Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Sep 1901, p. 8

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lied Porep naade a baineu trip to MinPFlorence Bacbwuas a Oliog Chcao nid4y. sIaflor Bunday. ~'i.John Thies clled on friands fiilMia. Plagie has returned from vieil- Palatine Mondai. iug her broîher. --Mre. B. Sobierilng visibed witt b r.J. Bach bas bee l huay catting relatveis lnu bicago over Sunday. corit for Disa netglbbore. ldita Marth bienhIesturned frona A Humbeir of 1the Nortlieid people ber Vstîl tlbfriends iu Elgin and apentl 'bnraday ID Chiacago. reporta a sary nice liime, lira. les. Doecher, fromu Dakotalist The Queen F.elet clircfe reimed vîaitlng wilb bier moîber lira. Franzen. their dtea, andi met ut hivits Va8hti Mir. Morse, the photographer from Lambertas, Batuirily, Sept. 21st. Irving Park la dotng qulte a business The Mise@ Lydi Meyer aloi Alma arounddfbere. Bargmnu, offHigland orove. visilrd Mirs. .Johnson, a miember of th1e frtanda innlfufafîne 'f iieday. United Evangalteal eburch iaiiber lita. F. l'orrnp îufrtaiued 5r. and borne la Whaeling Sîînday. Mroi. Luermen iiui i rs. 'rbonoua, lra. The pholograpber frona Long Grove il. sebroeder m ir su rf dMtei. V058 vasen ln Norlbfieid Pirday dislribut- oiver Sundîîv. tng the Evaugelical Ruuday aciool MIr. and %I rq . all tr for ibeir pîclures. guelvi r M urn Nr,.I fîtîna, Of The Evaugelical ciaurcb wili cèle- <'agr und! M r llrrgiinauu, 1obratielUNquattaly meeting oct. (;th. Iliigfiliid(tr Meetings Frlday aud Balurday oe-o i lii. rfl . îrir I fjii r (tie, ulungs ctrutiutîig lrr i Su y. Set- 'l oirday -i. 1 Ill, Nrd-v icem vîîrutcteil by 1ev . JrîbnEtest, iiivîr. lr.f jif, erîiiluftlrrl. le wcul ailoh iI i lreitsfrrted f ttizen. A C oniianun icati on. Funieri 'r rvies cre Iledtlu Pltmib )Iir, i-iTr AlIuwnie f0 epakt-ilew (ioeM. Ef( iiri hSaiiay ir, - ui r r<îmelittu (Irov Iî,Rl i- I. otffrd for ttroe, ras wfli Mrîrî . lil1 , u ruc.p-*cirih1g tri rroirr huis aenrld ot ieiliai nalabia. fuir, Iii t, tr igi irr i iai 1f i i i i îrtorrind varlouse fatt lîîî f " f l"r ' . . .,.ri t h- ii iii. i,r-. frit (rOtl(ifgei nothiiu Ino gtmo ,&I u t' c Il, ru- il 1 t ore irrearatfrrn lair r-lirt inhi l my witgot a ttle ettfifa itiirr rrlihr. i . rrrr.lia Ci..erîto t ir ir li,, hio . li hii f a M nuçleteiy je-- îfiir-rt s. r- i rir, o. itf urrr lit ail l-id m-W . 8. BauctmufIlhigieil. MO. k1nI-itl rpr.tri- ii - iirdimc u iriiuîflid T i - ,,ie i.rlefor 1, ti Y îtF. B. fLOVEI.î. ii i i n ir, . i r i ii irrt i rJi, r r if hrtyftte: GIAÂYSLS-KRE H Rbl x: JOHNa mitik tLir'îEL. Llrrîcii SKl.vantoe. STOVES RANGES +' Stwrs +crs eesGl on btgb th m ni.Leoe heija inpic-.-eusaeyu oe ontyiii nth tv ie e -C r n l n a d l o k t e r i SCAC Bt. tietvle lioS liens hilaâ,$5.00tit l...$15.00 BOYS' Bulbe. $1,50 tu . ....7.50 Boyas' ante, 25e tri-....1.00 Mieus Faute, tIENt to.5 .00 ShItrts sud iivanalls, 1w e.0.1.00 bleue fVnderwear, t50e, 75e 1.00 Worklng Gloses, go t0.1.00 Horse Bilikt ansd Robes. Corn llnives andt Blndlng Tine. ifroemGoods, 15c to. . - ..$ .75 ifreas Percales, Mac 1....0. I Oitiîîlg Fianuel, 6C t10...A 5000! Shîrliug Flanuci, 27e fin .50 l)eulrna. f2c, 14c santi -.f.. 5 Ladies' iuîlorwear, 2c ho -1.00 Ciiltren s tutierwenar,tup Ina .15 Ladies sud Chltireniiîîeie41ry IC f . .. .. .. , .35 Large aaotmeut of lii nl yarns. Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications. Subscriptions Receive d FOR ALL Newspapsrs and Magazines. V. Sauer & Son, I COALI D. . &W. is the Best. viz: Ilio 1). I.L \V. t Iiid advanîîv- as wriitsîr dr;îws iîear. WRIGHTBROS.,I L ibertyville - - - Illinois. Long Grove - - - Illinois. ROCKEFELLER. Williamn Berghoru ven t 0obhcago Fttday on business. Out'@ la a btoad landi, but thore la no room ln il for anarcby. Henry Knblank bas the record of belng the fastea CORIal abvoler tn tbe ooanty. ifollngmore, topait yonr stdewalk. If everjons uildo iIs, ont village eau not beîp belng the moat orderly, beanlîful and bealîblil Of anY In 1the aMâte. Tburaday, thie day Of Prasîdent McKilayslu Itermeut, vas sPent qntelly. Litle ot no business wa don.. u,..r.i w,. iaiased, the Gorge Hardens new cndr ak a - a-v ery decided limprovementorlbe *forst e nllit gaony longen ougb olti one. Barman Kulbank and Chirs Hapke are expecting 10 go te vork at Barring. Fred Meyer and famlly, of Chiclago, bave Iteen vîsiting vitbh feury Knbiatik. Ibe mustc i-r 0fth1e tbresbar'ew vblte lsa aîiog of thie past. The oat crop a ligît. Ouîr tovofimen Whio attended the Elkiîorn far cdaim that il far surpasses the Bufflalo Expo. Abert }ulggo lbo bas Ieen vork- lng in Chbicago, la alck aI 1the home of bIc fther, Wm. Rnlgge. Anna May Cronkile bas coromenceet the tetm uat the Chicago Coliege 0f ?,fîîalc, going lu eacbi Wedneaday. E F. Bîttertileld bas beeîî more or beas rnder the seather mince bis te tutu front Buffalo, buît lm now out. Dr. Vm. Marelisaqu, f Cbicago, Sperît oue rigliî l altE. G. lPayne e iroute from Fox Lake 10 Chicago. Theodore Swaan and B. Tbomas bave added t ier Volces 10 1the choir, the tirat izeîgiug tenor asud the second bas. People have eean bort by falllng tlîrtoigtlite rîrîten sîdewaika. Wby Dot lis%>(- îrmtlîiug donec wii fLLem aai oIjefiriraithe facLaifîe'A idel at vill Ms rIil. 1h'il-a f ila aociety lm one tinîtb m îiwya ccuiiliiiîlita pur- 1) i-, awr!l . irtiluly an ýai 1l>i lEàw iisRn 0 f unr village are not lu tlîî rrt t 1rb tpe in laft'y places. lu fait, ii ette places they are qulte dMUugerrrlls l4ucb tilalîtg8 boniti Dot Jobn Hodgea Sonuday Sclaooi nlasa. dii 1the asistance of lira. Bolcornb, Barman huuîisnk sudsa 1evotlaera, til goîad work decrîling 1the churcla lasI Saturtiay. Artbur Brgbotn. ovlug 1u1t1e taking off of the businss mau's train, @penda the outtra veek lu Chicago, golug lmon- days by vsy o! Liberlyviiie ounlias C. N. & St,. Ona load at toast tarted fruna Rocke- fllert 10t1he Prohibition picutc, but vote compelied by tbe torm 10 luru bsck alter gelllng about a mile sud a half from tovu. Ifsa puinlalmoul if snfllienl eeverlty catiuo nli1e lbongbl of for Uzolgoat let 'o, ""iggoal that 1liefie brotîgbt bere sud bic made lu traverse some tof our helde. vaike lliniflfudeti. W11111all1the resI ut unr great coun- try, iRockefeller itaumeml 10monts for our marlyteit presidant. Fiaga veto a& balltniat, hbouses draped and our aebool clopsed lburaday 0f tuaI veek. at Friday eveniug 1the sebool basa bal teana vont 10 Ivauboe anti von s rattliug good gauaa trona them vîth aa score off1 o12. l'i o ckefeller boys are bustier@ aud are bount 10o gel Ihero. Mias Mary Mac Arthur rolurned to lier borne i Waupaca, ia ,afler a proionged viit arnung una. 141e bis many friands boeevbo regret ber îde- 'partnte and hope for anoîher vIil lu lias sear f uture. Thora ara people in ai l pacea vbo are aiwasacomplaiig tIbal lasthlng la vroug sud Ihatloig js vrong, but lbay nover flt a baud 10 roeily Ihe evila îof wvici tbey colîillaii andl viaicia tboy aay axial. 1 ile princiipal .sgay .. - . - appropriatao thte occaaion. Jcoal B. Thomasa bas aecured a perma- nent poationase nîglîloperator aISilvet Lake, Win., orn the W. 0. tatlrood. Ralîrosit ofbilm iare oalslow 10 rocog- aise sterling ijualiiea ln boysas veil as men, sud lirs aîny friands rejoics vilia bina oser lis gooti fortune. týA Boyle et Frlond fa le t Ille of lies. D. C. Dutton's lecture lo-ntgbt In lu the obapel at igbt o'eiock. lies. Dutton viilmose lu lovawa otveak and 10 nlght lm irur laat opporttnily of beanlng bina. Niesfiraenback, vbo leacheas sging lu our sebool, bas beau engagod to10 lko part. 'l'ho proceeds vîli 1be usîti iin urebasng 9libr"r baooks. Ai ullîu 15c. Sebool bidran, loc. Itla th 1e cuafon smong papers t0 put fortb supplimenta for differeul occa- sions; armeut clîrlsmas, nome for lbe 4111 of Juiy sud marne @end ont a Sunday siîppliment; bttte do not vork :on Suinday, sudthie 4tb la pflasd aîlîl more ve a my fe drives ont of t0vu before Cbrlstmap, tborefote vs base decided ta put out a "-Sldevaik" edition and hote it lte A mani alood os a street corner o! our ltle town aI 1the bout of Iveise gazlug arrîuud at sigiate tbat be- vildersd bilm. uiI al aides, slretcbing oîut I &lie lietaiace, lai beanliful cernent vaika lratlaed ln the rnolov iigbt o!f1the street lampe. Ailtiba ont wuaaslaap-mu vas bcanmd dreaming ln the bargaîn, au yu u tanllu by the vorda " cerneut caltai. Village lmprîrvenaents should con- tinue 10 be t11e irder of the day. By panting, etc., th1e sillage buaipuat ou an appearance wblcb laeveidauce o! Ibrift, proeperly sud suterprise. But the aldevaika prenent a &Orne o! dosa- lation sud tutu Ti@ Indeed a pîclure tbal may veli brlng the hlnah of abame tu Onr cheaks. Nov, vbaî are vs golug ta do about l? Are yon vlillng Io lat surcb a condition of Itugo go on from boi to10vwran, or are you willing ta gIse wbal ion cen 10 remeity il? If yen are, yUll you gIse a day, paart of a day, or monsy 10 belp put thern lu as gooit shape as possible? Tink Ibis matter oser, taik about il, agitatao1the queston, decîde on nome Une o! action, and, i Do baller eau bc suggaated, loI ait who are lulerealeit get together RuIne day and paleb thorm. Nov vbo viii take 1he isaci? Suuéday rnorning vas se spart for a McKinlfey Memorial aervioe aI lias cburcb. Tbe folloving progra u a reniloreai I \ollîntary. 2 loiology -Congregalion. :. Invocation. 4. Song-Cboîr. AbdWlbM' 5. llespousve fleading-P'slm 124. 6. Song Cougregation. '-Nearer Ny God 10 Tbse." 7. lirlpture Reading-Vernes froi John 14. a. Prayer. v. Anniouncemenîs, Of)friuge, Organ 'olunlary. l10. 8ong-Cbolr. 'Sumetîme Weil tUnderstaud.- Il. "ýMcKisleyt11e Man" Prof, lobs Hodge. 12. Duet---,-avad By Grace." 13. Sermon liemorlal Addreai. 14. Song-Choir. tLeait, Kludiy Ligial." 15. iog-Cougregation. "America. 16. Benedîctlon. il'lie churcia bad been tif ely decoratet aud thieservice vas largely sttended. Th1e prayer meeting bas hean ebangeti1 CARD OP0FTIIAIIKI. frorn Wedneaday 10 Friday evoning otf ',v deatre t0 thauk tbe kiudod e slacb veak. Ibis veek It Ivlli 1e post- vbo assistei us n 11te alcknssi sud poned as lies. Datou, rof Wancooda, isaileatb f uî ontill1e ose, aud aiso for 1the t0 gise ie tifret le,'turc lun1the scbooi fiuîvora. lia. sud liais. J. H. WELLS. lecture cturmer t the chureh 1FtidaY I)trînt vaituntfli yuli I,ýeir qihroWfaIlY nigbt rriiefirael'tnt aka Dm iWtiii Littole anty ulin.Iflire nonîsd tIbis. Timet vîl fi e tu Lot limprosemeuta laittfhe vatcia-liver sud boveis Ilio iodter. ZMestr lai-e HimIf,, puill. For suie hr F. B. LovxLr. word tof <utvilage, and if you c an do Litiertyvili, HALF DAY Corn in al ont arount boe eand Ainl a sary large yield. lils Eues Shapler teenntly lapeiah Ivo veeta wilh ter elter nt iligLi- Woodl. A goodly number enjoyedthtem. aelve@ ai 111e dance ahfiterteia fPark Baturduy evening. Mir. satdlira. Grant itose, o! Detroit, Midi., fotnerfy of 1111e ulace, ara the happty parents of a ton pount baby girl. lira J. M. Fîrote, P. Niteel, J. Ilolal and lira J. B. Ayers bsd atones ptut up on their iota lu Vernon cemelery aset week. lit. and Mrs S. L. Tripp and daugu- ber vialit n - . BHitalbinga' farnliy at Gfenvlev sud alan attendeit a tocop- lion litthie homeo rf J. A. Buteblugs Sîtîrday avenlng. PRAIRIE YIEW. lir. J. Etmbards asal Chicago vlslîor lionday. Mir. J. ilIancitff callet on friende haro Suuday. J. S. Gridtey attendai th1e Elkboru fair a few deys lut veek. lira. J. S. Grtdley visitait vltb relattves ai DesPlains a fev dey@ lutI veek. lit.sutdlits. bM. l{uelt ielled relatives ia Chicago Monday aud TuIea- dey o!fhlut vosk. Nias Latins Spragoe returnoit home Sabrdai tram ber vekas isil vilia relatives lu Chiacago. Set lMitchell'&frIands ara giadto @ses bim back home again, aud lookiug no veti afler bts resiit iluosaà. Mise Lotto Hans, Of Chicago, la Visýiting ber sîsters, lita. N. Wagner sud lira. A. G. liasîber at present. W. are glait 10 ses lit. Bxtar ont ~---r ff.erefo i LutI Suday wvitle Frank Sehroeter i t8vreatI f huatm vas pisying bal ho badthtle mlafor- 'receuo eeealokn hsalm tuneto Ijur bigkDe-ca v lir. sud lira. A. G. liasîber and lunelu li tre bs kee.cta farnily aud lira. Wsgflst vitttd rela- seriously. Dra. Taylor and Ualloway tises tn Palatise Tbntsdsy o0flait veto calfet and altend titrmaud be week. la nov, gattng aloug asa valiai can be Ortie Neyer a frienda viii bc giato1 expecteti. Hia rnany friends dOtO beur that 1ho In nov lovly recovering a3rtY to heur of 1the accideut sud boite îrorn bis receul attack o! lyphoit baieclilaoou ho arounattaain. fyr Jirnt Wi.Iiutnr, t iogotoe mu laa . w.Lana. Pevano. Mtcb.. vrltesr I Irur-w. hw h , wp lumuiBin lot tiha, o odot Dy5iePOI& Oite la lhe basi rfîllîr.î ii,îî, -tin tn.l' lm I foin tfii n ltn,,,Ily tor indigestion aud alomaoh trouble i riih.Ni :ti-nri1t aîpliîcaionelam 9 q i Vtit 18,usoit, lort 051 mI5Sffeed from tr tutuhiinîtfer gtfiff manvolý oiii Y-tieltia lit 1times eompellng me le star iniîatru t! latiaf,, ' anirnd 1sd Cuime tintoid anon y. 1 am 'b, iîmt 'ifil sitiIL b ~as aal ompletair aurait 1,vKodoil>yppla<ue CU-,,ni iu"riua nlmi tut partialf tist5iala. uroeon..e...n i 1 fiad w uie IL 1. na afi ri. IlF. .LOVu .Lbeb f nid mlm a 7offao Iffri sale lyI.LovIU6 SIUy -, meý-n G LEN VIE W Indian sunainer ta vltb us agais. lin.Bliaze bau ereecld a aew tenant boune. willlte leeit ln attending tihe University aI Esaneton. t, Chas. Eggarl Who bas beau sulfeing vllb typhoît foyer ts alowiy cousales- cing. Oile l1eed, of Chicago, vîsîleit bis counaîn, WV. leed a few days of laitc veek. lits. Bton. of Austin, slited ber week. Nias Smith, 0f Chicago, vilei t a lb. home of lir. Adarn Nouzer*a lant Snnday. Precident Rooseseit atarlz ont tike a man Who reaiiy vaut& 10 nara bia aary. The5 Ladies AId vili meet t lbe bomne oflira. W. L. Hulobingi, Friday, Oct. 41b. lit, sudlira. fi. L. Trlpp aud famly, of Hait Day, slsttad relativsarataIthe Gien lait ilnsiay. j1ald asthIe homo of J. A. Hutebînge lait Batnrday eveniug, a veddlng receplion, gisen la bonor of Mer. I. Spencer ofth11e M. B. cbcrcb ssii bis mîont estimable bride, lira. Spencer. A large cocourneof friands vers, represeuted thal eseuing trnm 0Chi. 4-a90, Mlvankee, Esanalon, Edi.son Park, Park Riidge, Ieeriield, Hait Dayi andt Ivauboe. The preseuli gisen1 van nDamerons and very uselul. Llght refreshimenls vers servait Anoîber addition 10 liasesesnug vas a select quarlaît vbicb sous "Lesad ilnfly Ligiat. As ibey vers capable singers i% vas a grand I. Spencer la an Intelligent sud ratileit gentleman, aud au earneat aud praalloal worker, alike popslar vlth bis congragation and vlth Ihose oulide o! i hiorcia. is praclicai methoda sud kiudly menuets bave greally endeered it bln 1the cougregation 10 vhomD ha bas miîlered thIe paut year. liay our bearti go ouI tab hl and bIs velfare ln 1the falu«@eo of love, and May Gode richest leisaslgscrovu hlmn aud bis tironçb Ilite. ÂAoTH5a COaaaaPrrI)NTna-. Josepha ited tlook a lumbie. C. D. kesit ta builing a nov barn. Mr. and lits. Bien annousce liae bîrlia o! a dangiater. Itoncoa l6lnder, a former realdent of Glieuslev, ta nov a rlaing yîuîg doctor of flockford, III. lir. Beach andi16it. Wetbrook ara golng 10 lake speutli ork 51 1the Unversity o! Chicago. The Ladies Aid sieltor thebaCon- gregationai cbntoh met at tbe horne of lira. J. H. Read on Thnrsday. Thara vîli 11e a social at the borne of litsud lire. J. Clark on Friday esen- Ing, Sept. 27911. Al sre Invitait go attend. On lburaday eseniîag offiait week services voeelfeld eI the Congre- gationai churcb ln mamory of W.. McKinley, ont fate Preiidasl. lir. Strayer delisered an aditresa on Mir. licKilly'spolilicailitfe, sud lit. Weîtbrook spokeonouMli. MeKiniay's borne 111e. A recapîlon vas gIses ln honor oif lira. Spencer at 111e borne of J. A. Hulebtug'a on Siatutitsy eseulng, Sept. lif, 1901. Ang lias guesti presên vere: lira. J. Hutabînga, Jr., lira. W. Hutchînga, Jr., sud itaugiaer and lira. W. lipi, front lMilwaukee, lita. S. Trlpp and Mises Spragus, front Prairie 11ev, J. Nelson, from lisanaton, lin. aud Mrts. G. Rîdenour, Itom Park Bildge, lit. Bloom, Mrm Edison Park, and OlIver Rend, frornChicago. and Dlarrhoea. "ho e ass&go0 1 v f s psn1z Ibat intendeitmsklug a long bo:Ie uii* sars Y. Tlot, of Nov AI ut Bradford Counr. Pi. '"I vas taken suadl vltb disfrboea. sud vas about te gise ni Ibm trie. vbau odtor Wat, of tl. auysîli essen- fer. suggsed thatîtakea dom f Ciflha &la'@ îte ChoierasudniDlarrbomaleer Ipurchaao,à a bai-île aud lcok Ivo dosés, oua beLotardins séor on the route. 1 ho1etripe oeesftlly.aid rver foit aur i Ag.. as s uminz vas si"ust comi.oleOy mn ov l& su attasL of dysenterg. t t bou bIle o! Ibis same emeda sd 4f Ure onue domejuel "I ior 0 .B.Lqe 4 brti - s!1LA15 UA CIJOUS SXKzls 'Issu- boS, luas imdswon, t Cileàgo, sIatte as lira. SBerg lui oiup4ay. 'kj. Heekwetielle, vito astraLvelIng- for a Chtcago rirai, la boes on business The Captpetra bave laid a nov iioc, lu th eamerp. Chai. Meyer did the work. Calvea are qulte plni u 111h ylclnly. lit. Relater buicbered fiily one day IlasI vek. Out Long Orove phologrspber, j. flucketsweller ta kept busy laking picturea Ibese day.. Augnat Neyer te spendjug his @pare lime baulitu valet lortrite stock, as both of hie vels are dry. A marriage lînenasewuvas aaed lu Cilcago lionday t0 Ueo. Ilobroeder, of Palatine, and Lena cLaoortug Laîasan, of Long Orova. J. EFeler, Jr , bas teuted the A. Wolf farm vaest Of Long Grove. He lu- teuds tu plant aboult wenty acres 0f polatoeas nextaprlsg. Th1e Lutheran churcia bold apectal services Sunday lu bouor eftlMcKinley. The sermon prsacbed by 1ev. Schimdt wu enjoyed by al, a WU alo 1the stsging reudered by the choir. Tbe Young i'eople's Alliance ofrliae Evangelical cbnreb bas meetings ssery Snnday evening a%7:45 Neit Sanday evening there viii 11e a mnsical pro- grama. Evary one la cordiaily Invitait go attend. Henry liraydon. Harrda. N. C.. gaira: q took medline 20 m rsisfor asthmaebtxone botée of Oua Minute <outI (Jure did mne More good Ilian anythins lma durlng gbat lime. But lCougb u. For saliin F. B. LoyzLi. Libertysi lie. j f 1 L DIRT cLEARANCF. uomething of the soap hes. Ta e aa weI1-ounded objection to uai a foot-dean. IEj ng soap upon the humnan body. Ivory Soap la the. batterss aop. comta more thu on=om, buit the. difference lu ln the. Inrediaits and oeaking. Why flot treat ySundll witii a ittie respect. la flot the. human "ldnwth it narveflous delkcacy eaitled ta pure soap? Ivory Soap -it floats. r Ivanlioe Items. Watsrmsloua are ripe. liait been ds.tly ezpected. Another vedding COMtUR. liey. H. F. Morley Ji eiualng ap là s lin. Dean ia vlslting ae ltîji. ork u panter bers. He naaY iae iM Bot l ainae lant Frlday afternoon. us a fev more sildayo. Helis 1 ts Orviie smtia rquet ~ rged te rematu during 111e vînter, conatal vSith. reuetWa but lie fears l&"t hil achool workmi Y' coud liai premlng 10 al'o v bina b do mo. And tt»i one by oie, 1the ycîuug The, Lake Conoty C. E. ConsonE tol people lase un. willi lbid bere, Saarday, Oct. 269ùb. Cbariey Orgaard exiascta te roturu P. 1'. lilliboro, 111e gamones allîn 10 Chicago soon. evanglnt la ezpected 10 conduot lte Wbat la tbe malter wuttb lrgaard'm slnging. Soupe veli-kuovu speakers bue? Nothlng sa I aLare te be seeured. Il viii 11e a ted.. George Haukins of Druce Lake &peut 1 letter day for the local 0. E. Suay itia frien-du hbes. --,-- Myette Workera euertlumont, a& M. W. A. Hall, Oct. third. B. D. Wollo la expecteit borna W @pend Saturitsy snd iunday. lir. Chartes Parker of Volo, visilosi bers asonai dayaof tlait week. lias Junior C. E. &&Ill lourlabea un der th1e guidauce of NdisPearl Smitb. Chrisian Endeavor lopie for seit Suuday .'liiaIOUa growtb of Ihe king- dom." Wilard Bsacb ia ontertalniug bis inother* bomee borne ila lu lititio, towa. lilas Emma Fiher bas returned frima a tite wsks vîsît amuug friands i DsPli les. Th1e caucailatiiu reraeilita utth1e local ponl-oilne are atîli ouîîtbecIll - yard push. An automobilie e o tte fria f1 cago t'Olic Uenry pasans i tr(tàîgh tovu luot lbursdzy. Mr. &Bd lira. Philip ileuelger, tof Waitswortib vore vsisilurs at the laite o! Mr&s. Benalugar. ou iasl flundsy. Miss Steiuboc-k returuesigo0lber homo lu Chicago, afler a tbree veeaka vîs at the home o! ber ansI, lirs. Chas. Dur- fier. liasBretenbark laspreparlng 10 lako up nome musical vurk lu Oak Pars. She expacla tu Degin durîng 1the pro- sent week. li. Gitdermelatar, lira. Gustier- locha, lrs. Bloom sud tangbter of Chicago vers guesta aIt1the htoîkî home, sosrrl days lait week. James Vau Ptev, of Wbsatou, vas vllb bis familly oser llunday. Ho is The Idygtie Workors euterlalnment te be boldith e N. W. A. bil,lbhus day seoulug. fiet. 3rd, promiseste bs au unusnally gond one. A flune pro- gram, iargely dranastlin lu oaracter vilii ie presautet. 1The Labnilde Orcbestrs of Wsueonda viii furulab the rMusic. Ibosme etatume utsnt aivayoqlîriug ont a large crovd aud tIbs omie vili prtabby prove Do ox- ceptionn b the nule. lîuîîuisr prîtes of admiasîon. FiotallIthetfavorite panlt sasm. M ra. John Snyter bas iit t111e chi,, I a il ne, large PlanI. Tweuty-iive pupîls base beau en- rulit luateait rtwonîy-fonr ai hatat laI woak. The boys bave parcbaseit an colent foot Il (.&Crl Dnrtier la fe unergelîr, bnatliig athletIt- organilr ol the asooo. moto Wisrner vas qnlte badiy t-1SI vitb a corn-kutfe lait lionday andtinba Deean aubid I iattend Sebool for hesoral days. The eaalnalion, tealb andt luerai of our failen ciote bas beau the subje. I tif study lun"Lire Class" turing lias îaaat lt, coaeka. Aui fîrmoer pupiliaud teacbers tif the Ivaîîboo ahooil rMay becousme na- bers of 1the Alumul Asaociation liy paylug the amail Initiation fonsudai algniug 111e consttution. A number basa aiready Jolued. Banqunet and jîô union fiee. 27. Scbool vas cioaod tast Tbunaday aftsernoou becàujse (if 1the funetai of î,ur famonteil Presîdent. Tbe îagslar exercIses uof111e forenoon vers fDot fotioveti As far as poasîbis1the lime vas tatou Dp vith anas xplanation ni thes &ad ossuts of the putstwIo eexs. The ciltdren vote appropriate badges, aud aven the yonngeîî sgeemed lm- presod witb the aolemuiiy of the occa. veil pieasit with bts nov boome. fiis ha bal tenta of 1the fvanboeunit famly wli olnUlm n afowweam llockefoller selloils mt tou homo fsaityvli jon bsi n afevveae. grouim lnt Friday aftarnoou. Attor lias. Rogers of Mc Cormick Serinary an excltlog gaule osr boys voe 'sfnoved unuder. l180go 12. il vili oconpy th1e pulpit next Snuday. la bot just ho gamy Ibltithe home Res sud Roes. Morley exchauge palpita. tona » As incomplets. pilaig vifh Hies prenantlcharge la ut Hînstale, 111. only savoen util 111e laI lng. Captalu Klug of th1e Rockefeller leana Ibeodore Decter left ounlionday for proved ilînself an Able playet. Dortier a yeatsg vork lu the Nortbwestern and DieIz, the home tl abtlerY, are University. Re vîli inake bis home atroug but need more support. vith bis sinter, lira. Zaugmill of Southa What aome o! Ibe Ibomni o!f1the Evanston. RchfOf edl u (01g: Betty AbbotI ai- Evaustn. éetdiug Prineton Collage, T. B. Nemorial services lsabîînor of our Docker atteudlng Nortvesteru Uni- tata preaidtu vre beliith Ie Con- serslty. Job» VRa PlAv atlendlug Be- gregttoul Cbrcb est tnndy luit Collega, W. il. Payne pracllciug gregtinul Curchlàà Sunay orn-liurgert aIt'ublo, Colorado; ayButa. log. fRey. Morley delisored a very bard, chitef suintantinisLuAECoUNTs tOUcblog euiogy o! car fuflan cblef. INDEPENDENT ortiOsi, at Libertystîle: Vernon Vaulev, clark tri iitt@TsbadlIs The Womans lissiontry Society vîlI deparîrnent store ut OraVslske;litov- gîve Ibetr annuosi tbank-oiferîng nap- art Beach, principal of aeliools, Gles- pet aith11e home o!flir&. B. D. Wells, slev, Ill.; Henry Kneltker, rasbler ln W. P. HIgIOYe sdepaqrtrent Micro. Wan- nel ffday eseulog, beglnnlng ut kegan; James Van Plew, stenographîcr, 7:30t. Came and have a social lime. Chicago; Miartin i>eeker, priucipal On laut SaturdsY, oceuredth11e destb Gravslakeaco. of lira. w. H. skinuera motber, aI ber 'verrîs Blter. North Strakf)tv-i N. il. "il rurehbaelia bottfe of otefin teaCouan home in Yopksille, IKendal County. to lim dii iiiiriml i.i ta îteu iideini lits. Sknuer basnIbeea utber be-iîide neftfti, ,oni andt1tîr.u1ii l iiu îurad T- for th1e pail tvo veeka, sud lier deaitb Loy am!..Ilbertrîliîr. y'F I GURNEE. A. R. encarnpmentut aICiavalad and Mias AmaleaWnsleii!ld ratnrnedthlia Buffalo Exposititon. fraiWaukegau Wadnesday. Approptiate Mmorlal axerdîssfut 0. M. Brown returuait frosi Spriug the laIe Prefldeul McKinley vers hit Prairie Batnrday morunug.t Our bal lburday aflarnomu. Hon. J. W Smih and W, D. Wasbbutn at- Charles Whitney gave an ajldreas tended thte Elkbhora fait lait Frlday. lirand lits. Ales Dixou vIisi$ad A Nlàrht of Terroir. Ibeir itaugimler aI lRussell Naturday Avrît aseua.<ws- tait faîr tht, itit W -fieh-brave ia,,iiral Buinham. tif Mobîse. andt Sudai. lM,, rets th., itstar eîlt h,, voufîfdie floin imula beroemrlavie i, A party of Cornes Yoong people ai- - bitelo batireanuibr t-bat fearfî tended the play, IlWay Dovn n Eat t ith. baut aha bearoti for Dr. RIngs Nov Dis-- MoViter' thetre, Chiagoout" e.iw1ibeh hit dmer',,thui nee ua0 veil tr linlekrs beareClacag, ritylay .unili eiredbeýrofeîtseuinpîi.Afiria. .bil,»IL ale snfght. Fiirtber use entlrei Inena. ur1.fer. This ruarvalous imetsinl1 esentufi. gnso4ut--d lu Qurs aIltlrosa bout sdi~ ,J. R. Bracherrtetorus tfraina 1he sit limoa-e8. OI, Se Fl aî"asv..E&~ la" Wednssda. lie atteudei the1 G. bns Pz&auax. Vol, Li Aet Feit anti aust 1 am Price Dr. ( Libes Offse lienidai Li Su= 2 Z '11-r 11 ý 1 1

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