Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1901, p. 8

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~'~~O U8% ls.VI, W. V. 0. F., te a~ ~ ~ ~ U ftIve ael aWe edopted: WXXXIÂs, Ogi HeaV.ny Patter, lu eail-vis" duspensalion 0f Hia Pl ovi- daCe4 bau beaue pised go remove trein bievale or learu lrs. Elizabeth Bahlb, lte beloveti motter of o ur deux BiUm, r, i. P. Nover, aud WIIEREAS, Our beloved slelur, le te demisé oftlier devoted sud pions moter, itameltvîit au Irreparable llesclred, Titl vile wu, thte of- Soues and meuittrs of Saireil Heurt court, No. 77, etfte Womtn's at('ulic Order of Pitresteru. th otîr be- loved maiter oîîr tartfeit yotpatiy iii titis sud lime ol Iieroteiîunt t le1 wti thtie lhtapply uirauiace tiat abtl l hier l iusc lu lbiîriiasigainît f lber moter. uabîu liaiî-itgt lte gosad BibI saud for wttoît iaiS tîî'u'cu laid up a crovu of giîîry. tîtîl t ilfîrthur 'Uîl l,'Ibat a s oli of tiele roe-o 1011005 tue uqriaui uon te minutes 0f Sacret lleart Couîrf, No. 77, aîad a copy cfi sait miialt ti iufr iîîmv il itier; aise ti. iet1îîîî-iîinlutIti ,111cial or- gaueof ie wolta.1tas <Cathlotc Otier of Foreut"u. t ,,.sia t t ts, ttt Ct IiRLt, ii.iLtiConimautee.< 1Wowe Who ha" theaseivas gar. fered tbm IUt evil effecta 0f conattys- lion and Indigestion viii be interesteti le te folaiovlg loUer from s latier vitose daugitter vau given up su die by tva pitysiciaes: -My daughter hba suffered traim Ja- rdigestion for lte past ilve yearsand bas lried nerly everybiug ltat te couid itear of for sncb trouble. Bite was conffued teiter bcdviten site be- gan laking Dr. Caldwell'@ Syrup Pep. Min and mflur taking 0ne tifty.ceul bot- tice itel able te walk a utile at a lMme and duriug lte day yeslerdsv watked 3h miles. 1 fuel lîke prasaug Dr. Cald- vels S yrnp Ppelu inbeistîce two doc- turc told me mv datîglîter could never gel woel aud 1 feeltlit aitcItela on a fair r iORit 1permuanentl rilif-lteipect- fiitty, J1. H. M. Croiýker, Nixon, Teu., Ang. 6, itlil. 1fr. Catdwell'm Svritta t'epqi,î is sold lu lify cent asuýi t it tiotteR, under s j positivei guarautiti .Iý F. B. LOVtfLb, Liburlyville; Oto. (. iOItElTtI, Watl- coudeR; VILI, sNiip iîkutr GAviurPiAiNIuiÂi Stricken W iti Purulysis. Glruur.î inmof t.of tiis lattis.,l atiok vt.. i t i, t i- ti titraivtii anti sut. iettt. s1-fth, tau. 0f ion., aria itaffv41, fo ult while wthout riitf My vifs Stt. a tîed wt tiofyta iif f i11.1aa tmf. nd f..WliJ-a b i t. i1 îrIY efoo)t fligith- tir I y s ul-Oro. It. MCDON5LIî. Man, fty.** it V. Wfi au , f .,avti.V .caa.ut W. Vi'.NvH"a",] lr -'y w«titt , t111,- su nfor w iy..aarua ,.11, uirsa uof artlat tiarsi vwi. hu-i .ti tbtt .Arnti,,,a,1,wh,,Ity .iitiil t.. lN ,.T -t,îi th fia. au.if ttttii m.nit. If afi .î îtuiigil. îaiîf.tifallttitu i lf- :tuiu1 kiOWtiow"v#,r. as ii une frt tîîriq .atts lis Iri .... ittii ...Sluird ît pae.srain. and tirti. For asM-- tsF B Lo ti, il-t? aiii. ,;ttaÀYSLANE by F. B. LovrL. ..Ltbortyuitlo: (IRAVOLXE PHAi y fur 2,.. 1'ARMACY: JOHNsMEtaul. Ivanho.. j~STOVES RANGES + Stwrs conJwl, odCis+ W4hv tetnstadios «+ pli io o tve n lne on Rut4glateSov io a Î Sears Aoernsvll, Ilwln oidns + Wea e mio hialterge ssdou eitom- 4'roat pui e CatUnerwef S loves a d e s , o itghBlathem ar-eelie ainet4Etc le priceed à eau Bstockmofe uf~ê on snylhez ing s lt lae ne. 4 f~~. ~ Conda nd ock othcm oe. . Libe ty L iup rberty le ... .l........... $ 4.0 Ful Ieam WeianbikaLr 1 curg hete aresl onea are at(rnd 'flt of e rca Lo roe B1îîet. Bd laîk oisEt. DL.&W.e, is tc. ,-new ever iîîtrodîuve<il il'il wrt vil. xiz. the 1). L. & W. Branïd. (irder yottr w'tîter's mîll)Iy ()f Us iilw. 'l'lie trive AIwitl îrtiy adbiaîîe as wiiîtt-r draws itear. 1WRIGHIT BROS.,I 1Libertyville - - - Illinois. (Jietitence btlte lav lu lbemain requisite ai a good citizen. Etincalion la lte maie bnivark of our Ilberîlus. Thte more ignorau lte people te more vIcions uud brutl lbey are. Tbe aînua Metointg of lte Suudav seubouis uf Lake couuty, held ai Wouu kegfiu tuday sud louuorruv, l be ai- tlieud b ebu'iutirs ot unr Suîîay sebueil. TIctint lte chîtreitfbu attends or te 1l"iil lparty ltuboI Ite ti0 elough tbat niaken lte man. Nor la lvItat bu talla, blt n imply ity wbîît bu doos tîtat au jitîge sud belleve bilm. J 'burtiday Dlgitl, Oct. tii, occurred lte barnage of Evrelt villa ltMiss Aus i ortier, ut Ivanuboe. Thebuyonug Couplte vili malle lis village titîir future horne, Congratulations. l'copie are Rot t10 complalu If lte yfig lpeople are 001 on te streets i uligbl. Caunol somelting bu doue te provide horne room vitere liiey cautan- semblte and pasitelime lu reuding or luuoceut geuuec? If lte mrnare 001 qUnsl l te eocession We Villt IVtve l refer ti t, Ladies' Aid Society. Titey nieyer fait, Te long nilgitî are lauru. Cattuol eoinettng bu doue te provîde otesus of kooplng te boys tai lte treets 51 nejtt Iimt? Tbis motler bun beeu under cousideration before. k] by Dol pro. vide a reading recrm? We ail sitail be glad lu fîîruish il viit puriodiculs and pupers of (lifterent kiwds. Innocent garnes otgbt bu added-auyttlug ltac wi amuuse or lusîrnel Item. When saotan ceaseteluhave RsyyIlu ferest u inte veifare et the place lu wbieî c bu es il la lime for hlm 10 dte or move ont. WVe do nut expeel lIte (Aidl to eactive lu basuIes, but ltey aiaiitid retalu tem rinterest lu lte Place and fbetp slOng by wvitever MuRSs Ifopeau te rihlug gouerallon wuio otay profil by lteir assistauce snd advice. Lut uveryouu aoir bimseif lte question "NVitleau 1 do 1teitelp lte place?" If Rockefeller ln lu grow sud Ibrivu il muet bu by concenlud effort. BY a uittle effort Il eau by greatiy lot. provud. Baud Ne. t of thte Ladies' Aid Society viii Rive a PeOP-corn modial aI; the tomne ut lira. J. Jý Rouse la-ulgitî, Oct. 1 th. Tue abeve nusmeti oclîp ibais lte repu-i talion et carrylng out vhatever titep nuderlaku ant Iif pou attend you yl bu0 bigftIy eutertèiued. Onu crptng neud lu ail bunevoleut verk la bey 10 8ucure te fends 10 carry unt lite plans Ihal pruseutL litmeives. Asaisl I VAN HO E. Wlitlmi te butter vîit unr ivaubue nirrelipondm tiîl week. We have titre aunt a vend bave ve receiveti trorn anp eft tieot. Are pou leeping, f rien dàa WAUCONDA. A vistern bas bueit builî aItte parsunege. Price Brus are paiinlîgthei agri- cultunral building. Frui Wpulloop, utf'u oudtodi, vlâlled his parents receutty. Cslilund Seou M. W. Hngiteki tUne ut itraterm sud caok stuvits. Ars. A. V. Murray, ot Chticago. apeni a fow dsya hure recetlty. Bornt, 0OuI 7tfb, le MrndstlM rc Merrîttlark, a a tugitîer. Ali-e Camp,ît. . A etrllurtatuied týisrriîagtuî Ctup, R. N. A. lnesdsp. Aira Gui.. Lougiton sud chiitrur are apendng a tev days lu Cicago. Mr. sud Mr-. M. KS limmond, 01 Ch icagnu. vere uîn orrtreeta reenuli. Mtlas Dn ita trmuud fias gone te Citicagowbehre Site expecîs f0 epeuid te vinler. The hal given te Oaklandl bailltaet Friday evenlng vas fairly vell tended considuring lte veatiter. J. M. Fuller, H. (outditig, J. E. (liner ail Jan. Murray relureed Salnrdap frontthemir rip t10Buffalo. J. B. Turubult, Wm. Cleuglitsud F. Hammond 100k I1ev. Dullonsa bouse- botd gootelaLlberîpvilu Saturdap 10 be sitippudt laIova. Mrs. S. A. Ford, M. S. Ford and Mise Lidla veut 10 teCitp letaIvk. Ar. Ford andi dungiter expel lu leavu for Gergia lunte nuar future. Ai. anti lis. Josepht Collina, Of Crystat Lake, lMr. Dermedy, o! Chicage sud Wm. Colites, et Barriegton, visiteti frieudo anti reltbives lu Ibis vlciniby recutltp. bwhiauIosen uffotred trotInidgestiton. t G.ts A. lei. C;dur Cty Nu. 'Li, 1 in Itn,-i sy eni-astoes bei lever touitti sythiiug hitdid rue goodi cuill I took Kodot ttystisPita Care.ue iottte ,iui ed e.A frimnd vite hsd suffuruti slmliis.y1I pot oun1hoe uSeofKodot Dy-- pel-u un. Hou lu lnuiezt an sd viii ,auîn be abie t vork. Bef.r ore u iad Kodol lirpsaCareintdtgusîlon 1usd tade hlm a huis i ri.ek. For Sale tir F. B. Lov£LL. EVERETT. lis Lieus Gifford luli for Boston ast Satnrdsp. Mir, anti Ara. Rd. Stueukel enter- ltued Company ever Bunday. Mont aIl a! Ibe people Who bave 8ummoer cettages beri bave nelurueti 10 teir homes ln thelite y. Jelsa'e ulît finndap, Lunitma londay, sud lttitaniford'a go nuxi vuuk. D{af ttyegpmiua Care lum nt a mers stîimu- liai tn l cul ame. 1h attondu teet aloe .attait.sad moiurat itv digentilug ttîuîfoo you est. Youî don'î have te diel iaattatatio.ît)ya y thfeuWood fond v ou vani. Ca.Ibaature ICanletacty lir attve ltaI feelsineg aftAle uiiug lvtig rua tîstf,. tad vigar. For Sate by É. B. Loysua. 14u.WItt eLt,tlesrclîfilis ecver di"sît poinlt. Tîtite -ni, utprovmp.utte elfe- iti1n iviiluugaitlufiinulihleafreetthliIver and beveta Smiut said usas te tale. Muser gipa or (fitr-mu. Forsu"tyYB.Lvi Libertrattle selW15 Om.. sîttit ork muat be manageti on busi- ne»sliese, tlier plana andi meihoti Sm e 1£ ive Ibose vito attendti Iem 8oolali and entertaiemeuta someting of equal value for tle mtouey lbey part viit. Thte Lake fiuuuty tudlepeudeul la au easy paper lii reud. 19I la spiusaurç lu pick it ni suit ilud cacit kiud of uevc Iitis piiiiuif place andîlail en ar. rauged sud dispiaiyed tait ere la ne trouble in illdiîg Jplat vital yen vant. Te Itdepunlierit prieson thlitiret page a eouclRt uiuuooary 0f1te Import- sut uevs wbiîial~i i f Iutefohl toeLake Couuity lpoi suiit ritcnlng comment Wblcit la astvasrl-iabie uînd la atone Worltltecomt f ltthù pliaer. lu tii sud ln mauy riaturcîs lte udepiandenl talles rsuîk as lte otuSI progressive as Il ls tbe tmou,î nitbtu paiper lu lte couty. Be8tti t iltealte officiai counly paper. î "Have s ah uý,'it te largeat sud best selecled stick tif gouda eaver ex. bibiled i lu Rocti trîer aul malle pour Paireuiubore. hp palroelztng tomne iuduatrypoensl ibeip the ibouetowu, as vel us 55iuu utotaey for pouracîf. Our village thuy)as a change for lte butler. Alil thae tores curry goond stocks and arer ip to te standard. Our botls kepl lîy geuteil honte maireevery onu fromn out out owu velcome. Rocks- teiller bas aivupe boutiteti a goond chureitansunuder te prissent manage. ament il ranke f oday asuitigit" a ver. Slgnteldas otan village le, l inte mîts 01 s gond faxming eommuniy, it dose quise a 11111e business, sud ltere la Do reason vby j it ituld net heome quite s center of Iraili, fr te sorroundng district. Rkockefeller Lau alvaye laiton greal talereo n li tequestion Of edricallon, lu taet met0fof bat ,tizeunsbave belti, or sîjl l ad tl5 opinion litI .lte blwark ofth lt îace. LasI pear s le- lune course wuas runin l conueclion, whil e ubelteve lias proven batin. attractive sud lnteresllug, neot only 1e te citizen@ but 1 lte esciolara. TitIa year lte foillvng cumber% for lte tee. Sure eourse of loli (2 itavebhein secured: Nov, S. 1001-- .. . .Dr. J L. Taylor *YOrs aModiffai Bueue. Nov 21 ...t l'rof.Chas E Meuvep Boule Nüteut Ssoltotîaslrs., Doc. t27,l _ -.. .Prof. J. IL. Bouton -Whsant . sud itiare MY Poiesîhltlsi' Jan. 12, 190>2-...>.....Atîr Beni. B. Mller -The Scora If the Law.' Mar. 2, 1tW -........Play by Home Talent **Arosote Atiautie.- Titis lea. arrsy of talons litaIdeservis lte support ot ait. We beipeak for Rockefeller a mots accesafui lecture course Ibis vintur. LONG GROVE. lire. Ritlmilier ut Chticago vas hure ou blittueso recenlly. 8citool bugan liouduy 141b, vîit an sîleudauce oIf ive scitoiars. A burvest festival was beld as the Lulteran citurcit last Snuday. Citasn eyer anti famitp, of Palatine vlsited ut G. Meyrs tuait Bundap. John Elssler and vîfu from Mine-. cola, vtsllud veth relstives hure recent- tp. Nitys basa rscbed ns litMAr. Albert ,fsdoer, and Mrs. BerthaiBaaner bot e1 tia plaie, wveumarriet inteMinuesata t Jaku Ettýaler, Jr. L"bas agitî a rlg kueonals a trop, taI vîli toltifour passengeru Nov atiltaIg18la vanedte t lte pââmeegers. J Rd(Ward Butenbacb bas sott iel biscîsmîitsbLop lu cuntere Ili., anti a inheuds lu go lmb partnerkiblp Wiit icm bruter Loule eofthIIs place. f Mn. iHerbert Schaeffer, freinte Norîbveulero Coiiege,Naperviie, visI- led bure receuiby. Rev. Doade vite uccempaniet i hm preacetiaI ite Evangeloal Citurci t su uday. t Mothme Avery vhuee pratae One iiMue Cougil Cuitefor te suffarnga 1ihbac ruttevaul udite Isu8o f thorUl 1e onBaIL Liass usset. Stuikea ah itamroI t lte troubatnd eudirava onuith'Inlammeaton. The cfidinca favor- ILs stauniI cane. For slse br F. B. LtvsLL. IrLibertrvitt. PALATIN E. kisa Lydia Blekease la vialîlug ruia- lIres lu Chicago ai prenant. Misses Libble anti Jeunue Huteitin- sou apeul Suntisy vîit fnIende lu Ci- Cagu. lira. Moyens andi Ars. F. Balilg, et rChicagu, wveuests Of lira. B. Neyera Bnndap. 1 Misses Amaude Hertz, Arnende Preu- man and inItia Dieketan, alsa Titio- tiare Freenand PauliHertz, aif Ptnm (Ireve, vere gueula s! MinsAimis Voes uudly. Marrleti, fuesdap,Cet. 8, "ItIî, lu Fairmout, Rin., Mn. A. Sanoe, for- 1murly et Long Grave, le ira. C. A. 1 lzauera, cee Berlta Scitef!. Cougratu- lotions extendeti. (Wueders neyer vîlI cease. i C. Ai. Ilitotes, utFer"eadale. Vt. ay.c his c'ilid vase mploledly cliretiofIa bad ,sseof eczema hr the use oft DeWlts WlBbh Hazul Baise. luvwaruetof ltt aelrfeià. 1h lu- 8anstir relteves ettes. For sale itv F. B. Lovsea, Liberty lile. Auction Baie Bill@. We pint lte bout anctioe bisle. t Our apeclaflty, anti give free a notice lu the INeuEPBNDuE' Including compltee liaI o! abile. 1to e solti. Right hitre 1lt unsgay te notice In Our piper la o! more value ltan te buis. Cur sut- senîbers are siment ezclealveîy lte Clasa cf people yon atl 10reset if pou are advertlsiug sancibon. lTe lac% ve prnet nearly aitlte bitta *"goiug" proves Our asertionlltaI lte IN)P.PENDENT oOfce la necagnizeti « lte bost place t10ggl aucion bills. Von eau itank on il peoei l knov ail about pon sade le oU use Iheffe tooluius andti ltimenai dollar@ te yoa. Don', yon aqe 1h51 vay? Ratie Gorman bas relurued homne for s vacation. I. A. Feuton speut a couple of day. luat veek viit bis sounaet<iaxnee. MMa.Sullvan bas bee lte visaI or Itîr taugittir, lira. Me Cormick of Libertyville. Mis. S. C. Ligviler eelertalua titi Avon Ceuter (iemtery Societp Thura- day of thiia veek. Citas. luekera' hors, gol badly kick. eti about Isu vella &go, sud lanulo tiprovlug vunp rapIdly. Farmers are busy vilfi lieir usual fait vork. Fiee corn and large pois. tous lanlte geuersl report. lir@. Bataraiti tas been ounte aicS lIaI for about a vuek. Bite ta snfferlng viit a very paiefnituel. Mn. sud lira. A. H. Owen @pent cever. ai days visillng vîit relatives ait(Inn. oses. ir@. Hamtilton frIRollins scaom- paniedt Iem. Edit RHendes tt&asgeonego Chicago, viten site lias a position Ilte dres- mtaking dePanîmeul ut Carson, Pinle, Scotsud Co. iJEERFIcLLU lIS as use Petîls cummencudti taet ing scitoot Moudap. Aira. Henry Dotige, ut Geneso. IN., bas8 be8Unvliliug viit Airs. Atîdrev Snpder. lTe C. E. lopin for unuday evening vîlI bu "A Buad Bsrgsln.' Emille Kemak, leader. lTe slnglng elase salit meet et lte home et Sosie Petts FrIuisp uvuntug. Ail are inviteti. IÂSOTiIES i ORtiE5PONIIXNT. ML . C. Hole fatifer &uotionsasie lutsI alurday. Sam Ruelciions gfaîbur, of 'uauke- gala, viailti ed eeIut veek. John Wabler sand lamltp moveti te BachiTlownentasISatulday. Mir. andi ira L. J. Wllmol, et Wau- kegan, venu bure au a vtit receuîIy. lira. Hoyt la golog 10 Chicago to &pend Ivo or ltre veeka viit rets- tîvias. A chtoir met aI Nias Mamie Vellen'a last veek lu slug etd songa anti iernn Mir. Goldbeng, of fHighlandi Park, tati a runavap nuan La. Wllmol'a place lent veS, Air. Wlmot gel bort quite badip. Eti. Esalon ant i vie ruburueti fnom tbeir veddteg tnIp laut veuk anti venu cblanlvsrled iytr ite young girls anti s tev bays. Bste Pctlis begaun- eachItng bter arnal acitol aI Long Orove lionday. We bope site vilI sueceuti anti makres gondt eseber. lins. Pearl Blepitens, lormerly a realient of Deurifelti la nul expecltid Sb, live, sud her ituaitant vas calledt o ber betiside. A Typical Southt African Store. 0. IL Larsoe. of Bay Villa, Sundars River, Care Coloey. couduels a store traia orf SouthAfrics. 51tviticiteau le Durebm anytble5 Ironsthteb proverbial "ueedie te an1 anciton. Tiia store, in sîtuatut Inteàavalte a Ies miles tramtlite nuarest rtway satioln sud about tvuuty-ive mle.frointhlie nearest love. Mn. Lersen sars **1 arn favoreti vihthlie ouateo! 01 ramera vtin a radios1 cf titrrMiles4. lemunr cf viom I1itavu a t idCmeli*@rem'edi .Att testîlîr to srvalue lunaàitousuhod viere a ir<tr's sdvlce la almosi ouI tlte question. ltie oneumle of tî store lte populationi ispuiapus ttî. Oft Iems. vîite tsts Ivle menlte. uo legs lta..ounteen bave benabsolut-ly enred br Oitambertain'a <.10gb ReMedî. Ttismust suret r e a rqeord. Foxe"tbYlp. .Lvu,4trî Gsa"ra.ali VxaaMch RmE WF . mis$ Boeàle itla amlii oasuatIol ber lfed. The 0. M. and Si. P. B. B. are put- giing le a valet tank ai Ibis place. lira. Mary Jackson, 0f Wukigau, @pontsa fev deys vîit relatives bers. F. llaY la moving lnoob. Stars place, Mr. Star baving Moved te Roseerans. Sceeol vwu cloaea s 1ev deys lau$ week on scceultof dipittierla lunlte district. Lee, Ale, aud lMeurtre Liux bave been quIte i11 vît itt pherla, bul are Iuîprovlng rspidiy. MMra.Wm. Fendiet. of Waukegan, Io spheudiug s 1ev da%76viit ber parents, MIr. sud lira. T. Slrang. MTr sud Mir&. A. Mead snd AMr. and Mirs. F. 0. Dietmeyer tarted for Buffalo Satîîri iornIng vitere they viii sPend s 1ev daY. et lte Exposlilom. Friday eveulug, ont. 251h, l&he M. W. A. yull give à grana bail in lte Bon Hur bail, OConnor, nf Chticago, viii furnisit musie. A eurîsl invitation la exîendedte0aili. W. T. Weco* hl"u-t V.,ruae wrlt.e: "Ye,îr uaMinute' ocuàgh C&rT vives perlent slsfaa'flun. MT nupualeers stv fIl1 thheaWt t'etuIly fer eoîtshs,. coldi. trtradi ulinagtretle., orpe.hy F.B:l Lovsz.r. LI berrvi lie. FOX LAKE. A. Tveed viAlted Zion OitY Mouday. Milesliste tielden vipilea cîtîcago Sslnirduy. 000. Olotti, et Anloçit, was On Our Our sîreets Sueday. Mesdames Fred ilook andi Josepht ilovllug bave gone go Buffalo. Mira. Frank OBliger and mollier, lirs. Weber, vere Citicago visitors lte ltler part of tbe veek. M"s. R. Jouesand daegiter, of ea.g. wicit, Ill-, vite bave been vlsitleg rets- lîvea lut Lake county for some lime, bave relnrned te Ibeir bomne. G. A. Robet et Linîmer, Ill.$ suf- fered four Jears vitit a vat inleis ego- mach send coulti Dol ual. ils10o61 65 pounda. Tvo botîlesof Dr. CaldvIll's Syruy Pepotin restoniti bis appetige, Oured hi. stomacit trouble aed totiay i l viand itesrty andi mayaeit oves bis iteailt 1eDr. (Caldvellma Syrupr Peptin. For sale by y. Il. LOVE.L,t Lîbertyvilte; Ose. 0. ROBERTS, Wan- coeda; WILL KNIOGE, iRockefeler; GsÂvsx.Âxu PsÂaXàcy. HAIN ES VILLEq lu Mlwvaukee Sunday afl-eruocu aI I 15 o'elodlltrom lyphoitevur. lin.Wrren vMAs ason-u-n-av olJutige Btodgetl sud for peans llved mal soult eftheb Botiguttl neidenceoneeindan Itoati. A fev monltae @go lte Warren famtly Moveti te Milvaukeeeelin. Warren tiatigens Irom Chicago te assumee charge of the Milwaukee Sentin ut. Attoruey J.,1K. Onvia vito ban becu lu Ibis eity praeîlcing Law leur lte ast sil Veux?,,locutetilu lte Ai,,rman iîultdlug ou Washington street litas ptur- citaed lte business sod properlp of the Ilinni o! Coa & orinrl, uit tbe exceptimo f a 1ev maltera l urneu oser le Mir. Coou. Air. Orvia yiil continue le lte fermer lirman office aud lin. lon wlll locale eisevbere.Air. t.rvis is presideul of the nev Illinois Abstract ca., lte ornleutofitnit Is1ll tesanie Butellevit blîn Bluce lucatng ln Waukegan lin. (rviit bas steaitp built epsa goot praclîcoan sd doubllesoty vitI meut itit bis putI auccus lu btsLies, Wetiuesdap f aI taIeek IE H. Stripe efthl tiiscty vas otarrle,l te Miss Olga Flint, 51 lte brides tome luln'ont Tavuntin, Wash. lis.Flit lunlte daugitler of lMr. snd lys. C. Wt. Flnt et Port Tavusenti viterepresent one of lte promînent famnille@ of Ibul place. Site 1lana accomplished masician un bath piano anti pipe origan, bsvtug playet lte large pipe orge u ite Prusbyturian citurcit uf Port Tovnauud1 for Several y.ars. SiteIs agreat laver. le lu theu musical cîrcee of ber itome love, lin. Stripe met Nias Flint atI aM Port Tovuseet ln u tîofet18919, wvii tuere on busiuesa conuecled viitlte Waukean anti WashintgonMinlug sud Smeltleg Company, tut vi ie iula secretary sud treasurer.t lTe Chicago uevepsperai have givun apaci 1e seusat louai articles coeceulng au silegeti "aîrnglug up'*of Ive pris- one" nulte Waulegse Jallvitrefuseti te vork on lte sîreets. lTe storiex vexe a pure fabtre oft ntrutit ao fer as measues e! cruelly ielg spplted lu lte case oflte tva me, vtostâteecm- pitatcslly ltaItbey vere ln Irons ual over ton minutes sud neyer madte b sataement ltaI ttey en Itrouedt l lte bars aof te celle for an entîre dey as ateti nt tieChicago nevspspers. Ohioago'a polcy af dxIing outI voigla, and a 1k, pracetiune on titir part of Racine and Itenosita, looded f Waukigau vitti tobois sud petty cimiesi. Drastie measures vexev neceasanry andthIe plan et malliug pris-r oririswork on te sîneels vas adopteti viit mach aucceais. Thteerrnet» bave mines ppneciabiy dlnîlnisited. lTed men Iu question refaceti te verS sud vire placeti lu troua, a staated, ýor a chotlimue. As go thelr beiug irenti att dey one of lte omeu scetlously ru- marketi ~Irons tire tem vouidul t otd s lellov long aeyvap. lTe mevenu ual --harmlesaelctizens vlioee outy crime vas povexlp," but self-confessetib Jlit breikens vîit police recorda lu i SHERMERVILLE. Otto itamelOw vas a Chiicgî visltti>, Tuesdap. Wuddlug b"uila rn,' lalcllphuard l, lte dItssce. (i. F. Scutl sud famitp, outuo speut Sanday itere vîit relatives. lirs C. H. Aluip aud sen Frauk,o Cicago, vere local visitera Buulay. li. nsd lire. U<isav Hertel enter- talued bilaes <0. iseiter, af (ileevlaw, Buuièay. à Entil Stiuetller la d>ve vitit priu- mulas, betl eonvaleing and aonlte rupld rond lu rec-overy. il. Freeke's àouse ln rapitily uiaxing completlou sud wyullib eatdy forCoeca. paucy &bout December itrot. Moisses Helen Knockenmma ast Grese lb. alleudet lte operaait th* auditorium Tueaap evecing. Thei raitroati Company lbas itealiii lte lnterior o!1lte depol ity palnhing, sud l nov presente a very planing appearaucu. One of aur youug mou took advau. toge of lte salvagu sale tnov ir ng ou el Iboaciild'a lu Chicagos anti iougl a mackoelosit vicit vas ligiy dam- citancas are in a genulue ralealorut. hume ot our apirlcmen vent 1talite river Woods near Witeelleg laut Thurri- day lunq niaI ut paîritigea, etc., sud upon ltetr returu s«Id buntiug vas flue Iflere liai Do game go0lte accu, vflIl thieir euaply gaime baga suit stantlitd. IMI toitA'T. Nov ltai bail veatiter ilaslovlp ap- proaoblug, vo are agate feeling titi urgeul ueoe.aity if baving sidlevulîs for our ule ouî-î vitubave lu plov tlirotîgithlie mOl. viticitfrnthe peut fev daya tmi s anale deelu. vitile geiug k)u andi frit iecfoui. Itith queer but à fat Ibâtat sfuv OfOunr cilizena, vito thluk they are progresslnig viitlte reht of lte vurîilu refereuce go indues- toual maltera, are flguitug evointleu, saas cuenversation thtit lim acon pruoses. A certain poraun vas recongly asked boy bue viewed Incorporation. Hie lev halo ua rage aud suid ieb.vould spenti every centlfie liitd&gains$ i9. Nov, vity donttbui tueplaie andi coine rîgitloui sud say ho e vate lurabcaur citildreu et ail chances of soeurlug su etiecallon, for vten lte raluyaieaun nesi l in s impty a foregone conclu- alun 1h51 lbey kbave, lu dtay a& tome, vicit vjuni ul bu ietitîsany tat vu slîluvatko, evu vutli dbave iflSue vere incoiporaleti. Suved IlitsBo>'a Life. " i ,i 1uttu Mtyiti-i mrline Tusnir ,l' bore 'alite thii u stthr vîti chatbettale Cougu itsAi..i sacra sA. M. Boppe. Ri Cruex. WlS. tiîu vas uo shokuti up vîfli .rouy,,i tit i u OId est teak. 1inRvefi t(li rui Y -sullih-- omiteu d tsa .1100 lime he. sas ait nîglf.- For mste b, F. B Lovzuie lbirtyvîti.u; GuÂrStLAB a Pa- %IACT: J. aziai.isio, NORTH NORTHFIELD. lira. Doecher audîlefitdreu bave re- luruethoet. Air. Delle alud daîglittor, ofi Ciicagu, vieitediIn NonltIlelt reeuîip. Nuit ituuday lte Unitedi Evsugsiicat citurefi all ituldltls quateniy mot- log. li. nsd lins.Zontizu, or Cblcago, @pont s 1ev taisslu Nnrlthfin eceeîip vliieg friendsansd relatives Rev Koten vent lu Matlialtani lion- day.BuHenrued Frldsp aeoompanmec by bis vile andt Io litte sons. mis Kvinbll, Wvi a 51 lie tome Of ter sttr, Mirs. Fred Preeze, la slowly neoovenlng frem anustueS of lypbolul fevur. 11ev. Herbert Bebsefer, af Neper. ville, vite is prepsrng blinae.f for the ottnlstrp, preacitetilunlte Evalàgelcul efurcit test Bnndap eveniug. lTe Y. P. A. unjopeti fearng u eXcellen &,I.- dirusa by 11ev. -Ture, tram Batavia. A Word to Travelere. lThe i.xaih.utin ci dîunîho travettnaganil qhanjg" of food aiut er unelsIbrie..on iliarriienan sd for Ibis uaon a ouid t,-ve home vîitout a 1boef Lilatber- ltn itieaote. Chleers aind trrtee a medy. For suit, b' F. IC l LaI.,.tlle -à-. OTEUSa.». j u THROUGH A GLASS. rww7aORY SOAF P aa nRa~ On ant squar mv::: haid thereýt are ort&CNOn the Wbaie badY You have 2,381,2U4 ci th=u lttie cavities to look aiter. Every «xe of th=s qmdfl nw bckqt clear, ormhe Rla ofith bodY cam not Pau ce. Now, to cicanse-the pares, yau need a fine, pmre uap. Sckntess who spek not frm opinion, btfrom sdentlfic analyse, urge the wge ci IVM ySoap. go9',. percet.pure. Are Un. b Feit gY * uely Pt 1 am Pr Prices à Dr.Ct OffIoo' LibM office.0 Llbert. officefi =WAUKEAN'" Deug. et 5h. ce.iy MMofsUlaluet A husmeut joint, rue lu couuectlou v1lthJos. N. W»«11'@ saloon u nr lte Oer.esee treet bridge, vas raldeti by thei nigitt PolieAI 2 0olock Snnday morning. Pour umen sud onee vman vexe 55kem lotoceslody. Wamsil but reoitly alartethoSbre lenlbusines.sud #hi& vil be au eaxiy lesson sas blits privilogea ander a saloon ilceese le Wankffl. Coroner Dr. Johne Taylor nelo an lu. queit Baturdaligitl aven lte bodiy of George Lister, vito vas killi by train No. 289 as the Bilvidere iaet mooing of thi Nortitvsstern raliroat on lte elgit 0of (6. 11h. Vite vit- niams. iamined vaeralte train crev anti local sequaiesauces aoflte de- cmedt. Tb. jury ixonorale th ie nait-1 roand ôompaey lrom ail bîsme lenlte etatter. L*asng Warren, outil s fev moniliats sgo s reideel of Wsokegae, sud oue oet lte foremoal men lu eevpaper circlea

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