INDEPENDENT t.UURTVI.LIE. - . ILLINOMS Omo0 BANK ROBBERS. 1HMEY HAVE A PITCHED BATTL.E WITM CITIZENS AT DANVILLE. ]u*&k bt.slzie .liîfWreeked hY D» UAlt Expbii.-Thice%- EApe alter Strn ch-eNther Fiaide Om of the milta , ýîiti. tmp1%slit book 'rbbei'> ssu ,' tf ltt Coouot, obiî.ot,'tutrstiutI ,i l. lie ,*&tgc of dyntiamite t 'o aînsdIllte bauk building as %Oit! ,l,' saulf 55rsk' ai, The cpo.ot,.'tt.'lthe cuisinns, lad a pitCvbs'sIiattît' ,1,.k lac.durîn!g Wb" tfhe tiv'If so ithere wee <IgL fot10 igh. 'lu,'î cre flloaied te Bokeye ity., si vtîthatirite le a«esrnd oi ,tothnli I.. oewa,i>Put" "uaiwasanI onte l'u , andî'sa cnunîbet' et abots wet' elt I ooti îîîAdrîsess u-.ede re renuhtdA, îî er,'Itue s eisle'. thenl'n e lu îb'ribbes-. lio agtcoCcr. in the , ,ut afoiid î4 bfl u qent Y i ibsoke oliatoc Andl edibleiSof 5 kJ'ltl'. :',I. m, i,'.lakesn te tliclate Ibat the ging itueî10tobide A reain îthî tw icdososîîoO bers' ladcamp oîtiut i tht',, xtem'nt in.i dent to the n liber> huA uei don n. At loe s eer le ols,'.usna, îsui n be Ikhi. Bantvr W ,sfî' 'ays thari tfle « Vleoass's'ut'soi oifat' no b,, va SEYVENTH BRonER? AITEMPTEIt. 13**£Discoserd in OhioTown Kacapes o. lceea Withot Roua . A gang of robbet'a bl,'w 41sen lb,, outer deuil of a big snfe u file Coreîof C. In- treahison& Coýat icOrtice, Ohio. Tht-y auo dscovred iu the act anti arouseti UIluait th loadet ints. oho ot c&ites 6be robers, of aiboin tt-rî' cre about c 4eau. If was evîdeeti>' the camne gal. osoc 1ootigt ftafsectiton. MNiRy &hots weréexachangeti. but the tblievee mode gooti ther escape ce a hanticar, ihl tbey abandoneti cf Trowbridge, the next etatien e»an d escaped f0 te Woods. 2%" Jant bebnti arlous fools anti a bof- ts of aitroglycerin, but fsecureil no0booty. Tla the es'rnh tinte the sainmesaori boa hemn ttacitet by Iurglars. Oece îhlej turdeti off the entire stock, uhich muis jI t tewagons. MOTHER RIsCOIVRB CHILO. Ftda Bla Saeleg cPape-s la the Street.etefDeuve,. mm .Be anJoues of Plymouth, Pa., sif ~v ilu Wilkesarre front Dens urthel othar day uith bier 9-yenr aId son n ler poseeealon. ITwo jeatsi ago ber husbane Mn jlway wiiti thte widow of bis broîbi' adtook th chlti wifbhim, luve îheu Mme Jones bas becu tinfiine in ber ,tr'ct for fthe boy. SIte was idet by the police lu al lte large chfies in this roin tu and lu Englentiand Walec. ubere i vas but believet iber buabanti bcd gonte A ouIle of monthe ago site recelvesia ew fretuaDeayerrced steaient ouf thesf tO la'aegtlgte. 8Seau effer site nlgbrs *mo th traine l, fonuti ber boy in ihl sb'et meiBu papers. Gang e Balere 1. C.ughl. Tbm ean anti a Young womnsra oe to p lunfthe Tomba in Boston wit Mm* ty lychargea of breaking aud ec tuoi bouses hauging over the men ai( Ibt of dipoising of tolen property ove *s youulg coman. She la the aire of ot, « the men, If ila estntateti thnî fi toenat f tolen proety recoTered i a ricmol $5000. andt rtlthe amtisntsol.i la betcaeu $8000 cnd $10.000. t Famine las R..ila 1 tlericta. liee nw cforeseeii that th1kv l geuil crop faillir", the couaquf tfoin t ud the relief work o!f the gort MM nd ao phlaufropistz will be e &geuu«su checta lu the Rasian cmlir duUsathe approuelisus ulufer, Th 5toglletot keep file pesaut pcpulctio 82» until a ueo herveet usîl he liarde tas has beeu known lne 1891 2 Amlr euofetciullîy paSsing the bouseç î bd ef anti the bouse of deltutiet. tutin la cemmittt Of the a b'.tr.the caonuf.i MIEns prieta to reinai-ny die rv wIsso former sIeaa_ý are liitng sted fsatnd llate bouse of ieptu fi ith *leropol convention af Son Fa.t ~acoetittiqnal mjor, t! Big Fieait teoesi -caoa l'ire deotroyed S200.000el a tritf pt" Texas- The lire'.Iiithe 't U'sddn loek it(hr lîuile'u. .î-r' ar e eBlanchett bulir.4,Jt 'lo ing. fwo Sers. Fcuo s,.Inî-d 1 Dunlap ('unn.ngliem Llpoaa a. Ta'; Aw.iae Af Cbicago Alle't;.. -d0, nti, Thomus Upite tb.itart 1 1;o-i. w the itfor iî uittth,,î .s' lt-r the annucuuienýt ti-'i at of cheeistt A lu ,iii-piutio s ed f0 tht,'htu't ' s i Roa't 1.lont l lîliui.ia. ,,'o , it go the GOOD MANUFACTU RIýNI. t01TLOO>K rurrr- the7rT~ IIEA ASDRVt~ O? n Vîgrcu Pr.ecalo efCa,.tectve ~~ treet Pa l'tk%%W",. sesller. sieuit th tif o u P o s c t 88 i R eCi "MWW » s m u t. t ia e < l. t. otb Wurk Keepe teri i'*lii- iv --------ITe British royal sLiait steamer Eden.,29. '*Feiiure etaàfe, ,.î.îî1îtalizcd ilit' .âg-CtII. emun te primne. tri nL.Oucayart.\.nricebonght duatrial corporations li. aY iterest On bout ffty i thelr atocl$ts00ituîs$6.75ii bugs.,litioii' 10 $ra00 p eIllre Ie, I o oWgrellubî i, try: AThI muor sock l~îi nuhhî ofd , ouuflisillot if$4.,5 itii $4162, lcs.fair te cholce. $-00 cailori frota the t aniiilctruiser Vîceta nome wight i th, t 1,-k RepIftirs, t t $7,;:wheatNi, N. 2 red. (Stu (00- 1becarme engaqeod le a livr'et rue; lcf Porto frontaili aectliii if ,tth, ,,uttry ogrec coro. N . - 'f0-oaa o,'2,.,34, Cabello t Withie locailtpopuîlace. Police the that Ihere bus e lii tîr. 'en o b (0 35c; rye. No. 2.5Me te 54c; buter.iticivilisanclothes iii' fî',Ies, Millng butsh s'igoras tir. iii o Ilîno tt Ive tlvî' retit'vs, 2tk tui 2leceggc. fresb1 the inliahileets, unalla h i lIîst becaeab viork. V l ils' g'i iisvsîîtt1 ,lete 18e; lotiit(k,8.5à, o 5te3,,,geaeral. the (,ermaît î.liath îeir way pre ilmil r s.o ilose Iitot e liil vi futthel.toseard te whar , ivt lîy baarded t pjleda ylt go iiu,i ao is tIilit bI îihîîli-i tl.eîpplng, $.00 tiu ahe Gertomn îteani.r \.1,, Oitiireil et lths plou er t t' vo Ils t'. uîo l tl.a it iS6.25; bîgs.ibice lîght. $4.00 fte$ lant îtplace,.lenflici ltîttie two pelty â poer ,tt, e, t t it'l lle n ù',î, tt seeî. otls ten10prime, $3.00 ta $325; attirceraof the V Illa . iho %ver envtirely I0' livileg of -4 O le uetr O rît ptre" ai-ss beaI. No. 2,. 70.' e1 ,leIc rn. No. 2 sober. mands'bo ss'r,' us îiii i tt i wbarfBe înga ar go" . itîtltîg1, I <1I auishi; uite 8 o 4'ola. No. 2 white, tu take tbe Vluetas îî.'a.tmeorci attacked thi tLCo' esteso0f trias ,Conit)ino., lite 53site.b>'the police. ~T .'îvland the Ne reot ays '%411eo1 St. oi i, l tl Louis Cattle, $3.215 t 2taO.5; bogspolice wotieded tIti' lit iti l Wifi4, reprtsa o ". blvont'it site *6.~o~050, olieep. $3.00 tu $3.50; thirssortis. AilIl,ti,.. 4A shr mIll. W' c I srsîirtiuisilii slirat, Ne, . etipi, te 60c; corn, No, 2, were tiinrnedl .ttlelolieeb rapdl ai1tt''lideîrs lutiiittire 5;c toe7v ; t«l, ço. 2, 3 t103717c; ryts, were varrieti on bQiii I the, Vuala 1,Y go' mte prospectotrsicotthntnop ii n-.. o2, [N:5vt o 5 itiubesutofthe Na,' i'ts te poil-Oh ~ratssltsiaSvsetcitdo>:îrî"' j('iniueti Caftie $5 C0<1te $ 51,ig, tia nd, Isotice stili ii liîig ls'thlt it elcet.$30 o ,111 aone a Siks ' îiî I hstu triedlu net 'er iighv belle, rclailtî.' v es bseit, No . L,7:s'Ita74v; vornt . 2obîrlîs meiiiitlsi'îs5 E i. reteen eclii'he. s i'lt i..inild, 5.eIo t 61ti,Otilt,.No. 2 îîîîni'd, frîot se îlîîng by th,lit.t iintudcewof cereala. seheel t skîtg e fait' gaî, ,1 7c li, 35'; r,,,e,.o2, tSsk 1, 17c, hfsecI îsveient , k terni esta tiitile of lits '5t toitîtial $.5 a 3() h,ý.ýiIrlic t Porto Cil ic do' ien tbe EdenTo cfrngh. bee s n e'îdîîvi r ioîîngl $300 ta $600; slieep, $250 te $3,75; si,'. Il la Ranidit thîle 'îeîla back for higher privee. Ini1«,',"'ure' osIlieow, 57c7te 58c;1unis, No ît 2 giî erotvu'Z'u, !ie Gti i î lia'. te forasTe- ceipts. Failîîres for the sisel.nttnlus't'ed8 ell 3,;5 tStv; o1Cstu No52C. uit '.tîffîth (lso Ieviiitrr tanilbac ru'thb 231 in tht- fUitedl Sctret s, ti-t22îît3vn 9rmSeta 2.itet_,32Genit b î-ti1 esg u yearaund "34 in Ceaa. ýîsss515 tlis ai 'ea No. 2 niise,0, lit.tfor the boitont' conditi ryear.- 2:oi.eo.2uiei OcIO5v t, 2 B OB BANKeI<AT lT M f IL- rel WILI) MAN IN THE W 0)11'. to 5,;vitîser .e"d.,primue,. $5 2 orlr.Bo (îet st o *eaei r M~~~~~~~illeaukee'-W'heat, No, 2.'north,'relv , .ri i saea Starallum tf )secuvry IStadle tir'Issu 67, iii ON; crnNo. 3, tZî te 56c; ost. cîi 8,1 I r Bouta-. jealchîim. No. 2 sshte, 37e to 35v, rye, NO. 1. s1c Thîe Bank tio Miii li t Ptoulev, Adoipl illier andi John 3latterY, Iwo ,ýe5Mv, brlcy, No. 2, 593toe 0c; Pork, 111i. Oas ivtereti itII csbbt'rs elt an Young mara frontiCrystal Falls., MIv - ' moso, $1375.,t 'ont htîîr $onilîvo iii0iil t,'fwi'iy~ 9 h wr, utigpattritiges on lhc hei Biffalo-('aitlr. vtîiîeie bppîng t eer, $ and mil$1,o5x)i i"ivt'st i's' utA lver ', lewaters of the Deer rivet', met vabattl'hy $300 te $6, 25;, b.tfairteprimîe, 800tî tii'liedlngbsliii' u' lt f i i usrrt aas a wîli a, t ar 5a 0$18,sbeep. fairte10 ciice. , $3(W)Io To ,, "t glit il li :t long ced ahaggy uIdlonîg obisiters nearlY $3 0; tmils tî'boire, $4'i..get1t0ttei. '. . 55lit 0i v. overeti hisfce.,T'îe bueiers gatloth- $a.10. knossu as but' 1i ,.t hoi. Li trOs Le infhrty feet of the nîan efore tbey cOu New Yot'k-Catîle, $375 te $5 4: hore. ntrogl>va-rn nWt,'Ic'. i.A iltig imai Rj bina or ha Ibein. and i al eere surpriscl I$300 îote$6.50: shrep, $2-50 t $350;îfîvlineo Mîî . s' o ,bu b-ni wben the strenger cuarled i thvm. aiheit.No. 2 re, 3c u 4,;cono. s ief t o it n'aî si, k îî ic, lîerlflieh- rMeiser attentpted tet aIkt 10bhocbut al6,t6c aIl od2whie.lctui2,iîs' Iîtlîst sIttIlt. Bcu ,s tha reuponse lhe could gel sii,"Public, butter. ereautuet',, iScto 21e; eco. seit ce'i'tii hecauîse . Il îias't-Itlel i I public." When Stattery and Nieler mv mOt' f iOtu 2lun0 E tfhie rolers .î iiit l tl ottiit'l'lise ic ed forward the tranger raove a terrible rîlîbet". g.tllîred ni l iilt ,ilI'> leY soutlA yet1i and darted iro flicbustîto'He ale 'n BURIEI> TREASURE SOUGUT. gvt hiI t! and li i, i.tle, lîlinoîi b lke a deer, botuding coser the 'aintifalla-iC'ttIrail trua. se l i iîîy 1i aiedogi e cd tumps. Tbe strange nman u ns large. EReuditlon WiII Go tmilleoit of Cocos. haîsdvar and left 1'..i - ast.'mT, prise hK but hadhevonte entaviafeol front espoure Whire 030.000,Ot0O W- .Hidden. ot-e,' ia' beld îi it i ltl>tIII, N se Ti anti huager. The clothes liehbati on ucre1 Anoîller ei1,editilta il I)tiig foritlit ~aboard, NI Ce lu shreds, ehîsctuebic bodly 10 s ew. .e 'vîî .t'. t er' b fri', ii'li" IIIIcr'LNND rcerrieti paet of a gue brrel and a lent l'oct.liîil. slire, '.tîi.ti If in '~pole lu is bande aand wben fotd ,a:gtilîl. ilvun r otlv'ow j eiesviîf the' Iti Aîeiaîîfb nForme eft.îga' t'eafiug fbe curves or i dead ekisl. Ilt:s vîon gos trililvel i., samui tl)ît, i.rietl Tlis. pt-c.10 eitt shintnE s- e li basgb Ibtteen le oî uoisn ilefrrilre5shi'its1 rot1it'l.%Cime ant'eng luo li ,t Sasoni, Temple, 0 t' hunIer ab hav, nloIn Ie io,lsgivnîîîtit tin thes.ghtvvtîth -ut oIt'>bs W'ishiiîiiîî.l. '_i rth'oîiiltt' a of e aed beaunte insane front friglit. fle mna li fthe Nova Seli~lain. Jolin the National IllîIl iiBridge Assoctia- it lIra CoilsMNe11VosNabout710El ltia'ei flu thrre vsas ti. tiz' hé, William t PAVAG LIONIVOUDS 'fMER, by rcbtis and Ilble erus ian autbtritltea1 "tcîne> .sNattionalMIt,îtAtti,hlAs-l Attache Man Before Crocit and Almuet <,.5t0îI'eiere amouftiing tovoer $30, - Iato N hcl ),r(t olnsoe ,re Tare Hlm- te Piare., t tet e ak.Osercotue by rutîti * Il.I F ,Macîari;.o'i 5 .vît cost'si lresi ri r Edwsartl Smith of Boston, a lion tratn- 1l!, tbe toister ltfthic Johin lcttv en tlandi Lyman J. (;agi1,the Sevretat'y tuer, came lnear logîng bicsle turing .9liecd tf0e.a.lieoas ptir'iued and1itidof te Treitistir> vlstrThe'bs tbject cformance of tbe Katool animal showu t the Irvostre (in Otîo'. Island. The. val, of the assîtiiattou is I o ise funstotwih Lempa pari. S. Louis, Smith bwas lunafin affersi rds waa drouncti. nvh io ve on'tritl(t ao ncivisirial sarte1 lions cage exhbitîing ibe animai. W'en FOIUR KILLED IN WECK Ihe laotelt"'tdt lit the l'iiington site t"'. hoe tarfe te to leselie tunet is bavi. -of the pt'îooed tt'lil bulearrosa I bt on ftheaf for c second Walavlite Traie. Colide o. (la-rt W-tethefl tootoit, en big lion. leaped avrosa the age. vaugbt cetr iaoadVîtansChicaguo. Nitirogtycerin F.ctory II.-I r. id Seth by the hrvc, endl Ibrew ' butdonu, lu a hcad-on collision lido ccii IsO Iarper*s cnttt'îgI> 1crin fl' t,1 's :ltigen fertfearlng is clothing antI badly larrafîîîg freigbt trains on tbe Cbicago Gt IlufV v fart fo1îîIr ulîlvfo fîttOu'ilsO, It .8 ne is back and ide. mo assistants drîtse cru Railroatl, a utile eist forfL.otuî l.îard o. h cu, h .lthe lion buck and cas cd Smith iroîiil.four ienucre kulîvil andth k,,,, stlh- blownDep- 'le>s.'sti ,III deatà. eeocre îetîred. Bolh ligîcnes Xiere abottelItelaceeut tetille %Iîrîitsîtnt- 015Reea'.,a Ruea.aIJ(el Lvepoo. astly tumageil. as alco ocre fleteu of the ~iiîi 'îysvellteî iaA Ten million «clîtun. of ader te a soiîî,I gbfeenecs wbîvb matiote tî Ii l îîsî uieti33,tîth maufactureranIîi ln. ,t'.',lsl w'att uame roerîng unt.]'v.iring down a bill The vie injureti aicre traîntoru. Ail tht oua, Fraunk(vis agî.d 2.Wit IAltY 5M frtdin height afiEat Lirerpool, <0., uten ethet' kiltcd or initîretl lire tn Chi-^.b111] tilIad(."wsde d-leasing inlifs trienu tececd properîs h c.5go-,The u'rec e cirrt-d an a straîgbfOsblc 0 ttl udvu"' o î l wbni fi-b.b sinaet , ') fefbof track. if . lbh- opinion tchat, cptl MO. 00.Providentially no live ure m righ weainers i oggyIe von' humiia-k le toand wu, ILche he & libough i ilîre ocre coume araculous es- iarofuthOe fegi ri .stbîîIiii Ahtunslli 0tsfu î h re ~~~nof sec or it nelt'easl fropvtly fte ig-debris ut itsalolon ftrtei l, iitiI'llY lI capes front deufh. The greuf retervoir, n a1 tispla3ed. ittîbrf Clark i tEaslt 'a ' ,,loitI,1 'ejust vonîpleiti by tfl i vs'and lecafesl. npii oramre iIl 10nupen a bill 500 feet in bigbf. was Gd LI DPATH MYSTERY tOOLS LIi. uo arnafgtl.t'rbot' O tti nil iii su lt tv i0ta apacity for the Isu3 irrliTh' klutiltoIi ,t.h fins tnte, Bues«siaJecelr, Fuuod ul i t.i."tE ti let aI t (lins ils 110, ssii. FiliinSue VertsiaReltit.Ceilasr cases Merder. oîetr I, tist'.iY ili rt ut.ig A deâcbmeet of thte Twat>'firet on- The niystcry eortintvfed iwith te ,:;abh sthu. aigre anItot0f U-. tit i Ls of partirut àMacubebea encoutered c large cft -iff Buvhtannfieldi auperutttuit'lfIpîtresi iD4 forte ofiiîeurgents Iuvar Lîpa, a provint e O! th, ahaltb Vlley Nafrti Ga, ltItii <e rc Itaki. a sctiti i 'vt' îfBatutittas. P- I.Iieuf, Beau 0f stbe p.ny, etghieen iîutbs 1ega bas ltera t:rtu olîtf 50 il t ,I'i t t Irt c McabIo 'aas îled ud 0e0f hesolved t>y orte- itahitîitintsa lIa go u.'hsvif, s -v l ruh ii le forve aios soutideelThe eueui a aesoi,vie arhralaud a ring in fhe c-" iC cIlut , sil t ' i,(o 'E.Rilîîkîn, tho mtrongl> ittreavheîi, Atter Issu bours'an sechi rcasîbjusebnnclu ue .yIltcilneîlu'îfth'g 'rtulsln t " lgbfig the ,ftericana rreeîctd lu aucit mninia sf ier Converse, 1lu,1. The fnt fJtunloitatillîi & "i it'Chicago> cýdecels . 10 -t ushowt ilt lttl.t rt'unlunîttl souit île iii"'lo'n It'reehed is b;LIC of Broker Clark. the prîîîriclo. nîta sereing a tteri Ilîv îcvlî'Ifl histiviitiiii'Iltî i t ,p- t,.uicIlerrmauu. usil klin"ela Žew in the pcuitcnflary for ktling "J.ic k tht' t arit, LI. OrnIt-ns IbusinessCirit, etalthY in ia Zagc,"- vontmî&c..ed t,.liN-Iî'i' ousa rigbt and theblusbacul outafa r ire, Jeunes; .1zdý. Ar,ur & lîsîli Nithtpur- lbut tbinisomîf flirtesndt- ctied nt the livs. ,u, H l.Cri bulis , At'î ( aota & t lit t, tiiilit the Nuatut'a ;A ilotel Dien. Hic suicide la affrîbutedt'uy lier faibls'r uf 76 'Sotuth Ellitt fplie, Stoiki avIs, Ellt fSt. Lit'., ol iii e b"- bis tienîs lu c wrev'ket nervOisYta e, Brooiklmn, N.Y, oasIditt und-itt'iusiy once legin shreet'tius 'fI 1v00tI1115'fO the rectait of acteraI jeara lu the cton ouidslby a manenouos asCutill. Jtohn parking plant fo roif $1,.) (Mi liPlns ,Irii.c'ge buinesB. , -Iiou, Niclson fhee shof hinaef te bave alrealybren <raMi tandmii ts e ,Isr Bjs ite U p (;It. panale, te ritftemple acdtidiinstunil, MNrs, pecveilshat evs.ry'sîiîutf s'iIIi., tusreadi' -ý . 'The carryin oy in th e u Igts far-Carroll atînttteti buvîeg known Nieltî 0itegîit î u(' bat tories cf Nia-billon, OlîI,,,aient Ofou na for sont. ture, that lie bal paiti lier tnuî'b 'a-imte edas rcut 111opeatouswireaffentiton.undihblt bernenvry j'atonie of B. & .ut tBaeii '1' scriy etdcs àTueatttî erigh hntret ie aevnI>tTh, futttebirfanti WVctevtIi lfîid boys IIrYe agadtil ub bade e e-n l atsa at attcritinnt l tt.iit g iithe ncni d oyswrre fl nout b>' the W.-..o I.jared b, eaLin.. Baltimore anîil Oluuo ialot 'tioi sre rTe boys, «h- bad been getfiug l'a Belle Zelice, whie dancing iu a uit $3,0W0000, ctljevft iîc nitog- .1 iuis te dytI'îiîset75ceti. rage of ile lion% t an inimial sonsuit arnt, u 103.O,0.Th1iýieWi pi... Te. Bilso.Trnt the iMidwey lat the Pan-American EI-'mrly mlier orfutria tan1 no hiltîcre Yorh, heuot-tu . si 'i o t" '. t irdb 'ane ! ttahturg bas Poalètionu, ca attavkît by one of te lions te groundu tof tvr' . 'in ,g t.t.i nArizona ce application for a char' andtit-ee ail lasseilAbout the face ant dtee of ao,r.1'i.ti 'r thie lnîerneab,îunàConstruction anti ibouldero. lier 'atîsnuls are ptubuuby o,,i1,ucf (iepcthe flCapital tf fatal, Onet tuuaund %etvatuiri awcotfle igire cet iotmie at" asit it lliX,.J.0,Thiletrageti>. _____ The slcoaeIiiiiiui. . 1î '. u..1tltol s! .1any eorl'htto CtfagainluicISue Homr m& Co .l ii. ' pli, csl'r oi, eteio .l i.I.uefr aîcic aiut llaiiy destoyt'u 1,h> iii. Lu- it.-i., I t n r aueIa gi ae s75,000 euanmdmeof, ..h.fui!) '0- oîktendse, l.obat.-Jcuti llied. l..ofut Sr,00Ô te th. e irIal inger Cont- eCetl b, uittr l'Cua'ahuis. luPk4 nt',au. round pool, andth.lMt. L'ouls <ariity ttcsnpcuy,1 desîl 1. huis 13îtit>l-jl.ic;agl ic tanailatar aboie lcta ovvoupy the saluebuling Prcdiztaa I cuetPiegc, bis ii lai> âuthofit Nlnfxeeut.(Ohio. t Ninth cund (ratiot atreets. <>igle John B. Saîiu, 'st-o jer-,ý . , Iat n.Elîî stLoIbi s n'utctI thay b nuk"n. tomologistf. lrii, '.l , fl8-ýof th, 17-tres coi 'lansd,ituiiey sca .nutiwedtiîe f "cfNillou. year lovucfa nitet Iri' . I,. îs'îî'i ud natflt iifhtu -tuhfe hledythePoli'a Thue ceddilg fl etica Abby Onrn AId- a bulletin tu th' fruit us frî. a. l' in nfualiect trder - ich. tiangltr of Unitedi States hiater e of tbe Sah' iit i i i't -1 bo .. . l'Oi.(n...asiheo -t. ['ti. , Wta, Aidalch of Prosîieuce, IL. I., anti put ont any 3 uttig fruil t - tluis f Betise li lti lt lsint.1. fcîclJohan D. lRocktefeller,.«Ir., Of New 'York nerf apring. acî boute. 14y,.,Ad ull itt'y Kt.cî' tuait okpîcce n a wick Net-kte sotte? - ~~tenithedti Oikill i loi t t l.,. .1ferniahomte ut fteAldricth taml. ratlit; ouneaiantnu T'rp. a"huîuul n Minune,i ) I. eue axo, it- 'vite iarifnttneorrt ' . 't. \ .î,u-I. cclijicl A i-. .ul, - 1-h.haT. Broch. [lee.. Augeet l'auîacn, .iititoft1o Iii. 'î'-t, latitiýg 5manaru i-vIrl.Iatia'iut irsks, mc'vtt fj«l IBank. Oas istatut'i.-t l>tîrsuefo eIcml'ycta lec es-t yotuzer'birushe'. Tîteltoptf hi. ttos. id 0 g I)lgaer leit u i. ote f t!ilittîclurg. lieu snexpecîely atihSalem, blown za'a,.deuIl teiiitiig ti !ualt1 ;ti I B' 131-r liu-r at i N l nap,- tlt.of Brgb'ht*%lsu-.i*e, fnouim ablehiho MIle u Jalsa Ree. li. i s r. itt II tUutli ii55u t t. î v, ' î v a lsil l a îi uff r fuîors- eer. le la 501 V l'it ag e l ,anc . s f.ti i. ii 5h lu.9afe'l tI si,, svit--I i by aà wlîîa ndi to uruc il luren. rul Hrmngway, saii tu 5be lt -i aocoscilt s uthe ooiut. t itt'tc ut ofthlie les pantner of Ss-ret'ry aitheai, uiu lt'til1y 'mi ,'aîo e! y 4<ml dllaaatero wrecd. Navy Long. waaamurterod-t Savutanaih, ahifiat soriiu aîl o1 'thtn. ta dccli '11,uîeu-chut-t' IAhOn, iith 175 goiti Otu hr Nanaon Cozîcr, a u'onion 0f silne lii tr, frmîiî Alaîks on board, rue Uot*iiaty. chu vomntttd eiiidn,ii tttt" strt 11.11to valet t' fca. o auei n fl diafir flureaffet'. Jetilouay proîit'i itae InbHouston. lesce. 't'taltI nl, Ranî irintiî'.îîti 't'cîîu-uav ecd mscil b Pratber andi bun AsphyxaldI. flue formner biîng iiusantlykilil aI and oiibîa' Ii lto)O hg&raei F. reman. egeti W41yecrs,.àanA IKegettimorfully uaîtîdé,I Th- troumbe, Itt.ta-n. wr itSoI> fthe fe of the batik %le Mi, Jooeph. aged W10yeurs, -Icre as-Il lasald, rose ovcr catrivial cffcln, t Sorke, Kant. wltb dynamite anti a. phyxbêtd hy ilîuualating gaz ai flic home 01~ Rpct.clBes'e ueiaul wîfh J11,000 >le Cash. of bt, emaIlebrother lu Philedelphla. Au oelItank explodoti lu a freight srest kil-ank" a lbiaeer la flu wbeau 60 viedisuhardeil. T»boy ca- on the BoufleniRailwiy et UoG"Ptowen, Lansing Warem, pbiUhn of 6e iIX- ja"& lem i e&. ad Mhi tat wurad, l0anti ten cires ere hneti. Thomnas anaca. eluel, à Joram chieag.IMW&- sam~umi a tsfr. Petiarson. a braktemie, tiast fataUy havI. peper ma&, jlu tia. OME IMPR OVEMENT SI4OWN. BUT AVERAGE I18 BAO. Lober Report Saire Fliguren Are Low- et Ever Eecorded bh Algriculture Ieliartluuut-ttAlgo Bhe.r Dam- aer. T'he montbly report of the gtatlaflciaJi rb teDeparfiet of Agriculture ebowi4 le average conîlîllon of corn on Oct. 1 have bren MA,1 as com pared wlth 51.7 jt montb. 78.2 on Oct, . 1900W, 82.7 lit lcorrespondleg date je 1899, and là lloweat October on record. The yleld Eaneswtt. 2Z.1 bushlela par acre. agullal o. busbels lait year. The ylald of ive 15.1 busîtela. aud barlay 24.7 busbels. he crn vrop ln estieinted et 1.250,000.- M) buebels, or' 8,000,0W0 buahiela more iîe a month ugo. The surplus Sltae va 682.58S9.000 bunhel-. or 46,000,000 abel» more thoa month oe, aa the ira- avenent il a mielY ln the largeet corn taes. but lu 703,000;000 buahela lea@ jen Iat 'er. The rrop of the sur'Pîne taa leaboin l the antîezed table. aia geleed 1.5,0 bumbela durlng pteniber,and hla'27,000,000 boablelb legse àan the Iowa Stite vrop bureau erai- tea. Illinois gahwiel 12.381,000 buahele, brake tt,41O.0 0Uisîlels. lMlssouri 28,000 blogheI.. aed Kansas 4800.000 ihela. 1,098,Mluinhe South about offelet ins eicewliere. ,o . .. t.45o.4l ,t1N'0iill7,000,OC adlan ._21,1tOl)1W .)2,ti 1'53.000,000i iCa 1 .tA0575.7-.1.0M O5 ,OOtO ilnorl.i. M',0t 0S=.,ttki it,Ot,O0O ;aecs.. 52M71,000i 4t.:2KltoWO l.40i.0 Thbe ont vroîînlextîttiatrîl et tllIO,, 00 buibela, or 63,000,000 bushela More an a montb ago aed compares wlth 09,000,000 bugeisa let yccr. The departinent n ii îooe nw, further eport oeneshet p nI mc t le rn*ý eipt 0f the inuaI retorns of ii is lidul l rot1 vra nI the final report ýorf thlie part tueurs icecial agentsý Yleldl f (Jets.. ye and lOueley. The y.ild of ou ta s, tît 1.%its t ln f<îrty ,eara, but ir rie antd bat lis 'Iliîtp bthe iveage. 'rieaîîîv'ltalegisves the iesfor tht-'. ,'.irs !l.1th ue .tlity: Tes iy e li s y . . orîmi tet24 7 7. 27.2 14 14.3 oTh,-ua .a t "fi", pot 7in 7iNrhl oii1 s . lilit hi , 1 i'l,'.u 'lira ls t vu n lv-In.t- tf 1 Ittitti 1 0 e 'tie u t, I ts1-at--jlu ,.'..... tl 5't'u ou un,.1h 4A"o l8 t-i îtstrul .t ti i i' tf t t îuss t Nvf ; bs ý ' o7,4 t i,'.u,.î.'i1 tuillu 52 ae ts; 2ittt, V r i l'lt -., .1,'t 1,I aroi i.7ii %l îrî u .iîu tlît i 2..1 U ' 1h11 I7, 5. hev theîîtu rllii% of (lit"'r 4 ,mî'v.s it nulo I t h te ln isxut ua '. ,1vh, atnt e,4 l Itin %23. lliotiît, i 1.35int ts 7,l'eu 1 ' eroe Ri-l tf îiain- orursI 4 Pir (e s 111e 10't, i'.liiititO,î,:sî t oitroh s5 t t i a't i ,,,,11 ilh .i ' i;.îctî as the us itîlalullo 11i0.i5fui raoitiO ouugiîr arc 100 lîntu lo f 1hi,' pututt vs f llt-1'isnie t parl tc lýl- i lt1'tu,.s it,- t he int pl anc' til s altie if rvIit iîig crope. 'Vluvîi a hi,]l l sis lv~l . t ItI"' in vont- eQ lo gitv u e m~ttttti titi I i tih pthilu'C . " 1,, ' 'l ' ." 'li iI îîr î Aliii'u n 1,f iuls' , Irut ', i - uîrauni Aot'tu i -vî, p1u'-fii titi, 'u ani lie luths vl,itt vtt ,I , Yuqu5 tuf tfty fuqis lier ait', iluiti 1;1,t liy , Il ii îîîîîtrocîs t ltnt pliieinta, ttilth lt t l n li,,ndllng i i'lit i t h', lcu ,i1o l 'fIt il utits for it nd t t I iîtt I 'liS i l itty. the lPart.' , ( i u fî it. c ut - ',abltit 0 t o pefei t illuit t -iltu l'ii . .nll, in fhe uaîtci' t li b i (, lsr ssag's, tir,' otg,%r ciIl Ibt, t i'nii t'I s he îi1 cul. Il Puronitl'.îl,'.t scdIi le i I1, '.g,îvur t it'liiii vioorkt-et ci ns Itltoi' luti îh'îr cvouiidlie lîttie ilîig.ur fut eot.stt ai lthe SIti' l li, îî i'u n 't"itliingtotl e" "froîtu C'îtttti.1. I. 'G,tl S'O ltli la tiibli,ti iii 1 a5i ii "'l i te t'ittltiii cou hit t)5 lIn vîjil." lue sao'ioder tt' ilhhsgO l i i ttvh-l'ti aruic gioltif up, i eN ui - toirt hlc at' t. a 'i t ,'uniîiiveed cuti svrt luis bîmîn susi'on ltbe auw t-- -tii utt, i utilretideel . appeureti agnf tete puocruaser, aOiiiiilion -c'..dI' 111I Yuaaag Grlla it,î. î'.î. for the ttît'iitt Sli ii,'tau.ling the leo t'uîlibI. 2 jeors oIdl, eilttîuýytd longf culse stter Iliront 00a wecoukiauon at a Portssmouthi, Olio.,, hoc fovtory, .tatas e10W ofopitre ttv'iront lie orIini.The kidnapet i lY a tan represu' tilsO hinuecîf wtlerlint rof ht dit itrive. Thos to Ite ber fathet'. wocledtite atr ronttheIliecil, uutlvr stîcli 1tvsoe that anti usheti permissionl f0 atu' c. 'flic fleepipeCsitre kte oe7pfttTts are lo' g irls mother lic% beo e tvutl igitt ave :etu nt,, sidtios il 00r fthe City. anti aie lIses 'wltb ber g'ntiiohir, jcvose tIi> 2 Vutt ouaitu.or $40 Ia l'a cc. (li. ton, fthelois t lrive tItis Iuxnry bas Col, Itendîctt. tht lniitn agent is Au.' hen i lu îy ttniii--i' Yet. 11,Its are net atierko, I. T..,hbas eppenied 50 lthe Pevre' louer,hbst in l, ithe iiirfuture h,,Y uli fcrY of the luterior for trooupe to î'ject prubably lie rCeuo i1,'T'he goît ouitput t'nlfesl States tiepufY nturelialgia tu th,,. will. if is .ail, futil short of the estimais folotllcdiu aIIotulielts. T'r' %îsere matît, eurîict' ie tht, >eav011e rCan lie- conte 2()() or tlire clitts cii î" ith'le ing the long soisîttr. 1 stini, $20.0l0.(0 nîglt o Oct 5.a tair estiite fori. hls yCltI " produvf.', ilt Crowe 10 tecreeeC.Bulhisu ait-ni.a to le grousiug anuing P'.t (I'nusete cCutrtby klIdnapingsus-15 the Amerivan sud't it-~ureaideufa p1.,t, stffcrs 10 currender t OiIl;la lu int-twal, If aile)ale t., îuîny aibose titoritieti, 1rovltlt-trIetarl o OlaiI8t îig tbrlsfiaYis> laaln deeP. It le curouu for htu l ire u'ilhilrcun. TI'Cinio irobably thaf a vontnunty lich usedsti 5prit. cll luo fctetsted. lîseli UPO it is strictl! Ortitodox. f,,it Ineetitute at Nom0e Cily. îianity shoulti foîl ao easy e pre>' t0 on Ifttunitg 1taameet gay llia5 a5large intal frahiqelrtîtalieîtît The fenefs o! îiiutlict'of flic îesttlfO nf Cape Noime, lise Butithiste ore licufifuill, bofButA Alacka. are women aWho rusheti nortb le bion ba-soet' prored tslc-f a truc r. the buupe of cecuritag emPloYmOt ncflucra- generfntinPoswer. tive wa'gon, but met u'itb dlcappiuteul, t Aà ahpioc.til ,,,rd Tht- divison of inoular, War île ~Al Snti-DnO1f h irnb eo artmeuf. bus ret'eived accopy of the, an NI.Sanos-umot, he renh aro-unal report of Prii.f,1red W. Athînisoil natf, gcve a remerkcble exhibition le the geneal auperintt'uuîcaîOf pubtlic te Parla, trîving bI4 alrahip t i vlI nd CdO&- efrOttion for flic Philippines , ss'ilvh cor leg tha performunee by galtiing it into 1îte ers the tInie irot the ouîîîctîuîent f 0fhi station oialdeti, philippine achool les to1 the close of th, ithef sud Robbei hir a Tramp. lant fiscaI yecir. Joune 10. 1901. Ie speak Willlamil . Williame, 28 irears olt.i, lu of flhc Venerau1 condîitionis Prof. Atkin Who icys Uni home la lu UAMa, Olio wasa aci salid thaf' the grrst prearnî ti id wmardémol7ausaulted hg a uaffo lirae bat of atiequate sant ii olîîhe iboc mu née%$% XN. 3.bldas ee te lie 4tll maitre eId urymudear 14, AM . " 3OtII ir Beilvers Baller. Whao gaînie proul'. crnce le th.euriy part of the Trausvaali car beccuse ha won en rcpeatedly tefeet' eti by the Boers, bas heen tnng b>' premil crIlles ntoeatacîf ci'knou-leulginent Ihat afler bla defeaf et Coit-oso. ou D.Inf, 189, ho beliegraphed a nessage rllve- lug Ir George tewart 'tliiri fa surr.'n- tier Lad>'sntf. wlfb Its garrîctun of 12,'-c 000 Britiah soidîrn.' Tbc slulamon hou creaftid an ectrconditsary acstln throsigbo if Engleut, anti ten. B rler len tivnouai eacerely. (on, BlIer liosnlera conti hy lie press for bic repeateti fallurea le the eanîy part of the uer, ant islacrtief but-s bren capeclalîy ctve ines bic recrut appoîntixetftacomment au anmy corps. » In a speech. G en, B lIer denot nvem i g hIz Cririe ecuti mesrtet flaI nohtody Jutuor B JuoWIs. t ie m lu u rn it - abe fler fitte t u o , - . 1 ew Ia n ye reIn th e U n ite d B lete h av mauti an ermy corp. (len, Buticra speech lix asmde s tri- figui-tinh a langer nonbt r 0f fau atendous adur. The newxtaîtpera ore ti- cases I han Jutige Jerenîiîuh Ni. 'tVlem vlietiIn tbcir optinions utofIl. t-venul [ u'hite'!llit'tViihingtoa a liii.-acting s0 paer telae ît Ieeahaaio hat,, îuigvuiio' for Ifeer Adiiu hI. papets eelre lin bi exlantio t I. oas gu-ernlîy aknuuu'lefigd t bu - ~~~iII,' ti'iu of ail the lînlgbt intellect ntItii'e t't'otiuogluue barn.dul isappe- titîtt Imfutreti' ' nîlet St atm-a Sutpruse " ro it al ' ii taiîuI 10 h ( .' ignal fer tl ' t t i ' I a t t e n t i oîn b y t h e j us s l i u e a , Wh o bal is ut i..clunct vl for bis lati orî ai lad eu it ,,w utte r ac a ,i sut lut lge W iI- Boun C e lu ,. i § ju tic ll itit- fuist> y oa ns ag9.'i1'u hic e d a b iîsItu'i'on <S tirhte,,, ,Ple"*ant It'ru'mut (Curt lielbs u utliane ile aiso eret-ti au Indttan t i -iu ac ItCtis-ýceh i te la Co7gr3s1717-9 îgthe t ,ni f 1471 anti 1S73, alrtt mhe tc 'ut itIti c lac îuW attite'i ui t (- .îrî'sîîu e lhlabar- ger. iitsui t I 'uv,,tî11, castfatntiiis cae, botb civil olutI ' tiai. iii- iafor uey tor tI.ire- I'ciivRailsvay tut' N masty yeas-s. cl-atiir le Iortine ,ClrIL - trials, the liolît -i j I i.'. tht- Breckla- ritige-l'eitard blin-ci 1l il tuut . tcao',6e tricl o! Caplainlo Iiteti. . ',î,urtt-c ia' fiat prcrli g ain«tt i.'"i S"te, tisonit Obet't aiS<'tv-e "îme,"ti.' '. icilo Ala- O gt ait L e tî cR .be n a, F n -ni h su uu îlut i i. - t n titi ie i t lu11 s111,d ltlu 1- t uIt-p ha. e iogs-aph et to a G 'W t' l muotgie t- lo is ot i t rA it -at leg s[l tui i te hef t mîght i- oe-s tyfuît'bieta _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ grnrentier cntdculs ing atf ta0lit)l i tit b NEW AM EER BRU TAiN S RIENO. a cse aus nclIY iuatt'etuitl sn renter, satiîhvy vucueriiunhi tt1r-Ing A--"-r(.-..rsn 0HsW'11 Ft,' us [. lit.c . IIab r a oiî The peopie or Eegland hbuts,, g'iv.raiI1Y ilthil)i lhl Khan. uic lit-c %nieer of tuck tu a BuiiiBir Ibrouglic i, an ,I bi . A lg l inîtan, bas. .,lfc I i, ru basn'd ,0, tanti ha i@ ,essc influence bas been ('urzmon, the Vtleroy tf lîtult, that h i Mois t 1)o-rfui cod ba et-en reaI-liti flic f ituun bue ftb- i cout-.auysa 1 i.unîIun ornespî,nult't. Il n fnîlehop- hall ben en it,îld ilt tie wuld be clu" tug fhu5t lb--friand- vatedta oithe pi-rage ou th e II boar 4bip couiez t be.- I lat. Tus' lStatilItIi latotasbini mersl 50 tIi b-AiglaS aandt ilisbienthaSthe lii' lca ilug ho neaut, ICit'I aer do nea st ,,resiga îîîu eonmnu of tie ,ne . 1tnIu* Il F init oruivt - ps. 'T .ho u> l M li, wa i h u ic ,S i,'ousldm ro hatt the u,'hisoclilhave bren "-Acttai'g of e- a more usl in ,th 1ii,'lii ro a tIîcater.t, nl, liigeuce n poînîta u'it thausi hlî. ii5 i l, ' s,1,uu ituh tut 'i . A ier et I~ ~ la1cui. brîiulo i Su'.IlI iners tti', uys a fem musu. i-r i Iinitl Se-sn t Co iÀ ii ttA.. . 4t h . hi Bf penhnIenlt0t, cuîk off tle latîle cans' I '-u.v '. tb an tire htil, e a î..îu's uî,b ltiusletity lirohere tif lot îb t l ( tui sire ,2 bas uoui'ui' u uîuîuî ostrîoî'cu .s.ithli sheï Sittng 1,us vuit 1îîiîli ut-tu ut. v, efuintl lit,' tl"'.1i.utitalo 'i ti 'i tIl,. aI I unecsat tItih ii l itti i it,î if IiAU lt, i uthia-'iui ut ' t..'. o r o le rien. tilti' lv(rIt -t, f-s.. hi, 1,tllu t heur hu.'i lt. i. tr. hilu1Oi-ntifea II i'sluerlutati',iuui1 i, l i'iss'. , ib r tll t .il , I o.'.. Il 't 'fend In w t r Irdiu t hlr tet' 'ita t .î utu.!. tt1ul.iI n'p't. 1uuntet n. & wib lt trt lru dIi e hl-tt I u 'r,,w ' 1" " w' thaf su luit' eff)C t,, îc..tuuîr l(- IBoers o iit I t- ui,.u ri. 0, Grmeat îîrtî.u,'sn-' us tler crusîs sic Tire fît bih' tf Aiiai.. .ile alti enornîtu'. turnl tifîuus lau tOit)lu- iilii u- lnutIelimbrci>'a tei Nfr, Brotîrîik uisisîita flu te g0o rruintttO vbs't5ti>.Ili. lcCi ' c -1ta'05 'fIà a hec l-t ilIc proîuîae ta o dnuIKi,-bner frInini couii tot tic Ivtellîr th i s.,i. but. Id thut lii' olîtnii al iste reecclicîd uje a s tli.laic te mlet lumlu in ut'tlinn ~.1 contîet.i iIii lc s ,thuit hchîîs Dit oti y b ta otrecourse, '"O nc at u'. .1.hauit if t- bren gi s-nail ihe atlneriîlfuir, bt eut-ul f5Cr a'sii'i' smlitle la k.more. m tnI u.%(gfiaiiaui otui'ltqa- bolu ti a., t ulht cl-tii iii ii hue riait- P R E .50I T AEN T S . unt i , ttt l- to iis. î~ tat lie i ll fic 1cr i hle t l I .! citiac - ~~~~a ,efbtu ' SSi nl, i., !, III birtb. Tb,,itIu lu,' uIlite'.1.ahiii.' gsono or bis f ,thev .lus ut. tIi , I,,' i .i ite ta- B t us 'i l it ttu - -là de' te 9 it It iil u' t .iI il t t'r 1 . t WATErO XCUE2ZLGS T - ti'u ia if, uttt 'Il.NI:-'I h w de - s it a ,, t.iur- hl t illher bo -4 f. t lIltst1 br- h, ut' it dîne, ~ ~ ~ ~ O, t, 'l- ' u,îtiof Hr (T'tnt' fii luirco s îrc l 'sot 'titly i, r ..! I ul ntîz i ti'î.r t' oî o r tratae t u e lui sut' t, v'.tttt tt Ii' tu -itl tt ii c ut, t it bit ttl andîtul Satr . 'i l't-.'i.-luf- t,-uir t ,lru ii ii o lt tuir--'lie t ssin. u-unl us ti . 'u u t.ti fi't I 't i 'lii'" 5ti t. s i n olulr ors se o shi e uttîî'uus f.îîîîl i lîu siui'rtf lu't u it h t Wi I- io le lutiko iiitates.ii l fa 5,'i tt tilletii itl tif i, i ' th ii i l, tîti th.,i if' 'u t hem O .a.autu raumy.Nt c uiwnt.tutu i, 11-s I iii tîuîlîu i ii"l s 1101-1t l î a'ni. o teîligeitie, ail s.1 o tuvuilut, ll,'.it tlu lvr OssisîcrliiIl hc O ute tf tht, uviaffolti ideas of tlt, igîittas uslolie ui v Iaiî on csti h tile s' ssi.[i''d lIt'otlcerd Nfra, Ifouoevel t. Sr., iltoii -hîî s h,, lioAtul h,, v .vo o i iiit it ilti'ho ondiun other t0 New 'Yortkslieii aile 000 hittt't'u. i'tI WBc i> t 'luittsî t bh'c \%Or] of sevstlon talai-t cl ber Souîîirenîiimptiesc.. unI ofrte mu ' uilatc. n'as nolcul attlcihg bel'.frttio dsas a retl'* il, Cituil 'ttr tuu stilîtîtu ohlier Spaultr uaf-lte.Wlrea. htii,ilnl cas a retamîîîu'l ii luo lul uan.r' si, il S'tii l'î i evo baî becît ettie 'ty .. u. Gage., Citio Sati t irerlll2 Atitu As-uitti , pt'la lilouf Two yearc ego John lHenry'anti Cha. I.t0t> i . in .c'nu'i'o. BealI, farniers, liviug usuir liirgantown1.1lIa Is .utu st, Ici 1EtivX'.233,00W 'W. Va., qîs rreliA user S tu-c O'net'ahi rclp -ihAri-n-,i ,re o f s o o p w i t- l a s v o t h b o i t $ 3. , f l h i. i u u Oli t i s e l i s t- id ul n i B i c îi n in g - Tht, vase bas Icen!i tir5,' vuuîîîî utysei hctt silice tlue trouble Itigaind t.1h,- cie t. ltetlt, iicrE raussîîsC. Rît iizht wae hîtîl uhttsitntctl f0 ~~~~~~~~~$500 who'u Henry 1Iosf tîiOtnifr'I>ut t lufui -fi by uefaulS. Law'l'rs' fevs alti $200 bttti'i1{ruhet' II it ttuts 0101 l,'Dem-. ti the vuof tuffle avotuit, alibi nowc-v hol o tiscsu it (ns, nutuit nonîiitlvH erber-t longe f0 Benl, h'.ItiosîlIfuir lttîo. ROUTE 0F TUE PROPOSED TRANSPACIFIC CÂBLE. The greet trausPgri6ficvaitle prmoýecteti from 'tîhe Utlti SSulee -.0 the Philip- pineS nilI lie one orflue iost important nml Ha I('f liihht tthet lî u ci cli, u ilîzeti nations of tht, arth. Tht, plcasunelconsiîîsruuiou t,'intemtulute caitnecflun stflMînile by flie chorfeaf possible roule, aanti a .siintiiiit îf tht- abote map awil11 cleanly diacioce Ibis meflifi. Ba» Franctisco le front Honoluilu. lu the Ha- svoiao lluitiOt' ['i.ti' o 2.(0 utle. rom IHonoluilu t,.U 1oIstlant la 2,518 miles; front UValalandtu te (JIt el-%et la a distance of 1,2010 mile, anti front Guan tfo Manili c distanice of ilOOÎiie# fora a ebue, but &bout 1.360miles for a steayner. B>t usiez the Isandut of Ualet' or Sînongs Iland.t the elble cl iget a break ln file greut disanclte wchit Iwouitf therwsn bave te traverse. The proposai caille cliigive eycry day Informrlon of jucI watfla lu goin M % te "wps &Merlaa Colesofthe forai at. neme seiwaru et the toc 'When l Nlneveh at toecb nit long, on tý 6te guz to gfep "7 ti, by ruîsîted ef the io lt ta t,, fff ut .: by nlghti th. giel question flere?." t ry Mur.t Pafroîs ft je taou sa the fin b ther hl l e e ij.: the ce 12 o ;i. speat suit or frein I I neser of lte 'tîî t.our sthi laborung mat te t anti haorisît are wearj tu5tuof set Wlth api eloue flic, clark.. le coacter a ,bas f fi wSoe go a or or ail Ibrongri fronat t,.. ituet' anti crv i The lugt *venin;; of the il A t.i soins. i. I,,05eCa throuil fore. 't the ruvb aide etfil the a.u halls are carIî[C', arme filicti Wittetl! gplen.lur up antI garlantie lut. 'Th andti nti daahieg long d-, utetrap. man gt andtihie eetly. thlng ia catches But il 'wafch i City bas est saut tlnctîs The lin1 In thet' t The ta hlccougl Oh, hum catch, There docu f slonar> of c,[i place. lte sfel bore.1 Christ ie along J lighte hl lit in tht Ulht ta catche minlate eti, anti erUdtimn be kepî peInaI scon f0 OhfIl a stup. restl row's t soethec marin fresh CL. C thLrou'u breatb toUc. wave heut t But, viii lt aleep t be tou