Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Sep 1901, p. 1

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-IDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Frlday, September 27, 1901. Vol. lx. INO. 01. Walks Arut te bet ani go tee long run1 lhe chempest. Feit grave! roofs guar- anteed for five years. Repairina dloue Ilintirat I&rmasainpe nevly preparodt tuf)dreutiîa s'l litimatesa oI valta xearly a. gooti as nov. I amnpretaru'tlV," itlli iPortland comenCtd'tiewaiti. t-urina îor gîtra. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL Aoom 2 mC usant anBOCKElgin. Dr. Charles Galloway. Offîceover Lovolilrul4 Store BOU&@ I TOIU t TO ' tttTO r I. te. Libertyville. -Illinmis Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office Over Triggs & Taylor's. -nouas _ 7 Lu le a. mnt. ho4 and ti . Lu. . Bealdonco on BruitlwY t1pnat 'art Libertyville, Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorucy anti Counnelltîr at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC Oprios Ovxît L,%Kpt COIINTI BANK, Libertyville. Illinois. THERE is Iotti i i makng a - for from *20-0uî '1l nly thilig a;L thiat Our sUits ;at th pare favoralîly with toîits iof Iîgh O1- colir--wt- are- witil e,'ty orer. William Ste SUCCESSO SANBORN T uiler s " " la Lbertyville- cake Ç£0. IIan* WRIGHT DYMONO & CO., Lbertyville, Illinois. aimses Interest Iearing Certifi- catos LPayable on Demanti. AMOS J. NICHOLSý 0F CHIICAGO, D)r. H. O. B. YOU NG. DENTAL OFFICE PhyscianandSurgor. At 1i ultrlyviiit'. Bitiers lBlock, oveor Phymcla andSureon 'iitttit& Davia' tître vitore hoentay ho RKMRNClInJEOt'IuaTKLEUNÂAN HOTit t ', Itt jtmay ttwtdneiidaya, front Gurnee- - - - -----Itu.l600 .tM OR. E. FORD GAVIN, raduuate St, Ltnbes Holtln. <i uret L .nnie it Hinihî.W.nttntttt Wait. . thweat. ýIt SPECIALIST. Cbronlc Diseamat of lon and Womeu. GENERAL SURGERY. EVE. CAR, N OSE. & THROAT. Speetaclesancd tlieleiel"lted At" omoe il Gbt auea i . Sal7- 1--ô0p1. 78 M tituer Coniplaint. Il lime, stoutacb asti bovela are frtee trttgaW oosud atour lAîiaccumula- t stt u td the hit@ regular, jour r-tllrrmvl go tinrîttgin ie bitet a t nîl'ttctkuttas qDr. Caldwvella@ Syrul i pIen corrects ail asnbtroublés iny remt)vîng the obscuire cause anti keepa thino sTteultlu perfect vorkîng order. Foîr partionllatg sat AiB. IMEL, Lijbnrtyvllle; (iE. C. touBTA,Wai couda; WILL KuNIGOu, ItkfOller; (iItAYOLAKK PHARMÀCY. RIUD TUEIiNISEPEND)gti. IT LUÂDI ALÀL ORIBa. h.n'atihofinoheItttuti Of Ela, Cuba anti 1 ,alatimie bc retîoemtletl tu act lu concert tt îrtvnt tino 4pread ttf tino ilisase. ut .411,tIlO F il t n AtiTti. Tint, Buard ut Hoalltinof lPalatine tttwtiinlip han imsue(] the follltg. 1r ILT. nTtiî,ai'11-11nîhrtnv' tutu îtt Attuitra: 1titi t rmnttitttuttlni,whovnrr. t N t nn' I itirn ai tni t» tto ' f ru it LIt"~~ i a'ntt" Ii ut.usar'or n tn rî.tlnrytttI ,triintti. J un had nt'ri tttoýtnr u ottAtratt 1 wflm. 2. AUttnltt a ot'.hu shah,, ofAuntha ,ieeJ ,mri'u unt tti or ttoptilua tu teuaoa. Ti oa anal ha" ovet vîi 'ea.î'ir îttît it tWn-alt il rpth, nti thsr ana tuoîanimi to a pace. 4. Shoîti lia ta -brilgt aba ued.nIma lieflti'Indrar oftih, antImu ai pruven lu t inaieo. Thaboutusai lu auoit Oas,.. gli iorutlali.iuLv nuh n' ccclin &larosa in hai m at tue luni i grote. fl mrv 4. S1 cili thfote uantiotii, ars asa boeroiy vîrtîniuland i sn rve. o i Is. Al timala sufMay ln sufront AnImai, a boperssintoturotiors a cal».Ti e plaoeul tiat ln case ot deati tMny mai b tîrematedtivhhusIt urtlir raMOYOL Il . No iassanianlmtsshah lié be mmtlt I <rateM ah hr ore i nlivenspcn the ilbva 'f ar am a re be tii sr N:.).mik from telt "" hl . 1l,, or d.ellvered to n i whIit' uni' ýk nimai ola IDthieb.",r 1 in tyt. rter tIl syfttons of dise&*, 't nutd andi .r is.ion of thIns ope' jtiu iati - ribtainead. alIlPM0flt .r 'atunr eNo r4ook Hatilêl Aha': trIprt.I roni y iuf.,uted herdà Ufltii nYm aft-ir ail ymgt,mo of diceaonmbl -detiandti î,r- ik"lo,, grautad bY aald 1 i , 1 9. Ail .linl .of stock i I ta bailli *tull.rte for raee rOI'L -.'rore ,rpint of ahi pient. O luh aitoTtirulea mi, ,,.-t' I hi * twu"-rout tjsoeml et; titIiltîir, tht Ino fpeý-tOIs S-1'" It Lo ttc ie, tthtino peflêO of h,' il. int violalOlof or i, ft,,.tinjl ritisiona ahali bo»3UDIrr 'î lo't 0 xoed $5ao and do»U. I rttt" r 'm u yoouft Of oomfot' t1it l. l'o hrreby adolpe ttheai," 1-.ntidti r'ir enitroomOfl I Ll4AiLCK. Butoori HENRY 'C. Oaaau.TOWtt lioarti of lHeath 01 tht t" itnntit Tino Board o1 Healtin td- ouvrtinot liowluing gu.mt5D 1.l'Iin'Ii' vameitOn 1I uttîtlti tri'ttatii't. 2. Sik animaf lto ld r 1-1' h iittih rounti and ted labtti? &. ln Europe. bl.dng 1, trilt, when .,,ii.ffawtomakes na sot'.rn'1'-.cart- llII wid la gisîtufl dos o f É-' a tg tn'tîoonfai na pal ofr w««. Suit,'nu"siltpeter ai ha led and a ligit Pli 5..~nttt' nia 'tieo Ilie., sbould be ir.' t.i'aaturowhare ratlie r '11-. t bnu tatures ant i luPUtO ai .t. ill rtai ,nîlrax germa forr v-' s )r and ci joubA b.,idrainai andOutijI .j 1 ni itit'. ts n ftttîiro ln thefuturr TH1E (KIOBER TEKE OF COU Convenem One WN1eek Front Next Monday. Thte jurcrm. ICircuit coourt covnvn o clther 7. .t viii hoa ia uy seslon. I)Oe iirdor caco, about forty crîtli aaes andi forty-lwo chaucery icageâ viii occlipy thinoiurt's attention. Hure tla aliaI tifrtine grand) andi petit J iront. IJ- 'SNul-t, itttt Wl PIA.t.or. .rt. Ce.g, Prtut . tEtta PET-T il iitttt" F ttutr'W T Wa,ntdeltOtNt Heey SU,îtit(;,tira r H. B WII1,,tn .tintnr"t-eF.rrroIl M-n'h, Fred KltirtF-tnk iH Knho A Witou.- yter HWIU H.'rlt . Fred Itgrntanm Waukovau jtî'uh. t tD. toi.411- auttt n ('tieir. r1t'k, Stiioid'. Frrýd Crtti, Lit otti Fred Titu' -,W If G. Lnnne'.huite. Cîtît -- n1t--zunEl i. MOYEMIENI TO CHECK ANTHRAX 07 Fariner» Are Aroused in Fia,$a cubta and Palatine Lý Towlushipti. lI.. At a meeting lu the village hall at ey îli sarliîgBarrltîgttîn rently tu consider ine lnl9 suit tirfrdier (if abatlng and preventiug theo Anthrax týr htii $25.00- .'jtdetnlc whiî' is a. deploed maly tint bords lu centIral and western butke R Lst4nlislifig is cointy tiinrr waa a large attendauco Of Li lat riee coIn- farmîlrsandmiigreetl litefeat waa loi maniltoat. I the, $4.00 'lnomoeeting vas ftspired more l", jîrice tailuîi4H. particulariy Ietause of fatal reaults toti cttit'fi't tpttn tino une of polaotned V FalilXi14tt4>vacciin(, fi<lntmInlubrda aitecteil 1h' hegiîînuillg it Anthtrax. Home, four veet a90 two cowa bolouglug to 9. Elfrlug wve g great pji11fs dlacovered &0i 1,, alrtvit Anthrax. Try Ir. lDr, L. Lytle ient tW Chnicago fur vaccine pointe. Wintb nose he var- f cinatoil twenity-four cove for Elfrlng. V fS fEvery cow alctened and now veT-i ,ven on, nue la deail. Wtinout wating for2 RIF TO reanita ln Elfrlug'e catle, Dr. Lytle, &g & Co. at tino fuétaof theo tate live stockth, conmlaaiofler, vaccinatetl 3004 catle att oerdashers near Brrington. Iunîne dap tere Ini Illnoi.ver, more ict cova to tinoacre tu lb - uelgitboritoodtlhall tineoldeat In- habitant eau remnomber. Aflter a put couple of daya icln»the tiowns lugan Au 10 drop deuil. ouiy a dozeu or no os theo vaccînateil are saul l il,,. Am.@ooil as il vaudecidoil by Dr. Lytllothat the vaccineo va. lo9 g00d, word of tine contditionsa vaa sont t1thtir drrug contpany. A reproliefitatlve wuaU mont ', Barringon at once ad hb. ottieroat lat Eifrlng bc paid for bis a4 lues of laenty.fouf coov. Huit. areri tlreateuerti t0colloct damtages for AUl cattie tliled by tine vacelue. Theia "aceare"1'roultod lua gnattempt 5.4 councrted action 10 tauip outt he dmgagaad henue a matis meetlng 0fa ,o e 9farinera wue called. a Dr. Richardson acteil &à ciairman 9 anti A. L Robertsont as aecrelary. Dr. r OR. ~Rusinvortit, repreisontativeof ohelb, pateur Vaccine Co., explalned brioliy te dîssee vijic ihaid vas cae by a rol shapeti germ vitich n uuiy -. R galned accus1to eanimai body vilh tine foodt. This germ vauthelin ral one recognizei an tine cauae of thne apecitc Iware Store, disusmea andfronu hua nilcovery reanit-o ad then proeuott germ-tinoory of diaoaae. lie expiained la perfect provention b.df - - Illinois. been obtained andi deacrîbedth ie proceaa of vaccination andl reaulta tu0hbe cufecteti therefromi lif, tabaeilth"a& aPialatineoand vicin- îty 2,5044l catil led asebon vaccluateil andl ouly four ad ied afler tb. second vaccination, andl ouly one aller theo Dr. E.H. Smth, turIn day folowing tii, second treuil- ment. Ho ailvimeilburuiug cecua DENTIST. ot ail animais viticin dld, an the boat office ovor Lake County Bank nuaits of dspostion, as the germa live la sit for yearsl a conistant aource 0f i t. rntr 'il 1(ttp ii. u.DAILY danger, if lthe ani"alho burled. Lbertyville, Ili. Dr. Lylle tlon ezptLundisapostiion al ib i.treaitt ut fcatlle, eapeclally linote iraid to hav dld duiing li, ale tbreat. Hoennatod lbaIthhabledpur. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ctOu iwc ospoadv.ria ATTORNEY AT LAW. vaccine front one of lthe largeat manu- LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. factres 0f vaccine and seram n th le worid, andi on tlroe farime, viere It BC13ANCI aLOt'K. nn~cocT ad boon iaed, duathhafrointanthrax TELLPONE o 20. Uei.e. lait followoti and la ail probabfllly T(LEP4ON[ 10 56 *eas55 'aCetOatina oulti occur on four othir faruns vinere theaine vaccin, hailtisoen uned. L INCO LN LUS K, He huitcalled twu of sten bea& voter- inariaLti lu Cicago u atigage antd AUCTIONEER. they wero eataiied that tino injection Rolin - Ilinos.wa"et a accin e. Specimena er RolinsIlinos.laten frotheb. aletand deail catIle ald Iturned uvo, te a iactrlologlst WA h-eu co ttniflatiig maklng a sale for fr e imîatioti. Noceaar.y (ail areîtti' r atldre'ai andIf wlli guar. att Jtu anre ltuiug tatoti tu force pay- tir. Ijilont tatud Ihatilu Paltine towinshifp t«O mou haI" bcunafptftld RADLH L. DA 1101. reoîrt ail canonoautiuthuth PIANO$ ORGANS dirtrit't. Aftr tunti Icaion il vas ,u"N'D aiCLELANED IOuuveti and tictlotldtha& onuenman b. REGUATEOREPAIRED. aptotitei tut act vitin tino local board tf linuatin anoilotttaller any and ail r. AGENT FOR ...cases wviîci'aigithl PPoar lu thinto-u. Shonînger and Schtaeffer Pianos. hup of ilarrimîgton. Wm. Polera vaa 1Lîbertyville - - Illinois. appoiuîod. taltlzxg about I i t i Misa. Cliil c iver» l)ead. M»'. Cathormînîr Sivrta.dleti ai 9 o'cooutBaturday mttuiglu Ruttieli, after a iugering 11uneaa o onaump- lion. Tine tecuattr vas 32 jearsof agi Sin bat iwl'e a reident of Rumaelj for mny yiaras. Thte itubanti of th eoécue as s el tnovn général flé?oitxutln uoeinili.Tva amal obil- dréi béaIde lie inuoiai survive. Thé faméal vas bol lnussel iMonday afleloon ntI2 oclttetk. Worklug NiIht antd Day. Théeiuaiel anti migitieloSi utile Iing that 0 l a.mate A or. Klug% ov Lita Mila heeplis ichtange veakamesa mb ai.~s over. Thar ~ oderfo1 lu kidmaaIME,688 ago u "I. >tthy a-tag eM tLovaih U as.rj ci là.àta IlîShiug manie la oxpltiued hy line facl tinat outil laut weet no paper hati boon cî,ntracetl itin bu doîbhe vort. Extra copies ofuthiblaaega isauo Itave been auppliedto ntail nimimbers ofthtieoBoardi anti may nu obtaineti for tino akiUg iny anyoito viaiiug tinn. lurîher vé vîli pubiiait ln pamphlet forn tie prootilugs of!ioein meeting, for dia lrinntlaa tirougitout the countY. It i, proposet ltithe people saIl knov what tino aupervlsora are tioing andS vinat diapoaliti la àbeltg matie oathej people'a fends, itonce lte Board ta. orderodth mt greater pnbliloty ba givon minutitaof thieir meeting@.. For Sale. (lotit pure aorgitnm. Léave or adl- nroas arterz 0E.E toa anfc aMrr.Ivauilie. LU. 10-p. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Flannel Waists., lretty !F lîîîîl Wais'ti for Women in at- tractive styýICT, îîeatly trinjîntd anîd et to fit. Soft, Snug, Shapely, Co miortable Eff ecti ve shades- Srnart Reds, Fashionable Blues, Blarkimaîîd Iimtiîîgîîhniîed Grevnst. goingat prices from $2.50 to $i.oo each. Fkeece Lined Underwear and llosiMr. We are AiIowiîîg moine exteptioîîally good under- weair vahies for won e t .50C, 38c aund 25c. Iloiiiery Value.s at 25c anîd î5c ini Fleece-Iined for Wornetî. Waukegan - - - Illinois. VES -i 2 ¶ STO' If you are thinking of iiuying ua stoye this finit or wiinter it wiIl becinoney ini your pocket to look u%'er rny stock liefore luyiîig. 1 have madie arrangeenîts with Cribihen & Sexton, of (Chicago, to handie their entire lune of Universal Stoves and Ranges. The Uuiversal Steel Range heada the list of Steel Range&i; is of the fineat finish and heaviest steel, By luyiug a large quantity 1 got a special luw price which vill enabîn me teoesil theso splendid stoves at about the saine price Vou woulîl have to pay for cheaper goods. B. EGIER, - - Illinois, SLibertyville The 2Oth Century Cash Store For $2.25, $2.50, 53-00 and 53.25. Togethier vilin a fullllineo! Mena Suite andi Overcoatà. Ducit Comta anti Vste andi Mactintoshea aIl itouglt for spot cashaMd vili bc aold for a czmail profil for cash. OJur Wlnter Undervear in aIl lu anti ready for jour inspection. Price front SI.ii)tu l...... .......................S$.73 àsuait. We bav, a fine stock o! M eu's (loves- Elseudralits Aobealoi, Dinins & liovbotlom'a Broterinood Gloves, Wiad, Waléz ani l'ire proat, sovd vAIn vax thiread, prîo.................. $1.00 Mena Sies from $2 0I 0 ,......... ....................... 8.* Titey're About 'i lirouîgh. W-tallt.uikiFI.g. t'rot 1ine Board of Rosi' w la ahont iriM utine, Joh'iCin Wort Deri9l. litougit wtt li11 aI AtM amunasBoh-- ___ Sauable lthe IiiDICPENI't r si i publiait Thinka sFeara are Orountileata. atabulateil mtaieittelnt, liîiwlug tine According 10 Dr. Goorgo W. Webster aggregate antli0f tnrirmettnt8 as of!hliItate Board of Hoalth, the lbar aiot b, lte lBOfld. of anthrax amnxg lthe farmeor@ lu tine Among ltee il da ît of vithlfi district about Barringlon fa groundleaa. avweebi o! OS 11geau mit,tti mportance Hie bievea lte furIner apreati of the ea Dose the follovlog diseuse among cattlo han beau affect- Iu adjuhlDg te mulr or assoas- ually citeckeot. tDr. Webster deofarea ment of I.*ke Oounty litoteb, tno a.- ltaI ltu bis opinion muet of theo caIlle esamntiatu auSit aseamtetued by d.led front bluud pvifioniug or atther 1ii- bhe asssoOfavoie re-luceil, but a effecta causeti by vaccine and gltIsa- raille as made itnOttut instance on thraz itall not dovoloped lu muaitiof liecapital ato@k o! Osch maaroiolder. ihent The Peopte' abil h srhoiders vaee uncreamd por ahare frtri $95 10 $96. Wonldn't Bluff. The eairea 01 lte SOurîL! haut ver, An attempteti blackmaillng scnenie rimd froin $120 tO !121 . Ihoan are at Palatine viilt Dr. Muffot and Mfr. boli Waukegait baIkit Converse, of titat village as Itroposoti lieductioltl On dIffort uI Laintsin theoviclAime, proveti a failuira becana, lino couuty vere a. foHiowh doughlty doclor roi useti 10 bo bluff et. P. A. Robinson, (irus,.,ne, roducoti By the saineo mail a few daya ago from $ltt,054 1082,174. the8oe mon Bacht recelveti a latter lu Wright, 1Jynond A t.,, bibertyvillo, vinich wvas ritlen the acheme o! the roduced front S16,330 1' 2,528. blackntaiira and temt propoed ro- l'oopielea Saab Wat.tegan, reducod tallallon for tallue.of lte victimetsu ftom, 10,186 go $a. carryont ordue. The vriter corn- Oteu important ettoem bave beoaa- mandot theo meo0 on certain niginta. jusuleti. elon ('uJtitr, .of bake Forest, Muitoattuncomlng theno ughtbeloro v. aassset on int r lest jearai taxes Converse's, deposlt $1.000 lu a @mal for 881,767. Tintaiobiug te amommd b iox 1u ho foninailodtu toa certain vaine, lte li valtue ftîr lutI joar vwu telograph polo juat outalti, lie vul- Shua plaosd ua ilbI' 5 Mis a lver'a iago. Failure to do sa par orders asacasment ti8 ta îur vas retinced lu vouid provo diaa.troua, as tine men il. saaaod vat front $lit767 10 engineering the mattor vould vithlont $74,767. repreaonîtog a full value of fail burn the inoc of tino victimes if $383,83>. theo moey vw. nul round ti athinap- Ane Fraunacinst.'ofu Lake Forest, pointoil place. Furthrmore theo vno vas omitlt1,Y tine assessor tIbisilackntailero etated that if oltiner moi, year andtialo atai, ntt ouru tuât year, rotatedthenocontenita of tinolaIter tu wa. aaaeaed $Ut,11-4 for fast joar, anybotiy, hie houa. would be burneti reprelgenllng a futil value of $945,000-. a. a penalty. This jear betr u'.assed vaine va. Dr. Mulft w&vaanatto10bhoscaroti. He piaaed a4 $17,12 1, rtr a foul value 0f trealethein malter liglttly anti told bis 88i4,IiS.friends o! it. Byron L. Siithf Lat, Forest, va. Tino nigint deiguaged tu deposit the, raiseti frov $9,5,3î u b$25J,00(jior a funil mntny came. A tiosire 10 oo e hher valuation of $1t."tinoolti doclor va. goiug tuasubmlt tu 'le Waukegan Itretric Liglit Coin- ilactmal sud vouiddptuall the paty va. raicot I r,,-in $1,5(X) g0 $5.250, mouey, logehnr vitit a hope of catcn fullil utitoLi of $27,260. iug lthe vunld-be hiactmailers, led six Tite aaseaeent ,I Mra. Jos. Durkin, of the yuung men of lthe village 10 of Waukegau, stalruriset front $188 10 plan a coup. Eaci socureti a gun aud $2,225, aaasned vnl u,',.lulvalue $11,125. early lunltae veutug Bouilitt staieur David iH. Jttit'm, cuoliner vealiny the telegrapb polo dosiguated in theo Lakei Forestrr, ut n, rate on finlsasa. Itera. Ali ver, supposetily out of seagemeut fromn i n i tu $25,O, fullgit utflîaaaoraiy. value $125,000, MSr. Joulieu ha otitet About ton 0ockL116Ylhasinard a inorso buil a $401M) ttt art.. cuming dowu tino road. liacit got Tino Tiomam lîr-m S. I rou ComPcnY, ready tu catchli theblackmaillrs eshouiti 01 wautegan, wa t nnîd frot$1,200IItuh they appear. bu and behoid viten tine a 2,0040, fll val Iîiai,,tt$Ptt,000. rig lbovo lu algint, they tilsliugulabed r ile WeBeonctttnl1 Dock Compnîany, ltinth o muligint Dr. Mollet asud is& of Waukogan. NttnraI.îttd frOlu $7411 ttt coacbnain. $3,000, reprottt'itlîg un foullvaluation AtUetino santo ilnt tinodoctor pur- 0f $15,tIitl. ciivodti Io ut thoelnarly acutIhint â lug 1h07 vere tino ilackmailers, l'olitiCianý' Outlla. juinpod front bis rig, abai tahlitn )f Muebreto Ilrus ,ttt Foi Latke, eonseverc lmUnes, and lino pair of vil- dlortainod nî' oft' thtio Aoard tif lagers boklatu hoir heel tinrungi lino rt upervisors aI itL in ottai Woduoaday *vooAa. A nuinberor t -ýii tticialia vont alung The ductor gave cinue, but tiney gaI and a spionditi ta ,'uport resuited. away. Ail are nov couîvincedth ie e Fiahiitg, bostintu l inoollng inelpeti iluclor woii't bu bluiltod. tu oulertatu the' gttt.'tl to, Bay nalting of lthe amnlieno't iatitrdeti by tino Nîî1iervli#nirls Plrocectingrra. 1.badger andi (lgît. t ninide tagos o! fileiisue viii Il, Prinapa in'the. ,r couora, uinuorr ouîndthelnofficial proceedînga of aerved aInotîn tut'.never nitîaieti u initune meetingrut tinoLake Connty E. W. PARKIIURST, LIBERTY VILLE, &l. ASTIIMA CURE FREE! Asthmcalene Brnngs Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cames SENT ABSOLUTELY FRE13 ON REÇEIPT 0F POSTAL. ~ N~ It curés vlten aIl olse talla. * The Iteva F. WeNst. of Villa ltltlg.1IL..aais: "Your .4 trial bottîlofu Aatltinzloiit rottolyd l iniouendi- t ien. i canuot telliYeu out thanttil1 ¶oel for te gooti defrîivrom it 1 vas . ca . utalnoi vitit p.tird aurae troat anti atirma for tan Yeasra1 deié spaireti ut anor itolustourati. f sav rour ativértîso- tuent for tIhe dure ufthti. iroanitul andttonmentlég el'laet. aâshma. anti thongint roculad ovrsootent i'otjr.teîta. bt lreenIve te Logir' Ili a trial. To mi e a.ton, ghoutth" triailatti iitt, a ohcrm. Send ltMe. a ll-aix.e tle* j tWo vant lu sntLo aTri' tufftorratrlal treatMuu ofAsthmallne. almlar ltnteon. that oml rAM. us bate W.'iie.We'uI a.tutIt hr maili IOlTPAIf). ABSO- I. CTELY FREE OF CHARGOE. to any uiftr vitWo e ii2rt frI. aven on c Postai. 'Novar siad. thougli roun r meeiiritnni, îowverr bal cour moasAtîltaiene viii relleve andi cure. The vurso i'otr oaa,-. lthamor" gKiwi wv-t rt, t)acuti ILDoDoct dlar. Write atono td,Ilrian«DR. TArr BRS.' MEDICINE 00.. 7a East iisoh St., NN Y it y. Houl i ail Drutgglges W. Ml. APPLEY, C. W. PETTIS, AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONCER. Ubertyville Illinois.d - Ifinls Lake Coilnthl votean anotionb.?. My kUma au rlkL it...nahlo TOEwL Sàb*, mmi E SCIIANCK BLOCK, ni on Ouîr r's roati (or ltlg Tory i as Loth a frionti aI r. soon t,, ut 8SntiY for Roi' D Ov al., r spent a 'Il andi arr' lrobal' y rot Strayer psy. anti rllig strv ie M. iý nut mton anti vint i binou a turutu ,n sil. 'Itt'. Wiiiu, tilîalu tlugf rolu- relatIvent 'del lte Cinîcago front ber sud re. train] the hl Ient, eS been ber rolis- tdfty, re- -1t1 ttbtdin az,i saiv. rrita are L f-abe'.y rcanse le tila ctemetmo lieu lite. teabile to aueti by le Verrai-. 0 organei i lhe foodi bouclaq a day, D on'& 0f Dr. [gestion. ýott5lpa. betelr lîx rlatiol,tn e cause t lx 50C prisitve f teat. DR. 1 -.- -- Av enofnr 1 E Ljr 1 ' 1

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