Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Sep 1901, p. 4

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Ueoff. Bay 3d .1. nomsealiended lira. WIU Buesdlira. 6e0. Mitcheli are spendlfag a ev <aya lu tise Cty. c. J. Tatler bas siarted bis nov ban. Chas. Ray sud John Brtiti are doleg tise vork. The ladies of Diamoud Lake viii gîve a tes at the reidouce of lira. Ge. W. Mitchell, Ct. 4tu. Proceede vîll ho denated tu Orpbanage at Lake Bluff. 51-1-P. The ladies of the Dtamoud Lake Cerne- er Association vli hold their oeil meeting ii lira. J. ilouse, Br., Rocks- foler, Tbnrsday, Oct. Ird ai 2:(M) p.m. Members piease atted. %Paul Bay Wa« the victins ef a pleas- ut surprise Btnrday evenlng. Danc- ing vas lndutged tn and a merry lime vas enjoyed. Those preseni vere: Btiela Maxhams, Lena Brandi, Rthi Ray, Rob Liii, John italpb. BaiPb liarby; Miss FIah, Miss Young, Ollie 'Tlaore Vsareport il Rosevel EOR SALE-TiII,[. cti"r e Whr lumber ite ens 01 he 1 agon .Wleiany os. AlRO s1>ci.lot mcvo. Bt~a vere lit lag moobluse.Id Il,,h sand and tubie leiow. ýý_,s6hmb1 ainaioIlle.ti,,Là buft tisaitla isi ,oul,îe.. vin brnes.s nd seit besîr bob -nsret. Wlsentii. [loy 'anncefote ,i.îs iSTAPIr.EhLibortYVIii.î 418-21 #Maty 'vis toxîî,ýdited if 's frisle, 11005e- E RllD ffltdhapproved of it rther decidedlhi, Mr..M.oglavetn tuCi but sncetisat tlatu lie aiconearoUnd rsCMHgisvslngucs- se modiied vitesï, and tise Secretary cage). incueaablg 0f ate bas leteli under tise necessiy Thse Preshîters iuci abb oit modlfyitsg tise tresty 2ine e Îl as painteol. sjected sy tise Sonate, noS itit ileh'Jiso Preshyteroan cisurcislas heing Ihegii lreîdestltoo-.eveltIn usigu. patnted. lir.George Petits moved lto bis T'1e icumtbetsei fan ev Preidentnwhmlu e . lu» though tise yonnigest of ail, bas% . j1.r faaily tissuSany oi bis predece*- George Mililer, Br., ban sold bis esl.bas starttisionce0 more tise disette- bouse a*id lot te P. Rtommel. of meltise %ueo.1 o!tanoez ecutive Evenytblng vent at a good prîce at <mansou.i iîreiii iforlsustely neotMr. Uliri uin laut Fday. dotbt tilat tisIo ei Xits ant i it r. John Bagle and vile have ibont tltue tisa! smu.etifg vas dounc1luasoved t rom l iglgiandi Park 10 Deer_ t"e ater. luthis ,'isieetiOn Soude 1,-d. eaba recoli-dtU tiviai [residtiott r. Htchinson*s brother and mielf X oinjoi vas ewtetifor hi. il rt brs, 0f Wauhegan vere visîlershisrelast snte une o"i tisat Mv. McSýialey eeek. ejeue eûtive a year seda houneso 14dasugiti and sconvenient. Tise Tise îoîuî for tise Chritian Eudeavor Prealdsnt-elect st oece net about cou-.o inu vnn wl i MIsoa triving a plan hi vbieh thse drantho Growtis of tise Ktngdom. oould ho l.saoned. and carried it on, Mater Leo and James MT)t4i have gtihe ucreaset coniort of al tise lu- left tlie Deerliseol acisol lu attend tise mates 0f tise White flouse. But iCatliolie InsttleofolNortisletl. gealàly meenusoS if a coîîulry as ricis as Oaur drnggist la L-tiil ln Oklahsoma, lats oud abtord lo ulîs a nov bouse bas boagbl ivo los sud lutends mer- -lslsIittElocut1ve. t in s tact, lug; bis fai.lyth iere tu the future. 75hOUW"buul goueraly kuav, tisaItise Soit Bunday evening lir. ltead vfilI Pnisaldet iitise tUnatedl Statoa doos again 9 Il tbe pulpit iu thse Preabytarisa ne veàboss sbirti sudntdrea- cisure.4 ai er an absouse ofeverai lgo toh inseli. Hia hatb-roen mentis. a a Spare valled oit train anotiser Tisere have heen a uumber of changes , oomt, andti sejrateil hy a partitionA lu rosi state oet te:tMr. Fred Meyen iplcladues nul reecis lu tise oeil'isg ban bouglit Mr. Bd tielkes place and > for itit diii, tise roula hoyoud vouhd tir. Rummel bas bougisi Mr. George -.4 aavome ltgiI. I tiere are dul eniongis tilîlerfiplace. j4rens iu tiseflostîs0olelis te Pfflavident ta enlertain many gîleslo, Follovtng are tiseanalses of iome ci 'W.ieiîîocîaîl aemauocssry vtise Young people vbn viii move lu . , .à4B, cteVl 10 eil ee oroifbisDeerlldi Society shoot eigbteen Yeats Mx. u)meltto xilepar ofbisboce:tir. Spencer Broadvay Jorgen- stmûla oer teblive thoeo , .t tr DahriWt. ieoIltr Jiete outis eivlllg ofthtie Lves- oM.Dlet ilsMyr r i4« i; m ot mroomy eneîî"is but Ralpis Henry tiootsoy, Miss Midred jiloelceafateni noluehspaettatDeUgisi Blederatedt andl Miss Sosie Clrea l 1111e place for boude lite. Mrl atn "tu iin wiivth man, reeeusier tisat a - sîcionful nIfoIl viii gco futhotisrLsa a uaon KBiuliButter Market. :d viuezar.- The sanue mo ho sid et chi- îren. Thoni s hnothiot se go<lnd ,reilrn BItter marketi adranod le on tIsemsthe îîld tsssislîiiîdo(aster ohl. loever .o tii.-, se s'abison I lx t 0ibsin iles Bigla Board ofetl'rude liondy. tMar- m,,dusleî for dsord,,rs of tii- liovi-s. la tii. gore sivere icas,ofaidtsrrboeasud Ilet frusat 21c; 7500 llit4soslîl. Saleis dA,.seLery o", t'.raL' ok cLk d Dissnhoa iteedy shisuid te ani taoe vtok, 06i1* nf-..otr il,, o patos and aqaeLel(!ur. EVERETTr. ise vbirlng of ere li.ders s is eard un every aide. *-Augist Zlî,u ias raisesi bis 5bouse Mad la nov put tîug a flue brick base- *meulunder ih. LlbeërtyViis: ;OsAYaLAIE PeÂ5IBA.Y. JOHN Mid Darliic. 1012 Hoyard St. PrtAliuei. Mlis.. eniseý: -Ihave insu WattS tiil, andî I. i i- but hi. îWits.s Utile Mrin tlsers a-, tir the i-t Plnuis Ihave --.rtat Tiîey uvr àrlîa. For sie by F. B. LovisL. LltetyvAle. uile a Dlllltsher irons floetatleudoî Pnirons Will Owu Il. t ,te <ace aI Birtcetua Parki, Satnrday Jîsdge Donnelli, on Monday oftlent oantug. Ail retînt a goo ti lme. 40.0k, purcisased oi A. B. Wager tihe1 = "ùu Baie flrNii, ebo ha.l hein ý%ioolock taiephione exciange sud ln spes li er vascation vush Mrsi.n-se lu possessionet tise busiuns. Mr. lglUifhtito u4 ss eiruedto h) itcago. Wagev tili bas charge of Ille omfie James O'Consnor ho . iug liseDov anCI vilI romain in chsarge of tise ex. Aiglto ite@s bouse piastereti. Tise chaânge untl ianotiser operaton la ktousesn cotnplted vibuLe ouet ofnreo. Tise jutge Informa nis glti 18. ouest arounhi Erereli. 1e his purpollo ad Intention te ergauie 1 Peer Dwson wble rturaug hme stock coinpauy asuisItise greaisi Pier HlfDosYvo reuuîng isernapart onitlistiock t4tesepatrons et 60o1lbon vith an atimohile. Tise bsiescan.hoe eile aah"dbte buggy vas demelislieti and tise hors. uiesci eelre n aet a geet itlvidend. D. R. Joalyn iuJund, bîi Mv.Divisn. Ilusctty, sud Geo. W. Fietl vere associatadywti entitlely escapot inîuury. hitu Itlie porcise of tise praperty Tise bal ganse at Ciybsiurn Psrk test andi are nov »aiting lsîm iliste tiunstai belceon tise Liamond Lates organîzation o! thse compnsy. wbien auid Craekeljakfi retiatteti la a rlctory reorganized and the Iou put In fur tl atir i a sure (of ton tii igit. preper mai>., vs aipot tisit Wood- The attriei wcrestockvli bhavaeue of lise onest Tis haterso rreRetituonti, Vaîslgin excisauges lu tise coutry- Woodeock sud Mhnan foîr t raikeratîsm anti 'iel.e Woldxser an isî <eiîilni or stibioîl'tllo. Ttsts Dsstuîîlo li iO- ensi. im is e i. fm1 i o) ii 1 uqit Ss!itiN i i i(l d is gatîn. î-'l i-c": i-- ti4 iii ' orfi lorgiA 10io- . 1-Ir-1 nitiit-i-lio,,nht.cott's Emulsion is flot a guilt l ioo. voiitsti.ilit in-At gooud nîedtcine for fat folks. 4&Ceiiti bat'. ,wiiit uuiiet isaVu have nevcr tried giving it the rélîit bea oClfeilihu on~ tîin 11- utS, r. Ilîutevirvison tisa ri fat pturson. \\u dont leilver Ltte <oi v'l tig. lm tise ourtisae o sý S(ttsJ'nj <le Ibs gO. oOlthitt tl ise llondiodn buiids îîuw Va.h. Ft laReoubave 1-!ltiioII uftise lianoso! 18edtaiil 5 aikrjoTo hey are ixopie don't walist i. Str)Iîu lobe m Jrdiioiîarr.for thetr slsiity t&0isiltii, i ru,îkeriacks 1, 1>ofle dori't nuiii h. sueS a clse soir,.But if you are t1isis iu. PEOPLE ' COLU NS i uision is thse wed ;cju, ilr PEOALE 'e-i îîL. ' sU îrAsNs. It docsn t t're voU O'Uu. F Jli.gosBojAtOii i t suA., il! i -I. P)erC j, nostrain. -'Ilie ,r wiItlai ,iI d , i-s i i lof--S. ilnatur i and easv. 'i,,u .AN:ttLef)-A 0,0,1 iMi,..... tL. i.s îi JU -t tîke the medicins- :,:id 50s h l i theru- i, to it. CRSlin-g- irAi.. su 'l'îlise ncxt hn yO 111m ~in. iiiSii ar A .1:.l.Ii.-.î.,. ii ind you. weigh more. It iii J. nuSur tii oil .-iiilîiiuu. s -il i uiet worke r. ,igumavbe. AwM auoiisand ist5iUg Serid for frec sample. aeby P. D.LOa. Scun & DOWN'E Ct-iao.. - S.. S y.<WAt êidîqs. î tsasasç ô"vsya" ela, ea~ A viii embtsednthUe dispoIion et orne 01 tise larieetiates oe en iSla a ltdRe canuRu resîdeul vas flled for pbobsée iodai. Il vau tisaIimade hi B. C. Dand vso receutlli <ied .i LaRke Pores sud tuctudes proforti repreeeillig over 3$,000,000. Il vas ezecutid Ang. 23, 1898, aud ia a lengtJsy document coveriug neveu Pages 0f typevritten cepy. Tnesday morulug Alexander John Gladstone Dovie, son of John Aloi Devis came le Waukegau and 100k eut papers of uainralit.5105'5tlie U0 trne taking tise osils o! alleglance snd being tint. made a e00sols of the United Stats. He made a minores declaratioôfl viscis Uablea immediale ciizeusaip vheress tise eider Dovie hau to vait ive jeara aller Milng lhis papers hefors ho in made a citizen. The vitnessen vere Oliver L. Speiciser snd Csil F. Stern. F. M. West. vWho roentuIY onterOd tise emploi O! John Aloi. Dovie. isu severed bts connoction vus Uthe bealen and la nov verkteg for the Western Coat Dock Compauy. Il ta Raid Usai tbe fermer lievapapor Dman couid not stand the pressure brougisi upon im as au emploie of Zion Banner, wvicb vas tb attend cisurela four limes on Sunday, vrtte op ever oeeof Dovie's sermons, gise Dovie bwci one tentis of ail bis sal ansd aundri utiser compulsooy coudeicen- aloni. At sx o'cloch Tuesdayevoung at the home ofithebolridea parents ou FIire street. îlev. H. G. Leonard unite lia tiaude liarinuasd tir. Starl Pnrdy lu marriage. The ceremouy vas vituesa. ed ouly hy lusmediate relatives of lise couple. Tise bride la tise eldesi dangis- ter of County Sopi. ot scboolt, M. W. tiarvin and la one of Wanhegan's besi koovu yonug people. Tise groom la oeeoetHighsland Park@ proiient youg business mon, boing lu tise hsardware business wîtis bis faiber aud brother. tise brus heing D. 0. Pordy & Sens. Tbe isundreofd et nnda of Ben Par- matea vili bearD vits regret tisai ho han iulfoned a rospae of tise trouble vbleb bas Invalideit hlmfor over s year sud iis.i ho ta again ai tise soapi. tai te undergo another operaion. Mfr. Parmalee bas been b&<4y aillicet. IFiret proetrated visen nicely atarted l u bis college vorkho 15àvasan tomate tofth b iospîtal over s year, doring visicis lime ho suffered several eper- allons sud snc bobdily pain as vould viorck a Ions sturdy constitution. Ite-a 1ly ho seomed vuil nîgl reiioerett, but atise dovelopmOuis of thse putI fov <laya are exceodiugly discoeragtng. Ilosidents oi tise esal aide ot Sbert. dan iloati, beveen Waukegan limita sud Bouton are trying te ligure ont visai nev <bal le on lu railroad airoles. Tise pasIt ev <aya mon bave beau eanesly eudeavorlug te gel rîgisi-f vay atonglise casi sIde of lise Nots- vesteru tracki, tise pan bcbng fo boy onirigisl s sIrip 100 teat vIde. Tise feeling bas become prevaleni isere tisaI it may ha initial stepa lu carryiug oui tise big enterprîse ot building a lino dovu te Wankegan tram Mlvankee te Conneet vils tise bel$hUea it isit ly. Otisor opinion. are Ittus a f urtiser move le tise Milwaukee-Ciicago chiot. rie ine- The comilitee bavtng lu charge the seleoitlen et a pastor for lise Firât Ceugregational cisurcis te OUl lise vacancy occassieneol by lise restg. nation e!f11ev. Clarence M. Burk. isolder, bars ienderad àaCali te the 11ev. lM. Tatmage. oi Breinen, Indiana, visa bas ecetîpisdth ie puliîl ince Mri. Bnrkhesldera resiguation. Mir. Talmmge's acooptsuceo01lise Caliban net beau recelveol but It in tbougbt &tiiha vitl iecepl snd become lin. Bonklaolderas Alscooss. lu Bilig lise vaesney tise cemmitte depsried from lise nouai custbom, belng determîtneil te boni oue man until h vas deflitely tlecîded vshete or net bis services vere destned. Il apeaha volumes fer lin. Tlrage's aility an a preacher tis ieo as thesBrait tulMI tise pulpil a($or Mr. Durkholder, sud lho met sncb genenil taver uiti tise oongregaiiou tisItise c*Il as extendet vilisont trying any oliser man. Tise Nose ludîcates Cisaracter. -A large note is4 alvays suu nfa.iling atgu of a decuded cbaracier, vnliteà Blanche W. lisber, u an arlticle on ..Rteading Ubarscter fr0 n tise Face ln tba Octaber LadIes% Home Jounat. ..Il holonga le the Mau o! acion, quiek lo e ansd to Seize epportunitY. A amal noe .iudicntesa spanalve nature. eue leus api te mci, altisoogi bo May teel as deeply. He viii have any tSheories, viith ie pcusnar ai a large Umse ul bhave deoms te shov. Persons vilsmail[ nasse «o mot loving sud iympellazing. bott bisr Irleuda lat net the active Slnd. --A mouethhe lis p alIgisily .tei in tise IgU e! the hefflieso flirt. A long Uneos aovs dignittîsMitrepos. A sbort nous, ptlgnacilly and a love 0f gayely. Au archet nese--oneprolect- Ing iltlthe brldge-above ibeugisi. A itraigbât nose ibivs an Indication tevrard serionsubjetîcs. A nome Sha tssru.t p sliglstly tuiticales eleoquence, vIwil nditnaglnatn. If lurneit ni m'uni isuvs af getti and love of VlIsîntry. A nees Ibai clopes out diaect r ousmtise iiriead, tisa abevs no in- danîing Llteleen tise oies, lnitieau Paver. If tise nowI l identai itaiply ut the reli thibo ntieci vtlt le vek aud vseilu*lnug. A neso UlsWun dovu aiguiSas Ibai Use poumon l mill sad areae. I f fMtue, s...l. L Mr%% M rI. b5I5 aaiictc l ees s1ià,"e.5vtlu5Ul udoOuf lobvO . al ls its I 55 0 leltiaà-e n a a as mre '7- 7 rW. C. flsnmp Table, GraYalkO. OS0M UNUD. No. à. W.26 p. 0uLSio> unday Digbt Onu dama S. e. 4:P. m........ . zeeY optilda la Ui. 2ILbLeuda ndgaturdaYiooli. y. tIlLUM...... 9. 4 M P. M..»ýiderî ud SsturdaYSO1I7 Slà. 5Oi...................... lalir lo.Setenaês27, 1901. at athé otof~s Ltiil' à*M~e &ISai Aoi ONOWNS0*PL- OATION. pot the appoioto ULm Aiviici May Wpi l ttý ie i..rltssrOi tbtiiof tjwl", se PFresjiceftO pisbysiclal, i pesi l ssroîugerai0f tise feprtment, gpo ilOnov held t.Van itypeni. Mr. Mc'kinio pluued hto me thisr apointmneft Uo mnocegmor vilii îýrrY Out liii ts i tis suad - r. ri tier mta- Mirs. August Minz, or Wankegan.j sponi Weduesday vitshberater, lire. Badinl.asd lMr. tutu ddbusiness bore Tburedai. tirs. Martte sud Misas lable Wloke leit Miondai 10 vini relatives in Aurore, IlIl., tise fermer g ou Scaiter and tise latter an sent. Mliss Gallsghsr. vWho bas een msk ing ber hiseo ils Mima Wlbur la nov vorhing for tise tamily ot Mr..Gilbiert ai Fox LaRe. tirs. NiaiR Smih In laritiug rla<,ea lu Chicago ar>d Belvidere. fier aisier, li.Re. Bc, vus called foi by ber sou trorn ivanboee snd la now t tisiPlace. Abert Baies mossa bis fansly bc Chicago luit Uarday. Me bas a coniracite do &«aMing in a Qu"t lisere and vlS @pendl tise vinter expeet. log te retur n thUe spri ng. John Noble, of Oregon Ciy, Oregon, vas tu tevn ut O ees Ieeking sitar bis rnthee'ulerests. Bis moibor, vise isad been maRlus ber borne viil hi., accoorpanied lI. as ftran aser daugistonish eein lovsa sd ta nov tisera. lisy Floeet Ire adies cet tle liacabeos beld a meeting at the hoe ni litas Boite Uine luts aturdaz afier- noon. George Straugs steed, John Wiahisurna chaise, vif hlira. Btraug as pilot, carrled tise ladiles tu tise plane o1 meeing. Mn. and Mmn.WtlI Parker vore sur- pised by tiseir Maluossille fieuda lt as turday nigisi, I belng tise ocea- *ion o! tise 2"làs Auivori nioftheir marriage. Tise evonng van ipeut lu garnea otc. anti a jolly god timo vw« fisso. Aiisongb vo vere not proment ai 11e pariyvo vs tise devotea marrled couple miany happy reture ofthe da,. Nesdames Dan Wigitmso. fHery sud WitU Hd*ardi returued from thiei trip te Bule and Ntagars Falla Tisun- day eventug. Tsey ver. acompanted hy lira.1Bard Wbo uad *peultvaw moalit u ise emsi,sud miss Avis Edwards, a ulece tiemn Basais Ciy, vbe vîlI apendi snoetilme bore. The trip vas a deligisiful eue, sud îbay brouist vi isenoramsiy nncnitte ot tise occasion. Wiilt, a goodly numben fr0. ibore attended the ikisona Pair last Ths ura. day, imauy more vo iselsplanued to ge bat bear visen it vas knevn lisat tise Prealdenis f un"ra Oild bhoielit on tis day. Tise nmontral services lu tise Ooignogaliousa l cisitison thsl aifernoosi vie venj 900d sud tbe cisorcis vaniled le over-doving. Rev. Iiîevenadelivered a Tenr toucblng anti lequenti elogy On tlie oe f Mr. McKnley and tise Prealdeuis favorite sangs voie suug by a Ouattta conaiatiug of Misses Maaeiliuxgatteyd sud CarrisIRoisnnand Kouna. Park- or and Bucknsn, lira.Bosapas- îhdlngaitishe organ. Tisa veterana o!ýI tisolanI 1,0 ova voeepresent l bodty. H-AIN ES VILLE- Editis Rendee@vas a Chicago visiter Fridai. Mir&. Lavsou la antenbaining Mr. andi1 lira. Woods, of OliaO. Mia. C. B. Wieibllrn entotanîso Miss Jobaui, o Cicao iglait veak.1 Enuit Meudeas in IIU. Hita sou Wood sud daugutet BKIla have been sent fer. lira. P. A. Fuooti ottained the Grijaigke CemeiCni oiety Tbniday oftte ii eeh. George BstetsluaIi roclvod nova lut et vonof the itstI eft la isster. Mie. a5<5 ar ais, of 5les lieitames 1. WWthn 3. M.Mi- yards and'W. Eitvada resurned t i day fron Buffalo. Tiaot-l, Avis gfwdyssaompenldWthea- home sud vîli romain for t iti. Mn. suitlira W. B. ]ParSer vote thée victlis DfaE raies »partl Saurdai eventng, tiso e oadsi eIg seaMeir 1 0- diag smvasn.Ab-$l suxies f tlsait oneigihonrearspressa -isd the eveaing vW" spent pliassoIi. n sud inaplrkar a»e oW ifor Usit bc.pttilili, saemmue W", ,sauf Who Ïlia ver veiel ie. MAY=bO OWje a« haffl rowe"et im &Y. Hermann me or iv qv me u-i.i- Ici PettsPark sodo à treeta) vd. 1.000 * 8 raun h i 1toraik W lodieshl Iota 1 IOahilde msubWatkgan wd .............................011 Wlnthrov Harber & Dock Co le P J Beard lois 12 13 id bih i suonilot a Wîthrep Barbor vol............. lion000 est Alred Bote ils te Julluî Frauhol bItai7 ha8Lake aisore ssbqcil...... <n Joseph Imlioff h vi ta Joli,55 trankeîîlot alasat27bih le Arm. atOMaa ddU te Waetcan qed . i.. 1 o E J Berdecer avi te J B oiss lts 1 tfoIlah bih iLake Shsore suis qed................................ t01e 0 W Dean te Jullua tranhel loti 21 *k 2 bih 7 Ariostead'a additu t Wankeffl qd.................... s1u0 Jno-XdeaU te C0SW Dea Iota 21I&h22 bih?7 Armafoad'aa il.n 1tuSauhogan %cd .............................. 1on A L Flanugisa. 10 JolitraYnhei lot 19 tilt 2 Aruieleada sodo te wauherauqcd ..... ...............sO t L Allen h vi te Jollus trahel lots Il13t01bit la Armatoadi sode tu Waokeasn ccd .................2n 0 JDB Brewnu&h y!t10 W J & M J Dlais tlie ru iviv tr mas oac 3-4O5 vd..............................m 00 Alozo FOI vi te J B lBrovwnv orsavîîr ne qrtsoc 23-46-9 vl.e.. . 500 Alonse Foi h vIto W J h MJ Daîziel part ne qv sor h&s r as .îr &ne r q rnes. .r isco -- vd.............................. 46M5Go Boeon F Ford & bus t10W à Pales s it nvorh vOs r ne or sec 34-44-9 vol........................... 19) W a Pain"e&h vite m StFord e )é nv qr&ow qr neqr nec M -Ut-wd... 1 ce JnoT Judg &vi 1tu M J Bidinger part a i0 b blk 1norts vesi tidu te Sianhegfau v................... 7<0)ce Til Durâth& ftu athserine IBarri- son lot s bais I Duriii soi, on Butrik Sti Wuegan vit..........îrsoso tSeflua. F Kilooson »h hua te Jno C 1 Dulir n 35 i lot @ bIh i Highland 1 Park vd.... ..................... t1 e) Jno C Duffy h vi la Aiioithi llnudwonuiiftlotobik i Highulandl Pari[ col....... .................... 1 0 HO0iHayt & vfto J PCarbion l10 bIh i gsyta nî,-sub ln Pt Shisan vd ............................. 760 J P Carison te Chas Stein l10 bih 1 liaytis -ssb lu Pt Shseridan vil... 7i Où Geld Modal Content. Tisere vili Seoa Ibid bIaI 'Cot tu lise Fort Hillt Cbprcb Baardy eve- ng, Sept. 28, '0t. l81. contesantos. A collection yul ho %&ken. .Nou ure aIl Invited. lins, béoutas Bagpa.4R w . Ik l i i*aI olé«. aou sM000li0o#MdaicouVitle, vers ta Obiôege on buslnus Widi. Dora. 1 ta. as litar. isipis Yogi Boudai, SI. 111h. a dauglaber. ,lMr. George O.e 9Waargaulà t vWttnig hie WU$ Msd dauglaser. MM s. GeorgeStapec, LUI* and Jea à penl Suadqvit8 lira. èatdtniet. Mï. nimcu oeaet Clhago @peut sudy i rmu«tu hla kiveinity. lin..G. Stolon sMd dauglaler, Nasante. vaea.selersasa .J amld u. Maïs AUlo Ford of Chicago la vlait. tmg frà»ans and relatives la cur vicias. amieMary Docker 09 Ivauboe visait relatives Deui Vblo lie iraiet fthe 1Mas. Jwiole gm118 andt Paul Avery of Oak Park speul Saurday sud Son- dai aU Mr. ,Paddoeb's. Um Analnieller vant to Oliver, LaRe Wiseonal,, Mondai 10 vieil for Use Beut Ivo vesa. Minées Holan lRaymond sud mande Wallon spent ltaturday and Bonday vith friands ai Fort Hil. Mns. Wm. Wood ot Oak Part vlsied ber patentéUanu»a. IRobertlPait. dock the Brintefth1e veok. ,Mr. sud lita, T. Wintle of MNefHenri sponi Souda i vtisehélatter'. parents. Uri. aud Unr. Obris Dillon. Mr%. Montgomrynisd son Ro0y, of Chicago, «aeviating the format'& fsvermosA the M. . u. ici p. m. A full1 Ctiudm eldeslied. Satoud Death Off. vOL. al Mwofsneuttta, T. ,,.%,ert ow vth I1lever aud jaubd persuaded hlm 10 v.v Elwesa ittan d ho vas omms botter, but QOltlU ed tbiscr auft M, va Who ÇT essw la M. 1 lmaimam dîgfeiton. IB<UIS±OIJi ver,* k dawys ct F. BAI RSTOW. MANUYACTuHqeROF MbamoicTemple Dldg. Wm~If L LOUIS J. «UUMOa.«Y Louis Burns te a àe SImDCocadr Club loc i ahm ncella dditO l Lake lffvwd ...... _......... cus Buth a Marer & busoa tErik Priait lIo e bk s Ladd h&(loorses adâs te Waskeau VII................. mi oS Ruila #Marier h bus teaDiua$ Bramer lot 3 bih j Ladd & Georges aitin te Wssikega d ............. M 00 J 3 Hobba & vi 10 L P triestedt tract cf land neof blk uM ortt addu ta Lake Bluff vd................. seul c 8 D Tacot& vi foa Solauler 5e1u@ asanMsqr mm -43-11 vd.......... 7as H Beroder h vileuS»DTabdot t suau s or sec 1U-0-11 vd ..... laese a éclusler &htaaeS» Twklutsalo acail 50.U5& 8-41-1l vd.......... i 0 t Boss à vi ta James Janleson pant nv or ov orBs 51.-Il vd ........15lù00 James Jasuleson &h vit1000 oJamsl- son uat nuv ro iqr mc ai-e-il wd...............................Mo oc Frak Proctorhawf tu W B Smlla part ne or uv arasec M-1- le vd. 100 ce James Il Moiha & ai Tva ta James Baglat v29uit lot 4 bis 21 Ont addn tu Lake luffqod .................. 100 Jeu MaIllet te Louis 9 Larson vW 26 fi loti bih 21 frst sAlda ta Lake Bluff vd.........................smoies Lousai BIsns te Edvd Lmnob oi, ,rnqrheltuvoravqrSee a &h) a to u vqr sec i-ee-i qed.. 460 ce Amuie EB saS ta Noneri rTut AD Irlrmis akeFhrvit A 1 e Lower than the Lowest. fi XXXX Colles ...... ................$09 3 2 AbeCern ......................... ......1là 3 V 82 Japau Tea ..........I.......ý10 * 75 0leves ai,--.-. ....................s 5 f L ot et Ladies' 75e aud $I.0o1liaIs . .' .... 39 160 1eDre4asGood.......................... ............. fi Lot o No. 5 and 9 llhots........ O-... 0 AIl WooI Dresa Flanel . ý..........................s 39 Weba u it reco.ved a loi o! Ladies sund Misses Jarkets andl fi W bave Cpes aud Boas. Corne ln sud 500 lbem. fiOn Sept. 15Mh ve vitl. hasfull liceofetLaudies, 511h Shirts. 4+ fi ~prisa $8.00 10 $10.00.43 F. IH KUEBKER, fi RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, +. fi Grayslake. Illinois. fi +àààà444é + 'ý+ àé le te AUCTION SALES. Havlng deoidcd 10 quit iarrnlng, 1 viii s ai Mpublic anctien on My tari, sismtedone-baU mile vest of Bend- out station Aud bye sud eue-hall mlles eat t fLîbertirille, on lbe Lake Bluff îcSd, Tiuradai, Oct. 3. consmeucingast I 10 'cIL a. .Sharp, the foilevtug propersy, vithoult eserve: Tiîrteen ioung cova, tWree vils calves by liseir side, oee priugen, balance givtng mitS; seven ivo-iear- eut heiter$ omtnng iu beten nov sud sprng, ivo-yesa-eld steen, Ive- year-ebd buil, yearing bull, nine yearling laoiterseleven caIves, &Panum ef mares 9 it5. 014, vI. 1300 1l». eaoh,q bos ta fouI; mareo9 Ira. oIt, vi. 1400 Ibo., tu fosi; verS mare 10 ira. cii, 120 Ibe.; so. t. I. 10Il».lt Oal ai Royal Robin; mue 3-iesr-oid, sitd r Miulgii; yearling 6colt ivesueS- tug colla is, 5d4 Y fuil-biooded Olidedale; sucking cot014 sd ilby RoiaI Robin; Ivo brocit mous, eue villa pig; 12 -&bcit£, 22 tons tame boy, sack o etr15, qusabti of cern, 200 bu. visite este, 3-lach lire vagen, annovlire vagon, lieooriiolk mc.ur, boi rake, bai rock, kirovi John Demi Cplow ses double hamnta, est cingla isanee, .e aitite., lnglo bu.g0, tvoemsed bngy, .bobileiga, vuel'- ngtoogh. iv0 e ha"usaud ma other articles tee numaeus tein sl. bien. Regular tormietofsale. Lunch serrad it sb u. JaxIBaHmnu, Pnop. W. M. APIýLxY, Ailoteneet. Tise uudersIgned yu lai etPuhbli action eoh.6"preomisloe taedn M yankee avenue, nonlIl of St. FPaulde- pot, la Ltbez"iie, SaînidaiSept. le, eernenclng et 1:30 O'Cooek P. m., Usé foiipvlug properui: . Jersey oo villa csl1'-Ivo sOngle buggies, tva-sed ssrnlag, sidren 5.181., lot ef oet beda, tiv e stait, a loi t ai erts te hsnd ouvatomn 1pgindbone, tom u. 5151 ois 514-si 1acomnulati o t r "OIS isi nr- ousteo mention. Eeular ternioe I "le. Ms. J. B. AUa, larop., W. . -ua?, Axa' eneit. mmsus uvfav i asoah .BUYS AN A 1 Have ties up t ...... ..... 33.00 SAlsoAgent fo Crescent Bicycles. 1 cau Bell ion a hottan vbesl ior là@$ muney Issu ion, ea huy elsevlaere. Yen vi i bi hflaertion trua il ou luvestigata. CALI. AN D EXAMI1NE. WHII R $ M cins Prices and Terme te Su4 Y~ou. EB. SHIERMAN, Grayalaka - inîois. Goo Vlue a &,ayDown"t Wehbave a god stock of Men'ai8boeu t $1.15 ........$3 <00 .. Bip r.te close, at 50e t ............... 10 880.5 ' o msai 200 toi .................. 16 one lot su close ............... 80 (testhon 1551! puce.) .. 6 0e . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . 40 ladies Dresses. s good assortmont cbcap. Miena Butte,3-.00 1............... ..................ta<0 Mena Liglat Suite, a*Il yod, reducied tu0.................... 80 30oji Butta, UP frein ...-......... .......................... 75 Royal OBirto, a gond asaortment at mediums prices. moule Shirt Walsts. a 1ev loi t. lieuls Strav Hats at jour own prîce. A, fu stock of Grocerise. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. )Rra. Sulliv« a tertaiued ber SIMie lion Maully, lu., taut veok. Uir. and lits. erlach ouieitatu6d finonda frentistoago lutivoiS. Tish de ' Aid met viib lira Fred WlburWOdueadai tSpt. 259h. lira. (iodftei apom ise greaier Part or lisa eek vitb tionda te Waukegl. lire. Plspe, et Plymouths, Ili..vas tise guet oet inonda bore a Couple ef- dais laitveek. Ur. sud lir. Cooley, of ChIstoa, vers out Baturitay tolielp lira. Doyen paok sud «el MeVed. lira. A. 9. Brovn, oi Waukegsn, viaitod friands bore several dais dur- log tise doctor'a trip 10 Marquette. Mri. larren and son Ed returuod ire. tiseir vlait 10 Cleveland sud Buofalo muels deligiteol villa lsir trip. Kira. en7an sd inoiher, Mra. 8.10h, lasse rented lir. Richsardson'& bouse on liaple Av*., sud vill move la viny boom. moi Afr 1'1 SW. W. EDWARDS, Oraysialke - - - - aie ý 1 1 "mme- - go 1 Marbie and Granite Memumets, C£PfUTRY WORK OF EVERY DmaaIptin. Crrsspesdnr. SMNIsi. '" ce O nt a wAIJUoA4N.

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