______________________ A 1111e Incident i iiomebody about tbe Whie flouse vitness9d the FRANK HILJUST. Edton. ollior day le ignificant botb asu illustration of Oers.Ud raits in tbe clsarctei of President Rtoosevelt and :rday, October 18 à go s. as an ozample for bis admirera. Tbore ______________Làa been, an impression amng certain ISSU9D ItRLY.of bis critica thai be hetievesi "the stronuoos life' bo constat chicly iu liunting andi kiDlng animais; bot jaI tihe1otof .a l.r> thougli a miglity bouter, lie ls 001 Iliots unmcrely a nimrio, as tlie followitig CCeuralice shows. --The Premidents Messagre. ft la common tlu that l'resideiit JtooeeeltlagroWing very veary of the nant demande for patronage hicli UOv takoe up 80 mucli of bis ime Iliat be fins Iil amot itupOîSible 10 iO- aflto 1biniseif the lime nocesaiyfor the preparatioti of bis forti comiug Mesaage. Areaty h li as given notice C- h" hovol ases nu oneafler 1. P. M., and il isconaidered moaI probable that hie yll soun lbe obligeS toexeclude hlm- sel frfornthe public cntirely for ai lesai a sbot poilîtd. ibise course bas been found nleveaaary by ieveral o! bis predeceasors. He baq furtber let il lhe kugyn tht hlie osopposeS lu aDyvbuOle- sale change of oifice holders andi tbat ho yl nol 'conider the appointment of incompetefli or unprincipled mon vhaiover may lie their dlaimiaou the party. Tiose whlo are lu a position to kuuv «aY tiat portion Of bis message vhlici troats ni Our relations vill Cuoba is giviug hlm tbe Most trouble, that vbile ho deiiiros bot i he prosnerity and lie goos i vii of Cuba ansi realizea liai the auret Dmsses of oecuring both voold bo by the admiasion, fiee of dniy. uof Caban sugar, on the ther band ho la Most unilling te renomn- moud a course wbicb voîld prove in- jurions 10 tue Louisiana plantera andi moan absoînie destruction 10 the bet sugar industry. It ts a serous prob- lebm andi one that vii lai every re- source of the Preidlent and hia party lu Congresa. Hoie many people have tioticeil ihat sgnillcat fact Ibal lMr. Rtoosevelt la la the very irat liesidonit Who vas bora ansi brotlht îp ln a greal ciîy. Ail the rosit vori ainesof the couiutri or of amall tuvusi. Tbe decislon io ieep the vojld ln abi-t solute ignorance of Czolgosz f rom Ihis Uime on a thorougbly commeudable. sni a destrucion o! the lime igbt in vhic bc ho ipesi lu basâtyul do more todeter bis lîke thilainytbung tlse lu the voîlsi. An example lu trust melioda lias been preaented by the Sugar Trust vhiolibas cul the prie o! granulalesi to 3è conta a poun inlutorr tory reachies by the licol sugar grovers. Th le lied MOU MUt sI ethelbti11tat aIils cin terra or aect'pt ruin. Nov eron the oold-blootied Canucis, among vbom tue nogro population migbt les olposed ts i îucsuidrab)le, are tbrctculing tu resort te mttb laie to lean theseouVItf tht-mu towi If Uic regolar aulliorîties (do ul asetpromîpt- ]y. The iota ingroos tip there have made tthenisoives 5>0 obuoxions that the people vont standsiti. Pondor Ibis lu your >ritisMM ut the sonih. Of course, the protecledI nlerest& vilI ight rociprooity becancie t bey fear I ill ul oiiatlf mean a reduction ut lie bonnty thoy Ibernselvea reclve. Thoy migbi as yell onderalansi boy- Oeor, tai If l'boy dont concede some- thing %bey rnay lbac overything. Il a sientifie reduciion of the tarit! on *me articlea s ul alovoil. a Congres@ May b. electesi that i viieep avay t" w vole sysem. It vas a uainy, dreary day, soon alter Mi. ltoosovlt's robinu to Wasb. ingon, asid alter a buay moing the Prosident andsiebi secretary startesi OuItfor a valk.i. J uattaide the door iay a homeleas, trieudlesa dog, as close lo the vatt as ho conisi gel, bis body curlesi Dp Into lise îaleat Possible bondi toaol te rein asid possible observation. As the two men emergosi from the duor ho lookesi Dp approhlen- ively to Sec If a kirk or a fitcm 'be Ott illi you, noi" would compel hlmù to beat a rapisi retîcat. Bot nothing of the sort occurresi. Mr. Rooseveltao expressive face tooi on a pitying andi kindiy look, ansi bendig doien, ho strokedth te anima's beail andi puillos bomr gently by tie cars. '-Pour duggle, havent y<tu any mater-' lieinquired. Thon lie wont backInto the botuse, ansi the dog, vitb instinctive undeiataiiding of the situation, totted close et bis hols. The Piosident ortieresi thai the val! ahould bc taken lu the kitchen andi given a gooti meal. ansi Atlas aisi Ilia that dog yll be the dog o!fithe Whtel flouse siuring Ibis administration. Mr. Rooevet la Dot one oft loe sportsmen wbo are Batimies with psiiping avay at teame pigeona. Whon lie goes huuting lie vanta Uhc ex. citemett ut iiliug a dangerous vilsi (toast;. it vii lie a good thlug Ifîr bis boy admirera to romember tist the maenlso led thie charge ai San juan Hill vam .111e as ready lu betriensi a bomeiî'.mt.',ionas t0bount cougars or griziOI. Elirin Butter Market. Butter vas stoasiy ea I '2 enta Ou tbe Elgit Board of Trade Monulay Salea of tewepei07,560 peunoil. Li'b.'r lutI yei mamn e oi 2I cents. .>' je PICK GPS .4 il The Eidrisiges of Boividere, wbo are lieavly Interestesi in the National Boviug Machine ôompauy, have pur- ciasesi 500 acresaof landi ucar Belvîdere for a garno preserve. A vire fonce tvelve leet hîg laisbeing b ut arounsi tie ctire property. Nov la Ilie ime 10 look carefuiiy to yuur chimueys sud flues. iti the approacbing cMidi eatbor, irea vîlI ho starles inlu toves ansi furnaces tuât bave nul been usesi aince 1luI sprnu, brlnging increases iit ito property. frThe i cr s hve Unitte Staeen fthe le reorshluth luioerStea ty.iiv>t per cent of tlie 108ses y ire vasg due to defeclivo tfiose. "nehonnovbroum that avoopi cdean viii roSI bormekepoesmore rooney tils tai ansi vinter than ever beture. Manufatureris have sadeancedsi igure@, andthie ietaii prire la golng up ovory- wbere, vîit promiaes of uollier jttmp slisstly. A feta moullis ago tilrt riabe buoom corun could lie puicussed loi $63 per ton. Il lias îov gone uto t' rim $13>! b $145 a ton, vill indIîcatiotus!o a stili furtiier ruse. tianulactnrers de- ciare the croî thIis yeux vas prarhs.ýàtily ruinesi DiS you kmue tisaI 0ou1tsevcry bundresi fathems sud mothers of male childicu, aume eigbty-fonr lmit Ilil cice 10 iftocu famlier Lames. 'The favorite ame ta undouliledly William. In al ranis ot Susely Wlii tg thlb commonest uf maie clriallan natnes. SWtbie irt thousand rloch ysct relt ln the atreel nu fer Ilan 170> ai. Wiliîroa. A long way behinil corne thie .Johnst. îosotv follwced by hie h John XrMorWUt At the home of his sistor, M»..1 Wilming»ln. oocurred the des John Morsibont Mouday uigl intiammalory rbenmalism. Mr. Mordhorsi vas a Young belng ouiy 31 yoms et age sud3 hlm deaili carne as a weloome1 For nearly eight jears bad ho soi reoeing but tomporaiy relief an( oly for short peîiode, during aL time. The diseaso ipade of bim sical vreck. From rolhuat mauboc beipless invalid lni a few shorty Frant iii of [it, of man, f et 10 relief. lered, dl thon . pby- id to a reara ia the-@tory of bila affliction. Ho viaitesi western points lu bopes of relief, but lu vain. Flnally retnring taa Libery- ville 10 apens Ibis remaining daya amonfi relatives, be resignediy avaitesi tbe end. Il las upposied lie conlracted the disease vhule vorkinag ln Blakler's mariet at Lake Forest, bis dutios ne- quirîng hlm 10 lie in the largo cooler more or bass. Funoral services voeebelli at the borne of lMus. Frank Wilmington Wedenaday mornlng, intermaien beinfi ai Hait Day. A fatiiet, ueo brothers aind a ulster survive huim and lu thoir lossthey have the éaympatliy of Oui communtity. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb. Furnisbosi by Lake County Tille & Trust Co. Abstracts of Tille. Tilles Guaianteed. Masonie Temple laldg. Wankega&n, Ill. LOUIS J. GURNEZ, Secy. 06o Mîlsr Sia 1 1JIIDiiRommel part uwirec:m-43-12w(1....ia 2400 00 W C Newherry 10 Lyle E Bond tri- angular ieceof ]andibotiesn let ait and thL Gallowar farmn hl Librtîvvll, w..............7500 Il C Ditrand and i et bLake Forest Unla-ýrmlty lot ans Lake Forest w il. 2..00 >(II l.akI, Foret U17niversity 10 Exrs Est la C licansi lo1t obLai" PorfaIt -1 2aiff 0 Exrs Est la C Durand to Anale W 1icrianlot 15 i ki Fond i- cd ..."2-0i1.0 Neltie AlBrown andl lins 1.0 Mary E iyer O c w tire j-r sic 7-45 12 ,tedL.. ..... ............... i) Hatti,' ai lhatswîll tb Mary iEittier 60-as tu w il, --7-65-12il .. 100 00 ira A Fefflon andi wf to) Mary E Fowiei kpartsc 6anw îr ss-c il 45-10 wd.... ...... ................ l'ren 0 H E Manoiýr andi wf to L C Manier 138 aoc10sesO andi 4-68-0-jOsid...,200 A M White andi yf to lira Ails M,ý Calo lot 10 b.1k 2 Wallae lat of Riotnd Lakeein Oic 25 -5l0w i ... 5ei00 A MWite & w! 10 lira Saraht Mc tiermalsi lot Ila aille2 ThIte'lPlaît of litonsiLaie l Ic 00 2"-10 w i d- . Ni,00 Jelnie E Fleming & bus 10 Mary A Miler toto III ,'aki s sot, ll Wanakegan w d ................... 2m an Mary MMiCorklill.t alto HJ Nelson lot 10 blk i Bîtrntts adsio 10 La, Villa w i ......... ......... . 70 OU 1G W l'stnam & wf fit al to A (àlOmar 8 J A Carmas nielîr 8Ose20-46-12 , l . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 2â00 Janc Noble et al 10 Wm &JotopId alipunnes ti-)ac--. ln ies14 & fl-4t.t5 wdil.......... ........... ..... iSorr 0 H M 1Jndeîwosd& bWl 10 obt Da'ly part Iota 4.0. 6 & 7 aille Huts-iloson & Cos Sul, to Waukegan w d .... lo.. 15)0 tant Noble(n iM (t Blaon 1 rwa an se qr -I r e' 1is 7-45-1lit W d .. - 1.roi)(M> H J Dollar& wl lu C J Tattîsi oais2 a roda luasec >1.44-11 w ( d:. . o-oM9Il C E Herdectîr & wl 10 E Oa Parni- lot 9 1,1 % illage ot llo ,,b i..5il, 7.'.(0 AllaO'C.11luian .K al1W J A 0liCl- lailiau 150ac. flieo n '6s'c 4 îs 5.1 liargt C OCGalia6han to J A t> Cillai I wOran 190a In .", 5"'-14-44-aisst0.1 50 0J Mary Curinltichan 70 J A (.1Callt Olshan -1+4a.'vIn e innOt>14-4 i-9 sI c 650l aAuniKelly 2. Ho-sto .J A 0Calltogias' J F Pi"ir & w> 10to mODKapId., tt'. bit s2l'ioc'toril asiîto (il,,s- labo snd atit i)asti w (i. . .... . 2 Harrlat E bs>le t" Nîlia Knnt'..Ii Y lpartlot 70 1E & J uivil liiod wdI............... ............ ii) yAsîni Est Woî H Ferry w0 H h 1 Whoeîipart se h 0021 & 0w Is .e nw 'lins ci & ri 1rod e613',. is i i sîril, ec I25-44-12 i.,. il..... ..........0 M 4Ford to F EGrsetnpartillu se 36t4-9 wdI ................... .... F060 LeJarre Noble 10 Ja,î"tte Binson andt J a. W NobliM20 asc 1,iii 0 1, SI 23-4ri,5- l t...ad...... ............ 1 C GR , .SLK38 , L O... a iî GRAVLAiCLOAt NEWS.' URS. B B. SiMRMAN Lesd iRai.Bouse J must. Orjawm aif 1) ia Mira. Siermn laauîioiiaed %0 receive sullsotptios, avtimeclilandl0orders for * o y, <os si, 1901, commoDe- ýot) ork. ali fr rae* atoÉfic 09 ublicfl BIB. asclrot. pt*eni., the folloviag 4 lo vok. Cli or atesaI ffic 0fisiuioaloo E B Si7asa ODrO 004 via. lOy, 4 tone hay lu barnl, >A *tac"k hay, 100 bhocis t>W corn, 25 bu. ~oa,4 25 bu. 0 01 O omr, leaih'r fly W. C. Time Table, Grayaïlake* VOLO. not 40I' IY Dot. large kobtle, 40 o11îOkOeg 1hou, shovels, double vagon BOUTE 50USD. George Vasey la quite alik iihbheari single vagon, wagon box, top buggUy, No. 2. 9.26 p. m*.Stop Bundai niglit ou nalroule.igblbob sieigh, plov, valaiug olti- a. &4:38 P. m..... DiJIT exoept Sonda, ils.iaabVaor, drag, poWao bille,gardon 8 . 11:33 a.rmn **-- « . 1 ds aa Foi, (A Fort Hi, visited vheelbarrov. single haraes», double 1 0. 7t3a. m.Mondays andi Batuidays o1 har aud y.lornesa, portable 6-liOpower englue' 14. 7:25 a. .........hu (ls8 o f Wsuooudm, wus a Volo and 12-horse pover Bacîs, boler, No. 5. ...... . Dalliexcpt sunda, aller Pridmy. Umounatermae.i ftcls sae 7. eW.p.m..FiasnStnsaany Mr. and Mis. L. V. Luat Suudayed ai FEUD ScuvWA, Frop 9.6:8 . ..rida's ndSaura" - J ---- -d. 0. W. PETTIs4, Auciioneer. Mr. and lire. Vandemark moved t0 Libertyville Saturday. Misses Mande Edvarde and Auna Wilton loft for Butfalo lest Tuesday. is. Penvick, of Huntloy, Ill., le the guesi of ber dauglîter, Mis. Mat Sulli- van. Miss Lucy Wrighit, of Sand Laie, viited ber ment, lMr& 'lbayer, ibis week. Mins Editb Harvey returned 10 Wmti. kegan Tbnradmy, after a weekas viit witb ber moiber. Mise Jessie Thayer camneborne Tue&- day to spend a day with bler motber, Whio bas been lii. The W. C. T. 1 .cf Orysiahe vill Moee With Mrs. A. E. Wooley Friday, Oct. 18th. Viitora iseicore. lira. Emmna iarvey entertained rela- tives froni Waiseka, Il. and Waaing- ton state Ibis veek Wednesday. EBd Brown bad qi1ite a serions inn- avaY las% Tuesîiî, nîglt. The buggy vas liierally deoi.lisbetd. but nu one was injuresi. Mus. Jonathan teeoin lavory ii at tbe preseni urne vitb pleura pneumonio. We hope Su report lier improvesi ai noxt vriig. The Ladies Aid Society viii meet iii Mrs..Chailea Washbun o! Haines- vinle nexi Wedneaday Oci. 2'.ld. Visitoîs alvays velcomoe. Misaeuh. ieZahule,wvoboulasbeen employesi aI tbc Grayslake boiel tie pust six months, rettornesi bu ber home tn DeerfeiolasiutSaturday. The many frienda of Misa May Babel vii bhosurprîsedti 10bear o! heu msriage lu Chicago about lires eeois ago lu Mr. Will Hawtborne. Mr. andi Mir@. Hawthorne bave ou very bout viahles for iheir future liappnes ansi prooperiiy. Otur utile village bas been velu rop- resentesi ln Bufalo Ibis year. Luti Toesday Mesrs. D. G. White, John Morse, Jfistin Baudwvin andi Clarence Wouiey lf i for MtalCity 10 b. gone about alidmys. Wn. Edwardsretunnd from ihere lasb ltunday. "tibavng ee "lieo thle lime o! tho C. E1 ocalvovoeenut informesi tliatthie roneption bolsi vas misa ln hunon of Misse* Honsieo andi Coudry, the teaclieravWho have justIcorne u oni snliool: auno hlasten lu rectif y the maiatake. Tbe wvon ouiete novbouassbelng builtlu aour village le being apidly pusiesi, aIl o! thora being novw onclosesi andi roofes i vîibthe exception of Mr. Itobinson'é bouse ou bis laie proporty. The veather bas been (Une for builing porposes. Mr. ands iaRotbinson have zonesbu Antîgo 10 spend, a veek or tvo. Mu. Rtobinson expects 10 shoot a couple o! deer andi perlimpasnome eamler game vbile ho la gouc. Hogb Neville le employesi st the bani dnîing the Ir ab- sonne. Mr. andi Mia. A W. Ps-na4vmy speni hec simys o! Ibis veci vitb frieuda lu Spriug Grove. We are giasi lu ses Mra. lirasiay au much Improved lai toalîli as t bave homo. kShe stousi lie tIp very voll, ansi botb ab ansi Mr. Bradvay onjoyes Iut very mnch. The postuffice departrnent la golug over the record o! bbc rural fIreede- ivory routes 10 aacerlain iliov many nstance& Iraffic wva ileurupiesi durlng lie sprlug by bail roasis, ansi vlen the records are compiiosi notice& viii b. snt 10 the bail routes thatlns the b ighvays are impuovcd tic f ree dcliv- îry vuli ho abandoneil. The lin iedding of Mr. snd Mus. E. iB. Neville 1a Monday night vas a very onjoyable occasion. About 50 gueste vore preseat, oniy a fov cof wbom voue frorn oui ut tovu, and ne pains vas spsrod lu Ibeir enieriain- ment. Stoppai vas sorvesi ou tin dîshes, but noventholeas il vas groat. le appreciaîetl, neith,r laciing lu qii'ilty or quautity. rieh guosts mot oniy bruughit prgsents tb îemind the hasi sud bosteas of the occasion le yomrs tu cumo, bol carriesi avay wyul thcrn pretty Souvenirs of thc occasion. A ph.ysucai vieif rom ih lie cets of SmoingnigreieaWin. Mauvilie, a s'iteen jrosuoliboy living alt iise giau.dmother1. indaie, vaa laken 10 Geueva 10 b. luiesi on an lnaaniiy Cliarga belote Jusigo Soolbvortbl. Manvîle is or rallier vas comkifidred a bnight boy natil hi> Illig furthb deadiy cigarettes proilei bis uIn, lie hasi beon emuplojosi as bell boy un lie ibId Poasgate until IaIeiylY ce gan bc, sliov signanofiaanlty. LasI veeok i veut humo andi ablacked bis grand- muýtiler, ansi but for lhe interforence of munie neiglibois bils outhurat of temapor mîglit have been serions. ToI Caugea Nigil Alaruo. ".()a. igil My hrotlicia baby ie" taken vit>. eroiulp.' v rites Mis.J C. Sulder. of 'rittbenlen, Ei.~ seernesit vouidâtrangie btors ve 5155> d Mt a docîni. 8o ve gave It Dr.iions Novw isovery. vhiob Fave quck relief snd persianobiy ourasiIl. We alwmys ksep t lu lie bosse te piotect aur uhidren fr000 croup and vloopisn ,Bb. h-Ilcurasi me of a uhionlc brou olitrorhie t bat Do otie ramdi onldreIva." ofaluble for som.ns. als.thiaimud lngmtublson s = I0.Td th Si m fit th Geoges. 0f evory Ihoîlsand rmon Ilyderô 50 so fst ado0100 5ii W When tbose brigmu4a thatiduappesi nitioly-foui arc calldJohn and inoty- 'secod7-45-12 i 3ci..............14)1'00 Milsa Stone are augbl--i! tlioy ever ivo George. The oeiol; cmmonesît la Jîîss Tolridue & wftat M L Fuineas are-we'il vager tiat a naturlizeil Thomas, vhicll bas iaovoty-four orîvu aot i n ilIa«e of Lbrtyvlloil d- 2w c "'American citizen' viiiliebfoundut ersO w vbie Jamos d caims ameventtwoý C F Wrilgt & wait F C Kolaît 19 i lie beai of tIicm. Nor shouisi vo be Henry and Harry btecuIlium ntare fnlu InWiigts sistidu to 1.14rt y- t " ried ta bav flm ap ealteth svenviwt It l aw .... . . ..._t..... 10 aurrtod 0 avehl apea 10li soeuy lut uumlier. 01l blioo about R 1)Mayî,,rdto W ' & t-sîrrudt, F UtilsiStatesa Coinsul for proten- une lu fouirlias recelvesi lhe usine of Beach prt loto 14 & foi iilage of S tion. Thiasmort (If thîng la Harry at the baptismalflonuit. isoiov- ivatios yud............ 1............ 05)00noi emlinentiy characîeiltiec (f the lng Ibonicorne Fedeuici. vils ifty- J H Lortas 10 T B li'arol ots e2 A et Mongrel horde of breiks, Ar- aovcu; Charlos, vith ftuty-eight, AI- o W W & Il sub of bi 10Io isrys- In eexus.e t , vhfulie aiays the. fred, itb torty-live, ansi Abert saine Ei ei. .. . 10 iuIr lu omcmae themi anît h,-lud the Asie Edearîs to I A Valontn.s s' allegesi Chialsaity vbhns il hut-n.nv sr ses-21-t5-10 'qcI ........ 221 es6 V Il ls iegarde ias a sornehit emarll-w aue utwIn luprogres rî glt teisfatcU E NA ~i cammîîigna, Iti an mauy dsut-rout clatie, B lo o d ir 1iave 'a ueautifil ilie i Mi. liryan hie nîver licou in% t-si lu.VJe ive by our blood, and on ofiîew anud stylish ilinery epealt lu aiyiyert500 f, mandslub il e.mi case ut th i tut (Ifthi'.lic iii tu ,itIoIL 'thrive or starve, as at very rioderate prices. 0 stiunp thue ttsta>,' a a r c letreats- i as Our blood j' rih or poor. Lde ed raibrs Srs ai an emîsirasoment ratier thau as a T'r.l -ohneset ie rme, r n Btljur.tIfs gratitsde. )Oea it ni eau - 3îîîgîct ietunei îm $3.00 op.t that tliùil insill'îarty ftl t 1îiüone 0or1> y. eiates inul, turicl ed d liiithe f î , ' XV r Iîuiî '-trcngth is fuit and 'us Ca poliCY- lm tht- sii1tion olt a i nail spirits-. lih, WC e Thisg re- mîie,.f reshed, ixmnc muscle and brain, at in body and mind, with cn la rega.rdt ht thi' i',tbi.au treaty tiieOf $57 PreIdet li, xp .- th, tattinual flo\w, of rich blood.$57 the prttsî,,se ss'-lcit-t lilri This is hcalth. from thio Isll istil att lie dSîlilis Vhen ý%ainlo piritSI La il i e s bave been rouu,lrttah. lic.- sui - no cheer, no spring, when rest nilîbsisi lb' iroty ltate 's'tbi.1. A is flot rest and seep is not Misses andu cabinet liltiniter, vi. ulit liot pqtis i lcw r tre u lo isintme ti, uc tisesl. toila that the o ,w aesavd orbodCh dr-' saluent oiltm authtisreaty bave (s'en 15 poo r; there s ittlC l3utr;- agremtd niton aid isaI ho litlleitvs tiiy ment in it. Cas vil i neeltsl'lii tsýcrdial pîrovi cf Back of the blood, i', food, the ontettu'l ' Isf the pe regard. to keep the blood rich. \Vhen ~C al 1 anid lo01s4utfParty, wst that the d silattrselit fails, take Scots Enulsion t éexuress i(l>ed yle ' los' of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the 23?spt' lieliî. exors sALah. mr .oibnn. whole body go;ng aai n-man wtiu o Yoa ALENovs rom ous.in. woman and child.tis.a>,si. quire Etaitis office. t f-si Itym ave nosut (mcd ittcsýd fo(ne(r . ..ae.;lHuit ___________________ Ils agrcetImile Uma, vottl aryne - lUU'N ANrD INTER OCRAN FOID CTT & BWNE. Cîemi.u Mrs. F. Protlne. 8"5Pamni tneet. e.Yark. 11.750 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P. a iSa. i dagit. berty ville - - - I.s Ray Lamphero, of Mclenry, vua Volo calter Fiday. Ben Dove died mi bis borne naîîb o0 Volo Snnday morning. Miss Obarlotie Maddeu, of Mcilenry, vas a Volo calter Bunday. George ltiobardeon, of Rainenville, vas a Volo caler Bnuday. Jsie Miler, of Chicago, visitesi ai John Siaduield'a Baturday. Mus. Bobr, of C bicago, speni parb of the veek viti relabives bers. Willio Wiucs, of Libertyviile, vua cailer lu ibis vlcbniiy Wedueeday. William Dannll and Ben liosing arc dolng mason vork ui Spi log Grave. Meusrs. Engoue, Riolland and Eart TovuseosivfeeVolo calicrosnBnday. F. K. oranger, o!f iofenry, vas lu Ibis vielnity on business Woduesday. Miss Fanulo Sexton le viailing ier sont, Mis. James Gainer, ut Waucooda. Lulu and Jessie Simpaoo, cf Wau. couda, spon ut aISoaday vith Mis. Gardini. Misses Alice Ford, o! Cuiicago, andi AllaI Converse, of Fort Hill, vere Volo cailers Suuday. Miss Anale Milleurobeurnesi home Tbursday aflor a ivo wveisviit ai ilver Lake, Win.. Tiere viii b. services tn the IM. E. cburch Sunday, Oct. 20tb. A largo at- tendance la deairesi. Mesdames Wm. Combe andi Chat Thomson, of Fori 8iii, voie calling on friende bere Thursday. Mir. andi lira. D. Smith and Rra. itobt Paddock, of Oak Pari, @pent paria!1 tbe veei ai R. Paddocksa. Miss Rose Vasey andi Mr. Joseph Hîranimus vero qnietly marniesi mi lb. borne of tbe bride'. parents Wdenday, Ont. lOili. Mus. John WirtSsud Mus. Tili Mont- gomery and son Roy reinîned tob iheir ihome in Chicago Tuenday afler au ex. teuded visit bere. Mr. anod Mis. T. WlibkIeof ulMcienry, Mu. and Mr&. Sylvester Wagner. o; Wmnoonda, Mr. andi lra. Rd. Snyder, o! Monàaville and irei. liohr, of Chicago, speni Snnday vIth Mr. and Mis. Chris Sable. Thoee iii bo a biaket Social mi the Vasey scbooi bouse Fruday ovenlug given by Miss Vera Geary andi ber papils. Proceesis 10 b.eee for sebool- room decoratioli andi Iibrary bocks. Ail are cordially Invitto10bc preseni. Pive vice pîoaideubs o! thc United States have ascendesi go tbe pro.ldeucy throogli the destb ut the prgsideni. John Tyler vas the lisai, sucoeding William Harriaoo!. Tic nexi vas Mil- lard Fillmore, vho becamo presideni &ier tbe death osf Zachary Taylor. The Ibirdwva Andrev Johnson, sncoesor of tic lameniesi Abrahm Lincoln. The fauirtivas Cbester A. Arbhur, vbo book tbe place made va- cant by tic desth of James A. Garlild. Tbe ifii vasu Tbeodorc Roosevelt, vhc bas just asumesi lie responsiblilîien on the desîli of William McKinley. An exobange aaya Ibal a milan vas re- neniiy arresiesi and I lues $25 for fisten- iug 10 a telepbaong message passing avor a Une ln vbicb bo ovned a 'phote, and aflervard îelliug viai bie b.d over-beard. The iieory vas uhal Fmesauges on conversations over 1he v ires mue confidentiel, ansitie lact b ai he ovned a telephone gave bin 3no rîglit lu repeai anythiug lho migit bave heard eltiier by accident or oiber, vise. Il yon bave a party lino 'phoul you viii agrec ibai ibis te a gousi lav 1aîbbongb someiimes you bappen le aicar some very amnoing andi interesi- 0iug ibinga viicb vore not intended tb 'for your cmis. Unclasmed Letters. Foiloiluis a tet of e7ers rmmlintig in Libertyville. lit., pomtoffloe. Oct. 1, 1901. Wlien callinu for tiiese lettere say -asvor- Ilsesi.' Ail Gratton Stable Ames J. M. Aîerp F. J. Ames Laronz Black l3eorce Beau L. il. Bastian lira. Lena 2 Breon Misa NOlI,,- Carr Miss Mabel Cardon 1ev.J, J 2 Grahami Mrs, . G ray Engoue GeosasHfenri Eriehel Englue Wksa Luak Grant tee fr. James Lodeski Mra. Maguire Mr. 1'. A. J OMalci lMr. Jini Pest Cura Piebopizoloto M. ltodivars. lira. M. Shaunon. Rail W Boeil F. Wolf Mr. (eaue of lir&. ilster) Wiliams Mia. Jas. Tali ra la j WAaacN M. HasTEH Poalmaster. PEOPLES' COLUMN. 90 s sali oice fai. Gous bosse aud ban. vinsirili andi nover faitiog driva voil. Une mil1e fuomn Rosevîile Achoo. Hi ab aac on terrms 1 suit tulisr Writ or eail on H. F. HUOallag TWanhonda, Ili. tei-el INTFarm 0of1050 ms. I1 ulme of 'adesOmo. BÂruaBanL. iainis- viloei]. 2-t-si L MST-A leaher sateliel beliesen Heu- orioka Cornera ansi Trlgu & Taloî's store. Flider piosse retbin 1 Mas. ALLan CLEMIENT. 1.ItrtYville. i-tf-si F 1>I ENT-My farin. an or 160 asrei eor lEver ot±taun. lMas. Aria BURa. Evereti Ili. -3-si. WAANTED--Three or four boarsiera lu dreuWo'vaUof~ifftl.T'îmsieaona>'l'. Ad- duo 80oxsi, beilyvil l.111,. 2-tf-d. C~RI~'Tre pe it i ainut, l urie tup.besi room eset. WiUii s euly 24ra. à.. P; a smat harcasin. inuire aI t'la l1lMý040 "nday, Oct. 29th L. H. Bryant y.ill boli au mcion sale on bis latmin ear DiamousiLaie. W. Il.APPeYleyvii ry the sale andsitil ili laclude a large liât of desirable stock and Inipliments. Look for liât lu fuluexbveei., ilaviug decîdesi 10 quit farng,1 Vili »Il ai publie auction, vithout un serve, on the promises one sudne. half mile souib-enst of (lrayslako, Bat. urday, (Ot. 26, 19011, oormmouclug at i p. ni., the follovlug property: 7 cooic mlcih nov., 4 beoe, Il buga, 2 &bat*, 7 smaýI pige, tesa goosi Vork horaca, 2.yr.oid mare. veil broie; yearliug cuit, double voi harmea. srt of breai oollae, 2 truck vagous, rondi vagon, snrroy, light spring wagon, Deerlug binder, liiile Yankee sulky plov, Waltor A. Wood mnoyen, WaikIug onîti- vmior, bey raise, hay rack, eider mili, trou lover barrow, six acres coru lu shock, oui viti biuder; 601 ions bey, 400 galloa apple cider. portable buz sav, 4 boise pover, other articles 100 numeous te mention. Itegular terme oiesa.à. JoUN B Hci, Pnop. Ata)BamW AoriNa. Auct. Tbe undersignoîl viii sol] ai public ¬ion on thc Oliver kHock farO one- banil mle West cfetRollins station sud four miles uotb of Ormysiake. Tbus- day, Oct. 24, 1901, commcuclug as 10:00 o'cioci sharp &b. foliowîia described proporiy, to-it: 43 head of catsise, consitlug of 23 choueo"&, some nev milksers viib calves by liair aide, snd %homis, ilero bcd pmud, I* boit- 0-horie pover, I#psiairMmeka. be aomilk wagon, Pair c or ' :leig, 5-ýuhrs. harrow,, sed.w, ,ed Oal sdor, pulvertuer. Desinghider, O00o=e13ombinder, (laboru. sauver. bay raite. 2 le-oIh lking Pioa, 2 pring 1001h oultivatoms, ilmaod tot Ulvaler, tank heater, mil eam, ai Ugle humnes, double harnésaorsa » of cor out vltb bier aMd many smalis articles. Lunusoeve alaoou. iltegulr termie. LtwrxcoLu x. W. H. Âppley reporta thsi he wili nry an mincion for wS. fiants Batur. day. 09. 26th, ou the oid (Geo. Barris fatim adloiuiog veut line of ol.Nel- soya fera, 3 miles uorib-weet of Llbertyville. Bank saj l v ill bO a Rood sale the liai oontaining slook, frm ols, boy. grain, etc. Look for complote liât nozi veet. Chenl Rate 10 KansasaCity. on accolint 0f Soniii lexibiion of tlie AnoieuaHereford Caille Breesi- erm' Association go lb. bell i tKano&& City, Mo., Oct. 2l10 o26tb, excursion tickets yull be bold for $1il>for round trip over the C. M. &1 il P. romd. Tickets goodCet. 1111h 10 23rd, mcl- nive. <lood 10toretorD otil (hi. 281. Ami &Reoits for particularsl._ Wliîtli0 'mur Face Worth? Someis.., amitse. ,uînoer, Il Yo, biae a sla mlxîs.sjaundied i bol. molli 0m.,0 sni b, h. Ieskil-aIl 8a1gtg,0of t, cbl.But Dr. ions Ni L , u«I i P .ar skilorosi chekil. iloh ,3oIniiiIOn 4(ai>28 costset Y. IL LOVELL. PATENTS IDUoe M W P*WlIla5lL,~y Cv.~ msd.,'ads. Noha tlilaas-îuassag. Lassas sarlasIvcceadt.hi~~iaaa,,1 L L U5U85~Pisi'~! Ws~~bq.~ Lower than the Lowest. *4 'XXX Coftc........................$ 09 3 1 botile Ct up.............. ................. ... 04 2 MnsOld Abe Coin ........... . ............. ......15 4 34 Ibo g=dJapen Teso...........1 ...... 1Ù 75a Giov«et.a. ................... 3 s1.110<MOT - ... ............. 79 *4 Lobtcof LadIes'75e and $1 Ml»Hale......................9 *4 e l5Dre«Goodsi............ ............... ....... 104 350 . . . . .. . . . .. . . 5 &00 .. ............ ......... 39 <~Lo orNo. 5and 9Ribbon........... ................ 03 Ail WOol Drees Fiminel............................... 30 Wbaejus$ reooied a loi of Ladies' and Mises' Jackets andi4 WbveCapes and Boas. Corne lu aund aee tbem. On Sept. 111h vo vili bave a fut[ luenof Ladiesa' siluit st, price $8.00 te.10.00. 3 *4 F. H KUEBKER, *4 RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE,+ *4 Grayslake. Illinois.+ Rave lbem up 1...... -. . ..... . 0 A&o Agent for Crescent Bicycles. 1 can soll yoo a beiter wfieel for lemss rooey ban Youu cs, boy elsovhere. You vIli fins imisassertion truc Il you invetilgate. CALL AND EXAMINE. NEW ROPAL N E OME iwn WH ElLEIA ef Machines. &WILSON Prices and Terms to Suit You. Omsae E. B. SUIE MAN, lîos Good Values at "lWay Down" . PRICES. . We bavo a gondsti alcîof Mous Shoos aI uI1.5tlu... ..5$3 00 Ladies' Bboej t 190o tu........................ ............2 73 .. ilppers. 10 close, auct t,.....................1........I00 Chilsirens iShoen mi 200e to .......................... ..........i1 65 one lot tuoseKO................ ................0 Ladies' $110Waists aL iesfta ariej.........................75 6ilo....................................... 4 Sorne at ................................................. z5 Ladies' Dresses. a goui odasurîrnt cbeap. mens Buits. $3.00 iu......................................i2 0 Mous Llgbt Suit&, li vool, russi o .........t....... (0 Boys' soîte, np from ............ .......................... 7 Boys' Shirtil, a goosi aseoulment at mediumi pniev.' Mensa Shirt Waiste, a fev ef t. Mens BStrav Hais aI your own iveici A bull stock 0f Groceries. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. W.- W. EDWARDS, i rayslake - - - iIInoII., Fr t, Lié WA Liberti Fio tel ai) loi lt ýi: