AN& m-iJsT. Eîcr. Friday, Octoberail, 1901._ lto ourbjrthdavý nd vit, tigis v ea 01 iJ&ilvvti.on 1TaVlHien i lmf, finiti ~.~4t5 ou hlrldtivav legsb titaine l t 2UKvtF ieiier ipon tîjl e alitb pe Ia vl ýis ,.v tvvv liV. e vr "W r'auaî ivaitr IlItri vi yhMi kl lu tsfi, -ev h.irv ti, - IINitv tiiy Uw!! l ei. 'i C lv t1,-vt I)varrectuint and flis ivii( tt t v tt-,ie gi fou t agg Ilat i,r îf- t t vt in. Mvitiy 1f th, n, vvvv i aîr îtv. i thecui holig ilv. ith i . vl N lnd ttivvro .vi i t vilvrtûte lu tboîve,vv-tvv vIl v it iir evid<tivif.- penielli-ît,' I 1 v i . ;ù il tiv I , facis in th.LIiii1.vv \I Utmltalagu thanu the r rvv.îy'v i vril vo]fLi-e ltiiitig, IîIovitviiig .a,,i eivvLtgvf Crveriie fioet, 1 ir e t 41 îvy vv lUiIt 5t ,'viirai Sebhet.'y a v ivv v . îvIl i iise, 1i. int yuli Lvtiivt.Uvtl tht. r i etîreiiî ne -vi lv ,.t 1>', Itar ibilr opîuîvîî ii eIvI, tvLi v v Levvî CrIY alterevi Ly ti lti tvtilvii liy, Iau! f-vl.ry- bodyovlitiiie tht e -swiitilig te itear the hvtitey ide liY onue slentiaieât fimttitiiuijuiutatisinre- gret finit tiie ret vXct,-ry evvvn de- ganenatevlili tiv.v cIi gvi i Ci. in5l bI v beivôrvu iîgli natval I lirfiil. 'The Court itileif, pi esided vi ,'r by Adîuîlnnl Dewey, l ist-ilvivýlc-y pliled foIr 1k, «Vdent i 1, farttfaîft y fit lpin vitol i'each iltruete tifidfi4.< stmon.g liuoveni.ut ilaieiug exteia!- edt irougliofît thilceoti>ttry, fi, thet end ni ltsving the bnvvvki .ridlgve arosa the potonie, r klvtil it. izill vifill cent Mcineley îIvvori5.l bridige. It îc ileemed a itîvet tippruvîrite fovrge uvi honoring tie goiurf> iv,! Prv..idenîi, as IL ViII ictf li te I g rea ttiifiIliatit ý beivoagutheiii, ati ,, Iliimlic't sud itorlhern seevttif.iI-1vîtti,' îoutny and te griet si, I iv Ilit i 11115fibeile iývv#tnifcattl ie il tIlt ivv l il v Itîîn *14drognat iniavLc 1, ivtLîvttLîige South, l.jvî5 sabslsivinii sOu eutît, baveteil- phszl.In the iiitivuilritii(,ii, bui patniot eiiorivo tii tvltiilvvint 5tiii gisim and t, îuck. Ligelittiotii-ru 1Leevple laei tbemfielv(ý ,'ei andîvîu val f at non tu ig itbt hftlýivtnt goverrliggeft sud ~$goj. A veeti ig lit trhv 0rva Ibis looppvrtugie j(ioi am liaid oui ÇOc>tOli;tub, and tigroni IL , Lig itv ie- ~inqili ,IL iv holvlei, îî il gali au iripetti (ULat wilil uf ithélîv iila Ivîtv livîvdild t igladd Lille.ivi v,, vaivi.ilmf1 iot doobtcvd finit 4 v vogi-es ve*il lie fa vîr- 4able it ti.bIiîivlci îli Elgin BlitîferN larket. ~tBulteýr iunloef uf igtiiRigil .,vifd of ~TrAde tI,dty e av ste-lvy tutt 2'.No *0»a. Salive vift1lv, -vi, i pevll ,igis.i X EDITORIAL MUSINGS .' EvetithoeiertLiai.e eflidftvg x- poiit f4r tAtvi.v v ilu-ii v vi I li Mt. tho itko ' big i. v v it II. î it. O vvilii lvi> vi(- v'e al vv.z vt' i, ILvi 'iiiv iiv ivt beS e t vil v ,-t viii .i- tI li i as it Mî iîr (v , 1vi l, th', i îv t cil1 erreriijli id -t', v.lire- ortwvi ivilv 1, t, Li jv-c il le et- plaitied sgte What .ivtv, 1 iti , t i- in uhetiier t..v- i .i..t ii, t in. tu li t 1!vii of i Ii lii iivn i lui~~ ~~ I, Uvl i» v i, wivI iv vi lii Oe» d L3I.iilitvtî tv",tti0 -v vii a villii, vs'-.,lei 'tle abroat Il iccvI. iîat îv en«ry (eruv.iî.i ri'ltLjvvîi nl briug baik -, 1'1i1tivI vl[i luvî . hu teturu rargopves 't lvii i., t b lig,' t Uv luereasi' ljilli ivilp , t , ii et1ll uitivirv1,, v, v I- v ,i .Gérui.ati li 1 iiv t . ii s ýtbe it . -v " : 't the Laka. 0otuty Bamdo » Sao Association vîllceur Yuidey esud burday, Oct. 18-19, lu Woukagau tiaptiitcburob. The program a&r- ranged foliowa: MOBNING SEM8IONý îvI 4I -. & 8. BWorkcra' High Callins. six bîliorjeiouvtvrvth,<l 1 icor, il:di lie, ud l'rayer servie .... ..e'vj hy ltiît. 4.1LI. Bligics. Wukegaa. 'liiauk'.iviua fur thce isivuvof %worklug for sud wIth Ood. Ilv.vouslve Siriî,tuo tvdlu. s 19 i., di pen lionfereuce........... Led tIl u0, rres F. W. Miody, waiu- Tso minuta repiorte front iroole on wvvrk t Iic uvst tuai, unit orîtoot for tb. lie ewyasr. le: 7i «'nid Testament Books and Wrîlerv' Niormar 1 sbo ........... ..Dy St.,u Fichi Wv.rkr 0 . E. Syienek. fi v lîvîud'Iilie oniereii,. Tv,1Itd îl M. ilel.......... W.r. ..... idice VV. leY.J,u.. Liîkv Bluiff. 1:0Aý,.igfiet t o Deeiuatc. AFIBNUON SMS81biN. Toril . -OtirlTest Boiok nu!it ow fi, Use It TK\SI..-'A Ccv kiiitfilit evvdvvtb flot tO b., vîiiîv. gii t ijii linthe Wo, .vrd vit 1kv iravv.......,,.... Uuadi l k.........i....... gîfl Il i s i JA. Mitv.leli.1,Mtlbtril 1.01: Uvul aWtniv.rfvi BoouC 2:15 î.tîîoy1 Sr.v-. W bavht hie B ile 1> to àeý z v tuîeî,r o veovetf Uo i vrd. 1iv1 is o i4ltaiy Lb.,uBible. (lu kor my îwi.prvflt..... ....lrot, jet. 1P. WliywvLavikvFrvet. (w ivFor IJIF woîk s eTuvafiur.. .... r Pr C h..Uouwel[i.Wuegau 31, l' iie Svholar*s i foune hîvîl - Normul Les.c1.......................... Ly Statu Fielîl Workur C. E. bvtiiiif 3:40 l10w ta leevilitlheWord. ....... y lre MIlary t petern.irvvr 4 l touid ',luteCoitvrvvîsîIvvvii.l:Th S iv ............ ....M rvisEIi lothIi l. it Lv Pi- v, i î,vlîv 7 v t i ...i. . ....... Mr ..v'. i tvvv.kîîîtBIi-k,. Cvîi liIi vilvvtvi Y .vý,vlvîit u iv iv - K. IL . l ut.,t tl 4% rivi v..y . vaivvivla MOilui ileit ou Of ttlu.. IL1ue :hii d lviiî. Mlitt li , m: tu lrayer for more teborers .... Led by itv. A. Baet.,le,Hlulaevîl'Part. vîid itire bvî avnot. wiliw, itfli (I v.,iv..,tioiii lChlvak Tlk ... .d i to ,, iivWoî ir,. CL. 'T., tîv 4v 1llittv il liîivrt. l-iviCoivvtv >1 v n. of vrvtvury. v v I ,uiNlvr .SI-N ,drk, Mv Il1ov livtvS l tuvîN 1rtUlVvir k ..... L-1iîl Wokv . G tkir-e il.i. ti.,.iigLitkolu val10 c. ot k im DietaletiivlvvIutI...... v. vz' cliv.iivvtvviof WOmviivrv.jyTnli iC 1v> orko 2 'liai. vik " li Ia .fiavîr lvvivt Iil y .. tvvr i- , iui ut bvi h .Ali.utvlllgvit Children'a, Frtiiwa That's a good name for Scott's Emnulsîon. Children arc lik-e young plants. Some ~i1 grox in ordinary soul. Othurs îiucd fertilizers 'l'le nature of sone childrCn prevents the-m frorn thriving on ordlinary food SUCh chil- drt:n grow right if treated right. All tlicyytnuud is a littie fer- tilli-cr-a littit- extra richflCsS S« îtt\ Lmiulsion is the right t(tn cmt. lI i- tilizurs iiake thlingsgrow. sîvvr dix..,. It rakes childr'Cf grovi in flush, grow in strength, growv rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's what we inake it for. Senti for frtnw samp!e. ~1IViI tsslv. s, FOR 5SAL-Ohoica Imponted Shrep- it-tii, "lv abire bncI,, 3 pairs ahi sud s fev reisules.ogbv t y v .ai F. B ieg.. ~hrvie;Utaroui. Fenusef. t C. A. APPLEY,'Lib.rtyvIila. v ~~ u *U.S. a. stlixh. &MWL noUter. tira. Strinan la auubenlzed le reve subivlinsaivertisements sud eiders for jo lo* al Cali for raies at oe oa f publication, K. B. Shereansu store. "iotad extedingu orth fe tieeat Huribul Courtth,-nôe ee-t sien« the seti Bidc .f Hnu lttCourt te Fluet Street, thonce votb aln0hle wyod sida of Final Street ta Park avanieenu ssid Street lTe holne of the, ceci of said sdeyalk shahhbe pali! ir speclal taxaton of 1h., iots or parmi&a et land totioeilguon th. fne of cald àddouaika. as lu $is ondil nuvie rovidcd. Rani of cal! iots or pauneeicof land .t e cpocsialy taxed In roporUion le ito montagre upen sunl aide- Satc.-if. Sgavla eflfyWtfal ail lie constructed snd imle'risl liverfr 't irni"td cndohe. b sl,fiiesio sudna lbje-t telthe aivrovel of fi,, Street Cammiccioner of vit Mallesg,. flic.ia. Ail ivuncre of lots or lIanielfo ladenvi îîhuîîg luI llie.of sala! ldvusii lit hli corii uviet thâtiat rt vfvid iviideîviîlk i'i froînt vît tliv-Irli v I.lo vt. à iî îien'vIc lu aýinvl' iin, itlfhl't iv'vI»ll-atlionoi of tîieordinance wifhi lî filrt y l'le ittir lt-v puîblication, sud le iiefailitthvr,'ott liv. uvoesvveermateulelsa vi.aî fi, i.ushee id vîvîvi îvi sI cah non- byrv.tvith-tiVlaiiovf LibcrtyvIilv ailone 1 tIi- frontt of euh lit von lotsf Lv5l. qà i~ f;vinvl'v i' iîvilr vr eivreire of v l'ih is eli lifîrnlîh sîii'h îintvriîivvuilndvonàctutt -.-hi vitilrwivik orvr iitiîv.isvf, ii-refu-r rf. vifvvi titu Ornvefv and lîf n the ,mvîuîhr ile'v-ivv i-1.vand v tl.tii, viet llîv'rvcf hatl liv, til'lfrvvvî rlvn vîvtiv wunvi vf Mviel ],t, -vv îietin-vlt vf Ivbialu prcîId,,il ln ,ýIs tiii 4 lnii t- of. ittio i'tsii il in fullunv of aiiy 1,,z wivî îîr viutiirc. tie ootruct t csh nid- ti vlti alovi#,irîtv l he In îfronît of fis or i heir jli lie iîtrvv-lori- ivi-La. taeprovivird 'à vt(i. lý Mev' ilieIîv. eoî'd by t le, Vllvvuzvfll, I -te'rly'. 111atIll o? tihe eice ,ýil i i v.levalk ase lîvtii.- ,vevoutrlvýbd le, n.idilVli v~.eîvvîIn scea rt te tcm, t i' ,vvv'v vf grellîg., nittvrintl. uîyiug t dlîlâ j'fo-v vvilvon. i.hîîlilv,. 111-1 ln thce fnfc ihý iv l ai,- tti'rk. lviii llA tvî,iy tii., CIv'niofci i 1 t r vols thiitiîrv tl eI el t fvine iîi. -hi I. f Çvvvvil., lu t i%,c wr tl -f and vei tiîvfi tiiii ont s cdv ivl ewaik of ]l, lev Upiitl i ili f lv iî f s r và , î. itnvn 1lvý iieof leti.billefet tii u, àvtiviii.aeal tii'. ii vtt.iiît ecuîllvt tiii iiiii.vii a iii, v wo.ivftitlv'iîiifIl vi iii isirtiii ibis ivi, oputationfî'the ev l. J l Ivitir yiiirevlc ndfi fe vvi ivre tii Cfcfl.iiiivfvti!ei'vieivtiovi ivtviilii i liiîvli.. n rvri t e) ti litiifv fixe,,[ fvr tIie' 'vil of vIl vi lut I Clrt Inlu al Viiivii'e. 'Sci.y. Ililil Viilaiviaî lin cmali. leiîvlî l ie..II- linfi *of l.Ivivl $1 ' n v.. 1WotIn vvli tlîvW Ii. iii .vi lîvvli i ý el eiiI i t' wiîvli vi i i tf v li-1.1tiv a 'n.î O il ilil iti f 1vvvu vf aie,- trivi 1 vlii..fn f I lti,iivtl v liii'. v wrhllfivii ithiest ae, il. idwarrntasf .ivvi warrnt. ii iiI vv vII itel tir ii lecîhttvn îtviili ,rIlnvvîil tili mmirinii wa n t viiil ith v liii, a t euîvvtse I hlett-vii ' .iiivviv lti l vtiv .1 el li iBonî),i vi"7 viti nIi toiflii, El'. 7.- v Ulvol vIî,.it.t viviil, on-,I-uiii . in tivi' vi îvv'v. il elait .ii tii. dfty tlllin hittiti, " tli.eiif' v Isvv lail j-,rbtitac Inti vrltil,t iiai ru]iv.s vi,,,r ovittii'- e,vivv i iilv.iîîtioasi si-Ilainilfoi. te iivuvviiiitior ,tà,afi-vfail tIv- it.. or iivril., imf ad<iiiilUiin w i lvveh1 s tii-cial hic ciîvtl liv -ii iniald, wth tie i vus: fti-n'lvUv vîvere t ivriof. la fot vîttv-iivv n-lth. à. iie to siaîti ini.avv 'tiietlir vitbIviivi ivorl the. vrill vi.. vvv in th. ,llv lis-triîit i,,if iith ideî 0disu.ivilh reiiirttientille ist Iiiu làvvd iîy tlirftil cf illoti i . Iad titi la îndonii- ifui t ttivî vîta iii liiuii-vv oflîîed ofviilvlu *firîiiti'.. i ofvl i li.. iiifi i nIl y i lli etlflvf l' aiii t n I iiew'l lv. ivv vavlo iîlv îi ten i(e ' îoeltv- v làtl id .li vit Paieini'd. t(5t. t. ittif l1v lishod, Oit. fi.,fEi W. (j, (<vlv .W.vnii o Pe, REAL ESTATE TRANSIVERti. Purnisbed by Lake Cofni Tille & Trust Ca. Ahtrseis of Tîtie. Tiles Guaranieed. tiasonic TempleIldg. Wavkagau, l11. LOtIS J. (ITiltiE.rSeCy. j t' jvîîîveetIr A i te H TeeirLicgvt i2 a'r~ If Dein ii in e. iC-s w f ie 00 J Gt Cozvees litut tu A A Masotn imite -i lant n, vIr De 94-1 2 &i part sqi e vn fin Se,! 4-48-fi Wl... 4 KA tM j (i Cozzenii& w u0 A A Ma-viv uiv i- part.e iii I sc5-5-f2 & gmrtset rn cit*vn avvv4-45-12wdun!...1ic16i2 (lviiiBatt. te J E flatîcte te lu -ca 32-4-0evd...... ...................î100 H P SBarnum lituf tu Emma M iilnskey w Ils fi lot e Clarfona. adi!n tt lt c Wsuikegau ud.... 175 0 0 P A Rtobinson & uftct, Mary Fvinrl.r 1>s 4 & 255Buti or? iii10 villahgev f Orsrehsltc wd...................... » 00 AvIs Eiiuardm te Il C Jouvesc4oe envfln nw qr asc29-4- lu vl-d ..............li6i Où M J tolgr & Wt tv T F Ycnv, w tý li lotf 2 n n r -ui6-4:-12 Es 1Rh W- .il .. .... ..... .K 1 Il H Ciit w&ii 71T iFI 1r,, ey'. , I'vin iv qin, -,-4,i il ev...... petGO)0 J-ni t Piuti K'-11intel& .1, liistiiiIlabv n IlitioI4see in i, iqSi'15 t .'I'J vii OMS g Il c- iayt A cf t, Wivv Iv IV tnivli Ivîf1e 2 jk15 ilii liyt.Iklb-Sali Fort 8leilan ail.................. 20>0 Flane Mtiaifto vîiin i-(OiyI fi4A&eIl làIl 1lut.15tt vi5t 7 io-eut, Lase Foresi Cii.. ..... îvv.. u j Eiivci & wfoI le Il P oIvx lIv e 6& cmviii i Vil o o cvkv-fliir wd ................................ ») uve Jîîmva Wv'flcto Lîvuaeuvtloaitin it xRse jr Ilvi vires 2(.4312f w of auiesvîviv...... ................f1 0 C fi Couper tii Frnkii 0001r 4 avnei lna nu in aev t-f d ............. loua 00i Frnke Coopevr to Chtas H t-er t ftieS Ifu îîr Rus 3t-44-1il......Lvv--tvfoîr ifs G F Naon &A utfo A P Broun, lut f1'l blk Isi ada to unorth eBide Nvauiegan vii................ ...... -2( 0 Mavr TrIste & hue tut ( J Williamsi 1773'. tere luncecfi9lii & fi-ts>l v!.. 1Ioe ou ljiianicitti, M Critit&A hum te H H Rai' 1,4:1 O rîib's mal, on Cevier Lakie tilvi vii Cuhîa d eautiof 1pan ,elr nuirilik"22-tc'll qod.......... 2500 Il P8rniden & yf .4 ai tc, XEu y f'eiuler hlotsf-2-2 tu U7 bill t lotis 161 & le tlk Il DcvnIlvld Park Land A lîîvvafentsitlt ut)ali e lî 2-4-2-lv!........ .......... ... ... les0 J Il Sheildvr & w.f et a] iii E F I11ln ililofesi2[1to 24 4t.edit ît I 1)l.ttrivld Park L & 1I ssu m uhLI!. f10 Ciiviveao'Tile & Trust (C. te Marri, lEaMvîs luti12fi tii7 Soull Weî- kegviuawd..................... ... lie, Ella t-un & 1lin.tu, I1llluu iou reloic f5 & 19 u lu e,,i4e-it w!.... ......îleia c N A Ahftru t. Walter Blavke loto 29.320351 tlk ifS utitt u euhiluLake tonýesi y!. .............. ..........tua as PEOPLES' COLUMN. EAL-Six foot chou Case stove sud Foiek à, ~ DAassr. btyville. 1ip '1lSAL-ti.iaebure .11ne 90 anre far- FSincate! uInrtiý-vî'sîeru Laiet.O..tY 0-d ilhouse, an! iaro, vludmilsun e fiv111us, dnlys ull. OnevaMlle from Roseville -riev i.liit vvii lini oniv, iterme If>suIt ivv cvInî VI tnl or ciion H. F-euHans. wiîvîoîî,tî. lii. id iu.r iie vth,'.caulr- stcrvv. VFtiiîlvr phil-vvii rvtvvnvî te MUR. ALLEN v . i s. 1 i. .1cr y ii, F(,-! L II' N i' M v ii.i ero -rfi va uer Oi lAl I, îvîi lIURNK,îîîiEiirlr W AN'iTJ T, fou- r vîboarilnl FOR SAI E-Tir-ispiaevî biesk vulut F graulttfv tiji. lxfi roi va cc. Wlil l Iivary eiaap. e i-c 4 a àreat bargain. tmnsare a W. C. Tîme Table, Grayalake. VOLO. AOoi'is surN, lita. Ben Cosmian vas s Volo caler No. 2. 9:i5 P. rn.8aunSondai nîmbi on signai Satnrdsy. a . 4:8 P.m .......... Daiiyeeevt Suuday 8. s.1:33 a. mn..... - -tMr, sud tirs. ,lake Wlris apent SUa- *11. 7:2 0. .tioudayesud Ssiurdays culi day ai Framont. -id. 7:23 a. m...................... Dalit OalsWitcls nfrad uii NORTH BOUNO. 1C77Wl aldo red uti No. . l0 a. ine......Dalir csot Buds? vlclul&y Tiorsday. -7. 3:1 .!0 ...... n . - Jak HyonIl.l Wueguo 9. .23i p. m..ridsycsud Satuuday yaonuinyakeano -la. 6:e8 P. m.....................!ly busnes ouay Mir. and Mnr. Kuebker apent Tuesday ai Chicago. Wm. Edwszda loft Tunaday for Buffalo and the Niagara Faita. lira. Wm. Book,, wbo waa very 111 the paut veek, inalowly impmoving. Mir. and lira. John Washburn left lust week Priday for tue l'au Anerlesu Mxpooftinn. Cbiarley Rock la no longer working for Wm. Edwsrds, but lijiends fa at- tend sane sebool ibis iiter. lira. Florence Luak reiurned on W edneaday trrn a visit of uearly four moulus vith friands sud relaivea In New York. Monday, Ct. l4tl, lMr. and lira. E. B. lielvile vill celobrate the 10th Anuiversary of ibelr marriage. Invi- istiona are out. E. J. Hlgley la taklng a vacation an d Iueldentally writlug up Hia insurance polielea. tMr. Jackson, of Chiceago, belpa ln the latter worI,. Mima Editb Harvey and tMr. Bain, of Waukegan, were giiemts of lira. Emmas Harvey ihin wvekI. iss Harvey wlli ramain bore for no ilone. Tus weak Mr. Etninun moved his famlly lu iboîr new bouse on Center avenue, not havIng beeu able to muve the lirati bat., un ihay had floped in. About lwenty-llve were preant ai te meeinug of th e Lsd les'Aid Society ai the home of lirs. W. B. Higlai faut Wedueaday and a very plessaut after- noon vW" spent.1 The Y. P. S. O. E. wicfl in publiely thank Mlr. sud lira. A. W. Harvey for the une of tbaIr res1deuce for the social and receptînu Mr. snd lira. Decker and Dr. and lra. Palmer. Misaes Anabol Wbitmore snd Batia Bain lait Tueeday for a trip io Buffalo, New York and Washington. The former vill reanru lu tan days, whlle the latter wlll rernainîn New York. Mir. Bucknsm rnoved his famlly Jin 11i8 renldence on thie lake front that vas recanily purchased of P. A. Rtobinson sud Dr. Palmear and bride oecupy the bouae ou corner ni Whitney aud liaple Ave. vaeated hy hi . The Naoile bous, vin Conter sireet basuileen 50s1la li arsh Huson, ulia yull moyaito Ih s e aooiî attpossible. Mu. snd tiu@. Povîca bave onot fnily dacide! If liiey viii remain ha Graya- laies, or mute bacA lat Uioî n ovo, iheîr former ihome. There wvessenaddi tIon ni tua ta the populaioin vii rapslake ilut veek Friday, iîvth arrivaIs occutring ou Westield'e îplace, s big boy ai the bomie ofi tr. sudl trs. White sud s litile girl at the home of Mirsud lira. Thomson. Ail conoarnai! are doiug lceeiy sud ye corespondent oliera haarly congratilaiquan. Fornthie rocicf tiIsmati iheue vili ha lhree excurvsionss a eeta Bulalo fare oulp $'; 100 for the round trip. This la a remarkable cbaap raie, sncb as vas never knun before, sud all via eau p8cilvlpdo en0 aoleui!avail thiemmeivec ci il, as s sigmi of the eieelnîcal dimplay ai the Van-American lei sione vel veorth the mouey, ta ssp nolbiug ci the grand panorama dimpiay of the Niagzara Falluansd river. GU RN EE. Allen iiDxovi erfneilfrvmIi ltiii,1 Tvîecviey îiglvt. (teo e Neiiîiiîr anîlfamliy vîli ne- maYa ta Californîie.Ibis fsli. Mn. aud tirs. WInters, of lRussell, vlled relatives haro Sunday. Mrh. 'totfg, of linaecrane, cpenl TiîeFduiy cith friande lu Gornea. A Goid tiedai content vil! 0e heid ai Roeerans, (Oci. llnd, by tbe W. C-. T. I1, James Farrelis herse ru avayTacs- day afiernoon sud ihreu bite oui. Ille Injuries vili fnot prove serions. F. J. Mîurzo sud uie and Mu. sud àtirs Clîittenden areasttendiug lIhe 'au-Amerfean exposition Ibis veal. RUSSELL. I. 0. Coihy close! liii stora ai Win- throp Haubor. Olu Chieuden visitai! ('lney Coiby aveu Souday. Mias Nina Edvardsa vlslted the Gern- ueo achool laut Friday. tirs. Chas. Binas sud chîldran speut lent veek at Dr. Luwln's. tirs. Woutb entertained the badins' Aid Society lasi i'huredoy. Mise Jesse Thomnas te the guesi ni ber ulster lira. R. T, Mlville. Mirs. 0. Wînter vieitad s fov dapa lau veu viti ber parente si Gurnea. A number of nor yonug People ai- tauda! tbe dance ai Pieutant Prairie lacit lérlds v eeng. ltiuc. Thomas of Waukegau la speud- ing a fou deiyc vith ber daugbter, lira. Worth. tir, sud tirs. FuanklWhite, tirs. Hurnv Wilhams sud Miss JulilatVhite Icit i i eaiay fou Buffalo.v Amvvng tic Chicago visiters ibIs usais vera tMr, sud lira. F. COssrton, lias Pair, tins. I. O. Coîby, Mir@. D. Woth sud Dr. ticOlsuabsb, - Ottis lMurray, of Jobusbnurg. vas lu our village Priday. Fred Day bas opead a barber abop ln John Rosinga store. lira, C. 0. Hason sud sou Lee, vere Waucnuda caoler& Saturday. George Jepanu, of Wauoouda, vlaied bis brother Chauucey, Souday. Alfred Niehioîls, of Chicago, speut Sanday wih his parents hao. Xelis Kl te enlnsdrfer, of Mlier, cal teoiun friands horo Buuday. lir. and lira. T. Winkla, ef liclenry* apani Suuday ai Chril Sable&. llasHelen Oranger, ni Oriawold Lake, wu& a Vola> calter Thnraday. Rlobert Walion and famlly apent Sunday vlih relatives ai Wanconda. Mir. and lira. Wsiton, n1 Chicago, vlali-ed ai Harry Nichait@ leai weak. lira. Gardînier returued ta ber borne Snnday alter a vîsit ai Long Grava. Elane Conversa, nf Chicago, sud tMr. tiarab Huéonuvlatied ln Vola Snnday. liru. Gertrude sud son N Ic, spent the lirai of the yack ai Sîlver Lake, Mir@. Clough sud dauguter Beale, of Wsuconda, voie Volo callera Sun- day. lia. Dryer sou George, aud lira. Siadiileld vlsied Iu Waukeau Thora- day. ltira. J obhnltosug sud daughier Clara, open% Suuday ai Fremoni Conter. lira. John Zîmmer, ni Long Grove, sud Vera Geary ware calllng on frIande boreslridzy. tIra. A. J. Rtaymond sud daugbiar Helen, apon Sunuday ai Frernoni vii Mir. aud lira. L. V. Lual. lira. James Gsiner, of Wauconds. ln apeudlng is Voeu: viii ber parente, tir. sud lira. Theodore Wltz. Mir. snd lira. Fernando Williams, of Nov York, aaevlaiiug the formera@ asser. tira. Arnbrose Itaught. The toucheronithie Catholie sehool vas &tek tant veal, lier place vwu filled hy lias Annie Wagener. Mies Seoute Rogers reinrned te ber borne lu Waukegan Iinnday slter s ivo weeks vil lvth relative@ haro. li. nudtira. Siduey Gardîiar sud cbjîdren. of Long Grave, vliied relatives lu tuis vieiniiy Bnnday. bu. aud lIra. Charles Haaghi sud daugliier Nllie, of Wsukegsu. "put Sainrdoy sud Suuday aitItaugni Bros. lira. Freund sud cblîdreu, or wili the former'a parenit@r. au4lir.. liaitMiller. "be Infant sou of Mu. sud lMra. Mai Wlirz :lied ai ibelr home aturday of choiera lufanione. The luerai vas hcld aitithe Caihollec cbrch lioudsy. Mu. sud lira. William Taylor, dauguier lyrtie, lira. £ameFisher sud daughter Edltb, lait for Kausac Tues. day where ihey wivîiel: relatives for the nai four veeka. Stricken With Paralysie. H.uvlermon (irtmetl. of thle nla. v am atrIeke,î witlî partili iarsile sud comn- ivlo a- kct(eO. f one are nsuci.. Aferbleg-treftted hy as emInent chralclin for joie s whlle wthont relief OMy vite reoumeuded Chamnberlain'@ Pain alm. sud &fiter u8saio bottias of Il ho la slmoRkeau- (Ireir evred.-GEo. B. licDorÂl. Mau. bossu v700ontn. W. Va. Severni othen very rcmankbie dures of Partial Paraîli, h ave heen effevted h y the use of tiila liniment. it le momt wideiy t novu. hovever. asa a 'vire for rlieumatlcm, sirans sud bruelsas. For cal., My F. B. LoYaL!.. bf3rtyville: l4SaAyLàK PnÂsvÂcvT: Jouax xx!.. Ivanhoe. Lad les! I1lhave a beautifîîl lhue of mut-w anîd stylish milliii-ry at v-ry moderate pricep. Lai.des ueady made Drea lintm., Salin lrlmmad, frone $3.00 up. Thîis Coat at 1, a d i e s a Misses anîd oChidren vs *Coats. Cail and see themt. Leava yoor order vîit us for a talior madIe su. Mirs. F. Protine. Libertyville Ill- inois. Mev I5a4mo U1 ------ - M Il miagure. baessgvine M- a; 82. yr-oId boiers vita mi. ourniiteom spriagora; 7 Ymiielg lbater, 2 héblions 6 monthe çld, 2.yr.o14 Mooteiun l, pair heavy baTv mares, 8 yu nid, sonn sud kiud. vb 3100; "41 aborcs. 6 Jr. aid, W& 12»4, bar ret olt1, gray Vert: bige, colt 6 mosnnid, conltan nId, 5 Pnuand Ohins brood soya, villa pig; 2 truck@. Spiing wagon, set ni pravai piauta for 2-yd box, aien set for 1-yd box, 2 bsy racka, nevu large wag- on box, 3 net 0f doulie bercea, nue nev. ylih collais; TrIumph bioder, lie Cormlel corn hînder, sulky plaw, lieCormick moweu, 12.11 Osbnrne bey rate, Deers 8-ebovel eultivager, Dam- ont 8-shovei cultlvaior. Bradley usl- lng pînu, sel 12-filaver barrava, 14 dise puiverlzar, isuning mîli, tweivs- aboyai seeder, Bradloy'coun plantar, Prairie Ciy tord cutter, bay fort sud pulley.i, vith 170 foot of rope; bob aied. Most of ahove tbols uearly uav. 60 soies yellov dent corn lu &bock, eoi viith ioder, 40 Sonc laine bsy lu baun, 12 toua mizod bey, 6-fi cross-ut sas, Met ni oaipeuter tools, Iwo clipper@ for triumlug. milîl /tanKti 10 cana. cov irnugla, 34 1 lk canv.inil poil« sud eitainer, 40 grain belge. a loi of tools. aboyaIs, e., sud msuy ailier articles tonnumerons te mention. Raffolai terme.. tins. Loutis BHnLîF. ,PneP. W. H. A,î's.s, Aîîe&ilnner. Tieunoder@Jgued belng abliged 10 move ou sîlccunt nf hls Vort, yul oeilI t pî ile saueion uaihl&isGrean Hou-a jmlle noYib-weaî ni Deerfield ou tidsy,Ct. ,1, 1901, comaxene- log ai I ocin0et P. ne , iho iiovicg goade vie. Cou, 4 tous bay lu barn, siack bey. 100 abocks of coin, 25 lbn. neta, 26 bu. ainId con, lesther fty uet, cingle up nef, large kattis, 40 chiceas, bines, shovels, double wagon cingle wagon, wagon box, top buggy, light bob, sieigh, plov, valilng cul- voter, drag, poisinto Iller, gardon wheelbmorn. single harneas, double haroes, portable 6-tarse paver anigine The tm ai »& al a 00 o'iet5ajp ame, gola M sd abattais, vis: 6 muito 4 p rlues. balmace ooing te becla1 ysr ad, builS8yem os el,1 caivas 6 aonilsa nId, bey tmata, ob.0 70Bt5 Old, oit 1 pes, nid, eniô mosibib 014, 2i pIat 7 mouiha nld, fSedaer.i1. dat p boxasta r-nwagon yul boi. asetreor. hsy raI 187 f0, witlth 10 eet nf ropa eud poUatys, Bocl., Rader, 2 Set donble harnais set orvoddraga,2 wailetoulstivaors harrake; vood rack. seneo bnbsialgba. caiter, 3 valkinig plouc, hot'aoa, S' neil cDansd Mhny nibar artiloasnelt nientioned.Iteagula tarmes. Mita. L. 0. BO., Adin. C. W. PUTTIR. Anotinéear. F. BAIRSTrOW. MANMUIACTruREhoP + Lower than the Lowest. fi XXXX Coitees............. ............................. 4, + 1 bottla Caisup .. ............... .................... 04 2 ans Old Abe Corn . .......................... ..... Il 3 Ibo good Japau Tes ................. ............ 1 00 75o Ulovosai;.................................... .. 5 $ 1.00 Oloves ... .... .. ........ .................... 79 Lot of Ladies' 75o and $1.0o Haei.................. .. 1 9 + 15o Drese Gondo ............................ .......lO10 35e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z 6() .5....... ................ 9 + A Lof niNo. and 9 iibbou .........-.......0 Ail Wou] Dreu Plannel .............................. 33 We av jut eclvd lo o Ldle' ndMim'Jackets snd + ~~Ve Capes and Bern. Comae lu and seeibhem. n, 4 + On Sept. 159b va iUl have a fulIliUneo ad 0f MlkSir + price 58.00 go $10.00. + KUEBKER, + RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, + Graysiake.Ililinois. Hava theinnp t.... ... . ....... 33.00 AlanAgoni for... Crescent Bicycles. 1 eau sailipou a beiler vheel for legs monoy than yon eau buy ebsevhere. Ion viJl I ni! iIS assertion t1mb If you Inveailgate. CALI AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL NEW MOME fMIff WILSO Awn Machinles. Prtces and Terms to Suit You. E. B. SIiMAN, Orayalake - - - - Illinois. Good Values at "Way Down" We have a gond stoek ni lieus Shoes ai $1.15 to .... ...3 00 Ladies' Sho68s ai900et .............. ......2 75 .. Blipparsa1060losent 500 tao................ o ( Oilîdren'a Shoes ai 20o ta........................ ......... 1 6S onue loi ta close ............................530 (leu thon hall Prie. ladies' SI 00 ................................. 7 5. 00e e ai................................... 40 BornaK ................................................... 25 LadIees'Dresses. a gond amortieut cheap. Mous Boi@, $3.00 ta .........................12 00 Mieus Llgbi Butta, ail vool, reduced ta ........... -00 Boys' Boîta, up from ............ .......................... 75 Boys'Oihirta, a gond sssorimeul at îuedîîîiu prli'vc. Meus Sshirt Waista, s 1ev lefi. bien'@ Stuarai âs ai yoîîr owu prie. A fuli stock nf Grocerica. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. Orayslake W. W. EDWARDS, - - 1Iflois e- ~hl les t,,, vLÎb~ Marbie and Granite CEMi'UI'RY WORK OP EVHRY WN7 Libertyl lob-