbur, helng Superintendeut 0ethbe 2 Sumith Sbanla es t1 & 12-t4-9 qui. haey Oonuniy Homo Depmnimans Work, gave FranchS lmth i aIta ogone Smith o a shart, luhreting huiS. Iota8 SmithbSutlu nsacsIl & t12a".g ded............................ crue Weduasday Sept. ilti accort-ahle B A <(îote te Xtr J Bain,, la se Ioi cX- niarnlage of Dr. Palmer oftis plie, Su Vilagoet Hail Day val. ..... as a to a >'ennv lady in hilton, Win. The Babt I Bile&A f ta ErnestiRecht sari kola hippy pair u11 taisa a tour te Bufaloe 8<8ee 21 & 32-"-11 d .vi .......... and Nov York remning about tve EâtsaoJno los to argen lavens banr- weeks. alter whici lie>' yul be et 60 ses in uv cor soc 28.--1 deod...i tis home ta their filend&a mi hileplace. Fanur l, Newman& busto EJ NuIa- Oms The Dr. bas aireai>' iedqulue a loti1 A w la lot 2 biSl:38 Higlasnd ai- praclice lu ont village, gainai l ....S.vd ...................l 3men Cari Ruila& A utîo Marin Hartn a , iOn, Oct. tirai viii be general niering dey. lot 16 biS tai Highland Park val..j 1e J. Frank Pickering sud taml>' viii va- Fted CWlibut A- vt A ai te J J hte a cllibosocplib'teibe Lonsbaugb part bilS aVillage ot tian pasîtfour or tive year, and the uimeSarah Thora te Peter Bi.-ang s ta ses ite. viilbceoceopiedi> lir. and lira. G. h. nv qr seqroe- 3-. ittl d.... mer Filai. lMr. aud lins. IlucknaniBrndm Wm Strang & ut te Sarah Thoruns FonJr. yl<ove lmue bititboune on the se lu nv ir ne <n senn -as-lu val..1 bis luenka efthte laSe, neeenti>' purchmead, o W Bornes & wr te Margaret Ielp, anal Dr. Palier and -bride viii. on the BYivuâier e 4lti12 uts ôWarrens8 bis reiurnn tram thaîn veding trip, occupY alIn te Waukeganuald........ bas5 Hh oe ncre twîny r en ery- F Baker tu Jue C Baker t the buse n coner f WhtunYstre saceaIlusu cor sec 28-46-9 val... ex. sud liaple avenue. tom a hal UESayIon & wf tJnoKNirt lots 14 The lloviug:praelamatitau houer la btS 4l Wabbunn l'ark swil... ot eut matyrai President vus issucal Master lu ChanoerntotaRitchard n. Tuenady: -Our nation mantes the O'Cenncoresuttfi9 "slSltot M 9&J daethb b>'an uaulasI ballet oets dlv ot Bhwbuoal ded ........ ersi 0Jeuehater & uftet Lester Moyens nets neiîe ezauiveple Irne hmm ion at 1acrea nof l'ont intan moal bis nbeeepeo remn d au n insucot e ii ausont suait-as-Siual.. usaInta ha tollovai. As tietueraIla W P Diknonn A uttae effd Site ansunanged bor Seph. l12t1h,f. .B. A LooS Co v la ne ar sac tn & part an o-indraleuaiGmsik e n w q r 5.-e 17-d5-13 ucd .......... teck bhera, rsdnofGaake o viii teetuyeasrcsly roquetite liaiBplaces ETPiRaymondl te Cime L tatmondi live et business bha dosai ou uhab di>'loti sesa 5Lake Foest ical.. aetbaiveen tie heio eIl9and 6 o'ciock Jnunie Ationt & bus te J W Nov- p.ci ru. Amailait 1bISik HglîhandiPark qcd e. i.R. . L Geervitz &Avtto A BAlbendlng îseu "lunalcalIn v itb a.reebr hta lot 28 & aie il lot 29 biS 4 aob of ioi boa e onu u o 1wl go furgber thisu a Illaen hpHrorsi..... ofof den i lancli<nm eeof mdfo lronaa < iro abrul tihe mmeteoldfaftbbaned castr îiL Howeve Obtuary. thth<ns aihor lIt sitahein besi him- modieine for- lsoruiers e h hw.lu AithuRent, hjliioha, Sept. t ure bmoesevr seos et i oa anald rbblyidn Iaedyseutery., *teer, Sarh, boCell d.uhier o0 Mi rade C cieraandi i>larroafi1e3 sloodeandSi arah Atkinen, enterai e gdven a ithe b coai s SaululaS ture o n-1 lon te follev. JraiWl.. Le tesrt, aqed 22 ybas, jting liot en- Min.IvanuLe~Z EiT b isiaa'aayi aa aid -_______________ epînabia lu lite, nlela ie.erx I la PE) CS OLMMN. pm orai The faeroai vas hli ai Si. P& lîlci FOI A ý-Bovon rmou. u tlre ni5huici Kt lo»a'aloeàt Welaesdy, uuosniry nov. Cntiri l ie a L4=1e1t- Rav. E. O0,110111y efaOUl at ,ntsa BUsiZrmi, Lteuhyvl. 4-4-p. requiem muaeand peaid Iibula I, oken ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~!e F0 AEma ikt i pigt.quent termetethie deceaea, vE Jo3 Bîamiîîu. Libe'trvUl. *_(L.oneoa isieniot euieemad and pri BOBESWANTED-PIrSIOhmboar~sd mhea. maii etil is efflSe. 5--a The exoeedingl>' long fanona 118 I=kMom tsaea mtealai the . h plane ohg 0r 80-2d.n lu the heurts et bat mata>'triai de- tiSALE-One lonoq herses geai .,lborg, vie juin viih ihe Pl srp- double et singie drivens. WI.1 bythei.sud i asier 1. mentici ai-.suparte or lu tetam. Alto Gao an.-Saii ugOel ai Roman l Muk or 10" ss Of e"aexamplir>' douché«. Kim. Pigr. RouaiLaacrt. y 1*i.sufrad itton lirN shepurd. iiAure velceme. S bth O0f. E.li3IIdiLauIeoiMorle>veraL iAp y <p mria 5lss» ~ auanriamesta b;4 be cures iI wauDib dysdpfl ber- rais~~~ 0.1 les Zo e nt F.BAI ~TW' Â ~MarbIe Granite paciail> tor Yenng people. ÀAfull I sueindanein dasinai. Tiare uilli beachiaisen pie sociaa t Lower than the Lowest. 1 XXXXl Cefau................S04 C b od aa en...... ..................0a~ 75 ?Selez a....................................i. 89 810Olere....... ........... ..................... 79 Lo ceiiLadias 75e and $1.01 lisas................ 39 1oDrmesoo eai ............................ ....... 10 4 l3r >si9obo.........................o2 WhaeJust racirai a lot of Ladies' and hise' Jackets n fê Wa Cape@sand Boun. Coma lu and seea hem. - On Sept. iitb va viU bahava fullia ofLadies' 8115 SSirte, prîce $8.00 ta $10.00. * FP. h KLEBKER, G RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE,+ Grayslake. Illinois.+ Hiave bham np .ta......135.00 AlsoAgent tr...... Crescent Bicycles. 1 eau soil yen a beiter viieel for les. mucy iban y00 eau boy elauhare. Yon vil Sud ibis assertion irne U y00 lurestîgale. CAI.L AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL W H EtLER w g achinesa 00Good Values at -"Way Down" à 00.pRiCES. W iavaaSg90dastock Oflin'a Shoeu utî$15to............$300Q Ladis' SRbes t 90c t .... ........-......2 75 nm R.. BiIppes. buclose, u t in.................10 CullreasBinea ut 20a te........................... I 65 ou ~ na loite close............................. 50 , 1901, (le«as ibtun if Itî tisu lAdiean Si100 Waiais aI...................................... 73 ietnai .. 600 u t .........................................40 Butr Morne t............................................... 2 te-lu- ]Adies' Drosses. a <oi amseitmalt cheap. Me:1na suita, 33.00 ite..................................i00o trics o xMena Lîgit Saisg, al voot, retluceni tan........................ 8 0() vliae îîoye' Ruil, up trou.................. ...... 75 llgh Boeys' Rlitda<, i 00(1mesrtent-it C uuImtin prin. S las 6We Mena i brb Walsta. a a f t. %actical , A full stocks et Greceries. %I oi. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. monteW. W. EDWARDS, Dg the Graysilke -Illi - îsnois. i x a.. 'i C"Ches OSsaà son, ot.Chicge suot »ts é,taiof tos . vae s a0. Dunu,% Luwreoe Millo, ofgiver Luise, Win.., »0a0t riieayvitbigiC mneher, Mis. Gertrude Miller. 111l cerut RJiotefi la nding tluis Vent ut rament Conter ultihar «fêter, lir. Mibe Uertel. li.,suni mem. ylraster Wsaiiar lada aimugir CIsruspeci Bondi>' ulti Ur aud lir*. Obrii Bible.- Arthur Prost, ait Kanceba, Win., -110"lo ssperants, Ur. uilimm.Jack priai ipe iaet 1tha unS.' Urt. and Mr&. Lewin Lois opent Tri- day and daturdy eil itllina, risltlng Ur. sud M"r. Lincoln Liai. nua. Jamen Moiti>'@peut 16e lirai 09fh lieok uith berai ietr i. Georga Bcliaid, 0f Orivohi LuS.. lit. Ambroe esugit and lirs. Abert Rungist atteniad tha Probîbi. lion pionie Mf.rayaiike Uturday. Ur., ana lira. Wrnîoi Williami, et Nqov York, aftolUr. aid mise. Clsrene Williams, et Bristol, Wisconi, sî,anl Wden.dsy aetliaoghi Bton. lire. Grave@, ot Fort Mill, Mes. Tioma., <t Wiukag»., tr. Ashiae', et ireaiet, sud lir. andl lra. W. Itarble, et West Pulman apan n ais>aIetC. 0. ansen's. lia,. D. 0. Dutton viii delirer bit tiraveil sernéon il the M. B. ctrai, llept. 298i. Tbis sermon ulli haes- C- JeweIrn for a (. A fujl 1 han, Machin Heuavy the Bo and A] to al g WATC l.bertyý CoHiIBTRY WORM EVBRY D.scriptlo. WAUXEAN. ail >a. Lai, aj~ LIb.,